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Aug 25, 2016 | The Best Conspiracy Podcast | The Higherside Chats
2:10 Greg and Leo start by breaking down his story for newcomers by defining the Illuminati and elaborating on his history with them. Listen as Leo describes how the Illuminati is a fragmented group of secret societies that recently unified their intentions to work together for the dawn of a new era.
6:00 Listen as Leo explains the barriers and challenges he’s had to overcome in order to bring this information to the public. Listen as Leo outlines his works with Illuminati members and details his aristocratic family lineage.
15:42 Listen as Leo details the Masonic roots of the Rastafarian movement, dating back to the Ancient Mystic Order of Ethiopia.
16:50 Leo elaborates on freemason secrets as we cover another theme found in his book, the rise of freemasonry throughout China, or what he calls the rise of the dragon.
20:00 Listen as Greg and Leo discuss the ethnicity of the power pyramid. As Leo states, when you come from these bloodlines and view it in your daily life it becomes very obvious. And for a person in his position, gatherings with these people can become quite controversial. Leo goes on to describe a manifesto written by a new movement of Rosicrucians that emerged in the early 2000s and their core belief in the resurrection of Christ and that true Christianity it not merely a question of but racial karma.
26:00 Leo discusses a past interview with Project Camelot in which he mentions both Zecharia Sitchin and Balducci. He brings us up-to-date on where his most recent level of research into this topic has led him.
28:30 Join Greg and Leo as the detail for listeners that the Vatican is hiding what they’re doing in Mount Graham and how the New World Order is hiding the alien agenda because of their involvement in it.
34:42 Listen as Leo details how the worldwide conspiracy is happening now with the US elections. As we all the Clinton family in conjunction with friends such as George Soros, have created an unstoppable machine with far reaching tentacles.
A.Crowley: 33° Mason who knew about human sacrifice (4/11/2007)
33° Mason, Aleister Crowley would definitely get some votes in the "most wicked man who ever lived contest" and is the clear cut favorite for the title of "The Father of Modern Satanism". Crowley's wicked life and his intimate association with Freemasonry are both well known.
Crowley himself was terribly decadent. A happily heroin-addicted, bisexual Satan worshiper, he asked people to call him "The Beast 666." Crowley believed that he was literally the antimessiah of the apocalypse.
During the first World War, Crowley transferred his activities to America. The press proclaimed him "the wickedest man in the world." He also spent time in Italy, but was expelled because Italian authorities accused his disciples of sacrificing human infants in occult rituals. According to one source, Crowley resided in the Abbey of Thelema near Cefalu Sicily, and revived ancient Dionysian ceremonies. During a 1921 ritual, he induced a he-goat to copulate with his mistress, then slit the animal's throat at the moment of orgasm.
Read more about Aleister Crowly further below on this page
Exclusive Interview With Leo Zagami, Ex-Illuminatus, on Greg Szymanski's Radio Show The Entities - A Song from The Film The Great American Novel Stuck In Babylon - ASong from The Film The Great American Novel The Great American Novel=The Theme Song From The Film The Great American Novel ,Arctic Beacon - Chemtrail Documentaries - Clouds of Death vs. Aerosol Crimes
Vaccination - The Hidden Truth I AM AN ANIMAL - The Story of Ingrid Newkirk and PETA Antidepressants and School Shootings, Suicide, Addiction An Evening with Lloyd Pie C:\Users\Sasha\Pictures\Skull_and_Bones_Society.htm
Part One
Part Two
Please listen to:
(Posted here: Sunday, January 07, 2007)
Please listen to:
- Is the Illuminati's house of cards falling apart because of countries like Venezuela, Cuba and North Korea? Listen to Alex Jones interviewing Robert Gaylon Ross Sr., author of the famous "Who is Who of the Elite?" -
-, Feb 06, 2006 -
(Posted here: Feb 13, 2006)
Jerry Pippin Interviews Mr. X
- Mr. X, shown in the photo with Jerry on the left, was very leery and worried about someone finding out his true identity as he arrived for the interview. We made some small talk and immediately started rolling tape. Over the years, I have found this was the best way to get the story. Do it fast, clean and simple with point blank questions. What I heard was stunning. -
- -
(Posted here: Friday, May 26, 2006
[Video Evidence]
- The "Clouds of Death" documentary is an excellent piece of information, which is a mandatory watch for everyone who wants to know the truth about chemtrails. Please don't just skim through this article without either downloading or watching this 23+ minutes video (scroll down to the end of this article to do so). People NEED to know what is going on, because it is negatively affecting us all and slowly killing us. THIS IS DONE BY OUR OWN GOVERNMENT IN A SILENT WARFARE AGAINST ITS OWN POPULATION! Wes Penre -
- -
(Posted here: Wednesday, January 03, 2007)
[Video: 01:30:30]
- This is the shocking but extremely informative video documentary "Vaccination - The Hidden Truth" (1998) where fifteen people, including Dr. Viera Scheibner (a PhD researcher), five medical doctors, and other researchers, reveal what is really going on in relation to illness and vaccines.
Ironically, the important facts come from the orthodox medicine's own peer-reviewed research. With so much government and medical promotion of vaccination for prevention of disease, the video is clearly devoted to presenting the other side of the issue that parents and others are not being told. -
- from, 1998 -
(Posted here: Saturday, September 08, 2007)
- On the frontline on animal rights we have Ingrid Newkirk, founder and President of PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals). Just like Sheehan, she is a brilliant strategist, fearless and driven when comes to protecting and fighting cruel and unethical behavior towards animals. Despite, or rather thanks to, her controversial methods of exposing those cruelties, she gets a lot of Media attention. -
- by Wes Penre, Nov 25, 2007 -
(Posted here: Sunday, November 25, 2007)
- A shocking Compilation of Video clips showing negative side effects of Antidepressants. Suicide, homicide even to the point of school shootings. Best Case scenario you only experience Withdrawal and Addiction. My solution has not been medications/drugs but a company called Truehope:
- YouTube -
(Posted here: Wednesday, December 19, 2007)
Lecture on human origins and the Starchild Skull
- Lloyd is also the caretaker of the famous Starchild skull, and has written a new book about his eight years of struggle to get it scientifically tested to establish beyond dispute the precise genetic heritage of both of its parents. So far, extensive testing indicates that its mother was a normal human but its father was, in all probability, something other than entirely human. -
(Posted here: Monday, July 14, 2008)
Elenin Comet Dwarf Star
Amy Winehouse Tragic Death
Halcyon Daze No Exposed
Zara Phillips and Mike Tindal Tie the Knot
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By Reg Presley
The former Troggs lead singer and now long-time researcher of the mysterious and unknown writes about the background to monatomic gold in his book, Wild Things They Don't Tell Us. This section is reproduced for you by kind permission of Blake Publishing.
For an Adobe PDF Version - Click Here
I must have been a teacher's nightmare when I was at school. When other children were satisfied with the teacher's answer, I was the one who asked, 'Why?' and wasn't always satisfied with the answer I got. This did not stop when I left school – it got worse. Teachers' replies were generally the stock answers that they had received when they were at school. Things change, and I, for one, needed up-to-the-minute, well-thought- out answers.
The problem is that when you leave school the first of your adult problems surfaces, the business of earning a living. That nasty five-letter word that you never really place any importance on at school rears its ugly head - money. Having to earn money puts an immediate brake on real learning, because we're forced into concentrating on learning our job so that we can feed ourselves and get from one end of the week to the other.
That, for most people, is the way it stays for the rest of their lives. Unless of course you become older, with more time on your hands, or you become a millionaire, or both. You have no time to think about the fringe elements of life or to trace them to any decent conclusions. The powers that be probably like it that way no time to question anything.
It has been said for years that money is the root of all evil, and that's right. If it weren't for money there would be no drug problems. If people were not earning money from selling it, they would not push it. That in turn would free up our police force, because crime connected to drugs would cease. In fact, you would have no new addictions.
It might be a good idea, right now, if those in power made centres all over the country and supplied drugs for free. This would stop pushers immediately, which would prevent young people and even children getting hooked - so your six-year-old need never come into contact with drugs. For those already hooked it's too late. Let's try to save the innocent. Even judges have said this would be a good idea, so why hasn't this implemented? The only conclusion you can draw is that people in high places would cease to make money from it.
If the government really wanted to free up the roads to stop the pollution that traffic causes, they should never have privatised the railways. If everyone in the country paid than the cost of a TV licence the railway could be run for and if the railway was free, more people would use it instead of their cars.
But no, what will happen is one of two things. The government will either do as the continentals have build toll booths, which will cost billions, or they will put petrol up so high that it makes the railways look cheap. Neither of these will stop pollution. It'll just mean the government will be able to thieve more money from us when we travel. And pollution will carry on getting worse.
What happened to the billions of taxpayers' money that was used to drill for the then promised oil bonanza from the North Sea? We didn't see oil prices drop! In fact we've only seen them rise. The price of oil in England is almost the highest in the world. Why? By now you're probably thinking that this is a party political broadcast on behalf of the They Screw You Out Of Everything Party. All I ask is for your patience. It all has relevance to the wider picture.
We humans, for example, have always been told that gold is a precious metal and we never question it. Why? It is not precious. It is in everything. It's even in seawater. Governments use gold to underpin their currency. Why? Startling new evidence is slowly coming to the fore that could stand the world on its head.
In the early 1900s an archaeologist called William Flinders Petrie climbed Mount Horeb in Iraq and discovered what was first thought to be a temple. Now it is believed it was where the large-scale smelting of a particular metal took place - that metal being gold. Also found at this site was a large amount of a strange white powder.
The site was thought to be at least 6-8,000 years old. Now it may be that we haven't heard about this because it doesn't fit in with the consensus of archaeologists on when man could melt certain metals. However, it is more likely to be because of the way it was smelted. Gold melts at 1063°C. But it appears that at Mount Horeb they used heat close to the temperature of the Sun's surface - which is approximately 6,000 degrees C.
To get those kinds of temperatures 8,000 years ago was a feat in itself. But this next piece of information is mind-boggling. They were not content just to melt the gold, they went one step further and almost vapourised it. I'll explain. Today if we want to analyse a metal to find out what it consists of, it is burnt at a temperature close to that of the Sun for a period of 15 to 20 seconds. In that 20 seconds, a chart will tell the scientist exactly what elements the metal consists of. At least, that's what most scientists think.
However, buried in red tape, and only just coming to light, is the work of a Russian scientist, who asked; 'Why burn for only 15 to 20 seconds?' He then set up apparatus to burn for much longer periods. Nothing happened at 20 seconds, 30 seconds, 40 seconds, 50, 60, or 69 but at 70 seconds, the apparatus then registered elements from the palladium group - platinum and other precious metals - all from an ordinary piece of iron.
Although amazing in itself, the really incredible thing is what happens to the metal, especially when gold is melted this way. At a 70-second burn there is suddenly a bright light, like a thousand flash bulbs going off, and all that is left behind in the crucible is a white powder. The gold vanishes. Another amazing thing is that the crucible has very little weight and so does the powder. If you then take the powder out of crucible, the weight returns to the crucible. Now I'm scientist, but that sure sounds like what is known as 'super-conductivity' to me.
So, why did a race of people 8,000 years ago need super conductivity? What did they need the white powder for? If a heavy stone crucible loses its weight with this white powder in it, could you put this powder on large stones and move them to build large structures with ease, perhaps while building pyramids? Pyramids are by their very name 'fire begotten'; derived from the Latin word pyre meaning fire. To find out the answer to this question, it's perhaps better to tell you about the civilisation responsible.
It has always been assumed that the Sumerians were the first civilisation on Earth. However, since the dig at Mount Horeb by Petrie, it appears they were not. Found at the site were thousands of what looked like earthenware rolling-pins with writings around their circumferences. The writing was like no other known to man, and has taken many years to decipher.
The stories they tell are chilling but also exciting. The one thing about finding pottery scrolls is that you have the master dye, unlike books, which could be changed over the years. All that was needed was for them to roll the scroll onto wet clay then decipher what they saw.
The civilisation called itself the Anunnaki. They were as civilised as we are. They had schools, lawyers, books and fashion shows. The scrolls told the story of a whole civilisation, and its way of life. The civilisation spoke of making Cro Magnon man from Neanderthal man. They were not happy with the results, and their leaders argued they should destroy them, which they did by way of a great flood, saving only a few. Those who survived were bred with the Anunnaki women to make Homo Sapiens, or thinking man.
God said, 'let us make man in our image, in our likeness'. Notice a plural is used for God. In the Old Testament Genesis account it states, 'male and female created he them and he called their name Adam'. Older writings use the more complete name Adama which means 'Earthling'. The first of these beings were called Adam and Eve, then known asAtaba and Khawa. It may well be that they were bred by the Anunnaki to be the Earthly Rulers, that they were the beginning of the blood royal, the Holy Grail. Who were these people! If this is correct, no wonder they've never found the missing link.
At this point I suddenly had a thought. Why do human beings have to shield their eyes with their hand to see on a sunny day! No other animal has to squint so why do we! You don't see a horse or a cow squinting do you! A bird which flies high up in the sky where the Sun shines the' brightest doesn't even use its eyelids until it goes to sleep. A polar bear doesn't suffer with snow blindness caused by the reflection of the Sun that shines even brighter with the glare. When a deer or rabbit gets caught in your car headlights, they do not even blink let alone squint. Why!
Because they have adapted to living on Earth. Cro-Magnon man had a large forehead, which shielded his eyes; he would not have had to squint either. Evolution doesn't go backwards does it?
If we were from Earth we would still have a large protruding forehead to protect our eyes. Or our eyes themselves would have adapted by now. We must have come from a planet that was a little further away from its Sun. Are we the descendants of the Anunnaki! In the Old Testament we can read stories of people living until they are 800 or 900 years old. This has been put down to translating errors by those who collated the Bible, with the Church merely saying, they meant to say 80 or 90 years old.
According to the Anunnaki, to rule over their subjects, their leaders needed longevity.
Let's face it, if you get older you usually get wiser. Eight hundred years' worth is a lot of wisdom. To ensure this was the case, the Anunnaki fed their leaders bread and wine. Red wine as we know today, is very good for you; a glass a day can unclog your veins and keep them clear. The bread the Anunnaki fed their leaders was made from a white powder made from the burning of the gold. Eating the bread made from the powdered gold, according to the Anunnaki, made their leaders more intelligent and made them live much longer.
Now the Catholic Church must have known about this, because they still give the bread and wine in their Holy Communion ceremonies. One thing we can all be sure of today, is that there will be no gold powder in their bread. We know that the last person to be fed this bread in a ceremony was the second Pharaoh. Then it stopped. When Moses led the Jews out of Egypt, the Bible would have you believe he went up Mount Sinai and saw the burning bush and God gave him the Ten Commandments. If that were the case, he marched his people about 50 miles out of their way, and they would not have been pleased. It is more likely he went up Mount Horeb, which is en route and the story then fits what happened to him there.
The Ten Commandments were no problem for Moses. Having been brought up by a Pharaoh he would have known the inaugural ceremony of the Pharaohs, in which they had to repeat after the high priest: 'I have not killed. I have not committed adultery.' And so on.
All Moses did was change the first words to Thou shalt, instead of, I Have, and it was all over bar the carving.
The ordinary Israelites would not have been aware of the inaugural words so would not have been any the wiser.
The interesting part of this is the burning bush. When you arc gold for 70 seconds at Sun temperature, it has been found that a pencil standing on its end right next to the flash, scorches but does not fall over. What did Moses witness on top of Mount Horeb? Was it the burning of gold, when he saw the blinding light and spoke to God through the burning bush that didn't actually burn? Did Moses make a mistake and think that the Anunnaki was God or did he know the Anunnaki as his creators so naturally thought of them as his God?
On Moses' return to his people from the Mount, he sees them worshipping a golden calf and, according to the Bible, becomes angry, burns the golden calf to dust and makes them eat it. He then smashes the tablets of stone, throws them in the Ark of the Covenant, and off they go. The Bible makes it sound as though Moses was punishing the Israelites by making them eat the calf.
It could be that he was actually turning them all into leaders. You actually smelt gold - you don't burn it. But it sounds as if that is exactly what he did. The only way of burning gold to a powder is in 70 seconds at the temperature of the Sun's surface, and only then if the gold is very thin. Otherwise you need to maintain that high temperature for 300 seconds.
It is interesting to note that the Bible puts all the emphasis on the Ten Commandments which, as we now know, were easy for Moses to create. Could the Bible be taking our attention away from the importance of the Ark of the Covenant and what it really held within? Remember it took at least four people to lift and eight to carry the Ark of the Covenant. They were told not to touch the sides, only the handles.
Did the Bible conveniently get the spelling wrong? Could it be the Arc of the Covenant? As in electrical arc? Is it the arc that melts the gold, with which they make the bread for higher intelligence? Is this why it's been hidden from us for thousands of years? To get the kind of temperature necessary to almost vaporise gold you would need a capacitor, and that sounds very much what the Ark of the Covenant was.
It is a fact that our brains contain a white substance. Gold is the best conductor of electricity. Our brains receive messages by electronic impulses which travel through this white substance. Scientists also know that something in your brain is super-conducting but as yet they don't know what. If we were all very intelligent, there wouldn't be any workers. We'd all be leaders.
The people responsible for putting a value on gold had to be somebody who knew gold's ultimate potential or capabilities. To the Anunnaki it was more than prized, they needed it for their way of life and probably their very existence. They could not have been from this planet, because they were too advanced for that time. So could it be they arrived from somewhere to find that the inhabitants of planet Earth are Neanderthal - not even intelligent enough to work for them.
Perhaps they then set about upgrading them to Homo Sapiens and, eventually, succeeded.
They would then have needed leaders to keep order, and perhaps they fed these leaders with the white powdered gold. The Homo Sapiens would then have been taught that gold is precious and that it needed to be mined. When the Homo Sapiens had mined it, their leaders could hoard it in vast quantities. Once the process was in motion, it would be able to run by itself. Not, perhaps, forever, but for at least a few thousand years or so. All that would be needed would be to give the Homo Sapiens a helping hand occasionally, and you would have a mining community that takes care of itself, doesn't need paying and doesn't even know who its boss is.
If you are an Anunnaki, and you live for 800 years, you don't have to wait many generations to collect your rewards. Like gathering the honey from the bees, one day the bosses will be coming back to harvest the gold, which is kept in nice convenient little heaps like at Fort Knox, ready for collection. Think about it. If you asked anybody on this planet why we prize such a common metal as gold, they could not tell you. There is no reason; most gold just sits there collecting dust.
The Anunnaki's system would continue to operate unhindered. They gave us a way of life that suited them, not necessarily us, but we knew no different. If we are looking for answers to the thousands of questions this raises, the answers have to lie with the Anunnaki themselves. Who were they? Where did they come from? And, just as important, where did they go?
They certainly existed, and we know this because of the scrolls and their writings. Some of these are in the British Museum, along with vials of the white powder made from the gold, although the latter is not on public display. The remainder are in the Baghdad Museum which the Americans bombed during the Gulf War. By accident? I think not. To hide a secret as big as this, you have to be in complete control of the evidence. Now they are.
According to their scrolls, the Anunnaki must have had a long-term objective when they start talking about changing Neanderthal into Cro-Magnon man, then into Homo Sapiens. This is powerful stuff; this is no ordinary race of people we're talking about. We're talking about manipulating DNA. The idea of anybody knowing about such things at that time is difficult to comprehend. Then, when this race of people are successful, seeding two Homo Sapiens who they name Adam and Eve, through to Abraham, Moses and Jesus this is mind blowing.
It is a strong possibility that the Anunnaki will soon come back for their gold. Can you imagine if the Anunnaki are doing this all round the universe? Upgrading life forms so that they can gather gold for them? Will there soon come a time when we realise that we needed the gold for our own technical evolution, and it'll be too late to save any of it?
The Europeans did the same thing to the native Americans, the native Australians, the Africans, and many others. When will we be paying them back for the gold we took? I think never. Nor will the Anunnaki be paying us back. With so many UFO sightings since the war, the Anunnaki could be here sooner rather than later.
The way all this information came to light really intrigued me. When I first spoke to Laurence Gardner, a genealogist and author of Bloodline Of The Holy Grail, I was amazed to learn that the book was a by-product of his being commissioned by a European prince to trace his family tree.
He began the laborious job of tracing the Prince's ancestors back through the ages until he reached a point where he felt the need to confront the prince with the question, 'Do you know where this is all leading?' The prince asked, 'What do you mean?' Laurence replied, 'Do you realise your family lineage goes back to Jesus?' to which the royal replied, 'Oh yes I knew that, I just wanted to know how it got there.' Laurence replied, 'Well, I'm sure not many people know this.' What the Royal took for granted, we mere mortals knew nothing about.
When Laurence had finished the work for the Royal he decided to write the book. However he became so intrigued by his findings he could not stop at that, and carried on investigating Jesus' bloodline, and produced his second book, Genesis Of The Grail Kings, which led a trail through from Jesus to Moses, Abraham and Adam and Eve.
An interesting point that this raises is that the Bible states that Jesus' father Joseph was a carpenter. However, this is not what the original text of the Bible states. What was actually said was that Joseph was a Master of the Craft. Anyone who knows a little of modern Freemasonry will know the term 'the craft' and it has nothing to do with wood.
What the Bible was actually telling us (before the Church got hold of it) was that Joseph was just one of a long line of highly trained metallurgists. The only people that could be metallurgists at that time were priests and royalty and you would need to be a metallurgist to be able to convert gold into white powder.
To add more weight to Laurence's work (if that's possible) is the work of the pioneering researcher David Hudson, an American dirt farmer. Now according to David, the difference between dirt farmers and ordinary farmers is that the dirt farmer has to make his own soil from pulverising rock. In 1975 he was doing an analysis of natural products in the area where he was farming. David explains:
'You have to understand that in agriculture, in the state of Arizona we have a problem with sodium soil. This high-sodium soil, which looks like chocolate ice cream on the ground, is just crunchy black. It crunches when you walk on it. Water will not penetrate this soil. Water will not leech the sodium out of the ground. It's called black alkali.'
David was aware that it was possible to leech the sodium from the soil with sulphuric acid. Neighbouring his farm was a copper mine whose waste product was sulphuric acid. He was able to obtain as much as he needed as long as he moved it himself. He eventually administered between 30-60 tons per acre over his land. This penetrated 3 or 4 inches into the ground. When he irrigated, the soil would froth and foam due to the action of the sulphuric acid. What it did was to change black alkali into white alkali, which was water-soluble.
Within two years he was able to grow crops. Evidently it is very important to have enough calcium in the soil in the form of calcium carbonate. Calcium carbonate will act as a buffer for the acid in the soil. If you do not have enough calcium, the acidity in the soil goes down. You get a pH of 4 to 4.5 and it ties up all the trace nutrients, that being the case the cotton plant would come out of the ground and suddenly stop growing. David said, 'It is important when you are putting all these amendments to your soil that you understand what is in your soil, how much iron there is, how much calcium and so on.'
In doing the analysis of these natural products David was coming across a 'material consisting of no one knew quite what, It seemed more abundant in one area so they decided to begin there. Using chemistry he dissolved the material in a solution and it became blood red. Yet when he precipitated this material out chemically by using a reductant of powdered zinc, the material would come out as a black precipitant just like it was supposed to if it were a 'noble' element. With a noble element, if you chemically bring it out of acid, it won't re-dissolve in the acid.
After he precipitated this material out of the black he took the material and dried it. At the time David had no drying furnace so he just took it outside in the warm Arizona sunshine which, he says, was 115 degrees at 5 per cent humidity, so it really dried fast. Then a strange thing happened.
After the material dried, it exploded. But this was no normal explosion. It just went poof! It was neither an explosion, nor an implosion; all the material had gone in a flash as if 50,000 flash bulbs had gone off all at one time. So David took a new pencil and stood it on end next to the material as it was drying. When the material detonated, it burned the pencil about 30 per cent but did not knock the pencil over. Whatever this stuff was, David thought, it was wild.
He discovered if he dried the material away from sunlight, it not explode. He then took some of the powder that had dried away from the sunlight, and using a crucible reductionvessel made of porcelain, he mixed the powdered material with lead and flux, and heated it until the lead melted. When you do this, the metals that are heavier than lead stay in the lead and those that are lighter float out. This is a tried and-tested way of doing metals analysis.
This material settled to the bottom of the lead just as if it was gold and silver. It seemed to be denser than lead and it was separated from it. Yet when he took this material and put it on a bone ash cupel, the lead soaked into the cupel and left a bead of gold and silver. He then took this bead of gold and silver for analysis to all the commercial laboratories and they said, 'Dave, there is nothing there but gold and silver'. The strange thing was, Dave could take the bead and hit it with a hammer and shatter it, like glass. There is no known alloy of gold and silver that is not soft. Gold and silver dissolve in each other readily and form a solid solution.
Both are soft elements so any alloy made from them will be soft and ductile. If you hit gold and/or silver with a hammer it will flatten out like a pancake. David told them, 'Something's going on here that we don't understand. Something unusual is happening,' David took the beads of gold and silver back to his laboratory and separated them chemically.
All he had left was a quantity of black stuff. He then took this back to the commercial laboratories and they told him it was iron, silica and aluminium. He told them it couldn't be iron, silica and aluminium. Firstly you can't dissolve it in any acids or any bases once it is totally dry. It doesn't dissolve in fuming sulphuric acid, it doesn't dissolve in sulphuric nitric acid, and it doesn't dissolve in hydrochloric nitric acid. Even gold dissolves in that, yet it won't dissolve this black stuff.
David decided to hire a PhD at Cornell University who considered himself an expert on precious elements. He paid the doctor to go to Arizona to see the problem for himself. He told David he had a machine back at Cornell that could analyse down to parts per billion. He said, 'If you let me take this material back to Cornell I'll tell you exactly what you have, if it's anything above iron we will find it.'
When they arrived back and tested the material he told David, 'You have iron, silica and aluminium.' David asked, 'Can we borrow a chemistry laboratory?' The doctor told him there was one not being used and together they spent the rest of the day there. They were able to remove all of the silica, all of the iron and all of the aluminium. Yet they still had 98 per cent of the sample that was pure nothing.
By now, more than a little frustrated, David said, 'I can hold this in my hand, I can weigh it, I can perform chemistry with it. That has to be something. It is not nothing.' The doctor told David if he would give him US$350,000 dollars as a grant he would get graduate students to look into it. David had already paid him US$22,000, because he said he could analyse anything, and he hadn't. Neither had he offered to pay David back. So David said, 'I don't know what you pay people around here, but I pay minimum wages on the farm and get a whole lot more out of US$350,000 than you can. So I'm going back to do the work myself.'
He went back to Phoenix totally disillusioned with academia. He was neither impressed with the PhDs or the money they charged. He discovered whilst at Cornell that they work students to generate papers, but the papers say nothing. The government however pays them for every paper they write, so they get their money based on the amount of papers they turn out. They all say the same thing: they just reword it and turn out another paper.
David was in no way about to give in, and began asking around the Phoenix area where he found a man who was a spectroscopist who had studied in West Germany at the Institute for Spectroscopy. He had also been a technician for a Lab Test company in Los Angeles, which actually built spectroscopic equipment.
He was also the man who blueprinted the machines, and designed them, constructed them, then took them to the field and made them work. David thought, here is a good man. This is not just a technician. Here is a man who knows how the machine works. Around this time, David had obtained a Soviet book entitled, The Analytical Chemistry of the Platinum Group Elements by Ginzburg, et al. The Soviet Academy of Science published it. David continues:
'In this book, according to the Soviets, you had to do a 300 -second burn on these elements to read them. For those who have never performed spectroscopy, it involves taking a carbon electrode that is cupped at the top. You then put the powder on that electrode; you bring the other electrode down above it, which creates an arc. In about 15 seconds, the carbon at this high temperature burns away, the electrode's gone and your sample's gone.
All normal laboratories in the USA and possibly right around the world are doing this, then giving a full and final result after only a 15 second burn. 'According to the Soviet Academy of Sciences, the boiling temperature of water is to the boiling temperature of iron just as the boiling temperature of iron is to the boiling temperature of these elements. As you know from driving a car, as long as there is water in the motor of your car the temperature of the car engine will never get hotter than the temperature of water.
If you just heated the water on the stove in a pan, you know that the pan never gets hotter than the boiling temperature of water until the water is gone. Once all the water is gone, the temperature skyrockets very fast.
'As long as there is iron there, the temperature of the sample can never get hotter than the boiling temperature of the iron, so you can then heat this stuff. Now, it is hard to fathom how something with as high a temperature as iron could be just like water to these elements, but it is.
'So we had to design and build an excitation chamber where argon gas could be put around this electrode so that no oxygen or air could get into the carbon electrode and we could burn it not for 15 seconds but for 300 seconds. According to the
Soviet Academy of Sciences, this is the length of time we had to burn the sample.
'We set up, we got the Pk blenders, we got the standards, we modified the machine, we did all the analysis for results, we did all the spectral lines on this three-and-a-half-metre instrument. It was a huge machine. It took up the whole garage area. It was about 30 feet long and about 8 or 9 feet high.
'Anyway, when we ran this material, during the first 15 seconds we got iron, silica, and aluminium, little traces of calcium and sodium, maybe a little titanium now and then, and then it went quiet and nothing read. So, at the end of 15 seconds, we were getting nothing. Twenty seconds, 25 seconds, 30 seconds, 35 seconds, 40 seconds - still nothing. Forty-five seconds, 50 seconds, 55 seconds, 60 seconds, 65 seconds, but if you looked in through the coloured glass, sitting there on the carbon electrode was this little ball of white material. There was still something in there.
'At 70 seconds, exactly when the Soviet Academy of Sciences said it would read, palladium began to read. And after the palladium, platinum began to read. After the platinum, rhodium began to read. After rhodium, ruthenium began to read. After the ruthenium, then iridium began to read and after the iridium, osmium began to read.
'Now, if you're like me, I didn't know what these elements were. I had heard of platinum, but what were these other elements? Well, there are six platinum group elements in the periodic table, not just platinum. They didn't find out about them at the same time, so they have been added one at a time.
'They are all elements: ruthenium, rhodium and palladium are light platinum. Well, we came to find out that rhodium was selling for about US$3,000 per ounce. Gold sells for about US$400 an ounce. Iridium sells for about US$800 an ounce. Then you say to yourself "Gee, these are important materials, aren't they?" They are important materials because the best known deposits in the world are now being mined in South Africa.
'In this deposit you have to go half a mile into the ground and mine an 18-inch seam of this stuff. When you bring it out, it contains one-third of one ounce per ton of all the precious elements. We checked our analysis, which we ran for two-and -a-half years, over and over. We checked every spectral line. We checked every potential on interference; we checked every aspect. We wanted exact matches.
'When we were finished, the man was able to do quantitative analysis, and he said "Dave, you have 6 to 8 ounce per ton of palladium, 12 to 13 ounces per ton of platinum, 150 ounces per ton of osmium, 250 ounces per ton of ruthenium, 600 ounces per ton of iridium, and 800 ounces per ton of rhodium, or a total of 2,400 ounces per ton, when the best-known deposit in the world is one-third of one ounce per ton."
This work wasn't an indication that these elements were there. These elements were there and they were there in beacoup amounts. They were saying, "Hey stupid man, pay attention! We are trying to show you something." lf they had been there in little amounts, I probably would have been content with this. But they were there in such huge amounts, I said, "Golly, how can they be there in these quantities and no one knew it?"
'Now, you keep in mind, it wasn't one spectral analysis! It was two-and-a-half years of spectral analysis, running this material every day. And the man actually sent me away when they read because he could not believe it either. He worked on it another two months before he called me up and said, "Dave, you are right". That is how sceptical he was about it. He couldn't apologise to me. He is a German researcher with German pride, so he had his wife call and apologise to me.
'He was so impressed that he went back to Germany to the Institute of Spectroscopy. He was actually written up in the spectroscopic journals as having proven the existence of these elements in natural materials in the south-western United States. They're not the kind of journals that you and I would ever get to read, but I actually saw the journals and he was written up.
They had no idea where this stuff was coming from, how we were producing it, what concentrations we had gone through or anything. They had analysed just this small amount of powder. The crazy thing about it was that all we had done was to remove the silica and send the other stuff in
They were pretty unbelievable numbers. After we had come at this in every way we knew, in order to disprove it, I decided all we had to do was throw money at this problem, because money solves everything, right? So, at 69 seconds, I stopped the burn. I let the machine cool down and I took a pocket knife and dug that little bead out of the top of the electrode. When you shut off the arc, it absorbs down into the carbon and you have to dig down into the carbon to get the little bead of metal.
'So I sent this little bead of metal over to Harwell Laboratories near Oxford in England. They made a precious metal analysis of this bead. I got a report back: "No precious elements detected." Now this was one second before the palladium was supposed to start leaving. Yet, according to neutron activation, which analysed the nucleus itself, there were no precious elements detected. This made absolutely no sense at all. There had to be an explanation here. Either this material had been converted to another element or it was in a form that we didn't understand yet. So I decided I had to get more information on it.
'I went to a PhD analytical chemist, John Sickafoose, a man trained in separating and purifying individual elements out of unknown material. He was trained at Iowa State University and had a PhD in metal separation systems. He's the man that Motorola and Sperry used in the State of Arizona to handle their waste water problems. He has worked with all the rare earths, he has worked with all the man-made elements.
'He has physically separated everything on the periodic table with the exception of four elements. Coincidentally, I went to him to have him separate six elements; four of those were the elements he had never worked on. He said "You know, Mr Hudson, I have heard this story before. All my life and I'm a native Arizonan, too - I heard this story about these precious elements.
I am very impressed with the way you have gone about this, with the systematic way you have approached it. I cannot accept any money because if I accept money from you I have to write you a written report. All I have to sell is my reputation. All I have to sell is my credibility. I'm a certified expert witness in the state of Arizona in metallurgical separation systems."
'He said, "Dave, I will work for you for no charge until I can show you where you are wrong. When I can tell you where you are wrong, I'll give you a written report. Then you will pay me US$60 an hour for the time I spent." This would have come to about US$12,000 to US$15,000 dollars. If this got rid of the curse, if this just got the thing answered once and for all, it would be worth it. Do it, get on with it.
'Well, three years later, he said, "I can tell you it is not any of the other elements on the periodic table. We are educated; we are taught to do the chemical separation of the material and then send it for instrumental confirmation. The example I use is rhodium because it has a unique colour in the chloride solution. It is a cranberry colour, almost like the colour of grape juice. There is no other element that produces the same colour in chloride solution. When my rhodium was separated from all the other elements, it produced that colour of chloride.
The last procedure you do to separate the material out is to neutralise the acid solution, and it precipitates out of solution as a red-brown dioxide. It is heated under a controlled atmosphere to 800 degrees for an hour, and that creates the anhydrous dioxide. Then you hydro-reduce that under a controlled atmosphere to get the element, and then you anneal away the excess hydrogen.
'So, we neutralised the acid solution and precipitated it out as a red-brown dioxide, which is the colour it is supposed to precipitate out at. Then we filtered that out. We heated it under oxygen for an hour in a tube furnace, then we hydro-reduced it to this grey-white powder, exactly the colour rhodium should be as an element. Then we heated it up to 1,400 degrees under argon to anneal away the material, and it turned snow-white. Now this wasn't expected. This just isn't what is supposed to happen.
'What John did was, he said, 'Dave, I'm going to heat it to the anhydrous dioxide. I'm going to cool it down. I'm going to take one third of the sample and put it into a sealed vial.
I'm going to put the rest of the sample back onto the tube furnace and heat it up under oxygen, cool it back down, purge it with inert gas, and heat it back up under hydrogen to reduce away the oxides.
"'The hydrogen reacts with the oxygen, forming water, and cleans the metal. I'll cool that down to the grey-white powder. I'll cool down that grey-white powder. I'll take half of that and put it into another sealed vial. I'll take the rest of the powder and put it back into the furnace. I'm going to oxidise it, hydro -reduce it and anneal it to the white powder. Then I will put it into a vial and send all three vials to Pacific Spectrochem over in Los Angeles, one of the best spectroscopic firms in the U.S."
'The first analysis came back: the red-brown dioxide was iron oxide. The next material came back: silica and aluminium: no iron present. Just putting hydrogen on the iron oxide had made the iron quit being iron, and now it had become silica and aluminium.
'Now, this was a big sample. We'd just made the iron turn into silica and aluminium. The snow-white annealed sample was analysed as calcium and silica. Where had the aluminium gone? John said, "Dave, my life was so simple before I met you. This makes absolutely no sense at all."
'He said, "What you are working with is going to cause them to rewrite physics books, rewrite chemistry books and come to a completely new understanding." John gave me the bill: it was US$130,000, which I paid. But he said, "Dave, I have separated it physically and I have checked it chemically 50 different ways. You have 4 to 6 ounces per ton of palladium, 12 to 14 ounces per ton of platinum, 150 ounces per ton of osmium, 250 ounces per ton of ruthenium, 600 ounces per ton of iridium, 800 ounces per ton of rhodium."
'These were almost the exact same numbers that the spectroscopist had told me were there. It was such an incredible number that John said, "Dave, I've got to go to the natural place where this stuff comes from and I've got to take my own samples."
'So he went up and actually walked the property and took his own samples, put them in a bag, brought them back to the laboratory, pulverised the entire sample and then started doing the analysis on what is called the master blend sample. This represents the whole geology, and he got the same numbers.
'We worked on this from 1983 until 1989, one PhD chemist, three master chemists, and two technicians working full-time. Using the Soviet Academy of Sciences' and the US Bureau of Standards' weights and measures information as a starting point, we literally learned how to do qualitative and quantitative separations of all these elements.
'We learned how to take commercial standards and make them disappear. We learned how to buy rhodium trichloride, as the metal, from Johnson, Matthey & Engelhardt and we learned how to break all these metal-metal bonding until it was literally a red solution but no rhodium was detectable. And it was nothing but pure rhodium from Johnson, Matthey & Engelhardt.
'We learned how to do it with iridium, we learned how to do it with gold, we learned how to do it with osmium, and we learned how to do it with ruthenium. This is what we found when we actually purchased a machine for high-pressure liquid chromatography.
'For your information, this person named John Sickafoose was the man who actually wrote his PhD thesis at Iowa State University on how to build this instrument back in 1963-64. After he graduated, some of the graduate students there took that technology and developed it, and eventually Dow Chemical came in and bought it.
'Dow went ahead and commercialised it, and now it is the most sophisticated chemical separation instrument that the world has. It's computer-controlled, all high-pressure, and you can do very precise separations with it. Because this is the man who conceptualised and designed it and told them what the limitations would eventually be on it, he was the ideal man to take the technology and perfect it.
'So we were able to use their basic technology and develop a separation system for the rhodium trichloride. We actually separated five different species in the commercial rhodium trichloride. The word "metal" is like the word "army". You can't have a one-man army. The word metal refers to a conglomerate material.
'It has certain properties: electrical conductivity, heat conduction, and all these other aspects. When you dissolve the metals in acid, you get a solution that is clear without solids. You assume it's a free-ion solution, but when you are dealing with noble elements they're still not free ions. It's what is called "cluster chemistry".
'Since the 1950s there has been a whole area of research in colleges on cluster chemistry and catalytic materials. But what happens is that the metal-metal bonds are still retained by the material. So, if you buy rhodium trichloride from Johnson, Matthey & Engelhardt, you are actually getting Rh12Cl36 or Rh15Cl45. You really aren't getting RhCl3. There is a difference between the metal-metal bonding material and the free ions. What you are buying is cluster chemistry; you are not getting free ions. When you put the material in for the instrumentation to analyse, it is actually the metal-metal bonds of the cluster that are analysed. The instrumentation is not really analysing the free ions.
'I heard that General Electric was building fuel cells using rhodium and iridium. So I made contacts with the fuel cell people back in Massachusetts and travelled there to meet with them. They had three attorneys meet with us, and the GE people were also there.
The attorneys were there to protect the GE people because a lot of people say they have technologies and they meet with them; then after the meeting they sue them, claiming that GE stole their technology. Then to defend themselves, GE has to divulge what their technology really is. So CE is very sceptical when you say that you have something new. They bring their high-faluting attorneys to really screen you.
'After about an hour they said, "These guys are for real. You attorneys can leave." That was because they had also had the explosions. They knew that when they buy the commercial rhodium trichloride it analyses very well. But to make it ready to go into their fuel cells they have to do salt effusions on it, where they melt the salt and put the metal in with it to disperse it further. They know that when they do that, the metal doesn't analyse as well any more. So when we told them we had material' that didn't analyse at all, they couldn't conceive how this was possible. They had never seen it, but they said, "We are interested".
'Now the GE are the people who build analytical instrumentation! They said, "Dave, why don't you just make a bunch of rhodium for us and send it to us and we'll mount it in our fuel-cell technology. We'll see if it works in places where only rhodium works. What is the mechanism of conversion of monatomic rhodium to metallic rhodium in these fuel cells? No other metal has ever been found which will perform the catalysis in the hydrogen-evolving technology of the fuel cell, other than rhodium and platinum. And rhodium is unique compared to platinum because rhodium does not poison with carbon monoxide and platinum does.
'They said, "Dave, we'll just run it to see if it's a hydrogen evolving catalyst and, if it is, then we will see if it is carbon monoxide-stable and, if it is, then it's rhodium or it's a rhodium alternative."
'So we worked for about six months and refined that amount of material and we re-refined it and re-refined it. We wanted to be absolutely sure that this was really clean stuff. We didn't want any problems with this. We sent it back to Tony LaConti at GE. GE, who by that time had sold their fuel-cell technology. All the GE fuel-cell people had gone to work for United Technologies, and, since United Technologies already had their in-house people, the GE people were not integrated into the existing teams. So all the GE people were junior people; they weren't senior any more. After a certain period of months they all quit and left United Technologies.
'Well, Jose Giner, who was the head of fuel-cells at United Technologies, also quit and went to set up his own firm, called Giner Incorporated, in Waltham, Massachusetts. Tony and all the GE people went with him. By the time our material got there, they'd set up their own company in Waltham, so we contracted with them to build the fuel cells for us.
'When our material was sent to them, the rhodium, as received, was analysed as not having any rhodium in it. Yet when they mounted it on carbon in their fuel-cell technology and ran the fuel cell for several weeks, it worked and did what only rhodium would do, and it was carbon monoxide-stable. After three weeks, they shut down the fuel cells, took out the electrodes and sent them back to the same place that said there was no rhodium in the original sample.
'Now there was over 8 per cent rhodium in the original sample. What happened was it had begun to nucleate on the carbon! It actually had begun to grow metal-metal bonds! So now there was metallic rhodium showing on the carbon, where before there was no rhodium.
'These GE people said, "Dave if you are the first one to discover this, if you are the first one to explain how to make it in this form, if you are the first one to tell the world that it exists, then you can get a patent on this." I said, "I'm not interested in patenting this." Then they told me that if someone else discovered it and patented it, even though I was using it every day, they could stop me from doing it. I said, "Well, maybe I should patent it."
'So in March 1988, we filed US and worldwide patents on Orbital Rearranged Monatomic Elements. Now that is a mouthful, so, to make it short, we called it ORMEs. You have ORMEs gold, ORMEs palladium, ORMEs iridium, ORMEs ruthenium, ORMEs osmium. While we were doing this patent procedure, the Patent Office said, "Dave, we need more precise data, we need more exact data, we need more information about this conversion to this white powder state."
'One of the problems we had was that when you make this white powder and you bring it out into the atmosphere, it really starts gaining weight. I'm not talking about a little bit of weight, I'm talking about 20 to 30 per cent. Now that normally would be called absorption of atmospheric gases: the air is reacting with it and causing weight gain, but not 20 to 30 per cent.
'Nonetheless, we had to answer the Patent Office. We had to come up with exact data for the Patent Office. So what we did was use this machine for thermogravimetric analysis. This is a machine that has total atmospheric control of the sample. You can oxidise it, hydro-reduce it, and anneal it, while continually weighing the sample under a controlled atmosphere. Everything is all sealed. We were getting short of funding and couldn't afford to buy one, so we leased one from the Bay Area from Varian Corporation. They sent it in to us and we set it up on computer controls.
'We heated the material at 1.2 degrees per minute and cooled it at 2 degrees per minute. What we found was that when you oxidise the material, it weighs 102 per cent; when you hydro-reduce it, it weighs 103 per cent. So far, so good. No problem. But, when it turns snow white, it weighs 56 per cent! Now that's impossible!
When you anneal it and it turns white, it only weighs 56 per cent of the beginning weight! If you put that on a silica test boat and you weigh it, it weighs 56 per cent! If you heat it to the point that it fuses into the glass, it turns black and all the weight returns. So the material hadn't volatilised away. It was still there. It just couldn't be weighed any more.
'That's when everybody said, "This just isn't right; it can't be!" Do you know that we heated it, and cooled it, and heated it and cooled it, and heated it and cooled it under helium or argon? When we tooled it, it would weigh 300 to 400 per cent of its beginning weight; when we heated it, it would actually weigh less than nothing? If it wasn't in the pan, the pan would weigh more than the pan weighs when this stuff is in it! Keep in mind, these are highly trained people running this instrumentation, and they would come in and say, "Take a look at this. This makes no sense at all"
'Now, this machine is so precisely designed and controlled that they have a magnetic material they can put into this that is non-magnetic when it goes into the machine but at 300 degrees it becomes magnetic. It is in fact a strong magnet. Then, after you get up to 900 degrees, it loses its magnetism. You can actually see if the interaction of the magnetism with the magnetic field of the heating element causes any change in weight.
'The heating element is bifilar-wound. This means that it goes round and round the sample; then you reverse it and wind it right back up so all the current runs against itself all the time. So when a wire flows electricity there is a magnetic field that forms around it, but when you run the wire right next to it, going in the other direction, it forms a magnetic field in the other direction. The idea is that the two fields will cancel. This is the kind of wiring that is used in television to cancel all the magnetic fields. The designers of this machine wanted to eliminate the magnetic field aspect here.
'When we put the magnetic material in the sample and ran it in the machine, there was no response at all. There was no change in weight when the material became magnetic or lost its magnetism. Yet when our material was put in there and it turned white, it went to 56 per cent of its beginning weight. If you shut off the machine and let it cool, it was exactly 56 per cent. If you heated it, it would go less than nothing, and if you cooled it, it would go 300 to 400 per cent, but it always went back to a steady 56 per cent.
'We contacted Varian in the Bay Area and said, "Look, this just doesn't make any sense. There's something wrong with this machine; something isn't right. Every time we use the machine it works fine unless we make the pure monatomic material, and when we do, it turns snow-white and doesn't work correctly any more." Varian looked over our results and said, "You know, Mr Hudson, if you were working with the cooling of the material we would say it is super-conducting. But inasmuch as you are heating the material, we don't know what you've got."
'I decided, well, I have had to learn chemistry and I've had to learn physics, and now I've got to learn the physics of super-conductors. So I bought and borrowed a bunch of graduate books on super-conductivity and I began to read about super-conductors.'
'Evidently there are several phenomena which occur. We hooked a voltmeter (used for checking circuitry) up to the white powder expecting the needle to leap across the voltmeter because this was supposed to be perfect conductivity, but nothing happened. Instead of this being a perfect conductor of electricity it's a perfect insulator.
'So we went back to the book for more information, and discovered that super-conductivity by definition will not allow any voltage potential to exist inside the sample. Now to get the electricity off the wire and into the sample takes a voltage potential, likewise to get electricity out of the sample and on to the wire needs a voltage potential.
'Yet by definition a super-conductor does not allow any voltage potential to exist in the sample. So we thought, what good is this? But what you learn is that you must resonance frequency tune the vibration frequency of the electron wave, until the vibrational frequency of the electron wave is perfectly matched with the vibrational frequency wave of the super-conductor.
'Then the electrons will go on with no push at all because they are seeking the path of least resistance and that is in the super-conductor. When you do get them matched up, a strange thing happens when they go onto the super-conductor; the electrons pair up. They don't go on as individual electrons they go on in pairs! They go on as light.
'Now a curious thing happens, an electron has mass and it exists in space-time, you cannot have two electrons in the same space-time, it won't happen. They exist in different places and locations, but when they pair up and become light you can put billions of them in the same space-time.
'So now what happens with a super-conductor, as long as the frequency electron wave matches the frequency of the super -conductor, is that they keep going onto the super-conductor, more and more and more and more, you don't have to take them off, because they are going on as light. And the only way you know they are in there is by checking the size of the Meissner that forms around the super-conductor.
'So what is a Meissner? Well, when electricity flows through a wire it produces a magnetic field around the wire, but with a super-conductor it produces what they call a Meissner. The cool thing about this is that it does not produce a north and south pole. It's a null field. A super-conductor has no resistance, so you could keep putting energy into it, to the point where it has so much Meissner around it that it becomes larger and larger, because of all the electrons and amperage.
'It will then begin to float on the Earth's magnetic field. It will cause the Earth's magnetic field to travel around it; it will not enter into the sample. It will become stuck in the magnetic field it is sitting in. To a point, you can put, as much energy in a super-conductor as you like, before it becomes HCL, which is a critical mass where as it becomes so huge it collapses and becomes normal. You don't want to be around when this happens.
'To get the energy out of a super-conductor you put the wire up to it and resonance frequency tune the vibration frequency of the wire to match the super-conductor and apply a voltage potential and it comes out. The neat thing is you can make a super-conductor that say runs from Tampa to San Francisco and you can resonance frequency tune the energy, put it in the super-conductor here, and it will get a free ride all the way to San Francisco. All these atoms in perfect resonance harmony producing a quantral wave, and the energy gets on this wave' system and has a free ride all the way to San Francisco.'
At this point, while David goes on to talk about the possibility of floating trains, which they already have in Japan but which work by using opposing magnetic fields, I was imagining a huge egg-shaped craft with Dave's super conductive powder sandwiched in-between an outer skin with people inside ready to go to Australia at the speed of light. Because if Earth's gravitational field has no effect on the occupants because of the Meissner, speed would not be a problem. Perhaps even to the Moon and beyond. Travel would become so quick and easy.
David continued:
'In March 1988 we filed worldwide patents and US on Orbital Rearranged Monatomic Elements, ORMES. Each element had individual patents. You can imagine the patent office when we tried to patent gold, oh great, who are these guys? Then I filed another set of patents on the super-conductive state. Which is a resonance couple system of quantum oscillators, so there had to be a many atom state of ORMES so we had to can it S- ORMES. The super-conducting state.
'You can have a patent on the atom but you also have to have a patent on the systems of atoms. It's like a man being an army, a man can't be an army, a one-man army isn't real, an army is many men. Well a super-conductor is many atoms, you can't have one atom being a super-conductor. So we had to have a patent on ORMES and a patent on S-ORMES.
'Well I didn't know that the law said that any patent involving super-conductivity has to have the approval of the Department of Defence, because of the strategic interest of the government. I didn't know this, so I just went ahead and filed the patent. Well, the Department of Defence didn't get involved. I only used the word super-conductivity once in the closing paragraph on the summary page of my patent application.
'I said it has horns, it has four hooves, it moos, it gives milk, it has baby calves, but I didn't use the word cow. I talked about the Meissner, its reaction with gravity (the levitation), but I didn't use the word super-conductivity except one time in the closing paragraph. So they never realised it was a super conducting patent.
'By law you have one year's grace, from when you file a US patent, to file a worldwide patent. So I waited until about three weeks before the end of the year, and contacted the patent office and told them I'm going to file a worldwide patent. Evidently, someone at the patent office re-read my patent application again and said, "Oh gosh it's about super-conductivity."
'Off to the Department of Defence it went, back it came and it said, "He cannot file worldwide". Then I went back to them and said, "Wait, by law I have a six month appeal period, I've only got three weeks. So they over-rode the Department of Defence, and let me file worldwide.
'Now needless to say by now my name was mud at the Department of Defence. Next, I get a phone call from this guy out of the blue, who wants to invest in my technology. I said, "How did you hear about this?' he said, "Well, everybody's talking about it"
'Anyhow, he's telling me about things that nobody should know, he's quoting specific references out of my patent, and nobody is supposed to have seen this, except the patent office and the military review board. So I had a private investigator check him out; I said "Find out who he is and where he comes from."
'We found out he flies out of Langley air force base, he gets his money from a Swiss bank account that the military keeps stocked with money and his job is to provide money to companies whose technologies they need for Star Wars. When they took this legislation to the legislator here in the United States, they turned it down. They didn't allow funding money for Star Wars.
'So what the military does is put money in Swiss bank accounts that nobody knows about, and this investor goes around looking for companies that need support and when he finds them he funnels money into those companies.'
He said to Dave, 'I've got to have this stuff, because the only way you're going to get absolute confirmation that no one will question, is to have it show that it reflects neutrons.' He went on to say, 'I can get you on line for this in a couple of weeks, whereas it will take you three years.' Dave said, 'Then I'll wait three years.'
He said, 'Dave, have you ever taken this to a university and had university funding or government funding or grants of any kind?' Dave said, 'no'. There was just no way they could get involved with him legally. Dave said, 'he came back to me a couple of times and then gave up'. There was no way he could make Dave do anything. He could see he was totally private and there was nothing he could do.
When you understand that this produces gamma radiation, the last thing you need is the military having this information.
However, before they let Dave go to patent pending in the US, the military had to approve it. They told him, 'You must get this confirmed by a totally independent laboratory, someone who has no affiliation with you, someone with credentials.' So he told them how about Argon National Laboratories. Were they good enough?
'Yes they're a government laboratory,' they said. 'OK, so we'll have it done by them,' Dave said. So they said, 'Here's what we want you to do, we want you to buy pure yellow gold, 999.99 per cent pure gold, and convert it into white powder, and if you can do that, we'll let your material patent application go to patent pending.'
So Dave went to the Argon National Laboratories and met with Roger Popel, Head of Ceramics and Super-conductivity. When Dave told him his whole story, he said, 'we have physicists here at the national labs that have theorised that the very elements you are telling us should, do this. We know this already. We just don't have anybody who can make them into that state. We're making them one atom at a time in the nuclear facility and know they exist in this state, but making them one at a time it's going to take years and years to produce enough to evaluate it as a super-conductor.'
So he was very excited about it. He wrote it all up and submitted to the Argon National Laboratories, and their attorneys turned it down. Because, they said, 'It involves chemistry and it can be done without the government lab's involvement. You can go to a private lab to get this done, and our very purpose for existence was to do things that you couldn't get done at a private lab.'
Dave said, 'Roger, the problem is if you don't make the white powder, how do you know it's gold, because you have no machine that will confirm it's gold?' What I have to have is, 'You take gold and change it into white powder so you know it came from gold.' He said 'I see your point Dave, it is a problem isn't it?' He said, 'I'll tell you what, there are two guys who used to work here, I know them personally, I socialise with them, I go places at the weekend with them, I know them real well. I'll write to them, and tell them I want them to make this white powder for you. I know them well enough that, if they say it came from gold, I will accept it as coming from gold.'
So he sent Dave to Mike McNallon and Steve Daniluck over there at High Tech. They told Dave they would do the work for $20,000. They bought the yellow gold, and using his procedure made the white powder. And they acknowledged they didn't know where this stuff came from, because it doesn't analyse to be gold, it doesn't have the properties of gold, but it came out of gold.
So David provided the affidavit to the patent office, all signed sealed and notarised. Now it goes to the Department of Defence and they say, That's not enough, now we want to know how you take the white powder and change it back to the yellow metal, gold'. Dave said, 'You must understand this is a materials patent not a procedural patent for the white powder, I was patenting the white powder. I showed them how to make the white powder from a known material, I made an apple into apple sauce, now they wanted me to make the apple sauce into an apple.'
David told them, I can do it, but I don't think I want to tell you how to do it.' What it boiled down to was they wanted as much information as possible from him before they gave him the patent. If they got that piece of the puzzle they would know exactly how this phenomenon works. They would get this stuff and put it into lasers and learn how to energise those with OCR and help produce gamma radiation. And that's a weapon you don't want Gadaffi having, or Hussein, or the military. It will go through brick walls and lead; it will kill everybody in the building but not harm the building. It is a very dangerous material, and no one should mess with it.
So in 1993 David Hudson quit pursuing the patent. The attorney said, 'They never can grant a patent to anyone else that will ever apply for yours, because you applied for it and got turned down.' David said that was all he wanted anyway. So after the expenditure of $540,000 he stopped pursuing the patents. So anyone who is searching for his patents and not finding them that's the reason why, all you'll find is 'patent applied for'. David was financially strapped by then, as it was costing a hell of a lot to maintain the patents. He coupled this with the assurance that they could never issue another patent to anyone on his patent, and said, 'Drop it, don't let us pursue it anymore.'
In 1994 his uncle came to him with a book and said, 'This book talks about white powdered gold.' Dave said, 'Oh really I got a white powdered gold and nobody will allow me a patent on it.' His uncle said, 'Dave it's a book on alchemy,' Dave said, 'I'm really not interested in alchemy. I'm a dirt farmer trying to get credibility in physics and chemistry and you bring me a book on alchemy. I'm really not interested in alchemy. Alchemy is when the Church were involved, this is the occult, I'm not interested in that stuff.'
His uncle said, But Dave, it talks about a white powder gold, it even talks about gold glass.' Dave said, 'And they are right, it does look like gold glass, it looks clear, it just looks white to the naked eye. But if you heat it in a vacuum at 1,160 degrees it will fuse to a pure glass, it's very brittle, but it will grind back down to the white powder. But it is glass.' Dave was amazed to learn that it talked about this in the alchemy text. It also talked about it being the main container of the essence of life.
'Well, we once said that when we have the analytical method this stuff could be anywhere,' Dave continued. 'Like a stealth atom it could be in anything and no one would know it. So one of the first things we did was to go to Safeways and buy some cow and pigs brains and take them to the laboratories and put them in fuming sulphuric acid and carbonise them, and then oxidise away the carbon and do a metal sulphate analysis on the residue.
'And we found that over 5 per cent of the dry matter weight in the brain was made up of rhodium and iridium in the high spin state, and nobody knows it. Then we read this text that says it's the container of the essences of life. I thought, gosh is this possible that this is the same white powder that they are talking about? So I began to do medical studies with it. Now I've done physics, chemistry, super-conductivity, quantum mechanics, and now I'm into medicine.
'I went to a doctor and I told him the stories about it, and he began to administer the white powder to a dog. This dog was a golden retriever who had an abscess, valley fever and tick fever. No medicine they had could cure this animal, nothing would work.
They injected 1 milligram, 1 cc in the tumour on his side, 1 cc intravenously and after a week and a half everything has gone away, and the dog's feeling great. One milligram! That's nothing. That's so small you can barely see it. However, after a week it began to grow back. So they began to inject the dog again, but this time they kept it going for about two weeks and it never came back.'
Then, without telling Dave at the time, the doctor began to give it to an HIV patient. The HIV patient was literally so weak he could not eat or speak. He was on his deathbed being fed by IV every two days. The doctor injected 2 milligrams of the powder into his IV After a week and a half, he is getting dressed on his own, he's eating on his own, and he's thrown away the IV lines, and they have to inject directly into his arm. In a month and a half he's on a plane flying back home to Indiana to attend a family wedding and shaking hands with everybody. They don't even know he's HIV positive.
'You do not get spontaneous remission from HIV. With some cancers you may from time to time, but not with HIV. The doctor was very impressed. So impressed he went on to treat a man who had carposious sarcoma, they are cancers that travel all over your body on the skin. This fellow had 30 lesions over his body. So he injected him with 2 milligram a day and in a month and a half the lesions were totally gone. When the lesions were dry you could literally just rub them away. You may get a slight discolouration where they have been, but the lesions just go. That's with just 2 milligrams a day.'
Dave puts special emphasis on the fact that they were using white powder, made of rhodium and iridium and not gold. Because they discovered that was already in the body, they thought that's what they'd start with. 'Doctors have worked on patients with cancers, ALS, MD, MS, pancreatic cancers, and liver cancers. They have done some experimentation with brain cancers. And one of the things they find is, when the dead tissue of the cancer actually begins to turn to healthy tissue, the cancer appears to get larger, and that's the opening up of the cancer. If you have brain turn ours there is a size limitation, you don't necessarily want to use this material so you may want some other way of treating it initially.'
This remarkable material is now being evaluated by the alternative medicine division of the National Institute of Health in New York City and many other places throughout the United States. And data is being developed on the information discovered. So not only are we talking about a new form of patent, we're talking about a room temperature super conductor that super-conducts up to 800 degrees. The implications for many areas of science are immense.
Then to find out that it is a natural constituent of your body and that it literally flows the light of life around your body. People have actually confirmed that there is super conductivity in your body. The US Navy researchers have measured super-conductivity in your body. What they don't know is what is super-conducting, because it's like some stealth atom that they can't identify. And they're right, that's exactly what it is. It's a higher form of matter that they're not aware of.'
While most scientists today wouldn't know what David Hudson is talking about, some must see its possibilities. Through David's work we now have the ability to take the next step towards free energy. The problem I now see is that scientists themselves will not like the idea that a dirt farmer is able to tell them where they went wrong. And will not want to lose face by having to study work that has gone on outside the scientific fraternity. I hope in the near future to use David's material to heal a friend who has MS. The outcome of this I will make public knowledge so that others can try. I do not intend to let his findings slip away into oblivion.
Through the stress of his work on reaching a conclusion with the white powder, plus government trying to close a factory where he was just starting to try and make the material, David suffered a heart attack and has had a triple by-pass. His doctor and his family are advising him to take things easy, so it is going to be difficult for him to continue with his good work. Many people - myself included - have offered to help, and hopefully when he is better he will accept. Surely we can't get this close to the answer to all our dreams only to walk away.
ARTICLES 106-115
W.Bro.Julian Rees editor of Freemasonry Today (directed by Michael Baigent) is probably one of the most influential people in English Freemasonry at the present time, and unfortunately a dangerous agent of the Jesuits in constant contact with the American illuminati satanic network of the various OTO's and other illuminati organizations like for example the illuminati Accademy of Di Bernardo in Italy. Illustrius Brother Julian Reees speaks perfect German and as a past in the military intelligence field working at times for NATO during the cold war in West Germany. In addition to this Julian is a Past Master of Pilgrim Lodge 238 the only German speaking lodge in the English Constitution, and most important a notorious place for illuminati revolutionaries like A.Crowley's Master Bro.Theodor Reuss. Julian Rees was my Mentor in the English Constitution untill I started to rebell against the American illuminati in 2003 . In the photo above Julian Rees and crew (including two Crowleyte satanist in visit from the Grand Lodge of Uruguai).
Leo Lyon Zagami
Pragmatica di Myriam
La presente Pragmatica fu creata dal Kremmerz per la sua Schola Hermetica e approvata nei suoi 60 commi nella convezione del 22 Dicembre 1909, in sostituzione dei precedenti 33 articoli dell’istruzione generale, approvati il 20 Marzo del 1896.
Tale Pragmatica costituiva il fascicolo A, il primo quaderno che la Miriam forniva a tutti i nuovi iscritti alla Schola.
Ritengo che il materiale e la documentazione interni alla Schola e le opere che il Kremmerz non dette alle stampe, debbano rimanere tali, non fosse altro che per il rispetto verso la volontà del Maestro. In seguito però alla pubblicazione della Pragmatica, insieme alla "Relazione ai Dodici Supremi Vecchi Maestri del Collegio Operante", alla "Circolare del 29 Giugno 1914" e al "Credo", su di un testo intitolato "Le carte storiche della Fratellanza di Myriam", a cura di Giammaria Gonnella, un allievo del Ricciardelli, edito dalla Kemi di Milano nel 1980, la Pragmatica non è più un documento riservato e mi sento quindi legittimato alla sua pubblicazione.
I 60 commi della Pragmatica descrivono l’organizzazione gerarchica della Schola, i suoi fini e i suoi mezzi, e sono quindi di fondamentale importanza per chiunque voglia comprendere meglio il messaggio del Maestro Kremmerz e la sua Schola.
Scopo, gradi e noviziato
Scopo di questa Scuola è:
1° Lo studio delle scienze che si occupano dei poteri non ancora ben conosciuti dell'organismo umano, animismo, attività mentale, chiaroveggenza, previsione, telepatia e tutti i fenomeni supernormali e spirituali.
2° L'invenzione sui documenti classici, opere, memorie, scienze alchimiche e magiche, religioni, riti, tradizioni popolari, mitologie delle verità occultate dagli antichi o per ostruzionismo religioso o per regola settaria.
3° L'affratellamento di tutti gli studiosi di buona volontà e l'allenamento alle pratiche per conquistare possibili attività dell'organismo mentale e psicofisico tali da spiegare col proprio controllo gli effetti e i fenomeni non comuni.
4° L'applicazione di queste forze alla medicina, alla terapeutica e alla psicurgia e taumaturgia.
Questa Scuola segue un doppio metodo di cultura: uno di letture, conferenze, pubblicazioni intese a dare un corredo di cognizioni di tutto ciò che è argomento di ermetismo e magia antica e psichismo moderno, l'altro di pratiche tradizionali per provocare la propria educazione ascensionale e dirigerne in senso utile ai dolori umani l'esplicazione.
Non essendo le cose, di cui la scuola fa materia di sua investigazione ed insegnamento, tali da paragonarsi alle scienze sperimentali fisiche e matematiche, adotta un metodo di insegnamento e di esplorazione tutto differente da quello adoperato finora dalle società di ricerche psichiche e sopranormali, sviluppa le attitudini occulte di ogni allievo ed esperimenta le correnti di volontà collettive per ottenere fenomeni benefici controllabili da tutti.
A questa scuola possono appartenere tutti gli uomini di buona volontà che si impegnano a seguirne gli insegnamenti pratici, a obbedire alle regole di ogni classe, a rispettarne l'organizzazione gerarchica e a rivolgere nell'unica applicazione delle forze psichiche alla cura delle infermità ogni manifestazione del proprio ascenso.
Sono pregati di non domandare l'iscrizione quelli che appartengono a società di studi psichici, teosofici, spiritisti o i praticanti fervidi di religioni o i facenti parte di sette mistiche.
La nostra scuola deve considerarsi dal punto di vista della sua organizzazione come una famiglia col diritto di primogenitura dei più avanzati e l'autorità patriarcale dei preposti alla sua direzione.
L'idea generale della Scuola è compresa in cinque circoli o classi.
Il primo (circolo esterno) comprende due sezioni: i novizi praticanti e gli anziani.
Il secondo (circolo interno) è formato dai discepoli propriamente detti integrali.
Il terzo (circolo interno) dai terapeuti.
Il quarto (circolo interno) dai maestri ermetisti.
Il quinto (direzione) dal Collegio degli Operanti.
Ogni iscritto è considerato come un numero, cioè una quantità concreta di forza, ed è l'unità minima di una catena di volontà .
Il Collegio Operante è l'unità più alta e si fa rappresentare da un delegato all'insegnamento generale e alla propaganda, il quale può avere nello archivio centrale uno, due o più segretari o dirigenti.
Per essere ammesso alla iscrizione bisogna farsi presentare da un iscritto quando non si sia conosciuto dal Delegato Generale, ed avere i requisiti di rettitudine che rendono rispettabile ogni uomo nella società in cui vive, la cultura anche elementare delle materie che formano lo scopo dei nostri studi e poi farne domanda con:
1° Nome, cognome, maternità e paternità , data e luogo di nascita.
2° Promessa di seguire le regole e le pratiche della scuola.
3° Dichiarazione di non appartenere a società come al secondo capoverso del n° 4° Impegno di tenere riservate le istruzioni pratiche e gli insegnamenti particolari che dalla direzione gli saranno concessi.
Accolta la domanda l'iscritto riceverà una pagella di ammissione contenete il numero determinativo che gli spetta, la sua serie o categoria di tendenza generale, e una cifra ideografica indicante lo sviluppo geniale cui deve aspirare, un quaderno di istruzioni particolari al grado e un rito o regola da seguire come novizio operante.
L'iscritto deve provvedersi di un camice di lana rosso con cappuccio e un cordone di seta, che rappresentano il tipo uniforme di ogni numero della catena psichica della scuola.
I1 novizio deve formare intorno a se un gruppo di dodici nuovi iscritti per ottenere l'anello di anziano, e dopo di aver mostrato di ben dirigerli potrà aspirare a diventare del circolo interno col grado di discepolo.
L'iscritto che si renda socialmente indegno della stima pubblica, o subisca condanne degradanti è radiato dai numeri componenti la nostra scuola; ma violando le regole subirà le punizioni disciplinari che il collegio dei dirigenti vedrà giuste.
Al novizio praticante saranno consigliati i libri da leggere o studiare o commentare. e saranno concessi aiuti in ragione della solerzia e degli studi che compie.
La Scuola non domanda il rimborso di nessuna spesa. Costituita intorno ad un ideale di Bene. tutti gli ascritti sono considerati come stretti da un patto affettuoso di famiglia. Chi può concorra alle spese generali, chi può meno paghi le sole spese di invio. i poveri non saranno in debito con nessun dovere di contribuzione.
Carattere generale della scuola
La Scuola nella forma esteriore non ha simbolo ma l'insieme delle volontà ed anime che compiono i riti in tutti i cinque circoli in una catena o comunione di idealità è conosciuta come Fratellanza Terapeuta, magica o ermetica, di Miriam e ogni iscritto è un fratello, a qualunque circolo o classe appartenga.
Le abbreviazioni sono indicate da una croce, così Fr+ Tm+ di Mir+.
Esteriormente i gruppi di iscritti che si riuniscono autorizzati dal Delegato Generale sotto la direzione di un anziano, in sede fissa, con programma speciale di studio, istituzioni di carità , devono presentarsi al pubblico sotto il nome di Accademia seguita da un appellativo speciale scelto dai fondatori e approvato dalla Delegazione Generale, così accademia Lulliana, Della Porta, Paracelsiana o semplicemente accademia scientifica, psichica, filoterapica etc.
Ogni gruppo di non meno di cinque iscritti può riunirsi in accademia, purché tra i componenti vi sia almeno un anziano o un discepolo e siano tutti di accordo per sostenere a proprio carico ogni spesa occorrente ad una sede particolare con modesta dignità .
Ogni Accademia deve avere tre offici elettivi, un Preside, un Archivario e un Censore. La nomina del Preside cade di spettanza su chi tra gli associati ha grado più avanzato, e tra quelli di pari grado per elezione, salvo l'accettazione della carica da parte dell'eletto o il veto della segretaria generale. L'Archivario fa officio di segretario e il Censore di cassiere ed economo.
I fondatori di ogni Accademia sono liberi di stabilire uno statuto o regolamento interno, determinare il modo o il tempo di elezione degli offici, le contribuzioni degli associati alle spese di mantenimento dell'Accademia, casa, illuminazione, suppellettili, spese di segreteria etc., le attribuzioni particolari di ogni ufficio, i giorni di riunioni particolari, obbligatorie o libere, la fondazione di sale di lettura, di dispensari medici quando tra i soci vi sia un medico legalmente esercente, e per fino di sale ospedaliere ove il numero dei soci o i fondi lo permettano.
E' obbligatoria in ogni accademia l'esistenza regolamentare di tre registri:
l° Uno pei verbali delle sedute di spettanza del segretario o Archivario.
2° Uno per le spese, gli incassi e le oblazioni di qualunque specie, e che sarà tenuto dal Censore.
3° Uno per certificati originali e documentati di tutte le guarigioni ottenute o propiziate e deve essere tenuto, custodito e redatto sotto la assoluta responsabilità morale del Preside.
Le regole pei lavori collettivi o conferenze o insegnamenti verranno comunicate volta per volta dalla direzione generale, la quale conserva assoluta autorità gerarchica come su tutti i soci, su tutte le accademie, e dove non creda regolari le gestioni, può incaricare d'ufficio un iscritto di altra sede perché ispezioni e riferisca per provvedere alle irregolarità .
Però in massima, quando non siano violate le disposizioni di studi, pratiche e lavori, la Delegazione Generale assicura la più ampia indipendenza alla vita ed espansione locale delle accademie che devono comparire innanzi al pubblico come istituzioni indipendenti e profane, ma escludere assolutamente la partecipazione ad esse di soci non iscritti alla scuola.
Quando una Accademia affidi ad uno dei soci, medico esercente legalmente, l'istituzione di una clinica gratuita pei poveri o ricchi che si presentino, il medico deve essere assistito da due fratelli per turno tra i soci e tutti devono indossare la vestaglia o camice rituale. Tutti i rimedi farmaceutici o del Laboratorio Ermetico devono essere dati gratuitamente, però le Accademie nella loro personalità collettiva possono accettare donazioni o oblazioni di qualunque specie.
Un novizio può indicare la sua qualità facendo precedere il suo nome da una croce;
l'anziano da tre croci; tutti del circolo interno da un punto circolare nero — , il segretario generale da due linee parallele tagliate da una perpendicolare, e il delegato generale dalla croce egiziana o da cinque punti o cinque croci.
Tutti i soci sparsi in una regione devono essere ascritti come corrispondenti all'Accademia più vicina stabilita e riconosciuta; devono accettare le condizioni fatte dall'Accademia ai soci corrispondenti, hanno il diritto di aver comunicate le relazioni più importanti e il dovere di assistere una volta almeno all'anno ad una riunione plenaria dell'Accademia di cui sono corrispondenti.
E' obbligatoria in ogni Accademia una festa annuale, con un pranzo rituale collettivo e una riunione plenaria nella sede sociale con conferenza del capo, il giorno del plenilunio della costellazione di leone. In tale circostanza possono partecipare alla festa persone estranee alla scuola, con regolare permesso dell'ufficio presidenziale.
L'Accademia che voglia erigersi ad ente morale secondo le leggi dello stato, deve presentarne domanda alla Delegazione del Collegio o Capitolo operante.
La chiusura di un anno accademico è fissata al 21 Marzo di ogni anno; in tale giorno si rinnovano o si confermano gli uffici elettivi.
I1 circolo interno - Il discepolo integrale
Ai due gradi accademici del circolo esterno (novizi praticanti e anziani) si dà il carattere di preparazione degli elementi numeri alla iscrizione nel circolo interno, dove veramente comincia la pratica integrale dei poteri umani e si seguono i metodi tradizionali della educazione magica, cioè del gruppo di conoscenze accertate o trasmesse nei libri e oralmente da chi ci ha preceduto, con adattamento esclusivo allo sviluppo dei poteri terapici.
Non si accede al circolo interno se non dopo esame dell'anziano come cultura generale e come condotta morale di vita sociale, e con iniziatura rituale che è data dal Delegato Generale o da suoi procuratori, e si conferisce o pubblicamente nelle accademie tra i già facenti parte del circolo interno, o in forma privata.
Per considerazioni speciali l'investitura del grado di Discepolo può essere conferita anche a chi non abbia formato intorno a se un nucleo di dodici iscritti, ma solo come eccezione e per servizi resi alla scuola.
Non diventa regolare l'investitura del Discepolo se non dal giorno in cui questi riceve la Pagina o il diploma dal Delegato Generale o dal suo Procuratore, e previa dichiarazione dell'investito di non appartenere a nessuna Scuola di psichismo, setta, società o circolo che si occupi di scienze delle religioni, di pratiche religiose, di riunioni mistiche e di forme massoniche con concetti iniziatici. Sarà dato con riserva l'elenco delle società del genere, alla cui iscrizione il discepolo può partecipare.
La domanda di iniziatura al circolo interno deve essere scritta e presentata il giorno precedente al plenilunio di ciascun mese al Segretario della Delegazione Generale, e le investiture concesse non possono esser compiute che tra il 3° giorno del novilunio e la vigilia del plenilunio seguente nelle ore di Mercurio propizie del calendario astrologico della scuola, e l'aspirante alla investitura deve presentarsi con almeno tre giorni di preparazione.
Il Discepolo riceverà gratuitamente dalla Delegazione Generale carte, diploma, pagina, comunicazioni, quaderni senza aver altro obbligo che di rimborsare le spese postali e nel caso sia decisa la pubblicazione di opere, stampe o bollettino della scuola, di acquistarne un esemplare che può essere gratuitamente concesso a chi non possa in alcun modo pagarne l'importo.
Si firmerà nei rapporti con la scuola facendo precedere il suo numero da un punto circolare nero.
Il Discepolo di primo grado deve formarsi un corredo di cognizioni proprie a spiegare a se stesso, e non ad altri, le pratiche che sono speciali al suo grado. La nostra regola non proibisce anzi facilita a tutti, promuovendo l'impianto di biblioteche nelle accademie, la lettura di libri di ogni genere attinenti alle scienze che studiano l'anima umana, e vuole che tutto venga appreso con criterio e discernimento positivi, ma impedisce assolutamente che si adoperi nelle relazioni scritte ed orali fra gli ascritti di qualunque grado, una logologia diversa da quella adoperata nei quaderni di iniziazione che saranno dati manoscritti o stampati nell'insegnamento delle classi.
In pari tempo è proibito di eseguire pratiche magnetiche o far parte di sedute spiritiche e sperimentali, o praticare riti che non siano direttamente autorizzati in via gerarchica.
Il Discepolo deve in modo concreto raggiungere la prova che egli è numero di una Scuola Unica, perché Uno è l'Ermete Universale e il Nume, e che la sua compagine consacrata in questo statuto fondamentale non può né deve essere scrollata con innovazioni di forme, solo perché a qualcuno non chiamato a questi studi o non comprendendone il nobile fine, non possa piacere la rigida istituzione gerarchica, fondata sul governo dei più evoluti, nelle anime magicamente oranti in catena per un fine comune.
Il Discepolo, oltre al completo adattamento esteriore alle leggi morali della società in cui vive, deve:
• rinunziare ad ogni vanità di eccellere in apparenza nella stima del volgo e non dimenticare che è un numero il cui valore è dato dal Nume e non dalla società umana;
• non imporre la propria fede, coscienza e opinione se non con l'esempio e l'esercizio delle virtù acquistate. L'intolleranza deve essere bandita da ogni cuore ed anche dinanzi all'errore di quelli che negano la Luce;
• non mancare alla promessa e non dimenticarla;
• non rifiutare mai il suo aiuto a colui che glielo chiede e ricordarsi che dove non può con la persona bastano le parole, e se non ha parole basta un pensiero e che se a lui un suo simile s'inchina è il Nume o l'Ermete che glielo manda, e contemporaneamente gli dona il potere di aiutarlo, consolarlo o sanarlo;
• non sognare in vana fantasia che egli possa sanare tutte le infelicità umane, poiché l'umanità è fatta di uomini simili a lui in apparenza, a lui eguali in elementi virtuali, ma differenti da lui e tra loro stessi per grado di sviluppo e di virtù in atto, dalla quale cosa emergono i mali sociali, per sanare i quali egli non ha missione universale se non quando diventerà l'incarnazione di un nume.
Il Discepolo deve compiere verso la sua donna compagna, se non ha scelto a tempo la via del celibato, missione di padre prima che di sposo, e considerarla come simbolo della donna nella umanità universale, fonte di tutto ciò che è nobile e bello, se in lei, matrice della società maschia, egli semina nobiltà e bellezza; guidarla, amarla, perdonarle generosamente ogni errore dovuto alla sensibilità del suo organismo, poiché Ermete predilige il profumo delle anime sensitive; sostenerla nelle sue debolezze, perché di lui più debole e soggetta al governo della luna; non offenderla, non disprezzarla, non imprimere sul suo animo le stimmate dello spavento; e pensare che quello che egli fa sulla donna si riproduce nelle generazioni nelle quali egli deve vivere fino alla fine dei secoli.
Il Discepolo verso i figli deve esercitare non solo ogni cura che impone l’affetto e la società umana, ma ogni vigilanza perché prima di una maturità intellettuale riconosciuta, non siano avvinti a società religiose.
Ai figli deve insegnare con l'esempio continuo che ogni atto della vita ha origine dalle nostre azioni, dalle nostre parole, dai nostri pensieri;
che il dolore nella carne e nello spirito umano è come l'ombra e l’oscurità in un oceano di luce;
che la morte non deve far paura, perché la vita è nel rinnovarsi perpetuo delle forme;
che qui siamo sempre gli stessi e raccogliamo, soffrendo o godendo, quello che abbiamo seminato e seminiamo;
che gli dei si manifestano in noi e per mezzo nostro e che l'Unico grande Dio dell'Universo è la Legge per la quale l'Universo è.
Il Discepolo, oltre le cose che potranno essergli comunicate oralmente, ha l'obbligo di copiare di suo pugno, nel tempo assegnato, i quaderni necessari alla sua istruzione, né comunicarli neanche a condiscepoli, né farne oggetto di discussioni pubbliche. Deve eseguire con solerzia le pratiche assegnate a lui dal suo procuratore o maestro e compiere ogni sua azione con solerzia e puntualità , avere un giornale intimo dei progressi fatti e dei fenomeni ottenuti, e riferirne in iscritto se richiesto dal Capo della Scuola o dalla Segreteria centrale.
Il Discepolo può aspirare al grado di terapeuta dopo almeno un anno di grado, e appena in lui si presenta la certezza di poter compiere guarigioni nella corrente della catena della Fratellanza; a tal punto deve informare con rapporti quindicinali la segreteria del Delegato Generale di ogni cosa ottenuta e provata e tali rapporti saranno acclusi alla sua storia nella scuola e protocollati.
Quando la domanda del discepolo è presa in considerazione, il capo del Circolo o il Delegato Generale, gli assegna per controllo due condiscepoli e, risultato esatto alla prova, passa al circolo dei terapeuti.
Circolo interno: i terapeuti e maestri ermetici
I1 grado di terapeuta è conferito con anello d'oro massiccio di forma rituale. Deve esser acquistato o fatto costruire da chi è insignito del grado e consegnato alla Segreteria Generale perché siano incisi i caratteri talismanici, poi gli sarà riconsegnato con un breve rito da un Procuratore o dal Delegato Generale.
Assieme all'anello di grado, verrà data scritta od oralmente l'istruzione per adoperarlo efficacemente.
E' proibito al terapeuta di fare dell'anello di grado segno appariscente e ordinario di decorazione personale, e lo conserverà con le disposizioni che gli saranno comunicate alla consegna.
I1 terapeuta nella scuola comincia ad esercitare officio di istruttore o di docente e gli possono essere affidati più novizi che egli deve curare e far progredire, e non può rifiutarsi a tale ministero, perché per lui questo insegnamento è una prova.
Il terapeuta deve esercitare praticamente tutti i poteri animici e psichici acquistati, consolidare la sua cultura, e tentare la manifestazione diretta del Kons o Dioscuro e vederne la faccia o sentirne la parola e avere la chiave delle tre forme del serpente del male.
Il terapeuta passerà alla conoscenza dell'Unica Sorgente da cui emanano i poteri guaritivi dei dolori della carne e dello spirito umani, e delle tre forme di emanazione dei poteri curativi e miracolosi: la preghiera. la incantazione e lo scongiuro o carme.
Il terapeuta acquisterà conoscenza della Rosa nella corrente delle anime, per intendere i principi della terapeutica ermetica adattabile alla elaborazione dei medicamenti e su che riposa la fallacia di tutte le scuole mediche profane rispetto alla terapia magica; imparerà l'applicazione del magnetismo animale fuori l'empirismo delle scuole note; e conoscerà senza parlare i centri emanatori di vita e di morte; intuirà la possibilità di una terapia assoluta senza medicinali, nella psicurgia e taumaturgia.
Al terapeuta saranno impartite solo comunicazione orali a periodi fissi e passerà senz'altro nella categoria dei Maestri Isiaci o di Miriam appena avrà intravisto la conoscenza dell'arcano simbolizzato nella tradizionale clavicola salomonica ed il suo uso.
L'investitura dei maestri è data con la stola nera dei necrofori sacerdoti isiaci e la stola bianca e oro dei celebranti; essi si daranno esclusivamente allo studio alchimico per la ricerca del secondo arcano conosciuto tradizionalmente coi nomi di Elixir di Lunga Vita, Medicina Ermetica, Polvere di proiezione, Trasmutatore alchimico e altri caduti in dispregio per non avervi gli studiosi profani voluto vedere l'artificio di nascondimento di poteri ignoti, per analogia e non per similitudine.
I maestri saranno chiamati a perpetuare la scuola, a formare i laboratori ermetici, ed essere in missione di propaganda e ad eleggere tra essi un capo, che sostituirà l'attuale Delegato Generale preposto ora alla scuola ed entrerà direttamente in contatto coi dodici vecchi maestri del Collegio Operante.
Ai Maestri è confidato il mandato di mantener salda la campagine della Scuola e assi curarne la continuità ; a prendere iniziative per la sua sistemazione avvenire come ordine laico di vera scienza delle anime adattata ad un fine di utilità umana; a renderla strumento di progresso scientifico e fonte di luce su ogni tirannia tenebrosa dell'ignoranza sacerdotale delle vecchie religioni monopolizzate con intendimenti oppressori degli spiriti e della scienza.
Il Delegato Generale è il più giovane dei maestri scelto dai dodici vecchi formanti il Collegio o Capitolo Operante. Apparisce come fondatore di questa Scuola, ma deve essere considerato come uno strumento della Mente del consesso da cui è scelto.
Il Delegato Generale manterrà coi mezzi consentitigli dal suo ufficio la disciplina e la osservanza delle regole e non verrà meno al suo mandato.
Gli ascritti che violano i regolamenti o dimenticano le promesse o che in modo qualunque si rendano indegni della scuola saranno puniti con l'interdizione negligente o la punitiva.
L'una e l'altra importano la sospensione dei poteri acquistati, temporaneamente o definitivamente o con l'aggravante di altri provvedimenti di ordine morale.
I1 Delegato Generale può lasciare il suo ufficio per ordine del Collegio o Capitolo Operante, suo giudice diretto e suo mandante.
Può, autorizzato, farsi sostituire temporaneamente o delegare a sua volta un rappresentante diretto per una regione o stato, può conservarsi anonimo o manifestarsi apertamente.
In caso di morte, dal circolo dei maestri sarà eletta una terna su cui cadrà la scelta del Collegio Operante, secondo speciale regola che il circolo dei maestri conoscerà a suo tempo.
Disposizioni complementari
La Scuola Ermetica deve essere considerata da ogni ascritto come un Ente Benefico, alle cui simboliche fonti ogni ascritto deve sapienza e grazia e la Fratellanza una immensa corrente di bene e di Luce.
La personalità collettiva e grandiosa di questa Fratellanza Ideale, famiglia di perfettibili senza altra pretesa che di progredire e spandere dovunque e comunque l'esempio di una grande opera civile che si manifesta con un insegnamento progressivo a tutti gli uomini di buona volontà , non deve essere menomata posposta o impersonata da un nome o da alcuni nomi, anche che questo uno o questi più ripetano i miracoli taumaturgici dei grandi iniziati di tutti i tempi e di tutte le razze.
Ogni adepto di questa scuola quindi non può emergere ne lo deve a detrimento della personalità collettiva della Scuola e della Fratellanza, anche che il Nume lo renda degno di reverenza e fama. Non per principio di falsa umiltà comune a diverse sette, ma perché ognuno di noi deve considerarsi un numero, che tanto esplica le sue funzioni virtuose nella realtà della vita per quanto il proprio valore è originato, aumentato e intensificato dalla grande corrente psichica di una catena di volontà che può diventare immensa, pur passando ignorata dalla folla.
Onde non si stabiliscano viziose abitudini fino dal suo inizio funzionale, si vieta di attribuire al nome del Delegato Generale ogni successo che stia per ottenere riconoscimento di un pubblico più o meno ristretto, e si fa ordine esplicito di riferire e addebitare ogni cosa riuscita alla Scuola Ermetica o Fratellanza di Miriam.
La Scuola conserva i suoi insegnamenti secreti, non perché sia o aspiri a diventare una setta, ma per l'indole stessa dei metodi e procedimenti di educazione psichica degli iscritti. Se oggi questi metodi paiono non scientifici ai volghi e rifuggenti la luce della pubblicità , appena le scienze psichiche studiate da singoli cultori delle università europee saranno per poco avanzate, si troverà opportuno che una scuola della nostra indole non possa servirsi di altri metodi. Poiché gli insegnamenti e le pratiche variano spesso non solo da gruppi a gruppi, ma da uomo a uomo, per differenza di preparazione, di carattere, di tendenze, di costituzione di ogni allievo.
La Scuola Ermetica nata integrativa pei poteri dell'organismo fisico e psichico dell'uomo, tendente ad acquistare qualità supernormali, non è una Fratellanza mistica nel senso ovvio della parola, perché non fa procedere dall'Ignoto il Grande Ignoto padre di ogni religione volgare per grazia la concessione delle qualità superiori alle medie della umanità contemporanea, ma allena le potestà virtuali dell'organismo vivente e vitale alla produzione di effetti vari o non comuni, materia di miracoli attribuiti agli Dei sacerdotali e se i suoi discepoli arrivano alla conoscenza di vere entità (eoni) individue fuori la sensibilità umana, lo devono non all’avvicinamento fortuito o impreciso e eccezionale di quelle a noi, ma per lo studio di leggi conosciute da certi sacerdozii speciali per le quali, se queste entità esistono, si devono rendere sensibili e intelligenti a noi.
La Scuola Ermetica Fr+ Tm+ di Miriam proibisce ad ogni ascritto di qualunque grado, di tentare realizzazioni fuori l'unico intento di curare o sanare infermi: quindi saranno disciplinarmente puniti coloro che si occupano di ricerche a scopi diversi, o cercano di abusare della libertà dell'intelligenza dei meno evoluti, o prevaricano per adattare le doti acquisite a procurarsi ricchezze o vincere in competizioni commerciali, o sopraffare in modo qualunque i disarmati alla lotta. Anzi si fa obbligo a tutti di denunziare qualsiasi persona fuori gruppo che, esercitata nelle pratiche di alcuni segreti psichici, tenda a violare la incolumità delle persone e delle famiglie.
Si fa obbligo a tutti gli ascritti di non modellarsi su alcune scuole di empirismo medico che denigrano tutti gli studi moderni e le investigazioni dei pazienti scienziati glorie con temporanee, col pretesto che, non essendo credenti nelle leggi dello spirito, non sono giovevoli alla società umana come dovrebbero.
Essi ascritti devono invece considerare che la Scienza Umana è il risultato dei contributi di tutte le intelligenze, e il secolo passato e questo che comincia hanno contribuito ad essa in copia maggiore dei diciotto secoli di ignoranza precedente in cui l'Occidente diventò mancipio della tirannia spirituale esercitata dal fanatismo cristiano cattolico sugli sperimentatori liberi asserviti al pregiudizio di un sacerdozio indotto nelle cose che sono oggetto di osservazione e sperimentalismo.
Essi ascritti, più che vedersi in conflitto con un medico che cura un infermo devono comprendere che l'opera del medico non manca di intenzione benefica accoppiata ad una osservazione sperimentale chiara, imperfetta solo nel rendere il rimedio virtuoso; essi quindi comprenderanno ancora che se a donare questa virtù concorrono coi mezzi psichici che sono loro a disposizione, faranno bene egualmente a chi si ha il dovere di soccorrere.
A tutti gli ascritti si richiede la libertà assoluta da ogni impegno precedente o contemporaneo all'affiliazione nella Scuola Ermetica, ma s'intende per ogni qualsiasi società religiosa, mistica, iniziatica.
La nostra Fratellanza è e sarà come è stata nei secoli, non ha pretesa di apostolato unico, ma vuole raccolti e raggruppati, col vincolo dell'Ideale santo della Scienza e della Verità , pochi ma saldi elementi che ne assicurino l'esplicazione e la realizzazione fuori ogni lotta politica, sociale e religiosa, poiché la Scienza deve essere considerata di là dai confini delle nazioni e delle razze, e patrimonio della Umanità intera.
In base al concetto fondamentale formulato nel paragrafo precedente, la Fratellanza si intende esclusa da ogni preconcetto che determina le lotte di opinioni nella politica e si afferma come strumento solo di scienza libera dai vincoli della superstizione ignorante, monopolizzata da questa o quella forma religiosa, e generante l'idra ostacolante il libero sviluppo dell'anima umana alla conquista del suo diritto all'ascenso: esempio di tolleranza per ogni opinione, si circoscrive nel risultato delle proprie esperienze.
La Fratellanza Ermetica come nella sua entità collettiva esclude ogni servitù di spirito, e prescinde dalle divisioni occasionali delle società umane, così tende a formare di ogni suo numero un uomo integrale, cioè un individuo completo nella famiglia umana, prototipi di cittadini della Città Civile Umana, dominatori delle passioni bestiali, correttori della asprezza nei conflitti delle idee umane, pionieri di quella Pace tra i Popoli che deve preparare il simbolico avvento di un giorno di giustizia e di paradiso senza limiti di ore.
Quindi il simbolo della Matriarchia di Miriam valga ad essere interprete di un programma di Amore, in cui la formula matematica arida ed inesorabile della filosofia maschia si umanizza nella sensibile dell'ideale di affetto della madre, della bellezza nella forma e della delicatezza nell'essenza muliebre.
Scuola e Fratellanza si presentano al candidato senza la pompa della dovizia esteriore, poiché di mezzi e pecunia umani esse son povere, il loro tesoro è una Idea, alla quale tutti i fratelli devono concorrere perché diventi una realtà e spanda il bene comunque e dovunque, nelle anime e nella carne umana. Ricchi o poveri, gli aspiranti di buona volontà e di retto sentire sono accolti nello abbraccio fraterno. La pecunia non mancherà , perché i Numi provvidenti suppliranno alla povertà del contributo umano, ma il tesoro della scienza deve essere alimentato e consolidato col tributo di tutte le forze intelligenti chiamate a raccolta.
Il segno esteriore di riconoscimento e affermazione della Scuola, come la croce pel cristianesimo, è la destra mano aperta in alto, con le dita separate. E' il riconoscimento dei cinque elementi costitutivi dell'uomo integralizzato, e il segno della costituzione quinaria della scuola e della liberalità in alto, nel mezzo e nel basso.
Questo programma non deve restare infruttuoso tra i libri documentali delle poesie e dei sogni. Si affida alle anime buone, come il seme alla terra fertile, perché generi un albero robusto dal fogliame spesso, che offra ricovero contro le tempeste della vita agli umani che, perduta la fede, ricercano la verità nell'Amore che é la Scienza della Luce.
I. M. Kremm - Erz
In the photo the symbol of the Order of the Roman Eagle of Romano Mussolini who carried out the assasination of Pier Paolo Pasolini for the P2 masonic Lodge.
Still nowdays the Order is in the hands of dangerous Zionist like Freemason Massimo Palazzi and P2/GLADIO agents like Brother Roberto Amato a Grand Master of italian freemasonry.These known satanist are working directely under the wings of USA/ISRAEL intelligence, constantely serving their American illuminati Masters like slaves for a further degree of supposed knowledge in their diabolical system.
Siamo tutti in pericolo", di Furio Colombo, l'Unità 9 maggio
[Si tratta del testo integrale dell'intervista di Furio Colombo a
Pier Paolo Pasolini pubblicato sull'inserto "Tuttolibri" del
quotidiano "La Stampa" l'8 novembre del 1975, ripubblicato
dall'Unità del 9 maggio 2005 quasi del tutto integralmente ]
Questa intervista ha avuto luogo sabato 1° novembre, fra le 4 e le 6
del pomeriggio, poche ore prima che Pasolini venisse assassinato.
Voglio precisare che il titolo dell'incontro che appare in questa
pagina è suo, non mio. Infatti alla fine della conversazione che
spesso, come in passato, ci ha trovati con persuasioni e punti di
vista diversi, gli ho chiesto se voleva dare un titolo alla sua
Ci ha pensato un po', ha detto che non aveva importanza, ha cambiato
discorso, poi qualcosa ci ha riportati sull'argomento di fondo che
appare continuamente nelle risposte che seguono. «Ecco il seme, il
senso di tutto - ha detto - Tu non sai neanche chi adesso sta
pensando di ucciderti. Metti questo titolo, se vuoi: "Perché siamo
tutti in pericolo"».
Pasolini, tu hai dato nei tuoi articoli e nei tuoi scritti, molte
versioni di ciò che detesti. Hai aperto una lotta, da solo, contro
tante cose, istituzioni, persuasioni, persone, poteri. Per rendere
meno complicato il discorso io dirò «la situazione», e tu sai che
intendo parlare della scena contro cui, in generale ti batti. Ora ti
faccio questa obiezione. La «situazione» con tutti i mali che tu
dici, contiene tutto ciò che ti consente di essere Pasolini. Voglio
dire: tuo è il merito e il talento. Ma gli strumenti? Gli strumenti
sono della «situazione». Editoria, cinema, organizzazione, persino
gli oggetti. Mettiamo che il tuo sia un pensiero magico. Fai un
gesto e tutto scompare. Tutto ciò che detesti. E tu? Tu non
resteresti solo e senza mezzi? Intendo mezzi espressivi, intendo...
Sì, ho capito. Ma io non solo lo tento, quel pensiero magico, ma ci
credo. Non in senso medianico. Ma perché so che battendo sempre
sullo stesso chiodo può persino crollare una casa. In piccolo un
buon esempio ce lo danno i radicali, quattro gatti che arrivano a
smuovere la coscienza di un Paese (e tu sai che non sono sempre
d'accordo con loro, ma proprio adesso sto per partire, per andare al
loro congresso). In grande l'esempio ce lo dà la storia. Il rifiuto
è sempre stato un gesto essenziale. I santi, gli eremiti, ma anche
gli intellettuali. I pochi che hanno fatto la storia sono quelli che
hanno detto di no, mica i cortigiani e gli assistenti dei cardinali.
Il rifiuto per funzionare deve essere grande, non piccolo, totale,
non su questo o quel punto, «assurdo» non di buon senso. Eichmann,
caro mio, aveva una quantità di buon senso. Che cosa gli è mancato?
Gli è mancato di dire no su, in cima, al principio, quando quel che
faceva era solo ordinaria amministrazione, burocrazia. Magari avrÃ
anche detto agli amici, a me quell'Himmler non mi piace mica tanto.
Avrà mormorato, come si mormora nelle case editrici, nei giornali,
nel sottogoverno e alla televisione. Oppure si sarà anche ribellato
perché questo o quel treno si fermava, una volta al giorno per i
bisogni e il pane e acqua dei deportati quando sarebbero state più
funzionali o più economiche due fermate. Ma non ha mai inceppato la
macchina. Allora i discorsi sono tre. Qual è, come tu dici, «la
situazione», e perché si dovrebbe fermarla o distruggerla. E in che
Ecco, descrivi allora la «situazione». Tu sai benissimo che i tuoi
interventi e il tuo linguaggio hanno un po' l'effetto del sole che
attraversa la polvere. È un'immagine bella ma si può anche vedere (o
capire) poco.
Grazie per l'immagine del sole, ma io pretendo molto di meno.
Pretendo che tu ti guardi intorno e ti accorga della tragedia. Qual
è la tragedia? La tragedia è che non ci sono più esseri umani, ci
sono strane macchine che sbattono l'una contro l'altra. E noi, gli
intellettuali, prendiamo l'orario ferroviario dell'anno scorso, o di
dieci anni prima e poi diciamo: ma strano, ma questi due treni non
passano di li, e come mai sono andati a fracassarsi in quel modo? O
il macchinista è impazzito o è un criminale isolato o c'è un
complotto. Soprattutto il complotto ci fa delirare. Ci libera da
tutto il peso di confrontarci da soli con la verità . Che bello se
mentre siamo qui a parlare qualcuno in cantina sta facendo i piani
per farci fuori. E facile, è semplice, è la resistenza. Noi
perderemo alcuni compagni e poi ci organizzeremo e faremo fuori
loro, o un po' per uno, ti pare? Eh lo so che quando trasmettono in
televisione Parigi brucia tutti sono lì con le lacrime agli occhi e
una voglia matta che la storia si ripeta, bella, pulita (un frutto
del tempo è che «lava» le cose, come la facciata delle case).
Semplice, io di qua, tu di là . Non scherziamo sul sangue, il dolore,
la fatica che anche allora la gente ha pagato per «scegliere».
Quando stai con la faccia schiacciata contro quell'ora, quel minuto
della storia, scegliere è sempre una tragedia. Però, ammettiamolo,
era più semplice. Il fascista di Salò, il nazista delle SS, l'uomo
normale, con l'aiuto del coraggio e della coscienza, riesce a
respingerlo, anche dalla sua vita interiore (dove la rivoluzione
sempre comincia). Ma adesso no. Uno ti viene incontro vestito da
amico, è gentile, garbato, e «collabora» (mettiamo alla televisione)
sia per campare sia perché non è mica un delitto. L'altro - o gli
altri, i gruppi - ti vengono incontro o addosso - con i loro ricatti
ideologici, con le loro ammonizioni, le loro prediche, i loro
anatemi e tu senti che sono anche minacce. Sfilano con bandiere e
con slogan, ma che cosa li separa dal «potere»?
Che cos'è il potere, secondo te, dove è, dove sta, come lo stani?
Il potere è un sistema di educazione che ci divide in soggiogati e
soggiogatori. Ma attento. Uno stesso sistema educativo che ci forma
tutti, dalle cosiddette classi dirigenti, giù fino ai poveri. Ecco
perché tutti vogliono le stesse cose e si comportano nello stesso
modo. Se ho tra le mani un consiglio di amministrazione o una
manovra di Borsa uso quella. Altrimenti una spranga. E quando uso
una spranga faccio la mia violenza per ottenere ciò che voglio.
Perché lo voglio? Perché mi hanno detto che è una virtù volerlo. Io
esercito il mio diritto-virtù. Sono assassino e sono buono.
Ti hanno accusato di non distinguere politicamente e
ideologicamente, di avere perso il segno della differenza profonda
che deve pur esserci fra fascisti e non fascisti, per esempio fra i
Per questo ti parlavo dell'orario ferroviario dell'anno prima. Hai
mai visto quelle marionette che fanno tanto ridere i bambini perché
hanno il corpo voltato da una parte e la testa dalla parte opposta?
Mi pare che Totò riuscisse in un trucco del genere. Ecco io vedo
così la bella truppa di intellettuali, sociologi, esperti e
giornalisti delle intenzioni più nobili, le cose succedono qui e la
testa guarda di là . Non dico che non c'è il fascismo. Dico: smettete
di parlarmi del mare mentre siamo in montagna. Questo è un paesaggio
diverso. Qui c'è la voglia di uccidere. E questa voglia ci lega come
fratelli sinistri di un fallimento sinistro di un intero sistema
sociale. Piacerebbe anche a me se tutto si risolvesse nell'isolare
la pecora nera. Le vedo anch'io le pecore nere. Ne vedo tante. Le
vedo tutte. Ecco il guaio, ho già detto a Moravia: con la vita che
faccio io pago un prezzo... È come uno che scende all'inferno. Ma
quando torno - se torno - ho visto altre cose, più cose. Non dico
che dovete credermi. Dico che dovete sempre cambiare discorso per
non affrontare la verità .
E qual è la verità ?
Mi dispiace avere usato questa parola. Volevo dire «evidenza».
Fammi rimettere le cose in ordine. Prima tragedia: una educazione
comune, obbligatoria e sbagliata che ci spinge tutti dentro l'arena
dell'avere tutto a tutti i costi. In questa arena siamo spinti come
una strana e cupa armata in cui qualcuno ha i cannoni e qualcuno ha
le spranghe. Allora una prima divisione, classica, è «stare con i
deboli». Ma io dico che, in un certo senso tutti sono i deboli,
perché tutti sono vittime. E tutti sono i colpevoli, perché tutti
sono pronti al gioco del massacro. Pur di avere. L'educazione
ricevuta è stata: avere, possedere, distruggere.
Allora fammi tornare alla domanda iniziale. Tu, magicamente abolisci
tutto. Ma tu vivi di libri, e hai bisogno di intelligenze che
leggono. Dunque, consumatori educati del prodotto intellettuale. Tu
fai del cinema e hai bisogno non solo di grandi platee disponibili
(infatti hai in genere molto successo popolare, cioè sei «consumato»
avidamente dal tuo pubblico) ma anche di una grande macchina
tecnica, organizzativa, industriale, che sta in mezzo. Se togli
tutto questo, con una specie di magico monachesimo di tipo paleo-
cattolico e neo-cinese, che cosa ti resta?
A me resta tutto, cioè me stesso, essere vivo, essere al mondo,
vedere, lavorare, capire. Ci sono cento modi di raccontare le
storie, di ascoltare le lingue, di riprodurre i dialetti, di fare il
teatro dei burattini. Agli altri resta molto di più. Possono tenermi
testa, colti come me o ignoranti come me. Il mondo diventa grande,
tutto diventa nostro e non dobbiamo usare né la Borsa, né il
consiglio di amministrazione, né la spranga, per depredarci. Vedi,
nel mondo che molti di noi sognavano (ripeto: leggere l'orario
ferroviario dell'anno prima, ma in questo caso diciamo pure di tanti
anni prima) c'era il padrone turpe con il cilindro e i dollari che
gli colavano dalle tasche e la vedova emaciata che chiedeva
giustizia con i suoi pargoli. Il bel mondo di Brecht, insomma.
Come dire che hai nostalgia di quel mondo.
No! Ho nostalgia della gente povera e vera che si batteva per
abbattere quel padrone senza diventare quel padrone. Poiché erano
esclusi da tutto nessuno li aveva colonizzati. Io ho paura di questi
negri in rivolta, uguali al padrone, altrettanti predoni, che
vogliono tutto a qualunque costo. Questa cupa ostinazione alla
violenza totale non lascia più vedere «di che segno sei». Chiunque
sia portato in fin di vita all'ospedale ha più interesse - se ha
ancora un soffio di vita - in quel che gli diranno i dottori sulla
sua possibilità di vivere che in quel che gli diranno i poliziotti
sulla meccanica del delitto. Bada bene che io non faccio né un
processo alle intenzioni né mi interessa ormai la catena causa
effetto, prima loro, prima lui, o chi è il capo-colpevole. Mi sembra
che abbiamo definito quella che tu chiami la «situazione». È come
quando in una città piove e si sono ingorgati i tombini. l'acqua
sale, è un'acqua innocente, acqua piovana, non ha né la furia del
mare né la cattiveria delle correnti di un fiume. Però, per una
ragione qualsiasi non scende ma sale. È la stessa acqua piovana di
tante poesiole infantili e delle musichette del «cantando sotto la
pioggia». Ma sale e ti annega. Se siamo a questo punto io dico: non
perdiamo tutto il tempo a mettere una etichetta qui e una là .
Vediamo dove si sgorga questa maledetta vasca, prima che restiamo
tutti annegati.
E tu, per questo, vorresti tutti pastorelli senza scuola
dell'obbligo, ignoranti e felici.
Detta così sarebbe una stupidaggine. Ma la cosiddetta scuola
dell'obbligo fabbrica per forza gladiatori disperati. La massa si fa
più grande, come la disperazione, come la rabbia. Mettiamo che io
abbia lanciato una boutade (eppure non credo) Ditemi voi una altra
cosa. S'intende che rimpiango la rivoluzione pura e diretta della
gente oppressa che ha il solo scopo di farsi libera e padrona di se
stessa. S'intende che mi immagino che possa ancora venire un momento
così nella storia italiana e in quella del mondo. Il meglio di
quello che penso potrà anche ispirarmi una delle mie prossime
poesie. Ma non quello che so e quello che vedo. Voglio dire fuori
dai denti: io scendo all'inferno e so cose che non disturbano la
pace di altri. Ma state attenti. L'inferno sta salendo da voi. È
vero che sogna la sua uniforme e la sua giustificazione (qualche
volta). Ma è anche vero che la sua voglia, il suo bisogno di dare la
sprangata, di aggredire, di uccidere, è forte ed è generale. Non
resterà per tanto tempo l'esperienza privata e rischiosa di chi ha,
come dire, toccato «la vita violenta». Non vi illudete. E voi siete,
con la scuola, la televisione, la pacatezza dei vostri giornali, voi
siete i grandi conservatori di questo ordine orrendo basato
sull'idea di possedere e sull'idea di distruggere. Beati voi che
siete tutti contenti quando potete mettere su un delitto la sua
bella etichetta. A me questa sembra un'altra, delle tante operazioni
della cultura di massa. Non potendo impedire che accadano certe
cose, si trova pace fabbricando scaffali.
Ma abolire deve per forza dire creare, se non sei un distruttore
anche tu. I libri per esempio, che fine fanno? Non voglio fare la
parte di chi si angoscia più per la cultura che per la gente. Ma
questa gente salvata, nella tua visione di un mondo diverso, non può
essere più primitiva (questa è un'accusa frequente che ti viene
rivolta) e se non vogliamo usare la repressione «più avanzata»...
Che mi fa rabbrividire.
Se non vogliamo usare frasi fatte, una indicazione ci deve pur
essere. Per esempio, nella fantascienza, come nel nazismo, si
bruciano sempre i libri come gesto iniziale di sterminio. Chiuse le
scuole, chiusa la televisione, come animi il tuo presepio?
Credo di essermi già spiegato con Moravia. Chiudere, nel mio
linguaggio, vuol dire cambiare. Cambiare però in modo tanto drastico
e disperato quanto drastica e disperata è la situazione. Quello che
impedisce un vero dibattito con Moravia ma soprattutto con Firpo,
per esempio, è che sembriamo persone che non vedono la stessa scena,
che non conoscono la stessa gente, che non ascoltavano le stesse
voci. Per voi una cosa accade quando è cronaca, bella, fatta,
impaginata, tagliata e intitolata. Ma cosa c'è sotto? Qui manca il
chirurgo che ha il coraggio di esaminare il tessuto e di dire:
signori, questo è cancro, non è un fatterello benigno. Cos'è il
cancro? È una cosa che cambia tutte le cellule, che le fa crescere
tutte in modo pazzesco, fuori da qualsiasi logica precedente. È un
nostalgico il malato che sogna la salute che aveva prima, anche se
prima era uno stupido e un disgraziato? Prima del cancro, dico. Ecco
prima di tutto bisognerà fare non solo quale sforzo per avere la
stessa immagine. Io ascolto i politici con le loro formulette, tutti
i politici e divento pazzo. Non sanno di che Paese stanno parlando,
sono lontani come la Luna. E i letterati. E i sociologi. E gli
esperti di tutti i generi.
Perché pensi che per te certe cose siano talmente più chiare?
Non vorrei parlare più di me, forse ho detto fin troppo. Lo sanno
tutti che io le mie esperienze le pago di persona. Ma ci sono anche
i miei libri e i miei film. Forse sono io che sbaglio. Ma io
continuo a dire che siamo tutti in pericolo.
Pasolini, se tu vedi la vita così - non so se accetti questa
domanda - come pensi di evitare il pericolo e il rischio?
È diventato tardi, Pasolini non ha acceso la luce e diventa
difficile prendere appunti. Rivediamo insieme i miei. Poi lui mi
chiede di lasciargli le domande.
«Ci sono punti che mi sembrano un po' troppo assoluti. Fammi
pensare, fammeli rivedere. E poi dammi il tempo di trovare una
conclusione. Ho una cosa in mente per rispondere alla tua domanda.
Per me è più facile scrivere che parlare. Ti lascio le note che
aggiungo per domani mattina».
È diventato tardi, Pasolini non ha acceso la luce e diventa
difficile prendere appunti. Rivediamo insieme i miei. Poi lui mi
chiede di lasciargli le domande. «Ci sono punti che mi sembrano un
po' troppo assoluti. Fammi pensare, fammeli rivedere. E poi dammi il
tempo di trovare una conclusione. Ho una cosa in mente per
rispondere alla tua domanda. Per me è più facile scrivere che
parlare. Ti lascio le note che aggiungo per domani mattina».
Il giorno dopo, domenica, il corpo senza vita di Pier Paolo Pasolini
era all'obitorio della polizia.
Nato a Bologna nel 1958, parallelamente alla sua professione di agente d’affari Negrini svolge da un trentennio attività di saggista e conferenziere su tematiche esoteriche, religiose e filosofiche.
Come esoterista e libero ricercatore è attivamente impegnato negli ambienti culturali massonici e paramassonici italiani e ha fondato nel 1989 l’Akkademia PanSophica Alpha Draconis (APsAD), di cui è tuttora Presidente: un’organizzazione culturale senza scopi di lucro che, finalizzata a forme di collaborazione interdisciplinare fra studiosi/e orientati/e verso un nuovo Rinascimento culturale, parascientifico e magico, ha attivato in Italia vari programmi di divulgazione su neopaganesimo, rapporti fra sessualità e sacro, neostregoneria e tradizioni magiche.
Negrini ha inoltre contribuito alla pubblicazione di opere specialistiche di ricerca sulle culture pre-monoteistiche, partecipando anche - nell’ambito del progetto culturale Elissa inerente alle tradizioni precristiane dei Monti Sibillini - a saggi a più voci curati dall’Editrice Miriamica di Montemonaco, fra i quali: Sibilla Appenninica. I volti di pietra della Matriarchia (1997), Le terre della Sibilla Appenninica. Antico crocevia di idee, scienze e cultura (1999). Errante Erotica Eretica. L’icona sibillina fra Cecco d’Ascoli e Osvaldo Licini (2000), Sibilla sciamana della montagna (2001).
Come libero ricercatore di Antropologia del sacro ha collaborato a periodici specializzati in culture e filosofie di frontiera quali Il Giornale dei Misteri, Re Nudo, Mystero e a opere di approfondimento sulle eresie medievali. Nel 1998 ha pubblicato con Giordano Berti I Tarocchi Aleister Crowley, un saggio sulle 78 immagini ermetiche elaborate nel ’47 dal magista inglese, di cui ha pure sceneggiato una completa rielaborazione pittorica, ispirata in gran parte ai Decani rinascimentali e illustrata dal pittore Andrea Serio (Edizioni d’Arte Lo Scarabeo, 2004).
Ha scritto inoltre uno studio introduttivo sulla storia e sulle dottrine della Magia moderna nell’opera La Qabala della Bestia Trionfante di Charles Stansfeld Jones, discepolo e collaboratore di Crowley (Venexia, 2004).
Ha collaborato ai volumi Psicologia e psichiatria nel Terzo Millennio. La prospettiva Next Age (Istituto Internazionale di Psichiatria e Psicoterapia, ’99), La Magia della sessualità (Atanòr, 2000) con il saggio “Magia erotica e Alchimia sessuale†e L’immaginazione al podere. Che cosa resta delle eresie psichedeliche (Stampa Alternativa, 2005), con l’intervento “L’estasi di Luciferoâ€, un contributo sugli aspetti iniziatici, magici ed ermetici dell’uso sacramentale di sostanze psicoattive ed enteogene.
Sotto il profilo della divulgazione editoriale, artistica e culturale in genere si occupa da qualche anno di computer-grafica sia nell’ambito illustrativo delle proprie iniziative che di altre collaterali.
Autore di alcune copertine per conto di case editrici (fra le quali Akkuaria di Vera Ambra) ha curato il logo e le scenografie digitali di Crezia, uno spettacolo multimediale finanziato dalla Regione Toscana su una condanna per Stregoneria nella Lucca del XVI secolo, scritto da Selene Ballerini e andato in scena nel 2002, con regia di Sonia Prezioso e interpretazione di Ottavia Piccolo.
Attualmente sta partecipando come elaboratore d’immagini alla realizzazione dello spettacolo Nelle Spire della Draco che, ispirato al libro Il Corpo della Dea di Selene Ballerini (peraltro pure regista e sceneggiatrice della versione teatrale) e interpretato dalla Compagnia PanSophica (un’emanazione dell’Akkademia omonima), ha debuttato al San Martino di Bologna sabato 4 marzo 2006.
Roberto Negrini e la sua filiazione Luciferiana degli illuminati (OTO-FHL) sono legati sia alla Loggia Monte Carlo della P2 del Fratello Giunchiglia, sia alla mitica sede di Bologna dell' Opus Dei ovvero Villa Leona dell'amico e Fratello Carlo Maria Baserga. Carlo Maria e' un importante personaggio dell'Opus Dei che al momento e' coinvolto nella grande opera di rimodernamento del porto di Genova condotto dall'Opus Dei.
Carlo Maria Baserga in realta' non prende molto sul serio gli illuminati o la Massoneria (in cui e' stato tra l'altro iniziato) ma li usa per i propri scopi da buon businessmen nordista. Egli ritiene giustamente tutto questo mondo di vane glorie e patacche varie un teatrino inutile, ma nel frattempo e' un fedele servo dell' Opus Dei e di Santa Madre Chiesa con cui lavora ai massimi livelli. La figlia di Carlo Maria Baserga una devotissima dell'Opus Dei e iniziata anche lei alla Massoneria, ha detto di recente che il Papa' sarebbe la TV e la voce di Dio (poveri noi...).
In un colloquio segreto che si e' tenuto a Villa leona nell'Estate 2005 con il Fratelllo Roberto Negrini Gran Maestro degli illuminati di Bologna , il Fratello Baserga ed io abbiamo offerto al Negrini una posizione da Cardinale nella Chiesa Cattolica del nuovo millennio, anche perche' gli abbiamo detto che il teatrino Vaticano si adattava molto alle suo modo di essere e al suo credo AntiCristiano ecco perche' tutti gli infedeli lavorano con il Vaticano.
Khaled Saifullah Khan
“S’io fossi Satana…â€
Ci sarebbe di che divertirsi, parafrasando il famoso Cecco; ed essendo tale, in quanto ex puro spirito, avrei conservato un certo senso dell’umorismo, mi muoverei con disinvoltura nel tempo e nello spazio e avrei memoria di tutto, dal primo vagito del bipede implume alle ultime, allarmanti grida di aiuto provenienti dalla purezza umana calpestata dalla iniquità massonica con annesso anatema “usque ad finemâ€.
Forse c’è bisogno di questo. Che sarebbe Topolino senza Gambadilegno?
Ci vuole l’antagonista, soprattutto ora che il comunismo non fa più paura (la fame, la sopraffazione, l’idiozia, ci sono sempre state e non sono scomunicabili) ed eccotelo servito su un piatto d’argento.
C’è bisogno di tenere alta la tensione, sennò la fede può vacillare, anche se tutto, cioè ogni cosa, dacché vive è in movimento, ovunque, sia sul piano fisico che su quello mentale e spirituale.
Tutto si evolve, si modifica, si “storicizzaâ€, per alcuni ciò vuol dire che migliora, per altri c’è il rischio del baratro. Così fu in ogni tempo, ne seppe qualcosa Socrate, poi Giordano Bruno, poi Galileo e tanti altri, meno illustri, ma non per questo meno perseguitati e martoriati.
Ma, s’io fossi Satana, farei in modo che l’uomo spendesse bene la più grande moneta che ha: la Stupidità , duttile e fertile come nient’altro. Anche perché, da Satana, mi farebbero sbellicare dalle risa le parole autorevoli di Leone XIII: “Orrende e mostruose opinioni levano la testaâ€.
Sogghignerei soddisfatto nel constatare che questa mediocrità umana, non avendo il coraggio di ammettere di nutrire “dentro†di sé sia il Bene che il Male, quindi di essere artefice (come sostenevano quei rozzi pagani dei Romani) della propria Fortuna, crea il mostro permanente e non riflettono, quei bravi ragazzi, che il Male agisce in maniera diversa. Non è mai esplicito né dichiarato; è subdolo, è suadente, è accattivante, è mansueto, è simpatico, è goliardico, ed ha sempre delle apparenti giustificazioni morali, anche al massimo dell’immoralità .
Non è forse per questo che la più precisa definizione del demonio, secondo le Scritture, è “Ingannatore�
Che bisogno c’è di sguinzagliare le logge all’insegna diabolica, c’è già tanta gente dabbene che ammazza in nome di Dio! C’è anche tanta gente che aiuta, che sfama, che consola, che spende i suoi soldi, pochi o molti, in Africa, per dare agli altri l’acqua; e magari non sa o non si chiede perché lo fa: “Sente†che deve farlo e basta.
Quando ci si allontana dall’Uomo, si perde di vista Dio, per conto del quale pullula uno sciame di rappresentanti, su questa terra, dimentichi del fatto che quel rapporto è diretto: se c’è passa, si trasmette, si moltiplica, in maniera diretta. Fortunato, chi sa percepire il Silenzio.
In questa valle di lacrime e di lucro, per troppi, non c’è altra SpA che abbia ottenuto, investendo poco, il massimo del profitto, come la Chiesa Cattolica, attraverso il confessionale, con la speranza del Paradiso e la paura dell’Inferno.
Gian Carlo
Il Giornale 23 settembre 2006
Tavaroli: non rendevo conto a Tronchetti - di Gianluigi Nuzzi -
L’ex capo della sicurezza: «Dipendevo dall’ad Buora e agivo solo su incarico dei dirigenti del gruppo. Indagammo sui dipendenti per paura d’infiltrazioni Br»
Gianluigi Nuzzi
da Milano
«Non sono una scheggia impazzita di Telecom. Soddisfavo le richieste dei vari dirigenti, come il capo dell'ufficio personale e dipendevo da Carlo Buora, amministratore delegato della società e non da Marco Tronchetti Provera. Non ho mai agito in autonomia, di mia spontanea iniziativa». Giuliano Tavaroli vuol dire Telecom, Buora e chi sa chi altri ancora. Tre ore di interrogatorio e l'ex capo della sicurezza del gruppo telefonico in carcere da mercoledì, respinge tutte le accuse. Assistito dal penalista Massimo Dinoia, rivendica di aver agito esclusivamente nell'interesse di Telecom-Pirelli. E tira in ballo le Brigate rosse per giustificare quei controlli a tappeto disposti su migliaia di operai e impiegati che ambivano a essere assunti da Pirelli e da Telecom.
«Ebbi l'incarico dal direttore del personale Pirelli - mette a verbale Tavaroli - subito dopo l'omicidio di Massimo D'Antona. Si temevano infiltrazioni delle Brigate rosse. Tra l'altro era stato ritrovato un volantino delle Br in una cabina telefonica vicino all'azienda». Situazione fotocopia, assicura Tavaroli, per i controlli sui candidati Telecom: «Anche queste verifiche avvengono subito dopo l'omicidio del professor Biagi a Bologna». Che poi Cipriani attingesse i dati da banche dati riservate, corrompendo forze di polizia infedeli, Tavaroli dice di non saperne nulla: «Io gestivo 150 milioni di budget all'anno per la sicurezza. Qui parliamo di 20 milioni di euro in nove anni». Come dire: vicende marginali. «Non seguivo ogni singola pratica, i dirigenti di Pirelli prima e di Telecom poi chiedevano notizie ai miei manager che agivano in autonomia». Ma quali manager? Tavaroli indica i capi del personale che si sono succeduti: «Mi evidenziavano la necessità di compiere indagini sui candidati e io delegavo i miei dipendenti che gestivano in autonomia le pratiche». Tra chi bussava alla sua porta, Tavaroli indica anche il capo dell'audit Armando Focaroli: «Ogni tanto mi chiedeva delle pratiche». L'indicazione non è casuale. Focaroli infatti aveva messo a verbale che non poteva compiere i dovuti accertamenti interni per l'autonomia gestionale di Tavaroli che «riferiva direttamente al presidente». E a questo punto ha indicato Buora: «Ci sono delle imprecisioni. Io dipendevo da Buora e non dal dottor Tronchetti Provera».
