Also see:
Also see:
National Security Agency: Giving Out U.S. Names
Senate panel rejects bid for NSA inquiry
White House Working to Avoid Wiretap Probe
Support Builds for Spy Program Proposal
NSA Surveillance Data Led FBI To Dead Ends Or Innocent Americans
Shame on Bush for rights violation
NYT sues Pentagon over domestic spying
Defending Spy Program, General Reveals Shaky Grip on 4th Amendment
Rice Defends Domestic Eavesdropping
Bill may curb warrantless surveillance
Cheney: Spy program key to terror war
2 groups sue U.S. over domestic surveillance
Bush defends spying at home, calls it terror surveillance
Justice: Domestic surveillance legal
Whitehouse attempts to deflect outrage over domestic spying order by lauching leak probe
Bush Lies: Stated Wiretap Required Court Order
Lawmakers Say Will Press Bush on Spying
Latest White House report says spy power confirmed by 9-11
Gonzales: War powers authorized eavesdropping
For years, Bush said court orders required for spying
Spying Program Snared U.S. Calls
ACLU rebukes Justice Department findings on wiretaps as 'spin'
Bush Administration Defends Spying Program
Bush acknowledges approving eavesdropping
White House Press Sec. on Domestic Spying: "It is What it Is"
Eavesdropping Effort Began Soon After Sept. 11 Attacks
Bush's Orwellian Attack on Whistleblowers and the Media
Scholar Stands by Post-9/11 Writings On Torture, Domestic Eavesdropping
Military Spying
NSA just one of many federal agencies spying on Americans
Domestic Military Intelligence Is Back
Intelligence Agencies Spy on Peace Groups, Religous Organizations
The price of domestic spying Infiltrated by feds, antiwar group turns on photographer
FBI Spying on Religious, Protest Groups
FBI labeled peace, affirmative action group 'terrorist'
ACLU of Washington Seeks Files on Government Surveillance of Peace Groups
WARNING: Please ensure when you download this report that you handle the information sensitively as it is focused on a highly controversial topic.
How Can One Put This Down to Sheer Coincidence?
My name is Reece Woodstock, the lead production manager on this highly sensitive project, called "More Than Human".
When we decided 5 months ago that we needed to produce a report focused on the latest developments within the field of genetics, little did we realize what we were letting ourselves into. Since that time the evidence has been mounting up week by week and month by month that there is a definite agenda to corrupt the human gene pool.
Its not an obvious agenda. Its one of them things that you have to peel back the murky smoking mirrors, shady doors and disinformation decoys until you get to the real heart of the matter and the plain vanilla truth about the madness that is going on right now in 2012 in our scientific community.
What we have found though, is that many Christians are comfortable in associating evil, with the likes of Nazi Germany in the 1940s, gang violence in the community, sexual promiscuity within the media or the promoting of anti biblical and evolutionary ideas in schools and higher education. These are easy associations of evil and ones which are easy to identify and draw the line between black and white.
However when it comes to the issue of genetics there seems to be a slight apprehension amongst those of the Christian faith. It is almost as if the subject of genetics and faith should be reserved for private interpretation. Many Christians will point out the good that gene science will do for uncovering cures for terrible diseases and providing hope for those seeking fertility treatment. Any criticism of the medical industry is perceived to be an attack out of ignorance and holding to medieval old world views, which are supposedly inconsistent with the modern world.
A Responsibility to the Truth!
If you turn your TV this Sunday to any Christian station, I would like you to count the number of messages you come across where there is specific focus on the genetics revolution and the biblical perspective. I am sure you will see and hear messages about increasing your walk with God, understanding the season of blessing, claiming the anointing, faithfulness, being good stewards etc. There is nothing wrong with any of these themes, but I can almost guarantee that on a month by month and year by year basis, that none of the high profile ministries will touch what you are about to see in this 5 part report.
Why.....Because the vast majority of Christians leaders have no idea that respected establishments like the science community are dabbling in areas that mankind should never venture. If Christian leaders were to approach their congregations with the truth there is the fear that people would react as people naturally do, they leave because they don't want to hear any more. Commercially it is too risky for any TV ministry to risk losing viewers and church attendees over such topics....right?
Jesus told his disciples that we need to be aware and watchful of the signs of the times. We also have a great responsibility to shine the light in exposing the dark works both in the spiritual realm and the physical realm. Christendom needs to wake up from its slumber and realize that there are specific current day topics where the ethical and spiritual voice of the Church needs to be heard.
The reality that will unfold right before your eyes in the 5 part report "More Than Human" is that mankind is teetering on the precipice of a disaster, and is a on a collision course with severe consequences that will brutally impact the human race in the near future. Whilst science has a great mission to rid the world of disease and make it a better place, there is also a sense of accountability and responsibility that accompanies this great calling.
Unfortunately on the ascent to godhood status, mankind has thrown off the shackles of accountability and responsibility because the end is within sight.
What is More Than Human?
"More Than Human" is a major report in which we have collaborated with some of the world best scientific researchers,who have issued stark warnings about a diabolical agenda, to deceive people into thinking that science is making extraordinary scientific strides for the benefit of you and me.
We name and shame the private and public organizations that have been set up with taxpayers money to move the understanding of our human mind and body to the point where we eventually end up corrupting and destroying ourselves by tampering with our DNA and spiritual make up.
There is so much information that you need to see that we have had to divide the report into the 5 following parts, for what is a heart wrenching journey in understanding how mankind's status as a human being, is now being attacked on all sides at a spiritual level and a genetic level. The irony is that in our attempt to become immortal we will actually unleash mass destruction on global scale that will validate the fallibility of our humanity.
So lets take a sneak preview on some of the key features of this newly released report.
An unholy trinity of revolutions has widened its sphere of influence over mankind in the twenty first century deepening its grip and ensuring that the future of mankind follows a predicted path. One could be mistaken for assuming that these three revolutions are all random events, but with a little discernment one will begin to observe, that across all three revolutions is the same end goal. The deification of man or in other words, man attaining immortality and godhood status. These three revolutions are genetic engineering, spiritual enlightenment and technology acceleration. All three may seem like independent strands yet beneath the mist that that hides their footprint is a control center operating out of a spiritual plane........................ |
When Jamaican sprinter Usain Bolt broke the 100m sprint world record in Berlin in 2009 he set an unbelievable time of 9.58 seconds. However many researchers believe that in the next 50-100 years human beings will be running less than 8 seconds. Is this really possible? (Addressed in Part 2: Page 20) | |
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Can your own DNA really store non biological data and be used like a memory flash drive? Surely this cant be reality, or can it? What are the sinister motives behind the funding of this new area of research? (Addressed in Part 2: Page 25) |
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Why is the scientific finding that our DNA actually absorbs light, consistent with what the Bible infers about our future bodies? (Addressed in Part 2: Page 37) |
Are hybrids and chimera's the fantasy of mythology and legends or is there proof in the Bible of animal-human hybrids? and if so what are the implications?(Addressed in Part 3: Page 8) |
What past evidence is there that genetically modifying a pharmaceutical drug caused an unheard disease to impact more than 5000 Americans? (Addressed in Part 3: Page 27) |
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Are you aware of the 4 different ways that animal and human DNA have been mixed under laboratory conditions? and which method was used to create the worlds first animal - human hybrid? (Addressed in Part 3: Page 48) |
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Of the 10 consequences facing the genetic revolution, which consequence has major impacts for institutions such as the Birckbeck (CSI) law school in the United Kingdom? (Addressed in Part 3: Page 53) |
1. Because the conclusions drawn in this report from the chaos and confusionare shared by some of the worlds best researchers whose views also contribute to this report. It is not just us sounding the alarm but experts in the area of genetic engineering who have seen the dangers and are sounding it as well.
The dangers from genetic engineering is not just an idea from a bunch of conspiracy theorists but an actual reality supported by thousands of medical experts, some who have to hide their true opinions for the sake of protecting their funding and medical practices
2. You will also understand there is a spiritual agenda as well which is seeking to change mankind to the point where humans will no longer qualify as being in "the image of God". This agenda is seeking to rewrite science, technology and sociology in ushering a new era where man will self evolve through the integration with silicon based synthetic machines and carbon based hybridization. This attempt for humans to attain the unique qualities found within the animal, plant kingdom and world of artificial intelligence will corrupt human DNA and inflict the curse of the Days of Noah. 3. In reading this report your understanding of the Antichrist and the "image of the beast" from Revelation 13 will become so much more clearer. All of these technologies whether it be Nanotechnology, Synthetic Biology, Artificial Intelligence, Genetic Engineering etc are all converging for one underlying purpose, to elevate man to the status of being an immortal "post-human" god, with the ability to break through the so called shackles they believe that Christianity has applied to the social fabric of societies over many thousands of year. 4. No other report has been produced this year that goes to the extensive depths that are required for you to touch the surface of this highly volatile subject matter. Whether its knowing the companies and individuals at the forefront of these new technology revolutions, whether its knowing that the movie "Avatar" is actually a chilling basis for what is being developed and practiced by closed laboratory doors with both private and public funding, whether its truly understanding the serious nature of alien abductions and the biological impacts on the abductees of such events or seeing the increase of spiritualism in non spiritual sectors such as sport and business, you will not see the world in the same way after reading this report. This is Your Choice! There is no beating around the bush or hard sell with this mammoth report. Either you are hungry for more insight, more knowledge and more research to help you teach and inform others or maybe you believe you know it all, or have your own world view and think only you are right and everyone else wrong. We have no idea of where you stand today, but the one thing we will say is this....... If you download this report you will understand the relevance of everything that is happening in our world today where both genetic and spiritual engineering is concerned. You no longer have to trawl the internet and be frustrated by poor research, rehashed information and no originality. This report is as good as it gets by providing a deep understanding of all the key elements which are contributing to the emergence of what transhumanists call the "Singularity". Take your first step and be one of the 2% of the population who are seeking the alternative truth and not just happy to be continually fed the junk media diet of what mainstream science tells you/
Click here for Details of How to Obtain the Report, Literally in Minutes...... Yours Sincerely Reece Woodstock Click here for Details of How to Obtain the Report, Literally in Minutes.....
Also see:
Masonic Rituals exposed in Turkey
Illuminati New World Order Video One
Behind Closed Doors
The Power and Influence of Secret Societies
Michael Streeter
From the ruthless Sicilian Mafia to the politically significant Bilderberg Group, described as 'an international who's who of the
wealthy, influential and powerful'. Behind Closed Doors explores some of the world's most mysterious and secretive associations,
separating the falsehoods and fictions from the often unsettling truth...Many religions that purport to be based on spiritual insight
and established historical significance have nonetheless incurred fear and suspicion, Opus Dei made famous in Dan Brown's best-
selling 2003 novel The Da Vinci Code - has long courted controversy with its links to various powerful institutions and governments,
including Franco's Spain. The Church of Scientology has made headlines with its controversial views on mental health, politics and
the nature of the universe itself, Intrigue and suspicion also surround many secular organizations, including the secretive Skull and
Bones Society, a gather of elites at Yale University; the infamous Ku Klux Klan (KKK), with its violent history and practices; and Cecil
John Rhodes's Society of the Elect, an appropriately name organization that sought to expand the British Empire... From medieval
Spain all the way to modern-day Los Angeles, California, Behind Closed Doors takes the reader on a gripping, revelatory journey
behind the scenes of some of the world's most secret faiths and institutions, peeling away the speculation and paranoia to reveal
their true nature and impact upon society...
Are there political organizations presently at work behind the world to their will? Why are some religions successful, while others have died out? Mystery, reverent secrecy. business acumen and financial wealth are all essential to, any of today's most feared and controversial religions and political groups. From the mysterious Illuminati and Opis Dei Faiths to convert political organizations such as the Trilateral Commission, Michael Street examines secret societies, both past and present, exploring their power and influence and revealing the true nature behind the handshakes and headlines....
The Spanish word for 'Illuminati' or 'enlightened', given to a loosely connected group of mystics in 15th and 16th century Spain. Many of these Christians were converts from Judaism or Islam, and a considerable number were persecuted by the Catholic Church as heretics.
One of the most famous - and notorious - secret societies in history. Formed in the late 11th Century in what is today Iran they were founded by Hassan-i-Sabah, of the Ismaili sect of Islam, and used as a means of attacking his political and religious enemies. Followers were used to attack and assassinate Crudoer warlords in the Holy Land, though overtime they simply became killers for hire. They vanished during the time of the Mongol invasions of the 13th century.
Bilderberg Group
The formation of this political gathering of world leaders and powerbrokers can be dated to a meeting at a hotel in Holland in 1954, though its origins probably owe much to political alliances and networks that developed in the Second World War. Each year Bilderberg invitees meet behind closed doors to discuss the great political, economic and diplomatic issues of the day.. The Group has been accused by conspiracy theorists of being a front for a world government, and by other critics of working in an anti-democratic and unaccountable manner...
A 19th-century Italian Secret Society with overt political and nationalistic aims, which included the reunifications of Italy - in which they played a part, Their rituals and secrecy were based largely on Freemasonry, though their roots may lie in a fresh revolutionary group whose name (like that of the Italian society) means 'charcoal burners'. Though short-lived. the Carconari had a considerable impact of Itatlian history.
One of the best-known groups of Christian heretics in history, Cathars or people with similar beliefs existed in many parts of Christian Europe from the 11th century AD. though they are most closely identified with the south of France. Another name for them is the Albigensians, meaning people form Albi, a town near Toulouse. The Cathers were nosics whose beliefs, which included the assertion that Jesus’ teachings had been misunderstood and corrupted by later institutions, were inevitably condemned by the Catholic Church. In the early 13th century, the Church launched a crusade against the French Cathars; by the middle of the century they had been wiped out as an organised community. Their former strongholds and castles are now popular tourist destinations in southern France.
Conspiracy Equals
One of a number of quaintly named secret devolutionary societies that existed in France in the aftermath of the Revolution in 1789. Created by Francios Babeuf and Filippo Buonarroti, its aim was to seize power by focusing on a small clique of powerful official and individuals in the post-revolutionary government (rather than seeking a popular mass uprising). However, the subversive group was itself subverted and betrayed, and its members either jailed or executed.
Council on Foreign Relations
One of the elite political 'clubs' that has provoked much controversy among conspiracy theorists since its formation in New York after the end of the First World War. Like the Bilderberg Group, its alleged purpose is to set up a form of world government (some believe that it has already been successful). The Council on Foreign Relations is undoubtedly a very effective, well connected and influential source of policy and ideas.
Edited from: The Brotherhood by Stephen Knight-1984:
Modern Freemasonry probably originated in Scotland...The earliest known instance of a non-stonemason, a gentleman, joining a mason's lodge is John Boswell, Laird of Auchinlech, who was a member of the Lodge of Edinburgh in 1600, Apparently the first English Gentleman to join an English Lodge was Elias Ashmore, founder of Oxford’s Ashmolean Museum. Elias Ashmore was an antiquarian deeply interested in Rosicruciamism, he joined in 1644. Masonry became so fashionable that as the seventh century progressed the 'acceptance' (the collective term for non-stonemasons) became the majority in the Masonic Lodges. For example in 167- the Aberdeen Lodge ( Scotland), where Dr James Anderson, who wrote the modern day constitution for Freemasonry, became a member, had 39 'accepted' members while only ten remained 'operative' masons...but it was long before the novelty in participating in the quaint and venerable doings of artisans wore thin. Men of fashion saw no reason to prolong association with working men, and they begun to form their gentlemen's what we know today as "Modern Freemasonry" was launched...
... The comparatively short documented history of Freemasonry as an institution is nevertheless quite extra-ordinary. It is the story of how a Roman Catholic trade guild for a few thousand building workers in Britain came to be taken over by the aristocracy, the gentry and members of mainly non-productive professions, and how it was turned into a non-Christian secret society enjoying association with offshoot fraternal societies with millions of adherents throughout most of the non-Communist world...Freemasonry is both a speculative, philosophic - even religious and mystical - system, and a fraternity of those organized to help each other in material ways ... for some Masons it is entirely the former, for others entirely the latter, but for most it is a mixture of the two...
....Masonic historians seem as uncertain as non-masons about who first saw in the obsolescent mediaeval Christian Masonic guild, an organization that could be taken over and converted into a quasi-religious, quasi-secular secret society .. What evidence there is indicates that this evolution began very slowly and almost by chance, and that it was only later that the potential of the Masonic guild as a clandestine power base was perceived... in other words, it appears that the original interest of the gentry in the Masonic lodges stemmed from curiosity, antiquarian interest, and a kind of fashionable search for an unconventional, exclusive social milieu - rather like a jet-set fad for frequenting working men's pubs....
... There are a number of reasons why the Masonic guild should have attracted this general interest....
...First, the working ( or 'operative') mason's craft guild was ripe for takeover: structured in the heyday of Gothic architecture in the thirteenth century, the craft was dying.. King's College Chapel at Cambridge, perhaps the last truly great English Gothic building, had been completed about 1512...
... Secondly, the highly skilled stonemasons of the Gothic age were peculiar in that many were itinerant workers, moving from church site to cathedral site as work was to be found. They had no regular headquarters like other trades, gathering in temporary lodges on site to discuss affairs ...and, as they often did not know each other as did permanent residents of mediaeval towns, they needed some method of recognition, some way of maintaining a closed shop to protect their demanding and highly esteemed profession against interlopers who had not undergone the rigorous apprenticeship necessary to acquire the mason's skills. These, as Professor Jacob Bronowski termed them, were the 'industrial aristocrats'.....
.... Thus there was cosmopolitan romance, exclusivity and an organized secretiveness about the mason's guild, which became increasingly moribund as baroque replaced Gothic architecture ... all of this had potential fascination for men of education.......
.... The 'speculative' Masons inherited seven main fundamental points from their 'operative' predecessors:
(1) an organization with the three grades of membership: (a) Apprentice, (b) Fellow or Journeyman, and (c) Master Mason;
(2) A unit termed a Lodge;
(3) Legendary histories of the origins of the Masonic craft set out in the 100-odd manuscripts containing the so-called 'Old Charges', the oldest being the Regius manuscripts of 1390, which was in verse;
(4) A tradition o fraternal and benevolent relations between members;
(5) A rule of secrecy about Lodge doings, although the Old Charges themselves were simply lists of quite ordinary rules for the guild, which members were enjoined to keep 'so help you God'. as befitted a Christian grouping there were no blood-curdling oaths;
(6) A method of recognition, notably the Scottish 'mason word' traced back to 1550: unwritten but variously remembered as Mahabyn, Mahabone, or even Matchpin;
(7) A thoroughly Christian foundation - the Old Charges are permeated with mediaeval Roman Catholicism;
With the demise of the original 'trade union' purpose of organization and the eclipse not only of Roman Catholicism due to the Reformation, but also the waning of Christianity with the rise of science, what was left towards the end of the seventeenth century was the framework of a secretive association, likened by authority to a peasant's cottage ripe for extensive development as a luxury weekend home fore the well-to-do.
... Serious Masonic historians themselves deplore the lack of documentation about the three or four critical decades before the foundation of the Grand Lodge of England in 1717, but is was during these years that the course of Freemasonry was to follow set.. It was evidently then that few men among the small number (possibly only a few hundred in all) of 'accepted' masons must have come to see the potential of a secret society cutting across class divisions to embrace aristocrats, gentry, professional men and elements of the expanding middle class... It was to be a 'brotherhood' which would put a string to pull into the hand of every members, and strings enough in the hands of its shadowy controllers to manipulate events - like puppet masters behind the scenes ..But who these people were and just how consciously they planned or, as some have said, even plotted, is shrouded in mystery… One thing united a majority of politically conscious people at this time: the need to preserve the gain of the Civil War of 1642=1651 - the limitation of the power of the King.. The 'accepted' Masons of the last quarter of the seventeenth century would appear to have been largely drawn from the type of people most anxious to preserve and to increase the steadily growing influence in society and government if men of quite moderate wealth and standing...
.... William of orange and his consort Mary in 1688 were invited to become joint sovereigns..
.... When Grand Lodge was founded, George I had been on the throne only three years ..The prominent in Masonry were poised to have a hand in the manipulation of the new Hanoverian dynasty...
...Before the foundation of Grand Lodge in 1717, moves to transform the old guild into a true secret society were well on the way. As the normal trade union business of operative Masonic Lodges dwindled and eventually ceased, so the element of ritual based on the readings of the Old Charges - their legendary stories about the origins of the 'Mason's Craft; and their injunctions to members to obey the traditional rules - was transformed. Lodge ritual, initiations and speculative dissertations became the mail business of actual lodge meetings ... at the same time fraternal conviviality - which in the old days of operative masonry had probably been confined to a tankard or two after meetings in a local ale house - soon became a major feature of Masonic society... much was eaten, much was drunk, and much was discussed in the privacy of Masonic meeting places (usually taverns) after the rather dry formal doings in Lodge were over... the 'better' the `lodge - in the sense of social class - the 'better' the conversation and the more lavish and expensive the entertainment ,,,Masonry was already on its way to mirroring and re-enforcing the class system and the emerging social order based on strictly constitutional monarchy... whatever it was to become overseas, where no Civil War, no Glorious Revolution had yet taken place, Masonry in England was already headed towards a conservative future...The sights of its prime movers were already set on a movement underpinning a type of society admirably suited to its purposes: a stable society with limited social mobility in which a secret inner 'Old Boy' association could provide an environment where considerable benefit could be gained by members who knew how to 'play the Masonic organ'.
,, Formal oaths of secrecy to be sworn by individual initiates appear in a number of Old charges containing 'new orders', but as these were published five years after the establishment of Grand Lodge they are possibly spurious. ,,,either way, no horrific sanctions are mentioned, even so, the inclusion of an oath in the initiation rituals can be regarded as a crucial step in the creation of a secret society from the old guild...
.... In 1717 Freemasonry enters properly into history,, Four London Lodges alone formed Grand Lodge and owed allegiance to it. What is interesting is that a none too well-off gentleman, Anthony Sayer, was installed as Grand Master, In the beginning the upper classed kept a low profile.. they backed the creation of a central organization welding individual lodges together, but eventually wanted this done before they assumed official public control... Of the four original London Lodges, the first three contained not one 'Esquire' between them, where as Lodge Original No.4 was made up of seventy-one members of whom, in 1724, ten were nobles, three were honourable, four were baronets or knights, and two were generals. .. in 1718, Sayer was replaced after barely a year by George Payne, a 'man of more substance', being a member of Original No 4. But he too had only one year in office, another interim while the upper-class moved in on the small gentry just as the small gentry moved in on the 'operative' artisans a century earlier...
... The third Grand Master was the Reverend John Theophilus Desaguliers, a Doctor of Law, a Fellow of the Royal society and chaplain to Frederick, Prince of Wales, whom he admitted to the Brotherhood in 1737. He was of French extraction. ,, A head hunter for Freemasonry.... he not only visited Edinburgh to encourage the Scots along the organizational path the London Masons were following , but visited The Hague in 1731, where he admitted the Duke of Lorraine to the Brotherhood. The Duke married Mara Theresa in 1736 and become co-Regent when she acceded to the Austrian throne in 1738... under Joseph II Mozart, Haydn and a host of other notables became Freemasons ...Dr Desaguliers, certainly appears to have sparked the missionary zeal of British Freemasonry which eventually carried the Freemasonry movement to almost every country in the world....
Queen Elizabeth II is the present Grand patroness of Freemasonry...with Prince Phillip doing her bidding, who is said to be one of the most senior Make figures of Freemasonry in the world .... giving him extreme power
The headquarters of the Brotherhood ( as Freemasonry is generally called) in England and Wales is in London, where the massive bulk of Freemasons Hall squats at the corner of Great Queen Street and Wild Street, like a gigantic elephant's footstool... This is the seat of the United Grand Lodge of England, the governing body of the 8,000 plus lodges in England and Wales, These Lodges, of which there are another 1,200 odd under the jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge of Scotland and about 750 under the Grand Lodge of Ireland, carry out their secret business and ritual in a deliberately cultivated atmosphere of mystery in Masonic Temples. Masonic Temples might be purpose built, or might be rooms in hotels or private buildings temporarily converted for Masonic use. Many town halls up and down Britain have private function room, used for Masonic rituals, as does New Scotland Yard, the headquarters of the Metropolitan Police...
.... The Grand Lodges control what is known as ''Craft" Freemasonry, and brethren often refer to the Brotherhood as "the Craft". Craft Freemasonry covers the three degrees of Entered Apprentice, Fellow Craft and Master Mason ..The vast majority of Masons rise no higher than Master Mason, and most are under the impression that there are no higher degrees... Even many masons who go on to become Royal Arch Masons, governed by Grand Chapter, have no idea that the Masonic ladder extends a further thirty rungs above those on the third who believe they had already reached the top of Freemasonry....( it is note that other researchers such as Glen Kealy believe that the ladder goes even higher to a 90 degree mason .. .however a 33 degree mason can not request to become and/or would not know about the 90 degree mason levels unless selected and told about them......
.... There is an important distinction to be made between 'Freemasonry', which is the Freemason movement as a whole, and 'Freemasons', which describes any number of individual Masons.... it has been claimed that Captain William Morgan in American in 1826,Mozart and the Jack the Ripper murders were committed by Freemasons and/or the Brotherhood.. some people today look upon Freemasonry as an underground movement devoted to murder, terrorism and revolution ... and is a worldwide conspiracy and watch.... however... Freemasonry is not a worldwide secret society ..however is a secret society that, originating in Britain, now has independent offshoots in most of the non-Communist world ...while the British Grand Lodge recognize more than a hundred Grand Lodges ( forty-nine in the USA), they have no control over them, and most reflect the political complexion of the country in which they operate. Far from being revolutionary, there is no organization more reactionary, more Establishment-based, that British Freemasonry. Its members derive benefit from the Brotherhood only so long as the status quo is maintained ... nevertheless, Freemasonry has a potent influence on life in Britain - for both good and ill... the Brotherhood's publicly stated aims are: morality, fraternity and charity ... the average member of the Brotherhood will be eloquent on the generous donations made by United Grand Lodge to charity ...which are quite substantial ... on the other hand, there can be no doubt that many others have suffered because of Freemasonry entering into areas of life where, according to all its publicly proclaimed principles, it should never intrude .... the abuse of Freemasonry caused alarming miscarriages of justice.. it is one of the aims of this book to look at some of the effects of this abuse .... I am free to name only a small number of the many hundreds of people who have helped me with advice and information ... (for the writing of this book) .... most of those who helped did so only on the understanding that I would say nothing that could lead to their identification... among these were Freemasons, who feared recrimination from members of the Brotherhood ... other included government officials, politicians, judges, policemen of all ranks, lawyers, churchmen, past and present officers of MI5 and MI6, and people from every sector of society touched by this book.....
Edited from: The Element Encyclopedia of Secret Societies Intro: Elias Ashmore:
Elias Ashmore was an English historian, astrologer, alchemist, in 1644, where he became a member of Brasenose
College and studied astrology and mathematics, His studies were interrupted by the final phase of the English Civil War, and he served with distinction in the Royalist cause, helping defend Oxford and Worcester against Parliamentary armies. After the final collapse of the Royalist cause in 1646, Ashmore went to live with relatives in Cheshire, While there in October 16rh, 1646, he was initiated into Freemasonry, becoming one of the first two "accepted (speculative) Masons (Masons not employed in the building trades) in England, the other, initiated on the same evening, was his brother-in-law Henry Mainwaring. He remained active in Masonry for the rest of his life and appears to have led a significant role in its spread in seventeenth-century England...
The Origins of Freemasonry
As the most influential secret society in the modern Western world....and the paradigm for most other secret societies over the last three centuries ..... Freemasonry also known as "the Craft" - seemed to officially emerged in between 1600 and 1717, as the what we know today as the modern version of Freemasonry with what are known as "accepted" or "speculative" Freemasons who were not in the actual craftsmen in the building trades or Britain, becoming Freemasons for the first time and in effect taking over the organizational structure, name and historical concepts of Freemasonry for their own purposes which included organizing a Scotsman, Dr James Anderson and others to write a new constitution, rules, rituals, oaths, secret signs and codes and historical story for their new restructured Freemason organization ..... which researches, historians and scholars seems to indicate was based on a number of fabricated and/or not historical supported facts strung together that sounded logical, exciting and charismatic based on general historical information... along with the basic history, concepts, rituals, codes and symbols used in the original Freemasonry lodges that had no permanent addresses because Freemasonry's original members were itinerant stonemasons that travelled around from place to place where ever they had a building to build and made temporary lodges for their accommodation nearby the building sites they worked on...even though these lodges where not permanent accommodation for the stone masons, they were semi-permanent, as it could take many years to complete the churches and cathedrals they were employed to the term "lodge' as used in modern Freemasonry, which is simply a regular meeting place for "accepted" or "speculative" Freemasons who were not in the actual craftsmen in the building trades, is quite different to what the term "lodge" meant to "the original real stone masons",,, simply being a place where they lived while completing their building assignments..
The real and true origins and history of modern day Freemasonry prior the 1600 and 1700's have been the storm centre of unending dispute for most of its history...
Freemasonry has attracted a torrent of speculation from Masons and non-Masons alike, and inevitably much of that speculation has fastened on the question of Freemasons origins. Emerging our of obscurity in Britain in the middle of the seventeenth century, with no documented origin or founder, Freemasonry has posed a puzzle to scholarly research and provided a happy hunting ground to crackpots of all descriptions. No other social institution in the western world has been credited with so many different origins..
Inside The Brotherhood- by Martin Short: ".....It is also a cause for dismay that, at the end of the twentieth century, so many senior jobs are filled by men who look for 'Truth' in the re-creation of a murder which never took place, who see no folly in submitting themselves (and others) to blindfold humiliation, who mouth boyish passwords and perform occult rituals, and who have sworn loyalty to hundreds of thousands of men they have never met - even though they have sworn the Constable's `oath to perform their duties 'without favour or affection, malice or ill-will'.
What is even more distressing is that many of these men work at London's world famous police-headquarters: New Scotland Yard. Stephen Knight in his books -Brotherhood- had it wrong when the said the building has its own Temple. We may now know why!!! Using the Manor Lodge as out guide to the Craft's strength in the upper ranks, we know the 'Big House' does not have a room big enough to accommodate all the inmates eligible to join.. If a Scotland Yard Lodge were ever formed I suggest it might be called the 'Blue Lamp', but such a creation is most unlikely after the uproar over the formation of the Manor Lodge. which has been a public relations disaster for both Masonry and the ' Met Police'. is noted that when another police officer suggested that Brian Woollard had been a victim of a Masonic plot Woollard's new chief Superintendent Alistair Kerr retorted: Absolute nonsense! Poppycock!...."
Freemasonry can perhaps best be seen as a secret movement rather than as one society, as there have been and continue to be number of different Masonic organizations, The traditional, not to say mythical, history of Freemasonry claims to trace its origins back to the biblical times of King Solomon or before - however in fact most -though not all - scholars believe that Freemasonry emerged out of medieval stonemason stonemason guilds whose members built many of the cathedrals that still etch the continent's skylines ... yet recent search indicates that a powerful group of elites which are known as 'speculative Masons'. made up of powerful aristocracy, business, legal, political and church leaders who are not actual stonemasons in the 1700's seemed to have taken over the control of Freemasonry in England. Ireland, Wales and Scotland, when real stonemasons were noted needed much any more when the English Crown broke from the Catholic Church who was supplying the funds to make churches and cathedrals, and thus the fund dried up...putting the real stonemasons out of work .... these speculative masons hired Dr James Anderson to write the modern Freemason constitution in the 1700's wit what appears to be a lot of false and made up history and events to falsely given the impression that Freemasonry can trace its origins back to the biblical times of King Solomon or before ...which is still used today .. for example ... many historians believe that King Solomon’s Temple was not the grandiose stone building built by stonemasons, but mainly made of wood ...
Modern-day Freemasonry claims that their key emphasis is self-improvement and the quest for better understanding and knowledge of oneself and the world; the use of its many rituals and symbols is said to assist in this process. `Its modern organization stems from early 18th Century England. In continental Europe and is North America Freemasonry has been linked with radical and revolutionary ideas. Nowadays, it attracts criticism from those who believe its followers use their membership to help further their own careers, as well as those of fellow Freemasons.
Inside The Brotherhood –
Explosive Secrets of the Freemasons
by Martin Short
Chapter 13
The Meaning of the Manor (Inner London Freemason Lodge)
Some twelve members of the Manor Lodge of St James Lodge have figures in the Brian Woollard affair, but what is that strength of its entire membership - and what does that tell us about the role of Freemasonry in the LONDON Metropolitan Police as a whole?
With only limited sources of information, I have discovered the ranks of seventy-two serving and retired officers (together with two 'specials' and one civilian) among the near-seven members who had joined the lodge by the start of 1987. Police yearbooks and newspaper files usually identify only senior officers, so my findings may exaggerate the seniority of the membership as a whole. Even so, it is clear that Manor recruits mainly from the upper ranks of the Metropolitan Police. The seventy-two include; 1 assistant commissioner, 2 deputy assistant commissioners, 12 commanders, 23 chief superintendents, 10 chief superintendents, 7 chief inspectors, 12 inspectors, 2 sergeants and 3 constables.
An assistant commissioner has reached almost the peak of the force. There are only four AC's in the Metropolitan Police. They are outranked only by the Commissioner and his deputy. The AC and DAC ranks are unique to London and are considered equal to chief constable in any other police force in Britain.
At the time the Manor list was printed, twenty-six of these seventy-two members were retired and forty-two were still serving. As I write, the retired men include the AC and DACs, nine commanders, thirteen chief superintendents and five superintendents. Among Manor members still in the force are three commanders, thirteen chief superintendents and five superintendents. They include recent commanders of the Fraud Squad and the Anti-Terrorist Squad (in both of them which Brian Woollard used to work); and chief superintendents in Central, North, South, East and West London. Today there is barely a department of the Metropolitan Police in which the Manor does not have a member, so that when it meets in Mark Masons' Hall in St James Street four times a year. it must be an excellent listening post for hot 'shop' gossip from all quarters. Forbidden to discuss politics and religion, its members would seem to have little to talk about except their own 'Freemasonry Craft' : policing
The Manor was sponsored by an existing lodge, the Prior Walter (no. 8687), whose members belong to the Order of St John. The chivalric club claims descent from the medieval Knights Hospitalles, yet it was foundered only in 131.. Today it is best known for the St John Ambulance Brigade and other charitable work, but it's 'knights' are mostly titled people, not stretch-bearers or first aiders. The Order is not ostensibly Masonic, but contains very many Masons. According to the blurb on Manor Lodge summonses, it also has a 'close affinity with the police service'.
Whether its members are retired policemen or still serving, the Manor constitutes one of the strongest sectional interests in the London Metropolitan Police Force. It looks even stronger when viewed as an element within the CID. Thirty-two of he seventy-two were identifiably detectives, including the AC, six commanders and twelve chief superintendents. Such figures may indicate that more than two-fifths of all the Masons in the Metropolitan Police are detectives, even though detectives constitute only one in seven of London's policemen; some 3,500 out of a total male strength of 24,000. Thus the Freemasonry Craft appears to be far stronger among detectives than uniformed officers, which long-time observers of London's CID would find easy to believe. It is nor possible to say if men join Freemasonry as a prelude to (or in the hope of) joining the CID, or if men who are already detectives are subsequently persuaded to become Masons.
In recent years Freemasonry's strength in "c" District has been immense. In 191 at least six out of the twelve top jobs in 'C' were filled by Masons: all future founders of Manor of St James' Lodge. at the top were the District Commander, Edward Stow, and Chief Superintendent Alan Gibson (who in 1982 as Commander of 'Q' District would class with Brian Woollard). Other Masons included the detective superintendent heading Seville Row CID, the superintendent in 'Clubs Office' (which watches over West End nightspots, drinking clubs and restaurants), and the chief superintendent and superintendent at Bow Street.
Several more of 'C's' 1981 top twelve are said to have been Freemasons but, even if only six were 'on the square', the Craft clearly dominated the district at the time. The same seems true today. Reorganization means that 'C' no longer has its own commander - indeed 'C' (like all other 'districts') no longer exists - but as recently as 1987 chief superintendents and inspectors at each of the old 'C' stations (West End Central, Vine Street and Bow Street) were members of the Manor Lodge.
The question is: Did these men rise high in the police force solely on their police skills or has the Freemason Brotherhood played some part in their success? Has none ever been helped up the ladder -or - saved from falling off the ladder - by fellow-Masons? and can they all honestly claim that, in performing their duties, they have never done favours for their Masonic Brothers outside the police? ....
.... One Mason in the Manor was demoted for taking the wife and children of an imprisoned criminal out on a caravan holiday and was moved from the CID to uniform, but later was promoted.. and not hounded out of the police force like Brian Woollard (a non Mason) was.. he once even said: 'Getting out of the CID was the best thing that happened to me.."
..As a reporter specializing in police affairs, I have been on good terms for many years with several police officers who now belong to the Manor Lodge. I am tempted to say to each of them, "what's nice guy like you doing in a place like this?" or "I thought you would never join a club that would have you as a member', but such flippancy would trivialize the threat which the Manor Lodge may pose to policing in London, a threat perceived in a lot of correspondence between public, press and politicians.
One week after the 'consecration' of the Manor Lode, a citizen named D.G. Parker of Exmouth wrote to Home Secretary Douglas Hurd to ask what action he proposed to take against the forming of the Manor Lodge. In Parker's view, the new Manor Lodge clearly contradicted the Commissioner's advice that policemen should not be Masons.
Hurd did not reply but Mrs C, Fitzpatrick wrote back on Home Office paper saying her job was to water down Sir Kenneth Newman's 'Principles on Policing'...Mr Parker write back to Douglas Hurd saying: "it was hardly surprising that there was little evidence about Freemasonry and the police because 'this secret society works with great finesse.. witness the extraordinary difficulty in getting any questions on the matter accepted for discussion in the House of Commons .. Te decent, law abiding public have become disillusioned with the corruption and cover-ups which occur.." before blasting the Home Office view that it would be an 'unwarranted interference' if policemen were banned from Freemasonry..
..." it is not considered such an interference to prohibit workers at the Cheltenham Communications Centre (GCHQ) from being members of a trade union, and the trade unions are not a secret society. In this connection or may ask why Freemasons are allowed to be members of the various government intelligence services when owing allegiance to a secret society as well as the Crown, and the same can be said regarding the judiciary.... The time is approaching when this mater will have to come into the open. There is no question of anyone wanting secrets to be divulged, and Freemasons can practice their rituals as much as they wish, but a secret society cannot be allowed to use its influence against the public interest, no matter how many of its members occupy high places.."
Mr Parker's dyspeptic onslaught on the Craft got him nowhere, just another bland response from a Home Office clerk. It a member of the public only gets the 'brush off' from the Home Secretary, members of the House of Commons fare no better, as Mr Parker says:
'for six years Labour MP Austin Mitchell has fought to bring the issue of Freemasonry into the open, repeatedly petitioning Parliament on Brian Woollard's behalf...'
On the Woollard case, Mitchell said: 'He found it hard not to conclude that Freemasons had not only interfered with his career, but had sent Brian Woollard to a place where he would be surrounded and constantly watched by Freemasons:
' This is particularly worrying because it gives real substance to Woollard's complaints about his role of the masons in his case and more generally the police.'
Woollard himself has bludgeoned successive Home Secretaries and all the main party leaders demanding to know where they stand on Freemasonry in the police and in society as a whole. Notting up his campaign for a society as a whole. Hotting up his campaign for an Ombudsman for the Public Service, in 1987 he re-canvassed all the party leaders, none of whom ha previously sent him more than a bland acknowledgement.
As usual, Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher's staffers thanked him for his letter which (as always) was 'receiving attention.' Woollard knew this meant noting would happen. Labour leader Neil Kinock did not even reply.
Whenever Woollard sent David Steel, then Liberal leader, a fresh pack of Wollardiana he received only unsigned acknowledgement slips. In March 1987 SDP leader David Owen wrote back saying, 'questions of the influence of freemasonry in the police force and the lack of redress for legitimate grievences are extremely serious ones'. He promised to talk the matter over with his Alliance colleagues. Since then Dr Owen has split from the alliance and from most of his own party, so tackling the masons cannot be his highest priority!
Like political leaders, police chiefs find Freemasonry difficult to confront. On 1986 I wrote to all Britain's chief constables concerning the Craft. There answers are analyzed in Chapter 21, but Sir Kenneth Newman's painstaking reply deserves attention here. He said he was not and never been a mason. The formation of the `Manor Lodge was 'admittedly a disappointment', but he felt it quite likely that 'many have not joined who might have done but for the publication of my policy. Sir Kenneth Newman believed officers were taking some notice of his 'Principles', which was given to all new recruits at Hendon training school. Instructors there use it as basis of early lessons.
As he wrote this letter Sir Kenneth Newman may not have known that one Manor Lodge member, Commander Anthony Speed, was in charge of a key part of the school. ..
... I am grateful for the care taken by Sir Kenneth over this reply, but I feel he did not address the fundamental question raised by the formation of the Manor Lodge: who really runs the Metropolitan Police? The Principles seem to have special impact, Flouted by men of high rank, its anti-Masonic strictures are in disrepute, Brian Woollard thinks they were never more than a cosmetic devise to appease him and his sympathizers. Sir Kenneth Newman would deny this, but he does not seem to have underestimated the impact which even the notoriety of the Manor may have on junior officers. That it flourishes without specific condemnation from Scotland Yard will also 'not be lost on those who aspire to the highest ranks'. Ambitious youngsters nay decide, ' If you can't beat 'em, join 'em!'
The present Commissioner, Sir Peter Imbert, has also told me he does not see Freemasonry as a formidable element in Britain's police forces... in April 1988 he told Independent Radio News that neither he, his deputy not his four assistant commissioners is a Mason, ...I hate to contradict Sir Peter, but one of his assistant commissioners is a mason, albeit one who has quit active membership 'precisely because of its corrupting and corrosive qualities'. Even if Sir Peter counts this man as a non mason, he should know that another four serving or recently retired deputy assistant commissioners are staunch members of the brotherhood.
The lack of active Masons among Scotland Yard's current 'big six' proves little... Most Masons may never want to become assistant commissioner, let alone Commissioner. Not for nothing has the Craft been called 'the Mafia of the `Mediocre': far better to sit out a police career in the middle and upper ranks than to risk having one's weaknesses ruthlessly exposed under the constant pressure of life at the top. Nor would most Masons want their brother Masons to fill all the top jobs. They know that if they did, Britain's police would be deprived of the much-needed leadership skills of non-Masons. Nevertheless, the presence of so many Masons is senior operational ranks such as commander and chief in senior operational ranks such as commander and chief superintendent (which are often the most enjoyable) may still justify the feeling that, even today, Masons are over promoted at the expense of non-Masons.
..It is also a cause for dismay that, at the end of the twentieth century, so many senior jobs are filled by men who look for 'Truth' in the re-creation of a murder which never took place, who see no folly in submitting themselves (and others) to blindfold humiliation, who mouth boyish passwords and perform occult rituals, and who have sworn loyalty to hundreds of thousands of men they have never met - even though they have sworn the Constable's `oath to perform their duties 'without favour or affection, malice or ill-will'.
What is even more distressing is that many of these men work at London's world famous police-headquarters: New Scotland Yard. Stephen Knight in his books -Brotherhood- had it wrong when the said the building has its own Temple. We may now know why!!! Using the Manor Lodge as out guide to the Craft's strength in the upper ranks, we know the 'Big House' does not have a room big enough to accommodate all the inmates eligible to join.. If a Scotland Yard Lodge were ever formed I suggest it might be called the 'Blue Lamp', but such a creation is most unlikely after the uproar over the formation of the Manor Lodge. which has been a public relations disaster for both Masonry and the 'Met Police'. is noted that when another police officer suggested that Brian Woollard had been a victim of a Masonic plot Woollard’s new chief Superintendent Alistair Kerr retorted: Absolute nonsense! Poppycock!....
....In September 1987 Brian Woollard was forced to stop work because of high blood pressure. His doctor diagnosed strain brought on by the long fight against Freemasonry. When the pressure subsided Woollard declared he was willing to go back to work, provided he was given an assurance that he would not be placed under command of any officer who was a Freemason - otherwise his blood pressure would shoot back up again. No such assurance was forthcoming so he informed Commissioner Impart that he would wait at home until the matter was examined by Judicial Review: a High Court procedure whereby he hoped to expose Freemasonry's role throughout the Metropolitan Police.
In a symbolic gesture Brian Woollard sent Chief Inspector Impart his warrant card which was then sent by Impart to West Henderson station and Brain Woollard fired off another letter to Impart: 'By the single act of returning my warrant card to the Masonic fold of the Metropolitan Police you have displayed abject moral cowardice in the face of freemasonry.'
Brian Woollard on the 25 May 1988 appeared before a Scotland Yard discipline board ... through a barrister he asked for a postponement so that he could call dozens of witnesses, including Commissioners Newman and Impart: 'To show I had been persistently oppressed by Masons. I therefore needed to cross-examine my oppressors,' No postponement was granted and Brain Woollard was dismissed from the Met Police there and then.. After 33 years of dedicated service to the Met Police Brian Woollard was out of a job....
