United States Presidents
and The Illuminati / Masonic Power Structure.
By: Robert Howard
Hard Truth/Wake Up America
Ezekiel, 33:6
Updated 09/28/2001
I have always seen list's of famous Masons. To just look at the name means very little. When you date and place those names in the proper time line and placement of power you begin to see the deception and vastness of this power elite. What will shock you even more is to learn who the powers are behind the Freemasons. Notice the death's of non Masonic presidents or those who lost favor, and the shuffling of the vice presidents to get them in the position of takeover before the presidents were killed or removed. Note also the number of presidential running mates who lost the race for presidency were Masons also. A win win situation regardless of the outcome of the election. The Mason's have controlled this country from the beginning. Another interesting fact to consider is that of the 37 Presidents of the United States before Jimmy Carter, at least 18 or 21 (depending on which source you believe) were close relatives. That comes to somewhere between 48.6 percent and 56.7 percent-far to much to be coincidence, as any conspiritologist (or mathematician) would tell you. Of the 224 ancestors in the family tree of 21 Presidents, we find 13 Roosevelt's, 16 Coolidge's, and 14 Tyler's. Another source manages to relate 60 percent of the Presidents and link most of them to the super-rich Astor family. This data does not include genealogies of the five most recent President. Psychologist G. William Domhoff claims that a large part of America's Ruling elite, just like that of Europe, are related by marriage. (Everything is Under Control. Conspiracies, Cults, and Cover-Ups by Robert Anton Wilson pg 39-40)
This article is not intended to defame this country's forefathers. See Secret Societies All I am doing here is listing the facts. I will list other authors articles for you to refer to as corroboration. These names were compiled from the Masons own list of famous names posted on there websites. (See Links Below), along with other reputable sources. The names used in this document have been used from that list along with a brief summary of who they were,(*Encyclopedia Britannica, 15th edition.) and the role they played in our history.
Keep in mind, you can not be a Christian and a practicing Mason, its an oxymoron. There are those who would write history in a form to hide its true meaning and agenda's.Rewriting U.S. History So it has been from the beginning. (The Masons write most of American History, for example the Mason's own Encyclopedia Britannica). The red dates are confirmed Mason Power years over this country as far as the Presidency, or Vice Presidency is concerned. This Page will be updated often. Please revisit.
Legend: (A) American; (AI) American Independent; (D) Democrat. (F) Federalist. (DR) Democrat-Republican. (Ind) Independent. (IR) Independent -Republican (NR) National Republican. (P) People's; (Pr) Progressive; (R) Republican. (S) Socialist; (SR) States Rights (W) Whig. (U) Union.
(S.C.J) Supreme Court Judge
I will let the facts speak for themselves.
As a Mason goes through the 32 degrees of the Scottish rite, he ends up giving worship to every Egyptian pagan god, the gods of Persia, gods of India, Greek gods, Babylonian gods, and others. As you come to the 17th degree, the Masons claim that they will give you the password that will give him entrance at the judgment day to the Masonic deity, the great architect of the universe. It is very interesting that this secret password is "Abaddon".
Revelation 9:11 They had a king over them, the angel of the Abyss, whose name in Hebrew is Abaddon, and in Greek, Apollyon" The 'angel' of the Abyss (Hell) is really the chief demon whose name is Abaddon. Masons claim then, that the deity they worship is Abaddon!
Abaddon and Apollyon both mean Destroyer. See: Destruction of the Trade Centers: Occult Symbolism Indicates Enemies Within Our Own Government
"The world is governed by people far different from those imagined by the public."
Benjamin Disraeli, Victorian-era Prime Minister of Britain,
Mat 21:42] Jesus said to them, "Did you never read in the scriptures: 'The stone that the builders (aka Freemasons) rejected has become the cornerstone; by the Lord has this been done, and it is wonderful in our eyes'?
[Mat 21:43] Therefore, I say to you, the kingdom of God will be taken away from you and given to a people that will produce its fruit.
"The great strength of our Order lies in its concealment; let it never appear in any place in its own name, but always concealed by another name, and another occupation. None is fitter than the lower degrees of Freemasonry; the public is accustomed to it, expects little from it, and therefore takes little notice of it. Next to this, the form of a learned or literary society is best suited to our purpose, and had Freemasonry not existed, this cover would have been employed; and it may be much more than a cover, it may be a powerful engine in our hands... A Literary Society is the most proper form for the introduction of our Order into any state where we are yet strangers." (as quoted in John Robinson's "Proofs of a Conspiracy" 1798, re- printed by Western Islands, Boston, 1967, p. 112)
1534 Church of Jesu. ( aka Society of Jesus, Jesuits the power behind Freemasonry) Also headquarters of the Knights of Malta.
Founded in 1534 by Ignatius Loyola founder of the Illuminati, to combat the reformation and propagate the faith. (Reformation being salvation thru grace instead of the Catholic Church.) The Jesuit General, and the other high Jesuit Generals, they are sorcerers. They are LUCIFERIAN, and they worship what they would call Lucifer. They do not believe in Satan. They believe in Lucifer. This society is the power behind the Presidents, and the rest of the world.. The Jesuits obviously wrote the Protocols Of The Learned Elders Of Zion, because they have carried out every protocol in that little handbook. They have carried everything out. The Black Pope
1590's - Sir Francis Bacon, beginning in the early 1590's, began the detailed plans by which North America would be colonized. He was the supreme adept in the Rosicrucian Society, and established the super secret Knights of the Helmet [Ibid., p. 123-129], a society established along the lines of Rosicrucianism. And, finally, Bacon was responsible for the modern birth of Freemasonry, as detailed by Masonic author, George V. Tudhope, in his book, Bacon Masonry , ISBN 1-56459-108-5, reprinted by Kessinger's Publishing. Thus, we can see that the occult activities of our original occult Forefathers mentioned above was merely the outworking of an occult plan originally conceived "thousands of years before Columbus ever sailed"! Our Masonic forefathers were merely following the details of the occult plan as envisioned specifically by Sir Francis Bacon in the 1590's, operating according to the vision provided him by his Guiding Spirit. Masonic Forefathers
1733 - In the United States, the first Masonic circles began to appear in 1733; by the time of the American Revolution, nearly 150 lodges existed throughout the colonies.
1761 - James Otis, born in Mass. Known for his famous challenge to the British -imposed writs of assistance- general search warrants designed to enforce more strictly the trade and navigation laws in North America. At this time he also reportedly coined the euphonious, oft-quoted phrase, " Taxation without representation is tyranny." He was chosen as speaker of the house in 1766. Confirmed Mason.
1764 - Samuel Adams, born in Boston. A major propagandist, opposing British officials and policies, as well as British taxation in the colonies. In 1773 he participated in the planning of the Boston Tea Party. Adams also signed the Declaration of Independence in 1776. Served as delegate to the Continental Congress until 1781, and became governor of Massachusetts from 1794-97. Confirmed Mason and Illuminatist.
Other Parts of the World England. 1765-1795 Edmund Burke, born Dublin Ireland. Entered the House of Commons in 1765. As a member of Parliament he became known as a Political thinker and important in the history of political theory. Confirmed Mason.