La difesa si gioca quindi in tre mosse. Negare ogni accusa scaricandola sui sottoposti che lavoravano con gli 007 privati di Emanuele Cipriani. Sostenere quindi che ruolo e incarico erano organici a manager e strategie del gruppo. Indicare in Valente e Lambiase i dipendenti Telecom che pagavano le fatture estero su estero per la Polis d'Istinto di Cipriani e che saldavano le fatture (false) emesse dalla struttura dell'amico di infanzia. Anche lui è stato sentito e ha confermato quanto sostenuto nei precedenti interrogatori. «Sta spiegando tutto», taglia corto il difensore Vinicio Nardo. Su di lui emergono anche altri particolari. Cipriani per poter utilizzare dei conti correnti a Montecarlo, spostare quindi soldi da un conto corrente alla Barclays Bank di Londra alla Abc Banque International de Monaco, aveva un domicilio nel Principato che corrisponde a quello della nuora del venerabile Licio Gelli, moglie di uno dei due figli del capo della loggia Propaganda 2. Uno spunto approfondito: il gip Paola Belsito nell'ordinanza sostiene che «Cipriani gode di importanti conoscenze in ambito massonico». Quanto ciò sia rilevante e non suggestivo ancora non si capisce. Di sicuro quei 13 milioni di euro di Cipriani sequestrati all'estero sono stati bloccati al momento giusto. L'investigatore privato li stava per trasferire a una fondazione nel Liechtenstein.
Préface 11
Introduction 17
Avertissement 21
Des diverses alchimies 27
Les voies extérieures 33
Les courants rosicruciens et hermétistes 45
Ordres actuels ayant un rapport avec une ou plusieurs voies alchimiques 59
Les Arcana Arcanorum 66
Précisions sur les rites de Memphis et Misraïm 77
Gnostiques et Rose + Croix en Corse, une permanence de la Tradition 81
Un Ordre mystérieux, les Frères Ainés de la Rose + Croix.. 95
Graal et Alchimie ou les voies développées 101
La Doctrine du corps immortel 103
La voie des sons 117
La voie secrète ou le réel Art chimique 123
Ibis - cinquième proposition 131
L'aide des Dieux ou des Anges de Lumière dans la quête .... 139
Ésotérisme, Tradition et Franc-Maçonnerie 143
Gnosticisme et initiation 151
Ésotérisme, paganisme et religions 157
Les femmes, ésotérisme et chevalerie, histoire d'un faux problème 167
Conclusion 173
Appendices: 181
1 - Histoire secrète du Pythagorisme 181
2 - Giuliano Kremmerz et la « Myriam » 183
3 - La voie alchimique féminine dans le Taoïsme en Chine 187
Alchimie... Rose-Croix... deux qualificatifs étroitement liés à l'histoire Traditionnelle de l'humanité. Si l'origine du premier remonte à la plus haute antiquité greco-égyptienne et lui est certainement antérieure, le second est d'émergence relativement récente bien qu'il associe deux symboles représentatifs de Traditions plus que millénaires.
Les Ordres qui, sous le vocable Rose + Croix, apparurent en Occident au xive siècle, héritiers de filiations prestigieuses', détenaient les clefs de l'Art Royal. Ainsi, depuis cette époque, l'histoire de l'alchimie tend à se confondre, du moins dans ses manifestations les plus extérieures, avec celle de la Rose-Croix. Malheureusement depuis la démocratisation et la modernisation pernicieuse de la société, qui fait tout pour abrutir l'individu, diluant son peu de conscience dans l'avoir quantitatif, de
1. Michel Maier précisa dans son Silentium post clamarens que les Rose-Croix étaient les successeurs des Collèges Brahmanes Indous, des Égyptiens, des Eumolpides d'Eleusis, des Mages de
Perse, des Gymnosophites d'Éthiopie, des Pythagoriciens et des Arabes.
nombreuses spéculations, fruits des échecs répétés de chercheurs déçus, se sont greffées sur ce courant. Face à ce verbiage chaotique, qui relève plus d'une logorrhée mentale que du désir d'intégrer une connaissance Traditionnelle, les collèges R+C s'occultèrent, se cachant parfois dans les structures initiatiques que nous connaissons aujourd'hui.
Totalement asservi par la matière, soumis à ses illusions, et croyant échapper à cet esclavage pesant, l'humain en vint même à inventer les théories fumeuses de l'alchimie dite spirituelle. Mais de solve en coagula abstraits et moribonds, il ne fit que flatter et renforcer son ego, s'éloignant encore un peu plus du but qu'il s'était fixé...
Heureusement, ce livre présente le témoignage d'un Collège détenteur des Arcanes Majeurs, non pas qu'il se soucie des opinions humaines dont il n'a que faire, mais parce que le monde est parvenu à un tel point de confusion que peu de chercheurs sincères pouvaient espérer encore appréhender un des fils de la Toison d'Or. La Quête est suffisamment ardue en elle-même pour ne pas avoir à se débattre avec les interprétations dérisoires des philologues de l'Ésotérisme qui, surtout s'ils n'ont pas les compétences nécessaires, s'emploient à étaler sur le papier leur propre confusion, ajoutant leur désarroi à celui du lecteur. Soyons donc reconnaissant à M. Jean-Pierre GIUDICELLI de CRESSAC BACHELERIE qui, ayant impétré la plupart des filiations justes et vraies2 et pos
2. Vraies c'est-à -dire Réelles, ayant dépassées les contingences humaines.
sédant toutes les qualifications nécessaires, a bien voulu préciser ici quelques points essentiels de la Quête alchimique et entrebâiller certaines portes.
Dans cette étude, le lecteur trouvera beaucoup d'indications utiles, trop même reprocheront certains souffleurs arguant du secret et du fait qu'ils ont cherché pendant de longues années, et parfois avec succès, les clefs que l'auteur donne ici. Mais c'est oublier que les impératifs liés à la conquête héroïque de l'Arbre de Vie sont tellement éloignés des préoccupations de l'humain moyen que pour beaucoup le Verbum ne se fera pas chair. En effet, le prix à payer est bien souvent lourd, le quêteur croyant tout perdre, mais en fait ce ne sont que ses propres fantômes qui se dissolvent dans l'unité retrouvée. Au-delà de l'ego il n'y a rien à perdre'.
La Quête commence là où la volonté est suffisamment forte pour quitter le courant vulgaire, mais puissant, de l'identification et de la soumission aux désirs et instincts, grands dévoreurs de substances fines. Il faut donc s'évertuer à se rapprocher de l'Axe vertical afin que le « Dieu subtil » qui réside en nous puisse se faire entendre, car les lois occultes échappent à la logique commune du mental analytique.
Développant l'axiome alchimique selon lequel la Nature est vaincue par la Nature4, ce livre est avant tout
3. L'ego peut être considéré comme un complexe mouvant de petits « moi » qui naissent et meurent au gré des événements extérieurs, ce n'est que la persistance mémorielle et la rapidité des
changements qui donne l'illusion d'un moi stable et unique.
4. Fermicus disait : « La Nature se réjouit dans la Nature, la Nature conquiert la Nature, la Nature domine la Nature. »
le livre des substances car la rédemption doit se faire par la matière qui est Dieu se manifestant. L'auteur rend ainsi
à l'alchimie sa signification originelle, en rappelle les deux aspects, Wouei Tan et Nei Tans, et précise leur complé
mentarité : le travail sur la matière extérieure à l'homme n'est pas une fin en soi mais une étape de l'alchimie
interne du Corps de Gloire6. L'Art Royal permet donc
de déclencher et maîtriser le processus créateur des substances qui forment ce Corps Solaire et Christique, que
KREMMERZ définissait comme un principe intellectif participant à la vie universelle'.
Le dernier mérite de ce livre, et non le moindre, est de rappeler que la Tradition est Une et que ce sont les hommes et les circonstances qui sont multiples. L'alchimie
a de tous temps répandu son message universel, qui fit dire à PAUL dans son épître aux Éphésiens (5-14)
Éveille-toi, toi qui dors,
Lève-toi d'entre les morts
et sur toi luira le christ8
5. Wouei Tan = Alchimie externe, Nei tan = Alchimie interne.
6. D'ailleurs en Inde le Mercure (une des matières de l'ceuvre externe) est appellé : celui-qui-confère-le-passage-dans-l'autremonde.
7. G. Kremmerz « Introduction à la Science Hermétique », Éd. Axis Mundi.
8. Cette universalité de la Tradition qui a toujours su «chevaucher le Tigre » se retrouve aussi d'une manière saisissante chez le Soufi Ibn Sab'in qui considérait « Hermès (= Idris) comme le premier philosophe spiritualiste, qui a démontré que l'âme était une substance autonome, indépendante du lieu, en la faisant sortir hors de son corps durant sa vie : lors de son ascension (raf), grâce à son ascèse » (in « La révélation d'Hermès Trismégiste », Éd. des Belles Lettres).
Ce message est parfaitement illustré par la légende rapportée par ZOZIME : « Certains Anges s'étant épris de femmes trahirent les secrets de la Nature en apprenant aux hommes les signes magiques, les propriétés des racines, des métaux, des arbres. » TERTULLIEN mentionna aussi que les Anges enseignèrent aux hommes « l'art de teindre les Toisons ». M. GIUDICELLI de CR.ESSAC BACHELERIE nous rappelle, par ailleurs, que les voies de l'alchimie interne ne sont révélées qu'à celui qui a suffisamment développé l'Hermès en soi, ce qui donne toute sa signification à cette légende.
En effet, c'est bien l'Ange-gardien (ou Hermès) qui enseigne à l'homme les secrets de l'alchimie. De cette union (l'accouplement de l'Ange-Hermès avec la FemmeNature) naîtra la race des Titans, des Héros dont il est dit qu'ils sont les Seigneurs des hommes et des Dieux.
Le Corpus Hermeticum précise (X-24) : « Bien plus ne craignons pas de dire la vérité, l'homme véritable est audessus des Dieux ou tout au moins égal à eux. » Le Héros est celui qui a dépassé la Nature et qui apparaît dans un Corps de Lumière, échappant à la fatalité, libre de l'esclavage, de l'illusion et de l'identification: « Ils n'ont plus besoin de nourriture, ne souffrent plus de soif, échappent à la perception » (ENOCH XV, 2).
EVOLA écrivit à ce sujet : « Selon l'enseignement initiatique, l'état suprême est au contraire au-delà soit de l'être soit du non-être ; dans le mythe cosmique des cycles, dans cet état indifférencié identique à la transcendance absolue, même le Dieu personnel et tous les cieux sont résorbés au moment de la grande dissolution (ou incendie cosmique). L'extrème perfection de l'oeuvre, réalisée lors-
que la Terre a été entièrement dissoute et qu'on s'est uni au Venin, signifie avoir atteint cette limite extrême tout en restant actifs. Alors il n'y a plus de résorption possible. L'initié royal, vêtu de Rouge, est un vivant qui dure et est aussi là , ou aussi quand, dans le mythe cyclique - les mondes, les hommes et les dieux disparaissent9. »
Il ne nous reste plus qu'à conseiller au lecteur de lire et relire cet ouvrage et surtout d'expérimenter les voies qui sont indiquées car « l'expérience est la grande Maîtresse, parce que sur la base des résultats prouvés, elle enseigne à celui qui comprend, ce qui peut mieux le conduire au but » (ZOZIME). Dans l'Univers il n'y a pas d'échecs, il n'y a que des expériences.
9. Julius Évola : « La Tradition Hermétique », Éditions Traditionnelles.
Dans une époque de confusion, telle que celle que nous vivons, condensé du Kali Yuga dans ses derniers soubresauts, apparaissent néanmoins plusieurs signes clairs d'une reprise du désir de CONNAISSANCE.
Comme il arrive toujours, à la charnière de deux époques, une qui touche à sa fin et l'autre qui s'annonce, il se produit un pullulement déréglé d'organisations qui s'autodéfinissent traditionnelles et initiatiques, tandis qu'elles confondent la Tradition avec les coutumes et doctrines récemment apparues et l'Initiation avec quelques cérémonies scénographiques de réception.
Puisque le désordre et la confusion pèsent, il sera nécessaire de faire le point, de s'assurer des doctrines et lignes authentiquement traditionnelles et, en même temps, de traiter comme elles le méritent, toutes les organisations néo-spiritualistes et modernes ainsi que celles qui furent à un moment traditionnelles et sont maintenant dénaturées par les réformes, et tombées dans la banalité.
De cette nécessité d'éclaircissement naît ce livre, qui
est le fruit d'une recherche sérieuse, fidèle et engagée, qui
éclaircit, pour ceux qui veulent avec un coeur pur, entreprendre la voie du réveil de la Divinité qui dort dans les profondeurs de l'homme, lignes et voies de la Tradition que les Grands Maîtres du passé nous ont transmis depuis la nuit des temps.
La Tradition, même si diversifiée dans les formulations des différents peuples est UNE et Sacrée, et personne ne peut se permettre de la modifier sans commettre un sacrilège et encore moins de l'inventer selon son bon plaisir. Elle nous a été donnée et ne peut être changée.
Ce livre, dans lequel Jean-Pierre GIUDICELLI de CRESSAC BACHELERIE a transmis son désir ardent de clarté dans un domaine aussi important, évoque, en exposant leurs doctrines, les grands esprits guides de l'humanité ; lesquels sont toujours présents pour éclairer avec leurs sacrifices le difficile chemin de l'Initiation.
Ce livre aura certainement la fortune qu'il mérite, mais plus encore de fortune auront ceux qui le rencontreront sur leur chemin et le méditeront avec un coeur pur.
Sebastiano CARACCIOLO 330 90° 97° S:': I:: I Souverain Grand Hiérophante Général de l'Antique et Primitif Rite Oriental de Misraïm et Memphis.
Aujourd'hui, aujourd'hui, aujourd'hui,
Ce sont les noces du roi ;
Si tu es né pour y prendre part
Élu par Dieu pour la joie,
Va vers la montagne
Qui porte trois temples.
Cependant prends garde à toi,
Examine-toi toi-même
Si tu ne tes pas purifié assidûment,
Les noces te feront dommage.
Malheur à celui qui tarde
Et malheur à celui
Dont l'esprit manque de poids.
SPONSUS et SPONSA (Le Fiancé et la Fiancée).
Si le pauvre genre humain
Voulait ne pas se révolter,
Il recevrait beaucoup de biens
Dune véritable mère ;
Mais refusant d'obéir,
Il reste avec ses soucis,
Et demeure prisonnier.
« Les Noces Chymiques de Christian Rose + Croix » de Valentin ANDREAE
Il n'est rien dont l'homme ne soit aussi fermement convaincu que d'être éveillé, en réalité il
est captif d'un filet de sommeil et de rêve qu'il a confectionné lui-même.
Gustave MEYRINCK « Le Visage Vert »
Nous avons écrit ce livre pour quelques lecteurs capables de se livrer à une recherche sérieuse sur les traditions les plus fermées. Ainsi avertis dans une époque de confusion, ils pourront peut-être découvrir un des filons qu'ils pressentaient. Les,..cercles~ tiaticuues ordres divers sont fort nombreux les f ations traditions çixs so~,pt,,,par contre rares fe e_çsaarfois escamotées derrière tout un assembi4ge, de structures diverses. Insaisissables historiquement, elles connaissent les autres, mais ne sont pas connues ni même soupçonnées, qui a assez d'HERMÈS en soi les rencontre ou les retrouve, malgré le prix à payer. Leurs secrets ne tiennent pas de la jalousie de caste, comme le pensent quelques petits curieux plus proches dans leur esprit des inquisiteurs que des nobles voyageurs.
Nous aurions pu donner bien plus d'indications, et aussi déranger divers cercles ou auteurs établis... Tel n'était pas notre but car tout ce qui converge vers la recherche libre et non sectaire nous convenait.
Le problème des filiations n'est pas réellement impor-
tant et ne concerne chaque fois que des secrets terminaux, la plupart des ordres initiatiques ne s'en préoccupent pas, et en fait, dans l'exotérique ou le mésotérique peuvent avoir encore plus d'efficacité que d'autres cercles extérieurs émanant de filiations indiscutables, mais peu adaptées à des extériorisations. Giuliano KREMMERZ en Italie, qui tenta de vulgariser la voie hermétique est un exemple, la MYRIAM fut ainsi une source de troubles. La voie ésotérique„ étant expérimentale, elle n'a ni vérités pré-établies, ni dogmes.
Quant aux filiations les plus internes, elles n'ont jamais eu de problèmes pour se perpétuer... Les traqueurs, les assoiffés des quêtes rudes et totales finissent par les découvrir, et souvent y mettent le prix, les maîtres de ces filiations n'ayant pas la manie des débordements affectifs et des réceptions mondaines et courtoises que certains attendent. Elles concernent des méthodes précises, une praxis initiatique rigoureuse, liée à un ou plusieurs secrets non extériorisables parce que dangereux s'ils étaient mis entre toutes les mains.
Dans ces voies, comme dans celle du BOJA YOGA, la connaissance sans la puissance n'est que plaisanterie. Non pas le pouvoir en tant que but, mais en tant que moyen de vérification. Méthode d'ascèse qui de facto ne pouvait être réservée qu'à ceux qui ne cherchent plus le pouvoir, ou qui n'en ont que faire, et ils sont rares ) et ses principes aristocratiques, au sens étymologique et platonicien du terme.
Ce livre est aussi une mise au point d'un collège dépositaire de filiations multi-millénaires dans leur essence, même si les formes extérieures restent anachroniques ou dépassées dans certains cas, nous avons tenu à ne parler que de ce que nous avons expérimenté et constaté après trente années de recherches et de quête inconditionnelle. La forme extérieure compte peu, le prince ou le mendiant selon les cas sont les dépositaires ; chaque fois il faudra une stratégie différente, mais cette dernière fait partie de la quête, et le chevalier ne juge pas le"1ïnricë pour lequel il se bat, notion d'éthique élémentaire, si incomprise à notre époque.
Les critères traditionnels resteront toujours les mêmes en ce qui concerne les alchimies, il est impossible d'en
changer car la porte est ouverte à l'imposture, au verbiage et aux impressions fumeuses. Ils sont doubles et immuables.
Sur la voie extérieure, la pierre au rouge transmutatoire est le seul moyen de vérification qu'un adepte puisse avoir, on ne peut rentrer dans le processus des divagations diverses surtout créées autour d'une voie où on parle d'aurore boréale provoquée par l'explosion de l'œuf, et toute une série d'autres faits des plus discutables, très en vogue à l'heure actuelle où l'aberration mentale s'ampli _ fie. Cette pierre pouvant être faite à partir de divers métaux selon les écoles, étant entendu que la voie la plus simple et la moins onéreuse est la plus intéressante.
Sur la voie interne, la création tangible d'un corps de gloire, corps de conscience coagulée, qui permet à l'adepte de monter au ciel de son vivant, lui donne ainsi la certitude de son immortalité. Le taoïsme, dans les écrits de certains maîtres, précise qu'il y a divers degrés d'immortalité, certains allant jusqu'à la maîtrise du corps physique. Mais notre propos n'est pas d'aborder des questions qui ne concernent que des adeptes terminaux, lesquels n'ont plus rien à voir avec l'alchimiste habituel, tant les divers constats de la pratique provoquent une conscience de plus en plus réelle et donc différente de celle de l'humain.
Il est ainsi indispensable de préciser que ces états de conscience sont aussi précis que le reste de la voie, ils n'ont rien à voir avec des états d'ataraxie mentale, ou émotionnels, ils sont liés au contrôle de la pensée, et concernent le regard OBJECTIF, conscience non parasitée par les productions de l'EGO. Conscience regardante
et non cogitante, verticale et non horizontale, PRÉSENTE et non oscillant entre le futur et le passé, bref conscience totale de l'HIC ET NUNC (ici et maintenant). Rien de commun donc avec le monde des impressions, de l'à -peu-près si en vogue dans les milieux spiritualistes contemporains, dits traditionnels, plus amateurs de verbiage et d'inféodation aux doctrines ahurissantes actuelles, que de recherche véritable, honnête, lucide, sur un sentier déjà difficile sans les obstacles des théories.
Il nous reste à souhaiter que la véritable race des seigneurs, éternels rebelles, amoureux fous d'un monde UN, puisse toujours éveiller les éléments qualifiés des jeunes générations afin qu'ils perpétuent à leur tour la voie de l'ÊTRE.
Des diverses alchimies
Les diverses définitions de l'alchimie et leur analyse nous conduiraient à des spéculations inutiles. L'intention de ce livre n'est pas de donner un aperçu de plus sur l'ART ROYAL, mais d'éclairer le lecteur sur la situation actuelle de certains filons traditionnels, d'examiner certains problèmes, et surtout d'indiquer un chemin, non par des révélations, mais par l'indication d'opportunités hermétiques qu'il devra explorer par lui-même, non par curiosité, mais avec un désir profond de connaissance.
Beaucoup d'auteurs actuels n'arrivent pas à comprendre que l'Hermétisme est par définition... hermétique ! Si un Ordre traditionnel pouvait être cerné par un historien, il ne serait plus ésotérique, surtout à une époque où le secret est bien plus difficile à protéger.
C'est LANZA DEL VASTO qui a le mieux défini la situation actuelle quand il écrit : « La conjuration des imbéciles, des charlatans et des Sages a parfaitement réussi.
Cette conjuration avait pour objet de cacher la vérité.
Les uns et les autres ont servi cette grande cause, chacun selon ses moyens : les imbéciles par le moyen de
l'ignorance, les charlatans par le moyen du mensonge, les Sages par le moyen du secret.
Les imbéciles ne veulent pas qu'on découvre la vérité. Ils soupçonnent d'instinct qu'elle les dérangerait. Si on la leur montrait, ils détourneraient les yeux ; si on la leur mettait dans la main, ils la laisseraient tomber... Si on les forçait au face à face, ils hurleraient d'horreur et courraient se cacher sous terre.
Les charlatans ne veulent pas qu'on découvre la vérité car elle ruinerait leurs artifices, empêcherait leur profit, étalerait leur honte.
Les Sages qui possèdent la vérité ne veulent pas qu'on la découvre. Ils l'ont tenue cachée pour quatre raisons
La première, c'est qu'ils savent que Savoir c'est Pouvoir, et veulent en écarter les indignes. Car le Savoir chez l'indigne devient malice, le Pouvoir danger public et fléau. C'est pourquoi les réserves de connaissance accumulées pendant des millénaires dans les temples d'Égypte demeuraient inaccessibles à celui qui n'était pas passé par tous les degrés des purifications et des épreuves. Plus tard, les philosophes inconnus, les nobles voyageurs, les alchimistes, se sont légués les restes du mystérieux héritage de la même manière c'est-à -dire de bouche à oreille, ou plutot par la presence et par l'exemple, en symboles et en énigmes, Y,et_ toujours_ sous le sceau du secie'ils ont vécu dans l'intimité des formidables puissances de la nature, ils se sont bien gardés d'en faire
part aux étourdis... 1. »
1. Extrait de la préface de Lanza Del Vasto au livre de Louis
Le terme Alkimia apparut au XIIie siècle sous sa forme latine. Il est probable que le mot chimie vienne du grec cheuma qui désigne tout ce qui peut être fondu. Mais qu'elle soit la chimie- de la terre noire : ALKHEMIA (chemia désignant la terre noire), ou l'alchimie de Dieu AL KIMIA, que des Anges l'aient communiquée aux humains, ou que ces derniers l'aient progressivement découverte à une époque où leur conscience était normale, c'est-à -dire moins pathologiquement analytique qu'actuellement, ne change rien à la question.
Le constat le plus extérieur que l'on puisse faire est que cet Art était connu de diverses civilisations, avec particulièrement deux berceaux importants : l'Égypte et la Chine ; mais le terme berceau ne serait-il pas plus heureusement remplacé par relais ou axe, car l'histoire est l'étude d'un phénomène, à travers le peu que l'on sait, et encore très extérieurement.
L'alchimie est en tout cas la voie de la transmutation, c'est-à -dire d'un processus d’accélération et de mutation ou modification d'une situation donnée, quel qu'en soit le règne.
Comme le dit le Maître LEHAHIAH dans sa préface à « Introduction à la Science Hermétique » de Giuliano KREMMERZZ : « Il existe et il a toujours existé un secret
Cattiaux « Le Message Retrouvé », édité par les amis de Louis Cattiaux (Bruxelles). Cette préface ne peut être donnée en entier du fait de sa longueur, mais il était indispensable de la citer partiellement.
2. « Introduction à la Science Hermétique » de Giuliano Kremmerz, Éditions Axis Mundi.
initiatique qui peut donner à l'homme la clef de son essence, déchirer le voile de son Être occulte et lui dévoiler la science de la vraie évolution. En possession d'un tel secret, l'homme devance les termes naturels de son ascension et en relation avec le vulgaire - intellectuel ou non - de son siècle, il peut apparaître comme un demi-dieu. Ce secret a toujours été jalousement gardé par les anciennes Théocraties... »
Cela explique bien entendu la responsabilité liée à un tel secret : toute matière n'est pas propre à subir un processus d'accélération et tout humain qui n'aurait pas les qualifications requises devrait être écarté de la praxis initiatique.
Pour ce qui concerne l'Occident, l'alchimie est d'origine égyptienne. Les autres alchimies occidentales sont des dérivés, en particulier l'alchimie hébraïque que MOÃSE, comme le rapporte PHILON LE JUIF, étudia en Égypte. (MOÃSE étant probablement un Égyptien, car CLÉMENT D'ALEXANDRIE précise que les prêtres égyptiens n'enseignaient cette science qu'aux enfants des rois ou à leurs propres enfants'.)
« L'art sacré des Égyptiens et la puissance de l'or qui en résulte, écrit ZOSIME, n'ont été révélés qu'aux juifs, par fraude, et ceux-ci l'ont fait connaître au reste du
monde4. »
Toutefois, bien que les preuves historiques manquent, on ne peut négliger l'existence probable d'une alchimie
3. Clément d'alexandrie, stromates, V, 7.
4. « Le premier livre de l'accomplissement » de Zozime le Thébain.
des Trois Règnes avec Magistères internes comme le rapportent certains druides. La tradition druidique de l'OEuf de Serpent renferme, comme le précise SAVORET, un des secrets majeurs du Sanctuaire, mais cet enseignement est resté très fermé et la plupart des Sociétés Celtiques actuelles n'en sont plus dépositaires, car il concerne surtout une alchimie interne.
Parallèlement à l'alchimie égyptienne, se pratiquait en Chine une alchimie dont les diverses voies furent mieux expliquées.
Dès le début de l'histoire de l'Art alchimique, on signale qu'il existe deux conceptions, certains adeptes travaillant sur la Pierre et réalisant transmutations et élixirs, d'autres travaillant au contraire sur leur propre corps physique et s'attachant à la réalisation d'un corps
Pour plus de clarté nous allons adopter la classification chinoise, qui distingue le Wouei-tan (voie du cinabre extérieure), qui consiste à travailler sur une matière
extérieure à l'homme (ici le sulfure de mercure), et le Neitan ou alchimie intérieure dans laquelle l'adepte se sert de son propre corps, tant pour les ingrédients que comme laboratoire. Il est évident que la pierre au rouge transmutatoire et les élixirs sont issus de la pratique de la voie extérieure, alors que la constitution du corps de gloire ou corps d'immortalité, ne peut s'obtenir que par les pratiques internes.
Comme de nos jours, il y eût très tôt trois écoles, l'une pratiquant le Wouei-tan, l'autre uniquement le Nei-tan, enfin quelques adeptes de la vieille Tradition alliant les deux.
Les voies extérieures
Nous allons aborder les « voies extérieures », qui utilisent un produit extérieur à l'être humain, métal ou plante, ce qui ne signifie pas que de bonnes dispositions intérieures ne soient necessaires.
Dans le Traité d'Alchimie et de Physiologie Taoïste de ZHAO BICHEN', Catherine DESPEUX écrit : « Le cinabre, ou sulfure de mercure, sous la forme d'une pierre rouge, est en alchimie chinoise la matière première de la Pierre Philosophale. En d'autres termes, le cinabre est le matériau de base de l'élaboration de l'or en alchimie externe, de la drogue d'immortalité en alchimie intérieure... »
Le terme champ de cinabre, qui désigne une partie du corps, apparaît plus tardivement ; pour citer encore le même auteur : « Ce n'est que vers le 11Ie-IVe siècle que l'on voit apparaître trois champs de cinabre distincts
1. Zhao Bichen « Traité d'Alchimie et de physiologie Taoïste ». Introduction, traduction et notes de Catherine Despeux, Éd. Les Deux Océans (Paris).
étagés dans le corps. Ce sont:' le champ de cinabre inférieur localisé au-dessous du nombril, le champ de cinabre médian au niveau du coeur, le champ de cinabre supérieur dans la tête ».
Il est certain que d'autres précisions pourraient être apportées sur la voie du cinabre mâle ou Yan tan (voie du cinabre extérieur), et sa différence avec ce qui a été qualifié de voie du cinabre femelle ou Yin tan où l'on utilise des substances végétales en absorption, en combinaison avec des pratiques internes surtout basées sur la respiration.
De même, à l'intérieur d'une voie existent des divergences. Si l'on prend par exemple la classification de KO CHANG KENG, nous pouvons distinguer trois méthodes pour l'alchimie ésotérique interne
• Dans la première, le corps est le plomb, le coeur le mercure. Dans ce cas, la méditation est le liquide nécessaire (l'eau), les lueurs de l'intelligence le feu.
• Dans la seconde, la respiration fournit le plomb et l'âme le feu. Il s'agit là d'états psychiques, ou de réactions émotionnelles qui produisent elles-mêmes des substances.
• Dans la troisième, le sperme est le plomb, et le sang le mercure. Ici les reins fournissent l'élément eau, et l'esprit le mercure.
La première est considérée comme pouvant être très rapide, remplaçant dix mois de gestation par un battement de paupières.
En Égypte, la voie du mercure est souvent évoquée. DIOSCORIDE qui étudia à Alexandrie précise
« D'aucuns affirment que le mercure est un constituant des métaux. » Et si ÉPICTÈTE dit : « Le pouvoir du vrai bâton d'Hermès réside dans le fait qu'il change en or tout ce qu'il touche », il sait qu'il s'agit du mercure.
Le chaînon le plus ancien entre l'alchimie grecque et l'alchimie arabe, le Livre de Crates, contient trois songes. Dans le deuxième on précise que dans le sanctuaire de Phta se trouve une idole de Vénus qui tient en main un vase duquel coule de l'argent liquide... Il s'agit là du premier mercure ou vif-argent. Dans la suite du même songe, quand le rêveur voit une femme d'une grande beauté qui ressemble à l'idole de Vénus, qui détache sa ceinture d'or incrustée de deux pierres, l'une blanche l'autre rouge, on souligne que sur ces deux pierres sont sertis deux morceaux de soufre. Ainsi sont définis les constituants de la Matière Première de l'OEuvre et son aboutissement : la Pierre au blanc et celle au rouge.
Certains auteurs occidentaux rejoignent cette conception. Dans le « Livre de la Philosophie des Métaux », LE TRÈVISAN écrit : « Mais le soufre et vif-argent sont appelés la propre et première matière des métaux. »
Comme le précise Wilhem GANZENMULLER2: « La théorie du mercure simple fait son apparition dans la nouvelle pierre précieuse de PETRUS BONUS (1330). La séparation entre les deux théories se fait jour dans différentes oeuvres du xlve siècle ; ainsi, le "De magni Lapidis Compositione" expose en principe que le composant originel de tous les métaux est formé d'un liquide
2. W. Ganzenmuller : « L'Alchimie au Moyen Age », Éd. Aubier (Paris 1910).
sec appelé vif-argent et d'un esprit appelé soufre. Il renvoie pour plus de détails au IVe siècle de la Météorologie d'ARISTOTE, au livre d'ALBERT LE GRAND sur les Minéraux et à la Somme de GEBER. Ce dernier dit que le principe essentiel des métaux est une vapeur très fine de vif-argent et de soufre qui, par notre Art, naît de ces deux corps. Beaucoup de philosophes prétendent qu'on peut créer cette fumée sans l'aide du soufre, mais cela revient au même, car le vif-argent contient, par sa nature, le rouge soufre. »
Au sujet de cette Materia Prima pour la voie métallique ou extérieure, il existe une querelle inutile. Si beaucoup de voies exprimées (Taoïste, Égyptienne, Indienne) partent du mercure3 ou du cinabre, il reste évident que d'autres sulfures (sulfure d'antimoine, de plomb, etc.) peuvent conduire à la Pierre au Rouge. Basile VALENTIN ne précise-t-il pas que l'antimoine est le « Loup Gris des Philosophes ». Il faut noter cependant à ce sujet que pour ARTEPHIUS, l'antimoine est « notre vinaigre », de même que DOM PERNETY écrit que « c'est l'eau céleste qui nettoie, purifie et lave ».
3. Certains prétendent que les alchimistes, par soufre-sel-mercure, parlent des trois principes, ce qui est exact car Paracelse précise dans son « Traité des Trois Essences Premières »
- « L'un est une liqueur, c'est le Mercure - L'autre est une oléité, c'est le Soufre
- Le troisième est un Alkali, c'est le Sel. »
Chaque découverte expérimentale donna lieu au cours de l'histoire à des extensions sur des corps analogues. Mais la voie du « sable rouge » et du mercure métallique est évoquée sans ambiguïté à un
moment de l'histoire alchimique ; les voyages de certains princes à la recherche de l'immortalité sont révélateurs.
On constate d'entrée qu'il n'est pas difficile de démontrer une chose et son contraire selon les partisans d'une voie ou d'une autre. Pour citer un exemple précis : quand un auteur écrit : Mars attaque le Loup Gris, un alchimiste de la voie de l'antimoine dira que cela signifie que le fer (Mars) attaque l'antimoine (Loup Gris), donc qu'il faut d'une certaine manière utiliser du fer et de l'antimoine. D'autres comme nous l'avons vu précédemment, pour lesquels l'antimoine est leur eau, considéreront que le Loup Gris est le mercure, et Mars le soufre rouge qui va donc attaquer le mercure et provoquer la mondification par l'action de l'eau céleste. Cette incompréhension apparaît d'autant plus grande que certains textes concernent des voies internes, comme nous le montrerons dans d'autres chapitres.
Il existe une voie de la stibine (sulfure d'antimoine), liée à un vieux courant qui fût plus accentué au xxe siècle avec les travaux de CANSELIET et de toute une école qui reste sur ses positions, lesquelles sont parfaitement légitimes si on considère certains textes traditionnels comme ceux du Sieur de GRIMALDI, médecin du roi de Sardaigne, qui donne dans un luxe de détails la voie du Loup Gris. Ce qui n'empêche pas cette voie très complexe qui part du fameux Régule, et qui demande force chaleur et de nombreux ingrédients, d'être intéressante par l'attention qu'elle porte à l'esprit universel et à la manière de le capturer.
Une étude approfondie des textes et une longue pratique avec constat des résultats, discussions avec de nombreux adeptes, nous la font considérer comme une de plus complexes, et comme support d'un autre ensei-
gnement et d'une autre voie plus secrète qui n'apparaît pas encore à certains des adeptes actuels, trop ahuris par de soi-disant maîtres. Comme nous ne le répéterons jamais assez, sur la voie extérieure le seul critère est la Pierre au Rouge transmutatoire, et non pas quelques vagues transmutations exécutées à quels frais avec la méthode du particulier... !4
Sur les voies extérieures nous ne citerons pas les autres aspects, particulièrement ceux de la voie du plomb évoquée par un vieux sixain
Il est une partie dans l'homme Dont le nom six lettres consomme. Si tu y vas un P ajoutant Puis l'S en M permutant Tu trouvera sans nul ambage Le vrai nom du subject des Sages.
Basile VALENTIN dans « Le Dernier Testament » précise l'importance de Saturne : « Prenez de la céruse blanche ou du minium rouge ou du plomb jaune, c'està -dire de la litharge. »
Nous ne traiterons pas des voies utilisant le phosphore, mais il est certain qu'on ne peut négliger les voies toujours extérieures, liées à une substance universelle qui
est trouvée en tous lieux, en tous temps et chez toute
personne, de laquelle on peut extraire un archéus, d'un intérêt majeur, à condition que cette matière soit issue de
4. Il s'agit de procédés parallèles à la voie alchimique pour obtenir ces transmutations, en général on parle du particulier à propos de Blaise de Vigenere, auteur du « Traité du Feu et du Sel », Pans 1618.
l'union du ciel et de la terre, c'est-à -dire riche en nitre. Dans d'autres voies cette Matière Première joue un autre -rôle, devenant un des sels, ou dans d'autres cas un constituant actif de l'eau qui ne mouille pas les mains, dans une voie interne très secrète elle est cependant MATERIA PRIMA. La séparation qu'en font certains alchimistes en quatre éléments relève cependant de décisions gratuites toujours liées à un mental analytique, encore qu'ils soient sur une piste intéressante. La voie de l'eau (sous forme de neige ou de rosée car elle doit être riche en nitre) peut servir pour les voies internes comme celle du mercure (qu'il soit traité à travers le cinabre ou seul, à l'aide de plantes). On retrouve curieusement cette situation d'un sel qui peut devenir Matière Première, dans d'autres voies, cas de la salive humaine par exemple.
Ainsi nous ferons nôtres, en conclusion, les affirmations de trois alchimistes avertis, SYNESIUS, ARTEPHIUS, et Nicolas FLAMEL. Ce dernier écrit : « Les philosophes n'ont couché sur le papier leurs conceptions que pour ceux qui en connaissaient déjà les principes, lesquels ne se trouvent dans aucun livre car ils appartiennent à DIEU, qui seul le révèle à qui bon lui semble, ou bien les fait enseigner par la bouche d'un Maître selon la tradition. » L'alchimiste SYNESIUS, après avoir répété que les philosophes parlent de manière à n'être compris que de ceux qui possèdent la sagesse, dit alors : « Ils ont toutefois indiqué dans leurs oeuvres une certaine voie et prescrit certaines règles grâce auxquelles un Sage peut comprendre ce qu'ils ont écrit occultement et parvenir au but qu'il se propose, même s'il s'est fourvoyé dans quelqu'erreur ainsi que cela m'est personnellement arrivé. »
ARTHEPHIUS confirme ces points de vue : « Est-ce qu'on ignore que notre Art est un Art cabbalistique ? C'est-à -dire à ne transmettre qu'oralement, et qui est plein de mystères ? Pauvre imbécile ! Seras-tu assez ingénu pour croire que nous t'enseignons ouvertement et clairement le plus grand des secrets ? Je t'assure que celui qui voudra expliquer avec le sens ordinaire et littéral des mots, ce que les philosophes écrivent, se trouvera pris dans les méandres d'un labyrinthe duquel il ne pourra s'échapper parce qu'il n'aura pas le fil d'Ariane qui le guidera pour en sortir. »
Il existe cependant des constantes qui concernent l'ensemble des voies extérieures
1) La Materia Prima, certains diront plus exactement une Matière Première. Si on considère que la Materia Prima est la substance noire universelle qui permit la manifestation, ISIS, la Vierge Noire, est le symbole de cette substance très dense par rapport à la matière de notre univers qui est un véritable trou.
2) Les sels ou un sel selon les voies.
3) Les étapes de l'(Euvre (séparation, solve, coagula blanc, coagula rouge, multiplication, transmutation) pour la voie du cinabre.
4) La Pierre philosophale qui est rouge, quelles qu'en soient les variantes, et fusible.
Mais quels sont les éléments clefs de la voie du cinabre ?
Pour les orientaux, il s'agit du cinabre extérieur, Wouei tan
1) Préparer, à l'aide de ce que nous foulons aux pieds, notre sel, en prenant bien soin que notre végétal soit bien
ancien, car le chaos est multiple, et précisé sans équivoque par GEBER, JEAN XXII et PARACELSE.
2) Séparer les constituants de la Matière Première sans feu vulgaire, mais avec le feu secret, est l'un des aspects majeurs de la manipulation circulaire ou périphérique.
3) Entamer l'(Euvre au Noir, à ce sujet beaucoup de voies du Mercure commencent directement par ce stade, les adeptes savent pourquoi. Mais le problème réside dans la vie du soufre et du mercure qui ne doivent pas être brûlés par le feu vulgaire, utilisé seulement dans certaines voies extérieures plus récentes dans l'histoire.
Les matières constituantes dé l'(Euvre doivent créer les mondes par le mouvement féminin horizontal circulaire et masculin axial vertical, puis noircir sous l'action des divers feux, sans oublier le Feu Céleste.
Quand la Couronne du Sacrifice apparaît, aller à la pêche au filet et couper la tête du Corbeau. Parfois certains inversent.
4) Travailler Coagula en saison sèche.
5) Procéder à l'Albification sans omettre la Barbe de l'Éternel.
6) Commencer l'(Euvre en Rouge progressivement en ne poussant le feu que vers la fin.
7) Multiplier trois fois, transmuter et préparer les élixirs.
8) Ingérer, aux équinoxes et solstices, l'Élixir de longue vie, manger et faire des opérations de la voie interne à l'aide d'objets en or de transmutation.
9) Utiliser la Pierre dans l'OEuvre interne (alchimie du
Nei tan), non seulement comme régénérateur mais dans son rôle efficace pour la Separatio, séparation du corps embryonnaire, ce pourquoi elle était faite réellement, car le fait de promener du mercure purifié sur l'œil de la main (centre de la paume), produit cette separatio.
Le mercure est ainsi un pont dans l'Univers. Si on recherche une relation entre le minéral et l'animal, elle pourrait passer par cette substance, il ne faut pas oublier que dans certaines alchimies secrètes du Cachemire, l'alchimiste extrait son sperme qu'il remplace par du mercure métallique purifié.
Des alchimistes de la voie extérieure ont pu constater le rôle de pont du mercure au niveau physique, et la possibilité d'interférence avec d'autres dimensions d'une situation phénoménale. Faut-il faire un rapprochement avec le fait que les Vimana à Swastykas sont propulsés au mercure, d'après les anciens textes indiens ?
Il s'agit là de processus liés à une alchimie classique, il est évident que les matières de l'OEuvre peuvent être traitées d'une autre manière. Par exemple dans le cas du mercure, il est possible d'utiliser d'autres soufres et moyens de purification6. Les plantes jouent d'ailleurs un grand rôle dans l'alchimie indienne où le mercure est travaillé jusqu'au 18 samskar, il devient progressivement Pierre Rouge. Ce même processus peut se rencontrer avec les autres matières (antimoine, plomb) mais plus diffici
5. Vaisseaux aériens des « dieux » ou de la race des géants.
6. Ainsi, la voie du Cinabre peut se faire d'une toute autre manière en partant d'un nitre que l'on trouve au bord des lacs ou que l'on doit recueillir dans certaines eaux.
lement car le mercure a l'avantage peu commun d'être en fusion à la température ordinaire qui est celle de la vie végétale ou animale sur terre, c'est un point de détail qui échappe trop souvent à certains alchimistes des voies extérieures'.
Il faudrait aussi se poser d'autres questions essentielles quant à la différence des pierres transmutatoires, selon que l'on part du mercure ou du plomb, non pas sur une transmutation mais sur les corps subtils et le corps humain. Il ne faut pas oublier que le mercure est dans la tradition indienne le sperme de SCHIVA, et qu'un sublimé de sulfure de mercure peut être bénéfique pour l'organisme, alors qu'un sublimé de su fure de plomb peut avoir un tout autre effet. Enfin les alchimistes indiens et thibétains connaissent le rôle important de ce métal sur la voie interne, particulièrement dans la separatio.
7. A ce propos, Paracelse donne bien des précisions sur la voie du cinabre dans « le Trésor des Trésors » : « Prends du cinabre minéral... »
Les courants rosicruciens et hermétistes
Les courants rosicruciens liés à la voie alchimique, plus ou moins directement, se manifestèrent tout au long de l'histoire et d'abord dans les Écoles de Mystères, lesquelles furent anéanties ou persécutées par l'Église chrétienne. LIBANIUS décrivit les opérations de destruction des temples païens conduites par des fanatiques « Les hommes vêtus de noir, portant des morceaux de bois, des pierres et du feu ; quelques-uns se contentent de leurs mains et de leurs pieds... Alors les toits sont abattus, les statues renversées, les autels détruits de fond en comble. Quant aux prêtres, ils ont le choix entre le silence ou la mort'. »
C'est à ce moment que les adeptes commencèrent à (-hevaucher le tigre, r c'est-à -dire à adapter les forces ahurissantes et leur donner un sens souvent traditionnel. Les cercles d'adeptes se réfugiaient dans certaines familles, puis dans certains ordres hermétiques, pour arriver à une époque que nous connaissons bien, le Moyen Age.
1. Libanius « Discours pour les temples ».
C'est au Xviue siècle, et plus particulièrement dans les pays où l'autorité centrale était faible, que les Sociétés Secrètes proliférèrent.
Un passage s'effectua des divers relais initiatiques, pour aboutir à l'Allemagne, passant par Venise, porte ouverte à l'influence orientale. C'est ainsi que nous savons que les van den RECK, dont la sueur ELISA fut la dernière Princesse de COURLANDE, et beaucoup de familles aristocratiques s'intitulaient Rose + Croix ; le siège de leur groupe était situé à Fez où se donnaient les dernières directives et où se conserve encore une stèle des Rose + Croix avec une liste des membres de cette époque. Le but de cette organisation était l'immortalité individuelle obtenue sur Terre en conformité avec les traditions égyptienne et taoïste. Un autre membre de cette organisation, le Conseiller Rudolf Johann Friedrich SCHMIDT, mort en 1761 à Hambourg, apparût à diverses personnes bien après sa mort dans un corps glorifié.
Cet ordre très secret et composé de membres hautains, puisqu'ils conservaient un mépris certain pour CAGLIOSTRO, ne doit pas être confondu avec certains ordres rosicruciens de l'époque, particulièrement les A URI et ROSICRUCIENS qui aboutirent progressivement à neuf grades. Ce critère des neuf degrés, contrairement à ce que publient certains auteurs modernes, n'est pas un critère d'authenticité, pour la simple raison que nous connaissons les étapes successives qui conduisirent à l'adoption de cette hiérarchie.
Puis vint la réforme consécutive au décret impérial qui chassait les Rose + Croix de l'Empire autrichien en 1766.
Cette réforme qui se fit en deux temps d'ailleurs, aboutit à l'obligation de la maîtrise maçonnique pour, comme le précise le livre de FESSLER, « Rozenkreuzerey », «s'assurer plus facilement de la volonté de connaissance chez les hommes ». Nous avons cité ce courant car il est à l'origine d'une recherche et d'une transmission importante en matière d'alchimie. Il faudrait préciser les titres d'auteurs de la Rose + Croix, dont le « Testamentum Thesaurorum a Fraternitate Rosae et Aureae Crucis », cité par Christopher MAC INTOSH dans son remarquable livre « La Rose + Croix dévoilée »2 et qui traite de la fabrication de l'Élixir de Vie à partir des fluides du corps. Ce même traité apporte des précisions sur la sueur et la salive, cette dernière traitée comme matière de l'OEuvre. Traité qui rejoint un des plus beaux chefs-d'oeuvre de la littérature alchimique : « L'Aurea Catena Homeri », écrit par une Rose + Croix d'Utrecht vers 1654 et publié pour la première fois en 1723. Il fut publié à Paris en deux volumes probablement pour la duchesse d'URFE, adepte de la science hermétique sous le titre : « La Nature dévoilée », et traite des divers aspects de la voie alchimique tels que « Opération sur l'eau de
2. « La Rose-Croix dévoilée » de Christopher Mac Intosh, Éditions Dervy, Paris. L'auteur précise que le Testamentum a Fraternitate Rosae et Aureae Crucis (Testament de la Fraternité de la R+C
d'Or, Bibliothèque nationale d'Autriche, Vienne) décrit les règles de l'Ordre et présente quelques processus alchimiques permettant de réaliser l'élixir de vie à partir de certaines secrétions humorales du
corps (sang, urine et salive). Ces processus sont à rapprocher de ceux de la Tradition Taoïste qui, nous le rappelle Catherine Despeux (« Zhao Bichen » Éd. Dervy), attache aussi beaucoup d'importance à certaines humeurs du corps : salive, larmes, rhinorée, semen...
pluye avec laquelle on fait les trois règnes,... l'homme, la vigne et l'or sont les trois clefs des trois règnes, description de l'Alkaest... »I.
Il faudrait citer aussi le livre de KELLNER « Officina Chymico Metallica Curiosa », sorti en 1723, qui enseigne d'une façon claire et facile le moyen de transformer le plomb en or et argent...
Plus près de nous, les Rose + Croix d'Or continuent sur ces mêmes voies dont le Docteur Bernard Joseph SCHLEISS von LOWENFELD (1731-1800) fut un des principaux responsables. Il s'appuyait sur les oeuvres de Christian KNORR von ROSENROTH (1636-1689) et François Mercure van HELMONT (1618-1699)4. Parmi
3. L'« Aurea Catena Homeri », la Chaîne d'or d'Homère, ou Annulus Platonis, parfois sous-titré Superius et Inferius Hermetis, fut publié en Allemagne pour la première fois en 1723 et connut au moins 12 éditions. Le titre est tiré de l'Iliade (VIII, 17-26) et signifie que le Monde est Un. Gérard Heym précise (revue Ambix, 1937) que l'édition la plus intéressante est celle de 1781 car elle est largement commentée par les membres de la dernière société pansophique allemande, sociétés qui avaient leur origine dans la Florence de Ficino et Cosimo de Medici. Ce traité eut, par ailleurs, trois traductions, l'une latine, les deux autres françaises, celle de Sitandre restée manuscrite, celle de Dufournel qui est plus une adaptation qu'une traduction, imprimée en 1772.
Il n'est pas inutile de reproduire ici un passage de cette ceuvre qui confirme certaines informations données précédemment quant à la Materia Prima de l'OEuvre alchimique : « L'animal est formé d'un sperme, substance aqueuse, et tout son organisme dépend d'un équilibre des humeurs acqueuses. L'eau est élément capital de tout corps vivant. »
4. Knorr Von Rosenroth et Mercure Van Helmont fréquentèrent assidument la cour du Duché de Sulzbach (Haut-Palatinat), impor
les oeuvres importantes de la Rose + Croix d'Or, il faut citer l'« Opus Mago-cabalisticum et Théologicum » de Gregorius Anglus SALLWIGT, qui traite des trois substances : sel, soufre, mercure. L'Ordre évolua progressivement pour ne recruter qu'au niveau de Maître-Maçon vers la fin du Xville siècle. Il comprenait 9 degrés ainsi distribués
1 - Junior
2 - Theoreticus 3 - Practicus
4 - Philosophus 5 - Minor 6 - Major
7 - Adeptus Exemptus 8 - Magister 9 - Magus
L'admission au dernier cycle coûtait 99 marks-or. Le lieu de réunion était tous les dix ans à Smyrne. Leurs pouvoirs semblaient miraculeux.
En liaison avec les Rose + Croix d'Or existait une société secrète très fermée : Les Frères Initiés de l Asie ou Chevaliers et Frères de Saint Jean l'Évangéliste venus d Asie en Europe, dont un des Grands Maîtres fut le prince Charles de HESSE-CASSEL, formé par le comte Hans-Heinrich von ECKER und ECKHOFFEN, conseiller privé du roi de Pologne. Les frères devaient aussi être Maîtres Maçons'. L'ordre communiquait une
tant centre ésotérique au XVIIe siècle. Ce duché sera au xvIIie siècle un des principaux centres de la R+C d'or. 5. Notons cependant que l'erreur consistant à faire automatique-
doctrine. La croyance en la rotation des âmes, tenue secrète dans certaines écoles hermétiques, était professée, elle devint plus tard la doctrine de la réincarnation, qui n'est pas aussi récente que le prétend René GUENON6, puisque le Bardo Thodol y fait allusion ainsi que le livre X de « La République » de PLATON. PYTHAGORE luimême reconnut ses armes d'une vie antérieure. Le Prince de HESSE écrit en 1821: « Le Seigneur qui m'enseigna ensuite tous les corps par où j'ai passé... »
Certaines croyances des Frères Initiés de l'Asie rappellent la notion de Boddhisattvas. L'origine orientale asiatique fut toujours attestée par les membres de l'Ordre mais aussi la kabbale et l'alchimie y jouaient un rôle important. L'Ordre était méprisant pour les autres ordres rosicruciens et les hauts grades de la Maçonnerie l'amusaient. Les dignitaires portaient des noms hébraïques kabbalistiques. Le Collège Supérieur formait le Synedrion avec 72 membres.
Nous ne citerions pas cet ordre s'il n'avait eu la clef simultanée des deux alchimies. Les deux premiers grades étaient probatoires. Ils se nommaient premièrement chercheurs, et deuxièmement souffrants.
Il y avait ensuite trois étapes supérieures
- Les Chevaliers et Frères de Saint Jean l'Évangéliste venus d'Asie en Europe.
ment d'un Rose + Croix un Franc-Maçon est souvent commise par ceux qui appréhendent mal ces questions. Il est non moins vrai que
l'appartenance aux deux sociétés est possible.
6. Guenon, remarquable dans certains écrits philosophiques, n'en
est pas à quelques affirmations gratuites.
- Les Sages Maîtres.
- Les Prêtres Rois, véritables Rose + Croix unis à Melchisédech.
Au troisième grade existait la pratique de la Pierre au Rouge. L'étape suivante était réservée à ceux qui pouvaient se libérer des penchants inférieurs. Elle abordait la constitution d'un corps de lumière éternel. On retrouve là exactement les étapes de la quête taoïste interne qui réunissait les voies alchimiques. Les initiés supérieurs de l'Ordre s'appelaient Les Pères et Frères des Sept Églises inconnues d'Asie. Notons aussi que la science pythagoricienne des nombres et des sons était utilisée. L'ensemble des connaissances de cet ordre était assez rare à cette époque.
Séparément ou parallèlement, parfois conjoint au courant Rose + Croix, plus particulièrement de l'Aurae Crucis, se perpétue un vieux filon hermétique dont les traces historiques sont sans équivoques. Nous avons pu compulser les documents de la Grande Loge d'Édimbourg, quelques européens les possèdent en photocopies, certains autres ordres actuels réservent cette histoire à leurs adhérents, encore que comme l'affirmait un responsable actuel belge il n'y ait rien de secret dans cette histoire, et qu'on peut en trouver tous les éléments aisément.
Ce filon, rescapé des Écoles de Mystères dans des périodes plus lointaines (les Fratelli Oscuri, etc.) devient plus apparent au Moyen Age, particulièrement dans l'Académie Romaine autorisée par SIXTE IV en 1471, dans les banquets platoniciens organisés en 1474 par Marcile FICIN. Le cardinal BEMBO fut membre de l'Académie de Ferrare ; c'est lui qui permit la récupération
et les études de la table d'ISIS, un des principaux documents de la voie alchimique interne. Son ami le pape LÉON X l'aida, il lui écrivit d'ailleurs une lettre qui demanderait une étude approfondie sur sa signification, dans laquelle il affirme : «Nul ne sait combien la fable de Jésus-Christ nous a été profitable. » Elle peut laisser penser que beaucoup d'adeptes f chevauchaient le tigre f c'est-à -dire qu'ils jouaient les cartes nécessaires â la sauvegarde du dépôt ésotérique, le meilleur moyen d'éviter la répression étant d'être dans la hiérarchie ecclésiale. Par la suite, ce filon s'occulta après les persécutions papales et celles de PHILIPPE II, roi d'Espagne et de Naples, pour se répandre dans les îles britanniques, particulièrement à travers la société Baconienne.
C'est à la suite de l'interdiction par CHARLES II en 1669 concernant les sociétés secrètes que Thomas STANLEY transforma les tavernes en clubs de priseurs (snuff-Takers), et opta pour une allégorie de la culture du tabac. Parallèlement, ce filon grâce à William PENN, s'implante à Philadelphie, s'étend en Amérique et retourne en France en 1778 où il prendra le nom d'Ordre des Nicotiniaques.
Nous avons les preuves historiques, cependant, d'autres courants parallèles à la même époque y compris dans le monde francophone. En 1780 nous le trouvons dans les Sublimes Maîtres de l'Anneau Lumineux, rite éphémère qui devint le 12e degré du Rite Écossais Philosophique'. C'est le plant de tabac rouge (MOLLY) connu par les Grecs qui était la plante symbolique. La hiérarchie était
7. Voir Appendice 1 : « Histoire de la doctrine pythagoricienne »
aussi pythagoricienne car si les cercles de l'Ordre sont des manufactures, le Vénérable Maître est un didascale. JeanMarie RAGON de BETTIGNIES, dont nous préciserons dans un autre chapitre le rôle important dans le courant hermétique, et Bernard Raymond FABRE PALAPRAT (1775-1838), fondateur des Néo-Templiers, avaient été reçus dans cet ordre hermétique.
Faut-il concevoir la filiation de l'Ordre Souverain et Militaire du Temple de Jérusalem, expression actuelle des Néo-Templiers, comme ayant été le cercle extérieur d'un ordre plus fermé ? Il ne faut pas oublier que le Sâr PELADAN en fut grand Maître (1892). Or, on sait qu'il fut dépositaire d'une certaine filiation rosicrucienne et hermétique sur laquelle nous reviendrons. Il semble que cela soit le départ de cet ordre dit de semi couverture.
C'est l'attitude de l'empereur qui va être la plus révélatrice. Valentin ÉRIGÈNE écrit8 : « En 1808, l'empereur donna l'autorisation à FABRE PALAPRAT en tant que régent de l'Ordre secret des Templiers, d'organiser une somptueuse cérémonie commérorative à l'occasion de l'anniversaire de la mort de Jacques de MOLAY, dernier grand Maître du Temple, brûlé vif à Paris en l'an 1314. L'événement se déroula en grande pompe au Marais, le 11 mars, en l'église Saint-Paul-Saint-Louis, rue Saint-Antoine. Des témoins, dont Monsieur de MONTAGNAC, relatèrent que ce fut une représentation d'un grand faste, comparable au sacre de l'empereur. Napoléon, non seulement donna l'autorisation pour le dérou
8. Valentin Érigène : « Napoléon et les Sociétés secrètes », Éd. Chanteloup.
lement d'un tel événement, mais mieux encore, il ordonna qu'un régiment d'infanterie s'y rendît afin de constituer une haie d'honneur... »
Monseigneur Ivan de la THIBAUDERIE, dans « Églises et Évêques Catholiques non Romains » précise « Au début du siècle dernier, l'Ordre du Temple jouissait en France de la meilleure estime et comptait parmi ses membres des personnages fort distingués : le comte de LANJUINAIS, pair de France, le duc de MONTMORENCY, l'amiral FREYSSINET, le baron FRETEAU de PENY, pair de France, conseiller à la Cour de Cassation, le comte de BRACK, officier général au service de la France, le comte de LACEPEDE, Emmanuel de LAS CASES, l'amiral Sidney SMITH, le poète TENNYSON, le conseiller FUALDES, le magistrat de CAMPOS, Sir LAMBTON, Lord DURHAM, Napoléon de MONTEBELLO, Charles de MORNAU, Eugène NEY, le comte de CHOISEUL-STAINVILLE, etc. » C'est ainsi que nous apprenons qu'au sein de l'ordre existe aussi une hiérarchie religieuse, et que Monseigneur GUILLAUME consacra le grand Maître FABRE PALAPRAT le 20 juillet 1810. Le même jour il reconsacra subconditionné Jean MACHAULT évêque johannite, coadjuteur général. Il leur donna ainsi pouvoir de transmettre les ordres. L'Église johannite va connaître une expansion qui culmina entre 1831 et 1833 avec l'admission du public à la messe johannite. Nous ne reviendrons pas sur le problème des preuves historiques et sur certains faux de FABRE PALAPRAT, qui a pu créer une couverture.
La réalité qui se cache derrrière le phénomène historique peut ne pas apparaître. Si nous tombons dans
l'historicisme, toutes les filiations actuelles, maçonnique, rosicrucienne ou martiniste, sont des créations ex nihilo. Un examen attentif des textes de certains rituels, convents, etc., est suffisant pour s'en rendre compte. Sans parler des conventiculs tel celui de la FUDOSI, qui deviendraient explosifs, s'ils étaient extériorisés.
Pour en revenir à l'Ordre Nicotiniaque, beaucoup de frères étaient membres des derniers degrés du Rite de Misraïm. Il s'agit bien entendu du régime de Naples, ARCANA ARCANORUM, qui comportait aussi quatre degrés. Précédemment, comme actuellement d'ailleurs, le quatrième degré de l'Ordre Hermétique correspond à l'échelle de Naples, à tel point qu'un membre du degré sacerdotal est considéré comme 90e de Misraïm.
La filiation de ce rite, sur ces deux lignes (hermétique et Aurae Crucis), particulièrement à travers les frères PELADAN, et via Sâr HIERONYMUS9, se prolonge jusqu'à nos jours. Nous reviendrons sur la situation actuelle dans un autre chapitre.
Il n'est pas possible de parler d'hermétisme sans évoquer la filiation druidique, non pas au niveau d'un quelconque sacerdoce, mais pour la transmission de secrets initiatiques réels. Le titre ne signifiant pas grand chose, André SAVORET y fait allusion quant il écrit « Certains secrets n'étaient confiés ni aux druides schismatiques, ni même à tous les autres, indistinctement. » Il note par ailleurs que l'histoire rapportée par PLINE, quant à la constitution d'un neuf fait avec la bave de serpents,
9. Sâr Hieronymus : Émile Dantinne (19/04/1884-21/05/1969).
renferme un des secrets majeurs du sanctuaire. Il faut ajouter que l'histoire précise que « l'oeuf doit être projeté en l'air par les sifflements, qu'il faut le recevoir dans un sayon sans qu'il touche le sol, et que le ravisseur doit s'enfuir à cheval, poursuivi par les ophidiens jusqu'à ce qu'une rivière s'interpose entre eux et lui. Comme les mages sont ingénieux à frauder, ils prétendent qu'une, certaine lune est à choisir pour se procurer cet neuf, comme s'il dépendait de la volonté humaine de faire coïncider l'opération des serpents avec l'époque choi
sie 10 ».
Tous les éléments de la constitution du corps d'immortalité semblent ainsi réunis et donnés sans équivoque pour ceux qui connaissent les aspects pratiques de la voie interne, dite aussi quatrième voie, ou voie des substances. Nous reviendrons ultérieurement sur la question des sifflements nécessaires à la séparation, de même que sur la notion de monter à cheval, c'est-à -dire de savoir maîtriser son véhicule psychique (support le plus extérieur du corps de gloire), enfin de passer l'eau sans encombre, car il faut savoir faire le voyage avant la mort naturelle, comme le voulaient les écoles sérieuses des mystères, dont la plupart des soi-disant ordres initiatiques actuels ne sont plus que des parodies. Le degré de maître maçon (avec sa légende d'Hiram), celui de l'Ordre Hermétique (avec la légende d'Osiris et des éléments bien plus originaux que ceux de la maçonnerie), évoquent cette phase.
Les secrets celtiques furent souvent cachés dans la charbonnerie, chapeautée par des cercles ou ordres plus
10. André Savoret : « Secrets du Druidisme », Éd. Dervy.
fermés". Sans doute faut-il considérer l'Ordre Hermétique de l'Hermine d'Argent comme l'un des plus sérieux, même si sa situation actuelle, sur laquelle nous reviendrons, nous semble plus proche de l'axe immobile que de la manifestation.
11. Il est intéressant de rapprocher nos « Carbonari » de l'École derviche des Charbonniers, surtout si l'on sait que le terme « Fehm » signifie en Arabe aussi bien Noir que Connaissance. Les trois principaux degrés d'initiation soufie comportent l'exploitation du thème de la mort: Mort Blanche, Mort Verte, Mort Noire, suivie d'une renaissance.
Ordres actuels ayant un rapport avec une ou plusieurs voies alchimiques
Nous n'allons pas donner des précisions sur le type de voie alchimique que certains ordres détiennent, dans certains cas. Nous excluons de facto ceux qui s'attachent à définir des voies dites spirituelles, ou de verbiage en verbiage, avec le moteur de l'espérance, si essentiel (et si exploité) à l'être humain, on prétend conduire un élève vers la lumière, en lui laissant espérer plus dans les prochaines vies...
Tout d'abord il nous faut parler des filiations du courant dit Rose + Croix ou rosicrucien avec ses multiples facettes.
Les branches liées à 'l'ancienne ROSAE CRUCIS, plus précisément l'ancienne Rose + Croix d'Or, se perpétuent encore aujourd'hui, avec parfois des émergences, lesquelles ne doivent pas être confondues avec l'ORA, Ordre de Rose Croix d'Or qui fût un moment dépendant de Sà r HIERONYMUS, ni même avec les Rose + Croix d'or de Harlem, qui sont une expression du Lectorium Rosicrucianum fondé aux Pays Bas par van RIJCKENBORGH, mouvement chrétien gnostique, qui s'intéresse peu à la matière, ou en tout cas pas comme moyen de rédemption, selon les vues du manichéisme.
Dans une expression plus ouverte, la Rose + Croix d'Or se retrouve dans les cercles internes liés à la filiation HIERONYMUS et ELGIM1 (plus ouverte par rapport aux filiations internes : en fait ces cercles sont encore assez fermés actuellement, et c'est mieux ainsi). Ces ordres ne recrutent pas, ils se maintiennent par cooptation dans d'autres groupes ou dans la Franc-Maçonneriez.
Sâr HIERONYMUS avait amalgamé diverses filiations à sensibilité parfois opposées. Il est surtout connu dans le cadre de l'Ordre de la Rose + Croix Universitaire qui a neuf degrés (Zelator, Theoreticus, Practicus, Philosophus, Adeptus Minor, Adeptus Major, Adeptus Exemptus, Magister Templi, Magus) et conduisait à la « Rose + Croix Intérieure, à quatre degrés (Écuyer, Chevalier, Commandeur, Imperator). Ce courant à sensibilité chrétienne avait été dissocié de son expression païenne hermétique, réorganisée par François SOETEWEY (Sâr SUCUS), ce qui ne signifiait pas que ces ordres étaient en conflit. Il faut préciser cependant que la filiation hermétique était la plus complète au niveau
1. Maître Jean Mallinger.
2. Il n'est pas possible dans la conjoncture actuelle, et afin d'éviter les divagations d'auteurs en mal de sensations, de donner des précisions sur certains courants R + C très fermés, dépositaires
encore, entre autres, des deux voies (externe et interne). Faut-il préciser qu'il existait encore à Florence au xvlle siècle un « Ordre des Magiciens », scission des Frères de la Rose + Croix, au xve siècle, un Ordre plus interne que l'on retrouve à la clef d'événements dans d'autres pays.
C'est actuellement l'Amérique qui compte le plus d'Adeptes de ces voies internes.
de la filiation interne, elle perpétuait le vieux courant des ARCANA ARCANORUM dont nous aurons à reparler.
L'Ordre Hermétique' se présentait, et se présente encore, comme une forme de Maçonnerie plus occulte, pouvant donner l'orientation exacte aux autres maçonneries, en fait à juste raison, car la vieille filiation des ARCANA, et les degrés qui leur succèdent légitimaient cette prétention.
D'autre part, dans l'Ordre Hermétique se continuait toujours 1'AURAE CRUCIS. De nos jours, si l'ambition est moindre, les filons n'ont pas changé. Curieusement, il semble que ce soit une organisation de l'ex-FUDOSI qui a provoqué une occultation encore plus grande des autres filiations : il s'agit de l'AMORC (Ancien et Mystique Ordre Rosae Crucis), qui a adopté une manière américaine de publicité (acceptée, il est vrai par la FUDOSI), puis en Europe une méthode de cours par correspondance (non acceptée cette fois).
Donc, contrairement à ce qu'affirment certains auteurs, d'autres ordres de la défunte FUDOSI se per
3. Il faut rendre hommage au responsable actuel de ce filon, Sâr Neb Ta qui a su le conserver dans la ligne et l'esprit voulu par Sâr Sucus et Sâr Elgim, c'est-à -dire dans l'esprit des Écoles de Mystères
égypto-grecques qui n'ont pas besoin des ajouts ultérieurs kabbalistiques puis chrétiens, pour exprimer le message de lumière, et perpétuer une Théurgie active en relation avec les Dieux. Beaucoup
d'ésotéristes commencent à réaliser que les alphabets égyptiens et grecques peuvent être plus parlants, efficients et bien plus clairs quant à l'explication de l'Univers. Il est regrettable que les Écoles
qui détiennent leur signification ne se soient pas manifestées extérieurement.
A ce sujet, certains documents plus internes, dont un procès verbal contresigné par certains Sârs (dont nous ne pouvons faire état car nous risquerions de déclencher des crises inutiles) confirment ce que nous savions de la plupart des filiations, qui ne sont que des créations ex nihilo. Il est vrai que l'humain a besoin de refuges, et qu'une orientation culturelle et quelques exercices psychiques le satisfont pleinement, d'autant plus qu'il garde l'espoir que le degré supérieur lui donnera les clefs qu'il attend... Par ailleurs il faut reconnaître que certains étaient détenteurs des ARCANA ARCANORUM, c'est pourquoi nous nous sommes étendus sur ce sujet controversé.
D'autres détenteurs de filiations (ou soi disant...) avaient choisi un autre camp, celui de R. Swinburne CLYMER, grand maître de la fraternité Rosae Crucis, et ennemi de H. Spencer LEWIS (Imperator de l'AMORC) : il s'agit entre autres de Constant CHEVILLON, responsable de l'Ordre Maçonnique de Memphis Misraïm, de l'Ordre Martiniste, de la Rose + Croix Kabbalistique et de l'Église Gnostique (filiation BRICAUD, décédé en 1934, puis Henri Charles DUPONT, etc.). Ils signèrent un traité qui institua la FUDOFSI (Fédération Universelle des Ordres, Sociétés et Fraternités des Initiés).
Au sujet du rite de Memphis Misraïm, il faut noter que la FUDOSI avait aussi les siens car nous remarquons dans les ordres admis en 1934
- L'Ordre Maçonnique Oriental du Rite ancien et Primitif de Memphis Misraïm représenté par les frères GRUTER (33e, 97e), et FITAU (33e, 95e).
- L'Ordre Maçonnique Mixte de Memphis Misraïm, représenté par le frère Raoul FRUCTUS (33e, 98e), et le frère DESECK (33e, 66e).
La FUDOFSI reçut un coup fatal avec le décès de Constant CHEVILLON, assassiné par la milice en 1944. A ce sujet, il faut préciser qu'une certaine littérature peu informée a souvent assimilé le mouvement synarchique de CHEVILLON, issu des idées de SAINT YVES D'ALVEYDRE, à la synarchie (sorte de cercle de la haute finance que les chrétiens d'extrême droite combattaient). La mort de ce dignitaire, d'ailleurs chrétien lui aussi, fut causée par cette erreur de jugement. Il est à souhaiter que les courants aristocratiques se rapprochent plus de la démarche qualitative de la Gnose, que des voies plébéiennes de la foi ! Cela leur éviterait bien des erreurs fatales, et des orientations contre nature. Il est assez surprenant de nos jours de constater que des ahuris continuent à diffuser certaines confusions...
Notre propos n'est pas de disserter sur les règlements de comptes entre deux dignitaires d'ordres rosicruciens américains, conflits qui apparaissent bien dérisoires quand on connaît les dossiers. Souhaitons que le livre de Serge CAILLET « Sâr Hieronymus et la FUDOSI »4, avec sa remarquable préface de Robert AMADOU, soit repris un jour avec d'autres éléments plus substantiels...
4. Éditions Cariscript (Paris, 1986).
Toujours en restant sur la notion d'ordres et non d'associations (ce qui nous obligerait à traiter de trop de cercles tels que les Philosophes de la Nature, l'équipe de SOLAZAREFF qui a au moins l'avantage d'égayer un peu le microcosme alchimique)', il faut citer sur les mêmes courants deux cercles extérieurs
- La Collégiale AL KIMIA animée par un groupe d'adeptes issus de l'enseignement des Frères Ainés de la Rose + Croix, ordre sur lequel nous reviendrons, et qui est dépositaire de la voie du cinabre (il s'agit bien entendu du Wouei Tan).
- Les FAR + C, vieux collège réservé à trente-trois frères chevaliers, seuls des adeptes y sont cooptés.
Nous reviendrons ultérieurement sur la question des FAR + C, car c'est une des rares organisations à avoir de nombreuses archives et une histoire écrite. De même il faut noter qu'elle est la seule à témoigner d'une vieille pratique : la voie du cinabre. Il s'agit là d'un Wouei Tan (voie du cinabre extérieur), encore que nous ayons la preuve que certains Imperators connaissaient l'aspect interne, c'est le cas par exemple de Lord BULWER LYTTON6. Il ne faut pas s'étonner si on retrouve parfois
5. Citons aussi la société « Spagy Nature » qui anime des stages et diffuse un enseignement qui peut mener à une confrérie : la CHR + CHM. La société « Spagy Nature » enseigne la spagyrie et peut
conduire à une alchimie proche de la ligne Canseliet.
6. Sir Edward George Bulwer Lytton (1803-1873) fut le 51e Imperator des FAR + C (1849-1865), membre de la Société Thulé et responsable du Metropolitan College en 1871. Mais, contrairement à ce qui est souvent avancé, il ne fréquenta pas la SRIA.
dans l'histoire des maîtres d'une ou de l'autre voie et plus rarement de deux ou plusieurs à la fois...
En fait, peu de personnes supportent d'une part la diversité des voies, ensuite on peut être un expert d'une lignée et être complètement réfractaire à une autre. Enfin l'humain est ce qu'il est : facilement ahurissable, dogmatique né, il s'empare de la première idée, et ne la lâche plus... Là comme ailleurs, le cas des arts martiaux est typique, chacun applique son programme, et parfois heureusement. Mais, comme l'a dit un grand auteur « Celui qui n'a plus la possibilité de s'émerveiller, celui là est comme s'il était mort. » C'est pour ceux qui ne veulent pas mourir idiots que nous avons écrit ce livre où il n'y a pas tout, mais où il y a beaucoup pour ceux qui veulent devenir des traqueurs ou des chevaliers verts'. Encore une fois nous ne le répéterons jamais assez, ce ne sont pas les voies qui sont petites, mais les humains qui en sont les supports. On a bien d'autres preuves de nos jours de luttes idiotes et filiations dites opposées, dont les maîtres passés étaient en étroite relation amicale.
La fraternité Thérapeutique Magique de la Myriam8 F+T+M+M, vieille fraternité de moines rouges organisée au siècle dernier par Giuliano KREMMERZ, était le cercle exotérique d'un collège d'Adeptes, lié à l'Ordre
7. On qualifie ainsi ceux qui font vcuux de chevalerie errante et adoptent la couleur vert foncé pour la vêture et les armes, à l'instar' du comte Amédée VI de Savoie, qui fut appelé « le comte vert ».
Le chevalier vert subit ainsi une épreuve purificatrice, étape fondamentale de la quête hermétique.
8. Voir appendice 2.
Osirien. (Nous publions par la suite un texte d'un des maîtres de l'Ordre, commentaire de la 5e proposition de la « Table d'Emeraude »). L'Ordre s'est mis en sommeil. Les adeptes - dont semble-t-il faisait partie le Prince CAETANI, qui publia dans la revue « Commentarium » en 1911 un texte intéressant reproduit aussi par la suite - se réfugièrent au Canada, au moment du Concordat, appréciant sans doute fort peu le mariage fascisme-église. La MYRIAM, qui fut donc cautionnée un moment par Le Grand Ordre Égyptien, a perdu sa légitimité, par rapport au pyramidion ; situation que nous allons retrouver pour la Franc-Maçonnerie du rite de MemphisMisraïm en ce qui concerne les ARCANA ARCANORUM.
On désigne ainsi les quatre degrés, parfois trois, ou un, d'un enseignement très secret qui constituait - et qui constitue encore - le pyramidion de certains Ordres. Parmi ceux-ci le plus connu fut le rite de Misraïm, devenu dans certains cas, associé au rite de Memphis9, le rite de
9. Le rite de Memphis eut et peut avoir encore dans certains cas un aspect interne. Le 86e degré « Sublime maître de l'anneau lumineux » fut une expression de la tradition secrète nicotiniaque des Arcana.
Par ailleurs les sept degrés égyptiens de la loge « Les disciples de Memphis » de Montauban, contenaient les enseignements de certaines connaissances ramenées d'Égypte par des officiers
français, d'autre part ils étaient aussi les héritiers des trois degrés « égyptiens » de l'Ordre des Architectes Africains créé en Allemagne
Memphis-Misraïm. Cet enseignement concerne une Théurgie, c'est-à -dire une mise en relation avec des eonsguides qui doivent prendre le relais pour faire comprendre un processus, mais aussi une voie alchimique très fermée, qui est un Nei tan, c'est-à -dire une voie interne. En effet, dans la Maçonnerie se chevauchent les deux alchimies, et pour qui connaît certains Ordres Internes, on sait avec précision quand ces alchimies furent introduites dans la Maçonnerie, tout en restant aussi dans leur contexte primitif, ce que ne savent pas la plupart des maçons actuels, fussent-ils 33e ou 95e, les degrés représentent uniquement les clefs symboliques. C'est ainsi qu'une partie de la Maçonnerie suggère sans équivoque la voie du cinabre. Par exemple dans le cabinet de réflexion où se trouvent Sel-Soufre-Mercure, dans le premier degré, on prépare le sel par les quatre éléments, précisés d'ailleurs par la formule VITRIOL du cabinet de réflexion. Enfin c'est au grade de chevalier Rose + Croix, qui développe un Wouei Tan (voie extérieure) et non un Nei Tan, que l'œuvre est plus développée.
En effet, le 18e degré concerne les deux étapes classiques de la voie extérieure
- La première étape, SOLVE, est bien décrite : « Le premier appartement est tendu de noir, ciel parsemé
vers 1768 avec trois grades : Apprenti des secrets égyptiens, initié... et Maître. Nous avons eu la preuve de cette survivance initiatique
en Égypte, sans doute des continuateurs de l'ancien Grand Orient d'Égypte dont le marquis Joseph de Beauregard était le G.M. en
1866. Celui-ci devint chef suprême du Rite en 1869. Cette ligne, s'autorisant de la succession directe, ne reconnut pas Joseph Gari
baldi comme Grand Hiérophante mondial.
d'étoiles, nuages obscurcis par les ténèbres pour le tableau, pierre cubique suant sang et eau... »
- La seconde étape, COAGULA, commence avec le second appartement « tendu d'une tapisserie lumineuse... » dans sa phase blanche, puis dans sa phase rouge, que nous n'allons pas développer, mais qui commence dans le second appartement et se termine dans le troisième.
Par contre, la voie interne est suggérée sans équivoque au 12e degré, après qu'il ait été précisé au 4e, à travers le symbolisme de la clef, que Le Saint des Saints est en l'homme. Au 12e degré, « Grand Maître Architecte », la suprême ambition des Grands Maîtres Architectes est de faire vivre en eux la vérité et de manger du fruit de l'Arbre de la connaissance, d'être des Dieux. On précise d'ailleurs que c'est un combat de tous les instants, et cela ne s'applique qu'aux maîtres, c'est-à -dire à ceux qui sont en chambre du milieu, qui ont donc atteint le centre, l'état HIC et NUNC, que ce soit au début ou à la fin des travaux. Le maître est à midi ou à minuit toujours sur l'Axe (rappel de la conscience de la verticale par la pratique constante de la Présence). De plus amples explications sur cette voie, et sa traduction philosophique, sont données dans le 28e degré « Chevalier du Soleil » ou Prince Adepte. Enfin, il faut reconnaître que la clef terminale opérative, ou d'application pratique, était et est encore l'échelle de Naples (87e, 88e, 89e, 90e du Misraïm) ou ARCANA ARCANORUM. A ce sujet certains Grands Hiérophantes de Misraïm ou de Memphis-Misraïm ne savent pas que les ARCANA ARCANORUM ne se trouvent pas que dans leur Ordre, mais en plus
complets dans d'autres cercles plus fermés et même parfois sur des lignes plus anciennes - je fais allusion à la filiation grecque pour les experts -, que l'on peut les avoir sans rien y comprendre, enfin il faut préciser que certains Grands Maîtres ne les ont pas 10 ! Et qu'ils doivent être assistés d'une TRADITION ORALE. Comme me le précisait un maître réel des ARCANA : « Peu les ont, encore moins les ont compris, très rares sont ceux qui ont l'autorisation de les assister". »
Il semble que cette vieille structure initiatique ait fabriqué la couverture misraïmique, entre autres, assez tard. Ce type d'enseignement doit pouvoir se retrouver dans des ordres très fermés, dont nous ne pouvons citer
10. Le Grand-Maître actuel du Rite de Memphis-Misraïm, Gérard Kloppel (successeur de Robert Ambelain depuis 1985) nous a précisé que les Arcana Arcanorum, contenus dans les 87, 88, 89e et 90e degré du Rite, ainsi que les instructions secrètes conjointes ne sont pas systématiquement données aux Frères titulaires même du 95e degré. Il en est de même pour le 66e qui n'est transmis qu'aux FE.. ayant une filiation gnostique parallèle valable, de même le 20e degré, « Chevalier du Temple » au sein duquel est déposé la filiation Templière. Ainsi, en fonction de leur degré d'évolution, les FF... reçoivent certains degrés très ésotériques, mais qui doivent être donnés en dehors de la E M. classique, même si ces degrés sont réservés à très peu...
11. Ces enseignements doivent être compris d'une part, et surtout pratiqués, faute de quoi ils perdent leur valeur. Or, à ce sujet il faut reconnaître qu'il demeure peu de hiérophantes opératifs, surtout sur les supports des A.A. Maçonniques. Une dernière précision s'impose. En effet, beaucoup de 95e ou 90e ne les ont pas reçus, soit que ceux qui leur ont donné ces degrés ne possédaient pas l'enseignement interne, soit qu'ils n'aient pas jugé bon de le leur communiquer.
les noms, mais liés à certaines organisations du monde anglo-saxon et germanique. Il ne faut pas oublier que le Maître de KREMMERZ, IZAR (Pasquale de SERVIS) et BULWER-LYTTON appartinrent au même Ordre Hermétique. Le Metropolitan Collège ou la SRIA ont pu servir de couverture à un moment, quant au nom de l'Ordre dépositaire au cours des siècles de l'enseignement le plus prestigieux, il ne doit pas être donné et demeure insaisissable.
En matière de Maçonnerie initiatique, si on tient compte des critères traditionnels
- structures aristocratiques (sous l'autorité du Grand Hiérophante),
- spécificité des initiations masculines et féminines à certains degrés,
- légitimation par le pyramidion, en l'occurrence les ARCANA ARCANORUM sur une ligne continue et sans équivoque,
il faut reconnaître que le Grand Sanctuaire Adriatique est l'obédience qui devrait servir de référence, y compris au soi-disant Francs Maçons réguliers. Le livre remarquable du comte Gaston VENTURA « Les rites maçonniques de Misraïm et Memphis »12, pose bien certains problème. Le frère Sébastiano CARACCIOLO, 33e, 90e, 97e , est le Grand Hiérophante actuel, et maintient l'Ordre dans la ligne traditionnelle.
Contrairement à ce qu'écrit le frère BRUNELLI dans son livre : « Rituali dei gradi simbolici della massoneria
12. Éd. Maisonneuve et Larose (Paris).
di Memphis misraïm », la pratique du petit arcane naturel n'est pas l'apanage du rite égyptien de Cagliostro, ou de l'Ordre d'Osiris. Comme l'auteur ne le sait pas les ARCANA ARCANORUM ont toujours existé sur la ligne pure, c'est-à -dire exempte de tout caractère judéo chrétien, tant dans le monde anglo saxon que dans la francophonie et surtout dans leurs pays d'origine : la Grèce qui recueillit l'héritage égyptien, ces filons sont plus complets et certains se sont même exprimés dans certains congrès pythagoriciens, précisant qu'il existait une voie secrète pythagoricienne donnant la certitude de l'immortalité. CAGLIOSTRO comme malheureusement KREMMERZ par la suite, ont adapté certains enseignements pris dans ces écoles, adaptation d'ailleurs dont on a pu voir le résultat et qui heureusement ne représentent pas l'esprit des ordres originaux, lesquels aujourd'hui comme dans le passé réussirent à passer inaperçus. Ces antiques filiations sont restées heureusement très fermées (comme la plupart des courants internes). Certains passèrent en Amérique, et y sont encore.
Il existe aussi un courant en rapport avec une vieille alchimie de réintégration, fort dangereuse en Kali Yuga, liée au couple et conservée jusqu'au siècle dernier dans certaines familles qui agrémentaient leur mariage religieux et mondain d'un rituel réservé aux intimes, dans lequel le fiancé vêtu de rouge et la fiancée vêtue de bleu tournaient autour d'un Caducée tenu par Mercure-Hermès. C'est ainsi que nous eûmes la première révélation d'un secret interne réservé à certaines d'entre elles. Le journaliste qui fut admis à la cérémonie, ne fit que la relater sans en comprendre le sens. Cette filiation se
corme aiteree, comme a autres uernierement. L une ae ces branches est dite du comte de CATENAIA (Erim). Le comte Umberto Amedea Alberti di CATENAIA, de la noblesse florentine, fut un valeureux officier durant la première guerre mondiale. Il transmit un enseignement réservé aux couples traditionnels, c'est-à -dire indissolubles, voie d'Amour et de réalisation à deux, mais fort dangereuse car ici le couple doit être réel, ce qui est fort rare en Occident (Un ouvrage extérieur fait allusion à cette voie réellement alchimique : « Il conseguimento
celestiale » de ERIM 13). On la retrouve en ligne plus
essentielle dans les courants du Dragon ou du Serpent et de la Mère. Un document sur ces filiations, plus interne, sera publié sans doute prochainement.
Les courants occidentaux, purs, sont aussi dépositaires de l'alchimie de l'œuf du serpent, à laquelle nous avons déjà fait allusion à propos de l'« Ordre Hermétique de l'Hermine d'Argent ». Cet ordre s'est occulté après la disparition de son dernier Grand Maître, Joseph CHARPENTIER, décédé en 1967 dans son château des Brousses de Bellevue, à Saint-Mars la Jaille, comme le précise le druide KERDASTOS. L'ordre prêchait en secret le retour au règne de la nature, considérée comme le vêtement majestueux, pur, illimité, de l'esprit divin... On comprend que comme pour les autres filiations secrètes, il ne pouvait que s'occulter totalement et enterrer le « Grimoire Vert », sorte de compendium ésotérique.
Il existe dans une certaine église chrétienne toujours
13. Éd. Zéphir (Italie).
en vie actuellement (christianisme ésotérique, gnostique), et de tradition directe, une filiation de même nature, mais elle n'a rien à voir avec l'Église Gnostique de France qui n'est pas en possession des éléments précis et internes de cette filiation.
A ce propos, ni les Martinistes, déjà cités, ni les Martinézistes, et autres ordres très en vogue de nos jours, n'ont aucune trace de ces enseignements. Il en est de même pour les autres créations ex nihilo. Ce qui n'enlève rien à la valeur de ces cercles de recherches, bien au contraire, ils sont utiles dans un premier temps. Certaines figures de Martinez de PASQUALLY, tableaux des opérations Élus Coens, prouvent cependant que l'auteur connaissait l'Arcane. Il en est de même pour LouisClaude de SAINT-MARTIN.
Les filiations internes dites du Serpent ou du Dragon, sont soit réservées à certaines familles depuis des siècles, soit à certaines aristocraties de sensibilité plus sèche, tels que l'Ordre du Dragon14, les Frères de la Croix Lumineuse... Ce courant, dirons nous, est à tendance soit Chamanique, soit Bouddhiste, soit Hermétique et Tantrique, ce qui n'empêche pas la compassion. Outre quelques familles connues, Paracelse les fréquenta, et plus près de nous le prince CAETANI, qui prendra le contre-pied de KREMMERZ (en matière d'ésotérisme). Très peu d'humains ont accès à cette filiation, et sans doute là aussi il y a une seule manière de se présenter dans le temple
14. L'ordre du Dragon : le premier Ordre était dépositaire de la filiation hyperboréenne de Transylvanie, voie chamanique et
hermétique réservée au Roi, à la Reine et à vingt-deux membres de familles aristocratiques, exilés depuis la révolution marxiste.
et de regarder ceux qui sont devenus des Soleils dans Saturne, ou des porteurs de la Croix Lumineuse. Voie réservée uniquement aux éveillés, elle est insaisissable à l'heure actuelle, car elle demande plusieurs qualifications simultanées, bien éloignées des préoccupations de l'être humain moderne, fut-il ésotériste.
Hermann de CILLEI, membre célèbre de l'Ordre du Dragon, écrivit : «Votre Corps immortel existe déjà . Faites grandir cette autre réalité en vous, laissez-vous posséder par ce Réel. Soyez celui qui ne dort jamais, qui ne succombe pas aux automatismes, celui qui ne s'oublie jamais une seconde, un homme vainqueur du coma, triomphateur de la mort. Votre corps suivra. Comment pourrait-il subir la loi de la décomposition? Votre esprit éveillé retiendra entre elles les molécules de chair, dès lors le corps ne pourra plus tomber. C'est le manque de vitalité, de volonté, qui fait que le corps s'effondre en poussière, comme une maison dont on retirerait les moellons... Il faut d'abord agir sur le double, le rendre autonome, le forcer à sortir du corps, à errer dans le plan astral, lui apprendre à vivre sans dépendre du corps et de ses habitudes. Lorsque le double est parfaitement maîtrisé, alors la conscience peut quitter le corps et venir habiter ce double. Après la mort, le double continue à errer, vous devez alors le nourrir avec la vitalité qui est contenue dans le sang... »
Les cercles d'Atoum15 ont gardé un témoignage cul
15. Les Cercles Atoum sont une des expressions extérieures de l'OSIHA (Ordre Souverain Interne et Hermétique d'Atoum), et témoignent de certaines filiations internes. Cet Ordre est réparti en trois classes distinctes (noire, blanche, rouge) et implique la nécessité
turel de ce courant. En effet, la matière de l'oeuvre de nos jours et de plus en plus pervertie, d'où la difficulté de certains ordres tels que l'Ordre Souverain Interne et Hermétique d'Atoum, en sommeil (expression d'une filiation plus ancienne dont il n'est pas opportun de citer le nom), pour se maintenir. Il semble qu'à l'heure actuelle seules les filiations spirituelles conviennent, elles ont d'ailleurs un grand succès, pourtant la matière est bien le reflet de Dieu, et il est lui-même en éternelle gestation. La mettre de côté philosophiquement et pratiquement, est une preuve de l'évolution pathologique et subversive du monde moderne.
La Tradition n'est jamais morte, certains pays comme les Indes devraient être la référence, tellement les courants issus de cette terre sont bien plus vrais, et profonds, que les traditions issues du judéo-christianisme. Un autre pays, l'Égypte, a été trop déconsidéré, il faut rendre hommage à SCHWALLER de LUBICZ d'avoir su si bien transmettre l'esprit de la tradition égyptienne, dont il était dépositaire comme nous le savons par certains textes. Cette tradition n'est pas liée à une quelconque personne ou à un quelconque ordre, voulait-il faire croire qu'il est autorisé. Le symbolisme de la Rose + Croix lui-même est très ancien, comme le démontrent les tombes du monastère de San Juan de la Pena, où on retrouve les croix soit avec la rose centrale, soit avec les quatre roses, croix qui datent du xIe siècle, et qui témoignent avec l'Ordre de Saint-Jean d'un terrain qui appelle les émergences plus tardives.
des trois filiations de base (artisanale, guerrière, sacerdotale) à l'extérieur pour être admis.
Précisions sur les Rites de MEMPHIS et de MISRAIM
La situation actuelle de ces rites est très confuse, cependant on ne peut pas pour autant admettre certaines déviations dont les auteurs se prétendant 90e et 95e ignorent jusqu'au nom des ARCANA ARCANORUM, d'autres les citent sans même savoir qu'il s'agit d'une classe occulte à contenu doctrinal et pratique. Une publication historique concernant la doctrine de ces rites, où les règles de transmission sont encore plus sévères que dans les autres rites, résumera la situation actuelle'.
A l'heure actuelle, si on excepte les Loges de Memphis encore existantes en Égypte (ligne du marquis de BEAUREGARD), on doit reconnaître du point de vue des Arcana Arcanorum et de la transmission de Hiérophante à Hiérophante que les filons suivants sont les seuls acceptables
- Le Grand Sanctuaire Adriatique, la plus traditionaliste des Obédiences qui représente une réunion des rites du Misraïm et du Memphis dans l'esprit primitif de ce courant. Le Grand Hiérophante actuel Sebastiano CA
1. A paraître aux Éditions Axis Mundi.
CARACCIOLO, successeur du Comte VENTURA, lui-même successeur du Comte Ottavio ZASIO, a eu la transmission de l'aspect interne des Arcana Arcanorum.
- L'ensemble des Loges du Misraïm et du Memphis (rites séparés), il s'agit là de loges dites de la filiation PROBST BIRABEN, avec divers Grands Maîtres nationaux et un Grand Hiérophante (actuellement le Frère BRUNNINCK de Belgique - seul détenteur des sceaux de l'Ordre). Implantées par DUBOIS en France et BRUNELLI en Italie, ces loges ne se sont jamais complètement fédérées, ce qui est déplorable au niveau des classes secrètes que certains Grands Maîtres pratiquent de manière scénographique car ils n'ont reçu ni le contenu doctrinal, ni la praxis initiatique. Cette ligne est étroitement liées à l'Ordre Hermétique (détenteur des Arcana Arcanorum) dont BOGÉ de la GREZE fut d'ailleurs responsable pour la France.
- L'Ordre de Memphis-Misraïm (Grand Hiérophante Gérard KLOPPEL, successeur de Robert AMBELAIN) qui, par précaution, a réservé les classes occultes à seulement quelques-uns des détenteurs des 90e et 95e degrés, d'où certaines confusions. Beaucoup de frères ne comprennent pas les relations étroites de cet ordre avec des obédiences sociales (Grand Orient...).
Il existe par ailleurs des loges pratiquant l'un ou l'autre de ces rites et se rattachant à l'une de ces filiations, parfois aussi à la filiation PLATOUNOFF, certaines travaillant parfois avec plus de sérieux que leurs détracteurs ne le pensent (cas des loges de la G.L.I.S.). Il est vrai que jusqu'au 33e degré les problèmes ne se posent pas car, selon la tradition de ces rites, un 33e du Rite Écossais
Ancien et Accepté ne peut prétendre qu'à l'équivalence avec le 77e degré selon les précisions de RAGON de BRETIGNIES, ou au 87e en tant que responsable d'un groupe de création nouvelle (Obédience récente, cas d'un Grand Maître d'un pays), les trois derniers grades restant « voilés » et de toute manière dépendent du Grand Hiérophante. C'est pourquoi certains Grands Maîtres ne les ont pas et ne peuvent prétendre à la légitimité.
Contrairement à ce que prétendent certains Vénérables, les problèmes des filiations est fondamental ; le sérieux en loge bleue implique le même sérieux dans les ateliers supérieurs à moins qu'on n'ait rien compris à la notion du rite, surtout quand il est dépositaire d'une praxis et d'un corpus initiatique ) suffira pour accéder au 18e ou au 30e, malheureusement on compte par milliers ces exemples d'une véritable imposture.
Comme l'a indiqué le G.M. BRUNELLI dans ses remarquables ouvrages sur les rites de Misraïm et Memphis, d'autres ordres succèdent aux Arcana Arcanorum. Mais nous sortons ici de l'aspect maçonnique pour découvrir quatre ou cinq autres ordres (Grand Ordre Égyptien, Rites Égyptiens ainsi que trois autres que nous ne pouvons mentionner).
Gnostiques et Rose + Croix en Corse, une permanence de la tradition
A diverses reprises, certaines régions vécurent le souffle de la TRADITION, parfois rélié à une rébellion face au pouvoir. Si nous citons le cas de la Corse, c'est que ce pays sauvage dont les habitants à mentalité guerrière, comme le précise NIETZSCHE, ne pouvaient s'accommoder d'un pouvoir extérieur lié aux valeurs mercantiles du troc et non aux conceptions aristocratiques et communautaristes. Ainsi furent conservées très secrètes diverses traditions, auxquelles nous ne ferons qu'allusion extérieurement, mais en nous appuyant sur certains textes qui cernent suffisamment le problème et qui prouvent que dans l'histoire mouvementée de ce pays, l'ésotérisme joua un rôle non négligeable.
Si les cathares corses prospérèrent durant toute une partie du XIVe siècle, avec une doctrine et un but sans doute un peu différent des cathares de France, puisqu'un de leurs détracteurs FILIPINI affirme: «peut-être voulaient-ils renouveler cet âge d'Or que les fictions des poètes placent dans le temps de Saturne », et bien que dirigés efficacement par POLO et Henri d'ATTALA au point que ce même détracteur écrit : « la secte se multiplie
bientôt d'une manière étonnante non seulement dans le delà mais aussi dans le deçà des monts », ils n'en furent pas moins anéantis avec une brutalité sauvage... Et ce à la suite de la réaction du pape INNOCENT VI qui déclara les Giovannali (c'était le nom de la secte) hérétiques et les excommunia avant d'organiser la répression.
Ce courant, plus proche de la gnose de CARPOCRATE - qu'on devrait plutôt appeler la Gnose d'ÉPIPHANE, son fils, qui lui donna l'aspect communautariste - que des cathares, subsista jusqu'à nos jours, comme le confirme PIOBB'.
Celui-ci était le comte Pierre VINCENTI PIOBB (1874-1917), en fait avant abréviation VINCENTI da PIOBBETTA. En 1893 il fonda un écho de la Corse à Ajaccio. Il publia le « Formulaire de Haute Magie » en 1907, en 1908 une étude : Vénus. En 1909, un de ses articles fait sensation, il s'agit de « La fabrication de l'or », publiée dans « La Revue des Revues ». Ami de Charles BARLET, il fut très discret sur certaines filiations. Pourtant ii écrit dans sa « Clef Universelle des Sciences Secrètes », d'abord sur l'alchimie : « Ce qu'on appelle l'art d'HERMÈS désigne alors l'alchimie, le minerai d'HERMÈS étant le métal mercure », puis sur un aspect important de la Gnose en relation avec l'histoire de la Corse «Plus possible de se tromper: la Bible peut être lue et interprétée complètement, chrétiennement avec fruit. On a appelé cela la Gnose, et on a condamné,
1. Auteur de «La Clef Universelle des sciences secrètes», Éd. Ominium Littéraire, du « Formulaire de Haute Magie », Éd. Dangles et de « Vénus, Déesse magique de la chair », Éd. d'Aujourd'hui.
poursuivi, martyrisé même les gnostiques. Certains, il est vrai, versaient dans des erreurs répréhensibles. Mais d'autres étaient simplement Johannites conservant en secret les enseignements de Saint Jean, auteur de l'Apocalypse. » Il précise plus loin : « Les Johannites, qu'en italien on disait giovannaï, ont été persécutés au xive siècle. Beaucoup se réfugièrent en Corse. Ils y furent impitoyablement exterminés. Quelques-uns pourtant ont échappé au massacre, et c'est là un fait ignoré. Il y a dans une haute vallée de l'Ile, dont les eaux coulent vers l'Est, en un endroit si inaccessible qu'on ne peut l'atteindre qu'à pied, toute une famille de Giovannaï qui vit retirée, presque sans relations, avec personne d'alentour. Les hommes portent des prénoms bizarres, tirés du grec : ils s'appellent Chiron, Geryon, Scamandre, Priam, les femmes Perséphone, Aphrodite, Pallas, Hécate. Ils se marient entre eux. Mais si par hasard, quelque jouvenceau tient à épouser une jeune fille d'un village voisin, les parents de la fiancée ne sont pas autorisés à assister au mariage religieux. Celui-ci a lieu dans une chapelle basse où jamais un prêtre n'a officié, ou personne d'ailleurs sauf un Johannite n'a pénétré. Et plus tard, la jeune étrangère ne révèle sous aucun prétexte les rites auxquels elle a assisté. Je tais moi-même le nom de cette bourgade pour éviter à ces braves gens les ennuis qu'ils redoutent toujours. »z.
Il serait intéressant de faire une parenthèse pour aborder certains problèmes de la magie corse, non pas dans ses aspects populaires comme l'a fait un récent
2. In « La•clef universelle des Sciences secrètes ».
ouvrage, mais à travers l'étude de filiations plus fermées. Nous avons eu l'occasion de constater les effets indiscutables d'une certaine théurgie, basée sur l'évocation des ancêtres, dite de « la clef des morts », placée préalablement d'une certaine manière dans l'Évangile de Saint JEAN, et de bien d'autres aspects tangibles'. De même que nous pûmes constater combien la relation avec certains adeptes de la présence à soi-même était difficile, tant leur densité traumatisait les autres paysans, quand ils retournaient au village, après de longues retraites. Nous pûmes aussi observer comment dans un état de conscience différencié et de paix illuminatrice, un des hobereaux faisait participer les objets du château à la fête cosmique. C'est d'ailleurs Maître COLONNA d'ANFREANI qui nous avait recommandé d'écrire un équivalent de « Rencontres avec des hommes remarquables », pour montrer que certaines terres d'Europe détenaient encore des dépositaires de la Tradition.
Ce fut dans ces mêmes circonstances qu'un membre de l'aristocratie corse me remit un vieux témoignage sur la Rose + Croix'. Il ne nous est pas possible de citer tous
3. La Filiation corse possède des rituels s'apparentant par de nombreux aspects à ceux du « Sacramentaire du Rose + Croix »
(Robert Ambelain, Éd. Scientifique), particulièrement au niveau des « Sorts de Saint-Jean » où l'on retrouve l'utilisation de la Clef des
morts. Mais l'invocation est différente car la Filiation corse utilise directement le début de l'Évangile de Saint-Jean, ce qui est plus réel
au niveau de la Tradition que les prières chrétiennes mentionnées dans le Sacramentaire. De plus, elle se base aussi sur l'évocation
des ancêtres ce qui rend le Rituel très puissant:
4. Une fraternité Rose + Croix a effectivement existé jusqu'à un certain moment, dans des circonstances tellement curieuses qu'il
les noms de ce cercle de « JO » corses' et d'autres, rebelles de la montagne, dépositaires de l'attitude la plus juste qui se puisse concevoir pour recevoir la coupe du GRAAL, mais qui ne purent beaucoup communiquer, faute d'éléments qualifiés pour recevoir une science avec la conscience indispensable. Cela pour revenir après l'histoire des Giovannali (ou giovannaï) à une deuxième rébellion, toujours à caractère ésotérique.
Nous citerons une phrase en apparence anodine, que les lecteurs peuvent trouver dans une « Apologie de la Rose + Croix » reproduite en partie dans une étude de J.M. RAGON parue vers 1860: « L'histoire du Baron de NEUHOFF (il s'agit du Roi de Corse), n'est que l'histoire de l'établissement du chef-lieu de notre Ordre dans l'île. » Cette révélation est d'une importance majeure étant donnée la notoriété de l'auteur, mais qui est cet historien de la Franc-Maçonnerie ?
Jean-Marie RAGON de BETTIGNIES (1781-1866) exerce sous l'Empire les fonctions de caissier à la recette générale de Bruges (Belgique), alors département français. Il est initié dans cet Orient (c'est-à -dire ville) à la loge « Les Vrais Amis » qui connaît grâce à sa personnalité une certaine notoriété, et en devient le Vénérable Maître. Il appartient également à la loge « Phoénix » du Grand Orient de France, et au Rite de Misraïm. Enfin, il anime
n'est pas possible même à l'heure actuelle (les Corses qui sont concernés savent pourquoi) de donner des précisions. Pourtant ces témoignages tangibles existent toujours et furent enregistrés.
5. Il faut rapprocher le JO du IO qui se trouve devant les noms d'aristocrates de Transylvanie, parenté surprenante à plus d'un titre Le roi de Corse, lui, n'a jamais mis en avant ces distinctions qui semblent d'ailleurs fabriquées de toutes pièces. Jamais pourtant il ne révélera qu'il est membre de l'Ordre de Sainte-Marie des Allemands, c'est-à -dire Chevalier Teutonique. Une remarque s'impose : dans cette première moitié du xviIIe siècle, n'est pas Chevalier Teutonique qui veut ! La règle de cet Ordre, né aux alentours de 1128 en Terre Sainte, s'apparente à celle des Templiers. Il est difficile, aujourd'hui encore, d'imaginer la puissance et la richesse de cette Chevalerie à la fois religieuse et militaire qui a entretenu cent cinquante hôpitaux et qui possédait, en Prusse seulement, quatre-vingt-dix villes et cent villages. »
L'énigme de ce baron qui n'a eu qu'à se baisser pour ramasser un trône, reste posée. Plus de deux siècles après son entrée dans l'histoire de la Corse, bien des mystères restent à élucider. Pour le compte de qui a agi Théodore ? A-t-il voulu, sur un coup de poker magistral, s'octroyer
6. In « Vive le Roi de Corse » de Jean-Baptiste Nicolaï, Éd. Cyrnos et Méditerranée.
un trône par pure ambition personnelle? Les sociétés secrètes naissantes, initiatrices des Lumières, n'ont-elles pas joué la carte Corse pour prouver à l'Europe en fièvre la possible constitution d'un état de fraternité ?
Le baron de NEUHOFF est, quelque temps après son arrivée, proclamé roi de Corse... Et par qui, grands Dieux Il n'est pas ici dans notre intention de
tirer moralité de cette méchante affaire, dans laquelle on 3 voit le peuple le plus libre du monde se livrer pieds et poings liés aux caprices d'un aventurier. Ainsi le 20 mars 1736, Théodore débarque à Aléria. A peine a-t-il mis le pied sur la terre ferme qu'il signe une adresse aux Illustrissimes Seigneurs de l'Ile, qui, en fait, sont les chefs des insulaires en révolte contre l'occupant génois : « Me voici enfin en Corse, proclame-t-il, où m'ont appelé de leurs prières des corses, et les nombreuses lettres que j'ai reçues d'eux... »
René de WEECK7 révèle comment Théodore et le chanoine ALBERTINI devaient se reconnaître l'un et l'autre membres de la Rose + Croix. Deux jours après avoir réalisé l'accord des chefs corses sur sa proclamation, Théodore décide de prendre un peu de repos. Il congédie tout le monde, à l'exception de Don Joseph ALBERTINI qu'il fait asseoir à son chevet. « Théodore étendit sa main à plat sur la couverture, raconte de WEECK, et contempla fixement, à l'annulaire, le châton d'une bague. Les regards du prêtre suivirent les siens et s'arrêtèrent sur le
7. In « Vive le Roi des Corses ».
même objet. C'était une pierre dure, noire, de forme carrée, sertie dans de l'or jaune ; l'entaille, très nette, figurait une croix de Saint-Jean, ornée aux quatre angles de roses épanouies. Sous les pans de son rabat, le chanoine tira une chaîne à médaillon où apparaissait, gravée pareillement, la même figure.
- Frère, dit-il, je te salue. Sans le savoir, c'est la cause d'un frère que j'ai plaidée l'autre jour à Matra. Comme j'avais raison de leur dire, à ces ignares, qu'un homme de ta sorte, abordant sur nos rivages dans les jours où l'église célèbre l'Annonciation de la Très Sainte Vierge, leur apportait la délivrance.
- Tu ne t'es pas trompé, frère, répliqua Théodore. »
René de WEECK, dans une note placée en fin de son ouvrage, prend la précaution de préciser que dans son récit rien n'est inventé. Il rappelle aussi comment le chanoine ALBERTINI sombra dans l'anonymat. Après avoir cité devant l'official par les autorités ecclésiastiques pour ses travaux de kabbalistes, Don Joseph fera amende honorable. Aucune peine canonique ne lui sera infligée. Et le brillant théologien terminera sa carrière terrestre à Buccugnanu, comme simple curé de ce modeste village de montagne.
NICOLAY, raconte une autre anedocte : « Il faut croire que sur le plan de la foi, le Rose-Croix Théodore et Paoli parlent le même langage. Au cours d'un repas ce dernier placera, entre autres, ce tercet, à la gloire du Roi :
"Qu'il m'assiste aujourd'hui, le Dieu plein de vigueur ! Et qu'il m'aide à placer le Roi et ses mérites Dans le vaste séjour de l'immortalité..." »
Le roi de Corse tenta d'établir la toute puissance de l'ordre à l'aide de deux couvertures aristocratiques qui malheureusement ne furent comprises que par les détenteurs de certaines clefs ésotériques. Pour ouvrir la Voie à tous les fils des comtes et marquis qu'il crée, il fonde l'Ordre des Chevaliers de la Clef d'Or dont le symbolisme est évident comme le précise Jean-Baptiste NICOLAà « La clef ouvre aux jeunes gens nouvellement honorés la voie initiatique. »
L'ordre qui va lui succéder hiérarchiquement sera l'Ordre de la Délivrance, dont les statuts se composent de 16 articles. Jean-Baptiste NICOLAà se livre à un énoncé et à des analyses dont nous citerons certains extraits
- L'article II indique que le roi sera toujours le Grand Maître. Ce titre et sa fonction, on les retrouve dans toutes les sociétés initiatiques et les ordres de Chevalerie.
A l'article III, il est dit que les chevaliers portent un habit céleste. Le bleu couleur profonde et immatérielle est considéré par les Égyptiens comme la couleur de la Vérité. J. M. RAGON rappelle : « La voûte du Temple est azurée et étoilée comme celle des cieux, parce que, comme elle, elle abrite tous les hommes, sans distinction de rang, ni de couleur. La Maçonnerie n'a pas l'exclusivité des voûtes étoilées : les temples de l'Antiquité ainsi que les églises en étaient décorées. »
On peut en déduire que l'ordre, bien que chrétien, ne pratique pas la charité mais au contraire la solidarité.
De prime abord, l'article XIII peut paraître choquant, tout au moins dans sa première partie. Il est dit en effet que « personne ne sera reçu dans l'ordre que le roi ne
le juge assez riche et que l'on fasse voir qu'il descend de parents honnêtes jusqu'à la quatrième génération ». Certes, il faudra attendre le XIXe siècle pour que certaines sociétés initiatiques se démocratisent.
Plus curieux est l'article XIV. Il note que « ceux-là sont déclarés incapables d'entrer dans l'ordre qui exercent quelques métiers, ou dont le père, l'aïeul, ou le trisaïeul en auront exercé un ». La sélection est draconienne. L'Ordre de la Délivrance est essentiellement spéculatif. Cette restriction peut également s'expliquer par le fait que Théodore veut que les chevaliers soient uniquement des hommes de guerre. Et plus précisément « des capitaines de galères et de vaisseaux du roi, commandants de forts et autres places où il y a garnison ».
Enfin, dans l'article XV, on découvre l'universalité et l'esprit de tolérance de l'ordre puisqu'il est dit expressément qu'on y « recevra les étrangers de quelque nation ou religion qu'ils soient ».
Précisions importantes : chaque chevalier qui est obligé de réciter chaque jour deux psaumes sous peine de sanction, doit se souvenir que l'ordre auquel il appartient « est établi en mémoire de la délivrance de la domination de Gênes et du rétablissement de l'ancienne liberté dans le royaume de Corse ».
Les règles II, III et IV sont inspirées des Templiers, en partie.
Notons que le roi touche trois fois le chevalier de son épée et que les présents le reçoient et l'embrassent comme un frère. Trois, chiffre symbolique par excellence, fait partie depuis la plus haute antiquité de la tradition ésotérique. Qu'il s'agisse de la Sainte Trinité en passant
par les trois pointes du triangle ou encore du Triple Joyau bouddhique, le ternaire est une source inépuisable d'inspiration.
La description du blason et des armoiries de l'ordre précise : « La Croix ou Étoile de cet ordre est un champ de sinople (le vert des héraldistes) avec un ourlet d'argent ou blanc. Les sept pointes de la Croix ou Étoile, l'anneau par lequel elle est attachée, sont d'or ou jaune ; et les sept autres petites pointes, de sable, et chargées des armes du Roi, blanches ou d'argent ; et le rebord de la Croix jaune ou d'or. Dans le milieu de la Croix est la Justice, couleur de chair, représentée par une femme qui a une ceinture d'où pend une feuille de figuier d'or. Elle tient à la main droite une épée d'acier et de la gauche une balance dans un des bassins triangulaires de laquelle est une tâche rouge et dans l'autre une couleur de plomb. Au-dessous de la main qui tient l'épée est un globe d'or, surmonté d'une croix ; et au-dessous de la main qui tient la balance est un triangle d'or au milieu duquel est un T. »
Pourquoi le roi a-t-il choisi l'étoile à sept branches ? On pourrait longuement épiloguer et rappeler tout le symbolisme se rattachant au chiffre sept : les sept degrés de la Perfection, les sept branches de l'arbre cosmique, etc. Mais Théodore est avant tout Rose + Croix. L'emblême de cet ordre mystique est une rose à sept pétales ; on connaît une allégorie rosicrucienne dessinée à Francfort en 1626 qui est marquée précisément par une rose à sept pétales.
Il semble aussi que l'Ordre Teutonique et les Allemands aient joué un rôle dans la résistance corse face Ã
l'envahisseur génois, car le roi de Corse apparenté aux puissantes familles allemandes NIENROD, NUCINGEN et DROST a eu un oncle Bernard de DROST, Grand Commandeur de l'Ordre Teutonique, dont le fils joue un rôle dans la résistance aux génois en terre corse. La réaction du général baron de WACHTENDONCK qui, en 1731, débarqua dans l'Île avec une troupe de 4000 Allemands, d'abord à la solde de Gênes, puis début octobre 1740 accueillant Frédéric de NEUHOFF, chassé à son tour de Corse, est révélatrice. Le rôle de ce dernier est aussi important, car après le départ du roi en novembre 1736, il continue à agiter la Corse, dirigeant la résistance. Le baron Matthieu de DROST, bien qu'arrêté le premier et réembarqué vers le continent, se retrouve encore dans l'Île en octobre 1741.
Quoi qu'il en soit, avec la défaite de la résistance Corse, les Rose + Croix vont encore s'occulter, transmettant comme les Giovannali leurs secrets en famille, ou dans un clan déterminé.
En dehors des courants exprimés dans les lignes précédentes il faut donner quelques précisions sur certains cercles très fermés de chamanes de l'Île. Il s'agit d'une branche des Mazzeri qui avaient la maîtrise du double, ils arrivaient non seulement à lui rendre une consistance visible mais chassaient ainsi la nuit les sangliers qui, pourchassés par une meute de corps volants, étaient conduits dans une course folle à se précipiter du haut d'un rocher. Le lendemain il suffisait aux Mazzeri d'aller récupérer les corps. Les témoignages sur cette confrérie sont fréquents dans le sud de l'Île, bien d'autres pouvoirs étaient prêtés à ces cercles, qui se tenaient à l'écart de la
vie religieuse, dont celui de frapper de mort ou d'une malédiction de manière irrémédiable. Si les filiations religieuses se continuent encore très vivaces, il semble que les confréries de Mazzeri se soient presque complètement éteintes dans leur branche chamanique pure.
Un ordre mystérieux : l'Ordre des Frères aînés de la Rose + Croix
Parmi les ordres qui se sont extériorisés, les FAR + C sont les seuls à avoir fourni à quelques chercheurs de très nombreux documents, malheureusement non soumis à une commission, ce qui a provoqué des jugements très rapides d'historiens qui se sont évertués, par ailleurs, à légitimer (ou tenter de le faire) des filiations bien plus contestables. Mais là comme ailleurs, le temps aidant, certaines vérités émergeront. L'Imperator n'ayant pas voulu montrer à tout venant les très nombreux éléments d'une filiation, et sans doute a-t-il eu raison, car ils semblent trop prosaïques, ou évidents, démystifiant ainsi le mystère dont s'alimente si bien l'humain pathologique actuel. Par ailleurs, les FAR + C n'ayant eu dans leurs rangs que très peu de membres, il n'était pas nécessaire de justifier leur existence.
Comme le précise l'Imperator Pierre PHOEBUS « les FAR + C ne remontent pas au temple de Salomon, ni à TOUTMES III, mais leur présence est virtuellement démontrée avec ces 115 parchemins munis de leur scel d'origine s'étalant de 1317 à nos jours. La continuité est
parfaite. Du reste, sans être un spécialiste en la matière, un seul regard suffit pour s'apercevoir que ces antiques reliques du passé sont authentiques. Parmi celles-ci, n'oublions pas qu'un seul manuscrit, retraçant les actes vécus de 1503 à 1723 est un in-folio de 23 X 34 X 8 contenant 1 211 pages. On y relève plus de trente écritures différentes. Quelles explications pourrait-on fournir aussi pour les 340 pages manuscrites de Mr de BASVILLE (41e Imperator), qui traitent de l'Ordre de Pont Saint Esprit, de Malte et des comtes de MONT FORT, etc. (date 1693). Enfin, quelle justification donnerait-on à ce recueil de « Discours faits au Roi LOUIS XIII » par David RIVAULT (30e Imperator), entièrement écrits à la main, dont la bibliothèque de Laval possède le premier
tome ?...8 » Mais pour notre part, ce n'est pas à une histoire
que nous avons voulu rendre hommage, mais à une des rares filiations qui a donné des exemples de son savoir, par l'obtention de la Pierre.
L'histoire de l'ordre part du contact entre quelques rares templiers (et non les templiers plus guerriers que quêteurs de sciences hermétiques) et des adeptes liés particulièrement à l'École de Bagdad « Beit et Hikmat » créée par le Khalife AL MAMOUN en 830. Les chrétiens l'appelèrent Maison de la Sagesse. Il ne faut pas négliger non plus le rôle de la mosquée d'El-Azhar, lieu de rencontre important de l'époque, où un maître de l'université cachait aussi parfois un hermétisme.
Enfin il faut aussi citer les relations entre les templiers
8. Dans « Legenda des FAR + C » de Roger Caro, Éd. privée hors commerce.
et les ismaëliens, pour se rendre compte que la circulation des élites, si chère à PARETO, existait sans doute mieux à cette époque que de nos jours.
Selon l'histoire de l'ordre, en France, prévenus à temps par le chapelain du manoir de la Buzardière, près du Mans, sept templiers, Gaston de la Pierre PHOEBUS, Guidon de MONTANOR, Gentilis de FOLIGNO, Henri de MONTFORT, Louis de GRIMOARD, Pierre Yorick de RIVAULT et César MINVIELLE, se replièrent en toute hâte vers Dinard, puis vers Saint-Malo où ils affrétèrent de nuit une barque de pêcheurs qui les déposa sur le sol d'Angleterre. La commanderie de Londres les reçut et les hébergea. Afin d'éviter les persécutions du roi ÉDOUARD, quelques chevaliers adeptes s'enfuirent à lile de Mull, ils retournèrent plus tard en France, où ils donnèrent un nom à l'ordre le 2 décembre 1316: « Les Frères Aînés de la Rose + Croix». Nous n'allons pas suivre l'ordre au cours des siècles, mais il nous semble important de signaler quelques noms des derniers Imperator, le 51e était Lord BULWER LYTTON, lié étroitement à divers cercles très fermés, l'abbé Louis CONSTANT (Eliphas LEVI) lui succéda, suivi par William Wynn WESTCOTT (membre de la SRIA). Passant ainsi entre les mains de frères dépositaires de filiations diverses, l'ordre va par la suite retourner à son pays d'origine : la France, où il manifestera sa présence sous l'impulsion de Pierre PHOEBUS, faisant publier de nombreux livres hors commerce.
Les FAR + C étant limités à 33 membres, ils ne peuvent coopter que chez quelques adeptes. L'extrême prudence de l'Imperator a permis que quelques frères
seulement accèdent à la connaissance opérative, mais il se refuse à rentrer dans la notion de mythes, de rêves si chers à l'humain plus avide de sensations et d'évasion que de réalités. L'ordre ne se propose pas de réformer le monde, il est dépositaire d'une Tradition.
Il existe un autre Ordre des FAR + C réservé à 12 membres et qui concerne une autre opérativité alchimique interne mais, malgré son ancienneté, nous pensons que les deux ordres n'en constituaient qu'un seul à un moment de l'histoire, ou qu'ils étaient imbriqués l'un dans l'autre de toute manière. Cet ordre interne pratique la voie du corps d'immortalité par la méthode des substances.
Graal et alchimie, où les voies développées
Nous ne voulons pas développer un thème bien établi, mais comme les voies sont entremêlées, le chercheur se retouve là aussi dans un véritable labyrinthe. Or tout s'y trouve.
Sur la voie extérieure le château du Graal se nomme CORBENIC, ce qui, si la matière de l'OEuvre n'est pas si clairement énoncée que, par exemple, dans les contes d'HOFMANN, qui se terminent par l'histoire héroïque du célèbre ministre KLEIN ZACH surnommé cinabre, il n'en est pas moins vrai que CORBENIC se décompose en CORNI-BEC et CINEBRO à l'envers, désignant aussi bien le vaisseau que la matière de l'OEuvre. Nous retrouvons cela dans le nom du père de PERCEVAL, BLIOCADRAN, qui en anagramme donne CINABRO. Ainsi il n'est pas bien difficile de préciser les ingrédients et les étapes.
La voie interne apparaît durant la rencontre du vendredi saint avec l'ermite. Certains l'ont confondue avec l'albification, étape de la voie du cinabre (coagula blanc) quand l'ermite précise que le roi n'est nourri que
d'une hostie et rien d'autre, laquelle est servie dans le GRAAL. Il ne s'agit plus d'albification mais d'un magistère interne donné comme par l'ermite, de bouche à oreille, et qui conduit au développement du corps christique ou embryon de gloire et d'immortalité, à condition que l'ermite, comme dans les tarots, chasse avec prudence le serpent de l'astral qui pourrait récupérer les énergies. Il ne faut pas oublier que la coupe du GRAAL est verte et que le sang du Christ, comme s'en rendit compte le soldat LONGINIUS avec sa lance, est blanc comme celui d'OSIRIS.
Le vert est issu du noir, prima materia. Il fut la première couleur, celle de la vie. De celle-là , par dissociation, naissent une couleur légèrement Yin, le bleu, et légèrement Yang, le jaune, les autres couleurs naissant de l'accentuation, ou densification de cette première SEPARATIO. Ainsi par exemple, le jaune accentué donne l'orange puis le rouge (couleur très Yang, nous retrouvons dans l'oeuvre cette démonstration, le bleu accentué va donner l'indigo puis le violet très Yin). Mais le vert signifie aussi de facto la puissance de la vie. Si la table alchimique est dite table d'émeraude, et si la coupe du Graal est verte, c'est tout simpement qu'on a voulu indiquer une clef qui n'apparaît sans doute qu'après les périgrinations du Chevalier Vert, dans la solitude la plus nécessaire qui soit, quand HERMÈS-MERCURE se manifeste, soit directement soit avec l'aide de l'ERMITE ou de MERLIN.
La doctrine du corps immortel
S'il existe des voies extérieures, elles doivent conduire l'adepte à la compréhension de la matière, puis, par reflet, de lui-même. Ensuite il lui faut entreprendre la réunion des voies : comme le précise bien le taoïsme, il faut passer du WOUEI TAN au NEI TAN. Il est nécessaire de rappeler que l'Ordre des Frères Asiatiques proposait à ses adeptes la même progression traditionnelle, puisqu'après la pratique de la Pierre au rouge, ceux qui pouvaient se libérer de leurs penchants humains pouvaient tenter la création du corps de gloire ou corps d'immortalité.