..... The Police Federation's deputy secretary, Patrick Johnson, agreed to pay £1,500 towards Brian Woollard's appeal costs provided his appeal grounds .. 'would not be related to matters of Freemasonry within the police force.. Brian Woollard felt that this was rather like asking a Jew to accept an inquiry into World War II on condition that no mention was made of the Nazi Party or the Final Solution or the Holocaust,,, On reviewing the case, Brian Woollard's barrister felt that the best way to proceed was to request the Home secretary to set up an inquiry into the influence of Freemasonry in the Metropolitan Police under Section 32 of the 1964 Police Act... from the reply from Police Federation's deputy secretary, Patrick Johnson,, it was clear that while the Police Federation made our it wanted 'natural justice' for Woollard, it did not want it at the expense of Freemasonry - or, at least not at the cost of upsetting those thousands of its own members that were 'on the square (members of Freemasonry)'...In 1987 Home Secretary Hurd turned down Woollard's request for an inquiry into the brotherhood..
Brian Woollard's claims that there was a conspiracy uniting Masons in Islington Council, in the building firms working for it, in the Fraud Branch of Met Police, and the Department of the Director of Public Prosecutions, the first thing any investigator should have done, was to approach Grand Lodge to find out which suspects were Masons,,, only then could anyone decide if Woollard's allegations were unfounded or foundered... yet the Grande Lodge was never approached for their assistance to provide the information as to the Masonic membership of the suspects....
... In England's Masonic hierarchy, Pro Grand master Lord Cornwallis is second only to the Duke of Kent....and anything he has to say to members of the Brotherhood would have the force almost of the Ten Commandments, who had comments 'not the believe Woollard' published in the Freemason Quarterly Communication which is distributed to all Masons... It was as if the Supreme Architect himself had said, 'Thou Shalt Not Believe Woollard'. When Woollard found out about Cornwallis's statement, he condemned it as an outrageous interference in his case...
Hurd and Impart jointly issued a statement saying there was no evidence of Masonic corruption in the Met Police, when no one in Scotland Yard had made any serious effort to find evidence of Masonic corruption in the Met Police. .
..the first policeman ever to be dismissed from any British police force over Freemasonry turned out to be a non-Mason: Brian Woollard...
Recently, three of Brian Woollard's former Wembley colleagues have also left the Metropolitan Police, but voluntary. They are all Manor Lodge members: Brother George Wise, a former chief superintendent, is now head of security at Wembley stadium where he hired Brothers Ned Pountain and William Gibson as part-time security advisers, Folk with suspicious minds might think this case of 'jobs for the boys from Mason St James's Lodge, but these masons may well be the best men for the task ... either way,, Brian Woollard thinks he will get no offer to work at Wembley, except perhaps as a football.....
Squaring The Square Mile: Chapter 30: Inside the Brotherhood Martin Short
P 495-496... There is far more to the inner City of London than Lloyds of London Insurance, lawyers and Lord Mayors....The biggest City business is probably banking... Here again Freemasonry is rampant... Lodges are centered on the Bank of England (no. 263), Lloyds Bank (Black Horse of Lombard Street, no, 4155) and National Westmister0 NatWest (no.3647), It was from within the Midland Bank that I gained some real insight into the Freemasonry Craft's role in banking. My source had already been a Mason for some years when he was asked to join Midland Bank's lodge, the Holden (no, 2946). Some years ago he went as a guest and found himself alongside four senior officials in Midland Bank Trustee Company: the then managing director, general manager, chairman of the investment committee and a regional director, Others present included a director of Midland Montague Merchant Bank and other Midland Bank moguls...
My source could not decide if these men had become powers in the bank because they were already Masons, or if Masonry had co-opted them once they had achieved power. He chose not the join the lodge because by then he felt the craft was spiritually flawed. When this became known to his Masonic colleagues, his career collapsed. He was denied promotion and told his services were no longer required. he now reflects.. "The lodge seemed composed entirely of senior managers. I spotted no low-level staff, no maintenance men - and of course no women.. if the lodge does have any say over who gets on in the bank, its existence certainly can't do women bankers any good.'
Martin Short states about Freemasonry and the Police force in Britain in his book- Inside the Brotherhood:
From Chapter 14 : The Phoenix
".... it might be wondered how men (Policemen) whose work requires brain as well as brawn, a sense of truth and reality, and considerable courage, can allow themselves to be drawn into fraternity whose ritual requires a total suspension of disbelief and a taste for the occult... The outsider might be concerned that men that must take so many crucial decision sin their careers - concerning life and death, imprisonment or liberty, kidnaps and sieges, as well as helping old ladies across the road... can subject themselves to such a welter of gobbledegook concocted in the eighteen century by men who were, in part, superstitious fantasists....Let us look at the other side of the coin.. Instead of caning cops all the time for rushing into the Craft, se should pause to consider why the Freemasonry Craft wants these policemen in the Craft...My Masonic informer Badger explained it this way: whatever policemen may get out of Freemasonry, Freemasonry gets even more out of the police...
Retired Metropolitan police officer, John Thompson says he received at least six approaches to become a Freemason, varying from the subtle to the obvious....'... The fact that I was a known atheist did not seem to concern my would-be proposes who advised me to lie b professing a belief...I never made any attempt to become a Freemason because, I hope, I did not possess the necessary hypocrisy...'
One Mason told me that his lodge always checks if any candidate for membership has a criminal record..
..'.... That's why we've got a copper in the lodge; to check candidates out on the computer!...If they have a record, their applications are withdrawn or they are blackballed - unless senior lodge members are nominating them, in which case nothing is said... of course nowadays, if a policemen is caught using the computer for non=police purposes, he could be charged with a criminal offense himself.. All this is strictly illegal, but you can be sure it still goes on...'
“ ...We very soon gathered that our past Freemason friends and their wives no longer desired our company. After learning the good points of Freemasonry, and believing in its foundations, having enjoyed so much the company of the brethren and their families, this sudden treatment came as a shock. We were obviously being treated with the alternative treatment to murder, as laid down in the rituals. Instead of having our throats cut across, we were branded as 'wilfully perjured individuals, void of all moral worth and totally unfit to be received into this worshipful lodge...'.....”
"...Among the hundreds of letters which Stephen Knight received from readers of The Brotherhood, several came policemen who felt they had spent most of heir careers battling against a Masonic Mafia ...
Conclusion by Martin Short at the end of his book 'Inside the Brotherhood
In my book I have tried where possible third hand evidence..not third-hand rumor... I have tried to provide sober deduction, not exaggeration... it should go without saying that anyone investigating a secret society - or even a 'private' one - as Grand Lodge now characterizes Freemasonry - will always find evidence hard to come by...therefore 'rumor and speculation'. although unsatisfactory, become legitimate .. if the investigator 'exaggerates; what little evidence he or she gets, the 'private society should hold itself to blame...Freemasonry gives rise to genuine public concern, which Masons ignore at their peril...
'What Public, Legal and Political Action Should be Taken regarding Freemasonry?
.... I suggest that the action taken about Freemasonry should be more than would appeal to the Tory MP who says, 'if people wish to belong to secret societies, that is their own business' , but probably less than is required by the Labour man who feels that 'Freemasonry should be made illegal'....
...Most MP's who completed my 1986 questionnaire said than councilors, local government officers, civil servants, policemen, judges and MP's should all be required to disclose their Masonic membership....the only proper way to test political opinion would be to put a 'disclosure' bill to the vote. There is no chance that the present Tory Government in the UK would sponsor it, so an MP should introduce a private member's bill and a free vote should follow...this bill also should give the public access to full and up-to-date membership lists of all Masonic I suggested on Chapter 21, these should be available at reference libraries in the localities where the lodges meet, and a town and country halls...
... thus the Bromyard one Craft Lodge List would be open for inspection..
... In Truro six ... in Cambridge eleven ..... in Sunderland twenty-nine....
.... in Croydon eighty-nine ,, in Manchester 129 ... in the city of London over 200 ....
..... in Greater London another 1,450 or more...
..The degree of 'publication' might also be required of all other Masonic bodies: from the Royal Arch .. right the way through to the Society of Rose Croix Order..
..The list of any lodge affiliated to a particular workplace, or recruiting mainly from within a specific organization, should be open for scrutiny by everyone who works at that place or in that organization. Thus the list for a town hall-lodge, such as the Borough of Newman, should be available at Newman Town Hall; the Holden Lodge list at Midland Bank; he London Hospital Lodge list at London Hospital; the list for the Union Lodge of Norwich should be given on demand to any employee of Norwich Union; the Lutine, Lloyd's and Fidentia lodge lists should be viewable at Lloyds of London; likewise lists of all military lodges (including the 21st Territorial SAS) at regimental HQ's; lists of barristers', Masters, Court Clerks' lodges should be displayed in the Inns of Court, at the Bar Council and the High Court, and the Manor of St James's list at New Scotland Yard, and at Bow Street, Vine Street and West End Central police stations...
...Most Masons would argue against these measures...
..They would say that although they have nothing to hide, why should their lists be publicly available if the same is not required for the MCC, the Athenaeum, the Labour Party, the Transport and General Worker's Union, the Royal and Ancient Order of Foresters, the Sons of Temperance, the Druids, Rotary, the Round Table, the Elks, the Royal Antediluvian Order of Buffalos, the Lions, the Kiwanis, the Baker Street Irregulars, the Sovereign and Military Oder of Malta, the Catholic Police Guild, BUPA, the AA, the Women's Institute, the Mother's Union or the subscription department of Readers Digest...
... The answer is simple. It is for Masons to demonstrate that any other organization has all these features:
1. A code of mutual aid, sworn by all members, to assist each other beyond the aid they swear to perform for all other people in society...
2. Oaths (however watered-down in recent years) which threaten that some physical, economic or social penalty - or negative moral judgment - will be applied to those who reveal the organization's secrets..
3. Rituals which make use of blindfolds, nooses, daggers or similar menacing objects or disorienting devices ...
4. Secret passwords, signs, grips or handshakes ...
5. Widespread public concern about the organization's activities or those of its members ...
I know of no golf club which has any of these features and no political party, trade union, friendly society, insurance company, businessmen's club, social group, or mainstream religious fraternity which has more than two of the above... If it can be shown that any other group manifests all of these elements, it should be subject to the same curbs as may be imposed on Freemasonry ..Some Masons claim that three Catholic organizations - the Knights of Columbus, the Catenians and Opus Dei - are quasi-Masonic ...If their rituals and oaths do resemble Freemasonry's, if genuine texts can be produced to prove it, and if there is widespread pubic concern, they too should be subject to any obligations imposed on the Craft..
..If Masons have nothing to hide, none of this should cause them great disquiet.... Just as their secretiveness breeds paranoia among the 'profane'. so a new openness would help dispel it, If the Freemasonry Craft is primarily a charitable organization, a movement or moral regeneration or just a load of men pursuing an arcane hobby, the have nothing to fear...`personal anxieties could be accommodated... such as that they maybe do not want their home addresses disclosed ..However, all voters' addresses are on view at public libraries on electoral roles... at Companies House, the home addresses of all company directors are available to anyone who pays a small fee ...As it happens, Freemason's home addresses might not be required, provided every lodge discloses the full named of all members..
..It is noted that today's MP's should bear in mind that any law to curb Freemasonry will face widespread evasion, as the history of the 1799 Unlawful Societies Act shows. Brought in 'for the more effectual Suppression of Societies established for Seditious and Treasonable Purposes', this was passed when there were fears of French plots to overthrow the Government of Great Britain and to achieve Irish independence. The Act claimed that societies such as United Englishmen, United Scotsmen, United Britons and United Irishmen were plotting seditious ends, and that their members swore oaths and secret vows, used secret signs and operated a cell-like structure across the country, However, a blanket ban on such organizations would also have banned Freemasonry, which shared all offending characteristics. To gain exemption, England's rival Grand Lodges (the 'Moderns' and the 'Ancients') jointly lobbied politicians will skill which would do credit to today's ruthless 'political action committees' in the USA. Their respective leaders, the Earl of Moirs and the Duke of Atholl, pressured Prime Minister William Pitt. According to 1799 Grand Lodge minutes, the Masonic delegation reported that Pitt:
'... expressed his good opinion of the Society and said he was willing to recommend any Clause to prevent the New Act from affecting the Society, provided that the Name of the Society could be prevented from being made use o as a Cover by evilly disposed persons for Seditious purposes..'
The pressure worked ... Prime Minister William Pitt duly introduced a clause stating the Act did not apply to ' Lodges of Freemasons, the meetings whereof have been in great measure directed to charitable purposes'...
...Pitt must have been beguiled by the smooth talking aristocrats, particularly Moira... According to one Masonic Historian, Moira's 'timely intervention had saved Freemasonry from extinction'....
...'Presumably Moira and Athol had told Pitt that no British Masonic Lodge was likely to contain plotters bent on ' overturning the laws, constitution and government. and every existing establishment, civil and ecclesiastical' in Great Britain or `Ireland...Yet even 'regular' Freemasonry (as opposed to the truly seditious continental variety) had harboured traitors... Many American Revolutionaries were 'regular' Masons, notably George Washington, Ben Franklin and Admiral Paul Jones who had been initiated in Scotland. One Boston Lodge, St Andrews , was full of rebels, including Paul Revere, General Joseph Warren, John Hancock and John Rowe... It was John Rowe who inspired the Boston Tea Party, according to one of the 'Indian' raiders who belonged to the lodge, was planned within St Andrew's itself...
...The American Revolution had begun only twenty-four years before the Unlawful Societies Act became Law... It is extremely unlikely that Briton's Prime Minister, William Pitt, had any idea of Freemasonry's strength among the Revolutionaries - for sure Moira would have not told him! - but, had be known. he would have had good reason to suspect that the Freemasonry Craft might 'again be made use of as a Cover by evilly disposed persons for Seditious purposes'. Pitt would also have had grounds for believing that not all brethren subscribed to their second Antient Charge: ' A mason is a peaceable subject to the civil powers, wherever he resides or works, and is never to be concerned in plots and conspiracies against the peace and welfare of the nation.'...
..Of course, even if Pitt had known about the Masonics of Washington and hi brother rebels, he may not have pressed the point because the Craft's leading petitioner, the Earl of Moira, had himself been a hero on England's side in the Revolutionary Wars. Pitt would have been 'snowballed' by Moira's revelation that no less than six of George III's sons were 'on the square', for how could a fraternity boasting 'so many of His Majesty's illustrious Family' possibly be seditious?...
...Nevertheless, the Act did impose major restrictions on Freemasonry. The 'names and descriptions' of all members of each lodge had to be registered with the local clerk of the peace.... By the time the Act was repealed in 1967, it had long been widely ignored .. Many lodges did not make returns… One pre-1967 lodge secretary told me: 'I never bothered and many other secretaries never knew this law existed... besides, who was going to make you do it... In out town most law enforcers - the Clerk of Peace, half the JP's and the police chief --were all in the lodge...!'
...Even more restrictive, the 1979 Act had exempted only meetings of 'regular Lodges of Free Masons held (before) the passing of this Act...for some years the Masonic orders subverted this clause by reissuing the warrants of dominant or dead lodges, thus back-dating the foundation of many lodges. Not only were these Freemasons breaking the criminal law, their stealth and deceit show they knew their actions were illegal..
... On the rolls of United Grand Lodge today there are fewer than 300 lodges which were founded before 1799, yet by 1967 another 6,000 had been 'consecrated'. Abroad view of the 1799 Act might have encouraged Masons to feel the exemption applied to any future lodges formed under both Modern and Antient Grand Lodges (united in 1813) and two more Grand Lodges in Scotland.. The terms of another Act in 1817 may have supported that view... However, neither Act legalized other Masonic Orders such as the Knights Templar (which had barely got going by 1799), the Rose Croix (founded in 1845), the Mark (organized about 1845), the Red Cross of Constantine (whose earliest lodge was founded in 1865) and the Societas Rosicruciana in Anglia (founded in 1866) ...... All these orders are self governing and have never come under the authority of the various Grand Lodges, which regulate only the Craft and Royal Arch degrees. so they could never have been exempted from the ban on other societies imposed by the 1799 Act....
... The illegality of the `Masonic Knights Templar is confirmed by the fact that their Grand Master, Lord Rancliffe, 'was personally concerned with the bill in the Lords' and neglected the Order thereafter. Masonic historians differ over whether the revival of the Masonic Templars some years later indicates that 'any question of illegality was over' or whether it suggests that 'the authorities were turning a blind eye'. My own view is that all these 'higher' or ' sides' degrees ( from Knights Templar on wards) met illegally for more than a century until 1967.... Nobody would have dared enforce the 1799 Act (even had they known about it) because many magistrates, Court Masters, Court Lords, judges, policemen belonged to these same degrees... Through vested interests. Masonic law-breaking has been constantly connived at by the forces of law and order....
Today, any Parliamentary moves requiring public disclosure by masons should be matched by legislation creating an Ombudsman for the public servant and the police, as advocated by Brain Woollard ( see Chapter 13)... This is necessary to prevent the kind of career abuse which 4 million other State employees may suffer at the hands of Masons.. or... indeed ... non-Masons... There must me many Masons in public service who feel that hey too have had a raw deal at work ...In future they should have a mean of redress against anti-Masonic prejudice, especially if they are to be obliged to disclose Masonic Membership...
The former British ambassador featured in Chapter 32 has further suggestions:
...'..It should not be too difficult to procure form civil and public servants who belong to secret societies some written declaration and assurances about their activities… I also suggest that something should be done about the confidential personal reporting systems...It seems that any officer who believes he may be the subject victimization through the reporting system (as I was) should be entitles to state that the reporting officer as a Freemason and that this should be taken into account in assessing the report.. Ideally, in my view, Freemasons should be excluded from the reporting process, but that is too much to hope for...
...I also suggest that the numerous voluntary organizations and charities which serve this country and have been one of its great strengths, should be required by law to keep an indication of any secret society membership by its officers.. .Members of any society - or indeed contributors to a charity - should, as a matter of routine, be able to obtain a statement of its officer's affiliations...This is not an unreasonable request, but a simple reassurance that the society is being run for the benefit of all members and not primarily for `masons perpetuating themselves in office...
In the present diminished and dangerous situation of our country, a very real danger exists from organizations, such as the Freemason Brotherhood - partly through infiltration, partly from the illusionment and frustration which arises when our meritocratic system is deliberately and consistently distorted....'...
..In the House of Commons in June 1988 Labour MP Dale Campbell-Savours introduced a bill to compel police recruits to swear they would not join any organization such as Freemasonry....he also demanded that officers who are already Masons should resign from their lodges or leave the police force.. On first reading the bill was passed by 117 votes to sixteen, but it had no chance of becoming law because of the shortage of Parliamentary time...
..If any future bill along these lines looks as if it might become law, it will encounter fierce lobbying just like the 1799 bill did ,,,, It will infuriate Masonic cops... It ever reached the statute book, it could provoke mass resignation from the police force...
..This might not be a bad thing, but it seems unlikely that policemen could be banned from joining Freemasonry unless this 'private, voluntary organization' is itself made illegal....In the present political climate (of near perpetual Conservative rule) there is no chance of this happening,....
...However, because an action is otherwise legal,,, it does not mean that public servants have an in alienable right to perform it...
..In many respects the civil liberties of public servants and already severely curtailed....Millions of public servants (including the police) sign the Official Secrets Act which curbs their right to discuss, publish or otherwise disseminate information which they may learn in the course of their work... Also no civil servant, member of the armed forces or policeman may stand as a candidate in local or national elections without first resigning his or her employment. Since 1984 no employees of GCHO may belong to a trade union. The armed forces and the police have long been deprived of that right, just as they have surrendered their civil liberty to withdraw their labour and go on strike...Thus, imposing a similar curb on policemen in respect of Freemasonry has undeniable precedents.. They would retain the right to remain a Mason... but they would lose their right to remain a copper.. a judge. a Master of the Court .... a Lord of the Court .,, or any other job which has the power and/or authority in any way over the public in general... so that the same rule might well be applied to all other public servants..
...All this is for Parliament and the public to decide and debate... In the meantime Dale Campbell-Savours says: 'If Freemasonry were to shed itself of its secrecy, its exclusiveness and its oath of allegiance, I would have no objection to police officers being members....'
..However.. if it were to do all that, it would not longer be Freemasonry!....
..Even some senior Freemasons such as Former Deputy Assistant Commissioner, Peter Neivens ( an honorary Manor of St James Lodge) has been concerned about excessive 'tears of sympathy' for Freemason Brothers who have been convicted of serious crime stares...'As for lodges which have allowed major criminals to remain as members for years after conviction... if that were proven to me, then if the authority rested with me, I would seriously think of disbanding that lodge...'
..If this policy were to be rigorously applied throughout Britain, not only would Freemasonry be far healthier : its opponents would have far less meat to feed on....Yet is must be doubted if the hierarchy as a whole would want to apply such discipline... As things now stand, Grand Lodge only acts against lodges like Waterways many years after they have become a haven for criminals, and only then after embarrassing media exposure.. It is therefore no wonder that in the meantime other lodges like the Queenswood contain cells of public corruption and the entire institution of Freemasonry is brought into disrepute as a result..
....however, Freemasons will argue that the merits of an institution as vast as Freemasonry do not turn on the vice or virtue of individual Masons... and that it does not change its essence because one Grand Officer, his Honour Judge Joseph Butler-Sloss, was exposed in the News of the World in July 1988 as a regular patron of Nairobi prostitutes while serving as a High Court judge on Kenya.. Freemasons argue that the private quirks of prominent men who happen to be a Freemason should not be held against the Brotherhood... as Masons have said... this would be like condemning Christianity because quite a few vicars over the years have been caught molesting choirboys...
...As I write these final pages in December 1988 I am still being sent evidence of Freemasonry's reluctance to punish those who transgress its own moral code.. the evidence come not form outsiders... but from men who are themselves staunch Masons...One such source is leonard Acklam, a well-to-do self-made Yorkshire businessman who fought for years to win redress for a Masonic Grand Officer's outrageous attempt to interfere with justice...A Mason for 33 years, a Past Master of Brighouse Lodge (no. 1301) and a 30th degree member of the Rose Croix, Acklam is worth hearing...
...Leonard Acklam a Freemason, had employed a Freemason Solicitor to collect a £10,000 debt he was owed.. however his own solicitor lied to him about the case and when appointing a new non Mason Solicitor who threatened to report the Mason Solicitor to the Law Society and sue for negligence, a senior well respected Mason, Sir Herbert Redfearn told Acklam that he 'would lose a lot of friends' and that Acklam should 'look on it in a true Masonic manner and forget it.. a senior well respected Mason, Sir Herbert Redfern was not only interfering with Acklam's legal action against a Mason solicitor, but was also telling Acklams to forget the £10,000 he is owed...An in initial letter of complaint in 1981 sent to the local Yorkshire Ws Riding grand secretary did not go down well,,, for Redfearn was not only a Grand Officer of English Freemasonry, but also a leading industrialist, a deputy lieutenant of the county, a knight of the realm, a one time chairman of the National Union of Conservative Associations and the local Tory KIng-maker (future Tory MP Gary Waller was initiated in his lodge in 1971)..also he was photographed at Conservative Party occasions alongside Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, It was extremely unlikely. therefore. that any Yorkshire Masonic body would dare condemn him...
From Chapter 14
The Phoenix "....
.. If the Manor Lodge of St James was formed in defiance of the anti-Masonic views of a Metropolitan Commissioner, it would not be the first time the Brotherhood has waved two fingers at the most important police chief in Britain...
...Back in 1958 the new commissioner was Joseph Simpson. He was the first man ever to reach the top job after starting as an ordinary bobby...He was public school educated and a university graduate but, unlike his gentleman predecessors, he had done three years on the beat and had the deserved respect of most London coppers... In short, He was a policeman's policeman...
.... One shaft of light which Sir Joseph Simpson brought to the job was a distinct hostility to Freemasonry, or at lease a dislike of its most arrogant manifestations...During his early years in office he was greatly irritated by an organization calling itself the Metropolitan Police Masonic Association (MPMA), The title gave it an official air, but its founders had no authority for using the words 'Metropolitan Police',... They might have had the unofficial 'non' from a previous commissioner, but Sir Joseph took a dim view and demanded its abolition....
... The MPMA’s members were not prepared to disband on the say-so of a mere commissioner - especially as earlier commissioners, such as Charles Warren, had themselves been Freemasons. Rather than abolish their fraternity in a fraternity, they decided just to change its name. They also decided to keep the initials MPMA. The were determined to keep 'Masonic' in the title, and 'Association' was harmless enough, also they would have to substitute another word for either Metropolitan or Police.... some wag in the leadership had a little education.... As this new body was going to rise from the ashes of the old, he thought, it could have no more appropriate name than 'Metropolitan Phoenix Masonic Association'. This would get round Sir Joseph Simpson's vexatious objections, but it would still be the MPMA and the same old bird...
....Simpson died in office, from a heart attach three days after the battle of Grosvenor Square in 1969, but the Phoenix lived on.. In 1971 it had 288 members... Its rule book reveals that the inclusion of Metropolitan in its title was gratuitous and misleading, for its members only needed to be 'Master Masons who are regular, serving and retired officers of any police force'...
The rule book makes it clear this was no Masonic Lodge... Ritual was forbidden at its gatherings... Instead its objects were:
1. To introduce Master Masons of the Police Force who would otherwise have no opportunity of meeting as Brother Masons.
2. To promote fraternal intercourse by arranging social functions.
3. To render assistance to those who may be distressed by sickness or adversity.
4. Loyalty to Her Majesty the Queen and the Craft in General,
..Aside from the genuflection to the Crown, these aims might strike an anti-Masonic as a sugar-coated code of mutual aide, arousing fears in the outsider that the Phoenix as a means of achieving a kind of Masonic apartheid in the Police Service...Could it have acted as a wedge between Masons and non-Masons, or a jungle telegraph, or a 'firm in a firm'? .. Its members would doubtless deny it, but the club does seem like a collective support system: ideal for help up the promotion ladder, or saving skins...
....The 1971 list contains one man still serving at Scotland Yard: a deputy assistant commissioner ... Another is a detective chief superintendent...Most members left the service long ago,,, Many held humble rank, so either the mutual aid principle never helped them gain promotion or they never sought to use it.... Perhaps the Phoenix was just a social club for men with a common hobby ... If so, one brother was such an enthusiast ha he took the hobby with him to a Mediterranean retirement,, In 1971 Brother A.J. Fookes was running a pub in Gibraltar called the Mason Arms...
The phoenix list shows that in the early 1970's there was a network of police Masons, in lodges all over south-east England, who were doubly committed to mutual aid. Today, it seems, the Phoenix may not be the bird it was. I have been unable to find out if it is still flying... It may now be in one of its 'ashes' periods: about it burst forth in full plumage ,, Perhaps the Manor of St James's Lodge is its latest incarnation... AS it happens, no 1971 Phoenix people show up as mason members... Perhaps this is only because there is a fifteen-year gap between the lists, but it seems to confirm that there must be thousands of London police Masons, otherwise there would be names in common....
Another indicator of the Crafts strength in the police force emerged when barrister Andrew Arden presented his 1987 report on the running of the London Borough of Hackney (see Chapter 6) ..During his research Mr. Arden was assisted by Grand Secretary Michael Higham... He gave the 'profane' Arden forty-four lodge lists to help him identity Masons working for Hackney Council but. in performing this unprecedented favour, he knowingly divulged the identities of over 3,500 Masons who had no connection with Hackney and whose individual permission he did not seek..
.... Higham also divulged the occupation of 2,534 named Masons...Of these ninety-eight were policemen .... amounting to 3.9% of Ardens sample.. or slightly less than one Mason ^n every twenty five... if this were typical of the whole country.. .and if ( according to Commander Higham) there a re between 250,000 and 500,000 Masons under Grand Lodge, then between 9.700 and 19,400 policemen in England and Wales are Freemasons... However if my total figure of 600,000 living Masons, whether active or lapsed, is correct (see Chapter 9), then some 23,400 serving and retired policemen are Freemasons .... In December 1985 there were slightly fewer than 108,000 serving make police officers in England and Wales... Even if we exclude my highest estimate and stick to the Higham figures would seem that between 9 and 18 percent of all policemen may be Masons : one in eleven or one in six of all men in English and Wales police forces...yet, as ever, when it comes to calculating Masonic strength, huge statistical crevasses have to be vaulted
....The records at Freemasons' Hall are always out-of-date because they show only the occupations declared when men become Master Masons .. Should they change t heir jobs or retire, these records stay the same... Yet even if 20% of men who said they were policemen have since retired, it seems that between 8,000 and 16,000 policemen are 'on the square'.. In addition, however, young policemen are being drawn into Freemasonry all the time, which may bring the total back to around 20,000... There a re thousands more in Scotland and Northern Island, where they probably form an even higher proportion of the police service, for reasons explained in Chapter 19..
... Higham supplied Arden with the names and occupations of men in fourteen individual lodges... One lode had fifty-two members, of which eleven policemen out of eighty-eight members, another had five out of fifty four. Of course these high numbers are outdone by the Manor Lodge of St James, but the manor is not Britain's only all-police lodge... According to the Grand Secretary of East Lancashire, three lodges are composed entirely of ex-police officers: in Wales, Kent and Liverpool.. The Kent lodge meets in Sittingbourne and is called the Watch and Ward,,, It was founded as recently as 1977, yet it has already won a place in Freemasons' Hall Museum by presenting a Masonic gavel made in the form of a police truncheon… In the early 1980's the Watch and Ward could muster only twenty-five members, but this is no proof of ill-health.. .Indeed, Masonic consciousness among policemen, both serving and retired, is growing stronger… The Liverpool lode, Sovereign;’ Peace, was founded in 1979..
.... Most policemen belong to general lodges where they get to know men form other walks of life - that is one of the main benefits of Freemasonry - yet they are usually proposed by other policemen... A random sample of lodge summonses reveals that policemen are valued candidates for admission into almost any lodge..
.. In 1976 the Derby Allcroft Lodge of London initiated a Scotland Yard detective sergeant and a builder on the same day...It already contained several policemen, including one future member of the Manor of St James's, In 1982 Gateway Lodge of Witney initiated a Thames Valley officer along with an electrical engineer, a British Telecom warden and an Oxfordshire fireman... These lodges contain a mix of employees, public servants and the self-employed.. Whatever a Mason's job, on lodge days he must be able to sop work early enough to arrive for the meeting at three or four o'clock … Policemen can almost always manage this because they work shifts, or because senior officers are also Masons and will turn a blind eye if brothers slip off during working hours...
...Thus it was that is January 1972 a thirty-two-year-old detective sergeant took a half-day off from West Hampstead police station in north London to be initiated in the Fryent Lodge alongside a C-op produce controller.. The Fryent is a general lodge but, over dinner, brethren proposed several toasts to the 'Blue Lamp', in honour of the Metropolitan Police....This may have something to do with the fact that the lodge meets at Hendon Hall Hotel, close to Hendon Police College from which it recruits some of its members...
it might be wondered how men (Policemen) whose work requires brain as well as brawn, a sense of truth and reality, and considerable courage, can allow themselves to be drawn into fraternity whose ritual requires a total suspension of disbelief and a taste for the occult... The outsider might be concerned that men that must take so many crucial decision sin their careers - concerning life and death, imprisonment or liberty, kidnaps and sieges, as well as helping old ladies across the road... can subject themselves to such a welter of gobbledegook concocted in the eighteen century by men who were, in part, superstitious fantasists....Let us look at the other side of the coin.. Instead of caning cops all the time for rushing into the Craft, se should pause to consider why the Freemasonry Craft wants these policemen in the Craft...My Masonic informer Badger explained it this way: whatever policemen may get out of Freemasonry, Freemasonry gets even more out of the police...
' Why do nearly all Masonic lodges like to have a copper in their midst?
Because Freemasonry is a vehicle for bringing together the various threads of a general view... Its a form of social cement.. a pyramid erected on the class system...
... It should go without saying that the police are a vital part of the pyramid, or rather the strongest shied the status quo possesses ...
....That is why policemen have to be continually sucked into Freemasonry: to maintain the deferential structure of society and to ensure that Freemasons and Freemasonry is perpetually favoured by those who enforce the law...'
Evidence appearing to support Badger's view came in a letter in the Independent in 1988. It was from M.E. Rowe, a retired policeman with thirty years' service. In 1980, while a senior officer in the West Midlands:. The best-kn
'..I was approached by a local businessman I knew personally who at the time was lobbying on behalf of a group of businesses who were concerned with the effect of proposals in which the police and local authority were involved. I declined to discuss the matter... This refusal was followed by the offer of a membership of his lodge...I was told that he was in a position to ensure my acceptance as a member, and he would regard it as a personal favour if I would accept his offer.... I refused, saying that it was not consistent with the independence I thought was essential in my position... However, I did indicate that in the next eighteen months I would be retiring and then I might consider his offer - I was told with some favour that the 'offer' would not be open to me when I retired...'
If policemen pursue the Craft of Freemasonry as an amusing hobby or an antiquarian game which they leave behind at the temple.. it may be harmless as Masonic spokesmen claim...
....The public need to be convinced ....
... In the meantime there is evidence to suggest that some Mason cops go on duty still mentally wearing their regalia and are not as impartial as their Constable's Oath requires....
Free Gardeners
The Freemasons were by no means the only group to emerge from a particular trade. The Free Gardeners have been traced back to 17th century Scotland, and lodges later appeared in the U. S the Order of Free Gardeners existed until the middle of the 20th century. Like their stonemason cousins, the FreeGardeners drew inspiration from the story of KIng Solomon and the building of his Temple in Jerusalem. They were regarded as even more secretive than the Freemasons.
Golden Dawn
The Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, to give it its fu;; name, is perhaps the best known of modern era magical secret societies, through is its original form it was short-lived. Founded in 1887, it fractured into different groups early in the 20th century, Its focus on high magic made it very influential in occult circles, and former members went on to form their own societies and it make their marks in the esoteric world of such groups - none more so than the notorious Aleister Crowley.
Hell-Fire Club
There as more than one Hell-Firs Club, but the original was probably formed in England 1719 by the Duke of Wharton. The best known branch, however, was that which was founded by Sir Francis Dashwood, and that used to meet at Medmenham Abbey. Despite its name, the club's members seem to have been more interested in having lots of lascivious, debauched fun than taking part in 'Satan worship', though some have claimed the group did have some links to politics.
The Illuminati is a collective name given to a secretive group of individuals who are said by conspiracy theorists to run the world - to at least are working to take over the running if the world. In fact, there was a real Illuminati secret society: the Bavarian Illuminati founded by a university academic called Adam Weidhaupt in 1776. Its members all used pseudonyms and infiltrated Masonic lodges to spread their influence; the ultimate aim was to bring about revolutionary change in society. However the Bavarian authorities learnt of their existence and broke up the organization just ten years after it formed. Nonetheless some have claimed - - that the Bavarin Illuminati helped start the French Revolution...
Knights Templar
One of the most famous organizations in history, the Knights Templar were thought to have begun life as a kind of early 12th century security company protecting pilgrims on the hazardous road to Jerusalem, It soon evolved into one of the most powerful and wealthy organizations in the medieval world, , with the knights Templars acting as both bankers and wealthy land owners. Though they were outwardly conventional Christians, the Knights Templars claimed by some to have picked up unorthodox and heretical ideas from their time in the Holy Land, and were brutally suppressed in the 14th century because of this allegation. Since their demise, the Templars have inspired and influenced many secret societies, Some believe their true goal was to discover the secrets of Solomon’s Temple and is associated treasures. There is also a belief that Scottish Freemasonry has its origins in the Knights Templar.
Ku Klux Klan
This racist society has had a number of different incarnations since it first appeared in the south of the United States in the middle of the 19th century, It saw a huge revival in the 1920's when anti-Catholicism and anti-trade unionism were among the features added to its while supremacy outlook. Remnants of KKK still exist, though support for them is currently low.
This word became a catchall name to describe just about any organised crime group, as is, for example, the Russian Mafia. Its roots, however, lie in an organized criminal secret society in Sicily that sprung up in the 19th century. The members of this group did not use the name 'mafia', or indeed any other name for themselves other than 'Cosa Nostra', which means 'Our Thin' in Italian. Final proof that the Cosa Nostra existed as a true secret society (rather than a romantic idea of criminal gangs) only finally emerged in the 1990's. In the meantime, Sicily had exported the mafia tot he US where it still exists.
Mithraism is a mystery cult or religion that was a powerful rival to Christianity in the Roman Empire. Its precise origins are a matter of academic debate, though it probably began life as a blend of loyal beliefs and traditions in the Near East. Popular with Roman soldiers, its many rituals were kept secret - and largely remain so to this day. Many have pointed to some similarities in beliefs and practices between Mithraism and Christianity, the latter ultimately becoming the dominant belief system within the late Western Roman Empire.
Mystery Cults
The ancient world was home to a number of secretive cults that can be considered to have involved 'mystery rites'. These include the followers of Bacchus (the Roman form of Dionysus) and those who took part in the famous Eleusinian rites near Athens. Followers had to be initiated into such mysteries, whose rituals and inner beliefs were jealously guarded secrets. At the centre of many of these mystery cults was a celebration of the endless cycle of death and re-birth in the world, as witnessed in the passing of the seasons. On some occasions, for example in Ancient Rome. such secret groups were treated as subversive, and were persecuted.
Nine Unknown Men
An elite group based in India said or date from 3rd century BC. The group's original purpose was supposedly to keep secret knowledge that could be harmful to the human race, but some claim that today its members are the hidden rulers of the world. The group is mentioned mostly in works of fiction, which is probably where it should remain...but there is mounting research and evidence that there is currently a fairly well hidden group that control most of the world's banking, money, minerals, politics, arms, drugs (legal and illegal) and food production.. and thus is doe snot sound that far unreasonable to assume that these Nine Unknown Men were to for runners of the well hidden group that control most of the world's banking, money, minerals, politics, arms, drugs (legal and illegal) and food production... it matters not what name you given them,,, they seem to be real enough...
Odd Fellows
Odd Fellowship shares some similarities and background with Freemasonry, and is thought to have originated in the 17th century in England. From the start, Odd Fellow lodges had many working-class members, and adopted ways of helping members and their families financially in time of trouble. They were among the groups that became known as 'friendly societies'. Odd Fellow lodges were very popular in the US, and there are still Odd Fellow organizations around the world today.
Odin Brotherhood
This fascinating secret society claims to have been around since the early 15th century AD, when it formed to protect pagan faiths against attacks from Christianity. However, the existence of the Brotherhood only became known in the late 20th century, and their beliefs were them publicized by academic Mark Mirabello. Its members hono0ur old gods, incl0uding Odin. Thor and Freya, and place emphasis on virtues such as bravery. strength and knowledge.
Opus Dei
A controversial Catholic organization created by Spanish priest Josemaria Escriva in the late 1920's (the late pries has since been made a saint), The group has a relatively small but influential membership: many of its members have links to politics and business, Its aim is to promote traditional Catholic values and, above all, to 'find God in daily life'. The organization has been criticized for being a 'sect within a sect' inside the Catholic Church, and also for its recruitment techniques concerning young people and the demands it puts upon its members. Opus Dei was closely associated with Franco Regime (1936-75) in Spain.
Order of Anti-Poke Noses
A delightfully named society, the Order of Anti-Poke Noses was created un the 1920's in the US as one of a number of groups opposed to the Ku Klux Klan and its hateful teachings. The short-lived Order's basic stance was that it opposed any group that 'stuck its nose into other people's business'.
Ordo Novi Templi
The Ordo Novi Templi dates from 1907, and was created by Australian occults and former monk Jorg Lanz von Liebenfels. The occult world merged with Aryan supremist views in this society, and it was a part of the intellectual and spiritual backdrop to the rise of Nazism in Germany. The society was also said to have been one of the inspirations for Himmler's modeling of the SS as a tool of Nazi supremist views.
Ordo Templi Orientis
Established at the start of the 20th Century, this important magical secret society was later dominated by the ideas and personality of occultist Aleister Crowly. It still exists today - as do some splinter groups - and continues to be important in occult circles.
Pythagorean Brotherhood
A secret society founded by the Greek mathematician Pythagoras in the 6th Century BC, the Brotherhood was based in Crotona, in Southern Italy, in what was a Greek colony. At the heart of its teachings was the sacred nature of geometry and numbers. There was an outer and an inner circle of members, the latter being subject to a number of strict rules of behaviour. Though the Brotherhood did not long survive its founder's death, it was well known in the ancient world, and became a kind of blueprint for future secret societies.
There is no single Rosicrucian secret society, but rather a series of them that have existed through the centuries and up to this present. As is so often the case with secret societies, the origins of the Rosicrucian movement is shrouded in mystery and legend. It first emerged in the world in the early 17th century in the form of a series of pamphlets, which suggested that a group known as the 'Rosy Cross' had been founded by the 15th-century monk, who had travelled widely through the East, collecting ancient wisdom and traditions. Many different societies have since claimed the Rosicrucian name. The Rosicrucian movement remains an important part of the occult tradition, and its aim today is personal self-improvement and enlightenment. Has often been closely linked with alchemy in that the turning of base metal into gold is symbolic of the spiritual development of the individual.
Church of Scientology
This organization began life in the 1950's as the vehicle for self-help therapy devised by American pulp-fiction and science-fiction writer L Rom Hubbard, It has since developed an elaborate 'theology', and Scientology today claims to be a religion, Its stated aim is to help remove all the psychological 'obstacles and clutter' that prevent human beings form fulfilling their true mental and spiritual potential. Critics claim that the Church uses cult-like techniques to attract and keep its members.
Skull and Bones Society.
One of the oldest and best-known American secret societies, the Skull and Bones Society is credited with enormous power and influence by critics because of the high sanding and power of many of its members, Membership in this Yale University society has included American presidents George Bush and his son, George W. Bush, as well as President William Taft
Society of the Elect
This was a secret society set up by the imperialist and diamond magnate Cecil Rhodes in the late 19th Century, and is sometimes seen as the 'grandfather' of such organizations as the Bilderberg Group. No one is sure how log the society lasted or how influential it actually was, but some serious commentators have suggested that in various layer incarnations it has wielded enormous influence. Its aim was to create a form of federal world government, with the British Empire (as it was) at the heart of it.
Theosophocical Society
The Theosophocical Society was started by Helena Blatvatsky in New York in the 1870's. It began life as a secret society before evolving into a more public organization that promoted occult philosophy. It drew on both western occult tradition and Eastern mysticism, and was highly influential. The Society still exists today.
Members of this Indian secret society (from which the modern word 'thug' derives) used to befriend travelers on the road and then, at a pre-arranged time and place, would rob and strangle them. The Thugs, who were active as far back as the 16th century CE, claimed to be servants of then goddess Kali. They were eradicated by the `British in the middle of the 19th century
Thule Society
A secret society that believed in and promulgated Aryan supremacy in Germany in the second and third decades of the 20th century. Hitler himself was never a members, but he did join and dominate a political splinter group associated with the Thule Society. The group eventually became the Nazi Party.
This the generic name given to various Chinese secret societies, Such societies originally grew out of Chinese politics and national identity, but have for some time been associated more wit criminal activity than with politics, Their influence has spread beyond Chinese borders to many other parts of the world
Trilateral Commission
The Trilateral Commission was created in 1973 by group of politicians, bankers and businesspersons from North American, Europe and Japan. One prominent member of the Trilateral Commission was Jimmy Carter, who later became US president. The stated purpose of the Commission is to discuss common ideas and aims among groups of politicians, bankers and businesspersons from all over the world. The group has attracted criticism from some. who claim that its covert agenda is the formation of a single world government.
Stephen Knight the author of
the Brotherhood who died aged 33 ......18 months after publishing his book
A dramatic moment during Freemason third degree ceremony
I am free to name only a small number of the many hundreds of people who have helped me with advice and information for this book.. Most of those who helped did only on the understanding that I would say nothing that could lead to their identification. among there were Freemasons who feared recrimination from other members of the Brotherhood. . Others included government official, politicians, judges, policemen of all ranks, lawyers, churchmen, past and present officers of MI6 and MI6, and people from every sector of society touched on in this book...Without such people a book of this kind could not be contemplated.
Two men must be singled out: Simon Scott, managing editor of New English Library whose idea this books was an who supported me with unflagging enthusiasm all through the research and writing only to have the project snatched from him at the last moment; and my friend and agent Andrew Hewson who has never, even at the busiest moments, been unavailable.
Thank you Simon and I thank everyone else...all names fully listed in the book..
Freemasonry. although its leaders strenuously deny it, is a secret society. And few of its members- judges, police, politicians and royalty among them - realize that every time they attend a meeting they break the law, and (at least technically) lay themselves open to minimum of two year's imprisonment. Under the Unlawful Societies Ac of 1799 - unlikely, of course, ever to be enforced - Freemasons are permitted to hold meetings if yearly returns providing names, addresses and descriptions of brethren are submitted to local Clerks of the Peace .his is rarely done, so most gatherings in `Masonic Lodges are held in breach of the law.