1773 It’s just like Freemasonry. The lower Freemasons have no idea that the High Shriner Freemasons are working for the Jesuit General. They think that they’re just doing works and being good people. But the bottom line is that the high-level Freemasons are subject, also, to the Jesuit General because the Jesuit General, with Fredrick the Great, wrote the High Degrees, the last 8 Degrees, of the Scottish Rite Freemasonry when Fredrick protected them when they were suppressed by the Pope in 1773.So, you have the alignment with the Jesuit Order and the most powerful Freemason they had in the craft, Fredrick the Great, during their suppression. That is an irrefutable conclusion. And then, when you see the Napoleonic Wars, the French Revolution and the Napoleonic Wars carried out by Freemasonry, everything Napoleon did, and the Jacobins, whatever they did, completely benefited the Jesuit Order. The Black Pope
1775 - Joseph Warren, born Roxbury, Mass. Solder and leader in the American Revolution who sent Paul Revere and William Dawes to Lexington and Concord on their famous ride to warn local patriots that British troops were being sent against them. Helped draft a group of protests to Parliament known as the "Suffolk Resolves. "Confirmed Mason. In December 1769 Warren, received commission for the Earl of Dalhousie, Grand Master of Masons in Scotland, appointing him Provincial Grand Master of Masons in Boston and within 100 miles of the same. The commission was dated May 30,1769. When the Earl of Dumfries succeeded Dalhousie as Grand Master of Scotland he issued another appointment to Warren, dated March 7,1772, constituting Warren "Grand Master of Masons for the Continent of America," thus extending his original limits.
1775 - Paul Revere, born in Boston. Hero of the American Revolution whose dramatic horseback ride on the night of April 18, warning Boston-area residents that the British were coming. Confirmed Mason. GRAND MASTER GRAND LODGE OF MASSACHUSETTS A.F. & A.M. 1795 - 1797
1776 - John Hancock, born in Mass. Wrote and the first to sign the Declaration of Independence, and served nine terms as the Governor of Mass. Confirmed Mason.
1776 - Benjamin Franklin, born in Boston. Was one of the diplomats chosen to negotiate peace with Great Britain, and who helped draft the Declaration of Independence, one of the 56 who signed this document, and was instrumental in achieving the adoption of the U.S. Constitution. Was also a Mason. Franklin was the Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania and published the first Masonic book in America. Was also a member of Sir Francis Dashwood's Hell Fire Club, along with the Collins family of Satanists. Both Franklin and Thomas Jefferson were members of this purely Satanic group who practiced satanic sexual occult rituals. (The Illuminati Bloodlines, Fritz Springmeier)
"Remains of ten bodies at Ben Franklin's home"
Workmen have dug up the remains of ten bodies hidden beneath the former London home of Benjamin Franklin, the founding father of American Independence.
The remains of four adults and six children were discovered during the 31.9 million restoration of Franklin's home at 36 Craven Street, close to Trafalgar Square. Researchers believe that there could be more bodies buried beneath the basement kitchens.
Initial estimates are that the bones are about 200 years old and were buried at the time Franklin was living in the house, which was his home from 1757 to 1762, and from 1764 to 1775. Most of the bones show signs of having been dissected, sawn or cut. One skull has been drilled with several holes. Paul Knapman, the Westminster coroner, said yesterday: "One cannot totally discount the possibility of a crime. There is still a possibility that I may have to hold an inquest." Ten Bodies Found Under Ben Franklin's Home
1776 The Illuminati formed a committee entitled the Biblical Destruction Group. This committee disbanded 50 years later. To Eliminate the Opiate" (out of print) by Rabbi Antelman. The APOCRYPHA
1776 "From the Jesuit College of Ingolstadt is said to have issued the sect known as ‘the Illuminati of Bavaria’ founded by Adam Weishaupt. Its nominal founder, however, seems to have played a subordinate though conspicuous role in the organization of this sect." [Occult Theocracy, Lady Queenborough, originally published in 1933] On May 1, 1776, the Order of the Illuminati was officially founded in the old Jesuit stronghold of Bavaria. The Company would now use the Jewish House of Rothschild to finance the French Revolution and the rise of Napoleon the Freemason with his Jesuit-trained advisor, Abbe Sieyes. In spite of the historical writings of the Jesuit Abbe Barruel, who blamed the Rothschild's and Freemasonry for the Revolution, it was the Society of Jesus that used these very tools to carry out the Revolution and punish the monarchs who dared to expel the Jesuits from their dominions. The Jesuits, having been expelled from the Spanish Empire, found refuge in Corsica. From there they raised up their great avenger, Napoleon Bonaparte. The Black Pope
1776, Adam Weishaupt, a famous Mason, had developed the Illuminati, a secret society within a secret society. One Masonic historian himself has stated that the goals include "found[ing] a new Hierarchy, to overturn all authority, and to press down all the Social Order under the level of Equality." Another Masonic historian stated "the express aim of the Order was to abolish Christianity, and overturn all civil government." In Weishaupt's own words, the Illuminati "will by degrees, and in silence, possess themselves of the government of the States, and make use of those means for this purpose...." illuminati_faq.htm
1777 - Baron Von Steuben, born in Magdeburg, Prussia. German officer who proved indispensable to the cause of U.S. independence by converting the Revolutionary Army into a disciplined fighting force. While in France as agents of the newly formed U.S. government, Benjamin Franklin, and Silas Deane, learned of Steuben's plight that he had been obliged to leave for unsavory conduct, from Hohenzollern Hechingen, where he was made a knight of the Order of Fidelity in the neighboring margravate of Baden and Durlach, which brought about his availability. This prompted a letter of introduction, from Benjamin Franklin, and Silas Deane on his behalf, introducing him to Gen. George Washington as a "Lieut Genl. in the King of Prussia's service," who was fired with " Zeal for our cause. Confirmed Mason.
1777 - Lafayette. French noble who fought with the American colonist against the British in the American Revolution. Confirmed Mason and a member of the Illuminati. Appointed a major general by the colonist, he quickly struck up a lasting friendship with the American commander in chief, George Washington, also a Confirmed Mason. Charles Taze Russell (founder of the Watchtower and Bible Tract Society), also a Confirmed Mason. His stepmother who was executor of his will. His mother was the one chosen to dance with famous Mason and Illuminati Lafayette when he was in Philadelphia. 1.(Nevin, Adelaide Mellier. The Social Mirror A Character Sketch of the Women of Pittsburgh) 2. (Vicinity during the first Century of the County’s existence. Society of to-day. Pittsburgh, PA: T.A. Nevin Publisher, 1888, p. 19.; b. The Pittsburgh Directory) 3. (1878-79 showing Elizabeth the widow of John, and c. John Russell in the 1850 Census, and John Russell’s Will.) Secrets Of The Watchtower Bible And Tract Society
1779 - John Paul Jones, Scottish- born navel hero in the U.S. War of Independence, renowned for his victory over British ships of war off the east coast of England (Sept. 23 1779).Confirmed Mason.
1782, On July 16, the year after the British surrendered to the Americans, representatives of the world's secret societies convened the Congress of Wilhelmsbad in Europe and formally joined Masonry and the Illuminati. In the next four years the Order was able to secretly establish several lodges in America. In 1785, for example, the Columbian Lodge of the Order of the Illuminati was established in New York City. Its members included Governor DeWitt Clinton, Clinton Roosevelt ...(p.92 New World Order: The Ancient Plan of Secret Societies, William T. Still, 1990)
"When the Mason learns that the key to the warrior on the block is the proper application of the dynamo of living power, he has learned the mystery of his Craft. The seething energies of Lucifer are in his hands and before he may step onward and upward, he must prove his ability to properly handle energy." (Manly P. Hall, The Lost Keys of Freemasonry, p. 124; )
The question of precisely what fires the will of the wealthy supranational elites seeking to manipulate and control world events, has not escaped the attention of serious students of conspiracies and cover-ups. The late American Professor Revilo P. Oliver, a confirmed atheist, was forced to conclude: "A theory that a conspiracy has been working consciously for many centuries is not very plausible unless one attributes to them a religious unity. That is tantamount to regarding them as Satanists engaged in the worship and service of supernatural evil. The directors of the conspiracy must see or otherwise directly perceive manifestations which convince them of the existence and power of Lucifer. And since subtle conspirators must be very shrewd men, not likely to be deceived by auto-suggestion, hypnosis, or drugs, we should have to conclude that they probably are in contact with a force of pure evil." (Prof. Revilo P. Oliver, Conspiracy or Degeneracy?, USA)
"In politics, nothing happens by accident. If it happens, you can bet it was planned that way."