Dans « Ur et Krur », Julius EVOLA explique le pourquoi de cette étape' : « ... L'immortalité, la réincarnation, n'est pas une vérité pour tous les hommes mais seulement pour ceux qui sont parvenus à s'accomplir selon une voie, en fait, radicalement perpendiculaire à celle des hommes... La parure de gloire ou corps immortel des traditions gnostiques, en remplaçant la guenille d'esclavage, serait l'ultime consécration de celui qui, après
1. Éditions Arché, Milano.
avoir traversé victorieusement cette série d'épreuves, s'émanciperait ainsi totalement de la sphère du Destin et de la domination des Régents ou Archontes. »
A l'enseignement traditionnel concernant l'immortalité correspond la doctrine du triple corps. Précisons immédiatement que le terme corps est employé ici d'une façon analogique pour désigner de nouvelles formes de conscience et d'action que le Moi peut faire siennes, en vertu de possibilités qui, toutefois, dépassent le commun des mortels. De sorte que la doctrine en question - comme toute doctrine ésotérique - ne peut être considérée comme vraie que dans le cadre propre à l'aristocratie restreinte de ceux qui sont parvenus à fouler le sentier de l'initiation. En parler à propos de l'homme ordinaire n'aurait aucun sens : pour lui n'existent ni les trois, ni les sept, ni les neuf corps, ni tous ceux que l'on pourrait se plaire à imaginer.
La vie après la mort a pour condition de parvenir à la capacité de maintenir la conscience, une fois celle-ci privée de l'appui du corps physique. Celui qui a atteint ce sommet est, virtuellement, hors des eaux, et le fait que l'unité de l'organisme physique se défasse n'a plus pour lui aucune importance. A ce propos, on a également évoqué la possibilité de partir pour ne plus revenir. L'affirmation de l'existence (ego sum) est alors ressentie comme une entrave, comme une négation de l'être. Cette voie consiste donc à se défaire de tous les déterminismes, réels et possibles, de dépouillement en dépouillement, de mise à nu en mise à nu, jusqu'à ce que - une fois tombée l'enveloppe par une intégration absolue à l'ipséité - le sum se dissolve et se résolve dans l'est.
Mais si l'immortalité ne doit pas être uniquement la prolongation de la pure conscience, si au contraire cette conscience doit s'articuler en formes d'action et d'expression propres au niveau qui est le sien, et puisque les formes corporelles sont inhérentes à la conscience des mortels, il faut dans ces conditions que la qualité individuelle que celle-ci possède, s'étende également aux divers éléments et vertus constitutives de l'agrégat humain, pour les faire siens, pour les tenir en laisse sous une forme qui porte précisément le sceau de l'individualité. C'est cela le corps magique ou corps de résurrection.
La constitution du corps de gloire passe par l'alchimie interne que nous allons définir à l'aide d'un extrait des « Procédés Secrets du Joyau Magique », un traité d'alchimie taoïste du xle siècle2 : « L'alchimie intérieure est un système syncrétiste très complexe qui poursuit sur le plan théorique le même idéal que l'alchimie opératoire, à savoir l'élaboration d'une drogue dont l'absorption est censée rendre l'homme immortel et lui permettre de monter au ciel en plein jour. Mais c'est de son propre corps que l'adepte du Nei Tan fait son laboratoire ; il y trouve en effet tous les ingrédients et les ustensiles de l'alchimie traditionnelle : fourneau, chaudron, mercure, cinabre, plomb et autres minerais ; et c'est en suivant un processus mental et physiologique qu'il installe le laboratoire, allume le feu du fourneau, en surveille la chaleur, provoque le mariage des ingrédients dans le chaudron et recommence le processus à un niveau différent, une fois obtenu le résultat désiré. »
2. Édition des Deux Océans, Paris.
En d'autres termes, les textes de l'alchimie intérieure empruntent le langage de l'alchimie opératoire pour décrire leurs processus de purification destinés à une transformation spirituelle et corporelle. Mais on n'aboutit pas au corps d'immortalité par une simple recette... Une opération très longue est nécessaire. De plus, des pièges redoutables peuvent se présenter. EVOLA écrit encore à ce sujet3 : « Les étapes successives de ce processus sont les mêmes que les diverses épreuves et étapes de l'initiation, dans la mesure où celles-ci sont le résultat de rapports établis avec les divers êtres, d'abord psychiques et ensuite naturels (dieux) qui règnent en maîtres sur les êtres humains et agissent au travers de leur corps et de leur esprit. C'est sur ces êtres que le mage doit, dans ce domaine opératif, réaffirmer sa propre autonomie, et même plier sous la loi les forces qui attestaient la présence de ces êtres à l'intérieur de son organisme. »
Le résultat peut être la fin des corporifications (les morts et réincarnations) pour celui qui a, comme le dit Ibn JABIR, communiqué sa fixité au volatil, et SCHWALLER de LUBICZ indique que « la renaissance définitive, ou résurrection, est la complémentation absolue. BA est le volatil, le subtil, et KA est le fixe énergétique qui est l'aimant de BA »4. Le texte indique que le BA doit retrouver le KA, ce dernier engendrant le fils.
Dans la tradition hébraïque le corps de gloire se situe à Tipheret, qui sur l'arbre kabbalistique est sur l'axe central délimité par Kether et Malkut, appelée aussi
3. In « Ur et Krur », Éd. Arché, Milano.
4. R.A. Schwaller de Lubicz « Her Bach disciple », Éd. Flammarion, Paris.
Shemesch, sphère du soleil, ce mot s'écrivant avec deux Shin qui encadre un Mem, or Shin signifie le feu du ciel et Mem la mère primordiale, l'interaction fécondante terre-eau produisant l'Or ou Corps de Gloire.
Les phases de la voie alchimique sont donc complexes, et l'obtention de la Pierre au rouge n'est qu'une étape d'une longue quête, techniquement précise. Outre leurs pouvoirs régénérants et transmutatoires, les pierres ont aussi un pouvoir de séparation en ce qui concerne la partie conscience de l'homme qui peut voler. Il ne faut pas oublier que dans la tradition indoue, le mercure-métal (traité alchimiquement) est le sperme de Schiva. En cela, il possède l'essence de Dieu, et la possibilité de l'actualiser dans l'homme. C'est la raison pour laquelle nous avons insisté sur l'alchimie du mercure, ou plutôt du sulfure de mercure ou cinabre. Cette voie du mercure pouvant bien entendu se réaliser aussi sans utiliser le cinabre, par un processus de purification progressif du mercure à l'aide de plantes, cas de l'alchimie indienne qui utilise les purifications jusqu'à 18 samskar.
L'homme qui doit réaliser la suite de la voie se trouve confronté à divers problèmes, le plus grave étant déjà de savoir ce qui va être cristallisé, dans ce qui constitue les agrégats plus ou moins informels qui composent un je humain. Il est certain que l'approche de la voie va passer par la conquête préalable d'un état de conscience différencié, où le regard prend le pas de plus en plus sur le je humain, avec les crises inhérentes à cette élimination progressive de l'Ego. Celui-ci, ayant constitué et secrété un monde dans lequel, tel un cocon, il a enfermé la conscience, ne va pas accepter cette modification.
D'autre part, avant de sortir du filet de sommeil, il faut avoir assez de . conscience seconde (le chen des taoïstes), pour tenter l'aventure. Enfin, la plupart des humains étant des agrégats artificiels, il ne s'agit pas de casser en eux un univers sans lequel ils n'existeraient plus, car l'humain moyen est un ensemble complexe, passant de l'être particulier sur lequel il a projeté son amour (en fait, sa détresse...) à la considération que les autres ont de lui, à sa nourriture, à son désir de se projeter dans le futur à travers la procréation, au plaisir des sens, et parfois à ses autres opiums que sont ses considérations religieuses ou politiques, lesquelles sont parfois aussi fluctuantes que les humeurs du moment. Le sortir du monde qu'il s'est créé est suicidaire, et comme le dit si bien MEYRINCK : « la voie de l'éveil est jonchée de cadavres. » Ainsi ces voies s'adressent à des personnes qui ont mis fin aux intérêts humains ou en tout cas qui les voient comme extérieurs à leur regard sur le monde.
La première étape de la voie interne est donc l'accession à l'état de conscience aussi appelé ÉTAT OBJECTIF, c'est-à -dire un état où les choses sont perçues pour ce qu'elles sont, et non pas conceptualisées. C'est dans un tel état que l'humain se rend compte qu'il n'avait en fait jamais vécu, mais qu'il n'avait fait que dormir. Cet état d'être, parfois appelé ÉVEIL, est inconsciemment recherché par les humains. Ils savent plus ou moins que rien ne les satisfait réellement, mais ils cherchent des solutions dans des remèdes horizontaux liés au monde de l'avoir, de l'acquis, ou aux théories analytiques liées aux fadaises de la psychanalyse ou de la psychologie moderne dont on serait bien en peine de tirer quelque chose d'utile,
même si certains « pères » comme JUNG ont fait preuve de beaucoup d'ouverture d'esprit en ce qui concerne les sciences traditionnelles.
C'est donc un combat total pour la quête de l'instant PRÉSENT qui va constituer la première étape de l'alchimie interne, une lutte difficile, faite de hauts et de bas, de crises, parfois de conflits, tant que le moment juste ou la place ne sont pas trouvés.
L'aide de frères extérieurs pouvant être requise, ce ne sont pas les faux gourous qui vont manquer pour apporter leur concours, pendant que le quêteur va se fatiguer dans une recherche illusoire, où le temps compte, et beaucoup, pour ceux qui doivent terminer l'oeuvre. Quant aux vrais maîtres, conscients de ce que représente une telle quête, ils se cachent soigneusement, et n'ayant pas de temps à perdre, ne sont découverts que par les vrais traqueurs, dont la sagacité et l'HERMÈS en eux - parfois aussi une longue pratique -, leur permettent de trouver celui qui peut apporter les éléments manquants. Celà nous conduit à une seconde considération : la nécessité d'avoir un HERMÈS développé, c'est-à -dire un guide intérieur ou une intuition sûre pour trouver la voie juste, laquelle peut se cacher dans des formes qui ne la laissent pas paraître. Sans tomber dans les aspects très difficiles de certaines voies directes et de certains maîtres impitoyables, évoqués par exemple dans la vie de Jetsun MILAREPA, il est certain que les véritables maîtres n'ont pas le choix des moyens, et que seuls un certain type de disciple a des chances de trouver le terminal d'une quête.
Conséquence de ces considérations : la nécessité
d'avoir un type de vie peu conforme à la vie moderne, bien que pouvant s'y accommoder... Tout est fait pour abrutir l'individu et le pousser à consommer. Quant à ceux qui font semblant de lutter contre ce système en se croyant révolutionnaires, ils enferment la plupart du temps l'individu dans un système étatique redoutable. Très peu de politiques posent les problèmes de liberté et de qualité. Quant à la culture et l'information, elles sont adaptées à une humanité de zombies, soigneusement parquée dans des champs. Entendons par là des façons de penser ou de voir autorisées. Il est certain, comme l'a montré PLATON, que l'aristocratie véritable ne peut se sentir concernée par cette farce, et qu'elle n'y participe pas.
La Quête implique la création d'un équilibre psychophysiologique grâce à plusieurs facteurs
- Une alimentation réduite, ponctuée de périodes de jeûne avec purification indispensable de l'appareil digestif. Les repas doivent tendre à se composer le plus possible de produits non liés à une agression. Le feu diminue considérablement l'apport vital d'un aliment, c'est pourquoi il faut éviter les fritures, mais aussi diminuer les cuissons. De même il faut faire des cures régulières de produits livrés directement par la nature, cas des fruits, aliments solaires (yang) indispensables. Un poireau, au contraire, est arraché à la terre, il apporte du Yin. Il subit aussi une agression. Si un fruit tombe naturellement dans la main, il ne nécessite aucune violence pour le récupérer. Il en est de même pour les produits animaux, le lait et les fromages, qui constituent un apport élaboré mais naturel. La sensation progressive confirmera ces critères
qui aident au développement de l'HERMÈS en nous, notre corps solaire.
- Nécessité également de la prise de conscience de plus en plus réelle de l'instant PRÉSENT, d'abord le jour, puis jour et nuit. Souvent à ce stade la présence d'un expert est requise, la sortie du monde des identifications demande un labeur peu commun.
- Conséquence de l'Art de vivre : le contrôle de plus en plus complet et définitif de l'acte sexuel, particulièrement au niveau de la non-déperdition de la semence. Un couple marié qui contrôle les émissions est plus chaste qu'un moine ou un prêtre qui, sans se marier, vivent des déperditions (qu'elles soient noctures à cause des rêves, ou pour d'autres raisons...).
- Pratique plus initiatique de certains exercices
a) liés à la respiration,
b) basés sur certains mantras (répétition d'un son). Le zikr des soufis en est un exemples. Ces conseils précédents permettent de créer le sepa
ratio progressivement en le débarassant de l'ego d'une part, et en l'autonomisant et le densifiant d'autre part. Ce n'est que par la suite qu'une voie alchimique prend son sens. Qui voudrait tromper un maître ne tromperait que lui-même.
- Autre aspect de la quête : l'épreuve du métal. Un disciple doit savoir attendre, parfois très longtemps, un résultat, comme le Chevalier du Moyen Age. Il se bat sans
5. Le Zhir ou Dhikz est un des exercices fondamentaux des Soufis, il permet, par la répétition d'un Mantra, le rappel de Soi et une élimination progressive du parasitage du mental.
investir sur le futur, sans considérer le passé, et en cela il prouve qu'il existe d'une part, qu'il a vaincu en lui la notion mercantile et peu initiatique de l'intérêt, d'autre part. Cette patience et cette persévérance forgent en lui une direction, comme le disait Guillaume d'ORANGE, là où existe une volonté, existe un chemin ; si rien ne l'a perturbé dans sa quête, il est la preuve que celle-là lui ressemble.
On peut ajouter que seuls les quêteurs ayant fait leurs preuves dans la société en assumant leurs responsabilités peuvent suivre une voie car, comme l'a dit KREMMERZ, qui n'a pas fait de l'or à l'extérieur n'en fait pas en soi. Les conséquences de la pratique de ces rectifications dans la vie de tous les jours peuvent être importantes, il en sera de même pour ceux qui persévèrent dans la quête quoditienne de l'attention ou présence. Il leur faut souvent aboutir à des solutions douloureuses et passer par des crises qui, parfois, peuvent conduire à l'abandon de la quête. C'est ainsi que le départ de la voie passe par un constat purement intellectuel : les valeurs habituelles et sociales ne présentent aucun intérêt.
La première étape qui consiste à regarder le Je humain est souvent déterminante, nos préoccupations et intérêts quotidiens sont dérisoires, les justifications que nous donnons à nos actes sont le plus souvent le pur fruit de l'hypocrisie, quant aux motivations réelles, mieux vaut qu'elles n'apparaissent pas
La voie des sons
Au début était le Verbe. La voie du Verbe est un des éléments clefs de l'Initiation, et complète heureusement les Magistères alchimiques. Divers alchimistes ont fait allusion au Verbe Créateur, dont KALLID en 1662, et tout adepte averti doit connaître la signification et l'utilisation des voyelles. D'après BIRCH : « La Gnose ou la connaissance des noms divins dans leur sens extérieur et leur sens ésotérique était en fait le grand mystère religieux ou l'initiation chez les Égyptiens. » DÉMÉTRIUS écrivait trois siècles avant notre ère : « En Égypte, les prêtres chantent les louanges des Dieux en se servant des sept voyelles qu'ils répètent successivement, et l'agréable euphonie du son de ces lettres peut tenir lieu de flûte et de cithare. »
On sait que les Théurges invoquaient la Divinité avec des sifflements stridents ou roucoulés, et avec des sons sans consonnes, inarticulés. Nicomaque de GÉRASE, disciple de PYTHAGORE, écrit : « Les sons de chacune des sept sphères produisent un certain bruit, la première réalisant le premier son, et à ces sons l'on a donné les noms des voyelles. » Eusèbe de CÉSARÉE nous apprend
que, suivant les oracles d'Apollon, il faut se concilier les Dieux « par des invocations muettes dont le plus grand des Mages est inventeur, le roi des sept sons que tous connaissent ».
Les sept voyelles sont les suivantes phonétiquement
Utilisées correctement, ces voyelles sont des instruments de puissance, comme le précise Edmond BAILLY' « On serait porté à ne voir dans les incantations que de simples prières formulées en vue d'une union mystique entre les choses du Ciel et celles de la Terre, ce qui fait l'objet de toute pratique religieuse proprement dite. Il s'en faut qu'il en ait été toujours ainsi dans l'antique Égypte où le postulant brigue, bien plutôt qu'il n'implore, l'intervention d'En-Haut. Ici comme avec la plus grande partie des formules enseignées par les Brâhmanes, nous sommes en pleine théurgie ; et cette communauté des rites égyptiens avec ceux de l'Inde doit arrêter notre attention. L'incantation n'est donc pas une prière, mais un ordre auquel les Dieux sont contraints de se rendre, si nulle faute ne s'est glissée dans l'accomplissement du rituel ».
Valentin ÉRIGÈNE écrit dans « Mystères et Pouvoirs
1. Edmond Bailly : « Le Chant des-voyelles », Éd. Bellisane, Nice.
des Sons au Temps des Pharaons »': « Généralement, on admet que le clergé de Memphis chercha à aller plus loin que ses prédécesseurs et qu'il s'efforça d'apporter des idées nouvelles. On pense qu'il commença par observer comment se développe le processus de la connaissance (SIA) et de la réalisation (HOU). Il est d'ailleurs intéressant de noter que SIA et HOU (la connaissance et la réalisation) furent divinisées... »
Nous ne pouvons oublier bien sûr que l'OEuf de Serpent que créent les Druides avec la bave du Serpent doit se maintenir en l'air avec des sifflements. Pour bien comprendre la notion de voyelles il faut en trouver l'essence.
Comme le précise von SEBOTTENDORF3: « ARTHÉPHIUS nous enseigne, dans son Clavis Majoris Sapientae, l'art de facere descendere spiritum, et donne les formules suivantes dans lesquelles l'esprit s'épanche volontiers : I V X O par L. Nous trouvons ici le "I" et le "O", "V" et "X" sont deux formes du "A". » Malheureusement l'auteur n'a pas compris par manque de sensations ou de clefs traditionnelles, la notion de Création avec les sons. « A » est la voyelle centrale, un équivalent de la couleur verte. Si on étend ou plutôt dissocie la couleur verte, nous obtenons la bipolarisation légèrement chaude, jaune (léger Yang), légèrement froide bleu (léger Yin). Si nous continuons à étendre sur la bipolarisation, nous obtenons l'extrême Yang rouge rubis à l'extrême Yin
2. Éd. Trédaniel, la Maisnie, Paris.
3. Von Sebottendorf : «La pratique de l'ancienne Franc-Maçonnerie turque », Édition du Baucens, Belgique.
l'indigo. Il en est de même pour les voyelles : le « A » étendu sur ses extrêmes donne le « I », voyelle la plus aiguë, et l'« O » voyelle la plus grave. Le « I » produit le froid au niveau de la sensation, or, c'est un symbole mâle, le « O » produit le chaud, or c'est un symbole femelle. Chacun sait, dans la voie des mutations, que Yang produit Yin et Yin produit Yang. Le « A » reste donc hermaphrodite même si dans d'autres traditions ou symboliques il puisse avoir une connotation diverse et prendre la place du « I » comme symbole mâle, exemple dans Je suis l'Alpha et l'Omega, mais comme il s'agit de science précise nous ne pouvons nous attacher aux dérives postérieures de situations essentielles.
Saint IRÉNÉE, citant le gnostique MARCUS, nous confirme en donnant les clefs de la distribution pour ceux qui peuvent comprendre : « La voyelle A retentit dans les voix du premier ciel ; dans les voix du second, E seul résonne ; H, dans celles du troisième ; le quatrième, qui est en même temps le ciel du milieu répète la voyelle I ; la cinquième O ; le sixième R, le septième, qui est le quatrième, depuis celui du milieu SL »
Quant à la centralité de l'A et son extension, SCHWALLER de LUBICZ donne des précisions qui complètent ses premières informations' : « Ces deux syllabes assemblées, ia aou, expriment l'origine de l'Être dans sa plénitude non divisée, non spécifiée. Écoute l'enseignement de nos Sages : au commencement, iaaou vivait dans le corps unique, avant qu'il y eût dualisation,
4. « Her-Bak, Disciple » de R.A. Schwaller de Lubicz, Éd. Flammarion.
avant que fussent les choses terrestres... Quand il n'y avait pas encore de naissance... quand aucun dieu n'existait... quand le désir pour Ikou n'était pas encore formulé... Nous avons déjà effleuré le sujet du dédoublement de l'Unique, iaaou ; considère-le maintenant sous l'aspect de la formation des quatre directions contenues en possibilité dans l'Unique. La première syllabe du mot iaaou, ia, exprime la polarisation de l'Origine : Nord et Sud, haut et bas, et tout ce qui, dans la Nature, présente obligatoirement cette polarisation, par exemple iat, bâton, perchoir, colonne dorsale, la tombe (de la tête aux pieds).
La seconde syllabe, aou, exprime l'idée d'extension d'amplitude, par possibilité du volume : ainsi la sphère en rotation a son axe, le reste n'est que volume. Nul ne pourra jamais expliquer le pourquoi ni le comment de la division de ia et aou, qui produit le volume par la fixation des quatre directions. »
Pour l'utilisation, une fois les essences perçues, l'adepte doit travailler les consonnes émettrices, condensatrices ou réceprices. Est-ce un hasard si le sifflement commence par un S, le soleil égyptien (Râ) par un R, ou le mot Mer ou Mère par un M, qu'on retrouve à la fin du mot ATOUM. Il ne saurait trop être question de disserter sur le iaou dont le ton le plus exact est donné par le chat, animal d'Osiris. Il faut noter aussi que certains oiseaux et insectes donnent les clefs d'autres sons de puissance.
Si la science des sons est très utile, dans la théurgie active, elle est aussi indispensable dans l'alchimie interne, car elle doit être utilisée, tel le ZIKR des Soufis (mantra répétitif pour provoquer l'animation puis la séparation
des éléments constitutifs qui aboutissent à la formation du Corps de Gloire ou d'Immortalité)5.
Il faut arriver à l'époque moderne pour trouver des voies contre-initiatiques, fragmentaires pour ne pas dire résiduelles, qui n'enseignent pas ces clefs et aboutissent à des résultats déviés (quand il y a résultats bien entendu !). Mais ce type de considérations ne concerne que les adeptes de certains magistères très fermés qui touchent au corps humain, et ce que nous écrivons constitue plutôt une forme de mise en garde aux détenteurs de sciences traditionnelles tronquées.
Le signe mudra chez les Indous peut constituer aussi un élément important de la voie, et là aussi la sensation et la logique priment ; si l'index levé du bras droit (pour un droitier), est le signe mâle d'émission d'énergie (Yang), le pouce et l'index recourbés' ou fermés sous forme de O permettent la réception dans les deux dimensions. Cette émission et cette réception peuvent se faire sur l'extérieur et sur l'intérieur. Il en est de même pour les sons quand il s'agit d'invocation ou d'évocation, l'une se faisant en inspirant, l'autre en expirant. Notre propos n'étant pas dans ce livre de donner toutes les clefs qui doivent être le produit d'une recherche individuelle comme c'est le cas de la 4e Voie, dont GURDJIEFF dit que « avant tout elle doit être trouvée. C'est le premier test ».
5. L'utilisation du son est trifonctionnelle, outre ce que nous avons mentionné précédemment (balayage du mental), il peut agir comme Sel c'est-à -dire qu'il a un pouvoir de modification physiologique et enfin d'action extérieure.
6. Le binaire est femelle, récepteur.
La voie secrète ou le réel art chimique
A part les diverses voies, parfois fort complexes, de la série des WOUEI TAN, ou voies extérieures, qu'elles soient du cinabre, de la stibine, de la galène, de la céruse, du bismuth ou du phosphore, il existe des voies directes, simples, parfois même très rapides, ou bien des voies de longue haleine, mais exécutées par des processus très simples... Comme ces voies sont, et furent très fermées, et qu'elles ne peuvent être enseignées, car la première condition de la pratique est que l'HERMÈS en soi soit assez fort pour les découvrir... le maître ne joue plus qu'un rôle de témoin.
La simplicité extrême de cette voie est attestée par de nombreux alchimistes
« Il est une pierre de grande vertu, et est dite Pierre et n'est pas pierre, et est minérale, végétale et animale qui est trouvée en tous lieux et en tous temps, et chez toutes personnes... » (Nicolas VALOIS, « La Clef du Secret des Secrets »)
« Si HERMÈS, le Père des Philosophes, ressuscitoit aujourd'hui avec le subtil GEBER, le profond Raymond
LULLE, ils ne seroient pas regardés comme des Philosophes par nos chymistes vulgaires qui ne daigneroient presque pas les mettre au nombre de leurs disciples, parce qu'ils ignoreroient la manière de s'y prendre pour procéder a toutes ces distillations, ces circulations, ces calcinations, et toutes ces opérations innombrables que nos chymistes vulgaires ont inventées, pour avoir mal entendu les écrits allégoriques de ces Philosophes. » (Jean d'HOURY, « Cosmopolite ou nouvelle lumière chymique » Paris, 1669)
« Il ne s'agit pas en -alchimie de procédés dans le vaste monde extérieur, mais de processus microcosmiques très secrets; qui ont constitué la matière centrale des mystères depuis la plus haute antiquité. On peut donc dire à raison que la science hermétique est la plus haute science de l'humanité, très vraisemblablement issue de traditions que les anciens Égyptiens désignaient avec respect sous le nom de secret des Anciens. » (« Prologue microcosmique » de 1720)
Une manifestation actuelle des Rose + Croix d'Or affirme: « Mais les amateurs et chercheurs indignes ne peuvent, avec leur SUBJECTIS et LABORIBUS contre nature, faire naître l'enfant philosophique du soleil et de la lune. Ils cherchent cet Art naturel et divin sans la connaissance de Dieu ; ils ne savent même pas ce que la nature est avant tout, encore moins comment, avec quoi, et où elle opère.
Ils tournent en rond avec leurs états d'âme, et savent parler des maintes actions de la nature, mais le centre de la nature qui provoque toutes les actions de celle-ci, ils ne le trouvent pas. Alors qu'ils devraient, dans le feu
vivant, tirer, des métaux vivants des Sages, la semence et par conséquent faire le mercure par le mercure, ou la matière première par la matière première : ainsi, ils ne savent ni ce qu'est la vie, ce qu'est la semence des métaux, ni ce qu'est le mercure et ce qu'est la matière première, mais ils travaillent avec des agents morts ou éteints, tels que l'or, l'argent, le mercure etc., vulgaires, et ils font ceci avec du feu de bois, de charbons, des lampes ou tout autre feu mort, et ils pensent par ce moyen préparer la médecine universelle qui donne la vie et la multiplie, et la teinture ; comme si mort et vie étaient dans leur main.
Ils cherchent un art facile et un travail difficile, alors qu'il s'agit d'un art difficile et d'un travail facile ; il leur en coûte beaucoup en matériaux, que l'on peut se procurer pourtant sans bourse délier et que l'on ne trouvera dans aucun bric à brac, aucune pharmacie, etc., mais que l'on peut prendre directement dans la nature. »
Quant aux causes de l'aveuglement, elles sont bien définies dans cet extrait de la « Clavicula Hermetica Scientiae, ab Hyperboreo Quodam Horis Subsectivis Consignata Anno 1732 » : « Mais voici la première et véritable cause pour laquelle la nature a caché ce palais ouvert et royal à tant de philosophes, même à ceux nantis d'un esprit très subtil, c'est que, s'écartant, dès leur jeunesse, du chemin simple de la nature par des conclusions de logique et de métaphysique, et, trompés par les illusions des meilleurs livres mêmes, ils s'imaginent et jurent que cet art est plus profond, plus difficile à connaître qu'aucune métaphysique, quoique la nature ingénue, dans ce chemin comme , dans tous les autres, marche d'un pas droit et très simple. »
Certains textes occidentaux font allusion nettement à cette alchimie, « Le Monde Magique des Héros » de Cesare della RIVIERA', ou des citations telles que celleci, extraite de « Rosinus ad Sarratantum Episcopum »
Cette Pierre est une chose qui se trouve en toi plus fixe que nulle part ailleurs, créée par Dieu et tu en es la minière (prima materia) et extraite de toi... Et de même que l'homme est composé de quatre éléments, de même la pierre, et ainsi elle provient de l'homme et tu en es la minière, à savoir par l'opération ; elle est extraite de toi à savoir par la science. Autrement dit, elle est fixée en toi, à savoir dans le mercure des sages ; tu en es la minière, c'est-à -dire elle est enfermée en toi et tu la tiens cachée et elle est extraite de toi, puisqu'elle est réduite (à son essence) et dissoute par toi, car elle ne peut pas être parfaitement en toi, et toi tu ne peux vivre sans elle, ainsi regarde le commencement et vice-versa. »
La voie interne est aussi suggérée par certains gnostiques, et appelée par GURDJIEFF quatrième voie ou voie des substances, bien que la vie privée de ce dernier n'ait pas tellement coïncidé avec l'ascétisme nécessaire à cette voie très périlleuse, et délicate. Saint ÉPIPHANE y fait allusion dans « les Interrogations », évoquant la vision de Marie MAGDELEINEB, à propos de laquelle il est dit : « Si vous ne croyez pas quand je vous dis les choses de la terre, comment croirez-vous quand je vous
7. Éd. Arche, Milano.
8. Marie Magdeleine semble la continuation d'ASTARTE, d'ISHTAR et d'INANNA encore plus antérieure (Dame du Ciel des Sumériens).
dirai les choses du ciel ? » et ils interprètent : « quand vous verrez le Fils de l'Homme remonter où il était auparavant » ; hoc est, inquiunt, profluens semen exsorptum, ut eo unde exierat revertatur...
La sensation juste de l'univers, permet au véritable religieux (au sens étymologique, religare = relier) de faire les voies extérieures sans frais et dans des temps brefs. S'il existe la voie sacerdotale, très brève, dans la voie du cinabre, d'autres auteurs ont mis l'accent sur ces réalisations dont aucune ne demande plus de quelques heures, parfois quelques jours pour d'autres. Sans faire mention de la voie sacerdotale, ou de la voie de la foudre, TOLLIUS dans « Le chemin du ciel chimique » écrit en 1688: « Laissant donc à part tous les sentiments différents, je me suis proposé cette règle certaine avec laquelle je puisse heureusement parvenir à la fin de ma carrière
- Que la Pierre des philosophes doit être faite en trois ou quatre jours.
- Que la dépense ne doit point excéder la somme
de trois ou quatre florins.
- Et qu'enfin un seul creuset ou vaisseau de terre
J'estime qu'il faut rejeter toutes les propositions qui ne s'accorderont pas avec ces trois aphorismes. Prévenu de la sorte, Basile VALENTIN m'a été d'un grand secours, car après avoir fait représenter un creuset dans ses premières Clefs, il ordonne de continuer par cette voie, et de laisser là tous autres vaisseaux, le feu de la lampe, de fientes de cheval, de cendre, de sable et de flamme, et d'appliquer son esprit aux plus profonds mystères de l'Art. »
L'utilisation du feu du ciel ou foudre, est présente dans la voie, sans évoquer les fulguratores étrusques (prêtres maîtres de la foudre). Il y eut dernièrement certains constats sur les pouvoirs provoqués accidentellement chez certaines personnes frappées par cette force et qui en ont réchappé. Outre le fait qu'elle permet l'acquisition de la MATERIA PRIMA pour certaines voies, elle est aussi utilisée pour modifier le corps humain par des maîtres qui ont les signes et les sons nécessaires. Le remarquable roman de VILLIERS de l'ISLE ADAM, « Isis », où une comtesse italienne alchimiste et initiée à certains mystères hermétiques, invoque la foudre et se fait frapper par elle dans une pièce du palais, y fait allusion. La foudre est alchimiquement un mariage du ciel - père - Yang, et de la terre - mère - Yin. Elle produit donc un Fils qu'il faut récupérer. Il existe aussi une foudre interne au corps humain.
Nous retrouvons aussi cette voie interne de l'alchimie dans la tradition bouddhique ésotérique Shingon où elle est décrite avec précision par le Moine japonais KUKAI (774-835), qui écrit dans sa « Thèse de l'Ermite Ultra
Vide »9
« D'un coup de pied, rejetez au loin les richesses, comme on se débarrasse d'une écharde ; face aux honneurs du rang, ayez l'attitude qu'on a quand on se sépare d'un soulier de paille usé. Que les regards que vous posez sur les femelles aux hanches fines soient les mêmes que
9. In « La Vérité finale des Trois enseignements » de Kukai, traduction et commentaires de Allan Georges Grapard, Éd. Poiesis, Paris.
ceux portés sur les démons, et que celui porté sur les rangs et les salaires soit le même que sur un rat en décomposition. Soyez calmes et sans agir, tranquilles et sans désirs, diminuez le nombre de vos actes. Quand vous aurez réalisé ceci, l'étude deviendra chose aisée. D'autre part, ce que l'homme du commun prise le plus pour se divertir est ce que le taoïste déteste avec le plus de conviction. Cependant, si vous réussissez à vous en éloigner, devenir un Immortel ne sera point chose difficile.
Rire aux éclats et éprouver de grandes joies, se mettre en colère comme être excessivement triste : autant de facteurs ayant de fatales conséquences. Nombreux sont, à l'intérieur du corps, les ennemis de ce genre. Mais à moins d'en venir à bout, nul ne peut comprendre ce que l'on entend par longévité et éternelle conservation. S'éloigner de cette situation est ce que les êtres du commun considèrent être le plus difficile. Mais qu'on y réussisse, et alors devenir un Immortel est la chose au monde la plus aisée. Il faut que je vous indique l'essentiel de ces techniques, et il ne vous restera plus qu'à prendre ces remèdes. Le chardon blanc et le grain jaune, la sève de pin, les graines du murier balayent les maladies internes ; la flèche d'armoise, la lance de jonc, les amulettes, les exorcismes et les interdictions protègent contre les autres maux. Comptant rythmiquement les respirations, mettezles en harmonie avec les saisons. Ouvrant le nez, buvez à la source pure. Creusant le sol, dégagez-en et avalez la pierre précieuse. Les herbes grasses et maigres satisfont la faim au matin, tandis que les pommes de pin et leur sève chassent la fatigue au soir. Cachant votre ombre en plein jour, vous pourrez écrire sans lumière au milieu de
la nuit. Pénétrant profondément la terre du regard, vous pourrez marcher sur la surface de l'eau. Faisant des démons et des esprits vos acolytes, les dragons et les étalons de Mou-wang seront votre monture. Avalant les épées et ingurgitant le feu, vous provoquerez vents et nuages. Si vous parvenez à maîtriser ces techniques, quel souhait ne serait exaucé ?
En outre, l'argent et l'or jaune sont les substances par excellence de l'univers, tandis que le cinabre et sa purification par le feu produisent des remèdes merveilleux. Il y a une manière de les prendre, et une certaine technique pour les fabriquer. Si vous réalisez l'unité parfaite, vous réunirez vos proches et monterez au Ciel. Grâce à un peu de cinabre, vous vous rendez en plein jour dans la Voie Lactée. »
Ibis - cinquième proposition
Tu sépareras la Terre du Feu, le subtil de l'épais, doucement, avec grand art. Il remonte de la Terre au Ciel et, subitement, redescend dans la terre et recueille la force des choses supérieures et inférieures.
Il est notoirement connu qu'un secret alchimique existe, et qu'il est jalousement gardé. Aussi, même ceux qui n'en savent rien mais ont lu SCHURE, PAPUS et jusqu'à BESANT et quelques revues ésotériques, affichent un air de suffisance et feignent de passer pour savants.
Ce sont, en vérité les meilleurs gardiens du Secret, et il faut reconnaître que s'ils n'en parlent pas plus ouvertement, c'est qu'ils n'en savent rien.
Ceux-là , dans le fond, ne font de mal à personne parce qu'ils ne connaissent ni voie ni pratique, et ne se targuent pas de pouvoirs, ils essaient seulement de se donner un peu d'importance.
Mais ceux qui ont atteint ou croient avoir arraché quelques secrets, ou qui possèdent vraiment des secrets ne doivent pas les laisser tomber au hasard sous les yeux des ignorants. Car ceux-ci ont aussi pratiqué, attirés par
les mirages profanes, et ils n'ont rien obtenu. Mais ils se gonflent de Science, ils s'entourent de mystère. ils s'infiltrent chez les crédules, parlant à mots couverts et, aussitôt qu'ils le peuvent, écrivent quelque petit livre irraisonné, fruit particulier de plagiat effronté et déformé, philosophie de boudoir, sophistique pédante de ce qu'ils n'ont manifestement pas digéré.
Ils prennent très au sérieux ce qu'ils racontent dans une langue malmenée, entre des notes de seconde ou troisième main, enrichies de citations autorisées, ne pouvant personnellement rien conclure.
Ce sont de pauvres diables qui s'imaginent par leurs indiscrétions violer le secret de la révélation, s'arrogeant le droit d'en assumer la responsabilité (comme s'ils pouvaient être responsables !) avec des avis de maîtres émancipes.
Mais comment expliquer l'authenticité absolue de ce secret, en dépit des indiscrétions ? Comment expliquer l'existence d'un Ordre qui en assure la pérennité, en dépit des indiscrétions ?
C'est simple : les notes et les textes (quand ils échoient à quelqu'un de sérieux) sont, pour celui qui s'en montre digne, une preuve et une indication pour parvenir à la connaissance du secret : mais ils ne sont pas en eux,-mêmes le Secret'.
1. A la connaissance de ce Secret préside, invisible des profanes et de tous ceux qui n'en sont pas dignes, un collège d'intelligences
justement distribuées. Les indignes ne pourront jamais l'atteindre. Les égoïstes perdront la route. Ceux qui parleront pendant la
pratique de l'Arcane trouveront la mort (G. Kremmerz «Introduction à la Science Hermétique »).
C'est pourquoi le TRISMÉGISTE reste laconique quand il l'expose dans sa Table ; il prend la peine de ne pas toucher au Principe ; il dit seulement : « Tu sépareras, etc. »
Mais de quelle façon?
Et bien le moyen, n'a jamais été transmis, ni oralement, ni par écrit, et c'est là la garantie certaine du Secret. Voilà pourquoi tous ceux qui sont parvenus à l'atteindre se sont tus et savent pourquoi.
Ce moyen, quand il n'est pas transmis par des symboles pratiquement incompréhensibles, s'apprend par vision directe, en entrant, en compagnie d'un MAÎTRE INITIATEUR dans le laboratoire alchimique d'une LOGE D'AMON, et en assistant à une transmutation réelle dans le silence le plus rigoureux du Maître et du Novice.
Mais même ici, pour une raison qui va de soi, la transmutation qui consiste en quatre opérations et quatre résultats spécifiques, n'est pas montrée dans son entier2.
Elle s'occulte à partir de la troisième opération, et tout ce qu'on peut dire, pour l'édification du cercle interne pour lequel sont rédigées ces notes, est révélé ici, sans voile, pour la première fois.
2. Les alchimistes se gardent bien d'exposer le secret dans sa nudité, ils ont toujours dit que seul, est autorisé à accéder à la Porte Majeure celui qui en aura reçu la permission divine. Ils préparent le Disciple à intégrer des concepts sans la compréhension fondamentale desquels il lui serait impossible de pouvoir interpréter les visions ou manifestations divines reçues (Kremmerz).
Le laboratoire alchimique est une petite pièce simple de forme carrée, aux murs rigoureusement peints en noir, avec deux ouvertures surbaissées opposées : une pour l'entrée, l'autre pour la sortie. Au centre se trouve un cube sur 1 quel est posé à la verticale un serpent en verre soufflé d Murano recourbé en cercle sur lui-même (le serpent qui se mord la queue) avec la gueule ouverte, à peu de distance de l'extrémité caudale. Ce serpent entièrement creux, possède un renflement ovoïde dans la gorge : à sa base, près de l'étranglement inférieur est inséré un filtre au niveau duquel s'ouvre un purgeur. La queue, creuse comme le reste, se termine par une ouverture et l'ensemble est maintenu à température constante par un bain-marie.
Le Maître dépose dans la gueule de l'animal une substance gélatineuse qu'il prélève d'un récipient latéral prévu à cet effet et muni d'un robinet ; celle-ci va cuire dans le renflement ci-dessus mentionné, se dissoudre peu à peu et traverser le filtre, s'écoulant dans la partie inférieure (Tu sépareras la Terre du Feu).
Quand il ne passe plus rien au travers du filtre, au moyen de la valve latérale, on ôte les dépôts insolubles et, grâce à un ingénieux dispositif manoeuvré de l'extérieur, on fait passer, à travers la queue du Serpent le liquide obtenu (passe de la Terre au Ciel) jusqu'à ce que tout ait transité de la partie incurvée dans la gueule ouverte où elle recommence à tomber (subitement elle redescend dans la Terre).
A ce stade on remplace le filtre par un autre, plus ténu, et on répète l'opération et ainsi de suite à l'aide d'un filtre toujours plus fin jusqu'à ce qu'il ne vienne plus, de l'extrémité caudale, qu'une précieuse vapeur, sans aucun
liquide : il s'agit d'un état de la matière à mi-chemin entre liquide et gaz.
Alors se termine la PREMIÈRE OPÉRATION TRANSMUTATOIRE qu'on peut dire réussie lorsque la vapeur recueillie se congèle en une masse homogène opalescente qui, obtenue par le biais du passage d'un état de la matière à l'autre, recueille la force des choses supérieures et inférieures, c'est-à -dire la consistance de l'éther et celle de la matière.
L'insuccès de cette première opération serait certain pour celui qui s'entêterait à poursuivre sans avoir procédé aux rectifications, lesquelles peuvent concerner les temps d'ouverture et de fermeture, la température, les obstructions, les interruptions, le bain-marie et beaucoup d'autres qu'il est superflu d'énumérer.
En cas de succès, par contre, et, parce que le processus est linéaire, on passe à la seconde opération qui est identique à la première mais change par l'adjonction d'un composé accessoire qui va se mélanger au premier élément transmutatoire selon « les modalités déterminées qui sont les conditions indispensables et nécessaires à 1'oxydabilité sans laquelle la pratique reste nulle et peut devenir tout à fait improductrice ».
Cet extrait est tiré de l'ortosvodum (inutile que les latinistes cherchent un sens à cet archaïsme) rigoureusement gardé dans un enclos impénétrable fermé au désir de n'importe quel animal mâle.
Ce réactif, par des centrifugations, coctions et filtrages réitérés, dynamise le mélange au point qu'il faut surveiller avec le maximum d'attention son expansion dans l'alam-
bic, au risque de voir exploser l'appareil et se perdre irrémédiablement la substance.
Mais si tout est fait selon les précautions requises, en mettant la main à l'extrémité de la queue, on sera d'abord averti par une bouffée d'air froid, sec, et recueillera une poudre subtile (poudre de projection) qui a la propriété de séparer la force de la matière, mais pas de façon explosive (rien à voir avec la bombe atomique!) aussi
bien induit-elle le mouvement dans les corps (IBIS
Cependant elle est légèrement stupéfiante et aphrodisiaque, aussi est-elle dangereuse pour l'imprudent qui en ferait mauvais usage, laissant en cet état d'enchantement tout le loisir au serpent toujours vigilant de dévorer le petit oisillon.
Mais l'alchimiste austère ne se laisse pas séduire par l'attrait érotique et procède impertubable à la troisième opération.
Il effectue un second mélange, tirant d'un récipient approprié deux fioles pleines de deux essences différentes provenant de plantes de la République Argentine, l'une de couleur rouge écarlate et l'autre de couleur blanc laiteux.
Ces deux essences ont des propriétés réciproquement corrosives, si bien que, mises ensemble elles se détruiraient réciproquement et ne laisseraient d'elles-mêmes qu'une odeur caractéristique, hautement significative pour le pratiquant de haut niveau.
Mais faites tomber goutte à goutte, séparément sur quelques milligrammes de poudre obtenue, elles perdent leur caractère corrosif, s'accordent, c'est-à -dire, dans la
nature essentielle de l'excipient, en se mêlant, toujours par effet de coction et filtrage, en un amalgame phosporescent aux reflets de l'Arc en Ciel.
Et ici se termine la troisième opération ostensible, après laquelle Maître et novice sortent du laboratoire alchimique, muets comme lorsqu'ils y sont entrés.
Ils se séparent immédiatement avec la promesse tacite du novice de se revoir quand son IBIS aura mis ses ailes, et lui permettra de retourner avec son propre vol SEUL MOYEN DE SE REPRÉSENTER POUR LA RECONNAISSANCE RITUELLE, avec le droit d'assister à la fin de l'OEuvre pour être consacré Maître Amonéen dans le Synedrion Éternel de l'Or .. O .. Eg .. (Ordre Osirien Égyptien).
L'aide des Dieux ou des Anges de Lumière dans la quête
Dans certains textes taoïstes, et dans les traditions hermétiques et alchimiques liées aux écoles de mystère, il est un point qui revient souvent. Nous voulons parler du rôle des Dieux.
Dans la voie taoïste par exemple, il s'agit de faire la Pierre au rouge, afin de créer des ustensiles de cuisine et des élixirs, lesquels vont accentuer le processus de separatio. Puis l'adepte passe à la constitution du corps immortel. Enfin il est question là aussi d'une mystérieuse troisième étape, le sacrifice aux dieux. Ici le face à face avec d'autres êtres plus réels que l'humain est évoqué et concerne surtout l'adepte du troisième magistère, même si on peut considérer que tout alchimiste doit rechercher l'aide de ces puissances pour mieux comprendre le sentier. Nous soulignons le très haut degré de purification nécessaire et de courage dans cette quête qui n'a rien à voir avec les expériences des spirites, lesquels n'attirent que leurs projections.
Voir les dieux, c'est aussi commencer à leur ressembler et comme l'a dit un écrivain : « Il nous arrive non pas ce
qu'on mérite mais ce qui nous ressemble »... L'immortalité n'a en effet un sens glorieux que dans la béatitude et l'illumination.
PROCLUS disait : « Dans les initiations et les mystères, les dieux revêtent souvent plusieurs formes et se montrent sous plusieurs apparences. Il émane d'eux une lumière parfois informe et parfois d'aspect humain, et parfois se transformant en une autre forme. » PLUTARQUE, quant à lui, parle de l'initiation en ces termes : « Je m'approchai de la présence des dieux inférieurs et supérieurs et je les adorai de près. » REGHINI dans son livre « Les Mots Sacrés et de Passe » 10, ajoute quant à ces témoignages : « Il est vraiment difficile de mettre en doute le sérieux, la véracité et l'équilibre d'hommes comme PLUTARQUE, PLATON, APULÉE, ARISTOTE, CICÉRON. » Il ajoute à propos de ce dernier « CICÉRON était romainement équilibré pour savoir ce qu'il disait, et il n'est guère facile de voir en lui un pauvre rêveur, croyant connaître vraiment le principe des choses seulement pour avoir assisté au déroulement des représentations sacrées. » Outre les philosophes, les empereurs étaient presque tous initiés. Il est vrai que la notion royale à cette époque était réelle, le roi étant sur le pont, qui reliait le ciel à la terre, il avait une fonction cosmique, il représentait l'Axe, le Centre, le SOI, SCHIVA immobile pendant que SCHAKTI (la manifestation) danse. C'est d'ailleurs ce sentiment de normalité du royalisme qui inspire encore quelques partisans politiques qui ne voient pas (ou refusent de voir) que seul le roi dormant (fait
10. Éd. Arche, Milan
néant) invisible peut être servi à l'heure actuelle, et non de véritables caricatures. Il est vrai que, comme l'a écrit SCHWALLER de LUBICZ, « ce qu'est le roi régnant en tant qu'homme est presque secondaire ». Le roi est identifié à ATOUM, c'est-à -dire qu'il sait créer l'immortalité en lui, à partir de lui-même.
Monter au ciel en plein jour, c'est accéder aussi à un autre monde, où l'assistance d'autres êtres est utile. L'ange de lumière est en nous, parcelle solaire, c'est elle qui doit être exaltée pour provoquer la réponse. Elle est établie dans le coeur, centre principal de relation avec le soleil, car comment comprendre l'Univers et les dieux si on est pas amoureux de la vêture de DIEU sous tous ses aspects, et non pas à travers le dualisme pathologique qui nous empêche de voir la danse cosmique et d'entendre le grand éclat de rire, de voir l'explosion de joie et de lumière de CELUI qui s'est manifesté pour se voir sous tous ses aspects.
Ésotérisme, tradition et franc-maçonnerie
Le courant traditionnel a toujours été aristocratique, non pas au sens abusif de caste nobiliaire figée, mais étymologiquement comme gouvernement des meilleurs. C'est pourquoi il faut partir de la définition platonicienne des cinq régimes politiques afin que personne ne soit abusé. Dans « La république », PLATON montre que le régime idéal est l'aristocratie (du grec Aristos qui signifie meilleur régime) des philosophes, assemblée collégiale de sages à la tête d'une cité. Il définit ensuite les dégradations du régime aristocratique. D'abord peut lui succéder la timarchie, pouvoir des guerriers qui renversent l'aristocratie, ces régimes militaires conduisent quand il n'y a plus guerre à une oligarchie, pouvoir d'un petit nombre de riches, qui se faisant à leur tour renverser, amènent la démocratie, où chacun juge de tout à égalité et qui produit par excès une tyrannie, pouvoir d'un homme qui se fait plébisciter pour mettre de l'ordre. Le courant aristocratique fut développé par les pythagoriciens, renversés d'ailleurs par une révolte populaire. Ainsi il faut rétablir certaines vérités, et on ne peut considérer les castes de gros marchands à la tête des états actuels comme des régimes
aristocratiques. De même il faut reconnaître contre MARX, et en faveur de NIETZSCHE, que les sociétés actuelles ont été produites par excès d'égalitarisme, lequel a permis les concentrations quantitatives marchandes qui font des hommes politiques des commis au service des épiciers, par marchands il ne s'agit pas du petit artisan ou commerçant, qui est ce qu'il y a de plus indispensable dans la communauté, mais des patrons de multinationales et de la haute finance, et d'un état d'esprit.
Certes on a pu constater dans l'histoire que les concentrations de pouvoir, avec une hiérarchie stricte, pouvaient conduire à des abus, mais il n'est pas difficile de démontrer que ces régimes n'étaient pas aristocratiques, bien au contraire ! Un aristocrate ne peut être raciste, il accepte et respecte les spécificités, il réduit les lois au minimum afin que l'état ne pèse sur les hommes, comme disait LAO TSEU : « C'est quand on dresse le plus de barrières pour protéger le peuple que le peuple est le plus misérable... C'est quand il se promulgue le plus de lois et d'ordonnances qu'il y a le plus de voleurs et de brigands. »
Dans un monde de valeurs marchandes où l'argent est roi, seule une nouvelle méritocratie peut redonner un sens à l'existence des peuples. Le retour à la quête par le désir de perfection en chaque chose, au qualitatif contre le quantitatif, aux devoirs contre les droits, à la solidarité communautariste contre l'égalitarisme communiste, à l'être contre l'avoir à tout prix, permettrait de sauver une terre polluée et ses enfants qui se meurent tranquillement dans la tiédeur de la décomposition.
Le caractère conservateur et surtout aristocratique de
la voie ésotérique est affirmé par tous les adeptes. SYNESIUS écrit dans ses lettres : « Le peuple se moquera toujours des vérités simples : il a besoin d'impostures... Un esprit ami de la sagesse et qui contemple la vérité sans voiles, est contraint de la déguiser pour la faire accepter aux masses... La vérité devient funeste aux yeux trop faibles pour soutenir son éclat. Si les lois cannoniques autorisent la réserve des appréciations et l'allégorie des paroles, j'accepterai la dignité épiscopale qu'on m'offre ; mais à condition qu'il me soit loisible de philosopher chez moi, et de raconter au dehors de réticentes paraboles. Que peuvent avoir de commun vraiment la vile multitude et la sublime sagesse ? La vérité doit être cachée ; il ne faut donner aux foules qu'un enseignement proportionnel à leur intelligence bornée... »
De même dans « La Rose + Croix dévoilée» de Christopher MC INTOSH : « A part la recherche de la connaissance alchimique, une autre caractéristique attirait les gens vers le nouvel ordre rosicrucien. Ce furent ses positions politiques. Le mouvement rosicrucien à la fin du Xviiie siècle devint le point de ralliement des conservateurs opposés aux tendances sociales, radicales, rationalistes et antireligieuses... » Concernant deux membres au pouvoir des Rose + Croix d'Or: « EPSTEIN a fait la remarque suivante à propos de WÔLLNER et de BISCHOFFSWERDER : "On peut les décrire comme les premiers politiciens conscients d'être conservateurs de l'histoire allemande, des politiciens au sens honorable du terme, des hommes cherchant le pouvoir uniquement pour la réalisation de leurs principes". Le pouvoir de ces deux hommes prit fin à la mort de FREDERIC-GUIL-
LAUME en 1797 lorsque son fils FREDERIC-GUILLAUME III monta sur le trône. »
Enfin, dans son livre « Les Rites Maçonniques de Misraïm et Memphis », Gaston VENTURA met les choses au point en ce qui concerne la Franc-Maçonnerie" : «Des hommes d'origine sociales variées - hommes libres et de bonnes moeurs, de la manière dont on entendait alors le terme libre - qui dans leurs réunions de loge ne s'étaient jamais préoccupées du problème posé par la devise Liberté, Égalité, Fraternité. Et comment les Maçons du Régime de Naples auraientils pu même s'intéresser à ce problème, eux qui reconnaissaient l'autorité souveraine de leur Grand Maître et n'entendaient absolument pas la remplacer par la prétendue souveraineté populaire à laquelle la Maçonnerie devait ensuite se rallier avec l'abérration démagogique de l'élection du Vénérable Maître par la base, c'est-à -dire par les apprentis Francs-Maçons qui ne savent ni lire, ni écrire, mais seulement épeler ? »
Les adeptes des ARCANA ARCANORUM - c'està -dire de ces grades que RAGON, pourtant ennemi acharné des hauts grades et contempteur de Misraïm, affirmait catégoriquement être ceux qui « forment tout le système philosophique du vrai Rite de Misraïm ; lequel satisfait l'esprit de tout Maçon instruit » - savaient très bien, ayant étudié le sujet d'une autre manière, que là où est la liberté il ne peut y avoir égalité et que les termes de la formule révolutionnaire et mystificatrice importée de France étaient les antithèses les uns des autres.
11. Éd Maisonneuve et Larose, Paris.
Marius LEPAGE conclut : « La Franc-Maçonnerie, société initiatique traditionnelle, a été dénaturée par l'infiltration en son sein d'éléments qui ne possèdent aucune des qualifications spirituelles requises pour devenir d'authentiques initiés. » Ce travail d'infiltration s'est encore plus accentué de nos jours car la subversion a des appuis logistiques. Dans son remarquable livre « La Franc-Maçonnerie oubliée », Robert AMBELAIN écrit":
« Il est tout aussi certain qu'en actuelle Europe occidentale la Franc-Maçonnerie n'a jamais subi de persécutions de la part des huit monarchies qui susbistent. Pour deux d'entre elles, c'est même le souverain qui en est le Grand Maître, et en Espagne, c'est encore le souverain qui a rouvert les loges maçonniques après la fin de la dictature du général FRANCO. A plus forte raison, dans les sept républiques actuelles, il en est de même.
Mais où cela change, c'est de l'autre côté du rideau de fer. En Europe orientale, Russie soviétique, Hongrie, Bulgarie, Roumanie, Tchécoslovaquie, Yougoslavie, Albanie, Allemagne démocratique, il n'est aucune possibilité d'existence pour des loges maçonniques. Et en 1927, en Russie soviétique, lorsque la dernière loge fut découverte par la Guépéou (police politique d'État ayant succédé à la Tchéka le 6 février 1922, et alors dirigée par MEJINSKI jusqu'en 1934), le président fut fusillé et les membres prirent le chemin de la Sibérie septentrionale. On n'en entendit jamais plus parler.
C'est pourquoi, lorsque nous entendons des membres
12. Éd. Robert Laffont, Paris.
du Parti communiste prétendre que des loges existent, parce que tolérées, nous n'en croyons pas un mot.
Que des Maçons appartenant aux obédiences maçonniques situées à la gauche politique française soutiennent ce point de vue, cela fait partie de leur rôle s'ils sont membres actifs du Parti communiste. Ils font leur travail d'infiltration, et il en est qui se placent à de très hauts niveaux au sein de ces obédiences. Le Parti socialiste est d'ailleurs tout aussi infiltré, et à de très hauts niveaux également. »
Nous sommes passés d'une citation d'alchimiste à la philosophie conservatrice Rose + Croix, pour analyser la situation maçonnique où la subversion bat son plein, relayée par les églises chrétiennes plus préoccupée de social que de spiritualité, cela pour aboutir à la question suivante liée aux faux problèmes des antagonismes.
Certains disent que la composante trotskyste est différente, mais n'est-ce pas Léon TROTSKY qui a écrit « Il faut détruire la Franc-Maçonnerie au fer rouge. » ?
Il est vrai que certaines obédiences ne sont pas concernées et poursuivent une ligne traditionnelle ou ésotérique, cas en France de la Grande Loge Nationale Française13, de la Grande Loge Traditionnelle et Symbolique « Opéra », de la Grande Loge Indépendante et Souveraine des Rites Unis, de l'Ordre de MemphisMisraïm et quelques loges rebelles ou sauvages. Les autres obédiences sont plus préoccupées de la chasse au fas
13. L'ostracisme de cette Obédience est cependant déplorable quand il concerne des Loges ou des Obédiences traditionnelles bien plus intéressantes que certaines de ses loges d'affaires...
cisme (bien que le frère PINOCHET et la plupart de ses généraux soient maçons, alors que la loge Salvatore ALLENDE a été dissoute), que des dictatures marxistes où les frères ont été parfois sauvagement éliminés, mais cela était normal, c'était pour la cause du peuple Alors que les obédiences réellement traditionnelles sont écartées (Grande Loge d'Italie, Grand Sanctuaire Adriatique...). Encore une preuve que la véritable Maçonnerie n'a que faire des deux bords, et qu'elle doit se libérer14, tout comme le continent européen.
Les frères devraient méditer la réponse de l'anarchiste BAKOUNINE à Karl MARX : « J'ai bien peur que derrière votre désir de justice ne se cache un désir de puissance innassouvie », ou celle de SOCRATE qui dit aux cyniques : « Je vois votre orgueil à travers les trous de vos vêtements. »
14. Il est évident que la Maçonnerie doit rejeter nombre de dogmes et superstitions si elle veut renouer avec sa véritable nature
qui est de transmettre la Tradition. Ainsi Jean Mallinger rapporte dans son livre « Des Initiations antiques aux Initiations modernes »
(Éd. Planquart) : ce qu'écrivait le 4 septembre 1934 le Frère Oswald Wirth au Frère Marius Lepage : « Je n'excommunie personne pour
cause de Bible ! J'estime que nous devons enseigner la FrancMaçonnerie pure, non christianisée ou teintée d'un particularisme
quelconque. Évitons la superstition du Livre qui est la plus sotte de toutes. »
Gnosticisme et initiation
Le point de vue païen a été développé par « OTTAVIANO » dans la revue COMMENTARIUM en 1911. Il s'agit du Prince Don Leone CAETANI, (18691935), éminent orientaliste, destructeur non pas de la tradition comme l'a écrit le Jésuite Henri LAMMENS, mais des mythes, il fut lié à divers mouvements ésotériques et sans doute aussi influencé par Lord LINDSAY (membre de la S.R.I.A.).
Le fait qu'il écrivit : « Je sens que le monde a besoin d'une nouvelle forme religieuse, dépouillée de tous les caractères barbares du Jehova hébraïque », ou qu'il voyait dans l'Islam « une société sans aristocratie et sans clergé... au caractère pratique universel et égalitaire... précurseur des démocraties modernes », semble lui avoir créé de nombreux adversaires.
Ce texte qui pourra sembler excessif à certains, n'est publié qu'à titre documentaire afin de préciser les divers aspects de la Tradition. Celle-ci ne peut, en effet, être soumise à des points de vue réducteurs.
« Très Chers amis du COMMENTARIUM,
L'Ultra de Rome, me prenant pour une personne qui a de l'érudition critique à revendre, plaisante et m'invite à lire les oeuvres de MEAD. J'accepte le conseil et je vais lire ces oeuvres que je ne connais pas encore. Mais comment donner un jugement, alors que je vais seulement lire MEAD, l'Ultra et les autres journaux Théosophiques et vais apprendre tant de choses que je n'ai jamais sues ?
Dans une note additive à une brève étude sur le dieu Pan, publiée dans le premier fascicule de cette revue, j'ai simplement dit que MEAD ne savait pas ce qu'est la Gnose. En effet, même si je ne sais pas tout ce que l'auteur a écrit sur la question et quand bien même si je l'apprenais par ses écrits, je sais cependant ce qu'est la Gnose ; or, dans tout le livre, l'auteur ne m'a pas prouvé, même par un seul mot, qu'il le sait. J'ai seulement fait part sur ce point de ma déduction claire et logique, et l'Ultra, en publiant dans ce même fascicule qui se moque de mes vélléités critiques, un écrit de MEAD sur le thème de l'Initiation, confirme ma conviction et me rassure en me prouvant que l'auteur anglais ne connaît même pas la véritable signification du mot initiation qui vient de inire qui signifie aller en. Mais alors, in doit être suivi de quelque lieu ou d'une indication de lieu ou locum. Quel est-ce lieu, quel fut-il ? L'auteur laisse trotter ses idées qui sont les idées à la mode : je crois, dit-il, que lorsque nous évoluons, le maître paraît en nous. Ce n'est pas là être initié ou devenir adepte, mais devenir un saint, phénomène relatif au concept évolutionniste et religieux de l'âme mystique, toujours avec le bénéfice de l'invention qui veut que l'évolution relative de l'âme humaine soit une
réalité éternelle et non une étape temporaire d'une vie. Par conséquent, MEAD ne connaît ni la Gnose ni l'Initation qui sont sueurs germaines.
L'initiation, le Gnose, le secret alchimique sont les mêmes serpents que le Christianisme a toujours combattus parce que, sur le sacerdoce initiatique, prit le dessus la racaille philosophique que Julien l'APOSTAT voyait triompher comme une mainmise des ignorants sur le savoir. Postérieurement, dans la liturgie Catholique, entrèrent, pour en constituer une partie, des éléments d'origine initiatique (la communion, la messe, l'huile sainte), la réforme se dut par des tentatives variées, de conquérir les églises en s'appuyant sur les initiés isolés, et aucun des grands mystiques qui fondèrent le Christianisme ne fut initié au sens réel du terme latin.
JÉSUS-CHRIST, même si vous voulez lui retirer son masque divin, et le considérer comme provenant d'une légende chrétienne, n'est pas un initié. Les apôtres partisans furent pour cela contre les Gnostiques et inventèrent les calomnies les plus impudentes contre eux ; mais la confusion qu'ont faite les écrivains contemporains en employant les mots de Chrétiens Gnostiques, d'Églises Gnostiques et d'autres équivalents, augmente l'obscurité qui voile le véritable nature du Gnosticisme : cette véritable nature qui était initiatique et qui procédait du concept de la réalisation magique, comme on a coutume de dire aujourd'hui. Les Gnostiques ne furent jamais chrétiens de même que les républicains ne pourront jamais se déclarer monarchistes.
Quant au profil du Christianisme, il est plébéien, vulgaire, à tel point que la Synagogue qui avait des
prétentions à la Connaissance, le renia, mais la canaille mystique prit le dessus, et toute l'histoire du Christianisme pontifical jusqu'à PIE X, apporte la preuve qu'il est dans l'ignorance de son origine. Il se dira, à travers les critiques religieux qui trouvent parfait le monde civilisé tel qu'il est aujourd'hui, que tout le bien nous vient de l'idée et de l'oeuvre du Christianisme, et c'est une erreur grossière puisque la société occidentale jusqu'à deux siècles avant Ponce PILATE, en morale, christianisait ; et CHRIST n'était pas encore né dans cette grotte avec les signes astronomiques du Taureau et de l'Ane.
L'idée morale qui est grandiose, contenue et mise à jour par les philosophes grecs et néo-alexandrins dans le christianisme constitué sous forme d'Église, a toujours trouvé un obstacle puissant, si bien que la civilisation contemporaine est la petit fille du Christianisme qui ne l'a jamais voulue et qui la réduirait en cendres s'il le pouvait.
Je devrais dire ce que je sais sur la Gnose et sur l'Initation comprise ou entendue de façon latine, et ce tout petit peu d'éclaircissement, je regrette de ne pouvoir le distribuer aux pauvres qui l'ignorent, parce que je ne suis que païen et admirateur du paganisme, et que je divise le monde en vulgaires et en savants ; les savants se servent de ce peu pour se défendre du vulgaire que mes ancêtres symbolisaient par le chien et représentaient avec une chaîne dans l'entrée de la maison familiale avec l'inscription : prends garde au chien parce qu'il aboie, mord et déchire.
Du fait que je suis l'unique d'entre vous à ne pas faire
partie de la fraternité (cercle extérieur de l'ordre), je peux me permettre une liberté de langage et de jugement, conserver mes idées et les exposer : alors je dis que l'erreur des contemporains qui alchimisent l'occulte philosophie en christianisant et en démocratisant la Science, est de vouloir mettre en commun - et c'est là le communisme chrétien primitif - tout ce qu'ils savent des autres sous la stupide Égide de la croyance que la sagesse est le patrimoine de tous. Au contraire, je pense que cette sagesse à laquelle je m'intéresse est le patrimoine d'un petit nombre pour le gouvernement des inférieurs : et c'est pourquoi le mage roi n'est pas le mage qui devient le serviteur gratuit des curieux et des oisifs.
Sur un tel argument, je suis parfaitement en désaccord avec le docteur KREMMERZ auquel m'unissent l'affection et la communauté d'études ; et KREMMERZ en a constaté l'erreur avec les peines, les douleurs et les ennuis procurés en 1897 quand il commença d'écrire sur ces sujets surannés et de traiter les inférieurs comme autant de frères selon l'usage de saint François d'ASSISE. L'initiation est symbolisée par le Sphynx égyptien, tête de femme et griffes de lion pour conserver : tous veulent savoir sans rien risquer, ni leur peau ni le bien être social une telle attitude est hors des règles de la nature ; que me diraient un homme riche et un employé de l'État avec trente années de service si au premier je demandais tout son argent ainsi que sa concubine, et au second ses années de service et sa pension ? Je les entends répondre que je n'ai pas le droit de prendre le patrimoine d'autrui ; donc il existe un droit de ne pas donner, pourquoi devrais-je, mois, gaspiller ce petit peu que j'ai? En la matière, je
prends parti pour l'absolutisme le plus complet, et pour cela, je m'abstiendrai d'en écrire plus dans cette revue... et aussi pour aller lire et apprendre quelque chose dans les oeuvres de William MEAD. »
Ésotérisme, paganisme et religions
Quand on étudie les textes, il est difficile de parler d'une alchimie taoïste, islamique ou chrétienne car l'alchimie est d'origine païenne ; comme les Rose + Croix du Moyen Age, elle prend l'habit de l'endroit où elle se trouve. Le plus souvent, les adeptes ont dû chevaucher le tigre, c'est-à -dire se glisser dans les forces religieuses oppressives et ahurissantes pour jouer le jeu et sauver ainsi leur précieux enseignement.
HALDANE qui comptait le fanatisme parmi les « quatre seules inventions véritablement importantes faites entre 3000 avant notre ère et l'an 1400 » en attribuait la paternité au judéo-christianisme. BOUCHELECLERCQ se demande « si les bienfaits du christianisme (si grands qu'ils soient) n'ont pas été que trop compensés par l'intolérance religieuse qu'il a emprunté au judaïsme pour la répandre par le monde ». Il est évident que les trois religions issues d'une même source sont à la pointe du totalitarisme et particulièrement avec leurs métastases laïques (marxisme...). Il s'en est suivi une nécessité vitale pour les adeptes de chevaucher le tigre Ã
sa tête, cas de nombreux papes. L'Islam ne fait pas exception, et ce dès le début'.
En accord avec le premier Imâm, l'un des plus célèbres compagnons du Prophète, Abdollah Ibn'ABBÂS, s'écriait un jour au milieu d'un grand nombre d'hommes groupés sur le Mont Ararat et en faisant allusion au verset coranique 65/ 12 (relatif à la création des Sept Cieux et des Sept Terres) : « O hommes ! Si je commentais devant vous ce verset, tel que je l'ai entendu commenter par le Prophète lui-même, vous me lapideriez. » Ce propos typifie parfaitement la situation de l'Islam ésotérique à l'égard de l'Islam légalitaire et littérariste.
Hervé MASSON, dans « La gnose une et multiple», écrite : « En dépit de son constant souci de s'aligner sur le Christianisme à qui elle emprunte son vocabulaire et son apparence extérieure, la Gnose reste païenne. Sa vraie filiation est pythagoricienne et orphique. C'est au sein de la Gnose historique qu'on découvre les descriptions les
1. Louis Massignon écrit dans son « Inventaire de la littérature hermétique arabe » (in « La révélation d'Hermès Trismégiste », Éd. les Belles Lettres, Paris) que le Maître musulman Ibn Sab in (le correspondant de Frédéric II) s'est explicitement réclamé d'Hermès en «construisant une curieuse chaîne d'initiation (isnâd), publiée par son disciple Shushtari : elle descend des trois Hermès jusqu'à lui en passant par Socrate, Platon, Aristote, Alexandre (= Dhû' lgarnayn), Hallâj, Shiblî, Niffarî (l'auteur des "mawâgif ", Habashî, Qadîb alBân, Shûdî (= Hallâwî, le cadi de Séville). Cet isnâd d'hermétistes a d'ailleurs scandalisé les contemporains : car il initie à une inspiration directe sans passer par le Prophète de l'Islam ; inspiration non seulement révélatrice, mais sanctifiante, au-dedans ».
2. Éditions du Rocher.
plus complètes et les plus extravagantes de la Chute originelle. »
Il rejoint en cela le V .. M .. «Pierre DANGLE » qui précise' : « La tradition judéo-chrétienne, qui a très largement corrompu les rituels maçonniques, est empreinte d'une notion foncièrement anti-initiatique celle de faute et de péché. On ne dira jamais assez combien le mythe négatif d'Adam et d'Ève fut à l'origine d'une société cassée, inharmonieuse, déchirée, condamnant la femme et l'homme à devenir des ennemis sous les yeux d'une église qui n'en finit plus de se décomposer. »
Notons au passage que REGHINI avait déjà défendu ce point de vue dans « Ur et Krur » (1927-1928)4
« Les mystères d'Eleusis ressemblent beaucoup aux Mystères isiaques ; à l'époque alexandrine, des éléments néo-pythagoriciens et néo-platoniciens se fondent, par interpénétration mutuelle, avec les éléments typiquement égyptiens, et c'est en Égypte que se constitue la tradition hermétique de l'art sacré et divin, tradition qui sera transmise, par les Arabes, à l'Italie, l'Espagne et l'Occident en général, jusqu'à devenir la tradition hermétique de l'Art royal du Moyen Age occidental. Remarquons enfin que cette répartition de l'Orient et de l'Occident intègre géographiquement à ce dernier toute l'Afrique du Nord, si bien qu'il faut inclure dans l'Occident les écoles initiatiques du Maroc. Avec cette même répartition, le judaïsme et ses déviations restent en revanche géographiquement étrangères à l'Occident.
3. In « Loges souveraines ou Loges esclaves », Éd. du Rocher.
4. Éd. Arche, Milano.
En vérité, sans oublier ni méconnaître les éléments païens greffés sur le christianisme et plus encore sur le catholiscisme, on ne peut qu'être frappé par le caractère asiatique de ce courant, fondé par un Juif qui naquit, vécut et mourut en Palestine, et qui n'était pas du tout héllénisé. L'intolérance religieuse, qui fit de la pensée hétérodoxe un délit passible de la rigueur de la loi, n'est pas non plus un caractère gréco-romain. Ni le zèle ardent de la propagande, ni la subordination des devoirs du citoyen aux devoirs du croyant, des intérêts de la patrie terrestre à ceux de la patrie céleste, ni la prétention d'enfermer la vérité dans les articles d'un dogme, ni le fait de faire dépendre le salut de l'âme d'une profession de foi précise et de l'observance d'une certaine morale, ni l'esprit anarchiste démocratique de la fraternité universelle et obligatoire, de la similitude de prochain et de
l'égalité. »
De même Franz HARTMANN, dans « Une aventure chez les Rose + Croix », écrit : « Ces symboles n'appartiennent pas exclusivement à l'Église chrétienne et elle ne peut les monopoliser. Ils sont libres comme l'air pour quiconque peut saisir leur signification, et malheureusement bien peu de vos chrétiens connaissent cette signification ; ils offrent leur culte aux formes extérieures et ne savent rien du principe vivant que ces formes représentent. Alors, dis-je, un homme spirituellement éclairé peut devenir un membre de votre ordre, même s'il ne croit en aucun des dogmes soi-disant chrétiens ? L'Imperator répondit à ceci : "Ne peut devenir membre de notre Ordre exalté, celui dont la science n'est basée que sur des dogmes, des croyances, des credos ou des opinions qui
lui ont été enseignés par quelqu'un ou qu'il a acceptés de ouï-dire ou tirés de la lecture des livres.',' »
Warwick MONTGOMERY dans «La croix et le creuset », étude sur ANDREAE, prétend que ce dernier fut hostile à la Rose + Croix depuis toujours, et qu'il écrivit les « Noces Chymiques » afin de christianiser le personnage de Christian ROSENKREUTZ.
Si nous avons développé le point de vue païen dans un premier temps, il faut aborder maintenant le point de vue des monothéismes, christianisme et islam par exemple, car dans le judaïsme la tradition cabbalistique est très connue. Or, nous sommes obligés de reconnaître que le sectarisme païen est aussi excessif que celui qu'il condamne.
N'est-ce pas saint AUGUSTIN qui écrit : « Ce qu'on appelle aujourd'hui Religion chrétienne existait chez les anciens et n'a jamais cessé d'exister depuis l'origine du genre humain. Jusqu'à ce que le CHRIST lui-même étant venu, l'on a commencé d'appeler chrétienne la vraie Religion qui existait déjà auparavant. » ?
Le CHRIST lui-même dit aux pharisiens : « Vous avez enlevé la clef de la science »
Il en est de même pour l'islam : les exemples suivants tirés du remarquable ouvrage de Henri CORBIN « Introduction à la philosophe Islamique »5, le prouvent, d'abord à travers les propos du premier Imâm, 'Ali ibn ABU-TALIB (ob. 40/ 661) : « Il n'est point de verset qorânique qui n'ait quatre sens : l'exotérique (zâhir), l'ésotérique (bâtin), la limite (hadd), le projet divin (mottala~ ». Il écrit également : « L'Imâm JA' FAR fait encore allusion à sept modalités de la descente (révélation) du Qorân, puis définit neuf modes de lecture et de compréhension possibles du texte qorânique. Cet ésotérisme n'est donc nullement une construction tardive, puisqu'il est essentiel déjà à l'enseignement des Imâms, lequel en est la même source. »
Le problème qui se pose est donc autre, il s'agit bien de comprendre que, quel que soit le vecteur choisi, la TRADITION étant d'essence aristocratique, au sens étymologique du terme, elle ne pouvait pas s'exprimer littéralement, et il est difficile de critiquer l'une ou l'autre position, car si les païens ont raison quant au totalitarisme des religions du désert, il faut se demander si par ailleurs elles ne correspondaient pas à une nécessité : le besoin religieux de l'homme. Il est vrai que la lecture des préceptes chrétiens nous fait nous demander ce que certaines églises ont à voir avec cet enseignement, où il ne s'agit pas de se donner bonne conscience, mais de réaliser un exemple.
5. Éditions Gallimard.
Quand on considère la dimension de cet exemple, se prétendre chrétien semble déjà une imposture, représenter cette voie et s'en prétendre unique gardien semble encore plus osé, car CHRIST définit très bien ceux qui se réclameront de son nom, or on en voit peu guérir les malades ou dont la foi transporte les montagnes. Il en est de même de la philosophie sectaire de certains ayatollas qui prêchent la guerre sainte, ou d'une catégorie de rabbins qui, prenant les textes religieux à la lettre, considérent le non juif comme un goy, c'est-à -dire du bétail. On ne le répétera jamais assez et NIETZCHE l'avait fort bien exposé : « cet instinct théologique est la forme la plus répandue, la plus proprement souterraine de fausseté » ; la lettre tue l'esprit.
Les grandes religions doivent retrouver leur sens traditionnel, une dimension plus appliquée et vécue de la transcendance, et porter les pratiquants vers l'expérience mystique, et c'est seulement ainsi qu'elles auront un avenir, sinon elles se verront progressivement remplacées par les voies expérimentales qui seules intéressent la véritable aristocratie.
Les femmes, ésotérisme et chevalerie : histoire d'un faux problème
Nous ne reviendrons pas sur le passé pour affirmer le rôle de la femme dans la voie ésotérique, en Égypte particulièrement, dans certaines écoles de mystères, chez les pythagoriciennes, etc., et tout au long d'époques dites obscures un peu trop facilement comme le Moyen Age, peut-être plus exactement Age du Milieu, c'est-à -dire proche de l'Axe Traditionnel.
« Les noces chymiques de Christian ROSENKREUTZ » confirment la participation des femmes aux initiations (texte de 1459), plus près de nous dans « Une aventure chez les Rose + Croix », Franz HARTMANN écrit : « Rencontrer des dames dans le monastère des Frères de la Rose + Croix d'Or était un fait qui me surprit et me confondit, et ma confusion fut évidemment remarquée par tous ceux qui étaient présents ; mais, après avoir été présenté à toutes ces personnes, ou, pour m'exprimer plus correctement, après qu'elles m'eurent été toutes présentées, car elles semblaient toutes me connaître et n'avoir pas besoin de ma présentation -, la grande dame prit ma main et me conduisit à la table, tandis qu'elle me disait en souriant les paroles suivantes : "Pourquoi être
aussi surpris, mon ami, de voir des Adeptes habiter des formes féminines en compagnie de ceux dont les formes paraissent avoir un caractère masculin ? Qu'est-ce que l'intelligence a à faire avec le sexe du corps? Où les instincts sexuels finissent, là finit l'influence du sexe. Venez maintenant, prenez cette chaise à côté de moi et mangez ces fruits délicieux." »
Le puritanisme récent du siècle dernier occulta son rôle, mais s'il est nécessaire d'affirmer que l'initiation féminine n'est pas de même nature que la masculine, elle n'en emprunte pas moins souvent les mêmes vecteurs, c'est-à -dire des ordres qui respectent sur certains points des spécificités.
Pourtant il est vrai que si l'on excepte certains mystères majeurs, où il est impossible de considérer l'homme et la femme de la même manière, le sens exact de cette différence est ignoré de la plupart des ésotéristes, et ce n'est pas nous qui l'aborderont, les rapports exacts du YIN et du YANG, les secrets internes relatifs à l'aspect technique des différences doivent rester occultes'. Mais il n'en est pas moins vrai que la femme fut présente même dans des domaines d'où l'on veut hypocritement la chasser, la loge « Heptagone » semble être dérangée par le mot chevalière, c'est pourquoi nous avons fait dans ce livre une parenthèse, qui en fait aboutit à une conclusion évidente.
Monseigneur Roger CARO2 a fait une étude sur la
1. Voir appendice n° 3.
2. Patriarche de l'ENA (Église de la Nouvelle Alliance).
question des femmes dans la chevalerie, nous en publions des extraits
« Il existe une "Histoire des Ordres Militaires ou des Chevaliers", très rare aujourd'hui, qui fut éditée en M.DCC.XXI en quatre volumes. Plusieurs auteurs savants en la matière les ont publiés. On citera : l'Abbé GUISTINIANI, le R.P. BONANI, HERMAN, SCHONNEBEEK, R.P. HELIOT, R.P. HONORE de SAINTE MARIE et d'autres... avec dissertations sur l'Authenticité et l'Antiquité de ces Ordres.
Prenons tout d'abord le Tome II, page 250. On y trouve les Dames Chevalières de Saint-Jean de Jérusalem et de Malte (an de J.C. 1104) : une dame romaine, nommée Agnès, qui était Abbesse de l'Hopital de SainteMarie-Madeleine, et ses compagnes firent profession de foi de la règle fondée pour les femmes. La même règle, nous dit-on, était suivie par le B.H. GÉRARD et ses compagnons. Cette commanderie s'installa en 1104 sous
le règne de BAUDOIN Ier.
Plus tard, lorsque les Croisés durent quitter la Terre Sainte, ce fut la reine SANCHA fille d'ALPHONSE II roi d'Aragon (surnommée la chaste), qui fonda un Monastère à Sixenna pour les Chevalières de l'Ordre de Saint-Jean de Jérusalem. Quand la Commandatrice mourait, on lui faisait des obsèques durant sept jours, puis on rompait le sceau de ses Armes (tout comme l'on fait pour le sceau du Pape à son décès.) Aux chapitres de l'ordre la Commandatrice avait séance et voix comme tous les autres chevaliers. C'est vers 1460 que les chevalières se retirèrent de l'obéissance des Grands Maîtres de l'ordre et se soumirent au Saint-Siège.
Tome II, page 265 nous trouvons les Dames Chevalières de la Hache. C'est Raymond BÉRENGER, dernier comte de Barcelone qui créa cet ordre pour récompenser le courage et les services rendus aux gens de guerre épuisés, en combattant avec des haches sur les remparts de la ville. Tome II, page 266: c'est l'Ordre des Dames Chevalières de l'Écharpe qui nous est conté. Il fut fondé par Jean Ter, roi de Castille pour les actes de bravoure des femmes de Valence qui brisèrent la résistance anglaise et les défirent dans une sortie victorieuse. Tome II, page 440, ce sont les Religieuses Chevalières de l'Ordre de Saint-Jacques de l'Épée qui sont citées, cet ordre fut créé en Espagne par BERMOND III qui régna en 1034. L'exercice de ces chevalières consistait à pourvoir à toutes les nécessités des pauvres voyageurs qui allaient en pèlerinage à Saint-Jacques en Galice. Elles suivaient la Règle de Saint AUGUSTIN. Le roi était le chef perpétuel de leur ordre. Elles faisaient les mêmes voeux que les chevaliers : obéissance, pauvreté, chasteté.
Mais je vais faire mieux : après avoir apporté la preuve de l'existence d'Ordres de Chevalerie féminine, je vais vous prouver que non seulement des femmes ont reçu l'Armement chevaleresque, mais encore l'ont transmis.
Ce qui nous intéresse donc beaucoup est de savoir que dans certains ordres il y avait des Dames «Equitissa » (Écuyères) et des Dames «Militissa » (Chevalières). Nous apprenons ainsi qu'Élisabeth, sueur de Henri de HORNES, Seigneur de PERNES, est Equitissa et que Catherine BAW en 1441 est portée comme Militissa dans les Registres de Malines.
HÉRICOURT nous apprend aussi que des femmes
non mariées se faisaient faire chevalières pour être capables de tenir les fiefs de Chevalerie ; telle fut ELISABETH d'Angleterre qui se fit armer chevalière le jour de son couronnement pour être le chef des Ordres de Chevalerie de son royaume. L'histoire nous prouve amplement que plusieurs nobles, Princes et même Rois et Empereurs se sont fait un honneur de recevoir la Chevalerie des mains des Dames. En 1115 la veuve du fameux TANCREDE, Prince d'Antioche, ne conféra pas seulement l'Ordre de Chevalerie à GERVAIS, seigneur breton, fils d'AIMON comte de DOL, mais aussi à plusieurs Écuyers. BLANCHE de CASTILLE, mère de LOUIS IX ou Saint-LOUIS, donna l'Ordre de Chevalerie à Jacques LAPANO. La reine ANNE qui gouverna le royaume d'Angleterre a donné le Collier de l'Ordre Chevaleresque de la Jarretière à un grand nombre de personnes illustres de ses états. MARIE, reine de d'Angleterre, fille d'HENRI VIII, créa chevalier PHILIPPE II le roi d'Espagne, son époux. Dans plusieurs Chapitres tenus sous le gouvernement de la reine ELISABETH, cette reine créa plus de cinquante chevaliers parmi lesquels nous trouvons: MAXIMILIEN II empereur d'Autriche; CHARLES IX, HENRI III, HENRI IV, tous trois rois de France ; FRÉDÉRIC II roi du Danemark ; JACQUES VI, roi d'Écosse, etc., etc. »
Les voies d'éveil, la quête ésotérique, ont toujours été possibles en tous temps, en tous lieux, les idées, les dogmes et les philosophies dissolvantes propagées particulièrement en occident n'ont pu freiner la marche de l'humain vers la lumière. L'homme est autre chose qu'une machine à produire des théories horizontales, métastases elles-mêmes des faux spiritualismes récupérateurs du sacré, lequel ne peut se vivre que par l'expérience et non l'aveuglement...
Cependant la GNOSE éternelle, témoignage vertical, est présente dans presque toutes les manifestations formelles du phénomène religieux, sans elle les littéralismes deviendraient fous et c'est ce qui se passe souvent en notre époque sombre de dissolution où les témoignages de la TRADITION s'occultent. Certains s'enfuient dans les intégrismes, adoptant aussi l'esprit théologien, mais ce qui est plus grave parlant au nom de la TRADITION. Il existe désormais un camp dit traditionnel plus ou moins inspiré par GUÉNON qui décrète par sentences boursouflées ce qui est bon ou mauvais en cette matière, s'expri-
mant avec virulence dans certaines éditions, modifiant les traductions et les parsemant de commentaires idiots.
Parlant par exemple des Yezidis on lira page 481 du volume Il ,d« Ur et Krur » des éditions ARCHE de Milan, fort spécialisées dans ce genre de faits : «On connaît le rôle sinistre que la tradition attribue à cette secte ancienne des adorateurs du diable et aux tours du diable dont parle René GUÉNON. » Ainsi se développe une philosophie de petits rats de bibliothèques, qui non seulement méconnaissent la philosophie aristocratique (comme l'écrit NIETZCHE:« Le bon dieu comme le diable, deux sousproduits de la décadence ») mais se mêlent de manipuler et de répandre le faux. Sans doute ont-ils oublié comment Julius ÉVOLA fut traité par les Paul Le COUR et compagnie, quand il publia son livre sur la tantrisme.
Pour en revenir aux Yezidis, voici un témoignage de BENNET dans « Les maîtres de Sagesse »1 : « J'ai moimême été en contact, en Iran, avec deux sociétés de cet ordre : les Yézidis et les Ahl-i Haqq. On appelle les premiers les "adorateurs du diable" parce qu'ils ont conservé le dualisme zoroastrien et qu'ils croient que nous sommes maintenant dans l'Age Sombre ou Ahriman a pouvoir sur la vie des hommes. Les Ahl-i Haqq, le peuple de la Vérité, font remonter leur origine à plus d'un millier d'années, mais leur communauté a été réformée et renouvelée plusieurs fois depuis le Xe siècle. L'impression que m'ont donnée des deux communautés fut extrêmement positive. Je me rendis à Shaikh Adi, le sanctuaire principal des Yezidis où je pus reconnaître à bien des signes
1. Éd. Le Courrier du livre, Paris.
leurs origines zoroastriennes, tant dans le respect qu'ils témoignaient pour toutes les formes de vie, et particulièrement pour les arbres, que dans leurs symboles sacrés. Chaque fois que l'on s'approche d'une communauté Yezidi, on découvre devant soi une vallée plantée d'arbres, couverte d'une riche végétation, ce qui contraste agréablement avec les villages musulmans, ou chrétiens, où les arbres ont été abattus et où des roches arides entourent les terres cultivées. Les Yézidis adhèrent totalement à la croyance dualiste que les Esprits bons et mauvais sont des puissances indépendantes qui ne cesseront jamais d'être en conflit jusqu'à la fin du monde. Le paon d'argent, caché de tous sauf des prêtres, est le symbole de l'Esprit de Vérité et le serpent noir, que l'on peut voir à l'entrée de la cour extérieure, est le symbole d'Ahriman, l'Esprit de Mensonge. »
L'imposture est encore plus grande quand, page 475 du volume II d'« Ur et Krur » le commentateur écrit à propos de l'article d'EKATLOS : « Cet occultiste dangereux (il s'agit du prince CAETANI) lié avant tout au courant Kremmerzien... », regrettant par ailleurs tout ce qui nuisait à la renaissance d'un ésotérisme chrétien de l'époque, c'est-à -dire du temps de CHARBONNEAU-LASSAY. Or nous savons que la seule structure en France qui aurait pu encore suggérer une certaine opérativité chrétienne était déjà inopérante à cette époque, bien que GUÉNON ait tout compris de ce type d'enseignement, il eut peur ; il serait souhaitable qu'un jour certaines correspondances soient publiées. L'Étoile Internelle avait déjà fini son cycle, ne laissant plus en matière d'opérativité interne qu'un ordre lié étroitement à une vieille confrérie Rose +
Croix très réduite et existant encore en Amérique, mais ce n'est pas à nous de donner des clefs à ceux qui dissertent de la vigne, pour en avoir lu des passages dans un livre, sans avoir jamais vu ni goûté une grappe de raisin. Quant à signer ce même article Transylvanus pour un auteur se réclamant du christianisme cela équivaudrait à signer Paganus un article faisant l'apologie de Saül de TARSE ! La tradition dacique de Transylvanie et la fonction des voïvodes est un des plus purs fleurons de la tradition du Nord, fort semblable d'ailleurs à certains enseignements venus d'Égypte puis devenus pythagoriciens, tradition bien antérieure à toute influence chrétienne. Cette tradition est restée strictement dans certaines familles et n'en est jamais sortie, même si des relations amicales avec d'autres adeptes purent se nouer (cas de PARACELSE). La présence du Dragon se mordant la queue dans les armoiries et certains symboles gravés sur les pierres tombales (Swastyka, ailes déployées) témoignent d'un pays du Centre, et de l'acquisition du corps d'immortalité de ceux qui ont rejoint l'Axe de la Croix rotative. Heureusement cette tradition n'a besoin de personne pour se continuer, même si les événements politiques ont obligé ses dépositaires à quitter le pays en attendant que le mont OM soit à nouveau un centre respecté. Quant au prince CAETANI il relève de la même tradition tant dans la forme que dans le fond. Pour ne pas que nos écrits soient exploités abusivement nous n'en dirons pas plus.
Enfin pour en revenir à leur inspirateur, il faut bien reconnaître que son livre « Le roi du monde », est écrit sur des bases peu crédibles. Pour en finir avec ces petits manipulateurs, il faut citer MARQUÉS-RIVIÈRE qui écrit
dans «Kalachakra - initiation tantrique du Dalaï Lama »2 : « Le mythe de Shambala et la doctrine qui en fut issue, le Kalachakra, appartiennent exclusivement à cette tradition. Celle-ci, par ailleurs, est opposée à la pensée musulmane qu'elle considère comme barbare. Ne connaissant pas la tradition bouddhique très complexe d'ailleurs dans la forme comme dans le fond, René GUÉNON ne pouvait évidemment pas contrôler les élucubrations de SAINT-YVES et les fantaisies d'OSSENDOWSKI ; il édifia sa théorie du Roi du Monde et son symbolisme sur ces bases aventureuses. Je ne mentionnerai que pour mémoire les bruits qui courent dans les mutliples petits cercles ésotérico-occultistes concernant un ou plusieurs informateurs au nom musulman, qui auraient approché et documenté GUÉNON sur ce sujet ; le fait de mêler des musulmans à la tradition de Shambala est très suspect et il me semble qu'ils seraient les derniers à savoir quelque chose du Saint-Royaume qui les a en horreur et les combattra dans la grande guerre finale du cycle actuel. L'action du pontife roi est spirituelle et elle s'opère sur des plans subtils où les églises, les groupes, les centres et les personnalités, si éminentes soient-elles, n'ont rien à voir. »
Quelques lignes polémiques pour préciser qu'en matière de spiritualité il ne peut y avoir ni dogmes ni censeurs, ni faux problèmes du type contre initiation.
Pour notre part, sans être aussi excessif que les uns ou les autres, nous pensons qu'il n'y a aucun antagonisme entre le roi du monde de la tradition bouddhique et le
2. Éditions Robert Laffont, Paris.
prophète invisible (le KHIDR au manteau vert qui peut apparaître et disparaître à volonté) ou MELKI TSE DEK de la tradition judéo-chrétienne, prêtre éternel, roi de Salem (Salem = Paix) dont on précise la primauté sur Abraham, roi du monde qui ne peut oeuvrer qu'avec les justes, ceux qui ont compris que l'homme est endormi et qu'il ne peut passer toute sa vie dans un rêve dont il ne s'éveillera même pas après la mort'.
Sur un plan plus pratique faut-il faire une grande différence entre des méthodes identiques venus de courants différents ? Par exemple, les répétitions mantriques ne se retrouvent-elles pas aussi bien dans le Zhikr musulman que dans les méthodes de certains monastères coptes et, plus près de nous, de l'hésychasme dont la méthode d'oraison, à travers le contrôle respiratoire et l'omphaloscopie, permet de trouver le lieu du cour et avec lui toutes sortes de merveilles et de connaissances ; pour ceux qui penseraient que l'ésotérisme chrétien est mort...
Les voies alchimiques externes et internes font partie des pratiques les plus efficaces pour rapprocher l'homme de la nature, donc de la manifestation de Dieu, elles ne sont pas les seules. L'exemple suivant et le témoignage de MORIHEI UYESHIBA, fondateur de l'Aïkido, qui vécut en lui l'Union du ciel et de la terre, en est la preuve
« Quand je marchais dans le jardin je sentis subitement que l'univers tremblait et qu'un esprit doré sorti du sol, enveloppait mon corps, et le changeait en un autre fait
3. Bennet confirme par ailleurs dans « Les Maîtres de sagesse », (Éd. Le Courrier du Livre) ce qui a été dit précédemment sur la chaîne des Maîtres qui est bien antérieure au prophète Mahommed.
d'or. Au même moment mon esprit et mon corps devinrent légers. J'étais capable de comprendre les murmures des oiseaux, et j'étais clairement conscient de l'esprit de Dieu, le créateur de cet Univers. A ce moment je compris la source du Budo et l'Amour de Dieu - l'esprit de protection amoureuse pour tous les êtres. Des larmes de joie coulaient sans interruption sur mes joues. Depuis ce moment j'ai été amené à sentir que la terre entière est ma maison, et que le soleil, la lune et les étoiles, sont toutes des choses qui me sont propres. Je suis devenu libre de tout désir. »
En fait tous les textes religieux sont un appel au réveil, lequel ne passe pas par des cogitations infinies, mais par l'inverse, une pratique continuelle, déterminée, qui ouvre non seulement l'esprit mais le coeur, praxis qui ne permet l'épanouissement de la ROSE que par la CROIX.
Appendice 1 : Histoire secrète du Pythagorisme
Concernant l'histoire de la doctrine pythagoricienne, il est utile de citer un passage de l'article de Maître J. MALLINGER « Histoire secrète du Pythagorisme » paru en 1955 dans la revue Inconnues (Lausanne)
Les archives des Initiés d'Angleterre nous apportent la date précise de l'émigration de la doctrine pythagoricienne vers les cités britanniques. C'est en effet en 1554 que le jeune Sir Thomas BODLEY est reçu, à Forli, à l'initiation des Fratelli Obscuri ; et c'est en 1575 qu'il rentre en sa patrie et y installe les activités traditionnelles de l'Ordre. Il lègue 80 000 volumes à la bibliothèque d'Oxford ; il initie diverses personnalités qui continueront son ceuvre. L'humanisme prend ausitôt un essor prodigieux et la forme universitaire du Néo-Pythagorisme, le Nouveau-Platonisme conquiert à la fois les esprits et les coeurs : Henri MORE, Théophile et Thomas GALE, R. CUDWORTH diffusent les textes les plus instructifs du Corpus Pythagoricum et les commentent. L'un des chefs de l'Ordre, Sir Walter RALEIGH lance la mode du tabac - qu'il a rapporté d'Amérique - et c'est sous le titre
profane d'Amis du Tabac, Club de Fumeurs ou simplement : Tabacologiques, que les Pythagoriciens d'Angleterre se réunissent fréquemment', sans éveiller les soupçons d'une police royale, toujours en état d'alerte.
La France ne pouvait demeurer en arrière en semblable domaine. De même qu'elle avait reçu de Londres les premières chartes pour établir sur son territoire les premiers ateliers maçonniques, de même, c'est de Londres encore qu'elle reçoit les premiers rituels du Pythagorisme. Mais par un euphémisme national bien compréhensible, elle intitulera ses initiés : les Nicotiniates ou les Priseurs, pour montrer que le tabac lui fut donné par l'un des siens, Jean NICOT, et qu'elle ne le devait pas à l'Angleterre !
Soulignons cependant, pour être précis, qu'outre cette branche nicotiniate, dirigée par J.M. RAGON, il y eut en France une autre voie de pénétration initiatique : c'est le rite des Négociates ou Sublimes Maîtres de l'Anneau Lumineux, introduit à Douai en 1780 par le baron G. de BLAERFIND Y, mestre-de-camp écossais passé au service de la France. Le Rite Écossais Philosophique absorba ce rite peu après.
1. Il est inutile de souligner que ces rites n'ont rien de commun avec la maçonnerie traditionnelle ; ni leurs rituels ni leurs symboles ni leurs enseignants n'ont le moindre rapport avec les usages judéochrétiens de la maçonnerie.
Appendice 2 : Giuliano Kremmerz et la «Myriam » -
La Myriam fut fondée par le Mage Giuliano KREMMERZ, personnage étrange dotée de pouvoirs tangibles la revue « Planète » le cita un jour à propos d'un exploit de télékinésie : séparation à distance de la roue d'une voiture qui passait dans la rue. Mais ses voyances sont autrement célèbres et elles servirent à soulager financièrement bien des malheureux. Giuliano KREMMERZ, de son vrai nom Ciro FORMISANO, naquit à Portici (près de Naples) le 8 avril 1868. Il fit des études littéraires (doctorat) à l'Université de Naples, puis fut nommé professeur à Alvito.
En 1896, il organise une Fraternité Hermétique : la Fratellanza Terapeutica Magica di Myriam (la Fraternité Thérapeutique Magique de la Myriam, certains liront la Fraternité Templière Magique, avec les initiales « Fr + T + M / di Myr ») chargée de propager la Magie Isiaque et d'exercer la médecine à distance (téléurgie).
KREMMERZ s'occupa particulièrement de guérisons médicales difficiles et eut beaucoup de succès. De 1896 à 1899 fut publiée à Naples l'oeuvre fondamentale du
Maître : « Il Mondo Secreto - Avviamento Alla Scienza Dei Magi », republiée récemment avec les autres écrits de KREMMERZ par les « Edizioni Mediterranee » de Rome. Le Mage séjourna longtemps sur la Côte d'Azur, surtout à Beausoleil, à Cannes et à Nice. Il rencontrait ses disciples au Casino de Monaco. KREMMERZ n'avait pas besoin de travailler parce qu'il gagnait chaque soir la somme qui lui était nécessaire pour vivre. Il mourut
en 1930. Sa tombe se trouve au cimetière de Beausoleil.
La Myriam est divisée en cinq cercles ou classes
- Le premier cercle (cercle extérieur) a deux sections, les novices pratiquants et les anciens. Un rituel doit être pratiqué, fondé sur des invocations magiques. Il demande beaucoup de constance et l'observation précise de certains cycles (lunaire, solaire, etc.).
- Le deuxième cercle (cercle interne) est formé par les disciples intégraux. Une autre étape magique leur est enseignée. Ils font un effort de purification pour obtenir la possibilité de guérison magique directe.
- Le troisième cercle est dit des thérapeutes : le thérapeute doit travailler à la guérison des malades et tenter la manifestation directe de la présence thérapeu
tique (manifestation du kons ou Dioscure).
- Le quatrième cercle, celui des maîtres Isiaques ou Maîtres de Myriam est consacré lui aussi à l'étude de l'alchimie ; les Maîtres ont une mission d'information.
Des techniques plus directes sont aussi enseignées dans ce grade.
- Le cinquième cercle est très fermé : il est l'expression du collège hermétique. La vocation extérieure de la
Myriam est surtout l'aide aux malades ; les guérisons se font à distance grâce à un rituel invocatoire. La Myriam est constituée, pour la plupart de ses membres, par des personnes cultivées. On ne peut nier la valeur des responsables qui ne sauraient être comparés aux très nombreux dirigeants fantaisistes des Ordres contemporains. La Myriam et les Ordres analogues prônent, pour certains la chasteté, pour d'autres une très grande réserve au niveau de la sexualité.
Appendice 3: La voie alchimique féminine dans le Taoïsme en Chine
La femme est présente dans le taoïsme dès l'apparition aux alentours de l'ère chrétienne des premiers mouvements religieux. L'organisation taoïste des Maîtres Célestes instaurait une société du peuple taoïste capable de survivre aux diverses calamités et de perpétuer l'ordre harmonieux. A la tête de ces communautés se trouvaient le maître du diocèse et son épouse, appelée maître féminin, cette dernière étant chargée de diriger et d'instruire les femmes. Tous les membres de la communauté étaient initiés et soumis à une vie religieuse comportant un code moral très strict et des pratiques psychophysiologiques faisant intervenir la sexualité. Depuis l'antiquité, l'activité sexuelle était en effet considérée en Chine comme nécessaire non seulement pour l'individu luimême, mais aussi pour la bonne marche de l'univers, dont elle était une expression. Aussi était-elle codifiée de manière à suivre le rythme d'évolution des énergies féminine et masculine dans l'univers. Ces conceptions ont été reprises et développées par certains courants taoïstes. La femme jouait par conséquent dans les organisations comme celles des maîtres Célestes un double rôle : d'une
part comme éducatrice des femmes, d'autre part comme partenaire dans les rites sexuels.
D'autres courants taoïstes ont adopté une attitude différente. Tout en conservant son importance à la sexualité, ils l'ont transposée dans le domaine de l'imaginaire, de sorte que l'union a lieu avec un être divinisé, une lumière compagne. La femme, partenaire de l'homme, est donc passée en partie ou entièrement du domaine du réel à celui de l'imaginaire. Idéalisée, elle appartient au monde des dieux, auquel l'adepte accède par son intermédiaire ; elle lui sert de préceptrice et de guide dans sa progression spirituelle, et l'on constate que ces courants ont connu un grand nombre de maîtres féminins. Ce passage de la femme dans le domaine de l'imaginaire va de pair avec une intensification de sa fonction médiatrice. Si l'homme est celui qui engendre, la femme est celle qui transforme, d'où le rôle privilégié qu'elle joue, lorsque des processus de transmutation sont en jeu.
L'alchimie intérieure, qui a pris naissance en Chine vers le VIIIe siècle s'est principalement développée vers les IX-Xe siècles. Celle-ci reprenait en fait diverses pratiques psychophysiologiques taoïstes antérieures, telles que la diététique, les exercices gymniques et respiratoires, l'art de l'alcôve et les procédés de visualisation. Mais elle les exprimait en s'inspirant du vocabulaire de l'alchimie opératoire et en les intégrant dans un système de correspondances entre les mécanismes de l'univers et ceux du corps très élaboré, pour former un ensemble original.
La femme fut présente dès les débuts de l'alchimie intérieure. Cependant, la tradition alchimique proprement féminine ne se développa qu'au XIIe siècle, pour
atteindre son apogée au siècle dernier. Les différences entre les voies masculine et féminine reflètent les distinctions physiologiques et psychologiques entre l'homme et la femme d'après les conceptions taoïstes. Voici comment un alchimiste du Xixe siècle les résume : « Chez l'homme, le yang s'écoule par le bas, chez la femme il s'échappe par le haut. L'homme pratique afin d'éviter l'écoulement de la semence, la femme pratique afin d'éviter l'écoulement des règles, procédé appelé décapitation du dragon rouge. L'essence séminale de l'homme circule en sens inverse et le mène à l'immortalité ; le sang de la femme remonte directement à la cavité du coeur. Chez l'homme, on parle d'embryon, chez la femme de respiration. Lorsque l'homme a maîtrisé le tigre blanc, ses testicules se rétractent ; lorsque la femme a décapité le dragon, ses seins se rétractent. L'homme peut effectuer l'ascension au ciel de lui-même, alors que la femme doit attendre d'être convoquée. Enfin, pour la fusion dans la grande Vacuité, l'homme doit nécessairement méditer neuf ans face à un mur, la femme non. »
Les écoles d'alchimie intérieure utilisaient pour certaines les techniques sexuelles, tandis que d'autres préconisent une union imaginée des énergies féminine et masculine à l'intérieur du corps de l'adepte. Mais dans les deux cas, la première étape consiste à éviter toute déperdition par les voies génitales, d'essence chez l'homme, et de sang menstruel chez la femme. Le sang est le fondement physiologique de la femme, un produit du souffle originel ; aussi une femme ménopausée doit-elle tout d'abord faire revenir ses menstrues pour à nouveau en empêcher l'écoulement, car l'absence de règles après la ménopause
signifie un épuisement du souffle originel. Les procédés de décapitation du dragon rouge consistent en massages de certaines parties du corps, concentration sur la région du coeur et absorption dans le calme spirituel.
Ce souffle originel conservé à l'intérieur du corps de l'adepte est comparé à un embryon, qui se développe pour devenir un être spirituel de lumière pouvant sortir par le sommet de la tête. Alors que dans l'alchimie masculine, l'adepte se concentre pendant dix mois symboliques sur la croissance de cet embryon qu'il nourrit en son sein, la femme, qui de par sa fonction maternelle, connaît cette sensation, devra plutôt développer la sensation de mouvement respiratoire interne, développant la conscience d'une verticalité au centre du corps.
Enfin, la nature plutôt passive et réceptive de la femme lui permet de se fondre aisément à la Vacuité, mais la rend par là même dépendante d'une intervention active pour son ascension au monde des cieux.
Dans les deux voies, masculine et féminine, la réalisation spirituelle se traduit en tout cas par une diminution des caractères sexués accompagnant le grand retour de l'adepte au Tao.
Catherine DESPEUX
All the supposed abominations, the skeletons and death's head, the coffins and the mysteries, are mere bogeys for children. But there is one dangerous element and that is the element I have copied from them. They form a sort of priestly nobility. They have developed and esoteric doctrine more merely formulated, but imparted through the symbols and mysteries in degrees of initiation. The hierarchical organization and the initiation through symbolic rites, that is to say, without bothering the brain by working on the imagination through magic and the symbols of a cult, all this has a dangerous element, and the element I have taken over. Don't you see that our party must be of this character...? An Order, the hierarchial Order of a secular priesthood."
Adolf Hitler praising Freemasonry
In regards to the Calvi murder dear Greg we will also have to
explore on Monday on our next show togheter the dark world of
another evil secret Society connected to the
illuminati and the Mafia, the Thule Society (thats because most
military intelligence and Mafia crooks at high level
love the tradition and love the history of this
illuminati satanic society). This group officialy
founded in Germany in 1919 was very important in the
establishment of Nazi Germany, and functions since
then as assasins for the over 1000 year old Secret
Tribunal of the Sacred Roman Empire, the much feared
SANTA VEHME. During my time with the Monte Carlo P2
Lodge I also had to be involved with the Thule
Society all over Europe and found out they were using
perverse and truly manipulative ways of abusing the
Holy Qu'ran for their adepts , these ways were
introduced by Freemason Rudolf Von Sebotendorf in 1919
and we will talk on Monday about it on your radio
The password of the Santa Vehme is:
Stock,Stein,Strick ,Gras and Grein (german)
Calvi was killed by the Thule Society of Cosa Nostra
with local support and cover up from the local Thule
UK intelligence operatives,
all working under the GLADIO Jesuit controlled
network, a murder arranged for the Jesuits and
Marcinkus seeking revenge in a traditional manner
using the Santa Vehme.
Why I dont get scared of all this?
Well the Santa Vehme laws say that people of
aristocratic descent like me cant be killed, its their
own law not mine.
Lets hope is true for the sake of my kids, though al
this exposure seems to keep them away and the CIA in the meantime is
trying to find a peacefull way to keep the bad people
away from me knowing what I know about their evil illuminati show,
thats what a CIA Senior officer told me yesterday after calling me from New York
to keep me cool. But I dont trust any of them anymore
like I said to my wife, they are all in it untill
proven the contrary with the
AntiChrist G.W.Bush and his evil black Brothers of total
manipulation like Michael Ledeen and his Universal
Fascism bullshit...I had different plans for the P2 Universal Unity project
but Balestrieri and Michael Ledeen are obviously slaves to Bush illuminati Mind Control
and his Jesuit Masters so no hope for these infedels with nice Zionist sponsors as usual.
But dont ever think Im in a weak position now with
such people, they are nothing in front of God and they
are the enemies of my religion so we will fight them
untill the end of times and may God protect us.
All the best,
Fraternaly yours in the light of God,
Leo Lyon Zagami/Khaled Saifullah Khan
Posted on Monday, October 23, 2006
Posted on Sunday, October 22, 2006
Abdul Hadi Palazzi, or a tale of another infedel that talks in the name of our faith.
Fatwas, Mormons, ufologists, secret services, the Supreme Solomonic Order of the Princes of Shekal, coups in Somalia, nuns making websites for neo-Pagans, an unsolved murder, New Age healers, a "God intoxicated" Communist dictator, Adam's somersaults, an African tyrant, terrorists and thirty pretty Ukrainian girls.
Posted on Saturday, October 21, 2006
Angels and Jinn in This World
By Fethullah Gulen
Angels and jinn can assume different forms and shapes and appear in this world. Here, we observe movement from the visible to the invisible: Water evaporates and disappears into the atmosphere, solid matter becomes a liquid or a gas (steam), and matter becomes energy (nuclear fission). Likewise, we observe movement from the invisible to the visible: Gases become fluids, evaporated water becomes rain (as well as snow or hail), and energy becomes matter. Similarly, intangible thoughts and meanings in our minds can appear in the tangible form of letters and words in essays and books. In an analogous way, such invisible beings (to us) as angels, jinn, and other spirit entities can become visible.
We read in Qur’an 19:17 that the spirit that Allah sent to Mary (the mother of `Isa [Jesus]), and whom Muslim scholars say is Angel Jibreel (Gabriel), appeared before her as a man. When Jibreel came to Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him), he sometimes came as a man, in the shape of a Companion named Dihyah. For example, he came following the end of the Battle of the Trench and told the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him), “O Messenger of Allah, you have taken off your armor but we, the angels, have not yet done so. Allah orders you to march upon the Banu Quraizhah.†(Bukhari and Muslim) Once Jibreel came as a man dressed in white and, in order to instruct the Companions in religion, asked the Prophet such questions as, What is belief? What is Islam? What is ihsan (excellence or perfection of virtue)? When is the Day of Judgment? (Muslim)
Like angels and jinn, Satan (who is a jinn) can appear in different forms. It is narrated that before the Battle of Badr, he appeared to the Quraishi leaders as an old man from Najd and advised them. Likewise, a Companion guarding Ramadan’s Zakah caught a disguised Satan trying to steal some items. Satan entreated the Companion to release him, which he did twice. On the third time, the Companion tried to take him to Allah’s Messenger. But Satan appealed, “Release me, and I’ll tell you how you can secure yourself against me.†The Companion asked what that was, and Satan replied that it was Ayat Al-Kursi (Al-Baqarah 2:255). When informed of this, Allah’s Messenger (peace and blessings be upon him) commented, “That one is a liar, but (on that occasion) he told the truth.†(Bukhari)
The Qur’an relates that a group of jinn listened to Allah’s Messenger recite the Qur’an and, when they returned to their people, said, [O people! Surely we listened to a Book that has been revealed after Moses, affirms what precedes it, and guides to right and the Straight Path] (Al-Ahqaf 46:30). The surah continues with what they thought about what they had heard. Some traditions tell us that the Messenger (peace and blessings be upon him) recited parts of the Qur’an and preached his message to the jinn.
*Excerpted with some modifications from:
** Fethullah Gulen is an influential Turkish Muslim intellectual who inspired a series of social activities, including a transnational education and business network, inter-faith dialogue forums, and multi-cultural encounters. His official Web site is
Posted on Saturday, October 21, 2006
Holy Quran
109. al-Kafirun: The Unbelievers
(CIX. Mecca.)
In the name of the merciful and compassionate God. Say, ‘O ye misbelievers! I do not serve what ye serve; nor will ye serve what I serve; nor will I serve what ye serve; nor will ye serve what I serve;-ye have your religion, and I have my religion!’
Back to Top
-- Sura 109 --
Posted on Saturday, October 21, 2006
Universal Unity
Associazione di Uomini Liberi
Strada Sen. E. Marsaglia n° 131
18038 SANREMO (IM)
Sanremo, 2 Maggio 2006
Oggetto: CONVENTO GENERALE ANNUALE del Primo Sabato di Giugno 2006.
Gentili amiche e Cari amici,
Per disposizione del C.D. ho il piacere di convocarvi al CONVENTO ANNUALE della nostra Associazione nel Solstizio d’estate 2006, che terremo alle ore 16 del giorno 3 giugno 2006 a MASSA PISANA (55050 LU) nella Casa di Spiritualità di SAN CERBONE delle suore “Figlie di San Francesco di Salesâ€
con il seguente
1° - Relazione sull’attività dell’Associazione nel periodo 1° Genn-31 Dic. 2005.
2° - Relazione sul conto di gestione ed approvazione.
3° - Nomina (per elezione) del Collegio dei probiviri, composto da un Presidente, due membri effettivi e due membri supplenti.
Al termine tutti gli Associati potranno intervenire e porre le loro questioni.
A seguire
L’ing. Luigi Piazza, Gran Maestro della Gran Loggia unita Tradizionale d’Italia – Palazzo Medici – FIRENZE, ci presenterà l’Obbedienza Massonica che egli presiede, illustrandocene i principi, le finalità e l’organizzazione.
Alle 19,30 avrà luogo una cena conviviale nel refettorio del Convento.
Si potrà alloggiare nel Convento stesso, ma per questo occorrerà prenotarsi entro il 25 Maggio al numero telefonico 0583 379027-Fax 0583 370720– oppure all’indirizzo E-mail: con preghiera di segnalarlo anche all’indirizzo di posta Elettronica dell’Associazione: oppure al Segretario Gianpaolo al numero telefonico 338 294 2634.
Per coloro che non avranno preso alloggio nel convento, il Segretario raccoglierà in loco i denari per il costo della cena di €. 25,oo.
Confidando nella vostra partecipazione, a tutti
Un Cordiale Saluto.
Per i Consoli
Il Segretario Generale
(Gianpaolo Guglielmi)
Posted on Tuesday, October 24, 2006
PASSWORD - De Molay, Hiram Abiff, Frederick II of Prussia
SIGN OF ORDER: Place the left hand over the heart.
SIGN OF ENTRANCE: Cross the arms on the breast and bow the head.
MOTTO OF THE ORDER: "Deus Meumque Jus" (My God and my Right)
Posted on Tuesday, October 24, 2006
Mon, 22 Sep 2003 21:13:03 +0200
Subject: Lecture etc
From: "Carl Abrahamsson"
To: "leo young"
Dear leo,
Thanks for yours.
I've been very busy. Am going to San Francisco on Wednesday and will be
back on the 3rd. I have given the lecture some thought but haven't yet
come up with something... I'll have to get back to you upon my
I have informed John David Griffin about it all but he hasn't replied
yet. He'll be back in Stockholm early October too.
The reply from HB was positive but, again, the requirement is that his
girlfriend and child (infant) can come along. They will travel out of
NYC. Please keep location secret.
Wow... Now I've just talked to you on the phone. Interactive
psychedelia, real time...
93 93/93
Carl Abrahamsson
WARNING FROM THE AUTHOR OF THIS WEB SITE : The group calling itself "The Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn" is under the satanic direction of John David Griffin, a pervert secretely working for the American illuminati and their Scandinavian Satanic OTO's.
HB stands for Hymenaeus Beta Xo William Breeze Grand Master of the satanic Caliphate OTO secretely linked to the Jesuit Satanic Network.Alberto Moscato was playing an important role until is recent misterious death. Moscato was a Vatican Knight of Malta of the 3rd degree.
Posted on Tuesday, October 24, 2006
Sun, 23 Nov 2003 01:16:08 -0300 (ART)
From: "Ishtahar Maya" Add to Address Book
Subject: Re: About: Nicholaj Frisvold..........PURE EVIL!
To: "leo young"
Dear Mr. Leo,
Thanks for your concern. Actually I am not a R+C, nor a Mason, neither a Templar. I am just a woman really worried about some friends that had been iniciated in Alexandrian wiccanTradition by this Mr. Frisvold.
We were actually 4 friends, three of them just "kitchen witches" and I. These friends were witches since some time ago, thoug they've never had initiated in any tradiction yet... I met them in mailing lists on the Internet.
I knew of Mr. Frisvold by his wife, called "Tzillah", or Kati de Mattos Frisvold, also involved in tantric tradictions, among other things like Order of Merlin in Brazil and Tantric "practices" also in maling lists. She was proud of her husband and telling us by emails about his old grimoires, his deep knowledge related to magician old tradicitions, witchcraft and a kind of workshop he would do within some weeks, about 3 months ago, ... and then, I saw onde of my friends saying that she also knew him... I can't say how, but I felt really bad since then... like if there was a kind of black cloud above my head.
So, within some days, also three months ago, in one of the lists I'm moderator, a man asked for a black cat for sacrifice... and then I knew something that I really didn't like: this man is related to Black Magic here in Brazil... and he is "linked" to Frisvold. Both are "babalawos" in african rites... and they were "working" together sacrifying animals for their african gods... in order to "cure" even lung cancer!
Due to this cat, there was a kind of "rupture": Two of my friends left us, there was a huge "fight" between them and the other friend of mine... After some time, I knew the reason for that: these friends who left me were decided to get their iniciation with this man, Nicholaj...
I can't describe you what I felt. During the period they were fighting and saying sad things to each other, I had a kind of a vision of an evil being. And something like a voice said me "it" was being sent by those black magical people... I became really worried... and that's how I started searching about Nicholaj on the internet, as I could see something really evil relating to him.
On Internet, I could find a site where his name is related to Jorge Rodriguez-Villa, a so called Old Catholic Skulker and I could knew among other things that Frisvold was an Anglican-Rite Catholic Bishop... despite the fact none of the people that knows Frisvold had ever said anything about that... I've found it amazing...
I entered an internet group where Nicholaj and his wife are moderators... and it was there, in their internet group, where I've found your email address (I sent you the messages where Nicholaj is "fighting" against you, in my previous email...) that's how I could find you, and that's the whole story, despite the fact there were other events related to it but of no real importance. What matters is that within some months I could know that Frisvold is a master in Psychology, a Catholic Bishop, a Babalawo, a Mason and many other titles in other secred orders like Thelema which I don't know...
I am indeed really worried about my friends. They look like brain washed people... and when I read your email, I truely believed in what you say because that's a fact: my friends look like brain washed people, they've cut off our friendship, they don't even want to listen to me. I called them by phone begging them to stop, I begged please don't accept being iniciated by him... but it was too late: they are already like Nicholaj's daughters now... all of them are "brothers" and "sisters"... none says absolutely nothing about anything they do, nor accepts any kind of comment related to their activities nor what they do, just that all that they learn is about thelema and satanism and black mass, and black magic... Really? I find that I've lost my friends...
Maybe you won't say me anything else as I'm none but an worried person. I am sorry because I know I am of no help for you but if even if I am none you think that I can help... please let me know. Those people related to Nicholaj declared war against me, his wife hates me for the fact I went there in their group and said they are doing wrong when killing animals for the practice of ilegal medicine... she threatens me and says I will die if I go on my searching about her husband Frisvold. I don't know what to do.
I really don't fear witchcraft... but I am worried anyway. My two friends (that now are like Frisvold's daughters) know a lot about me... they even know my street address, the town I'm in, my routine... and if they are brain washed now, I don't know what they are able to do in the name of their "father" "bishop"Dr. Nicholaj Frisvold...
Help me, please... I need a way to stop all this... I need a way to stop Frisvold of doing what he is doing here in Brazil. I feel he is a dangerous man and I don't know what's able to happen from now on...
Thank very much you again, I hope we keep in touch.
PS: so sorry I can't give you my real name right now as I fear for my life. But when I can find a way to stop all this, I promise, I will tell you.
PS2: Sorry for my english. And please don't forget to say my how can I help you, of if there is something that I can do in order to stop this man and send him back to Norway where he can be judged for his acts.
Posted on Tuesday, October 24, 2006
Qur'an says ALLAH made us into tribes and comunities so that we may know one another and not despise one another.
"Get Knowledge,get wisdom, but with all thy getting, get an understanding". There is an aim and a purpose for each individual on the face of the earth.We all have a destiny.As long as man is shackled with the chains of ignorance and selfishness,he may never come to realize his inherent worth.Those who know are to inform those who do not know.
Verily,(the ends) ye strive for are diverse.
So he who gives (in charity)
And fears (God),and (in all sincerity) Testifies to the Best-
We will indeed make smooth for him
The path to Bliss.
(Holy Qur'an 92:4-7)
Posted on Monday, October 23, 2006
[QUOTE]Hi leo,
my name is cameron poole. im sorry if my original post was rude in anyway. but i was just trying to point out whats on your own site.
anyhow im lookin forward to hearing what you have to say. im listening to your radio interview now. and id like for you to futher contribute. so please dont let me scare you off, ill make sure youre words are heard in an even and fair light.
again im sorry if i came off rude. weve had alot of attacks lately. people claiming to be outlandish things. im just a bit gun shy when someone comes claiming what you have thats all.
but im listening to your interview now, and id love to hear more from you.[/QUOTE]
Saalam Aleikum,
one day all people will know the truth.
The time will come to disclose all secrets about all Prophets and the final acceptance of Mohammed (PBUH) as the last Prophet and Jesus THE MAN as the Messiah and Saint of the end of times. This is my way of disclosing my reality and my world in the light of the Holy revelation of the Quran to mankind.
Im only a servant of God doing what other Brothers dont dare to do in the darkness materialistic interest. I am a Knight by birth I have taken the tittle Khan in the muslim tradition because that what I was in the Christian tradition,I talk the Universal language of sense against the present one of distruction and nonsense ,I talk truth against lies ,Im devoted to God Allah always at every moment of the day and night.The mother of my wife decided for my name Khaled Saifullah and she is a Sufi, I have commited many sins and crimes but Im sinceraly a believer now and that what counts for me, I want Freemasons and all Secret Societies in the world to disclose all their secrets NOW to mankind or perish with the Satan at the end.
