"...I Love INLNews.com.......INLnews.com is easy to find but hard to leave....".. Mr Wijat's friend Magic Rabbit http://www.easterlingentertainment.net
Drug trade behind police corruption by Peter Westmore..
please read down this INL News page for this full story and other storries about Australian Police corruption
Please view the 40 other Blue Murder episodes further below on this INL News Page...
New Zealander Warren Baxter is still fighting for just after 26 years against the Queensland Police Service and the Queensland Govenment ....after being bashed as shown by the TV Camera film below...
New Zealander Warren Baxter is still fighting for just after 26 years against the Queensland Police Service and the Queensland Govenment ....after being bashed as shown by the TV Camera film above...
Police Corruption wide spread in the Queensland Police Force
Former top cop Mark Standen has been found guilty for his part in a multi-million-dollar drug plot. The court heard the former NSW narcotics chief had been attracted by the world he was supposed to be policing.
See Four Corners Video on Police Coruption in Queensland,
Fitzgerald Report on police and political corruption in Queensland
"For the ABC the trial would go on for another decade..."
When the Queensland government announced what was to become the Fitzgerald Inquiry in May 1987, I was anxious rather than elated. Four Corners had laboured for many months to demonstrate a link between organised crime and senior police. My expectation was a government orchestrated whitewash rather than the energetic purging of forces that had corrupted policing and politics. When the ABC was given standing before the Commission I was more comforted. Witnesses we relied upon became important to the Inquiry. For the ABC the trial would go on for another decade, by which time important reforms were already reaching beyond Queensland.
Media reports of police involvement in organised crime and the vice industry were the catalyst for Queensland's Commission of Inquiry into Possible Illegal Activities and Associated Police Misconduct, better known as the Fitzgerald Inquiry. The two-year inquiry revealed systemic corruption leading all the way to the State's premier Sir Joh Bjelke-Petersen. It produced more than 120 prosecutions, the deposition of Bjelke-Petersen, the suspension and imprisonment of Police Commissioner Terence Lewis and the ultimate demise of the National Party Government in Queensland after 32 years of continuous rule. What made the Fitzgerald Inquiry effective were the powers granted to the investigator and the broad terms of reference. Innovations such as indemnity from prosecution for key witnesses set a new pattern for inquiries in Australia. Royal commissions into policing were subsequently held in New South Wales and Western Australia but the extent of political connections uncovered in Queensland made that case unique., Chris Masters' Four Corners report 'Moonlight State' is a seminal piece of Australian investigative journalism and is credited, alongside Courier-Mail reporter Phil Dickie's work, with prompting the Fitzgerald Inquiry. In this excerpt, former brothel owner John Stopford - later a witness to the Inquiry - describes paying off the licensing branch of the Queensland Police in order to run his business. He also recalls in the lead-up to a state election, delivering large cash payments to political parties on behalf of organised crime., Fitzgerald Report on police and political corruption in Queensland,
Qld The Police State.
Uploaded on 15 Jul 2008
Rail Security police are abusing their powers systematically. Now the Government has legitimized this abuse granting more power to the thugs that are meant to protect us.
Warren Baxter- From New Zealand has been fighting for justice from the Queensland Police and the Queensland Government for 26 years, this is a must see video clip... for people interested in police corrupt and police brutaliy to the extreme.., As the news reporter said... "if this is how the Queensland Police are prepared ot acted openly when they know there, is a news team filming their violent and brutal actions .., ...what would they be like if when they know there is no one to film and publicly record their actions..", The even more important issue is that the police themsleves and other investigatory bodies and the Queensland and Federal Govement seem to be be too interested is looking too hard into allegations of this sort of behaviour unless their hand is forced with the media getting hold of clear evidence in camera and/or a brave whistleblower with a lot of guts .. usuatlly a woman as she will not be a Freemason and/or not in that same Freemason or other male orientated social, business, legal, police, sporting, criminal club network/organsiation that a great percentage of Male Queensland Police are in one way or another involved in and/or associated with...
Warren Baxter- From New Zealand has been fighting for justice from the Queensland Police and the Queensland Government for 26 years
this is a must see video clip... for people interested in police corrupt and police brutaliy to the extreme..
As the news reporter said... "if this is how the Queensland Police are prepared ot acted openly when they know there
is a news team filming their violent and brutal actions ..
...what would they be like if when they know there is no one to film and publicly record their actions.."
The even more important issue is that the police themsleves and other investigatory bodies and the Queensland and Federal Govement seem to be be too interested is looking too hard into allegations of this sort of behaviour unless their hand is forced with the media getting hold of clear evidence in camera and/or a brave whistleblower with a lot of guts .. usuatlly a woman as she will not be a Freemason and/or not in that same Freemason or other male orientated social, business, legal, police, sporting, criminal club network/organsiation that a great percentage of Male Queensland Police are in one way or another involved in and/or associated with...
Widespread corruption in Queensland Police
LEIGH SALES, PRESENTER: The fall of Mark Standen from one of New South Wales' most powerful policemen to disgraced criminal has been epic.
Today, a jury found Standen guilty of plotting to import million of dollars worth of drugs into Australia. He used his privileged position as the former assistant director of the NSW Crime Commission to help dodge Customs scrutiny.
Standen came undone because he was desperate for cash to support a gambling problem and he was seduced by the five-star lifestyle of the drug lords he was meant to be pursuing.
Deborah Cornwall's been following the case, and a warning: this story contains coarse language.
DEBORAH CORNWALL, REPORTER: It's three years since Mark Standen's extraordinary double life came crashing down around him.
TERRY, FEDERAL AGENT: Mark, I want you to listen to me very carefully, OK? We are here to arrest you.
TERRY: I'm not, mate. I'm deadly serious. Do you understand that?
MARK STANDEN: Is this a gee up? It's gotta be a gee up.
TERRY: No, it's not.
DEBORAH CORNWALL: As chief investigator of the NSW Crime Commission and one of the most powerful cops in the country, Standen had to be arrested by his own workmates, the prize catch in a global police sting to smash a major drug cartel.
Right from the start, Standen has always insisted it had all been some terrible misunderstanding.
In fact, it took a two-year international dragnet to finally nail Standen - it's what the Dutch call a crooked hat - the bent cop who'd been acting as the eyes and ears of Dutch drug cartel in part of a plot to produce the country's biggest ever hall of the deadly street drug ice.
Charles Miranda was the European correspondent for News Limited when he first stumbled on the investigation just four months after Federal Police had identified Standen as a target.
CHARLES MIRANDA, DAILY TELEGRAPH: It was amazing. I think my first thought went to that Hollywood movie Usual Suspects where police forces around the world were looking for the key conspirators, were looking for that break in the case, and all the while it was sitting right in front of 'em.
DEBORAH CORNWALL: It was the story of his career, but he would have to wait another five months until Standen's arrest before he could finally go to print with the story.
CHARLES MIRANDA: When the AFP visited our offices they basically said, "This the biggest security breach in law enforcement history."
MARK STANDEN: G'day mate.
BAKHOS JALALATY: How ya doin'?
MARK STANDEN: Did you manage to get a cash advance?
MARK STANDEN: Mm. That's not good.
DEBORAH CORNWALL: The blanket surveillance on Standen captured hundreds of hours of phone calls, meetings, payoffs and coded emails between the chief investigator and his two co-accused. British career criminal and international drug dealer James Kinch, a one-time informer of Standen's, and family friend and small goods importer Bill Jalalaty, who used his business as a front to try and smuggle in 300 kilograms of pseudoephedrine in a rice shipment from Pakistan., enough to produce $120 million worth of ice.
MARK STANDEN (in police interview): Certainly never, never, not for a nanosecond thought that Bill would import any drugs of any sort. He talks anti-drugs, he talks about "hanging the bastards", is one of his favourite sayings.
DEBORAH CORNWALL: In his only police interview, Standen tried desperately to talk his way out of trouble, casting himself as a trusting soul who appeared to have been set up by his long-time friend Bill Jalalaty.
MARK STANDEN (in police interview): So, he often plays sort of the dumb Leb. He's probably as close to a pathological liar as I've ever met. ... I have let thousands upon thousands upon thousands of obvious lies slide without pulling him up, 'cause I accept that's what he's like.
CHARLES MIRANDA: His defence is very much, "I was humouring my friend. Yeah, he was talking about drug imports. I thought, 'Whatever. He's so full of rubbish, I'll just go along with it.'" It was almost game-playing. He had a friend who was a simpleton in his mind and he was humouring him.
DEBORAH CORNWALL: Standen kept up the bravado all the way through his trial, even when confronted with months of secretly-taped conversations in which he appears to be taking the drug deal very seriously, including coaching Jalalaty on what to say if it all went wrong.
BILL JALALATY: I'm not worried about me, I'm worried about you.
MARK STANDEN: I would say we've been friends for fucking, like, ever since we met (inaudible), we've always talked about business opportunities, we've looked at drinks, we've explored this, explored that. As far as I know you're always bringing stuff in and out.
DEBORAH CORNWALL: He also shamelessly used his police contacts to ensure there were no suspicions over the rice shipment. The Federal Police, he said, just weren't smart enough to catch him.
MARK STANDEN: What I'll do now is I can ring the surveillance guy and see what he's doin'.
BILL JALALATY: Could he be lying to ya?
MARK STANDEN: Wouldn't need to. Unless they already knew the connection, but that's pretty unlikely. But that gives 'em too much credit. They're never that good, you know.
DEBORAH CORNWALL: The Crown said Standen had been running the Australian end of the drug enterprise, taking instructions from his one-time informer James Kinch, who was the middleman for the Dutch drug cartel.
MARK STANDEN (in police interview): I like to believe in people. ... It kills me telling this story 'cause it's - it highlights the stupidity.
DEBORAH CORNWALL: Once again, Standen cast himself as the trusting dupe.
MARK STANDEN (in police interview): Kinch gave up all the syndicates, all the groups that he worked with, he named the people. ... No-one ever believed that he would tie (inaudible). I did. I was prepared to.
CHARLES MIRANDA: He very much tried to engage the jury during the trial. He would make these bold statements which were clearly ludicrous, but he would look straightaway to the jury and look at each individual face as if trying to get some sort of acceptance, to sort of get a bit of traction in his argument. He was very cocky.
DEBORAH CORNWALL: But it was Standen's wildly excessive spending and the huge amounts of money he'd collected from his co-accused that proved hardest of all to explain. The Crown said it was impossible to guess just how much cash Standen had received. His salary after commitments amounted to about $500 a week, yet he spent a staggering $4,000 a week, at least $220,000 more than he earned.
On top of that, he'd already lavished his 24-year-old mistress and co-worker Louise Baker with extravagant gifts and a lifestyle to match.
CHARLES MIRANDA: All of a sudden he was buying Tiffany's bracelets, he was doing luxury holidays, he was staying at five-star hotels. ... He sort of liked the charm surrounding that lifestyle, that a criminal could earn more than the investigators and could live this charmed life before they're stopped.
DEBORAH CORNWALL: Perhaps the most striking thing about this case is just how many red flags had been there for years about the way Standen operated. It was well-known he'd had a major gambling problem and he played fast and loose with his criminal informants.
In 2004, he'd authorised a botched operation in which police released seven kilograms of cocaine onto the open market to try and shake out a drug network. Only one kilo was ever returned.
But again, his bosses backed him, because as far as they were concerned, he was their best operator.
CHARLES MIRANDA: A lot of his friends said he had a bit of a narcissistic personality. He was better than everybody else, he thought, he was earning more, he could do whatever he wanted to. Whatever he wants, it's all about Mark Standen.
LEIGH SALES: And on Monday night's Four Corner's, reporter Marian Wilkinson has a fascinating in-depth look at the Standen case. It's well worth catching if you can
Assaults at Airlie Beach Police Station by Queensland Police officer Benjamin Price
In January 2008 Benjamin Price assaulted slightly built 23-year-old female tourist ... The superior officers did not even examine the Airlie Beach Police Station...
Queensland Policewoman Bree Sonter did her duty as a police officer and as a decent human being when she saw police officer Benjamin Price bashing tourists at Airlie Beach Police Station.
Bree Sonter filed a complaint which eventually led to charges being laid against police officer Benjamin Price.
In January 2008 Benjamin Price assaulted slightly built 23-year-old female tourist Renee Toms.
Renee was handcuffed and then flung about by her hair by Price, before being slammed into a desk and the floor inside the watch house.
After this assault on Renee Toms, Airlie Beach Police Sergeant Russell Pike and two junior Airlie Beach police officers filed a report to their superiors.
The officers alleged excessive use of force that amounted to serious misconduct by Benjamin Price.
Sergeant Pike recommended that Benjamin Price be withdrawn from active duty while an investigation was carried out.
These Airlie Beach police officers expected the situation to be investigated.
But their Superior police officers did nothing.
The superior officers did not even examine the Airlie Beach Police Station video footage ( see the link below to this video ).
Sergeant Pike later quit the force in disgust.
"What more could we do? We reported it to our bosses, but we could hardly go over their heads," Sergeant Pike said.
Five Airlie Beach police officers have now quit the police force.
Three more Airlie Beach officers are under investigation.
Then, on 25 May 2008, Benjamin Price assaulted a third tourist.
He handcuffed, punched and kneed 26-year-old Timothy Steele.
And then he rammed a fire hose into Timothy Steele's mouth and turned on the water.
Bree Sonter's complaint about this third incident ultimately led to Benjamin Price's arrest.
But it is understood that Bree Sonter felt under enormous pressure to drop her allegations.
It takes a lot of courage to whistleblow - you agonise over your duties, loyalties and responsibilities for a long time before you actually make the decision that you must take action.
But then nothing seems to be done.
Your message is ignored.
Or "lost".
Or "misunderstood".
Or reduced to gibberish.
Or the person you whistleblow to makes no record of your disclosure, and simply records their "doubts about your credibility".
And they warn the people concerned that you are trying to make a disclosure.
And then very senior public servants write "Briefings For The Minister" in which they advise the Minister not to respond to your disclosure.
And they edit the reason for your disclosure out of their "Briefing Note".
It is frightening.
Your faith in 'the system' is slowly destroyed - 'the system' that you have trusted and upheld all of your life.
You realise that 'the system' is all just a sham.
And you don't just have to whistleblow once, you have to whistleblow over and over and over again, because no public servant wants to hear your whistle.
And the real message to you and to other public servants, as Mike O'Connor rightly points out, is that it is pointless to make a disclosure because nothing is going to be done.
Except 'payback'.
Will Bree Sonter have to live and work in fear of "payback" for the rest of her life?
Maybe not :
Whistleblowing can work.
But it only works at the Non-Commissioned rank.
The Queensland Police Service are quite happy to "burn off" a junior officer.
But if you whistleblow, and the officer is an inspector or above, YOUR career will be finished and the QPS will do all that it can to protect their corrupt senior officer.
"It again highlights how difficult it can be to protect the community against people who are hell bent on acting corruptly....."....Chief Commissioner Ken Lay
Two more Victorian police officers have been suspended as a result of an investigation into alleged document leaks to an outlaw motorcycle gang.
Earlier this week Chief Commissioner Ken Lay revealed that a large number of sensitive police documents were found during recent raids on three properties, one of which is linked to bikies.
A detective senior constable and a constable from the North West Metro region have been suspended with pay.
A senior constable has already been suspended without pay.
Police say the leak involves about 1,000 files and up to 10,000 individual documents.
It has been described as one of the biggest security breaches in the force's history.
The data included the names of police informants, some of whom have had to go into hiding.
Mr Lay says the people who are responsible for the leaks could face criminal charges.
Following a series of gangland killings of police informers, a former Federal Court Judge, Sir Edward Woodward, made the alarming comment that corruption in Victoria was at the worst level ever. His comments cannot be ignored: not only because they were made to the Criminal Bar Association, but because he was a former Royal Commissioner into the notorious Ships' Painters and Dockers Union.
Whatever the accuracy of his observation, there can be no doubt that in several states of Australia, there has been an alarming increase in police corruption which damages the hard-earned reputation of the Australian police forces.
What is not widely recognised, however, is the link between police corruption, organised crime and the drug trade.
The problem of corruption varies from country to country. Often it is due to factors such as a weak legal system; inadequate pay for public servants; and a lack of accountability and transparency in government.
For Australia and other Western countries where the rule of law is well entrenched and government agencies have well-established anti-corruption practices, it frequently appears in attempts by organised crime to subvert the police force.
Drug revenue
As the main revenue sources for organised crime are drugs and prostitution, these are frequently linked with police corruption.
The direct cost of drug-related crime is huge. A Parliamentary report last year said that drug crimes cost the country some $2.5 billion a year, although the effects extend far beyond the direct cost, in terms of lives destroyed, violence, and the undermining of public institutions.
It is not surprising, therefore, that illegal drugs - heroin, marijuana and designer drugs such as ecstasy - are the common link between Melbourne's gangland killings and police corruption, as Victoria's Police Deputy Commissioner, Peter Nancarrow, said recently.
The position in Victoria has been so bad that the Drug Squad was disbanded in 2001, but it has subsequently become even worse.
Apart from the gangland murder of people who offered to testify in court against corrupt police, others in anti-corruption units have been threatened by both organised crime and corrupt police.
Clearly, the illicit drug trade is intimately linked with both police corruption and organised crime. If drugs could be removed from the equation, the problems in both these areas would be substantially lessened.
The key problem in Australia is that public policy on illegal drugs is hopelessly confused, at a number of levels.
First, the links between organised crime, police corruption and drugs is obscured by the official policy of treating all forms of drug abuse (tobacco, alcohol and illegal drugs) together.
This has been one of the central planks of the lobby which favours legalisation of drugs, on the Dutch model.
Australian governments have accepted this line, which finds its expression in terms such as "harm minimisation", a meaningless expression which actually means tolerance of the drug culture.
Yet there is very little in common between the problems of tobacco use, or even misuse of alcohol - the main "legal" drugs - and the illicit drug trade.
This confusion is perpetuated in the Federal Government's National Drug Strategy, which advocates a "harm minimisation" approach to both legal and illegal drugs, and views drug abuse as primarily a social and medical problem (which it clearly is with tobacco, at least), rather than a legal one (which is untrue, where heroin, marijuana and designer drugs are involved).
This approach was repeated in the recent House of Representatives report into drug abuse, Roads to Recovery, tabled in the House of Representatives in August, 2003.
Additionally, the legal approach to illegal drugs has been hopelessly compromised by policies of toleration pursued by various State governments. These include the legalisation of marijuana for "personal use" in some states, the widespread provision of free injecting kits for heroin addicts, legalised heroin injecting rooms, and the policy of giving heroin addicts access to methadone programs, without ensuring that they are heroin-free.
The result is that law enforcement programs are compromised by governments intent on accommodating the pro-drugs lobby. Additionally, police who lack clear guidelines to enforce an anti-drug policy, are subject to constant attempts to suborn them into accepting a share in the huge profits made by drug dealers, in other words, by organised crime.
If Australia is to deal with this problem, it will have to begin with a zero-tolerance policy towards illicit drugs, vigorous pursuit of drug traffickers, and forced rehabilitation of those convicted of illicit drug use, backed up by the power of imprisonment. Without this, it will be almost impossible to deal with the problems of organised crime and police corruption.
Peter Westmore is President of the National Civic Council.
Victoria Police Chief Commissioner Ken Lay says the force is investigating one of the biggest leaks of sensitive information in its history.
Police investigating links between officers and outlaw motorcycle gangs raided three properties across Melbourne around a fortnight ago.
They say a significant number of police files were found at one location, including details of people who have helped with investigations.
The documents are between months and three years old.
Mr Lay says he believes one junior officer from a northern metropolitan police station is the main person involved.
He has been suspended without pay.
"This person seems to be the key of all the disclosures, although it's true to say that there may be a small number of members acting on the periphery," Mr Lay said.
"A breach of this security is a breach of the community's trust and simply cannot be tolerated."
Task Force Keel has been established to investigate the leak.
Mr Lay says the safety of people who have assisted police is his immediate priority.
"This task force will investigate how these documents were linked, and by whom and identify all of the associated risks," he said.
"Taskforce Keel's priority will be to ensure the safety of people who have cooperated and assisted police."
Mr Lay says the member responsible will be charged.
"The action of this member and any others associated with it will result in criminal charges," he said.
"You will see in the foreseeable future police members responsible will be brought to account and be required to justify their actions to the community."
Mr Lay says he is confident that there is no systemic corruption inside the force.
"It again highlights how difficult it can be to protect the community against people who are hell bent on acting corruptly," he said.
Acting Deputy Commissioner Steve Fontana is heading the investigation.
"We'd like to reassure the community and the vast number of people who do ring up and provide information that they are not at risk," he said.
"This is a very small number of people that we believe have been helping police for criminal investigations."
Greg Davies of the Police Association says he is confident everything is being done to ensure the safety of people named in the police documents.
"We're sure that the chief commissioner and assistant commissioner are taking whatever steps are necessary to make sure anyone mentioned in that information is protected as well as they possible can be, and that the information will be retrieved and hopefully not go any further than it already has," he said.
"Depending on the nature of the information that does find its way into the wrong hands, it can be potentially quite dangerous not only for police officers but members of the public as well.
"The chief commissioner is right to be concerne
d about it and equally he's right to launch an investigation."
The most controversial drama series ever made in Australia,BLUE MURDER, will finally screen in NSW and the ACT six years after it was prevented from broadcast. The two part series will begin Tuesday 31 July at 9.30pm, concluding Wednesday 1 August at 9.30pm.
The highly acclaimed drama that delves into corruption in the NSW police force and crime underworld of the 80's, was legally embargoed from screening in NSW and the ACT because underworld identity Neddy Smith, one of the key characters in the series, was charged with seven counts of murder just before the program was due to be broadcast in 1995.
Earlier this month, the Director of Public Prosecutions decided not to prosecute Neddy Smith for the murder of Lewton Shu, clearing the way for the first ever screening of BLUE MURDER in NSW and the ACT.
In all other States and Territories, the BBC drama CARE will screen at the same time.
BLUE MURDER begins with Sydney criminal Neddy Smith's activities in the late 1970's, charting his gradual acceptance into a circle of corrupt police officers led by top cop Rogerson and culminates with the shooting of policeman Michael Drury and the crumbling of Rogerson's empire in the late 80's. The series features an outstanding cast including Richard Roxburgh as Dt Sgt Roger Rogerson, Tony Martin as Needy Smith and Steve Bastoni as Michael Drury, with Gary Sweet, Alex Dimitriades, Peter Phelps, Marcus Graham and Bill Hunter.
BLUE MURDER is an ABC / Southern Star Entertainment Production. Written by Ian David. Directed by Michael Jenkins. Produced by Rod Allan.
Screens Tuesday 31 July and Wednesday 1 August at 9.30pm ABC Media Release
Thursday 26 July 2001
Blue Murder Video One
Blue Murder Video Two
Blue Murder Video Three
Please see more Blue Murder videos below
Blue Murder hits ABC
The award-winning drama series Blue Murder, which colourfully re-creates Sydney's 1980s underworld, will screen on television in NSW for the first time next week.The ABC's legal and scheduling departments finally gave Blue Murder the green light to be screened here and in the ACT yesterday, six years after it was shown in the rest of Australia.Featuring Tony Martin as notorious criminal Neddy Smith and Richard Roxburgh as infamous detective-sergeant Roger Rogerson, it will air in two parts at 9.30pm on Tuesday and Wednesday.
Already widely viewed on bootleg copies by police, lawyers, criminals and anyone else interested in such fare, the program is still expected to be a ratings success for the ABC.Blue Murder was pulled from screening in NSW in 1995 when Smith was charged with seven 1980s murders, all of which have now been dealt with by courts. Four of those murder charges were dropped at committal, one led to conviction at trial, one was "no billed" by the Director of Public Prosecutions earlier this month and one, that of Sallie-Anne Huckstepp, ended in acquittal by jury.Despite that verdict, Blue Murder will still go to air with a scene in which Smith kills Huckstepp.The first part of the series features Smith being awarded a "green light" to commit crimes by police grateful for Smith's favourable evidence at the inquest into the death of drug dealer Warren Lanfranchi, whom Rogerson shot in 1981.
It culminates with the shooting of drug squad detective Michael Drury by hitman Chris Flannery, in a conspiracy involving Melbourne drug dealer Alan Williams and Rogerson, who in real-life was cleared of involvement. The second part follows the flawed investigation into Drury's shooting, Flannery's and Huckstepp's murders, Rogerson's career downfall and Smith's descent to prison, where he has remained since.
By Stephen Gibbs, Sydney Morning Herald, Thursday, July 26, 2001
Blue MurderVideo Four
Blue Murder Video Five
Blue Murder Video Six
Blue Murder Video Seven
Please see moreBlue Murder videos below
ABC rushes Blue Murder
THE ABC's controversial award-winning miniseries Blue Murder about Sydney's underworld will be shown nearly a month ahead of schedule in NSW next week.
The program was due to air in late August but an ABC spokeswoman said the threat of legal action forced the network to screen it early.
"We have to move quickly to screen it because there may be charges pending against some other well-known people portrayed in the show which might stop us from screening it," she said.
"We've been given a small window of opportunity and our lawyers have given us clearance to screen it, but we have to do it quickly."
The 1995 production, which has been shown twice in all states except NSW, dramatises police corruption and underworld activities in the 1980s. It could not be shown in NSW because of outstanding charges against Neddy Smith, who is serving a life sentence for murdering brothel owner Harvey Jones in 1983.
Two weeks ago the Director of Public Prosecutions cleared the way for the series to be screened in NSW by no-billing an indictment against Smith, 56, for the murder of drug dealer Lewton Shu in 1983.
Based on Smith's autobiography and the book Line of Fire about the 1984 shooting of drug squad cop Michael Drury, Blue Murder depicts various underworld killings.
It stars Tony Martin as Neddy Smith, Gary Sweet as hit man Christopher Dale Flannery and Richard Roxburgh as Roger Rogerson.
Blue Murder Video Eight
Blue Murder Video Nine
Blue Murder Video Ten
Please see moreBlue Murder videos below
Better late than never
As Blue Murder gets the all-clear to screen in NSW, Tony Davis takes a personal look at the events covered in the controversial drama.
It is truly odd that one of the best pieces of television drama ever produced in Australia has never screened in NSW, the country's most populous State and the one in which 90 per cent of the story is set. But that's the case with Blue Murder, winner of multiple AFI awards, which screened in the rest of the country in 1995. Now, following a decision by the Director of Public Prosecutions not to pursue Neddy Smith over a 1983 murder, the ABC will air the miniseries over two nights, from Tuesday.
Those who have not managed to beg, borrow or otherwise obtain an interstate video of Blue Murder during the past six years should get ready for an absolutely compelling re-creation of real-life events from the early 1980s.
With brilliant and appalling ferocity, Blue Murder recalls an era unlike any other in Australian criminal history, one in which certain police and crooks formed a partnership to more effectively commit crimes that at least one side of the equation was meant to prevent.