(President Franklin D. Roosevelt)
In order that our scheme may produce this result we shall arrange elections in favor of such presidents as have in their past some dark, undiscovered stain, some "Panama"or other - then they will be trustworthy agents for the accomplishment of our plans out of fear of revelations and from the natural desire of everyone who has attained power, namely, the retention of the privileges, advantages and honor connected with the office of president. The chamber of deputies will provide cover for, will protect, will elect presidents, but we shall take from it the right to propose new, or make changes in existing laws, for this right will be given by us to the responsible president, a puppet in our hands. The Illuminati Protocols
1783 The Revolutionary War was fought and concluded when Cornwallis surrendered to Washington at Yorktown. As Americans we have been taught that we defeated the king and won our freedom. The Treaty of 1783, which totally contradicts our having won the Revolutionary War. This Treaty was signed in 1783, the war was over in 1781. If the United States defeated England, how is the king granting rights to America, when we were now his equal in status? We supposedly defeated him in the Revolutionary War! So why would these supposed patriot Americans sign such a Treaty, when they knew that this would void any sovereignty gained by the Declaration of Independence and the Revolutionary War? The United States is still a British Colony
By the way, Prince Charles Coat of Arms has another symbol--The Order of the Garter. The Order of the Garter is the parent organization over Free Masonry, world-wide. When a man becomes a 33rd Degree Mason, he swears allegiance to that organization, and thereby to Prince Charles. The Bible gives us 42 signs of the Antichrist
1785 President George Washington, in a letter written to the Reverend G. W. Snyder: "Reverend, Sir, it was not my intention to doubt that the doctrine of the Illuminati -- the principles of Jacobinism -- had not spread in the United States. On the contrary, no one is more satisfied of this fact than I am." Shortly before he died, President Washington was well aware that the Adam Weishaupt radical brand of Freemasonry, the Illuminati, had spread its poison to America.
"It doesn't matter who the people voted for; they always vote for us".
- Illuminati Statement -
United States Presidents Who Were and Are Freemasons
The United States of America was actually formed on March 1, 1781 with the adoption of The Articles of Confederation by Maryland whose delegates delayed its ratification over a western border dispute with Virginia and New York. Upon the March 1 ratification the President of the Continental Congress officially became President of the United States in Congress Assembled.
To make matters even more perplexing some historians claim that John Hanson was the first President of the United States as he was the first person to serve the full one-year term (1781-82), under the ratified Articles of Confederation. This again is incorrect.
The ratification occurred during the term of Samuel Huntington who served as President from September 28, 1779 to July 6, 1781. Consequently, Samuel Huntingtonwas the first President of the United States in Congress Assembled. The 1st President of the United States
1789-1797 George Washington, 1st. President of the United States? (F) Confirmed Mason. Initiated: November 4, 1752, Fredericksburgh (Fredericksburg) Lodge No. 4, Fredericksburg, Virginia. Brother Washington became Worshipful Master on December 20, 1788, and was inaugurated President of the United States on April 30, 1789, thus becoming the first, and so far the only, Brother to be simultaneously President and Master of his Lodge. Washington took his oath of office as President, April 30, 1789, on the bible belonging to St. johns Lodge No. 1 of New York City. (The New Age Magazine, January 1953, pg. 44) The New Age Magazine is a Masonic publication. Also a member of the Knights Of The Garter. Order of the Garter is the core leader of the Committee Of 300. Washington was a member of the Scottish rite, performed the 'Rite of the Mystic Tie' in a cave-complex near Winchester Virginia during the French and Indian war. (Masonic Assassination, Michael Anthony Hoffman pg. 4) "The United States is in no manner founded on Christian principle." (George Washington Treaty of Tripoli) No Vice Presidents at this time. George Washington Nominated 11 Supreme Court Justices. 6 out of 11 were Confirmed Masons. Washington wearing his Masonic Apron Washington was related to the following Presidents: Theodore Roosevelt, Franklin Roosevelt, maybe Grant, Van Buren, and Taft's. (Everything is Under Control. Conspiracies, Cults, and Cover-Ups by Robert Anton Wilson pg 39-40)
Note: In Massachusetts, Connecticut, and New Jersey extermination was officially promoted by a "scalp bounty" on dead Indians. "Indeed, in many areas murdering Indians became an outright business," ( Historian Ward Churchill, A LITTLE MATTER OF GENOCIDE; HOLOCAUST AND DENIAL IN THE AMERICAS, 1492 TO THE PRESENT (San Francisco: City Lights Books, 1997). ISBN 0-87286-323-9. pg.182) Indians were defined as subhuman, lower than animals. George Washington compared them to wolves, "beasts of prey" and called for their total destruction.( David E. Stannard, AMERICAN HOLOCAUST; COLUMBUS AND THE CONQUEST OF THE NEW WORLD (New York: Oxford University Press, 1992). ISBN 0-19-507581-1. pages 119-120)
Note: Both George Washington and Thomas Jefferson grew Cannabis sativa (marijuana) on their plantations. (2201 Fascinating Facts by David Lewis, Greenwich House pg. 46) See Also: The Hemp Conspiracy
Washington, the Freemason who did not go into that Masonic Lodge that last 30 years of his life—in his own words—who was a Baptist and a Calvinist. He was baptized in the First Baptist Church of New York by one of his captains, Pastor Gano, all surrounded by Calvinists. That’s why they didn’t surrender at Valley Forge; that’s why, when they were naked, when they went through the snow, barefoot, they endured that because they were Bible-believing Calvinists and they refused to submit to the tyranny of King George, who was controlled by the Jesuits. The Black Pope
1789 John Robison warned all Masonic leaders in America that the Illuminati had infiltrated into their lodges and on July 19, 1789; David Papen, President of Harvard University, issued the same warning to the graduating-class and lectured them on how the influence of Illuminism was acquitting on American politics and religion, and to top it off; John Quincy Adams, who had organized the New England Masonic Lodges, issued his warnings. He wrote three letters to Colonel William L. Stone, a top Mason, in which he exposed how Jefferson was using Masonic lodges for subversive Illuministic purposes. Those three letters are at this very time in Whittenburg Square Library in Philadelphia. In short; Jefferson, founder of the Democratic Party, was a member of the Illuminati which at least partly accounts for the condition of the party at this time and through infiltration of the Republican Party; we have exactly nothing of loyal Americanism today. THE ILLUMINATI AND THE COUNSEL ON FOREIGN RELATIONS
1789-1795 John Jay, S.C.J. (Supreme Court Judge) Chief Justice. Nominated by Mason President George Washington. Unknown Mason Status.
1790-1791 John Rutledge, S.C.J. Associate Justice. Chief Justice 1795. Nominated by Mason President George Washington. Confirmed Mason.
1789-1810 William Cushing, S.C.J. Associate Justice. Nominated by Mason President George Washington. Confirmed Mason.