May God protect you,
I believe,
Khaled Saifullah Khan
ARTICLES 106-115
ARTICLES 116-125
Posted on Friday, October 27, 2006
working under the direction of Comandante Giorgio Hugo Balestrieri P2/GLADIO
District of Columbia
North Carolina
New Hampshire
New Jersey
New Mexico
New York
Rhode Island
South Carolina
West Virginia
State Chapters
Grand Lodge
City & State
Email Address
Grand Lodge of Arizona
Edwin Squires
Cave Creek, AZ
Arizona OSIA
Grand Lodge of California
415-586-1316 Vera Girolami San Francisco, CA California OSIA
Grand Lodge of Canada
519-759-3847 Fernando Forcucci Winnipeg
Ontario, CN -
Grand Lodge of Colorado
303-420-2671 Pam Wright Arvada, CO Colorado OSIA
Grand Lodge of Connecticut
866-3CT-OSIA Neil A. Velleca Branford, CT Connecticut OSIA
Grand Lodge of Delaware
302-658-1914 W. Thomas Gears Wilmington, DE Delaware OSIA
Grand Lodge of Florida
941-371-0085 Dan Cositore Sarasota, FL Florida OSIA
Grand Lodge of Illinois
708-352-9375 Anthony J. Baratta Wood Ridge, IL Illinois OSIA
Grand Lodge of Massachusetts
617-489-5234 Kevin A. Caira Haverhill, MA, NH, ME Massachusetts OSIA
Grand Lodge of Maryland
410-668-6742 Anita Lombardi-Riley Baltimore, MD Maryland OSIA
Grand Lodge of Michigan
517-482-8444 Linda Fabiano Lansing, MI Michigan OSIA
Grand Lodge of Nebraska
402-345-5095 Charles F. Turco Omaha, NE
Nebraska OSIA
Grand Lodge of New Jersey
856-663-5800 Anna Marie Rotonda Cherry Hill, NJ New Jersey OSIA
Grand Lodge of New York
800-322-6742 Carlo Matteucci Bellmore, NY New York OSIA
Grand Lodge of Ohio
800-891-4089 John Soldano Cleveland, OH Ohio OSIA
Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania
800-621-0062 William D. Bucci Philadelphia, PA
Pennsylvania OSIA
Grand Lodge of Rhode Island
401-861-3859 Ralph P. Guglielmino North Providence, RI
Rhode Island OSIA
Grand Lodge of Virginia Paul F. Siebeking Virginia Beach, VA Virginia OSIA
Grand Lodge of Northwest
206-243-7215 Dorothy Santelli Fircrest, WA, OR, ID Northwest U.S. OSIA
Grand Lodge of West Virginia Jeanne Ameli Bluewell, WV West Virginia OSIA
Additional Chapters
Lodge City & State Lodge President Contact
It-Am Progressive #1945 Birmingham, AL Paul Nola 205-995-8622
Roma #71 Washington, DC Helen M. Vallone 301-946-8633
Fiumedinisi #2515 Washington, DC Anna Colella 301-649-5225
International #2522 Washington, DC Nancy Hurst 703-256-7977
NIH #2547 Washington, DC Michael Cianflone 301-926-3809
Dante Alighieri #1220 Merrillville, IN Tony Muffoletto 219-887-7949
William Paca #2366 Logansport, IN Joe Casalini -
Frank N. Cusimano #2449 Slidell, LA Phyllis Jean Del Fiore 985-847-1609
Italian American Families of Southwest Missouri #2833 Springfield, MO Dante Rebori 417-875-7142
Prodoscemi #2617 Fayetteville, NC Patrick Ricotta 910-426-3397
Triangle Sons of Italy #2817 Raleigh, NC John La Rocca 919-844-7047
Ben Abruzzo #2488 Albuquerque, NM Henry Pacelli 505-892-0888
Cristoforo Colombo #1060 Charleston, SC Roy Noble C. Colombo Web site
Leo L. Darrigo #2662 Surfside Beach, SC Joseph Crisalli Leo L. Darrigo Lodge Web site
Fred Staffileno #2790 Rock Hill, SC Michael Geraci
Basile, D'Alessio, Naso #2808 Irmo, SC Angelo Basile 803-732-0625
Email: AngeloBasile@SC.RR.COM
Giuseppe Verdi #2818 Nashville, TN Douglas Cavener 615-791-8677
Pompeo Coppini #2712 San Antonio, TX Diana Grippi 210-494-7174
Pompeo Copini Web site
Mazzei Greater Milwaukee #2763 Milwaukee, WI Frank Schiro 414-271-7776
Mia Maria of Wyoming #2813 Cheyenne, WY James Rauzi 307-637-3377
Posted on Friday, October 27, 2006 at 06:50PM
This article appears in the October 6, 2006 issue of Executive Intelligence Review.
Cheney Uses Hard-Core Fascists
For Illegal CIA Operations
by Claudio Celani
Two parallel investigations in Milan have produced the broadest documentation and evidence so far of a case of CIA "extraordinary rendition," i.e., the practice of kidnapping foreign citizens on foreign soil and "outsourcing" their imprisonment, interrogation, and torture. This illegal practice, violating the Geneva Conventions and all provisions of international law, has been implemented by the U.S. government, especially through the efforts of Vice President Dick Cheney's legal counsel and chief of staff David Addington. The Italian case has brought indictments and warrants against 26 U.S. citizens, as well as the arrest of Marco Mancini, the number two of Italy's military intelligence service SISMI, and a group of Mancini's accomplices in private intelligence structures who have assisted special operations teams deployed by the CIA. In the background of such structures, the figure of the old spy and P-2 (Propaganda Due) puppetmaster Licio Gelli has surfaced, indicating that in order to carry out his illegal operations abroad, Dick Cheney needs help from convicted felons and bona fide fascists.
The Kidnapping of Abu Omar
In July 2005, prosecutors in Milan issued extradition requests for 26 U.S. citizens, including former CIA station chief in Italy Jeff Castelli and Milan CIA station chief Robert Seldon Lady. Castelli and Lady are accused of having planned and executed the kidnapping of Nasr Osama Mustafa Hassan, an Egyptian citizen better known by his religious name, Abu Omar. Omar was kidnapped in broad daylight in Milan's Via Guerzoni, on Feb. 17, 2003, as he was leaving his flat. A witness, an Egyptian woman, reported to Omar's wife that she had seen two men throw him into a van and drive away. A few days later, Omar's wife filed a complaint with the police. One year later, on April 20, 2004, she received a phone call from her husband, who reported that he had been kidnapped, flown to Egypt, where he is today, and imprisoned and tortured. Omar told the same story, with more detail on his tortures, in another phone call to a friend, a teacher in the Via Quaranta Islamic center, in Milan. Omar, who said that he was now free, but so physically damaged by torture that he can hardly walk, ordered his wife and his friend not to speak to anyone—police, journalists, etc.—as this was the precondition for him to obtain permission to call his family.
Unbeknownst to Abu Omar's wife and the teacher, however, state attorneys in Milan were wiretapping their phones. So, by mid-2004, prosecutors knew that Omar had been kidnapped, and decided to push the investigation ahead. A thorough study of the records of mobile-phone conversations in Via Guerzoni, on the day of the kidnapping, prosecutors Armando Spataro and Ferdinando Pomarici could identify 66 of the callers as connected to the kidnapping. Seventeen cell phones were on site, in Via Guerzoni. Eleven of them accompanied the hostage as far as the highway. Six different phones travelled with the hostage on the highway, to the U.S. military base in Aviano. One cell phone number, starting with 335 and ending with 1143, communicated with the two groups, the one active in Via Guerzoni and the one who received the hostage at the highway, and drove him to Aviano: The user of the first phone is believed to be the head of the commando unit. And the CIA link was also established: Many of the cell phones were also in contact with Robert Seldon Lady, CIA station chief in Milan. This is the evidence that Abu Omar had been kidnapped by the CIA.
Spataro and Pomarici were aided by incredible carelessness on the part of the CIA command, indicating that they felt themselves protected by Italian authorities: The agents flown in from the U.S.A. used their personal credit cards to pay for hotels, meals, and rental cars. They were even caught speeding through the streets of Milan by police cameras. From license plates, police could trace back the rented cars, and from the credit cards used, they obtained the names of the agents. Investigators could also identify the flights used to transfer the hostage: jet executive LJ35, flight code Spar 92, took off at 18:20 hours on Feb. 17, 2003, from Aviano to the U.S. military base in Ramstein, Germany. Next, Abu Omar was put on a Gulfstream (code N85VM), which flew from Ramstein to Egypt. This is the first time that an "extraordinary rendition" was precisely documented.
However, investigators suspected that Italian agents also participated in the operation. Abu Omar in fact told his wife that at least two of his kidnappers spoke Italian, and described the one who stopped him on the street as a "blond, tall man with blue eyes." One of the cell phones active on the crime scene was owned by an Italian policeman, Giuliano Pironi, corresponding to that description, and nicknamed "Ludwig" because of his Teutonic appearance. Prosecutors interrogated Pironi, and he confessed.
The Italian Side
Through Pironi's help, Spataro and Pomarici were able to reconstruct the operation in all its details. Pironi, like most members of the Carabinieri anti-terror team in Milan, knew CIA chief Bob Lady well; they shared a close cooperation and friendly relations. Lady, a veteran of CIA operations in Honduras, chose Pironi for the most delicate aspect of the kidnapping: The CIA group needed an Italian police official to stop Abu Omar without arousing his suspicion, and also to keep other police, who might have cruised into via Guerzoni that day, out of the area.
In his interrogation, Pironi told prosecutors on April 14, 2006: "Today, I intend to tell the truth. I admit to having been present on Feb. 17, 2003, in Via Guerzoni and to having asked Abu Omar to show his ID papers.... I was convinced to participate in an intelligence operation that, according to what Robert Lady told me, had been organized and prepared in agreement with SISMI and the Interior (Police) Department."
Pironi also reported that he had hoped to join SISMI, and had considered the Abu Omar operation a sort of "test" for his admission. He had spoken about his aspirations to his friend Giuliano Tavaroli, a former Carabinieri officer, who had made a career, first as security chief for Pirelli, then for Telecom, Italy's national telephone and communications network. Pironi knew that Tavaroli, in turn, was almost a "twin brother" of Marco Mancini, the head of the counterintelligence division of SISMI. But all Tavaroli could offer him was a job in Telecom. Disappointed, Pironi felt he had been "used."
Prosecutors' suspicions that Italian agencies, and ultimately the government, had passively or actively supported the CIA operation were now being confirmed. Suspicions grew when they realized that SISMI's Marco Mancini had replaced three SISMI station chiefs who were key to the operation—in Milan, Padua, and Trieste. When they interrogated one of them, Stefano Ambrosio, suspicion became evidence. Ambrosio, who is a friend of Robert Lady, reported Lady's confidential remarks: Abu Omar's kidnapping was "a project elaborated by Jeff Castelli, CIA station chief in Rome and responsible for the whole of Italy, in the context of precise orders issued from the United States, by the CIA office in Langley." Bob Lady himself was skeptical about the operation, but he carried out the orders. He had also a very bad opinion of Mancini, whom he considered "a jerk who ... would act only in his personal interest."
At that point, Spataro and Pomarici decided to tap Mancini's phone, and collect more evidence. On July 5, 2006, Mancini and his predecessor, Gen. Gustavo Pignero (Mancini's superior in 2003), were arrested. At that point, it was not clear whether SISMI director, Gen. Nicolò Pollari, had authorized, or had been aware of, the kidnapping operation. This is still unclear today, as Pollari has denied it and even indicated that evidence in his favor is in the hands of the government, but classified as a state secret, as such evidence, if revealed, would "compromise Italy's relations with other governments." This is now a matter of an ongoing review by the Parliamentary Oversight Committee on Secret Services, which is putting pressure on the government.
Everything converges on the hypothesis that already in October 2001, when Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi visited his "good friend" George W. Bush in Washington, promising him "full assistance in the war on terrorism," the seeds were sown for U.S. assistance in illegal operations. Possibly, since it was too hot for everyone involved to officially deploy SISMI or other law enforcement agencies to help in the "extraordinary rendition" of Abu Omar, it was decided to deploy a private structure.
The 'Beagle Boys'
Meanwhile, a parallel investigation by another Milan prosecutor on illegal wiretappings has brought another piece of the conspiracy to the surface. It has been discovered that Mancini and his buddy Tavaroli were running a system of illegal spying on prosecutors' activity, as well as collection of dossiers on hundreds of Italian citizens, including a few national politicians and businessmen. The system would work in the following way: Mancini would ask Tavaroli to collect information on "Mister X"; Tavaroli would turn the request over to a third member of the group, Emanuele Cipriani, owner of a private detective agency in Florence. Cipriani, whose agency had virtually no staff, pulled the strings of dozens of police agents and state officials who had access to police and judiciary records, and would (illegally) supply sensitive information. Dossiers provided by Cipriani to Mancini via Tavaroli were then richly paid for by Tavaroli's Telecom. Prosecutors could prove the transfer of at least 20 million euros from Telecom to Cipriani's accounts in London and in Switzerland. Additionally, Tavaroli had developed a spy system which alerted him to orders for eavesdropping on suspects; he was thus able to warn friends who were targets of such investigations in real time. Tavaroli, Mancini, and Cipriani were apparently called the "Beagle Boys" in their milieu.
When, on Sept. 20, 2006, Tavaroli, Cipriani, and 19 police and state officials were arrested, and the "Telecom spy system" was revealed, Italians had a deja vu. The story had too strong a resemblance to the P2 secret Masonic Lodge, whose Grand Master Licio Gelli had collected thousands of dossiers with which he was able to blackmail half the country's leading figures. And indeed, the connection of the "Beagle Boys" to the P2 is not only on the question of method. Tavaroli, Mancini, and Cipriani are linked by old friendships, cemented during the years when all three were engaged in anti-terrorism police operations in the 1980s, at the Carabinieri "Pastrengo" division in Milan. In the Pastrengo division, which was highly infiltrated by the P2, Marco Mancini made a parallel career with Gustavo Pignero, his predecessor as head of SISMI counterintelligence division, under the protective wing of a person who has been in the middle of several key terrorism investigations, all of which are affected by intelligence manipulations and cover-ups. This person was Col. Umberto Bonaventura, whose team Mancini joined in the early 1980. Eventually, Mancini followed Bonaventura to SISMI, where Bonaventura became head of the First Division (counterintelligence). When Bonaventura left SISMI, he was replaced by Pignero, who was then replaced by Mancini in 2005.
It happens that Bonaventura was involved in key terrorism investigations, all of which involved manipulations of some sort. The most important is the case of the "Moro Memorial," the records of former Prime Minister and Christian Democratic chairman Aldo Moro's kidnapping and interrogations by the Red Brigades terrorists, which were found by Gen. Carlo Alberto Dalla Chiesa's men in Milan, in 1978, a few months after the Moro assassination. Bonaventura, a captain on Dalla Chiesa's team, removed the papers before they could be put on the record, copied them, and gave them back with a number of pages missing. It was Bonaventura himself who confessed this before the Parliamentary Investigating Committee chaired by Sen. Giuseppe Pellegrino in May 2000. Bonaventura acted on behalf of circles who feared that Moro could have revealed NATO or other military secrets in those writings. Bonaventura's action was unknown to Dalla Chiesa, a respected law enforcement officer who was killed by the Mafia in 1984.
Colonel Bonaventura also managed the "Mitrokhin Dossier" on alleged KGB spies in Italy, received through the British intelligence service MI6. A couple of days before his planned testimony to the Parliament's "Mitrokhin" Committee, Bonaventura was found dead of "natural causes" in his apartment, on Sept. 7, 2002.
Bonaventura's protégé Mancini has had an astonishing career, considering that he is a non-commissioned officer and has nonetheless become the number two of military intelligence. This is highly unusual and has raised some questions. Journalist Guido Olimpio, a counterterrorism expert, wrote in the daily Corriere della Sera that, "former CIA head George Tenet allegedly wrote a letter to support Mancini's promotion."
The Gelli Dynasty
Through Emanuele Cipriani, however, the ties of the "Beagle Boys" to the P2 and its Grand Master Licio Gelli become even more concrete. Cipriani, in fact, is an intimate of the Gelli family. In particular, he is a close friend and possibly a partner of Gelli's son Raffaello. Cipriani has not hidden his friendship with Gelli Jr., which in itself is not a crime. But Raffaello Gelli is not just Licio's son; he has been a collaborator of his father, whom he has defended and helped throughout Gelli's judicial prosecutions. Additionally, one of Cipriani's private investigative firms, Worldwide Consultants Security, is based in Montecarlo, 20 Boulevard Princesse Charlotte, which happens to be the address of Raffaello Gelli's wife, Marta Sanarelli. Prosecutors have calculated that Pirelli and Telecom (Tavaroli) have channelled at least 17.5 million euros through the Barclays Bank accounts of WCS. It takes more than a friendship to lend your address for such a business, doesn't it?
Indeed, a first circle closes through Cipriani and Raffaello Gelli. The Gelli connection easily explains how freemason Cipriani could pull the strings of police and judiciary officials to collect his dossiers.
It would take too long here to explain who Gelli has been, and what the P2 conspiracy was. Suffice to say, that Gelli is an hard-core Mussolini fascist, and that his secret freemasonic lodge has played a key role in major terrorist events, such as the 1978 kidnapping and assassination of Aldo Moro and the 1980 Bologna bombing. The P2, through its estimated 2,000 members among Italy's political, military, judicial, business, and media elite, was a "state within the state," able to manipulate and steer Italian politics. Gelli, however, was a low-level puppetmaster; the P2 was an extension of Anglo-American freemasonic networks and an instrument of global synarchist power.
Today, Raffello Gelli seems to be on his way to became his father's proud successor in the underworld of conspiracies, manipulations, and dirty money. He is already well placed in a network of murky international activities, centered around an organization that has a seat at the United Nations: the United Towns Agency for North-South Cooperation. Gelli joined UTA in 1996 through its founder, Henry Bandier, described by many as a "collaborationist" under the fascist Vichy government in France. Bandier, now dead, was "maybe a sympathizer of my father," said Raffaello in an interview with the daily La Nazione in May 2001.
Through Bandier, Raffaello succeeded in becoming a member of the UN Committee on Human Rights, the Subcommittee on Promotion and Protection of Minorities, to be exact. However, Bandier's and Gelli's operations through the UN suffered a setback when, on request from the Cuban government, one of their organizations, the Asopazco (Association for Peace among Continents), was expelled from the UN in 2000. The Cuban government had accused Asopazco of conducting subversive operations against Cuba.
Investigative journalists who have dug in the complicated network of organizations founded and run by Raffaello have found an interesting connection with Macedonia. In Skopje, there is a First Embassy of the Children in the World Megjashi (FECWM), run by a certain Dragi Zmijanac, who in 1999, was a member of the UN Subcommittee on Promotion and Protection of Minorities, together with Raffaello Gelli and his wife Marta. Until October 2005, among the "ambassadors" listed on the website of FECWM, was one Riccardo Sindoca, who was arrested in July 2005 by Italian police. Sindoca, a neofascist, had founded an organization called Dipartimento di Studi Strategici Antiterrorismo (Department of Antiterrorism Strategic Studies), suspected of being a sort of mercenary police, active also in Iraq.
Another "ambassador" of FECWM is Antonio Diletto, whose "diplomatic economic-legal advisor" Giovanni Pascone was also the legal counsel for former Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi.
Posted on Friday, October 27, 2006 at 06:20PM
Giovanni Francesco Alliata di Monreale e Villafranca.
Principe del Sacro Romano Impero who initiated me Leo Lyon Zagami into the illuminati of Freemasonry on the 13th of April 1993.
Posted on Friday, October 27, 2006 at 05:52PM
Giacinto Auriti
La risposta alle cinque domande di Ezra Pound
Presentazione di Marino Solfanelli
Ezra Pound e Giacinto Auriti, il Poeta e il Giurista contadino.
apparentemente diversi, per origine e cultura, ma uniti da un legame
indissolubile: la ricerca della verità a tutti i costi.
Ezra Pound pone cinque domande alle quali non aveva mai risposto
moneta, credito, interesse, usura e circolazione; Giacinto Auriti dà ,
in questo
saggio, risposte precise. Una continuità ideale che li unisce nella
scuola degli
economisti eretici.
Giacinto Auriti, elabora la nuova teoria del valore “come
rapporto tra fasi
di tempo†che lo condurrà alla scoperta del “valore indotto†della
“Chi crea il valore della moneta — dice Giacinto Auriti — non è
chi la
stampa ma il popolo che l’accetta come mezzo di pagamentoâ€, sono però i
banchieri, i grandi usurai, che si appropriano del valore monetario,
come strumento di dominazione ed imponendo all’umanità il signoraggio
debito. Ed ecco allora la geniale soluzione del problema: La proprietÃ
della moneta, che restituisca al popolo il maltolto dei valori monetari
che esso
crea. L’auspicio è che siano i governi a gestire l’emissione monetaria
ed a
ripartire gli utili, come reddito di cittadinanza, a tutti i cittadini.
Posted on Friday, October 27, 2006 at 04:30PM
Posted on Friday, October 27, 2006 at 02:21PM
My experience and my work is in the hand of valid researchers like Greg of Arcticbeacon and others that will release it at the appropiate time to the public trough a serious of publications on the illuminati/Jesuit/Zionist plot , this publications will also include how to defend yourself against the New World Order of Satan and most important how to recognize them.
On Monday the 30th of October 2006 a very special Radio Show with me and Greg Szymanski at between 4PM to 6PM (US CENTRAL TIME) Dont miss it !!!
My present web site illuminati confessions offers today more evidence on MADONNA ANOTHER SLAVE OF THE ILLUMINATI WORKING FOR BROTHER RUI GABIRRO
but the illuminati confessions web site is only a journal and an introduction to my book with Greg to start fighting such demonic forces , once and for all in the open. The situation of global manipulation trough the programs of mind control and the use of demonic Jinns as to come to an end as soon as possible for our own good, and all the goverments involved at high level with this great evil punished with no mercy.
But unfortunately for humankind the United Nations is at present in the hands of the Vatican/Zionist illuminati and Satan himself so all the world is in the hands of a bunch of criminals working for the devil.
UK,USA,RUSSIA,CHINA and most governments of the planet in this satanic age are corrupt by the Jesuit/Zionist illuminati plan to take over the world, but nobody talks otherquise they loose their membership and their nice lunch at the Rotary Club or at the Freemasons and maybe even their job.
Im am sincerely risking my life to come forward and this is no joke, I prove my position with documents and hard evidence on the table for willing researchers but Im not in it for the show or for the money, I have my own show and my own money in other business. But even that its not gonna save me from the great problems humanity will have in the next few years.So I decided to be a modern warrior for Islam , a warrior of peace coming forward using truth to wake up the sleeping sheep! This is not about me or about a group of idiots being control freaks all over the world in their various Boys clubs, this is about the end of times and the coming of the Messiah , this is about the economic downfall starting in 2010...this is about the fall of a dark corrupt civilization and 2012 , and how we should all prepare for these difficult times with a strong believe in God and a army made of true freedom fighters against Satan the eternal cursed one.
Salam Aleikum
Khaled Saifullah Khan/Leo Lyon Zagami
Posted on Friday, October 27, 2006 at 12:21PM
Last March after getting more and more upset with the way things were going in the P2 illuminati manipulation game and the Regular Grand Lodge of England project, I got a strange phone call from the Grand Secretary of the RGLE, the illuminati Jesuit CIA inspired agent Bro.Rui Gabirro ( Grand Master of the Ordre Martinist Synarchique) who told me he was with Madonna in her flat in London and they wanted to invite me to join them as soon as possible to discuss the possible opening of a new masonic Lodge in her Cabalistic circle. Rui said Madonna (already a Martinist) could be Worshipfull Master of such Lodge, and I personaly loved at the time this kind of Cagliostro Theatre with idiotic VIP's.
It was quite obvious for me and my wife that this latest offer was made in the attempt to keep me cool by American intelligence and the illuminati knowing my passion for music and the arts, and at the same time the possibility for them to further manipulate illuminati slave Madonna and keep her busy with a few more cabalas in the coming years. Well this is my truth and my experience with Madonna in the illuminati , later that week Rui was still with Madonna recording an interview about Freemasonry and Cabala in her studio but I never went there and Im happy about it because she is unfortunately a satanist at the moment just like her evil Masters.
Leo Young / Leo Lyon Zagami
Posted on Friday, October 27, 2006 at 12:06PM
Three Reigns of Terror
Since 1789, globally extended modern European civilization has been subjected to three principal intervals of Martinist/Synarchist terror, which have each added to the crippling of civilization's moral capacity to avert and overcome the effects of those great shocks. The first of these was the British East India Company's orchestration of the French Revolution and its Napoleonic sequel. The second was the way in which the effects of World War I were exploited to produce that Synarchist pestilence of Hitler et al. The third was the combination of allied terror-bombing of civilian targets which culminated in the launching of Bertrand Russell's age of imperial preventive nuclear warfare, with President Truman's dropping of the nuclear bombs on the civilian targets of Hiroshima and Nagaski. The latter unfolded in such forms as the 1962 nuclear missiles crisis, the assassination of U.S. President Kennedy, and the launching of the U.S.'s official war in Indo-China. The cumulative effects of these three, and related, interspersed shocks have greatly crippled the intellectual and moral powers of entire populations.
Coming back from World War II, I watched the terror expressed by President Truman's evil act against Hiroshima and Nagasaki in the eyes of those who had just returned from the preceding war. I saw most of them transformed, thus, into something much less than themselves. I saw the nightmare in their eyes during what became known as the "Cold War" of the late 1940s and the 1950s. I watched men and women go insane, en masse, during the most critical days of the 1962 missiles crisis. I saw the aggravated effect on the minds of my generation and its children, as President Kennedy was shot down. I saw the degradation induced by the plunge into the useless journey into Hell which was the 1962-1972 U.S. Indo-China war. I felt that I had lost them all, as if they were lemmings who have run off the cliff in terror.
These kinds of things have happened, en masse. If we do not understand this, we shall not muster ourselves to heal that hurt in them. If we do not, what, then, might become of humanity?
Leading Martinist ideologues, such as Joseph de Maistre, have been explicit. The object of the Martinist freemasonic cult, and its Synarchist continuation, was to destroy the conception of man associated with Europe's Fifteenth-Century Renaissance, the conception of man expressed by the American Revolution, The model was the ancient Phrygian cult of Dionysus, the same pro-satanic theme later stressed by Friedrich Nietzsche. Use a great terror to ready populations to worship the coming of the Dionysus who is the great beast, a creature who commits crimes so monstrous, so unthinkable, that terrified populations will embrace the feet of that oppressor with unquenchable love, seeking to do to others as he, the monster, has done before their eyes.
The model for such modern forms of such terror existed in the Spanish Inquisition, in the religious war launched by Spain's Philip II, and the Thirty Years War. It was against this cult of terror that the Treaty of Westphalia wisely focussed its anti-Hobbesian, anti-Lockean medication of the political soul: the advantage of the other. The wont to do evil which such terror instills in the susceptible observer, is the goal and method of the Martinist such as Joseph de Maistre, or the Adolf Hitler of the holocaust against his Jewish victims.
The three principal cycles of Martinist/Synarchist bestiality I have thus singled out as relatively most crucial for history today, are the accumulated scars of the soul which the nations and populations of extended European civilization continue to bear as part of their legacy today. This legacy corrupts the soul like a vile disease; the cure is, in part, to be aware of this, to recognize how such experiences have worked, to recognize, for example, that to admire Napoleon Bonaparte, or his spiritual descendant, Adolf Hitler, is as if to worship Satan within that tabernacle which is yourself.
Often, we must do good, so that we might defy the evil legacy which reaches from within us to take us over, and win that fight by doing good with audacity, not out of a negative sense of obligation, but out of a passion to experience within ourselves the act of doing a good which defies the legacy of evil which Martinism/Synarchism typifies. The North American will do good for the people of South America only if this action is impelled by a compulsion to defy evil within himself, or herself, by doing good. Great good is not done out of the negative quality of a sense of obligation, a duty; great good is done out of the passion to fulfil a mission, a mission of the quality which is, in and of itself, the realization of being no beast, but as human as a beneficial creature made in the likeness of the Creator must be. In Greek, for the sake of agape.
Martinism—synarchism—must be brought to an end now. The mission of freeing mankind from the worship of the presently still prevalent misconceptions of banking and money is key to that urgently needed result. True wealth is, as our Cotton Mather and Benjamin Franklin taught, the act and fruit of doing good.
Posted on Friday, October 27, 2006 at 11:23AM
In Freemasonry Martinism is known as the real illuminati Order, they are considered the spiritual teachers of the New World Order within the masonic lodges. But in reality most High degree practitioners in this system are corrupt by materialistic interest and satanism, practicing instead old Egyptian Rituals to use evil Jinns under Vatican Jesuit supervision.
Yes there are many Senior rappresentatives of the Vatican visiting in secret Martinist Chapters worldwide on a regular basis (and many Popes have joined this dangerous illuminati sect).
Thats usualy because Martinist illuminati provide the Jesuits with a secret link to the occult world and most black magical circles and dark cults spread around the planet, but at the same time Martinism as a Christian image and appeal to deceive further the outside world and obviously avoid any suspicion or investigation. You know the truth now and the truth shall set you free!
Leo Lyon Zagami/Khaled Saifullah Khan
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Martinism is the mystical tradition started in 18th century France by Louis-Claude de Saint-Martin. After the death of his mentor Martines de Pasquales, he discovered the writings of Jacob Boehme, whom he called his 'second master'. He turned away from the theurgy of the Ordre des Chevaliers Maçons Élus Coëns de l'Univers in favor of the Way of the Heart. He personally initiated several influential people into his Intimate Society, or Society of Friends.
After his death in 1803, this initiation and his teachings and ceremonies were propagated in small circles. In 1888 two young students who were both initiated in this tradition, Augustin Chaboseau and Papus, met each other in medical school and they decided to bring all Martinists together. To this end they created a mystic school, the Ordre Martiniste. This movement was very successful and in 1891 a Supreme Council of 21 members was formed. Papus was elected first president of this council and grand master of the order. Under his tireless leadership the order grew rapidly and around 1900 there were hundreds of members in many countries. In 1905, the Tzar Nicholas II of Russia invited Papus to Tsarskoïe Selo to ask for advice upon the deep domestic difficulties he was facing with revolutionaries.
The first World War was disastrous for the Order. Papus died on the battlefield while fulfilling his duties as a doctor and many other leaders of the order died too. After the war, the order was as good as extinct and the surviving members went into different directions. Many French martinists believed Karl Wilhelm Naundorff's claims to the French throne. They joined the Synarchy movement and formed the Ordre Martiniste et Synarchie (OMS).
In 1931 Augustin Chaboseau got together with Victor-Emile Michelet and Lucien Chamuel (the other two surviving members of the original Supreme Council of 1891) to bring new life to the order they had began together with Papus. In order to emphasise the difference they felt between the traditional martinism they had to offer as founders of the original Martinist Order and the many new groups that had sprung up, they gave the name Ordre Martiniste Traditionnel (OMT) to their movement. Victor-Emile Michelet was elected grand master and Augustin Chaboseau succeeded him in 1939 until his death on January 2, 1946. Though he had received his martinist initiations in the OMS, AMORC Imperator Ralph Maxwell Lewis was asked by the OMT in 1939 to bring martinism to the U.S.A. and he was given the necessary charters and other documents.
The second World War was as disastrous for the Order in Europe as the first. The Nazi regime suppressed all 'occult' groups and many martinists died in concentration camps. The OMT in Europe and its American branch, the Traditional Martinist Order (TMO) still exist, but are reserved exclusively for members of the Rosicrucian Order AMORC. Martinism is now fast growing in popularity and with the advent of Internet many new orders have grown worldwide.
Martinist philosophy is based on the "Treatise on the reintegration of beings" by Martines de Pasquales and the writings of two of his students: Louis-Claude de Saint-Martin and Jean-Baptiste Willermoz. The teachings focus on Christian mysticism, Jewish mysticism, and Kabbalah.
The Martinist system constitutes of three degrees, called Associate, Initiate (or Mystic) and S...I... (Supérieur Inconnu). Referring to the third degree, Papus called the martinist initiation "a small legacy of two letters and a few points". For this, martinists are sometimes called the six-point brothers. R+CMO, a Martinist order, claims that it has access to a fourth degree which is about Theurgy.
[edit]List of Martinist orders
Ordre Martiniste et Synarchique (OMS), a synarchic order.
Ordre Martiniste Opératif (OMO)1
Traditional Martinist Order (TMO), which operates under the aegis of AMORC.
Ordre Martiniste de Papus (OM), started by Papus' son Philippe Encausse.
Ordre Martiniste des Pays-Bas (OMPB), started by Maurice Warnon, with the approval of Philippe Encausse for Dutch martinists who were uncomfortable when the Gnostic Church was chosen as official church of the French Martinist Order.
British Martinist Order (BMO), which cooperates with Gary L. Stewart's Order Militia Crucifera Evangelica (OMCE)
Rose Croix Martinist Order (R+CMO), which claims to offer the fourth Martinist degree and concentrates on theurgy.
Ancient Martinist Order (AMO), which is an attempt to unify a number of Martinist Orders under one structure.
Martinist Order of Unknown Philosophers (MOUP), which follows the Martinist traditions of the Chevillon-Chambellant lineage.
Society of Intitiates or Société des Initiés is a loosely organized assembly of S:I: (Free Initiators) who gather together for fellowship and the promotion of the original ideals of Louis-Claude de Saint-Martin.
Martinist Order of the Knights of Christ or Ordre Martiniste Des Chevaliers Du Christ
The Hermetic Order of Martinists (H.O.M.), which is an Order only open to Master Masons.
Ordre Reaux Croix, which is a Scandinavian jurisdiction.
Posted on Friday, October 27, 2006 at 10:50AM
I,10: Let my servants be few & secret: they shall rule the many & the known.
(The Book of the Law, A.Crowley)
ARTICLES 126-135
Posted on Saturday, October 28, 2006 at 03:29PM by [Your Name Here] |
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Café Krumm Heller
Esta notable y benéfica Planta (Coffea arábica) es un Arbusto de hojas opuestas oblongo – aovadas, acuminadas y lampiñas, de flores dispuestas en pedúnculos axilares cortos a agregados y de semillas duras, ovales, convexas por un lado, planas por el otro y marcadas con un surco longitudinal, de color ceniciento y sabor amargo y aromático.
Un Pastor de EtiopÃa observó cierta noche, que sus Cabras y Camellos no habÃan dormido como de costumbre por haber encontrado una Planta cuyas hojas, frutos y tallos, comÃan ansiosamente pretendiendo cada vez comer más... Tal fue la sorpresa del Pastor, que decidió consultar con los Frailes de un Convento que habÃa en las cercanÃas para exponerles un caso tan extraordinario. Asà lo hizo. Pero al terminar sus explicaciones, fueron los mismos Religiosos a observar la Planta, invadidos del deseo de estudiar el prodigio. Cual no serÃa su extrañeza, al ver que se trataba de una Planta conocida que les hizo exclamar con júbilo: Esta planta es nuestra y lleva nuestro nombre... Hay que advertir que Cafea era el pueblecito donde radicaba el Convento.
Luego informaron al pastor, que se servÃan de este arbusto, cuya infusión tomaban frecuentemente, para estar siempre despiertos y con cierta excitación grata a Dios. Esta Planta la habÃan considerado con un obsequio de la Divinidad exclusivamente para ellos y por eso habÃan reservado su divulgación. Pero ya que él la habÃa descubierto, era ésta una señal de que debiera ser para todos. A partir de ese instante, fue dada a conocer...
Examinada esta Planta, se han podido extraer de su simiente muchos principios inmediatos. Entre ellos un alcaloide curioso llamado la CafeÃna y una gran parte de ácido fórmico.
Asà como para el Mundo comercial el descubrimiento de América por colón trajo una nueva época, asà la introducción del Café influyó de una manera acentuada sobre la mentalidad del hombre por la acción que ejerce en los órganos del pensamiento. Tomada en infusión excita el sistema nervioso singularmente, priva del sueño y da una gran lucidez a las ideas. Delille, el poeta francés, después de hacer la apologÃa del vino, exclama entusiasmado: “Hay un lÃquido predilecto del Poeta, del que careció Virgilio y que adoraba Voltaire. Ese lÃquido eres tú, divino Café, que sin perturbar el cerebro, ensanchas dulcemente el corazónâ€...
El Café, marca época y procedente de EtiopÃa, se ha adueñado del Mundo entero siendo uno de sus principales factores comerciales.
Como remedio, lo consideramos grandioso. Hace muchos años que un indio del Estado de Vera Cruz, en México, nos enseñó un modo raro de curar la Malaria. Es empirismo, si se quiere, sin base cientÃfica, pero nosotros por la curiosidad lo aplicamos en miles de casos con un resultado sorprendente. A esto fuimos, por nuestra aversión constante hacia la Quinina que como único remedio es recetado contra el Paludismo. Sean honrados los Médicos y declaren que si bien es estimable como preventivo, no lo es asà como curativo.
El remedio del Indio consiste, en tomar un puñado de Café crudo y echarlo a hervir hasta lograr una buena infusión de este modo. Luego, se deja enfriar durante varias horas después de colarlo cuidadosamente. Ya colado y en frÃo, se añade a un vaso de esta infusión el zumo de tres a cuatro Limones, con una cucharada de Alquitrán de Gougeot; esta mezcla, de no muy buen sabor, se toma en ayunas durante una semana. Es segura la curación del Paludismo. Invitamos pues a hacer la prueba, ya que por todas partes y muy principalmente en los PaÃses cálidos, azota esa enfermedad. Nosotros hicimos los análisis correspondientes y hemos comprobado que el remedio tiene base cientÃfica, aunque nunca lo quisimos explotar, para ofrecerlo ahora abiertamente en beneficio de todos.
Generalmente queda algo de malestar en la convalecencia de esta enfermedad y para ello tenemos un extracto de Rosas que acaba con todo.
En un Hospital de Dresden han recetado con gran éxito Café hecho carbón. Asà que se quema el café, se tuesta más allá de lo acostumbrado, llegando a ser carbón. Pulverizado se da contra inflamación de la garganta, anginas y sobre toda la apendicitis puede ser curada en un dÃa, evitando asà la operación, que nunca está exenta de peligro.
Posted on Saturday, October 28, 2006 at 03:09PM by [Your Name Here] |
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Roberto Negrini
(grande sostenitore di Massimo Introvigne, Roberto e' coinvolto anche nel falso mito dei UFO in Italia )
“Sappiamo che per ognuno di noi la vita è una rivelazione spirituale, seducente e magica, che nessuna filosofia o religione è riuscita finora a chiarire del tutto. E siamo a conoscenza anche di qualcos’altro: sappiamo che nel momento in cui comprendiamo ciò che sta succedendo, mettendo in moto questa forma di crescita e mantenendola in vita, il genere umano effettuerà un incredibile balzo in avanti raggiungendo finalmente il nuovo stile di vita che ha inseguito nell’arco di tutta la sua storia.â€
James Redfield. La profezia di Celestino
“Il mitico simbolo religioso non sarà più un uomo sulla croce ma una coppia uomo-donna unita nella più alta comunione d’amore [...] il tono emotivo della nuova filosofia sarà edonistico, estetico, senza paura, ottimistico, umoristico, pratico, scettico. Ora noi stiamo vivendo un periodo di attesa, silenzioso e preparatorio. Tutti sanno che qualcosa sta per accadere.â€
Timothy Leary. Neuropolitique
Verso la fine degli anni ’50 Carl Gustav Jung, giunto alla fine del suo percorso di vita e di un itinerario intellettuale fra i più creativi nella storia del pensiero sia filosofico che scientifico, nel suo Un mito moderno — dedicato all’emblematico enigma degli UFO — dichiarava:
come già sappiamo dalla storia dell’antico Egitto, esistono fenomeni psichici di mutazione che si verificano costantemente alla fine di un mese platonico o all’inizio del successivo. Vi sono, a quanto pare, mutamenti nella costellazione delle dominanti psichiche degli archetipi, degli “dei†che causano o accompagnano trasformazioni secolari della psiche collettiva. Questa trasformazione è cominciata e ha lasciato le sue tracce all’interno dello sviluppo storico dapprima nel passaggio dall’età del Toro a quella dell’Ariete, poi dall’età dell’Ariete a quella dei Pesci, il cui inizio coincide con il sorgere del cristianesimo. Ci stiamo ora avvicinando a una grande trasformazione con l’entrata del “punto primaverile†nell’Acquario.
Al culmine delle sue ricerche sui rapporti tra psiche umana e universi simbolici del Sacro il geniale ricercatore svizzero non disdegnò quindi di fare propria la concezione astrosofica e astrologica secondo cui è ravvisabile una sorta di sincronicità fra le mutazioni e i ciclici ritorni delle dominanti zodiacali e le grandi trasformazioni spirituali, psichiche e storiche dell’umanità .
Una visione cosmologica che, pur secondo diverse modalità di calcolo o interpretazione, risulta comune a tutte le culture pre-monoteiste, dai Veda con i loro “grandi†e “piccoli†cicli temporali (kalpas e yugas) fino a Platone e al suo “Grande Anno†o “anno consummanteâ€, così identificato nel Timeo:
quando insieme giungendo a compimento ritornino al principio le reciproche velocità degli otto cerchi.
Lo specifico codice riferito da Jung sulle “ere zodiacali†e sull’imminente “Era dell’Acquario†si riferisce a una di queste possibili letture, basata sul fenomeno astronomico della precessione equinoziale, già noto e calcolato da Ipparco fin dal II secolo a.C., in virtù del quale — contemporaneamente a precisi cambiamenti d’identificazione della stella polare — il “punto gamma†o punto vernale o equinoziale del cielo visibile, coincidente con l’inizio della Primavera, risulta allineato con una diversa costellazione zodiacale ogni 2160 anni secondo un percorso retrogrado.
In base a questo schema, ben conosciuto dalle scienze astrologiche e archeoastronomiche, sarebbe possibile, seppur approssimativamente, inquadrare a posteriori l’identificazione di un’epoca protostorica che potremmo definire “stellare†in un arco di tempo che andrebbe dal 6000 al 4000 a.C. circa. A questo ciclo potrebbero riferirsi le varie mitizzazioni relative a un’Età Aurea, caratterizzata dal prevalere psichico e sacrale (e quindi storico e sociale) di archetipi androginici o ginandrici, rappresentati da coppie ierogamiche di mostruose deità teratomorfe e nictomorfe correlabili a una concezione cosmico-stellare del Sacro. Un’epoca le cui strutture psichiche collettive sarebbero state influenzate dall’osservazione delle stelle (utilizzate come regolatrici nel computo del tempo) orientate sull’asse della stella Thuban [Alpha Draconis] nella costellazione del Drago, che ebbe funzione di stella polare fin circa al II millennio a.C. Tale ciclo di tempo, certamente leggibile in chiave immaginale e metastorica ma di cui troviamo qualche eco storicizzata — rintracciabile probabilmente anche in alcune culture megalitiche — nei miti cosmogonici di molteplici culture, apparirebbe, in virtù della suddetta Precessione, in risonanza equinoziale con la costellazione dei Gemelli, archetipo mercuriale della duplicità , dell’ambivalenza e della Coppia Primordiale. Mentre una successiva era “matristica†e per alcuni aspetti “matriarcaleâ€, dominata dall’archetipo sacrale femminile delle Grandi Madri e da modelli psichici e storici ginosofici e a volte ginecocratici, procederebbe dal 4000 al 2000 a.C. circa, in evidente corrispondenza con il predominio (precessionale) della costellazione del Toro (archetipo venereo di fecondità e pandemia orgiastica), per concludersi con l’uscita di Thuban e della
costellazione del Draco dall’asse polare. Il successivo affermarsi del principio solare paterno — definibile come “patristico†laddove si manifesta nella violenta prevalenza di archetipi maschili luminosi e spesso guerrieri — si collocherebbe poi entro un ciclo temporale che va dal 2000 a.C. fino all’inizio della cosiddetta era cristiana, correlandosi all’influenza equinoziale della costellazione di Ariete (archetipo marziale di assialità sia fallica che guerriera). Dall’anno 0 fino al 2000 d.C. circa, in risonanza con l’installarsi equinoziale della costellazione dei Pesci, avremmo invece un ciclo che possiamo considerare come “tomba†o “incubazione†o “congelamento†degli archetipi patristici stessi, che divengono “patriarcali†frantumando ogni possibile ierogamia e ogni possibile bilanciamento tra le diverse componenti dell’Essere, della psiche e della carne.
Alla conclusione dell’attuale periodo storico, in cui assistiamo a confusione, sovrapposizione e contraddizione reciproca fra tutti i paradigmi culturali e i relativi ordini simbolici, nonché alla nascita di nuove insospettate forme di percezione del Cosmo, della Natura e dell’Essere, si può infine ravvisare l’albeggiamento e forse il riverbero psichico collettivo di un nuovo ciclo precessionale in cui stiamo per immetterci, risonante a vari livelli con i poteri uranici e saturnici, celesti e infernali della costellazione di Acquario: ovvero una delle quattro costellazioni (le altre sono Toro, Leone e Scorpione) che gravitano tuttora nel cielo visibile intorno all’odierna stella polare, oggi non più collocata nel ventre del Draco ma comunque ancora emblematicamente avvolta dalle spire del complesso stellare che porta questo nome. Da qui la possibilità di ravvisare nella cosiddetta Era di Aquarius un qualche ritorno ciclico di valori psico-spirituali e sacrali sia matristici che androginici e quindi nuovamente stellari, tipici dell’universo simbolico della Serpe Draco (Ere dei Gemelli e del Toro) dei cicli protostorici.
La percezione di questa sorta di “orologio cosmico†rappresenta letteralmente il cardine centrale di una grande quantità di linguaggi mitici antichi, da un capo all’altro del mondo, e vi sono buone ragioni per ritenere che dietro gli adombramenti metaforici della ciclicità precessionale si nasconda la genialità di un sapere metascientifico preistorico che attende ancora di essere pienamente esplorato.
Nella loro monumentale e rivoluzionaria opera di analisi epistemologica sui miti arcaici Il mulino di Amleto, che ha rappresentato una tappa fondamentale della ricerca contemporanea sulla complessità delle culture pre-razionali, gli storici Giorgio de Santillana e Herta von Dechend ci offrono su questo tema considerazioni illuminanti.
A mano a mano che seguiamo gli indizi — stelle, numeri, colori, piante, forme, poesia, musica, strutture — scopriamo l’esistenza di una vastissima intelaiatura di rapporti che interessa molti livelli. Ci si trova all’interno di una molteplicità riecheggiante, ove ogni cosa reagisce e ha un suo luogo e un suo tempo stabilito. È un vero e proprio edificio, una specie di matrice matematica, un’immagine del Mondo che s’accorda a ognuno dei molti livelli, regolata in ogni sua parte da una rigorosa misura.
E più avanti, nel tentativo di spiegare al lettore, specialista e non, il significato e per molti versi lo “scandalo†della loro ricerca, decisamente innovativa rispetto al conformismo accademico maggioritario in quella fine anni ’60 in cui la prima edizione del libro apparve negli Stati Uniti, i due studiosi sottolineano come sia
necessario comprendere una volta per tutte che l’abisso tra il mondo arcaico e il nostro era vasto quanto la scienza: i prodigi di esattezza e di calcolo non erano sufficienti a colmarlo; l’unica a poterlo fare era la carta astronomica [...] Il nostro compito consisteva dunque nel recuperare dal lontano passato una scienza interamente perduta, legata a una cultura altrettanto perduta in cui gli antropologi hanno scorto soltanto un mondo “primitivo†analfabeta [...] questa scienza perduta, immensamente raffinata, non possedeva alcun “sistemaâ€, alcuna chiave sistematica su cui fondare l’insegnamento. Esisteva prima che si potesse pensare a dei sistemi.
Naturalmente la corretta chiave di lettura di simili paradigmi deve fondarsi su una visione pre-logica e non meccanicistica del Reale, in cui la mappatura astrosofica riflette sincronicamente universi interiori e paesaggi dell’inconscio collettivo etnico a cui appartiene il sistema simbolico utilizzato. Divinità del mito sacrale e stelle del kosmos immaginale astrologico rappresentano qui un codice di lettura la cui validità di significati si giustifica coerentemente in se stessa al di là degli eventuali riscontri nell’oggettività apparente della natura e della storia. I valori che ne possono essere tratti rappresentano tendenze della psiche, impalcature del pensiero, sfondi e contorni paradigmatici inerenti alla complessità degli eventi epocali... e non semplici sequenze meccaniche organizzate secondo criteri diretti di causa-effetto connessi a qualche “radiazione†planetaria; o per lo meno non soltanto questo.
E a proposito del possibile utilizzo del codice astrosofico in relazione alle formule arcaiche di comprensione dell’universo e di codifica dei Tempi Sacri sono ancora Santillana e la von Dechend a collocare il problema nella giusta prospettiva.
Il maggior divario tra il pensiero arcaico e quello moderno sta nell’uso dell’astrologia. Non s’intende con ciò l’astrologia comune e giudiziaria, oggi ridivenuta capriccio e moda tra il pubblico ignorante [...] È necessario risalire ai tempi arcaici, a un universo che non sospetta minimamente della nostra scienza e del metodo sperimentale su cui essa è fondata, inconsapevole dell’arte terribile della separazione che distingue il verificabile dal non verificabile. Era quello un tempo ricco di un’altra conoscenza andata poi perduta, che ricercava princìpi diversi; esso fornì la lingua franca del passato, la sua era una conoscenza di corrispondenze cosmiche che trovavano riprova e suggello di verità entro uno specifico determinismo, anzi un sovradeterminismo soggetto a forze totalmente prive di ubicazione.
Quanto poi all’utilizzo magico dei dati astrosofici in relazione a un controllo oggettivo della natura o alla comprensione mantica di quella misteriosa sequenza causale e complessa che definiamo “destino†si tratta di un diverso ordine di problemi, che esula dal tema di queste considerazioni e di cui ci siamo occupati in altri contesti a cui rimandiamo. In ogni caso la controversia tra un sapere astrologico esperito come codice di lettura del Reale e dei suoi contenuti metafisici e un’Astrologia intesa invece come mantica e strumento di conoscenza di eventi futuri è molto antica e dopo aver percorso l’intero Rinascimento, attraverso le visioni, le intuizioni e le vivaci polemiche di giganti del pensiero come Marsilio Ficino, Giordano Bruno o Pico della Mirandola, è arrivata fino a oggi, coinvolgendo tuttora la frontale contrapposizione fra opposte concezioni dell’Universo. Dando anche occasione a desolanti cadute di livello critico presso alcuni ambienti autoproclamatisi “scientifici†ma in realtà settariamente scientisti, come l’americano CSICOP (Committee for the Scientific Investigation of Claims of the Paranormal) e l’italiano CICAP (Comitato Italiano per il Controllo delle Affermazioni sul Paranormale), che pretendono d’invalidare radicalmente ogni forma di cultura esoterica e che verso il grande impianto teoretico astrologico ostentano ottuso disprezzo, senza peraltro nulla conoscerne e con una protervia ignorante che a volte si colora delle tinte un po' malsane della volgarità inquisitoria. Nelle loro pubblicazioni, improntate a un’autentica crociata contro ogni formula culturale non inquadrata entro gli angusti confini del razionalismo integralista, le sapienze di Babilonia e di Persia e le complesse speculazioni di Albumasar o di Delminio o dello stesso Jung, per non parlare di Ficino, Bruno e Pico, vengono equiparate, nella totale assenza di apparati critici (storici, filosofici o antropologici), alle farneticazioni dell’ultimo astrologastro da rotocalco. Così una millenaria visione del mondo viene liquidata contrapponendovi un supponente dileggio d’incredibile superficialità , spesso condito da un linguaggio da taverna che non ha neppure il pregio di essere caustico o spiritoso.
Ne è una significativa testimonianza, per esempio, la prosa del fisico Roberto Vanzetto, personaggio di punta del CICAP, in un suo articolo sull’Astrologia apparso sul bollettino di quest’associazione, dove si lamenta l’esistenza di
gruppi dell’acquarianesimo e della Nuova Era (New Age) prossima ventura, i quali, dopo aver sentito dire da qualche parte che il punto Gamma si sposta nelle Costellazioni [...] hanno deciso che qualcosa dovrà capitare anche a noi. Ebbene, secondo questi tizi, che in fantasia e ignoranza non hanno nulla a che invidiare agli astrologi classici, quando il punto Gamma entrerà nell’Acquario (da cui il nome acquarianesimo) il mondo cambierà completamente (da cui il nome Nuova Era).
Atteggiamenti e linguaggi di questo tipo si squalificano da soli e distano anni luce dall’effettiva posizione degli specialisti, degli storici, degli epistemologi e antropologi del Sacro nei confronti della tradizione culturale esoterica e particolarmente ermetico-astrologica. Fra questi la compianta Frances A. Yates, una tra le maggiori autorità mondiali nel campo degli studi sulla cultura rinascimentale, rilevava che
la concezione meccanicistica del mondo prodotta dalla rivoluzione del XVII secolo è stata a sua volta superata dagli stupefacenti, ulteriori progressi della conoscenza scientifica. Può essere illuminante distinguere la rivoluzione scientifica in due fasi, la prima caratterizzata da un universo animistico governato dalla magia e la seconda da un universo meccanicistico regolato dalla meccanica. Un’indagine su entrambe le fasi, e sulle loro interazioni, può rivelarsi un metodo più utile, per affrontare i problemi sollevati ai nostri giorni dalla scienza, di quello che si ferma soltanto al trionfo del XVII secolo. Non è infatti la scienza, tutto sommato, nient’altro che una gnosi, una visione della natura del Tutto procedente attraverso rivelazioni successive?
E l’epistemologo genovese Paolo Aldo Rossi, che tanto in Italia ha fatto per un corretto recupero delle culture scientifiche, magiche e spirituali di Medioevo e Rinascimento, a proposito del codice astrosofico stellare ci ricorda che
l’astrologia (come pars theorica) e la magia (come pars practica) si propongono come lo strumento fondamentale in grado di salvare la libertà dell’uomo, affrancandolo dalla natura madre e matrigna e rendendolo padrone e coautore sia del proprio destino che di quello del mondo in cui egli vive.
E ancora, relativamente alla presunta conflittualità insanabile tra pensiero magico e rivoluzione scientifica:
il residuo magico astrologico non influenza in senso teoretico la costruzione delle teorie scientifiche, in quanto non sta alla scienza dar valore ai propri risultati. Il conferimento di senso non entra in contraddizione con le tematiche scientifiche, appartiene semplicemente ad un’altra dimensione.
Appare fin troppo evidente che le concezioni cicliche del Tempo e l’idea della Storia come avvicendamento circolare o spiroidale di epoche simbolicamente codificabili sono categorie del pensiero strettamente connesse a una visione magico-panteistica del mondo e del percorso umano. Il loro attenuarsi sugli orizzonti della cultura umana, per dare spazio a concezioni prima lineari ed escatologico-religiose, poi evoluzionistico-razionali, si manifesta infatti contestualmente all’oscurarsi delle culture magiche dietro gli orizzonti della coscienza e all’imporsi di due diversi paradigmi: il monoteismo religioso giudeo-cristiano e, in seguito, il razionalismo evoluzionista scientifico.
Come annotava Mircea Eliade,
il giudeo-cristianesimo presenta un’innovazione di capitale importanza: la fine del mondo sarà unica, così come è stata unica la cosmogonia. [...] Il tempo non è più il tempo circolare dell’eterno ritorno, ma un tempo lineare e irreversibile. Ma non è tutto: l’escatologia rappresenta anche il trionfo di una storia sacra, poiché la fine del mondo rivelerà il valore religioso degli atti umani, e gli uomini saranno giudicati secondo le loro azioni. Non si tratta più di una rigenerazione cosmica che implica anche la rigenerazione di una comunità (oppure della totalità della specie umana) ma di un giudizio, di una selezione: solamente gli eletti vivranno in una beatitudine eterna [...] Vi è poi un’altra differenza con le religioni cosmiche: per il giudeo-cristianesimo la fine del mondo fa parte del mistero messianico. Per gli Ebrei l’arrivo del Messia annuncerà la fine del mondo e la restaurazione del paradiso. Per i cristiani la fine del mondo precederà la seconda venuta del Cristo e l’ultimo giudizio [...].
Queste concezioni lineari e finalistiche degli eventi umani hanno informato di sé due millenni di evoluzione del pensiero e della coscienza, particolarmente in Occidente, grazie alla pressoché assoluta egemonia culturale delle teologie monoteiste, che hanno virtualmente inteso trasformare la Storia in un unico progetto arbitrario del loro Dio Personale. Un progetto etico, teleologico e inesorabilmente patriarcale in cui Uomo e Natura non sono che prodotti della creazione volitiva di un Nume Generatore Fallico, nella cui volontà capricciosa e dittatoriale si esaurisce il percorso del tempo universale, dalla Genesi all’Apocalisse. Il conseguente dualismo tra Essere (Logos generatore) e Divenire (Universo generato) trovò poi una sistematizzazione teoretica nello sviluppo del pensiero filosofico greco, in cui parallelamente — pur conservandosi con Pitagora e Platone la concezione panteistica e circolare del Kosmos e ciclica del Tempo e delle epoche umane — l’immobilità astratta di un principio metafisico trascendente venne sempre più contrapposta alla costante e travagliata mobilità delle cose e della Natura manifesta. A partire da Parmenide, lungo un itinerario che confluirà nell’ambivalenza del sistema di Aristotele (da cui si poterono trarre conclusioni opposte e contrastanti, sia teologico-spiritualistiche che razionalistico-scientifiche), la Natura, la Storia, l’Anthropos e le loro ciclicità divennero mondi sempre meno “divini†e sempre più secondari, da un lato sottomessi alla volontà astratta di un Nume inconoscibile, dall’altro regolati da leggi automatiche razionalmente esplorabili attraverso modelli logici e matematici circoscritti.
Domenico Antonino Conci, docente di Filosofia teoretica ad Arezzo e una tra le voci più interessanti nel panorama accademico italiano sugli studi del pensiero antico, analizzando il passaggio dalle arcaiche culture della Grande Madre a quelle patristiche del Logos greco (nei cui paradigmi, oltre a tutta la teologia cristiana, resta ancor oggi radicato lo stesso pensiero scientifico-positivista) ha rilevato come sia fondamentale
evidenziare la differenza fenomenologica estrema fra una condizione antropologica segnata dal realismo segnico e quella, come l’occidentale, dominata profondamente dall’obbiettivismo scientifico e tecnologico. Nella prima l’esistenza e la verità sono funzioni dirette ed immediate della manifestazione medesima che, in quanto attestazione diretta del reale, non è mero fenomeno [...] bensì presenza in carne ed ossa (realismo segnico). La seconda muove — dopo la catastrofe culturale prodottasi nel Medioevo ellenico (1200-fine 900 a.C.) con la crisi dell’egemonia magico-religiosa e quindi con la perdita di fiducia nel realismo segnico — dal dramma esistenziale cognitivo della differenza tra apparire ed essere, per giungere alla conoscenza del reale [...] solo mediante espedienti integrativi, concettuali e operativi forniti dal nuovo logos.
Dopo aver frantumato in due mondi contrapposti (Essere e Divenire) il cerchio cosmico, unitario, estatico e visionario delle cosmogonie arcaiche si cercò dunque di ricomporne la perduta unità ouroborica attraverso espedienti cognitivi o intuitivi e giustapposizioni dialettiche tra l’Uno e i Molti, tra essenza e sostanza, e successivamente s’intrecciarono tali speculazioni con la montante marea dell’innesto giudeo-cristiano, per approdare infine all’ibrida convergenza — consacrata da Tommaso d’Aquino e dai suoi emuli — tra il “motore immobile†di Aristotele e il Celeste Padre “Creatore del Mondo†del paradigma cristiano. Nonché alla conseguente affermazione definitiva del tempo lineare e sequenziale, che influenzerà anche lo sviluppo del pensiero scientifico fino all’estrema reazione, uguale e contraria, dell’evoluzionismo materialista e all’interpretazione della Storia quale evoluzione biologica casuale, ma pur sempre lineare e finalistica, dall’animale al cosiddetto “uomo civilizzatoâ€.
Eppure in tutta la loro storia, e segnatamente in due momenti fondamentali riconoscibili nel Rinascimento e nel nostro stesso secolo, l’osservare scientifico e il costruire tecnologico si sono ritrovati a confrontarsi con problemi e domande che costantemente mettevano in crisi la linearità presupposta di una Natura regolata o addirittura “eticamente†orientata da qualche singola entità (identificabile con il Deus personale monoteistico). Problemi e domande che tendevano a riproporre, sia pure in forma diversa, le lampeggianti visioni simboliche di concezioni olistiche, sciamaniche e magiche arcaiche riconducibili al realismo segnico, non foss’altro che per l’evidente struttura ciclica, complessa e non-lineare o addirittura frattale di ogni processo naturale osservabile, nonché per l’altrettanto evidente correlazione fra i più ancestrali archetipi del Sacro e le strutture morfologiche della psiche umana e del suo substrato inconscio.
Una codifica storico-antropologica esaustiva intorno al lento ritrarsi del mondo magico (comune, in epoche diverse ma forse sincroniche, a tutte le culture del pianeta) di fronte all’affermarsi dell’atteggiamento religioso aspetta ancora di essere scritta. E questo nonostante le più accreditate ricerche etnologiche, tra le prime quelle di James Frazer, padre tanto discusso quanto ancora attuale dell’antropologia, abbiano ormai dimostrato che la Magia è antecedente alla Religione: si potrebbe anzi dire che è la più antica delle religioni, in un tempo sospeso fra mito e archeologia in cui probabilmente non era ancora avvenuta quella frattura tra mondo magico e universo religioso che — originatasi poligeneticamente, come abbiamo visto, in seguito all’imporsi dei modelli dualistico-patriarcali — ha trasformato la Religione, specie nell’Occidente cristiano, nella più feroce persecutrice della Magia.
Com’è dunque accaduto che la Magia, forma primordiale di esperienza del Sacro e di percezione della Natura, si sia oscurata dinanzi all’avanzare dell’atteggiamento religioso, che invita la coscienza umana ad abbandonarsi all’arbitrio degli Dei (o del Fato, o dei Demoni) e, alla fine, di un unico “Dio personale†attraverso rituarie per molti versi opposte a quelle magiche, come l’apotropaica preghiera? Non è possibile allo stato attuale delle nostre conoscenze cronologizzare con certezza questo passaggio, ma è antropologicamente certo che il prometeismo magico (consustanziale e sincronico al realismo segnico) secondo cui l’Anthropos è un riflesso-contenitore del divino, capace con tecniche e sapienze esperibili di esercitarne ogni potestà , è di gran lunga anteriore al paradigma devozionale religioso, che infatti risulta sfumato o pressoché assente in quelle culture tanto “primitive†da conservare ancora legami profondi e fisiologici con le proprie concezioni mitiche primarie. Lo rilevò lo stesso Frazer quando, parlando degli aborigeni australiani, “i selvaggi più primitivi di cui si abbiano notizieâ€, dovette constatare che “in Australia tutti sono maghi ma nessuno è un prete; tutti sono convinti di poter influenzare i loro simili e il corso della Natura tramite la Magia empatica, ma a nessuno verrebbe in mente di propiziarsi gli dèi con preghiere e sacrificiâ€. E nonostante che spesso, come certificato anche dalle ricerche etnologiche di un Malinowski, Magia, Religione e Scienza abbiano potuto coesistere nelle medesime epoche e culture, la dimensione magica ha sempre conservato la sua natura di sfondo primario, vissuta come nostalgica angoscia di un’elezione perduta e successivamente come minaccia da parte di arcaici poteri ormai percepiti come ostili.
Ma se nel corso del tempo, specie all’interno dei monoteismi giudeo-cristiano e islamico, la contrapposizione fra Religione e Magia si è andata sempre più rafforzando (contemporaneamente alla perduta percezione delle grandi ciclicità cosmiche) sono invece emerse — come ancora Frazer tematizzò ampiamente — evidenti affinità tra alcuni aspetti del pensiero magico e aspetti paralleli del moderno pensiero scientifico. Sia la Magia che la Scienza concepiscono infatti l’universo come un Macro-Essere (ente o struttura impersonale) complesso e multiforme, animato da meccanismi le cui leggi e funzioni possono essere conosciute e in qualche modo controllate dagli umani. Non è quindi probabilmente un caso che civiltà pervase da religiosità magica, come quelle egizia, babilonese, cinese o mesoamericana, abbiano sviluppato, in perfetta concordanza con le proprie pulsioni sacrali, raffinate forme di speculazione scientifica e di realizzazione artistica, architettonica e tecnologica, mentre il rigido monoteismo giudaico non produsse al proprio interno alcuna tecnologia. I polimorfici sviluppi culturali di Islam e Cristianesimo dovettero in realtà la loro principale fioritura speculativa il primo all’influenza persiana (pervasa di Magia), il secondo ai travasi sapienziali dell’Oriente pre-cristiano nelle corporazioni di mestiere — e particolarmente muratorie — nonché alla rivoluzione culturale e antiteologica dell’ermetico Rinascimento e del massonico Illuminismo. Come, del resto, le scienze occidentali hanno potuto progredire in seguito nel loro tentativo di comprensione e successivamente di controllo della Natura solo a fronte di un distacco sempre maggiore, anche se spesso dissimulato e controverso, dalle religioni monoteistiche imperanti e particolarmente dal Cristianesimo.
È in base a queste necessarie premesse che intendiamo qui analizzare la polimorfa corrente sociale, culturale e spirituale nota come New Age, che appare evidentemente parte di quella più vasta fenomenologia antropologica di mutazione epocale che all’alba del nuovo millennio sembra marcare la riemersione planetaria del realismo segnico e l’albeggiamento di un nuovo Rinascimento stellare, gnostico e magico. Vedremo come proprio attraverso alcuni nuovi paradigmi filosofici e culturali, evidenziati nelle espressioni più mature della New Age, un nuovo pensiero scientifico post razionalista e un nuovo pensiero magico neo-gnostico si stiano ricercando per incontrarsi e per ritrovare forse le proprie comuni radici da troppo tempo oscurate. Tracceremo brevemente gli antecedenti e gli sviluppi teoretici e storici di questo fenomeno e tenteremo di tracciarne le fondamentali categorie paradigmatiche di applicazione. E nel far questo mostreremo come la New Age rappresenti il primo segnacolo storico collettivo del prossimo e inevitabile tramonto del mondo monoteistico (culturale, spirituale e religioso), particolarmente nella sua forma cristiana, della quale tutti i paradigmi neo-gnostici e le formule di pensiero e di azione caratterizzate come New Age rappresentano l’antitesi radicale.
Le dottrine implicanti una visione ciclica della storia e il ritorno periodico di una sempre rinnovata Età dell’Oro appaiono, come abbiamo visto, estremamente antiche e radicate in una Gnosi atemporale, e spesso gravida d’implicazioni esoteriche, che appartiene all’alba dell’Umanità . Sono poi noti il persistere e la ricorrente riemersione di tali idee-forza nella storia del pensiero europeo, paralleli al filone magico-ermetico dell’attesa imminente di una Nuova Era di pace e saggezza. Un percorso di allegoriche utopie che negli ultimi cinque secoli va dal Rinascimento, con le infiammate visioni di Giordano Bruno (nelle cui opere riprendendo temi già cari a Virgilio e a Dante si vagheggia il ritorno di Astrea, dea della Giustizia) alle settecentesche visionarie intuizioni di Giambattista Vico, con le sue cicliche e successive “Età degli Dei, degli Eroi e degli Uomini†e i suoi corsi e ricorsi storici.
Il riaffiorare moderno in Occidente di una sistematizzazione storico-filosofica basata su queste concezioni, sia pure a livelli inizialmente marginali ed elitari, si sviluppò, a partire dalla seconda metà dell’Ottocento, attraverso il generale rifiorire di società iniziatiche e movimenti di pensiero fondati sul recupero di tradizioni esoteriche, magiche e gnostiche. Fondamentale in questo senso risultò a cavallo tra Otto e Novecento l’influenza di personaggi quali l’occultista francese Alphonse-Louis Constant (meglio noto come Eliphas Levi), il magista e poeta neo-pagano inglese Aleister Crowley, l’esoterista russa Helena Petrovna Blavatsky madre fondatrice del movimento teosofico, nonché degli ideali continuatori di alcuni aspetti del pensiero di quest’ultima: i teosofi inglesi Annie Besant, Charles Webster Leadbeater e Alice Bailey e l’esoterista austriaco Rudolf Steiner, fondatore dell’Antroposofia.
Dai primi mesi del 1900 fino al 1930 ad Ascona, in Svizzera, nel luogo che ancor oggi porta l’emblematico nome di Monte Verità , furono organizzate, tra varie vicissitudini, colonie e comunità progressiste, anarchiche e spiritualiste dedite al nudismo e alle danze rituali, nonché fondate su formule teosofiche proiettate verso un’ideale trasformazione globale della civiltà e della cultura occidentali. E già nel 1917 il massone tedesco Theodor Reuss, Gran Maestro dell’O.T.O. (Ordo Templi Orientis, una tra le più trasgressive e rivoluzionarie fra le organizzazioni iniziatiche, paramassoniche e magiche sorte ai primi del secolo) organizzava a Monte Verità un congresso esoterico e metapolitico i cui scopi dichiarati ruotavano intorno a temi quali “forme di società anazionali e cooperative, educazione conforme all’età moderna, emancipazione della donna nella società futura, massoneria mistica, nuove forme di socialità , arte, danza rituale e cultualeâ€. Proprio mentre negli stessi decenni vittoriani Aleister Crowley, che tra l’altro successe a Reuss come Gran Maestro dell’O.T.O., prefigurava l’avvento imminente di una nuova epoca — o “Eone†— fondata sulla Magia, sulla Scienza e sulla liberazione degli Istinti Primordiali: una Nuova Era che sarebbe seguita al decomporsi del Cristianesimo e del Razionalismo.
Tra i primi esponenti del pensiero neo-gnostico che a partire dagli anni ’20, sulla scia di quest’humus metaculturale, coniarono le definizioni tecniche di “Età dell’Acquario†e “Nuova Era†(New Age) i più noti furono il francese Paul Le Cour fondatore dell’associazione Atlantis e la citata teosofa inglese Alice Bailey, che sviluppò parte delle sue esperienze nel clima di Monte Verità e che sull’idea della nuova epoca imminente, magica e spiritualmente globale concentrò tutto il suo lavoro e l’attività dei diversi gruppi, soprattutto americani, da lei promossi. Numerose furono poi le elaborazioni e le influenze, sia teoriche sia operative, che gradualmente dagli anni ’40 e ’50 in poi contribuirono, per la loro ampia diffusione, ad alimentare nei paesi occidentali il milieu umano e spirituale proiettato verso l’idea-forza di una Nuova Era: in particolare vanno ricordate quelle dei filosofi indiani Sri Aurobindo e Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh (conosciuto negli ultimi anni della sua vita come Osho). La visione palingenetica di Aurobindo sul risveglio collettivo di una “Supermente†fu ripresa e amplificata dalla sua compagna e continuatrice Mira Alfassa (conosciuta sotto lo ieronimo di Mère), che nel 1963 fondò in India Auroville, la “città del futuroâ€, concepita come “luogo di ricerche materiali e spirituali per dare un corpo vivente a una vera umanità â€. Quanto alla profonda dottrina di liberazione dai tabù religiosi e intellettuali e all’empito verso un nuovo tipo di umanesimo illuminato scaturiti da Osho non devono essere confusi né possono esaurirsi con certe forme di cultismo esasperato sviluppate da alcuni tra i suoi seguaci.
Fu comunque nel corso degli anni ’60 che, in piena sinergia con la controcultura americana e poi europea e con il movimento hippy, presero forma — inizialmente soprattutto nei paesi di lingua inglese — esperienze collettive di ricerca sia spirituale che scientifica dichiaratamente fondate sulla costruzione e sull’avvento di una rivoluzione globale, definita, specie in America, con il termine “New Ageâ€.
Nel 1962 un gruppo di teosofi e sensitivi fortemente influenzati dal pensiero di Alice Bailey dettero vita in Scozia alla comunità di Findhorn, dedita a rapporti sperimentali con i poteri elementali e alle conseguenti applicazioni nel campo della botanica e dell’agricoltura. Nello stesso anno a Big Sur, in California, su ispirazione tra gli altri dello scrittore Aldous Huxley, un gruppo di psicologi, esoteristi e ricercatori di una Nuova Gnosi scientifica fondarono l’Esalen Institute, che diverrà uno dei principali punti di riferimento mondiali per le ricerche di frontiera sullo sviluppo del “potenziale umano†e i cui referenti culturali coinvolgeranno l’opera e le ricerche di rivoluzionari esploratori dello spirito e del pensiero come Timothy Leary e Carlos Castaneda.
I ricordi autobiografici di Leary, che nel 1996 ha voluto provocatoriamente diffondere su Internet i momenti cruciali della propria stessa morte, risultano a questo proposito ampiamente esplicativi:
eravamo penetrati nel dialogo del mito, inseriti in quell’antica corrente di appassionata speranza e credenza rischiosa che credeva possibile vedere l’umanità evolvere verso la più alta saggezza. Era il familiare credo gnostico, ermetico, neo-platonico, alchemico, faustiano, jeffersoniano, rivolto a leggere nell’individuale il microcosmo e a scoprire la più completa visione dell’universo. Un universo con numerosi centri, il quale dà vita all’esistenza individuale, continuamente ricorrente. Un credo quindi sempre contrastato dall’inquisizione e costantemente deriso dalla versione autorizzata del dogma del momento.
Nei decenni successivi, lungo innumerevoli ramificazioni coinvolgenti tutti gli aspetti di cultura, storia, scienza e religione, oltre che di esoterismo e antropologia del Sacro, l’atmosfera New Age — scaturita, come abbiamo visto, dall’iniziativa innovatrice di alcune strutture iniziatiche europee, sviluppata dal libero associazionismo americano e infine rientrata in Europa come movimento culturale collettivo — ha informato di sé una vasta rete di movimenti, centri, fondazioni, gruppi e singoli ricercatori e ricercatrici, assumendo, almeno nelle intenzioni, la dimensione di un Nuovo Paradigma umanistico.
Ancora nei primi anni ’60, e sempre in California, Thomas Kuhn, una tra le voci più innovative dell’epistemologia contemporanea e, almeno ufficialmente, estraneo a qualsiasi coinvolgimento New Age, proponeva che il percorso di crescita della scienza venisse inteso procedere non “per accumulazione di singole scoperte e invenzioni†secondo uno schema lineare di successione, bensì attraverso la formazione di “paradigmiâ€, laddove “leggi, teorie, applicazioni e strumenti†ben definiti generano definizioni sistematiche a priori e modelli di pensiero circoscritti si articolano in particolari tradizioni scientifiche caratterizzate da una loro coerenza. Tali paradigmi, secondo Kuhn, tendono ciclicamente a superarsi nel tempo attraverso vere e proprie “rivoluzioni†di percezione e di metodo.
In effetti, specie tramite alcuni suoi portavoce americani come Marilyn Ferguson, David Spangler, Patricia Mishe, Shirley McLaine e per molti versi il fisico Fritjof Capra, autore del celebre Tao della Fisica, l’onda mentale New Age si presenta innanzitutto come l’annuncio di una prossima, inevitabile “mutazione dei paradigmiâ€. Di tutti i paradigmi: religiosi, filosofici, scientifici, artistici, antropologici e politici.
La diffusione sempre più ampia e articolata di un pensiero radicalmente perturbante e destabilizzante come la New Age all’interno di un ancor più vasto Rinascimento neo-gnostico e neo-magico, in cui è ravvisabile ciò che alcuni ormai chiamano un generale reincantamento del mondo, non ha ovviamente mancato di suscitare violente reazioni di allarme sia tra le frange più conservatrici del mondo scientifico istituzionale che in numerosi ambienti religiosi e ai vertici delle fedi stabilite. Le crociate bandite contro le “pseudoscienze†da organismi di propaganda scientista come i già citati CSICOP e CICAP (il cui congresso del 1998 si è occupato appunto, con il consueto stile superficiale e diffamatorio, di “New Age: nuova era o vecchie idee?â€), l’isterismo del fondamentalismo protestante di molti paesi che ravvisa apertamente nella New Age il “volto dell’Anticristoâ€e le esternazioni sempre più frequenti della CEI (Conferenza Episcopale Italiana) contro “magia e superstizione†rappresentano il segnale indiscutibile dei timori degli esponenti della Vecchia Era dinanzi all’avanzata di un Nuovo Pensiero.
Ma cosa dunque vi può essere di tanto terribile nelle formule della New Age da produrre addirittura anacronistiche alleanze tra il razionalismo esasperato e spesso dichiaratamente ateo di organizzazioni quali CSICOP e CICAP, il fondamentalismo religioso americano ed europeo e gli stessi vertici di chiese millenarie? E questo mentre su fronti culturali indubbiamente più maturi, anche se ugualmente critici e spesso influenzati da paradigmi cristiani, per esempio in uno studio del ’92 di Aldo Natale Terrin (docente di Filosofia e Storia delle religioni alla Cattolica di Milano), si parla del pensiero acquariano come di una naturale evoluzione religiosa del “postmoderno†e ancora, sotto certi versi più opportunamente, come della riemersione di una “religione della Grande Madreâ€.
Il “fenomeno New Age†è caratterizzato, come noto, da un’estrema fluidità strutturale e da una forte indeterminazione dinamica: tentare perciò di classificarlo in forme troppo rigorose porterebbe inevitabilmente fuori da una sua corretta comprensione. Riteniamo però importante, a fronte di certe Guerre Sante che rischiano di confondere le idee perfino a chi nei confronti della New Age prova un genuino interesse ma stenta a ravvisarne i contorni, tentare di definire quanto finora la New Age, attraverso i suoi principali gruppi e portavoce, ha dimostrato di non voler essere, classificando così, per contrasto, ciò che fino a oggi ha voluto essere.
Proponiamo quindi una griglia contenitrice formulata in otto paradigmi radicali, di cui tre primari e cinque derivati, in cui è possibile configurare la totalità del nuovo modello antropologico acquariano.
I tre paradigmi primari, che informano di sé le loro conseguenti derivazioni e applicazioni, s’identificano in un fondamento metafisico e religioso Panteista, in una prassi della Sincronicità (basata in gran parte sulle ricerche pionieristiche di Jung) e in una teorizzazione della Complessità (considerabile nella sua essenza anche al di fuori del “problema†New Age, in quanto risulta oggi essere al centro delle ricerche sociologiche “ufficiali†più avanzate).
Le cinque applicazioni paradigmatiche che derivano da questa triade e investono tutti i molteplici aspetti del Nuovo Pensiero sono poi quelle religiose, filosofiche, scientifiche, artistiche e politico-sociali.
Il Movimento New Age non vuole essere una nuova religione, ma un kosmos religioso reticolare in cui tutte le espressioni religiose antiche e moderne possano essere incluse, reinterpretate o ridisegnate.
La New Age come fenomeno unitario non ha alcuna caratteristica di “rivelazione†autoritaria o definitiva tipica delle grandi religioni monoteistiche e dei loro derivati; non ha un profeta o una singola incarnazione divina o comunque un fondatore definito, né un conseguente libro sacro fondamentale con qualche gerarchia sacerdotale che lo rappresenti e lo interpreti. Peraltro non esiste nell’universo spirituale “acquariano†uno sfondo etnico o mitico unitario che leghi chi ne partecipa a cosmogonie o pantheon sacrali definiti e circoscritti.
Dal punto di vista della fenomenologia delle religioni vi si può indubbiamente riscontrare qualche similitudine con la dimensione religiosa estremo-orientale (specie nelle sue forme buddista e taoista) o addirittura con certi aspetti della paganità classica, in cui formule di culto anche molto diverse tra loro coesistevano e s’influenzavano a vicenda secondo un processo sincretico inclusivo. Considerando che le radici spirituali della religiosità New Age sono indubbiamente pagane e per molti versi pre-monoteistiche e comunque pre-cristiane, e vista la filiazione diretta di alcuni suoi aspetti fondamentali da elaborazioni esoteriche moderne della filosofia religiosa asiatica, risulta ovvia l’impossibilità di definirne i contorni come “religione†in senso occidentale, mentre si giustifica il suo tentativo di proporsi quale sintesi inclusiva e superamento evolutivo di tutte le rivelazioni e sacre scritture del passato, nonché dei culti e cosmogonie di ogni popolo, etnia o epoca — sintesi e superamento tesi verso un sincretismo totalizzante.
Le idee-forza fondamentali del kosmos religioso acquariano, che qui ripercorriamo brevemente, si caratterizzano infatti in modo evidente come un esplosivo punto d’incontro fra le categorie fondamentali del pensiero magico-gnostico (come in parte rielaborato dalle fratellanze iniziatiche dei secoli XVIII, XIX e della prima metà del XX) e la sensibilità laica del nostro tempo.
A) Impersonalità del Divino
Il rifiuto radicale del concetto teologico cristiano del “Dio Persona†a fronte del recupero di una concezione per molti versi panteistica e cosmico-energetica del Sacro, che in quanto avulsa dal concetto di una divinità personale totalizzante qualcuno giunge paradossalmente a definire atea, come già avvenuto in relazione a certe correnti del Buddismo.
B) Panteismo
Ogni dualismo materia-spirito si dissolve e tutto è divino poiché ogni espressione fisica o metafisica del Reale contiene e riflette la totalità , in un gioco ologrammatico di riflessione o emanazione; fino a giungere alla formula radicale dell’Anthropoteismo, secondo cui l’uomo e la donna (o meglio le loro radicalità profonde) sono Dio in quanto microcosmi olografici o immagini viventi della totalità cosmica.
Per molti aspetti nella New Age questi due approcci risultano combinati in una sorta di Panteismo Politeista: infiniti risultano infatti i diversi microcosmi omologhi, superiori, inferiori o paralleli all’entità umana in cui il kosmos divino si riflette, secondo una visione complessa di Enti, Dei o Deva, Esseri Elementali, Coscienze ultraumane angeliche e demoniche, Gerarchie multidimensionali, Forze o Entità aliene (spesso connesse alla fenomenologia ufologica) con cui la dimensione umana sarebbe da sempre in relazione sinergica.
C) Relativismo Spirituale e conseguente Relativismo Religioso
Ogni singola religione, pur se individuata nel suo nocciolo essenziale o nei suoi eventuali contenuti esoterici, non esprime che un aspetto dell’approccio al Divino, spesso limitato e circoscritto da connotazioni etniche, razziali, geografiche o storiche. Viene in questo senso enfatizzata l’esistenza di uno sfondo metafisico che, comune a tutti i culti, sta emergendo nei Tempi Nuovi, tendendo ad annullare la funzionalità stessa delle singole religioni ed evidenziandosi quale punto di arrivo e convergenza di ogni realizzazione spirituale sia individuale che collettiva. Tale sfondo a sua volta non è una verità assoluta e definibile, bensì una ragnatela di potenzialità creative la cui conoscenza e attuazione si concretizzano nell’esperienza di ogni Coscienza Individuale maschile o femminile che, se opportunamente addestrata tramite tecniche molteplici, può giungere a identificarsi con una o più di queste potenzialità , divenendo essa stessa Dio o Dea e acquisendo quindi la conoscenza e il potere atti a costruire e ricostruire ogni possibile Realtà in base al proprio Volere profondo.
D) Conoscenza ed esperienza diretta del Sacro e parimenti della Natura e del Mondo (o dei Mondi)
Realizzazioni ottenibili tramite un rapporto attivo e volitivo sia con le dimensioni invisibili che con la Natura visibile. Un rapporto magico e prometeico in cui tecniche psico-spirituali, come la Meditazione o lo Yoga o l’Alchimia Sessuale o altre (mutuate da varie tradizioni più o meno antiche), travalicano e annullano la dimensione passiva e apotropaica della preghiera.
E) Rifiuto radicale del concetto di “peccatoâ€
Laddove non esiste alcuna restrizione non esiste neppure trasgressione. La natura del “Male†viene piuttosto interpretata come malattia, cioè quale temporanea perturbazione degli equilibri dinamici fisici, parafisici o spirituali tra le molteplici componenti di quel complesso software che compone la realtà di ciascun essere. In questo modello concettuale gli “squilibri energetici†ricordano molto da vicino la diffusione dei virus biologici o informatici: da qui l’ampio spazio dedicato alla ricerca e alla pratica di metodi terapeutici olistici (ovvero fisio-psico-spirituali), di cui la vasta messe di “terapie alternative†recuperate o elaborate all’interno della New Age rappresenta un aspetto importante. In questo senso la lotta contro le “energie negative†di qualsiasi tipo (che in definitiva altro non sono che gli effetti relativamente temporanei di qualche “mancanza di illuminazioneâ€) e il tentativo di trasmutarle in “potere positivo†costituiscono un’ulteriore occasione di consapevolezza e di evoluzione per Uomini e Donne Nuovi, secondo un tipico intreccio in cui aspetti religiosi, filosofici, scientifici e magici del Nuovo Pensiero si trasfondono e si combinano in formule olistiche.
F) Richiamo teogonico al “Cristo Cosmicoâ€
È presente in alcune correnti della New Age molto diffuse negli USA, nelle quali però il Christos assume una valenza squisitamente gnostica e assai lontana dal cristocentrismo antropomorfico e messianico delle chiese cristiane storiche e istituzionali. La “Coscienza Cristica†ricercata e proclamata da alcuni settori acquariani è da individuarsi semmai quale ipostasi di quella Coscienza Cosmica che ogni entità autocosciente può scoprire e realizzare attraverso la propria autodivinizzazione. Laddove ne viene ammessa l’esistenza storica il “Maestro†Gesù di Nazareth viene tutt’al più concepito come uno tra coloro che avrebbero realizzato questa palingenesi iniziatica fino a raggiungere lo status di Avatar o “incarnazione divinaâ€, al pari di Buddha, Lao-Tse o Zoroastro. Il “ritorno del Cristo†identificato con la Nuova Era non ha quindi alcuna fisionomia millenarista o apocalittico-messianica, in quanto concepito sull’onda di un tempo ciclico e non lineare e quindi rappresentativo non della fine della Storia, ma di una fase fisiologica di riemersione periodica di un archetipo di rigenerazione individuale e collettiva.
Il Pensiero New Age non vuole essere una nuova filosofia, ma una sintesi armonica di prospettive filosofiche diverse in cui, secondo i canoni della complessità , possono trovare spazio l’Idealismo come il Materialismo, Goethe non meno di Marcuse, e dove Platone può serenamente incontrare Voltaire e Proust per discutere di Fate e di Fisica Quantistica.
Il risveglio della Coscienza profonda individuale e collettiva e l’attesa partecipata e attiva a una Grande Mutazione, percepita come imminente, si concretizzano nel tentativo di forgiare uomini e donne Nuovi, cioè Maestri e Maestre di una nuova formula esistenziale. E si concretizzano altresì nella ricerca virtuale o reale di contatto con esseri o poteri (umani e non) già “rinnovatiâ€, o comunque “ascesi†o “cosmiciâ€, che possano indicare metodi e vie per il Grande Conseguimento. Ne deriva un atteggiamento creativo e positivo verso la vita e soprattutto verso la morte, bilanciate ed esaltate entrambe tramite il concetto di Reincarnazione, inteso quale meccanismo regolatore centrale attraverso cui si determinano i rapporti fra cicli biologici ed evoluzione della Coscienza.
Un ulteriore aspetto importante è l’enfatizzazione degli Archetipi e dei Simboli Femminili, in quanto — come abbiamo visto — la Femminilità metafisica risulta essere alle radici arcaiche del Sacro prima della sclerotizzazione patristica e patriarcale culminata nei diversi monoteismi. La focalizzazione sul mito dell’Androgine come chiave risolutiva di bilanciamento tra i sessi conduce anche, all’interno di molte correnti del milieu New Age, all’accettazione della dimensione omosessuale quale opzione sia naturale che spirituale.
La teorizzazione etico-filosofica della New Age è quindi una prassi d’inclusione assoluta, in cui l’unico punto di riferimento è la coscienza di sé. Le diverse gradazioni umane di partecipazione, impegno, compassione, aggressività , indifferenza, altruismo o egoismo non sono che variabili opzionali di un Gioco che la coscienza intrattiene con se stessa e con altre coscienze e forme naturali, da intendersi tutte quali riflessi o parti del proprio sé, al di là di qualsiasi morale definita di “bene†o “maleâ€.
La visione del Mondo e della Natura della New Age non vuole essere una nuova scienza, ma l’elaborazione di modelli di ricerca e conoscenza olistici (dal greco holos, “tuttoâ€), in cui materia, psiche, mente e spirito non sono che gradazioni di una Realtà Unica.
Viene enfatizzata una nuova visione inclusiva e multidisciplinare delle scienze e particolarmente della medicina e della fisica. Le possibilità che ne conseguono rappresentano certamente l’aspetto più orizzontale e diffuso del Nuovo Pensiero e includono tra l’altro:
A) il risveglio della Materia e della corporeità , mediante antiche e moderne formule di dinamica psico-corporea e il ristabilimento degli equilibri psicofisici attraverso la pratica di medicine alternative;
B) la Psicologia transpersonale e i molteplici, diversi incrementi del Potenziale Umano;
C) il marcato interesse per l’utilizzo di tutte le nuove tecnologie informatiche e per le ricadute filosofiche e sociologiche di una Cyberfilosofia Technopagana della Rete Globale;
D) la libera ricerca sugli stati alterati di coscienza e la loro esplorazione (Psiconautica) tramite l’utilizzo controllato di sostanze psicoattive (droghe) definite come enteogene, cioè rivelatrici della Divinità Interiore;
E) le ricerche e le sperimentazioni di contatto con altri livelli di realtà , mondi paralleli o entità micro o macrocosmiche non umane;
F) nuove formule storiche e antropologiche, inclusive di una visione globale e ciclica del percorso umano, delle sue origini e delle sue prospettive e finalizzazioni future.
La ricomprensione degli archetipi arcaici, delle strutture mitiche primarie e delle loro profonde connessioni porta inevitabilmente allo sviluppo di un pensiero multidimensionale e creativo, in cui la miopia del razionalismo e gli abbagli del fideismo possono essere superati in base a quel medesimo modello di Nuova Alleanza tra scienze fisiche, biologiche e umanistiche vagheggiato anche da molti scienziati contemporanei, fra cui l’epistemologo belga — e premio Nobel per la Chimica — Ilya Prigogine. È comunque assodato il crescente interesse di umanisti e scienziati per una rivoluzione nei processi della conoscenza e quindi della coscienza.
Partendo dalla constatazione sociologica del formarsi spontaneo della “società complessaâ€, e parallelamente all’esigenza di nuove forme di dialogo tra le componenti razionali ed extrarazionali della nostra cultura e della nostra stessa identità , cominciamo forse a comprendere (o a ricomprendere) che la Realtà non è il regno di un solo Dio né il “regno dell’Uomo†e della sua coscienza ancora limitata. Forse semplicemente la Realtà non è un “regnoâ€, ma un tessuto, una rete, un alveare composto di molteplici dei e coscienze e forze e potenzialità , coesistenti in una dimensione olografica, e per molti versi caotica, nella quale ogni piccolo frammento riflette l’intero. Tanto che in un kosmos che si dimostra sempre meno riducibile ai paradigmi cartesiani, così come alle categorie teologiche, ogni realtà ordinata apparente — compresa la cosiddetta “oggettività †tanto cara al pensiero razionalistico — non può essere considerata che il prodotto dell’atto stesso del percepirla e qualsiasi azione (o moto di energia fisica, psichica o biologica) si scopre inesorabilmente correlata a qualsiasi altra, secondo un criterio che ricorda le categorie magiche dell’imitazione e del contagio (rilevate da Frazer nel magismo delle culture arcaiche) e che ci riporta all’antico assioma ermetico di Mercurio Trismegisto: “ciò che è in basso è come ciò che è in alto e ciò che è in alto è come ciò che è in basso per fare i miracoli della cosa unaâ€. Ogni processo conoscitivo, esplorativo o di controllo del Reale non può riconvertirsi allora che in una sorta di Arte della Trama o Scienza dei rapporti fra le diverse componenti dell’insieme (Rete). Ovvero in una nuova, gnostica Magheia.
Le formule estetiche New Age non vogliono essere una nuova forma d’arte più o meno rivoluzionaria, ma la costante ricerca di una sintesi artistica fra sensibilità arcaiche, contemporanee e future, sia naturali che tecnologiche.
Nella New Age esiste una ricerca estetica dinamica atta a esprimere contemporaneamente “vibrazioniâ€, pulsioni e contenuti ideali delle idee-forza acquariane. In particolare la musica sorta all’interno del kosmos New Age, che incarna un elemento fondamentale della sua diffusione soprattutto fra i giovani, tende a reificare sensazioni e concetti del Nuovo Pensiero recuperando motivi classici e perfino liturgici (come il canto gregoriano) e connettendoli a tonalità moderne (quali blues, jazz o rock), per poi proiettare verso il futuro le sue tematiche sonore, secondo il consueto criterio di sintesi, attraverso l’utilizzo della musica elettronica.
L’empito sociale New Age non vuole essere una nuova formula politica da contrapporre alle altre, ma una visione operativa globale di simbiosi fra tutte le componenti naturali, economiche e sociali che sia in grado di realizzare la pienezza e la felicità di ogni essere.
Una particolare enfasi neo-ecologica viene posta sulla necessità di rapportarsi alla Natura come Entità vivente e autocosciente e di recuperare un rapporto sinergico con il nostro Pianeta Madre Gaia, sulla scia di una concezione geofisiologica ben nota alle antiche tradizioni sia estremorientali che occidentali e parzialmente recuperata alla fine dei nostri anni ’70 dal ricercatore inglese James E. Lovelock con la sua “ipotesi di Gaiaâ€: il pianeta Terra inteso come unità vivente capace di manipolare i suoi singoli elementi costitutivi per le proprie necessità globali.
Sul piano sociale la proposta New Age si traduce in un mondialismo complesso e multietnico in cui si riflette l’universalismo cosmico dei nuovi paradigmi, mentre all’individuo viene proposta la formula di un’autodeterminazione radicale fondata sul risveglio della propria coscienza e sul rifiuto di ogni autorità estranea a tale risveglio, secondo una prassi di anarchico neo-illuminismo.
È evidente come ognuna di queste idee-forza, sia singolarmente sia in relazione alle altre, rappresenti una netta e dichiarata antitesi rispetto a qualunque paradigma religioso totalizzante e come risulti segnatamente inconciliabile con la totalità delle religioni monoteiste e particolarmente con il Cristianesimo, almeno per quanto riguarda le formule teologiche, sociali e storicamente consolidate che tali religioni hanno assunto attraverso tre millenni, dal Sinai alla Mecca e dal Golgota al Vaticano.
Indubbiamente va riconosciuta all’interno delle tradizioni storiche ebraiche e islamiche la presenza di un filone sapienziale esoterico, riferibile alla Kabbala e al Sufismo, in cui le proposizioni teologiche “ufficiali†di Giudaismo e Islam vengono ribaltate o interpretate secondo formule molto lontane dall’ortodossia patriarcale — formule che hanno anche sensibilmente contribuito alla formazione di quel patrimonio iniziatico che, in parte e sotto forma metaculturale, la migliore New Age ha ereditato. Ma va anche ricordato che queste correnti di pensiero hanno emblematicamente rappresentato l’alterità ereticale sia nell’Ebraismo che nel mondo culturale e religioso islamico e che le loro dirette influenze e prassi sono sempre state circoscritte a élite semisegrete.
Per quanto riguarda invece il Cristianesimo quelle grandi matrici di idealità e sapienza arcaica e spesso magica riconoscibili in tradizioni quali la Gnosi religiosa del I e II secolo (e di molte “eresie†successive), l’Ermetismo, il Templarismo, la jerosofia cavalleresca del Graal o la Rosa+Croce hanno salvaguardato e trasmesso la propria esistenza — fino a riemergere oggi in molti aspetti del pensiero acquariano — non attraverso la religione ufficiale, bensì nonostante o contro di essa. Ben lungi dal rappresentare un inesistente “esoterismo cristiano†questi movimenti hanno sempre finito per incarnare una radicale alternativa virtuale al Cristianesimo, pur nascondendosi spesso sotto il velame dei suoi totem al fine, quando possibile, di salvaguardare la propria sopravvivenza storica e, ancora in tempi non troppo lontani, la stessa vita fisica dei loro rappresentanti.
Qualsiasi cristiano che oggi intimamente aderisca anche a una soltanto delle formule paradigmatiche New Age che abbiamo enunciato in relazione all’esperienza religiosa si pone dunque automaticamente fuori da qualsiasi ortodossia cristiana riconosciuta e in special modo da quella più diffusa nel mondo, ovvero il Cattolicesimo Romano. Peraltro la stessa letteratura di area cattolica, specialistica e non, sia laica che ecclesiastica, intorno alla New Age ha ampiamente provveduto a chiarire l’inevitabile contrapposizione e la radicale incompatibilità fra i paradigmi portanti del pensiero e della prassi acquariani e tutti i principali fondamenti teologici, morali e sociali del Cristianesimo in senso lato e del Cattolicesimo in particolare.
Il cardinal Paul Poupard, presidente del Pontificio Consiglio della Cultura, ha per esempio avvertito che “il fenomeno del New Age, assieme a tanti altri nuovi movimenti religiosi, è una delle sfide più urgenti per la fede cristiana†e che “un fatto aggrava la situazione: aderiscono alle dottrine del New Age non soltanto persone lontane dalla fede, ma anche cristiani che si lasciano influenzare da certi concetti-chiave, spesso senza accorgersi della loro incompatibilità con il messaggio evangelicoâ€.
L’approccio al divino come realtà impersonale e non codificata in un culto preciso e quindi, in forza di un approccio radicalmente panteista, la sostanziale negazione di valore del “Dio Personale†presentato dal giudeo-cristianesimo rappresentano in effetti ben più che una semplice rottura con l’universo spirituale cristiano: si tratta di un’esperienza del Sacro che si pone al di là e oltre rispetto all’essenza stessa del monoteismo patriarcale, un’esperienza che rivendica e recupera (o vorrebbe recuperare) tutto ciò che già era ben prima che il monoteismo e più tardi il Cristianesimo venissero concepiti, secondo un modello ciclico perfettamente coerente ai paradigmi di un ritorno pagano dell’Età dell’Oro. Una rivoluzione, quindi, che in realtà costituisce una restaurazione, un ritorno amplificato e potenziato di quei valori e universi magici e sapienziali che in particolare il Cristianesimo — percepito in questo contesto come un momento di decadenza — aveva cercato di distruggere fin dai tempi della loro malvista sopravvivenza nello gnosticismo ereticale dei suoi primi secoli di vita. Come in una sua analisi polemica sulla Gnosi religiosa antica ci ricorda emblematicamente, e con qualche sfumatura di nostalgia inquisitoriale, lo studioso cattolico Alberico Lolli, professore emerito della canadese Laurentian University,
la gnosi in seno al primo cristianesimo [...] venne subito a configurarsi agli occhi attenti dei Padri come un’emergenza pericolosa e preoccupante — tanto distintiva nei modi quanto deteriore negli effetti — cioè come vera e propria “deviazione eterodossa†del Cristianesimo e pertanto meritevole di essere avversata e distrutta dalla gerarchia ecclesiastica che, sebbene ancora in via di formazione, già sapeva assegnare a se stessa un ruolo di legittima detentrice del “conoscere ortodossoâ€, e nella interpretazione dei testi sacri e nella costruzione dell’edificio teologico.
Le parole che nel II secolo il vescovo Ireneo di Lione, uno tra i primi Padri della Chiesa, rivolgeva agli gnostici nel suo Adversus haereses sintetizzano egregiamente l’essenza di una contrapposizione frontale che ancor oggi risulta esplosiva in tutta la sua evidenza.
Conserva dunque la modestia del tuo sapere e non oltrepassarla ignorando il tuo bene, Dio che non è superabile, né cercare che cosa ci sia sopra il Demiurgo poiché non troveresti nulla [...] e se persisti a crederti più sublime e grande del tuo Creatore e al di là di tutti i suoi regni cadresti in una vera pazzia. È dunque meglio e più salutare essere semplici e ignoranti e appressarsi a Dio mediante la carità piuttosto che credere di sapere molte cose e dopo molte avventure di pensiero essere blasfemi contro Dio.
E ancora, sul versante della mistica, il cattolico Giovanni della Croce nel XVI secolo, in piena epoca rinascimentale, dichiarava che
ormai non conviene più interrogare Dio [...] né d’altra parte è necessario che Egli parli poiché, avendo rivelato in Cristo tutte le verità di fede, non ha né avrà mai più altra verità da manifestare. Perciò desiderare ancora di ricevere qualche cosa per via soprannaturale è come ammettere che Dio non abbia dato nel Figlio tutto ciò che è sufficiente. [...] Dunque non si deve aspettare dottrina o altra cosa per via soprannaturale [...] Perciò dobbiamo lasciarci guidare in tutto in modo umano e visibile dalla legge di Cristo uomo, della sua Chiesa e dei suoi ministri, e per questa via porre rimedio alla nostra ignoranza e debolezza spirituale, poiché in essa troveremo abbondante medicina ad ogni nostro male. Tutto ciò che esce fuori da tale cammino è non solo curiosità , ma grande presunzione e noi non dobbiamo credere a cosa ricevuta per via soprannaturale, ma solo a quanto ci viene insegnato da Cristo uomo e dai suoi ministri, uomini anch’essi.
Questa è la prassi cattolica rispetto al Sacro e ai rapporti tra il divino e l’umano: altre non ve ne sono mai state né potranno mai esservi, come chiarito inequivocabilmente dalla più recente edizione del Catechismo della Chiesa Romana, in cui, dopo ampie citazioni di Ireneo, si riconferma che
noi crediamo tutto ciò che è contenuto nella Parola di Dio, scritta o tramandata, e che la Chiesa propone a credere come divinamente rivelata. La fede è necessaria alla salvezza. Il Signore stesso lo afferma: “Chi crederà e sarà battezzato sarà salvo, ma chi non crederà sarà condannato†(Mc 16,16).
E certamente i paradigmi New Age del relativismo spirituale, religioso ed etico nonché la ricerca esperienziale diretta del Sacro alla ricerca dell’autodivinizzazione rappresentano l’assoluta negazione e per molti versi l’esatto opposto di tutto ciò. Se poi consideriamo che dai primi secoli alla rivolta protestante, e ancora ai giorni nostri, ogni comunità religiosa o denominazione cristiana, dalle più piccole fino a quelle maggioritarie, ha sempre ritenuto che la propria Chiesa fosse l’unica pervasa da infallibilità , o che il proprio tipo di interpretazione o libero esame delle Scritture bibliche fosse l’unica strada verso la “salvezzaâ€, non possiamo non concludere che un atteggiamento filosofico religioso che non ricerca alcuna salvezza (per lo meno in senso morale) — per il semplice motivo che non accetta alcuna condanna primordiale — e ritiene vieppiù che ogni essere debba e possa costruire i propri paradisi o i propri inferni costituisce la materializzazione dei peggiori incubi di ogni tipo di teologia cristiana, di qualunque confessione esistita o esistente.
Peraltro lo stesso capo della Chiesa Cattolica Giovanni Paolo II ha assunto a questo proposito posizioni nette e definitive e nel 1993 in un suo discorso ai vescovi statunitensi ha dichiarato senza mezzi termini che
le idee della New Age alcune volte penetrano nella predicazione, nella catechesi, nei seminari di studio e nei ritiri e quindi influenzano anche cattolici praticanti, che forse non sono consapevoli dell’incompatibilità di queste idee con la fede della Chiesa. Nella loro visione sincretistica e immanente questi movimenti parareligiosi [...] tentano di giungere a Dio attraverso conoscenze ed esperienze basate su elementi presi a prestito dalla spiritualità orientale e dalle tecniche psicologiche. Essi tendono a relativizzare la dottrina religiosa a favore di una vaga visione del mondo espressa da un sistema di miti e di simboli esposto con un linguaggio religioso. Inoltre essi spesso propongono una concezione panteistica di Dio che è incompatibile con le Sacre Scritture e con la tradizione cristiana. Essi sostituiscono la libertà personale delle proprie azioni di fronte a Dio con un senso del dovere verso il cosmo e in tal modo ribaltano il vero concetto di peccato e il bisogno di redenzione attraverso Cristo.
A parte la curiosa definizione del pensiero New Age come “vaga visione del mondo†con “elementi presi a prestito dalla spiritualità orientale†e “senso del dovere verso il cosmoâ€, che rivelano quanto poco tempo Woytjla abbia dedicato alla lettura dei testi specialistici della e sulla New Age, il cuore del problema è sicuramente stato centrato e la sostanza di queste affermazioni è assolutamente coerente con le posizioni da sempre assunte dalla Chiesa rispetto a quel pensiero gnostico che a buona ragione è stato individuato all’interno della New Age.
La chiave fondamentale, il cuore stesso di ogni esperienza, spiritualità e cultura cristiane è infatti rappresentata dall’incarnazione storica di Cristo, intesa come storicizzazione unica e irripetibile di Dio: il “Dio Personaleâ€, relazionale e trinitario che per riparare la “frattura del peccato†causata dalla debolezza e dall’orgoglio umani esplica il proprio amore paterno (o paternalistico) facendosi storia attraverso la catarsi sacrificale di suo figlio e riassumendo a se stesso il mondo in un atto di redenzione che s’identifica con l’effusione dello Spirito Santo. Dopo aver elaborato una presunta colpa si elabora quindi un conseguente perdono, che va comunque individualmente meritato attraverso la sottomissione a precise regole spirituali e morali. Tutto ciò che non si fa cannibalizzare in questo processo, tutti coloro che non accettano le regole di questo gioco ricattatorio, dettate da imperativi morali indicati come unica via per ottenere la redenzione da una misteriosa “colpa originaleâ€, vengono abbandonati alla devastante nemesi del “nemicoâ€, il Satana, la cui esistenza stessa è funzionale al progetto escatologico della salvezza. Minando questa chiave, come l’intero movimento New Age sta facendo in forma crescente (individuando una pluralità di Avatar o incarnazioni divine differenziate, viste alla base di tutti i culti, affermando l’inesistenza di un significativo “peccato†e dell’idea totemica di un qualunque “Satana†e proponendo una possibile autodivinizzazione dell’Anthropos), l’intero edificio cristiano viene destituito di qualsiasi significato.
Ci sembrano perciò problematiche, quando non contraddittorie, le tesi di alcuni ricercatori o commentatori che, favorevoli o comunque connessi all’area New Age, sono orientati verso una sorta di compromesso revisionista nei confronti del Cristianesimo. Uno tra i più noti è certamente lo storico delle religioni di origine indiana Carl A. Keller dell’Università di Losanna, il cui testo sul movimento acquariano è stato tradotto alcuni anni fa in Italia con la prefazione di Paola Giovetti. In quest’opera Keller, oltre a una serie di segnalazioni oggettivamente errate (per esempio quella secondo cui “l’uomo del New Age afferma il primato dello Spirito sulla materiaâ€!), si arrampica su molti specchi per giungere a dichiarare che il nuovo pensiero acquariano sarebbe una forma rinnovata di Cristianesimo ancora inconsapevole di se stessa, la cui funzione consisterebbe nel risvegliare e testimoniare l’autentico messaggio di Cristo di fronte al Cristianesimo delle grandi chiese ufficiali, che avrebbe perso la propria forza illuminante. Secondo Keller vi sono peraltro nella New Age “contaminazioni magiche e pagane†che devono essere identificate e rimosse per “esorcizzare†e “purificare†il movimento “da tutto ciò che è decisamente incompatibile con il Cristianesimo e che mette in ombra una comunione autentica con il Cristoâ€. E aggiunge: “il guru che guida i figli dell’Acquario verso la perfezione altri non è che il Cristo che agisce nell’anonimatoâ€. Simili affermazioni, oltre che vagamente surreali, ci sembrano francamente estranee sia ai più maturi sviluppi della New Age sia allo spirito essenziale del Cristianesimo, mentre assomigliano molto alle dottrine di certe frange teosofiche dei primi del secolo, come l’Antroposofia di Rudolf Steiner, che — pur avendo partecipato, lo ricordavamo sopra, al generale risveglio neo-gnostico da cui il pensiero acquariano è derivato — non riuscì mai a liberarsi dall’idea ibrida che le religioni siano sì tutte ugualmente ispirate da una Gnosis comune, ma che quella cristiana sia comunque destinata a conciliarle e ad assorbirle in se stessa in quanto l’Avatar Gesù Cristo avrebbe lui solo incarnato pienamente il potere del Logos. Le conclusioni che trae Keller ne rivelano poi tutta l’ambiguità quando, dopo aver speso quasi 100 pagine nell’apologia della “sua†New Age cristiana, l’autore finalmente dichiara: “la vera Nuova Era? Il cristianesimo stesso! Il cristianesimo che resterà quando la ‘Nuova Era’ sarà dimenticata e l’Acquario avrà deluso le aspettative dei suoi figliâ€.
Rispetto a posizioni di questo genere ci sembra molto più onesta e apprezzabile, anche se di parte avversa, la lucida analisi di un cattolico inossidabile come Massimo Introvigne — presidente del CESNUR (Centro Studi sulle Nuove Religioni) e sicuramente uno tra i principali esperti mondiali di questo e di altri problemi connessi ai nuovi movimenti religiosi e magici — quando in uno dei suoi molti interventi sulle nuove forme di gnosticismo contemporaneo, presenti anche (ma non soltanto) nella New Age, osserva che
il grado di maggiore lontananza — anzi di opposizione irriducibile — rispetto al cristianesimo emerge da un altro aspetto del nuovo gnosticismo, che peraltro porta alle loro conseguenze estreme temi già presenti nello gnosticismo antico. La “separazione†nel corpo dell’uomo della scintilla divina (l’anima) dalla materia in cui è caduta avviene qui grazie allo sforzo dell’uomo e non per grazia di Dio. Si può forse parlare di redenzione [...] ma si tratta di una auto-redenzione. È la volontà magica dell’uomo che si impadronisce dell’immortalità , si costruisce con una tecnica l’anima, diventa sovrana e signora della vita e della morte, appropriandosi del potere stesso di Dio.
Se, come riteniamo di aver sufficientemente dimostrato, tutti i principali paradigmi religiosi acquariani appaiono a dir poco antitetici rispetto a qualunque formula cristiana codificata, se tutta la storia del Cristianesimo — da Paolo di Tarso a Giovanni Paolo II — è pervasa da una lotta sistematica e spesso cruenta contro quelle medesime idee gnostiche, magiche e sicuramente neo-pagane che oggi in una diversa forma riemergono attraverso la New Age, allora quale strano Cristianesimo potrà mai essere “nascosto†all’interno di questo movimento come Keller sostiene? Certamente non quello di Ireneo o di Agostino di Ippona o di Tommaso d’Aquino, e neppure quello di Bernardino da Siena (che molto volentieri avrebbe mandato Steiner e lo stesso Keller a friggere sul rogo) o di Giovanni Bosco, ossessionato da visioni “satanicheâ€, o di Pio IX, estensore di un celebre Sillabo di aspra condanna nei confronti di qualunque libertà religiosa, culturale o di coscienza. E se si tratta di altro, e non ha nulla o poco a che fare con i Vangeli, con le eresie messianiche giudaiche e con la storia teologica, politica e ideologica di quella particolare religione, perché chiamarlo “Cristianesimoâ€? Ci sembra invece evidente che la New Age come movimento metaculturale, qualunque forma o denominazione possa assumere in futuro, potrà dichiarare attuata la propria funzione religiosa fondamentale solo quando il monoteismo biblico e coranico in genere e il Cristianesimo in particolare, con i loro carichi di peccato, sottomissione e percezione riduttiva del Sacro, si saranno completamente estinti o trasformati in qualcosa di radicalmente diverso. E va detto che i sintomi di un simile processo antropologico d’implosione e collassamento della vecchia e ormai stanca spiritualità patriarcale sono già individuabili in molteplici aspetti della nostra società complessa postmoderna.
Naturalmente sulla base della propria assoluta indipendenza spirituale ogni uomo o donna che in qualche modo aderisca ai paradigmi dell’Acquario potrà anche scegliere di “giocare†con il culto cristiano così come con qualsiasi altro culto, facendolo proprio e reinterpretandolo secondo il proprio personale universo interiore. Ed è precisamente questo che il Pontefice romano e gli intellettuali più attenti e intelligenti del mondo cristiano, soprattutto evangelici e cattolici, temono di più, come appare evidente dalle riflessioni che abbiamo riportato. Non appena venga sfiorato dall’alito del “drago acquariano†il cattolico o il cristiano ortodosso (a qualunque confessione o denominazione appartenga) si ritrova infatti automaticamente liberato dalla schiavitù del proprio nume demiurgico patriarcale (la gratuita “Grazia Santificante†della teologia cattolica), divenendo così — almeno potenzialmente — un liberto, padrone assoluto della propria spiritualità ; e istantaneamente finisce per non avere più nulla in comune con tutto quanto storicamente è stato rappresentato dal Cristianesimo.
A fronte di ciò è inevitabile che ogni tipo di “apertura al dialogo†da parte delle chiese maggioritarie nei confronti della New Age si riveli esclusivamente come una strategia finalizzata a tentativi di recupero e rievangelizzazione. Scopo che viene peraltro apertamente dichiarato da esponenti di spicco della Chiesa come Jean Vernette, vicario generale della diocesi di Montauban e delegato dell’Episcopato francese per lo studio sulle nuove fenomenologie religiose. Il quale, tanto attento quanto ferocemente critico nei confronti della New Age, nella sua opera principale dedicata all’argomento spiega molto chiaramente come la realtà acquariana debba essere “esorcizzata†per ricondurne le possibili componenti “buone†verso l’abbraccio del Cristianesimo.
Il risveglio della dimensione spirituale alle soglie della nuova era non è quindi in sé fenomeno positivo o negativo. Persino sotto la sua forma deviata esso manifesta una latente aspirazione di questa nostra generazione: il cristianesimo non lo può ignorare, ma giacché non è sempre santo e puro, si rende necessario esorcizzarlo. “Discriminando tra gli spiritiâ€. Per evangelizzarlo. Quale segno dei tempi, esso interroga il cristiano sulle forme di misticismo che gli sono proprie. È nella misura in cui si svilupperà un misticismo cristiano [...] che la ricerca spirituale di alcuni figli dell’Acquario troverà una strada alternativa per evitare le trame intricate dell’irrazionale e le fantasie più bizzarre.
Un progetto certamente lecito dal punto di vista cattolico e che fra l’altro ricalca in qualche modo il revisionismo di Keller, sebbene osservato dall’opposto punto di vista; ma che ancora una volta ci ricorda come l’unico ecumenismo concepito dalla Chiesa di Roma sia quello che si attua sotto il controllo dei suoi templi.
Non mancano certo studiosi cattolici, come in Italia i già citati Terrin e Introvigne, che hanno tentato con serenità di giudizio, obiettività e rigore culturale, e senza voler evangelizzare alcuno, di confrontarsi con la New Age, di studiarne le origini, le diverse componenti e la storia, nonché di dialogare con i suoi esponenti, senza per questo rinunciare alla propria posizione ideologica che, almeno nel caso di Introvigne, resta radicalmente antitetica. Su queste basi, eminentemente e trasversalmente culturali, un dialogo leale fra Cristianesimo e Nuove Culture acquariane è possibile e certamente auspicabile, se non altro per la maturazione individuale di chi ne dovesse partecipare. Ma dev’essere chiaro che si tratta di un dialogo tra mondi diversi e che rimarranno inevitabilmente distinti, fino alla scomparsa dell’uno o dell’altro. Una maggior fermentazione di dibattiti aperti fra esponenti di culture diverse nella comune ricerca qualificherebbe la vitalità e lo spessore intellettuale di tutti i gruppi di pensiero coinvolti e proprio nell’irriducibile contrapposizione potrebbe generarsi quel cortocircuito dialettico circolare che in fondo appartiene al nuovo modello intellettuale olistico acquariano. Mentre sarebbe al contrario opportuna da parte degli esponenti più attivi e preparati della New Age una maggiore attenzione polemica e una strategia di difesa molto più dura e articolata della propria identità di fronte ad atteggiamenti di aperta demonizzazione diffamatoria e virulenta, per esempio quelli assunti in Italia da sacerdoti esorcisti come Gabriele Amorth o da antropologi, sempre e comunque di dichiarata militanza cattolica, come Cecilia Gatto Trocchi, le cui esternazioni allarmistiche da talk show e pubblicazioni pseudoscientifiche di tono popolare sulle “sette†e sui loro “pericoli†sono già state aspramente criticate da esponenti del mondo accademico e perfino da studiosi cattolici, fra cui lo stesso Introvigne.
Al di là comunque di eventuali e stimolanti dialoghi fra ricercatori il Cristianesimo nel suo complesso, per sua stessa natura, non può che percepire la New Age come una pericolosa forma di Luciferismo, e da un certo punto di vista in questo forse non è lontano dal vero, considerando che il simbolismo di Lucifero fu elaborato dai Padri della Chiesa proprio demonizzando una catena di archetipi mitici — soprattutto femminili — precedenti all’avvento antropologico patriarcale e successivamente recuperati dallo gnosticismo storico e oggi dal neo-gnosticismo e da gran parte della New Age. E vale la pena notare che fin dai primi secoli della nuova e controversa avventura cristiana le simpatie degli gnostici storici sono sempre state rivolte più verso il Serpente liberatore e dispensatore di conoscenza (“nel giorno in cui mangiaste di esso i vostri occhi si aprirebbero e diverreste come Dio conoscitori del bene e del male†- Genesi 3,5) che verso il corrucciato dittatore dell’Eden (“non mangiare dell’albero della conoscenza del bene e del male perché il giorno in cui tu ne mangiassi moriresti†- Genesi 2,17) ... e la volontà di essere Dio è l’essenza stessa della “peccatologia†cristiana.
Se poi dal piano più strettamente religioso e sacrale — che nell’ambito New Age si confonde e si trasfonde costantemente nella dimensione iniziatica — spostiamo il nostro sguardo verso gli aspetti filosofici, etici, scientifici, artistici e metapolitici del pensiero acquariano più sopra delineati risulta evidente che la “filosofia globale†New Age, pur nelle sue diverse forme ed espressioni, si pone in netta antitesi rispetto sia all’umanesimo cristiano che al razionalismo post illuminista, all’edonismo capitalista così come al materialismo marxista: l’accusa di snaturare le tradizioni culturali occidentali formulata da alcuni critici della New Age, come il filosofo francese Michel Lacroix dell’Università di Evry, è quindi per certi versi corretta, salvo considerare che tali tradizioni furono a loro volta lo snaturamento di paradigmi precedenti, oggi recuperati e amplificati appunto nei diversi contesti filosofici acquariani. Il conflitto millenario tra “Essere†e “Divenireâ€, la drammatica lacerazione fra “corpo†e “animaâ€, la percezione angosciosa di essere “separati da Dio†tradotta come inesorabile solitudine esistenziale o come stimolo malfermo verso una riconquista della perduta felicità pur nella rassegnata convinzione di un’oggettiva impossibilità del suo totale compimento, la presunta consapevolezza infine della “piccolezza umana†dinanzi all’ossessione dell’Eterno, tutto questo perde ogni significato dinanzi alla sostanziale e radicale identità tra umano e divino che rappresenta lo sfondo radicale di ogni aspetto della New Age. A questo proposito l’analisi critica di Lacroix, che “denuncia†il pensiero acquariano come “pericoloso†per la stabilità della coscienza occidentale, ci sembra assolutamente attinente al di là delle sue fin troppo “laiche†e obsolete conclusioni:
dal punto di vista della cultura occidentale, la condizione umana si presenta lacerata fra due realtà antitetiche, ha dovuto subire la prova della divisione; non a caso Hegel parla di “coscienza infeliceâ€. Questa nozione emblematica di disagio della coscienza evidenzia l’insoddisfazione e l’inquietudine dell’anima occidentale che, insoddisfatta, non può impedirsi di immaginare che esista, contrapposto alla realtà , un mondo tanto perfetto quanto inarrivabile [...] Questa separazione, che è alla base della tradizione giudeo-cristiana, viene vissuta dall’uomo in maniera crudele poiché egli avverte inconsciamente che in un’epoca lontana ha vissuto in quell’altro mondo da cui un giorno è stato scacciato. Al fondo dell’anima occidentale c’è un sentimento tragico legato a questa caduta, alla rinuncia, a una inconsolabile nostalgia [...] Il mondo della New Age è non problematico, mentre il mondo occidentale, il nostro mondo, è tragico. Ma è in questo mondo tragico che le nostre anime respirano l’aria della libertà e trovano le giuste motivazioni per condurre la loro battaglia per la vita. Noi sappiamo che Dio è inaccessibile, che l’infanzia è perduta con il passato, che la finitezza è il nostro destino, che non c’è rimedio alla solitudine, che la vita è una sola e non esiste altra possibilità . Ma questo sentimento tragico non è anche il grande stimolo della nostra cultura?
La contrapposizione è netta ed evidente e nel suo tentativo di delegittimare la New Age Lacroix ne ha probabilmente colto il senso profondo più di tanti newagers improvvisati che con le loro semplificazioni e i loro “angeli†da week-end banalizzano e per molti versi appesantiscono e danneggiano il nuovo pensiero più di qualsiasi inquisizione. Ciò che lo studioso francese però dimentica, o finge di dimenticare, è che il tragismo dualistico occidentale è datato e scavando più a fondo possono essere recuperate radici e percezioni ben diverse. A un Druido celtico o a un Lucumone etrusco — e non è che un esempio — la sua apoteosi della “frattura tragica†tra umano e divino sarebbe risultata molto più aliena di quanto a lui risulti la conclamata paganità olistica e riconciliatrice dell’Acquario. E l’Età di Aquarius si afferma proprio come un ritorno di perduti significati e percezioni della vita e della storia capaci di risanare la frattura imposta all’Occidente dalla diffusione del tragismo dualistico dei pastori di Abramo e dal cerebralismo lacerante dei commentatori di Aristotele.
Naturalmente ciò non significa disconoscere o azzerare le grandi pulsioni e realizzazioni che lo stesso attrito della frattura ha potuto generare, ma assorbirne e trasmutarne tutti gli aspetti creativi per amplificarli in una dimensione enormemente più complessa. E, considerando che al paradigma della separazione si sostituisce quello dell’inclusione, anche e soprattutto gli aspetti oscuri e rimossi dell’esistenza — sia spirituale che biologica — vengono recuperati alla loro piena dignità . È la nemesi dell’Ombra che reclama la ciclica mutazione della Luce rivendicando, per esempio, la piena realizzazione tanto spirituale quanto sociale di valori come spiritualità femminile e multisessualità , erotismo e Magia, comunione panica e animalesca con la Natura e identificazione mistica e mitica con il kosmos, nel recupero globale di tutte le qualità umane e divine rifiutate e spesso perseguitate durante gli Eoni patriarcali di Ariete e Pesci. La stessa struttura portante del pensiero occidentale, fondata sul compromesso tra fede cristiana e razionalismo scientifico, viene così radicalmente messa in crisi dalla sacralità scientifica e dalla scienza religiosa della New Age.
Psiconauti e cybernauti prometeici che tentano il volo sciamanico fra i reticoli neurali della mente e le reti virtuali del Cyberspazio, nutriti e carburati dalle antiche droghe degli Dei. Streghe amazzoni che esplorano i misteri e le occulte energie della carne cibandosi del sangue della propria vulva. Scienziati stregoni che affiancano Pitagora ai neutroni, coniugando gli arcaici sigilli della Magia con le formule quantiche di nuove cosmologie. Bardi e pitonesse omosessuali che esplorano nuove Alchimie alla ricerca dell’androgino ermetico. Archeologi gnostici che ricercano i contorni di Atlantide fra le grandi “Bestie†inscritte in cielo e astronomi illuminati che ritrovano codici stellari tra consunte tavolette sumere e variopinti pittogrammi aztechi. Medici sciamani che al rullio di antichi tamburi cercano il segreto musicale e terapeutico delle cellule e magisti del Caos che tra le griglie di complessi frattali ricercano le forme indescrivibili di architetture viventi capaci d’imbrigliare gli orgasmi pulsanti della Madre Terra. Raffinate tecnologie informatiche al centro di boschi sacri. Piramidi egizie clonate come cristalli pensanti. Danze orgiastiche alternate ad ascetiche meditazioni... Tecnologie rituali e magie di laboratorio che già sembrano evocare inquietanti risposte nella stessa Natura visibile, sempre più percorsa da quei fenomeni spontanei di aggressiva alterità su cui già il genio di Jung aveva posato l’attenzione: luci e macchine di eco mitologica nei cieli, sulle terre e nei mari di tutto il mondo; strani e immensi sigilli spiroidali che compaiono come tatuaggi di Gaia tra campi coltivati, deserti e praterie; forme di antichi Dei e arcaici totem neolitici che riemergono da lucenti astronavi simboliche in veste di demoni alieni; percorsi lancinanti che dalle saghe misteriche del Graal portano fino alle misteriose entità animate che sembrano orchestrare la scenografia degli UFO e che lasciano intravedere indicibili promesse di immortalità , avventura e poesia galattica.
