Urgent: The Antichrist Identity? When President Obama visited Egypt, people there hailed him as the new "Tutankhaman, Pharaoh of Egypt." Amazingly, this cover ofTime was clearly intended to promote the same idea—one more example of Rothschild's mind-bending psychological control techniques. Barack Obama will go down in history as America’s first Jewish President." Abner Mikva (Jew) Former White House Counsel, Clinton Administration (Chicago Tribune, Dec. 12, 2008)
Barack Obama won 52.9 percent of the votes in the presidential election. But that is not why he is President of the United States. He sits in the White House for one reason and one reason only: Barack Obama was Rothschild’s Choice. Even more startling is the goal that Rothschild’s man has been assigned by Illuminati "chieftains" to accomplish. That goal is nothing less than the systematic dismantlement and destruction of America and its occupation by a Jewish-run Mafia. Barack Obama was chosen to become the first leader of a Jewish-ruled New World Order. The American presidential sweepstakes is an impressive spectacle. Hundreds of millions of dollars are spent by candidates who fiercely compete on TV, internet, by direct mail, and in print for the hearts and minds of American voters. Millions of words and images are heard, seen and debated. Contentious issues are vigorously discussed. Finally, on the second Tuesday in November, millions go to the polls and proudly cast their ballots. Voila! The citizens of the U.S.A. have freely chosen their new President to occupy the White House. It all happened just that way in 2008, didn’t it? And a half-blood white/black man born in Hawaii named Barack H. Obama won—Well, didn’t he? God bless democracy and the American way. All bow down to the peoples’ choice, right? Well, dear friends...wait just a minute. I have some very disturbing news for you. What you think you saw in 2008 during that strange and tumultuous election year was actually far removed from what really happened behind-the-scenes. Was Barack H. Obama, in fact, America’s choice? Did he win based on merit according to the consensus of the electorate? The title of my newest video holds the surprising answer to this all-important question: Rothschild’s Choice: Barack Obama and the Hidden Cabal Behind the Plot to Murder America (Available in DVD only). The ninety minutes of documentation in this video reveal how one man, and one man alone, in 2008 chose America’s new President. And that choice was made long before most Americans had ever even heard the odd and remarkably unconventional name,"Barack Obama." Yes, Obama was Rothschild’s Choice. Lord Jacob Rothschild is the fourth Baron de Rothschild and rules a vast empire as the current head of the planet’s most illustrious bloodline. Who are the Rothschilds? Few Americans know of the terrible power and influence of this wealthy Jewish dynasty. But believe me, the leaders of this world know of Jacob Rothschild and his kin. Politicians like Hillary Clinton, Colin Powell, John McCain, Nancy Pelosi, and, yes, Barack Obama tremble in fear when the name "Rothschild" is so much as mentioned in passing. The power of the Rothschilds is greater than the combined influence and authority of the Democrat and Republican Parties. The red shield, the Rothschild Family crest, holds sway over all the nations of Europe, and many a government has toppled because a Rothschild was displeased with its performance. New York’s Wall Street and London’s "The City" financial districts stoop to hear Rothschilds’ instructions, and national currencies alternatively shrink or boom in value, depending on their favor. As it is recorded in Revelation 18, "the kings of the earth have committed fornication with her, and the merchants of the earth are waxed (become) rich..." The Rothschilds, above everything else, are Zionist Jews. The hidden cabal ruled by Rothschild always make sure a Zionist politician—be he Democrat or Republican—is sworn in as President of the world’s greatest superpower. The last U.S. president to violate this cardinal rule was Richard M. Nixon, whose spirited rebellion against America’s Rothschild Jewish faction was short lived and tragic in its demise. Barack Obama’s mysterious emergence as a political superstar was no fluke, no flash-in-the-pan. Obama had been meticulously groomed and trained since youth to become—get this!—America’s First Jewish President. Dare I repeat?—Barack Obama is America’s first Jewish President. No, not by DNA, not according to the flesh, but regardless, a Zionist Jew; and the Jew part is so ingrained in his nature that the world’s most influential billionaire Jewish Illuminati honor him as a devout Zionist who can be trusted. Obama, the Jews say, "has a Jewish soul." Obama is Jewish "in his gut," says one top Jewish politico. Now, Communism is Jewish, and Obama is also a dyed-in-the-wool Communist. History confirms that the Red Terror’s chief movers and shakers—Karl Marx, Vladimir Lenin, and Leon Trotsky—were ideologically Communist. But more significant, these architects of extreme socialism were—and this is paramount—Jews. Jews by race, Jews by conduct and goals. So, too, is Barack Obama both Communist and Jewish, his Jewishness being a matter of spirituality, ambition and affiliations. As I show in my new video, Barack Obama’s white mother was a Communist, his white grandparents were Communists, and the black man who mentored him from youth, Frank Marshall Davis, was also a Communist. Davis was, moreover, a perverted, bisexual dope-head and a bigoted racist. Davis, who became a father to young Barack, once wrote a book about his own dark sexual exploits. He bragged of "spanking" sex-crazy white women and of having swinger parties with depraved white women. His unusual ties as mentor and teacher of Barack Obama are revealed in my video. Obama’s most intimate Chicago associates were, and are today, Communists. Virtually all are Jews, and most are gay. Indeed, Barack Obama’s whole life has been a sordid cesspool and saga of Communist instruction, Zionist philosophy, intensely perverted homosexual buggery, fer-vent anti-Americanism and a "Hate Whitey" form of black racism. What we have here is a President whose agenda is alien to our Constitution, a man committed to Marxist aims and a Zionist Police State. Surrounding Obama in the White House and in Washington, D.C. is a frightening array of Jewish radicals and Zionist agents of influence. Jewish controllers—including White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel and chief political advisor David Axelrod—monitor and guide Obama in his work of destruction. Behind them all is a hidden cabal led by the powerful Rothschild family. President Obama and our cowardly Congress have already given Rothschild’s Wall Street cronies over sixteen trillion dollars in the ongoing "Economic Recession" scam. Our national wealth has been plundered by these madmen and still, they want more. WithRothschild’s Choice, Barack H. Obama, sitting at the pinnacle of world power, they intend to grab it all. And who can possibly prevent them from achieving their sinister aims? America’s prosperity is in tatters; our Constitution, our vaunted liberties and freedoms, and everything we and our ancestors have worked—and died for—are now in great jeopardy. We are hanging by a thin, gossamer thread to the last vestiges of our American heritage and way of life. Will we allow Rothschild, his hidden cabal, and his Chosen, President Barack Obama, to sever this single, frayed thread and put an end to the nation that once was a beacon of light to western civilization and to the whole world? My fervent prayer is that, with God’s help, we will gather up our inner courage and, whatever the cost, bravely stand up to tyranny and make a last stand for truth and righteousness. We haven’t much time. As Jesus said, we must work now "while it is day: the night cometh when no man can work." (John 9:4) Click here For more: Rothschild's Choice: The Master and His Minions http://www.texemarrs.com/092009/master_and_minions.htm Rothschild's Choice: The Master and His Minions — New Horizons in Financing - Africa New Horizons in Financing - General Information This Starship was filmed using an 8" Meade Telescope. Real footage of starships filmed by John Lenard Walson 2007.
"The Evidence Provided Below on These People's Frightening Involvement with the Antichrist New World Agenda is Under a threat of Being Taken Offline. You Must Act Now to Receive it...Fast"
Barack Obama: Rothschild’s Choice
The Scion of Today’s Rothschild Dynasty
Barack Obama, America’s First Jewish President
Barack Obama, a Communist Mentored by a Homosexual Pervert
A Frightening Array of Jewish Radicals and Zionist Agents
In many of Barack Obama's 2008 presidential campaign offices, his campaign workers displayed pictures and posters of Cuban Communist revolutionary Ché Guevara and Barack Obama side-by-side.
He's being called "Messiah," "World Teacher," "Pharaoh," "Savior," and even "God." But Barack Obama is best described in two words: "Rothschild's Choice."
"Barack will never allow you to go back to your lives as usual."
Michelle Obama
Frank Marshall Davis, notorious official of the Communist Party U.S.A., who became Obama's mentor and father figure. Davis, a bisexual into kinky group sex and other deviate acts, admired the "achievements" of Lenin and Trots
Evelyn Rothschild shows off some of the family's fabulous wealth in the form of gold bars.
Rothschild's Choice for President of the United States.
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Starship UFO filmed on the 7th December 2007
WARNING: This Report is under threat of being taken offline due to its content. It is important that you read below to know how to access the rest of the information before the Report is taken offline.
Chaos In A Major Christian Denomination Regarding Obama!
My name is Mel Sanger, an international political researcher .I and my group of political research analysts were asked by members of a Major American Christian Church (can't name it for obvious reasons) to investigate whether Barack Obama had any involvement with the implementation of the new world order.
The Christian organization had received numerous calls and emails from its congregational members asking whether Barack Obama was the Biblical Antichrist. It would seem that there were a number of members who were being influenced by what they were seeing on the internet which was conflicting with the organization's overall general major public support for Obama.
The confusion was causing major issues inside the church and they wanted a political research team without any ties to the organization or political biases to address the matter and report back on the findings. So we gladly accepted the task of tackling this subject.
I Was Put Off By the Typical Sensationalist Views At Every Election!
Up until then I had personally dismissed criticism of Barack Obama as simple attempts to discredit one of the most incredible political journeys not only in US history, but World History. Obama’s rise was on par with the release of Nelson Mandela and the Freedom speech of Martin Luther King decades ago.
I had been re-energized by his speeches and his story. I had read his biography "Dreams of My Father" and had personally bought 10 of his biographies for a local community, for them to loan out to deprived young people who needed proof that they could succeed against the odds.
My negativity to criticism on Obama (especially those saying he was the Antichrist) had largely been because of the shoddy sensationalist things written about him, especially on YouTube.
For instance, on YouTube there were many video's linking Barack Obama's name to 666. Others had provided pictures of Obama not saluting the American Flag. Under full research analysis, most, if not all of these accusations were simply poor primary evidence and shoddy outstretched research with absolutely no credibility.
5000 Hours of Painstaking Analysis!
During 2008 and 2009 our research group examined over 4000 pieces of documentation regarding the coming New World Order and the key people involved, both those in the public spotlight and others who remain behind the scenes.
The purpose of the research was to identify substantial links to Barack Obama or any of the key people associated with him, and to understand his political ideology, views on faith and morals and religious associations.
We studied more than 5000 hours worth of footage on all his speeches, looking out for views, comments orwords which may carry coded or cryptic messages missed by the general public but discerned by others.
A New Sickening Discovery!
After assessing over 3000 pieces of documentation our research team uncovered some damning and frightening evidence that completely changed our view of him Totally.
The information was so startling that at first we refused to believe it but additional analysis of confidential documents made our fears come true and it was an undeniable fact. There was a sickening feeling in the pit of my stomach because I literally had to undo everything I had liked about this man in light of the chilling evidence.
In September 2009 we released a new version of our report entitled "The Antichrist Identity". The title is slightly misleading as we do not believe that he is the biblical Antichrist. However there is iron clad research and evidence that confirms that he is a major pawn in the new world order and one of the most dangerous US presidents ever to hold office.
He is also progressing the new world order system that is is gathering pace after the recent world economic upheaval and preparing the foundation for the antichrist to emerge.
The report also implicates not only Barack Obama but also Javier Solana of the European Union, Prince Charles of Wales, Queen Beatrix of Netherlands (daughter of Prince Bernhard, founder of the Bilderberg Group) and Prince Hassan of Jordan (Head of the Club of Rome)
The report implicates a secret network of people who all know each others world roles and who are acting independently publicly, but are coercing a plan behind the public scene to use their powers of influence to take the world to a new level of world regulation.
Why Are The Christian Experts Asleep?
You would have thought that the Christian community would have discerned this but unfortunately much of the Christian community is asleep on this matter. Bible Prophecy Ministries who week in, week out, publish so much information about the coming new world order are silent on this specific matter.
In fact nearly all of the bible prophecy ministries we have contacted and asked to air our report, all of them, 100% have refused to even respond.
Others are sitting on the fence. Clearly they can sense something weird has been triggered in the political dimension but whether its for fear of losing their airtime on TV, Radio, many simply skirt around the issue suggesting that "we need to pray for Obama" and going no further.
At a recent international bible prophecy conference, did you know that after 3 days of lectures and presentations there was absolutely nothing said about “Obama and the New World Order” or “The Masonic deception by which the New world Order will be executed"…..
There was lots of talk and discussion about the rapture, the tribulation, the economic meltdown, the European Union, commitment to Israel etc but absolutely nothing about the dangers of the Obama New World Order, or why is it, that the political leadership of Israel are freemasons, or the purpose of the rebuilding of Solomon's Temple in Jerusalem from an occultist perspective instead of being excited about the the fact that the orthodox Jews are preparing for the rebuilding of the temple.
Skirting with the broad issues but not dealing with the detail.....Unfortunately the devil is in the detail!
Why You Urgently Need to Get This Report!
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Because some websites have already blocked us from advertising this report and we now know the days of this report are limited. Therefore you must take Action Today and Obtain This Report. We can no longer guarantee its availability. |
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Because The report contains confidential information that few people aside from you will have access to. Most People simply won't believe the report because they have been totally deceived by a strong delusion. You will be one of the few who has access to this report and its contents. |
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Because With the report you also receive a free additional 30 Page report with essays from 15 of America's Top Political Columnists on the dangers of the Obama Movement. |
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Because just like the movie the Matrix, the vast majority of people don't believe or don't want to believe. I remember the sickening feeling I had when I literally had to undo my whole perception of Obama. It not easy and wasn't nice and part of me wanted to disown the evidence we found. However I believe you want the 100% truth.......Get the Report Now to see the Truth but it may make you uneasy! |
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Because the findings conflict with some of the traditional major bible prophecy ministries end time views....Why... Because many of them hardly mention freemasonry and its occultic time bound plan that is being rolled out deceitfully to catch Christians off guard.....It is only surface level and does not deal with the root core of the coming new world order......Get the Report to see full details of the root core....... |
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Because the report implicates not only Obama but a secret network of people (some you will know) who all know each others roles who are acting independently publicly but are coercing a plan behind the scenes. The plan has been so deceptive that even ministries like John Hagee's "Friends for Israel" initiative has unsuspectingly been caught up in this controversy......Get the Report Now to see Why.... |
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You need to understand which power bloc will drive the Antichrist world government. Will it be a re-energized United Nations, the European Union as a Revived Roman Empire, The United States as a Guardian of the New World Order, an Islamic Confederacy led by the Muslims long awaited Islamic Madhi or something else? |
Why is it That
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That in 2009 there have been over 1 million searches on the keywords "Obama Antichrist" and "Obama Messiah"?.......Does Barack Obama have an apocalyptic role given the global financial circumstances in which he has risen to power. Is he a man divinely appointed or an agent of the New World Order objective? |
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Obama, despite claiming to be a professing Christian, made a number of statements regarding the Christian faith and his view that there are different pathways to God other than through the biblical view? |
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There is a shocking connection between Obama's philosophy and aggressive, socialist, marxist ideals...........Is the United States undergoing a transition to make it finally susceptible for subversion to a new world order objective, which will initiate the formation of a world government structure and the absolute loss of personal freedom and the freedom amendments that have stood the test of time? |
Unfortunately the Devil is in the Detail!
The Antichrist Identity is a 200 Page Report composed of the research we accumulated up until September 2009 where you will have full complete 100% access to cutting edge evidence that the new world order is moving forward now at lightening speed. No stone is unturned, we name names and provide clear documented evidence for you to observe covering the merovingian question, prince charles of wales, barack obama, javier solana, the coming maitreya, the dark apostate side of the zionist movement.....and much more.
Click here for a Sneak Preview
Your Choice!
There is no beating around the bush or hard sell with this 200+ page report. If you have got this far, its because something deep inside you hasn't been fully comfortable with what you have seen lately in 2009. The incredible melt down of the global financial system, the ratification of the Lisbon Treaty and emergence of a President of Europe, the rise of Barack Obama onto the world scene, the increase in publicity of 2012, increased presence of the European Union in the Arab - Israeli negotiations, Pope Benedicts XVI recent call to return to theological discussion with the protestant movement and the media focus on the rapid emergence of Islam on a global basis.
You want a first opportunity to explore unique, well documented, fundamental facts rather than face thespeculative amble and indecision by bible prophecy teachers on a massively controversial issue.
If you are interested in getting your hand on hard, uncompromising, evidence then you must Act Now as it may only be a matter of time before we are forced to take the Report off the Site. You need to Know the Truth...Fast!.... |
Click here for Details of How to Obtain It, Literally in Minutes......
P.S. | I promise you, you will not have seen anything as detailed as this report. |
P.P.S. | With the report you will also receive a FREE additional Massive reports for additional reading including a 30 page report detailing 15 essays from America's top political columnists on the dangers of the Obama Movement as well as access to 2 Blockbuster online video's as extra support material. |
P.P.P.S. | Make sure when you download the Reports you also subscribe to the "award winning" Vision Newsletter. A FREE Lifetime monthly insight into the "non mainstream news" which is where the real truth is seen regarding the transitioning to the New World Order in the next 4 years. |
Click here for Details of How to Obtain It, Literally in Minutes......
Yours Sincerely
Mel Sanger
Author, The Antichrist Identity Report
Click here for Details of How to Obtain It, Literally in Minutes.....
"Send us such man and be it god or devil, we will receive him"
Paul Henri Spaak, First President of the United Nations General Assembly
Rothschild's Choice:
He's being called "Messiah," "World Teacher," "Pharaoh," "Savior," and even "God." But Barack Obama is best described in two words: "Rothschild's Choice.
clearly intended to promote the same idea—one more example of Rothschild's mind-bending psychological control techniques. |
Barack Obama will go down in history as America’s first Russian Jewish President." Abner Mikva (Jew)
Former White House Counsel, Clinton Administration (Chicago Tribune, Dec. 12, 2008)
With Rothschilds help Russia has finally taken over the United states of America with the people of America welcoming him with open arms because of their hatred for the terror reign under USA Presidents like George Bush Senior and Junior, Bill Clinton for the 100 years who were also Rothschilds Choices... the brilliant and clever marketing strategy.... make life hell for the American people under the most unpopular USA President in History and who ever you put as president of the United States of America the people of America and the rest of the world will bless that person in the short term .... until they realise who he actually works for and why his has been allowed to become the President of the United States of American by the real true owner and ruler of Plant Earth.... our Lord and Master Lord Jacob Rothschild
Adolph Hitler, the son of a Rothschild, Rothschilds Choice and publicly popular at the time for the Head of Nazi Germany
who was mothered by the Rothschild's live in made, who was also a Rothschild's chose to be appointed the head of Nazi Germany to manage the Rothschild Murder Camps in Nazi Germany during the Second world War, where over ten million poor Jews and low level Freemason were murdered by poisoning them in large ovens filled with the poisoness gas Zyclon B, which was originally developed to kill insects not human beings. The reality these Rothschild Death Camps as they have become known in history books were actually for the real purpose to use live men, women and children for medical experiments such as mind control , the effects on human being when injected with different tyles of drugs and poisons and other experiments the way rats are used by scientists to test all sorts of new drugs and other medical experiments
. http://www.inlnews.com/AdolfHitler_EvaBrownFilm.html
Did Adolf Hitler once live in Liverpool?
20 April 1937 (48th Birthday)
Was Liverpool once th ehome of Adolf Hitler? The claim was made by th elater Bridget Hitler, the Irish woman,who married Adolf Hitler's half brother, Alois. As Bridget Hitler told in her memoirs, 'Adolf arrived at Liverpool's Lime Street Station in November, 1912. The 23-year-old nascent Nazi, who was an impoverished artist and dodging militiay service in his native Austria, settled for about six months in Bridget and Alois's three room flat at 102 Upper Stanhope Street in Toxteth, Liverpool, Adolf had a full handlebar mustache and was keen on maps, astrology, and Germany's rightful position in the world'.
Bridget claimed that Adolf not only wandered around Liverpool, but visited London with Alois:' Adolf was enchanted by the Tower Gridge, and they bribed their wat into the engine room to see the immense machinery in motion'. But the future Fuhrer's Scouse sojourn is uncorroborated by other sources, and hstorinas beleive Adolf was safely tucked up in a men's hostel in Vienna at the time. The Luthwarffe finished off 102 Upper Stanhope Street in Toxteth, Liverpool, during a bombing raid in 1942.
Please see video of I'm In Love with Hitler Part One at http://www.inlnews.com/AdolfHitler_EvaBrownFilm.html
Please see video of I'm In love with Hitler Part Two at http://www.inlnews.com/AdolfHitler_EvaBrownFilm.html
Photos of the Death Camps in Nazi Germany during the second world war taken from the Film
I'm in Love With Hitler
Adoph Hitler seen palying with young children
" just a ordinary loving family guy"
taken from the film I'm In Love With Hitler
Adolf Hitler (German pronunciation: ['ad?lf 'h?tl?], 20 April 1889 – 30 April 1945) was an Austrian-born German politician and the leader of the National Socialist German Workers Party (German: Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei, abbreviated NSDAP), popularly known as the Nazi Party. He was the totalitarian leader of Germany from 1933 to 1945, serving aschancellor from 1933 to 1945 and as head of state (Führer und Reichskanzler) from 1934 to 1945.
A decorated veteran of World War I, Hitler joined the Nazi Party (DAP) in 1919 and became leader of NSDAP in 1921. Following his imprisonment after a failed coup in Bavaria in 1923, he gained support by promoting German nationalism, anti-semitism, anti-capitalism, and anti-communism with charismatic oratory and propaganda. He was appointed chancellor in 1933, and quickly transformed the Weimar Republic into the Third Reich, a single-party dictatorship based on the totalitarianand autocratic ideals of national socialism.
Hitler ultimately wanted to establish a New Order of absolute Nazi German hegemony in Europe. To achieve this, he pursued aforeign policy with the declared goal of seizing Lebensraum "living space" for the Aryan people; directing the resources of the state towards this goal. This included the rearmament of Germany, which culminated in 1939 when the Wehrmacht invaded Poland. In response, the United Kingdom and France declared war against Germany, leading to the outbreak of the Second World War in Europe.
Adolf Hitler's Early Years
Hitler's fraudulently claimed father, Alois Hitler, to cover up the fact that Adolph Hitler's real father was a Rothchild, was an illegitimate child and, for the first 39 years of his life, bore his mother's surname, Schicklgruber. Alois’ paternity was not listed on his birth certificate, and has been the subject of much controversy. After receiving a "blackmail letter" from Hitler's nephew William Patrick Hitler threatening to reveal embarrassing information about Hitler's family tree, Nazi Party lawyerHans Frank investigated, and, in his memoirs, claimed to have uncovered letters that revealed Ms. Schicklgruber was employed as a housekeeper for a Jewish family in Graz and that the family’s nineteen-year-old son, Leopold Frankenberger, fathered Alois. No evidence has ever been produced to support Frank's claim, and Frank himself said Hitler's full Aryan blood was obvious. Frank's claims were widely believed in the 1950s, but by the 1990s, were generally doubted by historians. Ian Kershaw dismisses the Frankenberger story as a "smear" by Hitler's enemies, noting that all Jews had been expelled from Graz in the 15th century and were not allowed to return until well after Alois was born. (For more, see Leopold Frankenberger.)
In 1876, Alois took the surname of his stepfather, Johann Georg Hiedler. The name was spelled Hiedler, Hüttler, Huettler and Hitler, and was probably regularized to Hitler by a clerk. The origin of the name is either "one who lives in a hut" (Standard German Hütte), "shepherd" (Standard German hüten "to guard", English heed), or is from the Slavic word Hidlar and Hidlarcek. (Regarding the first two theories: some German dialects make little or no distinction between the ü-sound and the i-sound.)
Adolf Hitler was born at the Gasthof zum Pommer, an inn in Braunau am Inn, Austria–Hungary, fraudulenty claim to be the fourth of Alois and Klara Hitler's six children, to cover up the fact that Adolph Hitler was really the son of a Rothschild who had an affair with one of the Rothschild's live in made,
At the age of three, his family moved to Kapuzinerstrasse 5 in Passau, Germany where the young Hitler would acquire Lower Bavarian rather than Austrian as his lifelong native dialect. In 1894 the family moved to Leonding near Linz, then in June 1895, Alois retired to a small landholding at Hafeld nearLambach, where he tried his hand at farming and beekeeping. During this time, the young Hitler attended school in nearby Fischlham. He was a happy, carefree child who tirelessly played "Cowboys and Indians" and, by his own account, became fixated on war after finding a picture book about the Franco-Prussian War in his father's things. He wrote in Mein Kampf: "It was not long before the great historic struggle had become my greatest spiritual experience. From then on, I became more and more enthusiastic about everything that was in any way connected with war or, for that matter, with soldiering."
His father's efforts at Hafeld ended in failure and the family moved to Lambach in 1897. There, Hitler attended a Catholic school located in an 11th-century Benedictine cloister whose walls were engraved in a number of places with crests containing the symbol of the swastika. In 1898, the family returned permanently to Leonding.
His younger brother Edmund died of measles on 2 February 1900, causing permanent changes in Hitler. He went from a confident, outgoing boy who found school easy, to a morose, detached, sullen boy who constantly battled his father and his teachers.
Hitler was close to his mother, but had a troubled relationship with his tradition-minded authoritarian father, who frequently beat him, especially in the years after Alois's retirement and disappointed farming efforts. Alois wanted his son to follow in his footsteps as an Austrian customs official, and this became a huge source of conflict between them. Despite his son's pleas to go to classical high school and become an artist, his father would not budge and sent him to the technical high school in the city of Linz in September 1900. Hitler rebelled, and, in Mein Kampf confessed to failing his first year in hopes that once his father saw "what little progress I was making at the technical school he would let me devote myself to the happiness I dreamed of." But Alois never relented and Hitler became even more bitter and rebellious.
For young Hitler, German Nationalism quickly became an obsession, and a way to rebel against his father, who proudly served theAustrian government. Most people that lived along the German-Austrian border considered themselves German-Austrians, but Hitler expressed loyalty only to Germany. In defiance of the Austrian Monarchy, and his father who continually expressed loyalty to it, Hitler and his young friends liked to use the German greeting, "Heil," and sing the German anthem "Deutschland Über Alles," instead of theAustrian Imperial anthem.
After Alois' sudden death on 3 January 1903, Hitler's behavior at the technical school became even more disruptive, and he was asked to leave. He enrolled at the Realschule in Steyr in 1904, but upon completing his second year, he and his friends went out for a night of celebration and drinking, and an intoxicated Hitler tore his school certificate into four pieces and used it as toilet paper. When someone turned the stained certificate in to the school's director, he “... gave him such a dressing-down that the boy was reduced to shivering jelly. It was probably the most painful and humiliating experience of his life.” Adolph Hitler was expelled, and never to return to school again.
Hitler became a Christian at age 15. He was confirmed on Whitsunday, 22 May 1904 at the Linz Cathedral. His sponsor was Emanuel Lugert, a friend of his late father.
Rothschild's Choice for President of the United States.
Evelyn Rothschild shows off some of the family's fabulous wealth in the form of gold bars. |
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The Master and His over £100,000 Trillion wealth which amounts to about three quaters of the wealth of the whole of planet earth, which comprises of:
land, gold, silver, Uranium and other precious commodities, energy resources such as oil, food production and distribution, London City through whuich he controls Brutain absolutely with the British Prime Ministers his personal servants whon have been described by David Ike as "Gofers for Lord Jabob Rothschild" , Washington City through which he control the USA, Vatican City through which he controls the Popea nd teh Catholic church ever since he saved the Cathloc Church from bankruptcy and allowed him to take over, The World Bank, the Bank of International Settlement which is in efeftc the one world bank controlling all other central banks. the United Nations (UN), the World Trade Organisation (WTO), intelligence organisations such as the CIA, MI5, Mosaad, every country's central banks in the world except five countries which are Iran, North Korea, Sudan, Cuba and Libya.