1791 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart dies.. Some say murdered by the masons for revealing Masonic secrets in his opera The Magic Flute. Confirmed Mason (Born In Blood, John J. Robinson, pg. 177)
1795 John Rutledge, S.C.J. Chief Justice. Nominated by Mason President George Washington. Rutledge became Chief Justice while the Senate was not in session, and when they reconvened he was rejected. Still, he did serve for a time in that position. Masonic Trivia and Facts and The MSA 1940s study say he was a Mason, without identifying his lodge, but 10,000 Famous Freemasons does not list him. Confirmed Mason.
1796-1800 Oliver Ellsworth, S.C.J. Chief Justice. Nominated by Mason President George Washington. Confirmed Mason.
1789-1798 James Wilson, S.C.J. Associate Justice, Nominated by Mason President George Washington. Unknown Mason Status.
1789-1796 John Blair Jr. S.C.J. Associate Justice, Nominated by Mason President George Washington. Previously he was Grand Master of Virginia from 1778 to 1784.
1790-1799 James Iredell. S.C.J. Associate Justice, Nominated by Mason President George Washington. Unknown Mason Status.
1792-1793 Thomas Johnson. S.C.J. Associate Justice, Nominated by Mason President George Washington. Unknown Mason Status. Non Mason Replaced by Mason William Patterson.
1793-1806 William Paterson. S.C.J. Associate Justice, Nominated by Mason President George Washington. Confirmed Mason.
1796-1811 Samuel Chase. S.C.J. Associate Justice, Nominated by Mason President George Washington. Unknown Mason Status. This is the only Justice ever impeached, acquitted in 1805.
1796 Thomas Jefferson, loosing Presidential candidate for Presidency (DR) Confirmed Illuminati.
1797-1801 John Adams, 2nd. President of the United States (F) Unknown Mason Status. Vice President, Thomas Jefferson "Democratic-Republican."1797-1801. Confirmed Illuminati. Adams helped in the design of the Great Seal. Was related to F. D. Roosevelt, who put the seal on the dollar bill.(Everything is Under Control. Conspiracies, Cults, and Cover-Ups by Robert Anton Wilson pg 39-40)
1798 Napoleon Bonaparte (1769-1821) was initiated into Army Philadelphia Lodge in 1798. His brothers, Joseph, Lucian, Louis and Jerome, were also Freemasons. Five of the six members of Napoleon's Grand Council of the Empire were Freemasons, as were six of the nine Imperial Officers and 22 of the 30 Marshals of France. Confirmed Mason.
1798 Soon after the American Revolution, John Robinson, a professor of rural philosophy at Edinburgh University in Scotland and member of a Freemason lodge, said that he was asked to join the Illuminati. After studying the group, he concluded that the purposes of the Illuminati were not compatible with his beliefs. In 1798, he published a book called "Proofs Of A Conspiracy," which states: "An association has been formed for the express purpose of rooting out all the religious establishments and overturning all the existing governments.... The leaders would rule the World with uncontrollable power, while all the rest would be employed as tools of the ambition of their unknown superiors." Operation Paper Clip
1799-1829 Bushrod Washington, S.C.J. Associate Justice. Nominated by President John Adams. Unknown Mason Status.
1800-1804 Alfred Moore, S.C.J. Associate Justice. Nominated by President John Adams. Unknown Mason Status.
1800 John Quincy Adams opposed Thomas Jefferson for the presidency and wrote three letters to Colonel William L. Stone, exposing how Jefferson was using Masonic Lodges for subversive Illuminati purposes. The information contained in those letters is credited with winning Adams the election. The letters were held in the Rittenburg Square Library, in Philadelphia.
1800 Aaron Burr, loosing Presidential candidate for Presidency (DR) Confirmed Mason.
1800 John Adams, loosing Presidential candidate for Presidency (F) Confirmed Illuminati.
1800s The Collins family had a branch that shot off from it during the early 1800s which was the Todd family. The Todd family branch remained an important part of the Illuminati. (The Illuminati Bloodlines, Fritz Springmeier)
1801-1809 Thomas Jefferson, 3rd. President of the United States (DR) Confirmed Illuminati & Mason. (Masonic Edition, Holy Bible 1951 Edition) Poor records kept by the Colonial Lodges, the destruction of records by fire and war, make it impossible to consult original Lodge records. Jefferson may have been a Member of Charlottesville Lodge No. 90, Charlottesville, Va., since his name appears on the Minutes of this Lodge on September 20, 1817. Jefferson was also a member of the Lodge of the Nine Muses in Paris and the Beenan Order (Order of the Bees) known outside Bavaria as the Illuminati. Vice President, Aaron Burr (DR), 1801-1805. Confirmed Mason. Was also a member of the Collins family of Satanists who called themselves the Hell Fire Club. Thomas Jefferson was one of the members of this purely Satanic group who practiced satanic sexual occult rituals. (The Illuminati Bloodlines, Fritz Springmeier) Vice President George Clinton, 1805-1809. Confirmed Mason and Illuminati. De Witt Clinton N.Y. Gov. was Georges nephew. Confirmed Mason. Albert (Abraham Alfonse) Gallatin. 4th. Secretary of the treasury. Confirmed Illuminati. Jefferson was related to the following Presidents: William Henry Harrison, Jackson, Tyler, Benjamin Harrison, Calvin Coolidge, Harry Truman, and Lyndon Johnson. (Everything is Under Control. Conspiracies, Cults, and Cover-Ups by Robert Anton Wilson pg 39-40)
Thomas Jefferson had an affair with Sally Hemings. One of his slaves who it is said was his mistress for thirty six years, but after the death of his wife. Recent scientific DNA evidence strongly suggests he was the father of her youngest son, Eston Hemings. Presidents and their reputed Affairs External Link
Note: Andrew Jackson, whose portrait appears on the U.S. $20 bill today, in 1814 supervised the mutilation of 800 or more Creek Indian corpses, the bodies of men, women and children that his troops had massacred, cutting off their noses to count and preserve a record of the dead, slicing long strips of flesh from their bodies to tan and turn into bridle reins. ( Historian Ward Churchill, A LITTLE MATTER OF GENOCIDE; HOLOCAUST AND DENIAL IN THE AMERICAS, 1492 TO THE PRESENT (San Francisco: City Lights Books, 1997). ISBN 0-87286-323-9. pg.186) The issue in these days were Indians. The issue of our day is Gun Control, militia, and according to Janet Reno Christians. Janet Reno reflects the issue's of the Clinton administration. Cultist Definition by Janet Reno, Attorney General USA
1801-1835 John Marshall, S.C.J. Chief Justice. Nominated by President John Adams. Previously he was Grand Master of Virginia, from 1793-1795. (However, there is evidence that John Marshall was not proud or enthusiastic about being a Freemason, at least later in his life.) Confirmed Mason.
July 11, 1804: Gun-barrel Politics
Vice President Aaron Burr confirmed Mason, mortally wounds former Treasury Secretary Alexander Hamilton in a pistol duel near Weehawken, New Jersey.
1804-1834 William Johnson, S.C.J. Associate Justice. Nominated by President Thomas Jefferson. Unknown Mason Status.
1807-1823 Henry Brockhoist Livingston, S.C.J. Associate Justice. Nominated by President Thomas Jefferson. Unknown Mason Status.
1807-1826 Thomas Todd, S.C.J. Nominated by President Thomas Jefferson. Confirmed Mason.
1801-1814 Albert Abraham Alfonse Gallatin. Fourth U.S. Secretary of the treasure. Instrumental in negotiating an end to the war of 1812. Confirmed Mason.