Mentre nuove forme di coscienza sognano e invocano alternative dimensioni di Realtà , dai reami ancora insondati del Mistero qualcosa o qualcuno sembra così incominciare a rispondere...
Tutto questo e altro ancora — di cui le nuove Gnosi e in parte la New Age sono portatrici — reifica e incarna modelli e fenomeni antropologici decisamente esplosivi e corrosivi, che propongono una diversa percezione del mondo e della vita.
Nuove sapienze, speculazioni ed emozioni; esplorazioni virtuali, immaginali, multidimensionali; inebrianti tenerezze, abbandoni, comunioni ed eccitanti esaltazioni di potenza e azione; inedite problematicità ; mutazioni psichiche, fisiologiche e sessuali polimorfiche e complesse; paradossi etici indefinibili e forse nuove forme di piacere o di dolore; indecifrabili santità o crudeltà ; estasi cosmiche che possono confinare con l’onnipotenza delle energie naturali o con l’orrore del vuoto stellare... Modelli sicuramente estremi e forse “pericolosiâ€, ma che nell’ebbro sapore dell’avventura titanica e luciferica amplificano e interconnettono ogni pulsione creativa del passato fino a distruggerne limiti e confini. E che inevitabilmente fanno apparire ogni nostalgica resistenza dell’ormai logoro vecchio mondo — lineare, dualistico, fideistico, nonché bellicoso, lacerato, violento, o ancora disperatamente materialistico, algido, razionale — in una luce quasi patetica di polverosa obsolescenza.
Le ovvie ricadute sociali e politiche di un simile sommovimento spirituale — definitesi nel corso del tempo sotto forma di quel generale e trasversale universalismo anarchico che anche indipendentemente dalla New Age in senso stretto sembra fermentare in espressioni sempre più evidenti da un capo all’altro del mondo — rappresentano a loro volta un inquietante motivo di allarme per ogni forma di totalitarismo o imperialismo, sia di tipo religioso che meramente edonistico o demagogico. In particolare gli enormi interessi economici di grandi chiese istituzionali: prima fra tutte la Chiesa Cattolica Romana, il cui nutrimento finanziario ed enorme prestigio sociale, dipendendo interamente dall’accettazione incondizionata e fideistica dei suoi paradigmi mitici da parte del tessuto sociale, rischiano pesantissimi contraccolpi per l’esodo crescente di fedeli verso realtà spirituali diverse e per l’affermarsi più o meno diretto del relativismo religioso New Age. La messa in discussione del colonialismo religioso operato dalle Missioni, la rivalutazione culturale delle religiosità pagane autoctone e la nascita di movimenti di revisione teologica interni alla stessa Chiesa non possono poi che rappresentare ulteriori gravi preoccupazioni per i vertici delle principali istituzioni cristiane.
Quanto al settore artistico la New Age Music propriamente detta è ancora un fenomeno parziale e spesso balbettante, nonché generalmente privo di quell’autentico spessore catartico che tipifica ogni autentica rivoluzione estetica. Il filone musicale che porta questo nome coglie quasi esclusivamente alcuni elementi — e non sempre i più interessanti — della nuova sensibilità e con la sua enfasi sul relax come antidoto allo stress risente inevitabilmente delle spietate leggi del network di massa, che tende a rispondere ai bisogni elementari della collettività più che a creare nuovi stimoli. Eppure i germi fecondi del Nuovo Pensiero sono presenti in questo come in altri habitat dell’espressione artistica acquariana, e si potrebbe altresì notare che interi percorsi dell’arte contemporanea in tutte le sue espressioni, dal Surrealismo al Rock, sembrano convibrare molto di più e molto meglio con l’emersione dei nuovi paradigmi. Tanto che alcuni tra gli aspetti più interessanti della sensibilità olistica appaiono al momento maggiormente — anche se forse inconsciamente — presenti all’interno di realtà artistiche ampiamente diffuse ma dissacratorie (sperimentali o di avanguardia) che non nelle manieristiche e spesso soporifere melodie “da meditazione†prodotte e commercializzate in serie con targa New Age. In questo senso si può sperare che un nuovo, onnivoro cannibalismo artistico sappia coniugare e integrare le sue varie componenti generando effettive reversioni di sensibilità estetica capaci di mettere definitivamente in crisi gli stessi concetti di bellezza e di armonia che supportano la visione sia cristiana che razionale del mondo.
Ogni nuova formula culturale, per quanto raffinata e potenzialmente ricca di prospettive, mostra al suo sorgere momenti e fasi fisiologiche di crisi, ingenuità contenutistiche e bizzarrie patologiche che ricalcano il balbettio ma anche la purezza dell’infanzia. Certamente il movimento che viene oggi definito New Age (ma all’interno del quale spesso ci si rifiuta d’incapsularsi in tale definizione), oltre che per i suoi entusiastici progetti, per le sue stimolanti idee-forza e per i suoi indubitabili successi nell’aver ormai sensibilmente modificato i rapporti dell’immaginario collettivo occidentale con il Sacro, si è anche caratterizzato per le molte superficialità , per la frequente mancanza di un autentico spessore culturale, nonché per l’eccessiva frammentazione. E soprattutto si è connotato ma anche largamente diffuso per la sua evidente involuzione commerciale, che abbandonandosi alla contaminazione dei network americani ha generato una sorta di supermercato del Magico e del Sacro, riproducendo così un paradigma capitalistico che ha ben poco di “acquariano†con i suoi innumerevoli “corsi†a pagamento per “raggiungere l’illuminazione†o per “ricordare le vite precedentiâ€, i suoi guru miliardari, i suoi cristalli onnipotenti, il suo channeling indiscriminato, le sue “piramidi†tuttofare...
Tutto questo ha naturalmente portato numerose frecce agli archi più o meno obiettivi dei vari censori religiosi o razionalisti, che di tale involuzione hanno fatto la loro arma più efficace, come recentemente riconosciuto e lamentato, tra gli altri, da David Spangler, personalità di spicco del pensiero acquariano negli USA. È tuttavia proprio attraverso il business commerciale di iniziative per molti versi mediocri (come il romanzo di James Redfield La profezia di Celestino) che alcuni importanti modelli di pensiero della New Age hanno conosciuto nei trascorsi anni ’90 e continuano a conoscere oggi, oltre i bastioni del fatidico “anno 2000†una diffusione di massa senza precedenti, scatenando così nell’attualità europea e, per quanto ci riguarda, in quella italiana un fenomeno che comunque appare in fase di trasformazione alle soglie della transizione millenaria. Mentre la presunta “recessione del New Ageâ€, che ricercatori quali lo statunitense Gordon Melton e Massimo Introvigne, entrambi del CESNUR, hanno ritenuto di constatare analizzando alcune flessioni del network americano e lo sviluppo di nuove formule derivate, ci sembra francamente un falso problema. Vi sono da decenni nel mondo innumerevoli movimenti e gruppi i quali, pur aderendo del tutto o in parte ai paradigmi acquariani, rifiutano decisamente l’etichetta New Age, che in effetti sembra più amata dai media che da coloro che ne condividono i contenuti. Nulla di strano quindi nel fatto che sorgano nuove denominazioni tendenti a privilegiare una componente o l’altra del paradigma acquariano nel suo complesso, come la Next Age di cui da qualche tempo si parla o il Revival Arcaico teorizzato dall’esperto di sciamanismo Terence McKenna, uno dei principali punti di riferimento americani dell’onda acquariana, il quale da sempre dichiara di ritenere inadeguata la denominazione New Age.
Le esperienze italiane della comunità -stato di Damanhur in Piemonte o delle diverse iniziative editoriali e comunitarie di un precursore come Bernardino del Boca e, più recentemente, del Villaggio Globale in Toscana, realtà tutte in cui s’incarnano alcuni tra gli aspetti più creativi e maturi della New Age, ci dimostrano inoltre come la terra italica, che fu del resto la culla storica del Rinascimento magico e alchemico, abbia ancora molto da offrire nel quadro di un Nuovo Rinascimento, di cui la New Age propriamente detta non è che una sfaccettatura.
La formazione di un Nuovo Paradigma o di una Rete di Paradigmi Interconnessi implica però la necessità di definire isole paradigmatiche (fuori e dentro i circuiti “accademiciâ€), cioè spazi e ambienti in cui le vecchie idee, quali esse siano, vengano comprese alla luce di nuove formule e poi eventualmente superate o amplificate, senza la frenesia del “nuovo a tutti i costi†e soprattutto evitando contaminazioni con il modello millenarista cristiano di attesa “messianicaâ€. Secondo i suoi stessi presupposti la Nuova Era non sopraggiungerà infatti come una sorta di “dono del cieloâ€, ma dovrà essere costruita attivamente e prometeicamente da tutti coloro che ne percepiscono e ne percepiranno l’emersione archetipica.
Come ricordava ancora Thomas Kuhn nella sua opera fondamentale La struttura delle rivoluzioni scientifiche non è del resto possibile creare un nuovo paradigma se non sullo sfondo del vecchio, altrimenti diventa solo crescita disordinata e distruttiva. Da qui l’importanza di ritrovare gli sfondi arcaici dalla permutazione, spesso involutiva, dai quali sorsero gli stessi paradigmi obsoleti della Vecchia Era che oggi dobbiamo superare. In questo senso lo spirito migliore e l’implicita chiave metaculturale della New Age potrebbero essere classificati come l’anticipazione militante di un autentico Nuovo Rinascimento Magico Globale.
Ecco perché risulta di fondamentale importanza la connessione fra tutte le componenti in gioco: società e tradizioni iniziatiche coinvolte nel Rinascimento neo-gnostico e neo-magico, comunità libere e spontanee del Nuovo Pensiero, istanze metapolitiche e umanistiche postmoderne, personalità e ricerche della Nuova Scienza, realizzazioni e ricadute filosofiche delle Nuove Tecnologie... e altro ancora che forse risulta al momento difficile individuare e classificare. Una simile sinergia dinamica sarebbe certo in grado di generare un Pensiero Forte all’interno del quale potrebbero incontrarsi anche correnti postmoderne di pensiero molto più aggressive e radicali, ma implicitamente acquariane, quali ad esempio il cyberpunk, il neo-femminismo radicale e il paganesimo neo-gnostico, nonché comunità di ricerca parascientifica come quelle ufologica e parapsicologica: una vastissima popolazione di realtà spirituali, culturali e sociali che allo stato attuale, pur avanzando — a volte non del tutto consapevolmente — su coordinate simili e talvolta identiche a quelle “acquarianeâ€, si trovano spesso molto lontane dalla New Age propriamente detta. Occorre allora sviluppare la capacità di comprendere lo sfondo comune e interpretarne i segnali sia antropologici che metastorici: una sfida culturale e un’avventura spirituale che valgono certamente la pena di essere vissute. La percezione antropologicamente estesa dello sfondo potrà infatti abbattere divisioni o controversie tra le diverse “parti†del nuovo Rinascimento e dissipare assurdi complessi d’inferiorità , fin troppo diffusi negli ambienti alternativi, rispetto allo scientismo dominante e alle fedi istituzionali ormai morenti.
Da parte nostra consigliamo ai ricercatori più tendenzialmente eclettici e meno contaminati da un certo “angelismo†dolciastro e cristianoide, tipico della peggiore New Age, di studiare i testi autentici della tradizione magica ed ermetico-alchemica sia classica che rinascimentale e in seguito i testi fondamentali in cui si è incarnato il risveglio neo-pagano moderno, di cui il pensiero acquariano nella sua globalità non è che un particolare sviluppo. Opere sistematiche d’immenso interesse come quelle dei magisti Aleister Crowley e Giuliano Kremmerz, ai quali principalmente si devono le moderne rinascenze contemporanee del pensiero magico nei suoi vari aspetti sia tradizionali che innovativi; o degli esoteristi Schwaller de Lubicz e Georges Gurdjieff, le cui grandi costruzioni teoretiche e operative restano rispettivamente, in forme più o meno dichiarate, alla base del rinnovato interesse per le tradizioni egizia e sciamanico-caucasica; o degli occultisti e antropologi autodidatti Godfrey Leland e Gerald Gardner, principali iniziatori della neo-stregoneria moderna; e ancora le trattazioni più recenti di autori prolifici ed esponenti rivoluzionari del pensiero magico come Kenneth Grant, Michael Bertiaux, Peter Carroll o Maggie Crosby, per non citarne che alcuni, personalità di spicco della cultura neo-gnostica contemporanea e tuttora viventi, anche se certamente meno noti e pubblicizzati di un James Redfield o di un Paulo Coelho, soprattutto in Europa.
Per quanto poi attiene alla cultura più propriamente “accademica†accanto a Leary o a McKenna gioverebbe a chi ricerca sfondi culturali appropriati all’approccio acquariano accostarsi, per esempio, alle opere di un Ernesto De Martino o di un Mircea Eliade, che offrono materiali molto più preziosi e fecondi di molta letteratura pseudoacquariana d’accatto. O ancora scorrere le pagine di genialità eclettiche quali gli psicologi e psicoterapeuti Erich Neumann e Wilhelm Reich, con le loro ricerche inimitabili sui fondamenti inconsci del mito il primo e sulle energie biologiche della sessualità il secondo; il biochimico Albert Hofmann, scopritore dell’LSD e del suo utilizzo enteogeno; l’etnomitologo Joseph Campbell; e infine l’archeologa Marija Gimbutas, le cui ricerche su arcaiche realtà cultuali hanno fornito base scientifica alla dichiarata esistenza di culture pre-patriarcali, o la teologa americana ex cattolica Mary Daly, teorizzatrice della “castrazione di Dio†in nome di un Rinascimento spirituale femminile di tonalità anche omoerotica. Mentre nel nostro panorama italiano non dovrebbero essere ignorate da chi intende abbracciare la totalità del Nuovo Pensiero operazioni culturali “di confine†sul recupero delle tradizioni esoteriche — come quella effettuata da Elémire Zolla — e dell’intero filone ermetico e metaculturale, curato da Roberto Calasso tramite l’editrice Adelphi che già da alcuni anni, proprio per il suo impegno di diffusione della cultura neo-gnostica, viene violentemente attaccata da cattolici integralisti come Maurizio Blondet, con la comica quanto scontata accusa di essere al centro di un “complotto satanicoâ€!
La Connessione auspicabile per un’effettiva reificazione del Nuovo Rinascimento dovrebbe prevedere in questo senso un’inclusività cannibalesca e una virtuale conciliazione di tutte le contraddizioni. E paradossalmente è proprio analizzando, come qui abbiamo voluto fare, alcune tra le più colte e acute “contestazioni†rispetto al Nuovo Pensiero formulate dagli “avversariâ€, soprattutto religiosi, che può essere ritrovata la Chiave della Nuova Forza. Spesso quanto viene evidenziato da costoro come “pericoloso†o “distorto†o “inquietante†nella New Age rappresenta esattamente ciò di cui gli esponenti di questo pensiero dovrebbero maggiormente compiacersi e che dovrebbero irresistibilmente alimentare: come aver “perso†il senso del tragico e del “peccatoâ€, o abbracciato un relativismo etico ed estetico, o esaltato valori che per la Vecchia Era rappresentavano il “maleâ€, quali libidine, orgoglio, curiosità , scetticismo, sete di conoscenza, rifiuto di ogni autorità , anarchia... Ricordando, come scriveva il succitato antesignano della New Age Aleister Crowley, che “l’unico Peccato è la Restrizioneâ€.
Occorre dunque che gli esponenti della New Age evitino di trasformarsi in ciò che non vogliono essere, e che non hanno mai voluto essere, per diventare efficacemente concorrenziali sia alle scienze sia alle fedi ormai superate, raggiungendo così una maggiore consapevolezza della propria alterità e dell’importanza di mantenere quella loro marginalità aliena capace di trasformarsi in una Spirale il cui Centro è ovunque.
Se la New Age s’indirizzerà ulteriormente sulle direttrici del business e del network pragmatico non rappresenterà alla fine che la componente corticale e transitoria di un processo di mutazione epocale ben più ampio e radicale, che sembra comunque previsto e ineluttabile nel codice genetico dell’umanità futura. Se invece le personalità e i movimenti guida dell’Acquario sapranno costantemente ricercare e riscoprire le proprie origini e amplificare le interconnessioni tra le diverse componenti del paradigma, generando costantemente nuove qualità e nuovi mondi di pensiero, di scienza e di esperienza, allora il “fenomeno†New Age potrà crescere travolgendo ogni sclerotica resistenza e rappresentare lo sfondo brulicante e fertilizzante di una Rivoluzione Globale. Il Paradigma Complesso della New Age, magari liberandosi dalle strettoie di un’etichetta ormai troppo codificata, potrebbe allora rappresentare la parte integrante di un’Ultima Rivoluzione del Pensiero e della Storia; dopo il suo eventuale affermarsi non vi sarebbe infatti più nulla da rivoluzionare: tutto infatti nell’Uomo, nella Donna e nella Natura sarebbe in continua, costante rivoluzione spiroidale, espansiva, dinamica, volumetrica, proiettata verso una dilatazione orgiastica senza fine.
Posted on Saturday, October 28, 2006 at 03:02PM by [Your Name Here] |
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The lodge should be decorated with draperies of white, sky blue and gold.
The throne of the Venerable should be raised five steps above a dais of white, blue and gold.
The Altar is before the throne; upon it there should be two covered crystal vases, one containing gold colored leaves, the other
red wine; beside these there should be a crystal spoon. Above the throne a blazing star of seven points; in the star the
name of God and in each of the points the name of one of the first seven angels, in Hebrew characters, embroidered in gold.
In the center of the lodge, facing the throne, there is drawn on the floor a circle six feet in diameter.
The candidate should be prepared with gloves trimmed with blue ribbon and wear a sash of sky blue moire of the width of a stole, and of sufficient length.
This sash should be placed under the arm pits, and the two gold fringed ends should hang on the left side.
A large heart should occupy the center of the tableau; in the heart there should be represented a temple; above the heart, on either side the sun and the moon shedding their rays on the heart.
In the lower part of the tableau, there should be painted a Master wrestling with Mercury, into whose heart he bas plunged his sword.
To the right of the Master appears the rough cubic and triangular stones and a trowel. To the left, on the ground, near Mercury. the caduceus, a poniard and a crushed serpent.
The tableau should be lighted by twelve candles, disposed three and three along the four sides.
In addition to the Venerable of the Lodge, there is always a
Deputy Venerable, or substitute for the Venerable in the middle chamber, who should be clothed in a talare with stole worn like that of a priest, with his cordon, his plate, his white shoes, his sword, etc.
The Masters have the privilege of not assisting in the middle chamber, but it will always be necessary that there be at least two present to accompany and do honor to the Deputy Chief and they are obliged to be in uniform, with sword in hand.
The furniture and decoration of this room should be black and very somber. The tableau or backdrop should represent Wisdom in the figure of Minerva, accompanied by a young man garbed as apprentice. She shows him on one side the riches which are to be abandoned and on the other the Temple, consecrated to the Eternal, which is in the distance. The road which leads to the Temple is filled with chains and implements of punishment, and one sees here the three furies menacing the candidate and giving the appearance of repulsing him.
At the bottom of that tableau are written these words: "The brave are always happy."
The candidate having completed his three years of apprenticeship, he will be announced to the Venerable, bearing a certificate provided by the Venerable of the apprentice lodge. He will be clothed in a talare.
He will be placed in the Chamber of Reflections, where he will be left to himself for a half hour to meditate in silence concerning the objects he sees before him. The Orator will then join him to assist and aid him to come to the true knowledge of God, of himself and of the intermediaries between God and Man. He will tell him that except for the wisdom given him as a guide, man will not know enough to take the road which leads to eternity, but will abandon it and find himself exposed to his doom and be repulsed by the furies, which shunning the good and truth, will plunge him into the shades and misery.
The Orator will plead with and exhort the candidate by all manner of means to reflect well before entering upon .the labors of a companion and to think of the past, present, and future and will call his attention to the words at the bottom of the tableau and will give him a detailed explanation of all the objects depicted in the tableau.
The Orator will then return to the Temple, make his report and assure himself that it is approved by the Venerable and the rest of the Lodge.
When the candidate is ready to enter, his hair should be disheveled and he should be deprived of all metallic substances. In that condition, the Inspector and the Orator will accompany him to the door of the lodge, and the Inspector will knock five times. The Venerable will ask 'Who knocks?"
The Inspector will enter and answer, that it is an apprentice who has completed three years, and who bearing a certificate from his master, prays the Venerable for admission to the degree of Companion.
During this time, the candidate and Orator wait without the Temple.
The Venerable having taken his place, absolute silence is to be observed, it is forbidden to blow one's nose, and even more, to talk.
When the Venerable rises, all his assistants do likewise. He will have his sword in his right hand and say, "To order, my brothers; In the name of the great God, let us open the Lodge according to the ritual and the constitutions of our founder!"
The remainder of the brothers bow their heads in profound silence.
The Venerable will descend from his throne and place himself before the a1tar, on his knees, and fixing his eyes on the name of God written in the blazing star, will bow deeply, as will all the brothers, to adore Deity.
The Venerable will particularly pray for wisdom, strength and power.
Each, in his heart, will recite the hymn "Veni Creator."
The Venerable will then rise, the brothers likewise, all in deep silence and each takes his place.
Then the inspector will open the door, take the candidate by the left hand and, placing a lighted candle in his right, will conduct him before the Venerable and place him in the center of the circle near the throne.
The Venerable will say to the candidate, "My son, alter three years of proof and labor you are without doubt ready to be deprived of human curiosity. I think, and I believe with certainty, that you approach us with no profane motive, but that you cannot hide from us the zeal with which you desire to know the nature and virtue of the power which is confided to us.
"Without doubt, you have observed. yourself, that you were elevated to Divinity, and that you were drawn near to it. You are a newcomer to the recognition of your own individuality, of its moral part, of the physical portion and you have searched to find the intermediaries, which God has placed between Himself and you. Answer?'
The candidate lowers his head, and two brothers, placed one on each side, have each a censer which wafts a perfume and purifies him with its fumes, while the Venerable explains to the candidate in these words:
"I would thus purify your physical and moral parts, The perfume is emblematical of that purification.
After the purification the Venerable will continue to question the candidate:
"My son, are you well determined to pursue the course you have undertaken; is your moral sense sufficiently strengthened and
is it your true, sincere and good intention to approach closer and closer to Divinity and arrive at a perfect knowledge of yourself and of the sanctity to the power which is confided to us? Answer."
The candidate nods again; the Venerable rises and causes him to kneel, to receive his obligation, which is never to reveal the mysteries which were confided and disclosed to him, and to obey his superiors blindly.
After the obligation, the Venerable will strike him three times on the right shoulder with his sword and will say:
"By the power which I hold from the great Founder of our Order, and by the grace of God, I confer on you the degree of
Companion, and will make you a guardian of the new knowledge which you will share with us through the sacred names, Helios, Melios and the Tetragrammaton."
When the Venerable pronounces these names his assistants will kneel and deeply bow their heads; at each of the names the Venerable will strike the candidate once on the right shoulder; that done the assistants rise and surround the candidate, who remains on his knees in preparation for receiving the several matters.
Then the Venerable, taking in the crystal spoon a spoonful of the red liquid contained in one of the vases, carries it to the mouth of the candidate who drinks the wine and elevates his spirits in order to understand the following discourse, which is being delivered at the same time by the Venerable:
"My son, you are receiving the first matter; understand the blindness and dejection of your first state; now then, you should forget yourself; all will be well for you both within and without. Now that you have taken some steps in the recognition of your individuality, learn that the great God created that primary matter before man, and later created man to possess that matter and be immortal; that man abused it and so destroyed it, but that it remains forever in the hand of the elected of God and that a single grain of this precious matter can project itself to infinity.
"The acacia, which was given us in the ordinary Master Mason degree, is nothing else but that precious matter and the slain Adoniram is the liquid part which it was necessary to slay with that poniard. It is with the knowledge and assistance of the great God, that you will attain to that wealth."
The Venerable lifts the vase with the leaves of gold, which he disperses with his breath and adds: .". ..and there is nothing more than that wealth."
The assistants respond "Sic transit gloria mundi".
The candidate rises and the Venerable, holding the blue cincture, restates the words in these terms:
"The degree to which we have just elevated you presents new labors, of which the color of this cincture is an emblem, and which will serve to remind constantly that you should hereafter renounce all earthly things that you may attain the celestial." He will then present the gloves and say:
"You are already acquainted with their use, and their border is the distinctive mark of your progress in our order." The Venerable will continue:
"My son, we have words, signs and grips which serve in meeting one another, and these were established by our great founder. "Your degree is characterized by the response 'I am', which you will give to a person who asks 'Who are you?' .
"The grip consists of taking the right hand of him who asks you, while placing your left hand on your heart and inclining the head.
"The sign is to open the mouth while inhaling and exhaling loudly at the same time looking skyward"
While demonstrating the sign to the candidate the Venerable inhales and exhales loudly three times and says: "and I, by my breath, consecrate you a new man, a man totally different from what you were previously and which you will be from hence forward."
The Venerable will finish with a short lecture at his discretion, and deliver the new companion into the care of the orator, together with an order to explain the tableau by means of the catechism.
After the discourse by the orator the candidate will be placed at the foot of the Lodge facing the Venerable, and his brothers
will chant the "Te Deum". That hymn being concluded, the Venerable will rehearse the motto to confirm the discourse of the orator, and after the adoration of the Eternal One, will close the Lodge.
Q.-Are you a Companion?
A.-I am, with the proof in my spirit.
Q.-What is that proof?
A.-My belief in God, in his intermediary, in the sacred rose and the knowledge of myself.
Q.-How have you penetrated into the Temple of Companion, and what did you observe?
A.-It is not without trembling that I dare answer such a matter; it is so sublime, so superior to the ordinary knowledge of mortals, that I cannot speak of it, except with reserve and apprehension. Increase my courage and my strength by your confidence, as I have need for power to enter with you into the grand mysteries, that you require that I unfold for you.
Q.-Since you have faith in the sacred rose, do you then recognize the primary matter?
A.-I will never doubt its existence, but I am as yet not aware of all the implications of its miraculous effects.
Q.-What is your age?
A.- Thirty-three years, with the hope of returning to youth and to reach it spiritually in the year 5557.
Q.-Did you find much happiness in your forty days of meditation and prayer?
A.-No, but I know of the reason for it and its purpose.
Q.-What are they?
A-Every man who wishes to travel with profit in natural and supernatural philosophy, must build in his heart a temple to the Eternal and search to regenerate himself not only physically but also morally. It is necessary that he employ all his efforts to discover the apostle and. the celebrant of the grandeur and the Omni-
potence of God; he is obliged in the highest degree to hide and render his individuality impenetrable to all profanes.
The Eternal, in creating the primary matter, has endowed it with such perfection, that it alone can serve and prolong the years of mortals, that which it accomplishes through the redemption and the conduct of the forty days with a love for the natural and spiritual being.
For the spiritual or natural operation, forty days is the time both determined and necessary to perfect our morality and bring us to the desired age."
This spiritual regeneration consummated and perfected, we have no further need for protection or security from any mortal and one will be principal and master, and with the continuance of the grace of the Eternal one can conserve that power, so long as one conforms scrupulously to that which I will show you.
Q.-You have such obligations. I find myself unable to assure you have mercy .You will be able to count on my discretion and my obedience. May the sword of the destroying angel punish me, if I should fail my promise.
A.-I command you anew to execute, word for word, what I prescribe, because in following literally the method and the rules of our Founder, you will never err.
Here are the seven commandments :
lst. Outside the temple; one never explains or interprets anything except physically; while in the temple, one explains everything morally and not physically.
2nd. Never, under any pretext whatever, does one raise any question about any childish, vain or curious object, even should it be to the advantage of the moral or the physical.
3rd. It is expressly forbidden to question or ask questions about persons mortal or passed on to immortality, on any point which might injure the reputation or harm the fraternity.
4th. Being an active Master, one must never, no matter what the motive, answer any question raised either by himself or another,
concerning the society. The great Founder having ordered formally that any given question should be clearly stated, and explained, without any reservations whatever after the manner that the assistants intend and understand.
5th. The labors of the Order being consecrated to the Eternal, each individual, out of respect, should guard his celibacy on the day of the lodge meeting. .
6th. If through prejudice or rumor a brother finds himself affected or tormented by a scruple, he will be obliged to resort at once to the head of his group to receive explanation and tranquillity.
7th. Since not all that is carried to the Temple is moral, it is necessary upon entering it, to leave behind all mundane things and to bend all his efforts and his soul to the eternal.
That is the condition which will be able to render us fit to 'Profit by the language and lessons of the immortals.
Q.-Will the practice of these commandments suffice me?
A.-If you continue to conduct yourself properly, and wait patiently the time fixed for the degree; if after you have broken the chains and penetrated into the interior of our sacred sanctuary, you attain a place among the elect, you will then be able to hope to merit the grace of becoming an active Master, and to see the crowning of your desire.
Q.-What must I retain of these charges and what labors must I undertake ?
A.- You must obey patiently and with zeal the orders of your chief, and give him constant proof of your respect and your faith in God; of your attachment to our Order and of your love for your neighbor.
Redouble your efforts to cleanse yourself., not by austerity, privation or outward penitence; it is not the body which is to be mortified and be made to suffer; it is the spirit and the heart which will render us good and pure. It is these which will rid you inwardly of all vices and fill you with love of virtue.
Apply yourself to develop thc great mysteries found in the circle of the four cardinal points, because without that knowledge, you will never be admitted to that which is indispensable; to learn the names and signs which are found on the angles of the sacred star, and which are the chiefs in each hierarchy.
Remember always, that those notables and powers who will be the spiritual creatures, are those men who have become immortal, or passed to immortality and remember also that you will become idolatrous and guilty before God, if you should ever give to any of these any sign of adoration. There is no other supreme being, save only God, Eternal; He is all, He is the one unique, who will both love and serve all beings, be they spirits; immortals who have lived, now live, or will live; although they are his subjects, his servitors and his inferiors.
Observe with care the movements, the positions and the words of the acting master during the conferring of this degree. Note the stroke of the right foot as he taps the floor, the perfect sign which he gives, the noble and majestic mien with which the same is presented, the force and energy with which they are expressed.
Q.- Why that position of the acting Master? Is it necessary?
A.- Because man having been created by God, in his own image, he is superior to all other creatures; because while he works it is the expression of the power God has granted him and which, .while never done with hauteur, should nevertheless demonstrate the grandeur and nobility of his actions; his persuasion, his triumph and his glory. There is no sign of pride or arrogance, but of nobleness, strength, and dignity which inspire confidence. Do not even imitate or injure yourself like those hypocrites who always on their knees, their eyes lowered, and the body bent, never speak except with exclamation while doing nothing except with baseness. Although respect and sweetness are on their lips, insolence, envy and arrogance are in their hearts.
Q.- What is the significance of the rap on the floor with the right foot?
A.- That the acting Master at that moment raises his spirit to God, and that he is shedding the physical part, that he may be occupied by nothing but his moral part.
Q.-Why does he raise his right hand with the fingers extended, and hold the left to the rear ?
A.-To let his assistants know that while the Supreme Being is overcoming chaos, it calls for that attitude.
Q.-Why does he whimper and pronounce the word Heloym?
A.-To teach you that the Eternal, through a perfect sign and with that single word, grants the eternal life to the primal matter, through his intermediaries, and to man.
Heloym signifies, I wish and I order that my will be done, and that all shall be done accordingly.
Q.-In the tableau, what is the significance of the temple placed in the middle of the heart?
A.- That there is no place but in the heart, that one must erect a. temple to the Eternal.
Q.-Why do the sun and moon shine on the heart?
A.-That you may learn that you can never be perfect, until your
body shall have been purified by the celestial fire contained in the primal matter.
Q.-What is the significance of the assassination of Mercury by a Master ?
A.-It is the emblem of the first physical operation absolutely necessary and indispensable.
Q.-What do the three stones signify?
A.-It means that in order that primal matter may become perfect, it is necessary that it be proved by three different changes.
Q.-What is the purpose of, and why must I always wear, the vestment known as "talare"?
A.-Man having regenerated morally and physically, regains the great power which was destroyed by the loss of his innocence. That power gains for him spiritual vision and primarily it recalls that the physical vestment of every man who is consecrated to
the Eternal must wear the "talare". It is that which in all religions and at all times and places was worn by the sacrificients, the priests and those men devoted to God.
Although the ordinary clothing is sufficient for the profane, it is not enough for us. Since ours should be perfect and sacred, it is necessary that it had been blessed and consecrated by the spiritual beings and the intermediaries who are between God and us.
Q.-How is it possible for our vestments to become consecrated the same as the vestments we are wearing?
A.-By making yourself fit to wear it and by being witness to the communication between man and the intermediaries.
Q.- Where is the place of this celestial traffic between the spiritual beings and man?
A.-Inside the temple where you acquired the greatest knowledge.
Q.-Can I receive this as well in my own apartment?
A.-No, but here is something which it is permissible for me to give you for your consolation. When the period of your 1abors as companion terminate and your good conduct proven, you will be admitted inside that temple. There you will find a chief vested with the authority and supreme power to purify you according to the laws of the Founder, and give the consecration of all those things which are necessary.
The Lodge should be decorated in sky blue and gold; it should be decorous, well arranged and well lighted. The throne is elevated three steps and should be occupied by two persons representing Solomon and the King of Tyre. At their feet should be a. blue cushion, embroidered in gold, with four loops also of gold, and on the cushion is an epee or sword, having the guard on hilt in silver gilt and the blade also in silver gilt with the seven planets engraved on each side.
The covering of the throne should be blue, fringed with gold; behind and above the head of the Venerable, on a piece of blue silk, there should be a star of seven points bearing in the center the name, Jehovah. This star and the name should be embroidered in gold, the star surrounded by rays embroidered in spangles of gold.
There should be for the recipient of this degree a large red cord; gloves trimmed in the same color and an apron of white lamb skin, doubled and bordered with flame-colored sarin, with rosettes of the same color in the four corners, and in the center a globe of gold, traversed by the zodiac, with the signs of the seven planets embroidered in silk. This globe is suspended in the blazing star of the seven angels by means of a loop of silver.
The Tabernacle should be over the throne, facing the lodge. Its exterior should be hidden by a great glory whose rays are of gilded wood. On the right side is a small window closed by a slide, and on the left side is a door with a small stairway, opening into the room. In its arrangement, dimensions and proportions it should conform to the tabernacle of the mother lodge.
In the upper part of the tableau, there should be represented a phoenix in the center of a burning pyre. Under the phoenix, a sword with a cross of St. Andrew, together with the caduceus of Mercury. Below the sword and caduceus, at one side, Time in in the guise of a fine, robust, old man having large wings at his shoulders; and on the other, facing Time, a Mason dressed as a Master in a green frock coat; hussar type boots and a red cordon; and in his right hand a sword prepared to strike off the wings of Time. At the right of the Mason is an overturned hour glass and broken scythe of Time.
The two principals, or Venerables, should each be clothed in a white talare with sky blue stole bordered with fine gold lace and
having embroidered in gold along its length the names of the seven angels. At its ends each stole should have embroidered in the same manner the sacred name of God. A fringe of gold finishes each end.
The great red cordon supports by its two ends a plaque which should be embroidered with stitches of silver, showing a rose in the center, bearing tbe inscription "Primal Matter" and below the mottos "I believe in the rose".
They also wear their hair short, and their feet are clad in slippers or sandals, white in color, embroidered and tied with a blue ribbon or rosette. These are without buckles.
The two Venerables should be clothed in their vestments by the Masters who during this time chant the 'Te Deum". The Grand Inspector is the one who directs and presides over this ceremony, since it is numbered among his duties. The vesting is done in a place immediately adjoining the lodge room where there is a closet for this sole purpose.
The lodge or inner chamber should consist of at least twelve persons, not including the two Venerables. The acting Venerable Masters bear the names Alexander I, II or III according to their seniority of consecration.
Each of the twelve Masters should bear the name of one of the twelve prophets below and should be clothed in the vestments shown in the tableau.
Samuel Zachariah Daniel
Solomon Isaiah Hosea
Elias Jeremiah Jonah
EIijah Ezekiel Amos
The Venerable assigns to the candidate the name of a prophet unassigned, and imposes on him the obligation of bearing it all his life and never to take or sign another name so long as he writes or works in a lodge of our rite. To his name, Samuel, for example, he will add "of the first lodge" should he be from the mother
lodge of Tryon, or "of the second lodge", should he be from that of Paris.
No Master should ever enter the inner chamber with hat or cane; he should always be bare headed and with sword in hand. After all are assembled in the lodge room, the Venerables must choose two companions, or if there be none, two apprentices, to guard and act as sentinels, drawn sword in hand, outside the lodge.
The furniture and the decoration of that chamber should be very gay. The tableau represents a young man clothed as companion, seated on a stone in the middle of a forest, having the air of a man fatigued and deep in meditation and profound reflection. About him are some broken chains and some broken instruments of punishments.
Some Furies prepare to leave and retire. There is a rainbow above; and over that a pyramid, before which should be a Master in uniform with his cordon. He should have an attitude noble and determined, bearing his sword in his right hand and the caduceus in the other. With his sword he gives a sign of encouragement for the companion to enter the pyramid, and with his caduceus he points to the rainbow composed of the seven primary colors. The sky should be pure and serene.
At the base of the tableau should be written these words "Conquer or die; reflect before you undertake!"
In the four corners, there are circles formed by a serpent biting his tail. In the middle of each circle the initial of the four cardinal points. The candidate should be left to his meditation and remain in this chamber at least an hour.
One of the two Masters, who should be sent to the Chamber, will give him a proper and appropriate discourse to explain the emblems in the tableau. During this discourse the companion should be on his knees. The companion should be clothed in a talare, his hair disheveled and tending to hide part of his face. Before he leaves the chamber of reflection, the two elected who are
designated to prepare him, should try, by means of discourse and adroit questions to discover if the candidate is patient and obedient. They should try to make him understand that despite the time that has passed during his companionage the Masters feel that there is need of several more years before he can be admitted among them. If in spite of these misleading statements. the candidate shows by his responses, a complete submission and obedience to his superiors, the two elected give him hope of being accepted, and one of them returns to the lodge to inform the Venerables of the condition in which they left the candidate.
The vesting of the Venerables having been completed, the lodge properly guarded and well-tested by the Grand Inspector, they take their place standing before the throne. The Acting Venerable will say:
"To order, my brothers, in the name of the Great Founder of our Order. Let us seek to act and work for the Glory of God, from whom we obtain the wisdom, the power and the ability. Let us try to obtain his protection and his mercy for us, for our sovereigns and for our neighbors. Join your prayers with mine to implore for me his help and his light which are so necessary."
That being said. the two Venerables go to the middle of the room, and turning to face the name of Jehovah, they kneel as do also all the assistants, and the acting Venerable will commence the invocation in these terms :
"Oh, Thou Great God, Thou art supreme and sovereign, we pray Thee from the depths of our hearts, by reason of the power which Thou has showered upon us according to our founders, that Thou permit us to make use of and enjoy that portion of Thy grace, which came to us on the invocation of the seven angels who surround Thy throne. Thus we operate and work without violating Thy orders or destroying our innocence."
The prayer over the two chiefs together with assistants, prostrate themselves on the floor and remain there until the Venerable
raps on the floor with his hand, which serves as a sign to rise and take their places. All being seated, the acting Venerable will give a discourse fitting the occasion and states that the term of five years companionage of the candidate has expired and that he begs the privilege of being received as Master. He then demands that all give their opinions, truthfully and conscientiously, concerning the morals and conduct of the candidate. Should one of the brothers allege any motive, grievance or complaint against him, he should announce it at once to the entire lodge, and the Venerables should then decide by vote whether to admit or reject him. If the lodge consent by unanimous vote in his favor, the acting Venerable will chose two of the elected to go to the Chamber of Reflection where the candidate should be found. When the Venerable has been informed, by the return of one of his deputies, of the good character of the candidate, he will address the Grand Inspector and order him to go search for and introduce the Dove, (1) who ought to be found ready, and properly vested in the adjoining room or cabinet. The Grand Inspector should lead the Dove to the feet of the first Venerable, who should himself, or his deputy and no other, clothe the Dove according to the prescribed form, which is a white talare, shoes equally white, trimmed and tied with a sky blue ribbon; a cincture of blue silk and the red cordon from right to left.
Thus clothed, the Venerable will say to him: "By the power the great God has granted to our founder, and by the same which I hold from him, I invest you with this heavenly vestment."
He then will give a discourse concerning the sanctity and the grandeur of the mystery which will follow. After the Dove is completely clothed, the Venerable will cause him to kneel, then holding his sword in his hand and striking the right shoulder of the Dove, will cause him to repeat word for word these words, "Oh God, I humbly ask Thy pardon for all my past faults, and beg that Thou give me the grace, according to the power which Thou gavest our founder and which he gave to my Master, of a promise of acting. and permitting me to labor, according to his commandment and his intention."
After this the Venerable will create the Dove, by blowing his breath over him three times; he will then give her unto the hands of the Grand Inspector who will conduct her into the Tabernacle. The interior of this is entirely white; in it should be a small table upon which should be placed three candles and a small stand; the Grand Inspector after having accompanied the Dove and having shut her in the Tabernacle, will take from it the key which should be attached to a long white ribbon, and will present it to the Venerable, who will hang the ribbon around the Inspector's neck and order him to place himself, sword in hand, at the foot of the stairs by which the Dove had climbed.
The acting Venerable will rise, and will say again: "To order, my brothers." They will all rise, and the Venerable, going to the middle of the room, will turn and face the tabernacle.
The circles having been formed and the sacred words pronounced, he will help himself to the power which the Grand C.. has given him to obligate the angels " AN.." and the six: other appearing before the eyes of the Dove, and when he has given notice to all in his presence, the Venerable will charge her, by virtue of the power which God had conferred to the Great Founder, and which he had accorded him, to demand of the angel "AN.." if the subject proposed for Master according to his merits and other qualifications should be received, yes or no.
On affirmative response of the angel to the Dove, the twelve elected will bow their heads to thank the Divine one for the grace which had been granted her, which was manifested to them, through the appearance of the seven angels to the Dove. The Venerable will order the Dove to be seated, as well as the rest of the members of the lodge, and he will proceed to the reception of the candidate.
The Venerable, beginning again, will with his sword describe four circles toward the four cardinal points, commencing with the North, then South, East and West, then he will describe another, over the head of each of his assistants and will end with one last facing the door. Finally he will take a tack which he will place
in the center of the lodge, and with the aid of a golden string and a piece of white chalk draw a circle six feet in diameter, in which the candidate will be placed.
In the four sections of the circle, he will have braziers for burning the following:
In the North - incense
In the South - Myrrh
In the East - Benzoin
In the West - Balsam Peru
Under the braziers there will be traced the four characters known by the Venerables, one of whom will remain seated and the other will remain standing before the throne, sword in hand. At the right will be the Orator carrying the four perfumes. The acting Venerable will order the assigned brother to return to the chamber of reflections. to take the candidate and conduct him just outside the door, placing him between himself and his assistant. The three arriving at the door, one of them will knock once. The Venerable having heard them, will cause the bolts which close the doors, to be opened immediately, that the three persons may enter. The two elected, who accompany the candidate will conduct him directly to the middle of the circle drawn on the floor, where they will leave him and retire to their places.
The Venerable will again give the discourse beginning "Man..etc." and having completed it and having told the candidate, that if he sincerely desired to come to a knowledge of the Great God, of himself and of the Universe, it will be necessary for him to subject himself to a promise and take an oath to renounce his past life and arrange his affairs in a manner fitting a free man. The candidate will kneel arid repeat word for word the obligation which will be given by the Venerable.
The obligation over, the assistants will kneel and the candidate will prostrate himself and while he is thus extended at full length within the circle, his face to the floor, the Venerable following the Orator will throw a pinch of perfume into the brazier and returning to the candidate, will recite this psalm (Psalm 51).
"Great God, have pity on this person M.N., according to Thy great mercy and remove his iniquity, according to the multitude of Thy good works; cleanse him more and more of his sins and purify him of his offenses, because he recognizes his iniquity, and his sin is always against himself ; he has sinned only against Thee, he has committed error in thy presence, to the end that Thou wilt be justified in Thy promises, and victorious in Thy judgment. Thou seest that he was born in iniquity; that his mother conceived him in sin. Thou hast loved the truth; Thou hast unfolded to him some uncertain things, and the secrets of thy wisdom. Thou bast purified him with hyssop and he will be clean; cleansed him and he will become whiter than snow. Thou wilt make him understand the word of consolation and joy and his bones which Thou hast humbled, will tremble with happiness; turn thy face upon his sins and pardon his offenses. Oh God, make his heart clean within him and renew the spirit of justice in his bowels; turn not thy countenance from him; grant him the joy of Thy healthful assistance and fortify him with a. spirit which he will freely work for Thee. He will understand Thy ways with the unjust, and the impious will tum to Thee. Oh God! Oh, God of our Salvation, deliver him from evi1, and his tongue shall sing with the joy of Thy justice, Oh Lord. Open his lips and his mouth will give forth Thy praise. If Thou wishest a. sacrifice, he will offer it. Sufferings are not agreeable unto Thee! The sacrifice which God demands is a chaste spirit. Oh God, Thou dost not despise a contrite heart and humble. Oh Lord, in Thy benevolence, spread Thy good and Thy grace on Zion, before the walls of Jerusalem are destroyed. Thou wilt accept then the just sacrifice, the offerings and the burnt offerings. These we desire now to offer on Thy altar. We pray Thee, great God, to grant him the grace which Thou gavest our Great Founder."
The Venerable will retire to a place near the throne, but, remaining standing, will indicate that the brothers rise and remain so, while at the same time indicating that the Orator should assist the candidate to arise, and to conduct him before the Venerable.
The Orator will place the candidate before the .first step of the throne and cause him to kneel with his right knee on that step, his left leg extended to the rear. At that instant the Venerable will make him a Master by breathing three times in his face, at the same time decorating him with the red cordon and presenting him the Apron and gloves after which he will be blessed and consecrated by the angels, as by Enoch, Elias and Moses. The Venerable will then give him a discourse on this subject, the same as the Great Founder himself gave to all the Venerables under the same circumstances. The ceremony over, the Venerable will approach the Orator and cause him to conduct the new prophet to the place for which he was destined, which should be at the right of the throne. Then all will be seated and the Venerable will give a discourse which had been communicated by the Great Founder and ordered to be given at this time. He will end with this prayer:
"Oh Lord, remember Thou our Great Founder and Master, and all the goodness to which he was a witness. As he swore before the Lord and made a vow to the God of Jacob. If I enter, said he, into the rooms of my palace; if I lie down on my bed or couch; if I permit my eyes to sleep or eyelids to close; if I lay down my head, it is only when I have found a home for my Lord and a Tabernacle for the God of Jacob. We have heard said that the ark was in the land of the Ephraimites. We have found it in the forest; we entered into his temple; we adore him the place which serves him as resting place. May Thy priests be clothed with justice and may your saints be joyful. In consideration of our Great Founder, Thy servant, turn not thy face from those saints. The Lord has sworn our Founder a great oath, and He will not violate it; He spoke, 'I will establish on your throne, the fruit of your loins, if your children guard my alliance and the precepts which I will show you, they and their posterity will inherit your throne, eternally, because the Lord has chosen Zion; He has chosen it as His habitation. It is the place of my rest forever. I will live here, because it is the place I have chosen. I will bless the widow with
my benedictions; I will provide bread for the poor. I will clothe my priests with any saving grace, and their saints are rapt with joy. It is thus, that I will demonstrate the force and power of your founder. I have prepared my lamp for my saints. I will cover their enemies with shame and confusion, and the glory of my sanctity will live forever in their minds'."
The Venerables as well as the assistants rise, and the acting Venerable going to the middle of the room, and turning to face the Name of God, will order the Dove, by virtue of the power which he holds from the Great Founder, to demand of the angels if the reception which was given was perfect and agreeable to the Divinity. The sign of approbation being given by the angels to the Dove, the Venerables and assistants will prostrate themselves and will in their hearts give thanks to the great God for all his grace, with which they were favored.
The Venerable will close the lodge, giving his benediction to all his assistants in the name of the Eternal and of the Great Founder.
Q.-Whence came you?
A.-From the interior of the Temple.
Q.-What did you see in the Temple?
A.-A Dove, very beautiful and very favored of God; a sanctuary blazing with light; a tableau revealing allegorically the greatest secrets of Nature and a brilliant star over the heart of each of the venerables.
Q .-What does that star show ?
A.-A beautiful rose, around which there are two inscriptions, the one consisting of these words "I believe in the rose" and the other of these "Primal Matter."
Q.-What does that rose signify?
A.- That it is the emblem of that primary and precious matter, of which there is constant mention in all the writings of our doc- trine, and which is found in the hands of all the elected.
Q.-What is the use and what are the duties of the Dove?
A.- They consist of serving as the intermediary between the angels of the Lord and the elected; to give knowledge to these latter of the divine will and finally to convince them of the obvious existance and great power of God.
Q.-What does the sanctuary contain?
A.- The sacred name of God, placed in the middle of a blazing star.
Q.-Give me, I pray you, an explanation of the tableau; what does the phoenix signify ?
A.- That a true Mason will be reborn from the ashes; that it will be possible to renew and rejuvenate himself at will, like that bird; so it is certain that it can be said et renovabitur plumas meas. (2)
Q.-What is the significance of Time and of the Master who clips his wings?
A.-Since a good Mason has lately come to snip the wings of Time, his life is endless.
Q.-What an be said about the broken and destroyed instruments of torture?
A.- That a Mason having obtained that degree of power, death no longer has any fear for him.
Q.-What is the significance of the overturned hour-glass?
A.-For the immortal man, the measure of time becomes useless.
Q.-What does a sight of the interior of the Temple mean to you?
A..- The most sublime knowledge.
Q-How do you know that?
A.-Because there was communicated to me a portion of the power which God of his good will granted our Great Founder, and through it, permitted me to regenerate a man who was lost.
Q.-How were you occupied in that interior?
A.-In glorifying God and accomplishing those duties laid down by our Great Founder.
Q.-What are those duties?
A.- They are entirely spiritual and are none other than those which will gain admission into the temple of God, where one occupies himself in the same manner that Solomon once did in presence of all the people, while he consecrated the temple, which he erected to the Eternal.
Q.-What do we find in the middle of the Temple of Solomon?
A.- The true tabernacle, the resting place of innocence. At the sound of the invocation, the Eternal manifested his power in favoring that place by the presence of all the angels, archangels, Seraphims and Cherubims.
Q.-How did Solomon commence his duty?
A.-He descended from his throne, he laid his hand, with fingers extended on the head of the Dove, and struck it with his sacred sword and made it a true sacrifice which he offered to the Supreme Being. He carried it into the tabernacle and offered up his prayers and invocations in a manner so dear that all the people understood. His duty and his confidence were so perfect, because he showed evidence of those graces spread among all men.
Q.-Did our Grand Master always practice and follow the same method?
.A.-Always. However, all the duties were performed according to his constitutions and ordinances, and were constantly crowned with greatest success; but it is necessary to conform exactly and scrupulously to the commandments which are prescribed in the catechisms, because without that, one runs the risk of incurring that which once came to the ministers of the Temple of Jerusalem after the death of Solomon. These ministers combined their ideas and built the tower of Babel. It resulted in errors without number; schisms as well as idolatry, which the man fi1led with pride sees again today in his dismal surroundings.
Q.-What is the significance of the sacred pentagon made of paper according to the art?
A.- The pentagon is the fruit of the great work of moral regeneration through the retreat of forty days, which all the truly elected
of God have made. During that time one divides his twenty-four hours as follows:
Six hours are employed in reflection and rest.
Three hours are consecrated to prayer and a sacrifice to the Eternal.
Three times three, or nine, are intended for sacred matters. The last six hours are reserved for conversing together and recording the lost powers, both physical and moral.
Q.-What does the pentagon represent?
A.-Enoch, Elias and Moses, which we know; the last at the exodus from Egypt and after he had made the journey with pain and fatigue, carried with him a number of things chosen by the voices of the angel of the Lord, took them to the top of Mount Sinai. There he made a retreat of forty days, and while there he made and perfected the sacred pentagon, written and engraved with the names and signs of the seven archangels; as well as the sacred writing which God gave him; and as Moses retired to that Mount; he ordered Aaron to remain at the foot and guard against intrusion of the people of Israel either because of pride or curiosity. He carried the sacred pentagon to confirm the power of the Eternal, to afford knowledge of truth and give proof of the great power accorded to man.
There were also, many other elected favored of God and .favored of Moses, of whom I would like to talk to you but I am bound to tell you that after having accomplished that great feat there was nothing more to be done, "Qui potest capere, capieat". (3)
Q.-What do you mean by nothing more to be done?
.A.-As soon as a man possesses the sacred pentagon, he has no need to give up the triangular cubical stone, nor to change the stones into bread.
Man aspires constantly to have perfect repose, to possibly obtain immortality and say of himself, ego sum, qui sum. (4)
Q.-How are the six hours for reflection and repose used?
A.-To permit each Elect to enjoy himself as may be; for medita-
ting alone; for refreshing the physical self by sleep; or by a cessation of mental activity, all labor is suspended during these six hours.
Q.-What happens during the three hours consecrated to the sacrifice to the Eternal?
A.-One prays, one adores, and one entreats for the physical and the moral to be cleansed of all impurities. The catechism of the apprentice requires that prayer, as well as sacred invocation and the commandment given to the archangels be used to obtain knowledge of the true words and signs belonging to the art.
Q.-How are the three times three, or nine hours, allotted to the sacred works occupied ?
A.- These nine hours, divided into three parts, are used to prepare the virgin paper as well as the other articles which are to be consecrated during these days, that they may be used for presentation on the thirty-third day in the room newly built for that great purpose.
Q.-For what are the last six hours employed?
A.- They are reserved for recreation; for conferences; for preparation, according to ancient methods, of the different colors which are necessary each day and finally to dispose, fulfill and satisfy our needs.
Q.-What sort of place is to be chosen for this important recreation?
A.-One prefers a very high place, and if possible a mountain uninhabited and well hidden from the eyes of mortals, on which is built the pavilion according to the proper and convenient proportions; and one should tell no one of the day on which he will leave. It will be necessary to assemble in advance all the articles necessary, which are the instruments of the art according to Moses; the furniture; the utensils; the vestments; etc.
Q.-What do you mean by the instruments of the art?
A.-They are different objects, such as the ceremonial cloth and others. The ceremonial cloth is of yellow silk of which you will recognize the importance and thc necessity when you are
instructed in the manner in which it will be necessary to consecrate the pavilion and the instruments of the art.
Q.-What is the pavilion called?
A.-Zion; to teach that it. was on the Mount of Zion that God revealed himself to man.
Q.-I beg of you to give me the details of the pavilion, including its dimensions.
A.-The pavilion must be built expressly for that purpose and destroyed when that purpose has been fulfilled. It is three stories high. The chamber on the third floor should be a perfect square, eighteen feet in height as well as length and breadth. The four windows placed in the middle of each side should be ova1, three feet high and four feet wide. There is but one door for entrance to this room, and it should be built in such a manner that each person alone may open or close it at will. This room should be entirely white, without any other color.
The second chamber or cell in the middle story has no windows. It should be perfectly round and of a size to contain thirteen beds, solely for the repose of the twelve Elects and of the Chief. There should be a lamp in the middle; and there should only be such furniture as is absolutely necessary. When the third chamber is to be destroyed, the second chamber will be called Ararat, to teach that the ark rested on the mountain and that perfect repose is destined for the Elect of God.
The first or lower chamber should be of a size suitable to serve as a refectory. It should be surrounded by three closets of which two are to contain the provisions and other necessary articles, while the third is to contain the instruments and utensils which are required for the operations or purposes of the retreat.
It should be built in a place, if possible, where there is running water, because once the pavilion is entered no one may leave before forty days have passed.
Q.-What is the intention of that great operation?
A.- That your soul may be exalted; that your heart may be filled with love for the eternal; and double the knowledge which our great founder received from the last mystery and which is permitted to be revealed to you.
After the thirty-third day and also after the fortieth the Supreme Being will accord to the assistants the ineffable favor of revealing through the seven archangels the seal and signs of those immortal beings, which are engraved by each on the virgin paper.
The operation having been consummated and complete, the man who had the pleasure of being numbered among the Elect, attains the acme of glory and happiness. He becomes master and chief worker without the help of any mortal. His spirit is filled with divine fire; his body becomes also like that of a most innocent child; his perception boundless; his power immense; he will contribute to the propagation of truth in all the world, and .finally he will have a perfect knowledge of the grand class, as well as the good and evil of the past, present and future. The Elect who has made that retreat receiving for himself the sacred and unusual pentagon, embellished by the seven seals and by the seven signs of the seven primitive angels. He receives in addition seven other pentagons which he should present to those seven persons, men or women, whom he should prefer and desire to interest further. Each of these seven pentagons should combine on the virgin paper the seal and sign of one of the seven original angels. But whereas the Elect will be able to correspond and communicate with all the seven original angels, the possessor of one of the secondary pentagons will not be able to see or communicate with any except the angel whose seal and sign is shown on the pentagon which he has been given.
Each of these seven persons should enjoy to the utmost the perogative of being able to operate and work as master and commander of the seven archangels and all of their hierarchies, but under the restriction of which mention is made in the
first catechism, and subject to the intent of the three philosophies.
The perfect Elect enjoys that first power but does not command the immortal except in the name of God; but the person whom he has favored by a secondary pentagon may make use only of the second which is limited; and he cannot act and command except in the name of his master and by his will of which he is unaware, as well as that which is detailed in the apprentice catechism.
Q.-Will you climax your kindness now by telling me how the physical regeneration is accomplished?
.A.-By a retreat similar to the forty days. One retires during this time with a friend, one conforms to the regimen prescribed by the founder, one takes three pinches or three grains of the primary matter and one will find perfect regeneration.
Q.-What will be the result of this action?
A.- The old man will disappear and the new recommence his course. That regeneration will renew him with the same success , for another fifty years, the same as that which it pleased the eternal to give him originally.
Q.-Is there any example of a similar regeneration?
A.-Certainly, the scripture gives you one about Moses. It tells you how Moses after the retreat of forty days and forty nights on Mount Sinai to form the sacred pentagon, returned a second time to that mountain and remained there again for forty more days and forty more nights.
The scriptures in like manner inform that after that second absence, Moses returned with a force so brilliant and refulgent with light, that the people could not bear the sight and he covered his head with a veil. The mystery of that enigma is that in the second retreat, Moses secluded himself with his friend Hur for physical regeneration and because at his return his face was so rejuvenated and so changed, he had to hide that phenomenon from the people; he would not speak or communicate to them again without covering his head with a veil.
1. It is not clear whether the dove is a man or a woman, who is a member of the Adoptive Rite. It appears to be of no importance, as Cagliostro mentioned in several places, as the dove is purified according to the ritual and made such by the acting Master.
2. And my feathers will .be renewed.
3. Who can comprehend, comprehends.
4. I am that I am.
* * * *
Posted on Saturday, October 28, 2006 at 02:14PM by [Your Name Here] |
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la padania 13 /10.....
Duro intervento in aula del senatore Leoni: «Alcuni politici si vergognano di dichiarare la nostra fede»
«Prodi tradisce il mondo cristiano»
giuseppe leoni
Roma - Inizio il mio discorso con la massima “Dare a Cesare quello che è di Cesareâ€, in riferimento alla mozione, tramite la quale proprio la Lega ha offerto al Parlamento la possibilità di pronunciarsi su un fatto molto rilevante nel mondo della politica. Tuttavia, l'ampia discussione che si è svolta, purtroppo, non arriva all'esterno del nostro mondo, visto che la Rai ha preferito non far sapere come ben pensano, chi sono e come si comportano nei confronti di Sua Santità i parlamentari.
Ciò che più mi preoccupa e che non dobbiamo dimenticare, assieme all'assurda e strumentale risposta del mondo islamico e le scuse pronte da parte della nostra Chiesa, è il fatto che abbiamo religiosi in giro per il mondo, che rischiano la vita in prima linea, come è avvenuto il giorno dopo per quella suora italiana in Africa.
Non dobbiamo dimenticare che i nostri martiri - la nostra gente - muoiono per un progetto di amore, mentre i martiri per l'Islam muoiono per poter portare morte in mezzo alle persone. È questa la grande differenza che c'è tra la nostra religione e le altre.
Il primo ministro, però, come cittadino e cristiano cattolico mi ha lasciato fortemente perplesso e preoccupato. È proprio su questo punto che voglio spendere i miei pochi minuti di intervento, pervenendo ad una riflessione che voglio svolgere ad alta voce.
È risaputo che il progetto massonico teorizza che il modo migliore per controllare socialmente e demograficamente l'umanità è la diffusione del vizio e dell'immoralità e la creazione di società multirazziali, con lo scopo preciso - c'è, infatti, uno scopo preciso - di rovesciare e distruggere il cristianesimo, unico punto di forza e testimone fondante della nostra società .
Non faccio il poliziotto di mestiere, ma mi riferiscono che il nostro presidente del Consiglio è un frequentatore assiduo di logge massoniche e che in una convention ad Aquisgrana, negli anni Ottanta, è stato investito di grande poteri e responsabilità . Non si può servire Dio e mammona in contemporanea.
Dicono anche che c'è una pratica di esoterismo e di magia, altra funzione fortemente criticata dal mondo cattolico. Mi interrogo sulla risposta del presidente del Consiglio nei confronti del Santo Padre: “Ma si faccia difendere dalle guardie svizzereâ€. In un clima di minaccia planetaria verso il Papa mi ha lasciato terrorizzato il disinteresse di una civiltà che il nostro Presidente - se questo mondo serve - spero vorrà abbattere. La logica l'ho trovata nel cognome del nostro presidente del Consiglio: prodi è l'imperativo del verbo prodeo e significa «esci fuori», ma anche «tradisci». Mi chiedo allora se vuole tradire il mondo che vuole rappresentare come cristiano. È questo che voglio capire perché il nostro Presidente, in nome della carica che ricopre, ha ricevuto l'ordine magari da quel mondo di cui continua a far parte.
Il nostro presidente del Consiglio quando ha ricevuto la confermazione e la cresima è diventato un soldato di Cristo e come tale non può delegare ad altri la sicurezza del Santo Padre; avrebbe quindi dovuto esprimersi in prima persona, impegnando in prima persona se stesso e anche il Governo e tutto il Paese che rappresenta. Forse però il detto «morto un Papa se ne fa un altro» giustifica come vanno le cose. Penso che il nostro compito sia quello di attivarci in tutti i modi per garantire a Benedetto XVI una lunga vita perché con i suoi insegnamenti possa illuminare le nostre menti oscurate in un momento di secolarizzazione della nostra società .
La droga che vive nel nostro mondo, come abbiamo avuto modo di apprendere in questi giorni dai giornali, sicuramente non è la massima espressione di tutti noi che rappresentiamo il Parlamento.
Cosa dire poi del rifiuto dell'Europa nell'inserire nella propria Carta costituzionale le radici cristiane? Il nome Benedetto, scelto dal cardinale Ratzinger è un messaggio preciso al popolo cristiano, perché san Benedetto fu il primo a raccogliere i resti dell'impero romano e a organizzare territorialmente la nascita di un'Europa con le fondamenta cristiane fino in fondo. Mentre adesso difendiamo l'operato, su iniziativa della Lega, del Pontefice, in altre situazioni politiche però ci siamo vergognati di dichiarare il nostro cristianesimo, com'è avvenuto nel momento della predisposizione della Costituzione europea.
Posted on Saturday, October 28, 2006 at 01:33PM by [Your Name Here] |
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Senator; Member of Russian Federation Union committee of Science, Education, Culture, Public Health and Ecology. A representative head of counsel RF of federal assembly from Ost-Ordinsky autonomous region Russian Federation (since 23.03.05 till 01.11.09); informally – very famous raider and millionaire.
BORN 22.11.72 in Moscow
Passport P-SB N708625 exp. 17.01.89 Moscow 134
Residence: Russia
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow, Novie Cheremushki Str., 29A-5A-12
Previous living address: (before 1998) Moscow, Akademika Pilugina Street, 8-1-289, phone +7495 1323109
Till 23.09.98 – founder “Rosbildingâ€
At the present time: the head of “AN ROSbilding†(№ 40702810500000500000 BIN-Bank), registration date 31.03.98 Address: Moscow, B. Marfinskaya Str., 4 Phone +7 495 9791563 Since 1999 – a member of counsel managing union of International Bank of Trade and Collaboration (now it’s a bank-bankrupt since 2001)
The others owners of Rosbilding Group are:
Tulupov A.V., Mamiashvilli M.G., Cherkesov.
Posted on Sunday, October 29, 2006
Posted on Sunday, October 29, 2006
Posted on Saturday, October 28, 2006 at 08:37PM by [Your Name Here] |
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Another day at the New York Rotary Club HQ's with Director and illuminati puppet master Giorgio Hugo Balestrieri of the P2/GLADIO Network...
Posted on Saturday, October 28, 2006 at 07:51PM by [Your Name Here] |
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Neurosciences - Tibetan Mysticism - Scientific Hypnosis - Western and Oriental Esoteric Paths of Power and Therapy
Based on an International Academic Euroasiatic Network for research in the hands of the French illuminati of the false Priory of Sion also members of the Monte Carlo P2 Lodge,this project is sponsored by the EU.
Senior illuminati and Freemasons involved include Rene' Lion , Jean Pierre Giudicelli , Dr.Marco Paret, Jonothon Boulter and Dr.Davide Moiso.
Direct Phone: 39 (0) 348 22.13.449
Answering Service/Fax: 44 (0) 171 691.7847
All ways of brainwahing you further into deception and more lies built by Satan and the New World Order to stop believing in the one true God.
Leo Lyon Zagami
Posted on Saturday, October 28, 2006 at 04:28PM by [Your Name Here] |
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Why there is now a Vatican project specificaly dedicated to investigating the implications o contact with extra terrestrial races?
At Mount Graham in Arizona , the Vatican in reality mantains its own UFO observatory , staffed with Jesuits for the purpuse of doing black magic and working on very detailed astronomical calculations for their so called alchemical work.
This dark approach to the Royal Art of Alchemy is operated unfortunately by the Jesuits with the use of evil Jinns serving Satan himself the owner of Vatican HQ's. Another important role for the complex astronomical calculations is the possibility of tracing the coming of a true Messiah and the return of the true spirit of Jesus in the end of times , something they obviously dont want in Rome.
The jinn concept offers a logical approach to looking at UFO's, cryptozoology, apparitions, magic, demons, monsters and many other mysteries.
Amidst all the far-flung theories presented to account for the presence of alien beings such as:
Intergalactic travel
Travel from the future
Travel from the Inner Earth
Archetypal projections from the Collective Unconscious
very little consideration is given to the concept that some of them simply exist on the earth in a way that isn't generally perceptible to us.
We continue to assume that we can perceive everything that is "real" with our 5 senses despite all the evidence to the contrary. An overzealous belief in a science and philosophy of materialism has probably resulted in an irrational amount of faith in our physical senses.
Human beings are extremely susceptible to the fabrications of the jinn. We believe what they want us to because their impressive materializations and deceptions are tailored to fit our fantasies and belief systems.
The jinn are real entities living on this earth which are normally invisible to us. The name comes from an Arabic word meaning "to hide or conceal". They don't live in bottles or adhere to the fairy tales told about them. They can be deceptive and influential. They are movers behind the UFO mystery as well as many other mysteries. Every culture shows the imprints of their influence in its religion and mythology.
There are myriads of hidden intelligent beings in creation . I have tended to think of many who are not human, angel or animal, as being jinn. This is useful for aiding comprehension, for getting a handle on this vast area of hidden experience. We live in the Kingdom of Names and Attributes, after all, and require these for learning and Knowing. But this is admittedly overly simplistic. It is only a beginning for the more experienced researcher.
Jinns comprise a vast array of tricksters, fairies, demons and monsters, saints and spacemen who have confounded our understanding for centuries. The materialistic science of the 20th century decided that they no longer exist, despite the huge role they have always played in our wisdoms and mythologies, and despite the large portion of the world that never forgot who they are.
Thas because the New World Order of the Jesuits and the Zionist conducted a deliderate UFO propaganda with the help of the usual evil Jinns so you could fall into this demonic trap and loose your faith (there are also good Jinns by the way).
Carl Gustav Jung , a great genius of psychology but also a member of the Freemasons and the OTO illuminati (5th degree) said himself that modern humanity had a dangerously wounded psyche because all the myths had been killed. New ones needed to emerge for humanity to experience wholeness but also for global manipulation. The jinn have obliged by literally popping into the global consciousness as the embodiments of our science fiction fantasies. The flying saucer may be the first global symbol recognized by the entire world but it is probably the most satanic one.
The so called UFO mith is not the way forward for humankind towards a clear understanding of God's hidden methaphisical Kingdom and the real beauty of creation. The devil know's that very well that's why he uses people like Scientology in this evil game piloted by the Jesuits to deceive you even further. Dont believe in whats coming out of Hollywood because at present such place is in the hands of a bunch of very evil and powerfull Jinns who want to Mind Control you in the name of the evil one.
All intelligence agencies in the world are working for such deception on a massive scale (MK-ULTRA) because it is simply in their interest to not make you realize the truth of God before the Great One comes back to punish the infedels.
Salam Aleikum
Leo Lyon Zagami / Khaled Saifullah Khan
ARTICLES 136-145
Posted on Friday, November 24, 2006 at 02:33PM by X M |
The Zohar (Hebrew זהר "Splendor, radiance") is widely considered the most important work of Kabbalah in Jewish mysticism and at section number 8 , at paragraph 116 of the Zohar we find a chapter appropriately called "The advent of the Messiah" with the following about the punishment that will hit the most powerfull city in the world in the year 2001:
"In this day in the great and tall city there will be a big flame.That sound will reawake the whole world . This flame will burn many towers. In this day many towers will fall as many important men and many officials will also fall."
The ancient cabalalist calculated that this will happen on the 23rd day of Elul in the Jewish year 5760 that corresponds to the 11th of September 2001 of our western calendar.
Thats the reason why so many Jews didnt go to work in tall buildings that day in NY , especialy the ones who are in contact with their Rabbi. So the Mossad was ready and got all the key people of the Jewish comunity in safe places for this tragic event piloted by the Knights of Malta of the GLADIO club in New York and their Zionist friends from their fancy HQ's in places like the Mazzini OSIA Lodge (Order Sons Italo Americans). And they were doing with pride thinking of their Past Master's Motto in the illuminati:
M azzini (Mazzini)
A utorizza (authorizes)
F urti (burglaires)
I ncendi (fires)
A ssassini (assassinations)
Question: Was the right hand man of Lucky Luciano a Zionist Jew known as the accountant of Cosa Nostra?
Answer: Yes he was Jewish , his name was Meyer Lansky and he became the Chief accountant of Cosa Nostra.
Question: any other Jews involved with Lucky Luciano?
Answer: Yes Zionist supporter Benjamin Siegelbaum.
Question: Why does that corrupt idiot of Francis Ford Coppola talks only of Sicilians and never mentions the Jews in Cosa Nostra ?
Answer: Because he is surrounded by Jews in Hollywood who only want to be remembered for the usual holocaust and not as part of the infamous AMERICAN/SICILIAN MAFIA. That stuff as to be always blamed of people like me , the usual italian Mafiosi with a big cigar. Well I find it racist so I now expose our Jewish Mafia as equals in the MOB business , they have always been our older Brothers like Jonhn Paul II use to call them and thats the final truth. Mr.Coppola as done alot of evil with his films against us in Sicily and somebody should maybe show to this infedel who is the real Godfather one day and hang him upside dow , just like Brother Roberto Calvi at Blackfriars bridge or like the last scene of his Godfather part III if he prefers , but we are goona forgive hime because he is a corrupt satanist after all, so nothing to worry about.
Thats because evil Masters at Work go hand in hand towards their hellish destiny, on one side the Vatican and their Sicilian Mafia , on the other hand the Sinagogue of Satan and their Jewish Hollywood Mafia.
These two forces togheter are enough to rule the world and decide your future unfortunately...and fortelling the future is a very dangerous business indeed my friends but these people are not only doing that. The so called illuminati are actualy creating these disasters following these cabalistic patterns so they can use them with the religious comunity to cover up this acts of terror with with the usual working for God excuse , but we all know their God is only Satan for these slaves of Dajal's Empire.
Leo Lyon Zagami/Khaled Saifullah Khan
quote :"Thats the reason why so many Jews didnt go to work in tall buildings that day in NY"
that's a good explanation Bro Khaled , and it explains a lot ...regarding this 9/11 thing I personnaly doubt that the stupid Ossama worked for the CIA , but I have no doubt that they were manipulating him from afar , and they knew what's was going on and of course they let him do it ....this Ossama is a pure product of the saudi regime ....and this is what happens when you give billions to a bunch of camel sheppards , they are the last ones to scare the NWO , cause they live just for food and women ..etc...they are totally under the control of the Illuminati ...these camel keepers saudis are the biggest danger facing Islam today ...and I am sure that if we want to start adjusting things in this world it is in saudia that we have to start ...those sheppards are occupying our holliest two shrines and are plotting to give Islam the worse image possible ..they are undermining Islam from within , from its heart....
November 24, 2006 | KoussKoussKlan
This is interesting, indeed! But, I have one question. Why are you still alive??? These people secretly assassinated and American President, so why not you? I, am, therefore, skeptical as to why you are being allowed to release part or all of the esoteric knowledge freemasonry and the illuminati work so diligently to keep secret.
November 24, 2006 | Whitewraithe
I have indeed a question to bro Khaled :
how comes that the orangists who are protestant and openly freemassons are in deadly war against the catholics ....if the vatican indeed controlled all the freemason lodges , how comes he lets the orangists massacre the catholics !!!!
November 24, 2006 | KoussKoussKlan
"his is interesting, indeed! But, I have one question. Why are you still alive??? These people secretly assassinated and American President, so why not you? I, am, therefore, skeptical as to why you are being allowed to release part or all of the esoteric knowledge freemasonry and the illuminati work so diligently to keep secret."
Well my friend Im asking myself the same question myself sometimes but Im ready to die with a smile, after all I had a great life already like very few people had , but Im actualy not ready to die yet but if God wants I will submit to his decision at any given time.
but the truth is also that before I went against my Masters in the illuminati I took some precautions that have helped me live until now , and last but not least Im not only a Muslim but Ive been accepted in the inner circles of the Islamic Tradition and my new Brothers are ready to defend me with their own lifes in the name of Allah. So bring it on if you want we are ready this time , do you think I have not put togheter my private army of true believers during all these years in the illuminati? Well if you say no you are wrong because my army is the army of the true believers in one God , and if I get killed now I become a MARTYR OF ISLAM,
So no problem Im always ready to die dear Brothers and Sisters for the one God Allah,I was trained for that after all but lets hope you and the rest of humanity can use also my good side otherquise you loose a big opportunity,
trust me....
As Salam Aleikum
Khaled Saifullah Khan
Leo Lyon Zagami
November 25, 2006 | X M
A little know secret: Meyer Lansky was also attending the 1944 Bretton Woods agreement. Paul Manning speak about him in those terms:
"A revealing insight into this international financial and industrial network was given me by a member of the Bormann organization residing in West Germany. Meyer Lansky, he said, the financial advisor to the Las Vegas-Miami underworld, sent a message to Bormann through my West German SS contact. Lansky promised that if he received a piece of Bormann's action he would keep the Israeli agents off Bormann's back. "I have a very good relation with the Israeli secret police" was his claim, although he was to be kicked out of Israel later when his presence became too noted-and also at the urging of Bormann's security chief in South America. At the time, Lansky was in the penthouse suite of Jerusalem's King David Hotel, in which he owned stock. He had fled to Israel to evade a U.S. federal warrant for his arrest. He sent his message to Bormann through his bag man in Switzerland, John Pullman, also wanted in the United States on a federal warrant. Lansky told Pullman to make this offer "which he can't refuse." The offer was forwarded to Buenos Aires, where it was greeted with laugher. When the laughter died down, it was replaced with action. Meyer Lansky was evicted from Israel, and was told by Swiss authorities to stay out of their country, so he flew to South America. There he offered any president who would give him asylum a cool $1 million in cash.
He was turned down everywhere and had to continue his flight to Miami, where U.S. marshals, alerted, were waiting to take him into custody. "
November 26, 2006 | Marco Saba
i have been checking out illuminaticonfessions for some time now, after your friend ribz gave me a clue about your site due to my esoteric interrests. i get the impression your cause is that of the good for the world, at least that's what you state on your site. however, if your cause is really that of ridding the world of evil, how can you suggest killing or torturing a man who is supposedly evil? i'm referring here to your suggestion of imposing harm upon f.f.coppola as vengeance for him being an idiot or whatever. as far as my understanding goes, evil breeds evil and violence breeds violence. to fight evil with evil seems to my judgement the same as succumbing to that very same evil. maybe i'm just a chicken pacifist who haven't got a clue, but still, to my logic it doesn't make sense. if there's a fire going on, only water or blankets or something of that sort will help put it out, not adding more fire. it usually goes without saying. maybe i just misunderstood your point. also, i'm curious to know; having risen so high within this satanical hierarchy, how did you manage to redeem your soul?
not that it's my business, i'm just curious...
also, after having read about this frisvold character, i did a thorough research of him on the internet. lots and lots of pages turned up, many of them being frisvolds publications and articles on the occult. i actually got the impression you might be right about this fellow. this was a little more than a month ago, i guess. just in order to re-check that info, today i made a search on his name again. result: absolutely nothing. all those pages have somehow disappeared since i did my thorough search. either that's just coincidence, or he aomehow took notice, and managed to clean the www of EVERY piece of available info on himself, ranging from the most mundane to the thoroughly disturbing. if you would be so kind as to answer this inquiry intelligibly, without the use of warrior slogans, i would be very grateful. 23thanksbrage
November 28, 2006 | brage
Well my friend Im a warrior not a chicken pacifist indeed, or a so called neutral Scandinavian one even worst, because by tollerating people like Frisvold in your country and the rest of Scandinavia (Carl Abrahamson in Sweeden for example) you are committing a crime against humanity with your naive ways! This guy even works for the Norwegian military intelligence from time to time so your country is working with the Devil himself! And if you got in contact with me work trough Brother Ribz you should ask him about my believe and my Holy war against Scandinavian INFEDELS not me, as I can only say to you once again that these are the end of times not a weeken out in Oslo Fjords.
Best Regards,
PS:the disapearence of all the material regarding Dr.Nicholaj Frivold on the net is due to his satanic position and also to his connection with General Frisvold, another infedel from Norway.
November 28, 2006 | X M
By the way the is still plenty of Frisvold infedel propaganda on the net including this description of himself, so I invite all true believers to investigate this Jesuit puppet before they cover up everything.
Autor: Nicholaj de Mattos Frisvold
Nº do protocolo de registro: em andamento
Data de lançamento: 2003
E-mail do Autor:
O Autor:
Nicholaj de Mattos Frisvold
Dr. Nicholaj de Mattos Frisvold é um Oluwo de Ifa, Tata Nganga de Palo Mayombe e um Voudugan de sociedades voudon de Togo e Benin. Ele também possui altas iniciações em muitas ordens ocultistas ocidentais, como a Ordo Saturni, The Fraternity of Myriam e Rose Croix d’Orient, entre outras. Também é graduado Mestre em psicologia e Ciência da Religião pela Universidade de Oslo, Noruega. É o National Grand Master pela Guild of Yggdrasi. l e a Order of Merlin no Brasil.
November 28, 2006 | X M
uh dude. that's quite the synchronicity. i write you that post, fall asleep, dream that you're satan or something, wake up, and already you've replied to my post, finishing with WAKE UP SLEEPY SCANDINAVIANS.
what's up with that? ...and what's stepping on gold in a church got to do with anything? (also part of my dream) maybe i'm just overworked due to my exams in comparative religion...strange though. we should have a chat some day.
November 28, 2006 | brage
One day you will understand who I am dear Scandinavians but that day it will be probably to late for most of you to ask for forgiveness...
so I tell you once again WAKE UP because you and you country have tortured me and arrested me 3 times and I will NEVER I REPEAT NEVER FORGET THAT untill you finaly arrest the people responsible including the head of your idiotic Norwegian intelligence and the head of your even more idiotic Norwegian Police, TWO CORRUPT FREEMASONS WORKING FOR SATAN!
November 28, 2006 | X M
And yes you are definetely sleeping on Gold in your country, the Gold of the alchemist my dear friend not the prophane Gold if you know what I mean...
And please dont call me dude, Im not your average scandinavian communist janteloven guy and Im only living here because of my difficult situation in my own corrupt country of Italy, but I hate every minute of it. You are all brainwashed by Satan in Scandinavia and you love it! Lets hope for a change of scenario soon or you will realy have some real problems when the world crisis scenario starts and your American dream will truly end . Your Grand Librarian VW.Bro.Egil H.Stenberg once told me they were happy of living in isolation with their Order of corrupt Freemasons who thinks they are Knight Tempar and act with the secret blessings of the Pope...poor poor Norway.
November 28, 2006 | X M
Posted on Saturday, December 2, 2006 at 08:29PM by X M |
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Stuart Jacobite Influence and Jesuit conspiracy
The Stuart Jacobite influence on the higher degrees was always connected to the Vatican Jesuits and the Catholic aristocracy operating around them.
the Jesuit College of Clermont, gave birth to the Masonic Chapter of Clermont and later to an important University,the Clermont Chapter was a Masonic body that gave later birth to the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry secretely controlled by the Jesuits from the 18o degree of the Ancient and Accepted Rite (Rose+Croix created by the Jesuits), and even if these liers are saying publicly today on Wikipedia that this Chapter of Freemasonry was just a small episode in Masonic history and has nothing to do with the Jesuits THATS A TOTAL LIE FOR HIGH DEGREE FREEMASONS OF SCOTTISH RITE AND HONEST MASONIC STUDENTS.
The illuminati say instead to cover up the story that the Clermont Chapter only served to add fuel to the myth of Jesuit influence in Freemasonry's high degrees. But the Jesuit College and the Chapter have very much to do with eachother after a close investigation.
The Jesuit College was located at Clermont, whereas the Masonic Chapter of Freemasons was not, thats the only difference apart from being or not being a priest or just illuminati slaves of the Vatican power at work in a College or a Chapter of corrupt Freemasons working for Dajal. It was named "Clermont" "OFFICIALY" in honor of the French Grand Master, the Duc de Clermont, but secretely because of the connection with the Jesuit College of Clermont. And a few years later all this developed in that great lie called the Grand Orient of France (or the Great Satan of France) a trusted servant of the Vatican State and the Jesuits that declared officialy to be atheist in 1870 breaking up "officialy" with the United Grand lodge of England.This operation facilitated the spread of atheism in the west trough their lodges but the elite of the Grand Orient of France had to always be made (and still his) of devoted Catholics at all times.
Regarding Hitler,
Freemasonry,Islam and Nazism
Hitler was just a illuminati puppet in the hands of the usual suspects unfortunately (Jesuits and Zionist) Thule Master Rudolf Glandeck von Sebottendorff abused the Qu'ran knowledge in his own Satanic way to give magical power to Himmler and A.Hitler for accomplishing their demonic mission.
The Zionist and the Jesuits in Turkey manipulate to this day many fundamentalist muslim movements trough a complecated web of secret Societies and Masonic lodges and Baron Rudolf Glandeck von Sebottendorff was the secret link and key to the East.
Rudolf Glandeck von Sebottendorff the puppet Master
The Nazis were actualy created by the Zionist and the illuminati Freemasons of the United Grand Lodge of England and the Grand Orient of France with the Grand Lodge of France (were A.Crowley was initiated) trough the SRIA/GOLDEN DAWN NETWORK and their link with various secret Societies all over Europe and the East.
Its a fact that a link can be found between the National Socialist German Workers' Party (NSDAP), founded in 1920, and the Germanenorden, a magical fraternity founded at a conference of occultists in May of 1912, organised by disciples of Guido von List (1848-1919/05/17) and Adolf Lanz, aka Jörg Lanz von Liebenfels (1874-1954) in the home of Theodor Fritsch.
The link was Rudolf Glandeck von Sebottendorff (1875/11/09 - 1945/05/09). The son of a Silesian railway engineer, Sebottendorff was born Adam Alfred Rudolf Glauer. He travelled to Turkey in 1900, where he was adopted by Baron Heinrich von Sebottendorff in 1909, and had been initiated into Freemasonry. Changing his name and taking Turkish citizenship, he returned to Germany in 1913. Sebottendorff’s version of Freemasonry did not prevent his striking up a friendship with the Germanenorden chancellor, Hermann Pohl, who violently opposed Freemasonry as being international and Jew-ridden, but who used masonic terminology and organizational structure, believing this would insure secrecy.
Shortly after Sebottendorff’s return to Germany, the Germanenorden splintered, its then ex-chancellor, Hermann Pohl, establishing the German Order Walvater of the Holy Grail. Pohl was joined in 1916 by Sebottendorff who was made Master of the Bavarian section of the order in 1917. Sebottendorff later established another occult society in Munich on August 17, 1918 as a cover identity for the Germanenorden: the Thule Gesellschaft, named after the mythic northern island home of the white race: Ultima Thule.
Originally called the "Studiengruppe für germanisches Altertum" (Study Group for German Antiquity), it derived its ideology (and some members) from earlier occult groups founded by List—the Armenan (est, 1908)—and Liebenfels—the Order of the New Templars (est. 1900)—and from the writings of Madame Blavatsky. Yet this facade of occult study hid a counter-revolutionary activism of stockpiled weapons; schemes to kidnap the Communist leader, Kurt Eisner; infiltration of spies into the Communist cadres; and the Kampfbund Thule paramilitary group.
With the suppression of many other groups by a suspicious government, the Thule became a meeting place for nationalistic, pan-German rightist Bunds. A leading part in the successful attack on Munich’s Communists on April 30, 1919 was played by Thulists who allied themselves with the Freikorps Oberland to fight the Bavarian republic of councils (Räterepublik).4 Sebottendorff resigned from the group in June of 1919. While the Thule continued to meet as a political and cultural club until 1925, Sebottendorff and the Thule’s more activist members joined with the Committee of Independent Workers on January 5, 1919 to found the Deutsche Arbeiterpartei: the German Workers' Party. Shortly after Hitler joined this group, they again renamed themselves the National Socialist German Workers' Party.
Sebottendorff’s was initiated into a body of the Rite of Memphis (ILLUMINATI RITE OF FREEMASONRY) under the infedel Vatican puppet the Grand Orient of France. From his own writings it is clear that his version of Freemasonry incorporated aspects of DEVIANT AND NONSENSE Islamic Sufi mysticism, alchemy, astrology and Rosicrucianism. In his autobiographical novel Der Talisman des Rosenkreuzers (The Rosicrucian Talisman), he made a clear distinction between Turkish Freemasonry and regular Freemasonry:
"It must be shown that Oriental Freemasonry still retains faithfully even today the ancient teachings of wisdom forgotten by modern Freemasonry, whose Constitution of 1717 was a departure from the true way(ON THIS POINT I AGREE WITH RUDOLF BUT ONLY ON THIS POINT)." "We look at our world as a product of the people. The Freemason looks at it as a product of conditions..."
Sebottendorff rightly believed that the esoteric tradition of Sufism was the purest stream of wisdom and that it had nourished European occultism through astrologists, Rosicrucians and authentic freemasons of the Middle Ages so is understanding of true Islam was not realy what we can describe as pure teachings of Islam or very clear in any way...
He claimed:
"No one can accuse me of profanation, nor of sacrilege in uncovering the course of these mysteries...It is the means that the communities of dervishes traditionally use in order to acquire special strength by means of unusual techniques. They are, for the most part, men who aspire to the highest rite, that from which come those who have been prepared for their missions as spiritual leaders of Islam... This high rite is the practical basis of Freemasonry, and it inspired in times past the work of the alchemists and of the Rosicrucians...But to reply to the accusation of my being guilty of some kind of treachery: I say to you plainly that this book has been written on the instructions of the leaders of the Order"
Well you all know the answer the evil illuminati...
Subsequent authors such as Jean-Michel Angebert (pseudonym for Michel Bertrand and Jean Angelini), Trevor Ravenscroft, James Herbert Brennan, and Gerald Suster a member of the illuminati ORDO TEMPLI ORIENTIS wrote much of the occult learnings of the Thule and its influence on the Nazi party and Hitler. Rudolf von Sebottendorff, was certainly immerged in the occult, a detailed diary of its regular meetings from 1919 to 1925 maintained by its secretary, Johannes Hering, confirms is work on the physical and metaphysical plane but no real results were ever accomplished just satanism and braiwashing in modern terms. On 31 August 1918, Sebottendorff gave a talk on dowsing, of which Hering disapproved, commenting that occultism brought dubious members into the Thule from time to time power and money are more welcomed then any occult ritual Rudolf said later to accomplish our mission now and afterthe 23rd of February 1919 were a certain Wilde lectured on occultism they decided to focus on the pure illuminati power game in front of them with lectures and excursions devoted to such themes as megalithic culture, the original homeland of the Teutons, Germanic myths and poetry, the Thule legend, the Jews and Zionism (VERY IMPORTANT PILOTED ISSUE BY THE ZIONIST THEMSELFS WHO NEEDED THE NAZI SHOW AS WELL AS THE JESUITS).
a French Christian mystic, Reneé Kopp, in 1934, wrote of invisible spirits influencing Hitler....
Originally from Neyshabur (Iran), and a follower of the Yasawi Sufi order that was very active in Central Asia doing missionary work among the Turkish tribes of the area, he was sent by his sheikh, Ahmad Yasawi, to Anatolia. Hajji Bektash remained there until his passing away - probably because of the Mongol attack on his homeland Khorasan1 - and a Sufi order soon developed based upon his teachings.
Spread of Bektashism
Bektashism spread from Anatolia during the Ottoman period primarily into the Balkans, where its leaders (known as dedes or babas) helped convert many to Islam. The Bektashi Order remained very popular among Albanians, and Bektashi tekkes can be found throughout Macedonia, Kosovo and Albania to this day. During the Ottoman period Bektashi tekkes were set up in Egypt and Iraq, but the order did not take root.
Later, the self-proclaimed German rocket engineer, Willy Ley, in 1947 wrote an article for a pulp fantasy magazine ridiculing illuminati pseudoscience in Germany, which included a Berlin sect attempting to conjure up the mysterious vril force described by British novelist illuminati SRIA member OF THE UNITED GRAND LODGE OF ENGLAND Edward Bulwer-Lytton in his The Coming Race (1871).This was a powerfull and dark illuminati force behind the Nazi Arian mith that filtered trough the illuminati SRIA Colleges INTO THE REST OF THE WORLD.
French journalists Louis Pauwels and Jacques Bergier, and others, saw a magical explanation for the effectiveness of the Hitler myth, Goodrick-Clarke demonstrated that although the Thule was purportedly a literary-cultural group, this appears to have been a cover for counter-revolutionary activism. Sebottendorff’s book Bevor Hitler Kam, a 1933 fully demonstrates the evil illuminati Master Plan for Germany had fully worked and Satan was in control trough Rudolf's Messiah A.Hitler.
Ravenscroft also saw a link between the Thule and SRIA with Robert Wentworth Little,
Sebottendorff had ben expelled from Germany in 1923 as an undesirable alien, returned in 1933 . With his book, Bevor Hitler Kam, banned by the Bavarian political police (the Bavarian illuminati now under Hitler stopped supporting him after accomplishing their mission as usual and saw him as a man who knew to much...)
on March I, 1934, and the Thule Group dissolved, Sebottendorff was arrested by the Gestapo, interned in a concentration camp and then expelled to Turkey, where he committed suicide by jumping into the Bosporus on May 9, 1945 upon hearing of the German surrender...that was the end of this illuminati Jesuit slave of the illuminati masonic Rite of Memphis and Knight of several masonic Orders like the Imperial Order of Constantinopolis for example like Rui Gabirro of the Regular Grand Lodge of England established in London for bringing NAZISM AND TOTALITARISM TO THE PEOPLE in FEB.2005!
33rd degreee with the two Imperial Eagles on the two opposite sides representing GOOD AND EVIL and man playing GOD thats for sure the work of the Devil, the work of the illuminati George H.Bush 33o of the Ancient and Accepted Jesuit Rite...
Posted on Monday, November 27, 2006 at 08:58AM by X M |
Giovanni Francesco Alliata di Monreale e Villafranca.
Principe del Sacro Romano Impero was the illustrius Brother who initiated me Leo Lyon Zagami into the illuminati of Freemasonry on the 13th of April 1993, the day the infamous Giuliano Di Bernardo M.W.Grand Master of the Grande Oriente D'Italia officialy resigned from the office of Grand Master after accusing all the Freemasons of the Grande oriente D'Italia of corruption.
Di Bernardo now Supreme Magus of the illuminati Accademy in Piazza di Spagna 20 in Rome , became on the 17th of April 1993 the first Grand Master of the new Regular Grand Lodge of Italy.
Di Bernardo did this sad show to clean up things after the P2 exposure for the English and Vatican driven illuminati of the United Grand Lodge of England. He did it following the ancient usages and customs of Freemasonry with seven Lodges previously belonging to the GOI. To this day the Regular Grand Lodge of Italy is the only Grand Lodge Officialy recognized by UGLE Great Queen Street HQ's but the new Grand Master is now is ex secretary and close relative M.W.Bro.Fabio Venzi a Vatican illuminati puppet . The Regular Grand lodge of Italy is even recognized officialy by the Vatican and the Grand Lodge Ekklesia after nominating a Catholic Priest as Grand Chaplain last year,the first time this happens in the history of Freemasonry! Remember that the official position of the Vatican is against Freemasonry (what a bunch of liars these Vatican infedels).After my initiation they started persecuting my Mentor Prince Alliata di Monreale who finaly wanted to rebel against the evil American illuminati and the Vatican Jesuits but he was betrayed , arrested and died soon after that in hospital quile he was still under arrest.But Im alive and ready to fight for my Past Master who knew the truth about these evil Vatican puppets and their "Older brothers" from Zion .
In 1992 Prince Alliata visited US president Bill Clinton.
For more info on this incredible Man and his story please check:
Sit Lux et Lux Fuit
Prince Leo Lyon Zagami of the Di Gregorio Sacred Roman Empire lineage
now Khaled Saifullah Khan of the Ottoman Empire
Assalam Khaled :
I wonder if you heard about this novel from a turkish author called Yucel Kaya in which he says that the Pope will be killed during his visit in Turkey , not by the islamists as everybody will believe in the start but by the oppus Dei and the P2 lodge !!!!! This book which already sold 100 000 copies raised a lot of controvercy in turkey and elsewhere is good to note that Al Agca too warned the Pope not to come to Turkey because his life will be in danger....
here is his website if you can read turkish :
November 27, 2006 | KoussKoussKlan
Why would Opus Dei and/or P2 want to kill this Pope?
November 28, 2006 | Alan
It is just a novel mate ...relax ...!!!!!
November 28, 2006 | KoussKoussKlan
I am not worried, mate. They would just elect another one wouldn't they?
November 28, 2006 | Alan
by the way I do not see Khaled around today !!!!!!! I hope he is alright ......
November 28, 2006 | KoussKoussKlan
As Salam Aleikum,
to all the Brothers and Sisters out there.
I had no phone or internet connection for 24hours so Im back in action now but thank you Khalid for keeping an eye on me,you never know these days,you might end up radioactive in Hospital after a nice Sushi,by the way I will soon give you my russian intelligence experiences with close friends of the dead russian spy and his enemies at the Millenium Hotel...regarding the Popeee il Papa its old news for us at illuminati Confession,just check this : warning-fictional-opus-dei-p2-plot-in-turkey-could-become-reality.html
and remember dear Khalid and everybody else that we have alot of interesting material archived on my web site and I realy think you should go trough it before you make your ask me your next questions dear friends,
all the best,
As Salam Aleikum,
Leo Lyon Zagami/Khaled Saifullah Khan
November 28, 2006 | X M
Hi Leo/Khaled,
Thanks for the reply.
Funnily enough, Zulkifli is also the name of the first moslem I ever discussed religion with in Malaysia and he still is a precious friend to this day.
Now, I come from Thailand and I would like to know if you have any insight as to what has been happening in southern thailand these last few years. So many people have died Khaled!!! I can not really believe that southern thai moslems are blowing bombs and beheading people just for the sake of killing some buddhists. My friend Zul told me a few things but no one other than him seem to have a clue about that situation...Any idea?
Thanks and take care.
November 28, 2006 | jamyang
Assalamo Alaykom caro Khaled ...prima di tutto bentornato a casa tua ...pero come mai che ti hanno tagliato il telephono e l'internet per 24 ore ?!?!?!?! mi sembra stranissimo , queste cose non dovrebbero succedere in Norvegia !!! o sbaglio ?!?!?!?!
November 28, 2006 | KoussKoussKlan
La Norvegia e ben diversa da come si presenta caro Khalid.
In superficie sembra un posto da sogno ma in realta' e ' un posto di Nazisti e Razzisti. Mi hanno addirittura torturato per ben 3 volte in 3 anni (una volta l'anno praticamente)
come fanno solo nei paesi del terzo mondo, sono delle bestie rosse in mano a Satana e che Allah li perdoni sti poveri alcolizzati del nord perche' non sanno cio' che fanno.
November 28, 2006 | X M
conosco abbastanza bene la Norvegia come il resto della Scandinavia , sono andato fino a Narvik nel profondo nord ...non e' un paese in qui vivrei , non dimentiche che sono i discendenti dei vikinghi ed i normanni quidi sono per natura razisti e violenti a parte di essere dei umbriaconi ...pero caro Khaled perche vive in un paese dove ti torturanno ?!?!?!?! viene in Marocco dove nessuno ti tochera e ti troverai fra la tua gente , musulmani come te ....oppure vai in qualsiasi altro paese islamico massimo viene in Nord America dove c'e ancora un po di liberta ...(io sono in Canada da 8 anni oramai)
November 28, 2006 | KoussKoussKlan
Posted on Friday, November 24, 2006 at 10:27AM by X M |
"NOONE" says it better:
What is the mi'raj12 of the heavens?
The religion and creed of the lovers is non- existence.
Masnavi VI 233
These spiritual window-shoppers,
who idly ask, 'How much is that?' Oh, I'm just looking.
They handle a hundred items and put them down,
shadows with no capital.
What is spent is love and two eyes wet with weeping.
But these walk into a shop,
and their whole lives pass suddenly in that moment,
in that shop.
Where did you go? "Nowhere."
What did you have to eat? "Nothing much."
Even if you don't know what you want,
buy something, to be part of the exchanging flow.
Start a huge, foolish project,
like Noah.
It makes absolutely no difference
what people think of you.
Rumi, 'We Are Three', Mathnawi VI, 831-845
A Tribute to MawlÄnÄ JalÄl ad-DÄ«n Muhammad RÅ«mÄ«
salam alykoum khalid may allah give u long life
i wanted to ask u as u know the khomeini or safafide (neo sheea or shiite) revolution took off in paris have u got
more info about this dajjal?
November 24, 2006 | observer
by the way Khomeini is a british , he is not even a persian but few know that ....I will look in the internet to find out if I can find his real name and photo , once I had those infos but I lost the source ....
November 24, 2006 | KoussKoussKlan
Khomeini's real father, William Richard Williamson, was born in Bristol, England, in 1872 of British parents and lineage.
November 24, 2006 | KoussKoussKlan
can you imagine the Illuminati sent a britt Lawrance in arabia to revive the arab nationalism , they sent a jew in Turkey Kemal to revive the turkish nationalism and they sent another britt to Iran to revive the persian nationalism ...I wonder who they are going to send to north africa to revive the amazigh nationalism ...they know it is harder for them , they are trying hard but it seems that we are the toughest solders of Islam and we are a thorn in theire throat
November 24, 2006 | KoussKoussKlan
From Leo/Khaled
Khomeini or safafide (neo sheea or shiite) revolution is a completely western illuminati creation that actualy started in the Grand Orient of France, and Khomeini a slave of the western satan with no true knowledge of the Quran.
Another Satan just like the new President of Iran another puppet of the evil game wit his dramatic speaches at the UN HQ§s of Satan,Iran is another fake enemy like F.Castro and Cuba if you know what I mean , another hero for the so called freedom fighters of the west...
As Salam Aleikum
November 25, 2006 | X M
I think the bro "observer" rather meant safavide and not safadide ...we know that the Shia rite was started by a jew "Ibn Al 3ilkima" to modern Iran , well we are all aware of its hypocrite role and double language , we all remember Iran gate , we know that the role of Iran is to scare those stupid gulf states so that they will spend most of theire oil revenues in worthless armaments and the USA will always keep a foot on those oil rich areas with the excuse of protecting those idiots , USA will never attack Iran because it needs it the same way it needs North Korea to scare South Korea and Japan and pretend protecting them from it....But it looks like Iran was caught in its own hypocritical game and it has become difficult for it to back off from it and show its real face is indeed amazing to see how this nuclear crisis will end
November 25, 2006 | KoussKoussKlan
Posted on Sunday, December 3, 2006 at 03:48PM by X M |
In the photo my dear friend and true illuminati Senator Raouf Boutros Ghali who supported me against the Vatican illuminati from October 2003 e.v.
Well guys my ex illuminati friends at the CIA and the various intelligence agencies connected to the Knights of Malta in Europe and America are starting a diffamatory campaign against my persona as you all noticed in the last few days. So I wanted to create a space for these infedel Freemasons and various illuminati agents called the GOSSIP LOUNGE on my web site , a space were they can accuse me of whatever they want so then I can keep the rest of my web site under control and my work clean of such rubbish and false accusations.
Me and my wife Fatma Süslu mother of my children have alot of fun reading this idiotic stuff on me because its a bunch of lies badly put togheter , but we need the people out there to also understand that we have to react in some way and the best way possible we have found is to actualy neutralize these post, by presenting them from time to time in the GOSSIP LOUNGE , so that Satanist like N.Frisvold or William Breeze will give us the usual brainwashing in the name of their Master the Beast 666 A.Crowley the father of Barbara Bush the mother of the AntiChrist George W.Bush . These people "we all like so much" are keeping us posted on how evil and insane is brother Leo Zagami while George H.Bush is killing millions of people around the world in the last 30 years with a smile on his face.
Well its up to you to investigate who I am with facts not fiction , and lets have fun with these evil satanist that are destined to hell and no place else.
Dear sir : I wanted to ask you do you know why A.Crowley called his son Ataturk ?!?!?1 and what has become of this son , is he active in the satanism today ?!?!?!
also I was wondering if Boutros supported you against the Vatican only because he is a copt and we know the rivality between these two churches , the eastern one ( second me closer to the source) and that of the west (Rome) a lot more influenced by the greek paganism and the roman emperialisme
thanks ....
December 3, 2006 | KoussKoussKlan
A.Crowley THE BEAST OF THE APOCALIPSE 666 called his son Ataturk because ATATURK as you should know dear Khalid , was one of the biggest illuminati satanist the world as ever seen and a British illuminati agent. Did you know that Brother Ataturk used to arrange orgies and non stop parties on the Orient Express to corrupt Turkish religious leaders (read Said Nursi on this subject) . He was a Zionist Jew , a United Grand Lodge of England Freemason and a agent of the western illuminati satanist from Vatican HQ's who came to destroy the Holy Ottoman Empire with the support of the Zionist...
Well we will have our revenge when the time comes Inshallah against these infedels because the Pope and the Black Pope will never manage to buy out Turkey my new Nation as long as I live and the Jewish Zionist can forget it!
I rennounce to my Italian citizenship because Italy is still a slave of the Vatican and his so called illuminati like Berlusconi and Prodi two faces of the same medal THE ILLUMINATI DEVIL , VATICAN FREEMASONRY.
Regarding his son Ataturk he ended very badly after being for a few years in the hands of the OTO, I think he had a terrible car accident and disapeared after that .But I also got to meet another supposed child of Crowley with Lon Milo Duquette infamous occult author and Grand Secretary of the OTO during his time in London in 2001. We went at the Atlantis bookshop for the signing of a few of his books after a secret OTO meeting in the room upstairs of a Pub in Museum Street and clearly remember this guy arriving and talking with Lon, and as I was the Senior Brother taking care of our dear Lon in London I was introduced to him but it was a very strange meeeting because nobody around from the OTO was supposed to know. Later that day Lon was leaving for California and I gave him a book to read on the plane from yet another supposed son of Crowley called Amado Crowley a 50 year old guy who writes conspiracy books claiming he is the son of AC...we even had a joke about it...
Lon is the only funny guy in the OTO even my mother got to meet him once and we all went for dinner togheter in a Maroccan Restourant in London with a few of these illuminati agents who were obviously very happy to have an aristocrat like her for dinner.
But these Amado books are white funny so I went and investigated the guy (you know me I always want to know more) , and not only he actualy exist but we had a short correspondance that made me understand more and more the evil nature of the OTO, he was so scared of them that when he finaly realized I was one of the key people in the OTO/ILLUMINATI structure and a friend of Kenneth Anger he terminated any further contact with me, poor Amado a simple guy eating fish and chips with a very big immagination but also a poor totaly manipulated victim of the illuminati and their Mind Control Games.
Thats all regarding Crowley's children legacy after all he liked to have sexual magick using the Jinns so what do you espect , he must have had a few of these children around knowing Crowley' sexual appetite including Barbara Bush. I have all his secret rituals until the XIIo of the ORDO TEMPLI ORIENTIS and they are all brainwashing , disgusting and satanic to say the least...its just rubbish for a true muslim , but dear Khalid it is very dangerous rubbish special intelligence units are using all over the world to work with Demonic Jinns,evil entities of the Satan.
As Salam Aleikum
Khaled Saifullah Khan
December 3, 2006 | X M
yes I know the story and life of A. Crowly , a mentally disturbed satanist homosexual and drug addict who died lonely and broke ....he also lived for a while near Cefalu in Sicily before he was kicked out by Mussolini the end he hurted but himself ....I believe that he is but a poor idiot who rebelled against the religion he was brought up in ...but from there to think he was THE BEAST OF THE APOCALIPSE 666 I think it is too much honoure for him ...probably in the european scale because you europeans are not used to the occult ...I was borne in a country where we are second to none regarding the occulkt and the black magic ...I have heard of people capable of turning water into pure gold and I have seen miracles with my own eyes , but believe me the occult has no power on the believers and all the occult fenomenons would melt like snow in the desert with few verses from the Qoran is an evil science that come as far back as ancient Babylonia , it was spread mainly by the jews (who lived in Babylonia) , it necessitate the invoking of evil Djines , whoever aproaches this science is comitting idolatery and will burn in hell's fire ....compared to our occultists Crowely is a wannabee charlatan who sacrifiesd his sorry life in stupid excesses ...but he is famouse because he intruced in the west something that was quite new in their culture.....
December 3, 2006 | KoussKoussKlan
I know very well that Crowley compared to middle eastern Magicians his a wannabe but he was one of the key illuminati agents of his day and signed a contract with the devil like no other before him. The work he did within the occult illuminati establishment of Europe and America for Satan as no rivals.
All I repeat all satanic sects,masons,illuminati and al the rest worship Crowley as a guru of evil,thats why he is so dangerous.To him Satan revealed THE BOOK OF THE LAW a book you should read to understand Crowley's evil before you talk.In the Book of the law Mohammed (PBUH) is mentioned in the most blaspheme way ever eard to mankind and also the virgin Mary , IM NOT GONNA REPEAT IS DISGUSTING WORDS JUST GO AND READ THEM AND YOU WILL UNDERSTAND MODERN SATANISM BETTER DEAR KHALID...Anton LaVey's Church of Satan was just a side creation of his followers like the Temple of Set of Lt.col.Michael Aquino but the ORDO TEMPLI ORIENTIS celebrates BLACK MASSES IN THE VATICAN HQ'S!!!
As Salam Aleikum
Khaled Saifullah Khan
December 3, 2006 | X M
I have the following books from Crowley :
The Sixth Chakra Of The Human Body
The Enochian Tablets
The Heart of the Master
The Book Of The Law (his most famouse book)
Tao Teh King
White Stains
book of lies
Magic Without Tears
Thoth Tarot Deck
The book of Thoth
Witchcraft Dictionary
...etc...and more ....I have them all in ebook format downloaded freely from p2p networks ....and as far as I am concerned they are just garbage
but I agree Crowly played a key role in the "sexual revolution" of the sixties and in the avent of the Rock and Roll and satanism in general...etc....remember he lived untill 1947 , so after 1945 when the jews took total control of the world ( after defeating the last obstacle that was the Nazis) , they could carry on undisturbed all the rubbish theories of Crowely , and that's what made the success of his rubbish ...the jews today control everything in this world , media , politics etc...they can easily manipulate the masses into accepting Crowley's sexual rubbish ...but at his time before 1945 the world was still safer and Crowely and his band of pervert lunatics were still seen as sexual perverts to be isolated and combatted...
December 3, 2006 | KoussKoussKlan
After the Vatican Jesuits went to Raouf and offered him as much gold as he wanted and he refused all their gifts I knew the coptic Church and the Boutros Ghali was genuine and I went to visit them in Cairo to study the real nature of Jesus,and I became muslim...It was actualy Dr.Safuat the Sufi Master who exorcized the UN building for BB that convinced me that the real Jesus was the one in the Qu'ran.
And I tell you dear Khalid only one last thing they saved my life and protected me from the evil US illuminati who wanted to kill me from the first moment I started to question them.
So after my trip to Egypt in November 2003 i became muslim but also the third true illuminati of the Boutros Ghali family after the Coptic Madame Fula and Dr.Safuat...we are working for the truth and the real dialogue not the Vatican nonsense show.
As Salam Aleikum
Leo Lyon Zagami/Khaled Saifullah Khan
December 3, 2006 | X M
And remember the Vatican illuminati and the Zionist got Boutros Boutros Ghali out of his position as Secretary General of the UN, they are a bunch of criminals now ruling the UN at present.
December 3, 2006 | X M
after becoming a moslem you still kept being an illuminati because you said that they wanted you to infiltrate your wife's sect !!!! and can you please explain what did you mean by this :"but also the third true illuminati of the Boutros Ghali family after the Coptic Madame Fula and Dr.Safuat" thank you Khaled ...
December 3, 2006 | KoussKoussKlan
regarding Boutross and the copts :
Dear sir for me they are no better than any other Kuffar , in fact they are some on our worse ennemies , did you know for example that theire women still wear black robe since islam entered Egypt in sign of grieve !!!! did you forget the role played by Boutross Ghali in the killing of our brothers in Bosnia ...if the copts survived untill today it is just a sign of the islamic tolerance towards the people of the book and a blattant proof in the face of all those who dare to say that Islam spread only by the sword !!!!!!!
December 3, 2006 | KoussKoussKlan
You are totaly right in regards to Boutros Boutros and Bosnia,
and he is not such a nice guy even in private, but Raouf is a nice person and a true believer and his son and the rest of his family are good people (not Boutros Boutros he is linked to the Zionist element that makes him evil). I know this family as commited many crimes against Islam in the past, but in the end I am muslim and I teach tollerance an understanding for the Coptic Church and I hope we can at least try to save from total corruption what is left of the oldest Christian Tradition, because they were the first that never accepted the rubbish of Rome remember Khalid even before the time of our Prophet(PBUH).
December 3, 2006 | X M
christianity all christianity is also corrupt beyond any repair and that's why we have Islam ...but this won't stop us from tolerating them and protecting them as Dimis you know for example Khaled that the keys of the most important church in Jerusalem is in the hands of a moslem family who take care of the church , because the christians will rather trust a moslem than trust themselves and fight which christian family should have the previledge of taking care of that church (I think it is called the church of nativity)...this shows you the extent of the tolerance of Islam , while on the other hand millions of moslems in France cannot even have a decent mosque and are obliged to pray in basements and in garages ....that's their democracy ...Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha ....
December 3, 2006 | KoussKoussKlan
Posted on Thursday, November 23, 2006
and special appearance TBC by the most infamous illuminati Brother of the moment , "the Duke of Cabinda" aka RW.Bro.Rui Alexander Gabirro , Secretary General of the "Regular" Grand Lodge of England and MIND CONTROLLER of illuminati sex slave and Pop Star Madonna. This will be a very special Conference for these irregular Freemasons controled by the Monte Carlo Lodge of the P2/GLADIO Network .
PS: The P2 is sadly starting again in Argentina with support of the Masonic High Council of Rui Gabirro
just check the following site for confirmation:
please remember what the P2 criminals already did in Argentina not so long ago...
Leo Lyon Zagami / Khaled Saifullah Khan
Posted on Wednesday, November 1, 2006
I listend to your first interview with interest and have the second to listen to in time.
This post (and the one which follows) is, however, unadulterated bollocks."
"First P2 headed by Lucio Gelli was a masonic Lodge under the Grand Orient Of Italy. It was closed in the 1980s for political and other scandalous activity including the Cardinal whathisname affair. I see no link to this Monte Carlo outfit which seems to be a very nice recent invention (by somebody) thank you."
"Secondly mainstream Freemasonry is NOT Illuminati."
"Kirby lodge under UGLE (from which you have been expelled) has nothing to do with Illuminati which i do not believe exists in a proper masonic context except in certain fevered imaginations."
"Can't spaek or OTO, Skull and Bones etc though nor will I pretend I can."
"Thirdly Memphis / Misraim is not Illuminati nor is it Freemasonry. It may have been developed from it but is not recognised as beening freemasonry at all."
" It may have some strange people involved"
"What happened - you were so buddy buddy with Robert Lamar a year or so ago. Oh he got chucked out as well didn't he? "
"You know this as well as I do and it's disingenous to pretend otherwise. Come up with some proper evidence for your claims and I may just try and take you seriously. Who knows you might actuall convert me. Ah, I said a similar thing to Rui Robert once and it that was a waste of time!"
Posted on Wednesday, November 29, 2006
On Saturday the 2nd of December 2006 e.v. the Universal Unity illuminati Clubs of the P2 Monte Carlo Committe are gonna meet again at the Monastery of Santa Croce in the town of Bocca Di Magra (8Km from La Spezia/Italy) For a special summit with the French Secret Service operatives of the ultra-Catholic Priory of Sion (yes the real Priory is made of Catholic fundamentalist and Vichi Right wing supporters working for the Jesuits belive it or not), with their Orator French illuminati Jean Pierre Giudicelli de Bresac de la Bachelerie. One of the most powerfull and dangerous illuminati in France and a friend and collaborator of Jesuit Puppet Master Massimo Introvigne and Ezio Giunchglia. If you are in the area why dont you try to pop in ...hi..hi..a few prayers might not be enough for this kind of criminals, and you will probably get arrested if you try to get near this meeting in the Monastery of Bocca di Magra as this place use to be a castle befor becoming a "Center for spirituality" vatican style with a touch of P2 and plenty of Jesuits unfortunately.But once upon a time Dante Alighieri used to live here and lately Bro.Marcinkus of the P2 use to also visit the place for some very discreet meetings wit hHigh level illuminati's.
Universal Unity
Associazione di Uomini Liberi
Strada Sen. E. Marsaglia n° 131
18038 SANREMO (IM)
Cari amici ed amiche,
alcune difficoltà ci hanno impedito di concludere la prenotazione per la riunione del 04 marzo 2006 come programmata e pertanto la stessa è convocata a Mentone sempre nella stessa data.
25, AVENUE DE SOSPEL (uscita autostrada direzione casinò) ( di fronte alla Gare Routiere )
Tel. 0033 4 92 10 57 57
Fax. 0033 4 92 10 57 59
E mail :
La prenotazione per l’eventuale pernottamento andrà fatta direttamente dall’interessato, indicando l’ appartenenza all’associazione Universal Unity, ai sopra indicati riferimenti.
Tariffa camera per persona 35 euro compresa la colazione.
Tariffa per eventuale cena 7 euro.
Parcheggio gratuito nel giardino.
Nel nostro programma dei lavori che avranno inizio alle ore 10 del giorno 04 marzo 2006 prevediamo:
l’intervento del nostro associato : Dott. Francesco Toti, Gran Maestro della Serenissima Gran Loggia Scozzese Indipendente d’Italia e Vice Presidente della Federazione delle Grandi Logge Regolari Italiane che ci illustrerà i principi, le finalità e l’organizzazione di quella sua Obbedienza Massonica e della Federazione di cui è Vice Presidente.
In seguito alle ore 13 pranzo conviviale al costo di euro 20 da pagare sul posto all’associazione Universal Unity.
Vi preghiamo di confermare la vostra adesione al nostro segretario Sig. Giampaolo
Tel. 338 29 42 634 oppure alla e mail:
I Consoli Francesco Murgia 30o del R.'.S.'.A.'. ed Ezio Giunchiglia 33o del R.'.S.'.A.'.A.'.
The web site Universal Unity is still closed after our revelations on illuminati Confessions
check yourself
Posted on Sunday, December 3, 2006
Contaminati dallo Stupidonio
di Marco Saba, inedito, 3 dicembre 2006
Qui in Italia siamo tutti contaminati dallo Stupidonio, un nuovo
chimico, appena scoperto, che provoca il debito pubblico. I gestori
della cosa
pubblica, Comuni Provincie, Regioni, su su fino alle altissime cariche
Stato, più sono alte e più sono contaminate, non si sono accorte del
che si ottiene stampandosi la propria moneta. Le monetine metalliche,
quelle sì
sono ancora coniate dallo stato: la differenza di valore tra il costo
di conio
ed il valore facciale va a beneficio delle casse dello Stato. Ma si
tratta di
poca cosa rispetto al guadagno ottenibile con la stampa delle
banconote. Lo
Stato schizofrenico ha pensato bene di appaltare a privati, i soci
della Banca
d'Italia, questo remunerosissimo business. A sua volta, con la
creazione della
privata BCE, questo vantaggio è stato accentrato a Francoforte. Nemmeno
c'era riuscito a fare un golpe così. Quindi quando lo Stato abbisogna
di cash,
stampa titoli del debito pubblico, buoni del Tesoro che pagano
insomma, cambiali intestate a te senza che tu lo sappia o lo approvi,
che vanno
a grandissimo impoverimento della nazione. Tutte le entrate delle tasse
redditi vanno a coprire il mero pagamento degli interessi sul debito
dovuto all'ignavia dei palazzi romani. Tutta stupidopoli lavora per
produrre un
PIL che viene succhiato da bancopoli attraverso l'escamotage del debito
Il lettore si chie4derà che succede quando il popolo, prima o poi, ne
viene a
conoscenza: la rivoluzione. Come in America nel 1776, quando a
succhiare la
rendita monetaria USA era la Bank of England. Un lettore sano di mente
chiedersi che cosa ci stanno a fare i servizi di intelligence e
sicurezza. La
domanda è attualissima. Occorrerebbe anche capire perché la psichiatria
ufficiale non si sia occupata di questo fenomeno. Io personalmente
andrò alla
manifestazione della Polizia il 5 dicembre a Roma, per spiegare ai
che, se non si riforma questo sistema delle entrate, la loro funzione è
diversa da quella degli esattori della Mafia. Gli porterò la lettera
che mi ha
scritto la polizia europea antifrode OLAF: "Ci spiace, non possiamo
non siamo competenti".
Eppure questa rendita monetaria persa, nel solo 2005, valeva cento
miliardi di
euro. Per l'Italia. Per tutta l'Europa il furto ammonta a 700 miliardi
di euro.
Il lettore esperto mi dirà che la Banca centrale forse paga le tasse su
imbroglio. Assolutamente no, perché furbescamente mettono la rendita
AL PASSIVO nel bilancio anziché all'attivo. La domanda è: c'è una cura
per i
contaminati dallo Stupidonio?
Posted on Friday, November 24, 2006
"2012 marks, according to the The Mayan Calendar, the ending of Time as we know it and as something old die something new will be born."
"Mayan Daykeepers view the Dec. 21, 2012 date as a rebirth, the start of the World of the Fifth Sun. It will be the start of a new era resulting from ‹ and signified by ‹ the solar meridian crossing the galactic equator, and the earth aligning itself with the center of the galaxy.
At sunrise on December 21, 2012 ‹ for the first time in 26,000 years ‹ the Sun rises to conjunct the intersection of the Milky Way and the plane of the ecliptic. This cosmic cross is considered to be an embodiment of the Sacred Tree, The Tree of Life ‹ a tree remembered in all the world¹s spiritual traditions."
"This alignment with the heart of the galaxy in 2012 will open a channel for cosmic energy to flow through the earth, cleansing it and all that dwells upon it, raising all to a higher level of vibration. This process has already begun. "Change is accelerating now, and it will continue to accelerate."
"If the people of the earth can get to this 2012 date in good shape, without having destroyed too much of the Earth, we will rise to a new, higher level. But to get there we must transform enormously powerful forces that seek to block the way."
"Up to now our world wars have followed Piscean Age rules of engagement.This is why it may be hard for us to recognize at first the new rules of engagement of this new age for mankind. The Piscean Age trained us to expect clear definintions between the opposing forces,as well as fighting on traditional battlefields , but we have seen how this kind of war is now old news in favour of a new strategy of tension. A strategy that plays first with your minds and your soul, before taking over your body.
In its darker side, the Aquarian Age pits the forces of rebellion and chaos against the establishment. It will be an age that fights first and foremost on the battlefield of the human psyche. This inner war then blossom in outer wars of social,religious and economic breakdown and revolution especialy when the sun goes wild on us again in 2010.
To not be prepared and dismiss my claims as inaccurate might cost you not only alot of money but even your life...
It will be a time of great distress;there has never been such a time from the begining of the world untill now, and wil never be again. If that time of troubles were not cut short,no living thing would survive ; but for the sake of God's chosen it will be cut short.(Matthew 21,22).
The Holy Prophet Mohammed (PBUH) indicated that among those refered to as 'mu'allif-ul-qulub there were such that would use religion as a means for pursuing their own political goals; who would, in the name and under the cover of religion perform every sort of cruelty. We see how this description fits prefectely the "Christian fundamentalist" George W.Bush and the "Islamic fundamentalist" Osama Bin Laden , two Satanist in the hands of the Vatican Luciferian powers and the Zionist elite who abuse religion for their own evil plan of global manipulation and Mind Control.
"...Priest shall be massacred , the churches shall be closed , but only for a short time, the Holy Father shall be obliged to abandon Rome."
Maria Tigi ( d.1837)
"In the last great desolation of the world the last High Priest of the true God will reign.Criminal Rome will be destroyed and the terrible Judge,in glory,will judge all nations."
The Monk of Padua (1740)
"Very near the Tiber River the Goddes of death theatens. shortly after the great flood the head of the Church will be taken prisoner and cast out. The Castel (Sant'Angelo) and the (Vatican) palace in flames. (2 Q93)
Nostradamus (1555)
Leo Lyon Zagami/Khaled Saifullah Khan
ARTICLES 146-155
Posted on Monday, December 4, 2006
ROMA - Per gli “Incontri del Servizio Biblioteca del GOI†Martedì 5 Dicembre 2006 alle ore 18:30, presso Villa Il Vascello, Via di San Pancrazio, 8, il Professor José A.Ferrer Benimeli, dell’Università spagnola di Zaragoza noto amico dei Gesuiti, terrà una conferenza sulla sua BibliografÃa de la MasonerÃa (Fundación Universitaria Española, Madrid, 2004), ventimila titoli in più lingue sulla storia, la politica, la religione, la letteratura, la musica, il teatro, il simbolismo per comprendere meglio la massoneria. Interverranno Gustavo Raffi Gran Maestro del Grande Oriente d'Italia, Fulvio Conti e Marco Novarino.