Blue Murder is a masterful piece of scripting, direction and acting. Rapid-fire conversations overlap while cameras follow the action in documentary-style, always giving you the sense you are moving among real and dangerous people rather than having scripted lines delivered to you.
Some of the greatest names of the Sydney underworld are portrayed: Christopher Dale Flannery, the hitman known as Rent-a-kill; Warren Lanfranchi, the heroin dealer who preferred a baseball bat to a well-structured argument when it came to financial negotiations; Lanfranchi's girlfriend, the glamorous and screwed-up Sallie-Anne Huckstepp; and above all others, Neddy and The Dodger.
Neddy was Arthur Stanley Smith, the drug dealer and armed-hold-up specialist given the green light by certain police to commit any crime (except murdering police), as long as he shared the proceeds. Neddy left bank robberies in police cars, while the cops up front radioed headquarters to say they'd lost the trail of the suspects.
The Dodger was Detective Sergeant Roger Rogerson, whose name will forever be prefixed by the words "disgraced" and "former". He became a household name in the early 1980s after winning a supposed OK-Corral-style shootout with Warren Lanfranchi in a Chippendale lane.
Generally less mentioned in this whole story but equally important—from this writer's point of view, at least—is me.
Blue Murder, which I watched in one breathless sitting, took me back to Glebe Coroner's Court in 1981 where, as a second-year newspaper cadet, I spent day after day with many of the "cast", sitting just a few steps away from Rogerson, Huckstepp and others, watching their every movement, reporting on each word said.
I was 20 years old. There are a lot of things I was at 20 that I am glad I am not now. Gullible is one of them. Sure, one senior policeman might play with the truth, I thought. But not two, or three, or four… and surely entire events and interviews wouldn't be invented from scratch.
It seemed so clear cut: Detective Sergeant Rogerson was a policeman with bravery commendations and Lanfranchi was a drug dealer. Officer after officer supported the story that Lanfranchi had pulled a gun first. OK, there were no fingerprints on the butt, but police forensic experts said that was not unusual.
Later revelations would change public perceptions of the NSW Police Force. Back then there still was a general sense that even when the police occasionally bent the rules, they were still operating in our best interests.
Anyway, during the Lanfranchi trial the other side overplayed its hand. During the court breaks, a cavalcade of interested parties came to the little windowless press room or stopped me in the corridor to explain that senior police controlled the State's entire heroin trade, had committed bashings, murders and more besides; that Rogerson, in spite of his modest income, leased a Lamborghini.
It seemed too far-fetched to be true, and later events showed it wasn't true. It was a Bentley, for example, and Rogerson owned rather than leased it.
I was reporting for the News Limited newspapers: The Daily Mirror, The Daily Telegraph and The Australian. My court-reporting training had consisted of being shown around Glebe Coroner's Court by the cadet I replaced, and of me asking as many questions as would be tolerated by the other permanent press-room fixture—a young reporter from Fairfax's late and unlamented The Sun.
Being a newspaper cadet in the blokey, beer-soaked atmosphere of early 1980s journalism is the sort of thing you are glad to have done, but would never do again. I spent several months as a graveyard-shift ambulance-chaser and remember it as a time of fires, car crashes, deathknocks and bullet-ventilated bodies face-down in parks.
Some of those bodies, we later learned, belonged to people who had been in the orbit of Lanfranchi, Smith and Rogerson, but for me at the time there was never a sense that any of the criminal goings-on I saw each week were likely to endanger average punters—or involved the police.
There was great camaraderie on police rounds. Senior journos drank with influential cops or chatted about wives and kids while the warehouse fire blazed or Police Rescue unwrapped the car from the pole. Some old-hand reporters could get traffic fines pulled and more. Rogerson received a bouquet of "hero" stories the morning after the Lanfranchi shooting.
The situation served the press and the police well. The only people who lost out were the public.
Glebe Coroner's Court, where I was stationed for several months, was directly above the morgue. A rather strange employee, who kept his lunch in the cold room, delighted in taking young reporters through his domain, leading the way through a field of unclad corpses on steel trolleys parked in neat rows, or through the autopsy rooms where cadavers were being pulled to pieces. "This is a motorcycle accident and this is a drowning," he would explain, but his favourite show-and-tells were the ones in the freezer drawers, the often butchered or burnt corpses being kept as evidence. Warren Lanfranchi's was among these, deteriorating and blighted with some sort of fungus.
Lanfranchi was not much older than I was. His world couldn't have been more different and, as evidence came out, it showed beyond doubt there were two completely separate Sydneys existing at the same time with very little interaction between them.
Blue Murder authentically depicts the amazing things that were happening in unremarkable-looking pubs and restaurants around Glebe, Surry Hills and Chinatown. They were places I had walked past hundreds of times with scarcely a thought that there might be a bashing in progress, a hit being organised, the proceeds of a job being split or police and crims drunkenly engaging in a target-shooting contest in the basement.
Blue Murder does not judge. It merely presents a well-informed view of what happened, and, in showing the charisma, bravery and brutality of Neddy and The Dodger, helps explain the control this unlikely partnership established.
If there's proof of a good historical re-enactment, it's when you become so involved with the characters they become fixed in your mind as the real people. When I see actual footage of Neddy or the Dodger, they don't look quite right—yet when, say, Tony Martin turns up on screen I immediately think of Neddy Smith and even shiver a little.
Writing this story made me go back and look for my old newspaper clippings. The court stories I covered—the Lanfranchi shooting, the Harry M. Miller fraud trial, the notorious severed-head-and-fingers murder of Kim Barry in Wollongong and others—were filed by phone in great haste during adjournments. They became littered with typos and literals as they were quickly shunted through copytakers, sub-editors working with pencils, then compositors shaping the words mirror-wise in hot metal.
Anyone who thinks media standards are slipping ought to search out newspapers from that era and compare. And anyone who harks back to the good old days when the streets were safe and the cops were on our side should watch Blue Murder.
Late 1980's Airlie Beach Queensland Australia & the Australian Tax payers considering the costs of a $5,000,000.00 Tony Fizgerald QC inquiry into Crime & Corruption of the Qld Government & Police. So What, old news. True & impossible say otherwise................Unless of course your name is Senior Detective Paul Wilson Qld Police's finest & your stantioned at beautiful tropical Airlie beach Qld. Hanging out on Friday & Saturday nights at the Whitsunday Terraces Resort with Chartered Accountants & Lawyers James Grevel & his 1980's scumbag lawyer associates all actively involved in Detective Paul Wilsons drug import business.
Cannonvale Road Airlie Beach around the same time a Qld Detetctive was thoiught to have comitted suicide at his residence.
Only at the time of the shot I happened to be taking coffee in the house of a girl friends aunt & we both eye witnessed Detective Paul Wilson leaving the residence at hast of that detective that was soon after found dead.
The Aunt & I realised it would be a certain death sentance too ever speak of what we saw & remained silent. however soon after that her son met with an " accident " & was confined too a wheel chair forever after. ( Detective Paul Wilson *specialist field of policeing was " Accidents " & he is known too have advised numerous people, " They would Be Having an Accident ", if they did not comply with his Demands....
Its a well documented fact a Mr M. Banks met with an , " accident " , at the hands of Qld Detctive Paul Wilson.
After Detective Paul wilson & James Grevells lawyer associates & a chartered accountant & National Parks Officer Marty visited Mr Banks & demanded he be their Drug Mule & security officer in Airlie Beach.
Mr M Banks advised all of the group where to Go & Just how to get there, with specific directions.
He was Then Advised by Detective Paul wilson of the Queensland Police Force , " ( you have two weeks to get out of Town ! " Or You Will Be Having An Accident " .
All of the Group were advised to leave the appartment or they would be having their own accident of the balcony right then & there.
Months later at Airlie Beach Hardware store at about 9 :00am on a Friday moring Mr M Banks suffered severe spinal injuries from Detetcive Paul Wilson throwing a 6 liter can of paint from the mezanin 2nd floor onto Mr Banks neck as he knelt on the 1st foor inspecting cleaning products.
The Eyewitness Daydream Island Government Registered Accident & Safety Officer on the Island construction, later wrote a report as he saw Detective Paul Wilson attempt to murder Mr M Banks & shouted at the Detetctive to Stop as he ran from the side loading entrance. the store clerk the Son of the Local ambulance station Manager also Eye witnssed the events & his Father begged & pleaded with Mr M. Banks not too take legal action as Detetctive Paul Wilson had personally threatend too kill every member of the family if they spoke of the incident.
When it all became clearer & very apparent to Mr M.Banks he contacted his then 2nd Lawyers who where sueing his former lawyer James Grevell for professional Negligence in instructing Mr M.Banks too accpet $6,500 in damages from the insurance company of the Hardware store owned by good friend of Detetctive Paul Wilson Mr Rusty Dyson who also eye witnessed the events of Mr M.Banks 's injuries on that morning & his attempted murder.
Lawyer Barry John Ross of Gladstone despite being advised to take a criminal action out against Detective Paul wilson & the Queensland Police which was the correct course of action as Detetctive Paul Wilson was at the time of Mr Banks injuries officially " On Duty " . Barry John Ross lawyer for Mr M. Banks, advised Mr M.Banks that certain " Threats " were made directly too Barry John ross by Detective Paul Wilson...........so Mr Barry ross Lawyer for Mr Banks ignored Mr Banks instructions to treat the matter as a Criminal Action.
Mr Barry Ross proceeded to enrich himself for the next seven years in a charade that involved a Legal aide funded action of professional negligence of James Grevel so in point of fact was sueing the Qld Law Society insurance company at the Australian & Qld Tax payers expense.
Mr M. Banks advised the Queensland Law Society Manager in person of the events surrounding this charade conducted by his lawyer Mr Barry John Ross of Gladstone Qld & that Manager was unconcerned with the facts they were given & let the matter proceed to the supreme court in Brisbane in 2005 for damages of Aust$400,000 for Mr M. Banks.
Prior to that hearing Mr M.Banks had Detetive Paul wilson who stationed himself close to Mr Banks at Nambour on the Sunshine Coast, place a loaded pistol while seated in his Falcon police vehicle to Mr Banks head & state " Your Not going To Give Me any Trouble In court are You NOW ?! " .
Numerous attempts were made on Mr M Banks life prior to the supream Court Hearing & known associates of Mr M. Banks prior to that court hearing suffered fatal Accidents, one of which was a witness for Mr M.Banks in that court hearing.
Tony Fizgerald QC Bob Aitkinson & The Australian Governor General who's Long back ground in the Qld Law Society is well documented & numerous politicians were made aware of the facts.
Tony Fizgerald never did land a Mr Big of Drugs in Qld.......... there was far more money in not landing one for Mr Fizgerald.
Incidently Mr Banks recived only $25,000 years after trail as Barry John Ross stole the other $25,000 total $50k awarded to Mr M.Banks who also incidently had the Guts too stand up in the Supream Court & Expose All of the True facts & Names of those involved in which the Law society appointed Judge almost jailed Mr Banks.
Only Mr Banks had the wit and courage to send documents to the prerss & media 48 hours prior too trail with instructions to open them if Mr Banks did not walk from the court house & advised the Judge of this important Fact also.
The Judge struck from the records Mr Banks entire testimony exposing the lawyers involved in drug importation & their close association with the Queensland Police in closed courtroom in the two day trial .Incidently Barry john Ross did not appear in court to for his client Mr Banks nor did he instruct eye witnesses to appear for Mr Banks .
Costing Tax payers in the eight year process over half a million dollars in legal fees etc etc etc .
That was & still is the state Of Justice In Queensland Australia today.
Posted by Unquestionable documented Legal Truth's & Vast amounts of Points of Documented Legal fact. at 10:13 PM
The who's who of Blue Murder
Detective Sergeant Roger Rogerson
Once considered among the local constabulary's finest, "The Dodger" was brave enough to stare down the likes of Christopher Dale Flannery and Neddy Smith. Rogerson cultivated friends and allies in high and low places and was ruthless in the way he did business. He shot Warren Lanfranchi in a narrow lane in 1981—supposedly after Lanfranchi drew a gun on him—and watched his empire crash down soon afterwards. Played beautifully by Richard Roxburgh.
Currently A free man (acquitted of conspiring to murder Michael Drury, he served three years in the '90s for conspiring to pervert the course of justice), although the Police Integrity Commission recommended this year he be criminally charged on three counts.
Arthur Stanley "Neddy" Smith
The dangerous and highly intelligent crook with a heart of venom. His frightening autobiography, Neddy, illustrates a man operating on a completely different moral code to the rest of us (though, alas, on the same moral code as several powerful NSW policemen). Tony Martin delivers with chilling authenticity.
Currently Serving a life sentence for murder and suffering from Parkinson's disease. He was acquitted in 1999 of the murder of Sallie-Anne Huckstepp.
Michael Drury
The cop who claimed he wouldn't take a bribe from Rogerson and almost paid for it with his life. Steve Bastoni interviewed Michael Drury to get the role right, and plays him with enough ambiguity to ensure he is not a cliched hero. Bizarrely, Michael Drury and wife Pam came on set to see the scene in which Drury is shot in his Chatswood home.
Currently Retired from the NSW Police Force last year.
Christopher Dale Flannery
The wild hitman known as Rent-a-kill. The unlikely casting of Gary Sweet is a triumph and Blue Murder leaves no doubt about Flannery's much-discussed fate.
Currently Believed dead.
Warren Lanfranchi
Petty crim and drug dealer, shot by Rogerson. It was claimed by Lanfranchi's family he had $10,000 on his person at the time of the shooting. It was not there when the body arrived at the morgue. The Blue Murder account is very different to the one Rogerson detailed under oath. A 21-year-old Alex Dimitriades does the honours.
Currently Dead.
Sallie-Anne Huckstepp
Prostitute, drug addict and girlfriend of heroin dealer Warren Lanfranchi—yet glamorous enough to captivate television cameras and become a household name with her allegations about Rogerson. Before playing the role, Loene Carmen interviewed Huckstepp's daughter, Sasha, who herself turns up as a nurse in Blue Murder.
Currently Dead.
Ian David
The writer of Police Crop, Joh's Jury and other classy TV dramas, David based his Blue Murder script on In the Line of Fire (the story of Michael Drury by Herald journalist Darren Goodsir) and Neddy, by Neddy Smith with Tom Noble. He also met Smith, conducted hundreds of other interviews and suffered real-life threats and burglaries while working on the project.
Currently President of the Screen Writers' Guild; developing a miniseries about the Ivan Milat backpacker murders.
Michael Jenkins
The director of Blue Murder, Jenkins also worked on the controversial '80s miniseries Scales of Justice.
Currently Working on Young Lions, a drama pilot for Nine, and developing a film on the life of Ned Kelly.
Blue Murder screens on the ABC on Tuesday and Wednesday night at 9.30pm.
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Michael Rupert- ex LA Drug enforcement officer-
-on CIA Drug Running Video One
Real-life drama in TV classic
WHEN Blue Murder screens tonight, NSW viewers will finally be able to make up their own minds on what is fact or just good television.
While the truth may never be known, Blue Murder writer Ian David yesterday admitted he had received threatening phone-calls, had his home broken into and heavy criticism from some of the people portrayed in the confronting drama.
The events depicted in Blue Murder are based on Neddy Smith's autobiography and journalist Darren Goodsir's In the Line of Fire, as well as David's own research and interviews.
But the writer said while the events were necessarily dramatised, he stood by his work saying it was as close to reality as he could make it."It was the best we could do for the time," he said.
"When I look back on it I'm quite pleased that it still stands up."
The series centres on the infamous shootings of drug dealer Warren Lanfranchi by detective Roger Rogerson in Dangar Place, Chippendale. It also deals with the shooting of policeman Michael Drury at his home–allegedly by missing hitman Christopher Dale Flannery.
Other incidents shown include Neddy Smith killing Lanfranchi's prostitute girlfriend Sallie-Anne Huckstepp–a murder for which he was later acquitted.
David said he would watch the show with director Michael Jenkins and actor Tony Martin, who portrayed Smith, over a few beers.
The actor on whom the production relies most, Richard Roxburgh, yesterday was filming a movie in London but said his chief fear after playing the role was the reaction of his real life character Roger Rogerson.
While Rogerson, who watched part of the TV show during a 60 Minutes interview, has always maintained he shot Lanfranchi in self-defence, the former detective sergeant is said to have liked Roxburgh's portrayal–apart from his smoking and piano playing.
"It was a very weird hall of mirrors experience as I watched Roger watching me being him," Roxburgh said.
But another of the four former police officers who witnessed the shooting in Dangar Place was yesterday not so forgiving of any dramatic licence.
Retired Detective Sergeant Rodney Moore was driving his white Volvo only metres from Rogerson when he saw the 1981 shooting.
Mr Moore, now working as a labourer, said that while Blue Murder was good entertainment, he was angry at the depiction of the character Mal Rivers.
"They have got this 'Mal Rivers' taking money out of Lanfranchi's strides," he said. "This is just absolute rubbish. What happened was what was in the coroner's court. Lanfranchi pulled out a gun and Rogerson shot him."
July 31, 2001 Daily Telegraph
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ABC drama a killer in the ratings
Six years after it was made, Blue Murder has been a triumph for the ABC. On Tuesday night it averaged 379,000 viewers in Sydney. It had been shown in other Australian cities years ago, but legal cases involving the key characters delayed its presentation in its state of origin.
An audience of 379,000, as measured by OzTAM, may not sound huge compared to the 800,000 who watched Thorpie winning gold medals last week, but let's put it in context. Sydney people, in common with the rest of Australia, tend to go to bed early, so it's rare for any program starting at 9.30pm to attract more than 300,000 viewers.
Channel Ten's much publicised youth drama, The Secret Life of Us, which screens at 9.30pm on Mondays, scored 251,000 viewers this week, while Nine's Sex and the City, showing at the same time, scored 310,000. The critically acclaimed The West Wing, which showed at 10.30 on Tuesday night, attracted 150,000.
Blue Murder did surprisingly well with what TV programmers call the "youth demographic", who would have been at primary school when the events in the show happened. About 129,000 Blue Murder viewers were aged between 16 and 39 (while the usual youth favourite, Rove Live on Ten, attracted 143,000 groovers).
Normally the ABC's most watched program of the week is The Bill, which attracted 381,000 Sydney viewers on Tuesday—considerably more than its usual 320,000. This suggests Blue Murder encouraged some eager viewers to tune in early. Perhaps the ABC should show it every night.
By David Dale
Sydney Morning Herald
Thursday, August 2, 2001
Joh Bjelke-Petersen had been Premier of Queensland for 29 years, and appeared unstoppable as he ran his 'Joh for PM’ campaign. Nothing was expected from this Special Inquiry, which followed in a long line of previous Inquiries that had found no evidence of police corruption. This time the combination of the president of the Inquiry, Tony Fitzgerald (here played by Nick Tate), and the Counsel assisting, Gary Crooke (Lewis Fitz-Gerald), was to prove a devastating combination while Chris Master’s Four Corners program Moonlight State and the nightly current affairs input of the ABC’s Queensland reporter Quentin Dempster, maintained public focus on the issue.
Having Sergeant Dillon represent himself in the telemovie is a moving and shocking indictment of those exposed by the Royal Commission.
Is Blue Murder an accurate portrayal of events? Or is it racy fiction wrapped around a thin skeleton of facts to make electrifying television? Or a bit of both?
There are doubts about the show's claim of being a true representation of the police and underworld wars. Such reservations are understandable, given the brazen, nonchalant way in which corrupt deals and killings are presented.
But not only are the scenes believable, they are,
in more than 90 per cent of the cases, chillingly accurate.
And that's what makes Blue Murder all the more terrifying.
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Screenwriter Ian David researched the story extensively and interviewed some of the players. He also blended truthfully the themes raised in the two books that provided the platform for the production. So intent was he on accuracy that many scenes were filmed where they took place.
For instance, undercover policeman Michael Drury's shooting was filmed in the home where the event occurred.
Roger Rogerson's barbecue with Neddy Smith and other mates was filmed in the real
Rogerson's former backyard in Condell Park, and drug dealer Warren Lanfranchi is shot in
the Chippendale laneway where the real Lanfranchi was shot.
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But for pedants, there are some issues worthy of debate.
Smith is shown murdering Sallie-Anne Huckstepp but he has been acquitted of this crime. He is shown throwing solicitor Brian Alexander off a boat, but he has never been convicted of it.
It is highly unlikely that Smith, or any of Rogerson's colleagues, were privy to the talks about the attempted killing of Drury. And Rogerson never smoked cigarettes.
There are other small errors, but given the body of work that is assembled, and the multitude of events canvassed, they are minor.
However, on the flipside, Smith did confront CIB chief Noel Morey at Morey's boozy farewell, but perhaps not in the manner depicted; Smith did accompany Rogerson to many police functions; and hitman Christopher Dale Flannery visited hospital to see if he could "finish the job" after failing to kill Drury.
Another feature that has intrigued some viewers is the matter-of-fact way in which Drury reacted to the offer of a bribe from Rogerson. It is this author's view that Drury's nonplussed response says more about the state of the police then, rather then anything to do with Drury's integrity.
Darren Goodsir is a Herald journalist and the author of Line of Fire, upon which Blue Murder is partly based.
By Darren Goodsir
Sydney Morning Herald
Thursday, August 2, 2001
Police Corruption on the Gold Coast, Queensland Australia...
Police Corruption and rorts rife on Gold Coast
SERIOUS charges are set to be laid against 10 people, including current and former police, after allegations of Gold Coast police using drugs, associating with criminals and turning a blind eye to crimes including nightclub drug rapes.
Six police are also facing disciplinary action as a result of the Crime and Misconduct Commission‘s Operation Tesco probe into Gold Coast police misconduct.
The first day of Operation Tesco’s public hearings has heard explosive evidence of Coast police stroking the Gold Coast’s dark underbelly.
In his opening address, counsel assisting the inquiry, John Allen, said Operation Tesco was sparked after eyewitness accounts of Gold Coast police taking drugs and being paid bribes by criminals for tip-offs.
Mr Allen said while the allegations were not proven, they were a ‘significant trigger’ for Tesco which had uncovered ‘significant evidence’ of police having improper associations with criminals and providing them with confidential information.
The inquiry was told drugs including 30 ecstasy pills and two bags of amphetamine were found during a raid in January this year on a Brisbane apartment where a Gold Coast police officer codenamed G7, and associates including a suspected drug supplier, were staying.
During secret hearings, officer G7 admitted to taking ecstasy, using and supply ‘black market‘ steroids and receiving $100 drink cards at Surfers Paradise nightclubs and improperly processing bouncer licence applications.
Officer G7 had also admitted to using the police computer to do criminal checks on girlfriends.
Another officer, D1, admitted to associating with drug dealers and said the receipt of free drinks was ‘common knowledge’ among senior police. He said Gold Coast police also received free McDonald’s meals and tickets to Gold Coast Titans games.
The hearing was also told that the use of ‘blue light taxis’ to ferry off-duty officers, friends and family to and from nightclubs and social functions was a longstanding and accepted practice among Gold Coast police.
Mr Allen said there were reports some police whistleblowers were ‘harassed, intimidated, victimised and humiliated’ for co-operating with the inquiry.
He said the CMC expected to lay charges against one current and one former officer and recommend disciplinary action against a further six officers.
“Criminal charges are also expected to be laid against eight civilians, most of those being in connection with serious drug offences,” he said.
The hearing is set to run for five days and will continue this afternoon with the first police witnesses.
I also love family, Having a punt, Horse Racing, Photography, Cooking a great BBQ, a beer or 4 ,computers, Reading Crime Books, and solving crimes before the end of the show!!!
Corruption is endemic within Australia's police agencies, and certainly within the Australian Federal Police and New South Wales Police, which between them cover the Sydney airports. It also embraces crime commissions and other institutions charged with responsibility for police governance on behalf of the public.
During the three years of research for The Expendable Project, the team uncovered a staggering amount of evidence to substantiate this statement. This included police involvement in most types of serious crime, and even in one instance, alleged blackmail of a government minister. We were approached periodically by individuals who clearly feared for their own welfare.
To illustrate the significant scale of this problem, we have posted below a number of videos, which are freely available in the public domain. For further reading, we have also recommended some of the documents and reports which are posted in the Expendable Library.
The following selection represents just a small sample of the videos, both amateur and professional, which are readily viewable on YouTube and other social video networks. They are in no particular order, but they do serve to exemplify how widely known the corruption actually is, particularly with respect to Sydney and its airports.
In addition, a series of more focused investigations and hearings have been undertaken. For example, the 2005 public hearing by the Police Integrity Commission was documented in The COBALT Report:
This was particularly relevant to The Expendable Project, not only because the locale of the prime subject, Detective Sergeant Christopher John Laycock, included Sydney Airport, but because at least one of his close associates has been directly accused of owning the marijuana which was found in Schapelle Corby's boogie board bag.
But Laycock has never stood before a court on any of the matters referred to in the report. Equally staggering, the Australian media appears to have collectively forgotten about the revelations detailed within, which are supplemented by a number of additional external allegations. For further information view The Laycock Blog.
Another high profile case is that of former Assistant Director of the NSW Crime Commission, Mark Standen, who as an ex-AFP officer, had worked in the same office as AFP Commissioner Michael Keelty, in Sydney
Standen was found guilty of conspiring to import $120 million of pre-cursor drugs in 2011. For further information, view The Standen Blog.
Despite the impression created by the enquiries cited above, the issue of serious corruption within Australian police agencies, and the disturbing nature of the
multiple bodies which purport to enforce integrity, has never been fundamentally addressed by any Australian government.
Further, there appears to be no appetite whatsoever to address this. This is perhaps exemplified by the response to Dr Janet Wilson's letter of 3rd July 2011,
The conclusion, that Australia is as indifferent to the chronic corruption within its police services, as it is to the abuse of the human rights of its citizens, is
hard to avoid.
Schapelle Corby is a direct victim of this malaise.
Australian Police Corruption Our town: the secret of Blue Murder's success
A gutsy cops-and-robbers story shot in our backyard and speaking our language, that's why this drama is a hit. And it should help a few actors' careers, writes David Dale.
It was made six years ago, about events that happened 20 years ago. The photography is grainy at times, and you can't understand a lot of the dialogue. Many of the characters are not clearly identified, and their motives are obscure.
Some of the events are implausible, bordering on preposterous. One of the real people portrayed in it has said: "It's not a bad movie as a drama, but it's all bullshit."
So why did Blue Murder work so well with Sydney viewers, and why will it launch or relaunch so many showbiz careers? A few possible explanations…
It confirms the deepest archetypes of our city. We like to think of ourselves as living in a rough, tough pragmatic town. Sydney's first police officers were criminals, because Governor Phillip appointed 12 of his most trusted convicts as "the Night Watch" in 1790. That interchangeability established a tradition which lasted at least 200 years.