There are now only 5 nations on the world left without a Rothschild controlled central bank: Iran; North Korea; Sudan; Cuba; and Libya.
Lord Jacob Rothschild and his luxurious estate. Waddesdon Manor, from where he sends instructions to associates like Obama who oversee America's deconstruction. |
The Great American Novel The Film
Click here to read about the 3 billion people that the Rothschild and partners famillies such as the Royal Families of Europe, and the following family names: Astor; Bundy; Collins; duPont; Freeman; Kennedy; Morgan; Sachs, Oppenheimer; Rockefeller; Sassoon; Schiff; Taft; and Van Duyn. has mass murdered in the last 250 year and find out how they plane to mass murder a futher 3 billion people in the next century
also see the Film The Great American Novel to find out more.....
You will never view the world again the same .......
after seeing The Great American Novel
The real hidden reason for Michael Jackson's murder was because he was one of the original motivators of the making of the film the Great American Novel and took part in the making of the film The Great American Novel ...Michael Jackson actually become part of the Illuminated Inner Circle of the Secret Societies Groups and Organisations that already run the American Union, Britain, The European Union, the African Union and soon to be the Asian Union ..... who are determined to include the whole world to be under their control by the 21st December, 2012 .... however, when the actual details of the final plan that these evil criminally insane people have been working on for the last 300 years was revielled to Michael Jackson as an Illuminated Inner Circle Member, to have their "New World Order", they are calling "The Brave New World" with One Ruler, One Bank and One Army ... in a world were every man woman and child on plant earth will have a RDIF Radio Micro Chip implanted in their arm, which will control all money transactions on planet earth, hold everyone's personal details and information, track everyone's second to second movements .... with everyone needing to have their chip active to take part in any aspect of society, and that all personal rights will be removed from everyone .... and if anyone dares to complain about the way the One World Government is runs the "New World Order", they are naming, the "Brave New World" ..... they will simply turn their chip off.. Michael Jackson wanted to be involved with making the film .... The Great American Novel .... to expose the details of this evil plan to the world .... thankfully some of Michael Jackson's input was partly completed prior to Michael Jackson's Murder...which has been included in the film .... The Great American Novel ..... Michael Jackson was to complete a lot more work for the film, but he was murdered before he could complete the rest of his work and input for the film, to try and stop him doing anymore work on the film and to try and stop the film ... The Great American Novel ... being made and distributed to everyone one in the world to see ... to open their eyes as to trap they are leading everyone into... the other real frightening thing is that the same group of people who manipulated, thought of, created, financed, supervised and carried out... the murder of over 10 million Jews and lower lever Freemasons by gasing them to death with Zyclon B,( a poisen that originally was invented only to use to kill insects), in the Nazi Death Camps during the Second Wold War, are in fact the same group of people secret societies, organisations, groups and families, that are in control of these Illuminati Secret Societies that are about to create their "New World Order", they are calling "The Brave New World " by the 21st December, 2012 .. they actually used the Nazi Death Camps as a massive experient to find out the best methods of controlling people and ways to be able to convince people to walk into their own death camps, and what drugs and chemicals to use on them to seem to make them not question anything they are told and make them easy to manipulate, like the chemicals they are putting in our water supplies in recent years that make people easy to manage and just except what they are told without question... to see how far they can brain wash people and get people to willingly do what they want, that is actually unknowingly, harmful to them.. the Nazi Death Camps were places they could freely experiment on live men, women and children, like scientists and doctors use animals to carry out medical experiments, and kill their victims after the tests, all under the fraudulent and devious false public perception that, all that was happening, was that some insane dictator called Adolph Hitler, who was actually the son of one of the Rothschild Family, born out of wedlock to a live in made of one of the Rothschild Family, was killing Jewish people as an ethnic cleansing operation .. that was just a front for the real reason for the Nazi Death Camps ...which was to use live human beings for medical experiments to help formulate the methods and chemicals needed to take over the world the create their "New World Order", they are calling "The Brave New World "....
The King of Pop Michael Jackson was murdered for helping to make The Great American Novel by the Rothschild International Banking Family, who are Russian Khazars who were originally from a country called Khazaria, which occupied the land locked between the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea which is now predominantly occupied by Georgia and their International Banking and Busines Partnerand associates which also includes members of the Royal Families of Europe, and the following family names: Astor; Bundy; Collins; duPont; Freeman; Kennedy; Morgan; Sachs, Oppenheimer; Rockefeller; Sassoon; Schiff; Taft; and Van Duyn
A must see film.....there is no doubt that everyone in the world will demand that the film The Great American Novel
is shown in their town ...NYTToday
to organise The Great American Novel too be shown in your town please email
An INL News Limited Production
You will find more about
The Great American Novel at
By the end of this century, a period of time that was known as the, "Age of the Rothschilds," it is estimated that the Rothschild family controlled half the wealth of the world.
When President Obama visited Egypt, people there hailed him as the new "Tutankhaman, Pharaoh of Egypt." Amazingly, this cover ofTime was |
clearly intended to promote the same idea—one more example of Rothschild's mind-bending psychological control techniques. |
Barack Obama will go down in history as America’s first Jewish President." Abner Mikva (Jew)
Former White House Counsel, Clinton Administration (Chicago Tribune, Dec. 12, 2008)
Barack Obama won 52.9 percent of the votes in the presidential election. But that is not why he is President of the United States. He sits in the White House for one reason and one reason only: Barack Obama was Rothschild’s Choice.
Please do not leave this page until you have real every word on thgeis page and have a good look ate every photo on this page at least three times...
Editior for the George Kleck INL News Group
I was once a Freemason, a member of the Council On Foreign Relations, the Trilateral Commission and a personal friend of Nicholas Rockefeller, however when I realised the true Agenda of Lord Jabob Rothschild and his other evil criminally insane friends and associates and their family members and others who have sold their soul for money. greed, power and protection by Lord Jacob Rothschild I joined to campaign to stop him from achieving his evil plan to control Plant Earth
Editior for the George Kleck INL News Group
The Great American Novel The Film
Click here to read about the 3 billion people that the Rothschild and partners famillies such as the Royal Families of Europe, and the following family names: Astor; Bundy; Collins; duPont; Freeman; Kennedy; Morgan; Sachs, Oppenheimer; Rockefeller; Sassoon; Schiff; Taft; and Van Duyn. has mass murdered in the last 250 year and find out how they plane to mass murder a futher 3 billion people in the next century
also see the Film The Great American Novel to find out more.....
You will never view the world again the same .......
after seeing The Great American Novel
The real hidden reason for Michael Jackson's murder was because he was one of the original motivators of the making of the film the Great American Novel and took part in the making of the film The Great American Novel ...Michael Jackson actually become part of the Illuminated Inner Circle of the Secret Societies Groups and Organisations that already run the American Union, Britain, The European Union, the African Union and soon to be the Asian Union ..... who are determined to include the whole world to be under their control by the 21st December, 2012 .... however, when the actual details of the final plan that these evil criminally insane people have been working on for the last 300 years was revielled to Michael Jackson as an Illuminated Inner Circle Member, to have their "New World Order", they are calling "The Brave New World" with One Ruler, One Bank and One Army ... in a world were every man woman and child on plant earth will have a RDIF Radio Micro Chip implanted in their arm, which will control all money transactions on planet earth, hold everyone's personal details and information, track everyone's second to second movements .... with everyone needing to have their chip active to take part in any aspect of society, and that all personal rights will be removed from everyone .... and if anyone dares to complain about the way the One World Government is runs the "New World Order", they are naming, the "Brave New World" ..... they will simply turn their chip off.. Michael Jackson wanted to be involved with making the film .... The Great American Novel .... to expose the details of this evil plan to the world .... thankfully some of Michael Jackson's input was partly completed prior to Michael Jackson's Murder...which has been included in the film .... The Great American Novel ..... Michael Jackson was to complete a lot more work for the film, but he was murdered before he could complete the rest of his work and input for the film, to try and stop him doing anymore work on the film and to try and stop the film ... The Great American Novel ... being made and distributed to everyone one in the world to see ... to open their eyes as to trap they are leading everyone into... the other real frightening thing is that the same group of people who manipulated, thought of, created, financed, supervised and carried out... the murder of over 10 million Jews and lower lever Freemasons by gasing them to death with Zyclon B,( a poisen that originally was invented only to use to kill insects), in the Nazi Death Camps during the Second Wold War, are in fact the same group of people secret societies, organisations, groups and families, that are in control of these Illuminati Secret Societies that are about to create their "New World Order", they are calling "The Brave New World " by the 21st December, 2012 .. they actually used the Nazi Death Camps as a massive experient to find out the best methods of controlling people and ways to be able to convince people to walk into their own death camps, and what drugs and chemicals to use on them to seem to make them not question anything they are told and make them easy to manipulate, like the chemicals they are putting in our water supplies in recent years that make people easy to manage and just except what they are told without question... to see how far they can brain wash people and get people to willingly do what they want, that is actually unknowingly, harmful to them.. the Nazi Death Camps were places they could freely experiment on live men, women and children, like scientists and doctors use animals to carry out medical experiments, and kill their victims after the tests, all under the fraudulent and devious false public perception that, all that was happening, was that some insane dictator called Adolph Hitler, who was actually the son of one of the Rothschild Family, born out of wedlock to a live in made of one of the Rothschild Family, was killing Jewish people as an ethnic cleansing operation .. that was just a front for the real reason for the Nazi Death Camps ...which was to use live human beings for medical experiments to help formulate the methods and chemicals needed to take over the world the create their "New World Order", they are calling "The Brave New World "....
The King of Pop Michael Jackson was murdered for helping to make The Great American Novel by the Rothschild International Banking Family, who are Russian Khazars who were originally from a country called Khazaria, which occupied the land locked between the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea which is now predominantly occupied by Georgia and their International Banking and Busines Partnerand associates which also includes members of the Royal Families of Europe, and the following family names: Astor; Bundy; Collins; duPont; Freeman; Kennedy; Morgan; Sachs, Oppenheimer; Rockefeller; Sassoon; Schiff; Taft; and Van Duyn
A must see film.....there is no doubt that everyone in the world will demand that the film The Great American Novel
is shown in their town ...NYTToday
to organise The Great American Novel too be shown in your town please email
An INL News Limited Production
You will find more about
The Great American Novel at
By the end of this century, a period of time that was known as the, "Age of the Rothschilds," it is estimated that the Rothschild family controlled half the wealth of the world.
Rupert Murdochs well paid job in the master plan was to fool the world by hiding all the imporant information from everyone as he controls most of the worlds mainstream media outets owning hundreds of billion of newspapers, internet websites like MySpace , magazines, book publishing, and film companies through his multi billion dollar company News Corp financed on Rothschilds Money,,,and keep the masses entertained with page three girls and other fun stuff like the Simpsons which his partners complete their plans to enslave the world with a one world government, were everyone is micro chipped and all the food has had mosytof its nutrients and minerals removed from it as well as implanted with they pesticides and bovine growth hormones to a level large and dangerous level ,so that billions of people will die from starvation and/or disease becuase they are not getting the correct nutrients and minerals in theitr food and are being poisened with high levels of poisones pesticiesa nd bovine growth hormones and geneticlly modified food
Rupert Murdoch's last main job was to help David Cameron's Torry Party gain power in Britain through his control on the media in the UK, who has promised to sell him the BBC, as the BBC was the last truely well financed independant media out let it the world that would stand in their way in obtaining their one world government agenda.
Weishaupt soon infiltrates the Continental Order of Freemasons with this Illuminati doctrine and establishes lodges of the Grand Orient to be their secret headquarters. This was all under the orders and finance of Mayer Amschel Rothschild and the concept has spread and is followed within Masonic Lodges worldwide to the present day.
Weishaupt also recruits 2,000 paid followers including the most intelligent men in the field of arts and letters, education, science, finance,and industry. They were instructed to follow the following methods in order to control people.
Use monetary and sex bribery to obtain control of men already in high places, in the various levels of all governments and other fields of endeavour. Once influential persons had fallen for the lies, deceits, and temptations of the Illuminati they were to be held in bondage by application of political and other forms of blackmail, threats of financial ruin, public exposure, and fiscal harm, even death to themselves and loved members of their families.
2) The faculties of colleges and universities were to cultivate students possessing exceptional mental ability belonging to well-bred families with international leanings, and recommend them for special training in internationalism, or rather the notion that only a one-world government can put an end to recurring wars and strife. Such training was to be provided by granting scholarships to those selected by the Illuminati.
3) All influential people trapped into coming under the control of the Illuminati, plus the students who had been specially educated and trained, were to be used as agents and placed behind the scenes of all governments as experts and specialists. This was so they would advise the top executives to adopt policies which would in the long-run serve the secret plans of the Illuminati one-world conspiracy and bring about the destruction of the governments and religions they were elected or appointed to serve.
4) To obtain absolute-control of the press, at that time the only mass-communications media which distributed information to the public, so that all news and information could be slanted in order to make the masses believe that a one-world government is the only solution to our many and varied problems.
Anyway you would know all thisinformation is freely available in the public domain.
When it comes to what seems inevitable court action, the court looks at if the the two opposing parties come to the court with "Clean Hands", which you would be well aware being a barrister is a well establishe legal principle
These people's hands are so dirty that they are dripping with blood.
I have done my best ot hold legal and media action up as best I could because of my respecyt to you and your political party which I hope you becom leader of befor ethe elction and try and make sure thios country is kept on a decent and honest basis for the people of theis county and not fall back into the control of these powerful people a sit has been under Tony Blair who I am told will be charged with criminal offences in the international courts with others.
It seems that Gordon Brown is a lot more honest and probably doing his best in a bad situation that Tony Blair and his powerful corrupt banking freinds left the coutry in, for Gordon Brown and you to clean uo.
However, I have been trying to give you the hint that it is better for your party and the country if you take over as leader as soon as possible. There is massive world wide publiclity about to be unleased against George Bush and Tony Blair who are proven to have been criminally liable in any aeras. The problem Gordon Brown and the Labour Party has is that, Gordon Brown appears in public photos in and out of parliament to always be with Tony Blair and being his mate and supporter. It is also on public record that Gordon Brown attended a Bilderberg Group Meeting in, I think in 1991. As you woud be aware the Bilderberg meetings are seen oublicly and the main palce the New World Order plans have been developed and hatched over the last 40-60 years. I originally thought the New World Order thing was a bit over exagerated by conspiracy theorists, however having investigated it all in the last three months as part of my job for the media group and as part of my job to get to know your enemy if one has to go to court against them. However, I now realise thes epeopel are serious and have quite and evil intend against the average person whio they see as goats ot cattle, and not better than that. There are the ellite powerful mega rich people at the top and everyone aelse are just cattle in their oppinion and will be all mirico chipped acording to Nicholas Rockefeller in his now public converstation with US film maker Aaron Russo.
I attach a copy of his converatio woith Nicholas Rockefeller and David Rockefeller's statement in the ineworld governmenr program that cancels and individual country's soverignty. I must have an answer early next week fort he bank, one way or another, it they are not interested in ssortihng it out, they can just say so and thus we can get going with the court ad media battel without waisting anymore time and may the be nam win. i am sur eonc ethe writ is issue and served, the bank and their lawyers will be then wanting to settle it in a week as Barclays bank and Lloyds Insurance Group settled the insurance claim I made within one week of having the writ served on them with a nice appology from their solcitors, nwoch wa svery mush appreciated. I aqnet throuhg six months of lleter and emails and I just got fed up in the end and had to issue the writ. It llokj slike I wil have ot do the same here. Could you please give me the courtsey of emailijg me early next week to say one way or the other if the bank are going to offer to settle this matter on an amicable basis. I need to know one way or another. If not we will see every one on court and in the media. Even though it is not my call what is published about the bank and it's backerst he Rothchilds Bankig Family, who is the end are deeply involved and could tell someone to settle this without blinking. The more our people dig, the more dirt they find daily. Everyone is now shocked that none of the mainstream media has brought all this information to light in the open public domain in the mainstream media. They have all attended the Biderberg Group and the meetings of the Council On Foreign Relations and the Trilateral Commission and have know waht has been foing on all this tiem and have kept the public int he dark. The obvious reason is that real behind the scenes control and ownership and financing has all come from the most richest and most powerful people in the work the Rothschild Banking Family and they power banking and industrial and business partners. Once our people know the bank are not going to amicably settle this matter next week, then this seems to be all about to chance and the world will be a different place once it has.
I know these people are quite willing and quite capable of having me murdered if they see me causing the too much trouble, as these peple do not like being expose or challenged by anyone, but that will not help them as there are thousands of others that will continue on when I am gone. After all they have sen ecnomoc hit men to countries to speak to prime minizsters ot say do as they ask or they will be killed and they have been killed in many insatnces.
They think of human life as nothing after all they murdered millions of Jews and Freemasons in Nazi Germany and the main person Fritz ter Meer who was reposncible for supplying and make the he gas chambers Zyklon B, they produced the steel for the death camps and the rail road line, they produced the munitions, they produced chemicals etc being the senior manager at IB Farben, was convicted of crimes against Humanity on the basis of mass murder, slavery and other crimes on 29th July, 1948. The Nuremberg Tribunal disolved IG Farben into companies such as into BASF - Hoechst - Bayer They produced pharmaceuticals.. a big big pharacuticals company. So the president of IG Farben Fritz ter Meer, the senior manager at IB Farben, was convicted of crimes against Humanity on the basis of mass murder, slavery and other crimes on 29th July, 1948. Although he co-operated with SS and the Final Solution, Fritz ter Meer was sentenced to 7 years only in War Criminal Prison, but only served about three year in prison and was release on good behavior after about three eyats and made head of Beyer till he retired in 1961 to quietly work on the Codex Alimentarius Commisison Scam.
I look forward to hearing from you early next week
The people behind the new world order are the same people behind and that own all the mainstream media and you are not told what you not supposed to know and what they do not want you to know. The North American Union is the same concept as the European Union, as is the African Union and the proposed Asian Union. The same people are behind all of them. When the time is right the North American Union, the European Union, the African Union, and the Asian Union will be merged together forming the final stages of a plan that these men in these secret societies and secret organisations with secret agenda's have been working on the for the last 6o years. " A One World Government"
We shall have world government whether or not we like it, the only question is whether world government will be achieved by conquest or consent". .... Paul Warberg...Council On Foreign Relations..The Architect of the USA Federal Reserve System that has been adopted in various forms and names and put in place in most of the major countries around the world including the USA, Britain, Australia, New Zealand, Canada etc.
"We are greatful to the Washington Post, the New York Times, Time Magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our Builderberg, Council On Foreign Relations and Trilateral Commission meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost 40 years. It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subjected to the lights of publicity during those years, but, the world is more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government that supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national auot-determination praticed in past centuries..." David Rockefeller....Council On Foreign Relations, Builderberg Group and the Trilateral Commission.
Commentator: "If we have learned anything from history, power corrupts, absolute power corruots absolutely"......Lord Acton..English Historian 1834 - 1902
These people are determined to have One Bank..One Army and One Central Power.
You have here a photo of Aaron Russo a film maker and a politician, to his left is Nicholas Rockefeller of the infamous Rockefeller Banking and business dynasty after making a close friendship with Nicholas Rockefeller. Arron Russo ended the relationship after being appauled about what he had learned from Nicholas Rockefeller about their group's plans and ambishions.
Aaron Russo: " I got a call one day from Terry, a woman I knew and she said, 'would you like ot meet one of the Rockefellers'. I said, I'd love to and we (Nicholas Rockefeller) and I became good friends...and he (Nicholas Rockefeller) began to divolge a lot of things to me"
Nicholas Rockefeller 11 months before 9th September, 2001: " There's going to be an event Aaron, you are going to see, after that we are going to go into Afghanistan, so we can run oil pipelines from the Caspian Sea .... we are going into Iraq to take their oil .... and try and establish a base in the Middle East and we are going into Venesula to try and get rid of Medes.....you are going to see guys going into caves looking for people that they are never going to find ...."
Aaron Russo: " He's (Nicholas Rockefeller)... laughing about the fact you have a war on terrorism .... when there's no real enemy ... he's (Nicholas Rockefeller) talking about..
Nicholas Rockefeller: " By having this war on Terror you can never win it.. it is an internal war...so you can keep taking peoples liberties away..."
Aaron Russo: " I said howa re you going to convince people that this war in terror is real?"
Nicholas Rockefeller: " By the media....the media is going to convince people it's real ...I mean
if you keep talking about thes ethings and keep saying it over and over again in the media...eventually everybody will beleive it..."
Aaron Russo: You greated the Federal Reserve in 1913 through lies...
You created 9/11 which was another lie ... Then thorough 9/11 you are fighting a war on terror...another lie...
then you also got into Iraq which was based on another lie and now your going to do Iran and it all one thing ot another...
What are you doing this for? You have all the money in the world you could ever want..you have all the power ..
you are hurting people ..it's not a good thing...and he said Nicholas Rockefeller: "Why do you care about the people for?
Take care of your family..." Aaron Russo: I said, what is the ultimate goal here?
Nicholas Rockefeller: " The ultimate goal is to get everybody in this world chipped with a FRID Chip....and have all the money on these chips...and everything will be on these chips and anyone who wants to protest what we do or violate what we want we just turn off their chip..."
" if you join with us...I will make sure you get a special code on your and your familly's chips so the authorities will not track you and leave you alone..."
Commentator: "If we have learned anything from history, power corrupts, absolute power corruots absolutely"......Lord Acton..English Historian 1834 - 1902
These people are determined to have One Bank..One Army and One Central Power.
Commentator: That's right micro chipped... in 2005 congress under the pretence of immigration control and the so called war on terrorism past the Real ID Act under which it is projected by May 2008 you will be required to carry around a personal ID which includes on it a scanable bar code with all you personal information. However this barcade is only an intermediatory step before the card is equiped with an RFID tracking module which will use radio frequencies to track your every move on the planet earth. If this sounds foreign to you please not that the RFID tracking chip is already in new American passports and the final step is the implimented chip. People have already been manipulated into accepting these chips being implanted into them
The people behind the new world order are the same people behind and that own all the mainstream media and you are not told what you not supposed to know and what they do not want you to know. The North American Union is the same concept as the European Union, as is the African Union ans the proposed Asian Union. The same people are behind all of them. When the time is right the North American Union, the European Union, the African Union, and the Asian Union will be merged together forming the final stages of a plan that these men in these secret societies and secret organisations with secret agenda's have been working on the for the last 6o years.
" A One World Government"
We shall have world government whether or not we like it, the only question is whether world government will be achieved by conquest or consent". .... Paul Warberg...Council On Foreign Relations..The Architect of the USA Federal Reserve System that has been adopted in various forms and names and put in place in most of the major countries around the world including the USA, Britain, Australia, New Zealand, Canada etc.
"We are greatful to the Washington Post, the New York Times, Time Magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our Builderberg, Council On Foreign Relations and Trilateral Commission meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost 40 years. It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subjected to the lights of publicity during those years, but, the world is more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government that supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national auot-determination praticed in past centuries..." David Rockefeller....Council On Foreign Relations, Builderberg Group and the Trilateral Commission.
Commentator: "If we have learned anything from history, power corrupts, absolute power corruots absolutely"......Lord Acton..English Historian 1834 - 1902
These people are determined to have One Bank..One Army and One Central Power.
Commentator: That's right micro chipped... in 2005 congress under the pretence of immigration control and the so called war on terrorism past the Real ID Act under which it is projected by May 2008 you will be required to carry around a personal ID which includes on it a scanable bar code with all you personal information. However this barcade is only an intermediatory step before the card is equiped with an RFID tracking module which will use radio frequencies to track your every move on the planet earth. If this sounds foreign to you please not that the RFID tracking chip is already in new American passports and the final step is the implimented chip. People have already been manipulated into accepting these chips being implanted into them under different pretences. We have a Florida family who are realy pioneers of "a brave new world" (as the reporter now calls it) they have been the first ever to have mircro chips identification devices implanted into their bodies.
Leslie Jacobs explained: " After 9/11 I was really concerned with the securitty if my familly so I had them all micro chipped. Another olderman John Williams said: I wouldn.t mind having something implanted in my arm that would identify me. In the end everyperson will be locked into a onitired control card were every single action you perform is documented and if you get out of line they can just trun off your chip at that point in time..and every singke transactiona nd movement in society will revolve around these chips and nting can be done without them being turned on.
The chip is less than quarter on an inch long.
Rupert Murdochs well paid job in the master plan was to fool the world by hiding all the imporant information from everyone as he controls most of the worlds mainstream media outets owning hundreds of billion of newspapers, internet websites like MySpace , magazines, book publishing, and film companies through his multi billion dollar company News Corp financed on Rothschilds Money,,,and keep the masses entertained with page three girls and other fun stuff like the Simpsons which his partners complete their plans to enslave the world with a one world government, were everyone is micro chipped and all the food has had mosytof its nutrients and minerals removed from it as well as implanted with they pesticides and bovine growth hormones to a level large and dangerous level ,so that billions of people will die from starvation and/or disease becuase they are not getting the correct nutrients and minerals in theitr food and are being poisened with high levels of poisones pesticiesa nd bovine growth hormones and geneticlly modified food
Rupert Murdoch's last main job was to help David Cameron's Torry Party gain power in Britain through his control on the media in the UK, who has promised to sell him the BBC, as the BBC was the last truely well financed independant media out let it the world that would stand in their way in obtaining their one world government agenda.
"David Rosen"<david.rosen@inlnews.com | Sun, Jan 24, 2010 at 3:34 PM | |
To: "DARLING, Alistair" <darlinga@parliament.uk> Cc: "BLAIR, Isobel" <BLAIRIF@parliament.uk>
Bcc: "David Rosen"<david.rosen@inlnews.com
Institutions | IG Farben, Bayer, Codex Alimentarius |
Fritz ter Meer ( July 4 1884 – October 27 1967 ) was a German chemist.
He was the son of Edmund ter Meer the founder of a chemical company that later became part of Bayer. Fritz ter Meer also worked for Bayer and later IG Farben. He was involved in the planning of Monowitz concentration camp, a satellite camp of KZ Auschwitz. He was sentenced to seven years prison by the Nuremberg Trials in 1948. After he was released in 1951 he became supervisory board chairman (Aufsichtsratsvorsitzender) of the Bayer AG. He retired in 1961.
Fritz ter Meer | |
![]() Fritz ter Meer
Born | June 4, 1884 Uerdingen, Germany |
Died | October 27, 1967 (aged 83) Leverkusen, Germany |
Nationality | German |
Institutions | IG Farben, Bayer, Codex Alimentarius |
Fritz ter Meer ( July 4 1884 – October 27 1967 ) was a German chemist.
He was the son of Edmund ter Meer the founder of a chemical company that later became part of Bayer. Fritz ter Meer also worked for Bayer and later IG Farben. He was involved in the planning of Monowitz concentration camp, a satellite camp of KZ Auschwitz. He was sentenced to seven years prison by the Nuremberg Trials in 1948. After he was released in 1951 he became supervisory board chairman (Aufsichtsratsvorsitzender) of the Bayer AG. He retired in 1961.
Edmund ter Meer ( 1852 – November 5, 1931) was a German chemist who discovered the ter Meer reaction and founded in 1877 the ter Meer dye company in Uerdingen. After the fusion with the aniline factory of Julius Weiler the Weiler-ter Meer company was formed. This company later became part of the Bayer company. His son Fritz ter Meer also became a chemist associated to the Bayer company.