Posted on Thursday, November 30, 2006
Da: RW.Bro.Riccardo Corsi
(The illuminati Brother in charge of the Latest News for the Grande Oriente d'Italia)
Inviato: Sabato 18 novembre 2006, 15:49:52
Oggetto: Cena di Gala Order DeMolay Italia
Abbiamo il piacere di invitarVi alla Cena di Gala del
DeMolay Internazionale della Giurisdizione Italiana
che si svolgerà il 2 dicembre 2006
alla ore 20,00
presso il Ristorante Paradiso Terrestre
sito in Via delle Capannelle, 142 Roma
La quota di partecipazione è di € 45,00 pro capite
Si consiglia abito scuro
Per prenotazione rivolgersi:
Sig.ra Rosalba Leone 338 3873151
Luciano Critelli 328 3153208
Posted on Wednesday, November 29, 2006
Dont miss the INVESTIGATIVE JOURNAL today at 11.30 PM European Central Time
and 4.30 PM USA Central Time
with Leo Lyon Zagami and Greg Szymanski
on (Genesis Network 4)
and Telstar 5 (Intelsat Americas 5 )
Transponder 5
uency: 11836
Symbol Rate: 20765
Vertical Polarization
Star 5 (Right Feed): Global Star Channel 2 Network Feed
11.30.2006 Thursday - ISTANBUL 00:02
"Honor-stepping in Cyprus the Masonic Way…
An American friend of mine forwarded me a message that had been sent by the American Hellenic Institute (AHI), one of the most important Greek-American pressure groups in Washington.
He expressed his hope that the Turkish-American Associations Assembly (ATAA) would learn a little from them about how to lobby."
How to lobby?
Or how to become a EU Satanist?
Turkey knows very well what it means to become non believers and Im sure the truth and the light will prevail in the new Ottoman Empire at the end of October 2012 e.v. , once the young muslims finaly start opposing openly this infedel display of satanic powers from the western Vatican driven EU , a satanic lobbby ready to corrupt their society and their minds in the hands of Superior General Peter Hans Kolvenbach and his corrupt Zionist Rabbi's...
Well Im also in contact with the Epsylon Team, an ancient Greek secret society based in Delphi that has sent me their support against the Zionist, and their support for true interreligious dialogue so lets see if we can at least put tother a few decent people in the end of times who are willing to talk some sense without the usual spies around.
Khalid says:
"about the Cyprus case , unfortunately as you know Khaled , it is not by the turkish nationalism or the cult of Attaturk that we are going to reconquist those territories from the crusaders ...the same way in Palestine against the zionism we opposed the arab nationalism and we all know the results ....our force is Islam and when we will raise the islamic flag, Allah will help us reconquist all our lost territories (including the Iberian peninsula) and conquer even more lands for Islam .....".
Thats correct Brother of Islam, and Ishallah one day we will prevail with the flag of true Islam not this fundamentalist USA Vatican driven show of idiotic fundamentalist created by the western powers serving Satan.
Posted on Monday, December 4, 2006
Realskole - her elevrådsmedlem 1969/70 (1971), folkehøgskole - her nestleder i elevrådet (1972), siviltjeneste ved Konglelunden Sykehjem/Oslo krets av Blå Kors og FN-sambandet/Norsk Ungdoms FN-Forbund (1970/71), informasjonssekretær Folkebevegelsen mot norsk medlemskap i EF (1972), miljøarbeider Daleløkken behandlingshjem for autistiske barn (1973), sekretær Sosialistisk Valgforbund (1973), informasjonleder Pax Forlag A/S (1973/77), fungerende kommunalråd for byutvikling Oslo Rådhus juli/aug/sept. 1989, perioden 1991-95 permisjon for å være kommunalråd for helse- og sosial på heltid i Oslo Bystyre som nestleder i bystyrets helse- og sosialkomite, kontorsjef Gyldendal Norsk Forlag A/S fra 1977 til idag.
Leder Fredskontoret i Fredrikstad (1967/69), sekretær Norsk Ungdoms FN-Forbund, avd. Fr.stad (1970/73), styremedlem FN-sambandets Østlandsavdeling (1970/71), medlem av arbeidsutvalget i Folkereisning mot Krig (1973/75), medlem som repr. for SV i Støttekomiteen for Narve Trædal (1974/75), rådsmedlem Norges Fredsråd (1976/82), styremedlem Norges Fredsråd (1978/80), medlem Asta Wolds fredslegat (1980 til idag, fra 1990 som leder), medlem SV's utenrikspolitiske utvalg (1979/91).
Sekretær Kråkerøy AUF (1966/67), styremedlem/sekretær Fredrikstad krets av AUF (1966/71), skoleleder Trosvik AUF (1967/68), viseformann Centrum AUF (1968/69), styremedlem Fredrikstad AUF (1970/71), formann Halden AUF (1971/72), politisk leder/styremedlem AUF i Østfold (1969/72), styremedlem Fredrikstad Arbeiderparti (1970/71), styremedlem Halden Arbeiderparti (1971/72), styremedlem Stovner SV (1974/75), formann/nestformann Sinsen/Rodeløkka SV (1975/79), styremedlem Oslo SO (1980/82). P.t representantskapsmedlem Oslo SV og styremedlem Alna SV.
Skoleavisredaktør Frydenberg Videregående skole (1969/70), Styremedlem Pax Forlag A/S (1975/81), bedriftsforsamlingsmedlem Pax Forlag A/S (1973/91),
redaktør/redaksjonsleder/redaksjonsmedlem avisa Ikkevold (1973/92), styremedlem/varamedlem Troll Trykk/Troll Sats A/S (1977/90), styreleder/styremedlem Rosenkrantz Bokkafé A/L (1980/82), styremedlem avisa Ny Tid (fra 1989-95, fra 1990-95 som styreleder), medforfatter til følgende bøker: "Overvåking i Norge" (Pax Forlag 1979), "Vekterstaten" (Pax Forlag 1981), "CIA i Europa" (Pax Forlag 1979), "Pax Leksikon" (1979), "Bombemålet Norge" (FMK 1984), "De kaller det forsvar ...." (Troms SO 1989),"Makt og langkølle" (Tiden Norsk Forlag 1989) og Tanner: Spionen som elsket sin neste - etterord (Pax Forlag 1978). En rekke artikler i dagspresse og tidsskrifter, samt altså ansatt i forlagsbransjen (Pax/Gyldendal) fra 1973 til i dag.
Medlem representantskapet Ungdommens Selvbyggerlag (1980), styremedlem Bjørka Borettslag (1986/93), varamedlem representantskapet i OBOS (1993/95), medlem representantskapet i OBOS 1995-1997.
Meddommer/lagrettemedlem Borgarting Lagmannsrett 2000 - 2004.
Verv oppnevnt av Stortinget
Medlem Ombudsmannsnemnda for Forsvaret (1990-1998, og 2001 til 2005), medlem Ombudsmannsnemnda for sivile tjenestepliktige (1990-1998 og 2001 til 2005).
Verv som kommunalt folkevalgt
Bystyreperioden 1983 - 1987:
leder i Sosialstyrets distriktsutvalg 18 Furuset/Lindeberg (1984/87)
Bystyreperioden 1987 - 1991:
Medlem Oslo bystyre (1988/95), 1. varamedlem Formannskapet (1988/92), varamedlem Bystyrets byutviklingskomite (1988/89), varamedlem Bystyrets helse- og sosialkomite (1988/91)
Medlem av Helserådet (1987), medlem Oslo kommunes barnevernsutvalg (1987/88), varamedlem Oslo kommunes helse- og sosialstyre (1987/88), medlem tilsynskomite Kveset Ungdomshjem (1986/91, fra 1989 som leder), varamedlem styret Furuset MS-hjem (1985/88)
Bystyreperioden 1991 - 1995:
Medlem Oslo bystyre (1991-95), medlem og nestleder av Bystyrets helse- og sosialkomite (1991- 95), medlem av Kommunenes Sentralforbund - Landstinget (fra 1992 til 1995), varamedlem til Kommunenes Sentralforbund - Landsrådet (fra 1992-95), varamedlem Samarbeidsutvalget Oslo/Akershus om fylkesplanlegging (1991-95), medlem av Bystyrets tilsynsutvalg (1993-95), varamedlem til Administrasjonsutvalget/forretningsutvalget Oslo Bystyre (1991 - 95), medlem Kommunenes Sentralforbund - Fylkesstyret for Oslo (1994-95).
Bystyreperioden 1995 - 1999:
Varamedlem Oslo Bystyre 1995 til 1999, varamedlem bystyrets helse- og sosialkomite 1995 til 1999, medlem Oslo kommunes kontrollutvalg (1995 til 1999).
Bystyreperioden 1999 - 2003:
Medlem av bystyret og bystyrets finanskomite fra 1999 til 2003
Varamedlem Kommunenes Sentralforbund - Fylkesstyret for Oslo fra 1999 til 2004. Medlem av Kommunenes Sentralforbund - Landstinget fra 1999 til 2003. Medlem av Kommunenes Sentralforbund - Landsstyret fra 1999 til 2003.
Bystyreperioden 2003 - 2007:
Medlem av Oslo Bystyre og bystyrets finanskomite fra 2003
Varamedlem Kommunenes Sentralforbund - Fylkesstyret for Oslo
Verv i Kommunenes Sentralforbund 2004- 2008
Medlem av Kommunenes Sentralforbund, sentralstyret fra 2004, medlem av AU fra høsten 2005
Medlem av KS Landstinget fra 2004 - 2008
Varamedlem styret i avisa Kommunal Rapport AS fra 2004, styremedlem fra 2005
Medlem Europapolitisk forum, kontaktorgan mellom mellom sentrale, regionale og lokale myndigheter samt Sametinget fra 2004
Varamedlem i Europarådets Kommunalkongress - Congress and Local and Regional Authorities of Europe fra 2004
Styremedlem i Ressurssenter for omstilling i kommunene, Stjørdal, fra 2006
Opphør av utbetaling av lønn til byråsjef Erik Knutstad i Utenriksdepartementet
St.prp. nr. 76 (1994-1995)
Opphør av utbetaling av lønn til byråsjef Erik Knutstad i Utenriksdepartementet
Er hoveddokument for
Sak nr. 1390392
------------------------- no cash no job no home and no family for ex illuminati agent Erik Knutstad
Den 5. mars 1977 hadde Kapital en spennende artikkel om en byråsjef i Utenriksdepartementet som i brev av 9. februar 1976 ble fritatt for sitt arbeid som leder av 5. handelspolitisk kontor. I et fortrolig dokument av 29. april 1976 ( 10145/76 I) begrunnet
Utenriksdepartementet dette med at byråsjefen, Erik Knutstad, "ved en rekke anledninger siden 1973 har foretatt handlinger som har vært egnet til å svekke tilliten til hans skjønn og som også har bidratt til å bringe departementet i forlegenhet overfor andre myndigheter og personer ..."
Det det gikk om, var at byråsjef Erik Knutstad mente seg overvåket av Politiets Overvåkingstjeneste (POT), og, naturlig nok, så klaget han på dette.
Erik Knutstad var nemlig ikke hvem som helst. Han ble i 1969/70 ansatt som adm.dir. i Royal Caribbean Cruises, men tiltrådte ikke stillingen fordi eierne i RCCL fikk vink om at ikke alt var som det skulle være med Knutstad, og at han før dette hadde han vært forlagssjef hos Ernst G. Mortensen i to år. Senterpartimannen Knutstad hadde også tjenestegjort ved ambassadene i Warszawa og i Tel Aviv.
Utnevnelsen til byråsjef i 1973 og stillingen som leder av 5. handelspolitisk kontor var derfor i trygge hender. Knutstad var utdannet siviløkonom, hadde Krigsskolen og gått Utenriksdepartementets aspirantkurs. Alt var som det skulle være.
Bortsett fra at Erik Knutstad plutselig følte seg overvåket, og at han klaget over dette både til regjering og Forsvarets Overkommando.
Svaret Knutstad fikk, var at han selvfølgelig ikke var overvåket av POT eller andre. Knutstad innbilte seg alt sammen, sa man. Og deretter ble byråsjef Erik Knutstad sittende på sitt kontor i UD til midten av 90-tallet uten en eneste arbeidsoppgave.
Kapital stilte spørsmålet: "Byråsjef forflyttet på grunn av spionmistanke?", men vi fikk aldri noe svar. Før nå.
Takket være Lund-kommisjonen som avdekket at ulovlig overvåking faktisk har funnet sted i stor målestokk i Norge etter krigen, kunne alle få innsikt i POT-mappene sine (fristen gikk ut ved årsskiftet), og en av de mange som har benyttet seg av dette tilbudet, var Erik Knutstad.
Og ganske riktig: Det fremgår av dokumentene, avgradert i henhold til Innsynsloven av Innsynsutvalget den 12. mars i fjor, at POT hadde anmerkninger i Knutstads mappe allerede fra 1966.
Den 9. mars 1966 skal Knutstad angivelig ha hatt et møte med A.P. Smirnov ved den russiske ambassade, og vi kan lese at han tok med en polsk hushjelp fra Warszawa til Oslo, og fikk en sak med UD for dette, og i 1977 står det at Knutstad "har et injuriesøksmål gående mot UD. Han kan virke noe forvirret."
Og i mars 1977 har POT-spionene funnet det nødvendig å rapportere at "EK omtalt i avisen Kapital - artikkel av Hegna."
Alt strengt hemmelig i henhold til Sikkerhetsinstruksen.
Svaret på spørsmålet om byråsjefen ble forflyttet på grunn av spionmistanke, fikk vi altså 26 år senere.
Kapital var i mappen.
Posted on Thursday, November 16, 2006
Video secretly filmed in Turkey .
Please introduce the cadidates to us.
Serdar Büyüküstün, his profession is electrical engineering.
Aykut Erensoy, his profession is electrical Engineering
Kenan Ali Akman, he is a businessman.
Understood. Please bring them inside.
Dear Misters, before all else we would like you to promise to us that,
whether you are accepted as a brother or not, after you are taken into what we call 'the room of contemplation', you will not mention anybody what you see and what you hear here, do you promise on your honour?
Mr. Erensoy?
Yes, I promise.
Mr. Büyüküstün?
I promise.
Mr. Akman?
Yes, I promise.
The inquisotor brother, let the candidates sit.
Mr. Büyüküstün, tell us what is the thing which was touched to your chest and which was made you feel with one of your hands?
Uhm... something metal... sword.
The meaning of the sword being touched to your chest is that you keep your promise otherwise you will be made to regret not keeping it and suffer pains for the rest of your life.
Let us avoid any mistakes, are you really the same people who wants to join us? Did you fill in the form without pressure from others and with your own free will and judgement? And you signed it?
Let the cadidates commence 'the first journey'.
Who are these people? Those who seek the real light.
Misters, repeat the oath we made just now once again after me.
Before the symbol of the great architect of the universe and in front of the mason brotherhood, what I said was correct and I swear by it with all my sincerity.
I will not disclose any of our masonic secrets and what I have been shown and told here to anybody other than other brothers in a masonic lodge.
I will work towards the end of masonic goals.
I will obey the principles of the free masons' greater lodge.
I will regularly attend the meetings of the lodge which I will became a member of.
The first officer, brother, what do you want for the candidates?
The light of the scientific truth, dear master.
All other brothers who stand by the columns and decorate the true light. What do you want for the candidates?
The light of the scientific truth, dear master.
Let the scientific truth be given on the 3rd touch of the hammer.
The swords which are pointed at you symbolises the fact that, other masons will defend you should you ever be attacked by others in the rest of your life.
Only 33rd degree masons can attend.
The grand master drinks the goat's blood which is sacrificed in the middle of the room and prays in Hebrew language and ends the satanic worship ritual.
A lodge in Istanbul. There is a masonic wedding ceremony which is constantly denied by the masons that it exists. «
More evidence : Aleister Crowley the infamous black magician and illuminati known as the Beast 666 called is last son Ataturk...
Posted on Monday, December 4, 2006
Though Zionism surfaced to a visible religious and economic force for the first time in Ukraine thanks to the support of the Russian elite of the Knights of Malta, is also true that Zionism always existed in those corrupt Jewish families supporting ancient Rome, and the Jesuits who later supported the Knights of Malta were born from crypto jews at a time when Zionism was still a secret doctrine and believe that belong to the elite Jewish Rabbi's.
Thats why Kiev later became so important for Russia and the rest of the world like New York and Wall Street in the modern age and thats why the so called ORANGE REVOLUTION is a ZIONIST VATICAN taker over of the old HQ's supported by the modern INTERNATIONAL ORDER OF ST.STANISLAS based in KIEV consisting of over 300 Knights working for the Vatican and the Jews .
The first Jesuits were crypto‑Jews. Ignatius Loyola himself was a crypto‑Jew of the Occult Cabala working for the evil Zionist plot with Rome to create a NEW WORLD ORDER under the usual suspects.A crypto‑Jew is a Jew who converts to another religion and outwardly embraces the new religion, while secretly maintaining Jewish practices. As John Torell explains: "In 1491 San Ignacio de Loyola was born in the Basque province of Guipuzcoa, Spain. His parents were Marranos and at the time of his birth the family was very wealthy. As a young man he became a member of the Jewish Illuminati order in Spain. As a cover for his crypto Jewish activities, he became very active as a Roman Catholic. On May 20, 1521 Ignatius (as he was now called) was wounded in a battle, and became a semi‑cripple. Unable to succeed in the military and political arena, he started a quest for holiness and eventually ended up in Paris where he studied for the priesthood and created the foundations for the future Jesuit conspiracy. In 1539 he had moved to Rome where he officilay founded the "JESUIT ORDER," which was to become the most vile, bloody and persecuting order in the Roman Catholic Church and the key one for the creation of the evil Empire of Zion togheter that unites Rome and Jerusalem now to the United States of America. In 1540, the current Pope Paul III approved the order. At Loyola's death in 1556 there were more than 1000 members in the Jesuit order, located in a number of nations."
Ignatius of Loyola's secretary, Polanco, was of Jewish descent and was the only person present at Loyola's deathbed. James Lainez, who succeeded Loyola as the second Jesuit General, was also of
Jewish descent. Jews were attracted to the Jesuit order and joined in large numbers. Lacunza was no exception. He was a Jew, which explains why he introduced the eschatological teaching of a return to the Jewish animal sacrifices during the Millennium. (In a book titled The Coming of the Messiah in Glory and Majesty published in 1812, 11 years after the death of its author, Jesuit Emanuel de Lacunza who, wrote under the fictitious pen name of a purportedly converted Jew,Rabbi Juan Josaphat Ben Ezra, in order to conceal his identity and to make his writings more palatable to the Protestant readers. He promoted the writings of sixteenth century Jesuit priest Francisco Ribera, developing a futuristic perspective which restricted the prophetic fulfillments in the book of Revelation to the end of the world). Lacunza also wrote that during a millennium after the tribulation the Jewish animal sacrifices would be reinstated along with the Eucharist (the mass) of the Catholic Church. Lacunza has followed after Jewish fables and replaced the commandments o God with the commandments of men. That doctrine gives the Jews primacy in God's plan (the older Brothers as John Paul II use to say) and relegates Christians to a prophetic parenthetical to be supplanted by the Jews during the
thousand year earthly reign of Christ.
All this demonstrates simply that Zionist and Jesuits are part of the same Satan controling Rome and Jerusalem for the last 2000 years....and apparentely all Jews who rebel to the NEW WORLD ORDER and convert to ISLAM will end up like the ones London, CONTAMINATED !
Lets fight this evil now,the enemy is only Satan but we have the Holy Qu'ran.
The Daily Telegraph has been told that Mr Litvinenko had converted to Islam. Akhmed Zakayev, the leading Chechen dissident who lived next door to Mr Litvinenko, said: “He was read to from the Koran the day before he died and had told his wife and family that he wanted to be buried in accordance with Muslim tradition.â€
As Salam Aleikum
Leo Lyon Zagami
a cripto Jew now converted to Islam as
Khaled Saifullah Khan
Posted on Friday, November 3, 2006
Psychological Operations/Warfare
by Major Ed Rouse (Ret)
"Capture their minds
and their hearts and souls
will follow"
Psychological Operations or PSYOP are planned operations to convey selected information and indicators to audiences to influence their emotions, motives, objective reasoning, and ultimately the behavior of organizations, groups, and individuals. Used in all aspects of war, it is a weapon whose effectiveness is limited only by the ingenuity of the commander using it.
A proven winner in combat and peacetime, PSYOP is one of the oldest weapons in the arsenal of man. It is an important force protector/combat multiplier and a non-lethal weapons system.
Psychological Operations (PSYOP) or Psychological Warfare (PSYWAR) is simply learning everything about your target enemy, their beliefs, likes, dislikes, strengths, weaknesses, and vulnerabilities. Once you know what motivates your target, you are ready to begin psychological operations.
Psychological operations may be defined broadly as the planned use of communications to influence human attitudes and behavior ... to create in target groups behavior, emotions, and attitudes that support the attainment of national objectives. The form of communication can be as simple as spreading information covertly by word of mouth or through any means of multimedia.
A psychological warfare campaign is a war of the mind. Your primary weapons are sight and sound. PSYOP can be disseminated by face-to-face communication, audio visual means (television), audio media (radio or loudspeaker), visual media (leaflets, newspapers, books, magazines and/or posters). The weapon is not how its sent, but the message it carries and how that message affects the recipient.
For instance, our American flag, when it goes by in a parade do you feel a sense of pride? How about when you hear our national anthem played? How about "God Bless the USA", Lee Greenwood's song which became popular during Desert Storm? Music or sound can be a major factor in motivating emotion if it is associated with the right message. How many of you think about the pottery wheel scene with Patrick Swaytze and Demi Moore in the movie "Ghost" when you hear the theme song "Unchained Melody"?
It has long been said that: "The pen is mightier than the sword". That is because, if used properly, words can be an inspiration to motivate others. Some examples:
"Remember the Alamo"
"Give me liberty or give me death"
"I regret I have but one life to give for my country"
"Ask not what your country can do for you? Ask what you can do for your country"
Now for psychological operations to be effective, you must carefully plan your propaganda. You must make sure that you know everything about your enemy and that you are targeting his beliefs and not using your own. For example, at the very beginning of Desert Shield, just after Iraq invaded Kuwait, President Bush referred to Saddam Hussein as being
"just like Adolph Hitler"
For Americans and most of Europe that was an insulting comparison. However, looking at it through the eyes of an Iraqi soldier Adolph Hitler tried to exterminate all the Jews. Iraq has long hated Israel. Hitler drove out the British and French forces that had long occupied the middle east. So with the right propaganda, the comparison could be interpreted that Saddam, like Hitler, hates Israel and wants to keep the western infidel influence from contaminating the middle east. This would be a compliment not an insult.
On the reverse side, knowing your enemy's beliefs can work for you. For example, remember when Saddam Hussein broadcasted live images of his "Human Shields, the woman and children of westerners that were in Iraq when the war broke out? The Koran, the Moslem bible, states that you can do what you with with your enemy, but that you must not harm his family,(wife and children). Saddam's actions allowed us to show that he was a coward, hiding behind innocent people and ignoring the Moslem laws he was so quick to say he was defending.
How do you get to know your enemy? Intelligence reports, Area studies, in country research, defectors, native help, and even the enemy prisoners of war all are sources of information. As leaflets were developed during Desert Storm, they were tested on cooperative EPWs (enemy prisoners of war. Some of the recommendations for changes to the leaflet's illustrations made by these EPWs were: remove any trace of the color red (a danger signal to Iraqis), show Allied soldiers with chin beards rather than clean-shaven faces (beards convey trust and brotherhood in Iraqi culture), and add bananas to a bowl of fruit shown being offered to surrendering Iraqis (bananas are a great delicacy in Iraq). Also, an illustration depicting a surrendering Iraqi thinking of his family back home confused the EPWs. "Thought bubbles" are well-known in Western culture, but virtually unknown to Iraqis. The illustration was dropped.
In a memo written to then-Secretary of State John Foster Dulles on 24 October 1953, former U.S. President Dwight D. Eisenhower defined psychological warfare as anything "from the singing of a beautiful anthem up to the most extraordinary kind of physical sabotage."
Used during peacetime, contingencies and declared war, these activities are not a form of force, but are force multipliers that use nonviolent means in often violent environments. Persuading rather than compelling physically, they rely on logic, fear, desire or other mental factors to promote specific emotions, attitudes or behaviors. The ultimate objective of U.S. military psychological operations is the dissemination of truthful information to foreign audiences in support of U.S. policy and national objectives to convince enemy, neutral, and friendly nations and forces to take action favorable to the United States and its allies.
Now please note that I stated above that Psychological Operations as conducted by the US Military is the dissemination of "truthful" information, not propaganda which is categorized as "white, gray, or black". Now what is the difference between PSYOP and propaganda? A memorandum prepared by the Chief of Army Field Forces at Fort Monroe, Virginia in September of 1953 briefly explained the difference between "gray" propaganda, messages broadcast with the goal of "avoiding identification," and "black" propaganda, which involves "attribution to a source other than the true one."
A more recent set of definitions, reportedly used by former CIA chief William Colby and cited in at least one commercial publication, calls truthfully-attributed and non- attributed messages "white" propaganda, whereas messages falsely attributed to a third party are considered "gray." The term "black propaganda" is reserved for those materials "planted by the United States but in such as way that it seems to be the product or even an internal document of the target group." In other words, "black propaganda" is nothing less than a form of intellectual and political subversion.
Historically, the application of psychological operations in one form or another has proven to be almost as essential to the successful waging of war as the use of manpower and weaponry. However, in spite of its long history of successful employment, the potential for using the power of persuasion through psychological operations as a force multiplier to achieve national objectives with a minimum of destruction, has been recognized by only the most perceptive of military leaders and statesmen. Furthermore, it has been since World War II that PSYOP has come into its own as an effective weapon system.
The giant strides made in the area of behavioral sciences, which can now enable us to know and understand why people behave as they do, combined with the development and perfection of mass media communications, have greatly multiplied the capability and value of PSYOP as a means of achieving our own national objectives without needless bloodshed.
An analysis of recent conflicts has demonstrated the value of psychological operations/warfare on and off the battlefield. As a result, military authorities are now beginning to accept the fact that psychological operations is a very special combat weapon…one that every military commander must consider employing, and defending against, if he is to accomplish his mission with minimum losses. This recognition of the important role of PSYOP has resulted in its integration into many training programs and tactical exercises, as well as the consideration of PSYOP employment in all future military operations.
United States psychological operations consist of three distinct types: Tactical PSYOP, Strategic PSYOP and Consolidation PSYOP.
Tactical PSYOP is addressed to a specific enemy combat group, to induce them to perform a specific action that will affect the current or short-range combat situation.
Aimed at a larger audience, Strategic PSYOP is put into effect by a carefully planned campaign against a larger target audience than that toward which Tactical PSYOP is directed.
Consolidation PSYOP’s mission is to assist the civil and military authorities in consolidating their gains, by establishing and maintaining law and order, and by re-establishing civil government in an occupied or liberated area.
All three types of psychological operations - - Tactical, Strategic and Consolidation--- can be employed to produce the following desired effects:
Reduce moral and combat efficiency within the enemy’s ranks.
Promote mass dissension within and defections from enemy combat units and/or revolutionary cadre.
Support our own and allied forces cover and deception operations.
Promote cooperation, unity and morale within one’s own and allied units, as well as within resistance forces behind enemy lines.
Now Psychological Operations (PSYOP)is not a new military tactic by any means. There are numerous examples of the use of psychological warfare throughout history. The following are some historical examples which illustrate the attainment of each of these four objectives.
Perhaps one of the earliest examples of Psychological Warfare was attributed to "Alexander the Great of Macedonia. Alexander had conquered most of the known world during his reign. With each region he conquered he left behind soldiers to keep control of the newly conquered area. Eventually, there came a point when Alexander realized that he had stretched his army too thin and was now in danger of losing to a large opposing force. Alexander's only option was to retreat and regroup forces with the armies he left behind. However, to do so would certainly incite the opposing force to pursue him and very possibly capture or defeat his now smaller army.
Alexander knew that if he could intimidate the opposing force they would be scared to follow his army. Alexander instructed his armorers to make several oversized armor breastplates and helmets that would fit "giants", men 7 to 8 feet tall. As Alexander and his forces withdrew during the night they left behind the oversized armor. The oversized armor was of course found by the opposing force who then believed that they had come close to engaging in a battle with giants. A battle that they surely would have lost. The oversized armor coupled with the stories they had heard from travelers of the savagery of Alexander's army caused enough doubt and fear that they elected not to pursue Alexander's army.
Sun Tsu, recognized as one of the greatest military tacticians of all times, strongly advocated the use of psychological warfare as a force multiplier. Sun Tsu wrote that:
To capture the enemy's entire army is better than to destroy it; to take intact a regiment, a company, or a squad is better than to destroy them. For to win one hundred victories in one hundred battles is not the acme of skill. To subdue the enemy without fighting is the supreme excellence. Thus, what is of supreme importance in war is to attack the enemy's strategy. Next best is to disrupt his alliances by diplomacy. The next best is to attack his army. And the worst policy is to attack cities.
Sun Tzu understood that given the opportunity, an adversary will surrender to a superior commander prior to conflict. In order to have a chance to be that superior leader, PSYOP must be coordinated and included in initial planning and implemented prior to conflict. If hostilities begin, proper PSYOP implementation can end the conflict earlier than otherwise expected. PSYOP is a force multiplier and resource saver.
Mongol leader Genghis Khan was widely known for leading hordes of savage horsemen across Russia and into Europe. While not totally unfounded, the Mongols' image of total, barbaric domination was greatly enhanced by Khan's use of PSYOP, deception, operational security (OPSEC), and targeting his adversaries' decision-making process. "Agents of influence" were sent in advance of his armies to do face-to-face PSYOP, telling of brutality and large numbers in the Mongol army. Khan also used deception to create the illusion of invincible numbers by using rapid troop maneuver, making his army look larger than it really was. He had a network of horsemen called "arrow riders" to communicate quickly with his commanders, and he targeted enemy messengers to prevent enemy commanders from communicating with each other. All these actions caused a weakness in their enemy's psyche, and the Mongols were feared wherever they went.
World War II
Psychological operations were used extensively by all sides during World War II. Adolf Hitler rose to power by exploiting the dissatisfaction of supporters of the traditional left and right wing parties, by dwelling on the failure of these parties to solve the problems created by the conditions imposed on Germany under the Treaty of Versailles. He then presented National Socialism as the one movement capable of uniting conservative nationalists with international socialists, the professional classes with the working classes in the service of the nation. The speeches he delivered urged national pride and unity and placed the blame for all of Germany's problems on others. His oratory techniques and use of propaganda gave him a truly hypnotic grip over the German masses. After taking over as dictator, the Germans continued to use propaganda both to unite Germany and to intimidate their enemies.
Radio broadcasts became a major means of passing propaganda to the enemy. Japan used the notorious "Tokyo Rose" to broadcast music, propaganda, and words of discouragement to our allied forces. The Germans used Mildred Gillar, better remembered as "Axis Sally". The Americans used deception and psychological operations to convince the German high command that the D-Day invasion was not going to be launched at Normandy but at Calais.
However the best and most innovative use of psychological warfare must be attributed to a radio broadcast by the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC). During the period May through September 1940, when the German invasion of England seemed imminent, a regular BBC radio program, easily heard and often listened to by the Germans, began a series of English language lessons for the would-be invaders. These broadcasts of course were presented in flawless German. The British announcer stated the purpose of these broadcasts like this:
"…..and so it will be best if you learn a few useful phrases in English before visiting us. For your first lesson, we take ‘DIE KANAUEBERFAHRT’. The channel crossing."
"Now, just repeat after me: ‘DAS BOOT SINKT.’ The boat is sinking. The boat is sinking"
"DAS WASSER IST KALT. The water is cold. SER KALT. Very cold"
"Now I will give you a verb that should be very useful. Again, please repeat after me. ICH BRENNE. I am burning. Du Brennst. You are burning. ER BRENNT. He is burning. WIR BRENNEN. We burn. IHR BRENNT. You are burning. SIR BRENNEN. They are burning."
This was rather crude material: but it proved effective. The phrases about burning in the English Channel seemed to confirm the intensive rumors already being spread by British agents on the continent that the British had perfected an apparatus with which they were going to set fires in the Channel and on the English beaches whenever Hitler launched his invasion. Although not true, the rumors were so well planned and cleverly spread that to this day, many Germans believe them. Documents found after the war confirmed that the German High Command believed that the British had a workable plan to set fire to the English Channel.
Cover and deception operations are complex and intricate affairs, invariably involving many talents, techniques and resources. Perhaps the most ambitious and spectacular cover and deception operation of modern times was the effort of the Allies to convince the German high command that the upcoming Allied invasion of Europe would occur across the beaches near the Pas de Calais, rather than the narrow sand strips and cliffs of Normandy nearly 100 hundred miles away.
Through imaginative employment of psychological operations the Allies created the fictitious "Army Group Patton," which was poised to strike across the English Channel at the Germans 15th Panzer Army defending the Pas de Calais. This ruse convinced the German strategists and planners that the Allied assault would be spearheaded at the Pas de Calais by an army under the command of Lieutenant General George S. Patton, whom many considered our best combat command. As a result, the heaviest concentration of German combat power in France was positioned at the Pas de Calais, waiting for Patton.
Even after the Allied invasion came at Normandy, Hitler would not allow for the deployment of the 15th Panzer Army from the Pas de Calais. Hitler was still convinced that the Normandy invasion was only a prelude to the real invasion. The 15th Panzer Army waited in vain at the Pas de Calais for nearly seven weeks for Army Group Patton, an invasion that was never to come. General of the Army Omar Bradley later referred to this operation as "the biggest hoax of the war". As for the German Army, they never fully recovered from the reversals set in motion by their delay in releasing the 15th Panzer Army.
The next example concerns the fourth objective of psychological operations, that is, its use to promote cooperation, unity and morale within friendly units and people as well as within resistance forces behind enemy lines.
During World War II, the very survival of the Soviet Union was due in large part to Stalin;s ability to appeal to and mobilize the emotional patriotism of the Russian people. With his regime reeling under the blows of the German blitz in 1941, Stalin sensed that the ideological abstractions and Communist platitudes, which the Party had driven into the minds of its captive domestic audience since its take over in 1918, were relatively barren and did not have the emotional and spiritual impact necessary to fortify the Russian people for their struggle against Hitler’s armies. Therefore, in one of the most dramatic policy turn-abouts in modern history, Stalin systematically set about identifying his Communist regime with "Holy Russia" (and "Mother Russia") its ancient heritage and its accompanying symbolism.
The two Russian institutions with the deepest roots in the past, the Army and the Church, were cultivated by Stalin’s propagandists as never before in Soviet history. The historic accomplishments of Russian armies were glorified. The church hierarchy and class distinctions were returned to pre-revolution standards. Even the official newspaper, "PRAVDA," dropped its Marxist motto, "WORKERS OF THE WORLD, UNITE," and substituted the openly nationalistic slogan, "DEATH TO THE GERMAN INVADER." The ensuing struggle became and is still officially known in Soviet history as "The Great Patriotic War".
Thus we see how even Josef Stalin, one of the most hard-headed dictators of the 20th Century, realized that his conventional military weapons alone, were not enough to meet the challenge of the German armies. In retrospect, we can see that his choice of utilizing psychological operations to augment his conventional military forces, would prove to play a major role in maintaining the survival of his communist regime for so many years.
Having learned the effectiveness of radio broadcasts and leaflets during World War II, the U.S. Army Far East Command's small Special Projects Branch of the Headquarters G-2 (Intelligence) Division, began radio broadcasts and leaflet drops over the Republic of South Korea immediately after North Korea's invasion across the 38th Parallel in June 1950. Later during the fall of that year, the 1st Loudspeaker and Leaflet Company arrived in South Korea. This unit would serve as the 8th Army's tactical psychological warfare unit to the end of the war in 1952.
The 1st Loudspeaker and Leaflet Company used both vehicle and aircraft mounted loudspeakers to get their verbal messages across. However, as in previous U.S. wars, leaflets were still the major medium. Korean War leaflets themes center around the "happy POW." "good soldier-bad leaders," "surrender and you will be well-treated," "we can crush you," and nostalgia for home, family and women.
Psychological Operations were used by both sides. Many G.I.'s may remember the notorious "Hanoi Hannah", who like "Tokyo Rose" of WW II broadcasted a daily radio program where she played music, coupled with the North's view of the news and messages of discouragement to our troops.
The Americans countered with their own radio broadcasts, and leaflet programs.
In Vietnam, the United States conducted air attacks against military and military-related strategic targets partly for psychological effect. The principal psychological objective of these attacks was to persuade enemy leaders to negotiate an early end to the conflicts on terms acceptable to the United States.
These air attacks failed to deter the communists from protracting the fighting for over eight years in Vietnam. In addition to the humanitarian and other constraints the United States imposed on its air operations, various conditions and attitudes in the enemy camp diluted the coercive effects of the U.S. strategic attacks. These included the enemy government's:
access to support and sanctuary from external powers, which allowed the enemy to continue fighting even when its indigenous war-related production facilities had been destroyed.
strong commitment to the objectives or cause that gave rise to the conflict with the United States.
readiness to absorb enormous human and materiel losses.
ability to maintain domestic support for the war effort and/or sufficient internal security to suppress any potential opposition.
perception that the likely benefits from continued conflict would exceed the costs resulting from the U.S. bombing.
After having already made what it considered to be its maximum feasible concessions in the Vietnam peace talks, the United States resorted to escalation or threatened escalation to bring the negotiations to closure.
Severe U.S. escalation or threatened escalation was required to extract comparatively modest concessions from both enemies. In Vietnam, Washington had to employ massive B-52 and fighter-bomber strikes on Hanoi and Haiphong to force the communists to complete a peace agreement, the key provisions of which they had already accepted.
The communists agreed to terms only after their military forces on the battlefield had been stalemated. Prior to the settlements, the communist forces in Vietnam had mounted major offensives, the defeat of which left them no prospects for immediate further military gains.
Operation Just Cause - Panama
At H-Hour, 1-508th Abn had the mission of securing Ft. Amador, an installation shared by the U.S. and Panama Defense Force (PDF). Because of the need for OPSEC, American dependents could not be evacuated in advance of the attack. This complication, and the requirement to minimize enemy casualties and physical damage, made PSYOP loudspeaker teams, from the 1st Bn, 4th PSYOP Gp, a key asset. The battalion sealed off the PDF portion of Ft. Amador and ensured that all noncombatants were safe. After daylight, the task force set about systematically securing the area. When initial appeals failed to persuade the PDF to surrender, the commander modified the broadcasts. The holdouts were warned that resistance was hopeless in the face of overwhelming firepower and a series of demonstrations took place, escalating from small arms to 105mm howitzer rounds. Subsequent broadcasts convinced the PDF to give up. The entire process allowed Ft. Amador to be secured with few casualties and minimal damage.
The Gulf War
The Gulf War brought a whole new meaning to the use of multimedia in psychological operations. Radio and TV broadcasts, leaflets, and loudspeakers used the themes of Arab brotherhood, allied air power, and Iraqi isolation to induce large numbers of enemy soldiers to desert. One of the most effective tactics involved the dropping of leaflets on a particular unit, informing it that it would be bombed within twenty-four hours and had to surrender to avoid destruction. Over a seven-week period, 29 million leaflets of more than 100 different leaflets were disseminated, reaching approximately 98% of the 300,000 troops. Click here for some examples of Gulf War leaflets.
The 4th PSYOP Group began broadcasting the "VOICE OF THE GULF" radio network on 19 January 1991. It operated continuously through 1 April 1991 with more than 210 hours of live broadcasting and 330 hours of prerecorded programs. A total of 2072 news items were aired along with 189 PSYOP messages. The VOICE OF THE GULF network consisted of a 50 KW AM transmitter located at Abu Ali, Saudi Arabia broadcasting on AM 1134; a 10KW AM transmitter located at Qaisumah, Saudi Arabia broadcasting on AM 1179; a 1KW FM transmitter located at Qaisumah, Saudi Arabia broadcasting on FM 87.5 and two Volant Solo EC-130 aircraft of the 193rd Special Operations Group broadcasting on AM 690 and FM 88.5 and 87.9.
Of course like some of the other big wars, Iraq chose to use a woman, "Baghdad Betty", to conduct propaganda broadcasts to deter and disillusion their enemy. Unfortunately for Iraq, they forgot that a truly effective psychological warfare program must have the input of highly-qualified clinical psychologists "who specialize in the unconscious dynamics of human behavior and motivation'' and who are knowledgeable about the "values and customs of different cultures.'' Such expertise is essential to the "selection of a culturally appropriate and effectively persuasive concept and value-based theme" that is the heart of any PSYOP. In one of her first broadcast Baghdad Betty warned the American soldiers listening that while they were in the desert of Saudi Arabia, their wives and girlfriends were sleeping with Tom Cruise, Tom Selleck and Bart Simpson. Now it was ridiculous enough to infer that our wives and girlfriends would be seduced by two movie stars but by their failure to do thorough research on the American culture, Betty lost any chance of credibility by telling our servicemen that a cartoon character was seducing our women back home.
During Desert Storm the 4th PSYOP Group fielded 71 Tactical loudspeaker teams. These teams provided support to USARCENT (both XVIII Airborne Corps and VII Corps), USMARCENT and USSOCCENT. Loudspeaker teams broadcast surrender appeals, harassment and deception tapes. Most loudspeaker teams had Saudi Arabian, Egyptian or Kuwaiti linguists attached to execute live broadcasts as the situation dictated. Loudspeaker teams were also innovatively employed for prisoner control at the EPW camps with broadcasts designed to accomplish prisoner pacification and underscore Military Police authority.
One of the best examples of the successful use of loudspeakers occurred during the Gulf War. The allied coalition effectively isolated, both physically and psychologically, a large element of Iraqi forces on Faylaka Island. Rather then reduce the island by direct assault, a tactical PSYOP team from the 9th PSYOP Battalion, aboard a UH-1N helicopter, flew aerial loudspeaker missions around the island with cobra gunships providing escort. The message told the adversary below to surrender the next day in formation at the radio tower. The next day 1,405 Iraqis, including a general officer, waited in formation at the radio tower to surrender to the Marine forces without a single shot having been fired.
How successful was the US PSYOP campaign in Desert Storm? The International Red Cross reported that nearly 87,000 Iraqi soldiers turned themselves over to coalition forces, most of them clutching the leaflets or hiding them in their clothing. All incidents of surrender were bloodless. Perhaps the best testimony to the effectiveness of PSYOP was given by an Iraqi General when he stated that:
"PSYOP...was a great threat to troop morale, second only to the coalition bombing campaign."
Thus, psychological operations are coming of age. We saw from historical examples, how Tactical, Strategic and Consolidation PSYOP can cover the short-range, long-range and recuperative phases of warfare, to reduce enemy morale and combat effectiveness; to promote dissension within and defections from enemy ranks; to support cover and deception operations; and to promote unity, cooperation and morale within our own military and those of our allies, and to provide meaningful domestic assistance to less fortunate groups and communities.
Why then , you may ask, has the value of psychological operations taken so long to receive general recognition, and why is it full potential yet to be realized?
Part of the answer to this question was covered earlier in our presentation, when it was discussed that although psychological operations has been utilized by various military leaders over the centuries, it has only been recently with the major advances in behavioral sciences and mass communications that PSYOP has come into its own as an effective weapon system of great potential.
Another part of the answer to this question lies in the attitude of people towards psychological operations. To some, it produces images of government controlled communications/mass media, telling the people only what the government wants them to hear. To others, it raises the horrid specter of Joseph Goebbels, Hitler’s Propaganda Minister, practicing the technique of the "big lie" which has incorrectly become synonymous with "propaganda". Still to others, the mere mention of "psychological" operations or warfare invokes visions of "mind control" through some mysterious means of brainwashing.
It should be clear that modern psychological operations, or PSYOP, is none of those things. On the contrary PSYOP is not unlike the public advertising that we are all exposed to wherever we go, every day, through all kinds of mass media. However the negative connotation that some people attach to the word psychological" prevents many people from recognizing the simple truth. Everyone knows that if you do not have a good product to sell, people will not continue buying it, no matter how much you advertise. The same applies to the points of view advertised through the use of psychological operations. Thus we have no reason to fear PSYOP, but we do have ample reason to respect it for what it can do.
By the application of sound PSYOP techniques, through face-to-face communication and mass media communications, we have demonstrated , time and time again, that we can appeal to the intelligence, reason, and emotions of our target audience to get them to think and act as we desire. If these people are shooting at us, we can persuade them to lay down their arms. If they fear us, we can convince them that they have nothing to fear. If they are belligerent and uncooperative, we can show them the value of unity and cooperation. Lastly and most important, the utilization of PSYOP can prevent needless bloodshed, destruction and misery. That is why we say, with conviction, that psychological operations, or PSYOP, is truly a humane weapon.
Today, Psychological Operations are a vital part of the broad range of U.S. political, military, economic and ideological activities used by the U.S. government to secure national objectives. The mission of providing Psychological Operations for the U.S. Military today rests with the U.S. Army's Civil Affairs and Psychological Operations Command at Fort Bragg, North Carolina.
Posted on Wednesday, November 29, 2006
Se oggi gli Italiani vogliono ritrovare la loro anima rinascimentale e romana, devono riscoprire un’unità politica vera, non quella ingannevole proposta dal potere. Devono costruire un rapporto col mondo orientale ed ebraico diverso da quello perseguito dalle potenze occidentali che sono l’espressione del fondamentalismo cristiano in guerra con quello islamico per il controllo delle fonti energetiche. L’Italia è l’unica potenza europea dalla quale dipende il destino di tutte le altre Nazioni mediterranee e quindi deve avere il coraggio di fare scelte coraggiose, di ricominciare a fare la storia, perché dalla nostra debolezza nasce l’arroganza e l’arbitrio degli altri i quali anche se meno dotati di noi in termini civili e umani pur di sopravvivere e di continuare a regnare non ci penseranno due volte a buttare nella spazzatura i valori veri della giustizia e dell’umanesimo latino, esercitando contro di noi la violenza più bruta e distruggendo quel poco che ancora resta della nostra intelligenza e della nostra cultura."
"Arturo Reghini in un suo articolo intitolato “Il patriottismo della massoneria italiana†apparso sulla rivista Atanòr nel 1924, per rispondere ai velenosi attacchi dei gesuiti contro la massoneria accusata di tenere le fila del movimento internazionalista ai danni dell’Italia, dimostrò con dati di fatto che, a differenza di alcuni ordini religiosi, la massoneria italiana dava garanzie di italianità e di fedeltà agli ideali risorgimentali, senza venir meno ai suoi fondamenti iniziatici.(vedasi: Roberto Sestito, Storia del Rito Filosofico Italiano, FirenzeLibri 2003)."
Posted on Sunday, December 3, 2006
Posted on Wednesday, November 1, 2006 i just want to say thank you for everything youre helping to expose. youre doing a fantastic job leo. dont listen to the haters out here. youre helping me to finally draw alot of conclusions to the lines ive had already in place. keep up the good work and may god bless you and keep you safe as he has done for me.
ive had my own experience with the oto when i was younger and your words ring true. ive written about it before in the old forum . and i will be again writting an article on it soon to help take some of the heat off of you. so just hang in there. the truth is boyant and it will rise to the surface.
i recieved some tattoos in my ordeal with the oto. i was wondering if you could shed some light on the imagery. ive recently been told i pretty much have a incantation from the egyptian book of the dead on my back. I know the evil of these groups i have seen them kill with sigils from afar. i am aware of the work they do for satan. i think thats why its not as hard for me to grasp what youre saying. i just want to say that if you put this letter on your site like you did my last one, please remove the url's to the tattoos as they were given to me by the order and i dont need them tracking me down, or making sigils for myself or my family. thank you leo and god bless you.
ARTICLES 156-165 Posted on Friday, December 1, 2006 Dear Bro Phil, Thats why the most prominent families from the European aristocracy who slowly sold out Europe to the Vatican Satan and the Zionist elite starting from the 17th century ended up getting married with eachother and moving to the American colonies so to keep their status forever and create a new Vatican-Jerusalem Supreme Mafia in the United States that could rule the world in despotism and eventualy create a New World Order under Rome and Jerusalem (Christianity and Judaism) .This was done from the begining at the expense of the aristocratic families who opposed the Vatican or the Zionist plot and money offers, these families were eventualy destined to poverty or simply extintion in the following centuries. At the begining of last century the situation got so bad for some of the aristocratic bloodlines who didnt follow the illuminati Orders that many of them started to marry rich American illuminati in a last attempt to preserve their castles and their status at home in the old continent , but also to get involved with those 13th bloodlines that realy started at that point to rule the scene from the United States. T And to destroy or submit any opponents of the illuminati plan left in the aristocracy (if their were any ) they deliberately created communism,fascism and Nazism to give them the final blow. Some of the Russian aristocrats who actualy were amongst the few in Europe opposing this plot were eliminated or sent to exile in places were the illuminati had full control over them like atheist France home of the Grand Orient. In regards to Diana she was killed because she was with a guy like Dodi that I will not define as a proper muslim but as a infedel doing cocaine , dealing weapons and going with prostitutes only two weeks before his death he basicly deserved to die if you know what I mean especialy after making Diana pregnant (did he think he was fucking a babylonian hore??? ) , well I gave my positive opinion at the time to the Brethern in open Lodge later on for this execution in Paris in full illuminati style. And I tell you more dear Phil there is a connection here with the murder of Princess Grace (ordered by the Vatican) was actualy carried out by the corrupt Templars/Secret police forces of the time in Nice (evidence of Tempar infiltration and manipulation in Nice at that time gave even birth to a big scandal later well documented on the french press of the early 80's ) , Templars secretely controlled by illuminati Freemason Grand Masters like Jean Pierre Giudicelli , known for his links with the P2 and the Jesuits trough Massimo Introvigne were in charge of operations in that area . Helping the French intelligence in this delicate assasination the Canadian intelligence because of the Order of the Solar Temple experiment that unfortunately involved Princess Grace. Michael Jackson in Dubai at the moment trying to save his soul after his perverse years in the illuminati phedophile trap. Posted on Friday, October 6, 2006 Posted on Thursday, November 16, 2006 Picture above our dear illuminati Brother Klaus Shmidt from Baveria on the left and on the right side of the picture the Grand Master of the italian Grande Oriente Federale MW.Bro.Pasquale Cerofolini connected to the P2 and the Vatican Jesuits, in the middle two puppets of this new US show , the so called Regular Grand Lodge of Virginia. Biography Mr. Klaus Schmidt, a Senior Police Officer from the Bavarian State Police with more than 40 years of service, is a veteran of all EU Police Missions in Albania. Mr. Schmidt is a graduate of the Senior Command Course in Germany, the FBI National Academy, the FBI Executives training at Quantico, Virginia and at the University of Princeton, the DEA Commander training and the West Point Leadership and Command training. He studied from 1985 to 1990 Political Science and Sociology at the University of Wuerzburg and was granted a scholarship for the University of Southern California where he graduated the Delinquency Control Institute. He is a Graduate of the Senior Executive Class on Counterterrorism at the College for Security Studies in Germany. Mr. Schmidt held several senior positions within the Bavarian State Police, the German Senior Command College, the European Drugs Unit and at Europol. He served as Commander of the MAPE Mission, Head of Operations with the ECPA-A Mission and Deputy Head of Mission with PAMECA (2002-2004). Mr. Schmidt worked during this period of time as instructor for Special Forces in Bavaria, on federal level and abroad. His main professional experience lies within combating Serious and Organised Crime. For more info investigate : Posted on Thursday, November 16, 2006 Posted on Sunday, December 3, 2006 NOW KHALED SAIFULLAH KHAN can you please explain what is it with this turtle trainer ???? December 3, 2006 | KoussKoussKlan Well its about the way humans psyche works in the metaphisics compared to the much faster way they act in the physical realm. December 3, 2006 | XM Posted on Tuesday, November 28, 2006 at 05:57PM by X M |
MANUALS OF THE BLACK NOBILITY VOL 1 (in the photo Leo when he was still a Knight of Malta,a puppet of the Vatican) "The Book of the Sacred Magic of Abramelin the Mage" No Black,white or Red Magic without Jinns or Angels Im afraid. In The Book of the Sacred Magic of Abramelin the Mage, you can discover the name of all these diabolical entities and come in contact with them or if you are a true illuminati you can finaly at the end of this Ordeal have contact with the Angels , needless to say its very very dangerous to try , and you will be a fool to even try it once if you dont want to end up in hell, or more likely in a mental asylum surrounded by evil illuminati waiting for your psicotic soul. So the ones who end the ritual succesfully to my knowledge are none within the illuminati circles because they all end up being possessed like the Black Nobility of Venice and their evil illuminati Lodges of Martinism and the likes. "A.Crowley tried the Sacred Magic of Abramelin (obviously 666 had to do it! ) and got completely possesed by one of the bigest Jinn Lucifer . This after getting a copy of this rare book (at the time) from Samuel Liddell (or Liddel) "MacGregor" Mathers, born as Samuel Liddell (January, 1854 – November, 1918), a famous magician and Mentor of A.Crowley in the Golden Dawn, Brother Samuel was one of the most influential figures in modern Occultism. He is primarily known as one of the founders of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, a ceremonial magic order whose offshoots still exist today in the dark world of the Nazi illuminati. Is translations of such books as The Book of the Sacred Magic of Abramelin the Mage, The Kabbalah Unveiled, The Key of Solomon The King and The Lesser Key of Solomon were responsible for making what had been obscure and inaccessible material widely available to the non-academic English speaking world and their illuminati slaves." The Golden Dawn had been created by the Metropolitan College of the Societas Rosicruciana in Anglia in London, a Rosicrucian College of illuminati Freemasons from the United Grand Lodge of England. THE BOOK OF THE SACRED MAGIC OF ABRAMELIN THE MAGE, AS DELIVERED BY ABRAHAM THE JEW UNTO HIS SON LAMECH, A.D. 1458. Translated from the Original Hebrew into the French, and now rendered from the latter language into English. From a unique and valuable MS. in the "Bibliothèque de l'Arsenal" at Paris. BY S. L. MAC GREGOR MATHERS, Author of "The Kabbalah Unveiled," "The Key of Solomon," "The Tarot," etc. Published John M. Watkins, London [1900] TABLE OF CONTENTS OF THE INTRODUCTION, By S. L. MAC GREGOR MATHERS. Notice of the "Bibliothèque de l'Arsenal" at Paris.--The Manuscript of the present work known to Bulwer Lytton and Éliphas Lévi.--Similarity between Mejnour's style of instruction of Glyndon in "Zanoni" and that employed by Abra-Melin to Abraham the Jew.--Critical description of the present Manuscript; its style; examples; apparent date.--Abraham the Jew, his era, and occult contemporaries.--His faith and travels.--Abra-Melin.--Place of residence, and family of Abraham the Jew.--Value of this Book to Occult students.--Notable persons with whom Abraham was brought in contact, and for or against whom he worked Magic.--His warnings against the error of changing one's religion, whether Jew, Turk, Christian, or Pagan.--The absolute necessity of unshaken faith in order to produce a Magical effect.--The Author comparatively broad in his views, though unjust to women.--Good advice in other matters given by him.--His counsel of a retired life not borne out by his own history.--White and Black Magic.--Apparent basal definitions of this particular system of Sacred Magic.--Its advantages, especially as regards Abraham's comments on other Professors of Magic he had met.--The employment of a Child-Clairvoyant, necessary or not.--Abraham's intolerance of other Magical systems.--Basis of his system in the Qabalah.--Example of Magical Square of Letters from Third Book, compared with a Pentacle in "Key of Solomon".--General character of these.--Practical Qabalah .--Definitions of the nature of Angels, Elemental Spirits, and Devils, with their differences.--Behaviour toward these, as advocated by Abraham.--Meaning of the word Demon, as distinct from Devil.--Magic in the "Arabian Nights," compared with recipes in Third Book of this work.--Faust and the effects he is said to have produced.--Magic and the Qabalah derived from Egypt; difference between Egyptian and Chaldean Magic.--Value of a Sacred language and one's mother tongue compared.--Pentacles and Symbols-Evocation by the Magic Circle and Licence to Depart-Abraham's Remarks on Astrology.--Notes to this work.--This Introduction written for Occultists only. page xv Appendix A:--Table of Hebrew Letters and English Equivalents page xli B:--Cagliostro's use of a Child-Clairvoyant page xlii C:--Examples of other forms of Angelic Evocation page xliii v ACTUAL TEXT:--TABLE OF CONTENTS OF CHAPTERS. THE FIRST BOOK. The Chapters of the First Book have no separate heading of contents given in the text; while those of the Second and Third Books have. I have therefore here placed those of the Chapters of the First Book in parentheses. PROLOGUE. (The First Book to be considered as introductory to the two others, which form the actual original Magic as taught by Abra-Melin) page 3 THE FIRST CHAPTER. (Abraham's reasons for giving this work as a legacy to his son Lamech) page 4 THE SECOND CHAPTER. (His Father Simon had told him somewhat of the Qabalah.--Of the Magic of Rabbin Moses of Mayence, and how greatly inferior this was to the Sacred Magic of Abra-Melin) page 5 THE THIRD CHAPTER. (Beginning of the Travels of Abraham the Jew.--His going to Mayence in Vormatia (the district under the rule of Worms) to study under Rabbin Moses, for four years.--He then forms a friendship with a young Bohemian Jew named Samuel.--They resolve to travel together to Constantinople, with the intention of afterwards visiting Palestine.--They begin their journey on February 13th, 1397, pass through Germany, Bohemia, Austria, Hungary, and Greece, arriving at length at Constantinople, where they stop two years, and Samuel dies.--Abraham the Jew then travels into Egypt, where he remains four years, afterwards going into the Holy Land, where he remains a twelvemonth.--He there meets a Christian student of Magic with whom he passes on into the wilds of Arabia; but finding no Adept there, Abraham thinks of returning home) THE FOURTH CHAPTER. (He commences his return journey, travelling by Arabia Deserta and Palestine into Egypt.--Here he lodges with an old Jew named Aaron, in a small town called Arachi, situated on the banks of the Nile.--He tells Aaron of his numerous and fruitless travels in search of some Great Adept in Magic.--Aaron informs him that in the desert, not very far from Arachi, there dwells a very learned and pious Mage called Abra-Melin; and that he will find him a guide to shew him the route thither.--Abraham visits Abra-Melin, and finds in him at length the Great and Wise Magician he has so long sought.--He remains with him and studies under him.--Abra-Melin gives him two Books on Magic to copy, which form the basis of the Second and Third Books of this work.--Abra-Melin implies that this true Sacred Magical Science will only remain among the Jews seventy-two years longer.--At length Abraham quits Abra-Melin, and goes to Constantinople, where he is detained by illness for two months.--He returns home by ship to Trieste, and thence through Dalmatia) page 10 THE FIFTH CHAPTER. (Concerning the various Professors of Magical Art, whom Abraham had found in the course of his travels.--Of Rabbin Moses of Mayence.--Of James a Christian of Argentine, and a juggler of a Black Magician called Antony of Prague in Bohemia, and his fearful end.--Of the Magicians in Austria.--Of the Magicians in Greece.--Of a Magician of Ephiba, near Constantinople, who wrote certain numbers on the ground.--Of the Magicians, Simon, and Rabbin Abraham of Constantinople.--Of the Egyptian Magicians, Horay, Abimech, Alcaon, Orilach, and Abimelec.--Of the Arabian Magicians.--Abra-Melin the only truly Great vii [paragraph continues] Adept.--Of a Magician, Joseph of Paris, a Christian who had become converted to the Jewish faith, and whose Magic was after the nature of that of Abra-Melin.--Abraham warns Lamech of the error of renouncing the religion in which a man is brought up) page 15 THE SIXTH CHAPTER. (Errors in the Magic of Rabbin Moses.--The Black Magic of Antony the Bohemian of Prague.--The manner of his death.--Of the Austrian Magicians.--Of the young Sorceress of Lintz, with whom he experimented.--Of the Greek Arts of Magic.--Of the many systems of Magical working, and how that of Abra-Melin was the best; because based on the Wisdom of the Qabalah) page 19 THE SEVENTH CHAPTER. (Abraham prepares to perform the Operation recommended in this work.--He acquires the knowledge and vision of his Guardian Angel; and of the Symbols of Magic like those of the Third Book) page 24 THE EIGHTH CHAPTER. (That he practised Magic with success from 1409 to 1458.--Of the divers persons he healed.--Of the Magical aid he gave to the Emperor Sigismund of Germany; how he lent him a Familiar Spirit; and how he facilitated his marriage.--Of the aid he gave to Count Frederic by making magically an army of 2000 horsemen appear.--How he helped the Bishop of his City.--How he delivered the Count of Varvich (Warwick) from an English prison.--How he aided the flight of Pope John XXIII. from the Council of Constance.--How he forced a person who had stolen from him, while with the Duke of Bavaria, to confess the theft and restore the money.--Of his warnings and prophecies to the Greek Emperor (Constantine Palæologos).How he performed the feat of raising a dead person to life, on two occasions, in Saxonia, and in the Marquisate of Magdeburgh.--How he obtained by Magic, both his marriage and a considerable treasure of money) page 27 viii THE NINTH CHAPTER. (General Advice.--That this Art is founded on the Holy Qabalah.--That all the Signs written in the Third Book are written with the Letters of the Fourth Hierarchy; but that the mysterious words are taken from Hebrew, Latin, Greek, Chaldee, Persian, and Arabic) page 35 THE TENTH CHAPTER. (Warning advice against the deceits of the Devil and the Evil Spirits) page 38 THE ELEVENTH CHAPTER (General Advice) page 40 THE TWELFTH CHAPTER. (Additional advice regarding the communication with the Guardian Angel; and of the use of a Child as Clairvoyant in the Invocation) page 43 THE SECOND BOOK. PROLOGUE. (Concerning the Sacred Magic) page 49 THE FIRST CHAPTER. How many, and what, are the classes of Veritable Magic page 50 THE SECOND CHAPTER. What we ought to take into consideration before the undertaking of this Operation page 52 THE THIRD CHAPTER. Of the Age and Quality of the person who wisheth to undertake this Operation page 55 THE FOURTH CHAPTER. That most Books on Magic be false and vain page 56 ix THE FIFTH CHAPTER. That in this Operation it is necessary to make election neither of time, day, nor hour page 59 THE SIXTH CHAPTER. Concerning the Planetary Hours, and other Errors of the Astrologers page 60 THE SEVENTH CHAPTER. Regarding what it is necessary to accomplish during the first two Moons of the beginning of this Veritable and Sacred Magic page 64 THE EIGHTH CHAPTER. Concerning the two second Moons page 69 THE NINTH CHAPTER. Concerning the two last Moons which must be thus commenced page 70 THE TENTH CHAPTER. Concerning what things a Man may learn and study during these two Moons page 72 THE ELEVENTH CHAPTER Concerning the Selection of the Place page 74 THE TWELFTH CHAPTER. How one should keep oneself in order to carry out this Operation well page 77 THE THIRTEENTH CHAPTER. Concerning the Convocation of the Good Spirits page 81 THE FOURTEENTH CHAPTER. Concerning the Convocation of the Spirits page 86 THE FIFTEENTH CHAPTER. Concerning what you should demand of the Spirits, who are divided x into three different Troops, and convoked on three separate days page 92 THE SIXTEENTH CHAPTER. Concerning the sending them away page 97 THE SEVENTEENTH CHAPTER. What we should answer unto the interrogations of the Spirits, and how we should resist their demands page 98 THE EIGHTEENTH CHAPTER. How he who intendeth to operate ought to conduct himself with regard to the Spirits page 101 THE NINETEENTH CHAPTER. Description of the Names of the Spirits upon whom we may call to obtain that which we desire page 104 THE TWENTIETH CHAPTER. In what manner we ought to carry out the Operations page 123 THE THIRD BOOK. PROLOGUE. (Brief Advice) page 163 THE FIRST CHAPTER. How to know all kinds of things Past and Future, which be not however directly opposed to God, and against His Holy Will page 165 THE SECOND CHAPTER. How to acquire information, and be enlightened concerning every kind of proposition, and all doubtful sciences page 172 THE THIRD CHAPTER. How to cause any Spirit to appear, and take various forms, as of man, of animal, of bird, etc. page 174 xi THE FOURTH CHAPTER. To procure divers Visions page 175 THE FIFTH CHAPTER. How one may retain the Familiar Spirits bound or free, in whatsoever form page 178 THE SIXTH CHAPTER. How to make manifest mines, and push on all manner of work connected therewith page 182 THE SEVENTH CHAPTER. To cause a Spirit to perform all manner of Chemical work and Operations with facility and promptitude, especially as regards Metals page 184 THE EIGHTH CHAPTER. To excite Tempests page 186 THE NINTH CHAPTER. To transform Animals into Men, and Men into Animals. (Also to transform Animals into Stones) page 187 THE TENTH CHAPTER. To prevent all operations of Necromancy and Magic from producing any effect; except the Operations of the Qabalah, and of this Sacred Magic page 190 THE ELEVENTH CHAPTER. To cause to be brought to one any kind of book, and whether lost or stolen page 192 THE TWELFTH CHAPTER. To know Secrets, and especially those of any person page 194 THE THIRTEENTH CHAPTER. How to make a Corpse rise from the Dead, and perform all the Operations xii which the person would do were he living, and this during the space of seven years, through the means of the Spirit. page 196 THE FOURTEENTH CHAPTER. The Twelve Symbols for the Twelve Hours of the Day and of the Night, in order to make oneself Invisible to every person. page 198 THE FIFTEENTH CHAPTER. To cause the Spirits to bring us everything to eat and drink which we may wish, and even everything which we can think of page 201 THE SIXTEENTH CHAPTER. How to discover and take possession of all kinds of Treasure, provided that it be in no way (Magically) guarded page 203 THE SEVENTEENTH CHAPTER. How to fly in the Air and go wherever one may wish page 209 THE EIGHTEENTH CHAPTER. To heal divers Maladies page 211 THE NINETEENTH CHAPTER. For all kinds of Affection and Love page 214 THE TWENTIETH CHAPTER. To excite every kind of Hatred, Enmity, Discord, Quarrels, Contests, Combats, tattles, Loss, and Damage page 220 THE TWENTY-FIRST CHAPTER. To transform oneself, and take divers shapes and forms page 223 THE TWENTY-SECOND CHAPTER. This Chapter is only for working Evil, for with the Signs herein we can cast Spells, and perform every kind of Evil Work. We should not avail ourselves hereof page 225 THE TWENTY-THIRD CHAPTER. To demolish Buildings and Castles page 227 xiii THE TWENTY-FOURTH CHAPTER. To discover Thefts page 229 THE TWENTY-FIFTH CHAPTER. To walk and operate in and under water page 231 THE TWENTY-SIXTH CHAPTER. How to open every kind of lock without a Key, and without noise page 232 THE TWENTY-SEVENTH CHAPTER. How to cause Visions to appear page 234 THE TWENTY-EIGHTH CHAPTER. How to obtain as much gold and silver as one may wish, both to be able to provide for the necessaries of life, and to live in opulence page 243 THE TWENTY-NINTH CHAPTER. How to cause Armed Men to appear page 245 THE THIRTIETH CHAPTER. To make Comedies, Operas, and all kinds of Music and Dances to appear page 246 CONCLUSION. Remarks on these Symbols of the foregoing Chapters page 248 The Order of the First Hierarchy page 260 The Order of the Second Hierarchy page 260 The Order of the Third Hierarchy page 261 THE END. INTRODUCTION, BY S. L. MAC GREGOR MATHERS. WING perhaps to the circumstance that the indispensable "Bædecker" accords only a three or four line notice to the "Bibliothèque de l'Arsenal"; but few English or American visitors to Paris are acquainted with its name, situation, or contents, though nearly all know at least by sight the "Bibliothèque Nationale" and the "Bibliothèque Mazarin". This "Library of the Arsenal," as it is now called, was founded as a private collection by Antoine René Voyer D'Argenson, Marquis de Paulny; and was first opened to the public on the 9th Floréal, in the fifth year of the French Republic (that is to say, on 28th April, 1797), or just a century ago. This Marquis de Paulny was born in the year 1722, died in 1787, and was successively Minister of War, and Ambassador to Switzerland, to Poland, and to the Venetian Republic. His later years were devoted to the formation of this Library, said to be one of the richest private collections known. It was acquired in 1785 by the Comte D’Artois, and to-day belongs to the State. It is situated on the right bank of the Seine, in the Rue de Sully, near the river, and not far from the Place de la Bastille, and is known as the "Bibliothèque de l'Arsenal". In round numbers it now possesses 700,000 printed books, and about 8000 manuscripts, many of them being of considerable value. Among the latter is this Book of the Sacred Magic of Abra-Melin, as delivered by Abraham the Jew unto his son Lamech; which I now give to the public in printed form for the first time. xvi Many years ago I heard of the existence of this manuscript from a celebrated occultist, since dead; and more recently my attention was again called to it by my personal friend, the well-known French author, lecturer and poet, Jules Bois, whose attention has been for some time turned to occult subjects. My first-mentioned informant told me that it was known both to Bulwer Lytton and Éliphas Lévi, that the former had based part of his description of the Sage Rosicrucian Mejnour on that of Abra-Melin, while the account of the so-called Observatory of Sir Philip Derval in the "Strange Story" was to an extent copied from and suggested by that of the Magical Oratory and Terrace, given in the Eleventh Chapter of the Second Book of this present work. Certainly also the manner of instruction applied by Mejnour in "Zanoni" to the Neophyte Glyndon, together with the test of leaving him alone in his abode to go on a short journey and then returning unexpectedly, is closely similar to that employed by Abra-Melin to Abraham, with this difference, that the latter successfully passed through that test, while Glyndon failed. It would also be especially such experiments as those described at length in the Third Book, which the author of the "Strange Story" had in view when he makes Sir Philip Derval in the MS. history of his life speak of certain hooks describing occult experiments, some of which he had tried and to his surprise found succeed. This rare and unique manuscript of the Sacred Magic of Abra-Melin, from which the present work is translated, is a French translation from the original Hebrew of Abraham the Jew. It is in the style of script usual at about the end of the seventeenth and beginning of the eighteenth centuries, and is apparently by the same hand as another MS. of the Magic of the famous Picatrix 1 also in the "Bibliothèque de l'Arsenal". I know of no other existing copy or replica of this Sacred Magic of Abra-Melin, not even in the British Museum, were there is an enormous collection of Occult Manuscripts I have studied. The provenance of the manuscript The grimoire is framed as a sort of epistolary novel or autobiography in which Abraham of Worms describes his journey from Germany to Egypt and reveals Abramelin's magical and Kabbalistic secrets to his son Lamech. Internally the text dates itself to the year 1458 were it was translated by the Black nobility of Venice from the jewish language. All German manuscript copies of the text consist of four books: an autobiographical account of the travels of Abraham of Worms to Egypt, a book of assorted materials from the corpus of the practical Kabbalah (including some which is duplicated in the German Jewish grimoire called "The Sixth and 7th Books of Moses"). and the two books of magic given by Abramelin to Abraham. The well-known English translation by S.L. MacGregor Mathers from the French Manuscript in Paris contains only three of the four books. The Aramaic version in Oxford is limited to Book One, without reference to the further books. The German copies seem to date to the time period in which they internally claim to have been written, namely the 15th century, and of these, the Dresden manuscript is taken by scholars to be the authoritative text. An analysis of the spelling and language usage in the French manuscript indicates that this copy likely dates to the 18th century. Further, it gives few indications of having been copied from an Hebrew original as they claim, for although the author quotes from the Jewish Book of Psalms, the version given is not from the Hebrew; rather, it is from the Latin Vulgate, a translation of the Bible employed by Roman Catholics at that time. Yes the ROMAN CATHOLICS IN VENICE , THE BLACK NOBILITY and the Council of ten. Once again we found a connection with the illuminati in one of the key places for their business and military tecniques in the old days , and thats the magical city of Venice . Lets never forget that Brother Casanova (a Freemason) was arrested at one point because he abused the power of another key text for the evil illuminati, and that text we already mentioned is called PICATRIX a real manual of black magic manipulation like no other , a book you should not even open in front of your eyes if you are a beliveer and want to stay that way. But in the illuminati the Picatrix is used and abused all over the place for their own evil goals. One of the most dangerous black magical formulas of the Picatrix is actualy made to kill people in distant places just by using certain elements and the power of your mind, but in the Sacred Magic of Abramelin the Mage you can do even more because its a book that puts you in direct contact with Lucifer ,Leviathan,Satan,Belial and many many more Jinn , all mentioned by name. I mean what more you want when you can do rituals to literaly cause Armed Men to appear right in front of your eyes using the power of the Jinns, check out againf THE TWENTY-NINTH CHAPTER FOR EXAMPLE: O cause Armed Men to appear. (1) To cause an Army to appear. (2) Armed Men for one's defence., (3) To cause a Siege to appear. ESSENTIAL REMARKS UPON THE FOREGOING SYMBOLS FROM THE SACRED BOOK OF ABRAMELIN THE MAGE: IT is certain that among all the Symbols which I have hereinbefore written down there be many which one can employ for evil (purposes); and I avow that (at first) I intended not to give them here at all; but thereafter I did make reflection in myself that I was working no evil; for often the secret judgments of God permit disgrace, hindrances, infirmities, and other vexing accidents to happen unto Mortals, either to awake them from the lethargy wherein they be sunk so that they recognise not their Creator, or else to give them an opportunity by their afflictions of increasing their merit. And although God can in no way do evil, but always good, nevertheless we cannot deny that occasionally He permitteth the Secondary Causes to act. Now the Executioners and Executors of the Divine justice be the Evil Spirits. Whence I conclude that although it may be in no sense advisable to work Operations for Evil, yet that there may arise, however, certain cases which do admit of and permit the same; as (for example) when it is necessary to save and defend one's own life, or to avert some great scandal or evil, or to prevent offensive acts which might be done against oneself, or to displease God and hurt one's neighbour, as well as in just Wars, and other like cases. Yet it is always best in such instances to govern yourself according to the counsel of your Holy Guardian Angel. I have also written these for the reason that God hath given unto Man free Will both in merit and demerit; for, further, having finished the Operation, if thou shouldest wish (which I pray God not to permit) 1 to operate for Evil and to abuse the Grace which God hath granted thee, the Spirits would be only too ready to give and manifest unto thee the Symbols, and will grant willingly unto thee all that thou shalt demand of them. Concerning this matter I repeat unto thee,--Fear the Lord, love Him, and respect His Commandments with a good heart, and thou shalt live happy and contented upon Earth. If thou considerest maturely what be the essential points of this Operation, thou shalt find that the first point is to make a firm, veritable, and real resolution to live in a truly edifying condition of modesty, and in retirement, as far as it shall be possible for thee so to do. For Solitude is the source of many blessings, such as, to give oneself up to prayer, and unto the contemplation of things Divine; to flee evil conversations and occasions of sin; to live in oneself; and to accustom oneself to continuing a life of such regularity. For if one were to go to present oneself before a King, what would one not do to appear before him with splendour and magnificence; and what diligence and care would not one put in practice to prepare oneself hereunto. Now we must understand that the enjoyment and vision of the Angels of the Lord be infinitely above the Princes of Earth, who in fact are but a vanity, a shadow, and vile dust of Earth. Now if to please these Mortal Princes one would almost commit idolatries; what ought one not to do to appear before the Holy Angels of God who represent the Grandeur of the Majesty of God. Let each one hold for a thing, sure and certain that the Grace which the Lord granteth unto us in giving us this Sacred Science by the means and intermediation of His Holy Angels is so great that none can fitly express it. It is certain that having obtained this Sacred Wisdom thou mayest dispose of it and communicate it unto three friends; but thou must not exceed this Sacred Number of the Ternary, for in such case thou wouldest be altogether deprived of it. One of the most meritorious deeds in the sight of the Lord, is to share with one's neighbour the goods which God hath given unto us; yet must we take note of that which God commanded unto MOSES, when He ordered him to--give the Operation unto AARON his brother, namely that he should receive as the Symbol of an Offering Ten Golden Florins, the which he should distribute unto Seventy-Two poor persons with his own hands, obliging them to repeat the Psalms which I have already mentioned in the Second Book, and which should be of the number of Seventy-Two. For if he who receiveth this Operation should not perform this Alms, the Operation would be void of value for him. Thou, not yet having the Authority to give it, without having received the Ten Golden Florins, thou must act like MOSES, unto whom the Lord granted it on this condition, for him to give it unto his brother AARON. I have also described the precautions which we must take before granting this Sacred Science unto any; and I repeat here that at least Six Months should transpire during which we should frequently test, and seek by conversations to sound, the inclinations of him unto whom we may be willing to give it; so as to know whether he be a reliable person, and also the object for which he demandeth and is anxious to obtain this Science. Now shouldest thou perceive that such an one is light and inconstant, and that he hath only vague ideas, and habits and manners which be not good, the shalt thou temporise with him for a time, so as to bring up causes, occasions, or pretexts, so as not to give it unto him, even shouldest thou already have promised it to him. For it is better to undergo the displeasure of a Mortal Man than that of an Eternal God, from Whom thou hast received so great a Grace. I have, however, myself made trial hereof, for to my great wonderment (once upon a time) when I was thinking that I was putting it to good use in giving it unto a certain person for whom I had great respect; God Himself intervened and did not permit my intention to be carried out, for that person began of his own accord to wonder whether the matter were true or no, and he doubted it much, believing that it was a fable, and did not have an entire faith therein; and he made me comprehend by his discourse that he was not such an one as I had thought. Furthermore it happened that he fell dangerously ill, and I in my turn was reprimanded by my Angel who blamed me for the choice I had made. The whole machinery of the Universe is maintained by Faith; and he who believeth not, suffereth the chastisement of his perfidy both in this World and in the next. I could here say much more relating to our own selves, but as thou wilt have to pass under the influence 1 of thy Holy Guardian Angel, thou wilt be sufficiently instructed in his own good time, and by himself, concerning these matters which be both delicate and to be jealously guarded. 2 The Evil Spirit is so subtle, so keen, and so cunning, that that which he cannot obtain at the time of the Conjuration, he will seek. to have on other occasions in offering thee his services. This is why the very first action to take especially with thy Familiar Spirits, should be to command them, never to say anything unto thee of themselves, but only to speak when thou shalt interrogate them, unless it were to warn thee of matters which concern either thine advantage or thine hurt. For if thou dost not limit their liberty of speech they will tell thee so many and so important things, that they will completely overcloud 1 thine understanding, and thou wilt not know what to believe, so that in the confusion of ideas they could make thee prevaricate, and perhaps fall into irretrievable error. Never make thyself to be greatly entreated in any matter wherein thou canst aid and succour thy neighbour, and do not wait until he demandeth assistance from thee, but seek to know to the full his need even though it be concealed, and give him prompt aid. Also trouble not thyself as to whether he be Turk, Pagan, or Idolater, but do good unto all those who believe in a God. Be especially charitable towards those who are in extreme want, prisoners, or sick, and let thine heart be touched, and succour them generously; for God taketh pleasure in beholding the poor succoured. In the Twenty-Eighth Chapter where it is treated of the way to have Silver and Gold sufficient to supply one's needs on occasion; thou must know that the quantity of Gold or of Silver of which thou hast then actually need, will be at once brought unto thee, and thou canst use it for this occasion only. And if thou usest it not within the twenty-four hours, this sum will disappear and thou wilt no longer be able to avail thyself of . it. Think not, however, that this Gold is but a phantasy, for if thou effectually expendest it, and dost not endeavour to hoard the same, he who shall receive it from thine hands can enjoy the same and expend it according unto his desire, and the money will be real both for him and for others. For once only mayest thou demand of thine Holy Angel the amount of Gold and of Silver which thou shalt judge suitable unto thine estate and conditions. My possessions were few, and I demanded of mine Angel Three Thousand Thousand Golden Florins, 1 and they were granted unto me. Later I made such good use of the Sacred Science, and I understood so well how to augment my goods, that at the present time, after having married three Daughters unto each of whom I gave a hundred thousand (golden florins), as thou wilt see by the testament which I have made, I am leaving in current money more than a Million Golden Florins, besides a large quantity of very valuable furniture. Had I been of noble birth I might have demanded much more and have profited less. When any one demanded of me: "Eh! How have you managed to gain so much?" I would reply thereto that it is a fine thing to know by certain Knowledge how much such or such a thing is worth here, and how much it is worth elsewhere, that this year, wheat, barley, and other crops, will be cheap in Italy, and dear in France, etc., etc.; and that commerce well managed, enricheth any one. As for what concerneth the manner of treating and commanding the Spirits, it is an easy thing unto whomsoever walketh by the proper paths; and it is a very difficult thing for whomsoever through ignorance submitteth himself unto them. I have heard say that there be some men who pass for being famous herein, such as a certain blind man D'ACALI, a certain BEARLI, a PETER D'ABANO, and many others. Ah! how many of them do but deceive themselves! I do not say that these men did not perform extraordinary things; but it is necessary to note their manner of working, for their Science is imperfect, and their Authority proceedeth not from God by the intermediation of His Holy Angels, but proceedeth directly from express Pacts made with the Devil, 1 and (acteth) by means of Consecrated Books full of thousands of Diabolical Conjurations and impious Exorcisms; in one word things which be contrary unto the Commandments of God and the peace of men. And with all this their Operations be destined for certain times and hours, and finally the Demon carrieth away with him their miserable Souls, which thing arriveth only too often. And yet it is the Science of these persons which causeth them to pass for famous Wise Men. In the First Book I have made mention of those whom I had encountered in my journeyings in Europe. The true Commandment is that which dependeth from God, and in which there is no dependence placed on any Spirit imaginable, for in employing them, if you make unto them the least submission, the slightest prayer, or honour, you are rendering yourselves their slaves, and they are in no way submitted unto you. The Spirits have so great knowledge that they comprehend very well by our actions what dispositions we have, and understand our inclinations, so that from the very beginning they prepare the way to make us to fail. If they know that a man is inclined unto Vanity and Pride, they will humiliate themselves before him, and push that humility unto excess, and even unto idolatry, and this man will glory herein and become intoxicated with conceit, and the matter will not end without his commanding them some pernicious thing of such a nature that ultimately thencefrom will be derived that sin which will make the Man the Slave of the Demon. Another man will be easily accessible to Avarice, and then if he take not heed the Malignant Spirits will propose unto him thousands of ways of accumulating wealth, and of rendering himself rich by indirect and unjust ways and means, whence total restitution is afterwards difficult and even impossible, so that he who is in such case findeth himself ever the Slave of the Spirits. Another will be a man of Letters; the Spirits will inspire him with presumption, and he will then believe himself to be wiser even than the Prophets, furthermore they will endeavour to lead him astray in subtle points in matters appertaining unto God, and will make (that man) fall into a thousand errors, the which afterwards when he wisheth to support he will very frequently deny God, and His high Mysteries. The causes and matters whereof (the Spirits) will make use to cause a man to waver are infinite, especially when the man attempteth to make them submit to his commands, and this is why it is most necessary to be upon one's guard and to distrust oneself, The true Commandment will be that which will be given when he who commandeth shall have maturely reflected and considered who he is in himself, and who he is who should serve and obey him. And if a Mortal Man not having on his side the support of the Power and Will of the Lord shall have sufficient force to command the Spirits and to constrain them to obey him; (they, namely) who have the same virtue and power, which God hath granted unto them, they having lost nothing hereof; and they also being Spirits from God and herein differing from thee who art drawn from the mire, as Gold is from Lead; and that their sin is notorious, for the which they were chased from Heaven; figure also unto thyself, that a Spirit which of his own nature is all vanity, would not be likely to submit himself unto thee without a superior 256 force (compelling him), neither would he wish to obey thee nor to serve thee. 1 He who shall reflect and reason upon these particulars will know that all things come unto us from God, and that it is He Who wisheth and commandeth that the Evil Spirits should be submitted unto us. If then all things depend from the Lord, upon whom wilt thou, O Man, base thyself so as to be capable of thyself (alone) to dominate the Spirits? It is certain that such an enterprise cannot succeed without the loss of thine own soul. Then it is by the virtue of that God Who hath submitted them under thy feet, that thou shalt command them, as will be precisely ordained unto thee by thy Holy Angel. "Donec ponam inimicos tuos scabellum pedum tuorum." "Until I shall make thy foes thy footstool." Also do not familiarise thyself with them; for they be not little pet dogs. Adopt a serious tone and an air of authority, make them obey thee, and be well ware of accepting the least offer which they shall make unto thee of themselves; and treat them as their Master, also without occasion thou shalt never molest them, and order them to execute thy commands from point to point without adding or diminishing in any way imaginable. And when thou canst employ Inferior Spirits (in a matter), thou shalt in no way make thy requests unto the Superiors. Also seeing that all have not the same powers, thou shalt take heed not to command unto one (Spirit) a thing appertaining unto (the office of) another; and because it would be impossible for me to here write down in full the quality, virtue, and office of each Spirit, thou shouldest search this out for thyself and sharpen thy faculties; and in the first demand which thou shalt make unto the Four Spirits (who are) the Supreme Princes, and unto the Eight Sub-Princes; thou shalt demand the most skilful of the Spirits, of whom thou shalt make a register for convenience of the practice which I describe unto thee in this Third Book where also thou wilt find the Symbols of many Spirits. But seeing that the subjects of various erring humours (of mind) and other occasions which arise daily be diverse, each man will procure for himself those (Spirits) which be of his nature and genius and fit for that wherein thou wouldest employ them. 1 And when thou shalt find an extreme resistance unto operating, on the part of any Spirit, after that thou shalt have given him the necessary instructions, and that he cannot execute that which thou hast commanded him; in such case thou shalt convoke the Superior Spirits and demand of them others which may be better capable of serving thee in thy need. And in all cases thou shalt avail thyself of the power and command of thy Holy Angel. Keep ever continually before thine eyes the Fear of God; and seek to obey His Commandments, and those of thy Holy Angel, ever retain in thine heart his holy instructions; never submit thyself unto the Evil Spirits in the slightest degree even should it seem to be to thine own advantage and unto that of thy neighbour (so to do). For the rest, be certain that they will obey thee so perfectly and really, that there will be no operation however great or difficult it may be, that thou shalt not bring unto a glorious termination; the which I myself also have done. As regardeth the service which thou shouldest render unto thy neighbour in his necessities, thou shouldest perform it with zeal, and in no sense wait for him to ask it of thee, and seek also to comprehend his needs unto the uttermost, so as to be able to take sound action (therein). Thou shalt take heed to succour the infirm and the sick and to work for their healing; and see that thou dost not good works to attract praises and to make thyself talked of in the world. Also thou mayest make semblance of performing (thy cures) by prayers, or by ordinary remedies, or by (the recital of) some psalm, or by other like means. Thou shouldest be especially circumspect not to discover the like matters unto reigning Princes; and in this particular thou shalt do nothing without consulting thy Good Angel; for there is a certain generation which is never contented, and besides that which ariseth from simple curiosity, these Princes regard such (action) as a duty and obligation. Also it is a certain fact that he who possesseth this Sacred Magic, hath no need whatever of them. Further they are naturally inclined to ask of thee always things prejudicial, the which if granted by thee would offend the Lord, and if not they become your declared enemies. Now my opinion (is that it) would be always (preferable) to render them what services you can from a distance. There is nothing which is so pleasing unto the Angels as to demand knowledge from them, and for my part I think there is no greater pleasure than that of becoming wise when one learneth from such masters. I both have exhorted, and do exhort unto a solitary life, 1 which is the source of all good; it is true that it is difficult to accustom oneself thereunto; but once thou shalt have obtained the Sacred Science and Magic the love for retirement will come unto thee of thine own accord, and thou wilt voluntarily shun the commerce with and conversation of men; for the pleasure and contentment thou wilt enjoy when thou shalt be the possessor of this Science will be so great that thou wilt despise all amusements, excursions, riches, and every other thing however attractive such may be. For once only will it be permissible to obtain property and goods proportionate unto thy degree and estate; the which afterwards are to be used by spending them liberally for thine own needs and those of thy neighbour, sharing with him in his necessity the good things which God shall have given (unto thee); for he who should employ these for evil ends shall render himself incapable of obtaining from God any other grace and benefit. The Child which one should choose for greater surety and success in (the acquisition of) this Sacred Science should be born of a legitimate marriage, and its father and mother should be also legitimate. It should be from six to seven years of age, vivacious, and witty; it should have a clear speech and pronounce well. Thou shalt prepare it some time before commencing the Operation and have it ready when the time requireth. I myself am of opinion that there should be two (children) in case of any accident which might happen, through sick ness, or death, or other like (hindrance). Thou shalt gain it over to thee by giving it puerile things to amuse it, and have it ready when necessary, but in no way tell it anything of what it is to serve for, so that if it be questioned by its parents it can tell them nothing. And if it be a well-behaved Child, it is all the better. We may be certain that by this means we can arrive at the possession of the Sacred Science; for where he who operateth faileth, the innocence of the Child supplieth (that which is wanting); and the Holy Angels are much pleased with its purity. We should not admit women into this Operation. All the clothes and other things which have been used during the period of the Six Moons, you should preserve, if you intend to continue in the same house wherein thou hast performed the Operation, because they be always good. But if thou dost not intend to use them more, nor yet the Oratory, thou shalt burn them all, and bury the ashes in a secret place. It is now necessary to give unto thee a little light, and declare unto thee the quality and value of the Spirits, and in what thou canst exactly employ them with surety of success. Thou must however take note that each Spirit hath a great quantity of Inferior Spirits which be submitted unto him. Also I wish to say that as regardeth things base, vile, and of little importance the Superior Spirit will not execute them, but will cause them to be executed by his Inferiors with all punctuality. And this mattereth not unto him who operateth provided that his commands be fulfilled, and that he be punctually obeyed. THE ORDER OF THE FIRST HIERARCHY. (SERAPHIM, CHERUBIM, THRONES. 1) THE Spirits of the Seraphim serve to make thee respected and loved for works of Charity, for that which regardeth honours and other similar things. In matters of great importance they themselves act; but for matters base and carnal, it is their subjects who do serve and operate. THE ORDER OF THE SECOND HIERARCHY. DOMINIONS, VIRTUES, AND POWERS. THE property of the Dominions is to dominate; to procure liberty; to vanquish enemies; to give authority over Princes, and over all kinds of persons, even Ecclesiastics (Jesuits love it ! ). The Virtues are proper to give strength and force in all matters whether of War or Peace; and in all Operations concerning the health of men, and in all maladies for which the fatal hour hath not yet been written. The Powers have the dominion over all the Inferior Spirits; and this is why they can serve in all things in general, good or evil, and they are devoted unto all things in general, good or evil; and they be straight and right in execution, very punctual, very prompt, and exact in their Operations. THE ORDER OF THE THIRD HIERARCHY. PRINCES, ARCHANGELS, AND ANGELS. THE Princes comprise Spirits capable of giving Treasures and Riches, and they or their dependants serve in all the Operations, being a mass composed of different Orders, and they are sufficiently truthful. The Archangels be proper to reveal all Occult matters, and all kinds of secret things, such as obscure points in Theology and the Law. They serve with great diligence. The Angels in general do operate each one according unto his quality. There be an infinite number of them. They command the Four Princes and the Eight Sub-Princes in all kinds of Operations. These latter 1 having taken their oath, observe that which they have promised, provided that the Operation one demandeth of them be in their power. To cause the Spirit to re-enter a dead body is a very great and difficult Operation, because in order to accomplish it the Four Sovereign Princes 1 have to operate. Also it is necessary to take great care, and to pay heed unto this warning, namely that we should not commence this Operation until the sick person is really at the point of death, so that his life is absolutely despaired of. It should be so timed as to take place a little while before the sick person giveth up the ghost; and thou shalt carry out all that we have said hereon in the Second Book. But on no account should we perform this Operation to divert ourselves, nor for every class of person; but only on occasions of the very utmost and most absolute necessity. This Operation I myself have performed but twice in my life, namely once for the Duke of Saxonia, and on another occasion in the case of a lady whom the Emperor Sigismond loved passionately. THE Familiar Spirits are very prompt, and they are able to execute in most minute detail all matters of a mechanical nature, with the which therefore it is well to occupy them; as in historical painting; in making statues; clocks; weapons; and other like matters; also in chemistry; and in causing them to carry out commercial and business transactions under the form of other persons; in making them transport merchandise and other goods from one place to another; also to employ them in causing quarrels, fights, homicides, and all kinds of evils, and malefic acts; also to convey letters and messages of all kinds from one country to another; to deliver prisoners; and in a thousand other ways which I have frequently experimented. These Spirits should be treated according to their quality, and a distinction should be made between a great Spirit and one of a vile or insignificant nature, but thou shouldest nevertheless alway conserve over them that domination which is proper unto him who operateth. In speaking unto them thou shalt give them no title; but shalt address them sometimes as "you," sometimes as "thou"; and thou shalt never seek out expressions to please them, and thou shalt always have with them a proud and imperious air. There be certain little terrestrial Spirits that are simply detestable; Sorcerers and Necromantic Magicians generally avail themselves of their services, for they operate only for evil, and in wicked and pernicious things, and they be of no use soever. He who operateth could, should he so wish, have a million such, but the Sacred Science which worketh otherwise than Necromancy in no way permitteth you to employ such as be not constrained by an Oath to obey you. ALL that hath hitherto been said and laid down should suffice, and it is in no wise to be doubted that he who executeth all these matters from point to point, and who shall have the right intention to use this Sacred Science unto the honour and glory of God Almighty for his own good, and for that of his neighbour, shall arrive with ease at the possession thereof; and even matters the most difficult shall appear easy unto him. But Human Nature is so depraved and corrupted, and so different from that which the Lord hath created, that few persons, if any, do walk in the right way; and it is so easy to prevaricate, and so difficult not to fall in an Operation which demandeth the whole (soul of a) man in (its) entirety. And in order not to intimidate in any way him who shall resolve to undertake this Operation, I am about here to set down in writing the difficulties, temptations, and hindrances which will be caused him by his own relatives; and all this will be occasioned by the Evil Spirits so as to avoid having to submit themselves, and humiliate themselves, and subject themselves unto Man, their greatest enemy, seeing that they behold him in powerful condition arriving at the enjoyment of that Eternal Glory which they themselves have foolishly lost; and their rage is so great and their grief so poignant, that there is in the world no evil which they be not ready to work, if God were to permit them, they being always attracted by the idea of the destruction of the Human Race. Therefore is it necessary to take courage and make a constant resolution to resist in all things with intrepidity, and to earnestly desire to obtain from God so great a Grace in despite of men and of the Demon. Also beforehand thou shouldest arrange thine affairs in such wise that they can in no way hinder thee, nor bring thee any disquietude in the period of the Six Moons, during which time there will occur the greatest possible attempts at assault and damage unto thee which the keen and subtle Enemy will bring to bear upon thee. He will cause thee to come in contact with evil books, and wicked persons, who by Diabolic methods and tricks will seek to turn thee aside from this enterprise, even though it be already commenced, by bringing before thee matters which in appearance will seem of the greatest importance, but which really be only built up on false (and evil) foundations. To such annoying accidents thou shouldest steadily oppose thyself, by following out carefully the ample instructions which I have given thee, thus banishing them from thee with calmness and tranquillity so as to give no chance to the Enemy of exercising his fraudulent tricks to interrupt thee. Thy relations also, astonished at thy manner of life and thy retirement, will make every effort to attempt to find out the reasons thereof. It will be necessary to satisfy them by words full of affection, and to make them think that time which engendereth change, also causeth men who are not altogether ignorant persons to resolve at times to live by themselves. This hath been the cause why so great a number of good and learned men have retired into desert places, so that being separated from their own relatives and from the world they might live tranquilly in prayer and orisons to render themselves more worthy to obtain through the Grace of the Lord a Gift so great and so perfect. I FURTHER approve of thy possessing a Bible in the vulgar language, and also the Psalms of David, for thine own use. Some person may here reply: "I understand the Latin, and I have no need of the common language". I answer him that when we pray we ought not in any way to embarrass the Mind by having to interpret the Psalms; for at such a moment we should be as much united as possible to God; and even the Psalms being in the vulgar tongue when one readeth them they imprint themselves better on the memory; and this is the true manner of particular prayer, if the person praying be illiterate, for in saying the Psalms in Latin he would not know what he was asking of God. IN these Three Books we shall not find the slightest thing which hath not a true and necessary foundation. And we should take the greatest care, and keep ourselves as we would from a deadly poison, from commencing this Operation at all, if we have not made a firm resolution to carry it through unto the end. Because (in the contrary case) some notable evil would befal him who had (carelessly) commenced the Operation, and who would then only too well comprehend that we may not make a mock of the Lord. Should it happen that God by His Will and Commandment should visit thee and afflict thee with some malady which should render thee incapable of finishing the Operation according unto thy wish, thou having already commenced it; then shouldest thou like an obedient servant submit thyself humbly unto His Holy Will and Commandment, reserving His Grace unto the time pleasing unto His Divine Majesty to grant it thee. And thou shalt cease from thine Operation, so as to finish it on another more favourable occasion, and meanwhile thou shalt devote thyself unto the cure of thy body. And such a case ought in no way to afflict thee, for the Secrets of God are impenetrable, and He performeth, permitteth, and operateth all things for the best and for our good, although it may be not understanded of us. HEREINAFTER Will I set down the Key of this Operation, which is the only thing which facilitateth this Operation to enjoy the Vision of the Holy Angels, by placing the Symbols 1 given hereafter upon the brow of the Child and of him who performeth the Operation, as I have said in the First Book, to which one can easily refer. I will say even as much as this, that out of an hundred scarcely five or six persons can attain unto the possession of this Sacred Magic without this Key; for reasons which one can in no way disclose. Also we should repeat the Psalm VI. "Domine, ne in furore tuo arguas me," etc. ("O Lord, afflict me not in Thine Anger"). THERE is nothing in the World which we should so much desire as a true Science, neither is there any more difficult to obtain than this one, because often one dieth before attaining unto it in its entirety. This is the true and only Way of this Sacred Science and Magic which the Lord hath granted unto us by His pure mercy; and is that which in Six Months maketh us attain unto the most high and Occult gifts of the Lord which we can think of. This is the True Science which comprehendeth all other Sciences once one is in possession thereof. Oh! how many books be read among us which seem wonderful! It is not fitting for me even to reveal a part of this Science and its properties; and to appropriate unto myself that which appertaineth unto a person of a great mind and so far above me. 1 In teaching it even, I have far exceeded that which I should have done, in having given unto thee the two last Symbols, but what will not paternal love and affection do? Endeavour only to obey me and to follow out my precepts from point to point, according to the manner in which I have given them unto thee in writing; keeping alway the Fear of God before thine eyes. Also forget not the slightest thing which I have said unto thee in these Three Books, for with the help of God Who ruleth and governeth all things, and reigneth gloriously in Heaven and upon Earth, and Whose Divine justice shineth in Hell; if thou hast recourse unto Him and puttest all thy confidence in His Divine Mercy, thou shalt obtain this Holy Science and Magic whose power is inexpressible. Then, O my Son! and Whosoever may attain thereunto; remember to praise and glorify the Lord, and to pray unto Him that He may be willing to deign and accord unto me His Holy Glory, the place of veritable rest, whereof to me while yet in this Valley of Misery He hath granted a large share through His Goodness and Mercy; and I pray the Lord also that He may be willing to grant it unto thee also with His Holy Benediction, and unto all those who by thy means will arrive at the possession of this Sacred Magic, and who will use it according unto His Holy Will. May God deign, say I, to grant unto such all temporal goods, and a good Death in His Holy Kingdom! Countdown 2012 Leo Lyon Zagami aka Khaled Saifullah Khan We have to lift the veil of the Ancients, November 28, 2006 | X M Caro Zagami, nella breve biografia della tua vita che si trova in questo sito affermi che hai portato a termine il rituale di Abramelin (rischiando anche la vita). Mi potresti aiutare a capire quindi se la conversazione con l'HGA è una cosa da evitare, e poi darmi spegazioni in generale su questo rituale. November 29, 2006 | .:Augoeides:. You are the biggest bore I've ever seen. November 29, 2006 | Aleister Crowley Oh no! another clone of Aleister Crowley! November 29, 2006 | TOPAN wow questi SISMI sono pericolosi ...tutte le informazioni posti sono verissimi November 29, 2006 | KoussKoussKlan As Salam Aleikum, November 29, 2006 | X M And now lets start giving the details of some of these illuminati satanist that ruling our world after what SISMI did earlier. Lets start with P2/GLADIo Agent and Grand Master of the Grande Oriente Federale d'Italia November 29, 2006 | X M al tuo amico Roberto l'ho svigliato alle 4 del mattino ...Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha ...mettecene un po di questi numeri di illuminati , li chiamero tutti , poi possono usare tutta la technologia che hanno non sapranno mai da dove e' arrivata la chiamata ...sono un esperto in queste cazzate November 29, 2006 | KoussKoussKlan Posted on Friday, December 1, 2006 at 09:40PM by X M | Padre Pio and Mother Theresa are Saints not to be confused in any way with the so called Vatican Church Mafia of today a Church they never agreed with in the first place. The Vatican is and always as been, a decadent puppet show of Luciferian forces in the hands of corrupt illuminati Freemasonic Lodges , the Jesuit satanist and the Nazi Zionist, all togheter to establish the Kingdom of their long awaited AntiChrist on earth not a place for true believers to be understood. A man currentely in charge of the White House George W.Bush a monster of true evil the son of a very big Dajal (AntiChrist) indeed and probably the biggest humanity as ever seen from the times of Ancient Egypt George H.Bush a Pharaonic father responsible for a son who has worked for the oppression of the people of this innocent world more then anybody else. A planet corrupt by greed and satanic forces were everybody goes along with it because they are scared to say something (the majority) they enjoy it to much to let it go (the minority)the slave Gods of the end of times this is how illuminati Satanist A.Crowley defined them, Crowley the Beast 666 of the end of times new it very well. We find Rene Guenon also defining as anti-initiatic this power of pure evil of the coming millenium ( and that was more then 50 years ago).Guenon an illustrius Freemason and illuminati openly opposed illuminati Black Magician Crowley and the black magicians of his day and became muslim to avoid being in contact with them. Rene' Guenon anticipated the moments we are living now in many of his publications, reminder of the end of this last faze of the Kali-Yuga as he said many times. Padre Pio opposed openly Freemasonry and sent away a freemason who had the courage to go in front of him is secret but Padre Pio exposed him as a satanist,this is well documented.He also opposed the Vatican Jesuit Mafia and Padre Gemelli,because Padre Pio was a real Saint not to be confused anymore with the Catholic Church of Rome.....always taking the best for themselfs after death obviously not when they are alive unfortunately , a rare case must be admited is Mother Theresa a Saint FUL-STOP. Open your eyes brothers of the Catholic faith to the disgrace of your Church today, We have to observe unfotunately the work of the Beast A.Crowley in order to further understand the present situation of decadence in western Society.Important moments of this totaly Satanic trasformation for the western powers have been the Crowley illuminati Lodge in California in the 40's with Navy Intelligence SMOM PSYOP Founder of Scientology L. Ron Hubbard ,nearly to evil to be even mentioned and A.Parson the ORDO TEMPLI ORIENTIS Lodge Master from NASA. These two worked very much on the Satanic infiltration of American Society. Then we have the Beat Hotel group of CHAOS MAGICIANS or CHORONZON MAGICIANS if you prefer and thats illumianti agents William Burroughs and Bryon Gysin. In 1966 Anton LaVey finaly established the Church of Satan secretely controlled by the Vatican Jesuit Satanist and the 3rd degree Knights of Malta secret satanic elite that celebrates Black Mass in the Vatican since time immemorial And in 1974 his son in law (of LaVey) LT.COL.MICHAEL AQUINO working with George H.Bush created the ultimate SATANIC PSYOP ELITE UNIT the so called TEMPLE OF SET, George H.Bush the husband of Crowley's secret daughter Barbara Bush loves it and supports it in the illuminati circles of Yale University promoting the coming of the AntiChrist. The Black Lodge of the illuminati in the USA as defined in a book on the Church of Satan by illuminati satanist LT.Col.Aquino was then fully formed to take over the world militarly trough their corrupt PSYOP BATTALIONS with close assistance from the High Priest of Lucifer in the Vatican the Jesuit General and the Zionist of the Sinagogue of Satan in Jerusalem. And after all this brainwahing we end up today with our new heroes of the young generations namely Anton LaVey helped George H.Bush for the creation of the Kingdom of the son the AntiChrist. Leo Lyon Zagami a proposito di Padre Pio , io sarei curioso di sapere se hai mai sentito parle di un suo cosidetto erede spirituale !!! si chiama Don Silvia Galli fa parte dei Salesiani ed e'in provincia di Brescia , e' un personnagio abbastanza famoso ed ha sempre lunghe file di visitatori da tutta l'Italia ed anche dal estero ...dunque io sarei curioso di sapere cosa ne sai su di lui e se e' solo un falso chi lavora per Lucifero ho conosciuto tanti buoni sacerdoti in Italia pero di solito qundo la gerarchia viene a sappere che che un tel sacerdote e' labelatto di buono o troppo famoso fra la gente , immediatamente lo mandanno in qualche periferia sperdutta ...come e' succeso ad un certo Don Corrado nella provincia di Milano , era troppo amato dalla gente che la sua gerarchia a avuto paura di una "revoluzione" cosi l'hanno mandato lontano dalla gente ..imagini per esempio che si converta al'Islam o che esponga le menzogne del Vaticano , quanta gente verra con lui , e questo secondo me quel che fa paura al Vaticano .....ho sentito di tante preti che a noi musulmani c'e dicono sotto voce sappiamo che e' la vostra religione quella vera , pero non possiamo smettere di dire messa seno c'e faranno fuore ...a me personnalmente non mi e' mai succeso , pero a tante miei amici musulmani e' capitato , tra questi preti anche uno di Roma ed abbastanza conosciutto.... December 1, 2006 | KoussKoussKlan WE HAVE AROUND 20 CARDINALS THAT HAVE ALREADY SECRETELY CONVERTED TO ISLAM DEAR KHALID AND PROBABLY MORE TO COME UNTILL THE FINAL FALL OF ROME... December 2, 2006 | XM In Sha Allah , Rome and all Italy with it will be mature for Islam , finally..... December 2, 2006 | KoussKoussKlan Posted on Sunday, December 3, 2006 at 09:55PM by X M | MILLENIUM HOTEL , THE RUSSIAN KNIGHTS OF MALTA Scaramella who announced to his close friends yesterday that Documents from a source close to Russian intelligence Valentin Velichko another Knight of Malta, ex-KGB Litvinenko did meet with the Russian Kinghts of Malta Litvinenko deliver this to Berezovsky’s office, but LEO LYON ZAGAMI NOW KHALED SAIFULLAH KHAN Posted on Friday, November 24, 2006 at 03:43AM by X M | 7 Comments
Miles Davis is forever the innovator, not only as a musician, but in other realms. His artistic impressions in oil paintings and sketches have drawn critical acclaim and have been shown in galleries around the world. "Sir" Miles Davis was inducted into the Knights of Malta in November 1988. In November 1984, he received the Sonning Music Award for lifetime achievement in music, and in March 1990, his twenty-fourth Grammy Award, this time for lifetime achievement in music. Miles Davis died in 1991. Monte-Carlo Jazz Festival from November 30 through December 3, 2006 This fall marks the inaugural Monte-Carlo Jazz Festival – a truly impressive international gathering of jazz masters in the opulent surrounds of the Salle Garnier, Monaco’s Opera House. Monaco Dance Forum December 7-16, 2006 Now in its 4th season, the Monaco International Dance Biennial is again proud to renew its commitment to the public by inviting artists from Mozambique, Burkina Faso, the United States, France, Quebec, New Caledonia, Italy, and Spain for eight days of encounters, performances and festivities in the Principality. Monte-Carlo Philharmonic Orchestra Season 2006-2007 Monte-Carlo Philharmonic Orchestra The Monte-Carlo Philharmonic Orchestra, founded in 1856, holds a choice position in the musical world having been led by guest conductors such as Arturo Toscanini, Dimitri Mitropoulos, Bruno Walter, Richard Strauss, Victor de Sabata, Sir Thomas Beecham, Kiril Kondrachin, Raphael Kubelik, Leopold Stokowski, Charles Munch, Sir John Barbirolli, and Eugene Jochum. More recently Leonard Bernstein, Eric Kleiber, Wolfgang Sawallisch, Zubin Mehta, Sir Georg Solti and Lorin Maazel have been regular guests. Exclusive travel auctions to go to Monte-Carlo Opera House Season 2006-2007 Monte-Carlo Opera House Monaco’s landmark Monte-Carlo Opera House has undergone a meticulous restoration. Guided by its rich history and strong sense of place, an expert team of preservationists, architects and artisans adhered faithfully to legendary 19th century architect Charles Garnier’s original design. It reopened on November 19, 2005, following two years of historical research and painstaking restoration at the hands of more than 35 highly specialized firms. Its debut was the highlight of Monaco’s National Day festivities, celebrated with a jubilant performance of Rossini’s “Le Voyage a Reims†directed by Pier Luigi Pizza. Date: Season 2006-2007 Exclusive travel auctions to go to MonacoPhil December 1-3, 2006 At the MonacoPhil 2006 Exhibition, the 100 stamps and philatelic documents among the rarest in the world will be presented to the public at the Stamp & Coin Museum around the Collection of H.S.H. the Prince of Monaco. Posted on Saturday, November 25, 2006 at 02:42PM by X M |
Muslim-Christian Dialogue and Cooperation Thomas Michel, S.J. In any study of the development of Christian-Muslim dialogue in the 20th Century, special attention must be given to the writings and preaching of Bediuzzaman Said Nursi. As one of the first religious thinkers in the course of this century to propose and promote dialogue between Muslims and Christians, Said Nursi’s advocacy of this dialogue dates back to 1911, a full half-century before the Catholic Church’s Second Vatican Council urged Christians and Muslims to resolve their differences, to move beyond the conflicts of the past and to build relations of respect and cooperation. Bediuzzaman’s repeated promotion of Muslim-Christian dialogue is even more striking in that his recommendations frequently date from times of tension and even warfare between Muslim and Christian peoples. As a Christian reading the voluminous writings of Said Nursi, I find many attitudes and viewpoints expressed with which I immediately resonate. I have discovered in the writings of this committed Muslim thinker many points of contact with my own faith in the One and Only God, as well as many areas in which I find myself wishing that I had known the man in person, so that I could have raised questions, pursued further various elements of his teaching, and profited from his responses. My task in this brief presentation is not to survey the broad outlines of the thought of Said Nursi nor to list the many areas where he offered new and valuable insights, but to look precisely at one topic, that of “Muslim-Christian Dialogue and Cooperation in the Thought of Bediuzzaman Said Nursi.†Even at moments of great tension between Christians and Muslims, such as during the First World War and the following years, Said Nursi was a seminal thinker on the question of Muslim-Christian dialogue. His insights are valid for our own reflection, and many of his insights on the subject are only now beginning to bear fruit within the Muslim and Christian communities of believers. Muslims and Christians united in a critique of civilizations One of the main tasks of every community of believers in God is to face the challenges of the age. Every period in history provides its own unique set of challenges, because people of every historical era and each cultural setting continually succumb to the temptation to replace the values of God’s will with those of their own desires. The Christian faith has been marked by Jesus’ confrontation with the evils of his age: the collusion of power and religious leadership, a legalistic mentality that gave greater weight to human legal opinions than to the values of compassion and love, an exclusivist religiosity that provided special privileges to some groups while marginalizing the poor, the outsider, the female, and the individual unversed in religious subtleties. Similarly, Islam carries on the tradition of the struggle of Muhammad against the values of unbelief in the Arabia of his time: the arrogance of those who had no use for God and no belief in eternal life, the idolatrous worship of the traditional cult of jahiliyya times, the oppression wrought by powerful persons upon slaves, women, orphans, the outcast, the wayfarer. Our present age has produced its own challenges to sincere believers in God who seek to do God’s will in all things. These can be summed up in what is usually called “modern civilization.†It is a civilization which is not all evil and has brought many benefits to humanity. Not all of its spiritual values are opposed to God’s will, but it affirms and supports many good human qualities. However, modern civilization can include a way of thinking in which people no longer feel a need for God. Not only can people claim to feel no need to worship, thank, and seek help from God, but often they do not look to God’s Word for guidance and instruction concerning the way to lead their lives. They may choose to follow their own self-conceived philosophies and ideologies. For those who desire to lead their lives in every respect according to God’s will, a critique of modern civilization is an inescapable task. Said Nursi was one of the pioneer thinkers in our century to recognize that the task of formulating a critical approach to the values of modernity is one that should be carried out together by Muslims and Christians. In 1946, shortly after the end of the Second World War, he stated: “Believers should now unite, not only with their Muslim fellow-believers, but with truly religious and pious Christians, disregarding questions of dispute and not arguing over them, for absolute disbelief is on the attack.†(1) For Said Nursi, the enemy of human happiness and ethical uprightness is unbelief, irreligion. It is people deciding to find their own path through life, not seeking Divine Guidance, not caring about God’s will or wise design for humankind, not wishing to give up their own pet desires and ideas to submit to God’s teaching about human nature and destiny. In seeking to affirm a Divinely-guided way of life in the modern age, Muslims find their natural allies in those Christians who are committed to following the teachings of Jesus and who seek to live according to the truth. Facing a common enemy, that of “aggressive atheismâ€, Muslims should unite, according to Said Nursi, “not only with their own fellow-believers, but also with the truly pious Christians.†(2) For such a common effort to succeed, he holds, Christians and Muslims will have to refrain, at least for the some time, from disputes between these two families of believers. In saying this, Said Nursi is not implying that there are no differences between Muslims and Christians or that those differences which exist are not important. There are real and important differences between Christian and Islamic faith. His point, with which I agree, is that concentrating obsessively on these differences can blind both Muslims and Christians to the even more important common task which they share, that of offering the modern world a vision of human life and society in which God is central and God’s will is the norm of moral values. It must not be thought that Said Nursi is some kind of anti-modern traditionalist who seeks to turn back the clock. He recognizes that “there are numerous virtues in [modern] civilization.†(3) These positive values were not solely the products of Europe, but are the property of all and arise from “the combined thought of humankind, the laws of the revealed religions, innate need, and in particular from the Islamic revolution brought about by the shari’a of Muhammad.†With such positive values of modern civilization, religious people have no quarrel. Rather, they accept and rejoice in the benefits this civilization brings to humankind. His nuanced evaluation of modernity is paralleled by a subtle evaluation of the role of Europe as the main exponent of modern civilization (and, of course, America as its most active disseminator.) He is no doctrinaire scorner of things European, but recognizes that its contributions to modern life are ambiguous and require careful discernment. On the one hand, Europe has brought much good to many people but, on the other, it has caused much damage to human life. He considers that various currents of thought in Western history have enabled negative qualities of modern civilization to emerge and sometimes even predominate over the good. Basically, these developments were two. Firstly, Western civilization, according to Said Nursi, became distant and estranged from true Christianity and based its personal and societal views on the principles of an anthropocentric Greco-Roman philosophy which exalted the human person to the center of the universe and pushed God to its margins. Said Nursi held that European societies replaced divinely guided Christian ideals with the philosophical principles of the Enlightenment, focusing on the freedom of the individual, dismissing the formative role and rights of society, and reducing religious faith to a private, personal commitment with no voice in the autonomous spheres of politics, economics, and social relations. Secondly, Western civilization in its unchecked market policies, was based on “appalling inequality in the means of livelihood.†(4) This awareness of the relationship between globalizing market tendencies which divide the world into winners and losers and philosophical presuppositions that favor the rights and aspirations of the individual is an insight of Said Nursi that presages much recent, at the close of this 20th century, post-modern and post-colonial critique of European civilization. The result, from the point of view of those who believe in God, is a Europe which presents a double face - a “good†Europe and a “bad†Europe. As he said in 1933-1934: This negative current, he holds, seeks to destroy both Muslims and Christians by alienating them from the source of spiritual and moral values and by creating enmity between Christians and Muslims. All those who believe in God and seek to promote a theocentric approach to life must recognize the dangers involved: “It is essential,†he states, “that missionaries, pious Christians as well as Nurcus, be extremely careful, for with the idea of defending itself against the attacks of the religions of Islam and Christianity, ‘the current from the North’ will try to destroy the accord of Islam and the missionaries.†“The current from the North†is an obvious reference to the Soviet Union, and it is not by accident that these words of Said Nursi date from 1945-1946, a time when atheistic communism was extending its rule throughout Eastern Europe. In his view, modern civilization is the product of various sources and results in a value system which, despite its evident good qualities, is often in contradiction with Divine teaching. Not all the sources of modernity were human; some appear to be the result of demonic inspiration. In his commentary on the Qur’anic verse, “O People of the Book! Come to a common term between us and you,†he stated: “Modern civilization, which is the product of the thought of all mankind and perhaps the jinn as well, has taken up a position opposed to the Qur’an, which individuals and communities have failed to dispute.†(6) In this situation, the Qur’anic injunction to come to a ‘common term’ with the People of the Book carries the meaning of Muslims and Christians coming to a mutual awareness that as communities founded on faith in God, they have a common mission to bear witness to Divine values in the midst of modern civilization. Far from being divided by a supposed ‘clash of civilizations’, they are called to work together to carry on a critical civilizational dialogue with the proponents of modernity. Tensions between Christians and Muslims It is a sad fact of human history that Christians and Muslims, despite their communitarian nature as peoples (umam) called to worship and obey the One and Same God, have often been in conflict and even at war with one another. They have seen one another as enemies to be resisted and overcome. Energies which should have been employed to cooperate in the establishment of God-centered societies have been dissipated in mutual suspicion, domination, and bloodshed. Writing at a time of serious tensions and massacres between the two communities at the end of the First World War, Said Nursi offered a way out of this historical impasse. In the early years of the turkish Republic subsequent to the First World War, some Kurdish tribesmen in Eastern Anatolia found the idea of freedom for Greeks and Armenians repugnant, and they asked Said Nursi’s advice. His answer not only affirmed the right to liberty of these Christian peoples as something commanded by the shari’a, but went farther to turn the question back on the tribesmen, challenging them to recognize the deeper problem as one that lay at the heart of their own ignorance and hard-heartedness. He said, “Their freedom consists in leaving them in peace and not oppressing them, for this is what the shari’a enjoins. More than this is their aggression in the face of your bad points and craziness, their benefiting from your ignorance.†(7) He went on to state that the real enemy is not this or that group of Christians, but rather the situation of degradation into which all had fallen. As he said, “Our enemy, that which is destroying us, is A_a Ignorance, his son Poverty Effendi, and grandson, Enmity Bey. If the Armenians have opposed us in hatred, they have done so under the leadership of these three corrupters.†(8) The message of Said Nursi is as valid for our own day as it was when he wrote these words almost 80 years ago. At the root of tensions and conflicts between Muslims and Christians today lie not so much the evil nature of the other as our own egoistic desires to dominate, control, and retaliate. In this sense, the freedom of others from these “dark forces†is a part of our own freedom or, as Said Nursi put it: “The freedom of non-Muslims is a branch of our own freedom.†(9) The reward of innocent martyrs The second decade of this century was one of the most disastrous in the history of Anatolia. “Between 1914-1923, 20% of the Anatolian people died. In some eastern provinces, one-half of the inhabitants died and an further one-half of the survivors were refugees.†(10) As the historical demographer J. McCarthy notes, “No other country suffered in the period of World War I as did Anatolia. The ‘lost generation’ in England, France, and Germany was a real and terrible loss. Yet the total populations of the United Kingdom and Germany actually rose between 1911 and 1922, while that of France only declined by one percent. The Anatolian population fell by more than 30% - 10% were emigrants, 20% died.†(11) The secondary causes of war - disease, starvation, and exposure - accounted for a greater number of victims than did battles, raids, and massacres. Writing during one of the most tragic periods in the history of Anatolia, Said Nursi could not ignore the reality of the deaths of so many innocent persons. It is to his great credit that he rose above sectarian loyalty to address the question of innocent Christians as well as Muslims who fell victim to the times. “Even if those innocent people were unbelievers,†he stated, “in return for the tribulations they suffered due to that worldly disaster, they have such a reward from the treasury of Divine mercy that if the veil of the Unseen were to open, a great manifestation of mercy would be apparent in relation to them and they would declare, ‘O Lord, thanks be to You! All praise belongs to God.’†(12) Said Nursi noted that he was moved to intense compassion and pity when he saw the sufferings of innocent people, and he was “touched strongly by the afflictions, poverty and hunger visited on unfortunates as a result of mankind’s disaster and the winter cold, as well as by a harsh non-physical, spiritual cold.†He held that those innocent people who died in such circumstances “were martyrs of a sort, whatever religion they belonged to,†and that “their reward would be great and save them from Hell.†“Therefore,†he concluded, “it may be said with certainty that the calamity which the oppressed among Christians suffer, those connected to Jesus (Upon whom be peace) a sort of martyrdom for them.†(13) Not all those who died during the war years were innocent of wrongdoing. Those who oppressed others and perpetrated evil against their neighbors, declared Said Nursi, will be punished by God. By contrast, he adds, “If those who suffered the calamity were those who hastened to assist the oppressed, and who strove for the welfare of humanity, and struggled to preserve the principles of religion and sacred revealed truths and human rights,†their rewards will be so great from God as to completely transcend their earthly sufferings. This willingness to understand and empathize and with both the sufferings and the goodness found in persons of other religious communities is the sign of an honest man guided by Divine teaching. Too often the vision of a religious individual does not go beyond the trials and accomplishments of one’s own community. In this context, the attitude of Said Nursi towards the Christian “martyrs†of his time presages the 1969 attitude of Pope Paul VI concerning the Muslim martyrs in Uganda. Referring to those Ugandan Christians who gave their lives in the last century rather than renounce their faith, the Pope called the attention of his hearers to the fact that there were also many Muslims in that country who chose death rather than betray or compromise their Islamic faith. These too, he held, are true martyrs and witnesses to faith in God. Peace, reconciliation, and friendship between Muslims and Christians Said Nursi was aware that Muslim-Christian relations were not limited to an alliance of believers in critically confronting the dangers of modernist ideology, to the resolution of conflicts, and to empathizing with innocent victims, but should move in the direction of peace, reconciliation, and even friendship. Five years before his death, in supporting the Baghdad pact, he noted that an advantage of the pact was not only that Turks would gain 400 million brothers and sisters among Muslim peoples, but that the international accord would also gain for Muslim Turks “the friendship of 800 million Christians†(14) and be a step toward a much-needed peace and general reconciliation between the two communities of faith. In his final years, Said Nursi exerted his personal efforts at building reconciliation and friendship with Christians. In 1950, he sent a collection of his works to Pope Pius XII in Rome and received in reply, on 22 February 1951, a personal letter of thanks. One observer notes that it was only little over ten years later that, at the Second Vatican Council, the Catholic Church proclaimed its respect and esteem for Muslims and asserted that Islam was a genuine path of salvation. (15) In the same way, a few years later in 1953, Said Nursi visited the Ecumenical Patriarch Athenagoras in Istanbul to seek cooperation between Muslims and Christians in the face of aggressive atheism. Many years before in 1910-1911, Said Nursi was questioned concerning his desire to build relations of friendship with Christians. He was confronted with the restrictive interpretation that some Muslims had placed on the Qur’anic verse: “O you who believe! Do not take the Jews and the Christians for your friends and protectors†(5: 51). In the light of this verse, he was asked, why did he say that Muslims and Christians should be friends? His answer is instructive, not only for understanding Said Nursi’s desire to encourage love and friendship between Muslims and Christians, but for his approach to Qur’anic interpretation. In his view, the Qur’anic proscription is not general but absolute and, as such, can be restricted. “Time,†he states, “is a great interpreter; if it determines its limits, it cannot be gainsaid. That is, when a matter becomes clear in the course of time, one cannot object to it. Moreover, if the judgment is based on derived evidence, the source of the derivation shows the reason for the judgment.†In applying this principle to the interpretation of this verse, he holds that the prohibition from friendship with Jews and Christians is effective only when they reflect Jewishness or Christianity. But, he concludes, just as not all of the characteristics of an individual Muslim necessarily reflect the teaching of Islam, so also, not all of the qualities of individual Jews or Christians reflect unbelief. If Muslims find in a Jew or Christian qualities that are in agreement with Islamic teaching, they should consider those qualities praiseworthy. It is those good qualities that form the basis for friendship with Jews and Christians. “Can a Muslim love a Christian or Jew?â€, he asks and in answer gives as example a man married to a woman of the People of the Book. “Of course, he should love her.†(16) His argument is based on the very fact that the Qur’an permits a Muslim man to marry a Jewish or Christian woman presumes that he can and should love her. Return of Jesus In no area is interpretation more difficult than those passages of sacred writings which speak of the future and the coming age. Such passages, whether one is speaking of Qur’anic verses which point to the approach of the Hour of Judgment or of apocalyptic writings in Christian Scriptures, are customarily clothed in difficult and complex symbolism and obscure allusions. Interpreting such passages demands the discipline of an interior grappling with the text by an interpreter soundly grounded in faith. Otherwise, the interpreter can be easily led astray by his own preconceptions and prejudices. We see Said Nursi employing this careful regimen in his efforts to interpret in the context of our century the hadith reports of Muhammad that relate to the return of Jesus before the Final Hour. He accepts the soundness of these hadith reports and awaits the return of Jesus. “Since [God] promised it, He will most certainly send him.†(17) At this historical time, Jesus, like Idris, is present in the heavens in his earthly body. (18) But at the end of time, Jesus will return to earth to fight and kill the Dajjal. The meaning of these hadith, he says, must be understood in terms of the concept of collective personality, that of an individual person who represents in himself a community of individuals. “The Christian religion,†he states, “will be purified and divest itself of superstition in the face of the current of unbelief and atheism born of naturalist philosophy and will be transformed into Islam. At that point, the collective personality of Christianity will kill the fearsome collective personality of irreligion. Representing the collective personality of Christianity, Jesus will kill the Dajjal, who embodies the collective personality of irreligion. That is, he [Jesus] will kill atheistic thought.†(19) Said Nursi foresees two great threats to religion, two currents of unbelief represented by the evil figures of Sufyan and Dajjal. The first, that of Sufyan, will seek to destroy the shari’a of Muhammad and will be defeated by the Mahdi from the family of the Prophet. The second, represented by Dajjal, will promote naturalist and materialist philosophy and lead to the total denial of God. Both will work through secret societies to subvert God’s reign over human hearts and eliminate the element of the sacred in social life. (20) It is against this second current which the true, purified Christianity, which comprises the collective personality of Jesus, will emerge. The true Christianity will reject superstition and distortion and be in unity with Islamic teachings. In effect, wrote Said Nursi, “Christianity will be transformed into a sort of Islam.†(21) It is not necessary that everyone recognize Jesus when he returns. Said Nursi believes it more likely that only those who are true believers and close to Jesus will know him to be the true Jesus, but it will not be generally evident to all. What is more important is that the Dajjal, symbolizing atheistic currents in humanity, will be a huge and powerful opponent who will deceive many with promises of a false paradise, alluring amusements, and the varied enticements of civilization. It is impossible for the reader of Said Nursi’s descriptions of the Dajjal not to find allusions to the vast empire of the former Soviet Union as well as to the secular hegemony of European nations. However, he looks forward to the day when the true religion of Christianity will emerge and spread its light to many to fight against the secret societies of Sufyan and the Dajjal. This purified Christianity he describes as “a zealous and self-sacrificing community known as a Christian community but worthy of being called “Muslim Christians.†It will work “to unite the true religion of Jesus with the reality of Islam. In killing the Dajjal of rampant atheism, it will save humanity from godless destruction.†Thus, the kind of purification that Said Nursi expects to occur in Christianity seems to be not that of Christians abandoning their religion in order to enter Islam, but rather an inner transformation and completion of what they already have that is good. He states: “The Qur’an does not order you to abandon your religion completely. It proposes only that you complete your faith and build it on the fundamentals of religion that you already possess. The Qur’ a modifier and perfecter of basic principles. As for its nature as establisher, this only concerns such details as are subject to change and alteration because of differences of time and place.†(22) Conclusion In all this, Said Nursi offers original and thought-provoking insights on Muslim-Christian dialogue and cooperation. His central thesis is that Muslims and Christians together can built a true civilization according to God’s plan in which human dignity, justice, and fellowship will be the norm. This is possible if they seek to ground their mutual relationships on love. In his famous Damascus Sermon, he states that the Fourth Word on which civilization is to be built is love. “The thing which is most worthy of love,†he states, “is love, and that most deserving of enmity is enmity. It is love and loving - that render people’s social life secure and that lead to happiness - it is these which are most worthy of love and being loved.†(23) “The time for enmity and hostility is finished,†(24) he concludes. This call to love, even across the boundaries of one’s religious community, still rings true today. Events which have occurred in our world since Said Nursi first delivered his Damascus Sermon in 1911 have underlined the importance of this message: two World Wars, conflicts between India and Pakistan, massacres in Rwanda and Burundi, the plight of the Palestinian people, the destruction first of Bosnia and now of Kosova, and so many other bloody conflicts around the world remind us that love is the only solution to fratricidal destruction. The world still looks to Muslims and Christians as two communities of faith founded on the Loving and Compassionate God to show the way to love as the Divine Alternative to hatred and war. Thomas Michel, S.J. 1Emirda_ Lahikas_, i, 202 (190). ARTICLES 166-175 MY 9/11 CONFESSIONS 9/11 was executed and operated by the Knights of Malta of the GLADIO division for the Vatican illuminati, the Jesuits and the Jewish Zionist families of the NEW WORLD ORDER - FULL STOP 9/11 A FRESH START FOR AMERICA...THE END OF TIMES! PS: YES OSAMA IS JUST A BRAINWASHED CIA ILLUMINATI IDIOT NOT A TRUE MUSLIM PUT IT IN YOUR HEADS ONCE AND FOR ALL AMERICANS! Posted on Wednesday, November 1, 2006 at 09:19PM by [Your Name Here] |