1804 Charles Pickney, loosing Presidential candidate for Presidency (F) Unknown Mason Status.
1808 Charles Pickney, loosing Presidential candidate for Presidency (F) Unknown Mason Status.
1809-1817 James Madison, 4th. President of the United States (DR) Confirmed Mason. (New World Order: The Ancient Plan of Secret Societies, William T. Still, pg. 21)Madison is said to have been a Member of Hiram Lodge No. 59, Westmoreland County, Virginia, a Lodge which had only a short existence, and whose records are lost. (Was married to a Todd, of the Satanic Collins according to The Illuminati Bloodlines, Fritz Springmeier) Vice President George Clinton, 1809-1812. Confirmed Mason andIlluminati. Vice President, Elbridge Gerry 1813-1814. Unknown Mason Status.
1811-1835 Gabriel Duvall, S.C.J. Associate Justice. Nominated by President James Madison. Unknown Mason Status.
1811-1845 Joseph Story, S.C.J. Nominated by President James Madison. Story is listed as a member of Philanthropic Lodge in Marblehead, Massachusetts, in 10,000 Famous Freemasons and the MSA 1940s study, but not in Masonic Trivia and Facts.
Other parts of the world during this presidency: 1811-1821 Jose de San Martin. Soldier and Statesman. An officer in the Spanish army for 20 years. Led South America's independence movement for confirmed Mason President Simon Bolivar. Confirmed Mason.
1812 De Wit Clinton, loosing Presidential candidate for Presidency (F) DeWitt Clinton, who was assoc. with the Illuminati very early in the history of the United States. George Clinton, vice president to Thomas Jefferson, was De Wit Clintons Uncle.
1812 Winfield Scott. Grad from West Point. Fought in the war of 1812 and rose to the rank of major general .Fought in the battle of Chippewa and Lundy's Lane in 1814.Supervised the removal of the Cherokee Indians from Southern state to reservations west of the Mississippi River. Unsuccessful Whig candidate for President in 1853. Confirmed Mason.
1814 Francis Scott Key, lawyer and the author of the U.S. national anthem. Confirmed Mason. Officially adopted in 1931.
The Federal 6th US Circuit Court of Appeals in Cincinnati last week in a 30-page decision, stated that references to God are not permissible because they are clearly Christian. The state of Ohio wanted to use the motto "With God, All Things Are Possible" on its official seal or anywhere else. The US Circuit Court said, "In God We Trust" comes from "The Star-Spangled Banner" by Francis Scott Key and is not a reference to a specific faith. (C-span 4.20.2000)
1816 Rufus King, served in the state legislature, and in the Continental Congress, where he introduced the resolution calling for a convention at Philadelphia to draft a new Constitution. Was elected as New York's first U.S. senator. Was also the loosing (F) party running against James Monroe for the Presidency. Confirmed Mason.
1817-1825 James Monroe, 5th. President of the United states (DR) Confirmed Mason. (The New Age Magazine, January 1953, pg. 44) Initiated: November 9, 1775, St. John's Regimental Lodge in the Continental Army. Monroe was not yet eighteen, but "lawful age" had not yet been universally fixed at twenty-one. Later, Brother Monroe took Membership in Williamsburg Lodge No. 6, Williamsburg, Virginia. Also a member of the Knights Of The Garter. Order of the Garter is the core leader of theCommittee Of 300. Vice President Daniel D. Tompkins 1817-1825. Unknown Mason Status. President Monroe was related to President Richard Nixon. (Everything is Under Control. Conspiracies, Cults, and Cover-Ups by Robert Anton Wilson pg 39-40)
1823-1843 Smith Thompson, S.C.J. Associate justice. Nominated by Mason President James Monroe. Unknown Mason Status.
Other Parts of the world During this Presidency: Argentina. 1819-1830 Simon Bolivar, President of, New Granada, 1819, Venezuela, 1821, Ecuador, 1822, until finally with the liberation of upper Peru, which became Bolivia after Bolivar, already President of Columbia, his rule on the continent became complete. Confirmed Mason.
1820 John Quincy Adams, loosing Presidential candidate for Presidency (IR) Unknown Mason Status.
1824 Albert (Abraham Alfonse) Gallatin. 4th. Secretary of the treasury 1801 -1814. Nominated for vice presidency. Withdrew in fear of weakening ticket due to foreign birth. Confirmed Illuminati.
1824 Andrew Jackson, loosing Presidential candidate for Presidency (D) Confirmed Mason.
1824 Henry Clay, loosing Presidential candidate for Presidency (DR) Confirmed Mason. Henry Clay was Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Kentucky and Grand Orator for the G.L. 1806-09. Very good friends to the Illuminati Dupont's. The Dupont's were already one of the primary top families, it is rumored that Clay was coming to them for guidance on how to steer the nation. The Dupont's played a role in the building of the American capital, which was laid out and constructed with numerous occult patterns. Clay also became the leader of the Whig Party. It is from this info the Presidents who were on the Whig Party are in question.


According to occultists/Satanic doctrine, the upper four points of the Goat head (left) represent the four elements of the world, Fire, Water, Earth, and Air. The bottom fifth point represents the spirit of Lucifer. In the above photocopy of the Goat head Pentagram, the fifth point extends down into the mind of the goat, who represents Lucifer. Notice the above pentagram of the Washington Streets layout in which the south part of the pentagram falls on the White House. Where the Spirit of Satan is to dwell.

The demon goddess Lilith is represented throughout history as an owl.

Notice the owl on the dollar bill.
The Beast of the Apocalypse: 666 a gigantic self programming computer!
WWW=World Wide Web. Web=net, trap. World Wide Web=World Wide Trap External Link
The System they are working towards is called LILITH External Link
1824 William H. Crawford, loosing Presidential candidate for Presidency (DR) Unknown Mason Status.
The Illuminati
Exclusive Interview with an Ex-Illuminati Programmer/Trainer
Part 4: The Illuminati - Freemason Connection
Q: Svali, one of the more important points, which I am sure a lot of readers would like to know more about, is, what is the Illuminati /Freemason connection, as far as you are aware of, given your previous position in the Illuminati?
Q: Was - and is - there an infiltration of the Masonic Order?
A: The Freemasons and the Illuminati are hand in glove. I don't care if this steps on any toes, it's a fact. The Masonic temple at Alexandria, Virginia (the city itself was named after Alexandria, Egypt, and is a hotbed of Illuminati activity) is a center in the Washington DC area for Illuminati scholarship and teaching. I was taken there at intervals for testing, to step up a level, for scholarship, and high ceremonies. The leaders in this Masonic group were also Illuminists.
This has been true of every large city I have lived in. The top Freemasons were also top Illuminists. My maternal grandparents were both high ranking Masons in the city of Pittsburgh, Pa. (president of the Eastern Star and 33rd degree Mason) and they both were also leaders in the Illuminati in that area.
Are all Masons Illuminati? No, especially at the lower levels, I believe they know nothing of the practices that occur in the middle of the night in the larger temples. Many are probably fine businessmen and Christians. But I have never known a 32 degree or above who wasn't Illuminati, and the group helped create Freemasonry as a "front" for their activities.
Q: What exactly is the meaning of the pyramid on the back of the $1 U.S. note? I'm talking about the pyramid with the capstone detached and hovering above the rest of the pyramid, containing the 'All-Seeing-Eye'. Is this a Masonic or Illuminati symbol?
A: The pyramid and the "eye of Horus" on the back of the dollar bill are Illuminati symbology. The pyramid is an ancient form based on the holiness of the number 3 to the ancient mystery religions (it, not 6, is considered the most spiritual number), and a pyramid was a structure used specifically to call up the demonic, or occult, a point of psychic activity.