In England and Wales alone Freemasonry has more than 600,000 initiates, with a further 100,000 in Scotland and between 50,000 and 70,000 in Ireland..(1984 estimated Figures... Paul Jeffries in his book Freemasons-Inside the World's Oldest Secret Society published in 2005 he states the following Freemason membership: Over 5.9 million Freemasons worldwide; consisting of: England and Wales- over 550,000. Scotland-over 400,000; Ireland over 47,000; Canada and USA- over 4.1 million; Europe-over 80,000; Australasia-over 375,000; `Latin America-over 50,000; Philippines-over 10,000 and other areas (India, Japan, Formosa, Africa, Israel etc)-over 288,000
All the members of this extraordinary Brotherhood are male. All except those who are second-, third-, or fourth-generation Freemasons, who may join at eighteen, are over the age of twenty-one. All have sworn on pain of death and ghastly mutilation No 5 to reveal Masonic secrets to outsiders, who are known
The Brotherhood
by Stephen Knight –published 1984
The Dissidents – Chapter 16 _ages 140 to 149
One of my major sources of information was a former Grand Inspector Inquisitor Commander of the Thirty-First degree of the Ancient and Accepted Rite who has withdrawn form masonry in 1968 for religious reasons.. her agreed to be interviewed by me through a third party concerning his conviction that no active Christian could in all conscience remain a Freemason…
When I met him I learned he was a judge, and a particularly quick-tempered one .. I asked him about the Ancient and Accepted Rite of the Thirty-Third degree, he answered quickly: ‘Nom I dare not go into that’, her said ….’we’d better stick to religion… I thought immediately afterwards how strange it was he had used the words ‘dare not’, Most people said, ‘I’d better not’, or ‘I’d rather not’… I remarked on his used of the world. He said, ‘Anyone in public life has to be cautious.’ ..’Cautious’.. I repeated. “That’s a Masonic word of recognition.”..
He then said, ‘You’ve obviously delved into the ritual, so you know…..’
… ‘Mr Knight, I don’t like this line of questioning. I agreed to speak to you in general terms about why my commitment to Jesus is incompatible with Masonic religion …. I do not wish to be drawn into discussion of matters covered by whatever undertakings I have … taken…
I went on to tell the judge ..’I have heard form quite a lot of contacts about organized action groups of Freemasons that have resulted in the financial or social ruin of certain people, ‘ I said..
The judge replied.. ‘So have I’…’ ..still looking me st5raight in the eye as if telling me this was an important issue and point of fact…’ So have I Mr Knight… No of such happenings which had the backing of official Freemasonry, but of actions which were unofficial, in other words, Masons abusing the Craft for their own ends..’…’You know the answer to that form what I have said.. ‘I have also heard about people who have .crossed’ certain masons and finished up in prison…’ He then stopped me in mid-sentence by placing a finger on his lips ... ’if I told you everything about Freemasonry, being betrayed by its members, it would surprise you… it would make your hair stand on end … I can’t tell you any more..’ he said…then he said.. Give me your phone number, you might hear from someone in a few days…’… His finger went back to his lips and he went to fetch my coat .. as he left he said, ‘God Bless’…
A few days later received as phone call from a man calling himself Christopher whom I ended up having along meeting at his private club and he showed me his papers to show him bona fide ID and Freemason membership… I asked him what a person might have to fear from a group of influential Freemason if circumstances made him, for instance, a threat to them in the business world; or if he discovered they were using masonry for corrupt purposes; or had fallen victim of their misuse of Freemasonry and would not heed warnings not to oppose them…
He replied..’.. It is not difficult to ruin a man,’ he said, ‘And I will tell you how it is done time and time again.. there are more than half a million Freemasonry Craft Brethren (In 1883) just in England and Wales and over 400,000 in Scotland (in 1983) under the jurisdiction of Grand Lodge.. Standards have been falling for twenty or thirty years, it is now too easy to enter the Craft, so many men of dubious moral have now joined the Craft… about 12-13% abuse the Craft for selfish and/or corrupt ends.. (that is about 60,000 in England and Wales and about 40,000 in Scotland)..
Note: Christopher was one of a small and unpopular group within Masonry who sometime in the early 1970’s had decided that either they had to get out of the Brotherhood or they had to do something ‘to stop the rot’, which the ‘blinkered officers of Great Queen Street refuse to admit was there..’
This group wanted pressure brought to bear on those in positions of responsibility within the Brotherhood to put Freemasonry’s house in order.. to instate proper policing, to close down Lodges used for shady dealings and to root out corrupt brethren and expel them, they also wanted the whole business of Masonic secrecy looked into by Grand Lodge, most of them believing that secrecy was more harmful than helpful to Masonry..
Christopher explained that Masonry’s nationwide organization of men from all walks of life provided one of the most efficient private intelligence networks imaginable, private information on anybody in the country could be accessed very rapidly through endless permutations of Masonic contacts in the police, magistrates, solicitors, bank managers, Post Office staff (‘very useful is supplying copies of a man’s mail’), doctors, government employees, bosses of firms and nationalized industries etc. etc. …. A dossier of personal data could be built up on anybody very quickly.. when the major facts of an individual’s life were known, areas of vulnerability would become apparent…
I asked what action might be taken?..
“ Solicitors are very good at it…Get your name involved in something legal it need not be serious and you have him,, Solicitors are past masters a causing endless delays, generating useless paperwork, ignoring instructions, running up immense bills, misleading client into taking decisions damaging to themselves etc..
‘Masonic police can harass, arrest on false charges, and plant evidence.. ‘ A business man in a small community or a person in public office arrested for dealing in child pornography, for indent exposure, or for trafficking drugs is at the end of the line..’
‘Masons can bring about the situation where credit companies and band withdraw credit facilities form individual clients and tradesmen, said my informant..Banks can foreclose ...
People who rely on their telephone for work can have it cut off for long periods ... Masonic employees of councils can arrange for a person's drains to be inspected and extensive damage reported etc ..this burdening the person with huge repair bills; workmen carrying out the job can 'find' - very conveniently- further damage ..a fair legal hearing is lard to get when a man in ordinary circumstances is in financial difficulties .. legal aid applications can be delayed endlessly...Employers can be given private information about a man who had made himself an enemy of Masonry ... at worst he will be dismissed and/or consistently passed over for promotion....
Christopher added...' Masonic doctors can also be used..'
Christopher continue for about half an hour to list examples of the ways in which corrupt members of the Brotherhood could defeat opposition..' ... those in power in Freemasons Hall knew something of what went on, but they felt defeated by it and preferred to look the other way rather than take steps to eradicate it...' ... Christopher said... if Christopher and his group failed for force the issue into the open, the organization would become so morally polluted that it would simply cease to exist...' Christopher also said ..we are not solely concerned with the Brotherhood .. it was the victims of those who used masonry as a source of personal power who has to be helped as well...
Christopher also said ..'..only the fighters have a hope of beating the system once it's at work against them' ..'Most people, fighters or not, are beaten in the end, though ,,It' see... you finish up not knowing who you can can get no help because your story sounds so paranoid that you are thought a crank, one of those nuts who think the whole world is a 'conspiracy' against 'them'. It is a strange phenomenon...Bt setting up a situation that most people will think of as fantasy, these people can poison every part of a person's life... if they give in they go under... if they don't give in... it is only putting off the day they go under...because if they fight, so much unhappiness will be brought to the people around them that there will likely come a time when even their own families and close friends turn against them out of desperation.... when that happens ..... and they are without friends where ever they look...they become easy meat... the newspaper will not touch them or their story...
'...There is not defense against an evil which only the victims and the perpetrators know exists..'
Chapter 28
The Threat To Britain P 297 to 303
The "Chinaman Report" goes further than drawing attention t the KBG's almost certain use of Freemasonry for placing operatives in positions of authority, most damagingly achieved, so far as we know, such as in the case of Sir Roger Hollis, who was the director-general of the M!% service in the critical years 1956 to 1965 (as convincingly demonstrated by Chapman Pincher in his controversial study of Russia's infiltration of the West's secret services and defenses in his book 'Their Trade is Treachery)'. few people in MI5 now doubt that Hollis was a Russian spy for nearly 30 years and a respected Freemason having joined when he was in Shanghai, China in the 1930's working an international tobacco company along with then spending time in Russia..
(From Chap 27)..Of the many mysteries surrounding Sire Roger Hollis, one of the most baffling is how Hollis was ever accepted into M!% in the first place, Hollis was quite the opposite of what was required. In MI5, as opposed to MI6, which operates abroad, there is a great reluctance to accept candidates who have travelled widely out of the U,K. In the 1930’s when Hollis was recruited this stipulation was more easily met than it is today. For this reason and other reasons. Hollis was most unlikely candidate to be allowed to join the MI5 organization...Hollis did badly at university, having thrown in the towel in 1926 after only two years, then worked in London for a while and set off for China, Hollis then became stranded with only $10 in his pocket in Malaya, where he got a job with an international tobacco company in Penang and was later transferred to the company's offices in Shanghai. Hollis moved around China for the next nine years, working at Peking, Hangchow and Dairen. After this, Hollis contracted tuberculosis, and travelled to a Swiss sanatorium by way of the Trans-Siberian Railway from Vladivostok. spending some time in Russia All this, especially his time in Russia, should have been an insuperable obstacle to any hopes he had of joining MI5... So it proved.. at first ....Even after Hollis's treatment that his health was not strong enough for Hollis to continue working the tobacco company, so early in 1936 Hollis went back to England....''Even Hollis's friend agreed that Hollis was not particularly talented', wrote Chapman Pincher, who describes Hollis at the time of his return to England as 'basically a broken man': 'Though surprisingly athletic, Hollis was to retain the look of someone who had had contracted tuberculosis and Hollis became progressively round-shouldered that he looked almost hunched...he had no degree, his health was suspect and his experience in China was not likely to be helpful in securing a post in England...the only work Hollis could find at the time was as a clerk-typist. .... However, through an army major Hollis met, Hollis secured an interview with MI5.. Hollis was turned down and told that his experience abroad might be useful to MI6, so Hollis then applied to join MI6, but Hollis was turned down for health reasons from the MI6 service. Then when Hollis applied to join MI5 for the second time later that year nothing had changed as far as Hollis' ability, background and health ,,except the mind of MI5... miraculously....completely against any sort of normality given Hollis had already been turned down by MI5 and MI6 on previous occasions.. Hollis was hired by MI%... it is noted that the director-general of MI5 at the time was Major General Sir Vernon Kell, who happened to be a Freemason ..almost everything against him, Hollis had got into MI5... What is even more remarkable? was the rate in which Hollis was promoted within the MI5 service once Hollis got in... this astonished his colleagues them and still cannot be explained by any of the MI5 officers, current and retired, with whom I (Stephen Knight) have had contact either directly or through intermediaries. this is one of the great mysteries of Sir Roger Hollis.. Even though it was against regulations for any MI5 or MI6 officer to be a Freemason - and this, incidentally, must presumably indicate that membership of Freemasonry was regarded as a threat to security- several MI5 officers were in the Freemasonry Brotherhood - Among them was man called Potter, who was in charge of the huge MI5 card index, which is now computerized... such a man would be good to have as a friend... But is was Freemasonry that got Hollis against all odds into the MI5 service and took Hollis, the unlikeliest of all its officers, to the very top of MI5 .. the likeliest key to the mystery of Hollis is Shanghai and the time Hollis spent there for the British American Tobacco Company in the 1930's... the European community in Shanghai was small.. the English-speaking community was of course smaller and very tight-knit; virtually every Englishman arriving in Shanghai gravitated to the Masonic Hall at 1623, Avenue Road, Shanghai .. Freemasonry had flourished among the British expatriates here and at the previous Masonic Hall at 30 The Bund, Shanghai, since the mid-1800's .. In the 1930's, when Hollis was in Shanghai, the tradition of Freemasonry there was at its zenith.. A man who was not a Mason was at a grave disadvantage in achieving whatever social or professional ambitions he had...Almost everyone I have contacted who knew Hollis, including MI5 officers past and present, has reacted similarly to the suggestion that the former director-general Sir Roger Hollis was a member of the Freemason Brotherhood. - that was just the kind of man, extremely secretive by nature, with few friendships and with small prospect of advancement - who would join Masonry in order to exploit its covert advantages ...Freemasonry, said the contacts, offered the first explanation to the Hollis mystery, his otherwise inexplicable acceptance and his phenomenal rate of is understood that Hollis's immediate predecessor as director-general of the MI5 security service, Sir Dick Goldsmith White, was also a Freemason, who was the only man to have ever been both the head of MI5 and MI6, having moved from MI^ to MI5 in 1956 to take over the MI5 secret service from Sir John 'Sinbad' Sinclair... Despite his impressive record and qualifications, the unprecedented transfer was viewed by many within MI6 as dangerous and as something which, once again breaking all the traditional rules governing the secure operation of the two services, should never have been allowed. It was Sir Dick Goldsmith White. who on his appointment as MI5 Secret Service Chief, recommended Hollis as his successor to premier Anthony Eden....Hollis' treachery should have come to light in the late 1940's when Sir Percy Sillitoe was director-general of MI5..As A.W. Cockerill, Sillitoe's biographer, points out, 'practically the entire effort of the MI5 Service form 1946 on, and until long after Sillitoe's retirement, was directed at identifying and weeding out Communists from positions in which they posed a threat to national security'. Cockerill states that one of Sillitoe's first actions after getting settled into the job as MI5 chief was to carry out a purge, for which he had something of a reputation in his former career in the police..
'" In the case of MI5m he was primarily interested in the political reliability of his staff, and a number of employees were forced to leave for one reason or another.... Beginning with those whose credentials were 'impeccable', he carried out a systematic security check of the entire establishment, This was a programme in which the internal security officers combed through each personal file as though the person concerned was a newcomer; the individual's history was checked and rechecked, membership in clubs, societies and social organizations was investigated anew to ensure that the service itself was 'clean'..."
But Sillitoe, without knowing it, was fighting an impossible battle,,, with the man in charge of all the personal records being a member of the Freemasonry Brotherhood, Sillitoe would never be allowed to learn that Hollis's mans of entry to the MI5 Service had been by way of a Masonic Lodge in China and a Masonic Director-General of MI5.. In is an interesting fact that the Freemason Lodge membership lists of the Shanghair Lodges between the wards are among the lost closely guarded secrets of the United Grand Lodge.. Several attempts by concerned Freemason members of the Brotherhood to get try and hold of these files through the ordinary channels have been always blocked ... it is evident that those lists of names contain something so explosive, so potentially damaging to the Brotherhood, that it will not permit them to be examined even by senior Masons,,
Whose name is being concealed???
If not...Sir Roger Hollis????
Chapter 28: The Threat To Britain continued
The Chinaman Report also expresses concern that British Freemasonry as a whole is, quite unknown to its members, a major target for so-called 'Special Political action' for the KGB, The Chinaman Report states among other things"
" ...sheer prudence demands that the lessons of the P2 affair receive the attention of all who have the interests of the UK and the West at heart, masons and no-masons alike... The affair has so far been to the considerable advantage of the Soviet Union and the Communists, which alone of the political parties ( conveniently) has no known members among the listed names published by order of the Prime Minister,, Has P2 continued its secret growth and unacceptable activities, the inevitable scandal could have brought down with it non-Communist government in Italy ... Yet Italian Freemasonry has been estimated as of the order of under 100,000 - a mere tenth of the supposed UK total for roughly similar population,..."
In the UK he Brotherhood enjoys the inestimable advantage of royal patronage... The Chinaman Report suggested that 'the Italian affair is a serious warning form which important lessons can be drawn ..The UK could well prove very much more vulnerable to exposure of improper activities by a group of Freemasons than is Italy...'
According to the Chinaman Report There are two reasons for this:
",,,First, Masonry so permeates so many revered British institutions form the Crown downwards, that a grave Masonic scandal could in modern circumstances involved popular revulsion against the whole established order ...Government and Business ...
Second, the proportion of Masons to non-Masons in some professions and other walks of life, including areas of Government, appears to have reached a critical point: the point at which people believe themselves obliged to join Freemasonry, no longer voluntarily, but from a feeling of compulsion...."
..This statement is certainly accurate, as my own enquiries have revealed..
.."Masons and non-Masons alike seem increasingly to fear the potential of the fraternity (Freemason) to ruin them (if they in any way upset the Freemason Fraternity or try to take them on in any way)...At such a point it becomes hard to find in certain areas vital to the state an adequate numbers of competent persons who are non-masons to prevent such a vacuum as now threaten Italy were al the officers of the armed forces of General rank named in the P2 documents to be required to retire (because of being exposed and named as members of the P2..
Third, there is much circumstantial evidence that more ruthless elements have joined Freemasonry and are using up the find of respectability that Royal patronage confers to indulge in activities which reputable members would find quite unacceptable were they aware of the extent of the abuse (of Freemasonry)..This of course, is a danger inherent in all secretive societies for their cellular from devised by the founders for the security of the movement, can as readily be used to 'hoodwink" the leadership, who thus become unwitting 'front men' for activities they would never countenance,..."
..The Chinaman Report alludes to the argument that there has not been a Masonic scandal of major proportions in modern times and the contention that should one occur, it could readily be contained by the Brotherhood by mean of both public expulsions and cover-ups. the Chinaman Report continues:
"...This may possibly be so... But British society as a whole is changing rapidly..The established order of things developed over the past thousand years in no longer so widely and so automatically accepted as in even recent past ....Many, of all political hues, consider some of our institutions archaic and in need of reform.. this view is fueled by the loss of national self-confidence and national pride following from the loss of Empire and our very poor showing in the list of advanced industrial societies,, Disrespect for those in authority is already considerable and is increasing at an accelerating rate: such rife dissatisfaction soon comes to seek a scapegoat, such as 'the Establishment' provides... But out institutions - both public and private - seem incapable of reforming themselves and performing the 'aggiornamento' the thoughtful of all moderate persuasions are increasingly coming to expect...
...Against this worsening background it would be rash to suppose that the methods of the pas to contain scandals and irregularities in Masonry ( or indeed in anything else) will still be adequate by, say, the end of the decade. And this is to count without the intentions of the KBG...
The possibility that the KGB has along-term interest in British Freemasonry must be taken seriously..For to any trained intelligence officer, Freemasonry offers an ideal vehicle for the destabilization of the United Kingdom. to make two points:
(1) there has for some time been practically no mention of Freemasonry in the media: for widespread and important a movement this almost amounts to a taboo- any serious, well documented exposure of substantial malpractices could be expected to have a disproportionate shock effect. We are not yet so cynical and so inured to scandal as the Italians.
(2) Second, the KBG - itself growing out of a clandestine movement's seizure of state power, well understands the organization, motivation and other problems of secret societies (particularly of Communication records, and the use of a reputable ''front'') and is thus ideally qualified to exploit Freemasonry for its own ends,," the Chinaman Report constructs, form its thirty-year knowledge of the KGB's political methods and of the inner workings of British Freemasonry -with the P2 conspiracy forming a bridge between the two - a scenario which to my certain knowledge senior official of both MI5 and MI6 regard with utmost gravity. ..the man code-names Chinaman suggest that the most likely method of attack would follow the pattern of P2 - in other words, the KGB, doubtless through Czech intelligence, would attempt to hive off a promising area of Freemasonry and encourage its growth...
"....The more prominent those unwittingly involved, the greater the ultimate effect - provided the top echelon (of Freemasonry) were carefully preserved untainted.. Another phase would be deliberately to encourage and exacerbate existing abuses for personal advancement at the expense of non-Masons.. Arrogance would be inflated to a point where the Masons concerned would become over-confident and incautious ..... the KGB would then obtain and collate documentary and circumstantial evidence in as many spheres of activity as possible ...
...Once sufficient material has been gathered, the KGB would be prepared to wait years if required until directed to mount an exposure at a politically appropriate juncture.. Then the 'fuse' would be lit for example by arranging for a blackmail operation to fail, or a 'Soviet 'defector' to arrive perhaps in the US, and point conclusively to KBG involvement in Masonry ..Media and Government enquiries could then be fed with supplementary evidence garnered for the purpose over the years... Names would be called....Confusion would be sown by including the righteous (chosen for their effectiveness in opposition to Soviet designs) with the guilty (chosen for their publicity value) : in such circumstances lies mixed with incontrovertible truths would be hard to winnow.
If the right moment for 'ignition' were chosen the disaster could be very great. ...One only need only to remember the effect on each occasion of the news of Fuchs's espionage (Klaus Emil Julian Fuchs, was convicted in 1950 of passing British American atomic research secrets tot eh Soviet Union), the Maclean and Burgess defections, the Philby case, the Blunt exposure and the recent public allegations regarding the late Sir Roger Hollis, to appreciate the effect of well documented exposures at one time of even fifty prominent persons - let alone nearly a thousand as in the Italian P2 case.."
Chinaman makes it plain that short of information from some formerly well-placed genuine defector, there is no certain means of knowing whether the Soviet Union is operating such a plan..
"..I simply suggest that it is self-evident that the possibility should be taken seriously and appropriate defensive action taken if this has not already been done adequately.."
..I can reveal that no such defensive action has yet been taken because prior to the submission of the Chinaman Report, no one had considered the possible exploitation of Freemasonry. No one knew enough about the Brotherhood for it to present itself as a possibility. Chinaman suggests measures to minimize the effects of any KGB-promoted exposure in two main ways:
"..(1) First, by ensuring that we are not 'caught' with persons holding certain key delicate positions being Masons ... From my own experience (as well as reports of the P2 case) I would hope for example that the heads of both the MI5 Secret Intelligence Service and the MI6 Security Service are not (again) permitted to be Freemasons, and that the regulations of these two services now provide for any Masons to declare their adherence to the head of the service concerned personally (as already stated, MI5 officers are banned from joining the Brotherhood, but this has not prevented several MI5 officer from being members of the Freemasonry Brotherhood).. I believe that the same should apply o MI6 Special Branch. Masons who are already members of MI5 and/or MI6 branches of Government could provide a valuable link to Freemasonry in the MI5 and MI6 services, in the service of the State, if they are not so acting already.. In other Government Departments, arrangements could ensure that heads of personnel sections be non-Masons, and that they have a right of access to the Director-General of the Security Service, ..The legal professions- presently the object of increasing public disquiet because of its alleged tendency to protect its own - is a particular problem given the large number of Freemasons (in the legal profession in the United Kingdom)
(2) The Second direction I would concentrate upon would be legislation. It seems to me, for instance, far less likely that any deliberate organized exposure would cause serious and lasting damage to the benefit of the pro-Communist left and the Soviet Union, if all citizens had the legal right, if the elected, to a written assurance that any professional person they consulted is not a member of any secret society, including Freemason and similar or related groupings: an untrue denial rendering the professional person liable to criminal proceedings.. I appreciate the very great difficulties, but possibly in the not too far distant future in the wake if the P2 affair, some measure along these lines might be passed ... In the Government service Masons in delicate areas would come to know that for security reasons a few positions were closed to the: this too would help shift the balance of advantage..
...Such measures could, I believe, also incidentally lead to a significant improvement in Britain's performance in many places, lessening the possibility that the more dynamic, more forward-looking and better qualified may be passed over to the detriment of government and industrial efficiency ... I repeat, though, that I am well aware that I have not the qualifications for suggesting counter-measures, that I have for setting out the dangers,,,'
..I have discussed the Chinaman Report in general terms and off the record with several high; placed officials and with three former Cabinet Ministers, all of whom told me that if such a report came into their hands when they were in office hey would have initiated an enquiry, IN March 1982, having contacted Foreign ~Secretary Lord Carrington and been assured by him that he was not a Freemason Brotherhood, I was on the point of raising it with him.. The Argentina invaded the Falkland Islands and Britain lost on of its most able ministers.
And here another link is forged between Licio Gelli (P2 founder and controller), his Overt Masters, and the important task P2 had been created to perform in the continuing programme to destabilize the West, After Licio Gelli's flight from Italy. Licio Gelli did not go hiding beyond the Iron Curtain as suggested by the perspicacious Peter Hebblethwaithe...Most informed sources believed Licio Gelli was in Argentina, where he had exercised so much influence in the past and where, I suggest. Geberal Galtieri was Licio Gelli's new Peron, It cannot be a coincidence that Admiral Emilo Massera, the commander of the Argentine Navy and one of the three-man junta that launched the Falkland invasion, and the commander of the Argentine Fits Army, General Calos Suarez Mason, we`re both secret members of Lodge P2.
Chapter One: Origins
Some Freemasons claim great antiquity for Freemasonry. This is reflected in the Masonic calendar which is based on Archbishop Ussher's seventh-century calculation that the Creation must have taken place in the year 4004 BC/ For convenience, the off four years are ignored and Anno Lucis (in the Year of Light, when Freemasonry is deemed to have begun) is four thousand years ahead of Anno Domini - so a Masonic certificate of initiation bearing the date A.L. 5983 was issued in A.D. 1983. The implication is that Freemasonry is as old as Adam. \ Throughout the eighteen and nineteenth centuries, Masonic writers produced vast numbers of books seeking to show that their movement has a continuous history of many hundreds, even thousands of years. Some claimed that the ancestors of the Brotherhood were the Druid or Culdees; some claimed they were the pre-Christian Jewish Monks, the Essenes, Others insisted that Freemasonry had its origins in the religion of ancient Egypt - an amalgam of the briefly held momotheism of Ikhnaton (c.1375 B.C.) and the Isis-Osiris cult.
Modern Masonic historians are fare more cautious. It is now accepted that Freemasonry as practiced today goes back no more than three centuries. What is true, though, is that the philosophic, religious and ritualistic concoction that makes up the speculative element of Freemasonry is drawn from many sources - some of them, like the Isis-Osiris myth, dating back to the dawn of history. Rosicrucianism, Gnosticism, the Kabbala, Hinduism, Theosophy and traditional notions of the occult all play a part; but despite the exhaustive literature - one scholar estimates that some 50,000 items of Masonry had been published by the 1950's - it is impossible to determine what comes from where and when, if only because Freemasonry on its lower and more accessible levels is opposed to dogma. There is therefore no alternative statement of what Masons believe or what the Brotherhood stands for in the first, second and third degrees, to which the vast majority of members restrict themselves. Even a 33 degree Mason who has persevered to attain all the enlightenment that Freemasonry claims to offer could not - even if he were freed from his oath of secrecy - provide more than a purely personal view of the Masonic message and the meaning to be attached to Masonic symbolism, since thus remains essentially subjective.
The comparatively short documented history of Freemasonry as an institution is nevertheless quite extraordinary. It is the story of how a Roman Catholic trade guild for a few thousand building workers in Britain came to be taken over by the aristocracy, the gentry and members of mainly non-productive professions, and how it was turned into a non-Christian secret society enjoying association with offshoot fraternal societies with millions of adherents throughout most of the non-Communist world.
In many cultures and at many times humankind has been drawn to the esoteric - the conception that the great truths about life and how to control social and natural phenomena are secrets and can only be known to initiates, who pass on their privileged knowledge to the elect from generation to generation. Ad one highly placed Mason told me: ' Truth, to the initiate, is not for everyone, pearls must not be thrown before swine.'
Equally. throughout history men have joined together in secret groups to further purely worldly ambitions. All such groups also involve initiation - the initiation ceremony involving fearful oaths of secrecy. For secrets to remain secrets there must be certain and effective sanctions. Secret societies formed for essentially practical ends have commonly had religious and moral elements. The religious element creates awe and so adds to the effectiveness of the oath of secrecy. The moral element determines the fraternal way that the organization's members threat each other, which might bear small resemblance to the way they treat outsiders.
Freemasonry is both speculative, philosophic - even religious and mystical -system, and a fraternity of those organized to help each other in material matters. For some Masons it is entirely the former, for other the latter. but for most it is a mixture of the two.
Masonic historians seem as uncertain as non-Masons about who first saw in the obsolescent mediaeval Christian Masonic guild as organization that could be taken over and converted into a quasi-religious, quasi-secular secret society. What evidence there is indicates that this evolution began very slowly and almost by chance, and that it was only later that the potential of the Masonic guild as a clandestine power base was perceived. In other words, it appears that the original interest of the gentry in the Masonic lodges stemmed from curiosity, antiquarian interest, and a kind of fashionable search for an unconventional, exclusive social milieu - rather like a jet-set fad for frequenting working men's pubs.
..There are a number of reasons why the Masonic guild should have attracted this general interest....
...First, the working (or 'operative') mason's craft guild was ripe for takeover: structured in the heyday of Gothic architecture in the thirteenth century, the craft was dying.. King's College Chapel at Cambridge, perhaps the last truly great English Gothic building, had been completed about 1512...
... Secondly, the highly skilled stonemasons of the Gothic age were peculiar in that many were itinerant workers, moving from church site to cathedral site as work was to be found. They had no regular headquarters like other trades, gathering in temporary lodges on site to discuss affairs ...and, as they often did not know each other as did permanent residents of mediaeval towns, they needed some method of recognition, some way of maintaining a closed shop to protect their demanding and highly esteemed profession against interlopers who had not undergone the rigorous apprenticeship necessary to acquire the mason's skills. These, as Professor Jacob Bronowski termed them, were the 'industrial aristocrats'.....
.... There was thus cosmopolitan romance, exclusivity and an organized secretiveness about the mason's guild, which became increasingly moribound as baroque replaced Gothic architecture ... all of this had potential fascination for men of education.......
Modern Freemasonry probably originated in Scotland... The earliest known instance of a non-stonemason, a gentleman, joining a mason's lodge is John Boswell. Laid of Auchinlech, who was a member of the Lodge in Edinburgh in 1600. Apparently the first English gentleman to join an English Lodge was Elian Ashmore, founder of Oxford' Ashmlean Museum. An antiquarian deeply interested in Rosicrucinism, he joined in 1646, Masonry became so fashionable that as the seventeenth century progressed the 'acceptance' (the collective term for non-stonemasons) became the majority in the Masonic Lodges.
For example, in 1670 the Aberdeen Lodge had thirty-none 'accepted' members while only ten remained 'operative' masons. But it was not long before the novelty in participating in the Quaint and venerable doings of artisans wore thin. Men of fashion saw no reason to prolong association with working men, and they began to form their own gentlemen' Lodges.... Freemasonry was launched...
... The 'speculative' Masons inherited seven main fundamental points from their 'operative' predecessors:
(1) an organization with the three grades of membership: (a) Apprentice, (b) Fellow or Journeyman, and (c) Master Mason;
(2) A unit termed a Lodge;
(3) Legendary histories of the origins of the Masonic craft set out in the 100-odd manuscripts containing the so-called 'Old Charges', the oldest being the Regius manuscripts of 1390, which was in verse;
(4) A tradition o fraternal and benevolent relations between members;
(5) A rule of secrecy about Lodge doings, although the Old Charges themselves were simply lists of quite ordinary rules for the guild, which members were enjoined to keep 'so help you God'. as befitted a Christian grouping there were no blood-curdling oaths;
(6) A method of recognition, notably the Scottish 'mason word' traced back to 1550: unwritten but variously remembered as Mahabyn, Mahabone, or even Matchpin;
(7) A thoroughly Christian foundation - the Old Charges are permeated with mediaeval Roman Catholicism;
With the demise of the original 'trade union' purpose of organization and the eclipse not only of Roman Catholicism due to the Reformation, but also the waning of Christianity with the rise of science, what was left towards the end of the seventeenth century was the framework of a secretive association, likened by authority to a peasant's cottage ripe for extensive development as a luxury weekend home for the well-to-do.
... Serious Masonic historians themselves deplore the lack of documentation about the three or four critical decades before the foundation of the Grand Lodge of England in 1717 ,,but is was during these years that the course of Freemasonry was to follow set.. it was evidently then that feww men among the small number (possibly only a few hundred in all) of 'accepted' masons must have come to see the potential of a secret society cutting across class divisions to embrace aristocrats, gentry, professional men and elements of the expanding middle class... It was to be a 'brotherhood' which would put a string to pull into the hand of every members, and strings enough in the hands of its shadowy controllers to manipulate events - like puppet masters behind the scenes ..But who these people were and just how consciously they planned or, as some have said, even plotted, is shrouded in mystery ,,, One thing united a majority of politically conscious people at this time: the need to preserve the gain of the Civil War of 1642-1651 - the limitation of the power of the King.. The 'accepted' Masons of the last quarter of the seventeenth century would appear to have been largely drawn from the type of people most anxious to preserve and to increase the steadily growing influence in society and government if men of quite moderate wealth and standing...
.... William of Orange and his consort Mary in 1688 were invited to become joint sovereigns..
.... When Grand Lodge was founded, George I had been on the throne only three years ..the prominent in Masonry were poised to have a hand in the manipulation of the new Hanoverian dynasty...
...Before the foundation of Grand Lodge in 1717, moves to transform the old guild into a true secret society were well on the way. As the normal trade union business of operative Masonic Lodges dwindled and eventually ceased, so the element of ritual based on the readings of the Old Charges - their legendary stories about the origins of the 'Mason's Craft; and their injunctions to members to obey the traditional rules - was transformed. Lodge ritual, initiations and speculative dissertations became the mail business of actual lodge meetings ... at the same time fraternal conviviality - which in the old days of operative masonry had probably been confined to a tankard or two after meetings in a local ale house - soon became a major feature of Masonic society... much was eaten, much was drunk, and much was discussed in the privacy of Masonic meeting places (usually taverns) after the rather dry formal doings in Lodge were over... the 'better' the `lodge - in the sense of social class - the 'better' the conversation and the more lavish and expensive the entertainment ,,,Masonry was already on its way to mirroring and reinforcing the class system and the emerging social order based on strictly constitutional monarchy... whatever it was to become overseas, where no Civil War, no Glorious Revolution had yet taken place, Masonry in England was already headed towards a conservative future...The sights of its prime movers were already set on a movement underpinning a type of society admirably suited to its purposes: a stable society with limited social mobility in which a secret inner 'Old Boy' association could provide an environment where considerable benefit could be gained by members who knew how to 'play the Masonic organ'.
,, Formal oaths of secrecy to be sworn by individual initiates appear in a number of Old charges containing 'new orders', but as these were published five years after the establishment of Grand Lodge they are possibly spurious. ,,,either way, no horrific sanctions are mentioned.. even so, the inclusion of an oath in the initiation rituals can be regarded as a crucial step in the creation of a secret society from the old guild...
The headquarters of the Brotherhood ( as Freemasonry is generally called) in England and Wales is in London, where the massive bulk of Freemasons Hall squats at the corner of Great Queen Street and Wild Street, like a gigantic elephant's footstool... This is the seat of the United Grand Lodge of England, the governing body of the 8,000 plus lodges in England and Wales, These Lodges, of which there are another 1,200 odd under the jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge of Scotland and about 750 under the Grand Lodge of Ireland, carry out their secret business and ritual in a deliberately cultivated atmosphere of mystery in Masonic Temples. Masonic Temples might be purpose built, or might be rooms in hotels or private buildings temporarily converted for Masonic use. Many town halls up and down Britain have private function room, used for Masonic rituals, as does New Scotland Yard, the headquarters of the Metropolitan Police...
.... The Grand Lodges control what is known as ''Craft" Freemasonry, and brethren often refer to the Brotherhood as "the Craft". Craft Freemasonry covers the three degrees of Entered Apprentice, Fellow Craft and Master Mason..The vast majority of Masons rise no higher than Master Mason, and most are under the impression that there are no higher degrees... Even many masons who go on to become Royal Arch Masons, governed by Grand Chapter, have no idea that the Masonic ladder extends a further thirty rungs above those on the third who believe they had already reached the top of Freemasonry....( it is note that other researchers such as Glen Kealy believe that the ladder goes even higher to a 90 degree mason..however a 33 degree mason can not request to become and/or would not know about the 90 degree mason levels unless selected and told about them......
.... There is an important distinction to be made between 'Freemasonry', which is the Freemason movement as a whole, and 'Freemasons', which describes any number of individual masons .... it has been claimed that Captain William Morgan in American in 1826,Mozart and the Jack the Ripper murders were committed by Freemasons and/or the Brotherhood.. some people today look upon Freemasonry as an underground movement devoted to murder, terrorism and revolution ... and is a worldwide conspiracy and watch.... however... Freemasonry is not a worldwide secret society ..however is a secret society that, originating in Britain, now has independent offshoots in most of the non-Communist world ...while the British Grand Lodge recognize more than a hundred Grand Lodges ( forty-nine in the USA), they have no control over them, and most reflect the political complexion of the country in which they operate. Far from being revolutionary, there is no organization more reactionary, more Establishment-based, that British Freemasonry. Its members derive benefit from the Brotherhood only so long as the status quo is maintained ... nevertheless, Freemasonry has a potent influence on life in Britain - for both good and ill... the Brotherhood's publicly stated aims are: morality, fraternity and charity ... the average member of the Brotherhood will be eloquent on the generous donations made by United Grand Lodge to charity ...which are quite substantial ... on the other hand, there can be no doubt that many others have suffered because of Freemasonry entering into areas of life where, according to all its publicly proclaimed principles, it should never intrude .... the abuse of Freemasonry caused alarming miscarriages of justice.. it is one of the aims of this book to look at some of the effects of this abuse .... I am free to name only a small number of the many hundreds of people who have helped me with advice and information ... (for the writing of this book) .... most of those who helped did so only on the understanding that I would say nothing that could lead to their identification... among these were Freemasons, who feared recrimination from members of the Brotherhood ... other included government officials, politicians, judges, policemen of all ranks, lawyers, churchmen, past and present officers of MI5 and MI6, and people from every sector of society touched by this book.....
Edited from: The Element Encyclopedia of Secret Societies Intro: Elias Ashmore:
Elias Ashmore was an English historian, astrologer, alchemist, in 1644, where he became a member of Brasenose
College and studied astrology and mathematics, His studies were interrupted by the final phase of the English Civil War , and he served with distinction in the Royalist cause, helping defend Oxford and Worcester against Parliamentary armies. After the final collapse of the Royalty cause in 1646, Ashmore went to live with relatives in Cheshire, While there in October 16th, 1646, he was initiated into Freemasonry, becoming one of the first two "accepted (speculative) Masons (Masons not employed in the building trades) in England, the other, initiated on the same evening, was his brother-in-law Henry Mainwaring. He remained active in Masonry for the rest of his life and appears to have placed a significant role in its spread in seventeenth-century England...
The Brotherhood
by Stephen Knight –published 1984
The Dissidents – Chapter 16 _ages 140 to 149
One of my major sources of information was a former Grand Inspector Inquisitor Commander of the Thirty-First degree of the Ancient and Accepted Rite who has withdrawn form masonry in 1968 for religious reasons.. her agreed to be interviewed by me through a third party concerning his conviction that no active Christian could in all conscience remain a Freemason…
When I met him I learned he was a judge, and a particularly quick-tempered one .. I asked him about the Ancient and Accepted Rite of the Thirty-Third degree, he answered quickly: ‘Nom I dare not go into that’, her said ….’we’d better stick to religion… I thought immediately afterwards how strange it was he had used the words ‘dare not’, Most people said, ‘I’d better not’, or ‘I’d rather not’… I remarked on his used of the world. He said, ‘Anyone in public life has to be cautious.’ ..’Cautious’.. I repeated. “That’s a Masonic word of recognition.”..
He then said, ‘You’ve obviously delved into the ritual, so you know…..’
… ‘Mr Knight, I don’t like this line of questioning. I agreed to speak to you in general terms about why my commitment to Jesus is incompatible with Masonic religion …. I do not wish to be drawn into discussion of matters covered by whatever undertakings I have … taken…
I went on to tell the judge ..’I have heard form quite a lot of contacts about organized action groups of Freemasons that have resulted in the financial or social ruin of certain people, ‘ I said..
The judge replied.. ‘So have I’…’ ..still looking me st5raight in the eye as if telling me this was an important issue and point of fact…’ So have I Mr Knight… No of such happenings which had the backing of official Freemasonry, but of actions which were unofficial, in other words, Masons abusing the Craft for their own ends..’…’You know the answer to that form what I have said.. ‘I have also heard about people who have .crossed’ certain masons and finished up in prison…’ He then stopped me in mid-sentence by placing a finger on his lips ... ’if I told you everything about Freemasonry, being betrayed by its members, it would surprise you… it would make your hair stand on end … I can’t tell you any more..’ he said…then he said.. Give me your phone number,, you might hear from someone in a few days…’… His finger went back to his lips and he went to fetch my coat .. as he left he said, ‘God Bless’…
A few days later received as phone call from a man calling himself Christopher whom I ended up having along meeting at his private club and he showed me his papers to show him bona fide ID and Freemason membership… I asked him what a person might have to fear from a group of influential Freemason if circumstances made him, for instance, a threat to them in the business world; or if he discovered they were using masonry for corrupt purposes; or had fallen victim of their misuse of Freemasonry and would not heed warnings not to oppose them…
He replied..’.. It is not difficult to s=ruin a man,’ he said, ‘And I will tell you how it is done time and time again.. there are more than half a million Freemasonry Craft Brethren (In 1883) just in England and Wales and over 400,000 in Scotland ( in 1983) under the jurisdiction of Grand Lodge.. Standards have been falling for twenty or thirty years , it is now too easy to enter the Craft, so many men of dubious moral have now joined the Craft… about 12-13% abuse the Craft for selfish and/or corrupt ends.. (that is about 60,000 in England and Wales and about 40,000 in Scotland)..
Note: Christopher was one of a small and unpopular group within Masonry who sometime in the early 1970’s had decided that either they had to get out of the Brotherhood or they had to do something ‘to stop the rot’, which the ‘blinkered officers of Great Queen Street refuse to admit was there..’
This group wanted pressure brought to bear on those in positions of responsibility within the Brotherhood to put Freemasonry’s house in order.. to instate proper policing, to close down Lodges used for shady dealings and to root out corrupt brethren and expel them, they also wanted the whole business of Masonic secrecy looked into by Grand Lodge, most of them believing that secrecy was more harmful than helpful to Masonry..
Christopher explained that Masonry’s nationwide organization of men from all walks of life provided one of the most efficient private intelligence networks imaginable, private information on anybody in the country could be accessed very rapidly through endless permutations of Masonic contacts in the police, magistrates, solicitors, bank managers, Post Office staff (‘very useful is supplying copies of a man’s mail’), doctors, government employees, bosses of firms and nationalized industries etc. etc. …. A dossier of personal data could be built up on anybody very quickly.. when the major facts of an individual’s life were known, areas of vulnerability would become apparent…
I asked what action might be taken?..
“ Solicitors are very good at it…Get your name involved in something legal it need not be serious and you have him,, Solicitors are past masters a causing endless delays, generating useless paperwork, ignoring instructions, running up immense bills, misleading client into taking decisions damaging to themselves etc etc..
‘ Masonic police can harass, arrest on false charges, and plant evidence.. ‘ A business man in a small community or a person in public office arrested for dealing in child pornography, for indent exposure, or for trafficking drugs is at the end of the line..’
‘ Masons can bring about the situation where credit companies and band withdraw credit facilities form individual clients and tradesmen, said my informant..
People who rely on their telephone for work can have it cut off for long periods, Masonic employees of councils can arrange for a persons drains to be inspected and extensive damage reported etc etc..
Chapter 3- Schism and Reunion
.... In 1717 Freemasonry enters properly into history,, Four London Lodges alone formed Grand Lodge and owed allegiance to it. What is interesting is that a none too well-off gentleman, Anthony Sayer, was installed as Grand Master, In the beginning the upper classed kept a low profile.. they backed the creation of a central organization welding individual lodges together, but eventually wanted this done before they assumed official public control... Of the four original London Lodges, the first three contained not one 'Esquire' between them, where as Lodge Original No.4 was made up of seventy-one members of whom, in 1724, ten were nobles, three were honourable, four were baronets or knights, and two were generals. .. in 1718, Sayer was replaced after barely a year by George Payne, a 'man of more substance', being a member of Original No 4. But he too had only one year in office another interim while the upper-class moved in on the small gentry just as the small gentry moved in on the 'operative' artisans a century earlier...
... The third Grand Master was the Reverend John Theophilus Desaguliers, a Doctor of Law, a Fellow of the Royal society and chaplain to Frederick, Prince of Wales, whom he admitted to the Brotherhood in 1737. He was of French extraction. ,, A head hunter for Freemasonry.... he not only visited Edinburgh to encourage the Scots along the organizational path the London Masons were following , but visited The Hague in 1731, where he admitted the Duke of Lorraine to the Brotherhood. The Duke married Mara Theresa in 1736 and become co-Regent when she acceded to the Austrian throne in 1738... under Joseph II Mozart, Haydn and a host of other notables became Freemasons ...Dr Desaguliers, certainly appears to have sparked the missionary zeal of British Freemasonry which eventually carried the Freemasonry movement to almost every country in the world....Desaguliers too only held office a short time, In 1721 he gave way to the long awaited first noble Grand master, the Duke of Montague, But, unlike his predecessors, Desaguliers was not usurped: the evidence suggests that he was the prototype of the long line of powerful Masonic figures who preferred the shade to the limelight, the reality of power to mere appearances.