MESSAGES RECEIVED ON CONSPIRACY CENTRAL FROM A GUY SIGNING HIMSELF AS AN MP AND FREEMASON FROM LONDON ENGLAND : "Leo Young - you are not in the illuminati, nor do I believe you ever were... I suggest you look at other philosophies and try to find a way to get out of the rut you are in. Your attitude suggests to me that you have a problem with feeling worth in yourself, and no amount of crusading is going to fix that". "I have been a seeker of truth for most of my life, and what I've learned is that the most dangerous thing a person can do is to say nothing, or to say too much. You, compadre, are saying too much and you need to slow down before you burn out. Feel the bastard love ". GEORGE GALLOWAY MP MY ANSWER: I will try George to feel that bastard love but remember my dear MP that Im an aristocrat and Im even related to your Queen! SO CHILL OUT AND TAKE IT EASY BECAUSE SHE STILL OWNS THE LAND YOU ARE WALKING ON...and your beloved Tony Blair is another slave of the illuminati working for SATAN who went to Bohemian Grove in front of the most evil Jinn to sell his soul to the devil ! But I compliment you for your job dear Bro.George as an illustrius rappresentative of the city of my mother were I have been living nearly ten years of my life...though I left because but dear Brother why dont we talk about our common enemy in the P2 , a guy Im sure you dont support Ledeen has gained notoriety in recent months for the following paragraph in his latest book, The War Against the Terror Masters. In what reads like a prophetic approval of the policy of chaos now being visited on Iraq, Ledeen wrote, Creative destruction is our middle name, both within our own society and abroad. We tear down the old order every day, from business to science, literature, art, architecture, and cinema to politics and the law. Our enemies have always hated this whirlwind of energy and creativity, which menaces their traditions (whatever they may be) and shames them for their inability to keep pace. Seeing America undo traditional societies, they fear us, for they do not wish to be undone. They cannot feel secure so long as we are there, for our very existence—our existence, not our politics—threatens their legitimacy. They must attack us in order to survive, just as we must destroy them to advance our historic mission. And now a CV of Brother George for all the other viewers of our illuminati Confessions : George Galloway George Galloway is the MP for Bethnal Green and Bow. He has been He helped found Respect in 2004 after he was expelled from the Labour party for his uncompromising opposition to the Iraq war. As a leader of the antiwar movement he has taken the case against the “war on terror†the length and breadth of Britain and beyond, most famously to the US Senate in May 2005. He is the author of I’m Not the Only One, which spells out his vision of left politics for the 21st century, a frequent columnist and commentator, especially on the Middle East, and host of a weekly radio phone-in. SIT LUX ET LUX FUIT YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE I KNOW WHO I AM... SO LETS RESPECT EACHOTHER DEAR FREEMASON GEORGE Sinceraly and Fraternaly yours, Leo Lyon Zagami now Khaled Saifullah Khan Posted on Sunday, November 26, 2006 at 06:05PM by X M |
I am not here on earth for conflict, love is the mission of my life. Yunus Emre Nature is a machine, it has no value and it expresses no sense of purpose. Any attentive readers of the Qur’an will be arrested by phenomena that are a manifestation of Lord. “There is not a thing but celebrates His praiseâ€. (Qur'an 17:44) The seven heavens and the earth, and all beings therein, declare His glory; there is not a thing but celebrates His praise; and yet you understand not how they declare His glory! “Come forth With Open Hearts and Open Minds "We are nearer to him than his/her jugular vein." (Qur'an 50:16) "To God belongs the East and the West: wherever you turn, there is the Face of God.“ (Qur'an 2:115) I was a hidden treasure, and I desired to be known; therefore I created the creation in order that I might be known." Hadith Bases Islamic Scholars Rumi ( 1207-1271) Yunus Emre (d.1321) Said Nursi (1877-1960) Even in his day, Rumi was sought out by merchants and kings, devout worshippers and rebellious seekers, famous scholars and common peasants, men and women. Listen to his call for seekers of truth: Come, come, whoever you are. Wanderer, worshipper, lover of leaving. It doesn’t matter. Ours is not a caravan of despair. Come, even if you have broken your vow a hundred times. Come, yet again, come, come. everything is alive. God creates everything with a specific order, duty, purpose, and meaning. There is nothing like lifeless matter in his system. God and Creation A Tree Opening Its Hands in Prayer Just Like a Believer He was a thirteenth century dervish from Anatolia. Some writers regard him as the most important poet in Turkish history: his poetry, language, and philosophy, shaped Turkish culture and still do so. He believed that every particle in the world, animate and inanimate was manifesting the beauty and greatness of God. O man of love, open your eyes; look at the face of earth. See how these lovely flowers, bedecking themselves, came [and then] passed on. Every flower, with thousand coquettish air, praise God with supplications. These birds with pleasant voices recite litanies of the King. With the mountains and rocks, I call you out, my God, With the birds as day breaks, I call you out, my God. With Jesus in the sky, Moses on Mount Sinai, Raising my scepter high, I call you out, my God. He believed that every particle in the world, animate and inanimate was manifesting the beauty and greatness of God. Come here, let's make peace, let's not be strangers to one another. “We love all creatures for the sake of their Creatorâ€! Come, let us all be friends for once, Let us make life easy on us, Let us be lovers and loved ones, The earth shall be left to no one. He would give the cats and pigeons that came to He rebuked one of his students who killed a lizard, saying, "Did you create it?" “Everything, from the heavens to the earth, from stars to flies, from angels to fishes, and from planets to particles, prostrates, worships, praises, and glorifies, the Almighty God. In the creation of the heavens and the earth, in the alternation of night and day, in the ships sailing through the ocean for the benefit of mankind, in the water which God sends down from the sky and with which He revives the earth after its death, dispersing over it all kinds of beasts, in the ordinance of the winds and clouds subjugated between the earth and sky: [There] are signs for people who reason. (2:164) There is an order and balance in the universe which is created by God. The Qur’an also says: “Eat and drink, but waste not in excess." (7:31). like Ointment. Then which of the favors of your Lord will you deny? Qur’an (55): Surat ar-Rahman Posted on Thursday, November 30, 2006 Thu, 30 Nov 2006 12:44:45 +0000 (GMT) > We present results from a retrospective study of 31 Leo Lyon Zagami reply to the e-mail above sent by the "Yes all these suicides were the children of the SS Himmler/Hitler program for the creation of a so called pure Arian race for the Third Reich. Himmler had chosen the arian women of Norway obviously for this illuminati satanic experiment , that saw so many willing Norwegian partecipants and the city of Trondheim (were the more conservative and racist masonic Lodge in Norway chartered from Germany still exist nowdays) was supposed to become the Capital of the Third Reich in Himmler's sick vision. Sad many innocent people ended up like this after the II World War because of corrupt governments like the Norwegian one in the hands of a bunch of non compassionate satanist , who actualy wanted to continue their experiments after the II World War with the full support of US scientist and the CIA. These experiments included the use of LSD and electroshock on the so called children of Himmler untill the middle of the 70's, and were used for the infamous MK-ULTRA project of the CIA. Later on the Norwegian government under pressure from the media started to apologize and give money to the victims of this terrible Nazi illuminati experiment secretely piloted by the infamous Vatican Jesuits and their SS elite,but it was to late for all those poor kids born without father who Date: Thu, 30 Nov 2006 09:35:32 +0000 Mufti di Roma! Sheik di Medina! Ali Khan di Oslo, Sheik Ali Kan of the Leo Lyon Zagami/Khaled Saifullah Khan The plans to create a mind controlled workers society have been in place for a long time. The current technology grew out of experiments that the Nazis started before World War II and intensified during the time of the Nazi concentration camps when an unlimited supply of children and adults were available for experimentation. We've heard about the inhumane medical experiments performed on concentration camp prisoners, but no word was ever mentioned by the media and the TV documentaries of the mind control experiments. That was not to be divulged to the American public. Mind control technologies can be broadly divided into two subsets: trauma-based or electronic-based. November 30, 2006 | X M I think I will end in paradise by reading your page, you must be a very good man :) November 30, 2006 | Sandra Actually I wanted to say that your wife must be very lucky :) November 30, 2006 | Sandra Well my wife says I always spend to much time on my work for the rest of mankind and not enough time for the family,so Ive been adviced to read the following : November 30, 2006 | X M Hello Leo, November 30, 2006 | Tribal Unfortunately dear Tribal I didnt have time to check your direct e-mail yet and send you the PDF regarding the Gruppo di UR but Im sure this will keep you happy for a quile untill we establish further contact in private: November 30, 2006 | X M Posted on Wednesday, November 29, 2006 a Posted on Thursday, November 2, 2006 There are many who curse at the darkness in the world, but those who light a candle to disperse the darkness are few.The thinker, striver in the way of God, and renewer of religion, Bediuzzaman Said Nursi was one of these rare people. Said Nursi lit a torch of light and called out: "Now is the time to save belief!" Yes, save belief, a matter that could not be postponed even for a second. Bediuzzaman passed twenty-eight years in prisons and exile, and despite the difficult conditions, taking a lamp in his hand, illuminated all Turkey through God's grace and munificence, and succeeded in leaving behind him a luminous school of thought. The Author of the Risale-i Nur "In the future,when the intellect,science and technology prevail, of a certainty, that will be the time the Qur'an will gain ascendancy, which relies on rational proofs and invites the intellect to confirm its pronounce" THE RISALE-I NUR: A REVOLUTION OF BELIEF As someone born and raised in Britain, I am often asked what we as Muslims have to offer to the West. But before I answer, I should like to ask a question myself: Are we Muslims because we believe in Allah, or do we believe in Allah because we are Muslims? The question occurred to me during a march through the streets of London, over a decade ago, to protest against the Russian occupation of Afghanistan. I’d made a formal conversion to Islam several years prior to this, and it wasn’t my first demonstration. There were banners and placards and much shouting and chanting. And in between “Russians out,†“Death to Breshnev,†and “Muslims of Afghanistan rise up,†we shouted our own Islamic slogans: Allahu akbar and La ilaha illa Allah. Towards the end of the demonstration I was approached by a young man who introduced himself as someone interested in Islam. “Excuse me,†he said, “but what is the meaning of La ilaha illa Allah?†Without a moment’s hesitation I answered, “There is no god but Allah.†“I’m not asking you to translate it,†he said, “I’m asking you to tell me what it really means.†There was a long awkward silence as it dawned on me that I was unable to answer him. You are no doubt thinking, “What kind of Muslim is it that does not know the real meaning of La ilaha illa Allah?†To this I would have to say: a typical one. That evening I pondered my ignorance; being in the majority didn’t help, it simply made me more depressed. So how did I become a Muslim? You’ve no doubt heard the anecdote about Nasreddin Hoja. A friend of his called on him one day and found Hoja sitting in front of a large basket of chillies. His eyes were red and swollen, blood dripped from his gums and tears from his eyes. Yet he carried on eating. Why are you torturing yourself, his friend asked. Because, said Nasreddin Hoja, biting into another pepper, I’m hoping one of them will be sweet. I had been in the same position myself. No ideology or alternative life-style that I tried could satisfy the inner need for something more, something worth existing for, that elusive something that is always just around the corner but never seems to appear. Disenchanted with every aspect of my life, I left Britain and somehow drifted towards the Middle East. It was not a conscious choice. And it was there that I found the sweet chilli pepper. Islam simply made sense, in a way that nothing else ever had. It had rules of government, it had an economic system, it had regulations covering every facet of day-to-day existence. It was egalitarian and addressed to all races, and it was clear and easy to understand. Oh, and it has a God, One God, in whom I had always vaguely believed. That was that. I said La ilaha illa Allah and I was part of the community. For the first time in my life I belonged. New converts are invariably enthusiastic to know as much as possible about their religion in the shortest possible time. In the few years that folowed, my library grew rapidly. There was so much to learn, and so many books ready to teach. Books on the history of Islam, the economic system of Islam, the concept of government in Islam; countless manuals of Islamic jurisprudence, and, best of all, books on Islam and revolution, on how Muslims were to rise up and establish Islamic governments, Islamic republics. When I returned to Britain in early ’79 to begin a University course, I was ready to introduce Islam to the West. It was to these books that I turned for an answer to the question “What is the meaning of La ilaha illa Allah?†Again I was disappointed. The books were about Islam, not about Allah. They covered every subject you could possibly imagine except for the one which really mattered. I put the question to the imam at the University mosque. He made an excuse and left. Then a brother who had overheard my impertinent question to the imam came over and said: “I have a tafsir of La ilaha illa Allah. If you like we could read it together.†I imagined that it would be ten or twenty pages at the most. It turned out to have over 5000 pages, in several books. It was, as I’m sure you’re aware, the Risale-i Nur by Ustad Bediuzzaman Said Nursi. Initially, I dismissed the Risale-i Nur as mysticism. My brother pointed out that this was the reaction of a closed mind. Without the intellectual crutches provided by my old books, I felt ignorant and lost. It was a completely new language, a totally new vision. My brother sensed my unease. He said: “Don’t worry. The books you have read before all have their place. They are the skin. But this,†he said, tapping a copy of The Supreme Sign, “this is the fruit.†So we began to read, this time in the name of Allah, and slowly things began to fall into place. Each of us is born in total ignorance; the desire to know ourselves and our world is an innate one. Thus “Who am I? Where did I come from? What is this place in which I find myself? What is my duty here? Who is responsible for bringing me into existence?†— these are questions which each of us answers in his own way, either through direct observation or through blind acceptance of the answers suggested by others. And how one lives one’s life, the criterion by which one acts in this world, depends totally on the nature of those answers. The Supreme Sign is no less than a guided tour of the cosmos, and the traveller is one who is seeking answers to these questions. The Supreme Sign does not presuppose belief in God; rather it travels from the created to the Creator. And it affirms that anyone who sincerely wishes to answer the questions, and who looks upon the created world as it is, and not as he wishes or imagines it to be, must inevitably come to the conclusion La ilaha illa Allah. For he will see order and harmony, beauty and equilibrium, justice and mercy, dominicality and munificence; and at the same time he will realise that those attributes are pointing not to the created beings themselves but to a Reality in which all of these attributes exist in perfection and absoluteness. He will see that the created world is thus a book of names, an index, which seek to tell about its Owner. In Nature, Cause or Effect?, Bediuzzaman takes the interpretation of La ilaha illa Allah even further. The notion that he examines is that of causality, the cornerstone of materialism and the pillar upon which modern science has been constructed. Belief in causality gives rise to statements such as: It is natural; Nature created it; it happened by chance, and so on. With reasoned arguments, Bediuzzaman explodes the myth of causality and demonstrates that those who adhere to this belief are looking at the cosmos not as it actually is, or how it appears to be, but how they would like to think it is. In Tabiat Risalesi [Nature, Cause or Effect?], Bediuzzaman demonstrates that all beings, on all levels, are interrelated, interconnected and interdependent, like concentric or intersecting circles. He shows that beings come into existence as though from nowhere, and, during their brief lives, each with its own particular purpose, goal and mission, act as mirrors in which various attributes, and countless configurations of names, are displayed. Their createdness, transience, impotence and contingence, their total dependence on factors other than themselves prove beyond doubt that they cannot be the owners of that which they appear to possess, let alone bestow attributes of perfection on beings that are similar to or greater than themselves. The materialists, however, see things differently — they do not see different things. They ask us to believe that this cosmos, whose innate order and harmony they do not deny, is ultimately the work of chance. Of chaos and disorder, of sheer accident. They then ask us to believe that this cosmos is sustained by the mechanistic interplay of causes — whatever they may be, and not even the materialists know for sure — causes which are themselves created, impotent, ignorant, transient and purposeless, but which somehow contrive, through laws which appeared out of nowhere, to produce the orderly works of art of symphonies of harmony and equilibrium that we see and hear around us. Like Abraham in the house of idols, Bediuzzaman destroys these myths and superstitions. Given that all things are interconnected, he reiterates, whatever it is that brings existence to the seed of a flower must also be responsible for the flower itself; and given their interdependence, whatever brings into existence the flower must also be responsible for the tree; and given the fact that they are interrelated, whatever brings into existence the tree must also be responsible for the forest, and so on. Thus to be able to create a single atom, one must also be able to create the whole cosmos. That is surely a tall order for a cause which is blind, impotent, transient, dependent and devoid of knowledge of our purpose. More and more scientists are beginning to realize that the mechanistic theories of old are simply no longer sustainable. Faced with beauty, awesomeness, order, harmony, symmetry and purpose, attempts to explain away creation by evoking the idea of chance and causality are becoming increasingly untenable. Many are so outraged at the imminent collapse of their old gods that they lapse into hysteria: One celebrated biologist — and biology is still the most rigidly mechanistic of disciplines — is on record as having said “Funnily, the more beauty and harmony I discover in the cosmos, the more convinced I become of its meaninglessness.†The poor man seems not to have understood that if everything is meaningless, his own effect to that is equally so. Another famous — or should I say infamous — scientist, also a bio-logist, asserts that the existence of beings, and in particular the phenomenon of form, can in no way be attributed to the random motions of blind, unknowing and impotent causes. He is not alone in his thinking, but he is the first eminent Western bio-logist to state such beliefs openly. Interestingly enough, he likens the state of the Western scientific fraternity to Russia under Breshnev. The mechanistic theory is the rigid, all-powerful orthodoxy to which all scientists — biologists in particular — must bow down if they are to retain their credibility — and their jobs. And so they are forced to live a fearful charade, shouting their loyalty in public but whispering their real thoughts in private. When the book in which he attacks causality was published, the magazine The New Scientist described it as a “canditate for burning.†Since then, the author of this book has become an outcast, the Salman Rushdie of Western science. Such widely differing opinions as to the viability of the causal hypothesis show that the attribution of creative power to Nature or natural laws is by no means the inevitable corollary of objective, scientific investigation. It is no more than a personal opinion. Similarly, denial of the Creator of the cosmos, who has placed apparent causes there as veils to cover His hand of power, is not an act of reason but an act of will. In short, causality is a crude and cunning device with which man distributes the property of the Creator among the created in order that he might set himself up as absolute owner and ruler of all that he has, and all that he is. My aim was not to summarize the Risale-i Nur, but to show how far removed my previous conceptions about Allah were before reading this work. I thought that by saying La ilaha illa Allah, I had said all there was to be said about Allah. Thanks to the Risale-i Nur, I was now able to see that previously, God had been something that I had brought in to complete the occasion, an unknown factor placed almost arbitrarily at the beginning of creation to avoid the impossiblity of infinite regression. He had been the ‘First Cause,’ the ‘Prime Mover,’ a veritable ‘God of the gaps.’ He had been rather a constitutional monarch of the English variety, who must be treated with the utmost respect but not allowed to interfere in the affairs of everyday life. Inspired by the verse La ilaha illa Allah, the Risale-i Nur shows that the signs of God, these mirrors of His Names and attributes, are revealed to us constantly in new and ever- changing forms and configurations, eliciting acknowledgement, acceptance, submission, love and worship. The Risale-i Nur showed that there is a distinct process involved in becoming Muslim in the true sense of the word: contemplation to know-ledge, knowledge to affirmation, affirmation to belief or conviction, and from conviction to submission. And since each new moment, each new day, sees the revelation of fresh aspects of Divine truth, this process is a continuous one. The external practices of Islam, the formal acts of worship, are thus in a sense static. Belief, however, is subject to increase or decrease, depending on the continuance of the process I have just mentioned. Thus it is the reality of belief that deserves most of our attention; from there the realities of Islam will follow on inevitably. Thus I can say that I had been a Muslim but not a believer; that which I had assumed was belief was in reality nothing more than the inability to deny. Bediuzzaman was not responsible for introducing me to Islam — which anyone could have done — but for introducing me to belief. Belief through investigation, not through imitation. Let’s return now to the question: What do we, as Muslims, have to offer to the West. The answer is: everything and nothing. We have belief and Islam, which is everything; and we have our understanding and interpretation of Islam, which in most cases amounts nothing much at all. As is evident from the books which introduced me to Islam, almost everything that has been written with the West in mind has been done more or less on the level of some benign cultural exchange. Almost invariably the central question of belief has been glossed over or ignored completely. In the Qur'an, the word ‘Allah’ appears more than 2500 times, the word ‘Islam’ less than ten. In a good deal of modern Muslim writing, the ratio is roughly reversed. In the Qur'an, the ratio between iman and islam is 5:1 in favour of iman. In Arabic book titles until the end of the 19th century, islam slightly outnumbers iman in a ratio of 3:2. By the Sixties, this has had jumped to 13:1, and today it is undoubtedly higher. Inevitably, then, the approach to the West has centred on Islam as a system, as an alternative ‘ideology’, presented almost totally without reference to the realities of belief. Another reason why our approach to the West has made little headway is that we have misunderstood the West. The West is not only a geopolitical entity, it is also a metaphor. Geographically, the West was the first place to witness a mass revolt against the Divine. Modern Western civilization is the first of which we have knowledge that does not have some formal structure of religious belief at its heart. The West is thus a metaphor for the setting of the sun of religious belief; a metaphor for the eclipse of God. And since this eclipse is no longer confined to the geopolitical West, one may say that wherever the truths of belief have been discarded, there is the West. Thus the West should be seen as a state of mind, a disease, an aberration. The root cause of this, as Bediuzzaman Said Nursi points out, is the disease of self-worship, of ‘ENE’(Ana, the ‘I’ or ego). From the beginning of the Renaissance, man in the West has been his own point of reference, the centre of his own universe, the sole criterion by which he lives out his pathetic life. He has stolen the clothes of the Divine Names and has dressed himself in them and paraded as God. The problem is that they do not fit, and cannot fit. Unwilling to accept that his duty is merely to reflect the Divine attributes in the name of the Creator and according to His Will, he claims them as his own property and spends a lifetime trying to add to his imaginary possessions. Seeking the infinite from the finite drags him into a fierce and often murderous competition with his fellow beings. Man’s endless desires are heightened by the fact that he is limited, impotent and dependent, and bound one day to give up all that he imagined was his and face annihilation. His limitations and deficiencies, which should serve to remind him of his absolute dependence and impotence, he contrives to conceal. Western man flees from ill thoughts of his ultimate destiny, smothers his innate ability to know and love the Creator, to recognize that man is nothing and can have nothing of his own. The secular, self-absorbed society of the West is designed on all levels to blind and stupefy. To mask the fact that the religion of the self has failed to live up to its promises; that the secular trinity of ‘unlimited progress, absolute freedom and unrestricted happiness’ is as meaningless as the Christian Trinity discarded centuries ago. To cover up the fact that economic and scientific progress which has secular humanism as its underlying ethos, has turned the West into a spiritual wasteland and ravaged generation after generation. Yet there are those who are beginning to awake, to realize the illusion under which they have been living. It is to these that the disease of ENE must be pointed out. It is no use telling one who is afflicted with this disease that the Islamic economic or judicial system is the most egalitarian or most just. You cannot cure a man suffering from cancer by giving him a new coat. What is needed is a correct diagnosis, radical surgery and constant back-up treatment. The Risale-i Nur provides all of these. You will recall that I dismissed the Risale-i Nur initially as mysticism, and I have also heard others describe it thus. The truth is otherwise, for there is nothing esoteric about the stark choice Said Nursi puts before us: belief or unbelief, eternal felicity or eternal wretchedness, salvation or perdition, heaven or hell — in this world and the next. I have also heard the Risale-i Nur described as revolutionary, and with this I agree. But I am not talking about revolution in the political sense of the word. There is no mention of this in the Risale-i Nur, although I am sure that had Bediuzzaman advocated the violent overthrow of all secular governments, the Risale-i Nur would be required reading in every Western university, and Bediuzzaman would be a household name in the West. After all, the West has a soft spot for extremism, especially when flavoured with religion. What can be better, more beautiful, more delicious in the eyes of the Western media than the sight of thousands of angry Muslims in some far-off, violent city screaming “Death to America!†and demanding revolution and the re-introduction of the Shari'a? The West no longer has to go to the trouble of misrepresenting Islam: we do it for them, and they simply film it for their own consumption. I remember watching such a demonstration over a decade ago, in a place where America is known as the great Satan. What struck me at the time was the fact that maybe 70% of the crowd were dressed in Levis, and that every cigarette smoked as the demonstration dispersed was either a Marlborough or a Winston. As one hand cuts — or claims to cut — the ties that bind us to the West, the other hand fastens them even tighter. Yet still we claim that it is time for action, that we have spoken enough. I’ve actually heard this said in reference to the Risale-i Nur. It is all talk, someone said, and no action. But we have not talked, we have merely moaned and wailed. And because we have not talked, not conversed, brother to brother, believer to believer, Muslim to Muslim, in the name of Allah, in the language of the Qur'an and in the language of the book of creation, then when we act we set incorrectly, without author-ity, without discipline, without a true criterion and frame of reference. And ultimately without any lasting result. The West understands this perfectly. No, the kind of revolution clamoured for on the streets of Tehran, Cairo or Algiers is not the kind of revolution that Bediuzzaman advocates. The kind of revolution envisaged by the Risale-i Nur is a revolution of the mind, of the heart, of the soul and the spirit. It is not an Islamic revolution but a revolution of belief. As such it works on two levels: it is designed to lead Muslims from belief by imitation to belief through investigation, and to lead unbelievers from worship of the self to worship of Allah. And that is why, in the eyes of those who control the West, a work such as the Risale-i Nur is deadly. Finally, I would say this: After many years of searching and comparing, I can say that the Risale-i Nur is the only self-contained, comprehensive Islamic work that sees the cosmos as it actually is, presents the reality of belief as it truly is, interprets the Qur'an as our Prophet intended, diagnoses the real and very dangerous diseases that afflict modern man, and offers a cure. A work such as the Risale-i Nur, which reflects the light of the Qur'an and illuminates the cosmos, cannot be ignored. For only Islam stands between modern man and catastrophe, and I believe that the future of Islam depends on the Risale-i Nur and on those who follow and are inspired by its teachings. * * Dr. COLIN TURNER (Manchester University - England) Posted on Wednesday, November 22, 2006 Ok Brothers I will prepare a detailed essay later on the subject of A.Hitler and the satanic Racist Lodges of Prussian Freemasonry aka Thule Society and the likes , directely connected to the American illuminati and the english SRIA (Societas Rosicruciana in Anglia) illuminati creators of the Golden Dawn Nazi Network trough the real founders of Nazism like Rudolf Glandeck von Sebottendorff (1875/11/09 - 1945/05/09). The son of a Silesian railway engineer, Sebottendorff was born Adam Alfred Rudolf Glauer. He travelled to Turkey in 1900, where he was adopted by Baron Heinrich von Sebottendorff in 1909 and became a Brother of the Imperial Order of Constantinopolis. And I can garanty you dear friends we have so much prove and clear evidence on Hitler satanic activity and Zionist/illuminati support to him that we can actualy write several books on the subject and it will still not be enough.Remember what Anton La Vey said about the ideal Demon being a Demon Jew , well Hitler a Jew is the real founder of the Israeli Nation thats what you learn when you are in MOSSAD! What you seem to not understand Brothers is the internal conflicts and inner workings within the different schools of Freemasonry who apparentely supported Hitler (Prussian anti-Jewish Freemasonry) and the pro Zionist Jewish friendly United Grand Lodge of England Network who apparentely didnt or dear A.Hitler. It semms like the usual game of opposites in the usual masonic theatre, in the hands of the usual suspects unfortunately...illarious and people still fall for it in 2006 e.v. due to the usual piloted ignorance. I say apparentely because Prussian Freemasonry was actualy the first victim of their own connections with the Jesuit illuminati and their evil plans at the end of the war , and the UGLE related Grand lodges got also persecuted as we all know by the Nazi's to make the show more credible in front of the mass of sheep in masonic ranks bellow who still believe the contrary after 60 years (poor idiots and their FORGET ME NOT pin...) The Vatican already had a secret deal with the Zionist even before the war started for the creation of the State of Israel and the sacrifice of millions of innocent Jews.The only one to rebel to this plan was actualy Rudolph Hess at one point but we all know what happened to him. The result was that after the American illuminati occupation took place all masonic Grand Lodges in Germany were officialy put under the firm control of the USA Vatican israeli INTELLIGENCE and all rebel lodges will be declared subversive to the western alliance. Heil Ratzinger, All satanist united in the united Grand Lodges of Germany these days, and the Ordo Templi Orientis Caliphate of A.Crowley as even moved their HQ's from Texas to Berlin with Vatican friend William Breeze in charge and full Vatican support. And to make things a bit more spicy to everyone out there why dont you go and check the OTO PHENOMENON WEB SITE directed and controlled by another Jewish Satanist Vatican slave called Peter R. Koenig who is working in direct contact with Vatican HQ'S and the Jesuits , trough Bro.Massimo Introvigne of CESNUR. Massimo introvigne is regularly involved in satanic Masses with the Jesuit General under the Vatican with his secretary Pierlugi Zoccatelli . Pierluigi his a very interesting figure you should all investigate , he went from being a Crowley supporter to become the present leader of Vatican organization ALLEANZA CATTOLICA and the Nazi/Fascist circle within Alleanza Nazionale known as CIRCOLO CARLO MAGNO. (In the photo satanist Pierluigi Zoccattelli) The Swiss ILUMINATI/ OTO of Stein was built my Nazi Eugenist Brother Metzger secretely working for his spiritual father, Know the truth out there because only the truth can set you free from the Satan. Rome and Jerusalem are in it togheter to establish the Satanic New World Order and Hitler was just their evil Teutonic puppet to eventualy achieve this aim 60 years later. Leo Lyon Zagami Posted on Friday, October 27, 2006
ORDER SONS OF ITALY IN AMERICA working under the direction of Comandante Giorgio Hugo Balestrieri P2/GLADIO Alabama Maine Pennsylvania State Chapters Grand Lodge 480-473-7378 415-586-1316 Vera Girolami San Francisco, CA California OSIA 519-759-3847 Fernando Forcucci Winnipeg 303-420-2671 Pam Wright Arvada, CO Colorado OSIA 866-3CT-OSIA Neil A. Velleca Branford, CT Connecticut OSIA 302-658-1914 W. Thomas Gears Wilmington, DE Delaware OSIA 941-371-0085 Dan Cositore Sarasota, FL Florida OSIA 708-352-9375 Anthony J. Baratta Wood Ridge, IL Illinois OSIA 617-489-5234 Kevin A. Caira Haverhill, MA, NH, ME Massachusetts OSIA 410-668-6742 Anita Lombardi-Riley Baltimore, MD Maryland OSIA 517-482-8444 Linda Fabiano Lansing, MI Michigan OSIA 402-345-5095 Charles F. Turco Omaha, NE Grand Lodge of New Jersey 856-663-5800 Anna Marie Rotonda Cherry Hill, NJ New Jersey OSIA 800-322-6742 Carlo Matteucci Bellmore, NY New York OSIA 800-891-4089 John Soldano Cleveland, OH Ohio OSIA 800-621-0062 William D. Bucci Philadelphia, PA Grand Lodge of Rhode Island 401-861-3859 Ralph P. Guglielmino North Providence, RI Grand Lodge of Virginia Paul F. Siebeking Virginia Beach, VA Virginia OSIA 206-243-7215 Dorothy Santelli Fircrest, WA, OR, ID Northwest U.S. OSIA Additional Chapters Lodge City & State Lodge President Contact Posted on Thursday, November 30, 2006 mailto:leoyoung caro Leo ti attendo ore 15 aeroporto di Nizza mercoledì 31 pv. To: leo young From: "Dr. Marco Paret" A.'.G.'.D.'.G.'.A.'.D.'.U.'. Date: Fri, 26 May 2006 19:44:55 +0200 Brother Marco Paret is part of the Priory of Sion with Jean Pierre Giudicelli , but he his also a Freemasons of the Grande Oriente D'Italia close to Francesco Murgia and Ezio Giunchiglia , and recentely he has joined the Monte Carlo Illuminati LODGE , for the final hours of this oppulent civilization of matter as a young expert of the PSYOP division ( a brainwasher). Leo Zagami Posted on Saturday, December 2, 2006 (in the photo me and my grandmother Felicity Mason in 1987) Brion Gysin (Senior illuminati agent) Tuning in to the Multimedia Age Edited by José Férez Kuri ‘The only person I’ve met whom I would unquestioningly call a genius ... he was the Leonardo of the 20th century, whose surreal work could change the way people thought’ ‘Large and handsome ... Painter, writer, sound poet, lyricist, performance artist – As a painter Gysin is remembered for his evocative views of the Sahara and for his unprecedented calligraphic abstractions inspired by Japanese and Arabic script. His later discovery of the potential of a paint-roller to produce a limitless ready-made grid provided the basis for the unique ‘roller poems’ of the 1970s, a concept extended to the use of 35mm film to produce photographic sequences showing the construction of the Centre Pompidou (Beaubourg) in Paris. Gysin’s chance observation of random combinations of words led to the development of the cut-up technique by his friend and illuminati agent William S. Burroughs, with whom he would collaborate most notably in producing The Third Mind (1978). Gysin’s inventive ideas also extended to permutated poems and to the development in 1961 of the Dreamachine – ‘the first art object to be seen with the eyes closed’ – capable of producing a change of consciousness in the viewer, as well as to light shows and stage performances in collaboration with leading musicians such as Steve Lacy and Ramuntcho Matta. The sheer variety of visual material illustrated in this first comprehensive study of Gysin’s life and work reveals him as a remarkable artist working for the corrupt illuminati establishment. seader Comments (3) WARNING DONT EVER TRUST ILLUMINATI AGENT ROBERT ANTON WILSON HE IS A MEMBER OF THE ORDER AND A CLOSE FRIEND AND COLLABORATOR OF CIA DRIVEN SATANIST LON MILO DUQUETTE GRAND SECRETARY OF THE US OTO AND BREEZE THE CALIPH OF THE ORDO TEMPLI ORIENTIS , ONE OF THE FEW CHOSEN PEOPLE CELEBRATING THAT INFAMOUS SATANIC MASS WITH THE ELITE OF THE KNIGHTS OF MALTA AND THE JESUITS IN MAY 2000 IN THE VATICAN. December 2, 2006 | X M And this is satanic rubbish with CIA VATICAN 100% APPROVAL: December 2, 2006 | X M I see you mentioned Mohamed Choukri above , so I wonder what more insights do you have about him , and his friend Paul Bowles , and the Beat Generation of the Tangier's connection with its drugs homosexuality espionage and corruptions !!!!! I HATE THE BILLIONAIRE SS MAFIA AND YOU?
sorry for the late answer but as you might know I was busy in Turkey for a week and when I came back home I was full of work so just let me confirm you that all the families you have mentioned , I repeat all are involved with the Vatican-Jerusalem illuminati Jesuit NWO conspiracy. This is very important for me to specify as there will be no Vatican Jesuit Knights of Malta elite without the economic support of the Zionist Jerusalem-New York Mafia.
I was not involved directely thanks God but I know that the Templar Priory of Sion of Gino Sandri (secretary of Plantard Sinclair living in Paris) was involved and the head of the Secret police in Nice Bro.Marcel Chirlou was also. Jean Pierre Giudicelli de Bresac de la Bachelerie?
21 Apr 2005 22:10:52 +0200 (ora legale Europa occidentale)
From: "Vittorio Vanni"
To: Leo Young
Subject: Rif: Jean Pierre Giudicelli de Bresac de la Bachelerie???
Caro Leo,
ti rispondo intanto su quanto riguarda Jean Pierre.
L'ho conosciuto a Nizza qualche anno fa, in occasione di un'investitura templare. (appartiene, come me, all'Ordine di Pinto de Souza). Il predicato Bressac de la Bachelerie l'ha acquisito per eredità , in quanto si è fatto adottare da un vecchio coglione di tal nome.
A quel tempo era preside di un'Accademia Miryamica ed appartenente al Grande Oriente Osirideo Egizio.
Era inoltre membro del Misraim e Memphis (filiazione Caracciolo) e si dichiarava in possesso degli Arcana Arcanorum (ma ce l'hanno tutti). Negli anni '70 ha avuto dei guai giudiziari per inflitrazioni templari nella polizia di Nizza e trame varie.
Per quanto riguarda l'Ordine di Thebes ti invierò uno scritto di Introvigne che risponde (quasi) a verità .
Ho saputo che J.P.è uscito in questi giorni di galera, in quanto ha scontato qualche mese per molestie sessuali alla figlia minorenne di una sua "servante" islamica.
A me è simpatico, ma da un punto di vista storiografico sugli Ordini, non credo sia affidabile.
Personalmente ti proporrei piuttosto di implicare il "Misraim e Memphis" nei contatti con il nuovo gruppo massonico inglese, piuttosto che con che il Priorato, dato che questo non ha niente di Massonico.
Ma sul M.M.potrei metterti in contatto direttamente con Caracciolo, che è il Gran Maestro mondiale di tale Ordine, e che è una persona totalmente affidabile.
Per quanto riguarda il Sandri, se accetti il consiglio, stanne alla larga, e se proprio lo devi incontrare poni le terga al muro e fai i debiti scongiuri.
Stanotte "raffinerò" il Codice. Ho delle buone traccie , ma devo inserirci altro materiale, soprattutto sulla parte avuta nelle radici del tormentone da membri dell'Ordine Martinista.
Devo inoltre aggiungerci altre materiale e tradurre le lettere di quel bel tomo di Plantard a Petain ed a De Gaulle. Quando avrò finito t'invierò il testo completo.
Non ho niente contro il Cocchi ne contro nessun gruppo, a meno che non siano persone e contesti che possano sputtanare la Massoneria.
Andreotti diceva che a sospettare si fa peccato, ma si indovina quasi sempre.
Già che sei stato cristiano, ricorda le parole evangeliche: "siate semplici come le colombe ma astuti come i serpenti." Giocare è bello solo quando si vince ed il segreto per vincere è di imporre le nostre regole.
Ciao, orderplay.
Salute e fraternità , da parte dell'anglo-becero.
Vittorio Vanni
He was born in 1945 and is a native of Fuerth/Baveria where he joined the Police after serving his time in the military.
His service in the Police includes several years in the Bomb Squad of the Bavarian State Police, where he also received training as a diver for underwater demolition.
Mr. Schmidt received several decorations for his service including the West Point Leadership Award.
As Head of the Mission he represents the project on high level towards the Albanian authorities, the European Commission, the EU Member States and the International Consortium of Donors. He orchestrates and monitors PAMECA’s activities and evaluates the quality of reports and analysis.
According to a decision of the Government of the Republic of Albania dated 23 June 2005, Mr. Schmidt was appointed as Professor for International Strategic Management for his role of implementing a new national command, leadership and management system for the ASP. LATEST ILLUMINATI NEWS FROM FLORENCE
WARNING: The 7th,the 8th and the 9th of December in Florence (Italy)
Gran European gathering of the Jesuit/Opus Dei masonic illuminati's
connected to the French Grande Loge Traditionnelle et Symbolique Opéra (GLTSO).
Reader Comments (2)
Its about human turtles...
Working together with Ege University (Turkey) professor Ertan Taskavak, Matthew Bettelheim recently published the results of their investigation into the identify of the tortoise species depicted in Ottoman artist Osman Hamdi Bey's popular 1906 painting, "The Tortoise Trainer" [Kaplumbaga Terbiyecisi], in the International Society for the History and Bibliography of Herpetology's academic journal Bibliotheca Herpetologica (Volume 6, Number 2). Often referred to mistakenly as "The Turtle Trainer," this is perhaps one of Osman Hamdi's best known works and has earned him no little fame. In December of 2004, "The Tortoise Trainer" was auctioned off to the Suna-Inan Kirac Foundation's Pera Museum in Turkey for 5 trillion Turkish lira ($3.5 million), setting a record for the highest price paid for a Turkish painting...
So you can also make alot of money with a Turtle trainer... MANUALS OF THE BLACK NOBILITY VOL 1
By Leo Lyon Zagami
a favorite classic by the illuminati elite who rules the Knights of Malta
But there are good Jinns, the believers, the ones who follow the pure techings of Prophet Mohammed (PBUH) who mind their own business and respect humans and the rules of God, and others instead the followers of the great Jinn Satan, who will always try to trick from time to time the weak humans but never the spiritualy advanced.
Thats because they know they will fail with the true adepts of the Art.
They form comunities just like humans with Kings of the Jinn, Jinns soldiers and the whole show, but no democracy is allowed in Jinn dimension, as democracy is just an illusion built by mankind that we dont find in the Metaphisical Kingdom or in the animal Kingdom .
The book exists in the form of five manuscripts. The provenance of the text has not been definitively identified but a manuscript copy exists in French in the Bibliothèque de l'Arsenal in Paris, an institution founded in 1797. A partial copy in Aramaic or Hebrew is found in the Bodleian Library in Oxford. Manuscript versions written in German are found in Dresden and Wolfenbüttel The first printed version, in German, dates to 1725 and was printed in Cologne.
"Lets hope my Brothers and Sisters in the illuminati will finish one day to play with these entities and finaly reveal the true tecnology of God to mankind.
Only this will finaly set us truly free once and for all from the evil of Satan and his Legion,
I have a dream that this will be happening sooner then you think for every true believer in the world, Inshallah."
Revelation coming to your door.
Do your prayers and prepare for the ultimate show.
The fall of Rome and the United States,
Armagedon and Megiddo." Reader Comments (8)
we have to reveal to you all the true Puppet Masters
of this satanic age:
Fraternaly yours,
Leo Lyon Zagami aka Khaled Saifullah Khan
Coincidenza ha voluto che oggi mi arrivasse dalla California una copia del libro (edizione del 1974); so che entro il 2007 dovrebbe uscire una nuova edizione in tiratura mondiale da parte dell'editore americano Nicholas Hays.
Dear Khalid and everybody else on the list,
thank you for your support in the war against these dangerous infedels of SISMI in this particular case (usualy Vatican puppets of the Italian intelligence ..criminals! ) and dont worry I dont fear them because I know these idiots very well and I have their phone numbers and various adresses that I will start posting very soon on my web site so you can also have a taste of your own poison dear colleghi del SISMI. And to my friends who speak italian I want to show you an e-mail I sent them when I was leaving the P2 Monte Carlo Lodge and these various CORRUPT intelligence operatives like Comandante Giorgio Hugo Balestrieri responsible for bombing of Bologna and 9/11 with Ezio Giunchiglia and also other idiots celebrating Black Mass in the Vatican like Roberto Amato , Roberto Pollastro and their evil high priestess Michela Mercenaro (we have all your numbers and e-mails dont forget!) who also celebrates satanic Mass under the Al Aqsa Mosque so my dear muslim Brethern its war!
I include this e-mail to show you I dont fear these idiots and I will never fear them!
God is great
As Salam Aleikum
Khaled Saifullah Khan
allego una e.mail ricevuta e trasmessa alla PROCURA di
young wrote a Roberto Amato:
E ora che vogliamo fare
miei cari
Fratelli d'Italia?
Non volete trattare con Londra?
Be vi
sta propaganda e la situazione per voi del GOIF non mi sembra
al momento dopo le prime rivelazioni e vi garantisco che
andare ancora peggio se cominciamo a dare alla stampa di
alcune News sul vostro caro Duca di Cabinda e le sue
attivita' di ciarlatano e criminale internazionale, e
che vogliamo fare?
Voi con me non trattate voi con me
dovete solo
obbedire e combattere ma vi vedo un po' spenti non sara'
clonazione il vostro Ordine Imperiale di Romano Mussolini
miei cari
camerati,siete forse un altra comparsata alla Massimo
A me
da vero Musulmano quelli che fanno queste cose
andrebbero appesi altro
che Pizza e siamo capiti?
E a noi
Illuminati questi
inutili teatrini Italiani hanno rotto un po' le
PIU' NE METTA,l'ufficio K come KOIONI altro che
Un Triplice
Fraterno Saluto
Principe Leo Lyon Zagami
del Sacro Romano
Roberto Amato, Presidente MHCIT
Via G. Marconi n.44
87036 Rende (CS) Italy
tel. +39.0984.401361
a Church that has falled into the hands of the biggest Demon of the abyss Choronzon.
And they even have a HOMOSEXUAL PEDOPHILE GAY CLUB IN THE VATICAN CALLED CHORONZON CLUB with HQ'S IN CHICAGO and official lineage from the Beast himself A.Crowley , go and check it yourself on the internet under OTOA and best friends of Massimo Introvigne.
with the 3 High Priest of Satan and a buch of perverts dedicated to the dark arts.
Marilyn Manson, another Jewish Zionist secretely serving the Vatican Satan, who was initiated officialy by Anton LaVey in the Church of Satan as High Priest. And Zionist puppet and openly declared Crowley supporter like many others in the Satanic Rock music business Ozzy Osbune.
But the list of satanic puppets out there never ends unfortunately and they all seem to love Los Angeles the city of the lost Angels...the city of the lost souls of Babylon.
Now you know the truth set youself free as Revelation approaches and the evil Legion starts falling one by one in the Abyss of 333 the Vatican Choronzon...
Khaled Saifullah Khan Reader Comments (3)
As Salam Aleikum
he is about to die also described how Litvinkeno had mentioned
he had been at a meeting beforehand.
“He said to me that he was in London to see some
people in the morning and that he would be free to see
me in the afternoon,†he said.
“When he arrived he did not mention who he met but I
understand the authorities are investigating the
possibility he was poisoned at this meeting". But
Scaramella is also somebody involved in the illuminati
spy workings very much to cover up all the dirty work
made by the Jesuits and the illluminati in the so
called "Cold War" period with the infamous dossier
Mitrokhin a pure NATO Scaramella is a man
that knows to much if you know what I mean...Aum...Aum..
as they say in the illuminati.
says Russian security services believe the two
Italians are in collusion with "Russian enemy no.1 of
Russia", the Zionist businessman Boris Berezovsky,
and two of his associates - Mr Litvinenko and Vladimir
Bukovsky, a Russian dissident living in Britain. The
Mitrokhin investigations, it says, "are considered in
Moscow as purely provocative towards Russia" and I
will had towards the Jesuits.
general and head of a security service veterans' group
close to the Vatican illuminati , named Dignity and
Honour, is also named in the documents as involved in
the "planning of actions" against Mr Guzzanti and Mr
Scaramella two notorious Zionist agents who seem to
have involved themself with something that goes well
above their little insignificant italian level of
action, and comes in conflict with the international
Jesuit illuminati plot to punish all Zionist rebells.
at the Millenium Hotel in the morning and they did
have a leaky container of Polonium-210 that they
provided to Litvinenko so he could poison also the
much hated Berezovsky. When Russian Pres. Boris
Yeltsin resigned, Russian tycoon Boris Berezovsky lost
his status as a Kremlin insider and one of Russia's
most powerful men. Yeltsin's successor, Vladimir Putin
the illuminati of the Knights of Malta elite, came to
power in 2000 promising to “liquidate the oligarchs as
a class" . By year's end Berezovsky had been ousted
from Kremlin circles and was facing a criminal
investigation into his business and took refuge as
well all know in London.
But the Jesuit driven Russian illuminati hate Jews
like him who dont submit to the full control of Jesuit
first meets with Scaramella without knowing the evil
plan of the Knights of Malta and the danger he was
taking by not giving away immediately the killer
substance(though it was probably to late to save is
life already). After that meeting Litvinenko takes the
leaky container to Berezovsky’s office or meets
Berezovsky (or an associate) someplace to transfer the
container and recieve payment. Litvinenko then goes to
the Millenium hotel again for the beer and a quick
drop off of the money to be given to Lugovoi and his
boys for bringing the Polonium into the UK . This
explains the urinal dose in the Hotel Bar bathroom
(Litvinenko) in the evening (hours after the first
contamination) and the high dose in the Russian’s room
at the hotel (and why it only showed up in one room
usualy used by Knight Commander Sergei Goordev and
other Malta operatives like him and not all three
rooms...). This scenario puts all the contamination
in the right place with the right signature (and may
even explain why Zakayev’s car was contaminated). Food
for thought about the present power of the Russian Knights of
Malta and their secret war against the Zionist who
dont agree with them. Monaco , The Knights of Malta and Miles Davis in the MONTE CARLO G LODGE
From November 30 through to December 3, 2006, the sweet sounds of jazz in all its forms are sure to delight…from brilliant pianists like Jamaica’s Monty Alexander and the USA’s Chick Corea (a creator of fusion jazz and contemporary of Miles Davis), to singer Randy Crawford and the multi-instrumentalist Yusef Lateef. Rounding out the bill, are concerts with the Chicago Blues Festival and a special performance featuring singer-guitarist Raul Midon.
Other jazz-related and inspired events include post-concert gatherings at the Bar Américain, gospel and jazz band fanfares on Sunday on the Place du Casino, New-Orleans-style entertainment and menu at the Café de Paris, “Jazz Live†exhibition of paintings and photos in the Atrium of the Casino de Monte-Carlo. For four days, all of Monte-Carlo will be living to the tempo of jazz!
For more information, please visit
Date: November 30-December 3, 2006
Place: Various venues
Web site:
Monaco Dance Forum
Twenty-four companies will make the journey to Monaco, offering workshops in contemporary African and Indian dance, and hip hop. One of the most important international gatherings for professionals in Digital Dance, Monaco Dance Forum also has a role in familiarizing the public with these technologies and new esthetics by proposing workshops, guided tours and encounters with artists.
Date: December 7-16, 2006
Place: Grimaldi Forum
Web site:
Date: Season 2006-2007
Place: Monaco
Information: (800) 753-9696
Web site:
the Principality of Monaco
Calendar 2006-2007:
La Rondine by Giacomo Puccini - November 22, 24, 2006
Otello by Giuseppe Verdi - January 25, 28, 2007
The Medium by Gian Carlo Menotti - February 19, 21, 2007
Cavalleria Rusticana by Pietro Mascagni - February 10, 21, 2007
Le Chevalier à La Rose by Richard Strauss - March 8, 11, 14, 2007
Place: Monaco
Information: (800) 753-9696
Web site:
the Principality of Monaco
For more information please visit
Muslim-Christian Dialogue and Cooperation in the Thought of Bediuzzaman Said Nursi
in the Thought of Bediuzzaman Said Nursi
“Europe is two. One follows the sciences which serve justice and right and activities beneficial for the life of society through the inspiration it has received from true Christianity. This first Europe I am not addressing. Rather, I am addressing the second, corrupt Europe which, through the darkness of the philosophy of naturalism that considered the evils of civilization to be its virtues, has driven humankind to vice and misguidance.†(5)
As a Christian, I find his approach, which reaches to the heart of the problem, similar to what I find in the writings of St. Paul, who said: “Our battle is not against human forces, but against the dark powers that govern this world.†In other words, at the deepest levels of spiritual striving to do God’s will and build harmonious and peaceful societies, our true enemies are not other persons, but rather the powers of ignorance, poverty, and aggression that cloud our powers of perception and prevent us from acting as we should. These dark powers lie not outside ourselves, but within our own hearts. For this reason, both Islam and Christianity have always stressed repentance (Ar. tawba, Gk. metanoia) as the key to all personal and societal transformation.
2Lem’alar, p. 146. Sincerity and Brotherhood, Istanbul, 1991, p. 13.
3“Hubab,†in Mesnevi-i Nuriye, Istanbul, 1980, p. 81. Cited in _ükran Vahide, Bediuzzaman Said Nursi, Istanbul, 1992, p. 158.
4Muhâkemat, Istanbul, 1977, pp. 37-38.
5Lem’alar, p. 111.
6“The Twenty-Fifth Word,†Sözler, Eng. Trans. The Words, Istanbul, 1992, p. 420.
7Münâzarat, Istanbul, 1977, p. 20, cited in Vahide, p. 95.
8Münâzarat, (Ott. ed.), p. 433, cited in Vahide, p. 95.
9Münâzarat, p. 21.
10Justin McCarthy, Muslims and Minorities: the Population of Ottoman Anatolia and the End of the Empire (New York, 1983), p. 118.
11McCarthy, Muslims and Minorities: the Population of Ottoman Anatolia and the End of the Empire, pp. 120-121.
12Kastamonu Lahikas_, Istanbul: 1960, p. 45.
13Kastamonu Lahikas_, p. 75.
14Emirda_ Lahikas_, ii, 24, 56, cited in Vahide, p. 354.
15_ükran Vahide, Bediuzzaman Said Nursi, p. 344.
16Münâzarat, pp. 26-27.
17Mektûbat, pp. 52-54.
18Mektûbat, p. 6 (Letters 1928-1932, 22).
19Mektûbat, p. 6 (Letters 1928-1932, 22.)
20Mektûbat, p. 424.
21Mektûbat, p. 52.
22Isharatü’l I’caz, Istanbul: 1978, pp. 55-56.
23The Damascus Sermon, Istanbul: 1996, p. 49.
24Ibid., p. 50.Muslin-Christian Dialogue and Cooperation
in the Thought of Bediuzzaman Said Nursi
Ive talked about it already on and a couple of radio shows with Greg but we have also on this site ILLUMINATI CONFESSIONS alot of inside info on the P2/GLADIO Rotary Club Comandante Giorgio Hugo Balestrieri .The infamous Comandante and Director of the Rotary Club in New York that carried out this complex operation to bring down the Twin Towers with the full support of the Italo-American elite of the Order of the Sons of Italo-Americans (OSIA) or MAFIA if you prefer and their Mazzini Lodge in particular of STATEN ISLAND home of the COSA NOSTRA GANG.
Get IT?
Khaled Saifullah Khan / Leo Lyon Zagami
LONDON, ENGLAND (or maybe his lovechild...hi...hi..)
called Michael Leeden a true enemy of my religion (Islam) and a strong supporter of that war you officialy dont like...
an MP since 1987 and took the east London seat for the Respect coalition in 2005, unseating the Labour candidate, Oona King. MY MISSION AND MY BELIEF
The Materialistic View of Nature
Nature is a dull affair it is soundless, scentless, and colorless. This display is merely the hurrying of matter, endlessly and meaninglessly.
A tree, for example, gains most of its obvious value through human intervention. So that its potential to become a chair, a table, or other piece of furniture, is its principal source of value.
The only value that nature can have is instrumental value.
Philosophy and Science in Materialistic Approach discuss only the designs and letters of the book of the universe but attach no importance to its meaning.
The Qur’an sees the natural world as a realm of “signsâ€, disclosing a divine glory and requiring deep and intimate attention.
The purpose of the Qur’an, is “to awaken in man the higher consciousness of his manifold relations with God and the universeâ€. (M. Iqbal)
The Islamic View of Nature
The Islamic View of Nature Continued
Muslims respond to the invitation of the Qur’an and see everything as a sign of Divine.
The Beauty of Nature
All of Creation Celebrates His Praise
Everything Celebrates His Praise…..
Love of God
Whosoever loves much performs much, and can accomplish much, and what is done in love is well done.
One must always try to know deeper, better, and more.
That leads to God and unwavering faith.
The Best Way to Know God
and bring
with you,
a heart
Even the Animals Have Open Hearts and Minds.
The Qur’anic Bases
(Hadith Qudsi)
He is the greatest mystical poet of Islam.
He attracted spiritual seekers from almost every religion in the world.
At his funeral, Muslims, Christians, Jews, Persians, Turks and Romans honored him.
Jalal al-Din Rumi (1207-1273)
Rumi: The Poet of Love..
In Rumi’s understanding,
Yunus Emre
He played an outstanding role in Turkish culture, literature, and philosophy.
Yunus Emre
Love and Creation
Yunus Joins to the Universal Prayer of Creation to God
Universal Love
Let Us All Be Friends
Said Nursi
Said Nursi was born in 1877 in eastern Turkey and died in 1960.
Nursi was a religious scholar of the highest standing.
He devoted his life to the revival of the traditional Islamic understanding of universe and its moral implications.
In his emphasis on the spiritual aspects of Islam, Nursi is regarded as a modern representative of the Islamic Sufi legacy.
Said Nursi
He had close ties with all the creatures around
him and called them as “my brethrenâ€.
him part of his own food.
In one occasion, he was most upset when the flies were killed by spraying, and wrote a short piece called The Treatise on Flies.
When going for excursions in the countryside, Nursi would study ‘the Great Book of the Universe’, and urge his disciples to read it.
Said Nursi
The Mighty Qur'an of The Universe
Their worship varies according to their capacities and the Divine Names that they manifest; it is all different."
There is no contradiction between the teachings of the Qur’an and the book of nature.
The Qur’an and Nature
Order and Balance in the Universe
There is no wastefulness, futility, or absence of benefits,
in the nature of things.
Humanity should take lessons from the eco-systems and lead a wise and frugal life.
When the sky is torn apart, so it was (like) a red rose,
From: "leo young"
Subject: Re: Suicide among inpatients in Gaustad psychiatric Hospital (Norway)
To: "Grand Secretary"
Grand Secretary of the Regular Grand Lodge of England Rui Alexander Gabirro wrote:
> suicides committed
> during the years 1954-1991 among inpatients at
> Gaustad Hospital. There
> was a radical increase in the suicide rate during
> the period, an
> increase that was higher than expected from the
> increase among the
> general population. The patients suffered from
> serious
> psychopathological conditions. Hanging was found to
> be the most
> frequent method of suicide, reflecting that
> psychiatric inpatients use
> methods that are easily available. Changes in the
> routines for
> admission, discharge and treatment of patients are
> discussed as
> possible factors explaining the increase. Improved
> evaluation of risk
> of suicide, more active antipsychotic and
> antidepressive treatment and
> improved control when risk of suicide is assessed to
> be high are
> discussed as important prophylactic measures.
> VW Bro. Rui Alexander Gabirro
Grand Secretary of the Regular Grand Lodge of England Rui Alexander Gabirro on this delicate subject:
prefered to die in Gaustad that accepting the evil nature of their true SS fathers and their illuminati manipulators."
Strangely enough I got this reply soon after I sent my answer to VW Bro. Rui Alexander Gabirro,
a reply that demonstrates to everyone out there the true intentions of his Masonic Obbedience the Regular Grand Lodge of England (another bunch of evil Nazi's wearing aprons under Vatican illuminati control...)
From: "Grand Secretary" Add to Address Book
Yahoo! DomainKeys has confirmed that this message was sent by Learn more
To: "leo young"
Subject: Re:Suicide among inpatients in Gaustad psychiatric Hospital
You are an Idiot idiotic fool!
Mental Hospital of Oslo, plc, Stronzo, Va a Fanculo
Well thats not realy the kind of words I will expect from a real gentlemen and a High Degree Freemason, but thats yet more evidence of their evil nature for all of you out there to witness with your own eyes. Reader Comments (6)
The first phase of government mind control development grew out of the old occult techniques which required the victim to be exposed to massive psychological and physical trauma, usually beginning in infancy, in order to cause the psyche to shatter into a thousand alter personalities which can then be separately programmed to perform any function (or job) that the programmer wishes to"install". Each alter personality created is separate and distinct from the front personality. The 'front personality' is unaware of the existence or activities of the alter personalities. Alter personalities can be brought to the surface by programmers or handlers using special codes, usually stored in a laptop computer. The victim of mind control can also be affected by specific sounds, words, or actions known as triggers.
The second phase of mind control development was refined at an underground base below Fort Hero on Montauk , Long Island (New York) and is referred to as the Montauk Project. The earliest adolescent victims of Montauk style programming, so called Montauk Boys, were programmed using trauma-based techniques, but that method was eventually abandoned in favor of an all-electronic induction process which could be "installed" in a matter of days (or even hours) instead of the many years that it took to complete trauma-based methods.
Dr. Joseph Mengele of Auschwitz notoriety was the principle developer of the trauma-based Monarch Project and the CIA's MK Ultra mind control programs. Mengele and approximately 5, 000 other high ranking Nazis were secretly moved into the United States and South America in the aftermath of World War II in an Operation designated Paperclip. The Nazis continued their work in developing mind control and rocketry technologies in secret underground military bases. The only thing we were told about was the rocketry work with former Nazi star celebrities like Warner Von Braun. The killers, torturers, and mutilators of innocent human beings were kept discretely out of sight, but busy in U.S. underground military facilities which gradually became home to thousands upon thousands of kidnapped American children snatched off the streets (about one million per year) and placed into iron bar cages stacked from floor to ceiling as part of the 'training'. These children would be used to further refine and perfect Mengele's mind control technologies. Certain selected children (at least the ones who survived the 'training') would become future mind controlled slaves who could be used for thousands of different jobs ranging anywhere from sexual slavery to assassinations. A substantial portion of these children, who were considered expendable, were intentionally slaughtered in front of (and by) the other children in order to traumatize the selected trainee into total compliance and submission.
Thank you
46) Al-Aswad ra said : I asked A'isha ra : "What did
Rasulullah saw used to do in his house ?". She said :
"He used to work for his family, and when prayer
(time) came, he went out for prayer ". (Bukhari)
Jabir b. Abdullah said that Rasulullah saw said :
"Allah is not merciful to whim who is not merciful to
people ". ( Bukhari, Muslim )
20).From Amr b. Shu'aib, from his father, from his
grandfather : Rasulullah saw said : "He is not of us
who has no compassion for our little ones and does not
honour our old ones " ( Abu Dawud, Tirmidhi )
(31). Abdullah b. Amr ra said that Rasulullah saw said
: "There are four traits; he who has all of them is a
certain hypocrite and has one of them has some
hypocrisy, until he gets rid of it : when being given
a trust, he betrays; when he speaks, he lies; when he
promises (something), he breaks it; and when he
quarrels he commits excesses" ( Bukhari )
(32). Ibn Mas'ud ra said that Rasulullah saw said :
"Abusing a Muslim is sinful, and fighting (making war,
qital) with him is (tantamount to) kufr." ( Bukhari,
Muslim )
(11).From Abu Hurairah : Rasulullah saw said : " The
strong man is not the one who is strong in wrestling,
but the one who controls himself in anger " ( Bukhari,
Muslim )
(58) From Abu Sa'id al-Khudri ra : Rasulullah s.a.w
said : "If one of you sees (something) bad, he should
change it with his his hand; and if he is not capable
of that, then with his tongue; and if he is not
capable of that, then (he should detest) it with his
heart; and that is the weakest faith". ( Muslim )
(64) Abu Hurairah ra said that Rasulullah s.a.w said :
"He who truly believes in Allah and the last Day,
should speak good or keep silent". ( Bukhari, Muslim )
(73) Aisha r.a. said : A desert Arab came to
Rasulullah s.a.w. and said : "Do you kiss children ?,
We do not kiss them". Rasulullah s.a.w said : "What
can I do for you if Allah has taken away mercy from
your heart ? " ( Bukhari, Muslim )
Tirmidhi ) (85) Abu Hurairah r.a. reported that
Rasulullah s.a.w. said : He who does not acquire
knowledge with the sole intention of seeking the
pleasure of Allah and does not impart it but for
gaining the frailties of the world, shall not smell
the fragrance of Paradise on the Day of Resurrection.
( Abu Dawud )
As Salam Aleikum
I didnt recive your file for Gruppo di UR.
Do you know something about Secret Rabbinical tradition present in today Illuminati and known as Kishuph Kabbalah?
ARTURO REGHINI A Modern Pythagorean
by Dana Lloyd Thomas, Summer 1997 / Gnosis Magazine 59
No study of esoteric culture in Italy in this century can fail to mention Arturo Reghini (1878-1946).Writer, translator, mathematician, and above all a Pythagorean, he played a key role in the revival of scholarship on esotericism in Italy as well as in the attempt to restore the spiritual
traditions of Masonry.
Reghini's books and articles cover a variety of subjects including Masonic symbolism,Theosophy, Neoplatonism, Cornelius Agrippa, and Cagliostro. As editor of the magazines Ignis and Atanor, he published articles by the noted esotericists Rene Guenon and Julius Evola. Later he was to pay for his out- spokenness--especially on behalf of freedom of conscience -when Freemasonry was outlawed by the Fascist regime.
Born in Florence on November 12, 1878, Reghini was the eldest of five children. His career as a philosopher, in the classical sense of "lover of wisdom," began early in life, when his aristocratic family sent him to the University of Pisa to study mathematics.The tall, thin young student was approached one evening by a stranger who singled him out as a candidate for initiation into the mysterious Pythagorean school, also known as the Schola Italica.The stranger turned out to be Amedeo Armentano (1886-1966), who fascinated literary circles in Florence with his abstruse, laconic reasoning about time, mind, and soul as well as with his psychic powers.
Reghini was initiated in the highest sense of the word. He experienced the trial of the five elements not only as a ceremony but as a profound reality. For him, passing beyond the threshold of death was a matter of experience, vision, and knowledge rather than a mere symbol. 1
Polltics and Secret Societiea
To understand Reghini's role in the esoteric culture of his time, it is helpful to have some background on Italian Freemasonry and its connection to historical events. As in other countries, the Craft in Italy has so many facets that there is little point in overgeneralizing. For some, Masonry has commanded a virtually religious allegiance in the observance of the "ancient and accepted" rules and ceremonies, while others undoubtedly saw it as a means of improving society at large based on nineteenth-century rationalist beliefs in progress, education, and science. The ranks of Masonry have also included an eminent minority of philosophers and mystics, as well as-the usual opportunists. Finally there are the antiMasonic elements, initially Catholic and later spreading to both leftand right-wing politicians and thinkers. In any case, the political and esoteric aspects of Freemasonry have often run parallel throughout Italian history.
The first known Italian lodge was founded in Florence by Charles Sackville, Earl of Middlesex, Henry Fox, and Sir Charles Mann in about 1730. 2 Although by this time Florentine Renaissance traditions were but a distant memory,Tuscany under the later Medici had still managed to preserve some independence, sparing it from the worst excesses of the Counter-Reformation. Lodges were soon opened in Rome, Naples, Turin, and elsewhere. But the Craft's connection with England--a major Protestant power--aroused the suspicions of both the rulers of the Italian states and the ecclesiastical hierarchy.
In 1738, when Pope Clement XII issued the bull In eminenti, which in practice banned Catholics from becoming Freemasons, he had reached the venerable age of 87 and was completely blind. Firmly continuing the papacy's penchant for power politics, the measure seems to have been initially rooted in concern about the situation in the pope's native Tuscany and was probably formulated mainly with Italy in mind. It may have been no coincidence that the last of the Medici, Gian Gastone, had died a year before; the move could have had the aim both of strihng a blow against a suspiciously Protestant organization and of reasserting papal influence in relatively tolerantTuscany. Nevertheless this independence persisted when Francis of Lorraine, himself a Freemason, became Tuscany's new ruler. 3
The papal stance marked the start of persecution; the poet Tommaso Crudeli, the first known Masonic martyr, was tortured to make him reveal "the secrets of the Freemasons," but he was released upon Francis's intervention. 4 Several decades later, the celebrated magus Count Alessandro Cagliostro was not to be so lucky, and would die in 1795 while imprisoned in the papal fortress of San Leo. Of the papal ban Reghini wrote, "The effect of the Church's hostility was to cause a reaction in some countries, with Freemasonry being forced to defend itself by becoming a secret society. Nevertheless, it never became sectarian, and the rituals were alwavs characterized bv the tolerance, nonsectar1anlsm, ana independence of the early period." 5
Masons and Masonic organizations played a significant role in the Italian Risorgimento ("Resurrection") of the nineteenth century. Freemasons actively promoted the unification of Italy's many states, thus winning them further condemnation for"subversion." Giuseppe Mazzini's political organization, Giovine Italia ("Young Italy"), dedicated to unification, shared Masonic ideals of humanity, progress, and secular government.
The Italian Grand Orient was founded in 1859.6 In 1862, a Sovereign Council of the Scottish Rite convened in Palermo under the guidance of the patriot Giuseppe Garibaldi, and in 1864 the first Congress of Italian Freemasonry met in Florence and elected Garibaldi as Grand Master.
Perhaps even more than the French Revolution, the Risorgimento was a "bourgeois" revolution, and Freemasonry attracted Italy's small but active middle class. It was seen as a means of keeping together forces as diverse as Mazzini's republicans, monarchists who supported the House of Savoy, and Garibaldi's "Redshirts."As one scholar points out, "in a country where all the forms of political conflicts had a regional basis, . . . the lodges were the only real school of national unity." 7 As a result of the Church's continuing opposition to unification, Masonry persisted in its anticlerical stance.
In the decades following the country's unification in 1870, numerous members of the new class of politicians and administrators were Freemasons. By the end of the nineteenth century, Freemasonry was widely perceived as part of the establishment and as affording advantages that were often more material than spiritual. Financial scandals and political instability had made establishment politicians vulnerable to attack, and Freemasonry, previously seen as the champion of independence and democracy, was now accused of being class-ridden and corrupt. As in other Latin countries, many anti-Masonic pamphlets were circulated, generally based on conspiracy charges by the Abbe Barruel and Leo Taxil and creating the impression that the institution was much more powerful and monolithic than it actually was.
These ideas undoubtedly influenced Benito Mussolini in his early years in the Socialist Party and were to resurface in the Fascist period (1922-43) despite the Masonic connections of many Fascist leaders. 8 The FAcist movement, founded in 1919, counted a number of Freemasons among its first members, who were attracted by a variety of factors, including the movement's early anticlerical and revolutionary leanings. Persecution, though not always systematic continued until the fall of the regime.
Paradoxically, as soon as World War II ended, anti-Masonic literature was revived, this time with accusations of collaboration with Fascism. In recent decades, historical research on Italian Freemasonry has largely been monopolized by Catholicand Com1unist-oriented writers who are for different reasons hostile to the institution. 9 It is therefore no wonder that a Masonic writer has observed that "Italian Masonry is probably the most misrepresented and misunderstood in the world." 10
Esoteric Societies
Italian Freemasonry was not all politics, however, and has always had a strong esoteric strain. Together with the specifically Masonic symbolism of building and architecture, probably rooted in medieval guilds, various esoteric traditions including Rosicrucian, Kabbalistic, Templar, and Pythagorean lines have converged in the Craft.
>From the earliest times Freemasonry has considered geometric symbolism to be of the highest importance, with the Pythagorean theorem being widely depicted in Masonic art. It has been suggested that some form of Pythagorean initiation survived through the centuries, first in the Byzantine Empire and later, as the Ottoman Turks advanced, in Italy, where the Greek intellectual elite took refuge.
During the reign of Elizabeth I, Sir Thomas Bodley is said to have been initiated in the northern Italian city of Forli into the Pythagorean Brotherhood of the Fratelli Obscuri, having "the laudable object of propagating the Sciences and love of Virtue" and "established in imitation of an older Society which had existed since before the fall of the Grecian Empire in the towns of Constantinople and Thessalonica." In the eighteenth century, the British and French Pythagoreans came to be known as "Snuff-Takers" when they adopted the tobacco plant as their symbol. 11
Naples was the home of Egyptian Freemasonry, a tradition claiming descent from the Hermetic community dating back to Hellenistic Egypt: there is still a "Nile Square" in the city, and Giordano Bruno, who exalted the "wisdom of Egypt," was from nearby Nola. The school subsequently came to light through the work of Cagliostro and later of Giuliano Kremmerz, founder of the Hermetic Brotherhood of Myriam. 12 Cagliostro's "Gospel," first published in Italian in 1914 and later commented on by Reghini, uses alchemical terminology to describe a path to immortality as well as propounding the use of magical seals, meditation, fasting, and a vegetarian diet.
The esoteric Order of Misraim (whose name is derived from the Hebrew name for Egypt) seems to have had Italian origins. The Misraim first emerged in Italy in the eighteenth century, when it was associated with Cagliostro who brought it to Venice around 1788. 13 Because both Egyptian Freemasonry and the Order of Misraim allow the admission of women--thus violating the basic Masonic guidelines known as the "Landmarks"--and because they work degrees beyond the third, they are generally classified as part of "fringe Masonry."
The Order of Misraim was introduced into France after 1813 by the Bedarride brothers; afterwards it spread to Belgium, Switzerland, Britain, and the U.S. It consists of two forms of practice: the Kabbalistic form adopted by the Bedarrides and the Egyptian-Hellenistic form of the highest degrees known as the Arcana Arcanorum. 14
Politics again crossed paths with the esoteric when Garibaldi was appointed Grand Hierophant of the Misraim in 1880. At that time the order was joined with the Order of Memphis, whose rituals are inspired by Egyptian imagery. By the end of the century, the combined order was to provide a link between Freemasonry and Theosophy in Italy: both H.P. Blavatsky and Annie Besant held high degrees.
Theosophlst and Freemason
When he was only eighteen, Reghini went to Rome, where he was introduced to Isabel Cooper-Oakley, Blavatsky's delegate to Italy, and in 1898 the two were among the founders of the Italian branch of the Theosophical Society. (Blavatsky had always had a weakness for Italy; she even claimed to have fought with Garibaldi against French and papal forces at the Battle of Mentana in 1867.)l5 Theosophy too was soon open to accusations of heresy, if not outright paganism, thus attracting the hostility of the Church. Yet the Theosophical Society proved to be an im- portant vehicle for broadening the horizons of educated and open-minded Italians by introducing the study of oriental philosophy and religion--until then largely limited to academic circles--to a wider public.
While already receiving instruction on the Pythagorean tradition, Reghini started his Masonic career with initiation into the Order of Memphis and Misraim in 1902. What did he find in this esoteric form of Freemasonry? He was probably told something like these comments by a modern Masonic writer:
The Rite of Memphis and Misraim is not suited to every Mason, but is intended for those few Brothers who, following the many indications and revelations to be found in their rituals, genuinely aspire to enter into resonance with the higher planes of existence, and to overcome their individuality. In this case the Rite is a visible, tangible link between the lower sphere and the upper sphere. It provides the key to the Arcana, the way in which they can be revealed and practiced. 16
The order's Osirian ritual contains suggestive references Egypt, as when the aspiring Master is told:
Brother, you have entered this Temple which is the Middle Chamber of the Pyramid, aspiring to become Osiris, and to achieve this privilege you have recited the negative confession, well aware that it was only symbolic, the confession that every deceased person recites when reaching the world of shadows and coming before the tribunal of Osiris to identify himself with Osiris if his life has been pure. 17
In 1903 Reghini joined a lodge in Florence that owed allegiance to the Italian Grand Orient; two years later this was reorganized as the Lucifero Lodge, with Reghini as one of the founders. At the same time lodges in Milan merged with the Rome Grand Orient, with headquarters in Rome's Palazzo Giustiniani.
Writing in 1906, Reghini censured opposition to the higher degrees (from the fourth up to the 95th in orders like the Misraim) and expressed regret over the failure of Mazzini and the American Albert Pike to create "a secret rite above all others, a sort of Masonry within Masonry, which would have unified the divided Masonic family." 18 In 1908 a number of dissidents, led by a Protestant minister, broke away from the Grand Orient in protest against its overly materialishc and radical political stance.They set up a new Masonic organization with its headquarters at Piazza del Gesu in Rome. Subsequently Italy's two branches of Masonry were to be known as "Palazzo Giustiniani" and "Piazza del Gesu" after the location of their Rome headquarters.
An attempt to promote unification of the splintered Masonic groups by returning to the Craft's eady spiritual roots was undertaken with the Italian Philosophic Rite, of which Reghini was one of the founders. (The name calls to mind the Scottish Philosophic Rite, thought to have some connection with British Pythagoreans.) The Italian rite had seven degrees and has been described as a mixture of Pythagorean and Gnostic elements. In 1911 Reghini and Armentano rewrote the rite's statutes, dictating that a copy of the Golden Verses of Pythagoras was to be placed in the temple together with the other objects used in lodge work.
This experience was interrupted by WorldWar I, which disrupted international fraternal contacts; Reghini himself served in the army. The Philosophic Rite came to an end in 1919, when it was merged with the Grand Lodge Scottish Rite. Afterwards Reghini, while remaining a Freemason, would be more cautious about any "universal reformation" of the Craft.
Occultlsm and the Esoteric
In Italy, as in the rest of Europe around the turn of the century, popular interest in the occult was largely focused on phenomena like hypnotism and spiritualism. Astrological and magical manuals copied from classics such as those by Cornelius Agrippa and Giovanni Battista della Porta abounded. At the same time the works of French writers like Eliphas Levi, Henri Durville, and Papus were gaining a considerable readership, and there were a number of esoteric journals. Reghini himself translated Swami Vivekananda, the Egyptologist E.A. Wallis Budge, and Robert Louis Stevenson's occult tales.
Both Reghini and Giuliano Kremmerz, active in Naples during the same period, stressed that theirs was a quest for knowledge and warned against the confusion between spiritual achievement and bouts of emotional excitement. In this respect they rejected the occultism of seances and sects, sharing the position of Levi, who insisted that his occultism (a term he coined) was based on faith, science, and reason. 19
This experimental method makes use not only of logic but of analogy. Early in his career Reghini had written, "The symbolism of architecture, ceremonies, and images is superior to ordinary language due to the multitude of meanings which only symbolism can express, since it works through analogy; the hieroglyphic and ideogram forms of writing are superior to ordinary writing due to the breadth and precision of their meaning."20
Twenty years later, Reghini expressed much the same idea: "There exists an oral tradition of hidden knowledge which cannot be transmitted with words (perceived and interpreted in the profane sense). There is still a serious tradition in theWest which has nothing to do with the circuslike uproar, the parody and pretense, of today's so-called occultism."21
Reghini also sometimes retired with his friends Armentano and Giulio Parise to an isolated tower on the coast of Calabria, ideal for study and meditation. Reghini was also no stranger to ceremonial magic, though one of the few direct references he makes to it has humorous overtones, mentioning some of the practical difficulties of pre-dawn rituals, with alarm clocks, cups of hot coffee, sputtering oil lamps, incense failing to burn, and candles going out, all to the detriment of the necessary "spiritual concentration."22
Throughout all this activity Reghini remained a Pythagorean.What did this mean for him in practical terms? He engaged in the daily recollection of his deeds--a practice that has been traced back to Pythagoras--as well as "philosophical ecstasy," which was actually a type of meditation. The practitioner was to sit comfortably in a quiet place, emptying himself of all thoughts and emotions; he could either be in the dark or have a light behind him. "Then, when the soul is purified, a bright and shining light from which nothing can be hidden seems to appear," says one old text."And then a sweet pleasure is felt, incomparable to anything in this world, and . . . an extremely pleasurable itch is felt inside the head.... The persons most suited to this ecstasy are those whose skull is open, through which the spirits can escape ....I believe that this is the Platonic ecstasy, the one mentioned by Porphyry as having overcome Plotinus seven times."
This practice has important implications as a form of "Western yoga." It does not so much connote an evaluation of deeds as good or bad but rather stresses the importance of remembering itself. The Renaissance mages Tommasso Campanella and Giordano Bruno were probably familiar with this meditation. 23
Reghini also stressed that the seeker aimed at the transformation of his soul by such techniques as breath control, meditation, and recollection, and that this transformation had to take place during one's lifetime.
The Pagan Utopia
In Reghini's time the word "pagan" still had largely negative connotations, and was widely used not to indicate a historically documented religion but rather as a synonym for immorality and materialism. Nevertheless he found it to be the best term to sum up his own position. In a 1914 article entitled "Imperialismo pagano," he called for the spiritual rebirth of Italian culture in a new type of"empire" that would entail excellence in every field of human endeavor.This achievement would require freedom and tolerance, although history showed that, unlike Greco-Roman paganism, the Abrahamic religions had all too often borne the bitter fruit of religious intolerance. Reghini agreed with Gibbon that the fanatical attitude of the Christians from the earliest times had led to the fall of Rome and later to the papal policy of preventing Italy's unification. 24
The avant-garde milieu in which Reghini's ideas had matured was also focused on the problem of creating a new "secular religion," free from the defects of Catholicism yet based on spiritual values. 25 Nevertheless for Reghini any anti-Christian"crusade" would have been a contradiction in terms; rather he called for the classical distinction between popular and initiatic religion, subsequently developed by Guenon and others. He likewise condemned the materialism and rabid anticlericalism of some in the Masonic community, and may have even cherished a dream of the day when the Catholic Church would have adopted the policy of St. Francis of Assisi, abandoning political and financial power to devote itself to good works.
While aiming at spiritual perfection, Reghini believed, Masonry should be nonsectarian. In his 1922 work on the meaning of the three basic Masonic degrees, he analyzes the symbolism of the initiation of a Master Mason, with the ritual death and resurrection of Hiram calling to mind Osiris, Dionysus, and Jesus; the initiate, he says, should become aware that the conscious mind does not depend on physical existence alone. He likewise chides some of his Anglo-American brothers for interpreting the Nineteenth Landmark, requiring belief in God, as meaning that Masons must necessarily be Christians, reminding them that the square and compass are placed on top of the Bible. 26 He also comments that both continental and Anglo-American Masonry are more obsessed with high-sounding titles than with the spiritual perfection of the initiate.
After moving to Rome in 1921, Reghini devoted considerable attention to Fascism and to the relationship developing between Mussolini and the Vatican.
Most of Italian Freemasonry, along with the Nationalist and Socialist dissidents led by Mussolini, had backed intervention in World War I, above all to wrest the cities of Trent and Trieste from Italy's old enemy Austria. After the war, in 1920, the Grand Orient supported the occupation of the city of Fiume on the Adriatic in defiance of Italy's allies France and Britain; this event was considered to be the final step in national unification.
When Mussolini's Fascist government came to power in 1922, there was little hint of the disaster that was to befall Freemasonry. None of the betterknown Fascists were practicing Catholics, and ndeed some were known to be Freemasons. Unfortunately, however, Reghini's warnings that the Craft required spiritual renewal had gone unheeded, as would his attempts to prevent the regime from coming to an agreement with the Church. In addition, the Masonic hierarchy did not prove to be as skillful as their predecessors in avoiding a "divide and conquer" policy.
Since the French Revolution, the fasces, the ancient insignia of Roman power consisting of twelve birch rods bound together with an ax had had revolutionary, antimonarchist connotations, initially inspiring its adoption by the Fascist Party. For men like Reghini, however, the symbol also evoked the ancient Roman concept of res publica, in which power was invested both in the people and in an aristocratic Senate. Reghini did not want to propose some new system of government; rather he hoped that a spiritually oriented and Pythagorean Masonry would foster an elite political class whose members would be endowed with superior values.
Nineteen twenty-four was a crucial year for Reghini. In that year the government decreed Masonic affiliation to be incompatible with Fascist Party membership. A Jesuit journal published an article condemning Freemasonry on the grounds that, being international, it was therefore "unItalian"; this line was soon officially adopted by the Fascists. 27
Reghini, a member of the Supreme Council of the Piazza del Gesu Grand Lodge, replied that Masonry's key role in promoting the Risorgimento disproved this accusation beyond any doubt. By this time, however, historical arguments were of no avail, making him almost inadvertently a political dissident. In May, his friend Armentano, who had continued to work with him in an abortive attempt to reunify the two main branches of Italian Masonry, left for Brazil.
Any hopes that Freemasons may have nourished for a change of heart in the regime were dashed by the antiMasonic violence unleashed in November 1925. A new law against "secret societies" did not specifically mention Freemasons, but the regime made it clear that they were the intended target. 28 Mussolini asserted that the measures were to prevent political plots and not to suppress Freemasonry as a spiritual institution, but there was little difference when it came to police suppression. A number of top Grand Orient officials went into exile in France, while after an unsuccessful attempt to reorganize as the "Order of St. John of Scotland," the Piazza del Gesu was also forced to close. Ironically, the lack of systematic persecution against ordinary Freemasons led Pope Pius XI to criticize the Fascist regime for being "too soft." In an article published in Fascism and the Vatican in 1927-28, Reghini, foreseeing the imminent alliance between Freemasonry and the Vatican, commented:
The current conditions of our country in relation to the political situation in Europe and the world would be favorable to someone who was willing and able to exploit them to create a new universal civilization starting from Rome. However . . . this type of imperialism could not be subservient to a force which is universal in name only, whose innate and incurable intolerance is unacceptable to both the rest of Western civilization and to the Oriental civilizations.... We would proudly say more, if we were not obliged today to use more prudent language than Agrippa was able to use four centuries ago. Z9
By this time there could be no doubt that Reghini's position was highly unorthodox. In a short time he had graduated from being a gifted writer on rather obscure subjects to being an unflinching public opponent of Mussolini's rapprochement with the Vatican, culminating in the 1929 Lateran Treaty. How could a self-declared pagan be allowed to publish freely after an alliance between the Church and Fascism? Reghini's courage in the defense of Masonry was all the more remarkable considering his dim view of the Craft as a whole for failing to fulfill its mission of perfecting the individual.
Faced with such a difficult situation, much of the Masonic hierarchy preferred to temporize, but after unsuccessful attempts to come to terms with the government, both of the major Masonic branches declared themselves to be dissolved and would only reemerge in 1945. Reghini's sacrifice gained him few friends either before or after the war.
Attacks in the press continued, and Parise writes of attempts "to save my soul and Reghini's with pistol shots.. surveillance was so close and overwhelming as to limit our contacts, since we were even afraid of compromising people who just happened to greet us" 30 Reghini was dismissed as a mathematics teacher in a public school in November 1928 and had to make a living by teaching privately.
In a disgraceful eplsode, Reghini's former friend Julius Evola publicly denounced him for Masonic affiliation. 3l Curiously, Evola had just published Imperialismo pagano, a set of articles borrowing considerably from Reghini's essay with the same title and calling on the Fascists to avoid political and ideological compromise with Catholicism. Decades later, Evola would ac- knowledge that he owed his awareness of genuine initiation to Reghini and Guenon.
At this stage Reghini, Guenon, and Evola went on separate paths. In 1930 Guenon, who continued to be ambivalent about Masonry as a true source of initiation, left Europe to devote himself completely to Islamic studies in Cairo. Evola would soon drop his intransigent "pagan imperialism" and condemn Freemasonry on the grounds that it could not provide any genuine spiritual initiation. He would go on to cultivate a view diametrically opposite to that of Reghini's, seeing the Catholic Church as the successor to the Roman Empire as well as developing his own peculiar brand of racism that was to influence the Fascist regime.
In the 1930s Reghini devoted himself to teaching and to the study of the Pythagorean interpretation of numbers, proportion, and harmony, seen not simply as an intellectual game but as the key to life. His approach somewhat resembles that of the nineteenth-century English Neoplatonist Thomas Taylor (whose works he quotes) in correlating spiritual and material reality with numbers and proportions. Reghini's book on the reconstruction of Pythagorean geometry, containing notions "on which Freemasons would do well to meditate," 32 was published in 1935 and was praised for its scientific value by the Accademia d'ltalia, Italy's equivalent of the Royal Society.
As World War II came to an end, Reghini intensified his work on Pythagorean numbers. Perhaps sensing that his time was short, he left detailed instructions concerning his manuscripts. 33 At five o'clock on the hot afternoon of July 1, 1946, in a country villa near Bologna, he died standing in his study, facing the westering sun.
In one of his later works on the relationship between mathematics and the spiritual quest, Reghini stressed that true philosophy involved the direct experience of the seeker:
Modern Western science is objective experimental science, achieved externally by instruments which aid the senses; its purpose is to observe, understand, taking into account the inevitable alteration (the Heisenberg principle) made on the observed conditions by the observer. In Masonry, Hermeticism, Pythagoreanism, and esoteric science of all times, the observer is also the object of the experience, considered internally and directly without limiting the field to any imaginary columns of Hercules; not so much a matter of theorizing as of feeling and living. 34
And what indeed is the purpose of philosophy--the love of wisdom--if not, as the Neoplatonist Porphyry said, "to free our mind from limitations and chains"?35 u
Calfornia-born Dana Lloyd Thomas now lives in Rome. He has wntten articles on Pythagoreanism, akhemy, and oriental medicine and is writing a book on Arturo Reghini and esoteric traditions in Italy.
1. One of the main sources for Reghini's biography was written by his friend Giulio Parise and published as an introduction to Arturo Reghini, Considaazioni sul rituale dell' apprendista libero muratore (Genoa: Phoenix, 1981),pp i-xv.
2. Bernard E. Jones, Freemasons' Cuide and Compendium (London: Harrap, 1986), p. 204.
3. There is extensive literature on Clement Xll's "excommunication" of Freemasonry The events of this period are far from simple; the Catholic Jacobites were conspiring against the Protestant Hanover dynasry in England, and the Jacobite association with early Freemasonry also deserves attention.
4. Aldo A. Mola, Storia della massoneria italiana: Dalle origini ai nostri giorni (Milan: Bompiani, 1994), pp. 53-54.
5. Reghini, pp. 13-14.
6. Dnisions in "official" Freemasonry have persisted up to recent years. Because of the dispute over "accepted" and "irregular" lodges and the disagreement over the position of higher-degree or "fringe" Masonry, Englishlanguage Masonic literature has perhaps not dealt with Italian history as extensively as it could.
7. Mola, p. 61. Lodges were named after such heretics as Tommasso Campanella and Giordano Bruno and a&er patriots like Cavour, Mazzini, and Garibaldi.
8. Ibid. pp. 48ff.
9. Augusto Comba,"La Massoneria in Italia dal Risorgimento alla Grande Guerra 'unLamassonerianellastoriad'ltalia,ed.AIdoA.Mola (Rome:Atanor, 1981), pp. 82-83.Among these were the famous Communist intellectu- al Antonio Gramsci and a number of Jesuit writers.
10. Kent Henderson, "AVisit to Italy" in Masonk Sa,uare, March 1987. p. 28.
11. R.F. Wallace-James, "Les Nicotiates, or the Order of the Priseurs," in Transactions of the t2uatuor Coronati Lodge, vol. 27 (1915), pp. 168-88. The order was said to adopt different names for reasons of safery, becoming the Nictotiates or Priseurs ("snuff-takers") in France and the Tobacco-logical Sociery in England. See also J.M. Ragon, "Notice historique sur les Pednosophes (enfants de la sagesse) et sur la Tabacologie, dernier voile de la doctrine pythagoricienne ' in Monde Ma,connique, no. 12,April 1859. Ragon traces the history of the order from antiquiry and hypothesizes contacts in the Near East between the "children of wisdom" and the Templars.
12. Dana Lloyd Thomas, "Hermetic Healing in Italy: The Magical Therapeutic Brotherhood of Myriam ' in GNOSIS #34, pp. 46-49.
13. F Brunelli, Rituali dei gMdi simholiri di Memphis e Misraim (Foggia: Basto- gi, 1981), p. 45. See Ellic Howe,"Fringe Masonry in England, 1870-85 'in Ars Quatuor Coronatorum, vol. 85 (1972), pp. 242-95.
14. Brunelli, p. 46.
15. Paul Johnson, In Search of the Masters: Behind the Oreult Myth (South Boston,Va.: self-published, 1990), pp. 37-40.
16.Brunelli, p. 73.
17. Ibid., pp. 205-06.
18.Arturo Reghini,"La massoneria come fattore intellettuale ' in Leot~ardo, Oct.-Dec. 1906, p. 297.
19. Parise, in Reghini, p. vi.
20.Arturo Reghini,"ll punto di vista dell'occultismo,"in Leonardl~,Aprillune 1907, p. 144.
21. Arturo Regluni, in Cornelius Agrippa, Laf losofa o~ulta o la ~nagia (Rome: Edizioni Mediterranee, 1972), p. Ixxxvii.
22. Arturo Reghini, "Awenture e disavventure in magia ' ill Gruppo di Ur, Introduzione alla magia (Rome: Edizioni Mediterranee, 1978), vol. I, p. 388.
23. Roberto Sestito, "Le basi pitagoriche dell'estasi filosofica ' in Ignis,June 21, 1991, p. 4-5.
24. Parise, p. viii.
25. Walter L. Adamson, Avant-Carde Florenee: From Modernism to Fasrism (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1993), pp. 64ff.
26. Arturo Reghini, Le parole saae e di passo dei primi tre gradi ed il massimo mistero massonko (Rome:Atanor, 1981).
27.The article appeared in La Civilto ~attolita,Aug. 2, 1924.After Reghini's reply, a counterreply appeared in October in the monthly Cerarrhia, edited by Mussolini; signed with a pseudonym, it may have been written by Mussolini himself.
28. Mola, pp. 138-39.
29. Reghini, in Agrippa, pp. cxxxvi-vii.
30. Parise, pp. xi-xii. Reghini's paganism has recently been reproved by Catholic anticult writer Massimo Introvigne, n ~appello del mago (Milall: SugarCo, 1990).
31. Letter of April 6,1929 from Rene Guenon to Guido de Giorgio, in De Giorgio, L'lnstant et l'eternite (Milan: Arche, 1987), p. 294.
32. Parise, p. xii.
33. Partially published as Arturo Reghini, Dei ~lu~neri pitagoriri: Prologo (Allcona: Casa Editrice Ignis, 1991).
34. Arturo Reghini, I numen saai nella tradizione pitagorira e massonira (Rome: Casa Editrice Ignis, 1947), p. 143.
35. Porphyry, Lfe of Pythagoras, 46. NO SHAME FOR THE WICKED!
Now is the time to save belief !
said :
Bediuzzaman Said Nursi
Rudolph was the Licio Gelli of his time,the real puppet Master of Adolf Hitler !
This meant actualy the end of FREE Masonry in Germany and the begining of a illuminati/Jesuit/Zionist Masonic dictatorship to this day in Germany, as we have also proven with our research elsewere on my site with Jesuit Father Seboth in full control.
Heil Bush,
Heil Sharon!
And in Switzerland the T.Reuss OTO/ILLUMINATI ORDER of Metzger still goes on very well and celebrates every week a satanic Mass in Stein in memory of A.Crowley with many bankers from "regular high degree freemasonry" worshiping in secret the devil.
This happens In Stein a place our dear Brother and friend Martin knows very well, and you can also find the only museum completely dedicated to the illuminati Order of A.Weishaupt in Stein , just go search and you will eventualy find it.
Brother Peter R.Koenig based in Switzerlan is a very dangerous example of this Vatican/Zionist manipulation, just check is site and remember he is a High degree member of the satanic illuminati.
Another Nazi satanist of the Vatican is the present leader of the Comunione and Liberazione Organization who used to be the italian representative of famous satanist Genesis P.Orridge and Thee Temple of Psychick Youth ( ) directely linked to the Church of Satan past leader Anton LaVey (originaly LEVI a JEW!).
the B'nai Brith supreme Zionist manipulator Frater Lazarus Pinkus of the are you still so sure of your convictions dear friends?
District of Columbia
North Carolina
New Hampshire
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South Carolina
West Virginia
City & State
Email Address
Grand Lodge of Arizona
Edwin Squires
Cave Creek, AZ
Arizona OSIA
Grand Lodge of California
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Ontario, CN -
Grand Lodge of Colorado
Grand Lodge of Connecticut
Grand Lodge of Delaware
Grand Lodge of Florida
Grand Lodge of Illinois
Grand Lodge of Massachusetts
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Nebraska OSIA
Grand Lodge of New York
Grand Lodge of Ohio
Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania
Pennsylvania OSIA
Rhode Island OSIA
Grand Lodge of Northwest
Grand Lodge of West Virginia Jeanne Ameli Bluewell, WV West Virginia OSIA
It-Am Progressive #1945 Birmingham, AL Paul Nola 205-995-8622
Roma #71 Washington, DC Helen M. Vallone 301-946-8633
Fiumedinisi #2515 Washington, DC Anna Colella 301-649-5225
International #2522 Washington, DC Nancy Hurst 703-256-7977
NIH #2547 Washington, DC Michael Cianflone 301-926-3809
Dante Alighieri #1220 Merrillville, IN Tony Muffoletto 219-887-7949
William Paca #2366 Logansport, IN Joe Casalini -
Frank N. Cusimano #2449 Slidell, LA Phyllis Jean Del Fiore 985-847-1609
Italian American Families of Southwest Missouri #2833 Springfield, MO Dante Rebori 417-875-7142
Prodoscemi #2617 Fayetteville, NC Patrick Ricotta 910-426-3397
Triangle Sons of Italy #2817 Raleigh, NC John La Rocca 919-844-7047
Ben Abruzzo #2488 Albuquerque, NM Henry Pacelli 505-892-0888
Cristoforo Colombo #1060 Charleston, SC Roy Noble C. Colombo Web site
Leo L. Darrigo #2662 Surfside Beach, SC Joseph Crisalli Leo L. Darrigo Lodge Web site
Fred Staffileno #2790 Rock Hill, SC Michael Geraci
Basile, D'Alessio, Naso #2808 Irmo, SC Angelo Basile 803-732-0625
Email: AngeloBasile@SC.RR.COM
Giuseppe Verdi #2818 Nashville, TN Douglas Cavener 615-791-8677
Pompeo Coppini #2712 San Antonio, TX Diana Grippi 210-494-7174
Pompeo Copini Web site
Mazzei Greater Milwaukee #2763 Milwaukee, WI Frank Schiro 414-271-7776
Mia Maria of Wyoming #2813 Cheyenne, WY James Rauzi 307-637-3377
Email: P2 and the Priory of Sion on the 31st of May 2006 in Nice (France)
Inviato: sabato 13 maggio 2006 18.15
Ezio Giunchiglia.
In seguito puoi spedire la tua posta all'indirizzo e mail.
Subject: Re: V.'.M.'.
Io sono a Torino ora. Scendo a Nizza nella giornata di Mercoledì. ma
di arrivare verso le 16 o le 17.
Comunque vedo se posso anticipare ed essere in centro Nizza alle 15.45.
Potremmo allora vederci lì e mi farebbe piacere. Telefoneò ad Ezio..
(In association with The Edmonton Art Gallery)
With contributions by Guy Brett
William S. Burroughs (Senior illuminati agent and inventor of so called Chaos Magick)
Mohamed Choukri (illuminati satanist agent active in Tangier like most of these Choronzon Club addicticts)
Gregory Corso (illuminati satanist agent)
Gladys C. Fabre (illuminati satanist agent)
John Grigsby Geiger (illuminati satanist agent)
John Giorno (illuminati satanist agent)
Bruce Grenville (illuminati satanist agent)
Bernard Heidsieck (illuminati satanist agent)
Felicity Mason
Barry Miles
– The Guardian
a generous gathering of Gysin’s own photographs, sketches, notebooks and paintings’
– The Independent on Sunday
Brion Gysin (1916–86) first came to prominence in the 1950s in the heady atmosphere of the so-called Beat Hotel in Paris. His enormous range of radical ideas would become a source of inspiration for artists of the Beat Generation, as well as for their successors (among them David Bowie, Mick Jagger, Keith Haring and Laurie Anderson and other notorious SATANIST).
Robert Anton Wilson
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Robert Anton Wilson or RAW (b. January 18, 1932) is an American novelist, essayist, philosopher, psychologist, futurologist, anarchist, and conspiracy theory researcher.
His best-known work, The Illuminatus! Trilogy (1975), co-authored with Robert Shea and advertised as "a fairy tale for paranoids," humorously examined American paranoia about conspiracies. Much of the odder material derived from letters sent to Playboy magazine while Shea and Wilson worked as editors of the Playboy Forum.[1] The books mixed true information with imaginative fiction to engage the reader in what Wilson called "Operation Mindfuck"; the trilogy also outlined a set of libertarian and anarchist axioms known as Celine's Laws, concepts Wilson has revisited several times in other writings. Although Shea and Wilson never partnered on such a scale again, Wilson has continued to expand upon the themes of the Illuminatus! books throughout his writing career.
In Cosmic Trigger I: Final Secret of the Illuminati (1977) and other works, he examined Discordianism, Sufism, Futurology, Zen Buddhism, Dennis and Terence McKenna, the occult practices of Aleister Crowley and G.I. Gurdjieff, the Illuminati and Freemasons, Yoga, and other esoteric or counterculture philosophies. He advocates Timothy Leary's eight circuit model of consciousness and neurosomatic/linguistic engineering, which he writes about in Prometheus Rising (1983, revised 1997) and Quantum Psychology (1990), books containing practical techniques for breaking free of one's "reality tunnels".[citation needed] With Leary, he helped promote the futurist ideas of space migration, intelligence increase, and life extension (SMI2LE).
Wilson also supports many of the utopian theories of Buckminster Fuller, as well as those of media theorist Marshall McLuhan and Neuro Linguistic Programming co-founder Richard Bandler, with whom he has taught workshops. He also admires James Joyce, and has written commentary on Finnegans Wake and Ulysses.[citation needed]
Ironically, considering Wilson has long lampooned and criticized new age beliefs, his books can often be found in bookstores specializing in new age material. He has claimed to have perceived encounters with magical "entities," and when asked whether these entities were "real," he answered they were "real enough," although "not as real as the IRS" since they were "easier to get rid of." He warned against beginners using occult practice, since to rush into such practices and the resulting "energies" they unleash can lead people to go "quite nuts." Instead, he recommends beginners start with NLP, Zen Buddhism, basic meditation, etc., before progressing to more potentially disturbing activities.[citation needed]
Wilson had a long-standing relationship with the Association for Consciousness Exploration, beginning in 1982. He was the keynote speaker for their center's open house in 1984, and appeared at many Starwood Festivals[5]. Both Illuminatus! co-author Robert Shea[6][7] and Wilson's wife Arlen Riley Wilson[8] have appeared with him at the WinterStar Symposium. They served as his American lecture agency while he lived in Ireland, and hosted his first on-stage dialog with his life-long friend Timothy Leary in 1989 in Cleveland, OH, entitled The Inner Frontier.
In a 2003 interview with High Times magazine, RAW described himself as a "Model Agnostic" which he says "consists of never regarding any model or map of the universe with total 100% belief or total 100% denial. Following Korzybski, I put things in probabilities, not absolutes... My only originality lies in applying this zetetic attitude outside the hardest of the hard sciences, physics, to softer sciences and then to non-sciences like politics, ideology, jury verdicts and, of course, conspiracy theory."[2] More simply, he claims "not to believe anything," since "belief is the death of thought."[citation needed] He has described his approach as "Maybe Logic." Wilson wrote articles for seminal cyberpunk magazine Mondo 2000.[3]
While he has primarily published material under the name Robert Anton Wilson, he has also used the pen names Mordecai Malignatus, Mordecai the Foul, Reverend Loveshade [citation needed], and other names associated with the Bavarian Illuminati, which he allegedly revived in the 1960s.
RAW holds the post of American director of the Committee for Surrealist Investigation of Claims of the Normal (CSICON) and has appeared at Disinformation events.[citation needed] He has summed up his attitude towards life as one of optimism, cheerfulness, love, and good humor.
Maybe Logic: The Lives and Loves of Robert Anton Wilson, a documentary featuring selections from over twenty-five years of Wilson footage, was released on DVD in North America on May 30, 2006.[4]
Wilson's writings connect to the madcap satirical fiction of Flann O'Brien in a several ways, including his free use of O'Brien's character De Selby. The views of De Selby, a would-be obscure intellectual, are the subject of long pseudo-scholarly footnotes in Wilson's novels as well as O'Brien's. This is entirely fitting, because O'Brien himself made free use of characters invented by other writers, allegedly because there are already too many fictional characters as is. O'Brien was also known for pulling the reader's leg by concocting elaborate conspiracy theories, and for publishing under several pen names.[citation needed]
ARTICLES 176-185
Posted on Friday, November 3, 2006
"Propaganda Media" is based upon "Psychological Operations Field Manual No.33-1" published in August 1979 by Department of the Army Headquarters in Washington DC; and "Psychological Operations (PSYOP) Media Subcourse PO-0816" by The Army Institute for Professional Development, published in 1983
Propaganda Media are categorized by methods of dissemination: face-to-face (interpersonal), audiovisual, audio, and visual.
Face-to-face (interpersonal) communication is the most effective means of transmitting a persuasive message. It is employed in rallies, rumor campaigns, group discussions, lectures, show-and-tell demonstrations, social organizations, social activities, entertainment, and individual person-to-person contact, all providing a participating experience for the individual or group to recall later.
Audiovisual media such as television, electronic tape recordings, and sound motion pictures are the second most effective means of communication available to the psychological operator. Effectiveness is based on seeing and hearing the persuasive message. These media are an excellent means of transmitting persuasive messages and eliciting a high degree of recall.
Audio media (loudspeakers and radio) lend themselves to the transmission of brief, simple messages and to personalization by use of the human voice. They require little or no effort by the audience, and generally, they have more appeal than visual media. Also, the barrier of illiteracy may be more easily overcome with audio media than with visual media (printed material).
Visual media can transmit long, complex material. Animated or still cartoons may be used to convey themes to illiterate and preliterate target audiences. Visual media generally have the least amount of popular appeal.
Themes are reinforced and the target audience given broad coverage by using several media to deliver the same basic message. For example, radio and television can augment leaflets; face-to-face communication can support newspaper circulation.
Acceptability and credibility. A complete target analysis will indicate how acceptable and credible a particular medium is to the target audience.
Availability. The availability of media, the mechanical capability of message production, and the capability to deliver the message, as well as the ability of the audience to receive and understand it are important.
Timeliness. Production and dissemination lag for each medium must be considered. For example, a medium requiring a long production or dissemination time would not be suitable for a message exploiting a target of opportunity.
Quantity. The media selected should be mixed, one medium reinforcing the other, and delivered in sufficient volume to insure that the entire target is exposed to the message. Care, however, is required to prevent counterproductive over saturation of the target audience. This requires analysis of intensity and timing of propaganda dissemination.
Themes. The theme to be conveyed will have a bearing on the selection of the best media to transmit the message.
Suitability. The media selected must be suitable for the target. The language selected, vocabulary, and level are also important factors. For example, it would not be appropriate to use newspapers or other printed text to deliver a message to an illiterate audience. A professional journal might be the most suitable means of reaching a professional audience.
Propaganda units should prepare catalogs of media material which applies to recurring themes and general audiences. These catalogs should include printed material, loudspeaker and videotapes, motion picture films, and specialty items available for psychological operations.
Face-to-face communication ranges from two or more individuals in informal conversation to planned persuasion among groups. The credibility of the PSYOP messages delivered by face-to-face (interpersonal) communication is increased when the communicator is known and respected.
Relationship. It employs an interpersonal relationship.
Audience selection. The audience can be deliberately selected and the appeal directed and tailored for it.
Assessment of impact. Feedback is immediate. The communicator can immediately assess the impact of his message and adjust his approach to obtain the desired response.
Limited support required. Limited technical and logistical support are required.
More credible. It can be more credible than other methods because the target audience can evaluate the source.
Presentation. Complex material can be presented in detail. Frequent repetition and slight variations can be readily used to influence the audience.
Expeditious. In some instances, particularly in primitive areas, it may be the most expeditious method of disseminating propaganda.
Limited use in tactical situations. Use is limited in general war due to the inaccessibility of the target individual or group. It has limited use in tactical combat since the psychological operator has little face-to-face communication with opposing forces until they are captured or defect.
Close control necessary. It must be controlled, especially at the lowest levels where each communicator has the responsibility to interpret policy and objectives. The control factor is best illustrated by trying to pass an oral message, one person at a time, throughout a group. By the time the message reaches the end of the group, it does not resemble the original message. Reinforcement by other media is necessary to eliminate this problem.
Limited by insecure areas. Security considerations limit the conduct of face-to-face communications. As the security situation improves and more areas are secure, area coverage can be extended.
Requires able communicators. It requires knowledgeable, orally persuasive individuals who can convince the target audience that the program and policies are irresistible and inevitable.
Normally require indigenous personnel. For effective communications, indigenous personnel are normally required.
Range of voice limited. The range of the human voice and the need for visual contact limit this method to relatively small audiences.
Television, including video tape recording (VTR), is one of the most effective media for persuasion. It offers many advantages for propaganda operations, and its wide application in other fields contributes to its acceptance and use. It is appropriate for use in limited, general, and cold war and is particularly effective in FID (Foreign Internal Defense) and consolidation operations.
In places where television is not a common communication medium, receivers may be distributed to public facilities and selected individuals. A possible limitation in enemy countries, however, is that television receivers may be set to allow reception on only one or two channels under government control.
Television is an all encompassing-mass communication medium. Like radio, it makes use of the sense of hearing to convey an idea. Like printed material, it makes use of the sense of sight, adding the element of motion. And like the motion picture, it combines sight, sound, and motion. Television is immediate; in effect, it places the viewer in two locations simultaneously, creating the illusion of participating in a distant event.
Speed. Television programs can reach large segments of the target audience rapidly. The transmission of events can be instantaneous.
Overcomes illiteracy. Illiteracy is not a barrier; an audience need not be able to read.
Unifies. Television brings people in widely separate locations closer together by exposing them visually to the same ideas and concepts.
Aural-visual. Television appeals to two senses, each reinforcing the other. This gives the viewer a sense of involvement.
Range. Geography and atmospheric conditions affect the strength and range of the signal. The signal may, however, be boosted with relay stations, airborne transmitters, or satellite relay to increase the transmission range. Airborne antenna relay domes extend the range of a central transmitter but at great expense.
Reception. Television sets are unevenly distributed throughout the world. Messages disseminated by television will normally be received only by those within an above-average income range and economic class in many areas of the world, particularly in developing nations. In some developing nations, however, group listening/viewing centers may be available, negating the link between income and access to television. The association should be carefully determined for each target country.
The fact that receivers in the target area may not be compatible with the transmission equipment is another disadvantage.
Power. Most television receivers require an outside source of electric power. Many areas of the world lack this power. The introduction of self-contained power packs partially eliminates this problem. If broadcasts are to be made from areas lacking power facilities, special generators and a fuel supply may be needed.
Vulnerability. Equipment and parts are fragile and extremely vulnerable to damage. Stations are easily identified and make excellent targets. Receivers are difficult to hide.
Program requirements. A substantial production staff and supporting equipment are required to produce daily programs. Each day's operation requires a large amount of film, video tape, and live programming to sustain a program schedule.
Maintenance. Maintenance is highly technical, requiring trained and skilled technicians and engineers; such people are difficult to find.
Personnel. Television is a complicated communication medium, demanding specialized personnel with a wide range of scarce skills.
Audience accessibility. Although TV is excellent in friendly or neutral areas, it will not reach audiences in hostile areas unless a means is found to enter sets in these areas. Incompatibility of receivers, extreme distortions caused by two transmitters on the same wavelength, jamming, and censorship limit the use of TV broadcasts to hostile areas.
Community viewing provides an opportunity to present TV programs which help the people identify with the sponsor (generally the established regime). If it is necessary to provide receivers, one technique is to place them initially in urban centers, extending them to rural areas as equipment and power become available; or vehicles equipped with power generators and TV sets may be moved into and out of areas as required.
Video tape, an offshoot of television, is an excellent means of recording and projecting messages. It can replay a scene from the camera immediately after it is recorded. The tape can be used in either portable or studio recording systems, being processed electronically as it moves through the video tape recorder.
Although most commercial tape is 5 centimeters (2 inches) wide, the US Army primarily uses 1.875-centimeter (3/4-inch) cassette tape. The scenes from each size tape can be readily dubbed on to the other.
The results of the "take" can be seen immediately; if editing is necessary prior to release to the audience, it can be done electronically as the material is being produced. There is no time lag as with film which requires chemical processing.
The tape can be reused a number of times, erasing itself as it is run through the recorder, or it can be quickly erased on equipment made for that purpose and then reused.
Video tape is virtually indestructible and can be used in almost any environment in which humans live.
The tape can be placed on readily available video cassette players which feed directly into commercial television receivers. With special equipment, video-taped scenes can be projected onto large motion picture viewing screens. The requirement for special projection equipment is not unique, as special equipment is also required to project filmed scenes on television screens.
Video tape can instantaneously project scenes in black and white or color, with natural or dubbed sound, on open (public) or closed (limited audience) circuits.
With the use of video tape, scenes may be recorded for a permanent record or for future use.
The disadvantages of video tape are those inherent in the television medium.
Motion pictures combine many aspects of face-to-face communication and television by creating a visual and aural impact on the target audience. Since US Army PSYOP units are not able to produce motion pictures, appropriate films may be selected from available sources; effects on the target audience must be carefully considered.
Four general types of motion pictures are adaptable for psychological operations:
Entertainment. These are standard commercial productions, including animated cartoons. Entertainment films developed specifically for propaganda purposes can be very effective as the themes may be woven into the plot of the movie. These films can be very effective in gaining attention for other propaganda.
Newsreels. In the developing nations, newsreels are still a major attraction. They are on the scene and show exactly what is happening or, with good editing, give that impression. By careful, skilled editing and arrangement of sequence, news events can be used as propaganda.
Documentary. This type of film-ostensibly an objective presentation of a scene, place, condition of life, or a social or political problem-is a prime means of propagandizing a target audience. This is done by careful selection and sequencing of scenes and events.
Training films. Themes can be hidden in the presentation. A number of US Government-produced films are available for use by the military psychological operator. They must, however, be selected with care, as many exploit particular situations and viewpoints in a biased manner.
Themes and objectives may be dramatized to create realism. The dramatic quality tends to cause the viewer to identify with the characters being portrayed. Thus, skillful application of production and editing techniques, such as having a central character act the behavioral patterns desired, can be very effective. The tendency to identify with the actors aids in developing a high degree of audience involvement in the propaganda appeal.
Motion pictures gain attention, especially among illiterate groups, as illiteracy is not a barrier to understanding and use.
Most children and a high percentage of adults accept without question presumably factual information presented in films.
Sight, sound, and color reinforced by moving images elicit a high degree of interest and recall.
The motion picture is a universal communications medium, combining audiovisual features, mass distribution, and ease of presentation.
Complicated events or complex ideas can be thoroughly explained. Cartoons and other special effects can be particularly effective.
Scenes can be rehearsed and perfected prior to filming.
Newsreels that show events known to the target audience enhance the credibility of the entire PSYOP program.
Motion pictures can be rerun.
The production of high-quality motion pictures is extremely expensive and requires skilled technical production personnel.
Relatively lengthy motion picture production time makes it difficult to capitalize on targets of opportunity.
Films are rapidly outdated by events, clothing, vehicles, equipment, location, or dialogue.
Viewing by target audiences may be restricted because of security considerations, local regulations, or equipment capabilities.
Diverse language differences are a major problem; these can, however, be partially overcome by use of subtitles.
Projection equipment requires electric power which may not always be available.
Film is fragile and extremely susceptible to changes in temperature and other climatic conditions.
Microphones and sound amplifying equipment transmit messages up to a distance of 800 meters. In a civilian setting loudspeakers are used to communicate with assembled groups and in localized street broadcasting. They effectively extend the range of face-to-face communications.
Loudspeakers are the most responsive medium that can be used to support tactical operations. Unsophisticated loudspeaker messages can be developed on the spot and delivered live in fast-moving situations. Propaganda loudspeaker broadcasts are usually prerecorded to insure accuracy. Occasionally, standard tapes are developed, mass produced, and distributed from the theater or national level.
Targets of opportunity can be exploited.
Persuasive messages can be transmitted to the target as the situation changes.
Loudspeakers can be an extension of face-to-face communication.
The operator can pinpoint his target.
The target audience can be illiterate.
The loudspeaker can be used to undermine enemy morale.
Operators can be easily and readily trained.
PSYOP personnel can move to and operate anywhere a potential target audience is located.
Large, powerful, fixed loudspeakers can broadcast messages considerable distances into enemy territory.
Loudspeakers may be mounted on either wheeled or tracked vehicles.
Loudspeaker systems can be mounted in either fixed or rotary-wing aircraft. This broadens the areas accessible for loudspeaker operations. Since both types of aircraft must operate at low altitudes for the message to be understood on the ground, the sophistication and intensity of the enemy air defense are prime considerations.
Small portable loudspeaker systems may be backpacked by dismounted troops.
Range is limited by humidity, wind, precipitation, vegetation, terrain, and manmade structures.
The enemy can readily take countermeasures; i.e., concentrate artillery or other weapons on loudspeaker personnel and equipment.
Messages may be forgotten and distorted with the passage of time.
Loudspeaker operations are conducted in coordination with and in support of tactical operations. The loudspeaker team leader must advise the commander of the supported unit as to the support the team can give. The team can then obtain essential operational information and coordinate security with the leader of the tactical unit.
For maximum results, loudspeaker messages in support of tactical operations must have shock effect. A tactical broadcast should be no longer than a few seconds, as prolonged broadcasting from a fixed position will draw indirect enemy fire. The message should be carefully prepared, so that each sentence constitutes a single, complete thought that will not be misunderstood. The key sentence should be short and repeated for emphasis.
The size of the target area, the character and loudness of competing sounds, the terrain, and climatic conditions (humidity, wind, temperature, etc.) affect reception of loudspeaker messages. Sound travels better at night in low temperature and humidity. In hilly or mountainous terrain, echoes may interfere with clear reception. Jungle and heavily vegetated areas absorb sound. Sounds projected over water or low-lying coastal plains travel great distances.
The announcer, generally indigenous to the operational area, must have idiomatic language fluency. Defectors may be used. They will know the current slang, topics of interest, and the problems of the enemy soldier. Their messages, however, must always be prerecorded and checked prior to being broadcast. The announcer must have
An intimate and detailed knowledge of the customs, folklore, and speech habits of the audience.
The ability to adapt script and presentation to the changing situation.
A vigorous, unemotional delivery.
An understanding of the military situation and its implications.