Edmund ter Meer | |
Born | 1852 |
Died | November 5, 1931 (aged 79) |
Nationality | German |
Institutions | Bayer |
Known for | ter Meer reaction |
Institutions | IG Farben, Bayer, Codex Alimentarius |
Fritz ter Meer ( July 4 1884 – October 27 1967 ) was a German chemist.
He was the son of Edmund ter Meer the founder of a chemical company that later became part of Bayer. Fritz ter Meer also worked for Bayer and later IG Farben. He was involved in the planning of Monowitz concentration camp, a satellite camp of KZ Auschwitz. He was sentenced to seven years prison by the Nuremberg Trials in 1948. After he was released in 1951 he became supervisory board chairman (Aufsichtsratsvorsitzender) of the Bayer AG. He retired in 1961.
Fritz ter Meer | |
![]() Fritz ter Meer
Born | June 4, 1884 Uerdingen, Germany |
Died | October 27, 1967 (aged 83) Leverkusen, Germany |
Nationality | German |
Institutions | IG Farben, Bayer, Codex Alimentarius |
Fritz ter Meer ( July 4 1884 – October 27 1967 ) was a German chemist.
He was the son of Edmund ter Meer the founder of a chemical company that later became part of Bayer. Fritz ter Meer also worked for Bayer and later IG Farben. He was involved in the planning of Monowitz concentration camp, a satellite camp of KZ Auschwitz. He was sentenced to seven years prison by the Nuremberg Trials in 1948. After he was released in 1951 he became supervisory board chairman (Aufsichtsratsvorsitzender) of the Bayer AG. He retired in 1961.
Edmund ter Meer ( 1852 – November 5, 1931) was a German chemist who discovered the ter Meer reaction and founded in 1877 the ter Meer dye company in Uerdingen. After the fusion with the aniline factory of Julius Weiler the Weiler-ter Meer company was formed. This company later became part of the Bayer company. His son Fritz ter Meer also became a chemist associated to the Bayer company.
Edmund ter Meer | |
Born | 1852 |
Died | November 5, 1931 (aged 79) |
Nationality | German |
Institutions | Bayer |
Known for | ter Meer reaction |
Codex Alimentarius is scheduled for full global implementation on December 31st, 2009, and not a word has been spoken in main stream media about this threat to humanity.
The principle of self medication with herbal/vitamin/mineral food supplements would be restricted to ‘prescription only’ status, if the Codex Alimentarius is applied in the UK and elsewhere, particularly the USA.
(UK only) Since the NHS priorities are ill health diagnosis and treatment, the good health preservation that supplements provide will be inaccessible to the majority of our population and the cost to the NHS will increase.
According to the projections based on figures from the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), a minimum of 3 billion people will die from the Codex mandated vitamin and mineral guidelines alone.
Deadline to sign the petition = 5th September 2009
Codex in Depth: http://www.healthfreedomusa.
1) Started in 1962 by UN, Imposed by WTO Sanctions
Codex Alimentarius was created in 1962 as a trade Commission by the UN to control the international trade of food. Its initial intentions may have been altruistic but it has been taken over by corporate interests, most notably the pharmaceutical, pesticide, biotechnology and chemical industries.
Codex Alimentarius is backed up by the crippling trade sanctions of the World Trade Organization (WTO). Any non Codex-compliant nation would face huge economic punishment since they would automatically lose in any food-trade dispute with a Codex compliant country.
2) “Nutrients are Toxins” Is Junk Science
Codex Alimentarius Commission (CAC) has two committees which impact nutrition.
One of them, the “Codex Committee on Nutrition and Foods for Special Dietary Uses” (CCNFSDU), is chaired by Dr. Rolf Grossklaus, a physician who believes that nutrition has no role in health. This is the “top-guy” for Codex nutritional policy, and he has stated that “nutrition is not relevant to health”.
As unbelievable as it may sound, Dr. Grossklaus actually declared nutrients to be toxins in 1994 and instituted the use of toxicology (Risk Assessment) to prevent nutrients from having any impact on humans who take supplements! It is worth mentioning that Dr. Grossklaus happens to own the Risk Assessment company advising CCNFSDU and Codex on this issue. This company makes money when its toxicology services are used for the “assessment” of nutrients. Here in the U.S. we call that a “conflict of interest”.
Codex is made up of thousands of standards and guidelines. One of them, the Vitamin and Mineral Guideline (VMG), is designed to permit only ultra low doses of vitamins and minerals (and make clinically effective nutrients illegal). How can the VMG restrict dosages of vitamins and minerals? By using Risk Assessment (toxicology) to assess nutrients.
While Risk Assessment is a legitimate science (it is a branch of toxicology), it is the wrong science for assessing nutrients! In fact, in this context, it is actually junk science. Biochemistry, the science of life processes, is the correct science for assessing nutrients. Codex Alimentarius treats nutrients as toxins, which is literally insane.
Nutrients are not toxins – they are essential for life.
No matter what Codex Alimentarius officials say to convince you that Risk Assessment is a “science-based” approach to nutrients, it is not.
And it is worth repeating that Dr. Grossklaus, the head of Codex Alimentarius, owns the Risk Assessment company advising CCNFSDU and Codex on the “benefit” of using Risk Assessment to assess nutrients.
3) Not Consumer Protection – That’s Propaganda
Contrary to the propaganda, Codex Alimentarius has nothing to do with consumer protection. Nothing! Codex is about the economic ambitions of multi-national corporations, in particular, the pharmaceutical industry.
Using their multi billion-dollar marketing budgets, these industries have launched a massive media propaganda campaign to paint Codex Alimentarius as a benevolent tool of “consumer protection”, as well as to negatively taint the image of natural health options and mislead people to fear them as “dangerous”, so they will take drugs (which really are dangerous). Natural health products and options have an amazing safety record and are remarkably effective, especially when compared to pharmaceutical drugs.
Unfortunately, one-time defenders of health freedom such as National Nutritional Foods Association (NNFA) and Council for Responsible Nutrition (CRN) have joined the propaganda bandwagon and are spreading false information saying that Codex Alimentarius is either “harmless” or benevolent “consumer protection”. Neither is true.
The membership of these one-time defenders of health freedom has become permeated by people from the pharmaceutical industry (for example, CRN counts as its members corporations such as Monsanto® and Bayer®).
4) Codex: Serious Threat to Health and Health Freedom
If Codex Alimentarius is implemented in the United States of America, therapeutic dosages of vitamins and minerals (and all other nutrients soon to follow) will become unavailable because they will literally become illegal.
Here’s how it would work, in a nut-shell:
Due to the junk science use of Risk Assessment (toxicology) to assess supposedly toxic nutrients, a false belief is being engineered saying that “nutritional supplements are dangerous to people’s health”.
Using this false belief generates calls to “protect” people from these “toxic” nutrients. After the calls come the bills to set ultra low permissible dosages (remember, nutrients are deemed “dangerous toxins” under this false belief). If enough of us and our Congressional delegates buy this nonsense, we and Congress would blindly comply with Codex Alimentarius’ VMG. And blind compliance is what the industries behind Codex Alimentarius intend.
Blind compliance goes hand-in-hand with lack of activism. This lack of activism allows our protective laws, classifying nutrients as foods with no upper limits (such as DSHEA), to be easily repealed and replaced with draconian laws to classify nutrients as toxins. And “harmonization” with the pro-illness, pro-pharmaceutical industry Vitamin and Mineral Guideline is there to fill the void.
Only intentionally ineffective, ultra low dose supplements would be legal, with or without a prescription, on the VMG list. If enough people do not take action, we can expect to watch nutritional supplement manufacturers and, thus health food stores, to go out of business, in a domino effect. The only player left standing would be Big Pharma.
Therapeutic grade vitamins, minerals, and amino acids would be eliminated from the marketplace (although a few low-dose supplements would be allowed by Codex, as a symbolic measure to avoid suspicion about their ulterior motive).
Natural health professionals would lose the tools of their trade (nutritional supplements) and health conscious people would be unable to choose natural health options for health promotion and disease treatment.
And that is, in a nutshell, how Codex Alimentarius is poised to make Natural and Nutritional Medicine (NNM) disappear from the legal health world and go underground. Who benefits? Big Pharma.
It would take a few years for the above scenarios to be feasible (Codex Alimentarius is meant to go into full global effect by 2010). The slower the process takes, the less alarmed people will be. That’s probably the logic of the architects of Codex Alimentarius.
5) Serves Economic Interests of Sickness Industries Through WTO and Napoleonic Code
More and more people are turning to natural health products globally. The “wellness” trend is a major trend in today’s society. The more natural health products people use, the fewer drugs they buy. The pharmaceutical industry, which is part of the “Sickness Industry”, fears the inevitable shift toward natural health care.
Instead of accepting the will of the people and rethinking the future of the pharmaceutical industry, the industry has decided upon an unethical course of action: the use of deception and deceit to eliminate natural health products completely.
Codex Alimentarius is a shrewd vehicle for protecting the pharmaceutical industry from the loss of income it stands to suffer due to the inevitable growth of natural healthcare.
Codex Alimentarius is the resistance of the dinosaurs to inevitability: the burgeoning desire of humanity for a healthier, saner, and more sustainable way of life.
The World Trade Organization (WTO) intends to force Codex Alimentarius upon the nations of the world, including the U.S. This would be done under the threat of massive economic sanctions if WTO-countries do not comply with Codex Alimentarius.
Furthermore, Codex is based in the Napoleonic Code, not Common Law. That means that under Codex Alimentarius, anything not explicitly permitted is forbidden. Under Common Law, we hold that anything not explicitly forbidden is permitted. The difference is the difference between health freedom and health tyranny. Codex Alimentarius would be able to ban supplements by default.
6) DSHEA Protects America From Codex Alimentarius
The Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act (DSHEA, 1994), an American law classifying our supplements and herbs as foods (which can have no upper limit set on their use), was passed by unanimous Congressional consent following massive grass-roots support organized by health food stores. Millions of American activists told Congress, in no uncertain terms:
“Protect nutritional supplements as foods or we will remove you from office”.
Congress listened and carried out the will of the people.
DSHEA appropriately classifies nutritional supplements as foods which can have no upper limits set on their use. DSHEA recognizes that people use nutrients safely to deal with their individually differing needs for nutrients. The concept of biochemical individuality means that people have different needs for nutrients at different times. Are nutrients toxins? No, they are not toxins. They are substances essential to prevent, treat and cure any chronic condition, in differing doses at different times in different people.
DSHEA protects the US from Codex Alimentarius’ deadly Vitamin and Mineral Guideline. We must reach our Congressional members, educate them about the facts on Codex Alimentarius and direct them to vote against anything that would threaten DSHEA.
Congress holds the keys to our health freedom. And it is their job to listen to us. Let’s not allow cynicism to tell us otherwise. We did it for DSHEA in 1994. We can do it again this year.
7) Your Action is Needed Now!
DSHEA is under significant legislative attack right now. Your letter-writing is crucial: if the members of Congress know that voting against health freedom means losing their jobs come election time, they will listen. Our job is to make sure they get the message loud and clear. Take action via our 3 easy steps and send personalized emails to Congress right now.
After taking action on HealthFreedomUSA.org, consider getting together with others in your area and visit your Congressional members in their home offices. If we wait, we lose our health freedoms. Once we “HARMonize” with Codex, by the way, we no longer have the right, while we belong to the WTO, to repeal or change that “HARMonization”!
The objective of the pro-Codex Alimentarius multi nationals is to “boil the frog slowly” so that we do not wake up to it in time to avoid Codex.
Once we have “HARMonize” to Codex Alimentarius, as long as we are in the WTO, we cannot amend or change what we’ve been “HARMonize” to.
Codex Alimentarius will go into global implementation by December 31, 2009, unless We, the People, avert it. We must act now because right now, with $758 Million spent on declared Congressional lobbying by Big Pharma last year, there are members of Congress who are trying to overturn DSHEA and allow Pharma-friendly free reign for Codex. If protective laws like DSHEA are destroyed, the sanctioning power of the autocratic WTO kicks in, and it will be impossible to get out from under Codex Alimentarius. We can protect our access to high potency nutrients and stave off an adulterated food supply only by putting pressure on Congress.
If you would like to take action to try and stop Codex Alimentarius <please click here (USA)>, If you would like more in-depth information about Codex Alimentarius <please click here>
If you would like to take action to try and stop Codex Alimentarius you can sign a petition to Gordon Brown <please click here (UK)> ~ http://petitions.number10.gov.
If you would like more in-depth information about Codex Alimentarius <please click here>
Stop Codex Alimentarius and Protect Health Freedom!
Unless stated otherwise everything in this note is © 2009 by Natural Solutions Foundation
The Natural Solutions Foundation is a non-profit organization founded to protect and promote health freedom in the USA.
Outide links are not covered by this © (rights of content creators respected).
The Codex Alimentarius officially covers all foods, whether processed, semi-processed or raw, but far more attention has been given to foods that are marketed directly to consumers. In addition to standards for specific foods, the Codex Alimentarius contains general standards covering matters such as food labeling, food hygiene, food additives and pesticideresidue
The Codex Alimentarius is published in Arabic, Chinese, English, F
The controversy over the Codex Alimentarius relates to a perception that it is a mandatory standard for food - including vitamin and mineral supplement - safety. Supporters of the Codex Alimentarius say that it is a voluntary reference standard for food and that there is no obligation on countries to adopt Codex standards as a member of either Codex or any other international trade organization. From the point of view of its opponents, however, one of the main causes of concern is that the Codex Alimentarius is recognized by the World Trade Organization as an international reference standard for the resolution of disputes concerning food safety and consumer protection.[2][3] Proponents argue that the use of Codex Alimentarius during international disputes does not exclude the use of other references or scientific studies as evidence of food safety and consumer protection.
It is reported that in 1996 the German delegation put forward a proposal that no herb, vitamin or mineral should be sold for preventive or therapeutic reasons, and that supplements should be reclassified as drugs.[4] The proposal was agreed, but protests halted its implementation.[4] The 28th Session of the Codex Alimentarius Commission was subsequently held July 4 - July 9, 2005.[5] Among the many issues discussed were the "Guidelines for Vitamin and Mineral Food Supplements"[6], which were adopted during the meeting as new global safety guidelines.[7] This text has been the subject of considerable controversy, in part because many member countries may choose to regulate dietary supplements as therapeutic goods or pharmaceuticals or by some other category. The text does not seek to ban supplements, but subjects them to labeling and packaging requirements, sets criteria for the setting of maximum and minimum dosage levels, and requires that safety and efficacy are considered when determining ingredient sources. The United Nations' Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and World Health Organization (WHO) have stated that the guidelines are "to stop consumers overdosing on vitamin and mineral food supplements." The Codex Alimentarius Commission (CAC) has said that the guidelines call "for labelling that contains information on maximum consumption levels of vitamin and mineral food supplements." The WHO has also said that the Guidelines "ensure that consumers receive beneficial health effects from vitamins and minerals." [8]
Similarities have been noted between the EU's Food Supplements Directive and the Codex Alimentarius Guidelines for Vitamin and Mineral Supplements.[9]
Texas Republican Rep. Ron Paul has said that the Central American Free Trade Agreement "increases the possibility that Codex regulations will be imposed on the American public." [10]
Additional controversy has been expressed by proponents of ecologically and socially sustainable agriculture and food systems, such as the Slow Food movement[11], who view the Codex Alimentarius as antithetical to this goal. According to the Manifesto on the Future of Food, the Codex Alimentarius has "codified policies designed to serve the interest of global agribusiness above all others, while actively undermining the rights of farmers and consumers".[12]
The Holocaust (from Greek ????a?st?? [holókaustos]
Some scholars maintain that the definition of the Holocaust should also include the Nazis' systematic murder of millions of people in other groups, including ethnic Poles, Romani, Soviet civilians, Soviet prisoners of war,people with disabilities, homosexuals, Jeh
The persecution and genocide were carried out in stages. Legislation to remove the Jews from civil society was enacted years before the outbreak of World War II. Concentration camps were established in which inmates were used as slave labor until they died of exhaustion or disease. Where the Third Reichconquered new territory in eastern Europe, specialized units called Einsatzgruppen murdered Jews and political opponents in mass shootings. Jews and Romani were confined in overcrowded ghettos before being transported by freight train toextermination camps where, if they survived the journey, the majority of them were killed in gas chambers. Every arm ofNazi Germany's bureaucracy was involved in the logistics of the mass murder, turning the country into what one Holocaust scholar has called "a genocidal state".[6]
The term holocaust originally derived from the Greek word holókauston, meaning a " whole (holos) burnt (kaustos)" sacrificial offering to a god.[7] Its Latin form (holocaustum) was first used with specific reference to a massacre of Jews by the chroniclers Roger of Howden[8] and Richard of Devizes in the 1190s. For hundreds of years, the word holocaust was used in English to denote massive sacrifices and great slaughters or massacres. During World War II, the word was used to describe Nazi atrocities regardless of whether the victims were Jews or non-Jews. Since the 1960s, the term has come to be used by scholars and popular writers to refer exclusively to the genocide of Jews.[3]
The term entered common parlance after 1978, the year that the popular Holocaust (TV miniseries) was broadcast on the American NBC television network. With a cast of dozens, including a young Meryl Streep, this miniseries was sometimes accused of "trivializing" the concentration camps. However, the series proved that the subject matter could have popular appeal, as well as providing a convenient and enduring term.[9]
The biblical word Shoah (????) (also spelled Sho'ah and Shoa), meaning "calamity," became the standard Hebrew term for the Holocaust as early as the 1940s.[10] Shoah is preferred by many Jews for a number of reasons, including thetheologically offensive nature of the word holocaust, as a Greek pagan custom.[11]
The word holocaust has been used since the 18th century to refer to the violent deaths of a large number of people.[12] For example, Winston Churchill and other contemporaneous writers used it before World War II to describe the Armenian Genocide of World War I.[13] Since the 1950s its use has increasingly been restricted, with its usage now mainly used as a proper noun to describe the Holocaust perpetrated by Nazi Germany.
Holocaust was adopted as a translation of Shoah—a Hebrew word connoting catastrophe, calamity, disaster, and destruction[14]—which was used in 1940 in Jerusalem in a booklet called Sho'at Yehudei Polin, and translated as The Holocaust of the Jews of Poland. Shoah had earlier been used in the context of the Nazis as a translation of catastrophe. For example, in 1934, when Chaim Weizmann told the Zionist Action Committee that Hitler's rise to power was an "unvorhergesehene Katastrophe, etwa ein neuer Weltkrieg" ("an unforeseen catastrophe, comparable to another world war"), the Hebrew press translated Katastrophe as Shoa
The usual German term for the extermination of the Jews during the Nazi period was the euphemistic phrase Endlösung der Judenfrage (the "Final Solution of the Jewish Question"). In both English and German, "Final Solution" is widely used as an alternative to "Holocaust".[18] For a time after World War II, German historians also used the term Völkermord("genocide"), or in full, der Völkermord an den Juden ("the genocide of the Jewish people"), while the prevalent term in Germany today is either Holocaust or increasingly Shoah.
While the terms "Shoah" and "Final Solution" always refer to the fate of the Jews during the Nazi rule, the term"Holocaust" is sometimes used in a wider sense to describe other genocides of the Nazi and other regimes.
The Columbia Encyclopedia defines "Holocaus
Scholars are divided on whether the term Holocaust should be applied to all victims of the Nazi mass murder campaign, with some using it synonymously with "Shoah" or "Final Solution of the Jewish Question", and others including the killing of Romani peoples (Roma and Sinti), Pole
Yehuda Bauer contends that the Holocaust should include only Jews because it was the intent of the Nazis to exterminate all Jews, while the other groups were not to be totally annihilated.[23] Besides Bauer,[24] scholars Xu Xin,[25] Ben Kiernan,[26] Edward Kissi,[27] Simone Veil,[28] Monika Richarz,[29] and Francis Deng[30] refer solely to the destruction of the European Jewry when using the term "Holocaust".
Inclusion of non-Jewish victims of the Nazis in the Holocaust is objected to by many persons including Elie Wiesel, and by organizations such as Yad Vashem established to commemorate the victims of the Holocaust.[31] They say that the word was originally meant to describe the extermination of the Jews, and that the Jewish Holocaust was a crime on such a scale, and of such totality and specificity, as the culmination of the long history of European antisemitism, that it should not be subsumed into a general category with the other crimes of the Nazis.[31]
Michael Burleigh and Wolfgang Wippermann maintain that although all Jews were victims, the Holocaust transcended the confines of the Jewish community - other people shared the tragic fate of victimhood.[32] László Teleki applies the term"Holocaust" to both the murder of Jews and Romani peoples by the Nazis.[33] In The Columbia Guide to the Holocaust, Donald Niewyk and Francis Nicosia use the term to include Jews, Gypsies and the disabled.[34]
Sometimes, the term "Holocaust" is used to describe events that have no connection with Europe or World War II. According to David Stannard, the "American Holocaust" involved killing of an estimated 50-100 million aboriginal people, and continues on a smaller scale throughout the Americas. [35]From a Chinese perspective, the Japanese occupation of parts of China from 1931 to 1945 which occasioned the killings of 30 million Chinese, has been called a "Super Holocaust". [36] The "Rwandan
Michael Berenbaum writes that Germany became a "genocidal state."[6]Every arm of the country's sophisticated bureaucracy was involved in the killing process. Parish churches and the Interior Ministry supplied birth records showing who was Jewish; the Post Office delivered the deportationand denaturaliz
Saul Friedländer writes that: "Not one social group, not one religious community, not one scholarly institution or professional association in Germany and throughout Europe declared its solidarity with the Jews."[39] He writes that some Christian churches declared that converted Jews should be regarded as part of the flock, but even then only up to a point.
Friedländer argues that this makes the Holocaust distinctive because antisemitic policies were able to unfold without the interference of countervailing forces of the kind normally found in advanced societies, such as industry, small businesses, churches, and other vested interests and lobby groups.[39]
In other genocides, pragmatic considerations such as control of territory and resources were central to the genocide policy. Yehuda Bauer argues that:
The basic motivation [of the Holocaust] was purely ideological, rooted in an illusionary world of Nazi imagination, where an international Jewish conspiracy to control the world was opposed to a parallel Aryan quest. No genocide to date had been based so completely on myths, on hallucinations, on abstract, nonpragmatic ideology – which was then executed by very rational, pragmatic means."[40]
Responding to the German philosopher Ernst Nolte who claimed that the Holocaust was not unique, the German historianEberhard Jäckel wrote in 1986 that the Holocaust was unique because:
"the National Socialist killing of the Jews was unique in that never before had a state with the authority of its responsible leader decided and announced that a specific human group, including its aged, its women and its children and infants, would be killed as quickly as possible, and then carried through this resolution using every possible means of state power".[41]
The slaughter was systematically conducted in virtually all areas of Nazi-occupied territory in what are now 35 separate European countries.[42] It was at its worst in Central and Eastern Europe, which had more than seven million Jews in 1939. About five million Jews were killed there, including three million in occupied Poland and over one million in the Soviet Union. Hundreds of thousands also died in the Netherlands, France, Belgium, Yugoslavia and Greece. The Wannsee Protocol makes clear that the Nazis also intended to carry out their "final solution of the Jewish question" in England and Ireland.[43]
Anyone with three or four Jewish grandparents was to be exterminated without exception. In other genocides, people were able to escape death by converting to another religion or in some other way assimilating. This option was not available to the Jews of occupied Europe,[44] unless their grandparents had converted prior to January 18, 1871. All persons of recent Jewish ancestry were to be exterminated in lands controlled by Germany.[45]
Zyklon B (German pronunciation: [tsyklo?n 'be?]; also spelled Cyclon B or Cyclone B) was the trade name of a cyanide-based pesticide infa
It consisted of hydrogen cyanide (prussic acid, Blausäure in German, hence B[1]), astabilizer, and a warning odorant that was impregnated onto various substrates, typically small absorbent pellets, fibre discs, or diatomaceous earth. Zyklon B was stored in airtight containers; when exposed to air, the material released gaseoushydrogen cyanide (HCN).
Zyklon B was originally developed during the 1920s as an insecticide by Dr. Walter Heerdt, at the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for Physical Chemistry and Elektrochemistry atBerlin-Dahl
In early 1942, Zyklon B had been selected by the Nazi Regime as the preferred extermination tool for both the Auschwitz-Birkenau and Maj
Zyklon B was manufactured by the German companies Degesch (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Schädlingsbekämpfung mbH, or German Corporation for Pest Control) and Testa (Tesch und Stabenow, Internationale Gesellschaft für Schädlingsbekämpfung m.b.H.), under license from patentholder IG Farben. The Nazis ordered Degesch to produce Zyklon B without the warning odorant, in breach of German law. After the war, two directors of Testa were tried by a British military court and were executed for their part in supplying the chemical.[2]
Degesch played a key role in the manufacturing of Zyklon B in World War II. Many German companies had stock in Degesch, but all eventually sold their shares to the chemical giant Degussa (now known as Evonik) in the early 1920s. Degussa developed the process to manufacture Zyklon B in "crystals" (actually silica gel absorbent chunks), as it was used during World War II. To raise capital, Degussa split its controlling interest of Degesch with IG Farben in 1930: both companies held a 42.5% share in Degesch, with the remaining 15% held by the Th. Goldschmidt AG ofEssen.[citation needed]
Degesch's role at this point was limited to acquiring patents and intellec
Upon production, Zyklon B was sold by Degesch to Degussa. To cut costs, Degussa sold the marketing rights of Zyklon B to two intermediaries: the Heerdt and Linger GmbH (Heli) and Tesch and Stabenow (Tesch und Stabenow, Internationale Gesellschaft für Schädlingsbekämpfung m.b.H., or Testa) of Hamburg. Both suppliers split their territory along the Elberiver, with Heli handling the clients to the west and Testa doing the same in the east.[citation needed]
Zyklon B is still in production in the Czech Republic in the factory Draslovka Kolín a.s. in the city Kolín under thetradename Uragan D2, sold for eradicating insects and small animals. [3][4]
Zyklon B Use on Humans
From 1929 onwards the U.S. used Zyklon B to disinfect the freight trains and clothes of Mexican immigrants entering the US.[5] Farm Securities Administration photographer Marion Post Wolcott recorded the use of cyanide gas and Zyklon B by the Public Health Service at the New Orleans Quarantine Station during the 1930s.[6]
Zyklon B was used by Nazi Germany to poison prisoners in the gas chambers of their network of extermination campsthroughout Europe. Zyklon B was used at Auschwitz Birkenau, Majdanek, Sachsenhau
Zyklon B was used in the concentration camps initially for delousing to control typhus. The chemical used in the gas chambers was deliberately made without the warning odorant.[7]
In January or February 1940, 250 Gypsy children from Brno in the Buchenwald concentration camp were used as guinea pigs for testing the Zyklon B gas.[8] On September 3, 1941, around 600 Soviet prisoners of war and 250 sick Polish prisoners were gassed with Zyklon B at Auschwitz camp I; this was the first experiment with the gas at Auschwitz. The experiments lasted more than 20 hours.
According to Rudolf Höss, commandant of Auschwitz, bunker 1 held 800 people, and bunker 2 held 1,200.[9] Once the chamber was full, the doors were screwed shut and solid pellets of Zyklon B were dropped into the chambers through vents in the side walls, releasing the cyanide gas. Those inside died within 20 minutes; the speed of death depended on how close the inmate was standing to a gas vent, according to Höss, who estimated that about one third of the victims died immediately.[10][11] Johann Kremer, an SS doctor who oversaw the gassings, testified that: "Shouting and screaming of the victims could be heard through the opening and it was clear that they fought for their lives."[12] When they were removed, if the chamber had been very congested, as they often were, the victims were found half-squatting, their skin colored pink with red and green spots, some foaming at the mouth or bleeding from the ears.[11]
After the war, two directors of Testa – Bruno Tesch and Karl Weinbacher – were tried by a British military court and were executed for their part in supplying the chemical.