Chapter: 4 Across The Seas and Down the Centuries
The Irish Grand Lodge was formed in 1725 and the Scottish Grand Lodge was formed the following year in 1726. the Scots proved at least as fervent missionaries as the English, As already mentioned. the movement had spread to the Continent at least by the third decade of the eighteenth century, often in very high society. Frederick the Great of Prussia is claimed to have been initiated in 1738, although one must be careful of accepting Masonic claims of membership by the illustrious. There is no proof, for example Christopher Wren, often hailed as one of the brethren, was ever a member. Masonry, its undefined Deism so close to that of Voltairean rationalism, was soon the rage among the pre-revolutionary freethinkers in France: ironically, it may have been planted there by Jacobite exiles around 1725.
Freemasonry remains a power t be reckoned with in many European countries, France and Germany in particular. The French Grand Master today is Air Force general Jacques Mitterand, the President's brother, and Freemasonry's influence in politics is profound. Francois Mitterand owes much of his success in the 1981 election to influential Freemasons. Masonry has been closely identified with the Socialists for most of the last seventy years. According to Fred Zeller, Grand master of the Grand Orient of France in 1971 and 1973, the 1974 presidential election would have been won by the Socialists had Valery Giscard d'Estang not become a Freemason and colluded with sympathetic forces in the Brotherhood, which eventually persuaded French Freemasons that it was in their best interests to vote for Giscard. He was initiated into the Franklin Rossevelt Lodge in paris the year of the election.
Italian Freemasonry, later to pay significant role in the unification of the country ( Garibaldi was a Freemason). was established in Rome by Jacobite exiles in 1735 and was already a force by 1750. Masonry among Roman Catholics relates was one reason for the repeated papal condemnations.
No country was too small for attention: Holland, Switzerland and Sweden all had keen and influential memberships in the eighteen century. Continental Masonry reached as far as Russia: Tolstoy in War and Peace describes the different motivations of upper-class masons during the Napolionic Wars.
Freemasonry crossed the Atlantic to the colonies of the old empire very early on: George Washington's initiation was in 1752, Today, the dollar bill bears not only Washington's likeness, but also the all-seeing-eye symbol of Freemasonry. washington refused to become head of masonry for the whole of the newly formed United States, and US Freemasonry came to be organized on a state-by-state basis. Today, each US state has its own Grand Lodge, Royal Arch Chapters come under state Grand Chapters, the first mention of Royal Arch appearing in Virginia records of 1753. A few states followed the British lead and spread the Brotherhood abroad, For example, before the Second World War there were Lodges in China under Massachusetts jurisdiction, and it was Massachusetts that warranted the first Canadian Lodge in 1749, The oldest Masonic Lodge room in the USA dates from 1760 and is at Prentiss House, Marblehead, Massachusetts. No fewer than none Canadian Grand Lodges were eventually formed. The United States proved a home form home for the Brotherhood. Eight signatories to the Declaration of Independence- Benjamin Franklin, John Hancock, Joseph Hewes, William Hooper, Robert Treat Payne, Richard Stockton, George Walton and william Whipple - were proven Masons, while twenty-four others, on less that certain evidence, have been claimed by the Brotherhood. Seventeen presidents have been Masons: Washington, Madison, Monroe, Jackson, Polk, Buchanan, Andrew Johnson, Garfield. McKinley, both Roosevelts, Taft, Harding, Truman, Lyndon Johnson, Gerald Ford and Ronald Regan, Seventeen Vice-Presidents including Hubert Humphrey and Adlai Stevenson have also been brethren,
But the British - the founders of masonry - remained throughout the nineteenth and twentieth-centuries the chief propagandists for the movement. Undaunted by the loss of the first empire and with it direct control over American Masonry, the British took masonry with the flag as they created their second empire- the one on which the sun never set.
For some years membership of the Lodges set up in the empire (grouped in 'Provinces' under English, Scottish or Irish jurisdiction) as confined to Europeans, apart from a handful of Indian princely exceptions. But after 1860. a first Parsees, then other Indians were brought into the Brotherhood. In British West Africa and the West Indies there were 'black' lodges (likely to be where Barrack Obama's relations came from as a long term plan to raise a Mason family dark president of the USA) as well as 'white' Lodges (as in the US), and eventually mixed Lodges were formed.
Associating the native upper and middle classes on a peculiar, profitable and clandestine basis with their while rulers, some historians believe, did much to defuse resentment of imperial domination. Despite his colour, any man rather better off than the mass of people - who were not sought as members - could, by being a Freemason, feel that he belonged in however humble a way to the Establishment. Just how far masonry reached is shown by the fact that on the small island of Jamaca there were no fewer than twelve Lodges, some in townships of little more than a couple of streets.
Freemasonry of itself is simply a secret environment tended by its various Grand Lodges, as exclusive society within society, there to be used by its members largely as they wish. Hence its influence, political and social, can be quite different at times and places, In the eighteen masons were thin on the ground, but enough aristocrats, men of fashion and influence, were Masons to give the top masons influence disproportionate to their numbers. And of course royal involvement ensured, as it does today, the impression of total reputability. because of this, Freemasonry has been able to ignore all legislation dating form 1797 concerning secret societies and illegal oaths. Although regarded as subversive in some countries where the environment was less amenable, in eighteenth-century Britain the Brotherhood had the effect already alluded to - of reinforcing the development of constitutional monarchy under which its own establishment could thrive....
The advantages of `masonry, in terms of cult, diversified friendships and straight worldly interest, had become evident to many. with the Union of 1813 the movement began to snowball for the more Masons there are in any area or profession the more important it is to be a Mason f one is not to risk losing out, as a non-member of the 'club', in one's business, one's profession and one's preferment.
another factor was important: with the Industrial Revolution, social mobility began to increase. And masonry, providing a ladder extending from the lower middle class to the Royal Family itself, offered great advantages to those who could learn how to climb it. There was also the loneliness of the new urban way of life: Freemasonry provided an enormous circle of instant acquaintances in most walks of life. Then too, the English public schoolboy could continue to be public schoolboy in the intimacy of the Craft.
At the end of the eighteen century only about 320 English Lodges had been warranted. About twice as many more were formed in the next half of the century, No 1000 in 1864. This number was doubled in the next twenty year, No 2000 being warranted in 1883. The next twenty years maintained tis rate of growth with Lodge no 3000 opening in 1903, in which year Winton Leonard Spencer Churchill, the MP for Oldham, was initiated to a Masonic career that was to last more than sixty years. All this nineteenth explosions resulted essentially from recruitment form the middle and professional classes.
With the First World War, which led to so many of quite humble background seeking better status, the rate of growth speeded dramatically. Lodge No 4000 was formed in 1919, and No 5000 only seven years later in 1926. The Second World War, for similar reasons, led to another such period of extraordinary rapid growth - Lodge No 6000 being formed in 1944 and Lodge No 7000 in 1950.
In 1981, Lodge No 9003 was warranted. Even allowing for Lodges that have been discontinued, taking average Lodge membership at around sixty men, a membership of at least half a million can reasonably reliably be estimated for England alone. Official Masonic estimates, as already stated put the total for England and Wales at around 600,000. ( plus according to H. Paul Jeffers around 400,000 in Scotland as well taking the total to over one million Freemasons in England, Wales and Scotland).
As the recruiting ground for ~Freemasons is primarily the not directly productive middle and professional classes, it is clear that a very high proportion of these people, occupying managers and so on - are Freemasons. In many fields nowadays the disadvantages of being left out of the 'club' are perceived as being too serious for a great many people to contemplate, whatever hey may feel personally about the morality of joining a secret society, or about the misty tenets of speculative Freemasonry.
Chapter 5
The Thirty-Third Degree
There is an elite group of Freemasons in England over whom the United Grand Lodge has no jurisdiction. These are the brethren of the so-called Higher Degrees, and even the majority of Freemasons have no idea of their existence.
Most Freemasons who have been raised to the 3rd Degree to become Master Masons believe they are the top of the Masonic Ladder. As novices they were Entered Apprentices. They were the '[assed' as Fellow Craft Masons and finally 'raised' as Masters. The very name Master has connotations of supremity. It Master Masons have ambition it will usually be to achieve office within their Lodge - eventually, with good fortune and the passing of yeas, to become Worshipful master of their mother Lodge ( the Lodge to which they were first initiated into Masonry). Those who have their eyes fixed on higher office will aim for rank in their Provincial Grand Lodge or in the United Grand Lodge itself. But even the Grand Master of all England is only a Freemasons of the 3rd Degree. The three Craft:
3rd Degree -Master Mason
2nd Degree - Fellow Craft
1st Degree - Entered Apprentice
degrees form the entire picture of masonry for most of the 600,000 ' uninitiated initiates' of the Brotherhood in England and Wales.
The 'Masters', who form the largest proportion of Freemasons, are inmost cases quite unaware of the thirty superior degrees to which they will never be admitted, nor even be mentioned. This is the real picture, with the three lowly degrees governed by a Supreme Council.
These thirty degrees, beginning with the 4th (that of Secret Master) and culminating in the 33rd (Grand Inspector General), are controlled by a Supreme Council whose headquarters are at 10 Duke Street, St James's London SW1. Nobody walking down Duke Street form Piccadilly is likely to suspect the true nature of what goes on inside the building, even if he or she happens to notice the small plate to the right of the entrance which says,
' The Supreme Council..... Ring once'
Built in 1910-11, this imposing Edwardian mansion with fine neo-classical features might easily be taken for a consulate of the headquarters of some private institute.
Nor do people thumbing through the S-Z section of the London `telephone Directory get any clue form the entry sandwiched between Supreme Cleaners and Supreme Die Cutters: 'Supreme Council 33rd Degree ...01 930 1606'
Nobody looking at that fine but anonymous house from outside could suspect that behind its pleasing facade, beyond the two sets of study double doors and up the stairs, there is a Black Room, a Red Room and a Chamber of Death. To high masons, the house is Duke Street is known as the Grand East.
members of Craft Freemasonry - that is, all but a few thousand of England's Masons - often argue that Freemasonry is not a secret society but ' a society with secrets'. Although argument is is the end unconvincing, it has its merits. But no such case can be made out for the wealthy society-within-a society based at 10 Duke Street, London.
The Thirty-Three Degrees of Freemaosonry
1st Degree - Entered Apprentice
2nd Degree - Fellow Craft
3rd Degree - Master Mason
4th Degree - Secret Master
5th Degree - Perfect Master
6th Degree - Intimate Secretary
7th Degree - Provost and Judge
8th Degree - Intendant of the Building
9th Degree - Elect of Nine
10th Degree- Elect of Fifteen
11th Degree- Sublime Elect
12th Degree- Grand Master Architect
13th Degree- Royal Arch of (Enoch)
14th Degree- Scottish Knight of Perfection
15th Degree- Knight of the Sword, or of the East
16th Degree- Prince of Jerusalem
17th Degree- Knight of the East and West
18th Degree-
Knight of the Pelican and Eagle & Sovereign Prince Roe Croix of Heredom
19th Degree- Grand Pontiff
20th Degree- Venerable Grand Master
21st Degree- Patriarch Noachite
22nd Degree- Prince of Libanus
23rd Degree- Chief of the Tabernacle
24th Degree- Prince of the Tabernacle
25th Degree- Knight of the Brazen Serpent
26th Degree- Prince of Mercy
27th Degree- Commander of the Temple
28th Degree- Knight of the Sun
29th Degree- Knight of St Andrew
30th Degree-
Grand Elected Knight Kadosh, Knight of the Black and White Eagle
31st Degree- Grand Inspector inquisitor Commander
32nd Degree Sublime Prince of the Royal Secret
33rd Degree Grand Inspector General
One of the regulations of ordinary Craft masonry is that no Mason may invite an outsider to join. Anyone wishing to become a Freemason must take the initiative and seek two sponsors from within the Brotherhood
(This at least is the theory - and United Grand Lodge staunchly maintains that it is the practice. In reality entered apprentices are recruited by existing Masons they know personally- we know this to be a fact). The position is reversed to the Higher Degrees. Initiation into Scottish Rite Freemasonry is open only to those Master Masons who are 'selected' by the Supreme Council. If a representative of the Supreme Council establishes contact with a Master Mason and concluded that he is suitable, the Candidate will be offered the chance of being 'perfected' and setting the first foot on the ladder to the 33rd Degree. But only a very small proportion, even of the limited number of Freemasons who take the first step. progress beyond the 18th Degree, that of Knight of the Pelican and Eagle and Sovereign Prince Rose Croix of Heredom. With each Degree the number of initiates diminishes. the 31st Degree (Grand Inspector Inquisitor Commander) is restricted to 400 members; the 32nd Degree ( Sublime Prince of the Royal Secret) to 180; and the 33rd Degree - the re-eminent Grand Inspectors General - to only 75 members.
While Armed Forces are strongly represented in ordinary Freemasonry, the 'Antient and Accepted Rite of the Thirty-Third Degree' is particularly attractive to military men, Grand Inspectors General (I.e. members of the Supreme Council) have included Commander-in-Chief in the Middle east and allied supreme Commander in the Mediterranean in the Second World War; Major-General Sir Leonard Henry Atkinson; Brigadier E,W,C. Flavell; Lieutenant-General Sir Harold Williams; Brigadier General Edward Charles Walthall Delves Walthall; scores more in the last two decades. Before his retirement in 1982 the Most Puissant Sovereign Grand Commander (the most senior Freemason of the 33rd Degree in England and Wales and head of the Supreme Council) was Major-General sir (Herbert) Ralph Hone, KCMG, KBE, MC, TD, and so on. There is no mention of Freemasonry in his entry in Who's -Who, which lists every other decoration, award and distinction he has earned in his eighty-seven years, although becoming Britain's highest Freemason can have been of no little consequence to him. In Masonic matter he would dispense with all the other abbreviations and simply sign himself, Ralph Hone, 33 Degree. Born in 1896, he is also a Bailiff Grand Cross of the Order of St John of Jerusalem.
Major-General sir (Herbert) Ralph Hone, was wounded during the First World War while serving with the British Expeditionary Force, went on to practice as a barrister-at-law in Uganda and Zanzibar in the 1920's becoming Resident Magistrate in Zanzibar in 1928 and Crown Counsel of Tanganyika Territory two years later. In the thirties he was Attorney-General and Acting Chief Justice of Gibraltar, and Attorney-General of Uganda between 1937 and 1943. after serving as Chief Legal adviser, Political Branch, and then Chief Political officer, GHQ Middle East, he was appointed to the General staff of the War Office in 1943. After the war he was Chief Civil Affairs Officer in Malaya for a year before becoming Secretary-General to the Governor-General of Malaya and then Deputy Commissioner-General in South-East Asia. In 1949 he was appointed Governor and Commander-in-chief of North Borneo. At the end of five years there he spent seven years as Head of the Legal Division of the Commonwealth Relations Office. This took him into 1961 when he returned to the Bar. Among other posts at home and abroad in the next fourteen years he was a constitutional advisor to R.A, Butler's Advisers on Central Africa,to the South Arabian Government and the Bermuda Government. He was standing Counsel
to the Grand Bahama Port Authority until hi retirement on 1975 at the age of seventy-five, He succeeded Most Puissant Brother Sir Eric Studd, Bt, OBE, 33 Degree, as sovereign Grand Commander.
This, then was the man who - at the time 'The Brotherhood' was completed for New English Library - was truly Britain's highest Freemason. whatever might be said of the Duke of Kent, the current Grand Master of Craft Masonry. Page 39 shows the hierarchy over which the Most Puissant Sovereign Grant Commander presides, with the Duke of Kent's sub-hierachy way down low.
Although in 1936, 1947 and 1967 Major-General Sir Ralph Hone held grand rank in the United Grand Lodge, and has achieved distinction in many fields, he is one of that brand of men who attain power without the notoriety or fame. Few of the many hundreds of Freemasons I have interviewed had ever heard of Sir Ralph Hone, and of those few only five knew of him in his secret role as the Highest Mason of the Highest Degree. These five were all initiates of the Ancient and Accepted Rite: Two Sovereign Princes Rose Croix of Heredom (18th Degree); one of the 180 Sublime Princess of the Royal secret (32nd degree); a 33rd Degree Grand Inspector General; and a former Grand Inspector Inquisitor of the 31st Degree who had renounced Freemasonry in order, he said, to become 'a true and living Christian', But beyond the fact that Major-General Sir Ralph Hone was the preminent member of the Supreme Council, none of them would say any more either about the man himself or about the rituals, the degrees or the administration of the Rite.
Sir Ralph's successor is Harold Devereux Still, former Grand Treasurer and Junior Grand warden of the United Grand Lodge of England, and Grand Treasurer and Grand Scribe Nehemiah of the Supreme Grand Chapter of Royal arch Masons of England. He also attained the rank of Grand Master of the United Religious, Military and Masonic Orders of the Temple of St John of Jerusalem, Palestine, Rhodes and Malta.
The Brotherhood attracts men of distinction in the judiciary and legal profession, as will be seen later. One such man is His Honour Judge Alan Stewart Trapnell, who was appointed to the Circuit Bench in 1972. he is a Craft Freemason of grand rank, having been Assistant Grand Registrar in 1963. n 1969 he became Assistant Grand Sojourner of the Supreme Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Freemasons. All these details are listed in the 'Masons Year Book', which is now very difficult for non-Masons to come by, What is not mentioned is that he is a Freemason of the 33rd degree and Grand Inspector General for Middlesex.
Although Craft Freemasonry is worldwide in the sense that it exists in most parts of the non-Communist world, and even underground in parts of the eastern bloc, it has no international organization. The Ancient and Accepted Rite of the `thirty-Third Degree is the only cohesive Masonic group run on truly international lines. The Supreme Council in London is one of many Supreme Councils in various parts of the globe, of which the senior is the Supreme Council of Charleston, USA, which effectively operated a worldwide network of Freemasonry in the most powerful positions in the executive, legislature, judiciary and armed forces as well as the industry, commerce and professions of many nations.
The English working of the Rite - sometimes known by the code name Rose Croix from the title of the initiate to the 18th Degree - differs from the American in one basic respect. In England and Wales only a few of the 33 Degrees are conferred by special ritual, while in the USA each Degree has its own initiation ceremony, In this country, the 4th to §7th Degrees are conferred at once and in name only during initiation of the selected Freemason to the 18th Degree. To the few who rise higher than the 18th Degree, the 19th to 29th Degrees are conferred nominally during the ritual of initiation to the 30th Degree - that of Grand Elected Knight Kadosh or Knight of the Black and White Eagle. Degrees above the 30th Degree are conferred singly, No initiate can rise higher than the 18th Degree without the unanimous agreement of the entire Supreme Council.
Chapter 6
The Great Debate
'The insidious effect of Freemansonry among the police has to be experienced to be believed'
With these words, David Thomas, a former head of Monmouthshire CID, created a storm of protest in 1969 and re-opend a debate that had started nearly a century before, when a conspiracy involving 'Masonic Police' and 'Masonic Criminals' brought the destruction of the original Detective Department of Scotland Yard,,, Since then allegations of 'Masonic Corruption' (within the UK Police Force) have been rife, the Jack the Ripper murders in the East End of London in 1988 were perpetrated according on 'Masonic Ritual' and a subsequent police cover-up was led by the Commissioner and Assistant Commissioner of the Metropolitan Police, both Freemasons... There have been allegations of charges being dropped against criminal Masons by police Masons; of unfair promotions; of on-masons being hounded out of the police service; of livelihoods ruined; of blackmail and violence; of discipline eroded by a system in which a Chief Superintendent, Commanded or even on occasion as Assistant Chief Constable or Chief Constable can be made to Kneel in submissions before one of his own constables; and, in recent times, of robery and murder planned between police and criminals at Lodge Meetings'
Chapter 7
Men at the Top
There are fifty-two police forced in England and Wales, Scotland and Northern Island....The consensus among my most reliable, highly-ranking informants is that of the fifty Chief Constables and London fewer that thirty-three are of the Freemasonry Brotherhood ..
Chapter 8
Worshipful masters of Conspiracy
Corruption among Scotland Yard detectives, always a problem, grew enormously during the 1960's. One cause of the trouble was the conventional methods of detection were being less and less effective in the face of the burgeoning crime rate......between 1969 and the setting-up of the famous Operation Countryman in 1978 there were three big investigations into corruption in the Metropolitan Police These were:
(1) An enquiry into allegations of corruption and extortion by police, first published by the Times newspaper. This resulted in the arrest and imprisonment of two London detectives in 1972
(2) An enquiry by Lancashire Police into members of the Metropolitan Police Drug Squad. this led to the trial of six detectives, and the imprisonment in 1973 of three of them.
(3) An enquiry into allegations of corruption among CID officers responsible for coping with vice and pornography in London's West End. Over twenty detectives were sacked from the police force during the three-year investigation in the early 1970's, which led eventually to the notorious Porn Squad trials ...
There were corrupt Masonic Police involved in all these cases....
Chapter 9
Operation Countryman
Operation Countryman, the biggest investigation ever conducted into police corruption in Britain, would never have come about if the Commissioner of the City of London Police between 1971 and 1877 had not been corrupted and unduly influenced by Freemasonry...Indeed there seems little doubt that if James Page had refused to join the Brotherhood, he would not have been appointed Commissioner in the first place...
Chapter 11
Birmingham City Police
What I really needed at the outset of my investigation into Masonry in the police was a 'Masonic mole' who was a policeman of rank and integrity..Eventually, as has been shown, I built up a large network of such men, None was so earnest or more scathing than those contacts, masons and otherwise, who spoke to me about Birmingham City Police... One informant spoke of his experiences in Birmingham dating back many years, he was on the point of entering the first of the three chairs of his Holy Royal Arch Chaptwer. he had, he told me, been considering a Knights Templar, the branch of Freemaosnry which admits only Christians, but was becoming increasingly disillusioned to realize that he had to resign from one or the other...he said...'Chief |Constable. Sir Derrick Capper, was an officer of the Warickshire Provincial Grand Lodge, and he saw to it as far as possible that non-Masons were kept to the lower and middle was impossible to be a civilian employee at higher level unless you were Mason..'
Chapter 12
Conclusion (Regarding the Debate about Masons and the effect of Masons in the Police Force)
An independent enquiry into Freemasonry in the police should be initiated at the earliest possible moment,, Even thought the majority of police, including Masonic officers, are not corrupt, it is clear that corrupt police can and do use Freemasonry to effect and further corruption.....In September 1981 and again in April 1982 there were claims in court of criminal conduct on the part of Freemason police...At Knightsbridge Crown Court on Tuesday, 22nd September 1981 an ex-Metropolitan Police Detective accused of trying to bribe a senior Drugs Squad officer said they were both members of the same Masonic Lodge.. the detective told the court that he had - seconded the application of the Drugs Squad man - a Superintendant - to join the Lodge when they were both stationed at King's Cross Road -The Superintendant admitted that he was a member of the Brotherhood and that he had visited the Lodge when the detective was there....In the later case, a police informer named Michael Gervaise claimed as the Old Bailey that policemen in the same Masonic Lodge as criminals involved in a multi-million-pound silver bullion robbery had warned them that they were about to be arrested ....As a result of this 'Masonic Act', one of the men involved in the £3.5 million robbery fled and has never been traced. Gervaise, who had been involved in the robbery himself, told the court, 'certain officer were Freemasons, and certain criminals belonged to the same Lodge .. there were eight or none officers in the same Lodge as the people involved in the silver bullion robbery.'
Unrest about the undoubted misuse of Freemasonry by policemen is spreading and demands for an enquiry will continue to grow...Many people want to see masonry banned in the police... a compulsory register on which police officer have to list their affiliation to secret societies, and their status within such societies, is the minimum requirement if a grave situation is to be improved.....
Part Three: Inside Information
Chapter 13: The Rabbi's Tale
Despite the ban on speaking to outsiders, many Freemasons allowed me to interview them...Some were extraordinary frank, some going so far ... as confiding the most secret workings of the Brotherhood...among these honourable men was an eminent Freemason of long standing and grad rank: The Rev Saul Amias, MBE, a London rabbi who was Assistant Grand Chaplain to the United Grand Lodge in 1973 . I interviewed him at his home in Edgware in 1981..
Chapter 14
Five Masters and a Lewis
Chapter 15: Jobs For the Brethren?
Although a new initiate to Freemasonry declares on his honour that he offers himself as a candidate 'uninfluenced by mercenary or other unworthy motives'... there can be no doubt that the majority of businessmen who become Masons do so because they believe it will assist them in business... - as it frequently does...
On the local level, there is much cross-fertilization between masonry and other groups of business people such as Round Table, Lions Clubs, and Rotary Clubs as well as Chambers of Commerce - Men in business on their own account - for example, accountant, architects, builders, estate agents, restaurateurs, taxi firm proprietors, travel agents, commercial travelers, Insurance agents and shop keepers of all kinds - are strongly represented in Lodges up and down the country (UK)
... if you are applying for a job it can make a big difference whether you get the job or not id you give the employer a Freemason sign and the employer is also a Freemason...
One sign by which a masons may secretly make himself known to other in the room involves a particular arrangement of the feet .. the arrangement is outlined in the ceremony of initiation to the First Degree....' are expected to stand perfectly erect your feet formed in a square, your body being thus considered an emblem of your mind, and your feet of the rectitude of your actions..' if he is in a position to shake hands with the person to whom he wished to identify himself, recognition becomes much easier...the Entered Apprentice applies distinct pressure with his right thumb on the knuckle of the other man's forefinger.. the Fellow Craft does the same thing with the second knuckle ... The Master Mason applied distinct pressure with his right thumb between the knuckles of the other man's middle and third finger...
Ron, an Insurance Agent price explained... '.. I have got business from two people as a result of being a Mason ...'
A Past Master of Eden Park Lodge No 5379 in Croydon told me... ' I was a consultant for Taylor Woodrow. ...quite a few times I know I got contracts because I gave the Masonic Grip...the whole of the board of directors of Taylor Woodrow were Freemasons at the time...
'..You'll find none out of ten architects are Masons ... went I put in a tender I'd shake the architect by the hand...oh, he'd say, .."You're a Mason.. The contract is yours..."...that is how masonry works ... if there is a contract going from an architect,, the chances are he is a the chances are a Mason will get it...'
John Poulson, the notoriously corrupt architect whose activities in bribing local government officer, councilors, Civil Servants, officials of nationalized industries and other created a scandal which was described by more than one commentator as the 'British Watergate', was an avid Freemason... read 'The Web of Corruption.. the definitive story of Poulson and his infamous PT man T. Dan Smith ...
I have been told by several informants how details of their bank accounts have been obtained by parties with no right to the information by 'Masonic Contacts'.. the high proportion of bank managers and bank staff who are Freemasons can make the acquisition of this kind of confidential information relatively easy for a Mason,, having as he does the right access to every Lodge in the country ...
In industry, Masonry is far stronger among while collar workers and management up to the higher echelons... the medical profession has a high proportion of Freemasons...most main hospitals, including all the London teaching hospitals have their own Lodges. ... According to Sir Edward Tuckwell, former Serjeant-Surgeon to the Queen, and Lord Porritt, Chairman of the African Medical and Research Foundation, both Freemasons and bother consultants to the Royal Masonic Hospital, the Lodges of the teaching hospitals draw their members from hospital staff and GP's connected with the hospital in question.. Most senior members of the profession are Freemasons, especially those involved with the Royal College of Physicians and the Royal College of Surgeons....Masonry dopes seem to have an influence over certain appointments..
Freemasonry plays a significant role in the field of education...
|The ambulance and fire serviced are strongly represented in Masonry..
Epiloque of The Brotherhood
by Stephen Knight –published 1984 Pages 304 to 308:
On the 18th June 1982 the dead body of a middle-aged man was found hanging by the neck from a rope suspended from Scaffolding beneath Blackfriars Bridge, London. The pockets of his black suit contained nearly £23,000 in various currencies and were weighted with 12 pounds of builder's blocks. He was Rpberto Clvi, president of Italy's Banco Ambrosiano. who in 1981 had been named a member of Licio Gelli's illegal Freemasonic Lodge Propaganda Due (P2). Calvi was later found guilty by an Italian court of illegally exporting $26.4 million to Switzerland and received a four year suspended prison sentence and ordered to pay a fine of equivalent to £7.3 million, A week later he was confirmed as chairman of Banco Ambrosiano. In April 1982 Calvi's deputy at the bank was wounded by a would-be assassin. Known as 'God's banker', Calvi had been closely linked with Instituto per le Opere di Religione (IOP), the Vatican Bank, for years. A number of highly questionable transactions involving the Vatican Bank, Calvi and Banco Ambrosiano subsidiaries in Latin America and elsewhere led the Bank of Italy to launch an investigation. On the last day of May 1982 the Bank of Italy demanded an explanation for loans of $1,400 million ( $1.4 billion) made by Banco Ambrosiano subsidiaries to several companies registered in Panama owned directly or indirectly by the Vatican Bank. This precipitated a run on Ambrosiano's shares, and eleven days later Calvis disappeared in Rome. Using a false passport. Calvi fled to Austria and then to England. arriving at Gatwick on the 15th June. 1982 and travelled straight to London where he remained for several days in an apartment in Chelsea Cloisters. On the 17th June, 1982 the Bank of Italy seized control of Banco Ambrosiano and trading in its shares was suspended after they had dropped twenty percent in value in one day. Ambrosiano's directors resigned and Calvi's secretary- Graziela Corrocher - who kept the books of Lodge P2 - jumped, or was pushed, to her death from, a fourth-floor window at the bank, Graziela Corrocher left behind her what was obviously intended to be taken as a suicide note, although there is more tan a small doubt that this was genuine.. The note said: 'May Calvi be double cursed for the damage he has caused to the bank and its employees,'
The following night Calvi's body was found hanging from the scaffolding beneath Blackfriars Bridge, four miles from the apartment in Chelsea Cloisters. Even as the Daily Express postal clerk who found the body was hastening to call the police, Italian police were busy chartering a plane ..and a party of high officials arrived at Gatwick a few hours later..
There were many rumours: The Mafia, with whom Calvi had connections, had murdered him; frightened and despairing, he had committed suicide; he had been ritually done the death by Freemasons. a Masonic 'cable-tow' around his neck and his pockets filled symbolically with chunks of masonry, the location of the murder being chosen for its name - i Italy, the logo of the Brotherhood is the figure of a Blackfriar.
....But a City of London inquest later decided that Calvi had committed suicide, a verdict the banker's family immediately announced its intention to challenge... Italian police, and a number of City of London police associated with the case, are convinced it was murder...a further inquest in 1983, the jury returned an open for the reason for the death of Calvi
The mystery of Calvi's death deepens rather than clarifies with time. It is inextricably bound up with the riddle of P2, the KGB penetration of Freemasonry, and Freemasonry's penetration not only of the Roman Catholic Church, but also of the Vatican itself... At the time this book goes to press, investigations are continuing into Banco Ambrosianos link with the enigmatic president of the Vatican bank, Archbishop Paul Marcinkus, and into the continuing international reverberations of the P2 lodge conspiracy.
Meanwhile, Licio Gelli has since been arrested in Switzerland where he was attempting to withdraw nearly $100 million from several numbered accounts at Genva's Union Bank - money belonging to Banco Ambrosiano.. Gelli awaits the outcome of extradition proceedings,,,
Meanwhile, too, Andropov, had of the KGB when the P2 plot was hatched, now sits at the pinnacle of Soviet power and diverts ever more funds towards the KGB's activities in the West, the exploitation of Freemasonry included
In this highly allegotical and symbol-laden painting,the spirit of Freemasonry is shown dispensing wisdom and informnation to the people
The pillars on this Scottish Rite Masonic Apron are meant to represent the two mighty pillars that were alledged to have stood at the entrance to Solomon’s temple.
A dramatic moment during Freemason third degree ceremony, After the ritual, the candidate is a fully fledged Freemason
In this highly allegotical and symbol-laden painting,the spirit of Freemasonry is shown dispensing wisdom and informnation to the people
The pillars on this Scottish Rite Masonic Apron are meant to represent the two mighty pillars that were alledged to have stood at the entrance to Solomon’s temple.
The left- and right-hand " pillars" on the Tree of Life corresponded closely to the pillars that stood outside Solomon's temple
A German lodge carpet, c.1760, called an “Arbeitsteppich”, shows the magnificant symbolism of the Crafy. Freemasonry’s rich mysteries need defending and re-expressing in the modern world
This painting is claiming to show stonemasons of all grades hard at work buiding Solomon’s temple, while Solomon himself consults with Hiram Abiff.
Freemason Michael Richardson: Chairman of the Board of Management of The Royal Masonic Hospital (RMH) in Hammersmith and also managing director of merchant bankers N. M. Rothschild..who represents and personifies everything about Grand Lodge which many Freemasons resent: wealth, power, connections and the City of London and is also seen as the front man to the aristocrats who had given him the job ...who dominate Grand Lodge's committees and are still held responsible for the earlier 'betrayal' of masonic charity: closing and selling the School for Boys in 1977... the previous chairman of RMH was an eminent surgeon Lord Porritt ... the fact that a merchant banker, rather than a medical man, had taken over from the saintly Porritt was now seen as proof that the scheme to sell the RMH two years before was planned years before and felt that Richardson had been chosen because 'privatization' was a Rothschild speciality...
Comment: it is noted that researches come to the clear conclusion that the Rothschild family and their partners, who appear to own and/or control over 60% of the world's wealth and valuable resources .. appear to have profited well out most wars in the last 300 years and in particular the 1st and 2nd Word Wars by encouraging them to happen and lending money to all sides of these wars ... and effectively bankrupting both Britain and Germany who had to pay back their large war debts to the Rochschilds in gold at the end of the wars .. with it also claimed that Adolph Hitler was a grandson of a Rothschild (see Mark Hallet's book 'Hitler was a British Agent and other researchers) and it claimed that the Nazi Consentration Camps and Death Squads first focus was to murder senior Freemasons and this way re-organise the world wide control of Freemasonry into the Rothschild family hands .. the quiet shipment of hundreds of millions worth of gold from Heathrow Airport to Switzerland on pallets, wrapped in black plastic without any security with the late Thomas Allwood senior, transport engineer, on board to repay the Rothschild war debt, was brought to public light by INL News undercover journalist Thomas Allwood, who was murdered in Broxburn Scotland on the 21st June, 2013 a month before he was due to attend the High Court in London to have his application for Criminal Contempt against the Rothschild sponsored politicians..the UK Prime Minister- David Cameron, the UK Chancellor- George Osborne, the UK Home Office, the UK Border Agency and their Treasury Solicitors for deliberately preparing and presenting a false and fraudulent UK Border Agency Document 'falsely stating that USA Comedian had told the UK Border Agency Officers that he was paid $2,000 to be involved in introducing Fringe Entertainers in the making of a pilot of the INL News Group's and Thomas Allwood's 'Fringe Shows Have Talent TV Show' due to be filmed over five days in April-May 2011 in Edinburgh, Scotland'... as an illegal way of having Freemason Master Bowles at the London's High Court of Justice strike out a £500 million damages claim against ... the UK Prime Minister- David Cameron, the UK Chancellor- George Osborne, the UK Home Office, the UK Border Agency for the wrongful and illegal arrest of USA Comedian Ronnie Prouty at Heathrow Airport on the 27th April, 2011 and holding him custody for 24 hours and putting him in handcuffs the next day on a plane back to Los Angeles as a favour for Rupert and James Murdoch and the Rothschild family and their all powerful News Corporation and News International Media Group, as a way of commercially sabotaging the expensive fiming of a pilot of the INL News Group's and Thomas Allwood's 'Fringe Shows Have Talent TV Show' due to be filmed over five days in April-May 2011 in Edinburgh, Scotland'... there is mounting proof that leads to the involvement of Freemasons, MI5 and UK Special Branch in the planning and carrying out of the murder of Thomas Allwood on the 21st June, 2012 and the coverup of a lot of the known evidence and investigations by Scottish Police and Prosecution in the arrest and trial of Kyle Montgomery in November, 2012 for the murder of INL News undercover journalist Thomas Allwood ...
Conclusion by Martin Short at the end of his book 'Inside the Brotherhood
In my book I have tried where possible third hand evidence..not third-hand rumour... I have tried to provide sober deduction, not exaggeration... it should go without saying that anyone investigating a secret society - or even a 'private' one - as Grand Lodge now characterizes Freemasonry - will always find evidence hard to come by...therefore 'rumour and speculation'. although unsatisfactory, become legitimate .. if the investigator 'exaggerates; what little evidence he or she gets, the 'private society should hold itself to blame...Freemasonry gives rise to genuine public concern, which Masons ignore at their peril...
'What Public, Legal and Political Action Should be Taken regarding Freemasonry?
.... I suggest that the action taken about Freemasonry should be more than would appeal to the Tory MP who says, 'if people wish to belong to secret societies, that is their own business' , but probably less than is required by the Labour man who feels that 'Freemasonry should be made illegal'....
...Most MP's who completed my 1986 questionnaire said than councillors, local government officers, civil servants, policemen, judges and MP's should all be required to disclose their Masonic membership....the only proper way to test political opinion would be to put a 'disclosure' bill to the vote. There is no chance that the present Tory Government in the UK would sponsor it, so an MP should introduce a private member's bill and a free vote should follow...this bill also should give the public access to full and up-to-date membership lists of all masonic I suggested on Chapter 21, these should be available at reference libraries in the localities where the lodges meet, and a town and country halls...
... thus us Bromyard one Craft Lodge List would be open for inspection..
... In Truro six ... in Cambridge eleven ..... in Sunderland twenty-nine....
.... in Croydon eighty-nine ,, in Manchester 129 ... in the city of London over 200 ....
..... in Greater London another 1,450 or more...
..The degree of 'publication' might also be required of all other Masonic bodies: from the Royal Arch .. right the way through to the Society of Rose Croix Order..
..The list of any lodge affiliated to a particular workplace, or recruiting mainly from within a specific organization, should be open for scrutiny by everyone who works at that place or in that organization. Thus the list for a town hall-lodge, such as the Borough of Newman, should be available at Newman Town Hall; the Holden Lodge list at Midland Bank; he London Hospital Lodge list at London Hopsital; the lis for the Union Lodge of Norwich should be given on demand to any emplyee of Norwich Union; the Lutine, Lloyd's and Fidentia lodge lists should be viewable at Lloyds of London; likewise lists of all military lodges (including the 21st Territorial SAS) at regimental HQ's; lists of barristers', Masters, Court Clerks' lodges should be displayed in the Inns of Court, at the Bar Council and the High Court, and the Manor of St James's list at New Scotland Yard, and at Bow Street, Vine Street and West End Central police stations...
...Most Masons would argue against these measures...
..They would say that although they have nothing to hide, why should their lists be publicly available if the same is not required for the MCC, the Athenaem, the Labour Party, the Transport and General Worker's Union, the Royal and Ancient Order of Foresters, the Sons of Temperance, the Druids, Rotary, the Round Table, the Elks, the Royal Antediluvian Order of Buffalos, the Lions, the Kiwanis, the Baker Street Irregulars, the Sovereign and Military Oder of Malta, the Catholic Police Guild, BUPA, the AA, the Women's Institute, the Mother's Union or the subscription department of Readers Digest...
... The answer is simple. It is for Masons to demonstrate that any other organization has all these features:
1. A code of mutual aid, sworn by all members, to assist each other beyond the aid they swear to perform for all other people in society...
2. Oaths (however watered-dwon in recent years) which threaten that some physical, economic or social penalty - or negative moral judgement - will be applied to those who reveal the organization's secrets..
3. Rituals which make use of blindfolds, nooses, daggers or similar menacing objects or disorienting devices ...
4. Secret passwords, signs, grips or handshakes ...
5. Widespread public concern about the organization's activities or those of its members ...
I know of no golf club which has any of these features and no political party, trade union, friendly society, insurance company, businessmen's club, social group, or mainstream religious fraternity which has more than two of the above... If it can be shown that any other group manifests all of these elements, it should be subject to the same curbs as may be imposed on Freemasonry ..Some Masons claim that three Catholic organizations - the Knights of Columbus, the Catenians and Opus Dei - are quasi-Masonic ...If their rituals and oaths do resemble Freemasonry's, if genuine texts can be produced to prove it, and if there is widespread pubic concern, they too should be subject to any obligations imposed on the Craft..
..If Masons have nothing to hide, none of this should cause them great disquiet.... Just as their secretiveness breeds paranoia among the 'profane'. so a new openness would help dispel it, If the Freemasonry Craft is primarily a charitable organization, a movement or moral regeneration or just a load of men pursuing an arcane hobby, the have nothing to fear...`personal anxieties could be accommodated... such as that they maybe do not want their home addresses disclosed ..However, all voters' addresses are on view at public libraries on electoral roles... at Companies House, the home addresses of all company directors are available to anyone who pays a small fee ...As it happens, Freemason's home addresses might not be required, provided every lodge discloses the full named of all members..
..It is noted that today's MP's should bear in mind that any law to curb Freemasonry will face widespread evasion, as the history of the 1799 Unlawful Societies Act shows. Brought in 'for the more effectual Suppression of Societies established for Seditious and Treasonable Purposes', this was passed when there were fears of French plots to overthrow the Government of Great Britain and to achieve Irish independence. The Act claimed that societies such as United Englishmen, United Scotsmen, United Britons and United Irishmen were plotting seditious ends, and that their members swore oaths and secret vows, used secret signs and operated a cell-like structure across the country, However, a blanket ban on such organizations would also have banned Freemasonry, which shared all offending characteristics. To gain exemption, England's rival Grand Lodges (the 'Moderns' and the 'Ancients') jointly lobbied politicians will skill which would do credit to today's ruthless 'political action committees' in the USA. Their respective leaders, the Earl of Moirs and the Duke of Atholl, pressured Prime Minister William Pitt. According to 1799 Grand Lodge minues, the Masonic delegation reported that Pitt:
'... expressed his good opinion of the Society and said he was willing to recommend any Clause to prevent the New Act from affecting the Society, provided that the Name of the Society could be prevented from being made use o as a Cover by evilly disposed persons for Seditious purposes..'
The pressure worked ... Prime Minister William Pitt duly introduced a clause stating the Act did not apply to ' Lodges of FreeMasons, the meetings whereof have been in great measure directed to charitable purposes'...
...Pitt must have been beguiled by the smooth talking aristocrats, particularly Moira... According to one Masonic Historian, Moira's 'timely intervention had saved Freemasonry from extinction'....
...'Presumably Moira and Atholl had told Pitt that no British Masonic Lodge was likely to contain plotters bent on ' overturning the laws, constitution and government. and every existing establishment, civil and ecclesiastical' in Great Britain or `Ireland...Yet even 'regular' Freemasonry (as opposed to the truly seditious continental variety) had harboured traitors... Many American Revolutionaries were 'regular' Masons, notably George Washington, Ben Franklin and Admiral Paul Jones who had been initiated in Scotland. One Boston Lodge, St Andrews , was full of rebels, including Paul Revere, General Joseph Warren, John Hancock and John Rowe... It was John Rowe who inspired the Boston Tea Party, according to one of the 'Indian' raiders who belonged to the lodge, was planned within St Andrew's itself...
...The American Revolution had begun only twenty-four years before the Unlawful Societies Act became Law... It is extremely unlikely that Briton's Prime Minister, William Pitt, had any idea of Freemasonry's strength among the Revolutionaries - for sure Moira would have not told him! - but, had be known. he would have had good reason to suspect that the Freemasonry Craft might 'again be made use of as a Cover by evilly disposed persons for Seditious purposes'. Pitt wold also have had grounds for believing that not all brethren subscribed to their second Antient Charge: ' A mason is a peaceable subject to the civil powers, wherever he resides or works, and is never to be concerned in plots and conspiracies against the peace and welfare of the nation.'...
..Of course, even if Pitt had known about the Masonics of Washington and hi brother rebels, he may not have pressed the point because the Craft's leading petitioner, the Earl of Moira, had himself been a hero on England's side in the Revolutionary Wars. Pitt would have been 'snowballed' by Moira's revelation that no less than six of George III's sons were 'on the square', for how could a fraternity boasting 'so many of His Majesty's illustrious Family' possibly be seditious?...
...Nevertheless, the Act did impose major restrictions on Freemasonry. The 'names and descriptions' of all members of each lodge had to be registered with the local clerk of the peace.... By the time the Act was repealed in 1967, it had long been widely ignored .. Many lodges did not make returns..One pre-1967 lodge secretary told me: 'I never bothered and many other secretaries never knew this law existed..besides, who was going to make you do it... In out town most law enforcers - the Clerk of Peace, half the JP's and the police chief --were all in the lodge...!'
...Even more restrictive, the 1979 Act had exempted only meetings of 'regular Lodges of Free Masons held (before) the passing of this Act...for some years the Masonic orders subverted this clause by reissuing the warrants of dominant or dead lodges, thus back-dating the foundation of many lodges. Not only were these Freemasons breaking the criminal law, their stealth and deceit show they knew their actions were illegal..
... On the rolls of United Grand Lodge today there are fewer than 300 lodges which were founded before 1799, yet by 1967 another 6,000 had been 'consecrated'. Abroad view of the 1799 Act might have encouraged Masons to feel the exemption applied to any future lodges formed under both Modern and Antient Grand Lodges (united in 1813) and two more Grand Lodges in Scotland.. The terms of another Act in 1817 may have supported that view... However, neither Act legalized other Masonic Orders such as the Knights Templar (which had barely got going by 1799), the Rose Croix (founded in 1845), the Mark (organized about 1845), the Red Cross of Constantine (whose earliest lodge was founded in 1865) and the Societas Rosicruciana in Anglia (founded in 1866) ...... All these orders are self governing and have never come under the authority of the various Grand Lodges, which regulate only the CRaft and Royal Arch degrees. so they could never have been exempted from the ban on other societies imposed by the 1799 Act....