The eye is the all seeing eye of Horus (remember the emphasis on Egyptian magical religious practices? The book of the undead, etc.?) and the fact that no one can escape his magical reach. This eye is considered a demonic eye in the group, or the eye of the deity, and in Illuminati mythology is either open or closed, depending upon the spiritual time of year and the state of the person psychically. Young children are given "psychic surgery" where the eye is placed inside, and they are told that Horus will snatch their soul if they ever try to leave, or if they tell, or that the eye will explode. The symbol on the dollar is reinforcement for every Illuminati child who sees one, and the reminder that they are being watched.
The saying on the dollar, 'Novus Ordo Seclorum' also means "bringing in the new order", which is the Illuminati stated agenda. Just think, in the early 1800's, our forefathers already were looking forward to when the new order would be ushered in. Have I mentioned that this is a patient, forward looking group of intellectuals? That Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin, FDR, and others were Illuminati leaders? Our country may have been founded on freedom from taxation, but it was also founded on the New World Order just as surely. see also: United States Presidents and the Masonic Power Structure Link added by Robert Howard, Wake Up America.
Q: How far back in time does the concept / cult of the Illuminati go? It seems to me that they have been around quite some time, possibly since antiquity, guiding, steering and using humanity for their own purposes, operating under different names? Can you elaborate?
A: I was taught that the Illuminati had its roots in the ancient practices that reach into the beginning of recorded time; that the Babylonians on the plains created ziggurats to their deities, whom the Illuminati worship. They were proud of the fact that it was supposedly an unbroken occult line from then until now. The names changed, the basic group was the same.
The ancient mystery religions of Egypt, heart of dark magic were another forerunner, with adherents of Set, Osiris, Horus and Ra; and the Illuminists also believe their bloodlines have come down from the ancient kings of Egypt.
It's hard for me to know how much was cult propaganda, and how much truth is in the claims. The Templar Knights were definitely a forerunner during medieval times, as well as the Rosicrucian's and ancient celts and druids (you know, the ones who built Stonehenge).
"Illuminati, Greek illumination, name given to those who submitted to Christian baptism. Those who were baptized were called "illuminati" or "illuminated ones" by the Ante-Nicene clergy, on the assumption that those who were instructed for baptism in the Apostolic faith had an enlightened understanding.
The Alumbrados, a mystical 16th-century Spanish sect, were among the societies that subsequently adopted the name illuminati. Later, the title of illuminati was used by a secret society founded by Adam Weishaupt that aimed to combat religious thinking and encourage rationalism."
---Microsoft Encarta2000
And in 2006 a reader wrote to advise that Microsoft was wrong and that the word actually comes from the Latin. Microsoft wrong? Perish the thought! It must be a Conspiracy!
Do they still exist? Apparently for some....
When creating this web site, we were under the belief that no one with any degree of education would believe there was a secret organization plotting for some 200+ years to control the world - and that the Masons were somehow a part of it. Boy, were we wrong!
Whenever conspiracy theory is spouted, the mysterious "Illuminati" (along with the Bilderburgers, The Trilateral Commission, the Council of Foreign Relations, and a plethora of others) are most often named as being responsible. Ironically, however, while many, many people can name those ostensibly belonging to the other conspiracy groups, the "Illuminati" is always left hanging as some secret, shadowy entity which no one can quite describe. Interestingly too, no one can quite identify what specific acts can be attributed to them - everybody's got their own lists. And no one in 225 years seems to have left the organization to reveal its secrets. Pretty powerful stuff..... (If you're not hearing the theme music for the X-Files right now, it's a CONSPIRACY!!!)
Not one single defector in 5 or 6 generations: think about that! That'd be your great, great, great grandfather. I wonder how many people reading this page can actually name someone from their family who lived in the 1700s. Those who want to persuade us that a secret Illuminati cabal did lead the world from the Renaissance to the 19th century, and/or that it continues to do so today have a very difficult burden of proof and have never come close to producing documents or actual evidence that such is the case.
Illuminati history
The Illuminati was a movement founded on May 1, 1776. Much is, retrospectively, made of both the May 1st date later used by the Russian Revolution as well as the 1776 date tying in to the American Revolution. In fact, since there are only 365 days in a year, the Russian Revolution was bound to occur on one date or another which would/could have a connection to some devious scheme. By 1776, the American Revolution was well along in its planning stages and there's no credible link to a group founded in what is today near Munich, Germany. It was begun by Adam Weishaupt who was educated by the Jesuits, not unlike many who sought an education in those days and in that place. His organization was composed of those who were then espousing the ideals of the Enlightenment: freedom of thought and equality amongst classes of people, ideas that were considered by the authorities as being heretical and treacherous, particularly since logical outcome of equality would preclude the continued existence of monarchy. They were ideas which today, anyone reading this website likely espouses: the right to think as one wishes and to exercise - within the bounds of law - their freedom of choice. At that time, though, freethinking was an anathema to those in power and subjected those who would think such heretical thoughts to imprisonment.
While some have suggested that the Illuminati was created to overthrow government and/or that they were behind the American Revolution, such ideas are without any real merit. Augustin Barruel and John Robison, even claimed that the Illuminati were behind the French revolution, a claim that Jean-Joseph Mounier dismissed in his 1801 book On the Influence Attributed to Philosophers, Free-Masons, and to the Illuminati on the Revolution of France. Barruel and Robison also wrote - essentially copying each other - trying to tie in Freemasonry to the plot. It is important to note, however, that both writers recognized that it was ONLY the 'Grand Orient'-type of Freemasonry being practiced in parts of France and Germany that was involved: never what we now term 'regular/recognized' Freemasonry stemming from the Grand Lodge of England! Robison, who had joined Freemasonry in his youth, was roundly criticized for his work, even by the Encyclopedia Brittanica for whom he had written articles!
In 1777, Karl Theodor became ruler of Bavaria. He was a proponent of Enlightened Despotism and, in 1784, his government banned all secret societies, including the Illuminati. They had, by then, included the overthrow of political rulers in their goals and it's easy to understand how that could be a tad upsetting to those in charge. How many people were involved in the organization at that point is difficult to say. Some estimates are as high as 2000 but the simple fact is that once it was outlawed, the organization died - as would ANY organization where involvement could lead to a life in wretched prison confinement.
Weishaupt had modeled his group to some extent on Freemasonry and Illiminati chapters drew some of their membership from existing Masonic lodges.
Illuminati conspiracies
It is well established that by the end of the eighteenth century, the Illuminati had been effectively disbanded. That will surely burst the bubble of those who've come here seeking to find some buried bit of proof that they still exist and are today controlling the world.
Because of Freemasonry's inadvertent involvement and the misuse of Freemasonry by the Illuminati's founder who had become a Mason, the legends of its continued existence (and influence) persist into the twenty-first century tying the organizations somehow together. In fact, Weishaupt founded the organization and then tried to get the Freemasons involved. He achieved a very limited success in a couple of lodges but was soon seen as a 'user' and his group removed - not unlike the 'fake Masonry' of today, actually!
In the 1950s and 1960s, members of the John Birch Society made much of this supposed 'shadow' organization, using it as an effective substitute for their anti-Semitism. Perhaps some of the confusion regarding the organization is due to the fact that over time, the word illuminati came to be used more expansively for many enthusiasts of Enlightenment, including but not limited to the followers of Emmanuel Swedenborg. Nevertheless, the Illuminati's connection with Freemasonry was date-specific (the late 1700s) and place-specific (what is now Germany); it had NO involvement in Freemasonry elsewhere despite fanciful claims. Even the oft-mentioned 'Proofs of A Conspiracy' written in 1797 by Robison (and the root cause of so much furor in the United States as a result of one Boston Minister's fanciful claims made based on that book) notes that the Illuminati's brand of Freemasonry was NOT the same Freemasonry as found in England and from which all other legitimate Masonic lodges today can trace their ancestry.