The use of the word Zyklon (German for cyclone) continues to prompt angry reactions from Jewish groups. In 2002, both Bosch Siemens Hausgeräte and Umbro were forced to withdraw from attempts to use or trademark the term for their products.[13]
Holocaust deniers say that Zyklon B gas was not used in the gas chambers, relying as evidence on the low levels ofPrussian blue residue in samples of the gas chambers found by Fred A. Leuchter, which Leuchter dismissed as the results of general delousing of buildings. Leuchter's negative control, a sample of gasket material taken from a different building in the camp, registered as having no such cyanide residue.[14] The manager of the analytical laboratory hired by Leuchter states in an interview in Errol Morris' film Mr. Death: The Rise and Fall of Fred A. Leuchter, Jr., that Leuchter's thick samples of brick would have greatly diluted the cyanide residue, which forms only an extremely fine layer on the walls and cannot penetrate.
In 1994, the Institute for Forensic Research in Kraków re-examined this claim on the grounds that formation of Prussian blue by exposure of bricks to cyanide is not a highly probable reaction [15]. Using more sophisticated microdiffusion techniques, they tested 22 samples from the gas chambers, delousing chambers (as positive controls), and living quarters (as negative controls), finding cyanide residue in both the delousing chambers and the ruins of the gas chambers but none in the ruins of the living quarters.[16]
External links
The Bayer company then became part of IG Farben, a conglomerate of German chemical industries that formed a part of the financial core of the German Nazi regime. IG Farben owned 42.5% of the company that manufactured Zyklon B,[2] a chemical used in the gas chambers of Auschwitz and other extermination camps. During World War II, the company also extensively used slave labor in factories attached to large slave labor camps, notably the sub-camps of the Mauthausen-Gusen concentration camp[3]. When the Allies split IG Farben into several pieces after World War II for involvement in organized Nazi war crimes, Bayer reappeared as an individual business. The Bayer executive Fritz ter Meer, sentenced to seven years in prison by the Nuremberg War Crimes Tribunal, was made head of the supervisory board of Bayer in 1956, after his release.
Fritz ter Meer | |
![]() Fritz ter Meer
Born | June 4, 1884 Uerdingen, Germany |
Died | October 27, 1967 (aged 83) Leverkusen, Germany |
Nationality | German |
Institutions | IG Farben, Bayer, Codex Alimentarius |
Fritz ter Meer ( July 4 1884 – October 27 1967 ) was a German chemist.
He was the son of Edmund ter Meer the founder of a chemical company that later became part of Bayer. Fritz ter Meer also worked for Bayer and later IG Farben. He was involved in the planning of Monowitz concentration camp, a satellite camp of KZ Auschwitz. He was sentenced to seven years prison by the Nuremberg Trials in 1948. After he was released in 1951 he became supervisory board chairman (Aufsichtsratsvorsitzender) of the Bayer AG. He retired in 1961.
Edmund ter Meer ( 1852 – November 5, 1931) was a German chemist who discovered the ter Meer reaction and founded in 1877 the ter Meer dye company in Uerdingen. After the fusion with the aniline factory of Julius Weiler the Weiler-ter Meer company was formed. This company later became part of the Bayer company. His son Fritz ter Meer also became a chemist associated to the Bayer company.
Edmund ter Meer | |
Born | 1852 |
Died | November 5, 1931 (aged 79) |
Nationality | German |
Institutions | Bayer |
Known for | ter Meer reaction |
![]() |
Type | Public (FWB: BAY, TYO:4863) |
Founded | 1863 |
Founder(s) | Friedrich Bayer, Johann Friedrich Weskott |
Headquarters | Leverkusen, Germany |
Key people | Werner Wenning (CEO), Manfred Schneider (Chairmanof the supervisory board) |
Industry | Pharmaceuticals, chemicals |
Products | Veterinary drugs, diagnostic imaging, general and specialtymedicines, women's healthproducts, over-the-count |
Revenue | €32.918 billion (2008)[1] |
Operating income | ? €3.544 billion (2008)[1] |
Profit | ? €1.719 billion (2008)[1] |
Employees | 108,600 (2008)[1] |
Subsidiaries | Bayer MaterialScience, Bayer USA, Bayer Schering Pharma,Bayer HealthCare Pharmaceuticals, Bayer CropScience |
Website | www.bayer.com |
Bayer AG was founded in Barmen (today a part of Wuppertal), Germany in 1863 by Friedrich Bayer and his partner, Johann Friedrich Weskott.
Bayer's first major product was acetylsalicylic acid (originally discovered by French chemist Charles Frederic Gerhardt in 1853), a modification of salicylic acid or salicin, a folk remedy found in the bark of the willow plant. By 1899, Bayer's trademark Aspirin was registered worldwide for Bayer's brand of acetylsalicylic acid, but because of the confiscation of Bayer's US assets and trademarks during World War I by the United States - and the subsequent widespread usage of the word to describe all brands of the compound, "Aspirin" lost its trademark status in the United States, France, and the United Kingdom. It is now widely used in the US, UK, and France for all brands of the drug. However in over 80 other countries, such as Canada, Mexico, Germany, and Switzerland, it is still a registered trademark of Bayer.
In 1904, the Bayer company introduced the Bayer cross as its corporate logo. Because Bayer's aspirin was sold through pharmacists and doctors only, and the company could not put its own packaging on the drug, the Bayer cross was imprinted on the actual tablets, so that customers would associate Bayer with its aspirin.
As part of the reparations after World War I, Bayer had its assets, including the rights to its name and trademarks confiscated in the United States, Canada, and several other countries. In the United States and Canada, Bayer's assets and trademarks were acquired by Sterling Drug, a predecessor of Sterling Winthrop.
The Bayer company then became part of IG Farben, a conglomerate of German chemical industries that formed a part of the financial core of the German Nazi regime. IG Farben owned 42.5% of the company that manufactured Zyklon B,[2] a chemical used in the gas chambers of Auschwitz and other extermination camps. During World War II, the company also extensively used slave labor in factories attached to large slave labor camps, notably the sub-camps of the Mauthausen-Gusen concentration camp[3]. When the Allies split IG Farben into several pieces after World War II for involvement in organized Nazi war crimes, Bayer reappeared as an individual business. The Bayer executive Fritz ter Meer, sentenced to seven years in prison by the Nuremberg War Crimes Tribunal, was made head of the supervisory board of Bayer in 1956, after his release.[4]
In 1978, Bayer purchased Miles Laboratories and its subsidiaries Miles Canada and Cutter Laboratories (along with a product line including Alka-Seltzer, Flints
The company's corporate logo, the Bayer cross, was introduced in 1904. It consists of the horizontal word "BAYER" crossed with the vertical word "BAYER", both words sharing the "Y", and enclosed in a circle. An illuminated version of the logo lights up the skyline of Leverkusen, where Bayer is headquartered. Installed in 1958, this is the largest illuminated advertisement in the world.
In order to separate operational and strategic managements, Bayer AG was reorganized into a holding company in December 2003. The group's core businesses were transformed into limited companies, each controlled by BayerAG. These companies are: Bayer CropScience AG; Bayer HealthCare AG; Bayer MaterialScience AG and Bayer Chemicals AG, and the three service limited companies Bayer Technology Services GmbH, Bayer Business Services GmbH and Bayer Industry Services GmbH & Co. OHG.
Following Bayer's successful reorganization, its chemicals activities (with the exception of H.C. Starck and Wolff Walsrode) were combined with certain components of the polymers segment to form the new company Lanxess. This change took place on July 1, 2004, with Lanxess listed on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange in early 2005. Bayer HealthCare's Diagnostics Division was acquired by Siemens Medical Solutions in January 2007.
Bayer AG shares are listed on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange, the London Stock Exchange and used to be listed on theNew York Stock Exchange. On September 5, 2007, Bayer announced its intention to file for delisting of its American Depositary Shares (ADSs) from the NYSE. It is also planned to de-register with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and thereby terminate the respective reporting obligations.
Bayer is governed by a board of management, consisting of: Klaus Kühn, Wolfgang Plischke, Richard Pott, and Werner Wenning.[5]
In 2004 Bayer HealthCare AG acquired the OTC Pharmaceutical Division of Roche Pharmaceuticals.
On March 13, 2006, Merck KGaA announced a €14.6bn bid for Schering AG. Merck's takeover bid was surpassed by Bayer's (successful) $19.5bn white-knight bid for Schering on March 23, 2006.
On March 11, 2008, Bayer HealthCare announced an agreement to acquire the portfolio and OTC division of privately owned Sagmel, Inc., a US-based company that markets over-the-counter medications in most of the Commonwealth of Independent States countries such as Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, B
Bayer HealthCare's Animal Health Division is the maker of Advantage Multi (imidacloprid + moxidectin) Topical Solution for dogs and cats, Advantage flea control for cats and dogs and K9 Advantix, a flea, tick, and mosquito control product for dogs. Advantage Multi, K9 Advantix and Advantage are trademarks of Bayer. The division specializes in parasite control and prescription pharmaceuticals for dogs, cats, horses, and cattle. North American operation for the Animal Health Division are headquartered in Shawnee, Kansas. Bayer Animal Health is a division of Bayer HealthCare LLC, one of the world's leading healthcare companies. K9 Advantix is renowned for its popular jingle.
In 2002 Bayer AG acquired Aventis CropScience and fused it with their own agrochemicals division (Bayer Pflanzenschutz or "Crop Protection") to form Bayer CropScience. The company is now one of the world's leading innovative crop science companies in the areas of crop protection (i.e. pesticides), non-agricultural pest control,
Bayer CropScience is involved in a joint project with Archer Daniels Midland Company and Daimler AG to develop jatrophaas a biofuel[8].
In 2007 Bayer took over Schering Healthcare. The acquisition of Schering was the largest take-over in Bayer’s history.
Located at the Bayer USA Headquarters in Robinson Township, Pennsylvania, a suburb of Pittsburgh, Bayer Business Services handles the Information Technology infrastructure and technical support aspect of Bayer USA and Bayer Canada. This is also the headquarters of the North American Service Desk, the central IT Help Desk for all of Bayer USA and Bayer Canada.
Bayer Healthcare has also produced the birth control pills Yaz and Yasmin. Both pills use a newer type of progesteronehormone called drospirenone in combination with estrogen. Yaz is advertised as a treatment for premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD) and moderate acne.
In 1904, the company founded the sports club TuS 04 ("Turn- und Spielverein der Farbenfabriken vorm. Friedr. Bayer & Co."), later SV Bayer 04 ("Sportvereinigung Bayer 04 Leverkusen"), finally becoming TSV Bayer 04 Leverkusen ("Turn- und Sportverein") in 1984, generally however known simply as Bayer 04 Leverkusen. The club is best known for its football team, but has been involved in many other sports, including athletics, fencing, team handball, volleyball, boxing, and basketball. TSV Bayer 04 Leverkusen is one of the largest sports clubs in Germany. The company also supports similar clubs at other company sites, including Dormagen (particularly handball), Wuppertal (particularly volleyball), and Krefeld-Uerdingen (featuring another former Bundesliga football club, SC Bayer 05 Uerdingen, now KFC Uerdingen 05).[9]
However, due to cost factors, the company has decided to cut back its sponsoring of its top sports teams in most areas. The sponsoring agreements with first and second-division teams in basketball, team handball, and volleyball, as well as in olympic-level athletics and fencing, will be terminated in 2008 or 2010. Despite their many successes (multiple German national championships as well as numerous Olympic medals), they are not considered to be valuable enough as a marketing tool in terms of their cost-to-benefit ratio. Only the very "telegenic" football (soccer) team, whose marketing value is very high due the exposure in the media and the popularity of the sport itself, will continue to be supported as in the past. General sponsoring of sport for youth and for handicapped people will also be continued as in the past.[10]
In his book Aspirin: The Story of a Wonder Drug, author Diarmuid Jeffreys investigated Bayer's sponsorship of the experiments of Nazi Dr. Josef Mengele. In 1956 Fritz ter Meer became chairman of Bayer after having been sentenced at the Nuremberg trials to seven years' imprisonment for his part in carrying out experiments on human subjects atAuschwitz.
Jefferys also details Arthur Eichengrün, the Bayer chemist who first found an aspirin formulation which was tolerable in thehuman stomach and did not have the unpleasant side effects of nausea and gastric
Mr. Jeffreys' claims are widely reflected in other publications and official records,[11][12][13][14][15][1
It has also been documented that Aspirin compounds were successfully synthesized by various other scientists or groups thereof in the years between 1848-1869, long before Bayer's claims. This fact led to various patent litigations in the early 20th century.[18]
In August 2006, it became apparent that the United States rice crop had been contaminated with unapproved genetically engineered Bayer CropScience rice as undisclosed amounts were found in commercial rice supplies.[19]
More specifically, the genetically engineered rice has an herbicide-resistance trait. These forms of rice are commonly referred to amongst US rice growers as, Liberty Link Rice 601 or LL 601. Approximately 100 varieties of rice produced primarily in the following six states: Arkansas, Texas, Louis
Bayer AG is involved in an ongoing controversy with French and Nova Scotian beekeepers over claimed pesticide kills ofhoneybees from its seed treatment insecticide imidacloprid. France has since issued a provisional ban on the use ofImidacloprid for corn seed treatment pending further action. A consortium of U.S. beekeepers has also filed a civil suit against Bayer CropScience for alleged losses.
Austrian journalist Klaus Werner alleged in his book "Schwarzbuch Markenfirmen" ("Black Book on Brand Companies"), that the Bayer subsidiary H.C. Starck financed the civil war in the Democratic Republic of Congo by trading illegally with the mineral coltan. The allegations were also confirmed by a U.N. panel of experts. Bayer alleged that since 2001 it didn't trade any more in Congolese coltan, but never proved where their resources came from.[20][21]
A cite from http://www.haemophilia-li
Bayer's anti-cholesterol drug, Baycol (also known as Lipobay and cerivastatin), has deadly side effects. The Food and Drug Administration received reports of 31 US deaths due to rhabdomyolysis, a potentially fatal adverse muscle reaction that results in muscle cell breakdown and release of the contents of muscle cells in the bloodstream. Symptoms include muscle pain, weakness, fever, nausea, and vomiting. Bayer admitted that the drug might have killed 52 people already worldwide, with another 1,100 potentially crippled. Although Bayer voluntarily recalled the drug after a large number of deaths, Germany's health minister, on 25 August 2001, accused Bayer of sitting on research documenting Baycol's lethal side-effects for nearly two months before the government in Berlin was informed.' A number of individual and class action law suits have been filed, including one in Pennsylvania which cited 480 cases of Baycol-related illnesses. The number of Baycol related deaths has risen to almost 100.[citation needed]
In October 2001, Bayer was taken to court after 24 children in the remote Andean village of Tauccamarca were killed and 18 severely poisoned when they drank a powdered milk substitute that had been contaminated with methyl parathion. The white powder that resembles powdered milk and has no strong chemical odour was packaged in small plastic bags that provide no protection to users and give no indication of the danger of the product within. The bags were labelled in Spanish only, and carried drawings of healthy carrots and potatoes but no pictograms indicating danger or toxicity.[citation needed]After a nine month investigation, a Peruvian Congressional Subcommittee has found significant evidence of criminal responsibility by both the agrochemical company Bayer and the Peruvian Ministry of Agriculture in the poisoning of 42 children in the remote Andean village of Tauccamarca in October 1999.[26]
Using Baytril and other fluoroquinolones in poultry and cattle leads to antibiotic-resistant bacter
After data collected by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention showed that the use of fluoroquinolones in poultry was speeding up the bacteria's development of resistance to the drug, the US Food and Drug Administration concluded that the health of at least 5,000 Americans is affected each year by the use of these drugs in chickens. It also proposed to ban this use. Abbott Laboratories, one of the two producers of poultry fluoroquinolones in the US, voluntarily withdrew its product, but Bayer refused to comply with the proposed ban and instead requested a hearing on the proposal. This hearing may take years to complete, and by then the ban may be a moot point since the drug may be ineffective in humans by the time the FDA is able to issue a final ban on the use of these drugs in poultry.
The United States' Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the United Nations' World Health Organization, have strongly advocated a ban for years. On 31 October 2000, Environmental Defense, the American Public Health Association, Center for Science in the Public Interest; Delmarva Poultry Justice Alliance; Food Animal Concerns Trust; Global Resources Action Center for the Environment; Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy; National Catholic Rural Life Conference; Physicians for Social Responsibility; and Union of Concerned Scientists signed a letter to the Bayer Corporation asking it to comply voluntarily with the proposed ban. In November, more than 180 individual health care professionals and several medical organizations, including the American Medical Association and the American College of Preventive Medicine, sent a similar letter to Bayer.
But Bayer has recently spent over US$50 million to build new production facilities for Baytril in Germany and the US. The company claimed that Baytril is completely harmless in a letter to veterinarians: "Bayer has and always will play a leading role in defending fluoroquinolones".[citation needed]
In January 2001, Bayer agreed to pay $14 million to the United States and 45 states to settle allegations under the federalFalse Claims Act that the company caused physicians and other health care providers to submit fraudulently inflated reimbursement claims to the state and federally funded Medicaid program.[27]
In September 2006, Bayer A.G. was faulted by the FDA for not revealing during testimony the existence of a commissioned retrospective study of 67,000 patients, 30,000 of whom received Trasylol and the rest other anti-fibrinolytics. The study concluded Trasylol carried greater risks. The FDA was alerted to the study by one of the researchers involved. Although the FDA issued a statement of concern they did not change their recommendation that the drug may benefit certain subpopulations of patients. In a Public Health Advisory Update dated October 3, 2006, the FDA recommended that "physicians consider limiting Trasylol use to those situations in which the clinical benefit of reduced blood loss is necessary to medical management and outweighs the potential risks" and carefully monitor patients.[28] "A renowned researcher calculates that 22,000 patients could have been saved if the Food and Drug Administration removed the heart surgery drug Trasylol two years ago, when his study revealed widespread death associated with it......"[29] The FDA took Trasylol off the market on November 5, 2007.[30]
Bayer USA was given the lowest score (15 out of 100) of all rated companies in its category in the Human Rights Campaign's 2008 Corporate Equality Index, a measure of gay and lesbian workplace equality.[31] However, they have improved and managed a score of 80 in the 2009 CEI. [32]
In October 2009 the Center for Science in the Public Interest sued Bayer for "falsely claiming that the selenium in Men's One A Day multivitamins might reduce the risk of prostate cancer." [33]
On August 28, 2008, a piece of restarting equipment exploded at Bayer's CropScience facility at Institute in West Virginia. It was close to a tank filled with methyl isocyanate which was undamaged by the explosion.[34]
In October 2008, Bayer's Canadian division was named one of "Canada's Top 100 Employers" by Mediacorp Canada Inc., and was featured in Maclean's news magazine. Later that month, the Canadian division was also named one of Greater Toronto's Top Employers, which was announced by the Toronto Star newspaper.[35]
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The Codex Alimentarius officially covers all foods, whether processed, semi-processed or raw, but far more attention has been given to foods that are marketed directly to consumers. In addition to standards for specific foods, the Codex Alimentarius contains general standards covering matters such as food labeling, food hygiene, food additives and pesticideresidue
The Codex Alimentarius is published in Arabic, Chinese, English, F
The controversy over the Codex Alimentarius relates to a perception that it is a mandatory standard for food - including vitamin and mineral supplement - safety. Supporters of the Codex Alimentarius say that it is a voluntary reference standard for food and that there is no obligation on countries to adopt Codex standards as a member of either Codex or any other international trade organization. From the point of view of its opponents, however, one of the main causes of concern is that the Codex Alimentarius is recognized by the World Trade Organization as an international reference standard for the resolution of disputes concerning food safety and consumer protection.[2][3] Proponents argue that the use of Codex Alimentarius during international disputes does not exclude the use of other references or scientific studies as evidence of food safety and consumer protection.
It is reported that in 1996 the German delegation put forward a proposal that no herb, vitamin or mineral should be sold for preventive or therapeutic reasons, and that supplements should be reclassified as drugs.[4] The proposal was agreed, but protests halted its implementation.[4] The 28th Session of the Codex Alimentarius Commission was subsequently held July 4 - July 9, 2005.[5] Among the many issues discussed were the "Guidelines for Vitamin and Mineral Food Supplements"[6], which were adopted during the meeting as new global safety guidelines.[7] This text has been the subject of considerable controversy, in part because many member countries may choose to regulate dietary supplements as therapeutic goods or pharmaceuticals or by some other category. The text does not seek to ban supplements, but subjects them to labeling and packaging requirements, sets criteria for the setting of maximum and minimum dosage levels, and requires that safety and efficacy are considered when determining ingredient sources. The United Nations' Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and World Health Organization (WHO) have stated that the guidelines are "to stop consumers overdosing on vitamin and mineral food supplements." The Codex Alimentarius Commission (CAC) has said that the guidelines call "for labelling that contains information on maximum consumption levels of vitamin and mineral food supplements." The WHO has also said that the Guidelines "ensure that consumers receive beneficial health effects from vitamins and minerals." [8]
Similarities have been noted between the EU's Food Supplements Directive and the Codex Alimentarius Guidelines for Vitamin and Mineral Supplements.[9]
Texas Republican Rep. Ron Paul has said that the Central American Free Trade Agreement "increases the possibility that Codex regulations will be imposed on the American public." [10]
Additional controversy has been expressed by proponents of ecologically and socially sustainable agriculture and food systems, such as the Slow Food movement[11], who view the Codex Alimentarius as antithetical to this goal. According to the Manifesto on the Future of Food, the Codex Alimentarius has "codified policies designed to serve the interest of global agribusiness above all others, while actively undermining the rights of farmers and consumers".[12]
The Holocaust (from Greek ????a?st?? [holókaustos]
Some scholars maintain that the definition of the Holocaust should also include the Nazis' systematic murder of millions of people in other groups, including ethnic Poles, Romani, Soviet civilians, Soviet prisoners of war,people with disabilities, homosexuals, Jeh
The persecution and genocide were carried out in stages. Legislation to remove the Jews from civil society was enacted years before the outbreak of World War II. Concentration camps were established in which inmates were used as slave labor until they died of exhaustion or disease. Where the Third Reichconquered new territory in eastern Europe, specialized units called Einsatzgruppen murdered Jews and political opponents in mass shootings. Jews and Romani were confined in overcrowded ghettos before being transported by freight train toextermination camps where, if they survived the journey, the majority of them were killed in gas chambers. Every arm ofNazi Germany's bureaucracy was involved in the logistics of the mass murder, turning the country into what one Holocaust scholar has called "a genocidal state".[6]
The term holocaust originally derived from the Greek word holókauston, meaning a " whole (holos) burnt (kaustos)" sacrificial offering to a god.[7] Its Latin form (holocaustum) was first used with specific reference to a massacre of Jews by the chroniclers Roger of Howden[8] and Richard of Devizes in the 1190s. For hundreds of years, the word holocaust was used in English to denote massive sacrifices and great slaughters or massacres. During World War II, the word was used to describe Nazi atrocities regardless of whether the victims were Jews or non-Jews. Since the 1960s, the term has come to be used by scholars and popular writers to refer exclusively to the genocide of Jews.[3]
The term entered common parlance after 1978, the year that the popular Holocaust (TV miniseries) was broadcast on the American NBC television network. With a cast of dozens, including a young Meryl Streep, this miniseries was sometimes accused of "trivializing" the concentration camps. However, the series proved that the subject matter could have popular appeal, as well as providing a convenient and enduring term.[9]
The biblical word Shoah (????) (also spelled Sho'ah and Shoa), meaning "calamity," became the standard Hebrew term for the Holocaust as early as the 1940s.[10] Shoah is preferred by many Jews for a number of reasons, including thetheologically offensive nature of the word holocaust, as a Greek pagan custom.[11]
The word holocaust has been used since the 18th century to refer to the violent deaths of a large number of people.[12] For example, Winston Churchill and other contemporaneous writers used it before World War II to describe the Armenian Genocide of World War I.[13] Since the 1950s its use has increasingly been restricted, with its usage now mainly used as a proper noun to describe the Holocaust perpetrated by Nazi Germany.
Holocaust was adopted as a translation of Shoah—a Hebrew word connoting catastrophe, calamity, disaster, and destruction[14]—which was used in 1940 in Jerusalem in a booklet called Sho'at Yehudei Polin, and translated as The Holocaust of the Jews of Poland. Shoah had earlier been used in the context of the Nazis as a translation of catastrophe. For example, in 1934, when Chaim Weizmann told the Zionist Action Committee that Hitler's rise to power was an "unvorhergesehene Katastrophe, etwa ein neuer Weltkrieg" ("an unforeseen catastrophe, comparable to another world war"), the Hebrew press translated Katastrophe as Shoa
The usual German term for the extermination of the Jews during the Nazi period was the euphemistic phrase Endlösung der Judenfrage (the "Final Solution of the Jewish Question"). In both English and German, "Final Solution" is widely used as an alternative to "Holocaust".[18] For a time after World War II, German historians also used the term Völkermord("genocide"), or in full, der Völkermord an den Juden ("the genocide of the Jewish people"), while the prevalent term in Germany today is either Holocaust or increasingly Shoah.
While the terms "Shoah" and "Final Solution" always refer to the fate of the Jews during the Nazi rule, the term"Holocaust" is sometimes used in a wider sense to describe other genocides of the Nazi and other regimes.
The Columbia Encyclopedia defines "Holocaus
Scholars are divided on whether the term Holocaust should be applied to all victims of the Nazi mass murder campaign, with some using it synonymously with "Shoah" or "Final Solution of the Jewish Question", and others including the killing of Romani peoples (Roma and Sinti), Pole
Yehuda Bauer contends that the Holocaust should include only Jews because it was the intent of the Nazis to exterminate all Jews, while the other groups were not to be totally annihilated.[23] Besides Bauer,[24] scholars Xu Xin,[25] Ben Kiernan,[26] Edward Kissi,[27] Simone Veil,[28] Monika Richarz,[29] and Francis Deng[30] refer solely to the destruction of the European Jewry when using the term "Holocaust".
Inclusion of non-Jewish victims of the Nazis in the Holocaust is objected to by many persons including Elie Wiesel, and by organizations such as Yad Vashem established to commemorate the victims of the Holocaust.[31] They say that the word was originally meant to describe the extermination of the Jews, and that the Jewish Holocaust was a crime on such a scale, and of such totality and specificity, as the culmination of the long history of European antisemitism, that it should not be subsumed into a general category with the other crimes of the Nazis.[31]
Michael Burleigh and Wolfgang Wippermann maintain that although all Jews were victims, the Holocaust transcended the confines of the Jewish community - other people shared the tragic fate of victimhood.[32] László Teleki applies the term"Holocaust" to both the murder of Jews and Romani peoples by the Nazis.[33] In The Columbia Guide to the Holocaust, Donald Niewyk and Francis Nicosia use the term to include Jews, Gypsies and the disabled.[34]
Sometimes, the term "Holocaust" is used to describe events that have no connection with Europe or World War II. According to David Stannard, the "American Holocaust" involved killing of an estimated 50-100 million aboriginal people, and continues on a smaller scale throughout the Americas. [35]From a Chinese perspective, the Japanese occupation of parts of China from 1931 to 1945 which occasioned the killings of 30 million Chinese, has been called a "Super Holocaust". [36] The "Rwandan
Michael Berenbaum writes that Germany became a "genocidal state."[6]Every arm of the country's sophisticated bureaucracy was involved in the killing process. Parish churches and the Interior Ministry supplied birth records showing who was Jewish; the Post Office delivered the deportationand denaturaliz
Saul Friedländer writes that: "Not one social group, not one religious community, not one scholarly institution or professional association in Germany and throughout Europe declared its solidarity with the Jews."[39] He writes that some Christian churches declared that converted Jews should be regarded as part of the flock, but even then only up to a point.