... The illegality of the `masonic Knights Templar is confirmed by the fact that their Grand Master, Lord Rancliffe, 'was personally concerned with the bill in the Lords' and neglected the Order thereafter. Masonic historians differ over whether the revival of the Masonic Templars some years later indicates that 'any question of illegality was over' or whether it suggests that 'the authorities were turning a blind eye'. My onw view is that all these 'higher' or ' sides' degrees ( from Knights Templar on wards) met illegally for more than a century until 1967.... Nobody would have dared enforce the 1799 Act (even had they known about it) because many magistrates, Court Masters, Court Lords, judges, policemen belonged to these same degrees... Through vested interests. Masonic law-breaking has been constantly connived at by the forces of law and order....
Today, any Parliamentary moves requiring public disclosure by masons should be matched by legislation creating an Ombudsman for the public servant and the police,as advocated by Brain Woollard ( see Chapter 13)... This is necessary to prevent the kind of career abuse which 4 million other State employees may suffer at the hands of Masons.. or... indeed..non-Masons..There must me many Masons in pub lic service who feel that hey too have had a raw deal at work ...In future they should have a mean of redress against anti-Masonic prejudice, especially if they are to be obliged to disclose Masonic Membership...
The former British ambassador featured in Chapter 32 has further suggestions:
...'..It should not be too difficult to procure form civil and public servants who belong to secret societies some written declaration and assurances about their activities..I also suggest that something should be done about the confidential personal reporting systems...It seems that any officer who believes he may be the subject victimization through the reporting system (as I was) should be entitles to state that the reporting officer as a Freemason and that this should be taken into account in assessing the report..Ideally, in my view, Freemasons should be excluded from the reporting process, but that is too much to hope for...
...I also suggest that the numerous voluntary organizations and charities which serve this country and have been one of its great strengths, should be required by law to keep an indication of any secret society membership by its officers..Members of any society - or indeed contributors to a charity - should, as a matter of routine, be able to obtain a statement of its officer's affiliations...This is not an unreasonable request, but a simple reassurance that the society is being run for the benefit of all members and not primarily for `masons perpetuating themselves in office...
In the present diminished and dangerous situation of our country, a very real danger exists from organizations, such as the Freemason Brotherhood - partly through infiltration, partly from the illusionment and frustration which arises when our meritocratic system is deliberately and consistently distorted....'...
..In the House of Commons in June 1988 Labour MP Dale Campbell-Savours introduced a bill to compel police recruits to swear they would not join any organization such as Freemasonry....he also demanded that officers who are already Masons should resign from their lodges or leave the police force.. On first reading the bill was passed by 117 votes to sixteen, but it had no chance of becoming law because of the shortage of Parliamentary time...
..If any future bill along these lines looks as if it might become law, it will encounter fierce lobbying just like the 1799 bill did ,,,, It will infuriate Masonic cops... It it ever reached the statute book, it could provoke mass resignation from the police force...
..This might not be a bad thing, but it seems unlikely that policemen could be banned from joining Freemasonry unless this 'private, voluntary organization' is itself made illegal....In the present political climate (of near perpetual Conservative rule) there is no chance of this happening,....
...However, beacsue an action is otherwise legal,,, it does not mean that public servants have an in alienable right to perform it...
..In many respects the civil liberties of public servants and already severely curtailed....Millions of public servants (including the police) sign the Official Secrets Act which curbs their right to discuss, publish or otherwise disseminate information which they may learn in the course of their work... Also no civil servant, member of the armed forces or policeman may stand as a candidate in local or national elections without first resigning his or her employment. Since 1984 no employees of GCHO may belong to a trade union. The armed forces and the police have long been deprived of that right, just as they have surrendered their civil liberty to withdraw their labour and go on strike...Thus, imposing a similar curb on policemen in respect of Freemasonry has undeniable precedents.. They would retain the right to remain a Mason..but they would lose their right to remain a copper.. a judge. a Master of the Court .... a Lord of the Court .,, or any other job which has the power and/or authority in any way over the public in that the same rule might well be applied to all other public servants..
...All this is for Parliament and the public to decide and debate... In the meantime Dale Campbell-Savours says: 'If Freemasonry were to shed itself of its secrecy, its exclusiveness and its oath of allegiance, I would have no objection to police officers being members....'
..However.. if it were to do all that, it would not longer be Freemasonry!....
..Even some senior Freemasons such as Former Deputy Assistant Commissioner, Peter Neivens ( an honorary Manor of St James Lodge) has been concerned about excessive 'tears of sympathy' for Freemason Brothers who have been convicted of serious crime stares...'As for lodges which have allowed major criminals to remain as members for years after conviction... if that were proven to me, then if the authority rested with me, I would seriously think of disbanding that lodge...'
..If this policy were to be rigorously applied throughout Britain, not only would Freemasonry be far healthier : its opponents would have far less meat to feed on....Yet is must be doubted if the hierarchy as a whole would want to apply such discipline..As things now stand, Grand Lodge only acts against lodges like Waterways many years after they have become a haven for criminals, and only then after embarrassing media exposure.. It is therefore no wonder that in the meantime other lodges like the Queenswood contain cells of public corruption and the entire institution of Freemasonry is brought into disrepute as a result..
....however, Freemasons will argue that the merits of an institution as vast as Freemasonry do not turn on the vice or virtue of individual Masons... and that it does not change its esense because one Grand Officer, his Honour Judge Joseph Butler-Sloss, was exposed in the News of the World in July 1988 as a regular patron of Nairobi prostitutes while serving as a High Court judge on Kenya.. Freemasons argue that the private quirks of prominent men who happen to be a FreeMason should not be held against the Brotherhood... as Masons have said... this would be like condemning Christianity because quite a few vicars over the years have been caught molesting choirboys...
...As I write these final pages in December 1988 I am still being sent evidence of Freemasonry's reluctance to punish those who transgress its own moral code.. the evidence come not form outsiders..but from men who are themselves staunch Masons...One such source is leonard Acklam, a well-to-do self-made Yorkshire businessman who fought for years to win redress for a Masonic Grand Officer's outrageous attempt to interfere with justice...A Mason for 33 years, a Past Master of Brighouse Lodge (no. 1301) and a 30th degree member of the Rose Croix, Acklam is worth hearing...
...Leonard Acklam a Freemason, had employed a Freemason Solicitor to collect a £10,000 debt he was owed.. however his own solicitor lied to him about the case and when appointing a new non Mason Solicitor who threatened to report the Mason Solicitor to the Law Society and sue for negligence, a senior well respected Mason, Sir Herbert Redfearn told Acklam that he 'would lose a lot of friends' and that Acklam should 'look on it in a true Masonic manner and forget it.. a senior well respected Mason, Sir Herbert Redfern was not only interfering with Acklam's legal action against a Mason solicitor, but was also telling Acklams to forget the £10,000 he is owed...An in initial letter of complaint in 1981 sent to the local Yorkshire Ws Riding grand secretary did not go down well,,, for Redfearn was not only a Grand Officer of English Freemasonry, but also a leading industrialist, a deputy lieutenant of the county, a knight of the realm, a one time chairman of the National Union of Conservative Associations and the local Tory KIng-maker (future Tory MP Gary Waller was initiated in his lodge in 1971)..also he was photographed at Conservative Party occasions alongside Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, It was extremely unlikely. therefore. that any Yorkshire masonic body would dare condemn him...
From Chapter 14
The Phoenix "....
.. If the Manor Lodge of St James was formed in defiance of the anti-Masonic views of a Metropolitan Commissioner, it would not be the first time the Brotherhood has waved two fingers at the most important police chief in Britain...
...Back in 1958 the new commissioner was Joseph Simpson. He was the first man ever to reach the top job after starting as an ordinary bobby...He was public school educated and a university graduate but, unlike his gentleman predecessors, he had done three years on the beat and had the deserved respect of most London coppers..In short, He was a policeman's policeman...
.... One shaft of light which Sir Joseph Simpson brought to the job was a distinct hostility to Freemasonry, or at lease a dislike of its most arrogant manifestations...During his early years in office he was greatly irritated by an organization calling itself the Metropolitan Police Masonic Association (MPMA), The title gave it an official air, but its founders had no authority for using the words 'Metropolitan Police',... They might have had the unofficial 'non' from a previous commissioner, but Sir Joseph took a dim view and demanded its abolition....
... The MPMA;s members were not prepared to disband on the say-so of a mere commissioner - especially as earlier commissioners, such as Charles Warren, had themselves been Freemasons. Rather than abolish their fraternity in a fraternity, they decided just to change its name. They also decided to keep the initials MPMA. The were determined to keep 'Masonic' in the title, and 'Association' was harmless enough, also they would have to substitute another word for either Metropolitan or Police.... some wag in the leadership had a little education.... As this new body was going to rise from the ashes of the old, he thought, it could have no more appropriate name than 'Metropolitan Phoenix Masonic Association'. This would get round Sir Joseph Simpson's vexatious objections, but it would still be the MPMA and the same old bird...
....Simpson died in office, from a heart attach three days after the batt;e of Grosvenor Square in 1969, but the Phoenix lived on..IN 1971 it had 288 members..Its rule book reveals that the inclusion of Metropolitan in its title was gratuitous and misleading, for its members only needed to be 'Master Masons who are regular, serving and retired officers of any police force'...
The rule book makes it clear this was no Masonic Lodge..Ritual was forbidden at its gatherings..Instead its objects were:
1. To introduce Master Masons of the Police Force who would otherwise have no opportunity of meeting as Brother Masons.
2. To promote fraternal intercourse by arranging social functions.
3. To render assistance to those who may be distressed by sickness or adversity.
4. Loyalty to Her Majesty the Queen and the Craft in General,
..Aside from the genuflection to the Crown, these aims might strike an anti-Msonic as a sugar-coated code of mutual aide, arousing fears in the outsider that the Phoenix as a means of achieving a kind of Masonic apartheid in the Police Service...Could it have acted as a wedge between Masons and non-Masons, or a jungle telegraph, or a 'firm in a firm'? .. Its members would doubtless deny it, but the club does seem like a collective support system: ideal for help up t˙e promotion ladder, or saving skins...
....The 1971 list contains one man still serving at Scotland Yard: a deputy assistant commissioner ..Another is a detective chief superintendent...Most members left the service long ago,,, Many held humble rank, so either the mutual aid principle never helped them gain promotion or they never sought to use it.... Perhaps the Phoenix was just a social club for men with a common hobby ... If so, one brother was such an enthusiast ha he took the hobby with him to a Mediterranean retirement,, In 1971 Brother A,J, Fookes was running a pub in Gibraltar called the Mason Arms...
The phoenix list shows that in the early 1970's there was a network of police Masons, in lodges all over south-east England, who were doubly committed to mutual aid. Today, it seems, the Phoenix may not be the bird it was. I have been unable to find out if it is still flying,,It may now be in one of its 'ashes' periods: about ti burst forth in full plumage ,, Perhaps the Manor of St James's Lodge is its latest incarnation... AS it happens, no 1971 Phoenix people show up as masons members..Perhaps this is only because there is a fifteen-year gap between the lists, but it seems to confirm that there must be thousands of London police Masons, otherwise there would be names in common....
Another indicator of the Crafts strength in the police force emerged when barrister Andrew Arden presented his 1987 report on the running of the London Borough of Hackney (see Chapter 6) ..During his research mr Arden was assisted by Grand Secretary Michael Higham,,He gave the 'profane' Arden forty-four lodge lists to help him identity Masons working for Hackney Council but. in performing this unprecedented favour, he knowingly divulged the identities of over 3,500 Masons who had no connection with Hackney and whose individual permission he did not seek..
.... Higham aslo divulged the occupation of 2,534 named Masons...Of these ninety-eight were policemen .... amounting to 3.9% of Ardens sample.. or slightly less than one Mason ^n every twenty five... if this were typical of thew the whole country..and if ( according to Commander Higham) there a re between 250,000 and 500,000 Masons under GRand Lodge, then between 9.700 and 19,400 policemen in England and Wales are Freemasons... However if my total figure of 600,000 living Masons, whether active or lapsed, is correct (see Chapter 9), then some 23,400 serving and retired policemen are Freemasons .... In December 1985 there were slightly fewer than 108,000 serving make police officers in England and Wales... Even if we exclude my highest estimate and stick to the Higham figures would seem that between 9 and 18 percent of all policemen may be Masons : one in eleven or one in six of all men in English and Wales police forces...yet, as ever, when it comes to calculating Masonic strength, huge statistical crevasses have to be vaulter ....The records at Freemasons' Hall are always out-of-date because they show only the occupations declared when men become Master Masons .. Should they change t heir jobs or retire, these records stay the same... Yet even if 20% of men who said they were policemen have since retired, it seems that between 8,000 and 16,000 policemen are 'on the square'.. In addition, however, young policemen are being drawn into Freemasonry all the time, which may bring the total back to around 20,000... There a re thousands more in Scotland and Northern Island, where they probably form an even higher proportion of the police service, for reasons explained in Chapter 19..
... Higham supplied Arden with the names and occupations of men in fourteen individual lodges,,One lode had fifty-two members, of which eleven policemen out of eighty-eight members, another had five out of fifty four. Of course these high numbers are outdone by the Manor Lodge of St James , but the manor is not Britain's only all-police lodge... According to the Grand Secretary of East Lancashire, three lodges are composed entirely of ex-police officers: in Wales, Kent and Liverpool..The Kent lodge meets in Sittingbourne and is called the Watch and Ward,,, It was founded as recently as 1977, yet it has already won a place in Freemasons' Hall Museum by presenting a masonic gavel made in the form of a police truncheon,,,In the early 1980's the Watch and Ward could muster only twenty-five members, but this is no proof of ill-health..Indeed, Masonic consciousness among policemen, both serving and retired, is growing stronger..The Liverpool lode, Sovereign;s Peace, was founded in 1979..
.... Most policemen belong to general lodges where they get to know men form other walks of life - that is one of the main benefits of Freemasonry - yet they are usually proposed by other policemen... A random sample of lodge summonses reveals that policemen are valued candidates for admission into almost any lodge..
.. In 1976 the Derby Allcroft Lodge of London initiated a Scotland Yard detective sergeant and a builder on the same day...It already contained several policemen, including one future member of the Manor of St James's, In 1982 Gateway Lodge of Witney initiated a Thames Valley officer along with an electrical engineer, a British Telecom warden and an Oxfordshire fireman... These lodges contain a mix of employees, public servants and the self-employed.. Whatever a Mason's job, on lodge days he must be able to sop work early enough to arrive for the meeting at three or four o'clock,,Policemen can almost always manage this because they work shifts, or because senior officers are also Masons and will turn a blind eye if brothers slip off during working hours...
...Thus it was that is January 1972 a thirty-two-year-old detective sergeant took a half-day off from West Hampstead police station in north London to be initiated in the Fryent Lodge alongside a C-op produce controller.. The Fryent is a general lodge but, over dinner, brethren proposed several toasts to the 'Blue Lamp', in honour of the Metropolitan Police....This may have something to do with the fact that the lodge meets at Hendon Hall Hotel, close to Hendon Police College from which it recruits some of its members...
it might be wondered how men (Policemen) whose work requires brain as well as brawn, a sense of truth and reality, and considerable courage, can allow themselves to be drawn into fraternity whose ritual requires a total suspension of disbelief and a taste for the occult... The outsider might be concerned that men that must take so many crucial decision sin their careers - concerning life and death, imprisonment or liberty, kidnaps and sieges, as well as helping old ladies across the road... can subject themselves to such a welter of gobbledegook concocted in the eighteen century by men who were, in part, superstitious fantasists....Let us look at the other side of the coin.. Instead of caning cops all the time for rushing into the Craft, se should pause to consider why the Freemasonry Craft wants these policemen in the Craft...My masonic informer Badger explained it this way: whatever policemen may get out of Freemasonry, Freemasonry gets even more out of the police...
' Why do nearly all masonic lodges like to have a copper in their midst?
Because Freemasonry is a vehicle for bringing together the various threads of a general view... Its a form of social cement.. a pyramid erected on the class system...
... It should go without saying that the police are a vital part of the pyramid, or rather the strongest shied the status quo possesses ...
....That is why policemen have to be continually sucked into Freemasonry: to maintain the deferential structure of society and to ensure that Freemasons and Freemasonry is perpetually favoured by those who enforce the law...'
Evidence appearing to support Badger's view came in a letter in the Independent in 1988. It was from M.E. Rowe, a retired policeman with thirty years' service. In 1980, while a senior officer in the West Midlands:
'..I was approached by a local businessman I knew personally who at the time was lobbying on behalf of a group of businesses who were concerned with the effect of proposals in which the police and local authority were involved. I declined to discuss the matter... This refusal was followed by the offer of a membership of his lodge...I was told that he was in a position to ensure my acceptance as a member, and he would regard it as a personal favour if I would accept his offer.... I refused, saying that it was not consistent with the independence I thought was essential in my position..However, I did indicate that in the next eighteen months I would be retiring and then I might consider his offer - I was told with some favour that the 'offer' would not be open to me when I retired...'
If policemen pursue the Craft of Freemasonry as an amusing hobby or an antiquarian game which they leave behind at the temple.. it may be harmless as masonic spokesmen claim...
....The public need to be convinced ....
... In the meantime there is evidence to suggest that some Mason cops go on duty still mentally wearing their regalia and are not as impartial as their Constable's Oath requires....
Chapter 15 A Criminal Intelligence
.... Many masons tell stories of favo¨ra by policemen whom they have come to know through the craft..One brother told me how his Masonic connections cam in handy in unforeseen circumstances....
"..A friend and I were developing and industrial heating system in our spare time... We used to do research in a workshop at the back of his house..On one occasion, while he and his wife were away on holiday, I was working there as usual when suddenly the police turned up... They'd been called to the house by a neighbour who thought I was an intruder..I promptly explained who I was and produced my key, but I had no identification on me so they were not satisfied... They took me to the police station and told me that, unless I could prove my bona fides, I'd be spending the night in the cells..,, I was trying to think my way out of this mess when I remembered that on several Masonic occasions I'd met a chief superintendent who was based at the station... After one lodge function he had invited us back to that very station's social club where we had a few drinks... Now I fond myself in this jam ... I naturally asked the arresting officers to let me talk to him...He came into the charge room, immediately recognized me and then took my captors into another room.. A few seconds later they cam out again and told me, lost civilly, I was free to go... I'm sure if i hadn't been 'on the square' I would have been kept in the clink all night, maybe longer..My masonic brother, the police chief, had done me a favour: a small one perhaps, but a favour nevertheless..Freemasonry had worked like a magic wand..
...Such interventions look less benign to non-Masons inside the force who see them as inextricably intertwined with Masonic manipulation of the police service as a whole...
....Among the hundreds of letter which Stephen Knight received from readers of The Brotherhood, several came policemen who felt they had spent most of heir careers battling against a Masonic Mafia ...
.... John Thompson retired from the Metropolitan Police in 1970,...Among the hundreds of letter which Stephen Knigt received from readers of The Brotherhood, several came policemen who felt they had spent most of heir careers battling against a Masonic Mafia ...
.... John Thompson retired from the Metropolitan Police in 1970, having reached the rank of inspector.. When he joined the force in the later 1940's he was aware that many senior officers were 'on the square' , but like most constables he pooh-poohed the power of the Craft with what he calls 'childish flippancy'. .. he only became concerned in January 1953 when he was about to take the competitive examination for promotion to the rank of sergeant...
' ... Rumours were rife that masonic candidates had been given the questions in advance..I also heard that they were going to identify themselves as masons on their exam papers to masonic examiners... I sat the exam with all the other candidates -- you guessed it!!.. it had to be cancelled and re-arranged...throughout my police career I was aware of too many incidents involving patronage and favouritism to dismiss them with the same ease as masonic policemen are always able to do...Some were so trivial I was amazed high-ranking officers deigned to involve themselves, but some were so serious that they bordered on criminal conspiracies.. As a young sergeant at Notting Hill I began to note the very effective influence if freemasonry, One night I was on duty as the station;s officer when at one o'clock in the morning I had to charge a man with being 'drunk and indecent'. He was a mason and was on his way home from a Ladies' Night, accompanied by his wife and others, when a constable arrested jim for urinating in a shop doorway. t about 3 A.M the chief superintendent (now Commander rank) suddenly turned up at the station. Such a visit was unknown and he had obviously been dragged from his bed. He sat a round for a long time, reading and re-reading the charge, but when he realized there was nothing he could do, he left. The general consensus at the station was this visit had masonic overtones. It seems nothing was too trivial for Masonic interference...Later, as an inspector at Marylebourne, I was called out by two PC's who had arrested a nineteen-year-old youth for stealing a drivers license and using it with intent to deceive. He had managed to escape and reach his home a block of luxury flats where his father was refusing to let the constables in to re-arrest him. When I arrived the father allowed me in and took me into his study, where photographs were prominently displayed of him in masonic dress. I noted that he had been master of his lodge and he clearly expected me to direct the PC's to forget the matter,,,, I told him he was 'not on' and left him in no doubt he was backing a loser... We took the son to the station. His father followed soon after, staying in the waiting room. As I was preparing the charge sheet the station sergeant told me that a Commander (Now DAC rank) wished to speak to me on the phone.. I had never met this man, so I told the sergeant to tell him I was not prepared to discuss the matter. You see, I had learned to face Freemasonry in the force head-on without fear... Before the father left he asked if the Commander had spoken to me. I replied he had not. He then told me they were in the same Masonic Lodge and then asked me if I was 'on the square'. He had clearly assumed was, so I had to disappoint him. As it happens, the incident did me some good. I had not hit it off with my PC's beforehand, but this broke the ice...
..Masons usually claim such stories are invented by embittered non-Masons who cannot accept that their careers have failed because of their lack of ability; instead it is claimed by Masons, that they ;fantasize about malicious wrongdoing by Masonic colleagues. Retired Metropolitan Policeman John Thompson ( a non-Mason) rejects this argument as itself a canard..
..'....I admit we non Masons were resentful at our lowly rank. Yet most of us were not bitter. On the contrary, the men who were bitter were those Freemasons who had expected patronage and preferment but never got it. What non-Masons such as I did resent was entering a five-furlong sprint race but being forced to start at the mile and three quarter gate...We also resented that our Masonic colleagues were likely to have their errors, omissions, in adequacies, incompetencies and indiscipline covered up, sometimes at the expense of non-Masons..I concede that many Masonic policemen had an aura if greater competence and many became more able because they had less pressure and could acquit themselves better on boards..I put my hands up to being bitter in one respect..I object when masons dismiss their victims as jealous and vindictive, I am neither neither but what do they expect us to be? They expect us to act like the three wise monkeys: seeing no evil, speaking no evil and hearing no evil - of Freemasonry of course ....'
Retired Metropolitan police officer, John Thompson says he received at least six approaches to become a Freemason, varying from the subtle to the obvious....'... The fact that I was a known atheist did not seem to concern my would-be proposes who advised me to lie b professing a belief...I never made any attempt to become a Freemason because, I hope, I did not possess the necessary hypocrisy...'
..... Some readers may feel that John Thompson's recollections can now be dismissed because he retired in 1970, but other police correspondents bemoan present-day Masonic goings-on...Thames Valley Police was formed in 196, through the merger of five forces in Oxfordshire, Berkshire and Buckinghamshire.Recent lodge summonses from these countries show that today Freemasonry is recruiting just as strongly among policemen in this force as it is in London..
One on-Masonic sergeant knows to his cost the Brotherhood's power in Oxfordshire...
..'... In 1983 I had some building work done on my house..When it was finished I was not entirely satisfied and paid the builder only part of the money..He put most of the faults right but I was still not completely happy and we had quite a disagreement.. He then told me he was a Freemason and he knew various people that I also knew, one of them being a chief superintendent..Not long afterwards the builder had a car accident and he finished up in hospital.. When he was there he received a visit from the chief superintendent who asked if there was anything he could do for him.. A few days later I was summoned to headquarters to see this chief superintendent. He 'advised' me to hurry up and sort out my dispute with the builder because his being in hospital gave him quite enough to worry about. Now whilst no threats were made, there was undoubtedly some moral pressure and I came away from headquarters feeling decidedly uneasy.. The obvious difference in our ranks made it a very simple task for him to 'put the screws on'.... As a result I felt bound to pay the builder the remaining money... I find membership of this organization quite odious and not compatible with being a police officer. ... Incidents happen - internal politics you understand- whic defy rational explanation and can only be put to the influence of these people.. They are unknown, unseen, but seem to pull strings behind the scenes and get things done...
..Even back in the 1960's John Thompson saw the beginnings of what he regards as the most sinister phenomenon involving Freemasonry and the police force in Britain.. he had just moved to the north London area known as "Y" division..He soon learned that the divisional commander and his deputy were Roman Catholics but that all the other senior officers were Masons...
...'... It was on 'Y' Division that I first noticed how former high ranking officers - both uniform and CID - were making new careers as security agents for solicitors, finance houses and other organizations hungry for confidential information ...This has now become a huge industry and Freemasonry is an important constituent in this web of intrigue. Now that more and more information is stored on computer (and its dissemination is subject to serious legal curbs under the Data Protection Act), so employers have realized that the only people that can get round the regulations are high-ranking policemen - especially Freemasons who are particularly well-placed to obtain confidential information with no chance of exposure, because they can get it all from their colleagues in the Brotherhood..Thoroughly illegal..of course,,,'
Recently police computers have been criminally abused for the purpose of keeping criminal out of Masonic employment. In 1983 the Warwickshire Grand Lodge dismissed the catering manager at its Birmingham Temple because of the way he had disciplined a member of the staff. The brethren alleged that the manager, veteran Masons Derek Yeomans, had shouted at a junior employee, but Yeoman says he was fired for 'telling off' his own boss at the Temple..He took revenge on the ungrateful brethren by squealing about their criminal wrongdoings..He disclosed that one of the province's top Masons habitually checked whether applicants for senior jobs at the `temple had criminal records logged on the West Midlands Police computer, According to Yeomans, this wholly illegal service was performed through a retired chief inspector, himself a leading FreeMason, who used to pass the applicants' names and dates of birth to an officer who worked for the local force and had access to the computer...
...Such abuse of police intelligence systems is now taken very seriously all forces, so a local superintendent was appointed to investigate the allegation..He later reported that Yeoman's only specific claim - that certain applicant's name had been fed into the computer on a certain day --was not true...Yeoman responded that the name might well have been fed in on the day before or the day after but, in any case, it cannot be satisfactory when a policeman is appointed to investigate abuses of his own force's computer by another member of the same force.. Whether or not that inquiry was performed by checking computer records or searching old-fashioned criminal record fils, it seems Warwickshire's Mason's did call on police connections for such a service..As Provincial Grand Master Thomas Wood told the Birmingham Post..
...' I believe that on one occasion when someone was needed for a very responsible position I was told that person had been vetted....'
One Mason told me that his lodge always checks if any candidate for membership has a criminal record..
..'.... That's why we've got a copper in the lodge; to check candidates out on the computer!...If they have a record, their applications are withdrawn or they are blackballed - unless senior lodge members are nominating them, in which case nothing is said... of course nowadays, if a policemen is caught using the computer for non-police purposes, he could be charged with a criminal offense himself.. All this is strictly illegal, but you can be sure it still goes on...'
Chapter 21 Tough at the Top
..Many police chiefs are mistaken when the claim the issue has never come up in public complaints against their police forces... I have a pile of letters from citizens who have enclosed copies of formal complaints they have sent to police forces alleging Masonic wrongdoing by policemen... ....In the future chief constables may have to act on increasing public. press and political concern about the role of Freemasonry in the police service...
..In the future chief constables may have to act on increasing public, press and political concern about the role of Freemasonry in the police service....
Early in 1988 Home Office leaks implied Home Secretary Douglas Hurd was thinking of requiring police officers to declare their lodge membership if Freemasonry emerged as a factor in any matter in which they were involved whether these were internal issued such as promotion and discipline or external investigations...
...It is my view that Mason membership should be declared by all police officers and that a regularly updated register of Mason serving in each police force should be kept at every police station and at headquarters of the police force concerned.. this register should be readily available to fellow police officers and to embers of the public..If this is not a service which police forces are willing to give their paymasters, then the register should be on display in all public libraries, just like electoral roles. There will be arguments over whether membership of other secret pr quasi-secret societies, pr fraternal organizations, should be declared. If a convincing case can be made that any other society is an extensive, powerful and cohesive as Freemasonry, then its members should indeed declare themselves.
If public opinion were to demand this register for policeman, it might even demand the display of entire Masonic Lodge Membership Rolls at public libraries. This would be stoutly opposed on grounds that it is not the 'British Way' of doing things, but that is for the British people to decide. British people have only just gain access to the Land Registry. For centuries it has been considered an invasion of 'property owners' privacy for other people to know who really owns what in Britain. However this has grossly infringe other people's right to information - especially information which could effect themselves. The same principle applies to membership of secret, or private, mutual aid societies .heir secrecy (about both what they do and who they are) is a standing invasions of the liberty of all non-members...
...The 1964 Police Act forbids policemen from belonging to a trade union. This appears not be formally applied to Freemasonry..despite the Craft's claim to be descended from a medieval trade union and despite its continues adherence to the same principles of combination and mutual aid for which policemen are banned from joining union today...
,,Ian Oliver, a non-mason a police chief stated: "... During my sixteen years in the Metropolitan Police until 1977, it was not unknown for officers to join the Masons ^n the hope that it might just help their promotion prospects...
Chapter 22 Judging by Results
... at least eighteen circuit judges, four Queen;s Bench judges, three family division judges, two judges in Chancery, three Lord Justices of Appeal and one Lord Justices of Appeal and one Lord of Appeal in Ordinary....this is some of the known ranks of Freemason's strength as revealed in Masonic reference books to which I have had access... many other sources (such as provincial yearbooks and membership lists of lawyers' lodges) have eluded me, so I am forced to guess that many more judges are 'on the Square' (a well known term to describe a member of FreeMasonry).. certainly many recently retired judges are Masons: fifteen circuit, one Queens Bench, two family division, one Chancery, three Lord Justices of Appeal and one Master of the Royal Court of Protection...
..A recent Lord Chief Justice , the late Lord Widgery, was Past Senior Grand Warden of England. The current Chief Justice of Australia, Sir Harry Gibbs, is 'on the square'. Sir Harry Gibbs, is also the only Australian on the judicial committee of the Privy Council..
..The president of the Lands Tribunal is a mason,,
...So is England's Chief Registrar in Bankruptcy is 'on the square' was his immediate predecessor is 'on the square'..
..Beyond the Royal Courts of Justice sit many more Masonic judges, from the current Recorder of Southport to an English Advocate-General in the European Community;s Court of Justice...still more barrister Masons choose to stay where real money can be made: as QC's.. is also noted that and even higher proportion of lawyers went to public schools and Oxford or Cambridge Universities: networks which are perhaps more powerful than Freemasonry.. however the difference is that those institutions (privileged and self-perpetuating though they are) are dedicated largely to the gaining of open educational qualifications which are essential in a lawyer. What the outsider might wonder is why many of these men, who judge the rest of us, need to belong to a secret (or would -be secret) society; how can these men be trusted to find the truth is court of law...when as Masons they swear belief in - and repeatedly enact - the mythical murder of a bogus historical figure whom they glorify as the stonemason architect of a temple built mainly of wood, even the stonemason architect of a temple built mainly of wood, even though he was neither a stonemason nor an architect! !!!
..for some enlightenment of what Freemasonry means to many esteemed dispensers of justice I wrote to Lord Templeman, a Lord of Appeal in Ordinary, who sits in the House of Lords...Lord Templeman is England's highest-ranking Mason judge,,,Lord Templeman did not reply to me (Martin Short) or Stephen Knight's letters...
..perhaps even non-freemason judges feel they belong to a greater brotherhood- of judges - which takes precedence over any feelings they may have about their colleagues' Masonic frolics...they may well fear coming out would provoke retribution...One Court recorder told me, '...I'm not a Mason, but don't quote me or I may end up hanging under Blackfriars Bridge..' .. I reacted as if this reference to the bizarre death of the Italian banker-Mason Roberto Calvi in 1982 was a joke, but the Recorder assured me he was very serious....
Chapter 19 The Encompassing of John Stalker
On the 29th June, 1986 those two deadly rivals for out Sunday morning favours, the People and the News of the World ran almost identical stories about John Stalker, Deputy Chief Constable of the Greater Manchester Police, Four weeks earlier John Stalker had been suddenly removed from a highly sensitive inquiry into allegations of a shoot-to-kill policy by the Royal Ulster Constabulary (RUC)..
..Why was John Stalker removed at the Deputy Chief Constable of the Greater Manchester Police became a massive media guessing game..Sooner or later someone was bound to blame the FreeMasons...
..The Press had already blamed the RUC, its Special Branch, Stalker's Rivals in the Manchester force, the SAS, MI5, the Norther Island Office, the Home Office and. or course.. the British Government...
The People wrote:
"... Top cop John Stalker is the victim of a plot by Freemasonry that stretches all the way from Ulster to Whitehall, according to his friends and colleagues.. They are convinced that 'a get Stalker order' originated in Ulster, where he made enemies with his inquires into an alleged police 'shoot-to-kill' policy... the order was taken up in Manchester...
The News of the World offered a less global but equally sinister scenario:
James Anderton, Chief Constable of Greater Manchester, is studying secret information naming eight key officers. They are all members of the same Freemasons l
Lodge. Friends of Roman Catholic Mr Stalker believe the eight were asked by their mason colleagues in the Royal Ulster Constabulary (RUC) to 'dish the dirt' on him..
..Throughout the 'Stalker Affair I subscribed to a cuttings service which sent me every story linking Stalker and Freemasonry printed anywhere in Britain's press.
There are 200 such cuttings... such stories drove East Lancashire's Grand Lodge to hold the only press conference in fifty-seven years to deny the existence of a 'Mason Mafia'. ..Manchester's Masons claimed the witch hunt was on them,,
..Masons were active at almost every twist in 'Stalker', Some Masonic involvement was inevitable because Masons are numerically strong in the organizations with which Stalker was bound to clash with if he was doing his job properl...
the question is...Were masons acting in concert to protect each other, to protect Freemasonry or to protect the establishment in which Masons thrive and prosper... my opinion Stalker himself produces evidence in his book about the affair fairly points towards a conspiracy of interests, if not of individuals..
In May 1984 John Stalker as asked to lead an inquiry into three 1982 incidents in which an undercover RUC 'Mobile Support Unit' had shot dead five suspected Republican terrorists and a seventeen-year-old boy, All six were unarmed so questions were asked as to why they had not been taken alive. The fear was that RUC men had committed multiple murder. The deeper concern was that the 'murders' were not unauthorized acts by police marksmen committed in the heat of the moment, but the product of cold-blooded policy... ..In 1984 four of the marksmen were tried for murder but were acquitted. This distressed the families of the dead men (all Catholics) and outrages Republican sympathizers.
The two separate trials had disclosed systematic (if badly co-ordinated) police lying. One defendant revealed that senior Special Branch officers had told him what false story to tell, allegedly to protect their informers (some south of the border). Stalker's job was to investigate not just he shootings, but the cover stories and also the local CID's limp search for the truth, for it seemed as if RUC marksmen had been acquitted because their CID colleagues had deliberately failed to make a murder case against them...
..In his own book John Stalker tells how his Manchester team found out that shorltly before these killings, an informer had told the RUC that four of the suspects had been involved in an IRA landmine attack which killed three policemen. This incident had occurred just three weeks before he suspect's own deaths so it seemed likely that they were he victims of RUC revenge killings...
John Stalker asked for the intelligence file on the landmine attack, to check if the dead men had indeed been named as suspects, but RUC Special Branch (SB) repeatedly denied such a file existed... then when he finally
John Stalker was eventually suspended from the police force on false allegations against him of wrongful association with a local businessman named Kevin Taylor ..which was only activated when John Staler had finally manoeuvered Hermon into handing over the surviving Hayshed material which included a tape of a bug planted by MI and Special Branch which recorded the whole shooting incident..Stalker was granted completed access to March 1986.. he did not get his hands any of the material until 30th April..even then the crucial papers eluded him because on the 29th May, shortly before he was to fly to Belfast to get them he was removed forever from the inquiry...
Chapter 24 The Cotton Inheretence
"..Many of Britain's most prominent solicitors are Freemasons. They all appesr in Who's Who, yet none of their entries contains any reference to their involvement in Freemasonary (known as The Craft)
Some examples of past prominent Freemason solicitors are:
Sir Desmind Heap, President of the Law Society 1972-3, Solicitor for the Corporation of London fpr twenty-six years and England's greatest expert o town and country planning law.
Sir Edmund Liggins, President if the Law Society 1975-6. An eminent Warwickshire solicitor.
Sir David Napley, President of the Law Society 1976-7. England's leading defence solicitor. A lapsed Mason
Sir John Stebbings, President of the Law Society 1979. Member of a Derbyshire lodge (deceased December 1988)
David Sumberg MP, partner in a Manchester legal firm, member of a Staffordshire lodge.
Bert Millichip, Chairman of the Fotball Association, senior partner in the familty firm in West Bromwich, where he is active in Staffordshire Freemasnary.
Other prominent Masonic solicitors have included Julius Mermer, Lord Mayor of Cardiff 1987-8; John Evans, for twenty years Official Solicitor to the Supreme Court of Judicature; and Colonel George Kelway, High Court Registrar for Pembroke and Carmarthen from 1940 to 1962.
These folk are not household names. They do not match singers, sportsman or soap oera stars in public recognition. Yet they have been the backbone of Britain and Britain legal establishment which effectivey runs Britain... they are men of status and respect in the regions where they have built their careers, and nationally influential in the legal profession. Most of these men are Masons of Grand Rank and all are citizens above reproach...
..In contast, rank-and-filr Masonic solicitors are regarded as pillagers and looters by many anti-Masons. Stephen Knight's post -Brotherhood files are full of letters alleging all manner of conspiracies against the legal professions with allegations that most of the solicitors and barristers, advocates, Masters, Magistrates, Judges, Justices, Lords, Sherriffs and court staff they complain about having done the wrong thing to them....are suspected to be Freemasons and/or closely associated in various solcial, business, political and legal networks and associations they belong the solicitors and barristers, advocates, Masters, Magistrates, Judges, Justices, Lords, Sherriffs and court staff that are embers of the CRAFT OF FREEMASONRY...
.Most of these correspondents of compalint suffer from the same the ame problem: they often do not have enough evidnece that Freemsonry and/or Freemasons and/or their associates and friends have played a part in their troubles.... the ones that do not have the evidence ask for information how to find out if the the solicitors and barristers, advocates, Masters, Magistrates, Judges, Justices, Lords, Sherriffs and court staff that they say have done the wrong thing to them are in any way involved im Fremasonry...
...part of the answer to their question is that there should be a legal requirement that all Freemasons and/or anyone else in any sort of close association with Freemason members and/or involved in any way with any other social, political, business and/or legal association and/or network should ne required to openly declare such association on a public registrar before they are allowed to be involved in any appointment to a profession and/or job that involves making decisions about the public and/or acting for the public in any way..such as the solicitors and barristers, advocates, Masters, Magistrates, Judges, Justices, Lords, Sherriffs, court staff , anyone inv0lved in politics, local councils and/or any other puvlic and/or semi-public body and/or organisation....
..another part of the answer to their problem is the setting up an independent judicial inquiry body run by a retired judge who is not a Freemason and has declared not to have any possible strong biasn in favour of Freemasony...when anyone can request that they legal cases be reveiwed to see if they have been treate din a far and reasonable way... and such reveiw to be a completely different reveiw from all the normal appeals and reviews available at present in the legal system.. and such reveiw to be free of charge to the person requestion the reveiw...
..Their allegations are a shocking litany of businesses being destroyed, bankruptcies precipitated, investments mishandled, trust funds defrauded, tr5ials rigged and murders committed and covered up and who was really behind the murders also covered up so that proper and full investigations are simply not carried out by the relavent bodies...The writer of the allegations all claim Masonic solicitors have conspired with a mermutation of Masonic bank managers, estate agents, business rivals, policemen, judges - and even Masonic relatives.... each tragic tale has dozens of characters with an apparently bottomless capacity for evil... some 'victims' are themselves solicitors, driven out of business by Masonic competitors, or it is claimed....even if 95% of this stuff in fantasy, the rest shows there are a lot of wicked people in the world, be they be Masons or not...
..Freemasons however, did pay a large role in one miserable story of an old Lancashire lady who ame to sign anew will only days before she died. In 1980 Mrs Esther Cotton aged ninety-two was sick with cancer. She was living alone at home, taking tablets to kill the pain and slow the cancer's growth..On 9th December 1980 her doctor discovered sge was suffering not just from cancer but from bruses to her face and legs, black eyes and cuts, broke ribs and a collapsed vertebrae, Her doctor promptly put is Ormskirk General Hospital where she complained of leg and neck pains. Mrs Cotton's ankles were swollen and the cancer had completely destroyed her tight breast. Tests also showed she was very deaf and suffering from severe heart trouble and anaemia. Two days later she was sinking fast: nois at times but very drowsy in between. By 12th December, despite fairly heavy sedation, she was in constant pain...
On this same day Mrs Cotton was the subject of frenzied attention which was far from medical. Shortly after midday a solicitor named Gordon Brown appeared at Mrs Cotton's beside insisting she sign a new will. The soliticitor, Gordon Brown, was not Mrs Cotton's regular solicitor, but was acting on instructions from Mrs Cotton's son, Ernest... Because of the noise and bustle of the ward, Brown asked for the dying woman to be moved to a private room where, witnessed by two hospital administrators, she scrawled a mark where she was meant to sihn her name on the will document...
.... Within hours her condition rapidly worsened. Her face turned grey, she suffered a relapse, and had to be treated for congestive cardiac failure. Her condition further deteriorated ... On the 17th December, 1980, Mrs Cotton slipped into a coma and died. Mrs Cotton's funeral was attended to by her son Ernest and her daughter, Mrs Juneth Pilkington.
Juneth had ben visiting her mother twice daily but the first she knew of the will was on 29th December when a copy came through her letterbox. Juneth thought it strange that her mother had never told her about this will but stranger still that her mother Mrs Cotton could have made it at all. In hospital her condition had been so bad that she could say nothing, could recognize no one and, says Juneth, had quite lost her mental facilities.
As Juneth read through the will (in which she and her brother were named as executors) Juneth was stunned. The will said Juneth would get just one-quarter of the value of her mother's house. Each of four grandchildren would get a mere £100, but the rest of the estate would go to her brother, Ernest, 'for his own use and benefit absolutely'. The estate was no pittance. The and was worth some £60,000, much of it was tied up in the family business, a motor coach firm. Yet only five months before she signed this 'hospital will', Mrs Cotton had signed another very different message: she was going to leave each grandchild £1,000, but everything else was to be split between her son and daughter 'in equal shares absolutely'.
What shocked Juneth was not the loss of so much money, but the clandestine way in which the new will had been concocted. The solicitor Gordon Brown had never acted for her mother before, whereas her solicitor for the past thirty years was not consulted. Indeed, no one had even told Mrs Cotton's previous solicitor that Mrs Cotton was ill.
In the period between these wills the future of the coach firm had caused great family bitterness. The trouble went back to 1948 when old Mr Cotton had died without a will. The business had been held in trust ever since, with shares divided between Mrs Cotton and the Children. Juneth refused to sell her shares to Ernest, who ran the business and wanted total ownership. The 'hospital will' did not give him that - it could could not take away the shares Juneth already had - but it gave `Ernest his mother's 50 percent share, and thus Ernest had majority control for the first time.
Juneth herself had been very ill during her mother's last days at home but Juneth had called in to see her mother Mrs Cotton on the 4th December, 1980, when she found Mrs Cotton squatting on a settee in an incoherent state. Juneth called the doctor but does not know if he saw Mrs Cotton before the 9th December, 1980, when he sent her to hospital. However, Juneth was not sure whether Mrs Cotton was not suffering from cuts, bruises, broken ribs or collapsed vertebrae.
Years later Juneth gained access to previously withheld hospital notes and discovered that on 6 December someone had called the hospital to report that Mrs Cotton's back had 'caved in' and she was covered in bruises because of several falls. Juneth also learned that on the 8th December, 1980, the solicitor Gordon Brown, acing on Juneth brother's instructions, had twice visited Mrs Cotton so that she could dictate a new will. Nether he nor a colleague could have noticed her caved-in back, or they would have realized she was in no condition to make a will. Instead, Gordon Brown took down the details and later had them typed on the appropriate form. On 12th December, 1980, by which time Mrs Cotton was in hospital, she signed her new will. Two hospital employees initialled a few hand written words saying the contents had been read over to Mrs Cotton, 'she appearing perfectly to understand the same'.
Re-reading the will with care, Juneth felt her mother could have no idea what Mrs Cotton was signing. Mrs Cotton's signature was illegible, and unlike her normal signature as it appeared on the earlier will. The E(for Esther) was vaguely recognizable, but the A (for Annie) was like a M. In place of 'Cotton', there were a few gnarled loops with no 't's or an 'n'.