Sydneysiders have always believed their coppers were a bit bent, and haven't been too fussed about it, as long as somebody came around to commiserate about break-ins. If Roger Rogerson dispensed a bit of vigilante justice, that was what those scum needed. If the cops let Neddie Smith bash a few blokes at a two-up game, or helped him throw a crooked lawyer to the sharks, that's what defines us as an exciting metropolis.
We sometimes wondered if the rumours about powerful people we were hearing in the pub were just urban myths. Blue Murder showed they were true. And when Neddie describes the show as "bullshit"—well, he would say that, wouldn't he?
It speaks our language. Thugs and cops don't articulate like trained thespians, and it was a brave move for Blue Murder's director, Michael Jenkins, to let them mumble some of the time, and for the ABC not to censor the f- words and the c- words or tone down the brutality in an attempt to enlarge the audience. It's late-night viewing, designed for people who don't mind a little mental exercise to fill in the gaps.
We want to encourage the ABC to return to its glory days. Once upon a time the ABC had money to spend on dangerous drama that held up a mirror to Australian society. Now the ABC has a boss who thinks The Weakest Link is groundbreaking television.
It has familiar actors at the top of their game. As the moustachioed villain in Moulin Rouge, Richard Roxburgh was just silly (in accordance with the director's instructions). As the South African sidekick to the Scottish sadist in Mission: Impossible II, he was wimpy. For the past six years, we've been underestimating him—because we weren't allowed to see Blue Murder. Finally we know what a charming monster he can be.
If we saw Wildside (also directed by Michael Jenkins) on TV two years ago, we know Tony Martin can do an idealistic cop barely under control, and if we saw The Interview at the movies or on video (or best of all, on DVD), we know Tony Martin can do a cop who might just be crooked. But we never knew he could make us feel sorry for a brutal killer.
We'd gone off Gary Sweet lately, but now that we've finally seen his hyped-up Rent-a-Kill, we look forward to a comeback (even without the fluff-wig). And why haven't we seen anything lately of Loene Carmen, who played Sallie-Anne Huckstepp (after an auspicious start as the love interest in The Year My Voice Broke)? Blue Murder even managed to remind us that Ray Martin was once a subtle interviewer.
It has impeccable period detailing, smart jokes and a car chase. Blue Murder isn't homework, it isn't a sociological duty, it isn't subsidised culture—it is just entertaining. How about Neddie's big-collar shirts and wide lapels, the Dodger's cardigan, the barbie round the pool, the gorgeous sunset on the harbour, and dialogue such as "How many other blokes have got a green light?" "No-one—we shot all the others".
These days every successful Hollywood thriller must contain a car chase, a sex scene, violence treated flippantly, ironic pop culture references, a flawed hero who undergoes a symbolic death-and-resurrection, and an ambiguous ending. Ian David didn't know any of that when he wrote the screenplay, years ahead of David Chase's brilliant work on The Sopranos.
All we need now is for Blue Murder to be released on DVD, on sale at ABC shops with a second disc containing deleted scenes, commentaries by writer, director and actors, and a documentary explaining why it took so long to reach us.
It might just earn enough money to make the ABC feel like doing it all again.
By David Dale
Sydney Morning Herald
Thursday, August 2, 2001
Viewers go for Blue Murder, but you'd hardly read about it
Sydney is a town where word of mouth can work wonders. The second night of Blue Murder did even better for the ABC than the first night.
Driven by enthusiastic reports about Tuesday's first episode of the true-crime saga, an extra 54,000 Sydneysiders tuned in to the ABC on Wednesday, bringing the total audience to 433,000—an amazing figure for any 90-minute show starting at 9.30pm.
But, if the ABC can possibly find a way to shoot itself in the foot, it will. If you looked at the Sydney ratings figures released by OzTAM yesterday morning, you would have found no mention of Blue Murder. Instead, the ratings showed that, in Sydney, Foreign Correspondent got 443,000 viewers and Lateline got 412,000—record performances for both shows.
An ABC spokesman explained that the person responsible for notifying OzTAM of changes in the national programming schedule was based in Melbourne and had not known that Blue Murder was running (in Sydney only) over two nights.
Sorry, Jennifer Byrne, but any pay rise you may get for more than doubling your Foreign Correspondent audience will have to be passed on to actors Richard Roxburgh and Tony Martin, writer Ian David and director Michael Jenkins.
By David Dale
Sydney Morning Herald
Friday, August 3, 2001
Blue Murder (miniseries)
Blue Murder is a two-part Australian television miniseries produced by the Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC) in 1995 and is based on true events. Given its confronting content, the DVD release was classified MA 15+. An injunction brought during Arthur "Neddy" Smith's appeal against his life sentence saw its broadcast delayed in New South Wales and the Australian Capital Territoryfor six years, until 2001. In New Zealand the DVD release was classified R 18+ for graphic violence and offensive language.
Set in the 1970s and 1980s in Sydney, the miniseries concerns the relationship between controversial former Detective Roger "the Dodger" Rogerson and notorious criminal Arthur "Neddy" Smith. Rogerson and his colleagues were accused of giving Smith a "green light" to commit crimes without Police interference, with the relationship fraying when Rogerson orders hitman Christopher "Mr. Rent-a-Kill" Flannery to murder Police Officer Michael Drury. The murder of prostitute Sallie-Anne Huckstepp also features.
Blue Murder is narrated by the characters of Rogerson, Smith and Drury and focuses on the corruption allegations that plagued theNSW Police Force at the time. Rogerson and Smith achieved a kind of celebrity status during the Wood Royal Commission into Police corruption.
The screenplay was written by Ian David who has written extensively on the people and events featured. The miniseries was directed by Michael Jenkins and produced by Rod Allan.
The series begins with the arrest of Arthur "Neddy" Smith for attempted robbery. He is interviewed by Det. Sgt. Roger Rogerson, who instead of charging him employs him to protect various drug dealers. After serving a short prison sentence for other charges, Smith teams up with Graham "Abo" Henry and becomes a significant presence in the underworld. His association with Rogerson enables him to escape impending drugs charges and helps him to carry out other crimes unabated.
After Warren Lanfranchi, an associate of Smith's, robs drug dealers protected by Rogerson and attempts to shoot a Police Officer on the way to a robbery, Rogerson shoots him in front of fellow Officers. Lanfranchi's girlfriend, Sallie-Anne Huckstepp, vows revenge. Smith, who transported Lanfranchi to the murder and assisted the Police in court by giving a false testimony, is rewarded by Rogerson with a "Green Light", meaning he is allowed to commit any crime he likes, with the exception of assaulting or killing a Police Officer. Rogerson and Smith lead a criminal syndicate in Sydney, distributing drugs and murdering any potential witnesses to their crimes.
Meanwhile in Melbourne, undercover Detective Michael Drury sets up a drugs deal with dealer Alan Williams as part of a sting operation. Williams escapes after a botched Police chase but knows he will soon be caught and is terrified of being imprisoned. Rogerson, on behalf of Williams, tries to bribe Drury to drop the charges, but Drury refuses. In response, Rogerson and Williams contact notorious hitman Christopher Flannery to kill Drury. Flannery shoots Drury in his home but fails to kill him. The Police are unable to obtain any leads on Drury's assailant, but Drury reveals that Rogerson attempted to bribe him and Rogerson is charged.
Rogerson uses the lack of evidence and his corrupt associates in the NSW Police Force to escape conviction, but the negative image and increased Police attention caused by the affair begin to damage his criminal enterprises. His relationship with Smith becomes increasingly strained, to the point where he organises a failed attempt on Smith's life. Flannery and Huckstepp are both murdered when they begin to pose a threat to Rogerson and Smith, but Williams confesses his involvement in the Drury shooting in exchange for protection from Rogerson. Despite this new evidence, Rogerson again escapes conviction, but he is dismissed from the Police Force and arrested by the Australian Federal Police(AFP) shortly afterwards when he is caught depositing money in a bank account under a false name. Without Rogerson's protection, Smith's crime syndicate quickly falls apart and after killing a tow-truck driver in a drunken fight, he leaves enough evidence for the Police to arrest him.
In the final scene, a now-dismissed Rogerson meets Smith at his hide-out to discuss the situation. Rogerson tells Smith to keep a low profile while he uses his contacts within the Police Force to resolve the matter. However, as soon as Rogerson leaves, Police storm the house and arrest Smith and his associate.
As the credits roll, it is revealed that Michael Drury retired from the Police in 2000, Roger Rogerson served three years in prison and Neddy Smith received an indeterminate life sentence for multiple murders, which he is still serving.
Richard Roxburgh as Roger Rogerson
Tony Martin as Arthur "Neddy" Smith
Steve Bastoni as Michael Drury
Gary Sweet as Christopher Dale Flannery
Peter Phelps as Graham "Abo" Henry
Alex Dimitriades as Warren Lanfranchi
Marcus Graham as Alan Williams
Bill Hunter as "Black" Angus McDonald
Loene Carmen as Sallie-Anne Huckstepp
Blue Murder at the Internet Movie Database
External links
Viewers go for Blue Murder, but you'd hardly read about it
Sydney is a town where word of mouth can work wonders. The second night of Blue Murder did even better for the ABC than the first night.
Driven by enthusiastic reports about Tuesday's first episode of the true-crime saga, an extra 54,000 Sydneysiders tuned in to the ABC on Wednesday, bringing the total audience to 433,000—an amazing figure for any 90-minute show starting at 9.30pm.
But, if the ABC can possibly find a way to shoot itself in the foot, it will. If you looked at the Sydney ratings figures released by OzTAM yesterday morning, you would have found no mention of Blue Murder. Instead, the ratings showed that, in Sydney, Foreign Correspondent got 443,000 viewers and Lateline got 412,000—record performances for both shows.
An ABC spokesman explained that the person responsible for notifying OzTAM of changes in the national programming schedule was based in Melbourne and had not known that Blue Murder was running (in Sydney only) over two nights.
Sorry, Jennifer Byrne, but any pay rise you may get for more than doubling your Foreign Correspondent audience will have to be passed on to actors Richard Roxburgh and Tony Martin, writer Ian David and director Michael Jenkins.
By David Dale
Sydney Morning Herald
Friday, August 3, 2001
Blue Murder: a RE-IMAGINED history
Greg Levine & Stephen McElhinney
Erich Auerbach, whilst discussing the influence of Joyce and Proust?s use of reflected consciousness and time strata, makes an interesting comparison between a novel?s conception of time and a film?s:
a concentration of space and time such as can be achieved by the film (for example the representation, within a few seconds and by means of a few pictures, of the situation of a widely dispersed group of people, of a great city, an army, a war, an entire country) can never be within the reach of the spoken or written word. (Auerbach, 1991:546)
The interesting part for us is the phrase "a great city". In a few sequences a film can give you a version of the past far richer in detail than any history book in the same space of time. This paper will apply this idea to the tele-movie Blue Murder (1995), a quasi-fictional account of Sydney?s criminal milieu of the 1970s and 80s. Made in 1995 and screened on ABC TV in most parts of Australia shortly after, Blue Murder was not broadcast in NSW and the ACT until July 31, 2001. The 6-year delay was caused by a legal embargo placed on the mini-series because Neddy Smith, the main character depicted in the piece, was still on trial for the crimes the portrayed. We compareBlue Murder ?s representation of events in Sydney?s past with impressions of the present by visiting the haunts of the central characters and experiencing the space between representation and actual lived perception. This provides us with an insight into how the film?s narrative has compressed space and time; how Sydney?s past is recontextualised as a film and etched into the viewer?s consciousness, introducing a tension between depictions of the recent past, a vastly changed present and the fractured identity that results.
In the late 1970s and throughout the 1980s, the media?s representation of crime in Sydney circled ravenously around a few key names, eager for the slightest sensation: Arthur "Neddy" Smith, Detective Sergeant Roger Rogerson, Christopher Dale Flannery and Sally Anne Huckstep among other colourful local identities and celebrities. The tales that projected these names into Sydney?s various public spheres were not only fed upon by the media but also by pub patrons. Neddy Smith, a leading criminal figure of the time, was careful to keep his face out of the media for years, yet was still regularly recognised in pubs all over the city, inner and outer suburbs. According to legend, he would walk in and, on the strength of his reputation, strangers queued to buy him drinks. But pubs were a changing environment in those days. It was a time of transformation with the pub where you went to drink, buy stolen goods or get in a fight slowly submitting to the will of today?s post-industrial patron, who goes to the pub to socialise after a hard day?s data shuffling at the office.
With this in mind, a trio of seasoned knowledge workers commenced their tour. We started our research at the Star Hotel in Chinatown. Its proximity to the ?labour mile? of Sussex Street made it a traditional NSW Labor Party drinking hole, frequented by various characters employed by the party and the unions. Presumably connections were made here between shady politicians, strong-arm unionists and criminals who shared their taste for power and action. In Neddy Smith?s book, Neddy (2002), this was one of a number of pubs around the inner city where he allegedly kept money in the safe, guns behind the bar and met associates with various relationships to NSW criminal law. It is also where he reputedly shot a man in the heart at point blank range, spraying the wall with his insides. Is this a place where my research associates and I want to be on a Friday night? Based on the reputation of events that happened at the Star Hotel in the late 80s, it would be very reasonable to assume that this place would be far too violent for proto-knowledge workers like us.
Traditionally Sydney pubs like this one characterised themselves as havens for the working man. Even when they were primarily patronised by politicians, they were still constructed around the ethos that authentic culture is built upon the efforts of the blue-collar worker. This could have something to do with the central myths of Australian national identity being based on the myth of the "bushman", who Ward described as:
a practical man, rough and ready in his manners and quick to decry any appearance of affectation in others. He is a great improviser, ever willing to "have a go" at anything, but willing too to be content with a task done in a way that is "near enough". Though capable of great exertion in an emergency, he normally feels no impulse to work hard without good cause. He swears hard and consistently, gambles heavily and often, and drinks deeply on occasion. (1965:1-2)
Traditionally, academic types like us were categorised in relation to this national identity. That is, not workers but endurable if we behaved according to the norms of the ethos and donned its garb when traversing its terrain, structures and language. This has become problematic in recent times. Theorists are saying we now exist in an information society ? a society refashioned by "the massive social impacts of new information technologies of computing and telecommunications" (Lyon, 1988:vii). They argue that these days "the engine of much of the dynamics of economic activity and the source of much of the growth of added economic value can be attributed to knowledge" (Stehr, 2004:212). According to these theorists, the growth of societies like Sydney are now dependent on the efforts of knowledge workers.
How is this shift reflected in the Star Hotel? The working class?s move away from city dwelling began in the 1960s as factories moved to the outer suburbs (or off-shore) to make room for white collar office space. During the 1970s and early 1980s, the Star would perhaps have been having an identity crisis; white collar patrons who weren?t sure if they identified with the worker ethos or with the new suburban bourgeoisie chic. An ideal environment for a fashionably dressed, gun slinging, heroin dealer like Neddy.
In 2004, it is just like any other corner pub in Sydney, cloned through the combined effects of licensing laws, random breath testing and property speculation. The main bar is dominated by the TAB and its flock of elevated TV screens and the pokies are in the next room. Jackpots flash, horses scurry around distant tracks and Friday night footy lurches across the plasma screens. The traditional working class pub fare of gambling and sport still dominate; all that has changed is the mode of delivery and its associated atmosphere. On the night we were there the crowd was part after-work suits and part pre-dinner restaurant patrons; a far cry from the pub mentioned in the book Nedd y. The man behind the bar looked like he?d seen some action but was extremely polite and professional. If you hadn?t read the book you wouldn?t know this space once oozed trouble. Now it felt hollowed out and sanitised like so many buildings in post-industrial Sydney.
We talked about the work ahead in excited though hushed voices. We had to be quiet because we couldn?t help using our favourite Blue Murder quotes and trying to imitate the character?s voices and we didn?t want to fulfil the Australian stereotype of "intellectuals" and look like wankers. These days residents of Sydney are very aware of the events with which we were trying to relate. Pub patrons still feed off stories about Neddy, The Dodger and "Abo" Henry, though in new ways. In the 1980s and early 1990s, each name stood alone and the (inevitably embellished) associated story was passed on by word-of-mouth, usually started by someone who actually witnessed the events. Now, the stories are packaged rather than muttered from increasingly toothless mouths. The names are inseparable. You can?t hear about Neddy or the Dodger without hearing about Lanfranchi, Abo or even Chopper. This particular historic field has been compressed by the film Blue Murder and other true crime narratives. The actual events have been plucked from what Carlyle called a "Chaos of Being" (in White, 1975:144), and crammed together with a poetic narrative. Blue Murder wasn?t the first attempt to make these events history but, to paraphrase Auerbach, because of the fact that it is a mini-series, it is by far the most efficient in reaching a large audience and therefore the most influential.
It is unlikely that most television audience members would consider Blue Murder a historical document. It is a "dramatisation" of events, based on books written by Neddy Smith and Michael Drury, an ex-policeman, neither noted historians and therefore, given the assumptions of the role of the historian in our society, incapable of relating objective fact. The audience would probably be unable to imagine these non-historians' tales as part of the normative history of their community. Yet the audience would also probably not be able to come up with a good explanation for why historians get a particular claim on the "truth" of the past. The conception of the historian as a person who stands outside of culture, politics and life, looks on objectively and then delivers measured, scientific interpretations of events is still very popular today. This positivist tradition developed in the mid-1800s when writers such as Ranke began to believe that "the task of the historian was ?simply to show how it really was?" (Carr, 1986:3); to impartially portray facts as they happened. This attitude ignores the idea that "portraying" an event implies a narrative shaping of some sort, an argument made by many writers since. However, judging by the emphasis the Australian media have placed on the "History Wars" since the early 1990s (and the fact that some "populist" historians can still make a living on alterations of the fabric of history, tailored to be happily consumed in the better suburban homes and retirement villages) the positivist version of historical consciousness still holds sway over most of the Australian TV audience and consequently reproduces itself in the productions made for it.
A misconception that is often associated with positivist historical consciousness holds that the historian should be an apolitical observer and that good history is that which can be shown to have not taken sides. This often seems to be regarded as "the common-sense view of history" (Carr, 1989:3-4). It is a misconception because this position is impossible and becomes simply a rhetorical trick to sell a particular point of view. As Hayden White puts it, there is an "irreducible ideological component in every historical account of reality" (1975:21). While the tradition holds that the historian has access to the "truth", many writers have argued convincingly that there are many truths; no one truth can be held up as the truest. Indeed, an analysis of a truth can reveal more about the person claiming it than the historical event itself.
Hayden White?s theories of historical narrative are very helpful in this analysis. White points out that history serves a poetic function in society rather than simply being the source of facts about the past. He postulates four principal modes of historical consciousness on the basis of the ideological intention which informs each of them: Metaphor, Synecdoche, Metonymy and Irony (metaphor is representational, synecdoche is integrative, metonymy is reductionist and irony is negational) (White, 1975:31-38). Each of these modes of consciousness serve as the basis of a linguistic protocol which is used to prefigure the historical field and provide strategies for interpretation.
The historian?s choice of narrative mode is largely an aesthetic one and White suggests this is the underlying poetic function of history. These narratives stem from the impulse in the historian to collect events into stories; to trace similarities between facts and imbue them with meaning. On the surface, Blue Murder seems to follow the conventions of a fictional tragedy. The main characters are brought to their downfalls by the very qualities which make them interesting. However, if we analyse it as a history, it is a good example of real events drawn together into a narrative cast in the ironic mode. It tells a story of Sydney?s past which superficially seems to celebrate some mythical characteristics of the audience?s community while bearing an underlying message of self-criticism. The main characters demonstrate many archetypal traits that the audience recognises from the historical discourse of what Benedict Anderson has called their "imagined community" (1991). This is any community large enough that a member could never come face to face with the majority of the other members. Applied to a historical representation presented to a TV audience this could lead to both broad and specific difference of interpretation within one community. Specifically, the discourse ethics of representing crime could vary from one part of Sydney to another (perhaps circumscribed by the rings left by a schooner glass on a tabloid paper, or a teacup on a broadsheet - either history being factual within the stain). However, on a broader level certain things can have a more unified appeal on a larger, national level.
Near the beginning of the film, as Ned is being released from Long Bay, he tells us in a voiceover that he had the dash to "go out and get his" while most of the other inmates in the prison were "shit men" who bludged on the dole and had no guts, no moral fibre. This is an appeal to Ward?s archetypal myth of Australian character, that is, male individualists with little respect for authority and enough courage and initiative to make it on their own in the world. Familiar with the myth through their consumption of media, the audience can identify with these traits and get the feeling that Ned is someone to be admired for his entrepreneurial spirit. The tragic part is that Ned applies his initiative and courage to selling heroin, armed robbery, pimping, drinking and fighting. This gives the audience the sense that if only Ned was not so misguided he could be a real asset to the community. It is ironic that these character strengths are also his weaknesses and lead to his final downfall. This mode of historical narrative ties the events together to form a story which ultimately carries the message, "crime doesn?t pay" accompanied by a sly, ironic wink that adds, "but we always had a good time".
We will now use an ironic historical consciousness to continue the story of our research pilgrimage?
We soon gave up on the thoroughly safe Star Hotel. The denizens were far too interested in the poker machines and TVs to present us with any distinct local character and even our Blue Murderesque banter had become boring. We decided to get some Chinese food. Chinese food is a recurring theme throughout Blue Murder andNeddy. It seems that whenever Rogerson and Smith got together for lunch it was at a Chinese restaurant. In one particular scene they are waiting for their meals to arrive while Ned is trying to convince the Dodger that he should help him beat some charges. The food is very slow in arriving and the ever dynamic Rogerson is impatient. "Christ I?m hungry", he says loudly, the sort of man who doesn?t need to wait quietly. We strode into BBQ King hoping for a similar scene.1 Kept waiting for our food, we would talk business loudly and bemoan the woeful service. It was not to be. We were served very quickly and then efficiently moved out as we finished to make way for more patrons. We tried a few Blue Murder quotes, started singing, "Hey diddle diddle", but there was no point. The regular BBQ King hubbub was too loud for us to hear ourselves and our hearts weren?t in it - the food was very nice and even if there had been anything to complain about we wouldn?t have had the dash. Were we shit-men?
After that we strolled down to The Rocks , headed for the oldest pub in Sydney, The Lord Nelson. Along the way, the changes the city had been through since the 1980s were very noticeable. The most obvious is the construction boom. Up and down Sussex Street and Kent Street there are road works and building sites in abundance. In the 1980s and the early 1990s (when the film was shot), almost every block had at least one giant hole, barricaded by the high white walls that permeate our older memories of the city. Another sign of the coming of the information age, green bans have been overturned and the green light has been given to property development.
We had an uneventful quick top-up in the empty Captain Cook and then entered the Nelson. This pub is mentioned quite often in Neddy as one of Smith?s favourite drinking spots. The Lord Nelson claims to be Sydney?s oldest pub and has been authentically refurbished to what it was like when it first opened its doors (www.lordnelson.com.au, cited 20.7.04). How this accounts for the giant television screens and the central heating we couldn?t work out, but they are a micro-brewery. Which means they produce their own "authentic" Sydney beer and sell it to you in pints. They embrace the Australian working class beer drinking tradition, which they themselves have been a big part of for Sydney workers for over 150 years, yet the cheapest pints cost at least seven dollars; they don?t have schooner glasses and, while they stock something called Quayle Ale, they don?t sell Tooheys New. The place was full of expensive suits and thirsty cultural researchers such as ourselves, low rent workers of the information age, could not afford to stay there for more than one drink. We?d run out of chat by then and our eyes couldn?t help being turned upwards by the TVs. Rugby Union instead of Rugby League. We tried to imagine a Neddy-style fight breaking out here: sweeping aside the life-sized cardboard Bundy Bear we?d grab an inflatable baseball bat from the Bacardi Cruiser promotions girl and lay into the accountants who?d come in with their top buttons fastened and ties unloosened. But there was too many of them so we backed down. And the atmosphere wasn?t right; by embracing the cultural mythos of Australia, the Lord Nelson has become "unAustralian". We didn?t know how long this had been happening here; some reports say since the mid 1970s and the factories were gone before then. Now there are fetta and olives where a packet of "salt and vinegar" would have done. An ironic tragedy.
This is a path that a lot of city pubs have gone down while Sydney has become an increasingly post-industrialised node of the information society. They give the appearance of embracing the discourse of the historic Sydney while actually focusing on a completely different clientele and raison d?être. In The Rise of the Network Society, Castells (2001:28-69) describes an information technology revolution that took place between the mid 1970s and the late 1990s (a timeframe which roughly coincides with Neddy Smith?s rise and fall as an icon of the near weightless economy of heroin). Similar to the two industrial revolutions (steam then electricity) its effects were pervasive. The invention and maturity of technological systems and methods of production based solely on information transference led to changes at every level of society, from work to family life to government to globalisation to crime and organised crime. Capitalism has undergone massive restructuring, financial markets have become global, information systems have redefined the third world and created the information poor, while, at the same time, the relationship between women and the workforce has changed the nature of the family and sexuality. The media has become more personalised and politics has become more mediated. The gap between the rich and poor is widening and whatever was in between is vanishing. Even vice is no longer what it was; you can catch a government bus to the casino, prostitutes pay tax and you can get a drink anywhere on Easter Sunday.
Life has changed to the extent that "in such a world of uncontrolled, confusing change, people tend to regroup around primary identities: religious, ethnic, territorial, national" (ibid.:3). Social meaning and the formation of identity has fragmented to the extent that it is has been reduced to the desire to find a map. People can no longer find meaning in the places where it has traditionally been: the mainstream church, work, unions etc. In the network society, "identity is always an open, complex, unfinished game? it always moved into the future through a symbolic detour through the past" (Hall, 1999:43). As Foucault put it, "a certain fragility has been discovered in the bedrock of existence" and we are seeing "an insurrection of subjugated knowledges" (1984:201). The audience for Blue Murder lives in this post-industrial information society and, because traditional conceptions of historical truth have been subtly undermined as much as other touchstones of identity, construction of its identity could be influenced by the portrayal of events in the film.
Our next port of call was a place that does not appear in Blue Murder or Neddy, the Triple Ace Bar on Elizabeth Street in Surry Hills. Why? Because we had heard a rumour that Roger Rogerson still drinks there. But instead of bloody noses, spilt beer and scattered teeth, some young Japanese backpackers were playing drinking games.
Despite what has already been written here, we do not feel some romantic longing for the return of pub culture of the 1980s. An article appeared in "The Heckler" section of The Sydney Morning Herald (April 10, 2002), bemoaning the atmosphere and décor of the current white collar pub (or worse, the McDonaldized Irish chain pub), longing for the old days and concluding that " given a choice of drinking buddies I'd take Neddy Smith over the Corrs any day". We are not of the same opinion. The last person we would like to meet in a pub is a drug dealing, murderer who would beat you senseless if you looked at him the wrong way. But the chance to see the real, ?unrepresentational? as it were, Rogerson in the flesh would give us the final link in the theoretical hand-cuffs. To the viewing audience Rogerson is Roxborough, a man who cries when he reminisces about the show-down between Ray Kelly, a NSW police force legend, and Chow Hayes, an uber-criminal of earlier times. We wanted to know how the style of discourse which shaped Blue Murder has affected the man himself.