Friedländer argues that this makes the Holocaust distinctive because antisemitic policies were able to unfold without the interference of countervailing forces of the kind normally found in advanced societies, such as industry, small businesses, churches, and other vested interests and lobby groups.[39]
In other genocides, pragmatic considerations such as control of territory and resources were central to the genocide policy. Yehuda Bauer argues that:
The basic motivation [of the Holocaust] was purely ideological, rooted in an illusionary world of Nazi imagination, where an international Jewish conspiracy to control the world was opposed to a parallel Aryan quest. No genocide to date had been based so completely on myths, on hallucinations, on abstract, nonpragmatic ideology – which was then executed by very rational, pragmatic means."[40]
Responding to the German philosopher Ernst Nolte who claimed that the Holocaust was not unique, the German historianEberhard Jäckel wrote in 1986 that the Holocaust was unique because:
"the National Socialist killing of the Jews was unique in that never before had a state with the authority of its responsible leader decided and announced that a specific human group, including its aged, its women and its children and infants, would be killed as quickly as possible, and then carried through this resolution using every possible means of state power".[41]
The slaughter was systematically conducted in virtually all areas of Nazi-occupied territory in what are now 35 separate European countries.[42] It was at its worst in Central and Eastern Europe, which had more than seven million Jews in 1939. About five million Jews were killed there, including three million in occupied Poland and over one million in the Soviet Union. Hundreds of thousands also died in the Netherlands, France, Belgium, Yugoslavia and Greece. The Wannsee Protocol makes clear that the Nazis also intended to carry out their "final solution of the Jewish question" in England and Ireland.[43]
Anyone with three or four Jewish grandparents was to be exterminated without exception. In other genocides, people were able to escape death by converting to another religion or in some other way assimilating. This option was not available to the Jews of occupied Europe,[44] unless their grandparents had converted prior to January 18, 1871. All persons of recent Jewish ancestry were to be exterminated in lands controlled by Germany.[45]
Zyklon B (German pronunciation: [tsyklo?n 'be?]; also spelled Cyclon B or Cyclone B) was the trade name of a cyanide-based pesticide infa
It consisted of hydrogen cyanide (prussic acid, Blausäure in German, hence B[1]), astabilizer, and a warning odorant that was impregnated onto various substrates, typically small absorbent pellets, fibre discs, or diatomaceous earth. Zyklon B was stored in airtight containers; when exposed to air, the material released gaseoushydrogen cyanide (HCN).
Zyklon B was originally developed during the 1920s as an insecticide by Dr. Walter Heerdt, at the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for Physical Chemistry and Elektrochemistry atBerlin-Dahl
In early 1942, Zyklon B had been selected by the Nazi Regime as the preferred extermination tool for both the Auschwitz-Birkenau and Maj
Zyklon B was manufactured by the German companies Degesch (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Schädlingsbekämpfung mbH, or German Corporation for Pest Control) and Testa (Tesch und Stabenow, Internationale Gesellschaft für Schädlingsbekämpfung m.b.H.), under license from patentholder IG Farben. The Nazis ordered Degesch to produce Zyklon B without the warning odorant, in breach of German law. After the war, two directors of Testa were tried by a British military court and were executed for their part in supplying the chemical.[2]
Degesch played a key role in the manufacturing of Zyklon B in World War II. Many German companies had stock in Degesch, but all eventually sold their shares to the chemical giant Degussa (now known as Evonik) in the early 1920s. Degussa developed the process to manufacture Zyklon B in "crystals" (actually silica gel absorbent chunks), as it was used during World War II. To raise capital, Degussa split its controlling interest of Degesch with IG Farben in 1930: both companies held a 42.5% share in Degesch, with the remaining 15% held by the Th. Goldschmidt AG ofEssen.[citation needed]
Degesch's role at this point was limited to acquiring patents and intellec
Upon production, Zyklon B was sold by Degesch to Degussa. To cut costs, Degussa sold the marketing rights of Zyklon B to two intermediaries: the Heerdt and Linger GmbH (Heli) and Tesch and Stabenow (Tesch und Stabenow, Internationale Gesellschaft für Schädlingsbekämpfung m.b.H., or Testa) of Hamburg. Both suppliers split their territory along the Elberiver, with Heli handling the clients to the west and Testa doing the same in the east.[citation needed]
Zyklon B is still in production in the Czech Republic in the factory Draslovka Kolín a.s. in the city Kolín under thetradename Uragan D2, sold for eradicating insects and small animals. [3][4]
Zyklon B Use on Humans
From 1929 onwards the U.S. used Zyklon B to disinfect the freight trains and clothes of Mexican immigrants entering the US.[5] Farm Securities Administration photographer Marion Post Wolcott recorded the use of cyanide gas and Zyklon B by the Public Health Service at the New Orleans Quarantine Station during the 1930s.[6]
Zyklon B was used by Nazi Germany to poison prisoners in the gas chambers of their network of extermination campsthroughout Europe. Zyklon B was used at Auschwitz Birkenau, Majdanek, Sachsenhau
Zyklon B was used in the concentration camps initially for delousing to control typhus. The chemical used in the gas chambers was deliberately made without the warning odorant.[7]
In January or February 1940, 250 Gypsy children from Brno in the Buchenwald concentration camp were used as guinea pigs for testing the Zyklon B gas.[8] On September 3, 1941, around 600 Soviet prisoners of war and 250 sick Polish prisoners were gassed with Zyklon B at Auschwitz camp I; this was the first experiment with the gas at Auschwitz. The experiments lasted more than 20 hours.
According to Rudolf Höss, commandant of Auschwitz, bunker 1 held 800 people, and bunker 2 held 1,200.[9] Once the chamber was full, the doors were screwed shut and solid pellets of Zyklon B were dropped into the chambers through vents in the side walls, releasing the cyanide gas. Those inside died within 20 minutes; the speed of death depended on how close the inmate was standing to a gas vent, according to Höss, who estimated that about one third of the victims died immediately.[10][11] Johann Kremer, an SS doctor who oversaw the gassings, testified that: "Shouting and screaming of the victims could be heard through the opening and it was clear that they fought for their lives."[12] When they were removed, if the chamber had been very congested, as they often were, the victims were found half-squatting, their skin colored pink with red and green spots, some foaming at the mouth or bleeding from the ears.[11]
After the war, two directors of Testa – Bruno Tesch and Karl Weinbacher – were tried by a British military court and were executed for their part in supplying the chemical.
The use of the word Zyklon (German for cyclone) continues to prompt angry reactions from Jewish groups. In 2002, both Bosch Siemens Hausgeräte and Umbro were forced to withdraw from attempts to use or trademark the term for their products.[13]
Holocaust deniers say that Zyklon B gas was not used in the gas chambers, relying as evidence on the low levels ofPrussian blue residue in samples of the gas chambers found by Fred A. Leuchter, which Leuchter dismissed as the results of general delousing of buildings. Leuchter's negative control, a sample of gasket material taken from a different building in the camp, registered as having no such cyanide residue.[14] The manager of the analytical laboratory hired by Leuchter states in an interview in Errol Morris' film Mr. Death: The Rise and Fall of Fred A. Leuchter, Jr., that Leuchter's thick samples of brick would have greatly diluted the cyanide residue, which forms only an extremely fine layer on the walls and cannot penetrate.
In 1994, the Institute for Forensic Research in Kraków re-examined this claim on the grounds that formation of Prussian blue by exposure of bricks to cyanide is not a highly probable reaction [15]. Using more sophisticated microdiffusion techniques, they tested 22 samples from the gas chambers, delousing chambers (as positive controls), and living quarters (as negative controls), finding cyanide residue in both the delousing chambers and the ruins of the gas chambers but none in the ruins of the living quarters.[16]
External links
The Bayer company then became part of IG Farben, a conglomerate of German chemical industries that formed a part of the financial core of the German Nazi regime. IG Farben owned 42.5% of the company that manufactured Zyklon B,[2] a chemical used in the gas chambers of Auschwitz and other extermination camps. During World War II, the company also extensively used slave labor in factories attached to large slave labor camps, notably the sub-camps of the Mauthausen-Gusen concentration camp[3]. When the Allies split IG Farben into several pieces after World War II for involvement in organized Nazi war crimes, Bayer reappeared as an individual business. The Bayer executive Fritz ter Meer, sentenced to seven years in prison by the Nuremberg War Crimes Tribunal, was made head of the supervisory board of Bayer in 1956, after his release.
Fritz ter Meer | |
![]() Fritz ter Meer
Born | June 4, 1884 Uerdingen, Germany |
Died | October 27, 1967 (aged 83) Leverkusen, Germany |
Nationality | German |
Institutions | IG Farben, Bayer, Codex Alimentarius |
Fritz ter Meer ( July 4 1884 – October 27 1967 ) was a German chemist.
He was the son of Edmund ter Meer the founder of a chemical company that later became part of Bayer. Fritz ter Meer also worked for Bayer and later IG Farben. He was involved in the planning of Monowitz concentration camp, a satellite camp of KZ Auschwitz. He was sentenced to seven years prison by the Nuremberg Trials in 1948. After he was released in 1951 he became supervisory board chairman (Aufsichtsratsvorsitzender) of the Bayer AG. He retired in 1961.
Edmund ter Meer ( 1852 – November 5, 1931) was a German chemist who discovered the ter Meer reaction and founded in 1877 the ter Meer dye company in Uerdingen. After the fusion with the aniline factory of Julius Weiler the Weiler-ter Meer company was formed. This company later became part of the Bayer company. His son Fritz ter Meer also became a chemist associated to the Bayer company.
Edmund ter Meer | |
Born | 1852 |
Died | November 5, 1931 (aged 79) |
Nationality | German |
Institutions | Bayer |
Known for | ter Meer reaction |
![]() |
Type | Public (FWB: BAY, TYO:4863) |
Founded | 1863 |
Founder(s) | Friedrich Bayer, Johann Friedrich Weskott |
Headquarters | Leverkusen, Germany |
Key people | Werner Wenning (CEO), Manfred Schneider (Chairmanof the supervisory board) |
Industry | Pharmaceuticals, chemicals |
Products | Veterinary drugs, diagnostic imaging, general and specialtymedicines, women's healthproducts, over-the-count |
Revenue | €32.918 billion (2008)[1] |
Operating income | ? €3.544 billion (2008)[1] |
Profit | ? €1.719 billion (2008)[1] |
Employees | 108,600 (2008)[1] |
Subsidiaries | Bayer MaterialScience, Bayer USA, Bayer Schering Pharma,Bayer HealthCare Pharmaceuticals, Bayer CropScience |
Website | www.bayer.com |
Bayer AG was founded in Barmen (today a part of Wuppertal), Germany in 1863 by Friedrich Bayer and his partner, Johann Friedrich Weskott.
Bayer's first major product was acetylsalicylic acid (originally discovered by French chemist Charles Frederic Gerhardt in 1853), a modification of salicylic acid or salicin, a folk remedy found in the bark of the willow plant. By 1899, Bayer's trademark Aspirin was registered worldwide for Bayer's brand of acetylsalicylic acid, but because of the confiscation of Bayer's US assets and trademarks during World War I by the United States - and the subsequent widespread usage of the word to describe all brands of the compound, "Aspirin" lost its trademark status in the United States, France, and the United Kingdom. It is now widely used in the US, UK, and France for all brands of the drug. However in over 80 other countries, such as Canada, Mexico, Germany, and Switzerland, it is still a registered trademark of Bayer.
In 1904, the Bayer company introduced the Bayer cross as its corporate logo. Because Bayer's aspirin was sold through pharmacists and doctors only, and the company could not put its own packaging on the drug, the Bayer cross was imprinted on the actual tablets, so that customers would associate Bayer with its aspirin.
As part of the reparations after World War I, Bayer had its assets, including the rights to its name and trademarks confiscated in the United States, Canada, and several other countries. In the United States and Canada, Bayer's assets and trademarks were acquired by Sterling Drug, a predecessor of Sterling Winthrop.
The Bayer company then became part of IG Farben, a conglomerate of German chemical industries that formed a part of the financial core of the German Nazi regime. IG Farben owned 42.5% of the company that manufactured Zyklon B,[2] a chemical used in the gas chambers of Auschwitz and other extermination camps. During World War II, the company also extensively used slave labor in factories attached to large slave labor camps, notably the sub-camps of the Mauthausen-Gusen concentration camp[3]. When the Allies split IG Farben into several pieces after World War II for involvement in organized Nazi war crimes, Bayer reappeared as an individual business. The Bayer executive Fritz ter Meer, sentenced to seven years in prison by the Nuremberg War Crimes Tribunal, was made head of the supervisory board of Bayer in 1956, after his release.[4]
In 1978, Bayer purchased Miles Laboratories and its subsidiaries Miles Canada and Cutter Laboratories (along with a product line including Alka-Seltzer, Flints
The company's corporate logo, the Bayer cross, was introduced in 1904. It consists of the horizontal word "BAYER" crossed with the vertical word "BAYER", both words sharing the "Y", and enclosed in a circle. An illuminated version of the logo lights up the skyline of Leverkusen, where Bayer is headquartered. Installed in 1958, this is the largest illuminated advertisement in the world.
In order to separate operational and strategic managements, Bayer AG was reorganized into a holding company in December 2003. The group's core businesses were transformed into limited companies, each controlled by BayerAG. These companies are: Bayer CropScience AG; Bayer HealthCare AG; Bayer MaterialScience AG and Bayer Chemicals AG, and the three service limited companies Bayer Technology Services GmbH, Bayer Business Services GmbH and Bayer Industry Services GmbH & Co. OHG.
Following Bayer's successful reorganization, its chemicals activities (with the exception of H.C. Starck and Wolff Walsrode) were combined with certain components of the polymers segment to form the new company Lanxess. This change took place on July 1, 2004, with Lanxess listed on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange in early 2005. Bayer HealthCare's Diagnostics Division was acquired by Siemens Medical Solutions in January 2007.
Bayer AG shares are listed on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange, the London Stock Exchange and used to be listed on theNew York Stock Exchange. On September 5, 2007, Bayer announced its intention to file for delisting of its American Depositary Shares (ADSs) from the NYSE. It is also planned to de-register with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and thereby terminate the respective reporting obligations.
Bayer is governed by a board of management, consisting of: Klaus Kühn, Wolfgang Plischke, Richard Pott, and Werner Wenning.[5]
In 2004 Bayer HealthCare AG acquired the OTC Pharmaceutical Division of Roche Pharmaceuticals.
On March 13, 2006, Merck KGaA announced a €14.6bn bid for Schering AG. Merck's takeover bid was surpassed by Bayer's (successful) $19.5bn white-knight bid for Schering on March 23, 2006.
On March 11, 2008, Bayer HealthCare announced an agreement to acquire the portfolio and OTC division of privately owned Sagmel, Inc., a US-based company that markets over-the-counter medications in most of the Commonwealth of Independent States countries such as Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, B
Bayer HealthCare's Animal Health Division is the maker of Advantage Multi (imidacloprid + moxidectin) Topical Solution for dogs and cats, Advantage flea control for cats and dogs and K9 Advantix, a flea, tick, and mosquito control product for dogs. Advantage Multi, K9 Advantix and Advantage are trademarks of Bayer. The division specializes in parasite control and prescription pharmaceuticals for dogs, cats, horses, and cattle. North American operation for the Animal Health Division are headquartered in Shawnee, Kansas. Bayer Animal Health is a division of Bayer HealthCare LLC, one of the world's leading healthcare companies. K9 Advantix is renowned for its popular jingle.
In 2002 Bayer AG acquired Aventis CropScience and fused it with their own agrochemicals division (Bayer Pflanzenschutz or "Crop Protection") to form Bayer CropScience. The company is now one of the world's leading innovative crop science companies in the areas of crop protection (i.e. pesticides), non-agricultural pest control,
Bayer CropScience is involved in a joint project with Archer Daniels Midland Company and Daimler AG to develop jatrophaas a biofuel[8].
In 2007 Bayer took over Schering Healthcare. The acquisition of Schering was the largest take-over in Bayer’s history.
Located at the Bayer USA Headquarters in Robinson Township, Pennsylvania, a suburb of Pittsburgh, Bayer Business Services handles the Information Technology infrastructure and technical support aspect of Bayer USA and Bayer Canada. This is also the headquarters of the North American Service Desk, the central IT Help Desk for all of Bayer USA and Bayer Canada.
Bayer Healthcare has also produced the birth control pills Yaz and Yasmin. Both pills use a newer type of progesteronehormone called drospirenone in combination with estrogen. Yaz is advertised as a treatment for premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD) and moderate acne.
In 1904, the company founded the sports club TuS 04 ("Turn- und Spielverein der Farbenfabriken vorm. Friedr. Bayer & Co."), later SV Bayer 04 ("Sportvereinigung Bayer 04 Leverkusen"), finally becoming TSV Bayer 04 Leverkusen ("Turn- und Sportverein") in 1984, generally however known simply as Bayer 04 Leverkusen. The club is best known for its football team, but has been involved in many other sports, including athletics, fencing, team handball, volleyball, boxing, and basketball. TSV Bayer 04 Leverkusen is one of the largest sports clubs in Germany. The company also supports similar clubs at other company sites, including Dormagen (particularly handball), Wuppertal (particularly volleyball), and Krefeld-Uerdingen (featuring another former Bundesliga football club, SC Bayer 05 Uerdingen, now KFC Uerdingen 05).[9]
However, due to cost factors, the company has decided to cut back its sponsoring of its top sports teams in most areas. The sponsoring agreements with first and second-division teams in basketball, team handball, and volleyball, as well as in olympic-level athletics and fencing, will be terminated in 2008 or 2010. Despite their many successes (multiple German national championships as well as numerous Olympic medals), they are not considered to be valuable enough as a marketing tool in terms of their cost-to-benefit ratio. Only the very "telegenic" football (soccer) team, whose marketing value is very high due the exposure in the media and the popularity of the sport itself, will continue to be supported as in the past. General sponsoring of sport for youth and for handicapped people will also be continued as in the past.[10]
In his book Aspirin: The Story of a Wonder Drug, author Diarmuid Jeffreys investigated Bayer's sponsorship of the experiments of Nazi Dr. Josef Mengele. In 1956 Fritz ter Meer became chairman of Bayer after having been sentenced at the Nuremberg trials to seven years' imprisonment for his part in carrying out experiments on human subjects atAuschwitz.
Jefferys also details Arthur Eichengrün, the Bayer chemist who first found an aspirin formulation which was tolerable in thehuman stomach and did not have the unpleasant side effects of nausea and gastric
Mr. Jeffreys' claims are widely reflected in other publications and official records,[11][12][13][14][15][1
It has also been documented that Aspirin compounds were successfully synthesized by various other scientists or groups thereof in the years between 1848-1869, long before Bayer's claims. This fact led to various patent litigations in the early 20th century.[18]
In August 2006, it became apparent that the United States rice crop had been contaminated with unapproved genetically engineered Bayer CropScience rice as undisclosed amounts were found in commercial rice supplies.[19]
More specifically, the genetically engineered rice has an herbicide-resistance trait. These forms of rice are commonly referred to amongst US rice growers as, Liberty Link Rice 601 or LL 601. Approximately 100 varieties of rice produced primarily in the following six states: Arkansas, Texas, Louis
Bayer AG is involved in an ongoing controversy with French and Nova Scotian beekeepers over claimed pesticide kills ofhoneybees from its seed treatment insecticide imidacloprid. France has since issued a provisional ban on the use ofImidacloprid for corn seed treatment pending further action. A consortium of U.S. beekeepers has also filed a civil suit against Bayer CropScience for alleged losses.
Austrian journalist Klaus Werner alleged in his book "Schwarzbuch Markenfirmen" ("Black Book on Brand Companies"), that the Bayer subsidiary H.C. Starck financed the civil war in the Democratic Republic of Congo by trading illegally with the mineral coltan. The allegations were also confirmed by a U.N. panel of experts. Bayer alleged that since 2001 it didn't trade any more in Congolese coltan, but never proved where their resources came from.[20][21]
A cite from http://www.haemophilia-li
Bayer's anti-cholesterol drug, Baycol (also known as Lipobay and cerivastatin), has deadly side effects. The Food and Drug Administration received reports of 31 US deaths due to rhabdomyolysis, a potentially fatal adverse muscle reaction that results in muscle cell breakdown and release of the contents of muscle cells in the bloodstream. Symptoms include muscle pain, weakness, fever, nausea, and vomiting. Bayer admitted that the drug might have killed 52 people already worldwide, with another 1,100 potentially crippled. Although Bayer voluntarily recalled the drug after a large number of deaths, Germany's health minister, on 25 August 2001, accused Bayer of sitting on research documenting Baycol's lethal side-effects for nearly two months before the government in Berlin was informed.' A number of individual and class action law suits have been filed, including one in Pennsylvania which cited 480 cases of Baycol-related illnesses. The number of Baycol related deaths has risen to almost 100.[citation needed]
In October 2001, Bayer was taken to court after 24 children in the remote Andean village of Tauccamarca were killed and 18 severely poisoned when they drank a powdered milk substitute that had been contaminated with methyl parathion. The white powder that resembles powdered milk and has no strong chemical odour was packaged in small plastic bags that provide no protection to users and give no indication of the danger of the product within. The bags were labelled in Spanish only, and carried drawings of healthy carrots and potatoes but no pictograms indicating danger or toxicity.[citation needed]After a nine month investigation, a Peruvian Congressional Subcommittee has found significant evidence of criminal responsibility by both the agrochemical company Bayer and the Peruvian Ministry of Agriculture in the poisoning of 42 children in the remote Andean village of Tauccamarca in October 1999.[26]
Using Baytril and other fluoroquinolones in poultry and cattle leads to antibiotic-resistant bacter
After data collected by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention showed that the use of fluoroquinolones in poultry was speeding up the bacteria's development of resistance to the drug, the US Food and Drug Administration concluded that the health of at least 5,000 Americans is affected each year by the use of these drugs in chickens. It also proposed to ban this use. Abbott Laboratories, one of the two producers of poultry fluoroquinolones in the US, voluntarily withdrew its product, but Bayer refused to comply with the proposed ban and instead requested a hearing on the proposal. This hearing may take years to complete, and by then the ban may be a moot point since the drug may be ineffective in humans by the time the FDA is able to issue a final ban on the use of these drugs in poultry.
The United States' Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the United Nations' World Health Organization, have strongly advocated a ban for years. On 31 October 2000, Environmental Defense, the American Public Health Association, Center for Science in the Public Interest; Delmarva Poultry Justice Alliance; Food Animal Concerns Trust; Global Resources Action Center for the Environment; Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy; National Catholic Rural Life Conference; Physicians for Social Responsibility; and Union of Concerned Scientists signed a letter to the Bayer Corporation asking it to comply voluntarily with the proposed ban. In November, more than 180 individual health care professionals and several medical organizations, including the American Medical Association and the American College of Preventive Medicine, sent a similar letter to Bayer.
But Bayer has recently spent over US$50 million to build new production facilities for Baytril in Germany and the US. The company claimed that Baytril is completely harmless in a letter to veterinarians: "Bayer has and always will play a leading role in defending fluoroquinolones".[citation needed]
In January 2001, Bayer agreed to pay $14 million to the United States and 45 states to settle allegations under the federalFalse Claims Act that the company caused physicians and other health care providers to submit fraudulently inflated reimbursement claims to the state and federally funded Medicaid program.[27]
In September 2006, Bayer A.G. was faulted by the FDA for not revealing during testimony the existence of a commissioned retrospective study of 67,000 patients, 30,000 of whom received Trasylol and the rest other anti-fibrinolytics. The study concluded Trasylol carried greater risks. The FDA was alerted to the study by one of the researchers involved. Although the FDA issued a statement of concern they did not change their recommendation that the drug may benefit certain subpopulations of patients. In a Public Health Advisory Update dated October 3, 2006, the FDA recommended that "physicians consider limiting Trasylol use to those situations in which the clinical benefit of reduced blood loss is necessary to medical management and outweighs the potential risks" and carefully monitor patients.[28] "A renowned researcher calculates that 22,000 patients could have been saved if the Food and Drug Administration removed the heart surgery drug Trasylol two years ago, when his study revealed widespread death associated with it......"[29] The FDA took Trasylol off the market on November 5, 2007.[30]
Bayer USA was given the lowest score (15 out of 100) of all rated companies in its category in the Human Rights Campaign's 2008 Corporate Equality Index, a measure of gay and lesbian workplace equality.[31] However, they have improved and managed a score of 80 in the 2009 CEI. [32]
In October 2009 the Center for Science in the Public Interest sued Bayer for "falsely claiming that the selenium in Men's One A Day multivitamins might reduce the risk of prostate cancer." [33]
On August 28, 2008, a piece of restarting equipment exploded at Bayer's CropScience facility at Institute in West Virginia. It was close to a tank filled with methyl isocyanate which was undamaged by the explosion.[34]
In October 2008, Bayer's Canadian division was named one of "Canada's Top 100 Employers" by Mediacorp Canada Inc., and was featured in Maclean's news magazine. Later that month, the Canadian division was also named one of Greater Toronto's Top Employers, which was announced by the Toronto Star newspaper.[35]
It is our commitment at Codex to achieve excellence. This entails empowering our employees through extensive, ongoing education and decentralized decision-making. We will work tirelessly to achieve excellence in meeting our customers’ needs, and continuously improve the way we service them. We will never waiver in our commitment to delivering the best service experience—one that is driven by quality, consistency, equality. We are also committed to achieving results for the customer to create new value. Our business model is to innovate and integrate by working with world-class partners; leaders in their respective industries. Our Commitment to Quality is extended to our employees—to provide the resources they need to execute; our commitment is extended to our customers—to deliver the best service experience; our commitment is extended to our partners—we are dedicated to each other’s success. We hold each of them in the highest regard—now, and in the future.
Three reasons to choose Codex: Actionable Intelligence for Smarter Decision Making Up-to-the-minute performance dashboards help customers monitor organizational and departmental performance to make command decisions faster and more precisely than ever before. Embedded Best Practices Codex delivers comprehensive business functionality uniquely tailored to specific industries by embedding best practices that help to accelerate deployment, increase user adoption, and reduce total cost of ownership. Streamline Key Business Processes Codex solutions streamline key processes to reduce information latency by gathering and processing information in real-time, and making it available across the ecosystem. About Codex Corp. Codex Corp. is a provider of Security Compliance Software delivered as a Service (SaaS) to government agencies and companies to address legal, corporate, and government compliance and risk management. Codex blends innovation and emerging technologies, including Web, radio frequency identification (RFID), and mobile computing to create practical, value-driven software solutions. Our Vision and Values Codex will be guided by our core values: innovation, quality, and service excellence. Our perpetual goal is to create the highest quality products and services that deliver good value, and consistently exceed our customers’ expectations. We will work to become the best place for our Team Members to work, to innovate and foster leadership at every level, and cultivate trust and respect in our relationships with customers, employees, suppliers, and partners. Codex will transform the software service experience and become the service excellence leader in the U.S. The CodexCare Covenant The mission of Codex Corp. is to create world-class, on-demand software services and experiences that are driven by our singular, passionate commitment for achieving the highest levels of excellence in everything we do, and all that we serve. |
News & Events |
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Customer Success "Codex solutions have greatly improved our ability to measure operational excellence across the ecosystem, and respond more effectively to customer and staff issues". Steve Simonin, CEO Wright Medical Centre Studer Group: "Our alliance with Codex is playing a key role in allowing us to offer our customers what they want: best-in-class software solutions that help healthcare providers to become the best hospital.".. BG Porter president of the Studer Group |
Institutions | IG Farben, Bayer, Codex Alimentarius |
Fritz ter Meer ( July 4 1884 – October 27 1967 ) was a German chemist.