Juneth did not dispute that her mother made that that scrawl, but felt that maybe her hand had been held, but what was extraordinary about the will was that it contained two gross errors. Mrs Cotton's 'dwellinghouse' is described as '22 Brighouse Close, Ormskirk', whereas she lived at number 33. Even more astonishing, the document is made out in the wrong name: 'Hester Annie Cotton', not Esther Annie Cotton. At no time in her life had Esther ever been called Hester.
Would anyone in his or her right mind voluntarily sign a will made out in the wrong name and address? Can such a will be valid?
In succeeding months and years, Juneth tried to find out if her mother could possibly have known what she was doing. in 1981, Mr Cotton's doctor wrote that, on 9th December, 1980: "My patient appeared to be in agony and under a great deal of distress. I therefore did not think it appropriate to assess he metal capacity. I immediately arranged her urgent admission into hospital.'
On the 10th December, 1980, a hospital physician (whom solicitor Gordon Brown had approached) wrote, 'She is is a fit mental state to sign a will.' Later he explained that on 12th December, 1980, he thought Mrs Cotton capable of understanding and signing a will, and could appreciate the extent of the property, the person who should be considered, and the way her estate should be divided.
If so, how did Mrs Cotton not protest that her new will made a hast of her name and address? The opinion also clashes with Juneth's experience on 10th December, 1980, when her mother, Mrs Cotton, failed to recognize Juneth and two other familiar visitors. The next day Mrs Cotton did not recognize her own grandchild. The day after, Mrs Cotton failed to recognize Juneth, only one hour before she signed the new will...
... was wearing a hearing aid, but I did not check to see it it was working properly, as I had no reason to suspect that it wasn't. When I spoke to Mrs Cotton I did so is aloud voice, bending over the patient. Mrs Cotton did not make any comment regarding mistakes in her name and the address of her property. I asked the patient if she understood what I had read out and if she agreed with it. As far as I can recollect Mrs Cotton did not make any comments, Mrs Cotton appeared to be an elderly ill lady...
Juneth's solicitors sent all available hospital records and statements t a consultant physician in Liverpool. In his Opinion he sated Mrs Cotton had been very ill for six weeks before she died. When Mrs Cotton signed the will, her mind may have been clouded by pain from widespread canerous growth; impairment and cardiovascular functions through cancer, and toxic absorption; lack of natural sleep; effects of drugs against pain and for sedation; and difficulty in communication and resulting frustration due to advanced deafness. He went on....
.....It is indeed quite possible that `Mrs Cotton may have been given the appearance of not only hearing, but also understanding the contents of the will, as read to her, It is, however, more doubtful whether her cerebral functions were sufficiently unimpaired for her to express her own viewpoints on the contents of the will and to use her independent judgement ... I am inclined to believe that not only an extraordinary effort on her part would have enabled her to rise above her suffering in order to concentrate her mind on the task presented to her by the solicitor on December the 12th, 1980....
In a letter to Juneth's solicitors, Gordon Brown said that Ernest Cotton had told him to visit his mother and take instructions. He cannot comment now because he died in 1984, yet the question remains.... for whom was solicitor Gordon Brown really acting for? Even if Mrs Cotton were compos metis, Mrs Cotton would not have known Gordon Brown from Adam. Mrs Cotton's son Ernest only brought Gordon Brown into her ninety two year old life at her last gasp. So what was the relationship between Ernest Cotton and solicitor Gordon Brown?
Ernest Cotton and solicitor Gordon Brown are both Freemasons- both members of Ormskirk's Pilgrim Lodge (no. 6207). In 1946 Ernest's Cotton's father had been one Ormskirk Pilgrim Lodge's founders.. Ernest Cotton was Master in 1962 and later achieved the mighty provincial rank of Senior Grand Deacon. Ernest Cotton was a big wheel in West Lancashire Freemasonry, whereas Gordon Brown had only just been initiated. When Brown drew up the 'hospital will' he was a mere Fellow Craft. Just three weeks later he was raised to the third degree and became a Master Mason. The gap in the two men's Masonic status was immense, notwithstanding that, in the wider world, Gordon Brown was a prosperous solicitor while Cotton ran a modest coach firm. When Cotton asked him to make a will for his mother, it was an offer Solicitor/Freemason Gordon Brown could not refuse. The job had even been arranged in the ledge. On the 3rd of December, 1980, as some brothers stood drinking at the bar in Ormskirk Masonic Hall, Ernest Cotton walked over to Brown and was heard saying he 'had a little job for him'.
Such deals may well go on all the time in Ormskirk Masonic Hall, which has many Masons, The mid-Lancashire town has a population of about 27,000 of which about 10,000 are men over twenty-one. The Masonic Hall in Park Road caters for eleven lodges with some 700 members. Even if many of them live in other communities nearby, it seems one Ormskirk man in twenty is 'on the square' (the common description of a Freemason). The town's most powerful lodge is Ormskirk Priority (no. 4007). At six o'clock on the fourth Wednesday of each month from September to April, its members slip into the hall to perform rituals, quaff a gin and tonic and super at the festive board.
This lodge showed its power one morning in July 1985 by bringing the town to a halt for the funeral of one of its most revered members. By nine o'clock Ormskirk was paralysed by traffic. Everyone was late for work and shops could not open because the assistants had not arrived. Tradesmen, office staff and shoppers sat in their cars and fumed because, without warning, the main carpark had been closed to the public so mourners would have only a short walk to the parish church.
The dead man, Howard Ballance, had been a pillar of the community since World War II. A dentist, he had been a councillor for town and country for thirty-eight years, He was chairman of Lancashire Police Authority for thirty-three years, and was still a Justice of Peace (JP) and chairman of the Magistrates Bench when called to the Grand Lodge Above'.
Nobody begrudged Ballance a good funeral, but giving his mourners sole use of the carpark sent the town wild. The Chamber of Trade was furious and rand the police to complain, The cops said the council had told them to do it. The Chamber's president blasted the the council's 'Kremlin-like attitude' of 'we are equal, but some are more equal than other'. The council blamed the idea on the police, but said that, anyway, 'it was a sensible way out of what could have been a ticklish problem'. The problem may have been how to appease Lodge no. 4007, whose members included several more councillors, and Ormskirk's ten other lodges. In all Freemason members could call on a total of fifteen of the town's fifty-five JP's and quite a few brethren among the local police.
One policeman belonged to Pilgrim Lodge with Ernest Cotton and his solicitor Gordon Brown. Other members were factory owners, engineers, builders, shopkeepers, estate agents, an accountant, a printer. a farmer and an instrument technician named Derek Pilkington. He was Juneth Cotton's husband, and it was her brother Ernest Cotton who had nominated Derek Pilkington in 1978 at old Mrs Cotton's instance.
Derek Pilkington was raised to Master Mason in October 1979 and regularly attended lodge meetings until November 1979 and regularly attended ledge meetings until November 1980, when the family was in dispute over the future of the coach business. Until this was sorted out Derek Pilkington decided to 'withdraw' from attend the lodge, thus avoiding a row with his brother-in-law and complying with Freemasonry's Ancient Charge that, 'no private piques or quarrels must be brought within the door of the lodge'.
However, the Pilkingtons did complain to a lodge elder about what they felt was Ernest Cotton's 'unmasonic behaviour. They said Ernest Cotton had 'quite wrongly' put pressure on his mother to sign a will to his own advantage and the near disinheritance of his sister. Ernest Cotton had also damaged the interests of a brother Mason (Derek Pilkington), breaking the Masonic commandment of brotherly love. The elder was upset and rand Ormskirk's top Mason (another JP) for advice. The Pilkingtons hoped this call would result in a pledge of Masonic justice, but they received none. Far from getting help from Freemasonry, they were soon ostracized by it, in Juneth COTTON'S words:
....We very soon gathered that our past Freemason friends and their wives no longer desired our company. After learning the good points of Freemasonry, and believing in its foundations, having enjoyed so much the company of the brethren and their families, this sudden treatment came as a shock. We were obviously being treated with the alternative treatment to murder, as laid down in the rituals. Instead of having our throats cut across, we were branded as 'wilfully perjured individuals, void of all moral worth and totally unfit to be received into this worshipful lodge...'.....
Derek Pilkington was promptly struck off the lodge steward's list, perhaps in retribution for branding Ernest Cotton's conduct 'unmasonic', perhaps because he had stayed away from three meetings rather than clash with his brother-in-law. It was on the advice of her mother's doctor that Juneth Cotton decoded to fight the 'hospital will', but she ran into widespread obstruction. She wanted to see insurance papers for the coach firm of which she had long being a partner. Swindon Insurance's local manager, George Parr, refused to let her have them, He said, she was 'on dangerous ground' and added, 'my firm has not got enough money to fight this,'..He did not explain these remarks, but Juneth thinks he was referring to the 'secret and silent power of Freemasonry and Rotary9=9 avery much related organisation)'. Parr may not have been a mason but he was definitely in Rotary: 'Many Rotarians are Masons and it seems clear that is Parr was to help me in my troubles he would be working against the interests of his close professional colleagues.' When Parr died in 1983, many Masons had refused to give Juneth Cotton details of the family firm's accounts. Pilgrim Lodge kept its funds in one of those banks...
Meantime, Derek Pilkington had been the victim of a forgery which could only have been perpetrated by a FreeMason. According to the constitutions every lodge member should receive a Grand Lodge certificate as soon as he is registered as a third-degree FreeMason. Derek Pilkington's third-degree Freemason certificate arrived twenty-three months late: on the 28th August, 1981 is a dirty crumpled envelope dropped through the letterbox at dinnertime. Derek complained to the Provincial GRand Secretary, who wrote back saying 'Pilgrim Lode had kept the certificate in order to present it to him in person...' and 'when he did not turn up to the lodge, it was sent on by registered post..'
That letter contained two errors. fed to the writer by some Pilgrim Lodge member. Derek had attended all its meetings for a full twelve months after he became a Master Mason: which was ample time for him to receive the certificate in person. As for 'registered post', he had never signed for the document because it had been stuffed through the door when no one was at home.
Derek Pilkington got in touch with the local acting post master who referred to the registered mail receipt book. This contained a signature in Derek's name which showed he had received the letter on the 26th August, 1981: a full two days before it landed of Derek's doormat. The official admitted the signature looked new and stood out from the page, but said it must have been made on that date..
If so, it had not been made by Derek because he and Juneth were on holiday in France on the 26th August, 1981, and did not return until two days later. No one else had been at home to sign on his behalf or in his name. Besides, the letter bore no registration slip. The Pilkingtons called in the police. A CID man confirmed that the signature looked 'fresh' yet nothing came of his inquiries, even though the suspects were obvious. The forgery could have been perpetuated only by a high-ranking Post Office official with access to the registered mail pen, or wit such a person's co-operation.
This may sound trivial, but it proves Freemasonry can pervert even the Royal Mail. It if interferes with registered letters, what else does Freemasonry contaminate?
The the incident also shows how far some Masons will go to cover up a breach of their own rules. First forge the signature, then lie to the Provincial Grand Secretary (a former policeman, then get him to regurgitate the lie to the victim. even hough he too is a Mason.
Handing out certificates on time and in the correct manner is the job of a lodge secretary. In 1981 the secretary of Pilgrim Lodge was Ernest Cotton. In November that year Derek sent a cheque to cover his annual subscriptions and £10 for Masonic charities. He also enclosed a note which he asked the Master to read in open lodge to the assembled brethren:
Please accept my apologies for my non-attendance at Pilgrim Lodge ... being unable to attend has been a bitter disappointment to me, but, as you know, there is a brother in the lodge with whom I am at variance over matters which have caused deep distress for almost two years to my wife and myself...I regret so few of my Brothers feel able to discuss my problems with me, or are prepared to listen... However, when the time comes, the Great Architect of the Universe will surely as always be on the side of righteousness...
The letter was not read out and Derek Pilkington never got a reply to his letter...
..In 1983 Derek also lost his job...
The manager who sacked him was also in the brotherhood.. Freemasons are exhorted to give a brother work, not deprive him of a job. yet Derek's dismissal was unfair and unnecessary, as he later proved to an industrial tribunal which found wholly in Derek's favour..
..In January 1984 the Masonic solicitor Gordon Brown died aged little more than fifty. His funeral was attended by many Pilgrim brethren, but not by Ernest Cotton. Some Pilgrim men felt Brown's health had declined largely because he had spend three year trying yo defend the indefensible 'hospital will'. The Pilkington's are convinced its 'mistakes' were deliberate.
For instance, the will says Juneth Pilkington is to get one-quarter of the value of Mrs Cotton's 'dwellinghouse' but then gives the wrong address. This might have been a mistake, but it could have been a deliberate ploy to cut her out of her inheritance altogether. As it is worded, she would have received one-quarter of a property which her mother never owned - in other words, nothing at all.
The Pilkington's also say the mistake over Mrs Cotton's name is a Masonic sign. Falsely named 'Hester Annie', not 'Esther Annie', her initials become H.A. These also stand for Hiram Abiff (H.A.), the 'architect' of the Temple of Solomon. The 'Widow' is inserted, as word which did not appear in the earlier will. However, if this is a 'Masonic' will, the word 'Widow' is there to show that Ernest is the 'Widow's Son', a phrase FreeMasons use to identify themselves to other Masons.
Derek Pilkington has often complained to top Masonic officials, but they refuse to get involved, saying his dispute with Cotton is a legal matter in which Freemasonry cannot interfere. Derek retorts that Masonic lawyers have interfered from the start, first by drawing up a 'Masonic will' and then by ensuring no other lawyer is town dare to fight it. When he complained to Freemasons' Hall in London, Commander Michael Higham wrote to suggest he consult another lawyers 'in another town'.
This is just what the Pilkingtons did, when they eventually found a non-Masonic solicitor in Manchester. In 1987 they were about to fight the will in court, when Ernest Cotton's side made a last-minute offer: half the value of the mother's house and £4,500 for Juneth Pilkington's share in the coach business. This came to £18,000 out of an estate worth some £60,000. Her barrister urged her strongly to accept, to avoid a legal contest which would exhaust the estate and leave her with nothing.
As a result the will's glaring mistakes ( or Masonic signs) were never tested, nor was the legality of Mrs Cotton's signature nor the issue of her mental state. Instead, a highly suspect will - perhaps made under duress - was laundered and legitimized by the legal process itself. Now the law took its own cut, Juneth had to pay costs of £9,000: half her entire share of the estate.
... Ernest Cotton in the meantime had been Master of Pilgrim Lodge a second time.
.... Ernest Cotton has now been awarded the lofty rank of Past Provincial Grand Warden, an honour which goes only to men who embody what the Anchient Charges call 'the benign influence of masonry, as all true masons have done from the beginning of the world, and will do to the end of time'. A former town councillor, Cotton has even had a road named after him.,,
In contrast, Derek Pilkington has been 'excluded' from Pilgrim Lodge for non-payment of dues but, as he told officials, he could not attend until the anti-Masonic deeds of other members of the lodge had been remedied. Derek's unfair dismissal by another Mason and subsequent unemployment were two more reasons why he could not pay £35 a year. Yet his Brethren resolved that it was Derek Pilkington, and no one else, who was 'void of all moral worth and totally unfit to be received into this worshipful Lodge or any other warranted Lodge or society of men, who prize honour and virtue above the external advantages of rank and fortune...'.....
For many years Worshipful Brother Ernest Cotton ran a funeral business from the same premises as the family coach firm. A decade later, on the shelves of the unlocked and deserted garage, a plastic bag was discovered. It contained the remains of a named individual incinerated at Thornton Crematorium on the 15th November, §974. Out of respect for the man and his family, I shall not name him here... However, his crematorium reference number was C9856. Perhaps he too was a Freemason, Even if he was not, his ashes deserved rather better care from a Masonic undertaker...
"..It is an obvious truth, that the privileges of Masonry have long been prostituted for unworthy considerations. and hence their good effects have been less conspicuous.... William Preston, one of Freemason's greatest teachers....written more than 200 years ago by William Preston..
In 1972 William Preston could see his beloved Brotherhood sinking into a 'general odium, or at least a careless in difference'....
Today Freemasonry has an even worse public image that in Preston's day ...but does it deserve it?
In Martin Short's Inside the Brotherhood, Martin Short tries to weigh all its good effects against the cost of this enduring prostitution...
Martin Short's Inside the Brotherhood car has its origins in the pioneering work of Stephen Knight who died in July 1985 aged thirty-three, just eighteen months after the publication of his best-selling, controversial and much-despised expose of Freemasonry, The Brotherhood...
..... Had Stephen Knight lived, Stephen Knight would have written his own sequel. Instead Martin Short stepped, almost literally, into a dead ma's shoes.. Martin Short's tracked down many of Stephen Knight's sources and read hundreds of letters sent in response to Stephen Knight's book, which were never pursued because of illness. More than three years after Stephen Knight's death, fan mail still pours in for Stephen ... Knight from all over the world...
Behind Closed Doors-
The power and Influence of Secret Societies
Michael Streeter
The Church of Scientology -
Fair Game
Ron Hubbard’s (the founder of the Church of Scientology) approach to anyone who disagreed or criticized Scientology – and thhere have been many- could be summed up by his ‘fair game’ policy…This policy was aimed at those who were called ‘Supressive Persons (SP’s). Hubbard believed that about 2,5 percent of the world’s population was an “SP”, this is, someone who wanted to destroy whatever was good or useful in the world.. However, in practice, this meant anyone who was opposed to of Scientology
An example of alleged ‘fair game’ used against those regarded as hostile to Scientology was seen in 2007, during a now notorious BBC investigation into Scientology by reporter John Sweeney.. That investigation is best known for the way in which Sweeney – an experienced journalist who has reported form trouble spots throughout the world – lost his temper during an exchange with a Scientologist spokesman…Sweeney said on the BBC website: “While making our BBC Panorama film “Scientology and me”, I have been shouted at, spied on, had my hotel invaded at midnight, been denounced as s “bigot” by star Scientologists and been chased around the streets of Los Angeles by sinister strangers. Back in Britain strangers have called on my neighbours and my mother-in-law, and someone spied on my wedding and fled the moment he was challenged…
As well as allegedly using such harassment tactics, Scientology has also been accused of trying to curtail freedom of speech on the Internet. This is a key issue when discussing the impact of the movement on modern society….However, the website run by Andreas Heldal-Lund, in Norway, has continued to publish Scientology material on his website.. He states on his website: ‘After careful consideration I have concluded that these material are being kept secret in order to withhold information form the public, with the sole purpose of deceiving the public as to the true nature of Scientology. I feel it is my moral duty to society to reveal this information to the public in order to alert them as to its nature…Chuck Beatty, who became a Scientologist in 1975 as a young student in Phoenix, Arisona, and stayed for 27 years because he was especially impressed when he learned that, after becom9ing a ‘clear’ and moving on to the higher levels known as ‘Opertating Thetan’ or the ‘OT’ levels, he would learn to ‘zoom around the universe like Falsh Gordon’. He adds: ‘What a perfect idea! Instead of being bound by earth and archaic religions, this was like a space-age religion,’ says Chuck Beatty…’of course, after 27 years you find out that nobody is doing this stuff. It’s a complete fucking scam – it’s outrageous.”
Organisation and structure of The Church of Scientology
The Scientology organization operates through a variety of different bodies throughout the world.. For Ron Hubbard, the group’s structure and discipline was no incidental occurrence, but an integral part of Scientology.. Chuck Beatty was a member of what is called the Sea organization (“Sea Org”). this organisation provides the staff members for the upper echelons of Scientology, and is known as its religious order, or ‘Vatican’. As Beatty refers to it. According to Scientology’s own description: #Sea org members work long hours and live communally with housing, meals, uniforms, medical and dental care provided by the Church. They participate in Scientology training and auditing during a portion of each day, but otherwise dedicate themselves to furthering the objectives of Scientology through particular functions.’
Long-standing critics of the movement are less kind. ‘Scientology actually has a lot in common with the worst excesses of the Nazis, with the Sea Org playing the role of the Gastapo,’ says Professor Touretzky. ‘It is the only “church” with its own intelligence branch, called the Office of Special Affairs,” According to Beatty, ‘as well as keeping dossiers on ‘enemies’ of Scientology, this office (where Beatty’s second wife had worked) also circulated the bad press that Hubbard and Scientology attracted in what are called ‘pass arounds’, with the aim of helping them counter negative publicity. Members of the Sea org ( Beatty included) sign ‘billion-year contracts’ as part of their commitment Scientology and the Sea Org…
The Sea Org started life in 1967, when for a period of seven years Scientology was run by Ron Hubbard form on board a boat…in reality the relocation was probably due to the fact that Scientology had been running into problems with various governments around the world, and the sea was one place where the organization could operate without hindrance, ( Operation from the sea could also have been a way of testing potential safe havens). Scientology’s clashed with various governments, parliaments and legal systems go right to the heart of the concerns about the influence of the Scientology
Movement. Following an official report
Inside The World's Oldest Secret Society
By Paul Jeffers
published by Citadel Books
Kensington Publishing Group
859 Third Avenue New York, NY, 10022
Tel: 1-800-221-2647
Chapter 19- The Men Who Run the World .starting Page 158
'''Throughout Freemasonry's history, wary, suspicious and often frightened outsiders have denounced it as a seed of paganism and/or being anti-Christian, explorers of dark mysteries of Occult, as web of Satanism, and a revolutionary threat to the established order, whether it be democracy or totalitarianism. In the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, European monarchs persistently suppressed Masonry in their belief that it fomented revolution. When the Horthy regime took power in 1919-1920, it marked the start of raids by army officers on Masonic lodges hat included the destruction of libraries, records, archives, paraphernalia, and works of art. Masonic buildings were seized and used for anti-Masonic exhibitions, A decree of 1920 mad Masonry unlawful.... In German, as noted previously, General Erich von Ludendorff, a Hero of World War I, and his wife spread anti-Semitic propaganda during the 1920's. They wrote the tract "Annihilation of Freemasonry through Revelation of is Secrets"and other hate-illed material that explained Germany's defeat in World War I as "a knife in the back by Jews and Masons.". Later, in Mein Kampf ( Adolph Hitler;s autobiography written while in prison for attempting to over throw the democratic government in Germany in the 1920's-Hitler wrote that Masonry had "succumbed to the jews and had become an "excellent instrument" to achieve their aims. He said Germany's post-World-War I "general pacifistic paralysis of the national instinct of self-preservation" began with Freemasonry..In 1931, Nazi Party official were given a Guide and Instructional Letter" that said. "The natural hostility of the peasant against the Jews, and his hostility against the Freemasons as a servant of the Jew, must be worked up to a frenzy. After `hitler came to power in January 1833, his top deputy, herman Goering, informed the grand master of the Grand Lodge of Germany here was "no place for Freemasonry" in Nazi Germany. At that time, there were nine principle German Grand Lodges, with a membership of almost 80,000. The largest were the Grand Lodges of Three Globes, National grand Lodge of All German freemasons, and the Grand Lodge Royal York of Friendship. Their leaders were told tat the Nazi government did not intend to prohibit the activities of the lodge, but that the masonic Order must discontinue the use of the words "Freemason" and "lodge", break a;; international relations, require that its members be of German descent, remove the requirement of secrecy, and discard all parts of the ritual that are of Old testament origin, Thereafter, the Association of german Freemasons called itself the National Christian Order of Frederick the Great.
- it is however noted here that well respected author Martin Allen in his book The Hitler/Hess Deception-British Intelligence's Best-Kept Secret of the second World War states that Hitler was not the real author of Mein Kampf with the bulk or maybe all of the information for Mein Kampf be provided by Professor Karl Haushofer, with Hess Rudolf Hess taking down the notes while in prison with adolph Hitler ..with Haushofer was the man who provided Hess and Hitler all their political awareness and knowledge and understanding of world affairs.... in October 1944, an investigation by the FBI would take a statement that revealed: 'according to (name Censored) Rudolf Heds... brought Hitler and Haushofer together (and this) combination of Hess and Haushfer was, on the opinion of (Censored) the root of the Nazi Party' .. in fact Karl Haushefer and his son Albrecht became confidential advisors to Adolph Hitler and Rudolf Hess on their most important foreign policy matters - in effect an unofficial Fuhrer's private office on foreign affairs..
The Hitler/Hess Deception-P20-21: "... one of the significant facts about the 1923 Munich Putsh is that it marked a watershed in the Hess-Hitler relationship. Hess would come to prominence as the loyal Nazi-Hitler relationship. Hess would come to prominence as the loyal Nazi who followed his Fuhrer to Lansberg priosn, near Munich, for a year of confinement after the failed "Putsch', during which time he acted as Hitler's secretary whilst he wrote his vitrolic book on political ideology, Mein Kampf...While there were incarcerated at Landsberg, Hitler and Hess were extensively tutored by Pressor Karl Haushofer. Indeed, many of Haushofer's geopolitical theories on Lebensraum, German ethnicity and nationhood, became adopted as Hitlerisms in Mein fact, Hitler was quite literally a captive audience to Hess and his political guru Karl Haushofer, receiving tutorials on the european balance of power, the distribution of peoples, ethnicity, colonies and nationalism....'
Inside The World's Oldest Secret Society
Chapter 20: The Future of Freemasonry: P.177
Of the world's estimated 5.9 million Freemasons the majority live in the United States ( about 4 million). Most of the other can be found in English-speaking nations, Statistics for English Masonry are somewhat unreliable because an individual can belong to more than one lodge. Worldwide estimates place membership in England and Wales at about 550,000, Scotland 400,000, Ireland 47,000, Canada and United States 4.1 million; Europe 0,00, Australasia 375,000, Latin America 50,00-; Philippines 10,000; and other areas India, Japan, Formosa, Africa, and Israel) 288,000
..Since the mid-1960's, the members in the unites Stated have been declining. This has been attributed to an increasingly secular and materialistic society in which the youth of the "MTV" generation prefer to make their social connections by going to shopping malls, the movies, and rock-an-roll concerts, rather than joining groups that attracted their fathers and grandfathers. they appear to believe that the rituals and rites of such organizations offer no relevance to their lives. Historian John J. Robinson, author of 'Born in Blood: The Lost Secrets of Freemasonry', assigns the cause of "the erosion of recruitment" by Freemasonry to "an increasingly permissive and materialistic society (in which) concepts of personal morality, personal pride, and personal honour may appear antiquated." ... This does not mean that Masons are resigned to ultimate extinction, In "Freemasonry and its Future," David F, Coady writes that while "doomsayers are ready to bury the Craft," the future of Freemasonry "lies with the youth of our nation." If these writers "could leave their marble sanctuaries and come down in the quarries of the workmen who are grooming the young men of today to be Freemasons of tomorrow," he continues, "they would see the light at the end of the tunnel." ..Speaking to the District Grand Lodge of North Queensland, Australia, in 1989, Allan D, Wakeham warned, "If we ourselves cannot see in our organization a purpose in the community which is wider than our internal aims, then we will never draw unto our ranks the type of men we need, neither will we be able to convince the world outside that it is an organization which has a beneficial influence on the affairs of the community at large In an address titles "Masonry in the Modern World," Reverend Dean J.O. Rymer, dean of Auckland, New Zealand, said:
",, Because the world is modern, it does not follow that it is the best conceivable world that there could be, To my mind it is not, Nevertheless, we have to recognize that there could be, To my mind it is not, Nevertheless, we have to recognize that nothing that nothing stands still. We liv e in a world of change. If all aspects if life were altered we would repeat mistakes in every generation. There are some values that will be permanent, whatever changes happen in societies. It is these values that we must preserve, whether we are the Church or civic authorities or Freemasonry, It is for Freemasonry to discover in its own self-understanding that which we must never surrender, Belief in God is necessary for any civilization to continue. High moral standards accepted by a community are necessary if people are to live together. The respect for the value of individual persons is obligatory if individuals are to realize their personal potential/ It is the commitment to these beliefs and values that Freemasonry must always uphold. Freemasonry is a solid foundation in unchanging principles, it can be a marvelous training ground in ethical sensitivity, but its searchlight exclusively on itself, and neglects a study of that larger society which exists outside the lodge room ..." ...
Gary A, Henningsen, past grand master and grand secretary, New York State GRand Lodge of Masons, in an address titles " A Look Ahead ,,, No Secret to masons, Ours Is a Fraternity That Encourages the Human Imagination and Will Continue to Do So Even into This New Century and Millennium" said"
" ...Human imagination has always thrived in Freemasonry. WE have enticed to our fraternity artists, poets, warriors, inventors, manufacturers, explorers, pioneers, government leaders, business tycoons and gentle everyday family men made better because of their association with the love of our beloved Craft (Freemasonry), It has been so from the very beginning. And that holds whether you think our beginnings took root with the formation of the United Grand Lodge of England, the Illuminati, Knights Templar or Crusader days, the Druids and/or the Egyptians.... Whenever and where ever a people proclaimed a belief in God, in the immortality of their soul, and in a heartfelt obligation to help and serve their fellow man, the environment fostered the unfoldment of human imagination. Whether these people were bona fide Freemasons complete with dues card or forerunners of what was to become bona fide Freemasonry, we have much to be grateful as we advance into the uncertainties of this unfolding 21st Century. We've a wonderous track record to lean on and to emulate. For the first time in history, the consequences of our acts as masons not only will affect our immediate environment, but also can affect the entire planet, WE've never been at this point before. We need to give it serious thought..."
... Calling Freemasons "Eighteen Million Beacons of Light," he saw 6 million men..
.." .... believe in God (by whatever name), believe in the immortality of our souls, and, in the heartfelt obligation to serve our fellow man as we would have our fellow man serve us... What a wonderful opportunity we're being given to become responsible planetary stewards of our human creatively, thus preventing others from wreaking unimaginable horror on our planetary home.,,Nowhere since entering Masonry have we sensed the boundless possibilities so available to us individuals as masons, and collectively as a fraternity..." ..
The purpose of this book is to examine Freemasonry by exploring its complex and often controversial history, delving into its rituals and rites, and drawing back the shroud of mystery and suspicion that has enveloped it for centuries....
..In the interests of full disclosure, I'm not and never have been a Freemason .... However, because I meet basic rules of membership, could have been, I believe in God, I'm over the age of 21, and I have no criminal record..... I am not among the Freemasonic fellowship, or other groups, such as Kiwanis, Rotary, Off Fellows, Elks, and so on, for two reasons. (a) I've not been invited to join, and (b) except for professional societies, a few labor unions in which membership was a condition of employment, and a peculiar group dedicated to keeping green the memory and the spirit of sherlock Homes, known as the Baker Street Irregulars, I've never been a joinder. Consequently, when U was asked if I would be interested in writing a book on the Masons, I knew almost nothing about them. I was aware of "Shriners" wearing quaint, colourful outfits consisting of flowing capes and a tasseled cap called a fez as they march in the annual Tournament of Roses and other parades, that the motion picture academy awards are handed out at the Shrine auditorium in Los Angeles, and that the Shriners run several Hospitals for children... I've passed by the Masonic lodge in my hometown and others in cities in the united Sates and elsewhere, I've known men who wore masonic rings and other emblems that seemed to me to be no more significant than the class rings adorning his school and college graduates and the pins on sweaters of members of college fraternities.
.. Deciding to launch a quick exploration of the subject before committing myself to the project, I learned that Freemasonry is an international fraternity, although some lodges admit women.. membership is open to adults who believe in a Supreme Divine Being and immortality of the soul. While Freemasonry does not claim to be a religion, its beliefs have been heavily influenced by eighteenth - and nineteenth century Universalism and Deism. Its critics find in its influences of occultism, anti-christianity, and even satanism. While its members must believe in a divine Being, Masonry is open to people of all religions and races. Although Freemasonry is found all over the world. it is not a monolithic organization with a central authority figure, such as the Catholic Church;s papacy, an 'international president', or "secretary general", board of directors, or other overreaching governing authority. The governing body is a country is called the Grand Lodge, In the United States there is one for each stated in which Masonry exists...
...The oldest secret society in the world, Freemasons engage in rituals and rites that are said to date the the building of Solomons' Temple and the murder of it's Chief architect, Hiram Abiff,
(please note that many other Freemason Historians and Researchers come to the strong conclusions that this part of the historical background of Freemasonry is simply a fabrication made up in the 1600's by the 'Speculative masons"_not 'building workers'.. who made a take over of Freemasonry in the 1600's when they employed Dr James Anderson and others to write a new Freemason Constitution and historical account and codes and rituals for Modern Day Freemasonry to give a thousands of years old feel to Freemasonry which would gibe authenticity and creditability to the secret codes, oaths and blood curdling rituals of death by satanic and devastating means to those Freemasons who spoke about what happens in Freemasonry Lodges to the outside would on non-Freemasons)
Common ancient tools used in construction that are employed in Masonic ceremonies - trowel, plumb, level and compass - have symbolic meanings that are related to developing morality and the advancement of the members to the understanding of "Universal Light." Although Freemasons engage in secrecy regarding these rituals, Freemasons dispute a popular belief that Masonry is a sinister organization. They also dismiss allegations of a masonic conspiracy to control the United States and the world, Masons answer that they are simply idealists who have banded together to study and celebrate common moral beliefs and individual improvement.
What is not in dispute is an astonishing number of significant individuals throughout history of Europe and the United States in all fields of human endeavor who were Freemasons, from kings, presidents, and politicians to tycoons of industry, writers, composers, educators, generals, doctors, journalists. and other cultural. social and civic leaders. The provocative question that has persisted since the rise of Freemasonry is whether these men were engaged in a conspiracy to impose the tenets of Freemasonry in a "new world order", Some critics have gone so far as allege that Freemasons already run everything...
(note, that regardless of the influence and power Freemasonry has in all different countries and major centres around the world.... there seems no doubt that in Scotland where there are an estimated over 400,000 Freemasons.. and in 2013 when this edit is being written, this figure may well be closer to 1.000,000 freemasons and or Freemasons associated groups, clubs, organizations and networks in Scotland... out of about 5 million people in Scotland..which is about 20% of the population of Scotland .. however Freemasonry only invites males that are in respectable and solid positions ( or planning to be in the near future) such as media banking, police, lawyers, advocates, barristers. judges, sheriffs, magistrates, government and court clerks. parliamentarians and their staff, artists, poets, warriors, inventors, manufacturers, explorers, pioneers, government leaders, business tycoons and gentle everyday family men ..the become full fledged members of Freemasonry ... one has to take the view that 90% of all males in the work of respectable and solid positions ( or planning to be in the near future) such as police, lawyers, advocates, barristers. prosectors. judges, sheriffs, magistrates, government and court clerks. parliamentarians and their staff, artists, poets, warriors, inventors, manufacturers, explorers, pioneers, media banking, government leaders, business tycoons and many respectable family men ... are Freemasons and/or belong to one of the many Freemason associated groups, clubs, organizations and networks in if one wants anything done or not done connected with anyone in the councils, the courts, politics, business, police, prosecution, the law, business, media etc and they are not Freemasons and/or have a good Freemason connection... they have little chance of success... and if they try to buck anyone involved and/or connected in any way with Freemasonry in Scotland they will likely be run out of town in one way or another .. and or murdered ... like what happened to the INL News under-cover Journalist Thomas Allwood who was murdered in Broxburn Scotland on the 21st June, 2012 for trying to expose Freemason High Court judges, and masters, barristers. lawyers and investors who Thomas Allwood claimed were involved in a criminal conspiracy to defraud him and his de-dacto wife Valerie Jouai (Nee Butler) of their lawful rights to a multi million pound 25 acre property known as Haywicks Farm, Haywicks Lane, Hardwicke, Gloucester -see www, - Thomas Allwood stated that he had the proof that Freemason lawyers and investors were involved in creating a fraudulent will for Valerie Jouai's father the late herbert Henry Butler to have a fellow Freemason ) Gary Jouai.Butler obtain the title deed of Haywicks Farm, Haywicks Lane, Hardwicke, Gloucester by devious and fraudulent means.... Thomas Allwood was also trying to expose the Freemason UK Prime Minister David Cameron, and UK Chancellor George Osborne for instructing UK Border Agency to illegally arrest US comedian Ronnie Prouty at Heathrow airport as a favour for Freemasons Rupert and James Murdoch to help commercially sabotage the opposition media INL News Media Group's and Thomas Allwood's filming of their pilot of their Fringe Shows Have Talent TV Show in Edinburgh in April, 2011,, and when Thomas Allwood sued them for £500 in damages Freemason UK Prime Minister David Cameron, and UK Chancellor George Osborne, the UK Home Office and the UK Border Agency, they filed a false and fraudulent UK Border Agency Document to have the claim struck out by Freemason Master Bowles.. which caused Thomas Allwood to file a criminal contempt of court application against
Freemason UK Prime Minister David Cameron, UK Chancellor George Osborne, UK Home Office and the UK Border Agency to be heard in the High Court on London before Justice Vos on the 24th July, 2012.. for them to be locked up in jail for such criminal contempt ... however Thomas Allwood was conveniently murdered on the 21st June, 2012 about one month before the proposed hearing to be heard in the High Court on London before Justice Vos on the 24th July, 2012...)
The origin of Freemasonry are debated by Masons themselves. Some accounts trace it back to the building of Solomon's Temple and even earlier to Greece and Egypt...
What is known is that in 1717 several Masons met in London to form the first United Grand Lodge of England as a governing force over groups of Freemasons in Britain. As the British Empire extended into the American colonies, Freemasonry followed... Many founding father oft he USA were Freemasons. Some students of Freemasonry contend that it was at the heart of the American Revolution and that it became the cornerstone of the U.S. Government. Since George Washington, numerous presidents have belonged, as well as members of Congress and other government officials. Although the U,S. Treasury Department denies that the one-dollar note contains Masonic Symbols, and some historians dispute that the plan for Washington D.C., was laid out according to masonic beliefs, there is a great deal of compelling evidence to bolster belief in a masonic link.
.... That Freemasonry is shrouded in closely held rites and rituals, including an oath of secrecy taken by its members, has created a mystique and a widely held belief that Masons are a group with sinister objectives and that they are anti Christians. This belief has resulted in an opposition to Freemasonry by the Roman Catholic Church, which bans the faithful form joining.
.. Masons counter a belief that it is the prototype of antidemocratic secret societies by noting that there is no overall veil of secrecy. One Masonic group states, quite correctly, that the degree of secrecy varies widely around the world. It noted, "In English-speaking countries, most Masons are completely public with their affiliations, Masonic buildings are clearly marked, and meeting times are generally a matter of public record,"
..While this is true, central aspects of Freemasonry are kept hidden. Meetings are closed to the public. Members are sworn to silence on what goes on and why, They also have a system of signs of recognition, including a secret handshake. Because of this, masons have been suspected of showing favourtism to other Masons, a sin France recently, when the chief prosecutor accused some judges and lawyers of stalling cases involving Masons. In the 1990's in Great Britain, the Labour Party government tried to enact a law requiring al; public officials who were masons to make their affiliation public.
.... In this examination of the story of Freemasonry, these and other aspects of the group will be explored, including organization of masonic lodges, rites and rituals, symbolism, the role of women, black Masons (Prince Hall Masonry), Masonic literature, membership requirements, how one joins, involvement of Freemasons in social and charitable causes, and masonic terms that have made their way into everyday language, such as 'hoodwink" and someone being "on the square". Other topics included the role of Freemasonry in the Crusades, an exploration of the hostility to Freemasonry by the Roman Catholic Church, links to Mormonism, the possible role of Freemasonry in the death of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, a controversial theory that Freemason were connected to history's first serial killer ( Jack the Ripper), and a nineteenth-century mysterious disappearance and murder of a critic of Freemasonry that resulted in the formation of America's first "third party".
.. Although Freemasonry has been vehemently opposed and feared as a sinister conspiracy, it has been vigorously defended as essentially a religiously rooted philosophic system expressed in dramatic ceremonies intended to answer the questions posed by every thoughtful human: Who I am? Why an I here? What is the purpose of life? According to one of Freemasonry's eminent historians, W,L, Wilmshurst, it "supplies a need to those who are earnestly enquiring into the purpose and destiny of human life,"
.... With symbolism "its soul", Freemasonry has been described as a means by which all "good men" can unite to cultivate "freedom, friendship, and character." recognizing that other groups exist for these purposes, Wilmshurst noted in his book 'The Meaning of Masonry', "It is absurd to think that a vast organization like Masonry was ordained merely to teach grown-up men of the world the symbolic meaning of a few simple builder's tools" or t teach its members elementary virtues of temperance, justice, brotherly love, charity, and morality that can be found in the "fountain of truth and instruction' of the Bible.
... Because participants in "the Craft". as Freemasons call it, assert that it has some larger end in view than merely inculcating the practice of common social values, this books explores not only Freemasonry's origins and development, its numerous controversies, suspicions as to its intent, rituals, riles, symbols, and signs, but also its religious and philosophical influence throughout the rise of Western civilization and the extent of its influence today.
Chapter One: Cornerstones
If the story of a murder committed 3,000 years ago in Jerusalem that represents one of the cornerstones of Freemasonry ritual is true, the victim was no ordinary man.
The tale begins in the first verse of the third chapters of Second Chronicles in the Holy Bible, It records that the building of "the house of the Lord" on the order of King Solomon at Jerusalem, in Mount Moriah, commenced on the second day of the second months in the fourth year of his reign. To construct the temple, Solomon assembles "three score and ten thousand men to bear burdens, and fourscore thousand to hew the mountain, and three thousand and six hundred to oversee them" . Needing a master artisan to properly adorn the holy edifice, he asked his friend, the king of Tyre, to lend the services of a man "cunning to work in gold, and in silver, and in brass, and in iron, and in purple, crimson, and that cab skill to grave with the cunning men that are with me,"
The King despatched Hiram, To this "cunning man, endued with understanding," on all the artistic fields that Solomon had requested, as well as "in stone", tradition has added the name "Abiff." Although little more is noted about him in the Bible beyond recording that he worked with precious metals and made most of the gold and silver adornments of the temple including a pair of columns named Jachin and Boaz, it is assumed that he was placed in command of all aspects of temple construction along specifications revealed to Solomon by God. According to first-century historian Flavious Josehus, in Antiquities of the Jews, the foundations of the temple were set "very deep" in the ground. They were "very strong Stones," said Josephus, that would "unite themselves with the earth" and be a "basis and a sure foundation" for the superstructure that was to be erected over it that would "resist the force of time".
As the supervising figure with authority for assigning jobs to achieve tis perfection in cutting and fitting enormous stones. Hiram would have also decided when a man was qualified to learn certain "mysteries" necessary for elevation to more challenging tasks in a workforce that was divided into three ranks: apprentice, fellow craftsman and grand master.
According ti Freemasonry tradition, as the temple neared completion there were fifteen craftsmen who conspired to coerce Hiram into promoting them by threatening to pass for grand masters in other countries to earn higher wages. While twelve of these men eventually abandoned the scheme, Jubela, Jubelo and Jubelum were determined to go ahead with the original plan, Knowing that it was Hiram's custom to enter the temple's sanctum sanctorium to pray at nood each day they placed themselves as the three entrances (west, south, and east) and waited, As Hiram left through the east door, Jubela demanded to be named master, Hiram relied that he could not receive "mysteries" without the approval of Solomon and the king of Tyre.
Infuriated at being told to wait, Jubela slashed Hiram's throat with a 24 inch measuring gauge. s Hiram tried to escape through the south door, he was attacked by Jubelo with a blow to the chest with an architect's square. Reelng to the west door, he was slammed on the head by Jubelum wielding a common gravel or setting ma`ul that killed him. The three then carried his body through the west door and hid it in a heap of rubbish, Returning at midnight, they dug a grave that measured six feet east, six feet west, and six feet deep. With Hiram buried, they fled from Jerusalem for the town of Joppa on the coast of the Mediteranean Sea, The next day, King Solomon noticed Hiram;s absence and began an inquiry, When the twelve craftsmen who had backed out of the pan went to see Solomon to inform him of the plot and incriminate Jubela, Jubelo and Jubelum, they appeared before the Kinh wearing white aprons and gloves as token of innocence. Solomon sent search parties in all directions of the compass to find Jubla, Jubelo and Jubelum.
As the men going west arrived at Joppa, one of the searches sat on a rock to rest and heard Jubela wail form nearby, "O that I had my throat cut across, and my tongue torn our by the root, and burried in the sands of the sea at low water a cable length from the shore, where the tide doth regularly ebb and flow twice in the course of the twenty-four hours, than that I had been concerned in the death of our master Hiram.
A moment later, Jubelo blurted, "Oh! That I had my heart torn out from under my naked left breast, and given to the vultures of the air as a prey, rather than I had been concerned in the death of so good a master."
Jubelum exclaimed, "But oh! I struck him harder than you both, for I killed him. Oh! that I had had my body severed in two, one part carried to the south, and the other to the north, my bowels burnt to ashes and scattered before the four winds of the earth, rather than I had been concerned in the death of our master Hiram."
Seized and taken back to Jerusalem, they confessed to Solomon, described how they had killed Hiram, and described no desire to live. Solomon answered, "They have signed their own deaths, and let it be upon them as they have said."
with that, Jubela was taken out and had his throat cut and his tongue torn our by the root. He was buried in the sands of the sea at low water a cable length from the shore, where "the tide doth regularly ebb and flow twice in the course of the twenty-four hours'.