Sadly, he wasn?t there. The place is more TAB than pub and beige tiles predominate. The bistro was closed, though the restaurant upstairs looked interesting; hard to find anything else to say about the place. If he does drink there we couldn?t see the attraction. In fact, this was becoming central to our conversation. Apparently we are what writers such as Charles Leadbetter have called, "knowledge workers" (1999:1-2). That is, educated people with ideas who can work from anywhere, any time as long as they have a computer. Certainly, we?re the information rich, the only problem being that this hasn?t translated into the associated capital promised by Castells, Leadbetter and others. Is it just us who feel left out of the Sydney pub scene; who don?t feel at home in either the poker machine dominated, TAB bars or the boutique, chrome lined micro-breweries?
Manning Clark wrote that, by the 1980s:
all that seemed to survive was the idea of Australia as a place of "uncommonly large profit". History has blurred the vision of Eden, allowing Mammon to infest the land. A turbulent emptiness seized the people as they moved into a post-Christian, post-Enlightenment era. No one any longer knew the direction of the river of life. No one had anything to say?. (1987:500)
As mentioned earlier, the traditional areas of identification don?t hold as much sway as they used to and people have to look for new icons to cling to. Perhaps this is where Neddy and Rogerson fit in. Iconic 1980s men Rogerson, Mark "Chopper" Read and Warwick Capper do speaking tours at pubs around Australia that are equally popular at the Bridge Hotel in Balmain and Rooty Hill RSL. If the gaps between social strata are becoming bigger then Rogerson, Neddy and other elements from Sydney?s past could be some sort of common denominator. After all, Blue Murder was made with an audience in mind. Even though it was broadcast on a non-commercial station it still had to speak to a public. This effects the style of the discourse behind the relating of its tale. Its narrative potentially shapes to some degree the way the audience constructs its sense of community identity. This in turn has an influence on the way Sydney represents itself in the present and in what it is becoming. There are already cricket clubs from other states that plan their end of season trips around visiting pubs featured in Blue Murder. How long before the gangster chic becomes "the Blue Murder Theme Pub � ", perhaps staffed by the rogues? gallery of Australian actors who bought the characters to life?
The last pub on the official research crawl was the Random Bar . Before it was the Random Bar it was the Brendan Behan Hotel and before that, the Britannia. It was outside the Britannia, on the corner of Dangar Place and Abercrombie Street, where Roger Rogerson allegedly shot and killed Warren Lanfranchi. We walked up Dangar Place to see what it was like. In the 1980s it was an alley between disused factories, deserted relics of a blue collar past. In our imaginations an industrial wilderness, deserted as the gangsters face off and a plastic bag blows across the scene. Now it?s an alley between apartment buildings with washing hanging from balcony railings.
Inside, the Random Bar looks like a fading B movie actress, a decade or two post-prime, who has had one too many naïve facelifts. It?s going for a techno chic with its unbearably loud DJ and giant, anatomically correct statue of a lion. But, again, it wasn?t us and it definitely didn?t seem very Rogerson. Unlike the lion, he wasn?t all show - he had what it took. We tried to discuss issues of vital importance to our research ? is the only unAustralian crime disorganised crime? Would criminals like Neddy Smith, so hands on in his love of armed robbery, bother with it all today in an age of ATMs and credit cards? Has the information age?s electronic funds transaction dried up the loose cash he used to gain so much pleasure from violently stealing? Even his heroin trade would have taken a slide in popularity as party drugs took over. Where would we go to kick on? Where should we go to lose the ambivalence this mission had created in us? Were we shit-men or just alienated by an overly commercial pub scene?
We stumbled down to the Lansdowne as our last port of call. Assaulted by a wall of industrial metal as we entered, we climbed the staircase to relative quiet. A few chairs perched on the landing at the top of the stairs next to a baby grand. We sat down to catch our breath. Andrew opened the lid on the piano and found the thing was roughly in tune. We knew he could play so we demanded he do so to soothe our disturbed psyches. He played for about ten minutes ? sparse, bluesy improvisation, capturing our mood perfectly. Then he paused for a moment and applause came from round the corner where the bar was, followed shortly by the bartender. "Thank you, that was beautiful" she said, "but you?ll have to go downstairs, we?re closing up here."
The way we represent the past, the style of discourse we use, inevitably becomes the way we look at the present. As Auerbach put it, "a change in our manner of viewing history will of necessity soon be transferred to our manner of viewing current conditions" (1991:443). As Nietzsche points out, humans are not a fixed form; they change constantly with the times because "there are no eternal facts, nor are there any absolute truths" (1994:15). As subjugated histories gain influence the power of mainstream history becomes fragmented and leaves a space for changes in the way we represent the past. Films like Blue Murder can therefore change the way we view the present. While it is a representation of Sydney that clearly reinforces traditional, "universal" Western moral norms, the audience can now only receive these messages with a sense of self-critical irony. Consequently, the only element of this film that actually has an effect on the present self-awareness of Sydney is its narrative mode. Present representations of the identity of Sydney?s "imagined community", effected by the film, become ironic and self-critical and, as a result, the pubs (and perhaps social areas in general, whether physical or virtual) become increasingly detached from any actual use value. They are more preoccupied with selling an image than creating a comfortable social space for people to consume alcohol. That is, alienation takes place. And this was the point our discussion reached at the Random Bar: how can you have alienation in an information society characterised by fragmentation where there is no unified subject? But we were too drunk by then to figure it out.
- The authors would like to thank Andrew Keese for his ideas, encouragement, piano playing and rounds at the bar and Amaya for giving us a lift home.
Anderson, B. (1991) Imagined Communities, Verso: London
Auerbach, E. (1991) Mimesis: The Representation of R eality in Western Literature, Princeton University Press: Princeton, New Jersey
Carr, E. H. (1986) What is History?, The Macmillan Press: London
Castells, M. (2001) The Rise of the Network Society, Blackwell: Oxford
Foucault, M. (1984) ?The Juridical Ap paratus? in Connolly, W.E. (ed) Legitimacy and the State, Blackwell: Oxford
Hall, S. (1999) ?Culture, Community, Nation? in Boswell, D. & J. Evans (eds) Representing the Nation: A Reader, Routledge: London
Hobsbawm, E. (1999) On History, Abacus: London
Leadbetter, C. (1999) Living on Thin Air: The New Economy, Penguin: London
Lyon, D. (1988) The Information Society: Issues and Illusions, Polity Press: Cambridge
Nietzsche, F. (1994) Human, All Too Human, Penguin: London
Smith, A. S. (2002) Neddy, with Tom Noble, Noble House Enterprises: Victoria
Stehr, N. (2004) "The Economic Structure of Knowledge Societies" in The Information Society Reader, Webster, F. (ed), Routledge: London
The Heckler, (2002) "The Pub With No Cheer", The Sydney Morning Herald, April 10, 2002
Ward, R. (1965) The Australian Legend, Oxford University Press: Melbourne
White, H. (1975) Metahistory: The Historical Imagination in Nineteenth-Century Europe, Johns Hopkins University Press: Baltimore, Maryland
1 BBQ King itself was recently associated with the new crime of the 21 st century. Its co-owner was kidnapped by two Chinese nationals seeking a ransom from the other respected and successful owners.
Rod Allan (Producer) Errol Sullivan (Executive Producer) Penny Chapman (Executive Producer) Wayne Barry (Associate Producer)
Southern Star Entertainment Australian Broadcasting Corporation
Australian Film Finance Corporation
Martin McGrath
Bill Russo
Murray Picknett
Peter Best
Richard Roxburgh (Roger Rogerson), Tony Martin (Arthur 'Neddy' Smith), Steve Bastoni (Michael Drury), Gary Day (Bill Crofton), Steve Jacobs (Mal Rivers), Peter Phelps (Abo Henry), Marcus Graham (Alan Williams), Alex Dimitriades (Warren Lanfranchi), Bill Hunter (Angus McDonald), Gary Sweet (Christopher Dale Flannery), John Hargreaves (Chester Porter QC), Ian Bliss (Bobby Chapman), Stephen Eley (Duty Sergeant), Richard Carter (Lyail Chandler), Joy Smithers (Debra Smith), Eleni Batley (Jaime Smith), Dion Mihajlovsky (Darrin Smith), Bruce Barry (Commissioner Abbott), Bogdan Koca (Lewis Roussos), Loene Carmen (Sallie-Anne Huckstepp), Ray Martin (Himself), Anthony Cogin (Steve Paully), Phillip Hinton (Ian Barker QC), Nicole Pottinger (Melinda Rogerson), Brigitte Lawson (Gillian Rogerson), Kris Bidenko (Joy Rogerson), Jim Holt (Brian Alexander), Jeffrey Rhoe, Jack Mayers, John Jarratt, Graham Rouse, Laurie Foel, Robert Morgan, Frank Violi, Peter Sommerfeld, Brendan Higgins, Tom Appleton, David Baldwin, Warwick Moss, Paul Sonkkila, Terrie Bowie, Skye Wansey, Aaron Jeffery, Marshall Napier, Erin Smith, Jake Blundell, John McNeill, Vincent Ball, Michael O'Neill, John Sheerin, Stephen O'Rourke, Geoff Morrell, Kristoffer Greaves, Sascha Huckstepp, Stephen Leeder, Ron Graham, Les Dayman, John Walton, Dennis Miller, Bryan Marshall, Neil Moora, Mervyn Drake, Barry Donnelly, Ricky Noble, Damian Monk, David Franklin, Ken Radley.
1. Episode one aired in Australia on ABC Television on 14 September 1995, with episode two airing on 21 September, except for NSW (see note below). The mini-series also aired in Croatia (27 December 1997) and Portugal (28 April 1999). 2. Released on videocassette and DVD formats in 2000 by REEL Corporation.
Filmed largely on location in Sydney.
Australian Film Institute (AFI) Awards (1996) Best Television Mini Series or Telefeature - Rod Allan (winner) Logie Awards (1996) Most Outstanding Achievement in Drama Production (winner) Logie Awards (1996) Silver Logie, Most Outstanding Actor - Richard Roxburgh (winner) Logie Awards (1996) Silver Logie, Most Popular Actor - Gary Sweet (nomination)
1. Also known as Corrupção E Morte (Portugal). 2. Due to elements of the story being seen as prejudicial to legal trials in NSW and Federal Courts, the series was unable to be broadcast in New South Wales or to be distributed on video until 2000. It was eventually allowed to be broadcast when the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) decided to drop charges against Neddy Smith over a 1983 murder.
Veteran BBC broadcaster Stuart Hall has admitted indecently assaulting 13 girls as young as nine years old.
The Crown Prosecution Service said he was an "opportunistic predator" and almost all the victims provided "strikingly similar accounts".
The CPS also said the victims, among them a 10-year-old and an 11-year-old, did not know each other and Hall's pattern of behaviour was "unlawful".
Hall, 83, admitted 14 charges of indecent assault and the offences took place between 1967 and 1985.
The former It's A Knockout presenter, who was also a regular football match summariser on Radio 5 Live, had previously denied any wrongdoing, telling reporters the claims were "pernicious, callous, cruel and above all spurious".
He said he had endured "a living nightmare" and but for his "very loving family" may have considered taking his own life.
He entered the guilty pleas last month at Preston Crown Court. However, they can only be revealed now after reporting restrictions were lifted.
In court, Hall calmly and repeatedly answered "guilty" when the charges were put to him at the hearing on April 16.
He admitted touching and kissing 13 young victims over nearly two decades, many were daughters of friends.
The Recorder of Preston, Judge Anthony Russell QC, told him he would be required to sign the Sex Offenders Register.
Hall was granted bail until his sentencing date on June 17 and the judge told him all sentencing options remain open including immediate custody.
Hall's barrister, Crispin Aylett QC, said: "The defendant is, of course, sorry for what he has done. Through me he wishes to apologise to his victims.
"He is not a man easily moved to self pity but he is only too aware his disgrace is complete."
Hall was told he must live and sleep at his Wilmslow home in Cheshire and have no unsupervised contact with girls under 18.
Hall did not comment on the case as he left court accompanied by his legal team, saying only to waiting reporters that he had a "terrible cold".
He was surrounded by a media scrum as he was led into a waiting car.
Outside court, Nazir Afzal, chief crown prosecutor for the North West, said: "We prosecuted Stuart Hall because the evidence of the victims clearly established a pattern of behaviour that was unlawful and for which no innocent explanation could be offered.
"His victims did not know each other and almost two decades separated the first and last assaults but almost all of the victims, including one who was only nine at the time of the assault, provided strikingly similar accounts.
"Whether in public or private, Hall would first approach under friendly pretences and then bide his time until the victim was isolated. He can only be described as an opportunistic predator."
Hall was facing 18 charges. A court order was lifted so that the pleas could be reported.
It was to avoid prejudicing a possible future trial on a count of rape and three separate counts of indecent assault which Hall had denied last month.
Peter Wright QC, prosecuting, said the Crown was satisfied the rape count could lie on file after it was given consideration at "the most senior level" of the CPS. The three other counts were merged with a charge Hall had admitted.
The BBC said it would not be featuring Hall again in its programmes. In a statement, the corporation said: "In light of today's events, Stuart Hall will no longer be contracted by the BBC."
Story on Detective Paul Wilson QUEENSLAND AUSTRALIA
In 1988 in Airlie Beach Queensland on a Friday morning at approximately 8.50 am QUEENSLAND POLICE OFFICER Detective Paul Wilson,
( http://www.goldcoast.com.au/article/2008/09/27/16815_gold-coast-news.html),
of the Queensland Police hurled a 6 liter can of paint from the 2nd mezzanine floor, of the Airlie Beach Hardware Store in Shute Harbour road Airlie Beach, directly onto my head & neck as I was kneeling on the 1st floor inspecting cleaning products on the bottom lower shelf I required for my business that particular day.
The event was eye witnessed by a Australia\'s Most SENIOR Government Registered Accredited Accident & Safety Officer for the construction site of the New Daydream Island resort in the Whitsunday Islands.
QUEENSLAND POLICE Detective PAUL WILSON fled from the store via the side loading entrance, despite cries of protest from the accident & safety officer, who was shouting for every body too stay where they were in the store.
My injuries were extensive I suffered massive soft tissue damage & severe injury to my brain stem ( in the region of some 48 % + or more ), ( later intentionally underestimated in documents by my nefarious lawyers acting unbeknown to me for the interests of Queensland Government, v Insurance Company fraudulently documented the brain stem injury at only 24%).
The extent of my injury entirely reduced my capacity to speak & comprehend, six months after the injury I was barely able to move or speak at all.
{ Qld Police Union PRESIDENT Ian Leavers, cuts a *QLD Police Union DEAL with Townsville Judge Stuart Durward so QLD POLICE officer BENJAMIN PRICE responsible for Gutless Bashings of people in Handcuffs receives 9 months jail only and will be out in under six months for good behaviour & also kept isolated from other prisoners for his Safety. }
Directly after my attempted murder in Airlie Beach by QUEENSLAND Detective PAUL WILSON , http://www.goldcoast.com.au/article/2008/09/27/16815_gold-coast-news.html
QUEENSLAND LAW SOCIETY MEMBERS Cowling & Virgo lawyers Mr BRUCE VIRGO & Mr JAMES GREVELL all close business associates of QUEENSLAND Detective PAUL WILSON knowingly & intentionally filed fraudulent public liability insurance claims against the Airlie Beach Hardware Store for the serious injuries of Mr Matthew Banks. http://www.goldcoast.com.au/article/2008/09/27/16815_gold-coast-news.html
Despite ongoing protests to the contrary by Mr Matthew Banks.
Cowling & Virgo lawyers & in particular Mr BRUCE VIRGO appeared to have a working $$$$$$$DRUG business relationship directly with QUEENSLAND Detective PAUL WILSON tha involved also the only known chartered accountant in Airlie Beach at the time doing their books.
Some five months prior to my injuries inflicted by QUEENSLAND Detective PAUL WILSON I was advised by QUEENSLAND Detective PAUL WILSON to get out of town or I would be having a, " VERY SERIOUS ACCIDENT ", as I had refused his demands to become involved in his cocaine importation empire with his business associates, Airlie Beach QUEENSLAND National Parks officer \" Marty \" the Chartered Accountant & QUEENSLAND LAW SOCIETY MEMBER lawyer Mr BRUCE VIRGO http://www.qls.com.au/content/lwp/wcm/connect/QLS/Home/
Such was the extent of my injuries & the manipulation & orchestration of the events by Airlie Beach & QUEENSLAND LAW SOCIETY MEMBER lawyer Mr JAMES GREVELL who convinced me I was going to loose any legal action & would have to pay all of the associated
legal costs of everybody amounting to Tens of Thousands of dollars & I should accept the VERY GENEROUS insurance company cheque for $5,600.00 who convinced me I was going to loose any legal action & would have to pay all of the associated legal costs of everybody amounting to Tens of Thousands of dollars & I should accept the VERY GENEROUS insurance company cheque for $5,600.00 http://www.qls.com.au/content/lwp/wcm/connect/QLS/Home/
About 48 hours after acceptance I was advised by the owner of the local newspaper I had been seriously swindled & to seek legal advise out of town, which I promptly did.
QUEENSLAND LAW SOCIETY MEMBER Lawyer in Gladstone Qld Mr Barry John Ross, advised me on my 1st interview that he had directly received " Serious Threats" regarding
any further pending legal action in relation to my
injuries. Such was the nature of these serious threats a concerned Mr Barry John Ross himself nervously personally escorted me to my vehicle that evening.
Contrary to my explicit instructions Mr Barry John Ross proceeded to seek professional negligence damages from the QUEENSLAND LAW SOCIETY proceeded to seek professional negligence damages from the QUEENSLAND LAW SOCIETY Insurance Company?.
I personally spoke to the second only Woman, Appointed Queensland Law Society PRESIDENT from 1988-1993 Mrs Quentin Bryce, (Today\'s Australian Governor General ), http://www.gg.gov.au/
QUENTIN BRYCE then the PRESIDENT of the QUEENSLAND LAW SOCIETY http://www.qls.com.au/content/lwp/wcm/connect/QLS/Home/
{*Quentin Bryce also recetly openly accused destorying evidence of a
PEDOPHILE ring in Queensland.} & made her fully aware of the facts regarding my injuries & who was directly responsible, ( QUEENSLAND DETECTIVE PAUL WILSON ).
Not at all satisfied with the response to my complaints given directly to the PRESIDENT OF
THE QUEENSLAND LAW SOCIETY Mrs Quentin Bryce then of the QUEENSLAND LAW SOCIETY I made appointments & traveled to Brisbane to the Qld Law Society offices & spoke to them again.
The woman I spoke too in the offices of the QUEENSLAND LAW SOCIETY claimed
QUEENSLAND DETECTIVE PAUL WILSON was driving a Ford Falcon, I was instructed to get into the passenger seat & then Detective Paul Wilson put a pistol to the side of my head and said \" YOUR NOT GOING TO
I then promptly contacted QUEENSLAND QC Mr Tony Fitzgerald who was at that time
in command of the QUEENSLAND GOVERNMENT Fitzgerald Inquiry, I spoke to numerous people & submitted my concerns to the Fitzgerald Inquiry, nobody there seemed concerned. http://www.qld.gov.au/
Soon after shots were fired at night in front of my girl friend Doctor Alison Anne Morris residence.
Numerous dangerous attempts were made at speed to force vehicles I was traveling in on expressways from the road.
I spoke privately to Detective Martin Webb of the Sunshine Coast Police & he was very concerned regarding my personal safety & the safety of Doctor Morris.
Detective Martin Webb visited our residence to check our home security & by this stage he was deeply concerned for my welfare as I had advised him of all of the facts regarding my injuries.
Detective Webb was so concerned he registered me as a QUEENSLAND Police
Informant & said to me \" Anyone comes inside this house uninvited kill
them " & call me immediately & I will fix it up ! .
Detective Martin Webb also said to me Your life is in grave danger as you have seen too much & this corrupt QUEENSLAND POLICE OFFICER DETECTIVE PAUL WILSON will KILL you, one way or another & its Easier for them if your in Jail… who did nothing to protect his client Mr Mathew Lucas Banks
The QUEENSLAND POLICE SERVICES http://www.police.qld.gov.au/ in conjunction with the Queensland Law society http://www.qls.com.au/content/lwp/wcm/connect/QLS/Home/ & its then ; PRESIDENT Mrs QUENTIN BRYCE http://www.gg.gov.au/ were aware of the dire consequences of my Eye Witness AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT ACCREDITED WORK PLACE ACCIDENT AND SAFETY OFFICER giving Evidence in the QUEENSLAND SUPREME COURT ] of Brisbanehttp://www.courts.qld.gov.au/1504.htm & his motives for Attempting to Murder Mr Matthew Lucas Banks who had previously eye witnessed Det Paul Wilson Murder a fellow Queensland Police officer in CANNONVALE AIRLIE BEACH. Along with the Fact a clear Link was established between the Queensland Police Services & Queensland Law Society\'s direct involvement in Importing vast quantities of cocaine into Australia.
QUENTIN BRYCE Todays AUSTRALIAN GOVONER GENERAL http://www.gg.gov.au/ had her Official Australian Governor Generals WEB Pages EDITED in October 2009 after my complaints regarding QUINTIN BRYCE \'s Acts were reported to the AUSTRALIAN SENATOR For NATIONAL SECURITY .
QUENTIN BRYCE\'S Offical AUSTRALIAN GOVONER GENERALS WEB pages had stated that QUENTIN BRYCE was PRESIDENT for the QUEENSLAND LAW SOCIETY http://www.qls.com.au/content/lwp/wcm/connect/QLS/Home/ in the early 1990\'s & those FACTS were removed in its place is written that QUENTIN BRYCE worked for Human Rights during this period of time.
Specialist WEB Engineers can still determin the Evidence
QUENTIN BRYCE'S WEB pages were EDITED and exactly what was removed and replaced : AUSTRALIAN GOVERNOR GENERAL QUENTIN BRYCE WAS Appointed as the 2nd
only Woman PRESIDENT of the QUEENSLAND LAW SOCIETY FROM 1988-1993 We have HARD COPY Published Evidence of this FACT.
The Queensland Police Services http://www.police.qld.gov.au/ & Queensland Government http://www.qld.gov.au/ are entirely responsible for my injuries & my legal entitlement to compensation & damages with 14% compound interest from the date I sustained those injuries as Queensland Detective Paul Wilson was officially on duty at the time of my injuries.
The testimony of my eye witness Australian Government Accredited Accident and Safety Officer was Deliberately concealed right throughout all of the legal proceedings, despite Death threats made directly too that accident and safety officer.
The Supreme Court Judge http://www.courts.qld.gov.au/1504.htm deliberately concealed my evidence, ( no eye witness testimony or eye witness was called in my defense
& when I stood up and announced to the court the entire proceedings were a charade & that my injuries were sustained from my attempted murder by Queensland Detective Paul Wilson
I advised the BRISBANE SUPREME court http://www.courts.qld.gov.au/1504.htm of all of my experience in Airle Beach with the Judge repeatedly telling me to, \" Shut Up ! \" .... \"
Shut Up !! " ..........." Shut Up !!! " & exposed the entire truth of the matter to the court.
The Judge demanded the court stenographer strike from the
record all of my statements.
She refused & was screamed at by the Judge & claimed it was unlawful to tamper with court records, she was removed from the court room and another stenographer was bought in.
The supreme Court Judge instructed me to go sit with the court bailiff : { I was too be Arrested & Murdered in Jail }
I then told the Judge & Court Room I was a registered Police Informant and gave my informant ID & numbers too him.
I also told the Judge & Court Room I had placed detailed sealed documents regarding my experience and injuries with the press withinstructions to open them IF I did not return from court in 48 hours.
The judge instructed me to leave the bailiff & once again to take the witness stand where I had defended myself with NO legal council in a closed court for two days.
{ QUEENSLAND LAW SOCIETY http://www.qls.com.au/content/lwp/wcm/connect/QLS/Home/ appointed lawyers in Gladstone Mr BARRY JOHN ROSS http://www.lawyers.com.au/byrne-v-a-j-co- http://www.byrnelawyers.com/
neglected to appear in the Supreme court to defend his Client Mr MATTEW LUCAS BANKS : }
At the residence of doctor Allison Anne Morris of
Alexander Headland on the Sunshine coast in late 1994 I was contacted by telephone on Doctor Morris unlisted number & as Doctor Morris listened in on the 2nd telephone we were advised by a woman in the Qld Law Society that I was going to be \" Set Up in Court \" by the Queensland Police http://www.police.qld.gov.au/ Insurance company & Queensland Law Society http://www.qls.com.au/content/lwp/wcm/connect/QLS/Home/ insurance company.
Numerous times The Queensland Ombudsman was alerted to the facts.
Numerous times The Queensland CJC was alerted to the facts.
Numerous times The Queensland CMC was alerted to the facts.
The Queensland office of the Premier PETER BEATTIE was alerted to the facts.
http://www.goldcoast.com.au/article/2010/09/24/258371_gold-coast-news.html { Mr Wilson said the Gold Coast needs a multi-disciplinary team made up of intelligence, accountants and lawyers to probe organised crime in the area, which he described as an exciting but \'\'toxic environment\'\' because of the potential for corruption.}
M.O he used to cover up QLD DETECTIVE Paul Wilsons attempted Murder of Mr MATTEW LUCAS BANKS in Airlie Beach in 1988.
Tendered to the CMC Hearings the unlawful use of ACCOUNTANTS AND QLD LAW SOCIETY LAWYERS to Act in conjuction with SPECIAL QUEENSLAND POLICE on the GOLD COAST ; http://www.goldcoast.com.au/article/2008/09/27/16815_gold-coast-news.html
TODAY ; I am advised by specialist lawyers that in 1995 my compensation & damages claims for significant serious injuries sustained by QUEENSLAND Detective PAUL WILSON attempting to Murder me should have been for $750,000.00 + 14% compound bank interest from the Date of my injuries to the court Date in 1995 & I am advised by specialist lawyers that I am legally entitled to 14% compound bank interest until I am awarded my compensation and damages. http://www.goldcoast.com.au/article/2008/09/27/16815_gold-coast-news.html
Due to the ongoing extensive injuries I sustained from QUEENSLAND Detective PAUL WILSON http://www.goldcoast.com.au/article/2008/09/27/16815_gold-coast-news.html
I lost my business & my ability too support myself financially & endured agonising endless pain & suffering to the extent I was suicidal.
Despite visits to specialist doctors over many, many years I could not find pain relief of any kind from medication.
The vast amounts of medication I was instructed to take caused me serious liver & kidney problems.
I was forced to seek extensive alternative medical treatment Acupuncture , Chiropractic & remedial massage three times per week just too maintain my ability to move & think.
Over the period of time from my injuries to the court proceeding my personal costs for this treatment exceeded Aust$75k.