Broadcasting messages from aircraft is an effective way to reach an otherwise inaccessible audience. Some general considerations are:
The PSYOP unit is responsible for the pre-mission briefing of the air crew. This briefing covers target location, current intelligence, total time required over the target, the length of the message, and the number of repetitions desired.
The loudspeaker message should be no longer than 20 seconds so that the entire message is audible to the audience.
Rotary-wing aircraft use banks of speakers mounted either internally or externally on the aircraft. The most effective altitude for a hovering rotary-wing aircraft is between 900 and 1,200 meters (3,000 and 4,000 feet) above ground level (AGL). The banking or orbiting course is effective at altitudes from 600 to 900 meters (2,000-3,000 feet) AGL. The presence and capabilities of enemy ground fire will determine whether to use these patterns or whether to use aerial loudspeakers at all.
The US Air Force has primary responsibility for aerial loudspeaker operations from fixed-wing aircraft.
An adapter system has been developed that permits the connection of the airborne loudspeaker system with the intercommunications and radio system of the aircraft. This allows a signal received by the aircraft from a ground radio transmitter to be rebroadcast to the target audience. The use of this system permits a language-qualified speaker in a central location to support widely dispersed ground elements. The device can be connected to a tape recorder to record the message for future use.
Radio broadcasts can be transmitted to local audiences, or across national boundaries, and behind enemy lines. Political boundaries or tactical situations may hinder radio broadcasts, but they are not complete barriers. Since radio can reach mass target audiences quickly, it is useful for all types of psychological operations. Where radio stations are not common and receivers rare or nonexistent, receivers may be airdropped or otherwise distributed to key communicators, public installations, and selected individuals. Public listener systems may also be set up.
Speed. Radio programs can be quickly prepared for broadcast. This is important when attempting to capitalize on targets of opportunity.
Wide coverage. Radio programs can reach members of large and varied audiences simultaneously.
Ease of perception. It requires little or no effort to visualize the radio message. Illiteracy does not prevent the listener from forming his individual image as he listens.
Versatility. Radio is easily adaptable to drama, music, news, and other types of programs.
Emotional power. A skilled radio announcer can exert tremendous influence on the listener simply with pitch, resonance, inflection, or timing.
Availability of receivers. Where availability or ownership of receivers is common, listening to radio is a habit. Ownership of receivers has increased greatly with the invention of transistors.
Enemy restrictions. The target group may be subjected to severe censorship, thereby reducing the effectiveness of radio broadcasts. Some countries have only single channel radios with the frequency set to the government-owned station. In some areas central receivers are connected to household receivers to control listening.
Jamming. Jamming may prevent the target group from receiving radio broadcasts .
Technical. Signal may be made inaudible or distorted by fading or static due to unfavorable atmospheric conditions.
Lack of receivers. In certain areas, so few receivers are available that radio may not be an effective medium.
Fleeting impressions. Oral media do not have the permanency of written media. Messages may be quickly forgotten or distorted.
Radio programming consists of planning the schedule, content, and production of programs during a stated period. Words, music, and sound effects are put together in various ways to produce the different kinds of programs. Some of the major types of radio programs are:
Straight news reports (without commentary).
Musical (popular, folk, classical).
Speeches, talks, discussions.
Special events; i.e., on-the-spot coverage of an election or the arrival of an important visitor, etc.
Variety, a combination including music, skits, comedy, vaudeville, etc.
Regularity. Regularity is an essential element of programming. The radio programmer must create habitual program patterns in order to build a regular audience. Content, style, and format should follow an established pattern.
Repetition. Repetition is necessary for oral learning; therefore, key themes, phrases, or slogans should be repeated.
Suitability. The radio program must suit the taste and needs of the audience. Program style and format should follow the patterns to which the audience is accustomed.
Exploitation of censorship. Discussion or presentation of banned books, plays, music, and political topics is readily received by the audience. The same is true for news withheld by censors. In breaking censorship, the psychological operator must be certain that the reason for censoring the items was political and not moral.
Voice. Having announcers with attractive voice features is essential to successful radio operations.
The emotional tone conveyed by the voice may influence the listener more than the logic of arguments.
Announcers whose accents are similar to those of unpopular groups should not be used.
Female voices are used to exploit nostalgia, sex frustration, or to attract female audiences. However, in some parts of the world, due to the status of women, female voices are resented.
Programs are classified according to content, intent, and origin:
Content. The most common and useful radio program classification is by content. News reporting, commentaries, announcements, educational or informative documentaries, music, interviews, discussions, religious programs, drama, and women's programs are the most common examples.
Intent. Classification by "intent" is useful in planning to obtain a desired response with a particular broadcast(s).
Programs are produced to induce such emotional reactions as confidence, hope, fear, nostalgia, frustration, etc.
Origin. Classification by "origin" pertains to the source of the message; i.e., official, unofficial, authoritative, high military command, political party, etc.
Format is the arrangement of the various segments of a program. A fundamental principle in preparing scripts for broadcasting is to standardize as much as possible without losing flexibility. A standard or familiar manner of presentation identifies a program for the viewers, helping to gain a regular audience. The format for a series of programs is usually established before the first program is broadcast. Radio station personnel, when establishing the format, should bear in mind that they must adhere to the highest professional standards of script writing.
The essential factors of program building are:
Purpose. The writer's first concern is the purpose of the program. What is it to accomplish? Careful construction of the purpose statement of the program will aid in structuring the program and provide a measuring device to determine if the goals are being met.
A credible program requires extensive research. Thorough research of a subject uncovers and provides hidden color and details which add a note of authority to the narrator.
Testing. The script is not completed when the last page is written; the announcer (or actor) must read it a loud ( rehearse it) to determine how it sounds.
Aural medium. The special characteristic of radio is that it is entirely an aural medium. Radio depends entirely on the ear and must work completely on the image inspired by the sound waves coming from the speaker system.
The sound of a voice (or music) in a radio presentation raises a particular image in the listener's mind. Radio scripts must make clear to the listener the scene or idea desired by the psychological operator.
Power of suggestion. The mind of each listener is a vast storehouse of scenery. The radio writer, through speech, music, and other sounds, enables the listener to visualize each scene.
Freedom of movement. The radio scriptwriter can change scenes as frequently as desired. He can rapidly take his listeners from one event or point on earth (or in space) to another-its all in the mind.
Conflict. Conflict is the attention-getter in a radio script, gaining and increasing audience interest. Conflict is the hero against the villain, good versus evil, the struggle for survival, etc., with the psychological operator offering the solution by way of his script(s).
The imaginative application of techniques is a way to success. The writer must be constantly alert for new ideas and be willing to experiment with variations of old established techniques. The techniques discussed below apply equally to the preparation of scripts for television and loudspeaker operations:
Simplicity. Use simple sentences and words commonly used by the target audience. However, sentence length should be varied to avoid a singsong or monotonous effect.
Conversational style. Write news in a popular, informal, relaxed style. The listener should not be aware that the news is being read to him.
Speech speed. The normal rate of speech will vary among announcers. The scriptwriter should time the rate of speech of each announcer in the language used and tailor the script to gain maximum impact in the allotted time.
Initial attention. As the listener may be running the risk of severe punishment for listening to a forbidden broadcast, the broadcast must gain instant attention. The initial part of the script should convince the listener that the program will be of interest to him . Therefore, the essential facts need to be in the first few sentences to gain interest and to insure that nothing of importance is lost if the program is jammed.
Pacing and timing. Pacing refers to the changes in quality, emotion, thought, or feeling written into the program by the scriptwriter. Timing is controlled by the director and is a shift in the speed of message delivery.
Tongue twisters. Avoid words that successively begin with the same sounds, such as "In providing proper provisional procedures ... " Avoid words ending in "ch," "sh," "th." These sounds generally produce a hissing noise.
Numbers. Round numbers off, unless the specific number is important. For example, 20 thousand may be used instead of 20,158. Large numbers should be written in the manner easiest to read: one billion 200 million 50 thousand instead of 1,200,050,000.
Unfamiliar names. Avoid beginning a news item with a name that is unfamiliar to the target audience. Introduce the names as "The chief of police, Mr. Jones ... "
Quotes. The listener cannot see quotation marks. By voice inflection, the announcer can make it clear when a quotation begins and ends. Other methods may be used to indicate a quotation:
In Smith's own words ...
To quote Smith ...
As Smith states ...
Punctuation. Ordinary punctuation marks are ignored in script writing. They can, however, be used as a guide for the announcer. For example, parentheses may be used to set off a phrase. Key words should be capitalized for emphasis. Phonetic spelling may be used to help the announcer with difficult words.
Profanity and horror. The announcer, speaking as a representative of his government and in keeping with the image of the serious, sincere spokesman, will not use profanity in his broadcasts. He will not use horrible descriptions of human suffering, although objective reports have a legitimate place in radio.
Abbreviations. Conventional abbreviations are seldom used. In script writing "Mister" is used instead of "Mr." Any abbreviations used must be familiar to the target audience.
Radio monitoring provides information to the PSYOP current intelligence team on:
The enemy's domestic and foreign propaganda programs.
The propaganda the enemy aims at his own military forces in the field.
Propaganda directed at our forces, and the necessary countermeasures which can and should be taken.
Radio monitoring also provides information for evaluating the effectiveness of US and allied PSYOP. The frequency band is scanned on a random basis to intercept other broadcasts of interest to the US and allied forces.
Operational rules require monitoring personnel to:
Be objective when giving the monitoring reports.
Be familiar with the names of persons and places likely to appear in the monitored broadcast.
Monitor only the station(s) to which assigned. Scan the frequency band only when directed.
-Record the identity of the monitored station, the date and time, and other relevant information pertaining to the monitored broadcast.
-Bring significant information to the attention of superiors immediately. Do not wait to make a scheduled report.
-Use phonetic spelling when in doubt as to the spelling of strange names and places.
Posted on Friday, November 3, 2006
PSYOP is modern satanism with Government approval
in the hands of dangerous people like LT.Col.Michael Aquino
(US intelligence-Temple of Set)
So we wanted to explain you what Psychological operations realy are from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
(Redirected from Psy-Ops)
Psychological Operations (PSYOP[US] or PSYOPS[UK, GE, NATO]) are planned operations to convey selected information and indicators to specific foreign and (in certain countries) domestic audiences to influence their emotions, motives, objective reasoning, and ultimately the behavior of governments, organizations, groups, and individuals. Sometimes combined with black operations or false flag tactics, the purpose of psychological operations is to induce or reinforce attitudes and behaviors favorable to the originator's objectives. As such, there must always be sufficient truth to be credible.
This concept has been used by military institutions throughout history, but it is only since the twentieth century that it has been accorded the organizational and professional status it enjoys now.
In the German Bundeswehr the Zentrum Operative Information and its subordinated Bataillon für Operative Information 950 are responsible for the PSYOPS efforts (in German called Operative Information). Both the center and the battalion are subordinate to the new Streitkräftebasis (Joint Services Support Command, SKB) and together consist of about 1,000 soldiers that specialise in modern communication and media technologies. One project of the German PSYOPS forces is the radio station Voice of the freedom which is used by thousands of Afghans, another are different newspapers and magazines published in Kosovo and Afghanistan.
United Kingdom
In the British Armed Forces, PSYOPS are handled by the tri-service 15 Psychological Operations Group.
United States
The purpose of United States psychological operations (PSYOP) is to induce or reinforce attitudes and behaviors favorable to U.S. objectives. In the United States Department of Defense, Psychological Operations units exist in the Army and Air Force. The United States Navy also plans and executes limited PSYOP missions.
Unlike some countries, United States PSYOP units and soldiers of all branches of the military are prohibited by law from conducting PSYOP missions on domestic audiences. While PSYOP soldiers may offer non-PSYOP related support to domestic military missions, PSYOP can only target foreign audiences. Though, it is worth noting that this does not rule out PSYOP targeting foreign audiences of allied nations.
Within the U.S. Psychological Operations community, PSYOPS is generally considered to be an incorrect abbreviation. The correct abbreviation is PSYOP.
Posted on Sunday, November 26, 2006
Their motto in the Monte Carlo Lodge is for example:
"power destroys the ones who dont have it".
"il potere logora chi non c'e' la".
Most of the people who enter these societies will never get anything out of it, but they still do it to feel part of a greater structure who can be of help to humanity (not knowing they are realy far from it).
The problem is that at the top level all present Grand Masters are corrupt and in the firm hands of Dajal ,thats the United Grand Lodge of England Network or the Grand Orient of France Network , without mentioning the GLADIO P2 illuminati Lodges of Rui Gabirro and the Regular Grand Lodge of England and Wales, and their various Masonic High Council projects built by various intelligence operatives around the world. So I realy cant see how they can be of help to us in any way these corrupt masons of today.
May one day if they stop just becoming puppets of their evil Neo illuminati Brothers on top of the Pyramid something can be done for truly helping the comunity,ESPECIALY in this diccult moment of our history were we need true Brothers not pretenders. What a show of ignorance and decadence in front of our eyes every day when so many adult men with wife and kids at home ,
enter these lodges without knowing they are entering hell not the Temple of Solomon.
Lets all pray for them and hope some sense comes in their heads and stop this idiotic puppet show,
In regards to what happens in the degree's of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite from 4th to 33rd , its just more theatre and drama from the XVIIIo Century with a more sophisticated coreography and a few more oaths untill you get to the Luciferian part.
the key degrees are the 18th (Rose Croix) were you are made to realize you are a somekind of new Jesus and find the secret key to the so called Rosicrucian enlightment I.N.R.I.: IGNE NATURA RENOVATUR INTERGRA instead of "Iesvs Nazarenvs Rex Iudaeorvm" (this degree was actualy created by the Jesuits not the real Rosicrucians) We also used to have in the USA but we still have in Europe (thanks God ), the 30th degree with the Knights Templar mith of Jacob de Molay and the revenge against the Vatican and their corrupt Monarchs (something the Vatican obviously didnt like for a long time so the US Supreme Council apparentely eliminated it 3 years ago) .
And if you decide to go above the 33rd degree in the illuminati Rites of Memphis and Misraim you start fully working with Black Magic and egyptian Jinn(Demons)...
so the situation is the following :
in Blue Masonry the Master Mason is resurrecting trough the Master Builder of King Solomon'S Temple Hiram Habiff , in the 32nd degree of the A.A.S.R. (Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite) Jesus is revealed to be the Corner Stone of the Temple and the real Master Builder of all times that testifies our faith in the resurection of the body, we discover then that the symbolical mystery of the death of Hiram Abiff given to us in the 3rd degree actualy represents that of the Messiah. And finaly in the Memphis and Misraim Rite the resurected figure becomes Osiris and Jesus becomes simply the High Priest of Osiris in your eyes.
And at that point after you have studied and practiced the black Arts in all the ways possible for supreme manipulation and ultimate Mind Control , you are then made ready FOR YOUR PLACE IN THE EVIL ILLUMINATI HQ'S BECAUSE SATAN HIS NOW IN FULL CONTROL OF YOUR MIND,BODY AND SOUL AND YOU CAN JOIN THE BLACK MASSES IN THE VATICAN!
I was indeed a 33o of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of the Italian/Monte Carlo Supreme Council as thats the only way you can become a member of the Monte Carlo Committee (or Monte Carlo lodge if you prefer the G LODGE of the ILLUMINATI). I also published elsewere on my web site my illuminati Diploma of 33o 90o 95o of the Memphis and Misraim Rite of the illuminati that shows you not only my 33rd degree of the A.'.A.'.S.'.R.'. but also the the fact I went way above that in 2002 e.'.v.'. after receiving my 33o 90o 95o degree in the Oslo illuminati oratory of Enoch. I also published on this web site the secret Passwords, signs and grips of these degrees, and I also published the complicated set of degrees of the illuminati way above the 33rd so I invite you to have a more detailed look at my web site and you will find what you need and more.
The power of a 33rd degree depends from the power of the Supreme Council he represents, and thats usualy decided by the date on their Patent/Charter , the more old their Charter/ Patent granted Charleston Mother of all Supreme Councils the better it is! In Italy we have the Number 3 after the "Mother" Council of Charleston of 1801 eand the one in France of 1804.
check it out
Fr.'.Leo Lyon Zagami 33o e l'illustre Fr.Francesco Murgia 30o R.'.S'.A.'.A.'.
nel GIUGNO del 2006 e.'.v.'.
"Nel 1805, infatti, il bonapartista Conte Alessandre Auguste de Grasse-Til/y giunse a Milano per costituirvi il primo Supremo Consiglio del Rito Seozzese Antico ed Accettato."
"I guess 98% of the masons dont have a clue about anything and just enjoy the show?"
"and what happens in degree above 33-90 ?"
THE LAST MASONIC DEGREE IS 33o 90o 100o in the Memphis and Misraim (thats equivalent to XIIo in the OTO/ILLUMINATI and the Swedish Rite) Supreme Patriarch of the Gnostic Catholic Church and GM of the Supreme Rite of Cosmic Architecture.
The Memphis and Misraim Rite officialy arrives to
33o 90o 97o
but in reality
it goes up to
33o 90o 98o
and very rarely to
33o 90o 100o (only in Palermo HQ's)
Posted on Saturday, October 28, 2006
la padania 13 /10.....
Duro intervento in aula del senatore Leoni: «Alcuni politici si vergognano di dichiarare la nostra fede»
«Prodi tradisce il mondo cristiano»
giuseppe leoni
Roma - Inizio il mio discorso con la massima “Dare a Cesare quello che è di Cesareâ€, in riferimento alla mozione, tramite la quale proprio la Lega ha offerto al Parlamento la possibilità di pronunciarsi su un fatto molto rilevante nel mondo della politica. Tuttavia, l'ampia discussione che si è svolta, purtroppo, non arriva all'esterno del nostro mondo, visto che la Rai ha preferito non far sapere come ben pensano, chi sono e come si comportano nei confronti di Sua Santità i parlamentari.
Ciò che più mi preoccupa e che non dobbiamo dimenticare, assieme all'assurda e strumentale risposta del mondo islamico e le scuse pronte da parte della nostra Chiesa, è il fatto che abbiamo religiosi in giro per il mondo, che rischiano la vita in prima linea, come è avvenuto il giorno dopo per quella suora italiana in Africa.
Non dobbiamo dimenticare che i nostri martiri - la nostra gente - muoiono per un progetto di amore, mentre i martiri per l'Islam muoiono per poter portare morte in mezzo alle persone. È questa la grande differenza che c'è tra la nostra religione e le altre.
Il primo ministro, però, come cittadino e cristiano cattolico mi ha lasciato fortemente perplesso e preoccupato. È proprio su questo punto che voglio spendere i miei pochi minuti di intervento, pervenendo ad una riflessione che voglio svolgere ad alta voce.
È risaputo che il progetto massonico teorizza che il modo migliore per controllare socialmente e demograficamente l'umanità è la diffusione del vizio e dell'immoralità e la creazione di società multirazziali, con lo scopo preciso - c'è, infatti, uno scopo preciso - di rovesciare e distruggere il cristianesimo, unico punto di forza e testimone fondante della nostra società .
Non faccio il poliziotto di mestiere, ma mi riferiscono che il nostro presidente del Consiglio è un frequentatore assiduo di logge massoniche e che in una convention ad Aquisgrana, negli anni Ottanta, è stato investito di grande poteri e responsabilità . Non si può servire Dio e mammona in contemporanea.
Dicono anche che c'è una pratica di esoterismo e di magia, altra funzione fortemente criticata dal mondo cattolico. Mi interrogo sulla risposta del presidente del Consiglio nei confronti del Santo Padre: “Ma si faccia difendere dalle guardie svizzereâ€. In un clima di minaccia planetaria verso il Papa mi ha lasciato terrorizzato il disinteresse di una civiltà che il nostro Presidente - se questo mondo serve - spero vorrà abbattere. La logica l'ho trovata nel cognome del nostro presidente del Consiglio: prodi è l'imperativo del verbo prodeo e significa «esci fuori», ma anche «tradisci». Mi chiedo allora se vuole tradire il mondo che vuole rappresentare come cristiano. È questo che voglio capire perché il nostro Presidente, in nome della carica che ricopre, ha ricevuto l'ordine magari da quel mondo di cui continua a far parte.
Il nostro presidente del Consiglio quando ha ricevuto la confermazione e la cresima è diventato un soldato di Cristo e come tale non può delegare ad altri la sicurezza del Santo Padre; avrebbe quindi dovuto esprimersi in prima persona, impegnando in prima persona se stesso e anche il Governo e tutto il Paese che rappresenta. Forse però il detto «morto un Papa se ne fa un altro» giustifica come vanno le cose. Penso che il nostro compito sia quello di attivarci in tutti i modi per garantire a Benedetto XVI una lunga vita perché con i suoi insegnamenti possa illuminare le nostre menti oscurate in un momento di secolarizzazione della nostra società .
La droga che vive nel nostro mondo, come abbiamo avuto modo di apprendere in questi giorni dai giornali, sicuramente non è la massima espressione di tutti noi che rappresentiamo il Parlamento.
Cosa dire poi del rifiuto dell'Europa nell'inserire nella propria Carta costituzionale le radici cristiane? Il nome Benedetto, scelto dal cardinale Ratzinger è un messaggio preciso al popolo cristiano, perché san Benedetto fu il primo a raccogliere i resti dell'impero romano e a organizzare territorialmente la nascita di un'Europa con le fondamenta cristiane fino in fondo. Mentre adesso difendiamo l'operato, su iniziativa della Lega, del Pontefice, in altre situazioni politiche però ci siamo vergognati di dichiarare il nostro cristianesimo, com'è avvenuto nel momento della predisposizione della Costituzione europea.
Posted on Thursday, November 2, 2006
Excerpted with some modifications from:
Satan and Humanity
By Fethullah Gulen
The jinn we know as Satan was created from fire. Before his obedience and sincerity were tested through Adam, he had been in the company of angels, acting and worshiping as they did. Unlike angels, however, who cannot rebel against God (At-Tahrim 66:6), Satan was free to choose his own path of conduct. When God tested him and the angels by commanding them to prostrate before Adam, the seeds of his self-conceit and disobedience blossomed and swallowed him. He replied in his vanity, (I am better than him. You created me from fire, whilst him you did create of clay) (Saad 38:76).
Why was Satan created? Satan was created for important purposes. If Satan, who continually tries to seduce us, did not exist, our creation would be meaningless and futile. God has innumerable servants who cannot rebel and thus do whatever they are told. In fact, the existence of an absolute Divine Being Who has many beautiful names and attributes requires, not because of some external necessity but because of the essential nature of His names, that His names be manifest.
God gave us free will so that we could know good from evil. In addition, He gave us great potentials. Our development of these potentials and our struggle to choose between good and evil make us experience a constant battle in our inner and outer worlds. Just as God sends hawks upon sparrows so that the latter will develop their potential to escape, He created Satan and allowed him to tempt us so that our resistance to temptation will raise us spiritually and strengthen our willpower. Just as hunger stimulates human beings and animals to further exertion and discovery of new ways to be satisfied, and fear inspires new defenses, Satan’s temptations cause us to develop our potentials and guard against sin.
There is an infinitely long line of spiritual evolution between the ranks of the greatest prophets and saints down to those of people like Pharaoh and Nimrod; therefore it cannot be claimed that the creation of Satan is evil. Although Satan is evil and serves various important purposes, God’s creation involves the whole universe and should be understood in relation to the results, not only with respect to the acts themselves. Whatever God does or creates is good and beautiful in itself or in its effects. For example, rain and fire are very useful but can cause great harm when abused; therefore, one cannot claim that the creation of water and fire is not totally good. It is the same with the creation of Satan. His main purpose is to cause us to develop our potential, strengthen our willpower by resisting his temptations, and then rise to higher spiritual ranks.
To the argument made by some that Satan leads many people to unbelief and subsequent punishment in Hell, I would reply with the following:
First, although Satan was created for many good, universal purposes, many people may be deceived by him. But Satan only whispers and suggests; he cannot force you to indulge in evil and sin. If you are so weak that his false promises deceive you and you allow yourself to be dragged down, you earn the punishment of Hell by misusing an important God-given faculty that enables you to develop your potential and raise to the highest rank. You must use your free will, which makes you human and gives you the highest position in creation, properly, and to further your intellectual and spiritual evolution. Otherwise, you must complain about being honored with free will and therefore about being human.
Second, as quality is much more important than quantity, we should consider qualitative, as opposed to quantitative, values when making our judgment. For example, 100 date seeds are worth only 100 cents if they are not planted. If only 20 out of 100 seeds grow into trees due to the other 80 being destroyed by too much water, can we argue that it is evil to plant and water the seeds? I think all of us can agree that it is wholly good to have 20 trees in exchange for 100 seeds, since 20 trees will produce 20,000 seeds.
Again, 100 peacock eggs may be worth a couple of dollars. But if only 20 eggs hatch and the rest do not, who will say that it is wrong to risk 80 eggs being spoiled in return for 20 peacocks? On the contrary, it is wholly good to have 20 peacocks at the expense of 80 eggs, for those 20 peacocks will lay even more eggs.
It is the same with humanity. By fighting Satan and their evil-commanding selves, many “worthless†people have been lost in exchange for thousands of prophets, millions of saints, and billions of men and women of wisdom and knowledge, sincerity and good morals. All of these people are the sun, moon, and stars of the human world.
Posted on Tuesday, November 28, 2006
In the last few hours Mehmet Ali AÄŸca (born January 9, 1958) the Turkish assassin who shot and wounded Pope John Paul II on May 13, 1981 as declared from prison that he is the new Messiah, yes the new Jesus of the end of times.
This news arrives to us as no surprise in this never ending illuminati theatre.
Lets make it clear to everyone that Mehmet Ali AÄŸca went to visit the Scontrino Lodge in Sicily and Prince Alliata di Monreale ( my illustrius Mentor) the Puppet Master of LA ROSA DEI VENTI AND GLADIO before going to Rome to execute is
The pope was just a illuminati puppet of this evil show that still goes on twenty years later...
Mehmet Ali AÄŸca as also said yesterday to the Turkish Press that the Vatican is about to fall in the Abyss of chaos and destruction, and soon we will all face Armagedon , so these are indeed the end of times also for our dear PSYOP puppet AÄŸca!
Khaled Saifullah Khan will pray for these infedels,including our new MK-ULTRA brainwashed Jesus Mehmet Ali AÄŸca and that corrupt muslim called Erdogan , who recentely invited P2 illuminati Brother Silvio Berlusconi for his dauthers wedding. And the finance minister of Turkey as already joined the Bildeberg Mafia two years ago.
The Vatican illuminati and their Zionist brothers have already made their plans to use and abuse Turkey in the next few years as a troyan horse for the rest of the muslim world, and at the end of the day the city of Troy his in Turkey...what a coincidence.
And on top of all this Buyukanit as been nominated as new General in charge of the defence HQ's.
The problem is that General Buyukanit is a jewish Zionist and a Freemason close to the Vatican Neo illuminati and his Masters from Jerusalem.
So why are Turkish citizen falling into this New World Order trap and Erdogan submits willingly to Vatican Luciferian powers by meeitng the Nazi Pope Ratzinger ?
Well Turkey is desperate to join the European Union and enjoy the wealth and decadence of the western satanic powers under firm Vatican Jesuit Zionist control, and it seems to me that Turks are falling into this trap willingly , because of the level of satanic infiltration in their society and in the religious institution of their country, something that only one man in Turkey could eventualy stop and that man is Fethullah Gulen , a true master of his country who as to stand up now against satan before his country is completely under Vatican/Zionist control.
Last but not least the so called communist of the PKK (a bunch of dangerous CIA/MOSSAD puppets) have been used to scare away until recentely the foreign investors interested in Turkey. This evil plan is put in action so the illuminati sharks with the help of their Rotarian Masonic Network can buy everything cheap before joining officialy the EU and making the prices go up like crazy and make loads of money.
These meetings to decide the future of Turkey and the rest of the muslim world have already been made, and the most important ones have been the gathering of all the masonic Lodges connected to the CLIPSAS network on the 30th of October 2005 , the Rotary 100 years anniversary gathering with Comandante Giorgio Hugo Balestrieri in Ankara in April 2005 and last but not least the usual Bildeberg meeting of a couple of years ago.
To finalize the corruption of Erdogan , the Vatican Satan and the Italian illuminati slave State, had already sent 3 years ago their most loyal Opus Dei servant Fini from Alleanza Nazionale to Ankara with a message and a warning from illuminati Puppet and Puppet Master Sivio Berlusconi.
At that point they started brainwashing Erdogan with the following:
you have to distance yourself from all religious leaders including Fethullah Gulen otherwise you cant join Europe thats our main request coming from Vatican HQ's. And after a quile they started to insist on this point more and more, until they initiated Erdogan in the illuminati Lodges and they said to him, NOW YOU ARE ONE OF US AND WE ARE THE ONES RULING THE WORLD so the only chance to be a pat of Europe is to become a part of us the great Satan.
But our dear Brother Erdogan Prime Minister of Turkey is a simple village peasant and went on falling more and more into the hands of Satan like most people with his backround who are given important positions by the Puppet Masters of Nato, they finaly had another puppet for their evil games, another Neo illuminati under Vatican/Zionist control.
Well now you know the truth Turkey, its your turn to act against those people who are bringing pornography,drugs and weapons into your country to slowly make out of a great city like Instanbul another Babylon. Please dont fall for it my dear muslim Brothers and rebel before is to late and you are also trapped like the United States citizens in the Matrix of Satan.
Last but not least Mehmet Ali AÄŸca said that he was the guy who inspired Dan Brown for the Da Vinci Code and that he has written in prison a 100 pages book called THE VATICAN CODE.
Well what next?
Leo Lyon Zagami
Khaled Saifullah Khan
Posted on Tuesday, October 31, 2006
Dear Brothers and Sisters of this Forum ,
Im realy sorry first of all about my english (especialy on the Radio) , I heard some complains about it and I will practice for a better show , my mother a very English/Scottish Lady always tried to improve it but IM A ROMAN AT HEART and I prefer the accent of Ancient Rome that the one of posh Chelsea unfortunately, and I didnt get much of my Father's Sicilian (thats a pitty but we still have time).
I was born in the Gemelli Hospital in Rome (Pope's Hospital) on the 5th of March 1970 and I lived in Rome until I was 24 so my true language will always be italian , the official language of the Vatican illuminati by the way togheter with German and English.
Im not a conspiracy theorist or a corrupt PSYOP working against your interest to deceive you even further , Im a simply a person like you (not an alien ..) who was born in a particular circumstances and has a true believe in being a genuine Knight of God serving the peole not the Vatican!.
During my many years in the various organizzations rappresenting the illuminati and Freemasonry since 1993 I saw many things and I finaly rebelled to something, most people are even scared to mention let alone leave.
So Ive just been doing all this ILLUMINATI CONFESSIONS to protect the life of me and my familiy first of all before they will eventualy try to kill me.
And now I want to show you a reality that is very difficult to explain for me as Im not used to deal with non initiates or prophane individuals as we call you within our illuminati circles and Masonic Lodges . Thats why I was working at very high level, because my kind of knowledge is not for everyone in their eyes and probably most of you are not ready for it yet .But my intention is to finaly bring some concrete evidence to the outside world about the end of times, and the various secret actors and Societies of this insane play before 2012. This plan will help the true Messiah come forward to sort thing out once and for all and establish the real Kingdom of God.
You are free to believe what you want of my world , me I personaly believe in God and his Angels and thats about it , but i also know the legion of Satan very well and its about time to wake up and fight this great evil now completely taking control of the planet you are all living in , there are evil Jinns everywere but you are made blind by deception and you like to think you are free...poor poor innocent souls..
Dont waste your time with to much theory about this or this other Secret Society WE DONT HAVE TIME
and simply stand up and SAY:
Well lets just mention a couple of Prophecies:
"The trees will not bear the usual quantity of fruit,fisheries will become unproductive and the earth will not yield its usual abundance. Inclement weather and famine will come" ...(St.Columbcille d.AD 597)
" Now I see that God willl punish man with a severity that has not been used since the Flood". (Third Secret of Fatima 1917)
and the list goes on also in all the other religions...KALI YUGA LAST FAZE!
Its a difficult task but thats my aim as I am probably the last idealist in the illuminati , do you think that a guy like me will get out of the Monte Carlo Lodge of the P2 without a plan to fight these idiots...well you are very wrong indeed my dear friends.
We are used to Mind Control millions of people in the illuminati with no mercy for the people bellow, and thats done for the usual Jesuits and their Zionist friends, now instead I want to work for you out there, the poor and the innocent , who dont even immagine whats realy going on in the evil illuminati network around the world , this before we are all trapped by Satanic New World Order deception and lies.
In regards to the connections of each group involved in the NWO starting with the Rotary, then the Freemasons ending with the illuminati and the Knights of Malta I can simply say they are all in it for GLOBAL MANIPULATION and the sales of MORE WEAPONS , MORE DRUGS , AND GENERALY SPEAKING MORE DIABOLICAL NONSENSE FRON SATAN HIMSELF IN ORDER TO SELL MORE PRODUCTS WITH NO REAL VALUE IN THE EYES OF GOD.
From the muslim fundamentalist to the Scientology member THESE MOVES ARE ALL PILOTED BY THE VATICAN and their Knight of Malta.
So after saying all this Im also sorry to have sent on the Conspiracy Forums at the begining some of the material on my site in order to promote it and save my life , but I did it with good intentions so I hope you will forgive me one day for some Propaganda, after all that was my job at the Propaganda 2 HQ'S in Monte Carlo.
For all those satanist out there still involved with the New World Order, well Im not gonna give up until I personaly see you all burning in hell on judgement day when even Satan will let you down.
Leo Lyon Zagami now Khaled Saifullah Khan
Posted on Friday, November 24, 2006
The Conservative Party of South Africa, Konserwatiewe Party van Suid-Afrika in Afrikaans (that joined forces with another party of similar views, the Freedom Front, to form the Freedom Front + in 2003)
is the political front of the more Nazi inclined illuminati in South Africa secretly connected to guys like this who love very much their Nazi Brothers from the Norwegian Order of Freemasons. Freemasons in Johannesburg have also been secretely working to establish a illuminati right wing irregular Lodge Chartered by the usual not so "Regular Grand Lodge of England" to do their dirty Nazi work in South Africa. And the son of a senior member of the South African Freemasons and the Conservative Party of South Africa was actualy initiated by me last year at Rui Gabirro's Regular Grand Lodge of England HQ's as you can see in the group photo featured in my confession "London PSYOP Masonic Theatre in october 2005 e.v. with Bro.Rui Gabirro and Bro.Leo Lyon Zagami" . He is the only one wearing glasses on your right side of the screen , but I can't remember is name because we were intiating quite a few Brothers that day with the Duke of Cabinda and it got quite chaotic as it happens in these cirmcumstances , especialy with Rui around.
Toast for the visitor from Norway at Exsequi Lodge No. 8994
P.O. Box 46248
Orange Grove
District Johannesburg
Consecrated: 1981
Meetings: 4th Mon Feb, Apr, June, Aug, Oct, Nov
Meeting place:Freemasons' Hall 8 Park Lane, Parktown Johannesburg
Toast to you, our visitor from
A Toast to all our differences
A Toast to common ground
A Toast to what we're seeking
A Toast to what we've found
To what brings us together
To what sets us apart
A Toast to many different souls
United with one heart.
To our visitor from Norway hurrah!
Leo Lyon Zagami/Khaled Saifullah Khan
Posted on Friday, December 1, 2006
This is a 'famous quote from the Necronomicon'. Whether or not that tome really exists, I like this couplet beause it just sounds as sinister as 9/11...a big eternal lie of Global deception and manipulation supported by the Ordo Templi Orientis Satanist that in the last 48 hours have started to attack my web site. But I was prepared for all this and I would like to tell the so called illuminati that the honest Brothers and Sisters who follow my site dont fall for your kind of rubbish and know very well my story and your false accusations made to my persona in the past so let it be.
I cant keep erasing your rubbish so we can keep it as a witness to human ignorance and Satanist manipulation.
Rua dos Crovos 454 Jd.Dos Pinheiros
Atibaia SP Brazil Cep:12945-570
HOME 55(011) 4411-5143
CELL:55(011) 99604479
As Salam Aleikum to all these Black Magicians out there who love their sick Necronomicon.
Khaled Saifullah Khan
Posted on Wednesday, November 29, 2006
American Dictatorship
by Michael Haupt
A Dictatorship is form of government in which one person or a small group possesses absolute power without effective constitutional limitations.
When Hitler was appointed in January 1933, Germany was a democracy. Germany had fair elections; nobody had their right to vote abused; there were numerous political parties to choose from at voting time. To pass a law, the Reichstag had to agree to it after a bill went through the normal processes of discussion and debate.
Hitler had promised a general election for March 1933. One week before the election was due to take place, the Reichstag building burned down. Hitler knew that if he was to convince President Hindenburg to give him emergency powers - as stated in the Weimar Constitution - he had to play on the old president's fear of communism. What better than to convince him that the communists were about to take over the nation by force?
Unsurprisingly, a convenient patsy, and known Communist supporter - Marianus van der Lubbe - was caught near the Reichstag building immediately after the fire started. Those that arrested him - Nazi officials - claimed that Lubbe confessed that the fire was a signal to other communists to start the revolution. Matches were allegedly found on van der Lubbe and those who arrested him claimed that he smelt of petrol.
Hmmm, how convenient.
Hitler asked Hindenburg to grant him emergency powers in view of the 'communist takeover'. Using the constitution, Hindenburg agreed to pass the Law for the Protection of the People and the State. In the months and years thereafter, Hitler steadily introduced law after law, which gradually turned Germany into a Dictatorship.
Exactly the same process commenced on September 11, 2001 in the USA, and concluded with the inclusion of law HR6166 into the American Constitution on the Sept 28, 2006.
ARTICLES 186-195 Posted on Thursday, November 23, 2006 Son of the Grand Master of the United Grand Lodge of England's officialy submits to the Vatican Luciferian powers : The royal son of the Grand Master of the United Grand Lodge of England converted to Catholicism in 2001 Lord Nicholas Windsor, godson of Prince Charles, married a Croatian noblewoman in a religious ceremony at the Vatican on October the 4th of November. They were legally married in a civil ceremony in England on October 19. On November 1st Lord Nicholas Windsor and his fiancée Donna Paola Doimi de Frankopan were granted an audience with Pope Benedict XVI at the Apostolic Palace at the Vatican . The couple received a papal blessing four days ahead of their marriage. Friends said the honour was "a complete surprise". The wedding ceremony has been postponed by five hours to allow time for a Mass to be heard for a dead cardinal. The Vatican witnessed an historic moment in relations between the Catholic Church and the British Monarchy on Saturday the 4th of November, when Lord Nicholas Windsor, son of the Duke and Duchess of Kent, married in a church situated in the papal gardens behind St. Peter's Basilica! Lord Windsor, the least known member of the Royal Family married British-born Croatian noble, Donna Paola Doimi de Frankopan, in the Church of Santo Stefano degli Abissini. Bishop Alan Hopes, an auxiliary bishop in the Archdiocese of Westminster, conducted the ceremony of shame. Lord Windsor, whose godparents are The Prince of Wales and the late Archbishop of Canterbury, Lord Coggan, became the first ever member of the Royal Family to marry at the Vatican and finaly show to the world the true face of the United Grand Lodge of England, a Vatican driven Masonic Order that rules worldwide Freemasonry trough the Duke of Kent but actualy takes orders from the Superior General of the Jesuits and the Gay Pope trough the Gran Lodge Ekklesia based in Vatican HQ's. Lord Windsor is the first ever member of the Royal Family to marry openly and legally within the rites of the Roman Catholic faith since the Reformation ! Thats the final move to show the idiots in the Masonic Ranks bellow who is realy in control of the United Grand Lodge of England. A meeting of the Privy Council confirmed in October before the marriage the Sovereign's full approval of the wedding as is required by law. Lord Windsor converted to Catholicism in 2001 and by doing so automatically lost his rights of succession to the throne because of the notorious 1701 Act of Settlement that bars Catholics from becoming monarch , but we know that his position in the Masonic order and the Knights of Malta will always put him on top of the real pyramid of power in the UK. The little known and publicity shy Lord Nicholas has since his conversion, been very active in Church affairs. He privately joined tens of thousands who queued for hours to file past the body at the lying in state of CIA/Jesuit actor Pope John Paul II in April 2005. He and his Cambridge educated wife, Paola attend Mass regularly at Westminster Cathedral and Brompton Oratory. In 1994, his mother, the Duchess of Kent, became the most senior member of the Royal Family to openly convert to Catholicism. Lord Nicholas's uncle's wife, Princess Michael of Kent, and his sister-in-law, the Countess of St. Andrews, whilst Catholic from birth, both conducted civil marriages. His father, The Duke of Kent, who is the Grand Master of the United Grand Lodge of Freemasons of England, was there attending the Vatican ceremony with his Brothers from the Lodge Ekklesia that is also directely linked to the P2 and the Monte Carlo Lodge. The Duke who is known to be very close to his son, also and unusually issued an official engagement photograph taken by him at Kensington Palace. Spokesman for the couple, Mr. Anthony Bailey said before the wedding: "The wedding will be a small and strictly private family affair. It is expected that only immediate family members will attend. Lord Nicholas's godfather, The Prince of Wales, will not be attending as His Royal Highness will be returning from an Official Visit to Pakistan at the time which was arranged many months ago. Lord Nicholas and his bride will however be organising a private party to celebrate their marriage in London sometime in the New Year for other members of the Royal Family and close friends who were unable to travel or have other commitments at this time." In the E-Mail bellow a very interesting point of view I received last summer by one of the most illustrius Senior Brothers of the United Grand Lodge of England , Bro. Robert Gilbert chairman of Quatuor Coronati Lodge no.2076 , this happened quile I was organizing a Charity relief fund for the children of Lebanon during the recent war. This e-mail gives yet more evidence of the secret control these false Christians operate on the UGLE Masonic Order that should be Universal and opened to all faiths after 1813, but that is just a lie as you can all see with your own eyes in the following e-mail: E-Mail received on Mon, 24 Jul 2006 23:58:52 +0000 Dear Bro. Leo, My dear friend and illustrius Brother Gabriele Mandel Khan wrote me later regarding this sad episode: Subject: Re: L'ILLUSTRE FRATELLO ROBERT GILBERT E POCO FRATERNO...QC2076 Ci vuole di tutto per fare un mondo. E Dante Alighieri (Purgatorio, Canto V°) diceva: "Non ti curar di lor ma guarda e passa". LEO LYON ZAGAMI / KHALED SAIFULLLAH KHAN Posted on Monday, October 30, 2006 DE LOS RITOS EGIPCIOS ANTIGUO Y PRIMITIVO ORIENTAL DE MISRAIM GRANDE IMPERIO DE LA ORDEN MASONICA DE MEMPHIS RITO ANTIGUO Y PRIMITIVO ORDEN DE MASONERIA REGULAR ORDER OF REGULAR ANTIENT AND FREE MASONRY FROM THE ARCHIVES OF THE ILLUMINATI SOVEREIGN SANCTUARY IN AND FOR LATIN AMERICA, IBERIAN PENINSULA AND GREAT BRITAIN SUPREME POWER OF THE MASONIC RITE OF MEMPHIS AND THE MISRAIM RITE OF ANTIENT FREEMASONRY PRIMERA SERIE La Primera Serie incluye del primero al décimo octavo grado; los grados 1 al 3 son trabajados en las Logias Azules; los grados 4 al 18 son trabajados en los CapÃtulos Rosa Cruces. Enseñan la moralidad, dan la explicación de los sÃmbolos dispone los novicios a la pesquisa filosófica, y los hace comprender la primera parte de la historia. 1 Grado- Aprendiz 4 Grado- Maestro Discreto SEGUNDA SERIE 19 Grado- Caballero Gran PontÃfice de Jerusalén o Sublime Escocés de la Jerusalén Celeste. 33 Grado- Caballero Soberano Gran Inspector General 34 Grado- Caballero de la Escandinavia TERCERA SERIE 44 Grado- Sublime PontÃfice de Isis o PrÃncipe del Zodiaco 77 Grado- Sublime Caballero o Sabio Teósofico Grado Oficial CONDECORACIONES 1 - La Estrella de Sirius CONDECORACIÓN SIMBÓLICA - Orden del Vellón de Oro Rito de Misraim PRIMERA SERIE 1 Grado- Aprendiz Segunda Clase 4 Grado- Maestro Secreto 5 Grado- Maestro Perfecto 6 Grado- Maestro por Curiosidad, Secretario Intimo 7 Grado- Prevoste y Juez 8 Grado- Maestro Ingles Tercera Clase 10 Grado- Elegido de lo Desconocido Cuarta Clase 14 Grado- Escocés Trinitario 15 Grado- Escocés Compañero 21 Grado- Escocés de San Andrés 22 Grado- Pequeño Arquitecto 24 Grado- Arquitectura 31 Grado- Gran Real Arco 32 Grado- Gran Hacha o Gran Arca SEGUNDA SERIE 34 Grado- Caballero de la Sublime Elección Octava Clase 45 Grado- PrÃncipe de Jerusalén Novena Clase 46 Grado- Caballero de la Rosa Cruz de Kilwinning y de Heredom 47 Grado- Caballero de Occidente 48 Grado- Sublime Filosofo Décima Clase 52 Grado- Supremo Comendador de los Astros 66 Grado- Gran Inquisidor Comendador 67 Grado- Caballero Benefactor 71 Grado- Sublime PrÃncipe Talmudim Décima Tercera Clase 74 Grado- S. G. PrÃncipe Haram Décima Cuarta Clase 76 Grado- Sublime Grande PrÃncipe Hasid CUARTA SERIE Décima Quinta Clase Décima Sexta Clase 82 Grado- Supremo Consejo de Soberanos PrÃncipes, Sublime Caballero del Sadah Formidable Décima Séptima Clase"ARCANO ARCANORUM"Regimen Frances"ARCANA ARCANORUM"Regimen de Naples 89 Grado- Sublimes Grandes PrÃncipes Grandes Ministros Constituyentes Representantes LegÃtimos de la Orden para la Tercera Serie, Sublime Maestro de la Gran Obra 90 y Ultimo Grado- Sublime Gran Maestro Absoluto Poder Supremo de la Orden, Supremo Gran Conservador de la Orden CONDECORACIONES EQUIVALENCIA DE LOS GRADOS ENTRE EL RITO DE MEMPHIS Y EL RITO DE MISRAIM Entre los Grados de los Ritos de Memphis y Misraim existen 40 Grados idénticos en Ritual, Instrucción y Catecismo. Los Rituales que son idénticos tienen equivalencia entre si. Los Grados con el mismo Ritual y equivalencia entre los Ritos de Memphis y Misraim y entre los Ritos de Misraim y Memphis es la siguiente: RITO DE MEMPHIS RITO DE MISRAIM Grado 1 Grado 1 EQUIVALENCIA DE GRADOS ENTRE LOS DIFERENTES RITOS Los Grados con idéntico Ritual y la misma equivalencia entre los Ritos de Memphis y Misraim y los Ritos de York; Rito Escocés Antiguo y Aceptado R.E.A.A.; Rito Adonhiramita; Rito Francés o Moderno y Rito Escocés Rectificado R.E.R. es la siguiente: El Grado 33 y Ultimo del REAA es el Grado 33 del Rito de Memphis; El Grado 13 y Ultimo del Rito Adonhiramita es el Grado 21 del Rito de Memphis; El Grado 7 y Ultimo del Rito Francés o Moderno es el Grado 18 del Rito de Memphis El Capitulo del Real Arco, Ultimo Grado del Rito de York es el Grado 13 del Rito de Memphis; El Grado 6 y Ultimo del Rito Escocés Rectificado es el Grado 75 del Rito de Memphis; Posted on Friday, November 24, 2006
The Mevlevi order issues an invitation to people of all backgrounds: The Holy beard of Mohammed (PBUH) Konya (Turkey) moslems worship GOD , we do not worship things , such as the beard of the prophet or his coat (supposed to be in the hands of Mullah Omar ) , or the stick of Moses supposed to be hidden somewhere in southern France ...etc...those objects have no power and should not considered special in any way is said that after the death of our prophet PBUH a tree under which he used to set started to cry , so the khalif Omar ordered the tree to be cut from fear that the people will start worshipping the tree instead of worshipping GOD ...this is Islam , and we should not fall in the same mistakes in which those who received the message before us fall into... November 24, 2006 | KoussKoussKlan To Khalid November 24, 2006 | X M carrissimo fratello nel Islam Khalid : November 24, 2006 | KoussKoussKlan E' un saluto che la massoneria e anche alcuni Cavalierati hanno ripreso dall'Islam, i primi a farlo furono pero' i Fedeli dell'amore di cui faceva parte anche Dante Alighieri a ancor prima Federico II di Svevia che praticava anche lui il Sufismo in Sicilia insieme ai miei antenati i Baroni Di Gregorio che erano i suoi tutori ufficiali. November 24, 2006 | X M e' vero , noi ancora oggi quando c'e salutiamo mettiamo la mano sul petto in senso di respetto ....mi ricordo che una volta a Milano , ho salutato un egyziano e ho messo la mano sul petto , poi un companio italiano voleva a tutti i costi sapere che cosa significasse questo saluto , pensava che c'e siamo scambiatti qualche messagio segreto , ho fatto fatica a spiegargli che non c'era niente di segreto e che era simplicimente un modo di salutarsi .... November 24, 2006 | KoussKoussKlan Posted on Thursday, November 30, 2006 LATER TODAY ON ILLUMINATI CONFESSIONS BY LEO LYON ZAGAMI Posted on Sunday, December 3, 2006 WARNING TO ALL FREEMASONS OUT THERE: ME LEO LYON ZAGAMI AND MY FAMILY OPENLY ATTACK THE OTO ILLUMINATI ALL OVER THE WORLD AS THE WORK OF THE DEVIL AND THE VATICAN JESUIT SATAN, I WAS PERSONALY ARRESTED AND TORTURED IN NORWAY 3 TIMES BECAUSE OF THESE ORDO TEMPLI ORIENTIS ILLUMINATI SATANIST WORKING FOR THE USUAL SUSPECTS WHO THEN ACCUSE ME OF BEING INSANE, AFTER LOCKING ME UP AND TORTURING ME WITH THE SUPPORT OF THE NORWEGIAN MILITARY INTELLINGENCE AND THE CORRUPT NORWEGIAN POLICE. THE ILLUSTRIUS NORWEGIAN RIGHT WING POLITICIAN AND PERVERT PER CHRISTIAN KROGH EX SECRETARY OF THE MINISTRY OF DEFENCE IN NORWAY'S SATANIC KINGDOM IS RESPONSIBLE FOR THIS PERSECUTION AGAINST ME SO I ASK FOR YOUR SUPPORT AGAINST SUCH EVIL. EXPOSE HIM PER CHRISTIAN KROGH (Ordo Templi Orientis 5o Degree) AND EXPOSE CORRUPT NORWEGIAN FREEMASON TROND KAARE WESTBY IXo FROM THE DEFENCE COMMAND IN NORWAY WHO SUPPORTED THEM IN THIS EVIL OPERATION AGAINST ME: HQ'S DEFENCE COMMAND NORWAY Phone +47 23 09 70 91 CORRUPT NORWEGIAN SATANIST MUST BE EXPOSED! Leo Lyon Zagami/Khaled Saifulaah Khan Posted on Monday, November 6, 2006 Remember to include the revelation of the day : Posted on Friday, November 24, 2006 Da: CONTI LORENZO OGGETTO: LO STATO ITALIANO PREMIA GLI EX TERRORISTI Un grazie a tutti per le bellessime parole dimostrate a sostegno della Thanks to everyone for the beautifull statements in support of my/our La situazione è in forte fermento grazie all'azione anche di tutti voi. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stasera 23 novembre 2006, per chi abita nella Regione Toscana, sulla rete Alla trasmissione partecipa: Alla trasmissione parteciperanno anche Carlo Luigi Ciapetti e Adalberto (tonight Lorenzo is participating to a TV debate on TV37 a well known TV Channel in Tuscany-Italy) Lorenzo Conti ------------------------------------------------------------------------- For my english speaking readers From Khaled/Leo : This is a thank you e-mail sent to us from Lorenzo Conti the son of illustrius Bro.Lando Conti killed in 1986 by the so called Red Brigades (a a false flag terrorism operation built in Italy by GLADIO and the P2 ). Posted on Friday, November 3, 2006 1. NAME: Arild Stromsvag 3. OCCUPATION: Ex University Professor at the University of Bergen now General Manager of a Theatre 4. PLACE OF RESIDENCE: Kristiansand / Bergen (Norway) FRATER SUPERIOR ARILD STROMSVAG HIS THE GRAND MASTER OF THE ORDO TEMPLI ORIENTIS (OTO) CALIPHATE IN SCANDINAVIA AND A MEMBER OF THE EUROPEAN ILLUMINATI BLACK MAGIC COUNCIL , TOGHETER WITH ALBERTO MOSCATO AND A FEW OTHERS SPREAD ALL OVER EUROPE. PROFESSOR ARILD A FRIEND OF THE JESUITS , AND A STRONG SUPPORTER (AS ALL OTO LEADERS ) OF MASSIMO INTROVIGNE AND CESNUR, IS A EVIL BLACK MAGICIAN AND ONE OF THE KEY PEOPLE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE SPREAD OF MODERN SATANISM SINCE THE LATE 70's EARLY 80'S IN NORWAY. TODAY HE WORKS THE OTO SYSTEM IN SCANDINAVIA WITH THE SUPPORT OF CHURCH OF SATAN SECRET LEADER CARL ABRAHAMSON , WHO IS THE SECOND IN COMAND IN SCANDINAVIA FOR THE ORDO TEMPLI ORIENTIS SATANIC PROJECT (ANOTHER PSYOP OPERATION). TROUGH THE OTO AND OTHER OCCULT ORGANIZZATIONS THE AMERICAN ILLUMINATI CAN SPREAD THEIR EVIL DEGENERATE WAYS AND PROPAGANDA TO THE YOUNG PEOPLE ALL OVER THE WORLD, EVENTUALY LEADING THEM TO TERRIBLE ACTS LIKE THE BURNING OF THE CHURCHES IN NORWAY. NOWDAYS SIMEN MIDGARD IS A INNOCENT NOVELIST IN THE NORWEGIAN OCCULT WORLD, WHO AS PUBLISHED A BOOK LAST YEAR ABOUT HIMSELF AND WHAT HAPPENED IN THOSE DARK DAYS, PRESENTING IT TO THE PUBLIC AS A FICTIONAL BOOK ABOUT A BLACK MAGICIAN IN NORWAY INVOLVED IN THE CREATION OF BLACK METAL AND DEATH METAL (THE SATANIC MUSIC BORN OUT OF THIS INSULT TO GOD)...WELL SIMEN SEEMS TO BE A MASTER OF TRUE DECEPTION. THIS MEANS THE NORWEGIAN INTELLIGENCE IS SUPPORTING THE WORK OF THE DEVIL AND THE MUSLIM COMUNITY AS ALL THE RIGHTS TO WRITE BOOKS AGAINST THESE KIND OF INFEDELS LIVING IN NORWEGIAN SOCIETY, AND I HOPE THAT CHRISTIANS ALL OVER THE WORLD AND JEWS ALIKE WILL AGREE THAT THIS SITUATION OF CONSTANT SATANIC BRAINWASHING IS NOT ACCEPTABLE ANYMORE IN FRONT OF GOD AND THE COMUNITY. UNFORTUNATELY THE FIRST BOOK PUBLISH MY A MUSLIM ABOUT THIS SITUATION IN NORWAY WAS CENSURED AND ALL COPIES WERE CONFISCATED AND BURNED BY THE NORWEGIAN GOVERNMENT (USUALY A BAD SIGN). BUT SIMEN MIDGARD INSTEAD CAN CONTINUE PUBLISHING MORE DEMONIC PROPAGANDA , WHAT CAN I SAY , WELL DONE NORWAY. LEO LYON ZAGAMI / KHALED SAIFULLAH KHAN Posted on Monday, October 30, 2006 Posted on Monday, November 6, 2006 I RECEIVED A COUPLE OF INTERESTING ANSWERS FROM A FRIEND OF ILLUMINATI CONFESSIONS : [/QUOTE] OBVIOUSLY " Could you give an estimation of how big the faction of the aristocracy/illuminati of the world is that opposes the plans of a New World Order ruled by the Papacy? In other words how many people with power oppose the Pope?" WELL THERE IS ALWAYS BEEN A SPLIT IN HUMAN HISTORY BETWEEN GENUINE ILLUMINATI MASTERS WHO ARE REALY ILLUMINATED BY THE SCIENCE OF GOD AND THE ONES WE CALL THE ILLUMINATI NOWDAYS, WHO ARE JUST A BUNCH OF DEGENERATE BLACK MAGICIANS AND CHARLATANS SERVING AS PUPPETS THE SATAN . BUT A GROWING NUMBER OF WESTERN PEOPLE INVOLVED IN SECRET SOCIETIES OR FREEMASONRY (A SOCIETY WITH SECRETS) OPPOSE THE PAPACY.ESPECIALY THE ONES WHO KNOW WHATS REALY GOING ON AT THE TOP, BUT UNFORTUNATELY THEY CANT DO ANYTHING ABOUT IT . BECAUSE THEY ARE NOT THE LEADERS OF SUCH SOCIETIES , AND THEY PROBABLY WILL NEVER BE... WHY? Only the real perverts and criminals get to the top of this illuminati satanic chain of deception and true evil to finaly become Grand Masters of their own puppets . Their perversions and their strange practices are all very easy to blackmale and manipulate for the Jesuits , so thats great for Vatican HQ's and serves their evil purpose of total domination and Mind Control slavery in the hands of the Antichrist. And for the so called "honest ones" who dont participate to this kind of perversions but are still a key part of the New World Order plot??? Well the illuminati can still manage to buy them out offering them a powerfull position in any field, and lots of money to make them shut up and keep on serving the Satan in their masonic Lodge or at the local Rotary. So the Jesuits keeps everybody by the stick using people like the Monte Carlo P2 illuminati / GLADIO MAFIA to coordinate and control Secret Societies, these people are the Vatican Assassins for real and no jokes are allowed with the Don's of Monte Carlo. Anybody getting out of control will die from the misterious hands of the Mob (not so misterious after all..) So nobody talks they are all very scared of even opening the mouth in front of certain Brothers. But in the last 3 years I started a small Revolution within the European illuminati and many support me knowing my inside work and many efforts to make them go in the right direction, but very few at the present time have the courage to do it openly especialy now Ive completely gone public about it. Remember that at the top levels of the various occult groups working for the Jesuits, and pulling the strings of this idiotic fake Templar game bellow in the hands of a bunch of corrupt European Aristocrats are as usual the Knights of Malta. In England the masonic Knights Templar is also Knights of Malta because is just a common Great Priory show for poor middleclass idiots in the hands of the Queen and the Vatican but they dont have the same priviliges as the Vatican Knights of Malta. The Knights of Malta were actualy the enemies of the Templars and made a deal with the Vatican 700 years ago to eliminate the real Templars and take their Churches and all their posessions . And now after eliminating any trace of genuine Templarism the Knights of Malta work with the Jesuits to control the fake Templars and the Freemasons bellow. Its actualy illarious that somebody believes the real Templars still exist , because they dont , they were eliminated with their Grand Master Jacob de Molay and everything that comes later is just Vatican rubbish to rule the military side of the New World Order plot with another fake mith created by the usual suspects, all modern Templar Orders are simply Vatican driven sheep . At the top level the Monte Carlo P2 Lodge in super Catholic Monte Carlo is simply a Knights of Malta center for ultimate PSYOP manipulation and blackmale plus the usual business deals. The P2 and the Jesuits keep their privileges alive in Monte Carlo because they blackmale even the gay Prince Alberto II of Monte Carlo who has been doing orgies with two black gay men and one black woman at the same time not knowing there was a P2 Brother with a camera living next door. The woman actualy had a son from the Prince because of one of theses encounters , as some of you in the gossip field might remember. And for more P2 gossip from Monte Carlo lets also talk of the common female lover that P2 /Priory of Sion Brother Jean Pierre Giudicelli shares with the Prince of Monte Carlo...well..well ...well... To fight such evil and decadence in the coming years I have to first of all protect the few people that secretely support me in all the secret Societies and in the intelligence world, this I will do by never mentioning their names otherquise the illuminati will probably eliminate them soon after. But I have now a growing number of Masons and Templars that in the coming months want to openly support me against the Zionist ,the illuminati and the Vatican infedels... But I must say that I start to receive daily reports of aristocrats wanting to swich side , but is not so simple and we all know that very well , corruption infact will not be tollerated or accepted at any level of my project so lets see what happens. GOING BACK TO ANOTHER QUESTION MADE TO ME BY THE SAME FRIEND: Wahabi or wahibi as you call them were created by the Zionist and their English friends who think they are the lost tribe of Israel, the same happened with Arafat and the so called Muslim Brotherhood created by the English intelligence...ALL MANIPULATION , ALL THEATRE even the Emir of Quatar works with the illuminati and the UK Freemasons and I have enough evidence in my hands to prove it but Im keeping it to ruin the show of these idiotic Masons , who are publishing around the internet that Im a Nazi working for the Emir of Quatar. A what a surprise when Im gonna bring out that the Gran Mufti of Quatar works with the P2 illuminati and the United Grand Lodge of England Nazi perverts like Brother Jonothon Boulter. Jonothon who is actualy producing on the side spanking films (are spanking films approved in Quatar ?..hi..hi...) when he is not working with the Emir. I can already see the face of the poor Emir...thats hot stuff and it involves the GRAN MUFTI OF QUATAR and well known P2 Brothers like Jonothon Boulter (Double Horizon 9269 UGLE) and Troy Southgate(P2 REGULAR GRAND LODGE OF ENGLAND/Grand lodge No.1 ) connected to evil secret societies and right wing operations for the UK intelligence (check for yourself and have a Google with these names to confirm what I say). Im simply a muslim who follows the pure teachings of Islam based on the Holy Qur'an , my spiritual guide is Sheikh Muhammad Nazim al-Haqqani , my muslim leader and teacher is Fethullah Gulen , my muslim advisor and friend is Gabriele Mandel Khan. Last but not least dont go and vote today in the United States , its just a waste of time they are all puppets of the Vatican Satan anyway , and you could spend your time instead listening to Leo and Greg on THE INVESTIGATIVE JOURNAL from 4pm to 6pm American Central Time on (Genesis Network 4 ). This is Leo Lyon Zagami / Khaled Saifullah Khan ARTICLES 196-204 Posted on Sunday, October 29, 2006 That day at the Roman residence of Cardinal Marcinkus in 70's Rome in that VIP Religious Institution were he always use to stay , a very special guest arrived from the USA to visit him, a Senior CIA guy who was also to become US President and already a member of one of the most powerfull illuminati Lodges in the world, The religious Institution Im talking about belongs to the religious Order of Nostra Signora della Mercede (a female version of the Jesuits) in via Tagliamento in Rome, and the Cardinal in charge of the Vatican State politics at that time was Cardinal dell'Aqua. The reason was a seemingly innocent trip with Marcinkus to Tarquinia (near Rome) , but the place was not so innocent after all as they were going to visit The tomb of Orcus in Tarquinia Italy ( a cult place for Yale Skull and Bones illuminati) was first constructed in the mid 4th Century BCE and subsequently enlarged. Its subjects reflect the increasing gloom that was becoming characteristic of Etruscan art during the centuries of their gradual defeat at the hands of the Romans, Celts, Greeks and Punics. This is in marked contrast to the mood of relaxed confidence of the earlier tombs. The bearded Aita, or Hades is the main god of the underworld. The other figure in the tomb is that of Velia, a noble Etruscan woman. She stares into the darkness with a sombre yet disdainful look, almost sneering at death. But its well known fact for Brothers of the illuminati elite circles that the Ancient cult of Orcus is a demonic and evil cult dedicated to the sacrifice of children and other diabolical practices. But today nobody seems to mind if their President or the Head of the CIA, joins such a perverse and satanic cult within the Order of Death , all this in a presigious place like Yale University. Thats because our society of TV slaves is been manipulated at every level by dangerous satanic intelligence units working for the illuminati in Mind Control activities, All this is secretely promoted by the Vatican in Lodges like the Skull and Bones and many other sick Do we have any hope in the new millenium to fight such The wise and those who established this America, those As we know the early founders of your country (USA) In their HQ's in Rome the Jesuits know very well that Professor Charles Eliot Norton of Harvard a known " Not only were many many founders of the United Those initiated few have made a deal with the dark In November 2003 the Academy of the catholic Church of For the first time in twenty years , Catholic priest This important meeting saw Jesuit Father Sebott the That was also discussed in detail at the illuminati FREEMASONRY AND RELIGION MANY FAITHS ONE BROTHERHOOD And I was amongst the few Brothers and Sisters who had But most of all I remember the fact that a famous Henrick Bogdan went with satanist Carl Abrahamsson to In reality these evil Nazi's went to Tibet several America beware you are not free anymore with these And if you think ( like I unfortunately did for a period of time)that you can I learned only later in my life thanks to my own For a visit to Marcinkus favourite Hotel in Rome: Leo Lyon Zagami Posted on Saturday, October 28, 2006 Why there is now a Vatican project specificaly dedicated to investigating the implications o contact with extra terrestrial races? At Mount Graham in Arizona , the Vatican in reality mantains its own UFO observatory , staffed with Jesuits for the purpuse of doing black magic and working on very detailed astronomical calculations for their so called alchemical work. This dark approach to the Royal Art of Alchemy is operated unfortunately by the Jesuits with the use of evil Jinns serving Satan himself the owner of Vatican HQ's. Another important role for the complex astronomical calculations is the possibility of tracing the coming of a true Messiah and the return of the true spirit of Jesus in the end of times , something they obviously dont want in Rome. The jinn concept offers a logical approach to looking at UFO's, cryptozoology, apparitions, magic, demons, monsters and many other mysteries. Amidst all the far-flung theories presented to account for the presence of alien beings such as: Intergalactic travel very little consideration is given to the concept that some of them simply exist on the earth in a way that isn't generally perceptible to us. We continue to assume that we can perceive everything that is "real" with our 5 senses despite all the evidence to the contrary. An overzealous belief in a science and philosophy of materialism has probably resulted in an irrational amount of faith in our physical senses. Human beings are extremely susceptible to the fabrications of the jinn. We believe what they want us to because their impressive materializations and deceptions are tailored to fit our fantasies and belief systems. The jinn are real entities living on this earth which are normally invisible to us. The name comes from an Arabic word meaning "to hide or conceal". They don't live in bottles or adhere to the fairy tales told about them. They can be deceptive and influential. They are movers behind the UFO mystery as well as many other mysteries. Every culture shows the imprints of their influence in its religion and mythology. There are myriads of hidden intelligent beings in creation . I have tended to think of many who are not human, angel or animal, as being jinn. This is useful for aiding comprehension, for getting a handle on this vast area of hidden experience. We live in the Kingdom of Names and Attributes, after all, and require these for learning and Knowing. But this is admittedly overly simplistic. It is only a beginning for the more experienced researcher. Jinns comprise a vast array of tricksters, fairies, demons and monsters, saints and spacemen who have confounded our understanding for centuries. The materialistic science of the 20th century decided that they no longer exist, despite the huge role they have always played in our wisdoms and mythologies, and despite the large portion of the world that never forgot who they are. Thas because the New World Order of the Jesuits and the Zionist conducted a deliderate UFO propaganda with the help of the usual evil Jinns so you could fall into this demonic trap and loose your faith (there are also good Jinns by the way). The so called UFO mith is not the way forward for humankind towards a clear understanding of God's hidden methaphisical Kingdom and the real beauty of creation. The devil know's that very well that's why he uses people like Scientology in this evil game piloted by the Jesuits to deceive you even further. Dont believe in whats coming out of Hollywood because at present such place is in the hands of a bunch of very evil and powerfull Jinns who want to Mind Control you in the name of the evil one. All intelligence agencies in the world are working for such deception on a massive scale (MK-ULTRA) because it is simply in their interest to not make you realize the truth of God before the Great One comes back to punish the infedels. WAKE UP AMERICA, THIS IS THE TRUTH,YOU ARE BEING MANIPULATED BY THE EVIL ONE AND NOW ITS TIME TO COME BACK TO GOD, ALLAH Salam Aleikum Leo Lyon Zagami / Khaled Saifullah Khan Posted on Thursday, November 30, 2006 Date: Sat, 1 Apr 2006 17:23:24 +0100 (BST) Ave Leo, I spoke to Muftah who works with the Emire of Qatar. If we have a European Islam Conference which will Frat Jonothon LEO LYON ZAGAMI NOW KHALED SAIFULLAH KHAN --- leo young wrote: LEO, I LOVE IT. TOTALLY AGREE. BUT WE DONT WANT TO PUT FRAT. Posted on Thursday, November 30, 2006 Posted on Tuesday, November 7, 2006 WANTED William is one of the infamous satanist who participated to a very important Black Mass celebrated in the Vatican with Massimo Introvigne , Alberto Moscato ,Michela Mercenaro and the usual Jesuits in May 2000. the following was issued by G.M.Kelly a very diasapointed illuminati... Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law. I posed this question on an eGroup: "Why did Bill Breeze, Caliph Hymenaeus Beta of the Caliphate pseudo-o.t.o., move from Texas to Germany?" One of his followers quoted Liber OZ: "Man has the right ... to dwell where he will: to move as he will on the face of the earth." To which I replied: "Absolutely! But I did not question his right to move to Germany. I am simply - and already knowing the answer - asking why he fled from the United States?" This was answered with absolute silence. Warming Up There once was a fellow named Breeze, There once was a fellow named Breeze, There once was a fellow named Bill, And if you think that this is all I have to say on the subject, you don't know me too well! Posted on Thursday, November 2, 2006 Book on plot to kill pope fuels unease ahead of Turkey visit Tuesday, October 31, 2006 Sibel Utku Bila ISTANBUL - AFP Pope Benedict XVI can almost certainly expect a chilly welcome when he visits Turkey next month, but a Turkish novelist claims worse is in store for the head of the Catholic Church -- an assassination attempt. Yucel Kaya's book, “Plot Against the Pope,†could easily have been dismissed as second-rate fiction, but the uproar Benedict XVI triggered with his recent controversial remarks about Islam, coupled with several attacks in Turkey targeting priests, have raised concern. The novel is about a conspiracy to kill the pope involving the ultra-conservative Roman Catholic society Opus Dei, the notorious P-2 Masonic lodge and U.S. intelligence services to prepare the ground for a U.S. attack on Iran. The cover of the book, sub-titled “Who will kill the pope in Istanbul?†features Benedict XVI in front of a cross engulfed in flames, with a bearded gunman aiming at the pontiff. Georges Marovitch, the Vatican's representative in Istanbul, sought to play down the book, but said that, irked by its cover, he recently went to see the author to ask why he had to stretch his imagination that far. “I was worried that some abnormal types may read the book and get ideas,†he told AFP. Marovitch said he asked Kaya for a letter explaining his motives, which he presented to leaders of the tiny Catholic community in Turkey. A Roman Catholic priest was shot dead by a Turkish teenager in the northern city of Trabzon in February at a time when the Muslim world was in uproar over cartoons of the Prophet Mohammed published in European newspapers. Five days later, another Roman Catholic priest was harassed in western Turkey and in July, a third was stabbed by a man described as “mentally disturbed†in the country's north. Benedict XVI has already won himself a reputation here as the “anti-Turkish pope†for saying, when he was still Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger, that Ankara's membership of the European Union would be “a grave error against the tide of history.†His remarks linking Islam and violence were harshly condemned by mainly Muslim but secular Turkey as a blow to efforts to reconcile the West and the Muslim world. Both sides, however, ruled out canceling the pope's four-day visit scheduled to begin on Nov. 28, with the Vatican saying it would serve to strengthen dialogue between religions. For Kaya, this is only wishful thinking. In his novel, the pope seeks to resolve the centuries-old schism between Rome and the Istanbul-based Eastern Orthodox Church to pave the way for a joint effort to spread Christianity in the Middle East. But Opus Dei fears this will strengthen the hand of the Orthodox Church and wants to kill Benedict XVI, while the P-2 lodge hopes his death will lead to the election of a new pope who will allow them access to the Vatican's wealth. The pope becomes the victim of a bomb attack, which he survives injured, that is made to look as if carried out by Turkish Islamists guided by Tehran. “I did a lot of research,†Kaya told AFP. “When you put the pieces of the puzzle together, you see all the conditions are in place for such an assassination attempt.†His primary motive for writing the novel, Kaya said, was to warn the Turkish authorities of the danger so that they enforce the tightest security measures for the visit. “If the pope is killed here, this will be disastrous for Turkey,†he said. Marovitch said Kaya's theories “have nothing to do with reality -- just like The Da Vinci Code,†U.S. author Dan Brown's international bestseller. “We have no concerns about the pope's safety,†Marovitch said, adding that Vatican and Turkish officials had met twice and “drawn up all security plans for the visit.†Mehmet Ali Ağca, the Turk who attempted to kill the late Pope John Paul II in 1981, also makes a brief appearance in the novel. In a bizarre twist, Ağca issued a statement from prison last month, urging the pope not to travel to Turkey because he would be unsafe. The book, which went unnoticed until recently, has sold about 10,000 copies since its publication in January, Kaya said. Posted on Sunday, November 5, 2006 1932 ORDRE SOUVERAIN ET MILITAIRE DU TEMPLE DE JERUSALEM "Want de tragedie is niet een imitatie van mensen, maar van handeling en van de werkelijkheid van het leven. Dientengevolge handelen de personen niet om de karakters te imiteren, maar ter wille van de handeling betrekken zij een karakter erbij. Daarom zijn de gebeurtenissen en de mythe het doel van de tragedie. Het doel echter is het belangrijkste van alles. Bovendien zou er zonder handeling geen tragedie tot stand komen, maar zonder karakters wel." ‘L’Ordre souverain et militaire du Temple de Jérusalem’ ( OSMTJ ) of ‘Sovereign Military Order of the Temple of Jerusalem’ ( SMOTJ ) of ‘Ordo Supremus Militaris Templi Hierosolymitani’ is momenteel uitgegroeid tot een internationaal verspreidde Orde met talrijke leden. Zij hebben een ‘Grand Prieuré’ ( vergelijkbaar met Grootloge ) in Duitsland, Groot-Brittannië, Oostenrijk, België, Brazilië, Canada, Denemarken, IJsland, Israël, Italië, Japan, Groothertogdom Luxemburg, Noorwegen, Polen, Schotland, Spanje, Finland, Frankrijk, Nederland, Hongarije, Ierland, Portugal, Rusland, Zweden, Zwitserland, Oekraïne, Verenigde Staten en de NATO. Zij beweren de opvolgers te zijn van de Tempeliersorde uit de Middeleeuwen. De geschiedenis van deze Orde heeft een zeer twijfelachtig verleden en op basis van de gegeven historische elementen kunnen we alleen maar concluderen dat deze Orde, noch enige andere Orde, die beweert afkomstig te zijn van de Tempeliers, een rechtsreeks binding heeft met de Middeleeuwse Orde. Het begin van deze Neo-Tempelierordes vinden we in de gehele geschiedenis terug. In vorige hoofdstukken maakten we kennis met baron Karl Gotthelf Von Hund ( 1722 - 1766 ) met de luisterrijke inwijdingsnaam ‘Carolus Aques ab Ense’ die beweerde dat zijn rite ‘Die strikte Observance’ afkomstig was van de Tempeliers. In de 18° eeuw werden de beweringen van Von Hund als ‘niet bewezen’ beschouwd. Hetzelfde scenario herhaalt zich in de negentiende eeuw. De eerst volgende figuur die van zich laat horen als de voortzetter van deze Orde was Bernard-Raymond Fabré-Palaprat ( 1777 - 1838 ). In vorige hoofdstukken bespraken we de binding die er bestond tussen de vader van Joséphin Péladan, Louis Adrien Péladan ( 1815 - 1890 ) en een Tempeliersorde in Zuid-Frankrijk. In het hoofdstuk van ‘L’Ordre de la Rose-Croix Catholique et Esthetique du Temple et du Graal’ zagen we hoe Emile Dantinne ons zijn verhaal deed van de broeders Francis Vurgey en Nicolas Brossel. Desondanks dat Emile Dantine hier verder met geen woord over rept hebben we toch een spoor gevonden dat niet onbelangrijk is. In navolging van Fabré-Palaprat werden er in 1840 statuten gemaakt en gepubliceerd die gewag maken van de Tempeliersorde onder de naam ‘L’Ordre du Temple’. Op 13/11/1894 was er een internationale bijeenkomst van alle Tempelierordes, uitgezonderd de Orde van Groot-Brittannië, te Brussel. Er zou een internationaal secretariaat worden opgericht onder de verantwoordelijkheid van Vurgey en Brossel. Zij werden later opgevolgd door Selliers de Moranville, Georges le Clément de Saint-Marcq, Georges le Roy van Daems, Oscar Jamar, Arthur van Hecke, Carlos Mosias en Joseph Daems. Op 19/1/1932 werd te Brussel door de broeders Joseph Cleeremans, Gustaaf Jonckbloedt en Théodore Covias een Belgische vereniging opgericht onder de naam ‘L’Ordre souverain et militaire du Temple’. Het hele gebeuren werd gepubliceerd in het Staatsblad van 20 januari 1933. Deze Orde kende internationaal 3500 leden. Van deze Orde kreeg Harvey Spencer Lewis een charter op 10/8/1933. ( Document 45 ) Dit document werd voor het eerste gepubliceerd in het officiële Amorctijdschrift ‘Rosicrucian digest’ van december 1933. Op 1/10/1934 werd Emile Vandenberg hoofd van deze Orde. Emile Vandenberg verbleef na de bezetting een zestal dagen in de Dossyn-kazerne te Mechelen. De echte naam van dit gebouw is het ‘Hof van Habsburg’ in de Goswin de Stassartstraat. Deze straat werd genoemd naar de Vrijmetselaar baron de Stassart. De stad Mechelen kent eveneens de ‘Commanderij van Pitzemburg’ die toebehoorde aan de Duitse Orde die in 1198 te Mechelen werd gesticht. Emile Vandenberg werd opgevolgd door Théodore Covias van 1935 tot 1942. Emile Vandenberg volgt Covias op vanaf 1942. Door de problemen met de bezetting in België werd het ganse archief van de Orde overgebracht naar Portugal. Op 23/12/1942 laat Emile Vandenberg zich opvolgen door de Portugees Antonio Pinto de Sousa Fontes die in 1945, na de bevrijding, voor een echte internationale doorbraak zorgt van deze Orde met de nieuwe naam ‘Ordre souverain et militaire du Temple de Jérusalem’ of kortweg OSMTJ. Hij werd opgevolgd in 1960 door zijn zoon Fernando Campello de Sousa Fontes. Wat op z’n minst eigenaardig is, is dat deze Orde niet is vertegenwoordigt in de FUDOSI te meer dat Emile Dantinne ( Sar Hieronymus ), Imperator van de FUDOSI en Imperator van de Rozekruisers orde in Europa, niet allen zeer bevriend was met Vurgey en Brossel, maar ze uitdrukkelijk vermeld in zijn boek ‘L’Oeuvre et la Pensée de Péladan’. "Au cours des conférences en Belgique, Péladan créa un noyeau de disciples qui se réunissaient à l’Hotel Ravenstein qui exciste encore à coté du Palais des Beaux-Arts. La patrie de J.B.Van Helmont et de F.M.Van Helmont, ces grands initiés de la Rose+Croix de la Renaissance, eut sa section initiatique. Ses amis Vurgey et Brossel passèrent au Martinisme : seuls, deux de ses initiés lui restèrent fidèles : Du Chastain et Hieronymus." ( blz.38 ) Het wordt nog vreemder dat op het FUDOSI-convent van 1946, toen Ralph Mawwell Lewis opvolger van Spencer Lewis, als co-imperator van de FUDOSI, een tempeliersachtig orgaan inplant met de naam ‘Societé d’études et de recherche templières’ dat onder de verantwoordelijkheid viel van de Naundorffist Sar Gregorius - Augustin Cordonnier. Ook het OSMTJ kent verschillende vertakkingen en splitsingen. In de beginjaren 1970 werd er protest aangevoerd tegen de toenmalige Grootmeester Fernando Campello de Sousa Fontes. Er scheurde zich een tak af onder de leiding van Antoine Zdrojewski. Dit laatste was het gevolg door infiltratie van het SAC ‘Service d’Action Civique’ een para-politiekorps opgericht door Charles de Gaules. Het SAC werd in 1982 ontbonden en opgeheven. Het SAC had Antoine Zdrojevski vooruitgeschoven als de nieuwe Groot-Prior. Ook Zwitserland kent een afdeling los van de oorspronkelijke Orde onder de verantwoordelijkheid van Alfred Zapelli. In de Verenigde Staten staat deze Orde onder de leiding van Philip Guarino een vertrouweling van Lici Gelli. Julien Origas was lid van deze Orde. Tot slot kent Italië een afdeling onder de verantwoordelijkheid van Pasquale Gugliotta. Ze hadden allen bindingen met de Loge P2 ( Propaganda Due ). Volgens Jean-Pierre Giudicelli de Cressac Bachelerie zou het OSMTJ nog een binnencirkel kennen onder de naam ‘La Rose Rouge et la Croix d’Or’. (1) Zie hoofdstuk ‘1717 Vrijmetselarij’ (2) ‘Ordre des Chevaliers du Temple’, Bruxelles 1840 Posted on Saturday, December 2, 2006
JUST READ THIS ARTICLE AND REMEMBER THE KEY WORD: SERGEI GOORDEV WHO THINKS HE IS THE REINCARNATION OF BARON VASSILIEV 19th-century Knight of Malta Commander ---------------------------------------------------------THIS IS A RUSSIAN KNIGHTS OF MALTA OPERATION FOR SURE TO TAKE OVER RUSSIAN VIKTOR MELNIKOV HOUSE AND CREATE NEW HQ'S FOR THE ARCHITECTS OF NEW RUSSIA: AND THE POWER OF THE VATICAN DRIVEN ILLUMINATI IN RUSSIA ITS NOW OF TOTAL CONTROL AND MANIPULATION AS THE ARTICLE BELLOW SHOWS VERY CLEARLY IN REGARDS TO SERGEI GOORDEV: For Moscow's modernist icon, a precarious fate awaits By Christopher Mason The New York Times Published: August 22, 2006 MOSCOW A few hours after Viktor Melnikov died of cancer at 91 on Feb. 5, his estranged younger daughter and nephew appeared on his doorstep with a retinue of lawyers and bodyguards to try to seize control of his house in the center of this city. Leo's emails The United Grand Lodge of England finally exposed as a Vatican Luciferian Order !
This Gran Lodge constituted of 4 lodges operates secretely in the Vatican since the end of world war II with a official masonic charter given by the United States masonic Authorities.
Thank you for your many emails received today.
I notice you have a clear Islamist connection which I find as inimical to
Christianity as the current Zionist terrorism in Lebanon this is so wholly
unacceptable to me that I can no longer respond to any message while
such association continues.
I trust that you will see the Light of Christ and sever these links.
R.A. Gilbert
Date: Tue, 25 Jul 2006 13:52:47 +0200
El Rito de Memphis esta compuesto de 95 grados y dividido en tres series, con 90 grados de Ciencia divididos para instrucción en 3 Series .
2 Grado- Compañero
3 Grado- Maestro
5 Grado- Perfecto Maestro Arquitecto
6 Grado- Secretario Intimo o Sublime Maestro
7 Grado- Maestro Prevoste y Juez
8 Grado- Caballero Intendente de los Edificios
9 Grado- Caballero Maestro Electo de los Nueve
10 Grado- Ilustre Caballero Electo de los Quince
11 Grado- Sublime Caballero Electo
12 Grado- Caballero Gran Maestro Arquitecto
13 Grado- Caballero del Arco Real
14 Grado- Caballero Gran Electo de la Bóveda Sagrada, Gran Escocés de la Bóveda Sagrada de Jaime VI
15 Grado- Caballero de la Espada o de Oriente
16 Grado- Caballero PrÃncipe de Jerusalén
17 Grado- Caballero del Oriente y Occidente
18 Grado- Caballero PrÃncipe Rosa Cruz de Kilwinning o de Heredon
La segunda serie comprende del Grado 19 al grado 43 y son trabajados en el Senado de los Filósofos Herméticos. Enseña las Ciencias Naturales, la FilosofÃa de la Historia; y explica los mitos de la antigüedad. Su objetivo es el de estimular la pesquisa de las causas y los orÃgenes y de desarrollar los sentidos humanitarios.
20 Grado- Venerable Gran Maestro de las Logias o Caballero Gran Maestro del Templo de SabidurÃa.
21 Grado- Caballero o Patriarca Noaquita o de la Torre
22 Grado- Caballero del LÃbano o Real Hacha
23 Grado- Caballero Jefe del Tabernáculo
24 Grado- Caballero de la Ãguila Roja o PrÃncipe del Tabernáculo
25 Grado- Caballero de la Serpiente de Airain o de Cobre
26 Grado- Caballero de la Ciudad Santa o Escocés Trinitario, PrÃncipe de Misericordia.
27 Grado- Caballero Soberano Gran Comendador del Templo
28 Grado- Caballero de Joan o del Sol
29 Grado- Caballero Gran Escocés de San Andrés
30 Grado- Caballero Gran Electo Kadosch
31 Grado- Gran Inspector Inquisidor Comendador
32 Grado- Sublime Soberano PrÃncipe del Real Misterio
35 Grado- Grande Caballero del Templo
36 Grado- Caballero Philalethes o Sublime Negociant
37 Grado- Caballero del Shota o Sabio de la Verdad
38 Grado- Sublime Electo de la Verdad o Sublime Electo de la Ãguila Roja
39 Grado- Gran Electo de los Aeons
40 Grado- Perfecto Sabio Savaiste
41 Grado- Caballero del Arco de los Siete Colores
42 Grado- PrÃncipe de la Luz
43 Grado- Sublime Sabio Hermético o Filosofo Hermético
La tercera serie comprende del Grado 44 al grado 90 y son trabajados en e Sublime Consejo, que hace conocida completamente la restante porción de la historia del Rito. Se ocupa asà mismo con la Alta FilosofÃa; estudia los mitos religiosos de las diferentes edades de la humanidad y admite las mas avanzados labores teosoficas .
45 Grado- Sublime Sabio de los Misterios Sublime
46 Grado- Rey Pastor del Hutz
47 Grado- Caballero de las Siete Estrellas
48 Grado- Sublime PrÃncipe Guardián del Monte Sagrado
49 Grado- Sublime Sabio de las Pirámides
50 Grado- Sublime Filosofo de la Samotracia o Infante del Arpa
51 Grado- Sublime Titán del Caucasus o Caballero de la Fénix
52 Grado- Sabio del Laberinto
53 Grado- Sabio Caballero de la Sphinx
54 Grado- Sublime Scalde, Poeta o Caballero del Pelicano
55 Grado- Sublime Sabio Orphic
56 Grado- Sabio PontÃfice de Cadmia
57 Grado- Jefe Sublime Magus
58 Grado- PrÃncipe Sabio BrahmÃn
59 Grado- Gran PontÃfice del Ogygie o Sublime Sabio
60 Grado- Sublime Guardián de los Tres Fuegos
61 Grado- Sublime Juez Filosofo Desconocido o Caballero del Templo de la Verdad
62 Grado- Sublime Sabio de Eleusis o de Heliopolis
63 Grado- Sublime Kawi
64 Grado- Sabio PontÃfice de Mithras
65 Grado- Guardián del Santuario o Gran Instalador
66 Grado- Grande Arquitecto de la Ciudad Misteriosa o Gran Consagrador
67 Grado- Guardián del Nombre Incomunicable o Gran Eulogista
68 Grado- Patriarca PrÃncipe de la Verdad
69 Grado- Sabio Caballero de la Rama Dorada de Eleusis
70 Grado- PrÃncipe de la Luz o Patriarca de los Planisferios
71 Grado- Patriarca de los Sagrados Vedas
72 Grado- Supremo Maestro de la SabidurÃa
73 Grado- Patriarca de los Fuegos Sagrados o Muy Sabio Mouni
74 Grado- Supremo Maestro de la Sloaka o Sublime Maestro de la Stoka
75 Grado- Sublime Caballero Benefactor
76 Grado- Interprete de los JeroglÃficos, o Patriarca de Isis
78 Grado- Gran PontÃfice de la Thebiad
79 Grado- Sublime Caballero, Sabio del Redoubtable Sadah
80 Grado- Sublime Electo del Santuario de Mazias, Caballero del Vellón Dorado
81 Grado- Patriarca de Memphis, Sublime Caballero del Triángulo Luminoso
82 Grado- Gran Electo del Templo de Midgard
83 Grado- Sublime Electo del Valle de Oddy
84 Grado- Patriarca de los Izeds
85 Grado- Sublime Sabio, Caballero de Kneph
86 Grado- Sublime Filosofo del Valle de Kab, Sublime Maestro del Anillo Luminoso
87 Grado- Sublime PrÃncipe de la MasonerÃa
88 Grado- Gran Electo de la Sagrada Cortina
89 Grado- Patriarca de la Ciudad MÃstica
90 Grado- Sublime Maestro de la Grande Obra
Templo MÃstico
91 Grado- Gran Defensor de la Orden Soberano PrÃncipe de Memphis, Jefe del Gobierno de la Orden
92 Grado- PrÃncipe de Memphis Gran Catequista de la Orden
93 Grado- PrÃncipe de Memphis Grande Regulador General de la Orden
94 Grado- PrÃncipe de Memphis Gran Administrador de la Orden
95 Grado- PrÃncipe Patriarca Gran Conservador General de la Orden, Soberano PrÃncipe de los Jefes del Santuario de Memphis, Gran y Poderoso Soberano Imperial de la Orden
El Rito de Memphis tiene tres grandes Condecoraciones Legionarias , y una Simbólica.
2 - La Condecoración de la Legión de los Caballeros del Eleusis
3 - La Condecoración de la Legión de los Caballeros del Redoubtable Sadah
El Rito de Misraim esta compuesto de 90 Grados y dividido en 4 Series de 17 Clases.
Primera Clase
2 Grado- Compañero
3 Grado- Maestro
9 Grado- Elegido de los Nueve
11 Grado- Elegido de los Quince
12 Grado- Elegido Perfecto
13 Grado- Ilustre
16 Grado- Escocés Maestro
17 Grado- Escocés Panissere
18 Grado- Maestro Escocés
19 Grado- Escocés de las Tres J.
20 Grado- Escocés de la Bóveda Sagrada de Jaime VI
Quinta Clase
23 Grado- Gran Arquitecto
25 Grado- Aprendiz Perfecto Arquitecto
26 Grado- Compañero Perfecto Arquitecto
27 Grado- Maestro Perfecto Arquitecto
28 Grado- Perfecto Arquitecto
29 Grado- Sublime Escocés
30 Grado- Sublime Escocés de Heredom
Sexta Clase
33 Grado- Sublime Caballero Elegido
Séptima Clase
35 Grado- Caballero Prusiano o Noaquita
36 Grado- Caballero del Temple
37 Grado- Caballero del Ãguila
38 Grado- Caballero del Ãguila Negra
39 Grado- Caballero del Ãguila Roja
40 Grado- Caballero del Oriente Blanco
41 Grado- Caballero de Oriente
42 Grado- Comendador de Oriente
43 Grado- Gran Comendador de Oriente
44 Grado- Arquitecto de los Soberanos Comendadores del Templo
49 Grado- Caos Primer Discreto
50 Grado- Caos Segundo Sabio
51 Grado- Caballero del Sol
53 Grado- Filosofo Sublime
54 Grado- Minero Clave Masónica Grado 1
55 Grado- Lavador Clave Masónica Grado 2
56 Grado- Soplador Clave Masónica Grado 3
57 Grado- Fundidor Clave Masónica Grado 4
58 Grado- Verdadero Masón Adepto
59 Grado- Elegido Soberano
60 Grado- Soberano de los Soberanos
61 Grado- Gran Maestro de las Logias Simbólicas
62 Grado- Muy Alto y Muy Poderoso Sacrificador
63 Grado- Caballero de la Palestina
64 Grado- Caballero del Ãguila Blanca
65 Grado- Gran Elegido Caballero Kadosch S.G.Insp.
Décima Primera Clase
68 Grado- Caballero del Arco en el Cielo
69 Grado- Caballero Hynaroth
70 Grado- Muy Sabio PrÃncipe
Décima Segunda Clase
72 Grado- Sublime PrÃncipe Zakd.
73 Grado- Grande Haram
75 Grado- Soberano PrÃncipe Hasid
77 Grado- Grande Inspector Intendente Regular General de la Orden
78 Grado- Supremo Consejo de los Soberanos PrÃncipes, Patriarca del Fuego Sagrado
79 Grado- Soberano Tribunal, Soberano PrÃncipe del Soberano Luminoso
80 Grado- Supremo Consejo de Soberanos PrÃncipes
81 Grado- Supremo Consejo de Soberanos PrÃncipes
83 Grado- Soberano Gran Tribunal, Sublime Caballero Teósofo
84 Grado- Soberano PrÃncipe Gran Inspector, Consistorio
85 Grado- Soberano Consejo General, Gran Defensor de la Orden
86 Grado- Sublime Maestro del Anillo Luminoso, Senado Supremo
87 Grado- Sublimes Grandes PrÃncipes Grandes Ministros Constituyentes Representantes LegÃtimos de la Orden para la Primera Serie
88 Grado- Sublimes Grandes PrÃncipes Grandes Ministros Constituyentes Representantes LegÃtimos de la Orden para la Segunda Serie, Sublime PontÃfice Soberano PrÃncipe
El Rito de Misraim tiene una Gran Orden de Honor que es la Orden Imperial Eclesiástica y Militar de los Caballeros de la Cruz Roja de Roma y Constantinopla.
E-mail :
Grado 2 Grado 2
Grado 3 Grado 3
Grado 4 Grado 4
Grado 5 Grado 5
Grado 6 Grado 6
Grado 7 Grado 7
Grado 8 Grado 8
Grado 9 Grado 9
Grado 10 Grado 11
Grado 12 Grado 23
Grado 13 Grado 31
Grado 14 Grado 20
Grado 15 Grado 41
Grado 16 Grado 45
Grado 17 Grado 47
Grado 18 Grado 46
Grado 21 Grado 35
Grado 22 Grado 32
Grado 24 Grado 39
Grado 26 Grado 14
Grado 27 Grado 44
Grado 28 Grado 51
Grado 29 Grado 21
Grado 30 Grado 65
Grado 33 Grado 66
Grado 35 Grado 36
Grado 41 Grado 68
Grado 73 Grado 78
Grado 75 Grado 67
Grado 77 Grado 83
Grado 79 Grado 82
Grado 86 Grado 86
Grado 89 Grado 89
Grado 90 Grado 89
Grado 91 Grado 85
Grado 93 Grado 84
Grado 95 Grado 90
El Grado 33 y Ultimo del REAA es el Grado 66 del Rito de Misraim;
El Grado 13 y Ultimo del Rito Adonhiramita es el Grado 35 del Rito de Misraim;
El Grado 7 y Ultimo del Rito Francés o Moderno es el Grado 46 del Rito de Misraim;
El Capitulo del Real Arco, Ultimo Grado del Rito de York es el Grado 31 del Rito de Misraim ;
El Grado 6 y Ultimo del Rito Escocés Rectificado es el Grado 67 del Rito de Misraim.
The Holy beard of Mohammed (PBUH)
"Come, come, whoever you are.
Wanderer, idolater, worshipper of fire,
Come even though you have broken your vows a thousand times,
Come, and come yet again.
Ours is not a caravan of despair." Reader Comments (5)
As Salam Aleikum
Thats totaly correct Khalid but we have never invited anybody to worship anything on this web site other then God Allah.
The pictures are here only as part of my pilgrimage to Konya, the town of the great Sufi Master Rumi and other great Masters of their time, hope you get it that we are most devoted to the One God and nothing else-FULL STOP
Khaled Saifullah Khan
ho notato che sulle photo che hai priso in Turchia fai sempre il saluto massonico , cioe' mette la mano sul cuore non lo so cosa vuole dire questo poiche come te ho gia detto non sono mai stato massone e mai lo saro ...pero devo ammettere che questo mi ha lasciato un po perplesso perche ho notato che su due photo che hai posto dalla Turchia su ambe due fai lo steso saluto , c'e sara forse un messagio segreto che vuoi far passare !?!?!
amicalmente ..
Salamo Alaykom
Il significato e semplicemente quello di seguire la via del cuore ed e' un saluto islamico tuttora usato in medio oriente.
As Salam Aleikum
Principe Di Gregorio del Sacro Romano Impero
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Ezio Giunchiglia as been working for C.A.M.E.N (Centro
Applicazioni Militari Energia Nucleare ) in Pisa since
1964 and has been working for this delicate department
of the illuminati dedicated to the Nuclear game for a
long time , thats why he has been chosen as the main
guy for the signing of a mega contract for the
construction of five nuclear plants in China by
Italian P2!
The P2 has also numerous business projects in Shanghai
the HQ's of all Mafia and illuminati projects . In
Shanghai the Russians and the Italians working for
the USA illuminati and the Vatican make alot of big deals at the
moment recicling black money.
The plan is to abbadon the USA at one point when the
Empire falls and establish worldwide the chinese
illuminati Nazi-Communistic style as the only
possibility. Ezio Giunchiglia said that America is
finished to me many times and we should go and
establish our wealth elsewere as the illuminati will
always prevail by having the Vatican backing . Thats
why Italy sent a special group of illuminati
politicians including the Prime Minister recentely to
China. Russia is all under illuminati control already
and 3 new Freemason Grand Lodges directely cotrolled
by the illuminati have been established in India in
the last 2 years .
India his a very important business oportunity now for
the illuminati when America dies.
The set up is ready for the death of an Empire...USA.
And North Korea deals directely with the Duke of
Cabinda alias Rui Gabirro alias Robert Lamar alias
whatever his name his...Satan!
All in it but lets get the American people to rebell
in the name of true Freedom before his to late and we
all become like China. Things start moving for Lorenzo Conti in Tuscany !
Inviato: giovedì 23 novembre 2006 9.51
sent: Thursday 23rd of November 2006 9.51
mia/nostra battaglia per la difesa della democrazia nel paese.
war to defend democracy in the country.
The situation is moving strongly also thanks to your actions.
TV37 ore 21,00 c'è una trasmissione sul mio sciopero della fame e sulle
richieste effettuate alle Istituzioni
Conti Lorenzo
Pieraldo Ciucchi (Consigliere Regionale dello SDI)
Sandro Targetti (Consigliere Provinciale di Firenze di PRC)
Severino Saccardi (Consigliere Regionale dello DS)
Gabriele Toccafondi (Consigliere Comunale di Firenze di Forza Italia)
Lorenzo who went on a hunger strike on the 12th of November is finaly starting to receive some support in his battle against the killers of his father, these evil people who are not in prison and even got a job from the Italian State working for the Tuscany Region ! THIS IS THE GUY IN CHARGE OF SATANISM IN SCANDINAVIA
2. DATE OF BIRTH: October 4, 1951
"It seems then that there may be a split going on between Satanic Illuminati and True Illuminati? I take it then that your parents are of the latter kind."
but I dont trust anyone untill they completely reject all those idiotic rituals of Freemasonry and the illuminati and finaly embrace the one God Allah with honest intentions.
"I was wondering, are there corrupt factions within Islam who serve the Pope? For instance, families like the Saudis and the Bin Ladens (wahibi muslims?) but also the late PLO leader Yasser Arafat. If there are different factions within the Muslim faith, how do you know you have joined the right kind of Islam?"
( Well I will definetely be a rich man in that case but I would have sold my soul to the devil in the meantime) YOU ARE LIVING IN A ILLUMINATI PRISON BUILT BY THE JESUITS AND FINANCED BY THE ZIONIST
the Skull & Bones 322 of Yale University.
the tomb of Orcus.
She is richly attired in elaborately worked earrings and necklaces. The very realistic depiction of the eye, shown from the side rather than frontally as in the earlier period, is a clear indication of the Hellenistic influence and reflects the artist's knowledge of late 4th Century BCE Greek models.
to confuse us, and make out of us a bunch of satanist with no believe.
And even the sacrifice of children seems to be acceptable in this age of corrupt views, perversions and decadence,as long as is kept out of the eyes of the public all this evil
seems ok for these infedels of the so called elite.
places around the world, were these practices are done
with Pope's blessings by many degenerate individuals
hoping to gain power with their evil Jinn...including the Zionist
who support all this with their gold and money.
evil at the highest level of our Society?
who framed the Constitution were influenced by the
Quran and the Bible not by a Moloch or Orcus.
were Masons. Many leaders of this society know the
great place and the real value of the Quran in the
life of man, however , they don't trust the
intelligence of the masses enough to reveal this fact.
Many good Christians would probably be heart broken
if they knew the great respect that is given to the
Quran, Prophet Muhammad and the Religion of Islam by
their leaders in secret. Many , many reverends have
taken an oath on the Quran and have the Quran in their
homes because they see the real Jesus described in
this Holy book not a Vatican lie.
the Roman Catholic version of Jesus is the wrong one
and is only creating confusion and conflict with other
religions, immagine for once if Jesus was a man
instead then God, a very special man indeed with a
unique mission for God, but still a man not a Roman
forgery built to deceive mankind in the famous Council
of Nicea.
Things will definetely change for the better and finaly
no confrontation on matters of faith will be possible
between Jews,Christian and Muslims when you are all
believing in ONE GOD and one Messiah that is not a God but a man
announcing the message of God for the benefit of humankind and †he
believe in true Islam and the recognition of Muhammad as the last and most important
Prophet of all ages.
illuminati wrote about the United States and the
American one dollar bill illuminati connection :
States Government Masons, but they received aid from a
secret and august body existing in Europe , which
helped them to establish this country for peculiar and
particular purpose known only to the initiated few "
powers of Imperial Rome rappresented by the Vatican
and their evil Puppet Masters the Jesuits to enslave
America take over the world and finaly start the
Satanic age of pure Nazism in the hand of Ratzinger.
Wurzburg (Bavaria...were else can the illuminati
meet?) held a one-day historic seminar open to all
interested persons on the topic of "Masonry and the
Church" (obviously..) .
and laymen meet officialy in an open and most of all
friendly very friendly discussion with a
representative of German masonry.
great masonic manipulator working togheter with
Bro.Axel Pohlmann from the United Grand Lodges of
Germany to deceive even further the Brethern in the
lower ranks of the masonic pyramid , quile bringing
forward their real plans and lay down the foundations
for their final take over of Vatican HQ's by
Vatican/illuminati friendly Freemasonry.
Conference held at the Canonbury Masonic Research
Centre on the 6th and 7th of November of the following
year (2004)called:
the possibility to participate at this very high level
Masonic Conference for the illuminati of worldwide
Freemasonry that included prestigious names like Lord
Elgin Grand Master of the Royal Order of Scotland and
cusin to the Queen of England , also John Hamill
Director of Comunications of the United Grand Lodge of
England and many foreign rappresentatives like for
example the Grand Treasurer of the Grand Orient of
Italy Fernando Ferrari.
Swedish Nazi Satanist directely connected to Alberto
Moscato and the Jesuits was there, the well known
Henrik Bogdan (Ph. D) of the Dept. of Religious
Studies of Gothenburg University in Sweden , a Senior
rappresentative of Swedish Freemasonry and a devoted
disciple of Carl Abrahamsson of the Church of
Satan/OTO network.
Tibet in the 90's to officialy work on a book called
with an introduction by Carl Abrahamsson, Henrik
Bogdan and Peder Byberg
times between 1996 and 2000 because they wanted to
learn more about the black Magic present in the old
shamanic religion of Bon Pa secretely practiced by
corrupt Tibetan Monks who work with evil Jinns in that
region. These Tibetan practices were very important
for old Nazi researchers of the occult who wanted to
combine them at SS HQ's with the usual Jesuit black
magic for the ultimate purpose of supreme manipulation
of this planet.
kind of Nazi's in power at every level of your society,
they control everything "by the stick" from Vatican
HQ's as we use to say in the Monte Carlo Lodge and
everyone obeys in Washington home of the new Reich.
You can be a Republican or a Democrat it actualy
doesnt matter for the illuminati in total control of
your life and your Banks.
And remember to not go and visit Orcus at nigh my
friends you might find a couple of Skull and Bones
perverts having their Order of Death rituals , nothing
special just alot of Theatre indeed in the hands of
the Devil at present time.
trust any other people in the Vatican to fight such
evil forget it , I repeat forget it...just break those
chains with Rome and you will feel much better.
mystakes that the Opus Dei or the P2 were actualy created to
serve the Jesuits and their illuminati AntiChrist conspiracy.
Some of the details I mention here, Ive learned directely from the nephew
of the Madre Generale of the religious Institution
were Marcinkus use to stay in Rome, somebody who shared many meals with this big actor in the illuminati play. He actualy told me once that Opus Dei was a creation of the Jesuits...what a
Casa di cura privata non accreditata
Via Tagliamento, 25
Travel from the future
Travel from the Inner Earth
Archetypal projections from the Collective Unconscious
Carl Gustav Jung , a great genius of psychology but also a member of the Freemasons and the OTO illuminati (5th degree) said himself that modern humanity had a dangerously wounded psyche because all the myths had been killed. New ones needed to emerge for humanity to experience wholeness but also for global manipulation. The jinn have obliged by literally popping into the global consciousness as the embodiments of our science fiction fantasies. The flying saucer may be the first global symbol recognized by the entire world but it is probably the most satanic one. WHEN I WAS A BAD BOY /The Emir and the Nazi Vatican illuminati
From: "jonothon Boulter"
Subject: European Islam Conference/Islamic Renaissance
To: leoyoung
promote the Plan for a Islamic Renaiassance which [in
the words of the Emir] will oppose the
Fundamentalists]. Gulen could plan the event under the
Universal Unity as we want to get the Americans
support. Then the Emire will back it and come and put
his support and Money behind it. It can be a great
Project. Hope you can meet with Muftah when you come
to London.
From: "jonothon Boulter"
Date: Mon, 16 May 2005 17:30:23 +0100 (BST)
Subject: Re: [new_right] United Satanic States of America (A slave colony of the future Empire)
> United States are a geneticly dangerous and IMPURE
> Thulle Ghesellschaft 1919
JONOTHON Want to also see my medals dear charlatans out there?
at WANTED William Breeze ( illuminati satanist working for the Vatican)
William Breeze
Who'd sue if you so much as sneeze;
For dollars or cents,
A pound or a pence,
He would take from a dog all his fleas.
There once was a fellow named Breeze,
On Thelema he put the big squeeze;
He was in it for money,
For his pecker was runny,
Lord, take him now if you please.
Who liked people best on their knees;
He wanted their praise,
Didn't care if they're crazed,
For his ego was just a big sleaze.
A bad Breeze that was over the hill;
He pretended to be master,
While creating a disaster,
Now mere mention of his name makes us ill.
WARNING : More fake Templarism and the P2 featuring Jean Pierre Giudicelli
"My father's body was still warm," Ekaterina Karinskaya, Melnikov's elder daughter, recalled bitterly. Karinskaya, the executor of her father's estate, refused to surrender the house, and her relatives eventually left, but a mysterious car remained outside for two days, she said. According to Karinskaya, the three men inside it photographed every one going in and out of the house, but would not disclose who had hired them.
Acrimonious family conflicts are a way of life for the Melnikovs, who have spent the past 20 years embroiled in recriminations and lawsuits over the house in question, the only private one built in the center of Moscow during the Soviet period and an internationally acclaimed Constructivist masterpiece by Viktor Melnikov's father, the Soviet architect and painter Konstantin Melnikov.
According to Barry Bergdoll, a professor of modern architectural history at Columbia University and the recently appointed chief curator of architecture and design at New York's Museum of Modern Art, the house, finished in 1929, is worth fighting over. It "is one of the most important house designs of 1920s modernism," he said. "The house is of global significance."
John Stubbs, vice president for field projects at the World Monuments Fund, likens it to Sir John Soane's house museum in London and Frank Lloyd Wright's Taliesin West, calling it "a rare and telling survivor of the extraordinary story of the Russian artistic avant-garde."
Viktor Melnikov's will, which has not yet been probated (it was scheduled for Aug. 5, six months after his death) bequeaths his half-share of the house to the Russian state on the condition that it be preserved as a museum honoring his father. It has been held up because the government has not decided whether to accept the bequest.
Two days after Melnikov's death, Karinskaya was shocked to discover that her first cousin, Alexei Ilganaev, who had inherited the other half-share, had sold it in November to Sergei Gordeev, a 33-year-old real estate developer-turned-senator with his own plans for the property.
"Alexei sold it without consulting my father, who was the only person living in the house," Karinskaya said.
Now, all involved await word from the Ministry of Culture and the agency in charge of administering national property about what will ultimately become of this striking and historic house that occupies prime real estate near Moscow's old Arbat pedestrian street.
The grim soap opera of litigation began in 1988, when Viktor Melnikov's sister, Lyudmila, demanded that it be subdivided to allow her to move in. He refused and she initiated a lawsuit that dragged on for eight years. A Moscow court awarded her a half-ownership of the house, but not the right to inhabit it. And last year, in a lawsuit initiated by Melnikov, in a King Lear-like twist, a Moscow judge ruled that his younger daughter, Yelena Melnikova, had deceived her blind father into signing a document giving her ownership of his share of the building. She appealed and lost, but the squabbles continue.
During his lifetime, Viktor Melnikov adamantly refused to sell any of his father's paintings, sketches or architectural drawings, a legacy worth tens of millions of dollars, opting for a life of poverty in order to preserve the house exactly as it was at the time of his father's death in 1974.
According to Clementine Cecil, a British-born founder and trustee of the Moscow Architecture Preservation Society who has been a tireless crusader for the house, Melnikov spent virtually no money on food, surviving on tea and meager servings of vegetables. "Cockroaches scurried about the kitchen and over the paintings," she recalled.
The elder Melnikov's eyeglasses still lie where he left them, by his drawing desk. Earlier this summer, Karinskaya led this visitor up a curved stairway late one night to her father's huge, airy painting studio on the top floor, pointing out the building's unique structure.
The three-story, plaster-sheathed house is composed of two interlocking cylindrical towers. The taller, to the rear, is honeycombed with rhomboid-shaped windows that cast shifting patterns of light by day. In the front of the house, a five-meter-tall, or 17-foot-tall, expanse of glass is topped with a sign proclaiming the name of its creator: Konstantin Melnikov, Architect. (It was a bold calling card during a Soviet regime that prized uniformity; after the house was completed, Stalin denounced Melnikov, who was never permitted to build again.)
Recently, the house has begun to show signs of serious physical neglect. "The bathroom floor has completely collapsed," said David Sarkisyan, director of the Shchusev Museum of Architecture, who has been involved with efforts to preserve it for the past six years.
In the room where Viktor Melnikov slept, Sarkisyan pointed to a chunk of plaster that had fallen from the ceiling, revealing the building's waffle-like construction. The frame of the main window, he said, has ruptured under the weight of the glass, and could easily collapse, "which would be disastrous."
Despite the house's historical significance, the city has permitted the construction of high-rise condominiums nearby with underground parking garages, which has affected the stability of the site, according to Natalia Dushkina, a professor at the Moscow Institute of Architecture.
Observers at the World Monuments Fund, which placed the building on its 2006 Watch List of 100 most endangered sites, have noted with concern that the 800-square-meter, or 8,600-square-foot, site at 10 Krivoarbatsky Lane, is valued at more than $40 million, making it a tempting target for developers. (Since 1992, more than 400 of Moscow's historic buildings have been destroyed under the watch of Mayor Yuri Luzhkov, who has expressed contempt for "idiots for whom the preservation of old bricks is an aim in itself." Critics suspect a conflict of interest: Luzhkov's wife, Yelena Baturina, owns one of the city's largest construction companies, Inteko, estimated to be worth more than $1 billion.)
Although Gordeev has said from the start that he is interested in turning the house into a museum, preservationists have been worried about what the former developer's true intentions might be - particularly, according to Karinskaya, because he initially spoke of converting the house into a private museum that he would personally fund, rather than the state-run operation Viktor Melnikov's will called for. "After my father died, Mr. Gordeev came to see me, to find out how much I cost," Karinskaya said. "When he understood that I was priceless, he left very unsatisfied."
MOSCOW A few hours after Viktor Melnikov died of cancer at 91 on Feb. 5, his estranged younger daughter and nephew appeared on his doorstep with a retinue of lawyers and bodyguards to try to seize control of his house in the center of this city.
"My father's body was still warm," Ekaterina Karinskaya, Melnikov's elder daughter, recalled bitterly. Karinskaya, the executor of her father's estate, refused to surrender the house, and her relatives eventually left, but a mysterious car remained outside for two days, she said. According to Karinskaya, the three men inside it photographed every one going in and out of the house, but would not disclose who had hired them.
Acrimonious family conflicts are a way of life for the Melnikovs, who have spent the past 20 years embroiled in recriminations and lawsuits over the house in question, the only private one built in the center of Moscow during the Soviet period and an internationally acclaimed Constructivist masterpiece by Viktor Melnikov's father, the Soviet architect and painter Konstantin Melnikov.
According to Barry Bergdoll, a professor of modern architectural history at Columbia University and the recently appointed chief curator of architecture and design at New York's Museum of Modern Art, the house, finished in 1929, is worth fighting over. It "is one of the most important house designs of 1920s modernism," he said. "The house is of global significance."
John Stubbs, vice president for field projects at the World Monuments Fund, likens it to Sir John Soane's house museum in London and Frank Lloyd Wright's Taliesin West, calling it "a rare and telling survivor of the extraordinary story of the Russian artistic avant-garde."
Viktor Melnikov's will, which has not yet been probated (it was scheduled for Aug. 5, six months after his death) bequeaths his half-share of the house to the Russian state on the condition that it be preserved as a museum honoring his father. It has been held up because the government has not decided whether to accept the bequest.
Two days after Melnikov's death, Karinskaya was shocked to discover that her first cousin, Alexei Ilganaev, who had inherited the other half-share, had sold it in November to Sergei Gordeev, a 33-year-old real estate developer-turned-senator with his own plans for the property.
"Alexei sold it without consulting my father, who was the only person living in the house," Karinskaya said.
Now, all involved await word from the Ministry of Culture and the agency in charge of administering national property about what will ultimately become of this striking and historic house that occupies prime real estate near Moscow's old Arbat pedestrian street.
The grim soap opera of litigation began in 1988, when Viktor Melnikov's sister, Lyudmila, demanded that it be subdivided to allow her to move in. He refused and she initiated a lawsuit that dragged on for eight years. A Moscow court awarded her a half-ownership of the house, but not the right to inhabit it. And last year, in a lawsuit initiated by Melnikov, in a King Lear-like twist, a Moscow judge ruled that his younger daughter, Yelena Melnikova, had deceived her blind father into signing a document giving her ownership of his share of the building. She appealed and lost, but the squabbles continue.
During his lifetime, Viktor Melnikov adamantly refused to sell any of his father's paintings, sketches or architectural drawings, a legacy worth tens of millions of dollars, opting for a life of poverty in order to preserve the house exactly as it was at the time of his father's death in 1974.
According to Clementine Cecil, a British-born founder and trustee of the Moscow Architecture Preservation Society who has been a tireless crusader for the house, Melnikov spent virtually no money on food, surviving on tea and meager servings of vegetables. "Cockroaches scurried about the kitchen and over the paintings," she recalled.
The elder Melnikov's eyeglasses still lie where he left them, by his drawing desk. Earlier this summer, Karinskaya led this visitor up a curved stairway late one night to her father's huge, airy painting studio on the top floor, pointing out the building's unique structure.
The three-story, plaster-sheathed house is composed of two interlocking cylindrical towers. The taller, to the rear, is honeycombed with rhomboid-shaped windows that cast shifting patterns of light by day. In the front of the house, a five-meter-tall, or 17-foot-tall, expanse of glass is topped with a sign proclaiming the name of its creator: Konstantin Melnikov, Architect. (It was a bold calling card during a Soviet regime that prized uniformity; after the house was completed, Stalin denounced Melnikov, who was never permitted to build again.)
Recently, the house has begun to show signs of serious physical neglect. "The bathroom floor has completely collapsed," said David Sarkisyan, director of the Shchusev Museum of Architecture, who has been involved with efforts to preserve it for the past six years.
In the room where Viktor Melnikov slept, Sarkisyan pointed to a chunk of plaster that had fallen from the ceiling, revealing the building's waffle-like construction. The frame of the main window, he said, has ruptured under the weight of the glass, and could easily collapse, "which would be disastrous."
Despite the house's historical significance, the city has permitted the construction of high-rise condominiums nearby with underground parking garages, which has affected the stability of the site, according to Natalia Dushkina, a professor at the Moscow Institute of Architecture.
Observers at the World Monuments Fund, which placed the building on its 2006 Watch List of 100 most endangered sites, have noted with concern that the 800-square-meter, or 8,600-square-foot, site at 10 Krivoarbatsky Lane, is valued at more than $40 million, making it a tempting target for developers. (Since 1992, more than 400 of Moscow's historic buildings have been destroyed under the watch of Mayor Yuri Luzhkov, who has expressed contempt for "idiots for whom the preservation of old bricks is an aim in itself." Critics suspect a conflict of interest: Luzhkov's wife, Yelena Baturina, owns one of the city's largest construction companies, Inteko, estimated to be worth more than $1 billion.)
Although Gordeev has said from the start that he is interested in turning the house into a museum, preservationists have been worried about what the former developer's true intentions might be - particularly, according to Karinskaya, because he initially spoke of converting the house into a private museum that he would personally fund, rather than the state-run operation Viktor Melnikov's will called for. "After my father died, Mr. Gordeev came to see me, to find out how much I cost," Karinskaya said. "When he understood that I was priceless, he left very unsatisfied."
MOSCOW A few hours after Viktor Melnikov died of cancer at 91 on Feb. 5, his estranged younger daughter and nephew appeared on his doorstep with a retinue of lawyers and bodyguards to try to seize control of his house in the center of this city.
"My father's body was still warm," Ekaterina Karinskaya, Melnikov's elder daughter, recalled bitterly. Karinskaya, the executor of her father's estate, refused to surrender the house, and her relatives eventually left, but a mysterious car remained outside for two days, she said. According to Karinskaya, the three men inside it photographed every one going in and out of the house, but would not disclose who had hired them.
Acrimonious family conflicts are a way of life for the Melnikovs, who have spent the past 20 years embroiled in recriminations and lawsuits over the house in question, the only private one built in the center of Moscow during the Soviet period and an internationally acclaimed Constructivist masterpiece by Viktor Melnikov's father, the Soviet architect and painter Konstantin Melnikov.
According to Barry Bergdoll, a professor of modern architectural history at Columbia University and the recently appointed chief curator of architecture and design at New York's Museum of Modern Art, the house, finished in 1929, is worth fighting over. It "is one of the most important house designs of 1920s modernism," he said. "The house is of global significance."
John Stubbs, vice president for field projects at the World Monuments Fund, likens it to Sir John Soane's house museum in London and Frank Lloyd Wright's Taliesin West, calling it "a rare and telling survivor of the extraordinary story of the Russian artistic avant-garde."
Viktor Melnikov's will, which has not yet been probated (it was scheduled for Aug. 5, six months after his death) bequeaths his half-share of the house to the Russian state on the condition that it be preserved as a museum honoring his father. It has been held up because the government has not decided whether to accept the bequest.
Two days after Melnikov's death, Karinskaya was shocked to discover that her first cousin, Alexei Ilganaev, who had inherited the other half-share, had sold it in November to Sergei Gordeev, a 33-year-old real estate developer-turned-senator with his own plans for the property.
"Alexei sold it without consulting my father, who was the only person living in the house," Karinskaya said.
Now, all involved await word from the Ministry of Culture and the agency in charge of administering national property about what will ultimately become of this striking and historic house that occupies prime real estate near Moscow's old Arbat pedestrian street.
The grim soap opera of litigation began in 1988, when Viktor Melnikov's sister, Lyudmila, demanded that it be subdivided to allow her to move in. He refused and she initiated a lawsuit that dragged on for eight years. A Moscow court awarded her a half-ownership of the house, but not the right to inhabit it. And last year, in a lawsuit initiated by Melnikov, in a King Lear-like twist, a Moscow judge ruled that his younger daughter, Yelena Melnikova, had deceived her blind father into signing a document giving her ownership of his share of the building. She appealed and lost, but the squabbles continue.
During his lifetime, Viktor Melnikov adamantly refused to sell any of his father's paintings, sketches or architectural drawings, a legacy worth tens of millions of dollars, opting for a life of poverty in order to preserve the house exactly as it was at the time of his father's death in 1974.
According to Clementine Cecil, a British-born founder and trustee of the Moscow Architecture Preservation Society who has been a tireless crusader for the house, Melnikov spent virtually no money on food, surviving on tea and meager servings of vegetables. "Cockroaches scurried about the kitchen and over the paintings," she recalled.
The elder Melnikov's eyeglasses still lie where he left them, by his drawing desk. Earlier this summer, Karinskaya led this visitor up a curved stairway late one night to her father's huge, airy painting studio on the top floor, pointing out the building's unique structure.
The three-story, plaster-sheathed house is composed of two interlocking cylindrical towers. The taller, to the rear, is honeycombed with rhomboid-shaped windows that cast shifting patterns of light by day. In the front of the house, a five-meter-tall, or 17-foot-tall, expanse of glass is topped with a sign proclaiming the name of its creator: Konstantin Melnikov, Architect. (It was a bold calling card during a Soviet regime that prized uniformity; after the house was completed, Stalin denounced Melnikov, who was never permitted to build again.)
Recently, the house has begun to show signs of serious physical neglect. "The bathroom floor has completely collapsed," said David Sarkisyan, director of the Shchusev Museum of Architecture, who has been involved with efforts to preserve it for the past six years.
In the room where Viktor Melnikov slept, Sarkisyan pointed to a chunk of plaster that had fallen from the ceiling, revealing the building's waffle-like construction. The frame of the main window, he said, has ruptured under the weight of the glass, and could easily collapse, "which would be disastrous."
Despite the house's historical significance, the city has permitted the construction of high-rise condominiums nearby with underground parking garages, which has affected the stability of the site, according to Natalia Dushkina, a professor at the Moscow Institute of Architecture.
Observers at the World Monuments Fund, which placed the building on its 2006 Watch List of 100 most endangered sites, have noted with concern that the 800-square-meter, or 8,600-square-foot, site at 10 Krivoarbatsky Lane, is valued at more than $40 million, making it a tempting target for developers. (Since 1992, more than 400 of Moscow's historic buildings have been destroyed under the watch of Mayor Yuri Luzhkov, who has expressed contempt for "idiots for whom the preservation of old bricks is an aim in itself." Critics suspect a conflict of interest: Luzhkov's wife, Yelena Baturina, owns one of the city's largest construction companies, Inteko, estimated to be worth more than $1 billion.)
Although Gordeev has said from the start that he is interested in turning the house into a museum, preservationists have been worried about what the former developer's true intentions might be - particularly, according to Karinskaya, because he initially spoke of converting the house into a private museum that he would personally fund, rather than the state-run operation Viktor Melnikov's will called for. "After my father died, Mr. Gordeev came to see me, to find out how much I cost," Karinskaya said. "When he understood that I was priceless, he left very unsatisfied."
Reader Comments (12)
fortelling the future is a very dangerous business ...and as we say about the djines who inform theire human desciples about the future " they lied even when they said the truth "
November 24, 2006 |