Robert Anton Wilson
A HUGE amount of interest in the Illuminati stems, for those today, from Robert Anton Wilson (1932-2007). A self-described agnostic mystic, he was also an author, philosopher and, some would say, a comedian. Many endow Wilson with all-seeing power while others read his works as poking fun at society and those who would blindly read his writings as fact.
Because of his professed agnostic beliefs, the claim from the conspiracy-minded religious intolerants has even more fuel than someone else might have given it.
Wilson wrote some 35 books and many other works. His best-known work is the cult classic The Illuminatus! Trilogy: The Eye in the Pyramid, The Golden Apple, Leviathan
(1975) which he co-authored with Robert Shea and advertised as "a fairy tale for paranoids". In it, he humorously examined American paranoia about conspiracies. Many, though, have accepted this as NON-fiction and have succumbed to even more paranoia - always, it seems, involving the Freemasons.
In 1977, Wilson published "Cosmic Trigger I : Final Secret of the Illuminati
" in which he wrote on pages 3-4:
Briefly, the background of the Bavarian Illuminati puzzle is this. On May 1, 1776, in Bavaria, Dr. Adam Weishaupt, a professor of Canon Law at Ingolstadt University and a former Jesuit, formed a secret society called the Order of the Illuminati within the existing Masonic lodges of Germany. Since Masonry is itself a secret society, the Illuminati was a secret society within a secret society, a mystery inside a mystery, so to say. In 1785 the Illuminati were suppressed by the Bavarian government for allegedly plotting to overthrow all the kings in Europe and the Pope to boot. This much is generally agreed upon by all historians. 1 Everything else is a matter of heated, and sometimes fetid, controversy.
It has been claimed that Dr. Weishaupt was an atheist, a Cabalistic magician, a rationalist, a mystic; a democrat, a socialist, an anarchist, a fascist; a Machiavellian amoralist, an alchemist, a totalitarian and an "enthusiastic philanthropist." (The last was the verdict of Thomas Jefferson, by the way.) The Illuminati have also been credited with managing the French and American revolutions behind the scenes, taking over the world, being the brains behind Communism, continuing underground up to the 1970s, secretly worshipping the Devil, and mopery with intent to gawk. Some claim that Weishaupt didn't even invent the Illuminati, but only revived it. The Order of Illuminati has been traced back to the Knights Templar, to the Greek and Gnostic initiatory cults, to Egypt, even to Atlantis. The one safe generalization one can make is that Weishaupt's intent to maintain secrecy has worked; no two students of Illuminology have ever agreed totally about what the "inner secret" or purpose of the Order actually was (or is . . .). There is endless room for spooky speculation, and for pedantic paranoia, once one really gets into the literature of the subject; and there has been a wave of sensational "ex-poses" of the Illuminati every generation since 1776. If you were to believe all this sensational literature, the damned Bavarian conspirators were responsible for everything wrong with the world, including the energy crises and the fact that you can't even get a plumber on weekends.
Wilson then goes on to create a broad expansion of fantasy which - just as with Dan Brown novels in the early years of 2000 - are accepted as fact. It's a sad state on our ability to think that so many in society can't separate fact from fiction and today blather on with great fear and loathing about the evil Freemason/Illuminati treachery without a single provable example. In fact, some - in order to keep the bubble of fantasy from popping - suggested that RAW was the Grand Master (or inner head) of the Illuminati himself. Wilson always toyed with the accusations, and in typical RAW fashion, he's never denied it outright - finding the whole concept enormously amusing as well as helpful for book sales.
One cannot read any of RAW's material without a healthy sense of humor although many, many do. We've noted from the outset of this very website that those with beliefs stemming from white-hot religious fervor or extreme paranoid conspiracy have ZERO sense of humor and wouldn't recognize satire if it were a sausage that hit them in the head. Thus, the internet has a zillion and a half websites all postulating on the existence of an organization that no one has ever seen and which all rational explanations say simply couldn't exist, with or without the all-powerful Freemasons.
Illuminati reading
For a couple of centuries, there's been nothing truly factual about the 18th Century Barvarian Order of the Illuminati except the sometimes hard to find book The Bavarian Illuminati in America: The New England Conspiracy Scare, 1798
by Vernon Stauffer.
In 2009, however, a new work arrived on the scene - and truthfully, it was one that had all the trappings of 'nut case' on it. Its publisher was a very minor one, noted for sensationalist titles. The author - Terry Melanson - is the owner and developer of the "Illuminati Conspiracy Archive" where paranoia and absurdity reign supreme. He is also a noted anti-Mason, having 'foreseen' an occult revival with Freemasonry leading the way. A clear waste of money, I'd concluded at the outset.
However, despite my pre-judged conclusions, Perfectibilists is actually pretty good. The author has set aside all of the foolishness usually found on his website and has done what appears to be some great detective work. He notes that the Order of the Illuminati (the name to which the Perfectibilists was changed almost immediately) had approximately 2000-3000 members at its peak and he provides the biographies for hundreds of them. In addition, Melanson has sidebar 'excursions' into related topics, some an entire page, discussing things like the difference between the ACTUAL emblem of the Illuminati (the OWL!) and what we today think of as their emblem, that pyramid with the eye.
The book is interesting in that the primary text is less than 170 pages but then there are 'supplements' totaling another 300 pages along with an exhaustive table of contents. Footnotes are scrupulously provided and the professionalism with which this work was created is really quite impressive. Unfortunately, this may be similar to the way Mr. Melanson has provided footnotes about Freemasonry in his various online screeds so one should consider the material with a jaundice eye unless/until validations are made by trained historians - something that Mr. Melanson isn't.
What others say
Online we found an excellent summary of the entire Illuminati Conspiracy theory. We've placed it here with permission of the site owner. Perhaps you'll find it interesting....
The Illuminati Freemason Conspiracy
From Public Eye and Political Research Associates:
The Freemasons began as members of craft guilds who united into lodges in England in the early 1700's. They stressed religious tolerance, the equality of their male peers, and the themes of classic liberalism and the Enlightenment. Today they are a worldwide fraternal order that still educates its members about philosophical ideas, and engages in harmless rituals, but also offers networking for business and political leaders, and carries out charitable activities.
The idea of a widespread freemason conspiracy originated in the late 1700's and flourished in the US in the 1800's. Persons who embrace this theory often point to purported Masonic symbols such as the pyramid and the eye on the back of the dollar bill as evidence of the conspiracy. Allegations of a freemason conspiracy trace back to British author John Robison who wrote the 1798 book Proofs of a Conspiracy Against All the Religions and Governments of Europe, carried on in the secret meetings of Free Masons, Illuminati, and Reading Societies, collected from good authorities. Robison influenced French author Abbé Augustin Barruel, whose first two volumes of his eventual four volume study, Memoirs Illustrating the History of Jacobinism, beat Robison's book to the printer. Both Robison and Barruel discuss the attempt by Bavarian intellectual Adam Weishaupt to spread the ideas of the Enlightenment through his secretive society, the Order of the Illuminati.