At age 29 I was instructed by doctors on the Sunshine Coast I would never be able to work again & should take a full government disablity
pension,............ I was devastated.
Due to the serious nature of the threat from Detective Paul Wilson & the lethal actions of insurance investigators , & for her safety & well being I was forced to end a loving and caring
relationship with Doctor Morris.
Investigators under instructions from the QUEENSLAND LAW SOCIETY
placed hidden Cameras & Microphones in " Doctor Alison Ann Morrises"
Residence eg on Alexander Headland Sunshine Coast in Doctor Morrises BEDROOM, BATHROOMS, Toilets, Loung Room, kitchen & in Doctor Morrise's Vehicles.
One *specialist Doctor of Mine stated to me in 1992 That he was Threatened by QUEENSLAND LAW SOCIETY INVESTIGATORS " That If he attended the Surpreme Court to give evidence for Mr Matthew Banks " , Investigators would *Inform the doctors Wife of the Specialist Doctors
numerous *Indiscretions with Females ".
Investigators Directly Under Instruction from The Australian Governor General Quinten Bryce then PRESIDENT of the Queensland LAW SOCIETY, were instructed to use' ALL' & "Any Means " to STOP my Eye Witness AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT ACCREDDITED REGISTERED WORK PLACE & SAFETY OFFICER * THE MOST SENIOR WORK PLACE & SAFETY SPECILIST OFFICER IN ALL OF AUSTRALIA " from Testifying in the supreme Court that in 1988 That Saftey officer Eye Witnessed QUEENSLAND DETECTIVE PAUL WILSON In the
at 8 : 45 am in the morning by hurling a FULL 6 litre Can of PAINT
from the second Floor onto Mr Matthew Lucas Banks while he was
kneeling looking at produce on a bottom Shelf.
Here is an extract re just one of my meetings with Det Paul Wilson, after that Attempted MURDER!.
I will tell you what Det Paul Wilson did to me after I was paralysed and had been in bed for months unable to move as much as a finger without Agony & Waves of endless Pain throughout my head that was like gigantic Waves crashing on a Beach just from moving a finger Tip ........
Det Paul Wilson came into my bedroom late at night in an apartment I shared & I heard his Voice Unable to move ! .
My flat mate now dead, { murdered by Det Paul Wilson I was Advised
on the Sunshine Coast by a resident from Airlie Beach in 1992} , I
heard her voice say to Det Paul Wilson
" You kill him in here and I will go to the press and TV and I will give you ALL UP......
QLD Det Paul Wilson came into my bedroom and sat on the floor next to my bed, cocained out of his brain and drunk and DUG his fingers and fists into my NECK that was bleeding into my spine and said to me, " I did not want it to be this way or end this way for YOU Matthew " I thought you would Die quickly ! ".
I never intended that you would suffer in agony like this.
For about fifteen minutes he Det Paul Wilson sat & DUG his fingers and fists into my bloated bleeding neck that was broken in three places.
That was a couple of months after he tried to murder me .
8 Long Years I spent in constant Endless Agony, until I had the Nerves in my brain stem that send pain signals to your Brain CUT.
22 Years I have spent Trying to put my smashed and wrecked broken body back together from my injuries sustained from my attempted murder by QUEENSLAND Det Paul Wilson.
I am now also forced from the threat of Detective Paul Wilson for the safety of m son & wife to reside outside Australia as an Australian Citizen, barely able to financially support them.
I am constantly recieving Death threats to my son & Wife in JAPAN.
I am seeking my original legal entitlement for compensation & damages for my significant serious injuries inflicted by QUEENSLAND POLICE OFFICER DETECTIVE PAUL WILSON http://www.goldcoast.com.au/article/2008/09/27/16815_gold-coast-news.html
when he attempted to murder me in Airlie Beach in 1988 ; from the Queensland
Police Services & QLD Government Workers Compensation & QLD LAW SOCIETY for my entitlement PLUS my entitlment too 14% compound interest on that compensation & damages $750,000.00 from the date of my injuries sustained by Queensland Detective Paul Wilson ; until the Date it is paid to me.
My inquiries found that the \"maintenance of secrecy, the avoidance of scandal, the protection of the reputation of the QUEENSLAND Governmnet http://www.qld.gov.au/ the QUEENSLAND Law Society http://www.qls.com.au/content/lwp/wcm/connect/QLS/Home/ & the QUEENSLAND Police http://www.police.qld.gov.au/ and the preservation of its assets\" was more important than justice for the victim Mr Matthew Lucas Banks.
I was advised in person by the eye witness Accident & Safety Officer that numerous copies of his accident report are kept for his *personal Security after death threats b QUEENSLAND Detective Paul Wilson.
Any resident from Queensland that has been charged or arrested & imprisoned or threatened by Queensland Detective Paul Wilson to become one of his cocaine Mules or Dealers.
We have irrifutable evidence that citizens from Townsville were unlawfully & forceably conscripted by QUEENSLAND Detective PAUL WILSON into acting as cocaine mules under threat of Murder or false imprisonment.
Those who have been Wrongfuly Convicted & Imprisoned in Queensland should form Vigilante Groups & Met out their own Justice against the Queensland Police Regime
Have the Guts too stand Up Fight back ; 10,600 police in Qld and 3/4of them are Corrupt, Drug Dealing parasites, that dont have the guts to be criminals without the Queensland Police Uniforms or Badges & theSupport of the QUEENSLAND LAW SOCIETY\'S corrupt Judges & DRUG DEALING LAWYERS like Mr BRUCE VIRGO .
***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** *****
International & domestic investigative journalists have described a ,\" Closed Doors Star Chamber like Justice System functioning within the Brisbane Courts \" , Sanctioned by the Queensland Law Society,Queensland POLICE Queensland Government, Attorney General CMC, CJC, LSC, & Queensland Premier Anna Bligh .
The attempted Murder of Mr Matthew Banks by QUEENSLAND POLICE
Detective Chief superintendent PAUL WILSON ; http://www.goldcoast.com.au/article/2008/09/27/16815_gold-coast-news.html
in 1988 has been bought to the *attention of all of these Queensland Government Departments & NO Action has been taken despite the Legal Facts & that their is NO statute of Limitations For Attempted Murder in Queensland which has a Maximum sentence of Fifteen
years Imprisonment.
The Acts of the Law Society Member Lawyers Mr James Grevel http://www.grevellssolicitors.com.au/contact-us.php , Mr Bruce Virgo, Mr Barry John Ross http://www.lawyers.com.au/byrne-v-a-j-co- http://www.byrnelawyers.com/ are all clear Evidence of the close association between Queensland Police Services Corrupt Drug Dealing Police Importing cocaine into Queensland & being protected by the Law Society & a, " Closed Doors Star Chamber like Justice System", protecting these corrupt police.
Cocaine Imported into Qld by Queensland Police & Lawyers is distributed in a network along the entire Eastern Seaboard of Australia to the Melbourne Underworld, of which I have clear evidence.
Along with Detective Paul Wilson murdering a fellow Queensland Police officer in Nrth Qld in 1988 which I & a woman eye witnessed.
The coroners report on that murdered police officer today reads death by suicide :
The murdered police officers Wife is Entitled too know the Truth & be awarded the correct compensation as she was Aware Threats were made to her Husband prior too his murder.
Queenslanders will recall from the Mid l1970\'s too the 1980\'s where dozens of Deaths & Murders in custody of Innocent citizens falsely convicted in Boggo Road Jail took place.
The Queensland Police have formed in conjunction with nefarious Queensland lawyers a vast regime of power to secure their criminal network & see it is Free from investigation, which directly points too commissioner Atkinson & Senior Police having knowledge of this network.
When a justice system fails as it has in Queensland, then a Vigilante IRA style justice system formed by the Victims & Victims families isrequired to restore the balance of Justice implementing summery style executions of corrupt Drug Dealing Murdering Queensland Police.
Until the Queensland Justice system is restored and Law & Order is maintained :
The question must be Asked how many Queensland citizens have been falsely charged & Imprisoned by Detective Paul Wilson in his 38 years of so called service ?.
JUSTICE & The Australian Government must OPEN Police Charge Books from,DETECTIVE PAUL WILSONS 40 YEARS OF POLICE SO CALLED SERVICE IN QUEENSLAND & Determin the extent of the DAMAGE this Rogue Murdering Scum has done to society.
The Western Australian Car bomb Hanging LAW must apply to this
Queensland police officer Detective Paul Wilson ........Justice must
be seen to be done.
When it takes the Queensland Government Twenty two years & they still cannot Act too see justice for my case of Attempted Murder with the most credible Eye Witness Australia\'s Most Senior Government Accredited Registered Work Place Accident & Safety Officer , who saw
QUEENSLAND POLICE Detective Paul Wilson attempted too murder mewhile on Duty, then run from the scene of the Crime.
Saturday 18th December Queensland CMC FOI documents arrived in Japan after Ten Years of ASKING related to this complaint ;
those documents show NO CMC Investigations : Only that my residential address was searched and the IP Address of annomymous
Tips Offs to the CMC & CJC, The Queensland Government is grossly Defective & displays a
well established Addiction to Corruption at All levels of government & repression for justice for the victims of Crime Like Mr Matthew Lucas Banks.
Australian PM Julia Gillard ; Senator Penny Wong ; Senator Bishop ; Special Senator Gary Gray ; have all received copies of this complaint & ALL appear reluctant to Uphold Australian Laws or se the victim of this disgraceful display of government corruption receives his entitlement to compensation & Damages $750,000.00 & a full government pension back Dated to 1990 as he was instructed to take by doctors ; despite 22 years of pleading.
Labels: Anna Bligh, CJC, CMC, Commissioner Atkinson, Detecttive chief Superintendent Paul Wilson, Inspector David Hickey, LSC, Qld La Society..
Background of Assistant Queensland Commissioner - Paul Anthony Wilson
Extracted from Sworn Statement of Assistant Queensland Commissioner -
Paul Anthony Wilson which was provided to Queensland's Criminal Misconduct Commision (CMC)-
Assistant Commissioner Paul Wilson surveys his new
Occurrence no.:
Statement of WILSON. Paul Athony
Nameof witness: WILSON. Paul Anthony
Date of birth: Age: Occupation: Assistant Commissionerof Police
Police officer taking statement
Name of police officer: Rank: Reg. no.:
Region/Command/Division: Station:
Paul Anthony Wilson states:-
I am an Assistant Commissioner of Police (A/C) presently the 'officer in charge' (OIC) of the South Eastern Police Region (SER) with my office located in the Surfers Paradise Police Centre (SPPC), Ferny Avenue, Surfers Paradise Gold Coast.
I assumed command of SER on Monday the 22 September, 2008.
Prior to SER command, I was the Assistant Commissioner in charge of the Northern Police Region (NR), with my office located in Townsville. I assumed command of the NR on Monday the 12 March 2007. I joined the Queensland Police Department as a police cadet on 14 January 1974 and was inducted as a Constable on 13 December 1974. After my initial first year of service at Moorooka Police Station, I was transferred duty therein early January1976 to Mount Isa Police Station commencing in December1975.
I commenced my plain clothes career relieving at the Mount Isa Criminal Investigation Branch (CIB) in September 1976 and continued to perform temporary plain clothes duties until my appointment as a permanent plain clothes constable in 1979. Whilst stationed at the Mount Isa CIB I performed all duties associated with a very busy provisional city CIB. In December 1979 I was transferred to the then Brisbane Metropolitan CIB.
In January 1980 I commenced duty at the Homicide Squad and in January 1981 I commenced duty at the Break and Enter Squad. In December 1981 I was transferred to the Redcliffe Police District and until December I982 I performed detective's duties at the Redcliffe and Caboolture CIB's.
In 1982 I was transferred to the Proserpine CIB in the Mackay Police District, this being a one person CIB and I commenced duties at Proserpine in January 1983
This position was upgraded to Detective Sergeant in 1985 and I was successful in obtaining the position and commenced duties as the Sergeant Detective OIC I early 1986 at Whitsunday CIB (renamed Proserpine).
At the time of my promotion to Detective First Class in early 1991 as the OIC Mackay District CIB(which includes Whitsunday-Proserpine), the Whitsunday CIB had increased from 2 to 4 full time detectives. As the OIC of the Mackay District CIB, I was in charge of the detectives in MacKay city-both CIB and then JAB and district intelligence officers. I was also charge' of the detectives at Sarina, Moranbah, Bowen and Whitsunday.
ln December 1991 I was promoted to Detective Senior Sergeant and took command of the Sunshine Coast District CIB in the Sunshine Coast Police District. My office was at Maroochydore District Headquarters and I was in charge of the detectives at Noosa, Maroochydore, Nambour, Kawana, Caloundra, Landsborough and initially Caboolture. In early 1995 I was promoted to Inspector -North Region duty as a Regional duty officer (Inspector) in the Metropolitan Police Division within the MNR.
In April 1995 I commenced as a Regional duty officer (Inspector) in the Metropolitan (MNR) and later that year I commenced as the project officer for the Assistant duty as the Project (MNR) and later that I commenced as the Divisional Commander in the Valley ‘in charge’ of the Fortitude Valley Police Division within the MNR.
I remained in that position until early 2002 when I was promoted to Superintendant District Officer (DO) North Brisbane Police District (NBD0)- MNR.
As the District Officer of the North Brisbane District (DONBD) my office was at the Boondall police complex and I remained Command of Crime Operations at State Coordinator Operations promoted to Detective Chief Superintendent in this position until I was promoted to State Commission of Organised Crime (SCOC) position in 2005.
I remained at the State Crime Operations Command (SCOC) until taking up this position in early 2007.
In summary, my 36 year policing career to date has been as a detective, district officer, operations coordinator and regional assistant commissioner. I have been stationed at 6 provisional city CIB's, been the OIC of 3, major squads within the then metropolitan CIB, operations coordinator-detective in charge of State Crime Operations Command, District Officer at Fortitude Valley and North Brisbane and Regional Assistant Commissioner 'in charge' of NR and SER police regions. I have successfully completed all internal QPS police studies for promotion and appointment to these positions and ranks. I have also successfully completed external tertiary studies whilst performing these duties throughout the State.
The SER has three Police Districts and a Regional Command providing community policing to the local governments of Gold Coast, Logan and Scenic Rim. The geographical area is from the Queensland/New South Wales border to Eight Miles Plains in the north and west of Beaudesert towards Boonah in the Ipswich Police District SR.
Please find attached the organisational charts and maps for the SER:
The SER has a total staff of 1736-1442 swom officers and 294 staff members.
Regional Command - 159 sworn staff and 83 staff members.
Gold Coast District- 632 sworn staff and 107 staffmembers.
Logan District - 473 sworn staff and 88 staff members.
Coomera District- 178 sworn staff and 16 staff members.
As the Assistant Commissioner in charge of SER I am responsible for planning, organising, administering, coordinating and controlling all activities within SER within the guidelines established by the Services strategic plan. I am also responsible for the provision of effective law enforcement within SER consistent, with the objectives and polices of the QPS QPS.
Yearly budget for salaries are:
I currently have an annual budget of $136.9m.
2009 -$110m
2008- $94.25m ,
I had not been prior to taking up duties as the Assistant Commissioner SER on the 22 September 2008, in the SER during my career, but I had conducted a number of criminal investigations that involved investigations in both the Logan and Gold Coast police districts. As the Detective Chief for the SCOC from 2005 to early 2007 I was responsible as Operations Coordinator Superintendent (OCS) for major crime within the State, I also directed investigations that occurred in the Gold Coast during this period look into all organised viewing of police district investigations that occurred in the Gold Coast
a number of these from NR to SER,
When Commissioner Atkinson advised me of my reassignment to the CMC, (CMC) (in publication confidence, Enhancing obtain a copy of the Crime and Misconduct Commission confidence)- integrity in the Police Service (April 2008), which I did and duly read. I also met with the CMC Queensland. We discussed Felix Grayson the then A/C attached Assistant Commissioner QPS by the CMC authorised, had been Project Grayson which was now code named Grinspoon, Project Castella inform me of certain aspects to confidentially of Project Grinspoon.
A/C Grayson had previously been the Detective Chief Superintendentat of the CMC when I was the Detective Chief Superintendentat SCOC and we jointly overviewed some investigations into organised and major crime. In July 2009 NC Grayson retired and A/C Peter Barron commenced as the QPS NC at the CMC. Barron continued to confidentially brief me on Project Grinspoon and at 7.30arn Sunday 3l January 2010 A/C Barron briefed me on the visitations by the CMC at three Gold Coast police establishments and two private residences,
A/C Grayson had previously been the Detective Chief Superintendentat of the CMC when I was the Detective Chief Superintendentat of SCOC and we jointly overviewed some investigations into organised and major crime.
In July 2009 NC Grayson retired and A/C Peter Barron cofirmenced as the QPS NC at the CMC. Barron continued to confidentially brief me on Project Grinspoon and at 7.30arn Sunday 3l January 2010 A/C Barron briefed me on the visitations by the CM at three Gold Coast police establishments and two private residences,
Operations Tesco had commenced.
Upon receipt of that advice from A/C Barron I immediately returned to duty and took up the CMC investigators at the SPPC and directed that all necessary assistance be given. I also took up the Gold Coast Police District Officer Superintendent Jim Keogh, and we visited the Surfers Paradise Police Station and the Burleigh Heads Police Station where the detectives from the Gold Coast District Southern Investigation Group (SIG) operate from. In the months since these visitations in January 2010 my staff and I have fully cooperated with the CMC during the closed hearings concerning Operations Tesco.
Just prior to 2008 and since taking up command of SER on 22 September, 2008 as a result of confidential personal knowledge regional and district briefings I commenced a number of initiatives personal briefings, regional and district briefings I commenced particular risk Gold Coast police district operationally, prepare the Region in the identiff, and enhance to the very busy day to day and financial management, media and ethical practices. As well as attending of the region and the upcoming annual major public events my first major project was the operations creating of the new Coomera Police District which had been in planning for 5 years.
In October 2008 I directed to review the existing proposed Coomera District Plan and developed an entire new plan by the Board of Management and on time and approved
The new QPS plan was developed in January 2009 -on the 7 November the new Coomera police district commenced
After taking command of SER in conjunction with my management team I commenced to implement a Number of initiatives and key personnel appointments:
Five new SER senior management positions for detectives
One (1) Detective Superintendent,
two (2) Gold Coast District, one (1) Logan
Crime Coordinator(RCC), three (3) Detective Inspectors,
District and one (1) Detective Senior Sergeant for Coomera District.
These appointments have been vital to achieving the changes required in the respective plain clothes policing area.
A Regional Media Management Plan implemented to negate allegations of favouritism in the Gold Coast District.
Please find attached SER media management policy:
Strategic Ciminal Intelligence assessment of the Gold Coast District has been completed and is subject to regular review.
New crime investigative partnerships have been developed with State Crime Operations Command, CMC, Australian Federal Police, New South Wales Police and ACC. To date these new crime investigative partnerships had been achieving excellent results.
Decentralising Gold Coast District Criminal Investigation Branch away from the current Southern Investigative Group (Burleigh Heads) and Northern Investigative Group (Surfers Paradise) was commenced. Detectives are now located at Coolangatta, Broadbeach, Southport and Runaway Bay police stations as well.
A review of the current organisational structures and investigative practices within the Gold Coast police district was completed July 2010 -Project ABEO.
Review approved by Commissioner in May 2009-
In November 2009 the new Coomera Police District commenced operation within the SER.
The establishment of the Coomera District did impact upon the Gold CoastCIB/CPru due to decentralisation of staff into this new district.
A review of the Gold Coast CIB and CPIU risk management revealed that there were low numbers of the following processes, covert operations, registered police human sources (informants) as well as applications for confiscations of profits from crime.
A review of the SER Risk Management systems identified a need for the implementation of new policy associated with district risk management within the Region.
Please find attached the SER policy - management systems:
A review of SER Financial Management systems was conducted resulting in the commencement of new regional/district financial management polices and processes for the 20l0-11 financial year.
Please find attached the SER policy - financial management systems:
Dangerous Liaisons,
A report arising from a CMC investigations into allegations of police misconduct (Operation Capri) - July 2009 resulted in specific QPS Dangerous Liaisons Training and this commenced in SER in December 2009 and I personally opened and attended the last session at the Surfers Paradise Police Station.
During 2009 and 2010 I authorised the purchase of a large number of wireless computer connections so key supervising officers could have access to 2417 police occurrences. This access to the data base to supervise has been extremely popular amongst all regional supervisors as it allows them to access 2417 QPS activities remotely.
Crime and Misconduct Commission,
On Monday l1th April 2010 Mr Moynihan AO the Chairperson, Management QC and senior CMC staff visited the Surfers Paradise Police Station for a discussion with local police and toured the station
Commissioner Atkinson also attended. Afterwards Mr Moynihan, Commissioner Atkinson and senior CMC staff attended my office at the SPPC and received a lengthy information from me on a range of policing issues in SER, particularly the Gold Coast concerning operation Tesco. Other senior officers present who assisted were Chief Superintendent Holland, Superintendent Keogh and Inspector Haslam.
Please find attached the Agenda and PowerPoint presentation- CMC Chairpersons visit to SER on 19April2010
A new SER Plain Clothes Occurrence Sheet System was introduced in June 2010. This system delivers the ability to provide a greater accountability, enabling instant 24hr risk management of the occurrences, the ability to provide a greater accountability, enabling instant24hr risk management of occurrences, the ability to automatically generate monthly work performance sheets and incorporates a record of management and search capability. TheRegional IT Manager has played a very valuable role inDeveloping this system and others.
Please find attached the SER plain clothes occurrence sheet system:
During 2009 the Plain Clothes Development Program was introduced throughout the Region in all plain clothes units. The RCC and District Detective Inspectors have played a very valuable role in developing this package.
Please find attached the SER plain clothes development program:
During 2009 a Local Area Performance Review was introduced in SER for all Officers in Charge of stations and establishments. Chief Superintendent Hollands-Operations Coordinator of SER has been Responsible for the development and implementation of this performance review which has been very well received by OIC's andDO's in SER.
Training packages have been developed with the aim of 'enhancing integrity'. These packages are tailored for specific groups - Constables, Senior Constables, Sergeants and Senior Sergeants also including all plain clothes staff. Training will be delivered by local Commissioned Officers -Inspectors and will be compulsory throughout the Region commencing in July 2010. There have been a number of voluntary development days to date where 'enhancing integrity' was discussed with Senior Sergeants, and Chief Superintendent Hollands, SER Regional Educationand Training, SER PPM, RCC, District Constables
Inspectors, Inspectors, Detectives, District Sergeants, Senior Sergeants, Detectives Inspectors, RIO, Regional Detectives Officers have all played a very valuable role in developing these programs.
Please find attached 8 SER development of workshops programs for for plain clothes Senior Sergeants, Senior Sergeants, Senior Constables and Constables, including specifically for plain clothes personnel:
Additionally, since the CMC visitations of 31 January 2010, I have personally addressed staff personnel within the South Eastern Region, in relation to the issues of integrity and operational professionalism usually were conducted over a 2 year period. In this regard I have conducted these sessions with these members at District and Divisional Management Team meetings..
Divisional Management Team Meetings.
The following strategies and recommendations have also been implemented at Surfers Paradise Police Station: Higher level of supervision on the shifts occurring on Friday and Saturdaynights, an Inspector on rotation from District and Regional Office has been positioned within the Surfers Paradise Police Station on a 2200-0600hrs shift; this shift time was identified as a high risk period.
In July 2010 I recommended to the Commissioner that new extra Senior Sergeants be appointed to Surfers Paradise Police Station as a higher level of supervision on a 24hr basis. The Commissioner approved and announced 5 new extra duty Senior Sergeants for Surfers Paradise Police Station on 26 August 2010.
A proactive strategy for the transfer/secondment of staff attached to Surfers Paradise Police Station into other Gold Coast and Coomera stations due to operational fatigue or excessive complaint history has been approved. This new system was approved by QPS HR/IR and Deputy Commissioner (Regional Operations) and commenced in August 2010 (there already have been some secondments occurring) has played a very valuable role in developing this policy and others.
Please find attached the SER policy on the transfer/secondment of staff out of Surfers Paradise Police Station:
The installation of an additional six (6) CCTV cameras within the Surfers Paradise Police Station
This now brings the total number of CCTV to twenty-six (26) cameras has occurred.
Are there ways that officers can avoid their supervisor knowing where they are at a given time? How is this risk managed?
Yes - without GPS tracking and if an officer tells his supervisor lies or misinformation the officer can hide for a short period - then shift inspections and welfare become involved so in most cases it can only occur for a short periods unless the supervisor is part of the misconduct.
The issue is managed by duty Sgt Stn, DDO, RDO and Comco at POC - by having inspections, welfare checks, shift and patrol objective for each shift, briefings and debriefings at the start and conclusion of shift.
In addition, the issue is managed through inspection of patrol logs, diaries and work performance sheets.
Have instances of the promotion of officers from a Gold Coast position to a supervisory position on the process is on 'merit'. Never too many bad referee reports due to policy of disclosure. Yes and no depends on the officer.
Gold Coast District traditionally does not get too many applications from outsiders. Often new officers, especially supervisors, find the lack of local knowledge hard to start with and this combined with the very busy work demands does have problems.
Personally I believe in 'new blood' and supervisors should be transferred to a District. There they can be moved to a number of stationsin which to progress career in a cluster so they are not staying at Surfers Paradise for 20+years.
E.G. Married officer in Brisbane with family, take wife and children to Gold Coast? It just doesn't happen. 7-8 regions/commands
Gold Coast made for less effective supervision? If yes how can this issue be addressed?
Issue can be addressed by greater supervision of supervisors by senior management. Management have to lead by example. Officer/supervisors need to be totally accountable.T here is urgent need to continue to rotate new Inspectors into SER. Accommodation is a big problem.
What role do supervisors have in changing the attitudes of staff to issues such as blue light taxis?
Critical, as they set the standard. Supervisor is the gatekeeper and leader of what happens locally on the shift and has great influence on younger officers. If a supervisor doesn't know what's happening in their division, they should be given a please explain? If they continue to enforce the policy it will work.
E.G. GCD CIB SIG supervisors enforced new policy of no 'blue light taxis', except one officer didn't accept new policy and tried to arrange a 'blue Iight Taxi' with a negative result.
There was a whole change in the attitude of the detectives.The fellow detective was reported and immediately transferred out. Excellent outcome for CIB!
If some officers on the Gold Coast are engaging in inappropriate behaviours and setting a poor example for junior staff, will their continued presence on the Gold Coast erode morale and public confidence
Yes- police morale presently is low in certain ways due to the uncertainty of the current lengthy process by CMC & QPS together with the exaggerated media coverage and the apparent small numbers of of discipline offences/misconduct/breach detected.
BUT operational performance, arrest rate, sick leave and over all community policing is excellent as there are still 250 persons per day appearing in the Southport MagistratesCourt.