He was the son of Edmund ter Meer the founder of a chemical company that later became part of Bayer. Fritz ter Meer also worked for Bayer and later IG Farben. He was involved in the planning of Monowitz concentration camp, a satellite camp of KZ Auschwitz. He was sentenced to seven years prison by the Nuremberg Trials in 1948. After he was released in 1951 he became supervisory board chairman (Aufsichtsratsvorsitzender) of the Bayer AG. He retired in 1961.
Fritz ter Meer | |
![]() Fritz ter Meer
Born | June 4, 1884 Uerdingen, Germany |
Died | October 27, 1967 (aged 83) Leverkusen, Germany |
Nationality | German |
Institutions | IG Farben, Bayer, Codex Alimentarius |
Fritz ter Meer ( July 4 1884 – October 27 1967 ) was a German chemist.
He was the son of Edmund ter Meer the founder of a chemical company that later became part of Bayer. Fritz ter Meer also worked for Bayer and later IG Farben. He was involved in the planning of Monowitz concentration camp, a satellite camp of KZ Auschwitz. He was sentenced to seven years prison by the Nuremberg Trials in 1948. After he was released in 1951 he became supervisory board chairman (Aufsichtsratsvorsitzender) of the Bayer AG. He retired in 1961.
Edmund ter Meer ( 1852 – November 5, 1931) was a German chemist who discovered the ter Meer reaction and founded in 1877 the ter Meer dye company in Uerdingen. After the fusion with the aniline factory of Julius Weiler the Weiler-ter Meer company was formed. This company later became part of the Bayer company. His son Fritz ter Meer also became a chemist associated to the Bayer company.
Edmund ter Meer | |
Born | 1852 |
Died | November 5, 1931 (aged 79) |
Nationality | German |
Institutions | Bayer |
Known for | ter Meer reaction |
Institutions | IG Farben, Bayer, Codex Alimentarius |
Fritz ter Meer ( July 4 1884 – October 27 1967 ) was a German chemist.
He was the son of Edmund ter Meer the founder of a chemical company that later became part of Bayer. Fritz ter Meer also worked for Bayer and later IG Farben. He was involved in the planning of Monowitz concentration camp, a satellite camp of KZ Auschwitz. He was sentenced to seven years prison by the Nuremberg Trials in 1948. After he was released in 1951 he became supervisory board chairman (Aufsichtsratsvorsitzender) of the Bayer AG. He retired in 1961.
Fritz ter Meer | |
![]() Fritz ter Meer
Born | June 4, 1884 Uerdingen, Germany |
Died | October 27, 1967 (aged 83) Leverkusen, Germany |
Nationality | German |
Institutions | IG Farben, Bayer, Codex Alimentarius |
Fritz ter Meer ( July 4 1884 – October 27 1967 ) was a German chemist.
He was the son of Edmund ter Meer the founder of a chemical company that later became part of Bayer. Fritz ter Meer also worked for Bayer and later IG Farben. He was involved in the planning of Monowitz concentration camp, a satellite camp of KZ Auschwitz. He was sentenced to seven years prison by the Nuremberg Trials in 1948. After he was released in 1951 he became supervisory board chairman (Aufsichtsratsvorsitzender) of the Bayer AG. He retired in 1961.
Edmund ter Meer ( 1852 – November 5, 1931) was a German chemist who discovered the ter Meer reaction and founded in 1877 the ter Meer dye company in Uerdingen. After the fusion with the aniline factory of Julius Weiler the Weiler-ter Meer company was formed. This company later became part of the Bayer company. His son Fritz ter Meer also became a chemist associated to the Bayer company.
Edmund ter Meer | |
Born | 1852 |
Died | November 5, 1931 (aged 79) |
Nationality | German |
Institutions | Bayer |
Known for | ter Meer reaction |
Codex Alimentarius is scheduled for full global implementation on December 31st, 2009, and not a word has been spoken in main stream media about this threat to humanity.
The principle of self medication with herbal/vitamin/mineral food supplements would be restricted to ‘prescription only’ status, if the Codex Alimentarius is applied in the UK and elsewhere, particularly the USA.
(UK only) Since the NHS priorities are ill health diagnosis and treatment, the good health preservation that supplements provide will be inaccessible to the majority of our population and the cost to the NHS will increase.
According to the projections based on figures from the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), a minimum of 3 billion people will die from the Codex mandated vitamin and mineral guidelines alone.
Deadline to sign the petition = 5th September 2009
Codex in Depth: http://www.healthfreedomusa.
1) Started in 1962 by UN, Imposed by WTO Sanctions
Codex Alimentarius was created in 1962 as a trade Commission by the UN to control the international trade of food. Its initial intentions may have been altruistic but it has been taken over by corporate interests, most notably the pharmaceutical, pesticide, biotechnology and chemical industries.
Codex Alimentarius is backed up by the crippling trade sanctions of the World Trade Organization (WTO). Any non Codex-compliant nation would face huge economic punishment since they would automatically lose in any food-trade dispute with a Codex compliant country.
2) “Nutrients are Toxins” Is Junk Science
Codex Alimentarius Commission (CAC) has two committees which impact nutrition.
One of them, the “Codex Committee on Nutrition and Foods for Special Dietary Uses” (CCNFSDU), is chaired by Dr. Rolf Grossklaus, a physician who believes that nutrition has no role in health. This is the “top-guy” for Codex nutritional policy, and he has stated that “nutrition is not relevant to health”.
As unbelievable as it may sound, Dr. Grossklaus actually declared nutrients to be toxins in 1994 and instituted the use of toxicology (Risk Assessment) to prevent nutrients from having any impact on humans who take supplements! It is worth mentioning that Dr. Grossklaus happens to own the Risk Assessment company advising CCNFSDU and Codex on this issue. This company makes money when its toxicology services are used for the “assessment” of nutrients. Here in the U.S. we call that a “conflict of interest”.
Codex is made up of thousands of standards and guidelines. One of them, the Vitamin and Mineral Guideline (VMG), is designed to permit only ultra low doses of vitamins and minerals (and make clinically effective nutrients illegal). How can the VMG restrict dosages of vitamins and minerals? By using Risk Assessment (toxicology) to assess nutrients.
While Risk Assessment is a legitimate science (it is a branch of toxicology), it is the wrong science for assessing nutrients! In fact, in this context, it is actually junk science. Biochemistry, the science of life processes, is the correct science for assessing nutrients. Codex Alimentarius treats nutrients as toxins, which is literally insane.
Nutrients are not toxins – they are essential for life.
No matter what Codex Alimentarius officials say to convince you that Risk Assessment is a “science-based” approach to nutrients, it is not.
And it is worth repeating that Dr. Grossklaus, the head of Codex Alimentarius, owns the Risk Assessment company advising CCNFSDU and Codex on the “benefit” of using Risk Assessment to assess nutrients.
3) Not Consumer Protection – That’s Propaganda
Contrary to the propaganda, Codex Alimentarius has nothing to do with consumer protection. Nothing! Codex is about the economic ambitions of multi-national corporations, in particular, the pharmaceutical industry.
Using their multi billion-dollar marketing budgets, these industries have launched a massive media propaganda campaign to paint Codex Alimentarius as a benevolent tool of “consumer protection”, as well as to negatively taint the image of natural health options and mislead people to fear them as “dangerous”, so they will take drugs (which really are dangerous). Natural health products and options have an amazing safety record and are remarkably effective, especially when compared to pharmaceutical drugs.
Unfortunately, one-time defenders of health freedom such as National Nutritional Foods Association (NNFA) and Council for Responsible Nutrition (CRN) have joined the propaganda bandwagon and are spreading false information saying that Codex Alimentarius is either “harmless” or benevolent “consumer protection”. Neither is true.
The membership of these one-time defenders of health freedom has become permeated by people from the pharmaceutical industry (for example, CRN counts as its members corporations such as Monsanto® and Bayer®).
4) Codex: Serious Threat to Health and Health Freedom
If Codex Alimentarius is implemented in the United States of America, therapeutic dosages of vitamins and minerals (and all other nutrients soon to follow) will become unavailable because they will literally become illegal.
Here’s how it would work, in a nut-shell:
Due to the junk science use of Risk Assessment (toxicology) to assess supposedly toxic nutrients, a false belief is being engineered saying that “nutritional supplements are dangerous to people’s health”.
Using this false belief generates calls to “protect” people from these “toxic” nutrients. After the calls come the bills to set ultra low permissible dosages (remember, nutrients are deemed “dangerous toxins” under this false belief). If enough of us and our Congressional delegates buy this nonsense, we and Congress would blindly comply with Codex Alimentarius’ VMG. And blind compliance is what the industries behind Codex Alimentarius intend.
Blind compliance goes hand-in-hand with lack of activism. This lack of activism allows our protective laws, classifying nutrients as foods with no upper limits (such as DSHEA), to be easily repealed and replaced with draconian laws to classify nutrients as toxins. And “harmonization” with the pro-illness, pro-pharmaceutical industry Vitamin and Mineral Guideline is there to fill the void.
Only intentionally ineffective, ultra low dose supplements would be legal, with or without a prescription, on the VMG list. If enough people do not take action, we can expect to watch nutritional supplement manufacturers and, thus health food stores, to go out of business, in a domino effect. The only player left standing would be Big Pharma.
Therapeutic grade vitamins, minerals, and amino acids would be eliminated from the marketplace (although a few low-dose supplements would be allowed by Codex, as a symbolic measure to avoid suspicion about their ulterior motive).
Natural health professionals would lose the tools of their trade (nutritional supplements) and health conscious people would be unable to choose natural health options for health promotion and disease treatment.
And that is, in a nutshell, how Codex Alimentarius is poised to make Natural and Nutritional Medicine (NNM) disappear from the legal health world and go underground. Who benefits? Big Pharma.
It would take a few years for the above scenarios to be feasible (Codex Alimentarius is meant to go into full global effect by 2010). The slower the process takes, the less alarmed people will be. That’s probably the logic of the architects of Codex Alimentarius.
5) Serves Economic Interests of Sickness Industries Through WTO and Napoleonic Code
More and more people are turning to natural health products globally. The “wellness” trend is a major trend in today’s society. The more natural health products people use, the fewer drugs they buy. The pharmaceutical industry, which is part of the “Sickness Industry”, fears the inevitable shift toward natural health care.
Instead of accepting the will of the people and rethinking the future of the pharmaceutical industry, the industry has decided upon an unethical course of action: the use of deception and deceit to eliminate natural health products completely.
Codex Alimentarius is a shrewd vehicle for protecting the pharmaceutical industry from the loss of income it stands to suffer due to the inevitable growth of natural healthcare.
Codex Alimentarius is the resistance of the dinosaurs to inevitability: the burgeoning desire of humanity for a healthier, saner, and more sustainable way of life.
The World Trade Organization (WTO) intends to force Codex Alimentarius upon the nations of the world, including the U.S. This would be done under the threat of massive economic sanctions if WTO-countries do not comply with Codex Alimentarius.
Furthermore, Codex is based in the Napoleonic Code, not Common Law. That means that under Codex Alimentarius, anything not explicitly permitted is forbidden. Under Common Law, we hold that anything not explicitly forbidden is permitted. The difference is the difference between health freedom and health tyranny. Codex Alimentarius would be able to ban supplements by default.
6) DSHEA Protects America From Codex Alimentarius
The Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act (DSHEA, 1994), an American law classifying our supplements and herbs as foods (which can have no upper limit set on their use), was passed by unanimous Congressional consent following massive grass-roots support organized by health food stores. Millions of American activists told Congress, in no uncertain terms:
“Protect nutritional supplements as foods or we will remove you from office”.
Congress listened and carried out the will of the people.
DSHEA appropriately classifies nutritional supplements as foods which can have no upper limits set on their use. DSHEA recognizes that people use nutrients safely to deal with their individually differing needs for nutrients. The concept of biochemical individuality means that people have different needs for nutrients at different times. Are nutrients toxins? No, they are not toxins. They are substances essential to prevent, treat and cure any chronic condition, in differing doses at different times in different people.
DSHEA protects the US from Codex Alimentarius’ deadly Vitamin and Mineral Guideline. We must reach our Congressional members, educate them about the facts on Codex Alimentarius and direct them to vote against anything that would threaten DSHEA.
Congress holds the keys to our health freedom. And it is their job to listen to us. Let’s not allow cynicism to tell us otherwise. We did it for DSHEA in 1994. We can do it again this year.
7) Your Action is Needed Now!
DSHEA is under significant legislative attack right now. Your letter-writing is crucial: if the members of Congress know that voting against health freedom means losing their jobs come election time, they will listen. Our job is to make sure they get the message loud and clear. Take action via our 3 easy steps and send personalized emails to Congress right now.
After taking action on HealthFreedomUSA.org, consider getting together with others in your area and visit your Congressional members in their home offices. If we wait, we lose our health freedoms. Once we “HARMonize” with Codex, by the way, we no longer have the right, while we belong to the WTO, to repeal or change that “HARMonization”!
The objective of the pro-Codex Alimentarius multi nationals is to “boil the frog slowly” so that we do not wake up to it in time to avoid Codex.
Once we have “HARMonize” to Codex Alimentarius, as long as we are in the WTO, we cannot amend or change what we’ve been “HARMonize” to.
Codex Alimentarius will go into global implementation by December 31, 2009, unless We, the People, avert it. We must act now because right now, with $758 Million spent on declared Congressional lobbying by Big Pharma last year, there are members of Congress who are trying to overturn DSHEA and allow Pharma-friendly free reign for Codex. If protective laws like DSHEA are destroyed, the sanctioning power of the autocratic WTO kicks in, and it will be impossible to get out from under Codex Alimentarius. We can protect our access to high potency nutrients and stave off an adulterated food supply only by putting pressure on Congress.
If you would like to take action to try and stop Codex Alimentarius <please click here (USA)>, If you would like more in-depth information about Codex Alimentarius <please click here>
If you would like to take action to try and stop Codex Alimentarius you can sign a petition to Gordon Brown <please click here (UK)> ~ http://petitions.number10.gov.
If you would like more in-depth information about Codex Alimentarius <please click here>
Stop Codex Alimentarius and Protect Health Freedom!
Unless stated otherwise everything in this note is © 2009 by Natural Solutions Foundation
The Natural Solutions Foundation is a non-profit organization founded to protect and promote health freedom in the USA.
Outide links are not covered by this © (rights of content creators respected).
The Codex Alimentarius officially covers all foods, whether processed, semi-processed or raw, but far more attention has been given to foods that are marketed directly to consumers. In addition to standards for specific foods, the Codex Alimentarius contains general standards covering matters such as food labeling, food hygiene, food additives and pesticideresidue
The Codex Alimentarius is published in Arabic, Chinese, English, F
The controversy over the Codex Alimentarius relates to a perception that it is a mandatory standard for food - including vitamin and mineral supplement - safety. Supporters of the Codex Alimentarius say that it is a voluntary reference standard for food and that there is no obligation on countries to adopt Codex standards as a member of either Codex or any other international trade organization. From the point of view of its opponents, however, one of the main causes of concern is that the Codex Alimentarius is recognized by the World Trade Organization as an international reference standard for the resolution of disputes concerning food safety and consumer protection.[2][3] Proponents argue that the use of Codex Alimentarius during international disputes does not exclude the use of other references or scientific studies as evidence of food safety and consumer protection.
It is reported that in 1996 the German delegation put forward a proposal that no herb, vitamin or mineral should be sold for preventive or therapeutic reasons, and that supplements should be reclassified as drugs.[4] The proposal was agreed, but protests halted its implementation.[4] The 28th Session of the Codex Alimentarius Commission was subsequently held July 4 - July 9, 2005.[5] Among the many issues discussed were the "Guidelines for Vitamin and Mineral Food Supplements"[6], which were adopted during the meeting as new global safety guidelines.[7] This text has been the subject of considerable controversy, in part because many member countries may choose to regulate dietary supplements as therapeutic goods or pharmaceuticals or by some other category. The text does not seek to ban supplements, but subjects them to labeling and packaging requirements, sets criteria for the setting of maximum and minimum dosage levels, and requires that safety and efficacy are considered when determining ingredient sources. The United Nations' Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and World Health Organization (WHO) have stated that the guidelines are "to stop consumers overdosing on vitamin and mineral food supplements." The Codex Alimentarius Commission (CAC) has said that the guidelines call "for labelling that contains information on maximum consumption levels of vitamin and mineral food supplements." The WHO has also said that the Guidelines "ensure that consumers receive beneficial health effects from vitamins and minerals." [8]
Similarities have been noted between the EU's Food Supplements Directive and the Codex Alimentarius Guidelines for Vitamin and Mineral Supplements.[9]
Texas Republican Rep. Ron Paul has said that the Central American Free Trade Agreement "increases the possibility that Codex regulations will be imposed on the American public." [10]
Additional controversy has been expressed by proponents of ecologically and socially sustainable agriculture and food systems, such as the Slow Food movement[11], who view the Codex Alimentarius as antithetical to this goal. According to the Manifesto on the Future of Food, the Codex Alimentarius has "codified policies designed to serve the interest of global agribusiness above all others, while actively undermining the rights of farmers and consumers".[12]
The Holocaust (from Greek ????a?st?? [holókaustos]
Some scholars maintain that the definition of the Holocaust should also include the Nazis' systematic murder of millions of people in other groups, including ethnic Poles, Romani, Soviet civilians, Soviet prisoners of war,people with disabilities, homosexuals, Jeh
The persecution and genocide were carried out in stages. Legislation to remove the Jews from civil society was enacted years before the outbreak of World War II. Concentration camps were established in which inmates were used as slave labor until they died of exhaustion or disease. Where the Third Reichconquered new territory in eastern Europe, specialized units called Einsatzgruppen murdered Jews and political opponents in mass shootings. Jews and Romani were confined in overcrowded ghettos before being transported by freight train toextermination camps where, if they survived the journey, the majority of them were killed in gas chambers. Every arm ofNazi Germany's bureaucracy was involved in the logistics of the mass murder, turning the country into what one Holocaust scholar has called "a genocidal state".[6]
The term holocaust originally derived from the Greek word holókauston, meaning a " whole (holos) burnt (kaustos)" sacrificial offering to a god.[7] Its Latin form (holocaustum) was first used with specific reference to a massacre of Jews by the chroniclers Roger of Howden[8] and Richard of Devizes in the 1190s. For hundreds of years, the word holocaust was used in English to denote massive sacrifices and great slaughters or massacres. During World War II, the word was used to describe Nazi atrocities regardless of whether the victims were Jews or non-Jews. Since the 1960s, the term has come to be used by scholars and popular writers to refer exclusively to the genocide of Jews.[3]
The term entered common parlance after 1978, the year that the popular Holocaust (TV miniseries) was broadcast on the American NBC television network. With a cast of dozens, including a young Meryl Streep, this miniseries was sometimes accused of "trivializing" the concentration camps. However, the series proved that the subject matter could have popular appeal, as well as providing a convenient and enduring term.[9]
The biblical word Shoah (????) (also spelled Sho'ah and Shoa), meaning "calamity," became the standard Hebrew term for the Holocaust as early as the 1940s.[10] Shoah is preferred by many Jews for a number of reasons, including thetheologically offensive nature of the word holocaust, as a Greek pagan custom.[11]
The word holocaust has been used since the 18th century to refer to the violent deaths of a large number of people.[12] For example, Winston Churchill and other contemporaneous writers used it before World War II to describe the Armenian Genocide of World War I.[13] Since the 1950s its use has increasingly been restricted, with its usage now mainly used as a proper noun to describe the Holocaust perpetrated by Nazi Germany.
Holocaust was adopted as a translation of Shoah—a Hebrew word connoting catastrophe, calamity, disaster, and destruction[14]—which was used in 1940 in Jerusalem in a booklet called Sho'at Yehudei Polin, and translated as The Holocaust of the Jews of Poland. Shoah had earlier been used in the context of the Nazis as a translation of catastrophe. For example, in 1934, when Chaim Weizmann told the Zionist Action Committee that Hitler's rise to power was an "unvorhergesehene Katastrophe, etwa ein neuer Weltkrieg" ("an unforeseen catastrophe, comparable to another world war"), the Hebrew press translated Katastrophe as Shoa
The usual German term for the extermination of the Jews during the Nazi period was the euphemistic phrase Endlösung der Judenfrage (the "Final Solution of the Jewish Question"). In both English and German, "Final Solution" is widely used as an alternative to "Holocaust".[18] For a time after World War II, German historians also used the term Völkermord("genocide"), or in full, der Völkermord an den Juden ("the genocide of the Jewish people"), while the prevalent term in Germany today is either Holocaust or increasingly Shoah.
While the terms "Shoah" and "Final Solution" always refer to the fate of the Jews during the Nazi rule, the term"Holocaust" is sometimes used in a wider sense to describe other genocides of the Nazi and other regimes.
The Columbia Encyclopedia defines "Holocaus
Scholars are divided on whether the term Holocaust should be applied to all victims of the Nazi mass murder campaign, with some using it synonymously with "Shoah" or "Final Solution of the Jewish Question", and others including the killing of Romani peoples (Roma and Sinti), Pole
Yehuda Bauer contends that the Holocaust should include only Jews because it was the intent of the Nazis to exterminate all Jews, while the other groups were not to be totally annihilated.[23] Besides Bauer,[24] scholars Xu Xin,[25] Ben Kiernan,[26] Edward Kissi,[27] Simone Veil,[28] Monika Richarz,[29] and Francis Deng[30] refer solely to the destruction of the European Jewry when using the term "Holocaust".
Inclusion of non-Jewish victims of the Nazis in the Holocaust is objected to by many persons including Elie Wiesel, and by organizations such as Yad Vashem established to commemorate the victims of the Holocaust.[31] They say that the word was originally meant to describe the extermination of the Jews, and that the Jewish Holocaust was a crime on such a scale, and of such totality and specificity, as the culmination of the long history of European antisemitism, that it should not be subsumed into a general category with the other crimes of the Nazis.[31]
Michael Burleigh and Wolfgang Wippermann maintain that although all Jews were victims, the Holocaust transcended the confines of the Jewish community - other people shared the tragic fate of victimhood.[32] László Teleki applies the term"Holocaust" to both the murder of Jews and Romani peoples by the Nazis.[33] In The Columbia Guide to the Holocaust, Donald Niewyk and Francis Nicosia use the term to include Jews, Gypsies and the disabled.[34]
Sometimes, the term "Holocaust" is used to describe events that have no connection with Europe or World War II. According to David Stannard, the "American Holocaust" involved killing of an estimated 50-100 million aboriginal people, and continues on a smaller scale throughout the Americas. [35]From a Chinese perspective, the Japanese occupation of parts of China from 1931 to 1945 which occasioned the killings of 30 million Chinese, has been called a "Super Holocaust". [36] The "Rwandan
Michael Berenbaum writes that Germany became a "genocidal state."[6]Every arm of the country's sophisticated bureaucracy was involved in the killing process. Parish churches and the Interior Ministry supplied birth records showing who was Jewish; the Post Office delivered the deportationand denaturaliz
Saul Friedländer writes that: "Not one social group, not one religious community, not one scholarly institution or professional association in Germany and throughout Europe declared its solidarity with the Jews."[39] He writes that some Christian churches declared that converted Jews should be regarded as part of the flock, but even then only up to a point.
Friedländer argues that this makes the Holocaust distinctive because antisemitic policies were able to unfold without the interference of countervailing forces of the kind normally found in advanced societies, such as industry, small businesses, churches, and other vested interests and lobby groups.[39]
In other genocides, pragmatic considerations such as control of territory and resources were central to the genocide policy. Yehuda Bauer argues that:
The basic motivation [of the Holocaust] was purely ideological, rooted in an illusionary world of Nazi imagination, where an international Jewish conspiracy to control the world was opposed to a parallel Aryan quest. No genocide to date had been based so completely on myths, on hallucinations, on abstract, nonpragmatic ideology – which was then executed by very rational, pragmatic means."[40]
Responding to the German philosopher Ernst Nolte who claimed that the Holocaust was not unique, the German historianEberhard Jäckel wrote in 1986 that the Holocaust was unique because:
"the National Socialist killing of the Jews was unique in that never before had a state with the authority of its responsible leader decided and announced that a specific human group, including its aged, its women and its children and infants, would be killed as quickly as possible, and then carried through this resolution using every possible means of state power".[41]
The slaughter was systematically conducted in virtually all areas of Nazi-occupied territory in what are now 35 separate European countries.[42] It was at its worst in Central and Eastern Europe, which had more than seven million Jews in 1939. About five million Jews were killed there, including three million in occupied Poland and over one million in the Soviet Union. Hundreds of thousands also died in the Netherlands, France, Belgium, Yugoslavia and Greece. The Wannsee Protocol makes clear that the Nazis also intended to carry out their "final solution of the Jewish question" in England and Ireland.[43]
Anyone with three or four Jewish grandparents was to be exterminated without exception. In other genocides, people were able to escape death by converting to another religion or in some other way assimilating. This option was not available to the Jews of occupied Europe,[44] unless their grandparents had converted prior to January 18, 1871. All persons of recent Jewish ancestry were to be exterminated in lands controlled by Germany.[45]
Zyklon B (German pronunciation: [tsyklo?n 'be?]; also spelled Cyclon B or Cyclone B) was the trade name of a cyanide-based pesticide infa
It consisted of hydrogen cyanide (prussic acid, Blausäure in German, hence B[1]), astabilizer, and a warning odorant that was impregnated onto various substrates, typically small absorbent pellets, fibre discs, or diatomaceous earth. Zyklon B was stored in airtight containers; when exposed to air, the material released gaseoushydrogen cyanide (HCN).
Zyklon B was originally developed during the 1920s as an insecticide by Dr. Walter Heerdt, at the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for Physical Chemistry and Elektrochemistry atBerlin-Dahl
In early 1942, Zyklon B had been selected by the Nazi Regime as the preferred extermination tool for both the Auschwitz-Birkenau and Maj
Zyklon B was manufactured by the German companies Degesch (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Schädlingsbekämpfung mbH, or German Corporation for Pest Control) and Testa (Tesch und Stabenow, Internationale Gesellschaft für Schädlingsbekämpfung m.b.H.), under license from patentholder IG Farben. The Nazis ordered Degesch to produce Zyklon B without the warning odorant, in breach of German law. After the war, two directors of Testa were tried by a British military court and were executed for their part in supplying the chemical.[2]
Degesch played a key role in the manufacturing of Zyklon B in World War II. Many German companies had stock in Degesch, but all eventually sold their shares to the chemical giant Degussa (now known as Evonik) in the early 1920s. Degussa developed the process to manufacture Zyklon B in "crystals" (actually silica gel absorbent chunks), as it was used during World War II. To raise capital, Degussa split its controlling interest of Degesch with IG Farben in 1930: both companies held a 42.5% share in Degesch, with the remaining 15% held by the Th. Goldschmidt AG ofEssen.[citation needed]
Degesch's role at this point was limited to acquiring patents and intellec
Upon production, Zyklon B was sold by Degesch to Degussa. To cut costs, Degussa sold the marketing rights of Zyklon B to two intermediaries: the Heerdt and Linger GmbH (Heli) and Tesch and Stabenow (Tesch und Stabenow, Internationale Gesellschaft für Schädlingsbekämpfung m.b.H., or Testa) of Hamburg. Both suppliers split their territory along the Elberiver, with Heli handling the clients to the west and Testa doing the same in the east.[citation needed]
Zyklon B is still in production in the Czech Republic in the factory Draslovka Kolín a.s. in the city Kolín under thetradename Uragan D2, sold for eradicating insects and small animals. [3][4]
Zyklon B Use on Humans
From 1929 onwards the U.S. used Zyklon B to disinfect the freight trains and clothes of Mexican immigrants entering the US.[5] Farm Securities Administration photographer Marion Post Wolcott recorded the use of cyanide gas and Zyklon B by the Public Health Service at the New Orleans Quarantine Station during the 1930s.[6]
Zyklon B was used by Nazi Germany to poison prisoners in the gas chambers of their network of extermination campsthroughout Europe. Zyklon B was used at Auschwitz Birkenau, Majdanek, Sachsenhau
Zyklon B was used in the concentration camps initially for delousing to control typhus. The chemical used in the gas chambers was deliberately made without the warning odorant.[7]
In January or February 1940, 250 Gypsy children from Brno in the Buchenwald concentration camp were used as guinea pigs for testing the Zyklon B gas.[8] On September 3, 1941, around 600 Soviet prisoners of war and 250 sick Polish prisoners were gassed with Zyklon B at Auschwitz camp I; this was the first experiment with the gas at Auschwitz. The experiments lasted more than 20 hours.