Weishaupt was appointed a professor at the University of Ingolstadt in Germany around 1772 and elevated to the post of professor of Canon Law in 1773 or 1775 (sources conflict), the first secularist to hold that position previously held by clergy. Weishaupt began planning a group to challenge authoritarian Catholic actions in 1775, the group (under a different name) was announced on May 1, 1776. This group evolved into the Illuminati. The Enlightenment rationalist ideas of the Illuminati were, in fact, brought into Masonic lodges where they played a role in a factional fight against occultist philosophy. The Illuminati was suppressed in a series of edicts between 1784 and 1787, and Weishaupt himself was banished in 1785.
Weishaupt, his Illuminati society, the Freemasons, and other secret societies are portrayed by Robison and Barruel as bent on despotic world domination through a secret conspiracy using front groups to spread their influence.
Barruel claimed the conspirators "had sworn hatred to the altar and the throne, had sworn to crush the God of the Christians, and utterly to extirpate the Kings of the Earth." For Barruel the grand plot hinges on how Illuminati "adepts of revolutionary Equality and Liberty had buried themselves in the Lodges of Masonry" where they caused the French revolution, and then ordered "all the adepts in their public prints to cry up the revolution and its principles." Soon, every nation had its "apostle of Equality, Liberty, and Sovereignty of the People."
Robison, a professor of Natural Philosophy at the University of Edinburgh in Scotland, argued that the Illuminati evolved out of Freemasonry, and called the Illuminati philosophy "Cosmo-politism." According to Robison:
"Their first and immediate aim is to get the possession of riches, power, and influence, without industry; and, to accomplish this, they want to abolish Christianity; and then dissolute manners and universal profligacy will procure them the adherents of all the wicked, and enable them to overturn all the civil governments of Europe; after which they will think of farther conquests, and extend their operations to the other quarters of the globe, till they have reduced mankind to the state of one indistinguishable chaotic mass."
Robert Alan Goldberg, in his book Enemies Within, summarizes the basic themes of the books by Barruel and Robison:"Writing in the aftermath of the French Revolution, these monarchists had created a counterhistory in defense of the aristocracy. Winning the hearts and minds of present and future readers would assuage some of the pain of recent defeat and mobilize defenses. The Revolution, they argued, was not rooted in poverty and despotism. Rather than a rising of the masses, it was the work of Adam Weishaupt’s Illuminati, a secret society that plotted to destroy all civil and religious authority and abolish marriage, the family, and private property. It was the Illuminati who schemed to turn contented peasants 'from Religion to Atheism, from decency to dissoluteness, from loyalty to rebellion.' "
The major immediate political effect of allegations of an Illuminati Freemason conspiracy in Europe was to mobilize support for national oligarchies traditionally supported by the Catholic Church hierarchy. Across Europe authoritarian governing elites were coming under attack by reformist and revolutionary movements demanding increased political rights under secular laws. The ideas of the Enlightenment were incorporated by the leaders of both the French and American revolutions, and in a sense, these Enlightenment notions were indeed subversive to the established social order, although they were hardly a secret conspiracy. The special status of the Catholic Church in European nation-states was actually threatened by the ideas being discussed by the Illuminati and the rationalist wing of the Freemasons.
Several common conspiracist themes emerge from these two books. The Enlightenment themes of equality and liberty are designed to destroy respect for property and the natural social hierarchy. Orthodox Christianity is to be destroyed and replaced with universalism, deism...or worse. Persons with a cosmopolitan outlook--encouraging free-thinking and international cooperation--are to be suspect as disloyal subversive traitors out to undermine national sovereignty and promote anarchy.
Shortly after the Barruel book was published, conspiracy theories about the Illuminati Freemasons were mixed with antisemitism in Europe. This confluence took place much later in the US.
Adapted from Chip Berlet and Matthew N. Lyons. 2000. Right-Wing Populism in America: Too Close for Comfort
Abbé Augustin Barruel, Memoirs Illustrating the History of Jacobinism, second edition revised and corrected, English translation by Robert Clifford, (originally published 1797-1798, reprinted in one volume, Fraser, MI: Real-View-Books, 1995).
John Robison, Proofs of a Conspiracy—against All the Religions and Governments of Europe, carried on in the secret meetings of Freemasons, Illuminati and Reading Societies, fourth edition with postscript, (originally published 1798, reprinted Boston: Western Islands, 1967)
Richard Hofstadter, “The Paranoid Style in American Politics,” in The paranoid style in American politics: And other essays
(New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1965).
Norman Cohn, Warrant for Genocide: The Myth of the Jewish World Conspiracy And the Protocols of the Elders Of Zion
, (London: Serif, 1967 [1996].
George Johnson, Architects Of Fear
, (Los Angeles: Tarcher/Houghton Mifflin, 1983).
Chip Berlet and Matthew N. Lyons, Right-Wing Populism in America: Too Close for Comfort, (New York: Guilford Publications, 2000)
Robert Alan Goldberg, Enemies Within: The Culture of Conspiracy in Modern America
, (New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 2001).
Herm. Gruber, "Illuminati," The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume VII, (New York, NY: Robert Appleton Company, 1910).
Our thanks to Public Eye for this material.
Other sites worth noting:
The Grand Lodge of British Columbia has some excellent in-depth material on this subject right here.
The Skeptic's Dictionary has an excellent article on this topic with many links to the leading conspiracists right here.
The Straight Dope responds to the bizarre charge that somehow the Masons picked May 1st as the day to celebrate Communism. We found their summary quite well done.
Professor Jack Lynch now of Rutgers has an excellent timeline of the 18th century. We also like his essay on judging websites by their covers. <grin>
Anti-Masons and Illuminati fantasies
Some Masonophobes are absolutely 'over the moon' about the Illuminati. Karen Trenouth whose attempts to solve the 'Jack the Ripper' murders are hysterically funny doesn't seem capable of ending a paragraph without having included the word. Leo Zagami pretends he's actually a member - which leads one to wonder why those who most fear this ostensible organization don't wrestle him to the ground and make him provide some proof of all those he claims are members. Jew-hater Texe Marrs obsesses about sex and the Illuminati. You've got to wonder where HIS mind is at these days.
What is the the connection between illuminati, freemasonry, and the Jesuits ?
Can somone tell me what is the the connection between illuminati, freemasonry, and the jesuits , because im little confused who controlls who.
trueblue Moderator
That's a big question, Mr. X. In my opinion, the connection is CONTROL. Not the organization Maxwell Smart works for, but the need to control other people's thoughts and actions.
In this world, it is most easily accomplished with lies, which all of the organizations you mention use with great effect. Most of the big lies that the modern world suffers under, were spread thick by members of the Illuminati, which is not as organized as some believe, but a loose coalition of like minded people. Universities, Newspapers and mass media have shaped our view of the world, and in most cases, can be traced to the influence of people who want to control the thoughts of others. this is the battleground of the Illuminati.
Freemasonry,as it is understood by the masses, is a recruiting tool of the Illuminati. Masons who display the right thinking are advanced to a high enough rank in the organization to where they are informed of the true goals, and the "god" they worship, Lucifer. Until the 31st degree, they are lied to about these, and many other things. "Morals and Dogma", by Albert Pike, is a must read for anyone serious about learning of the true motives and methods of freemasonry.
The Jesuits, Society Of Jesus, is the military arm of the Roman Catholic Church. They were formed to force "heretics", which are any who don't believe the Catholic doctrine and worship the pope as God's representative on Earth, to enter the fold, or die. They are a perfect example of a "terrorist organization". They use lies, stealth, secrecy, assassination and bribery to achieve their goals.
One thing these organizations have in common, is a false front that looks like a humanitarian, caring group with only the "good" of mankind as their goal. Beware of any person or group that wants to force "good" on anyone else!! Will