There are still high numbers of 'complaints against police', thus large number of internal investigations for local supervisors to do. Surfers Paradise is a very busy station normally, high number of public arrests and complaints against police, but management at all levels has performed during the past 10-12 months and lead by example,
Public confidence on Gold Coast is traditionally strong towards police, mainly due to the demographics it's a credit to all that they are still performing at such a high level with good morale. Both team and behaviour have been greatly influenced during this period.
Public confidence on Gold Coast is traditionally strong towards police, mainly due to the demographics of the population, but in my opinion the actions of senior management and supervisors are paramount at the present time, the community will be look towards us/them for the way forward from this.
The Commission has evidence that an Outlaw Motorcycle Gang has been extorting money from night clubs on the Gold Coast.
If police are socialising in these clubs and greeting and being friendly with members of these gangs publicly, does it reduce the likelihood of the public trusting police with information to combat the criminal activity of such groups?
Yes this type of inappropriate behaviour that have been developed by the Gold Coast QPS
(SCOC Biki and the new crime partnerships Force Hydra Squad)
into OMCG.operations some has been very successful & SERCIB's there Coast the Detectives will ensure that this behaviour doesn't reoccur. It is my opinion because of their covert nature that peer group pressure amongst public give very little information about OMCG's
The general 'scare factor' traditionally they create on the community, but with the introduction of TI and Anti bike powers and even more discrete covert, non confrontational the actions are becoming there public profile of OMCG's club legislation, are becoming in order. Whilst they are still very active in the crime scene, in the unlawful activities, it isn't any thing like it was five years ago on the Gold Coast.
That guidance is given to the officers of the South Eastern Region in relation to the receipt of gifts or benefits?
The QPS policy on receiving and giving of gifts and benefits - QPS Financial Management Practice Manual Manual, Section 10.5 is explained during all recently developed leadership workshops.
Is it acceptable under any circumstances for police officers to receive free drinks because they are police officers?
In my view, not under any circumstances.
Locally I have personally addressed the Surfers Paradise Club Association and requested that they do not give free entry or free drinks to police officers at any time on or off duty. The Association accepted my adviceand agreed to report all maters of this nature to senior police.
This year and last year there have been a number of incidents where clubs have reported police (visitors/interstate to Gold Coast) for demanding free entry and drinks at Surfers Paradise Night Clubs.
These officers were charged by local police.
Please outline what strategies and initiatives have been undertaken in your region as a result of Operation Tesco?
As per the contents of my statement and a numberof initiatives listed in the annexures.
What issues are the strategies designed to address? And why do you believe that the strategies will be effective in addressing the issues?
As per the leamings in the Workshop material, the material has been developed locally by respected Senior Police Officers, delivered by them with a strong leadership commitment to change. As such it will have a greater effect than if out sourced. Credibility is very important when effecting change with operational Senior Police Management including myself are in process, and this in my opinion, has this.
Playing a strong active role and the desire of all local police to improve and there have been several good examples'
Operation Tesco
(Justiceof the Peace(Qual.)/Commissioner for Declarations's signature)
(Signatureof police officer preparing statement)
The crooked Charters Towers cops who escaped the Fitzgerald Inquiry
The crooked Charters Towers cops who escaped the Fitzgerald Inquiry
The disappearance of a lone hitch-hiker on the outskirts of Townsville in 1982 has led to the uncovering of one of Australia’s greatest rogue cops. Merv Henry Stevenson is an ex-stock squad cop and former Inspector of Police in Townsville. He emerged as the great untouchable from the far-reaching Fitzgerald inquiry.
On Wednesday, November 3rd 1982, a twenty year old man from Perth was on the trip of a lifetime around Australia when he mysteriously vanished. Tony Jones had no more than a few dollars on him when he rang his family in Perth from Townsville to organise a rendezvous with his brother Tim who was waiting for him 900km away in Mt Isa. They were meant to meet up and continue on to Perth, Tony hitching, Tim riding his push bike. Tony was never heard from again. His bank account was untouched and a dole cheque due a couple of days later was never collected.
With the police showing little interest in the matter, members of Tony Jones’s family flew to Townsville and so began one of the most publicized missing persons cases in Queensland, a case that has brought a tremendous amount of shame on the Townsville Police Force for their ineptitude at almost every turn in the ensuing 30 years. The family have been instrumental in pushing for a National Missing Persons Database, Missing Persons Week, and a number of other significant reforms.
They never stopped searching for answers and along the way appear to have uncovered a chapter of police corruption that is noteworthy as much for escaping the notice of the Fitzgerald Report as it is for the scale of its corruption.
A young firebrand investigative reporter, now a high-profile ABC presenter in Brisbane, exposed the sinister workings of a group of stock squad cops that were known as the Crooked Crooked Cattle Company, and in particular a man by the name of Merv Henry Stevenson, a man whose name has been mention in parliament by the likes of Bob Katter jnr and former premier Wayne Goss.
In 1992 on the 10th anniversary of the disappearance of Tony Jones, Perth private investigator Mick Buckley travelled to Townsville to follow-up a lead that the police had not only failed to follow-up on, but that had only been made known to the family some 7 years after the police became aware of it. Some years later the coroner was highly critical of Det. Chris Lill for failing to pursue this critical lead. He stopped short of calling it a cover up.
The lead came from a witness who believed he was drinking with the missing hitchhiker who entered the Rising Sun Hotel in Townsville with a man who had picked him up earlier and who suggested they get a meal there before driving to the next town, Charters Towers, to stop the night before going on to Mt Isa the next day.
The younger man sat next to the witness and said his name was Tony and that he was hitching out to Mt Isa to meet his brother before heading on to Perth were his family lived. The witness later saw a photograph of Tony Jones and was certain that this was the person he spoke to that day.
The man who entered with Tony was described as being neatly dressed like a station owner visiting the city, and his vehicle was described as a white or light grey Toyota ute with two 44 gallon drums tied in the back. The witness was able to remember this man’s appearance in great detail and provided Det. Lill with a great deal of information over the phone, even though it was another six months before Lill bothered to get him to make a signed written statement.
Private investigator Mick Buckley arrived in Townsville in 1992 after arranging with Lill for a police artist to draw up a sketch of the man the witness saw with Tony at the Rising Sun Hotel.
The following events took place.
Det Lill faxed the sketch and details to all police stations in the region. He called the Charters Towers station (137 km west of Townsville) to find out why they had not responded. They thought it was a joke. “You’ve sent us a drawing and description of Merv Stevenson!” Lill’s jaw dropped. “Jesus, you’re bloody right”.
The next morning Buckley arrived at the ABC radio station in Townsville to be interview by John Nutting. He was greeted by a man named Steve who asked him how the search was going. Buckley mentioned that he was chasing a guy name Merv Stevenson at which moment Steve excused himself. He picked up a phone on the reception desk and spoke to John Nutting in the studio. “Guess who they think it is?”. “Merv Henry Stevenson” came the reply without a moment’s hesitation.
After the radio interview Steve invited Mick Buckley back to his home nearby. The dining table was piled a foot high with documents and every wall was covered with aerial maps, title deeds and flow charts.
Steve went on to explain that he had been investigating Merv Stevenson for some time, along with other members of the so-called Crooked Creek Cattle Company.
Over a ten year period, pretty much the decade preceding the disappearance of the Perth hitchhiker, there were 10 mysterious suicides by associates of Merv Stevenson. Steve pointed at property lines on maps and at title deeds and other documents, and explained that each mysterious suicide resulted in money or property falling into the hands of Merv Stevenson. One of the those suicides was that of his defacto wife who shot herself in the head – twice.
As Steve described it, Det Warren Hansen, who was later to become Superintendent at Townsville, went to visit Stevenson to discuss the matter of his defacto wife who was dead with two bullets in her skull. In Steve’s words, they had a cup of tea and Hansen signed the death certificate – no suspicious circumstances.
He went on to say that Stevenson was part of the so-called Crooked Creek Cattle Company comprised of Charters Towers stock squad cops who were known to be involved in cattle duffing on a grand scale. There was the suggestion of drug dealing and other crimes. The mayor of Charters Towers at the time was involved in defrauding pensioners of antiques and other property.
It appears that a number of people entrusted to look after the interests of the citizens of Charters Towers were more intent on looking after their own interests – and acting with impunity it seems.
Let’s get back to the case of Tony Jones, missing for ten years at that point. It may appear to be something of a major breakthrough that an officer from his own station had nominated Stevenson as resembling the sketch of the man seen with Jones just hours before he disappeared. It was not just the resemblance to the sketch either, it was everything that the witness had described, his manner of dress, the sun scars on his forearms, the low crown hat, and his vehicle, including his habit of tying two drums to the rear, not just a single drum that would suffice most people. Remember the jaw dropping response from Lill when he realised that this was in fact a stunning likeness to Merv Henry Stevenson?
Despite front page headlines in the Townsville Bulletin stating that an ex-cop was a suspect in disappearance of Tony Jones, this line of enquiry was never pursued by the police.
In fact, Stevenson’s good mate Det Warren Hansen was quoted at saying at that time that the best lead that they had was a reported sighting of Jones nearly two weeks after his last phone call home on November 3, 1982.
A coronial inquest in 2001 failed to call Warren Hansen to give evidence despite him being initially in charge of the case and later Superintendent overseeing the case. The coroner should have found that Hansen’s statement to be nothing less than a cover up. Here’s why.
In the weeks following Nov 3,1982, there were several reported sightings of Tony Jones. These were confusing to his family, firstly because it appeared that the man witnesses described was travelling back away from Mt Isa towards Townsville, and secondly, it just made no sense at all that he would still be around and not contact them and not touch his bank account. His last known withdrawals were of around $10 on each of the two days prior to his last call home, suggesting he had no more than a couple of dollars on him on Nov 3rd.
What the family were later to discover was that Tony had shaved off a full beard just two days before arriving in Townsville on November 3. They made sure that each of the witnesses saw a photo of Tony without his beard and with features much clearer than the one that was being circulated by the media which showed him with a full beard. Each of the witnesses were quick to change to their minds upon seeing the photo. Not only did the man they saw have a beard but his features were much darker, more European looking. Later they were able to confirm that the man the witnesses had all seen was in fact an Italian man travelling in the opposite direction.
Hansen knew that there was no validity to these sightings, it was reflected in the police running sheet and it was described in the book Searching for Tony several years earlier.
For Jones to still be alive two weeks later and to not have touched his account or contacted his family, meant in fact that there was no reason to think he was not still alive today. It was a preposterous statement and its only purpose was to deflect suspicion of his old mate Merv with the suicidal missus with the two lumps of lead in her head.
How has Merv Henry Stevenson escaped investigation all these years?
Stevenson died in 2001. He was never investigated over the disappearance and suspected murder of Tony Jones.
What is more remarkable is that he has never convicted, or even properly investigated, for crimes that seem to be common knowledge in his part of the world. A journalist with an impeccable reputation investigated this man and found compelling evidence that he may have committed crimes of the most serious order. This was not hearsay or suspicion, these were paper trails and hard documents that showed that he was profiting nicely and often from otherwise healthy and sane people falling off the perch at the rate of one a year over a decade.
What’s more, this information was made public in the 1990s. If a man is accused by a radio station of murdering ten people, and he does not sue that station or that journalist, what are we left to think?
And if allegations are made such as those about Merv and the so-called Crooked Creek Cattle Company, and the police choose to turn a blind eye, what does that say about the culture of that police force?
It may well not have been Merv Stevenson that was seen at the Rising Sun Hotel with Tony Jones before his suspected murder, but given that there are no other names, no other leads in that long-standing case, why was he not investigated?
Stevenson is dead, so is his mate Warren Hansen. But who else from the Crooked Creek Cattle Company is still alive? Who remains in the police force as corrupt influences?
Tony Fitzgerald conceded that his inquiry would not catch every crooked cop, and that some that they did investigate were less guilty than some that they chose not to. I believe the crooked cops in Charters Towers, and doubtless in others towns in that region, operated with impunity during the 70s and 80′s, possibly still. There is a code of silence that kept them under the radar. There was fear in the eyes of those who were interviewed about Stevenson during the Tony Jones case and clearly he had friends in Townsville to support him when he was nominated as a suspect in that case.
There is a second inquest underway in the Tony Jones case. Counsel Assisting, Mark Le Grand, formerly worked on the Fitzgerald Inquiry. Will he be the man to break the code of silence, or will he be yet another in a long line of officials and men of the law who have simply looked the other way?
Mervyn Henry Stevenson is surely one of the great untouchables, the crooked cop who laughed at the Fitzgerald inquiry, who laughed at Wayne Goss when he asked questions, and who cocooned himself with self-serving cops who learned much from him about pure rat cunning and stunning chutzpah.
Let’s hope that the second coronial inquest of Anthony John Jones, to be heard by Qld state coroner Michael Barnes on a date to be fixed, brings the notorious deeds of Merv Henry Stevenson to the attention of the public and perhaps to someone who cares enough to scratch a little deeper.
Mervyn Henry Stevenson served as a Queensland police officer from 1947 until 1982. He started as a bush cop and ended up as the superintendent in charge of the Townsville Police District, though his retirement years were tainted with the spectre of corruption
Renowned bushman
Described as "the last of the corned beef and damper coppers", Stevenson made a name for himself as a horseman, cattleman and bushman.[3]He gained notoriety in 1950 at the northern township of Coen for tracking down on horseback a group of 12 Aborigines wanted for questioning over the murder of an indigenous police boy.[4] In 1965 he was promoted to detective sergeant and named officer-in-charge of the CIB stock squad based in Charters Towers.[5]
Corruption charges
Following his retirement, Stevenson's reputation was tarnished by the publication of a confidential police report prepared by Inspector John Huey, an investigator who would later head a special task force of the Fitzgerald Inquiry.[6] Huey's report was tabled in Queensland Parliament on 18 September 1984 by Opposition police spokesman, Mr. Wayne Goss.[7] Goss told Parliament police investigations into cattle stealing offences in north Queensland resulted in recommendations that charges be laid against Stevenson. The report also recommended the reopening of investigations into the suspicious suicide of Detective Sergeant Jack Connor at Mareeba and various drug-related matters because statements made by Stevenson indicated that he had not properly investigated these matters to the benefit of a fellow officer.[8]
Goss criticized Police Commissioner Terry Lewis (a man who was subsequently indicted and jailed for his role in various police corruption scandals that emerged a few years later during the Fitzgerald Inquiry) for vetoing the recommendations of the report.[9] He asked Parliament why the proposed charges against Stevenson were treated as "internal" charges requiring the approval of the commissioner before charges could be laid.
"In any other case involving any ordinary citizen, once the police officer forms the view that he has sufficient evidence to charge he goes ahead and charges the person and the matter comes before the court", Goss said. "Not so in this case. At the highest level a special procedure was directed and this resulted in no charges being laid".[10]
Stevenson lamented the accusations, saying: "In my time, I recovered stolen cattle worth more than $700,000. I was in more than 2000 criminal or quasi-criminal investigations. And right at the end of my career, here I am accused of being a cattle thief".[11]
Friends in high places
High-level supporters of Stevenson lauded his accomplishments. Assistant Commissioner Bill McArthur, a former stock squad officer himself, said: "I will say I wish there were more young Stevensons…in the police force today. They are excellent men and outstanding stock squad investigators…true blue horsemen, bushmen and stockmen".[12] McArthur subsequently removed Inspector Huey from the Stevenson investigation and, in 1989, during the Fitzgerald Inquiry, was questioned as to whether his friendship with Stevenson was the reason the investigation was halted.[13]
Inspector John Huey testified before the Fitzgerald Inquiry on 14 June 1989 that Stevenson had stopped another officer making a confession about the death of officer Jack Connor at Mareeba, adding that he had not included full details about Stevenson in his report because he believed that Stevenson "had friends in high places".[14]
Crooked Creek Cattle Company
The cattle duffing racket of Stevenson and other north Queensland police was mentioned in the Australian House of Representatives in 2006 by the Federal Member for Kennedy, Bob Katter.[15] He referred to it as ‘the crooked creek cattle company’. He told parliament he had given evidence about it when he was a senior minister of the Queensland government. He also acknowledged the very courageous actions of ABC journalist Steve Austin, who exposed the situation. Stevenson allegedly made financial gains from the supposed suicides of 10 people connected with him, including his de facto wife who managed to shoot herself in the head with two bullets.[16]
Missing Person Link
In 1992 Townsville police published an identikit sketch of a person wanted for questioning in relation to the suspected murder of a young West Australian hitchhiker, Tony Jones, who disappeared without trace in 1982.[17] On the night of the disappearance, the suspect, believed to be involved in the cattle industry, was allegedly dining with Jones at the Rising Sun Hotel and planning to give him a lift to Charters Towers.[18] The Townsville Bulletin reported that the identikit sketch matched a “former policeman”,[19] whose identity was subsequently confirmed during the 2002 coronial inquest into Jones’s disappearance as being none other than Mervyn Henry Stevenson.[20][21]
Australian Stockman's Hall of Fame
Stevenson avoided prosecution and was eventually inducted into the Australian Stockman's Hall of Fame in 2001.[22] He died of cancer on 16 December 2001 and was farewelled by a police guard of honour at his funeral in Townsville.[23]
^"Identikit issued after 10 years", Courier Mail, 2 November 1992.
^"Identikit issued after 10 years", Courier Mail, 2 November 1992.
^"Former policeman matches description", Townsville Bulletin, 4 November 1992.
^^ Transcripts of inquest into the cause and circumstances surrounding the death of Anthony John Jones", Townsville Coroner's Court, Ref. no. 20022002 T20/JOW M/T TSV6356.
^Armistead, Jane, "Inquest into 30-year-old case gives hope",Townsville Bulletin, 3 November 2012.
^"Fitting farewell for bush policeman", Townsville Bulletin, 22 December 2001.
^"Fitting farewell for bush policeman", Townsville Bulletin, 22 December 2001.
Sep 23, 2009 - Unless of course your name is Senior Detective Paul Wilson Qld Police's finest & your stantioned at beautiful tropical Airlie beach Qld. Hanging ...
Jun 26, 2013 - The Police service is protecting him. It's only a very persistent victim that is giving hope of justice. A POLICE officer who assaulted an elderly ...
Jun 27, 2013 - A POLICE sergeant who shot dead a mentally ill man should be prosecuted for lying to the Police Integrity Commission about the incident, the ...
Dec 21, 2009 - Qld Police Officer Detective Paul Wilson was also officially working at the time. The attempted murder...Blog Archive. ▻ 2012 (2). ▻ January (2).
Officers broke law to solve crimes Allegedly misused "informant fund"
Full coverage in The Courier-Mail
A SCATHING report on alleged police misconduct has revealed how some officers were so desperate to solve crime, they resorted to unlawful measures.
The Courier-Mail reports evidence gathered during the Crime and Misconduct Commission's investigation, known as Operation Capri, shows how senior-ranking police allegedly disregarded policies and procedures to achieve an incredible 86 per cent clearance rate for armed robberies.
In numerous examples detailed in the 142-page Dangerous Liaisons report, police bent the rules to remove prisoners from custody with the aim of obtaining confessions and evidence.
Central to the investigation was the alleged misuse of an "informant fund" set up by the Australian Bankers Association as a reward for information leading to arrests. Although 77 payments were made out of the fund, only 33 complied with the procedures established by police and the ABA.
"Evidence gathered during the operation suggests that opportunistic officers exploited both a lack of accountability and of supervision to take personal advantage of the informant funds," the report said.
Some of the allegations raised in the report also suggested some police in the Armed Robbery Unit:
• Forged the signatures of informants.
• Knowingly furnished false documents.
• Falsely claimed payments had been made to informants.
• Misappropriated money from the informant funds.
• Fabricated audio recordings and written receipts as evidence payments had been made.
In one of the most stunning cover-ups, officers fabricated an audio tape as proof of payment to an informant.
Although they claimed the tape had been made in a Brisbane cafe during a meeting of two police officers and an informant, the CMC investigation found it was had been recorded in the police headquarters carpark using an officer "posing" as the informant.
Police Commissioner Bob Atkinson said that, while the intentions of those police involved were honourable – to solve crime – their methods were undeniably improper.
"Later rather than admit what had occurred, there were disingenuous response and false statements, accompanied in some cases by attempts to cover up accounts which made a bad situation worse," he said.
"Police must work within the framework of lawful procedures, not around or outside them."
Corruption is endemic within Australia's police agencies, and certainly within the Australian Federal Police and New South Wales Police, which between them cover the Sydney airports. It also embraces crime commissions and other institutions charged with responsibility for police governance on behalf of the public.
During the three years of research for The Expendable Project, the team uncovered a staggering amount of evidence to substantiate this statement. This included police involvement in most types of serious crime, and even in one instance, alleged blackmail of a government minister. We were approached periodically by individuals who clearly feared for their own welfare.
To illustrate the significant scale of this problem, we have posted below a number of videos, which are freely available in the public domain. For further reading, we have also recommended some of the documents and reports which are posted in the Expendable Library.
The following selection represents just a small sample of the videos, both amateur and professional, which are readily viewable on YouTube and other social video networks. They are in no particular order, but they do serve to exemplify how widely known the corruption actually is, particularly with respect to Sydney and its airports.
In addition, a series of more focused investigations and hearings have been undertaken. For example, the 2005 public hearing by the Police Integrity Commission was documented in The COBALT Report:
This was particularly relevant to The Expendable Project, not only because the locale of the prime subject, Detective Sergeant Christopher John Laycock, included Sydney Airport, but because at least one of his close associates has been directly accused of owning the marijuana which was found in Schapelle Corby's boogie board bag.
But Laycock has never stood before a court on any of the matters referred to in the report. Equally staggering, the Australian media appears to have collectively forgotten about the revelations detailed within, which are supplemented by a number of additional external allegations. For further information view The Laycock Blog.
Another high profile case is that of former Assistant Director of the NSW Crime Commission, Mark Standen, who as an ex-AFP officer, had worked in the same office as AFP Commissioner Michael Keelty, in Sydney
Standen was found guilty of conspiring to import $120 million of pre-cursor drugs in 2011. For further information, view The Standen Blog.
Despite the impression created by the enquiries cited above, the issue of serious corruption within Australian police agencies, and the disturbing nature of the multiple bodies which purport to enforce integrity, has never been fundamentally addressed by any Australian government.
The conclusion, that Australia is as indifferent to the chronic corruption within its police services, as it is to the abuse of the human rights of its citizens, is hard to avoid.
Schapelle Corby is a direct victim of this malaise.
Ind. man with 47 guns arrested after school threat Associated Press
CEDAR LAKE, Ind. (AP) — A northern Indiana man who allegedly threatened to "kill as many people as he could" at an elementary school near his home was arrested by officers who later found 47 guns and ammunition hidden throughout his home.
Von. I. Meyer, 60, of Cedar Lake, was arrested Saturday after prosecutors filed formal charges of felony intimidation, domestic battery and resisting law enforcement against him. He was being held Sunday without bond at the Lake County Jail, pending an initial hearing on the charges, police said in a statement.
Cedar Lake Police officers were called to Meyer's home early Friday after he allegedly threatened to set his wife on fire once she fell asleep, the statement said.
Meyer also threatened to enter nearby Jane Ball Elementary School "and kill as many people as he could before police could stop him," the statement said. Meyer's home is less than 1,000 feet from the school and linked to it by trails and paths through a wooded area, police said.
Police said in the statement that they notified school officials and boosted security at all area schools Friday — the same day 26 people, including 20 students, were shot and killed at an elementary school in Newtown, Conn.
On Saturday, officers served warrants at Meyer's home and arrested him. The statement said police had learned that Meyer kept many weapons in his older, two-story home and "is a known member of the Invaders Motorcycle Gang."
Officers searched the home, finding 47 guns and ammunition worth more than $100,000 hidden throughout the home. Many of the weapons were collector's guns.
Cedar Lake is about 45 miles southeast of Chicago.
A dispatcher with Cedar Lake Police said that the police chief was not available for interviews until Monday.
Lake County police spokeswoman Patti Van Til said Sunday that a SWAT team from the department assisted in serving Saturday's warrants.
Mark Standen, former assistant director of the NSW Crime Commission, arrives for hearing at the Downing Centre Court in Sydney. Picture: Frank Violi Source: The Daily Telegraph
Former top cop found guilty of three charges
Had pleaded not guilty to drug conspiracy
Follows trial that lasted almost five months
ONE of the nation's most powerful investigators has been found guilty of plotting to import drugs worth more than $120 million.
Mark William Standen remained unmoved as the jury of 11 handed down their guilty verdicts to three charges today, after a Supreme Court trial lasting almost five months.
The former assistant director of the New South Wales Crime Commission had pleaded not guilty to conspiracy to import and supply more than 300kg of the drug pseudoephedrine, used to make speed and ice.
Standen, 54, also denied using his role as a senior detective to pervert the course of justice.
The father-of-four spent 25 days in the witness box during his trial in a bid to explain the hundreds of hours of covert evidence gathered in a lengthy investigation.
He admitted discussing an "unlawful scenario" with his business partner and friend Bakhos "Bill" Jalalaty, that would involve the importation of drugs in a shipment of rice - but he never believed his buddy was serious.
However he also admitted telling plenty of lies - especially to AFP investigators during a four-hour interview done shortly after his arrest on June 2, 2008.
The Crown alleged Standen's relationship with British-born informant James Henry Kinch, became corrupt, leading to the pair joining with legitimate businessman Bakhos "Bill" Jalalaty to stage the daring operation.
The Crown claimed Standen, motivated by a "dire" financial state thanks to gambling and other debts, had agreed to help Kinch import the drugs for a significant slice of the profits.
Jalalaty's legitimate business, Crown Prosecutor Tim Game SC argued, provided an authentic "front" for the illegal drug operation.
The jury's verdict ended a trial that was originally estimated to last about two months - but instead went for close to five. The case was beset with delay, frustration and controversy, with jurors at one stage threatening mutiny.
In a letter to the trial judge and lawyers for both sides, the jurors detailed the heavy impact the trial was having on their lives, as it entered the 15th week - with no end in sight.
Standen, who has been in protective custody for the past three years, now faces life in jail.
Following a series of gangland killings of police informers, a former Federal Court Judge, Sir Edward Woodward, made the alarming comment that corruption in Victoria was at the worst level ever. His comments cannot be ignored: not only because they were made to the Criminal Bar Association, but because he was a former Royal Commissioner into the notorious Ships' Painters and Dockers Union.
Whatever the accuracy of his observation, there can be no doubt that in several states of Australia, there has been an alarming increase in police corruption which damages the hard-earned reputation of the Australian police forces.
What is not widely recognised, however, is the link between police corruption, organised crime and the drug trade.
The problem of corruption varies from country to country. Often it is due to factors such as a weak legal system; inadequate pay for public servants; and a lack of accountability and transparency in government.
For Australia and other Western countries where the rule of law is well entrenched and government agencies have well-established anti-corruption practices, it frequently appears in attempts by organised crime to subvert the police force Drug revenue
As the main revenue sources for organised crime are drugs and prostitution, these are frequently linked with police corruption.