According to Rudolf Höss, commandant of Auschwitz, bunker 1 held 800 people, and bunker 2 held 1,200.[9] Once the chamber was full, the doors were screwed shut and solid pellets of Zyklon B were dropped into the chambers through vents in the side walls, releasing the cyanide gas. Those inside died within 20 minutes; the speed of death depended on how close the inmate was standing to a gas vent, according to Höss, who estimated that about one third of the victims died immediately.[10][11] Johann Kremer, an SS doctor who oversaw the gassings, testified that: "Shouting and screaming of the victims could be heard through the opening and it was clear that they fought for their lives."[12] When they were removed, if the chamber had been very congested, as they often were, the victims were found half-squatting, their skin colored pink with red and green spots, some foaming at the mouth or bleeding from the ears.[11]
After the war, two directors of Testa – Bruno Tesch and Karl Weinbacher – were tried by a British military court and were executed for their part in supplying the chemical.
The use of the word Zyklon (German for cyclone) continues to prompt angry reactions from Jewish groups. In 2002, both Bosch Siemens Hausgeräte and Umbro were forced to withdraw from attempts to use or trademark the term for their products.[13]
Holocaust deniers say that Zyklon B gas was not used in the gas chambers, relying as evidence on the low levels ofPrussian blue residue in samples of the gas chambers found by Fred A. Leuchter, which Leuchter dismissed as the results of general delousing of buildings. Leuchter's negative control, a sample of gasket material taken from a different building in the camp, registered as having no such cyanide residue.[14] The manager of the analytical laboratory hired by Leuchter states in an interview in Errol Morris' film Mr. Death: The Rise and Fall of Fred A. Leuchter, Jr., that Leuchter's thick samples of brick would have greatly diluted the cyanide residue, which forms only an extremely fine layer on the walls and cannot penetrate.
In 1994, the Institute for Forensic Research in Kraków re-examined this claim on the grounds that formation of Prussian blue by exposure of bricks to cyanide is not a highly probable reaction [15]. Using more sophisticated microdiffusion techniques, they tested 22 samples from the gas chambers, delousing chambers (as positive controls), and living quarters (as negative controls), finding cyanide residue in both the delousing chambers and the ruins of the gas chambers but none in the ruins of the living quarters.[16]
External links
The Bayer company then became part of IG Farben, a conglomerate of German chemical industries that formed a part of the financial core of the German Nazi regime. IG Farben owned 42.5% of the company that manufactured Zyklon B,[2] a chemical used in the gas chambers of Auschwitz and other extermination camps. During World War II, the company also extensively used slave labor in factories attached to large slave labor camps, notably the sub-camps of the Mauthausen-Gusen concentration camp[3]. When the Allies split IG Farben into several pieces after World War II for involvement in organized Nazi war crimes, Bayer reappeared as an individual business. The Bayer executive Fritz ter Meer, sentenced to seven years in prison by the Nuremberg War Crimes Tribunal, was made head of the supervisory board of Bayer in 1956, after his release.
Fritz ter Meer | |
![]() Fritz ter Meer
Born | June 4, 1884 Uerdingen, Germany |
Died | October 27, 1967 (aged 83) Leverkusen, Germany |
Nationality | German |
Institutions | IG Farben, Bayer, Codex Alimentarius |
Fritz ter Meer ( July 4 1884 – October 27 1967 ) was a German chemist.
He was the son of Edmund ter Meer the founder of a chemical company that later became part of Bayer. Fritz ter Meer also worked for Bayer and later IG Farben. He was involved in the planning of Monowitz concentration camp, a satellite camp of KZ Auschwitz. He was sentenced to seven years prison by the Nuremberg Trials in 1948. After he was released in 1951 he became supervisory board chairman (Aufsichtsratsvorsitzender) of the Bayer AG. He retired in 1961.
Edmund ter Meer ( 1852 – November 5, 1931) was a German chemist who discovered the ter Meer reaction and founded in 1877 the ter Meer dye company in Uerdingen. After the fusion with the aniline factory of Julius Weiler the Weiler-ter Meer company was formed. This company later became part of the Bayer company. His son Fritz ter Meer also became a chemist associated to the Bayer company.
Edmund ter Meer | |
Born | 1852 |
Died | November 5, 1931 (aged 79) |
Nationality | German |
Institutions | Bayer |
Known for | ter Meer reaction |
![]() |
Type | Public (FWB: BAY, TYO:4863) |
Founded | 1863 |
Founder(s) | Friedrich Bayer, Johann Friedrich Weskott |
Headquarters | Leverkusen, Germany |
Key people | Werner Wenning (CEO), Manfred Schneider (Chairmanof the supervisory board) |
Industry | Pharmaceuticals, chemicals |
Products | Veterinary drugs, diagnostic imaging, general and specialtymedicines, women's healthproducts, over-the-count |
Revenue | €32.918 billion (2008)[1] |
Operating income | ? €3.544 billion (2008)[1] |
Profit | ? €1.719 billion (2008)[1] |
Employees | 108,600 (2008)[1] |
Subsidiaries | Bayer MaterialScience, Bayer USA, Bayer Schering Pharma,Bayer HealthCare Pharmaceuticals, Bayer CropScience |
Website | www.bayer.com |
Bayer AG was founded in Barmen (today a part of Wuppertal), Germany in 1863 by Friedrich Bayer and his partner, Johann Friedrich Weskott.
Bayer's first major product was acetylsalicylic acid (originally discovered by French chemist Charles Frederic Gerhardt in 1853), a modification of salicylic acid or salicin, a folk remedy found in the bark of the willow plant. By 1899, Bayer's trademark Aspirin was registered worldwide for Bayer's brand of acetylsalicylic acid, but because of the confiscation of Bayer's US assets and trademarks during World War I by the United States - and the subsequent widespread usage of the word to describe all brands of the compound, "Aspirin" lost its trademark status in the United States, France, and the United Kingdom. It is now widely used in the US, UK, and France for all brands of the drug. However in over 80 other countries, such as Canada, Mexico, Germany, and Switzerland, it is still a registered trademark of Bayer.
In 1904, the Bayer company introduced the Bayer cross as its corporate logo. Because Bayer's aspirin was sold through pharmacists and doctors only, and the company could not put its own packaging on the drug, the Bayer cross was imprinted on the actual tablets, so that customers would associate Bayer with its aspirin.
As part of the reparations after World War I, Bayer had its assets, including the rights to its name and trademarks confiscated in the United States, Canada, and several other countries. In the United States and Canada, Bayer's assets and trademarks were acquired by Sterling Drug, a predecessor of Sterling Winthrop.
The Bayer company then became part of IG Farben, a conglomerate of German chemical industries that formed a part of the financial core of the German Nazi regime. IG Farben owned 42.5% of the company that manufactured Zyklon B,[2] a chemical used in the gas chambers of Auschwitz and other extermination camps. During World War II, the company also extensively used slave labor in factories attached to large slave labor camps, notably the sub-camps of the Mauthausen-Gusen concentration camp[3]. When the Allies split IG Farben into several pieces after World War II for involvement in organized Nazi war crimes, Bayer reappeared as an individual business. The Bayer executive Fritz ter Meer, sentenced to seven years in prison by the Nuremberg War Crimes Tribunal, was made head of the supervisory board of Bayer in 1956, after his release.[4]
In 1978, Bayer purchased Miles Laboratories and its subsidiaries Miles Canada and Cutter Laboratories (along with a product line including Alka-Seltzer, Flints
The company's corporate logo, the Bayer cross, was introduced in 1904. It consists of the horizontal word "BAYER" crossed with the vertical word "BAYER", both words sharing the "Y", and enclosed in a circle. An illuminated version of the logo lights up the skyline of Leverkusen, where Bayer is headquartered. Installed in 1958, this is the largest illuminated advertisement in the world.
In order to separate operational and strategic managements, Bayer AG was reorganized into a holding company in December 2003. The group's core businesses were transformed into limited companies, each controlled by BayerAG. These companies are: Bayer CropScience AG; Bayer HealthCare AG; Bayer MaterialScience AG and Bayer Chemicals AG, and the three service limited companies Bayer Technology Services GmbH, Bayer Business Services GmbH and Bayer Industry Services GmbH & Co. OHG.
Following Bayer's successful reorganization, its chemicals activities (with the exception of H.C. Starck and Wolff Walsrode) were combined with certain components of the polymers segment to form the new company Lanxess. This change took place on July 1, 2004, with Lanxess listed on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange in early 2005. Bayer HealthCare's Diagnostics Division was acquired by Siemens Medical Solutions in January 2007.
Bayer AG shares are listed on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange, the London Stock Exchange and used to be listed on theNew York Stock Exchange. On September 5, 2007, Bayer announced its intention to file for delisting of its American Depositary Shares (ADSs) from the NYSE. It is also planned to de-register with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and thereby terminate the respective reporting obligations.
Bayer is governed by a board of management, consisting of: Klaus Kühn, Wolfgang Plischke, Richard Pott, and Werner Wenning.[5]
In 2004 Bayer HealthCare AG acquired the OTC Pharmaceutical Division of Roche Pharmaceuticals.
On March 13, 2006, Merck KGaA announced a €14.6bn bid for Schering AG. Merck's takeover bid was surpassed by Bayer's (successful) $19.5bn white-knight bid for Schering on March 23, 2006.
On March 11, 2008, Bayer HealthCare announced an agreement to acquire the portfolio and OTC division of privately owned Sagmel, Inc., a US-based company that markets over-the-counter medications in most of the Commonwealth of Independent States countries such as Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, B
Bayer HealthCare's Animal Health Division is the maker of Advantage Multi (imidacloprid + moxidectin) Topical Solution for dogs and cats, Advantage flea control for cats and dogs and K9 Advantix, a flea, tick, and mosquito control product for dogs. Advantage Multi, K9 Advantix and Advantage are trademarks of Bayer. The division specializes in parasite control and prescription pharmaceuticals for dogs, cats, horses, and cattle. North American operation for the Animal Health Division are headquartered in Shawnee, Kansas. Bayer Animal Health is a division of Bayer HealthCare LLC, one of the world's leading healthcare companies. K9 Advantix is renowned for its popular jingle.
In 2002 Bayer AG acquired Aventis CropScience and fused it with their own agrochemicals division (Bayer Pflanzenschutz or "Crop Protection") to form Bayer CropScience. The company is now one of the world's leading innovative crop science companies in the areas of crop protection (i.e. pesticides), non-agricultural pest control,
Bayer CropScience is involved in a joint project with Archer Daniels Midland Company and Daimler AG to develop jatrophaas a biofuel[8].
In 2007 Bayer took over Schering Healthcare. The acquisition of Schering was the largest take-over in Bayer’s history.
Located at the Bayer USA Headquarters in Robinson Township, Pennsylvania, a suburb of Pittsburgh, Bayer Business Services handles the Information Technology infrastructure and technical support aspect of Bayer USA and Bayer Canada. This is also the headquarters of the North American Service Desk, the central IT Help Desk for all of Bayer USA and Bayer Canada.
Bayer Healthcare has also produced the birth control pills Yaz and Yasmin. Both pills use a newer type of progesteronehormone called drospirenone in combination with estrogen. Yaz is advertised as a treatment for premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD) and moderate acne.
In 1904, the company founded the sports club TuS 04 ("Turn- und Spielverein der Farbenfabriken vorm. Friedr. Bayer & Co."), later SV Bayer 04 ("Sportvereinigung Bayer 04 Leverkusen"), finally becoming TSV Bayer 04 Leverkusen ("Turn- und Sportverein") in 1984, generally however known simply as Bayer 04 Leverkusen. The club is best known for its football team, but has been involved in many other sports, including athletics, fencing, team handball, volleyball, boxing, and basketball. TSV Bayer 04 Leverkusen is one of the largest sports clubs in Germany. The company also supports similar clubs at other company sites, including Dormagen (particularly handball), Wuppertal (particularly volleyball), and Krefeld-Uerdingen (featuring another former Bundesliga football club, SC Bayer 05 Uerdingen, now KFC Uerdingen 05).[9]
However, due to cost factors, the company has decided to cut back its sponsoring of its top sports teams in most areas. The sponsoring agreements with first and second-division teams in basketball, team handball, and volleyball, as well as in olympic-level athletics and fencing, will be terminated in 2008 or 2010. Despite their many successes (multiple German national championships as well as numerous Olympic medals), they are not considered to be valuable enough as a marketing tool in terms of their cost-to-benefit ratio. Only the very "telegenic" football (soccer) team, whose marketing value is very high due the exposure in the media and the popularity of the sport itself, will continue to be supported as in the past. General sponsoring of sport for youth and for handicapped people will also be continued as in the past.[10]
In his book Aspirin: The Story of a Wonder Drug, author Diarmuid Jeffreys investigated Bayer's sponsorship of the experiments of Nazi Dr. Josef Mengele. In 1956 Fritz ter Meer became chairman of Bayer after having been sentenced at the Nuremberg trials to seven years' imprisonment for his part in carrying out experiments on human subjects atAuschwitz.
Jefferys also details Arthur Eichengrün, the Bayer chemist who first found an aspirin formulation which was tolerable in thehuman stomach and did not have the unpleasant side effects of nausea and gastric
Mr. Jeffreys' claims are widely reflected in other publications and official records,[11][12][13][14][15][1
It has also been documented that Aspirin compounds were successfully synthesized by various other scientists or groups thereof in the years between 1848-1869, long before Bayer's claims. This fact led to various patent litigations in the early 20th century.[18]
In August 2006, it became apparent that the United States rice crop had been contaminated with unapproved genetically engineered Bayer CropScience rice as undisclosed amounts were found in commercial rice supplies.[19]
More specifically, the genetically engineered rice has an herbicide-resistance trait. These forms of rice are commonly referred to amongst US rice growers as, Liberty Link Rice 601 or LL 601. Approximately 100 varieties of rice produced primarily in the following six states: Arkansas, Texas, Louis
Bayer AG is involved in an ongoing controversy with French and Nova Scotian beekeepers over claimed pesticide kills ofhoneybees from its seed treatment insecticide imidacloprid. France has since issued a provisional ban on the use ofImidacloprid for corn seed treatment pending further action. A consortium of U.S. beekeepers has also filed a civil suit against Bayer CropScience for alleged losses.
Austrian journalist Klaus Werner alleged in his book "Schwarzbuch Markenfirmen" ("Black Book on Brand Companies"), that the Bayer subsidiary H.C. Starck financed the civil war in the Democratic Republic of Congo by trading illegally with the mineral coltan. The allegations were also confirmed by a U.N. panel of experts. Bayer alleged that since 2001 it didn't trade any more in Congolese coltan, but never proved where their resources came from.[20][21]
A cite from http://www.haemophilia-li
Bayer's anti-cholesterol drug, Baycol (also known as Lipobay and cerivastatin), has deadly side effects. The Food and Drug Administration received reports of 31 US deaths due to rhabdomyolysis, a potentially fatal adverse muscle reaction that results in muscle cell breakdown and release of the contents of muscle cells in the bloodstream. Symptoms include muscle pain, weakness, fever, nausea, and vomiting. Bayer admitted that the drug might have killed 52 people already worldwide, with another 1,100 potentially crippled. Although Bayer voluntarily recalled the drug after a large number of deaths, Germany's health minister, on 25 August 2001, accused Bayer of sitting on research documenting Baycol's lethal side-effects for nearly two months before the government in Berlin was informed.' A number of individual and class action law suits have been filed, including one in Pennsylvania which cited 480 cases of Baycol-related illnesses. The number of Baycol related deaths has risen to almost 100.[citation needed]
In October 2001, Bayer was taken to court after 24 children in the remote Andean village of Tauccamarca were killed and 18 severely poisoned when they drank a powdered milk substitute that had been contaminated with methyl parathion. The white powder that resembles powdered milk and has no strong chemical odour was packaged in small plastic bags that provide no protection to users and give no indication of the danger of the product within. The bags were labelled in Spanish only, and carried drawings of healthy carrots and potatoes but no pictograms indicating danger or toxicity.[citation needed]After a nine month investigation, a Peruvian Congressional Subcommittee has found significant evidence of criminal responsibility by both the agrochemical company Bayer and the Peruvian Ministry of Agriculture in the poisoning of 42 children in the remote Andean village of Tauccamarca in October 1999.[26]
Using Baytril and other fluoroquinolones in poultry and cattle leads to antibiotic-resistant bacter
After data collected by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention showed that the use of fluoroquinolones in poultry was speeding up the bacteria's development of resistance to the drug, the US Food and Drug Administration concluded that the health of at least 5,000 Americans is affected each year by the use of these drugs in chickens. It also proposed to ban this use. Abbott Laboratories, one of the two producers of poultry fluoroquinolones in the US, voluntarily withdrew its product, but Bayer refused to comply with the proposed ban and instead requested a hearing on the proposal. This hearing may take years to complete, and by then the ban may be a moot point since the drug may be ineffective in humans by the time the FDA is able to issue a final ban on the use of these drugs in poultry.
The United States' Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the United Nations' World Health Organization, have strongly advocated a ban for years. On 31 October 2000, Environmental Defense, the American Public Health Association, Center for Science in the Public Interest; Delmarva Poultry Justice Alliance; Food Animal Concerns Trust; Global Resources Action Center for the Environment; Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy; National Catholic Rural Life Conference; Physicians for Social Responsibility; and Union of Concerned Scientists signed a letter to the Bayer Corporation asking it to comply voluntarily with the proposed ban. In November, more than 180 individual health care professionals and several medical organizations, including the American Medical Association and the American College of Preventive Medicine, sent a similar letter to Bayer.
But Bayer has recently spent over US$50 million to build new production facilities for Baytril in Germany and the US. The company claimed that Baytril is completely harmless in a letter to veterinarians: "Bayer has and always will play a leading role in defending fluoroquinolones".[citation needed]
In January 2001, Bayer agreed to pay $14 million to the United States and 45 states to settle allegations under the federalFalse Claims Act that the company caused physicians and other health care providers to submit fraudulently inflated reimbursement claims to the state and federally funded Medicaid program.[27]
In September 2006, Bayer A.G. was faulted by the FDA for not revealing during testimony the existence of a commissioned retrospective study of 67,000 patients, 30,000 of whom received Trasylol and the rest other anti-fibrinolytics. The study concluded Trasylol carried greater risks. The FDA was alerted to the study by one of the researchers involved. Although the FDA issued a statement of concern they did not change their recommendation that the drug may benefit certain subpopulations of patients. In a Public Health Advisory Update dated October 3, 2006, the FDA recommended that "physicians consider limiting Trasylol use to those situations in which the clinical benefit of reduced blood loss is necessary to medical management and outweighs the potential risks" and carefully monitor patients.[28] "A renowned researcher calculates that 22,000 patients could have been saved if the Food and Drug Administration removed the heart surgery drug Trasylol two years ago, when his study revealed widespread death associated with it......"[29] The FDA took Trasylol off the market on November 5, 2007.[30]
Bayer USA was given the lowest score (15 out of 100) of all rated companies in its category in the Human Rights Campaign's 2008 Corporate Equality Index, a measure of gay and lesbian workplace equality.[31] However, they have improved and managed a score of 80 in the 2009 CEI. [32]
In October 2009 the Center for Science in the Public Interest sued Bayer for "falsely claiming that the selenium in Men's One A Day multivitamins might reduce the risk of prostate cancer." [33]
On August 28, 2008, a piece of restarting equipment exploded at Bayer's CropScience facility at Institute in West Virginia. It was close to a tank filled with methyl isocyanate which was undamaged by the explosion.[34]
In October 2008, Bayer's Canadian division was named one of "Canada's Top 100 Employers" by Mediacorp Canada Inc., and was featured in Maclean's news magazine. Later that month, the Canadian division was also named one of Greater Toronto's Top Employers, which was announced by the Toronto Star newspaper.[35]
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The Codex Alimentarius officially covers all foods, whether processed, semi-processed or raw, but far more attention has been given to foods that are marketed directly to consumers. In addition to standards for specific foods, the Codex Alimentarius contains general standards covering matters such as food labeling, food hygiene, food additives and pesticideresidue
The Codex Alimentarius is published in Arabic, Chinese, English, F
The controversy over the Codex Alimentarius relates to a perception that it is a mandatory standard for food - including vitamin and mineral supplement - safety. Supporters of the Codex Alimentarius say that it is a voluntary reference standard for food and that there is no obligation on countries to adopt Codex standards as a member of either Codex or any other international trade organization. From the point of view of its opponents, however, one of the main causes of concern is that the Codex Alimentarius is recognized by the World Trade Organization as an international reference standard for the resolution of disputes concerning food safety and consumer protection.[2][3] Proponents argue that the use of Codex Alimentarius during international disputes does not exclude the use of other references or scientific studies as evidence of food safety and consumer protection.
It is reported that in 1996 the German delegation put forward a proposal that no herb, vitamin or mineral should be sold for preventive or therapeutic reasons, and that supplements should be reclassified as drugs.[4] The proposal was agreed, but protests halted its implementation.[4] The 28th Session of the Codex Alimentarius Commission was subsequently held July 4 - July 9, 2005.[5] Among the many issues discussed were the "Guidelines for Vitamin and Mineral Food Supplements"[6], which were adopted during the meeting as new global safety guidelines.[7] This text has been the subject of considerable controversy, in part because many member countries may choose to regulate dietary supplements as therapeutic goods or pharmaceuticals or by some other category. The text does not seek to ban supplements, but subjects them to labeling and packaging requirements, sets criteria for the setting of maximum and minimum dosage levels, and requires that safety and efficacy are considered when determining ingredient sources. The United Nations' Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and World Health Organization (WHO) have stated that the guidelines are "to stop consumers overdosing on vitamin and mineral food supplements." The Codex Alimentarius Commission (CAC) has said that the guidelines call "for labelling that contains information on maximum consumption levels of vitamin and mineral food supplements." The WHO has also said that the Guidelines "ensure that consumers receive beneficial health effects from vitamins and minerals." [8]
Similarities have been noted between the EU's Food Supplements Directive and the Codex Alimentarius Guidelines for Vitamin and Mineral Supplements.[9]
Texas Republican Rep. Ron Paul has said that the Central American Free Trade Agreement "increases the possibility that Codex regulations will be imposed on the American public." [10]
Additional controversy has been expressed by proponents of ecologically and socially sustainable agriculture and food systems, such as the Slow Food movement[11], who view the Codex Alimentarius as antithetical to this goal. According to the Manifesto on the Future of Food, the Codex Alimentarius has "codified policies designed to serve the interest of global agribusiness above all others, while actively undermining the rights of farmers and consumers".[12]
The Holocaust (from Greek ????a?st?? [holókaustos]
Some scholars maintain that the definition of the Holocaust should also include the Nazis' systematic murder of millions of people in other groups, including ethnic Poles, Romani, Soviet civilians, Soviet prisoners of war,people with disabilities, homosexuals, Jeh
The persecution and genocide were carried out in stages. Legislation to remove the Jews from civil society was enacted years before the outbreak of World War II. Concentration camps were established in which inmates were used as slave labor until they died of exhaustion or disease. Where the Third Reichconquered new territory in eastern Europe, specialized units called Einsatzgruppen murdered Jews and political opponents in mass shootings. Jews and Romani were confined in overcrowded ghettos before being transported by freight train toextermination camps where, if they survived the journey, the majority of them were killed in gas chambers. Every arm ofNazi Germany's bureaucracy was involved in the logistics of the mass murder, turning the country into what one Holocaust scholar has called "a genocidal state".[6]
The term holocaust originally derived from the Greek word holókauston, meaning a " whole (holos) burnt (kaustos)" sacrificial offering to a god.[7] Its Latin form (holocaustum) was first used with specific reference to a massacre of Jews by the chroniclers Roger of Howden[8] and Richard of Devizes in the 1190s. For hundreds of years, the word holocaust was used in English to denote massive sacrifices and great slaughters or massacres. During World War II, the word was used to describe Nazi atrocities regardless of whether the victims were Jews or non-Jews. Since the 1960s, the term has come to be used by scholars and popular writers to refer exclusively to the genocide of Jews.[3]
The term entered common parlance after 1978, the year that the popular Holocaust (TV miniseries) was broadcast on the American NBC television network. With a cast of dozens, including a young Meryl Streep, this miniseries was sometimes accused of "trivializing" the concentration camps. However, the series proved that the subject matter could have popular appeal, as well as providing a convenient and enduring term.[9]
The biblical word Shoah (????) (also spelled Sho'ah and Shoa), meaning "calamity," became the standard Hebrew term for the Holocaust as early as the 1940s.[10] Shoah is preferred by many Jews for a number of reasons, including thetheologically offensive nature of the word holocaust, as a Greek pagan custom.[11]
The word holocaust has been used since the 18th century to refer to the violent deaths of a large number of people.[12] For example, Winston Churchill and other contemporaneous writers used it before World War II to describe the Armenian Genocide of World War I.[13] Since the 1950s its use has increasingly been restricted, with its usage now mainly used as a proper noun to describe the Holocaust perpetrated by Nazi Germany.
Holocaust was adopted as a translation of Shoah—a Hebrew word connoting catastrophe, calamity, disaster, and destruction[14]—which was used in 1940 in Jerusalem in a booklet called Sho'at Yehudei Polin, and translated as The Holocaust of the Jews of Poland. Shoah had earlier been used in the context of the Nazis as a translation of catastrophe. For example, in 1934, when Chaim Weizmann told the Zionist Action Committee that Hitler's rise to power was an "unvorhergesehene Katastrophe, etwa ein neuer Weltkrieg" ("an unforeseen catastrophe, comparable to another world war"), the Hebrew press translated Katastrophe as Shoa
The usual German term for the extermination of the Jews during the Nazi period was the euphemistic phrase Endlösung der Judenfrage (the "Final Solution of the Jewish Question"). In both English and German, "Final Solution" is widely used as an alternative to "Holocaust".[18] For a time after World War II, German historians also used the term Völkermord("genocide"), or in full, der Völkermord an den Juden ("the genocide of the Jewish people"), while the prevalent term in Germany today is either Holocaust or increasingly Shoah.
While the terms "Shoah" and "Final Solution" always refer to the fate of the Jews during the Nazi rule, the term"Holocaust" is sometimes used in a wider sense to describe other genocides of the Nazi and other regimes.