Jubelo's heart was torn out from under his naked left breast, and "thrown over the left shoulder" to be consumed by vultures.
Jubelum's body was cut in half, with one part carried to the north, and the other to the south. His bowels were burnt to ashes and cast before "the four winds".
Although we know the existence and the work of Hiram in the building of Solomons Temple from the bible and Joesphus's history of the jews, there is no record outside the rites and rituals of Freemasonry as to whether Hiram Abiff was the supervising architect of the temple, the manner of hi death, nor if Jubelo, and Jubelum were actual persons who were so impatient in their ambition to rise to the supreme rank of grand master that they murdered him and suffered ghastly deaths, Consequently, no one can state with certainly that Freemasonry is as old as the first temple built by the Jews. Whatever evidence might have existed within Solomon's temple to provide credence to the story of Hiram Abiff, and whether a trio of strivers killed him, was lost in the destruction of the temple. Despite the description by Josepus that the stones of the temple were strong enough "to resist the force of time." they were dismantled by invading and pillaging Babylonian troops in 597 B.C.
How and Why Solomon's Temple and the death of Hiram Abiff are central to FReemasonry was explained and interpreted by W.L.Wilmshurst in one of a series of papers for "members of the Masonic Order, constituted under the United Grand Lode of England." In the collection 'The Meaning of Masonry' he asserts that Solomon's Temple was meant to represent " the temple of the collective body of humanity itself," Describing Hiram Abiff, Solomon, and the king of Tyre as a "triad" corresponding to Christianity;s Holy Trinity, he writes, "The tragedy of Hiram Abiff, then, is not the record of a vulgar brutal murder of an individual man, It is a parable of cosmic and universal loss; an allegory of the breakdown of a divine scheme. We are dealing with no calamity that occurred during the erection of a building in an eastern city, but with a moral disaster to universal humanity."
With the slaying of Hiram, Wilmshurst contends, "the faculty of enlightened wisdom has been cut off from us," as a result, the temple of human nature remains unfinished:
Hiram Abiff is slain, The light and wisdom to guide and enlighten humanity are wanting in us. The full blaze if light and perfect knowledge that were to be ours are vanished form the the race, but in the Divine providence there still remains to us a glimmering light in the East, In the dark world, form which the sun has disappeared, we still have our five senses and our rational facilities to work with and these provide us with substituted secrets that must distinguish us before we regain the genuine ones..."
Freemasonry is defined as a system of religious philosophy that provides " a doctrine of the universe and of our place in it," by which we may understand that mankind has fallen away from 'a high and holy " centre: Those who desire to regain it must look within themselves.
" he regenerated man, the man who not merely in ceremonial form but in vital experience, has passed through the phases of which Masonic degrees are the faint symbol," Wilmshurst writes, Is alone worthy of the title of Master-Mason in the building invisibly out of the souls of just men made perfect."
This explanation of Solomon's Temple as a metraphoric foundation of Freemasonry was also provided in a speech in 1858 by Albert Pike, published with other addresses under the title 'The Meaning of masonry. Esteemed as "master genius of Masonry, both as Scholar and artist" and regarded as the most significant figure in American Freemasonry during the 19th century, Pike was born in Boston in 1809, Among his relatives were Nicholas Puke, the author of the first book on arithmetic in the Unites States, and the explorer Zebulon (Pike;s Peak) Pike, (the controversial life of Albert Pike as a poet, journalist, Confederate soldier, jurist, and orator and his influence on Freemasonry in the United Sates will be discussed in detail in chapter 11.) Settling in Arkansas in 1850, at the age of forty-one, he became intensely interested in masonic symbols, s he studied them he found that Freemasonry began to shape itself into "something imposing and majestic, solemnly mysterious and grand," along with "dim intimations, half-revealed and half concealed," an d of repository of the highest wisdom of the ancient world.
Noting that is all periods of the world's history secret orders and societies had formed outside "official churches" to impact "to suitable and prepared minds certain truths of human life" and instructions about "divine things," Pike asserted that Freemasonry offered a "synthesis, a concordat, for men of every race, of every creed, of every sect," with "foundation principles being common to them all." These principles are that after mankind's separation form God as the result of the rebelliousness of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden (known as "the Fall"), God provided a means by which individuals could find their way back to `Him. To assist men in this quest, God provided guidance through human intermediaries, Imbued with "the light of the divine truth", they have appeared through history as sages, prophets, teachers, philosophers, the leaders of moral movements, and the founders of great religions. One of these " illuminated" men, st. Paul, called such leaders "stewards of the Mysteries." Although these enlightened men differed in accordance with the cultures, societal structures, and religions of the civilizations of their eras, they sought to share their knowledge of human nature, purpose of life, and steps by which mankind could pursue reconciliation and ultimate unity with the Deity. They found eager followers among people who's become dissatisfied with formal rituals of official religions that that consisted principally of appealin to a God or Gods on behalf of a ciy-state or tribe. Individuals seeking a route to personal salvation and morality hoped to find it within cults. They met in secret and practiced elaborate initiations, rites of purification, veneration of objects, took part in sacred dramas; and advanced by steps to full knowledge and Mastery of the Mysteries.
By the fifth century B.C. in Greece, these cults had become an integral part of the fabric of life. With the conquest of the Hellenistic empire by Rome, he Mysteries became even more widespread and so entrenched that the cult was recognized as a public institution. It remained a central element of Roman society until the fall of the empire and the advent of Christianity and its adoption as the state religion by Emperor Constantine.
The final blow fell in A.. 399 when Emperor Theodosius decreed, "whatever privileges were conceded by the ancient laws to the priests, ministers, prefects, hierophants of sacred things, or by whatsoever name they may be designed are to be abolished henceforth, and let them not think that they are protected by a granted privilege when their religious confession is known to have been condemned by the law."
While the Mysteries are primarily associated with ancient Greece and Rome, their origins are attributed to earlier cults that flourished in Crete and Egypt. Freemason historian, student of the occult, and self-proclaimed clairvoyant C.W, Leadbeater contends in Freemasonry and its Ancient Mystic Rites that the Mysteries and the " great doctrine of the 'Inner Light' ", which was God, "dwelt in the heart of every man".
Having learned from the World-Teacher, the priests passed on the teachings and"secret instructions. which they enshrined in their Mysteries, and students came form all nations to learn the Wisdom of the Egyptians, and the fame of the Schools of Egypt went abroad to all lands." Among those who learned the Egyptian Mysteries and carried them to another place was a former prince named Moses. Described by the historian Philo as "skilled in music, geometry, arithmetic, hieroglyphics, and the whole circle of arts and scientists, " he was inspired by God to lead Hebrews out of bondage toward 'a land of milk and honey," where as Leadbeater writes, the Mysteries were" faithfully handed down from generation to generation from the days of Moses until King Solomon came to the throne of his father David" and built the temple that would be centre piece of Judaism and eventually stand as a symbol of the path to mankind's reunion with `god that is at the heart of Freemasonry.
While Masons may claim to be, in Leadbeater's words, "lineal descendants of the kings and prophets of old who have been forbearers of the Hidden Light to men through countless generations," they have more tangible and recent connections to buildersb of the great cathedrals of Europe during the Middle Ages and their artistic and spiritual heirs in eighteen-century Britain.
Chapter Four Page 18-24
Freemasonry and the Protestant Reformation
Two centuries after Christianity was named the official religion of the Roman Empire in a decree by Emperor Constantine, cults of the ancient Mysteries that had become public institutions were abruptly prohibited by emperor Justinian I. His purpose was to strengthen the (now official) religion of the (Roman) Empire and establish himself as the supreme authority over the church in matters of organization and dogma. ( The term was "casesaropapism") . Toward this end, he issued a declaration of faith (544) and convened an ecumenical council at Constantinople (553). The resulting 'Corpus Juris' made paganism and apostansy punishable by death. There was no toleration of dissent. He decreed, "let no place be afforded to heretics for the conduct of their ceremonies, and let no occasion be offered for them to display the in sanity of their obstinate minds. Let all persons know that if any privilege has been fraudulently obtained by means of any rescript whatsoever, by persons of this kind, it will not be valid. Let all bodies of heretics be prevented from holding unlawful assemblies."
Because the emperor was declared both king and supreme authority on Earth in matters ecclesiastical. Justinian placed himself in conflict with the claim of the Catholic Church that the Pope was the true worldly representative of Jesus. As a result, the Catholic Encyclopedia states that a present day Roman Catholic "cannot applaud the great emperor's ecclesiastical policy." Wile recognizing Justinian's effort to promote peace and union within the (Roman) Empire, the entry notes that it was "a matter of course that this union was to be that of the 'most holy Catholic and Apostolic Church.' History records that after the decline of the Roman Empire, it was indeed the church and papacy that emerged as supreme arbiters of the Christian faith. It would remain so far far nearly one thousand years.
he judgement of history is that the efforts of Justinian's reign were so crucial in every aspect of the development of post-Roman European civilization that the Middle Ages would never have happened had it not been for Justinian. An ill-conceived military venture meant to unify the western and eastern parts of the empire, the abandonment of the Latin Language as the official language of the government and administrations, and a weakened eastern empire, which encouraged and strengthened the Persians, set the stage for a devastating war and made possible a westward spread of Islam. By over throwing western Germanic governments that were committed to saving as much of the Roman imperial civilization as possible, Justinian was indirectly responsible for the rise of the medieval church and the papacy to a position of unchallenged power in the European nations that replaced the Roman Empire.
In addition to Justinian's significant role in the emergence of Christianity as the religion of Europe following the decline of the Roman Empire, Justinian provided impetus to the arts in the style of design and construction known as Byzantine architecture, As a prodigious promotor of building, he saw his empire come to be strewn with superb monuments and buildings that were to be models for all later architecture in the East (Islamic style) and in the West (Gothic).
While this change of style that spread quickly over a great part of Europe was the result of advances in construction technology, consisting of revolutionary innovations in the form of the vaulted ceiling and the pointed arch, its enthusiastic acceptance was rooted in the birth of a new national consciousness that sparked a rivalry between cities and church officials who were eager to elevate their status with imposing cathedrals and public buildings.
It was a time, writes art historian H. R. Correrill in the multi-volume 'History of Art', when the Romanesque style building "suddenly gave way to that of a new, popular, and civic architecture" in which "Christendom cast aside its outworn attire and put on a fresh white robe of new-built Churches."
The Gothic style in religious edifices was meant to raise the devotion of the illiterate masses to a greater height represented by the soaring, majestic cathedrals than was ever possible in the flat, stolid lines of Romanesque structures. In this era id fresh Christian fervor, known as the Middle Ages, every stone was carved to glorify God by men who found in the craft of masonry a means for the expression of their own faith, possessing not only religious feelings, but also skills with which to express them in stone, they went from job to job and place to place. They called themselves "Free Masons", but were always under the domain of those who employed them. Whether it was a Monarch, a civic corporation, or a prince of the church who commissioned the building, the "Free Masons" found every aspect of their work and lives strictly regulated. The result of strictures in the matter of limits on wages was the formation of trade union that were necessarily steeped in secrecy. Employers who chose not to engage in clandestine dealings with the "Free Masons" sought to stifle the practice, In 1360, a (new) law banned secret agreements among "Free Masons" and "Carpenters" and prohibited all oaths of secrecy. In 1425, English "Free Masons" were forbidden to hold assemblies. A code of laws drafted by the duke of Bedford, acting as regent for three-yera-old King Henry VI, noted that a common bond united separate units or working lodges and declared them illegal. In less than two years, the law was being so widely ignored that attempts to enforce it were dropped.
While "Free Masons" were exhibiting economic strength to Great Britain, their counterparts in France and "Free Masons" in germany had also benefited from the premium placed on their skills during the period of cathedral building.
The French organization of "Free Masons" called 'compagnons' also held secret meetings that ran into government resistance and restrictive laws.
In Germany, "Freemasons" were called "Steinmetzen" ( stonemasons). Among their masterpieces were cathedrals at Strasbourg and Cologne, Both became schools where 'Free Masons' of other countries wee received in masonic lodges with symbolic ceremonies, But it was consequences of an event at a far less imposing church if German that would alter the course of Western civilization and change the direction of Freemasonry from fraternity of men bound by their unique "real stone mason craft" with a desire to be respected for it, and paid accordingly, to a broader society of gentlemen from all walks of life.
The incident that triggered the chain of events that would transform Freemasonry took place in the university of WITTENBERGE, Germany, on the front steps of a church. Part of a castle Church ( Scholsskirche), it had a sturdy wooden door that was frequently used by city and university officials and faculty and students for the posting of messages, notes, and notices, but never a thirty-four-yearpold monk named Martin Luther.
A university graduate with a doctorate in theology who was serving as Augustinian Vicar of Meissen and Thuringia, he had been ordained a priest in 1507. Described by a biographer as "temperamental, peevish, egomaniacal, and argumentative," he had come to the conclusion that there was no place for intermediaries between man and God in the form of church priests and in the church institution of buying remission of sins through "indulgences". Believing that the only requirement for the soul's salvation was faith, he wrote a document attacking the system, titled "Ninety-fiv Theses," nailed it to the Castle Church door, and began the Protestant Reformation.
Although there has been a strong strain of anticlericalism in England, Freemasons had remained loyal to the Catholic Church, When King Henry VII let a procession to a ceremony for laying of the cornerstone of a chapel at Westminster in 1503, Freemasons participated. The Freemasons could be rightly accused of flaunting laws intended to curtail and punish them for their secret dealings on the rate of wages, notes Jasper Ridley in a history of Freemasonry, nut however "wicked" they were in forming illegal trade unions, "they were perfectly law-abiding as far as religion was concerned,"
When Henry VIII's personal wishes collided with the supremacy of the pope on the issue of his demand that his marriage to Catherine of Aragon be dissolved so that henry could wed mistress, Anne Boleyn, Henry found it expedient, profitable, and popular to promulgate the Act of Supremacy in 1534, putting him at the head of the Church in England.
Between 1534 and 1549, a policy decreeing dissolutions of he monasteries stripped the church of hugh tracks of land and placed them in the hands of the Crown and ultimately those of the nobility and gentry. Because this resulted in an end to the building of churches, Freemasonry entered a period of decline that resulted in a change in the character of membership and from "operative" meaning those who actually worked in stone, to "speculative", in which the tools of masonry were employed as symbols in the contemplation of the mysteries of life and its meaning.
At precisely what period the "Freemason" lodges started admitting non-Masons is unknown. The practice was noted in 1646 when a lodge was recorded as having admitted Elias Ashmole and Colonel Henry Mainwaring, "There was nothing in the circumstance" note H,L. Haywood, "to indicate that this was a new thing,"
The shift in the purpose of Masonry from workers' guild to philosophical society was regarded at the time as so much of an innovation that secretaries of some of the operative lodges burned their records because they feared that with admission of non-Masons the secrets of the fraternity would become public. Comparing this felling of the necessity for secrecy among the speculative Freemasons to ancient cults, Haywood explains that steps had always been taken to preserve some previous and secret knowledge or magic. Such societies, when they attained to a real or fancied revelation of truth, sought to perpetuate their lore and to secret to themselves exclusive enjoyment of the power or dignity it conferred.
As later secret societies developed, they also masked their discoveries in allegorical terms. legends, and symbolical dramas. To protect themselves from intrusion, they emulated the early cults that had veiled their rituals in impenetrable mystery and had bound their members by oaths.
To ensure propagation of their work by competent successors, they invented ordeals of initiation and submission by which candidates for admission proved their fortitude and zeal in ceremonies consisting of successive phrases that sometimes too years to complete. These secret societies invested their symbols and ceremonials with significance that was suitable to the understanding of novices and led step by step to those that could be comprehended only by the most advanced.
CEDAR LAKE, Ind. (AP) — A northern Indiana man who allegedly threatened to "kill as many people as he could" at an elementary school near his home was arrested by officers who later found 47 guns and ammunition hidden throughout his home.
Von. I. Meyer, 60, of Cedar Lake, was arrested Saturday after prosecutors filed formal charges of felony intimidation, domestic battery and resisting law enforcement against him. He was being held Sunday without bond at the Lake County Jail, pending an initial hearing on the charges, police said in a statement.
Cedar Lake Police officers were called to Meyer's home early Friday after he allegedly threatened to set his wife on fire once she fell asleep, the statement said.
Meyer also threatened to enter nearby Jane Ball Elementary School "and kill as many people as he could before police could stop him," the statement said. Meyer's home is less than 1,000 feet from the school and linked to it by trails and paths through a wooded area, police said.
Police said in the statement that they notified school officials and boosted security at all area schools Friday — the same day 26 people, including 20 students, were shot and killed at an elementary school in Newtown, Conn.
On Saturday, officers served warrants at Meyer's home and arrested him. The statement said police had learned that Meyer kept many weapons in his older, two-story home and "is a known member of the Invaders Motorcycle Gang."
Officers searched the home, finding 47 guns and ammunition worth more than $100,000 hidden throughout the home. Many of the weapons were collector's guns.
Cedar Lake is about 45 miles southeast of Chicago.
A dispatcher with Cedar Lake Police said that the police chief was not available for interviews until Monday.
Lake County police spokeswoman Patti Van Til said Sunday that a SWAT team from the department assisted in serving Saturday's warrants.
Jacintha Saldanha's Death: Australian DJs Behind Royal Prank May Face Police Probe
The two Australian DJs who pulled the prank call on the U.K. hospital where Kate Middleton was staying are now in hiding and may soon have to face police after the death of a nurse caught in the hoax.
Kate Middleton and Indian-born mother-of-two Jacintha Saldanha, 46, is thought to have taken her own life.
2Day FM hosts, Michael Christian and Mel Greig.
Questions have been raised by members of the Australian public whether MI5, MI6 and/or their well known murder partners Mossad where involved somehow in the death of Indian-born mother-of-two Jacintha Saldanha, 46, who the UK media are claiming that she took her own life...
and it is noted that all media reports coming from the United Kingdom only ever call it a suspected suicide... but was it a murder by MI5, MI6 and/or their well known murder partners Mossad
to make and example of the nurse who gave out the private information about Kate Middleton who was in a U.K. hospital...
Australian readers of and who have read all about the murder of Thomas Allwood,
INL News Under-Cover Investigative Journalist and co producer with Stephen Carew-Reid and the INL News Group of Fringe Shows Have Talent TV Shows Have, on the 21st June, 2012 in Broxburn Scotland which is about an hour's drive from Edinburgh... and how the Scottish Lothian Borders Police and the Scottish Prosecution known in Scotland as the Procurator Fiscal's Office and the world's media are clearly not looking closely enough the evidence brought out at the recent trial of Kyle Montgomery heard from the 19th November to the 26th November 2012 in Scotland's High Court in Livingston, who had been charged by the Scottish Lothian Borders Police for the murder of Thomas Allwood ..the evidence clearly indicates strongly that Thomas Allwood was not murdered by Kyle Montgomery who locals in Broxburn say is a well known local mentally depressed Scitzophrenic at around 2.20am on the 21st July, 2012 ... as implied by his father John Montgomery in his sworn evidence at by Kyle Montgomery's trial... when the much more believable independent evidence from two next door neighbours who have a common wall with John Montgomery's house in Galloway Cresent, Broxburn was produced at the trial that say they both heard and felt an enormous bang on their bedroom wall that felt like their bedroom wall was about to cave in...coming from John Montgomery's house at about 3.15 am on the 21st June, 2012.... which was the loudest bang that they had ever heard coming from John Montgomery's house which they stated was like living next door to a pub with drinking, shouting, arguing and fighting went on all the time all hours of the day and night... they said in evidence that before the enormous bang there was loud shouting, screaming, arguing and fighting coming from John Montgomery's house... however as soon as the enormous bang happened that felt like their bedroom wall was about to cave in... there was complete silence coming from John Montgomery's house... and then they heard the back door quietly open and close ... which was first time that that door was ever opened and close without being slammed for the last couple of years since they lived next door to John Montgomery's house..... John Montgomery had given sworn evidence at his sons trial that after his son grabbed a bread knife from his kitchen draw and ran out the back door after Thomas Allwood, who was unarmed when he left the house a few minutes before, and that his son Kyle Montgomery came back into the house a few minutes later with blood on the bread knife admitting to his Dad, John Montgomery, that he had just done something bad... John Montgomery then said he took to bread knife with blood on it from his Son, Kyle Montgomery and calmly placed it back into the draw still with the blook on it... then Kyle Montgomery left the house and John Montgomery calmly had another drink and then fell asleep on the lounge and did not wake up until the police turned up and arrested him at about 5 am on the 21st June, 2012... another person who was at John Montgomery's house that early morning on the 21st June, 2012 was a lady known as Maggie whose name is Margaret Shedden (Galloway being her birth name- a very well connected and influential family in Scotland with a famous politician George Galloway and a Freemason Scottish Police Officer Hugh Galloway of 7 Tower Place Johnstone Renfrewshire Renfrewshire 791 being member of the family)...John Montgomery's family also are well connnected and respected in Scotland with war heros in the family and a Freemason Police Officer Alexander Montgomery 51 Parkhead Rd Glen Village by Falkirk Stirlingshire 484
also a member of the Montgomery Family.... so it does not seem believable that John Montgomery would not have been awake and/or woken up with the enormous bang coming from his house at about 3.15 that the next door neighbours say was the loudest bang they had ever heard from John Montgomery's house and felt like their bedroom wall was going to cave in... so this clearly indicates along with other evidence that John Montgomery had lied on the witness stand and in doing so has implicated his Kyle Montgomery as the person who was likely to have made a fatal six inch stab wound in the right chest of Thomas Allwood through cloths with a bread knife that would have cerated edge and no sharp point for stabbing anyone through clothing which is only suitable for a sawing acting rather that a stabbing action...however at the same time implicating Kyle Montgomery as the likely person who made the fatal six inch stab wound in Thomas Allwood's right chest that cut through a main archery causing the death of Thomas Allwood... John Montgomery gave evidence which is believed by the jury could get his son off the murder charge his Son Kyle Montgomery was facing and to try and convince the jury that his son
Kyle Montgomery was only guilty of culperable homicide... which is like an accident homicide crime that resulted in the death of a person without intent in a drunken fight that got out of hand ... even though the bar maid gave evidence at the trial that Thomas Allwood was only drinking soft drinks that night... and Kyle Montgomery had been alcohol drinking heavily since about 1pm on the 20th June, 2012.....and so was his father John Montgomery drinking alcohol heavily since at least 8pm and likely most of the day since he received his government benefit cheque that day... in fact the jury based mainly on his father's evidence... very conveniently for all those Scottish Government officials involved in the investigation into the murder of Thomas Allwood.... and others... found Kyle Montgomery not guilty of the murder of Thomas Allwood and found Kyle Montgomery guilty of the lesser charge of Culperable homicide (accidental death) of Thomas the evidence that came out at the trial of Kyle Montgomery seems to clearly indicate that there were at least four people... maybe more in the house of Kyle Montgomery from 10pm on the 2oth June, 2012 and about 3.30 am on the 21st June, 2012... and in fact at least voices coming from John Montgomery's house that night and early morning were heard by the next door neighbours ....these seem to include...Thomas Allwood, John Montgomery, Kyle Montgomery and Margaret Shedden (Galloway being her birth name) and maybe others who did not want to make themselves known and kept reasonable quiet while at John Montgomery's house... the evidence seems to clearly indicate that at 2am to 2.30 am on the 21st June, 2012 when John Montgomery states was the time frame when his son Kyle Montgomery was meant to have gone out the back door and meant to have stabbed Thomas Allwood with a bread knife and came back with blood on the knife admitting he has just done something bad...making it fairly obvious to the at least three people left at the house which at the least included John Montgomery, Kyle Montgomery and Margaret Shedden (Galloway being her birth name)... that Kyle Montgomery had just stabbed Tomas Allwood outside in the back yard and/or a nearby street .. and that Thomas Allwood would be likely have been badly hurt from a stab wound and would have needed urgent medical attention.... regardless if was considered that stabbing of Thomas Allwood by Kyle Montgomery deliberate and/or in self defense... either way it would have been clear to these three people and anyone else that may have been at John Montgomery's house at that time, that they should call an ambulance and the police immediately to make sure that Thomas Allwood obtained urgent medical attention which if had been done then could well have saved the life of Thomas Allwood... sure the fact that neither of these people bothered to ring the police and/or an ambulance to try and get urgent help for Thomas Allwood at around 2.20-2.30 am...if what John Montgomery says id true.... they all should be charged with being responsible for the murder and/or death of Thomas Allwood as they seemed to just let him die on the street or the back yard.. and under Australian law could well be charged as accessories after the fact and at least charged with some serious charge that resulted in the death of Thomas Allwood... very similar to walking away from a serious car accident where it is clear someone had been seriously hurt and not calling the police and/or an ambulance....
Now... when one looks at the evidence of the two next door neighbours that say they both heard and felt an enormous bang on their bedroom wall that felt like their bedroom wall was about to cave in...coming from John Montgomery's house at about 3.15 am on the 21st June, 2012.... which was the loudest bang that they had ever heard coming from John Montgomery's house... then the more believable truth is that at about 3.15 am Thomas Allwood was king hit by someone and/or some people with either a fist or fists and/or a hard object that was enough to knock out Thomas Allwood.. then the body of Thomas Allwood was carried outside while Thomas Allwood was still unconscious ...then someone stabbed Thomas Allwood... not with a bread knife but a sharp pen knife which made the deep six inch stab wound into the right chest of Thomas Allwood that cut a main archery so that Thomas Allwood was never wake up and would bleed to death... and then quietly they carried Thomas Allwood body to the next streets Clarkson and Pyothall Roads and quietly left the body there at about 3.30 am where the body was found at about 4.45 am by three boys walking past at that time...the neighbour that had a window open looking right over where Thomas Allwood's body was found says you can hear a pin drop in her street and there was not one sound or noise in her street that early morning... and the only noise that was heard was the sound of the police at about 5am looking at the body and the murder scene... so it is clear that there was not fighting in her street that morning at 2.00-4.00 am where the body was found that morning and so screaming or cries for help from Thomas Allwood in her street that morning at 2.00-4.00 am where the body was found that morning.. why?... because Thomas Allwood was obviously carried and left there and was already unconscious having been knocked out before he was stabbed with the six inch stab wound and then stabbed and then carried to to the next streets Clarkson and Pyothall Roads and quietly left there... private investigators employed by friends and family of Thomas Allwood have a strong belief that the evidence clearly suggests that Thomas Allwood was not murdered and/or even killed by Kyle Montgomery with a bread knife but was murdered by a contract killer well trained to know where and how to stab a person with one six inch stab wound with a very sharp and pointed pen knife which is designed to be able to kill some with just one stab wound.... the people in the world that are well known to be able to know how to murder someone with just one stab wound are agents and/or assets of MI5, MI6 and Mossad... and it is well known they work as agents for the state of the United Kingdom and the UK Prime Minister's Office to carry out murders of people like Thomas Allwood who was an undercover INL News Investigative Journalist who was working on a story to expose state of the United Kingdom and the UK Prime Minister, David Cameron and their Treasury Solicitors and Barristers for knowing being involved with having a false and fraudulent UK Border Agency document and having that false and fraudulent document presented to the High Court of Justice to stop Thomas Allwood from successfully claiming £500 million in damages claim for the wrongful arrest of USA Comedian Ronnie Prouty by the UK Border Agency on the 27th April, 2011 as a favour for the powerful Rupert and James Murdoch and their all powerful media group News Corporation as a way of commercially sabotaging the planned filming of the pilot fo the Fringe Shows Have Talent TV Show in Edinburgh in April- May 2011 being co-produced by Thomas Allwood, Stephen Carew-Reid (the author of the well known bboks The Triumph of Truth -Who Is Watching the Watchers? and the original founder of the INL News Group-formerly known as the Australian Weekend News Publishing Group) and the INL News Group to create an international showcase of talented entertainers that perform at the 60 year old Edinburgh Fringe Festival each year... which has become the biggest arts festival in the world with over 3,000 Fringe shows being performed during August each year in Edinburgh....
Below is some the transcripts of what was said at a court hearing in London's High Court of Justice heard on the 24th July, 2012 where applications were originally listed to be heard by Thomas Allwood prior to his murder on the 21st June, 2012 in Broxburn, Scotland for criminal contempt applications to be heard against David Cameron the UK Prime Minister, George Osborne, the UK Chancellor, the UK Government, the UK Border Agency and their treasury solicitors for knowingly having prepared a false and fraudulent UK Border Agency document and presenting such false and fraudulent UK Border Agency document to the High Court of Justice to try to stop Thomas Allwood from suing David Cameron the UK Prime Minister, George Osborne, the UK Chancellor, the UK Government, the UK Border Agency for £500 million in damages caused to the filming of the Fringe Shows Have Talent TV Show by the wrongful arrest of USA Comedian Ronnie Prouty on the 27th April, 2012 at Heathrow Airport as favour David Cameron and George Osborne's good friends at the time...Rupert and James Murdoch and their all powerful multi- billion media group known as News Corporation..the murder of Thomas Allwood on the 21st June, 2012 meant that would stop Thomas Allwood continuing with his criminl contempt applications against suing David Cameron the UK Prime Minister, George Osborne, the UK Chancellor, the UK Government, the UK Border Agency and their treasury solicitors and well as other criminal contempt applications taken out against barristers and solicitors involving another legal fight Thomas Allwood and his de-facto partner Valerie Butler where involved with at the High Court of Justice in their fight over their 25 acre family farm known as Haywicks Farm, Haywicks Lane, Hardwicke, Gloucester in the UK... where Thomas Allwood alleged that powerful and well connected s Freemason solicitors and barrister in Gloucester that Thomas Allwood called the Gloucestershire Legal Mafia (GLM) were involved with the preparing a false will in the name of Valerie Butler's father Herbert Butler and presenting that false will for a wrongful grant of probate so that partners of the Gloucestershire Legal Mafia (GLM) could wrongly obtain the title deed of their 25 acre family farm known as Haywicks Farm, Haywicks Lane, Hardwicke, Gloucester in the UK which they had planned to turn into a multi-million luxury real estate development ... Thomas Allwood also had a firm belief and was not scared to openly say...that Valerie Butler's father Herbert Butler was also murdered as part of the conspiracy he alleged to defraud his de-facto partner Valerie Butler of her rightful ownership of Haywicks Farm..
Some of the reasons why the Private Investigation Team employed by friends and family of the late Thomas Allwood to investigate who and why Thomas Allwood was murdered on the 21st June. 2012 in Broxburn, Scotland strongly believe that the powerful agents of the State of the United Kingdom such as MI5, MI6 and/or Mossad and/or some other professional contract murdered was and/or were involved in the murder of Thomas Allwood on the 21st June, 2012 include:
1. The Scottish Lothian Borders Police and the Scottish Prosecution known in Scotland as the Procurator Fiscal's Office and the world's media are clearly not looking closely enough the evidence brought out at the recent trial of Kyle Montgomery heard from the 19th November to the 26th November 2012 in Scotland's High Court in Livingston, who had been charged by the Scottish Lothian Borders Police for the murder of Thomas Allwood ... seem to be risking their worldwide good reputation by quite openly protecting those at the house of John Montgomery on the evening of the 20th June, 2012 and the early morning of the 21st June, 2012 who according to the evidence of John Montgomery, and including John Montgomery knew that Thomas Allwood was likely badly wounded from a stab wound at about 2.20 am and did niot ring the police of an ambulance and simply went to sleep and left Thomas Allwood to die on the road just a street away from John Montgomery's house
2. Why is there a complete worldwide media block out.. except for one lone Scottish Journalist Vic Roderick who was the only journalist to cover the trial... who has now been silenced by the world mainstream media with what is called a "D Notice" on the reporting of the murder/death of Thomas Allwood who was an undercover INL News Investigative Journalist, Poet and TV Shows producer of the Fringe Shows have Talent TV Show...
3. Why is the a mentally sick person such as Kyle Montgomery whom the locals say is a well known Scitzophrenic which is capable to believing and/or repeating any story he is told is the truth.. being made a patsy for the death of Thomas Allwood.. .at about 2.20 am when the evidence clearly indicates that Thomas Allwood was knocked unconscious in the house of John Montghomery at about 3.15 am on the 21st June, 2012 and then carried out of the house and then stabbed with a six inch wound in the right chest cutting a main archery nd then carried to be let to die on Clarkson and Pyothall Road, Broxburn
With the more believable truth is that at about 3.15 am Thomas Allwood was king hit by someone and/or some people with either a fist or fists and/or a hard object that was enough to knock out Thomas Allwood.. then the body of Thomas Allwood was carried outside while Thomas Allwood was still unconscious ...then someone stabbed Thomas Allwood... not with a bread knife but a sharp pen knife which made the deep six inch stab wound into the right chest of Thomas Allwood that cut a main archery so that Thomas Allwood was never wake up and would bleed to death... and then quietly they carried Thomas Allwood body to the next streets Clarkson and Pyothall Roads and quietly left the body there at about 3.30 am where the body was found at about 4.45 am by three boys walking past at that time...the neighbour that had a window open looking right over where Thomas Allwood's body was found says you can hear a pin drop in her street and there was not one sound or noise in her street that early morning... and the only noise that was heard was the sound of the police at about 5am looking at the body and the murder scene...
so it is clear that there was not fighting in her street that morning at 2.00-4.00 am where the body was found that morning and so screaming or cries for help from Thomas Allwood in her street that morning at 2.00-4.00 am where the body was found that morning.. why?... because Thomas Allwood was obviously carried and left there and was already unconscious having been knocked out before he was stabbed with the six inch stab wound and then stabbed and then carried to to the next streets Clarkson and Pyothall Roads and quietly left there... private investigators employed by friends and family of Thomas Allwood have a strong belief that the evidence clearly suggests that Thomas Allwood was not murdered and/or even killed by Kyle Montgomery with a bread knife but was murdered by a contract killer well trained to know where and how to stab a person with one six inch stab wound with a very sharp and pointed pen knife which is designed to be able to kill some with just one stab wound.... the people in the world that are well known to be able to know how to murder someone with just one stab wound are agents and/or assets of MI5, MI6 and Mossad...
Part of the transcripts of hearing before Justice Vos at High Court of Justice in London on the 24th July, 2012
Miss Love: The Border Agency matter.
Mr Justice Vos: I know, but I do not have any of the core papers in the Border Agency matter. What is the action no?
Miss Love: My Lord, it is HC11C04395
Mr Justice Vos: You see that is why, I have been through all the cases, and I do not have any papers in that except your letter and the correspondence.
Miss Love: Right
Mr Justice Vos: If I just pick it up. I have this much stuff on the UKBA, but it really is just your letter and a lot of historical material, and material concerning the famous INL News Group.
Miss Love: Mr Lord, we can remedy that situation _ I am sure your Lordship does not particularily want further copies of the correspondence, but certainly of the original claim form_
Mr Justice Vos: That is what I would like. So there was an application, was there, in that matter that was returnable today?
Miss Love: There was....
Mr Justice Vos: To do what?
Miss Love: If I could just start the procedural history, the claim by Mr Carew-Reid, which in essense was apparently a claim for damages in respect of treatment by the UK Border Agency of an individual known as Mr Prouty was issued on 9th December, 2011...
Page 6:
Miss Love: as you will see, it appears to be some hybrid of striking out and appealing the order of Master Bowles, an application for the cross-examination of myself and Mr Spanton, who was acting Treasury Solicitor and a generalised, if I might respectfully say so, rather difficult to grasp criminal contempt application..
Mr Justice Vos: It is another criminal contempt
Page 8:
Mr Geis: But the point was that Mr Prouty was refused entry into the UK and I've seen the forms that Mr Carew-Reid had, and there was one form which did not have a signature on. Now, I think this does cause for a bit of alarm and I think you should carefully consider this point and. if necessary, make an adjournment.
Mr Justice Vos: Thank you, Mr Gies...
Miss Lean: My Lord may have seen in the more recent correspondence from Mr Reid and INL that clearly they have concerns that this was a murder effected by MI5 or Mossad and/or other agents of the State, but as far as we are aware it is being dealt with as a criminal murder charge (murder of Thomas Allwood)
Mr Justice Voss: Yes, and who was Mr Allwood- apart from being a party to litigation, did he occupy some important position?....
Miss Lean: My Lord, for completeness, I should mention I am afraid among the many letters and emails from members of the INL News Group I do not have that one. I think I have seen some reference in the correspondence to Mr Allwood being involved with the INL News Group in some capacity so that may be the...
Mr Justice Voss: Right, but he was a associate and friend of Mr Carew-Reid, that is what it comes to?.... Right, thank you. Well Mr Carew-Reid himself says he was a friend of Mr Carew-Reid's side, I do not think we need to go further than that.....
Jacintha Saldanha's Death: Australian DJs Behind Royal Prank May Face Police Probe
The two Australian DJs who pulled the prank call on the U.K. hospital where Kate Middleton was staying are now in hiding and may soon have to face police after the death of a nurse caught in the hoax.
This morning, there are also new questions about whether DJs Mel Greig and Michael Christian, radio shock jocks at Sydney's 2Day FM broke laws after they recorded the private conversation when they pretended to be Queen Elizabeth and Prince Charles.
British police have also contacted Australian police about a possible probe into the prank call, The Associated Press reported Sunday.
Rhys Holleran, CEO of Southern Cross Austereo, the parent company of Sydney's 2Day FM radio station said no laws were broken. The prank had been cleared by the Australian radio station's lawyers. Holleran said the DJs followed the company's procedures before broadcasting the call. "I think the more important question here is that we're very confident that we haven't done anything illegal. Our main concern at this point in time is what has happened is incredibly tragic and we're deeply saddened and we're incredibly affected by that," Holleran said Saturday. The hoax has caused public outcry after the death of a nurse, Jacintha Saldanha, who connected the pair to the Duchess' room.
Saldanha was found dead Friday morning after police were called to an address near the hospital to "reports of a woman found unconscious," according to a statement from Scotland Yard. Circumstances of her death are still being investigated, but are not suspicious at this stage, authorities said earlier. Lord Glenarthur, the chairman of King Edward VII's Hospital, the U.K. hospital where the Duchess of Cambridge was receiving treatment, condemned the prank Saturday in a letter to the Max Moore-Wilton, chairman of Southern Cross Austereo, the Australian radio station's parent company.
Glenarthur said the prank humiliated "two dedicated and caring nurses," and the consequences were "tragic beyond words," The Associated Press reported. Max Moore-Wilton, the chairman of Southern Cross Austereo, said in a letter to Lord Glenarthur Sunday that the company is reviewing the station's broadcast policies, the AP reported. "I can assure you we are taking immediate action and reviewing the broadcast and processes involved," Moore-Wilton said in the letter. "As we have said in our own statements on the matter, the outcome was unforeseeable and very regrettable." Saldanha came to England from India nine years ago, with her husband and two children. On Facebook, her 14-year-old daughter wrote this weekend, simply: "I miss you, I loveeee you."
Saldanha worked as a nurse at King Edward VII private hospital for four years. Her family lives 100 miles away in Bristol, but while on shift she slept in a residence for nurses. With no receptionist on duty overnight she answered the prank call and put it through. The hospital called her a "first-class nurse" and "a well-respected and popular member of the staff" and extended "deepest sympathies" to family and friends, saying that "everyone is shocked" at this "tragic event."
The duchess spent three days at the hospital undergoing treatment for hyperemesis gravidarum, severe or debilitating nausea and vomiting. She was released from the hospital Thursday morning. The hospital apologized for the mistake.
A man who stabbed a photographer to death in a drunken street brawl was caught after police found a blood-stained knife in a cutlery drawer.
A man who stabbed a photographer to death in a drunken street brawl was caught after police found a blood-stained knife in a cutlery drawer.
Kyle Montgomery, 24, denied murdering Thomas Allwood after a late-night drinking session but was found guilty of culpable homicide by a jury on Wednesday.
Jurors at the High Court in Livingston took four and a half hours to return a guilty verdict on the lesser charge.
Sentence on the first-time offender, of Winchburgh, West Lothian, was deferred until December 20 for background reports.
Mr Allwood, a 56-year-old photographer who worked for the Australian-based INL News Group, was stabbed in the chest during an incident on June 21.
Giving evidence in his own defence, Montgomery claimed he grabbed the knife to frighten Mr Allwood after being attacked by him at a house in Broxburn, West Lothian.
He said the killing was an accident and that he did not know the blade had sliced through the victim's chest and severed a major artery as he struggled with the victim.
Police who were called to the scene followed a trail of blood from Mr Allwood's body to Montgomery's father’s home. They found the knife, still stained with blood, in a cutlery drawer.
Montgomery was detained as he returned to the house from a nearby shop.
Mr Allwood was a photographer with the Australian-based INL News Group. Although he was born in Scotland, his family emigrated when he was a child and he spent most of his live in Australia.
Murder trial told DNA of victim and alleged killer found on kitchen knife
THE knife was found in the kitchen of the dad of Kyle Montgomery, who denies murdering Thomas Allwood.
THE DNA of a murder victim and his alleged killer were found on a kitchen knife, a court heard yesterday.
The High Court in Livingston was told the odds of the DNA matching anyone other than the deceased, Thomas Allwood, were 28,600,000-1.
Blood samples lifted from the blade were a billion-to-one match for 24-year-old Kyle Montgomery, who denies murdering Thomas in Broxburn on June 21.
The knife was found in Montgomery’s dad’s kitchen.
Forensic scientist Kirsty McTurk told the jury: “The findings are consistent with Kyle Montgomery having assaulted Thomas Allwood.”
The trial was adjourned until Monday.
Man ‘caused stab death by accident’
Published on Wednesday 28 November 2012
A MAN accused of murdering an Australian journalist has claimed he must have stabbed the victim to death by accident.
Kyle Montgomery admitted that he armed himself with a kitchen knife and squared up to 56-year-old Thomas Graham Allwood.
He claimed in evidence at the High Court in Livingston that the blade was for his own “protection” and he had no intention of using it.
After being attacked twice by the victim, he said he just wanted to “scare him off” with the knife.
He struggled with Mr Allwood, who was armed with a metal pole or iron bar, but said he was unaware of inflicting the fatal blow which severed the main artery above his heart.
Montgomery, 24, from Winchburgh, West Lothian, denies murdering Mr Allwood in Broxburn on June 21.
In his closing speech yesterday, advocate depute Martin Macari asked the jury to convict Montgomery of murder. He said: “Whatever happened between those men, Kyle Montgomery had returned to the house to get a weapon.”
Derek Ogg QC, defending, said: “If he didn’t realise he’d caused that injury, he could not and did not have any criminal intent towards Mr Allwood.”
Judge Lord Doherty was due to deliver his charge to the jury this morning.