The direct cost of drug-related crime is huge. A Parliamentary report last year said that drug crimes cost the country some $2.5 billion a year, although the effects extend far beyond the direct cost, in terms of lives destroyed, violence, and the undermining of public institutions.
It is not surprising, therefore, that illegal drugs - heroin, marijuana and designer drugs such as ecstasy - are the common link between Melbourne's gangland killings and police corruption, as Victoria's Police Deputy Commissioner, Peter Nancarrow, said recently.
The position in Victoria has been so bad that the Drug Squad was disbanded in 2001, but it has subsequently become even worse.
Apart from the gangland murder of people who offered to testify in court against corrupt police, others in anti-corruption units have been threatened by both organised crime and corrupt police.
Clearly, the illicit drug trade is intimately linked with both police corruption and organised crime. If drugs could be removed from the equation, the problems in both these areas would be substantially lessened.
The key problem in Australia is that public policy on illegal drugs is hopelessly confused, at a number of levels.
First, the links between organised crime, police corruption and drugs is obscured by the official policy of treating all forms of drug abuse (tobacco, alcohol and illegal drugs) together.
This has been one of the central planks of the lobby which favours legalisation of drugs, on the Dutch model.
Australian governments have accepted this line, which finds its expression in terms such as "harm minimisation", a meaningless expression which actually means tolerance of the drug culture.
Yet there is very little in common between the problems of tobacco use, or even misuse of alcohol - the main "legal" drugs - and the illicit drug trade.
This confusion is perpetuated in the Federal Government's National Drug Strategy, which advocates a "harm minimisation" approach to both legal and illegal drugs, and views drug abuse as primarily a social and medical problem (which it clearly is with tobacco, at least), rather than a legal one (which is untrue, where heroin, marijuana and designer drugs are involved).
This approach was repeated in the recent House of Representatives report into drug abuse, Roads to Recovery, tabled in the House of Representatives in August, 2003.
Additionally, the legal approach to illegal drugs has been hopelessly compromised by policies of toleration pursued by various State governments. These include the legalisation of marijuana for "personal use" in some states, the widespread provision of free injecting kits for heroin addicts, legalised heroin injecting rooms, and the policy of giving heroin addicts access to methadone programs, without ensuring that they are heroin-free.
The result is that law enforcement programs are compromised by governments intent on accommodating the pro-drugs lobby. Additionally, police who lack clear guidelines to enforce an anti-drug policy, are subject to constant attempts to suborn them into accepting a share in the huge profits made by drug dealers, in other words, by organised crime.
If Australia is to deal with this problem, it will have to begin with a zero-tolerance policy towards illicit drugs, vigorous pursuit of drug traffickers, and forced rehabilitation of those convicted of illicit drug use, backed up by the power of imprisonment. Without this, it will be almost impossible to deal with the problems of organised crime and police corruption.
Peter Westmore is President of the National Civic Council
Victoria Police Chief Commissioner Ken Lay says the number of leaked police documents found in a series of raids is enormous.
Victoria Police revealed earlier this week that files from its LEAP database were found at three properties, including one linked to an outlaw motorcycle gang.
A special task force has been set up to investigate the leak and one officer has been suspended without pay.
It has been described as one of the most significant leaks in the history of the organisation.
Chief Commissioner Lay told Fairfax Radio that 1,000 files and thousands of documents have been leaked.
"Each of those files may be made up of one, two or 10 pieces of paper. So there are up towards 10,000 of pieces of paper that we're working our way through now," he said.
Mr Lay says some of the people named in the files are police informers who are at risk of being hurt.
"The advice I had this morning was that there were two very high risk matters that we needed to nail very quickly and it would appear we have done that," he said.
"We just do what's called a risk assessment and we work our way through what the best way of keeping these people safe is."
Mr Lay says the anti-corruption agency IBAC has been consulted about the leak but police are controlling the investigation.
"IBAC aren't in a position to do that, with how they're structured, but how the process is protected is that IBAC watches this very closely," he said.
"We will be reporting to them on an almost weekly basis. We're probably in contact with them on a daily basis."
Mike has a background in political science, economics, history and finance, with a PhD examining the international political economy of corruption and organised crime. He is currently conducting research…
Richard Roxburgh played corrupt NSW Police detective Roger Rogerson in the ABC miniseries Blue Murder rne
I wrote this short piece (https://theconversation.com/good-cop-bad-cop-how- corrupt-police-work-with-drug-dealers-6271) last year on some ...
Shamed senior police officer Mark Standen is lead away from King St Supreme Court after being found guilty of attempting to import a massive haul of pseudoephedrine. AAP/
The Australia21 report on illicit drugs draws much-needed attention to many serious issues, including the major role played by corrupt police in drug distribution networks.
The role played by drugs in police corruption is complex, and bears consideration when evaluating the report and arguments for a change in policy.
The connection between the illegal drugs markets and police corruption is well known. Booms in illegal drug markets in the US in the 1990s, for example, corresponded with a rise in police corruption and violent misconduct.
Similar connections between drugs and police corruption are found in many countries, and Australia is no exception, as demonstrated by the recent conviction of Mark Standen.
Illegal regulation
There are two common situations in which officers abuse (or choose not to use) their power in such a way as to benefit from the drug trade, each of which is often rationalised as an attempt to at least do something about the problem of illicit drugs – a form of “illegal regulation”.
The first of these is the theft of drugs or money from drug dealers.
When police officers are tasked with policing the prohibition of illicit drugs, first-hand experience leads many to believe they are unable to eliminate the industry, or that the people they steal from are unlikely to be arrested or convicted.
In this context, police officers in the UK, the US and Australia have justified stealing from drug dealers as a kind of tax or charge – an attempt to try and make it harder for dealers to do business.
The second common kind of police corruption is “green-lighting”, whereby police agree to turn a blind eye to dealers or groups that adhere to certain rules (e.g. no violence, no selling drugs to children).
This often used with the professed intention of creating a level of control over the drugs trade. Anyone who has seen the ABC TV series Blue Murder) will be familiar with the events uncovered by the New South Wales Independent Commission Against Corruption’s Milloo Inquiry, which alleged that criminal Arthur “Neddy” Smith’s activities had been green-lit by officers including the former detective Roger Rogerson, and that police officers sometimes even assisted Smith in the commission of crimes.
Fans of US TV show The Wire will recall “Hamsterdam”, the free zone where drug dealing was allowed on the condition that the drugs or violence did not spill onto other streets.
The reality is less noble-minded or contained; in New South Wales, for example, green-lighting of different groups by different officers created increasingly organised territorially defined cartels, and did nothing to stop the growth of the drugs trade.
It’s all in the game
Apart from any rationalisation for their behaviour as having some kind of noble cause, officers in these situations also face substantial material incentives.
In the market for drugs the high levels of inelastic demand (particularly in the case of highly addictive substances) and high prices create an very lucrative industry, and officers involved in extorting or protecting dealers can make substantial sums doing so.
One New York police officer made ten times his annual salary in protection money from drug dealers – so much that he often forgot to collect his legitimate pay.
Tackling these problems requires considering the incentives that officers face to engage in corruption, not just weeding out the odd bad cop. Despite the persistence of “bad apple” explanations of police corruption, many officers who are found to be corrupt often began as officers with a good, clean record of successful work.
Draining the swamp
While there may, of course, be bad individuals, of greater concern is that all officers are working in a “bad barrel” or “bad orchard” which is itself a corrupting influence.
The fact, then, that more officers do not become entangled in such activity is a credit to their integrity.
Any policy response to the issues raised in the Australia21 report should take care to ensure it has a real effect on the market for drugs and that it makes it easier for such officers to maintain that integrity by considering the ramifications for police corruption.
Andrew James McCracken you are a total disgrace! How can the public of south Australia have any faith in a policeman that laughs at his own daughter about being abused by a known and convicted pedophile and the daughter he adopted was raped,threatened and abused for many years.....I am alleging that Andrew James McCracken is also directly linked to the cover up of the murder of my mother and fabricating evidence and charges on me in order to help conceal my mothers murder from ever being exposed! Mr McCracken is a lowlife and will be exposed for his disgraceful conduct..........
Smashing police corruption in South AustraliaWhy did Andrew McCracken allow the pedophile that abused his daughter to get off "Scott free" and nothing was ever done to bring the known and convicted pedophile to justice??? Doesn't make any sense does it.....15 January
Smashing police corruption in South AustraliaOne thing that does make sense is Andrew James McCracken is involved in disgraceful misconduct and the protection of pedophiles from exposure in our courts and being brought to justice for their sick,twisted, evil crimes aginst women and children.....a pedophile supporting fukwit with a curly tail!
News Weekly, June 5, 2004 Following a series of gangland killings of police informers, a former Federal Court Judge, Sir Edward Woodward, made the alarming comment that corruption in Victoria was at the worst level ever. His comments cannot be ignored: not only because they were made to the Criminal Bar Association, but because he was a former Royal Commissioner into the notorious Ships' Painters and Dockers Union.
Whatever the accuracy of his observation, there can be no doubt that in several states of Australia, there has been an alarming increase in police corruption which damages the hard-earned reputation of the Australian police forces.
What is not widely recognised, however, is the link between police corruption, organised crime and the drug trade.
The problem of corruption varies from country to country. Often it is due to factors such as a weak legal system; inadequate pay for public servants; and a lack of accountability and transparency in government.
For Australia and other Western countries where the rule of law is well entrenched and government agencies have well-established anti-corruption practices, it frequently appears in attempts by organised crime to subvert the police force.
Drug revenue
As the main revenue sources for organised crime are drugs and prostitution, these are frequently linked with police corruption.
The direct cost of drug-related crime is huge. A Parliamentary report last year said that drug crimes cost the country some $2.5 billion a year, although the effects extend far beyond the direct cost, in terms of lives destroyed, violence, and the undermining of public institutions.
It is not surprising, therefore, that illegal drugs - heroin, marijuana and designer drugs such as ecstasy - are the common link between Melbourne's gangland killings and police corruption, as Victoria's Police Deputy Commissioner, Peter Nancarrow, said recently.
The position in Victoria has been so bad that the Drug Squad was disbanded in 2001, but it has subsequently become even worse.
Apart from the gangland murder of people who offered to testify in court against corrupt police, others in anti-corruption units have been threatened by both organised crime and corrupt police.
Clearly, the illicit drug trade is intimately linked with both police corruption and organised crime. If drugs could be removed from the equation, the problems in both these areas would be substantially lessened.
The key problem in Australia is that public policy on illegal drugs is hopelessly confused, at a number of levels.
First, the links between organised crime, police corruption and drugs is obscured by the official policy of treating all forms of drug abuse (tobacco, alcohol and illegal drugs) together.
This has been one of the central planks of the lobby which favours legalisation of drugs, on the Dutch model.
Australian governments have accepted this line, which finds its expression in terms such as "harm minimisation", a meaningless expression which actually means tolerance of the drug culture.
Yet there is very little in common between the problems of tobacco use, or even misuse of alcohol - the main "legal" drugs - and the illicit drug trade.
This confusion is perpetuated in the Federal Government's National Drug Strategy, which advocates a "harm minimisation" approach to both legal and illegal drugs, and views drug abuse as primarily a social and medical problem (which it clearly is with tobacco, at least), rather than a legal one (which is untrue, where heroin, marijuana and designer drugs are involved).
This approach was repeated in the recent House of Representatives report into drug abuse, Roads to Recovery, tabled in the House of Representatives in August, 2003.
Additionally, the legal approach to illegal drugs has been hopelessly compromised by policies of toleration pursued by various State governments. These include the legalisation of marijuana for "personal use" in some states, the widespread provision of free injecting kits for heroin addicts, legalised heroin injecting rooms, and the policy of giving heroin addicts access to methadone programs, without ensuring that they are heroin-free.
The result is that law enforcement programs are compromised by governments intent on accommodating the pro-drugs lobby. Additionally, police who lack clear guidelines to enforce an anti-drug policy, are subject to constant attempts to suborn them into accepting a share in the huge profits made by drug dealers, in other words, by organised crime.
If Australia is to deal with this problem, it will have to begin with a zero-tolerance policy towards illicit drugs, vigorous pursuit of drug traffickers, and forced rehabilitation of those convicted of illicit drug use, backed up by the power of imprisonment. Without this, it will be almost impossible to deal with the problems of organised crime and police corruption.
Peter Westmore is President of the National Civic Council
The story behind the police investigation that brought down Mark Standen, one of Australia's top crime fighting law enforcement officers.
He was considered a crime busting untouchable, a man at the heart of the nation's war on drugs. He had access to the very best police intelligence on organised crime both here and overseas. But some time in the past decade Mark Standen turned bad.
"I was shocked. I was really shocked. But then I started to think in retrospect, yeah I can understand how it happened." Defence Barrister
On Thursday 11th August, after a five month trial, a jury found Mark Standen guilty of conspiring to import and supply 300 kilograms of pseudoephedrine, a chemical that could produce $60 million worth of "ice", or crystal meth. He was also found guilty of perverting the course of justice.
Now reporter Marian Wilkinson tells the story of Mark Standen's rise and fall. Using evidence from the court case, audio records of phone taps and police interview tapes, she tells how a top crime fighter crossed to the dark side and how police on three continents tracked him and brought him to justice.
It is a tale of greed, duplicity and betrayal that has forced Australia's law enforcement agencies to re-assess what they are doing and who they can trust. Others are calling for a Royal Commission into the scandal over concern that it is still not clear how far the corruption associated with Mark Standen's activities may have spread.
Presented by Kerry O'Brien, "Standen: The Inside Man" goes to air on Monday 15th August at 8.30pm on ABC1. It is replayed on Tuesday 16th August at 11.35pm. It can also be seen on ABC News 24 at 8.00pm Saturdays, ABC iview and at abc.net.au/4corners.
Court hears former top cop Mark Standen told 'many lies'
FORMER top cop Mark Standen had "lied without pause" in a bid to explain his criminality, giving jurors a version that was "entirely implausible", a court has heard.
Crown Prosecutor Tim Game SC has begun his closing address to the jury, who will next week begin deliberations in Standen's long-running trial.
The former NSW Crime Commission assistant director, who gave evidence in his own defence case for 16 days plus a further nine in cross-examination, is accused of conspiring to import drugs with two other men, including former informant James Kinch.
He denies three charges, and claims instead he was effectively humouring his businessman friend and alleged co-conspirator Bill Jalalaty who had a string of whacky ideas that never came to fruition.
In addressing the jury today, Mr Game said Standen had told "a series of lies - complex and interrelated lies" in trying to convince the jury he was not guilty.
"It's not a nice thing to say but the Crown case is that (Standen) lied without pause for 25 days and transparently so," Mr Game said.
"(He told) many, many, many demonstrable lies involving quite complicated ins and outs of evidence (which) can be exposed as lies."
Mr Game said the Crown submitted that Standen's evidence was "entirely implausible".
Standen had admitted in his evidence discussing with Jalalaty an "unlawful scenario" in which drugs could be imported in a shipment of rice - but he never believed his friend was serious.
Mr Game asked the jury to examine the details of Standen's version, and said they would find it untenable and unsubstantiated.
"There was no 'unlawful scenario'," he said.
"The Crown case is that Mr Standen was a persistent liar over a very substantial period of time."
Mr Game's address is expected to continue for a couple of days, before Standen's barrister Mark Ierace SC begins his closing.
Justice Bruce James is expected to sum up to the jury early next week.
Posted by Shadow Catcher
Meet our new Assistant Commissioners
"For the ABC the trial would go on for another decade..."
Click below to see Vidoe of ABC archives...od the Fitzgerald Inquiry in May 1987....
When the Queensland government announced what was to become the Fitzgerald Inquiry in May 1987, I was anxious rather than elated. Four Corners had laboured for many months to demonstrate a link between organised crime and senior police. My expectation was a government orchestrated whitewash rather than the energetic purging of forces that had corrupted policing and politics. When the ABC was given standing before the Commission I was more comforted. Witnesses we relied upon became important to the Inquiry. For the ABC the trial would go on for another decade, by which time important reforms were already reaching beyond Queensland...
Media reports of police involvement in organised crime and the vice industry were the catalyst for Queensland's Commission of Inquiry into Possible Illegal Activities and Associated Police Misconduct, better known as the Fitzgerald Inquiry. The two-year inquiry revealed systemic corruption leading all the way to the State's premier Sir Joh Bjelke-Petersen. It produced more than 120 prosecutions, the deposition of Bjelke-Petersen, the suspension and imprisonment of Police Commissioner Terence Lewis and the ultimate demise of the National Party Government in Queensland after 32 years of continuous rule. What made the Fitzgerald Inquiry effective were the powers granted to the investigator and the broad terms of reference. Innovations such as indemnity from prosecution for key witnesses set a new pattern for inquiries in Australia. Royal commissions into policing were subsequently held in New South Wales and Western Australia but the extent of political connections uncovered in Queensland made that case unique.
Chris Masters' Four Corners report 'Moonlight State' is a seminal piece of Australian investigative journalism and is credited, alongside Courier-Mail reporter Phil Dickie's work, with prompting the Fitzgerald Inquiry. In this excerpt, former brothel owner John Stopford - later a witness to the Inquiry - describes paying off the licensing branch of the Queensland Police in order to run his business. He also recalls in the lead-up to a state election, delivering large cash payments to political parties on behalf of organised crime.
THE biggest corruption scandal since the Fitzgerald inquiry, with claims of police in major drug trafficking, is set to rock the force.
The allegations centre on the Gold Coast and are believed to concern some members of the Queensland Police Service, The Courier-Mailreports.
The Crime and Misconduct Commission is tipped to call a public inquiry into allegations Gold Coast police have been involved with organised crime gangs, including outlaw bikies, importing drugs and dealing them through some of the Glitter Strip's nightclubs.
More than 20 officers are understood to have been hauled before secret CMC hearings to forcibly answer questions or give evidence against allegedly crooked colleagues. Phone taps, listening devices and covert surveillance are believed to have been used to gather evidence.
"This will be the biggest corruption scandal since Fitzgerald," a senior police source said.
"It will unfortunately drag down the reputation of the police service once again."
A multimillion-dollar cocaine bust on the Gold Coast last year is believed to have helped spark the CMC probe, which has been running for several months.
The CMC is investigating allegations cocaine went missing from a Gold Coast police station.
The Surfers Paradise police station was raided on Sunday, as well as another Coast station.
On Monday, in a separate incident, a Surfers Paradise constable was stood down on full pay pending an investigation after a drug bust in Brisbane's Fortitude Valley.
The scandal follows last year's Operation Capri which resulted in the damning CMC report Dangerous Liaisons.
"This will make Capri look very small," the police source said. "We're talking about allegations of police involvement in importing drugs into Australia and distributing them through the Gold Coast nightclub scene.
"Police on the Coast, by nature, work pretty closely with the seedier side of the tourism industry and it would seem some may have fallen for temptation and dragged the rest of their colleagues down with them."
Another source said drug dealers were blatantly plying their trade in nightclubs - with off-duty police present.
It is believed key players have not been questioned by the CMC, leading to speculation a public inquiry was imminent. Yesterday, the CMC said suggestions of a "major drug trafficking investigation" were "incorrect".
But a spokeswoman said illegal drugs were part of an ongoing police misconduct probe, Operation Tesco, and would not rule out a public inquiry.
HE may have a North Queensland Cowboys jersey hanging on his wall but new Assistant Police Commissioner Paul Wilson promises he will be watching the Titans with interest next season.
Mr Wilson started his new post as the assistant commissioner for the southeastern region on Monday, the next logical step in an impressive 34 years with the police service after leaving Townsville two weeks ago.
Since starting out as a cadet in 1974, Mr Wilson has served throughout Queensland at both metropolitan and rural criminal investigation branches which have included Mount Isa, Brisbane, Redcliffe, Caboolture, Proserpine, Mackay and the Sunshine Coast.
However, the Gold Coast will serve as home for the foreseeable future and Mr Wilson said he was definitely looking forward to his stint here.
"I've never been stationed in the southeast region but I've done a lot of jobs down here as a detective over the years," he said.
"It's a unique location here in so much as it's an international tourist destination and as a result of that it's probably one of the most unique police environments in the country.
"Policing is the same the world over, it's just a unique environment here."
Mr Wilson has held a number of highly regarded positions over the years including three years as superintendent in charge of the north Brisbane police district and two years as detective chief superintendent on the State Crime Operations Command.
He said it was his time as a detective that had shaped him the most.
"Nothing daunts me in the job because I come from an operational background," he said.
"Being an old detective I have a keen interest in major criminal investigations to ensure, especially with homicides, that my staff get the right resources to ensure they are thorough investigations."
His dedication to his job has meant Mr Wilson and his family have had to travel all over the state -- the Gold Coast is just another notch on an impressive list of postings.
"When my wife and I left Townsville recently in our 30th year of marriage, it was our 15th change of residence in the job," he said.
"We have three adult daughters. This is the second occasion they didn't move with us but that's what it's been, a family journey. In fact, it's been an adventure."
It is this adventure that has helped keep Mr Wilson in the job so long, and perhaps even what has made him so good at it.
"I've lived all across Queensland. We've been a bit of a Leyland Brothers in moving around but I think the great adventure that is available to police officers and moving around this vast state, the life experience you acquire you bring with you," he said.
Mr Wilson has come to the Gold Coast just in time for some of the city's biggest events, which he said would present a new challenge for him.
"It's a good time to come because you see what's happening. I've come at the right time of the year to experience the major events of Indy, Schoolies, Christmas and New Year.
"I've previously been to all those events as a non-local police officer; now I come as the local police chief.
"I've already been to some of the planning events for the Indy event coming up and I look forward to meeting and working in conjunction with our emergency services and community groups in ensuring that public safety is paramount."
Mr Wilson said he looked forward to his time on the Coast and was passionate about policing after his 34 years in the business.
"I've still got a few years left in the job," he said. "I've been at it a long time, I should know what I'm on about."
Congratulations to our four new Assistant Commissioners announced today:
Assistant Commissioner Peter Crawford
Peter Crawford, the Chief Superintendent of Ethical Standards Command since May 2011, will become the Assistant Commissioner of the new Intelligence, Counter-Terrorism and Major Events Command.
Assistant Commissioner Crawford began his policing career in Beenleigh in 1987 before serving in Metropolitan South Region and performing a variety of plain clothes and detective roles in Logan District.
He was a Senior Sergeant in the Office of the Commissioner and State Crime Operations Command (SCOC) before being promoted to Inspector and Superintendent in SCOC.
Assistant Commissioner Alistair Dawson
Alistair Dawson, currently Chief Superintendent at the G20 Group, will return to Operations Support Command (OSC) as the new Assistant Commissioner.
Assistant Commissioner Dawson first served at Brisbane City Station in 1982. He spent time in the traffic branch and water police before being promoted to Sergeant and Senior Sergeant in Disaster and Major Events Planning.
He was promoted to Inspector for CHOGM in 2000 before serving in Southern and South Eastern regions. He was appointed as the Superintendent, Logan District Officer in 2007 before being appointed as Chief Superintendent of OSC in November 2010.
Assistant Commissioner Bob Gee
Bob Gee, currently Chief Superintendent of the State Traffic Support Branch, will be the new Assistant Commissioner of the Information Technology Division.
His first position was in Rockhampton in 1987 before transferring to Brisbane City Station. He had roles in Operations Support Command and Office of the Commissioner before being promoted to Inspector at Ethical Standards Command in 1999.
Assistant Commissioner Gee was then an Inspector in Metropolitan North Region before progressing to Superintendent at Ethical Standards Command. He was promoted to his current role in 2011.
Assistant Commissioner Gayle Hogan
Gayle Hogan has been promoted to Assistant Commissioner of State Crime Command (SCC).Assistant Commissioner Hogan began her policing career at the Academy in 1976.
She was sworn in to Brisbane City Station in 1978 before serving throughout Brisbane, Charleville and Mount Isa. After returning to Brisbane, Assistant Commissioner Hogan was promoted to Senior Sergeant at Toowoomba CIB in 1996 before serving at Ethical Standards Command, and becoming an Inspector performing various roles in Metropolitan South Region.
She was promoted to Detective Superintendent and then Detective Chief Superintendent at State Crime Operations Command in 2005 and 2011 respectively.
In addition to these promotions, a number of existing Assistant Commissioners will also commence new roles:
Mike Condon – Central Region
Steve Gollschewski – Road Policing Command
Peter Martin – Brisbane Region
Paul Stewart – Community Contact Command
Paul Wilson – Education and Training Command
Tony Wright – Southern Region
The following Assistant Commissioners will remain in their current roles:
Peter Barron – Crime and Misconduct Commission
Katarina Carroll – G20 Group
Paul Doyle – Ethical Standards Command
Clem O’Regan – Northern Region
Graham Rynders – South Eastern Region
The existing Chief Superintendents have been assigned as follows:
Minister for Police and Community Safety
The Honourable Jack Dempsey
New QPS Assistant Commissioners announced
Minister for Police and Community Safety
The Honourable Jack Dempsey
Thursday, May 09, 2013
New QPS Assistant Commissioners announced
Police Minister Jack Dempsey has welcomed the appointment of four new Assistant Commissioners into the Queensland Police Service (QPS).
The new executives will take up their posts as part of Police Commissioner Ian Stewart’s corporate restructure of the service due to be implemented on 1 July.
Mr Dempsey said he welcomed the announcement and looked forward to the contribution they will make in the service and the Queensland community.
“Peter Crawford, Alistair Dawson, Bob Gee and Gayle Hogan have already proven themselves as exceptional police officers and first class administrators and will undoubtedly make fine additions to the QPS executive,” Mr Dempsey said.
“The new Assistant Commissioners will also be responsible for assisting Commissioner Ian Stewart to implement his vision for the QPS which will see the service prepare and evolve for policing well into the 21st century.”
Commissioner Stewart also congratulated the new appointees and wished them well in their new roles.
“They are highly respected and professional officers who I am confident will lead the Service well into the future,” Commissioner Stewart said.
“I welcome them into the senior executive of the organisation,” Commissioner Stewart said.
Peter Crawford, the Chief Superintendent of Ethical Standards Command since May 2011, will become the Assistant Commissioner of the new Intelligence, Counter-Terrorism and Major Events Command.
Assistant Commissioner Crawford began his policing career in Beenleigh in 1987 before serving in Metropolitan South Region and performing a variety of plain clothes and detective roles in Logan District.
He was a Senior Sergeant in the Office of the Commissioner and State Crime Operations Command (SCOC) before being promoted to Inspector and Superintendent in SCOC.
Alistair Dawson, currently Chief Superintendent at the G20 Group, will return to Operations Support Command (OSC) as the new Assistant Commissioner.
Assistant Commissioner Dawson first served at Brisbane City Station in 1982. He spent time in the traffic branch and water police before being promoted to Sergeant and Senior Sergeant in Disaster and Major Events Planning.
He was promoted to Inspector for CHOGM in 2000 before serving in Southern and South Eastern regions. He was appointed as the Superintendent, Logan District Officer in 2007 before being appointed as Chief Superintendent of OSC in November 2010.