The Columbia Encyclopedia defines "Holocaus
Scholars are divided on whether the term Holocaust should be applied to all victims of the Nazi mass murder campaign, with some using it synonymously with "Shoah" or "Final Solution of the Jewish Question", and others including the killing of Romani peoples (Roma and Sinti), Pole
Yehuda Bauer contends that the Holocaust should include only Jews because it was the intent of the Nazis to exterminate all Jews, while the other groups were not to be totally annihilated.[23] Besides Bauer,[24] scholars Xu Xin,[25] Ben Kiernan,[26] Edward Kissi,[27] Simone Veil,[28] Monika Richarz,[29] and Francis Deng[30] refer solely to the destruction of the European Jewry when using the term "Holocaust".
Inclusion of non-Jewish victims of the Nazis in the Holocaust is objected to by many persons including Elie Wiesel, and by organizations such as Yad Vashem established to commemorate the victims of the Holocaust.[31] They say that the word was originally meant to describe the extermination of the Jews, and that the Jewish Holocaust was a crime on such a scale, and of such totality and specificity, as the culmination of the long history of European antisemitism, that it should not be subsumed into a general category with the other crimes of the Nazis.[31]
Michael Burleigh and Wolfgang Wippermann maintain that although all Jews were victims, the Holocaust transcended the confines of the Jewish community - other people shared the tragic fate of victimhood.[32] László Teleki applies the term"Holocaust" to both the murder of Jews and Romani peoples by the Nazis.[33] In The Columbia Guide to the Holocaust, Donald Niewyk and Francis Nicosia use the term to include Jews, Gypsies and the disabled.[34]
Sometimes, the term "Holocaust" is used to describe events that have no connection with Europe or World War II. According to David Stannard, the "American Holocaust" involved killing of an estimated 50-100 million aboriginal people, and continues on a smaller scale throughout the Americas. [35]From a Chinese perspective, the Japanese occupation of parts of China from 1931 to 1945 which occasioned the killings of 30 million Chinese, has been called a "Super Holocaust". [36] The "Rwandan
Michael Berenbaum writes that Germany became a "genocidal state."[6]Every arm of the country's sophisticated bureaucracy was involved in the killing process. Parish churches and the Interior Ministry supplied birth records showing who was Jewish; the Post Office delivered the deportationand denaturaliz
Saul Friedländer writes that: "Not one social group, not one religious community, not one scholarly institution or professional association in Germany and throughout Europe declared its solidarity with the Jews."[39] He writes that some Christian churches declared that converted Jews should be regarded as part of the flock, but even then only up to a point.
Friedländer argues that this makes the Holocaust distinctive because antisemitic policies were able to unfold without the interference of countervailing forces of the kind normally found in advanced societies, such as industry, small businesses, churches, and other vested interests and lobby groups.[39]
In other genocides, pragmatic considerations such as control of territory and resources were central to the genocide policy. Yehuda Bauer argues that:
The basic motivation [of the Holocaust] was purely ideological, rooted in an illusionary world of Nazi imagination, where an international Jewish conspiracy to control the world was opposed to a parallel Aryan quest. No genocide to date had been based so completely on myths, on hallucinations, on abstract, nonpragmatic ideology – which was then executed by very rational, pragmatic means."[40]
Responding to the German philosopher Ernst Nolte who claimed that the Holocaust was not unique, the German historianEberhard Jäckel wrote in 1986 that the Holocaust was unique because:
"the National Socialist killing of the Jews was unique in that never before had a state with the authority of its responsible leader decided and announced that a specific human group, including its aged, its women and its children and infants, would be killed as quickly as possible, and then carried through this resolution using every possible means of state power".[41]
The slaughter was systematically conducted in virtually all areas of Nazi-occupied territory in what are now 35 separate European countries.[42] It was at its worst in Central and Eastern Europe, which had more than seven million Jews in 1939. About five million Jews were killed there, including three million in occupied Poland and over one million in the Soviet Union. Hundreds of thousands also died in the Netherlands, France, Belgium, Yugoslavia and Greece. The Wannsee Protocol makes clear that the Nazis also intended to carry out their "final solution of the Jewish question" in England and Ireland.[43]
Anyone with three or four Jewish grandparents was to be exterminated without exception. In other genocides, people were able to escape death by converting to another religion or in some other way assimilating. This option was not available to the Jews of occupied Europe,[44] unless their grandparents had converted prior to January 18, 1871. All persons of recent Jewish ancestry were to be exterminated in lands controlled by Germany.[45]
Zyklon B (German pronunciation: [tsyklo?n 'be?]; also spelled Cyclon B or Cyclone B) was the trade name of a cyanide-based pesticide infa
It consisted of hydrogen cyanide (prussic acid, Blausäure in German, hence B[1]), astabilizer, and a warning odorant that was impregnated onto various substrates, typically small absorbent pellets, fibre discs, or diatomaceous earth. Zyklon B was stored in airtight containers; when exposed to air, the material released gaseoushydrogen cyanide (HCN).
Zyklon B was originally developed during the 1920s as an insecticide by Dr. Walter Heerdt, at the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for Physical Chemistry and Elektrochemistry atBerlin-Dahl
In early 1942, Zyklon B had been selected by the Nazi Regime as the preferred extermination tool for both the Auschwitz-Birkenau and Maj
Zyklon B was manufactured by the German companies Degesch (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Schädlingsbekämpfung mbH, or German Corporation for Pest Control) and Testa (Tesch und Stabenow, Internationale Gesellschaft für Schädlingsbekämpfung m.b.H.), under license from patentholder IG Farben. The Nazis ordered Degesch to produce Zyklon B without the warning odorant, in breach of German law. After the war, two directors of Testa were tried by a British military court and were executed for their part in supplying the chemical.[2]
Degesch played a key role in the manufacturing of Zyklon B in World War II. Many German companies had stock in Degesch, but all eventually sold their shares to the chemical giant Degussa (now known as Evonik) in the early 1920s. Degussa developed the process to manufacture Zyklon B in "crystals" (actually silica gel absorbent chunks), as it was used during World War II. To raise capital, Degussa split its controlling interest of Degesch with IG Farben in 1930: both companies held a 42.5% share in Degesch, with the remaining 15% held by the Th. Goldschmidt AG ofEssen.[citation needed]
Degesch's role at this point was limited to acquiring patents and intellec
Upon production, Zyklon B was sold by Degesch to Degussa. To cut costs, Degussa sold the marketing rights of Zyklon B to two intermediaries: the Heerdt and Linger GmbH (Heli) and Tesch and Stabenow (Tesch und Stabenow, Internationale Gesellschaft für Schädlingsbekämpfung m.b.H., or Testa) of Hamburg. Both suppliers split their territory along the Elberiver, with Heli handling the clients to the west and Testa doing the same in the east.[citation needed]
Zyklon B is still in production in the Czech Republic in the factory Draslovka Kolín a.s. in the city Kolín under thetradename Uragan D2, sold for eradicating insects and small animals. [3][4]
Zyklon B Use on Humans
From 1929 onwards the U.S. used Zyklon B to disinfect the freight trains and clothes of Mexican immigrants entering the US.[5] Farm Securities Administration photographer Marion Post Wolcott recorded the use of cyanide gas and Zyklon B by the Public Health Service at the New Orleans Quarantine Station during the 1930s.[6]
Zyklon B was used by Nazi Germany to poison prisoners in the gas chambers of their network of extermination campsthroughout Europe. Zyklon B was used at Auschwitz Birkenau, Majdanek, Sachsenhau
Zyklon B was used in the concentration camps initially for delousing to control typhus. The chemical used in the gas chambers was deliberately made without the warning odorant.[7]
In January or February 1940, 250 Gypsy children from Brno in the Buchenwald concentration camp were used as guinea pigs for testing the Zyklon B gas.[8] On September 3, 1941, around 600 Soviet prisoners of war and 250 sick Polish prisoners were gassed with Zyklon B at Auschwitz camp I; this was the first experiment with the gas at Auschwitz. The experiments lasted more than 20 hours.
According to Rudolf Höss, commandant of Auschwitz, bunker 1 held 800 people, and bunker 2 held 1,200.[9] Once the chamber was full, the doors were screwed shut and solid pellets of Zyklon B were dropped into the chambers through vents in the side walls, releasing the cyanide gas. Those inside died within 20 minutes; the speed of death depended on how close the inmate was standing to a gas vent, according to Höss, who estimated that about one third of the victims died immediately.[10][11] Johann Kremer, an SS doctor who oversaw the gassings, testified that: "Shouting and screaming of the victims could be heard through the opening and it was clear that they fought for their lives."[12] When they were removed, if the chamber had been very congested, as they often were, the victims were found half-squatting, their skin colored pink with red and green spots, some foaming at the mouth or bleeding from the ears.[11]
After the war, two directors of Testa – Bruno Tesch and Karl Weinbacher – were tried by a British military court and were executed for their part in supplying the chemical.
The use of the word Zyklon (German for cyclone) continues to prompt angry reactions from Jewish groups. In 2002, both Bosch Siemens Hausgeräte and Umbro were forced to withdraw from attempts to use or trademark the term for their products.[13]
Holocaust deniers say that Zyklon B gas was not used in the gas chambers, relying as evidence on the low levels ofPrussian blue residue in samples of the gas chambers found by Fred A. Leuchter, which Leuchter dismissed as the results of general delousing of buildings. Leuchter's negative control, a sample of gasket material taken from a different building in the camp, registered as having no such cyanide residue.[14] The manager of the analytical laboratory hired by Leuchter states in an interview in Errol Morris' film Mr. Death: The Rise and Fall of Fred A. Leuchter, Jr., that Leuchter's thick samples of brick would have greatly diluted the cyanide residue, which forms only an extremely fine layer on the walls and cannot penetrate.
In 1994, the Institute for Forensic Research in Kraków re-examined this claim on the grounds that formation of Prussian blue by exposure of bricks to cyanide is not a highly probable reaction [15]. Using more sophisticated microdiffusion techniques, they tested 22 samples from the gas chambers, delousing chambers (as positive controls), and living quarters (as negative controls), finding cyanide residue in both the delousing chambers and the ruins of the gas chambers but none in the ruins of the living quarters.[16]
External links
The Bayer company then became part of IG Farben, a conglomerate of German chemical industries that formed a part of the financial core of the German Nazi regime. IG Farben owned 42.5% of the company that manufactured Zyklon B,[2] a chemical used in the gas chambers of Auschwitz and other extermination camps. During World War II, the company also extensively used slave labor in factories attached to large slave labor camps, notably the sub-camps of the Mauthausen-Gusen concentration camp[3]. When the Allies split IG Farben into several pieces after World War II for involvement in organized Nazi war crimes, Bayer reappeared as an individual business. The Bayer executive Fritz ter Meer, sentenced to seven years in prison by the Nuremberg War Crimes Tribunal, was made head of the supervisory board of Bayer in 1956, after his release.
Fritz ter Meer | |
![]() Fritz ter Meer
Born | June 4, 1884 Uerdingen, Germany |
Died | October 27, 1967 (aged 83) Leverkusen, Germany |
Nationality | German |
Institutions | IG Farben, Bayer, Codex Alimentarius |
Fritz ter Meer ( July 4 1884 – October 27 1967 ) was a German chemist.
He was the son of Edmund ter Meer the founder of a chemical company that later became part of Bayer. Fritz ter Meer also worked for Bayer and later IG Farben. He was involved in the planning of Monowitz concentration camp, a satellite camp of KZ Auschwitz. He was sentenced to seven years prison by the Nuremberg Trials in 1948. After he was released in 1951 he became supervisory board chairman (Aufsichtsratsvorsitzender) of the Bayer AG. He retired in 1961.
Edmund ter Meer ( 1852 – November 5, 1931) was a German chemist who discovered the ter Meer reaction and founded in 1877 the ter Meer dye company in Uerdingen. After the fusion with the aniline factory of Julius Weiler the Weiler-ter Meer company was formed. This company later became part of the Bayer company. His son Fritz ter Meer also became a chemist associated to the Bayer company.
Edmund ter Meer | |
Born | 1852 |
Died | November 5, 1931 (aged 79) |
Nationality | German |
Institutions | Bayer |
Known for | ter Meer reaction |
![]() |
Type | Public (FWB: BAY, TYO:4863) |
Founded | 1863 |
Founder(s) | Friedrich Bayer, Johann Friedrich Weskott |
Headquarters | Leverkusen, Germany |
Key people | Werner Wenning (CEO), Manfred Schneider (Chairmanof the supervisory board) |
Industry | Pharmaceuticals, chemicals |
Products | Veterinary drugs, diagnostic imaging, general and specialtymedicines, women's healthproducts, over-the-count |
Revenue | €32.918 billion (2008)[1] |
Operating income | ? €3.544 billion (2008)[1] |
Profit | ? €1.719 billion (2008)[1] |
Employees | 108,600 (2008)[1] |
Subsidiaries | Bayer MaterialScience, Bayer USA, Bayer Schering Pharma,Bayer HealthCare Pharmaceuticals, Bayer CropScience |
Website | www.bayer.com |
Bayer AG was founded in Barmen (today a part of Wuppertal), Germany in 1863 by Friedrich Bayer and his partner, Johann Friedrich Weskott.
Bayer's first major product was acetylsalicylic acid (originally discovered by French chemist Charles Frederic Gerhardt in 1853), a modification of salicylic acid or salicin, a folk remedy found in the bark of the willow plant. By 1899, Bayer's trademark Aspirin was registered worldwide for Bayer's brand of acetylsalicylic acid, but because of the confiscation of Bayer's US assets and trademarks during World War I by the United States - and the subsequent widespread usage of the word to describe all brands of the compound, "Aspirin" lost its trademark status in the United States, France, and the United Kingdom. It is now widely used in the US, UK, and France for all brands of the drug. However in over 80 other countries, such as Canada, Mexico, Germany, and Switzerland, it is still a registered trademark of Bayer.
In 1904, the Bayer company introduced the Bayer cross as its corporate logo. Because Bayer's aspirin was sold through pharmacists and doctors only, and the company could not put its own packaging on the drug, the Bayer cross was imprinted on the actual tablets, so that customers would associate Bayer with its aspirin.
As part of the reparations after World War I, Bayer had its assets, including the rights to its name and trademarks confiscated in the United States, Canada, and several other countries. In the United States and Canada, Bayer's assets and trademarks were acquired by Sterling Drug, a predecessor of Sterling Winthrop.
The Bayer company then became part of IG Farben, a conglomerate of German chemical industries that formed a part of the financial core of the German Nazi regime. IG Farben owned 42.5% of the company that manufactured Zyklon B,[2] a chemical used in the gas chambers of Auschwitz and other extermination camps. During World War II, the company also extensively used slave labor in factories attached to large slave labor camps, notably the sub-camps of the Mauthausen-Gusen concentration camp[3]. When the Allies split IG Farben into several pieces after World War II for involvement in organized Nazi war crimes, Bayer reappeared as an individual business. The Bayer executive Fritz ter Meer, sentenced to seven years in prison by the Nuremberg War Crimes Tribunal, was made head of the supervisory board of Bayer in 1956, after his release.[4]
In 1978, Bayer purchased Miles Laboratories and its subsidiaries Miles Canada and Cutter Laboratories (along with a product line including Alka-Seltzer, Flints
The company's corporate logo, the Bayer cross, was introduced in 1904. It consists of the horizontal word "BAYER" crossed with the vertical word "BAYER", both words sharing the "Y", and enclosed in a circle. An illuminated version of the logo lights up the skyline of Leverkusen, where Bayer is headquartered. Installed in 1958, this is the largest illuminated advertisement in the world.
In order to separate operational and strategic managements, Bayer AG was reorganized into a holding company in December 2003. The group's core businesses were transformed into limited companies, each controlled by BayerAG. These companies are: Bayer CropScience AG; Bayer HealthCare AG; Bayer MaterialScience AG and Bayer Chemicals AG, and the three service limited companies Bayer Technology Services GmbH, Bayer Business Services GmbH and Bayer Industry Services GmbH & Co. OHG.
Following Bayer's successful reorganization, its chemicals activities (with the exception of H.C. Starck and Wolff Walsrode) were combined with certain components of the polymers segment to form the new company Lanxess. This change took place on July 1, 2004, with Lanxess listed on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange in early 2005. Bayer HealthCare's Diagnostics Division was acquired by Siemens Medical Solutions in January 2007.
Bayer AG shares are listed on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange, the London Stock Exchange and used to be listed on theNew York Stock Exchange. On September 5, 2007, Bayer announced its intention to file for delisting of its American Depositary Shares (ADSs) from the NYSE. It is also planned to de-register with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and thereby terminate the respective reporting obligations.
Bayer is governed by a board of management, consisting of: Klaus Kühn, Wolfgang Plischke, Richard Pott, and Werner Wenning.[5]
In 2004 Bayer HealthCare AG acquired the OTC Pharmaceutical Division of Roche Pharmaceuticals.
On March 13, 2006, Merck KGaA announced a €14.6bn bid for Schering AG. Merck's takeover bid was surpassed by Bayer's (successful) $19.5bn white-knight bid for Schering on March 23, 2006.
On March 11, 2008, Bayer HealthCare announced an agreement to acquire the portfolio and OTC division of privately owned Sagmel, Inc., a US-based company that markets over-the-counter medications in most of the Commonwealth of Independent States countries such as Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, B
Bayer HealthCare's Animal Health Division is the maker of Advantage Multi (imidacloprid + moxidectin) Topical Solution for dogs and cats, Advantage flea control for cats and dogs and K9 Advantix, a flea, tick, and mosquito control product for dogs. Advantage Multi, K9 Advantix and Advantage are trademarks of Bayer. The division specializes in parasite control and prescription pharmaceuticals for dogs, cats, horses, and cattle. North American operation for the Animal Health Division are headquartered in Shawnee, Kansas. Bayer Animal Health is a division of Bayer HealthCare LLC, one of the world's leading healthcare companies. K9 Advantix is renowned for its popular jingle.
In 2002 Bayer AG acquired Aventis CropScience and fused it with their own agrochemicals division (Bayer Pflanzenschutz or "Crop Protection") to form Bayer CropScience. The company is now one of the world's leading innovative crop science companies in the areas of crop protection (i.e. pesticides), non-agricultural pest control,
Bayer CropScience is involved in a joint project with Archer Daniels Midland Company and Daimler AG to develop jatrophaas a biofuel[8].
In 2007 Bayer took over Schering Healthcare. The acquisition of Schering was the largest take-over in Bayer’s history.
Located at the Bayer USA Headquarters in Robinson Township, Pennsylvania, a suburb of Pittsburgh, Bayer Business Services handles the Information Technology infrastructure and technical support aspect of Bayer USA and Bayer Canada. This is also the headquarters of the North American Service Desk, the central IT Help Desk for all of Bayer USA and Bayer Canada.
Bayer Healthcare has also produced the birth control pills Yaz and Yasmin. Both pills use a newer type of progesteronehormone called drospirenone in combination with estrogen. Yaz is advertised as a treatment for premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD) and moderate acne.
In 1904, the company founded the sports club TuS 04 ("Turn- und Spielverein der Farbenfabriken vorm. Friedr. Bayer & Co."), later SV Bayer 04 ("Sportvereinigung Bayer 04 Leverkusen"), finally becoming TSV Bayer 04 Leverkusen ("Turn- und Sportverein") in 1984, generally however known simply as Bayer 04 Leverkusen. The club is best known for its football team, but has been involved in many other sports, including athletics, fencing, team handball, volleyball, boxing, and basketball. TSV Bayer 04 Leverkusen is one of the largest sports clubs in Germany. The company also supports similar clubs at other company sites, including Dormagen (particularly handball), Wuppertal (particularly volleyball), and Krefeld-Uerdingen (featuring another former Bundesliga football club, SC Bayer 05 Uerdingen, now KFC Uerdingen 05).[9]
However, due to cost factors, the company has decided to cut back its sponsoring of its top sports teams in most areas. The sponsoring agreements with first and second-division teams in basketball, team handball, and volleyball, as well as in olympic-level athletics and fencing, will be terminated in 2008 or 2010. Despite their many successes (multiple German national championships as well as numerous Olympic medals), they are not considered to be valuable enough as a marketing tool in terms of their cost-to-benefit ratio. Only the very "telegenic" football (soccer) team, whose marketing value is very high due the exposure in the media and the popularity of the sport itself, will continue to be supported as in the past. General sponsoring of sport for youth and for handicapped people will also be continued as in the past.[10]
In his book Aspirin: The Story of a Wonder Drug, author Diarmuid Jeffreys investigated Bayer's sponsorship of the experiments of Nazi Dr. Josef Mengele. In 1956 Fritz ter Meer became chairman of Bayer after having been sentenced at the Nuremberg trials to seven years' imprisonment for his part in carrying out experiments on human subjects atAuschwitz.
Jefferys also details Arthur Eichengrün, the Bayer chemist who first found an aspirin formulation which was tolerable in thehuman stomach and did not have the unpleasant side effects of nausea and gastric
Mr. Jeffreys' claims are widely reflected in other publications and official records,[11][12][13][14][15][1
It has also been documented that Aspirin compounds were successfully synthesized by various other scientists or groups thereof in the years between 1848-1869, long before Bayer's claims. This fact led to various patent litigations in the early 20th century.[18]
In August 2006, it became apparent that the United States rice crop had been contaminated with unapproved genetically engineered Bayer CropScience rice as undisclosed amounts were found in commercial rice supplies.[19]
More specifically, the genetically engineered rice has an herbicide-resistance trait. These forms of rice are commonly referred to amongst US rice growers as, Liberty Link Rice 601 or LL 601. Approximately 100 varieties of rice produced primarily in the following six states: Arkansas, Texas, Louis
Bayer AG is involved in an ongoing controversy with French and Nova Scotian beekeepers over claimed pesticide kills ofhoneybees from its seed treatment insecticide imidacloprid. France has since issued a provisional ban on the use ofImidacloprid for corn seed treatment pending further action. A consortium of U.S. beekeepers has also filed a civil suit against Bayer CropScience for alleged losses.
Austrian journalist Klaus Werner alleged in his book "Schwarzbuch Markenfirmen" ("Black Book on Brand Companies"), that the Bayer subsidiary H.C. Starck financed the civil war in the Democratic Republic of Congo by trading illegally with the mineral coltan. The allegations were also confirmed by a U.N. panel of experts. Bayer alleged that since 2001 it didn't trade any more in Congolese coltan, but never proved where their resources came from.[20][21]
A cite from http://www.haemophilia-li
Bayer's anti-cholesterol drug, Baycol (also known as Lipobay and cerivastatin), has deadly side effects. The Food and Drug Administration received reports of 31 US deaths due to rhabdomyolysis, a potentially fatal adverse muscle reaction that results in muscle cell breakdown and release of the contents of muscle cells in the bloodstream. Symptoms include muscle pain, weakness, fever, nausea, and vomiting. Bayer admitted that the drug might have killed 52 people already worldwide, with another 1,100 potentially crippled. Although Bayer voluntarily recalled the drug after a large number of deaths, Germany's health minister, on 25 August 2001, accused Bayer of sitting on research documenting Baycol's lethal side-effects for nearly two months before the government in Berlin was informed.' A number of individual and class action law suits have been filed, including one in Pennsylvania which cited 480 cases of Baycol-related illnesses. The number of Baycol related deaths has risen to almost 100.[citation needed]
In October 2001, Bayer was taken to court after 24 children in the remote Andean village of Tauccamarca were killed and 18 severely poisoned when they drank a powdered milk substitute that had been contaminated with methyl parathion. The white powder that resembles powdered milk and has no strong chemical odour was packaged in small plastic bags that provide no protection to users and give no indication of the danger of the product within. The bags were labelled in Spanish only, and carried drawings of healthy carrots and potatoes but no pictograms indicating danger or toxicity.[citation needed]After a nine month investigation, a Peruvian Congressional Subcommittee has found significant evidence of criminal responsibility by both the agrochemical company Bayer and the Peruvian Ministry of Agriculture in the poisoning of 42 children in the remote Andean village of Tauccamarca in October 1999.[26]
Using Baytril and other fluoroquinolones in poultry and cattle leads to antibiotic-resistant bacter
After data collected by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention showed that the use of fluoroquinolones in poultry was speeding up the bacteria's development of resistance to the drug, the US Food and Drug Administration concluded that the health of at least 5,000 Americans is affected each year by the use of these drugs in chickens. It also proposed to ban this use. Abbott Laboratories, one of the two producers of poultry fluoroquinolones in the US, voluntarily withdrew its product, but Bayer refused to comply with the proposed ban and instead requested a hearing on the proposal. This hearing may take years to complete, and by then the ban may be a moot point since the drug may be ineffective in humans by the time the FDA is able to issue a final ban on the use of these drugs in poultry.
The United States' Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the United Nations' World Health Organization, have strongly advocated a ban for years. On 31 October 2000, Environmental Defense, the American Public Health Association, Center for Science in the Public Interest; Delmarva Poultry Justice Alliance; Food Animal Concerns Trust; Global Resources Action Center for the Environment; Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy; National Catholic Rural Life Conference; Physicians for Social Responsibility; and Union of Concerned Scientists signed a letter to the Bayer Corporation asking it to comply voluntarily with the proposed ban. In November, more than 180 individual health care professionals and several medical organizations, including the American Medical Association and the American College of Preventive Medicine, sent a similar letter to Bayer.
But Bayer has recently spent over US$50 million to build new production facilities for Baytril in Germany and the US. The company claimed that Baytril is completely harmless in a letter to veterinarians: "Bayer has and always will play a leading role in defending fluoroquinolones".[citation needed]
In January 2001, Bayer agreed to pay $14 million to the United States and 45 states to settle allegations under the federalFalse Claims Act that the company caused physicians and other health care providers to submit fraudulently inflated reimbursement claims to the state and federally funded Medicaid program.[27]
In September 2006, Bayer A.G. was faulted by the FDA for not revealing during testimony the existence of a commissioned retrospective study of 67,000 patients, 30,000 of whom received Trasylol and the rest other anti-fibrinolytics. The study concluded Trasylol carried greater risks. The FDA was alerted to the study by one of the researchers involved. Although the FDA issued a statement of concern they did not change their recommendation that the drug may benefit certain subpopulations of patients. In a Public Health Advisory Update dated October 3, 2006, the FDA recommended that "physicians consider limiting Trasylol use to those situations in which the clinical benefit of reduced blood loss is necessary to medical management and outweighs the potential risks" and carefully monitor patients.[28] "A renowned researcher calculates that 22,000 patients could have been saved if the Food and Drug Administration removed the heart surgery drug Trasylol two years ago, when his study revealed widespread death associated with it......"[29] The FDA took Trasylol off the market on November 5, 2007.[30]
Bayer USA was given the lowest score (15 out of 100) of all rated companies in its category in the Human Rights Campaign's 2008 Corporate Equality Index, a measure of gay and lesbian workplace equality.[31] However, they have improved and managed a score of 80 in the 2009 CEI. [32]
In October 2009 the Center for Science in the Public Interest sued Bayer for "falsely claiming that the selenium in Men's One A Day multivitamins might reduce the risk of prostate cancer." [33]
On August 28, 2008, a piece of restarting equipment exploded at Bayer's CropScience facility at Institute in West Virginia. It was close to a tank filled with methyl isocyanate which was undamaged by the explosion.[34]
In October 2008, Bayer's Canadian division was named one of "Canada's Top 100 Employers" by Mediacorp Canada Inc., and was featured in Maclean's news magazine. Later that month, the Canadian division was also named one of Greater Toronto's Top Employers, which was announced by the Toronto Star newspaper.[35]
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