Comment from INL News Reader: Mary Gleeson
I have read all the published stories on the trial of Kyle Montgomery who was charged with the murder of INL Journalist Thomas Allwood, and all other previous media reports I could find on the web since Thomas Allwood was first reported on the BBC website on the 22nd June 2012 that he had been murdered in Broxburn, Scotland and that Kyle Montgomery was charged with Willfull murder of Thomas Allwood... and I have come to the conclusion that the way the evidence has presented at the trial of Kyle Montgomery and what evidence has been given by the witnesses the dots simply do not add up... and the trial has created more questions than answers..... when it seems clear that this Maggie lady, described as a female friend of Thomas Allwood and tJohn Montgomery, the father of the accused ..according to John Montgomery's evidence were in the house when Kyle Montgomery deliberately went outside to chase after Thomas Allwood with a bread knife... rather than jut locking lall the doors and windows of his father's house t make sure Thomas Allwood can not get back into their house....because they were meant to be in fear of him... then ring the police and say that Thomas Allwood was threatening Kyle Montgomery and had attacked Kyle Montgomery in John Montgomery's house ( all according the John Montgomery) and was continuing to bang on their door ... then the police would have come around immediately and arrested Thomas Allwood... who would then have spent the night in the police lock up.... where he would have woken up the next morning alive and be able to explain to a magistrate and/or the police what happened that night... no it all did not happen that way... John and Kyle Montgomery both claim that having removed Thomas Allwood from John Montgomery's house.... and expecting Thomas Allwood to have been unarmed....deliberately ran out of the back door of the house to the back garden for the purpose to chase Thomas Allwood with a bread knife in his hand.... instead of staying safe in his dads house and ringing the police.... now I read in the above article the unbelievable claim by Kyle Montgomery that Thomas Allwood "was armed with a metal pole or iron bar" and thus was acting in self defence after delieberately going outside to look for Thomas Allwood to attack him with a knife... other purpose would he have grabbed the knife and run outside with it for... it can only be to stab Thomas Allwood who he thought was unarmed... now Kyle Montgomery seems on the evidence had been drinking heavily since bout 1pm at his dads house and would have been very drunk by 2am the next morning and Thomas Allwood looks like a big man and Kyle Montgomery looks like a small thin boy... and thus could easily be over powered by Thomas Allwood even without Thomas Allwood have a metal pole or an iron bar to defend himself with from a vicious knife attack... we also heard from John Montgomery who said that Thomas Allwood had his son Kyle Montgomery pinned on the floor with his foot on his chest... which shows that Thomas Allwood had no problem in over powering Kyle Montgomery without any weapon of any sort.... then se have the unbelievable story of John Montgomery that at the same time the Thomas Allwood had his son Kyle Montgomery pinned to the floor by having his foot on his chest... Thomas Allwood was meant to have his hands around Kyle Montgomery's throat trying to strangle Kyle Montgomery... this is simply physically impossible for a tall big man to do at the same time as standing up with his foot on the person's is simply also unbelievable that that Thomas Allwood was armed outside with a metal pole or iron bar because if that was the case having already being told by John Montgomery that Thomas Allwood had no problem about being able to overpower Kyle Montgomery without any weapon, the how the hell is Kyle Montgomery going to be able fatally stab Thomas Allwood with just one six inch stab wound with a bread knife ( bread knife do not have pointy tips and just a cerated edge for a sawing action for bread or meat but not a stapping action) through clothing knowing the exact place to stab (single handed) a big man to kil him with one stab wound in the front chest ( not in the back) who is well aware that of the identity of the attacked and that the attcked is likely to attack because of a previous disagreement in the house.... and Thomas Allwood is also now armed with a metal pole or an iron bar.... which in one swing would have knocked small frail drunk Kyle Montgomery for six ... there is no way Kyle Montgomery is going to have any chance of being able to make that one fatal stab wound all by himself.... no normal jury is going to beleive this story.. so there seems no doubt what ever happened that morning Thomas Allwood must have been unarmed and Kyle Montgomery would have have to hav had some helpers... if it was really Kyle Montgomery that handed the fatal stab wound on Thomas about 2.15 according to the timing given by his father John Montgomery... then John and Kyle Montgomery and the lasy Maggie have to explain what the enmormous bang against the wall of the next door neighbours bedroom that cam from John Montgomery's house at about 3.5 to 3.15 am that felt to them that their bedroom wall was abourt to cave in... then after there being constant arguing, shouting and fighting etc before this enormous bang at about 3.05 to 3.15 am on the 21st June 2012.. everything from John Montgomery's house suddenly went quiet and for the first tikme ever... the back door was opened and wht and the door was not slammed which indicated clearly that someone or some people went out the door of John Montgomery's very silently and quietly... and the only logical deduction as to what the enormous bang against the wall was just before that nearly push the wall in from John Montgomery's side... was someone king hitting Thomas Allwood with a fist or a heavy object.. making him unconscious....then carrying Thomas Allwood out the door while he was unconscious... then may be making soem more bruses on his boy and then the one fatal stab wound ... all while he was unconscious.... and then carrying the body of Thomas Allwood quietly to where he was found on Clarkson/Pyothall Roads... at about 4.45 am by passers by...
However if one is to discount that theory and ignore the enormosu bang at 3.05 to 3.15 am coming from John Montgomery's house... and just still to what John Montgomery sated on the witness stand under oath.. that his sone Kyle Montgomery grabbed a bread knife from the kitchen draw and ran out the back door( obviously to go to try and stab Thomas Allwood or at least chase after himw ith the knife) then coming back ten minutes later with blod on the knife and admitting he had done something bad... and John Montgomery not asking any more questions and calmly oputting the knife woth the blood on it back into the draw... having one more drink,,, the son leave the house and he falls asleep on the lounge...and is woken uop at about 5am by the police arresting him... so why didn't John Montgomery, Kyle Montgomery and/or Maggie ring the police and/or an ambulance at about 2.20 am which would haved saved the life of Thomas Allwood..
Man convicted of Thomas Allwood death
28 November 2012 15:59
A man who stabbed his victim in the chest, resulting in his death has today been convicted.
At the High Court in Livingston today, Kyle Montgomery was found guilty of culpable homicide after killing 56-year-old Thomas Graham Allwood during a disturbance in Broxburn in the early hours of Thursday 21st June.
Members of the public found Mr Allwood's body in Clarkson Road and alerted police who launched a major investigation to identify his killer.
Detectives quickly traced and arrested Montgomery and charged him in connection Mr Allwood's death.
The 24-year-old is due to be sentenced on Thursday 20th December at Edinburgh High Court.
Detective Inspector Stuart Houston, who led the investigation said: "It is my sincere hope, that following today's verdict Mr Allwood's family can begin to move on with their lives and put this horrendous ordeal behind them.
"I would also like to thank the members of the community who came forward and assisted with this investigation.
"Lothian and Borders Police are committed to tackling violent crime and by working closely with our partners at the Crown Office, ensure that offences of this nature are investigated thoroughly and those responsible are removed from our communities."
Thomas Allwood was born in Scotland but spent most of his life in Australia
First offender Kyle Montgomery will be sentenced next month for the killing
Broxburn killer Montgomery convicted
by Rebecca GarrettWednesday, 28 November 2012
The monster who stabbed Thomas Graham Allwood in the chest in Broxburn, which resulted in his death, has been convicted.
Kyle Montgomery was found guilty of culpable homicide the High Court in Livingston. He killed 56-year-old Allwood during a disturbance in the early hours of Thursday, June 21.
Members of the public found Mr Allwood's body in the Clarkson Road/Pyothall Road area and alerted police. A major investigation to identify his killer was launched.
Detectives quickly traced and arrested Montgomery and charged him in connection Mr Allwood's death.
The 24-year-old is due to be sentenced on Thursday, December 20 at Edinburgh High Court.
Detective Inspector Stuart Houston, who led the investigation, said: "It is my sincere hope, that following today's verdict Mr Allwood's family can begin to move on with their lives and put this horrendous ordeal behind them.
"I would also like to thank the members of the community who came forward and assisted with this investigation.
"Lothian and Borders Police are committed to tackling violent crime and by working closely with our partners at the Crown Office, ensure that offences of this nature are investigated thoroughly and those responsible are removed from our communities."
28 November 2012
Kyle Montgomery found guilty of killing journalist Thomas Allwood
A man who stabbed a journalist to death in West Lothian has been convicted of culpable homicide.
Kyle Montgomery, from Winchburgh, denied murdering 56-year-old Thomas Allwood in Broxburn in June.
A jury at the High Court in Livingston took four-and-a-half hours to find the 24-year-old guilty of the lesser charge.
Sentence was deferred until 20 December at the High Court in Edinburgh for background reports.
Montgomery had said he grabbed a knife to scare off Mr Allwood after claiming he was attacked by him at a house in Broxburn.
He said the killing was an accident and that he did not know the blade had sliced through the victim's chest and severed a major artery during the struggle.
After the attack, Mr Allwood, who was a journalist with the Australian-based INL News Group, was found on Clarkson Road by members of the public.
Police who were called to the scene followed a trail of blood from his body to Montgomery's father house.
They found the knife, still bloodstained, in a cutlery drawer. Montgomery was detained as he returned to the house from a nearby shop.
Mr Allwood was born in Scotland but his family emigrated to Australia when he was a baby and he spent most of his life there.
He was involved in producing a TV show called Fringe Shows Have Talent, to showcase entertainers performing at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival.
Det Insp Stuart Houston, who led the Lothian and Borders Police investigation, said: "It is my sincere hope, that following today's verdict Mr Allwood's family can begin to move on with their lives and put this horrendous ordeal behind them.
"I would also like to thank the members of the community who came forward and assisted with this investigation.
"Lothian and Borders Police are committed to tackling violent crime and by working closely with our partners at the Crown Office, ensure that offences of this nature are investigated thoroughly and those responsible are removed from our communities."
Killer who stabbed man to death had bloody knife in cutlery drawer
STV 28 November 2012 16:45 GMT
Associated Press/Carolyn Kaster, File - FILE - In this Nov. 16, 2012, file photo, President Barack Obama acknowledges House Speaker John Boehner of Ohio while speaking to reporters in the Roosevelt Room of the White House in Washington, as he hosted a meeting of the bipartisan, bicameral leadership of Congress to discuss the deficit and economy. Admnistration officials say President Barack Obama and House Speaker John Boehner met Sunda, Dec. 9, 2012, at the White House to discuss the ongoing negotiations over the impeding "fiscal cliff." Spokesmen for both Obama and Boehner said the two men agreed to not release details of the conversation, but emphasized that the lines of communication remain open. (AP Photo/Carolyn Kaster, File)
Stock market is a wild card in fiscal cliff talks
By By CHARLES BABINGTON | Associated Press
WASHINGTON (AP) — Congress and the White House can significantly soften the initial impact of the "fiscal cliff" even if they fail to reach a compromise by Dec. 31. One thing they cannot control, however, is the financial markets' reaction, which possibly could be a panicky sell-off that triggers economic reversals worldwide.
The stock market's unpredictability is perhaps the biggest wild card in the political showdown over the fiscal cliff.
President Barack Obama's re-election gives him a strong negotiating hand, as Republicans are increasingly acknowledging. And some Democrats are willing to let the Dec. 31 deadline pass, because a rash of broad-based tax hikes would pressure Republicans to give more ground in renewed deficit-reduction negotiations.
A chief fear for Obama's supporters, however, is that Wall Street would be so disgusted or dismayed that stocks would plummet before lawmakers could prove their newfound willingness to mitigate the fiscal cliff's harshest measures, including deep, across-the-board spending cuts that Defense Secretary Leon Panetta says could significantly damage the nation's military posture. SomeRepublicans believe that fear will temper the president's insistence on a hard bargain this month. Obama and GOP House Speaker John Boehner on Sunday held their first meeting between just the two of them since the election, and spokesmen for both emphasized afterward their lines of communication remain open.
The so-called cliff's recipe of major tax hikes and spending cuts can actually be a gentle slope, because the policy changes would be phased in over time. Washington insiders say Congress and the White House would move quickly in January or February to undo many, but not all, of the tax hikes and spending cuts.
Financial markets, however, respond to emotion as well as to research, reason and promises. If New Year's headlines scream "Negotiations Collapse," an emotional sell-off could threaten the president's hopes for continued economic recovery in his second term, even if Republicans receive most of the blame for the impasse.
"Nobody can predict the markets' reaction," said Rep. Jim Cooper, D-Tenn.
Some Republicans are surprised that the White House has not made clearer efforts to reassure Wall Street that if the Dec. 31 deadline is breached, the worrisome pile of tax increases and spending cuts would not hit all at once.
A few liberal commentators are making just that case.
"If we go past the so-called fiscal cliff deadlines and all the resulting budget cuts and tax increases come into force, the administration can minimize the damage," Washington Post columnist E.J. Dionne wrote last week. "Obama can publicly announce he is delaying any cuts, on the theory thatCongress will eventually vitiate some of them. And he can make sure the bond markets know of his plans well in advance. ... Everyone (especially Wall Street) should calm down."
Some financial bloggers agree. "Although it would be bad to let the spending cuts and tax hikes fully go into effect, if this thing is addressed in early January, things will be okay," wrote Business Insider's Joe Weisenthal.
So far, the stock markets have stayed calm. The S&P 500 index is up 12 percent for the year.
That might be because investors agree that a temporary trip over the cliff wouldn't be too harmful. Chastened lawmakers, the thinking goes, would quickly minimize the economic damage with a deficit-reduction compromise that eluded them in December.
Or, it's possible that investors view the most pessimistic tones surrounding the fiscal cliff talks as posturing that will give way to a last-minute deal. If that is the thinking — and if the Dec. 31 deadline instead is breached — Obama's fear might come to pass: The expectation of a deal might produce a significant decline in stock prices if it doesn't occur.
As bad as that sounds, some liberals think it will be necessary to force many Republicans to drop their opposition to higher tax rates on the wealthy that Obama says are crucial to trimming the deficit.
Rep. Peter Welch, a Vermont Democrat who says temporarily going over the cliff wouldn't be so bad, noted what happened on Sept. 29, 2008. The House surprised investors by rejecting a proposed bailout of the crisis-stricken financial sector. Republicans strongly opposed the plan despite then-President George W. Bush's support. The Dow plunged 777 points, its largest one-day point drop ever. Four days later the House, shaken by the market reaction, passed a slightly modified bailout bill.
Welch said a similar market meltdown next month, in the event of a fiscal cliff impasse, "is what will force members of Congress eventually to act." Few lawmakers in either party are eager to predict how the stocks and bonds markets would react to a failure to reach a fiscal cliff accord by year's end. "Let's not pretend the markets fully understand the politicians, or the politicians fully understand the markets," said Rep. George Miller, D-Calif., who has served in Congress for 37 years.
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How the 'Mayan Apocalypse' came from a New Age magic mushroom trip
The 'prophecy' does not stem from the Mayans at all. Instead, the beliefs come from two New Age books in the Seventies and Eighties, says a British academic.
Jose Arguelles, author of The Mayan Factor (Image: Wikimedia)
The so-called 'Mayan' prophecy actually comes from New Age writers in the Seventies and Eighties (Image: Rex)
People who are expecting the world to end on December 21 - the so-called 'Mayan Apocalypse' - should be in for a pleasant disappointment.
The 'prophecy' does not stem from the Mayans at all - or date from thousands of years ago.
Instead, the beliefs come from two New Age books in the Seventies and Eighties.
The two books predict outcomes as surreal as a 'upgrade' to human consciousness predicted by a spirit from the seventh century. The date itself comes from a prophecy based on a magic mushroom trip.
“December 21st will be just another Friday morning,” said Andrew Wilson, Assistant Head of Social Studies at the University of Derby. “A hippy guru called Jose Arguelles associated the date with the Mayan calendar in a book called The Mayan Factor in 1987. But it's an obsolete form of the calendar, which had not been used since the year 1100AD.”
“He claimed to be channelling various spirits, including the spirit of a Mayan king from the seventh century. He predicted a ‘shift in human consciousness’ - mass enlightenment.”
The actual date of December 21 first appeared in an earlier work - a 1975 book by Terence McKenna, a writer known for his descriptions of “machine elves” seen while under the influence of drugs.
The date appeared in McKenna's ‘Timeline Zero’ prophecy, and was based on McKenna’s own mathematics, the Chinese I Ching and a magic mushroom trip.
McKenna later met Arguelles and the two became, Wilson says, part of a circle of New Age authors who cited each other’s work, lending the ‘prophecy’ an air of believability.
“The significance of December 21 2012 in ‘New Age’ circles emerged from the work of ‘ethnobotanist’ Terence McKenna as he travelled deep into the Amazon in the 1970s,” says Wilson. His calculations of a ‘zero time wave’ suggested the world would go through a large change on December 21.”
“Arguelles, who had a long-held interest in Native American spiritualties, was inspired by McKenna’s work. He popularised the date in connection with the ‘long count calendar’ of the Mayan people in his new-age circles.”
As the belief has evolved, it has become associated with other, wilder predictions - such as the idea that Earth will be hit by a ‘rogue planet’, Nibiru, or swallowed by a black hole.
“There is no central belief,” says Wilson, “It varies from the ideas that Earth’s magnetic poles might shift, to the idea of a ‘galactic council’ visiting Earth. There’s no one, definite idea - it mirrors the New Age beliefs from which it comes.”
“It’s become part of a lot of religious movements. For instance, ‘The Galactic Federation of Light’ believes that ‘Planet X’ will make a close pass by the earth in 2012 – causing a deep transformation of human life on Earth.
“What this and other apocalyptic dates have in common across new religious movements is that they are often predicted to occur within a believer’s lifetime - making their beliefs urgent and important,” said Wilson.
“However, most people who believe in the significance of December 21 2012 have tempered their predictions of an apocalypse to, instead, signifying some significant change in humanity. Whether that is a change in culture or a world-wide event - most believers in an apocalypse won't be preparing for an earthly end but looking forward to an imminent transformation."
“A lot of people look to this story for reassurance - about the financial climate, or even about fears of, for instance, the Large Hadron Collider.”
“What’s been popularised is the dramatic stuff - but I am definitely still doing my Christmas shopping as normal this year.”
Wilson’s paper, ‘From Mushrooms to the Stars’, will be published by Ashgate in 2013.
Georgia details nuke black market investigations
By By DESMOND BUTLER | Associated Press
This June 24, 2012 photo shows the Hotel L Bakuria in Batumo, Georgia, Black Sea coast near the Turkish Border. In April 2012, three men gathered in secret at the hotel to talk about a deal for radioactive material for sale. The Georgian seller offered cesium, a byproduct from nuclear reactors that terrorists can use to make a dirty bomb.But one of the Turkish men made it clear he was after something much more dangerous: Uranium, the material used to make a nuclear bomb. The two Turks and the seller businessman Soslan Oniani, were convicted in September, 2012 in a Georgian court, according to officials, and sentenced to six years in prison each. Despite years and hundreds of millions of dollars spent in the fight against illicit sale of nuclear contraband, the black market remain active in the countries around the former Soviet Union. (AP Photo by Desmond Butler)
This undated handout photo provided by the Georgia Interior Ministry shows components for four cylinders containing radioactive substances seized in Batumi, Georgia on April 10, 2012. Police, who have been tracking Georgian Businessman Soslan Oniani, for over year, monitored him in a hotel room meeting with two Turskish citizens, trying to sell to sell the cylinders with the materials which included cesium-137 and strontium-90. The two Turks and the seller, Oniani, were convicted were convicted in September, 2012 in a Georgian court, according to officials, and sentenced to six years in prison each.
Associated Press/Georgia Interior Ministry - This undated photo provided by the Georgia Interior Ministry shows part of a seizure of radioactive substances including iridium-192 and europium-152. Police in Kutaisi, Georgia arrested two people involved in the smuggling in February 2011. The investigation led police to track a third man, Soslan Oniani, who would be arrested in April 2012 trying to sell radioactive material to two Turkish men. Despite years of effort and hundreds of millions of dollars spent in the fight against the illicit sale of nuclear contraband, the black market remains active in the countries around the former Soviet Union. The radioactive materials, mostly left over from the Cold War, include nuclear bomb-grade uranium and plutonium, and dirty-bomb isotopes like cesium and iridium. (AP Photo/Georgia Interior Ministry)
BATUMI, Georgia (AP) — On the gritty side of this casino resort town near the Turkish border, three men in a hotel suite gathered in secret to talk about a deal for radioactive material.
The Georgian seller offered cesium, a byproduct of nuclear reactors that terrorists can use to arm a dirty bomb with the power to kill. But one of the Turkish men, wearing a suit and casually smoking a cigarette, made clear he was after something even more dangerous: uranium, the material for a nuclear bomb. The would-be buyers agreed to take a photo of the four cylinders and see if their boss in Turkey was interested. They did not know police were watching through a hidden camera. As they got up to leave, the police rushed in and arrested the men, according to Georgian officials, who were present.
The encounter, which took place in April, reflected a fear shared by U.S. and Georgian officials: Despite years of effort and hundreds of millions of dollars spent in the fight against the illicit sale of nuclear contraband, the black market remains active in the countries around the former Soviet Union. The radioactive materials, mostly left over from the Cold War, include nuclear bomb-grade uranium and plutonium, and dirty-bomb isotopes like cesium and iridium. The extent of the black market is unknown, but a steady stream of attempted sales of radioactive materials in recent years suggests smugglers have sometimes crossed borders undetected. Since the formation of a special nuclear police unit in 2005 with U.S. help and funding, 15 investigations have been launched in Georgia and dozens of people arrested. Six of the investigations were disclosed publicly for the first time to The Associated Press byGeorgian authorities. Officials with the U.S. government and the International Atomic Energy Agency declined to comment on the individual investigations, but President Barack Obama noted in a speech earlier this year that countries like Georgia and Moldova have seized highly enriched uraniumfrom smugglers. An IAEA official, who spoke anonymously because he was not authorized to comment, said the agency is concerned smuggling is still occurring in Georgia.
Four of the previously undisclosed cases, and a fifth — an arrest in neighboring Turkey announced by officials there — occurred this year. One from last year involved enough cesium-137 to make a deadly dirty bomb, officials said.
Also, Georgian officials see links between two older cases involving highly enriched uranium, which in sufficient quantity can be used to make a nuclear bomb. The AP's interviews with the two imprisoned smugglers in one case suggested that the porous borders and the poverty of the region contributed to the problem. The arrests in the casino resort of Batumi stand out for two reasons: They suggest there are real buyers — many of the other investigations involved stings with undercover police acting as buyers. And they suggest that buyers are interested in material that can be used to make a nuclear weapon. "Real buyers are rare in nuclear smuggling cases, and raise real risks," said nuclear nonproliferation specialist Matthew Bunn, who runs Harvard's Project on Managing the Atom. "They suggest someone is actively seeking to buy material for a clandestine bomb." The request for uranium raises a particularly troubling question. "There's no plausible reason for looking for black-market uranium other than for nuclear weapons— or profit, by selling to people who are looking to make nuclear weapons," Bunn said.
Georgia's proximity to the large stockpiles of Cold War-era nuclear material, its position along trade routes to Asia and Europe, the roughly 225 miles (360 kilometers) of unsecured borders of its two breakaway republics, South Ossetia and Abkhazia, and the poverty of the region may explain why the nation of 4.5 million has become a transit point for nuclear material. Georgian officials say the radioactive material in the five new cases this year all transited through Abkhazia, which borders on Russia and has Russian troops stationed on its territory. Abkhazia's foreign ministry said it has no information about the Georgian allegations and would not comment, but in the past it has denied Georgian allegations.
Russia maintains that it has secured its radioactive material — including bomb-grade uranium and plutonium — and that Georgia has exaggerated the risk because of political tension with Moscow. But while the vast majority of the former Soviet Union's nuclear arsenal and radioactive material has been secured, U.S. officials say that some material in the region remains loose. "Without a doubt, we are aware and have been over the last several years that not all nuclear material is accounted for," says Simon Limage, deputy assistant secretary for non-proliferation programs at the U.S. State Department. "It is true that a portion that we are concerned about continues to be outside of regulatory control."
U.S. efforts to prevent smuggling have prioritized bomb-grade material because of the potential that a nuclear bomb could flatten a U.S. city. But security officials say an attack with a dirty bomb — explosives packed with radioactive material — would be easier for a terrorist to pull off. And terrorist groups, including al-Qaida, have sought the material to do so. A study by the National Defense University found that the economic impact from a dirty bomb attack of a sufficient scale on a city center could exceed that of the September 11, 2011, attacks on New York and Washington.
The U.S. government has been assisting about a dozen countries believed to be vulnerable to nuclear smuggling, including Georgia, to set up teams that combine intelligence with police undercover work. Limage says Georgia's team is a model for the other countries the U.S. is supporting. On Jan. 6, police arrested a man in Georgia's capital, Tbilisi, and seized 36 vials with cesium-135, a radioactive isotope that is hard to use for a weapon. The man said he had obtained the material in Abkhazia. In April, Georgian authorities arrested a group of smugglers from Abkhazia bringing in three glass containers with about 2.2 pounds (1 kilogram) of yellowcake uranium, a lightly processed substance that can be enriched into bomb-grade material.
"At first we thought that this was coincidence," said Archil Pavlenishvili, chief investigator of Georgia's anti-smuggling team. "But since all of these cases were connected with Abkhazia, it suggests that the stuff was stolen recently from one particular place. But we have no idea where. " Days later, more evidence turned up when Turkish media reported the arrest of three Turkish men with a radioactive substance in the capital, Ankara. Police seized 2.2 pounds (1 kilogram) of cesium-135, the same material seized in January in Tbilisi.
Georgian officials said the suspects were residents of Germany and driving a car with German plates, but that the material had come from Abkhazia. Turkish authorities said the men had entered Turkey from Georgia. Information provided by German authorities led to the arrest in June of five suspects in Georgia with 9 vials of cesium-135 that looked very similar to the vials seized in January. The Batumi investigation started after the arrest of two men in the city of Kutaisi in February 2011 year with a small quantity of two radioactive materials stolen from an abandoned Soviet helicopter factory, according to Georgian officials. The men said that a businessman, Soslan Oniani, had encouraged them to sell the material. Police interviewed Oniani and searched his house, but found insufficient evidence to arrest him, according to officials. Still, they kept monitoring him through phone taps and an informant. Georgian officials say Oniani was a braggart, who played on his relationship with his cousin, Tariel Oniani, a well- known organized crime boss convicted in Russia of kidnapping.
Early this year, Soslan Oniani started talking about a new deal. Through surveillance and phone taps, police learned of the meeting in Batumi and monitored it. While no money passed hands, the men discussed an illegal deal, which is sufficient for prosecution in Georgia. Tests by Georgian authorities later revealed that one lead cylinder held cesium-137, two strontium-90, and the fourth spent material that was hard to identify. All are useful for making a dirty bomb, although the material in the cylinders alone was not enough to cause mass casualties, according to data provided by Georgian nuclear regulatory authorities. The arrested Turks denied knowing they were negotiating for radioactive substances. They claimed to be musical instrument experts, who had come to Batumi seeking to buy violins. A skeptical interrogator asked them if they were familiar with the famed instrument maker Stradivarius.
One man said he had never heard of him. The two Turks and the seller, Oniani, were convicted in September in a Georgian court, according to officials, and sentenced to six years in prison each.
The Georgian smuggling cases suggest that the trade in radioactive materials is driven at least in part by poverty and the lingering legacy of Soviet corruption in a hardscrabble region. Georgian officials say that because of U.S. backed counter-smuggling efforts, organized crime groups seem to have concluded that the potential profit from trade in these materials doesn't justify the risk. But individuals sometimes conclude they can make a quick buck from radioactive material. For instance, in one newly disclosed case last year, authorities arrested two Georgian men with firearms, TNT and a lethal quantity of cesium-137. One was a former Soviet officer in an army logistics unit, who told police that at the end of his service in the early 90s, he had made a second career stealing from the military.
"He openly said: 'I was a logistics officer and my second duty was to steal everything possible," according to Pavlenishvili. The man kept the cesium for years before he and a relative tried to sell it last year to a Georgian undercover officer. He did not try to sell the weapons or explosives. Poverty and corruption also appear to have played into three smuggling incidents in 2003, 2006 and 2010 that involved bomb-grade highly enriched uranium.
In 2003, an Armenian man, Garik Dadaian, was arrested when he set off a radiation detector provided by an American program at a checkpoint on the Armenian-Georgian border. Days later, the man was released and returned to Armenia under murky circumstances.
Dadaian's name resurfaced in 2010 on a bank transfer slip in the pocket of the two smugglers arrested with highly enriched uranium. The men had obtained the material from Dadaian and were offering it as a sample of a larger quantity. Police say forensic analysis suggests the uranium may have come from the same batch seized in 2003. Russian investigators suspected Dadaian got the nuclear fuel from a manufacturing plant in Novosibirsk, Russia, where several disappearances of material have been documented. Pavlenishvili said Dadaian bribed prosecutors to win his release and take some of the uranium. The two smugglers in the 2010 case were Sumbat Tonoyan, a dairy farmer who went bankrupt, and Hrant Ohanian, a former physicist at a nuclear research facility in the Armenian capital of Yerevan. The AP interviewed both at a prison about 25 miles (40 kilometers) outside Tbilisi, where they are serving sentences of 13 and 14 years.
In separate interviews, each man blamed the other for the idea of smuggling uranium, and talked of financial hardship. Ohanian said his daughter needed urgent medical care that he couldn't afford, and Tonoyan said a bank had seized his house after his dairy factory collapsed. "I didn't have a job and I couldn't pay the bank," he said in Russian through an interpreter. The men also claimed they believed the material they were selling was to be used for scientific work, not nefarious purposes. Ohanian said a Georgian contact, who was also arrested, told him relations with Moscow were so bad that Georgian scientists could not get the uranium they needed from Russia on the open market. "I feel guilty because I behaved like an idiot," he said. "I should have known and I would never do something like this again."
Follow Desmond Butler at //
The family of nurse Jacintha Saldanha have thanked people for their support and messages of condolence.
Speaking on their behalf, Keith Vaz MP described Mrs Saldanha as a "loving mother and a loving wife".
"This is a close family, they are devastated by what has happened, they miss her every moment of every day," he said, as he stood beside Mrs Saldanha's husband Benedict Barboza and her two teenage children.
"They are really grateful for the support of the British public and the public overseas for the messages of support and kindness," he added.
The post-mortem for the nurse, who put through a hoax call made about the Duchess of Cambridge's medical condition, will take place on Tuesday.
Mrs Saldanha took the initial call from Australian DJs Mel Greig and Michael Christian who posed as the Queen and the Prince of Wales when they rang the hospital where Kate was being treated for acute morning sickness.
Believing it to be genuine, she put the call through to another colleague who was duped into describing the duchess' condition in detail.
Mrs Saldanha was found dead days later, having apparently taken her own life.
Her post-mortem will take place at Westminster Mortuary.
Prime Minister David Cameron spoke of his "shock" at Mrs Saldanha's death.
He said: "I thought it was completely shocking ... I heard about the suicide of this nurse, who worked incredibly hard and obviously was incredibly dedicated.
"I feel incredibly sorry for her and her family. It is an absolute tragedy that this has happened and I am sure everyone will want to reflect on how it was allowed to happen."
It comes after the boss of Sydney radio station 2Day FM said five attempts were made to contact London's King Edward VII's Hospital about the prank call before it aired.
"Following the hoax call, the radio station did not speak to anyone in the hospital's senior management or anyone at the company who handles our media enquiries," a hospital spokesman said.
Earlier, Rhys Holleran - head of the station's parent company Southern Cross Austereo - said he was satisfied that the appropriate checks were carried out before the pre-recorded segment was broadcast.
"It is absolutely true to say that we actually did attempt to contact those people on multiple occasions," he told Fairfax Radio, an Australian broadcaster.
"We rang them up to discuss what we had recorded ... we attempted to contact them on no less than five occasions ... we wanted to speak to them about it."
Britain's Health Secretary Jeremy Hunt has told Sky News the nurse's response to the prank call does not point to a widespread breach of procedure.
Asked what lessons needed to be learned, he said: "I think we need to make sure that the right safeguards are in place, that the right training is in place, but I think it's too early for me to say whether this is something which is just an individual prank that went horribly wrong and it was an isolated breach or whether there are more widespread issues.
"My instinct is that this was an isolated incident with very exceptional circumstances."
Labour MP Mr Vaz, who visited Mrs Saldanha's family in Bristol on Sunday, has called on the hospital to hold an inquiry and provide more support to the relatives.
"What is needed, clearly, is an inquiry by the hospital into what has happened.
"The hospital has sent them a letter, which I have seen, but I'm surprised that nobody has made the journey to Bristol to sit with them and offer them the counselling that I think they need."
He said the family was in "terrible distress", adding: "More support in my view needs to be given."
A statement from King Edward VII Hospital said chief executive John Lofthouse had offered to meet Mrs Saldanha's husband.
It said it had also offered to establish a memorial fund in her name.
The statement read: "We hope that everyone will focus on doing all they can for the family of Jacintha Saldanha at this terrible time."
The two young 2Day FM hosts at the centre of the controversial Royal prank have broken their silence on the call that had such tragic repercussions.
Headlines and commentary in the UK have condemned the two young radio hosts at the centre of 2DayFM's tragic prank call.
The two young 2Day FM hosts at the centre of the controversial Royal prank have broken their silence on the call that had such tragic repercussions.
After the stunt received international coverage, the nurse who answered the call, 46-year-old Jacintha Saldanha, took her own life.
How much the prank had to do with the tragedy is open to conjecture, but what is certain is that Michael Christian and Mel Greig are two young people under unimaginable pressure.
Though they both say that they are emotionally stable in talking about the events, both Christian and Greig appear visibly distraught.
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When Greig describes hearing the dreadful results following the days after the prank she says "unfortunately I remember that moment very well because I haven't stopped thinking about it since it happened, and I remember my first question was 'was she a mother?'"
On hearing that Saldanha had indeed been the mother of two children, Greig says she was "very sorry and saddened for the family. I can't imagine what they'd be going through."
Christian says he is "gutted", "shattered", and "heartbroken".
He says "we're still trying to get our heads around everything. Trying to make sense of the situation."
According to Greig the whole tragedy doesn't even seem real. "It doesn't seem real because you just couldn't foresee something like that happening from a prank call. You know it was never meant to go that far. It was meant to be a silly little prank that so many people have done before. This wasn't meant to happen," she said.
When asked whether, in hindsight, they would they do something like that again, Christian says "I don't think that anyone could have predicted what could've happened. It was just a tragic set of circumstances. I don't think anyone could have thought that we'd be here."
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So how did the idea of the prank first come up? Both Christian and Greig are clear that the idea was the whole team's - that there is no single person that can or should be blamed. "Everything's done as a team," the said.
When asked whether there was legal advice or guidance from senior staff on how best to tackle the call, both Christian and Greig are clear on the fact that the call was never meant to be more than a silly joke.
"The call to begin with wasn't about speaking to Kate. It wasn't about trying to get a scoop or anything. The call was just – I mean we'd assumed that we'd be hung up on and that'd be that," Christian said.
Indian-born mother-of-two Jacintha Saldanha, 46, is thought to have taken her own life. Photo: Supplied
However when the two weren't hung up on during the call last week, the prank was certainly treated as a scoop. The hosts were both shocked and amused when they were put through and given information about Princess Kate's health.
According to Greig "the accents were terrible. You know it was designed to be stupid. We were never meant to get that far - from the little corgis barking in the background – we obviously wanted it to be a joke."
Christian echoes that "the joke was always on us, not anyone else. It wasn't about trying to fool someone. I mean we just assumed that with the voices that we put on, you know, we were going to get told off and that was the gag – in us."
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Asked whether Austereo provides any coaching or training about the legal and ethical implications of what is put on air, Christian is clear that his role is as a presenter and that there are others who make the tough calls.
"This phonecall is the same with any phonecall, with any prerecorded segment that goes to air. There's processes in place and people that make those decisions," he said.
"There are people that make those decisions for us."
2Day FM hosts, Michael Christian and Mel Greig. Photo: Supplied
Greig echoes the sentiments, saying "it went through the processes of every other recorded bit that we do – from interviews to you know anything at all that gets recorded and passed on to the appropriate people, goes through the process, and we're told whether it's yes or no to play."
While the powers that be made the decisions about whether to air the segment, the two DJs were certainly giddy that they'd pulled off such an unlikely prank.
"We couldn't believe that it had worked, absolutely. You didn't expect it to. We thought a hundred people before us would've tried the same thing. We just did not see that actually working," Greig said.
Yahoo!7 News: Sydney station tried to contact nurses
Christian is careful to reiterate that the point of the prank "wasn't to get something that no one else had. It wasn't about getting (information)."
However they did try to get a medical condition update - and the medical condition of a Royal at that.
Greig explains that "we didn't actually want that. We just wanted to be hung up on. We wanted to be hung up on with our silly voices and wanted a twenty second segment to air of us doing stupid voices."
Police officers stand outside the King Edward VII's hospital following the death of a nurse who took a hoax call concerning the Duchess of Cambridge's treatment on December 7, 2012 in London, England. Photo: Getty
The two didn't identify themselves at the end of the call (though today station management said that they'd tried to contact the two nurses who were part of the call a number of times before the segment went to air).
"That's where the process comes in. We just record everything and pass it to the team. That's what we do," Greig said.
"And again the call itself is – there's no malice in the call. There was no digging. There was no trying to upset or get a reaction," Christian reiterated.
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The extreme vilification of the two DJs by the UK media looks like a witch hunt - there are those that want someone to pay. At the same time hackers here are threatening to shut down the radio station and hack into the whole system if the two young DJs aren't sacked.
In tears, Greig says "there's nothing that can make me feel worse than what I feel right now. And for what I feel for the family. We're so sorry that this has happened to them."
Though both DJs are being given counseling and support from Austereo, they say their priority is that the family of the nurse gets the support and care they need.
"I care more about the family. I want to know that they've got the support that they need and that the public are, you know, being respectful of their privacy," Greig said.
She has not made contact with the family, deciding that it was no appropriate at this time.
"I don't think it's an appropriate time to do that yet. But this is where we want to say that we are thinking of you and if we could call you we would want to reach out to you."
So if they could turn the clock back, would these two DJs make the same phonecall?
"If we played any involvement in her death, then we're very sorry for that. And time will only tell," Christian said.
However he does maintain that "these are prank calls. They've been around for as long as radio's existed, and they're done by every radio station."
And while that's certainly true, the results of this specific prank call are horific. Christian is clear that "no one could have predicted this result."
What does the future hold for the two DJs at the centre of this disaster?
"I don't want to think about that right now. There's bigger, more pressing issues and that's making sure that family gets through this tough time. You know our careers aren't important at the moment," Greig said.
With Scotland Yard now involved, there is eery chance that they two will be called to an inquest, which will probably be in London, where they'll meet the family face to face. Are they prepared for that?
Not ready to look at the future just yet, Christian says "right now we're trying to wrap our heads around what's happened."
Greig assures that "if that's going to make them feel better then I'll do what I need to do, absolutely. If that's something that they want to do, to get some closure, then I'll do that."
Both Greig and Christian have a lot of support. A poll out today of 11,000 people, had two thirds saying they feel the two DJs are not to blame for this horrible result. However the other side are horrible comments in mainstream media and on Twitter saying they've ruined many lives, 'shame on you', and 'you've got blood on your hands'.
Christian says that that's not what they are focusing on.
"What's important right now is you know, that the family of Jacintha are getting the support and the love that they deserve. And I mean that's what's important here. You know, it was, it is, nothing more than a tragic turn of events that no one could have predicted and, you know, for the part that we played, we're obviously incredibly sorry."
"If we had any idea that something like this could be even possible to happen, you know, we couldn't see this happening. It was meant to be a prank call," Greig said.
When the phonecall first aired, Greig said it was the 'highlight of her career' - incredibly excited to get the call through. But of course, as she keeps repeating "we couldn't foresee what was going to happen in the future."
"The call itself was not malicious and no harm was intended on Jacintha, or the other nurse, or Kate, or Prince William, or anyone. It wasn't – from start to finish – there was no harm intended. And obviously, you know, we're incredibly sorry for the harm that we may have helped contribute (to)," Christian concluded.
Readers seeking support and information about suicide prevention can contact Lifelineon 13 11 14 or Suicide Call Back Service on 1300 659 467.
Indian-born mother-of-two Jacintha Saldanha, 46, is thought to have taken her own life. Photo: Supplied
Police officers stand outside the King Edward VII's hospital following the death of a nurse who took a hoax call concerning the Duchess of Cambridge's treatment on December 7, 2012 in London, England. Photo: Getty
2Day FM hosts, Michael Christian and Mel Greig. Photo: Supplied
Readers seeking support and information about suicide prevention can contact Lifelineon 13 11 14 or Suicide Call Back Service on 1300 659 467.
Proud to Be One of the World's Worst Hotels
The good news? This hotel is a bargain, no room costs more 25 euros per night. The bad news: You get what you pay for. It may be the worst hotel in the world.
The people who own the Hans Brinker Budget Hostel in Amsterdam wrote the book on the subject with a simple idea in mind: If you were warned in advance, you can't complain after you arrive. Some of the Hans Brinker's advertising slogans include: "It can't get any worse. But we'll do our best" or "Improve your immune system – stay at Hans Brinker!" And this "honest" humorous approach works, if you judge by the high percentage of the hotel's 511 beds in 127 rooms that are occupied these days.
The hotel's target clientele are mostly students and backpackers, who can appreciate the sarcastic humor and the price. The Hans Brinker ads make extremely modest claims: "Now with beds in every room" or "Now more rooms without a window," to go with the modest rate. And cheapness isn't the only virtue on display at the Hans Brinker Budget Hostel, there's also so-called ecological correctness. So the hotel's broken elevators becomes an "eco-friendly elevator"-- the stairs. No hot water in the shower? It keeps water consumption environmentally sound. No towels? Drying yourself off with the curtains saves on washing and helps save the planet. "It's an experience," says Tijmen Receveur, a manager at Hans Brinker. "Most of our guests are pleasantly surprised when they arrive at the hotel. They love our humor and sarcasm and they have diminished their expectations to less than nothing." A "legal note" posted on the hotel's website states that guests book there "at their own risk and will not hold the hotel liable for food poisoning, mental breakdowns, terminal illness, lost limbs, radiation poisoning, certain diseases associated with the 18th century, plague, etcetera."
"I've stayed in a lot of crummy places, but I like to think the Hans Brinker is the best of the worst," says Eleonor, a Belgian student, who stayed there recently. "It's the perfect place for teenage travelers or people in their twenties, who are likely to fall asleep in one of the bars around the corner anyway." Still, wacky humor can only take you so far, and recent comments on TripAdvisor indicate some guests may have forgotten the basis of their bargain: you get what you pay for, even or especially, at "The Worst Hotel in the World." Recent comments range from "For the reputation of the world's worst hotel it wasn't as bad as I thought. Pretty scabby still, very basic. The bathroom was atrocious! The winner for it was the location though. I wouldn't say don't stay there, but I would never stay there ever again" to the more flattering "Hans Brinker is a fun filled hostel with great facilities, friendly staff and great location. You will not be disappointed!"
Either way, you've been warned.
Interactive: US inner circles of power |
Meet the top consultants, advisers, and pollsters behind Barack Obama and Mitt Romney's candidacies.
Mohammed Haddad and Hasan Salim Patel Last Modified: 31 Oct 2012 10:45
US votes in tight presidential race |
Long lines reported in some states as millions of voters take to the polls after a grueling campaign.
Last Modified: 06 Nov 2012 20:20
After a seemingly endless presidential campaign, voters in the United States are going to the polls to decide whether to give president Barack Obama a second term or replace him with his Republican challenger, former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney.
Voters in dozens of states were lined up before dawn, with lengthy lines and hour-long waits reported in many places. In New York and New Jersey, eastern states battered last week by Hurricane Sandy, voters queued outside of tents and other makeshift polling places.
There were scattered reports of irregularities across the country, particularly from voters who said they were asked to show identification while waiting in line. In Pennsylvania, a judge ordered Republicans to stop demanding ID from voters outside a polling station.
Voting machines also broke down in a number of polling stations. One man in Pennsylvania posted a video of a machine which did not let him vote for Obama, apparently a malfunction.
Romney voted on Tuesday morning near his home in Belmont, Massachusetts. From there he planned to hit the campaign trail, a rarity for presidential candidates on Election Day; his campaign has scheduled events in Pennsylvania and the battleground state of Ohio.
Obama voted more than a week ago in his hometown of Chicago, part of a campaign to encourage his supporters to take advantage of early voting. Some 30 million Americans have already voted, a record number.
The president plans to spend the day at his headquarters in the city, and has no plans to hit the campaign trail, though he did make phone calls to volunteers.
"[I] want to say to Governor Romney, congratulations on a spirited campaign," he told reporters on Tuesday morning. "We feel confident we've got the votes to win, but it's going to depend ultimately on whether those votes turn out."
His vice president, Joe Biden, cast his ballot in the early morning hours in his home state of Delaware. He will travel to Chicago in the afternoon to watch the results with Obama.
Tuesday's vote caps off a grueling campaign that became the most expensive in history: Candidates and outside groups spent some $2.6bn on the presidential race alone.
Both candidates have spent the last few weeks barnstorming the handful of "swing states" which will decide the election. Obama made campaign stops on Monday in Wisconsin, Iowa and Ohio, while Romney visited New Hampshire, Florida, Ohio and Virginia.
Obama used his final campaign stop to remind voters of his accomplishments: the economy's slow recovery from recession, the rescue of the American auto industry, and the end of the war in Iraq, among other things.
He sought to sharpen the contrast between his policies and those of his opponent.
"It's not just a choice between two candidates and two parties, it's a choice between two different visions for America," he said.
Obama has not laid out a detailed agenda for his second term, and Romney has seized on that in his final speeches, warning voters that the president will simply repeat his policies from the past four years - which the Republican nominee described as a failure.
"His plan for the next four years is to take all the ideas from the first term - the stimulus, the borrowing, Obamacare, all the rest - and do them over again," Romney said, referring to the president's $787bn economic stimulus package and his health care reforms.
"He calls that ‘Forward.’ I call it ‘Forewarned,'" the former governor quipped.
Polls positive for Obama
The last round of national polls heading into the vote were good news for the president. A Pew Research Center poll showed him leading Romney by three points, 48 per cent to 45 per cent. The same poll had them tied last week.
Two other polls showed a closer race: A Washington Post-ABC News poll had Obama leading by one point, 49 per cent to 48 per cent; and a CNN poll had the candidates tied with 49 per cent of the vote.
All three of those results were within the polls' margins of error.
But the popular vote will not decide the outcome. States are apportioned a number of electoral votes based on their population, and the candidate who wins a majority - 270 - becomes president. And the final state polls showed the president leading in most of the crucial swing states.
Surveys in Ohio have had Obama leading by anywhere from three to five points. A victory there would mean Romney would have to win at least six of the remaining eight battleground states, which seems unlikely: Obama led every poll conducted in Iowa, New Hampshire, Nevada, Virginia and Wisconsin; Romney's lone bright spot was North Carolina, where he looks poised to win by a narrow margin.
The other two battlegrounds, Colorado and Florida, seem too close to predict, with polls showing a range of possible outcomes.
In Dixville Notch, New Hampshire, a small village which traditionally opens its polling places just after midnight - the first vote in the nation - Romney and Obama tied, 5-5. It was the first tie in more than 50 years of midnight voting in the town, which is not a bellwether for the national result.
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