Bob Gee, currently Chief Superintendent of the State Traffic Support Branch, will be the new Assistant Commissioner of the Information Technology Division.
His first position was in Rockhampton in 1987 before transferring to Brisbane City Station. He had roles in Operations Support Command and Office of the Commissioner before being promoted to Inspector at Ethical Standards Command in 1999.
Assistant Commissioner Gee was then an Inspector in Metropolitan North Region before progressing to Superintendent at Ethical Standards Command. He was promoted to his current role in 2011.
Gayle Hogan has been promoted to Assistant Commissioner of State Crime Command (SCC).
Assistant Commissioner Hogan began her policing career at the Academy in 1976. She was sworn in to Brisbane City Station in 1978 before serving throughout Brisbane, Charleville and Mount Isa. After returning to Brisbane, Assistant Commissioner Hogan was promoted to Senior Sergeant at Toowoomba CIB in 1996 before serving at Ethical Standards Command, and becoming an Inspector performing various roles in Metropolitan South Region.
She was promoted to Detective Superintendent and then Detective Chief Superintendent at State Crime Operations Command in 2005 and 2011 respectively.
In addition to these promotions, a number of existing Assistant Commissioners will also commence new roles:
Mike Condon – Central Region
Steve Gollschewski – Road Policing Command
Peter Martin – Brisbane Region
Paul Stewart – Community Contact Command
Paul Wilson – Education and Training Command
Tony Wright – Southern Region
The following Assistant Commissioners will remain in their current roles:
Peter Barron – Crime and Misconduct Commission
Katarina Carroll – G20 Group
Paul Doyle – Ethical Standards Command
Clem O’Regan – Northern Region
Graham Rynders – South Eastern Region
The existing Chief Superintendents have been assigned as follows:
Brent Carter – North Brisbane District
Brian Codd – Ethical Standards Command
Steve Hollands – South Eastern Region
Mike Keating – G20 Group
Allan McCarthy – South Brisbane District
Paul Taylor – Far North District
The QPS will start the recruitment process for the two remaining Chief Superintendent positions (Logan District and Information Technology Division) in the near future.
Commissioner Stewart said the QPS had also advertised a new Deputy Commissioner position. Applications close on May 20.
“The position was provided for in the new structure that was announced on 7 January and will take effect on or soon after 1 July,” Commissioner Stewart said.
“The portfolio for the position is strategy, policy and performance. It will provide the building blocks of how police services will be delivered, managed, measured and reformed.
“This area has the capacity to reduce red tape and drive significant productivity improvements.”
[ENDS] 9 May 2013
Media Contacts: Danny Donald 0439 719 116 or Lea Emery 0417 226 114
Queensland police have embarked on a a crusade aimed at reducing violent crime and alcohol-related offences on the Gold Coast south of Brisbane.
LEIGH SALES, PRESENTER: Is the Gold Coast the most dangerous place in Australia?
A spate of armed robberies and fatal shootings in the tourist city have police on the run and residents are asking why the city has become so violent.
Police are coming to the end of a month-long crime blitz called Operation Seymour and Peter McCutcheon spent a night on the beat.
PETER MCCUTCHEON, REPORTER: It's 11 o'clock on a Friday night at Surfers Paradise and police officers are out clubbing.
PAUL ZIEBARTH, QLD POLICE SUPERINTENDENT: The whole idea was we get our police out on the beat, in the clubs, importantly, all of the clubs, every club in Surfers Paradise will see the police in there with high vis' vests on.
PETER MCCUTCHEON: There are more than 100 drinking spots within two square kilometres of this strip. And the place is teeming with police. Not a good time or place to go driving without a licence.
The high visibility of police on party nights is part of a Queensland Government drink safe program, introduced as a two-year trial late last year. And the man overseeing this operation on the glitter strip is superintendent Paul Zebath.
PAUL ZIEBARTH: Everyone wants service to be safe, they want people to come in, enjoy 'emselves. They don't want the drunken element to go over the line and become offenders or perpetrators of crime.
PETER MCCUTCHEON: But in the outer suburbs of the Gold Coast, policing takes on a different role. These officers are preparing for night shift in the Coomera district as part of Operation Seymour, a month-long blitz on serious crime involving 50 extra police.
PAUL WILSON, QLD ASST POLICE COMMISSIONER: And it's intelligence-driven patrolling where they look at our hot spots, whether it be breaking and entering, stealing, theft of motor vehicles. One of the things we are liking to do is visit all the areas that are normally targets for our robberies, which our soft targets, and going to them, visiting the store owners, ensuring that we are having aggressive patrolling.
PETER MCCUTCHEON: Assistant commissioner Paul Wilson explains the trigger for this blitz was a spike in armed robberies earlier this year. At one stage there were five shootings and three deaths in just seven weeks.
The game-changer was the fatal shooting of a police officer.
STEVE FLORI, INSPECTOR, COOMERA POLICE: The death of Detective Senior Constable Leeding was a blow to not only my staff, but the wider community.
PETER MCCUTCHEON: There were extraordinary scenes on the streets of the Gold Coast in June as tens of thousands paid tribute to a fallen officer and the effects of this tragedy are still being felt.
What do you say to officers after something like that?
STEVE FLORI: Yeah, that's a good question, isn't it? It's really - it's not a one-answer possible to that question. Different people have suffered in different ways. We're obviously supporting Damian's family and that will be ongoing.
PETER MCCUTCHEON: Assistant commissioner Wilson admits the spate of shootings has affected morale.
PAUL WILSON: It certainly worries our staff that there's a lot of people armed with guns here. It's very serious and our police have to be operationally aware in everything they do.
PETER MCCUTCHEON: Since the shootings, Queensland Police have also set up Taskforce Resolve, a specialist squad tackling violent and serious crime in this part of the state. Yet for all this flurry of activity and extra resources, Queensland Police deny the Gold Coast is becoming more dangerous.
PAUL WILSON: Unfortunately, there has been shootings, but if you go back in the last several decades you will find that this area, like any other capital city, and it is the sixth-biggest city in Australia, that does have crime of this nature. And unfortunately, with the Gold Coast's international tourist identity and those crimes taking place, it does get a fair share of sometimes a little bit more publicity than it probably should.
PETER MCCUTCHEON: How confident are you that this is not a sign that crime is actually increasing here?
PAUL WILSON: Well technically the armed robbery raid of 2011 is the same of 2000.
PETER MCCUTCHEON: The worry is that bad publicity will ultimately affect tourism and undermine the Gold Coast's image as a place for fun, even if it is sometimes with an edge. And superintendent Ziebarth believes he's making progress in tackling drug and alcohol abuse.
Perception is important given that this is a tourist city. From you on the ground, have you noticed any change in the last year or so?
PAUL ZIEBARTH: Look, the interesting thing about the Gold Coast is the sheer volume of people. We've got a large population, sixth-biggest city, four million visitors a year. One of the key things for us is getting the community on board and public perception is something we need to work on.
LEIGH SALES: Peter McCutcheon on the Gold Coast.
top cop settles into new job- goldcoastnews sept 28th 2008
QLD Senator Peter Wellington & Assistant Police Commissioner Paul
Published on 9 Mar 2013
Senator Peter Wellington as a young rooky cop & The Queensland Assistant Police Commissioner Homicide Detective Paul Wilson stars in this Police Bashing film from Chanel Seven News Brisbane.
Corrupt Police stole the film from channel 7 Brisbane studios and thought all copies were destroyed.
The CJC obtained a Copy and recently the CMC Opened its doors to the Victims of Police corruption and copies of Files and other Police films were accessed.
Unlawful Police Bashings today the Queensland government is Lying that Senator Peter Wellington and Detective Paul Wilson gave evidence to the Fitzgerald Inquiry so are ***** Protected from prosecutions and have Immunity for criminal Acts .........And the Victims ? ......
The Queensland Government is saying to the Victims fuck you.........your not getting compensated despite an attempted murder in 1988 by Homicide Detective Paul Wilson ....where the victims neck was Broken in 3 places C2 C3 C5 ; Brainstem injury %72 : a Hole ripped into the victims Heart . Intentionally state government Denied Full Medical Disability Pension 1990 .
Police verbally State to Citizens " Your Under Arrest " .
The United Nations HUMAN RIGHTS Organization is very Specific about Beatings and Bashings of people " Under Arrest " & such Violations are considered " Torture " :
Queensland Premier Campbell Newman advocates Executive government corruption IF its Kept SECRET eh well hidden by NEW state Laws to protect people who really never did Testify to the Fitzgerald Inquiry ........But the QLD Govt Says YES They Did IF WE Say they did & the Tax Payers have NO choice but to believe the governments Gobbshite ! . Fascist Regime of closed Doors Court hearings to *Protect the executive corrupt members of Parliament.
POLICE STATE - Cops Arrest Boy For Standing Up Against His Bullies
The Police service is protecting him. It's only a very persistent victim that is giving hope of justice
A POLICE officer who assaulted an elderly homeless man in a mall seven years ago has failed to stop the Crime and Misconduct Commission trying to have him disciplined.
Bruce Rowe was assaulted in Brisbane's Queen Street Mall in 2006 when some police officers pinned him to the ground and Constable Benjamin Arndt kneed him.
Constable Arndt was found guilty of assaulting Mr Rowe and fined $1000, with no conviction recorded, after a private prosecution.
After the CMC referred a complaint from Mr Rowe to the Queensland Police Service, an assistant commissioner decided Constable Arndt needed only "managerial guidance'', and there was no disciplinary action.
The CMC has applied to the Queensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal for that decision to be reviewed, on the ground that Constable Arndt should have been disciplined for misconduct.
Constable Arndt tried to strike out the CMC application, saying it lacked substance and the tribunal did not have jurisdiction to deal with it.
The tribunal heard when the CMC first investigated Mr Rowe's complaint, it found there had been an illegal assault and referred a report to the QPS for any disciplinary action.
In February, the QPS told the CMC that managerial guidance had been provided to Constable Arndt.
The officer was told no further action would be taken in relation to the complaint and no adverse reference would be put on his personal file, the tribunal heard.
Tribunal member Michelle Howard said the CMC Act allowed the tribunal to review specified decisions made about police officers if the CMC applied.
While Constable Arndt argued there had been no reviewable decision, Ms Howard found there had been a decision in relation to an allegation of misconduct regarding the unlawful assault.
On May 10, she found that it was a reviewable decision that was made within the appropriate time and dismissed Constable Arndt's application.
Gold Coast surf shop worker claims to be second man brutally bashed at Surfers Paradise police station
A GOLD Coast surf shop worker claims to be the second man brutally bashed while handcuffed in the bowels of Surfers Paradise police station.
Josh Gowdie, 21, is suing the Queensland Police Service for tens of thousands of dollars in damages.
He claims he was assaulted and thrown into a brick wall inside the Orchid Ave police station in December, 2011.
CCTV footage of the incident, obtained by Mr Gowdie's lawyers, was broadcast last night by Channel 9.
Mr Gowdie was allegedly bashed a month before chef Noah Begic claims to have been subjected to similar police brutality in the basement of the Surfers police station. He, too, is suing the police service for a six-figure sum.
"The police can't be allowed to get away with this sort of thing," Mr Gowdie told The Courier-Mail last night. "The two officers who did this to me are not fit to be in the police service."
Mr Gowdie said the incident happened in Surfers in the early hours of December 5, 2011, when he was "standing up for a female who got arrested".
He said police pushed, shoved and punched him in the street before hurling him against a brick wall in a passageway inside the police station. "I didn't do a single thing to deserve it," he said.
"I told them I'd had shoulder surgery and they (police) said they'd dislocate my shoulder again. "I suffered multiple injuries including cuts and bruising, grazes, claw marks and a chipped tooth and I still get flashbacks."
Mr Gowdie said he was speaking out now because he was frustrated at the slow pace of the police investigation.
A QPS spokeswoman said the investigation was ongoing.
A MAN allegedly bashed by police under the Surfers Paradise police station has launched legal action against the state of Queensland.
Noa Begic was arrested after a night out in Surfers Paradise in January last year and taken to the basement of the local police station, where CCTV footage appeared to show him being punched and thrown to the ground by officers.
The Courier-Mail posted exclusive footage of the incident on its website and all charges against Mr Begic were later dropped.
However, he has now taken legal action, engaging high-profile law firm Maurice Blackburn to sue the state of Queensland in a civil suit. He is believed to be seeking a six-figure settlement.
A close friend of Mr Begic said it was taking a long time for the mental scars to heal after the ordeal. "He was very anxious about police for a long while as you can imagine," said the friend. "He is trying to get on with his life and sees this as a chance to close the door on that chapter."
Two of the four officers allegedly involved in the incident remain suspended from duty while the Queensland Police Service's Ethical Standards Command runs its own investigation.
Mr Begic had been drinking with friends after finishing his shift at a Surfers Paradise restaurant when he was approached by police officers. He was arrested and taken to the basement of the nearby police station.
CCTV then appears to show a handcuffed Mr Begic being flung to the ground before being punched several times in the head by one of the officers as he is pushed into the back of a police wagon.
One of the officers is then shown pouring a bucket of water over what looks to be a puddle of blood on the basement floor.
Mr Begic was charged with being a public nuisance and obstructing police after he allegedly directed numerous loud and abusive comments towards officers patrolling the Surfers nightclub strip.
The charges against Mr Begic were thrown out last June. Mr Begic has also asked the Queensland Police Service to pay his legal costs from that court action.
The ethical standards investigation into the affair continues, while an investigation is also under way into an officer accused of leaking the CCTV footage to the newspaper.
Officer who failed to issue alert on sinking boat set to be demoted
A POLICE officer who failed to alert authorities that a boat was sinking in the Torres Strait before five people died is likely to be demoted, after a successful Crime and Misconduct Commission appeal.
A girl, four, and four other people drowned when the Malu Sara went down on the way from Saibai to Badu Island in October 2005.
Thursday Island Sergeant Warren Flegg was told the vessel was taking on water but did not tell rescue authorities that the boat was in distress until hours later.
After a disciplinary hearing an Assistant Commissioner found Sgt Flegg should be demoted to Senior Constable for two years, but suspended the order, subject to him completing training. In February last year a Queensland Civil and Administrative Appeal Tribunal senior member dismissed the CMC's appeal against that decision, finding that the sanction was appropriate.
But the CMC brought a fresh appeal, on the basis that a reasonable tribunal would have found the sanction "unreasonable or plainly unjust". The Commission no longer asked for Sgt Flegg to be dismissed.
On February 20 QCAT appeal tribunal members Justice Alan Wilson and Dr Bridget Cullen said a suspended sentence did not reflect the seriousness of Sgt Flegg's misconduct and it was "surprising". "His failure to pass on critical information as soon as practicable was a very serious omission, particularly when he was a trained search and rescue co-ordinator," Justice Wilson said. "The failure to discharge that duty persisted for some hours, compounding its seriousness."
Justice Wilson said in his view Sgt Flegg should be demoted to Senior Constable for two years from a date to be decided and be allowed to apply for a sergeant's position only after two years, under certain conditions.
I don't know much about this but a man claims that in 1988 he saw Qld. Assistant Police Commissioner Paul Wilson murder a uniformed police officer then leave the scene of the murder (in Airlie Beach North Queensland) looking like a suicide.
Shortly afterwards Wilson and underworld associates allegedly stole 2 tons of confiscated cocaine from Airlie Beach police station. When asked about the missing drugs, the cops simply said, "We can't find it. It's been lost..."
The witness was subsequently savagely beaten in an apparent attempt to shut him up. He has tried various avenues to draw attention to his matters but has hit a brick wall throughout, not very surprisingly.
The claims are in an eBook available on Amazon here ... which see -- JR
The Governor Generals Star Chamber [Kindle Edition]
A shocking true account of crimes perpetrated against the victim of Attempted Murder by Queensland Detective Paul Wilson in Airlie Beach North Queensland Australia in 1988 .
Every thing you thought you knew about Australian Police, the Law, Solicitors, Justice & the Australian Supreme Court is about to change forever.
As your taken step by step through the accounts that left a victim with his Neck Broken in 3 places a Hole torn into his Heart from blunt force trauma whiplash like effect of the blow intended to kill him, & a Horrific %72 Brain stem Injury, in a premeditated unprovoked cowardly attack while he was a Union Member & working.
Covered by Queensland Government Union Workers Compensation Scheme, the attempted murder Eye Witnessed By Australia's Most Senior Government Accredited Work Place Accident & Safety Officer.
The victim intentionally denied a full medical Disability pension by the Queensland Government in 1990 to keep Eye Witness evidence & the Detectives name & the Attempted Murder from court records.
Numerous Doctors of the victim threatened by Queensland Police, one female Doctor girl friend of the victim claimed to have been stopped in the evening on a lonely country road & was forced to enter the Detectives Police car, on arrival at her residence that evening shaken and in shock stated she would be HIV Tested the following morning.
A Queensland Senator Peter Wellington then a lawyer listened to the victims complaint details for more than one hour & responded to the complaint in two words " PROTECT YOURSELVES ".
Today the victim remains uncompensated unable to ever work again since 1990 and the Queensland Detective promoted to Assistant Commissioner uncharged by the Queensland Crime And Misconduct Commission or Queensland Government.
The entire Injustice orchestrated by the President of the Queensland Law Society, Quentin Bryce who when promoted to Queensland Governor used her Powers in charge of the Chief Justice of the Queensland Courts to implement a closed Doors STAR CHAMBER where the victim was forced to attend a Fraudulent, unlawful, Supreme Court action with no Eye Witness, no legal defense, no solicitors, & kept in the Witness stand for Two Days.
Wikileaks describes this written account as Scientific Journalism the first of its kind.
The Story that had Australian ABC journalist sent to the front line in Iraq.
International Investigative Journalist see's parallels between 1975 events & the purportedly Defunct NUGAN HAND BANK &
Australian PM Whitlam removed from office in 1975 by the Australian Governor General Sir John Kerr who was President of CIA funded LawAsia.
Qld Police Commissioner Stewart
An interesting email received:
Commissioner Stewart is currently under investigation by the Anti-discrimination Commission for acts of reprisal against police officer, Senior Constable Lyn Jones for participating in a public interest disclosure.
The public interest disclosure concerned a forensic officer from the Fingerprint Bureau Brisbane stealing from a crime scene. The incident was reported to senior management at the Fingerprint Bureau, Inspector Brendan Keleher and Inspector Tony Carstensen, who then bullied staff not to report the incident as they had both applied for promotion and "didn't want anything interferring in their promotional prospects".
After disclosing the incident to Ethical Standard Command, S/C Jones was advised by Senior Sergeant Blair Webber at the Fingerprint Bureau that the senior officers were "drumming up" complaints against her to "get rid of her". Five (5) months later S/C Jones was managerially transferred from the fingerprint bureau under allegations of complaints made against her. One (1) month later she was suspended without pay in relation to false complaints submitted by Sergeant David Reece, Sergeant Waldo Kowalsky and S/Sgt Blair Webber of the fingerprint bureau.
The complaints were investigated by Inspector Ray Rohweder who is a known associate and mate of S/Sgt Webber. Rohweder was also under investigation, at that time, for threating and bullying staff. After being found guilty of these offences, Rohweder was managerially transferred from Ethical Standard Command, but made sure he took S/C Jones' disciplinary file with him. Rohweder then continued to "drum up" complaints against her.
Three (3) years later S/C Jones is still suspended without pay on false complaints. To date, her disciplinary file is over 1000 pages as Inspector Rohweder collects statements from "rent a crowd".
CMC advised S/C Jones in March 2012 that "from the documents ESC had provided it was quite obvious that the QPS was trying to get rid of her as she had been labelled a 'trouble maker' for being a whistleblower".
The public should hear not only about the bad cops, but what happens to the good cops who dob them in. Officer who particpate in a public interest disclosures and tell the truth get bastardised by management, receive death threats and labelled "dogs". If we keep our mouths shut we get dismissed from the service for not dobbing them in. In other words, we're dammed if we do and dammed if we don't.
But S/C Jones is not one for being bullied by the "boys club" and has submitted a complaint to the Anti-Discrimination Commission for the QPS's acts of reprisal. I wish her luck, but she's more likely to "disappear" like S/Sgt Mike Isles before they'll let her win.
Tuesday, January 15, 2013
CMC says police officer got off lightly after 'forgetting' to act on tip-off
Qld. Police negligence leads to death
THE CMC has accused the police service of failing to appropriately discipline an officer whose inaction may have contributed to the death of a missing man.
Queensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal documents show that Barry Powell, 64, was still alive and would have been for at least another 24 hours when a local rang police to report sighting an abandoned vehicle at Wyandra in the state's southwest that belonged to Mr Powell on December 6, 2009.
His body was eventually discovered nearby in dense bushland five days later.
The temperature at the time the vehicle was abandoned was about 40C. He had been travelling with his dog, a black labrador, and at the time temperatures soared to more than 40C.
An internal police investigation found officer-in-charge of Augathella station, Sergeant Andrew Ernest Thomas, "failed to take appropriate action" after he was told of an abandoned vehicle.
"At about 8.30am on the 11th of December 2009 the body of Barry Frederick Powell was located in bushland approximately 650m northeast from his vehicle," Deputy Commissioner Ross Barnett said in a notice of formal finding dated November 20, 2012, lodged in QCAT.
"It is estimated Mr Powell was alive until the morning of December 8 2009."
Mr Barnett said Sgt Thomas failed to investigate or consider the likelihood that a person who abandoned the vehicle might need assistance and the consequences of them not receiving any, particularly after being "exposed to such environmental conditions".
Sgt Thomas received a two-year suspended sentence, so if any further acts of misconduct were committed, he would be demoted from sergeant to senior constable.
Sgt Thomas did not report the phone call to Charleville CIB until December 10 and a massive search involving SES and police on foot, horseback and motorcycles followed.
"Subsequent inquiries with the family of Mr Powell indicate that he was travelling from Western Australia to his residence in Hervey Bay following surgery," QCAT documents state.
"It is apparent from the evidence contained in the brief that Mr Powell was taking a considerable amount of medication for a number of pre-existing medical conditions."
In the hearing, Sgt Thomas said he "banged" his head on an airconditioner and forgot as other things "simply overtook" his mind.
He also argued the information he received related only "to a vehicle on the side of a road, not to a missing person" and he did not accept that a "sufficient nexus" existed between his failure to take appropriate action and Mr Powell's death.
"It logically follows that had you taken steps to have the report investigated, Mr Powell would have been located some time on 8th of December 2011," Mr Barnett stated in the disciplinary hearing.
However, due to the cause of death being undetermined and a ruling by the entomologist that the mPMI (minimum post-mortem interval) could not be provided because of "gross deficiencies in the collection of original evidence", Mr Barnett said he was unable to find clear "causal connection" between Sgt Thomas'
CLARIFICATION: THIS story originally said Senior-Constable Stephen Chapman was driving a vehicle involved in a pursuit with a motorcyclist in June, 2006. This is incorrect. Sen-Constable was in fact the senior officer in the car which was driven by Senior-Constable Hilton Buckley.
A GOLD Coast policeman has been fined more than $13,000 for misconduct relating to the death of a bikie during a high-speed police chase.
Senior-Constable Stephen Chapman was originally fined $400 in February by Police Assistant Commissioner Paul Wilson but the Crime and Misconduct Commission stepped in and lodged an appeal.
Yesterday the Queensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal found the original penalty was "manifestly inadequate" and ordered Sen-Const Chapman to pay the fine off at $128 a week for the next two years.
The misconduct relates to a pursuit involving Craig Robert Shepherd, 26, a member of the Odins Warriors motorcycle gang, who died after his bike hit a rock wall on a tight bend at Beechmont Rd on June 16, 2006.
His passenger suffered permanent brain damage when the bike landed on top of her.
A coronial inquest in 2008 found that moments before the crash, Mr Shepherd was being pursued by a police car, in which Sen-Constable Chapman was the senior officer, at speeds of up to 160km/h.
Police Assistant Commissioner Paul Wilson had found Sen-Constable Chapman guilty of being untruthful during follow-up interviews and not complying with policies regard pursuits.
Sen-Constable Chapman, 48, had admitted contravening pursuit policies but contested the untruthfulness charge. He was fined $200 for each breach.
The CMC lodged an appeal with the tribunal on the grounds the penalty was manifestly inadequate and sought Sen Const Chapman's dismissal from the police service.
Sen-Constable Chapman and three other officers on duty the night Mr Shephard died also appealed against Mr Wilson's findings that they were untruthful in interviews by not declaring phone calls made about the incident.
While the officers were cleared of untruthfulness, in their QCAT judgment, Judicial Member James Thomas, QC, and Senior Member Richard Oliver ruled Sen-Constable Chapman's breaches were "serious" and while not serious enough to deserve his dismissal, a $200 fine was manifestly inadequate.
Instead, the tribunal ordered Sen-Constable Chapman's pay be cut for two years.
"He had an exemplary record of service prior to the incident, and pleaded guilty to the only charge upon which he has been subsequently found guilty," the judgment found.
"Notwithstanding this early plea, he has had the stress of five years' delay before determination.
"Taking into account all these factors, including the need to ensure that the police pursuit policy is respected, and attempting to maintain some consistency, we consider the appropriate sanction is the loss of two pay points for a period of two years."
Goldcoast.com.au understands Sen-Constable Chapman will seek leave to appeal against the decision.
Top cop settles into new job
Hayley Sultanie and Melissa Townsend | September 27th, 2008
HE may have a North Queensland Cowboys jersey hanging on his wall but new Assistant Police Commissioner Paul Wilson promises he will be watching the Titans with interest next season.
Mr Wilson started his new post as the assistant commissioner for the southeastern region on Monday, the next logical step in an impressive 34 years with the police service after leaving Townsville two weeks ago.
Since starting out as a cadet in 1974, Mr Wilson has served throughout Queensland at both metropolitan and rural criminal investigation branches which have included Mount Isa, Brisbane, Redcliffe, Caboolture, Proserpine, Mackay and the Sunshine Coast.
However, the Gold Coast will serve as home for the foreseeable future and Mr Wilson said he was definitely looking forward to his stint here.
"I've never been stationed in the southeast region but I've done a lot of jobs down here as a detective over the years," he said.
"It's a unique location here in so much as it's an international tourist destination and as a result of that it's probably one of the most unique police environments in the country.
"Policing is the same the world over, it's just a unique environment here."
Mr Wilson has held a number of highly regarded positions over the years including three years as superintendent in charge of the north Brisbane police district and two years as detective chief superintendent on the State Crime Operations Command.
He said it was his time as a detective that had shaped him the most.
"Nothing daunts me in the job because I come from an operational background," he said.
"Being an old detective I have a keen interest in major criminal investigations to ensure, especially with homicides, that my staff get the right resources to ensure they are thorough investigations."
His dedication to his job has meant Mr Wilson and his family have had to travel all over the state -- the Gold Coast is just another notch on an impressive list of postings.
"When my wife and I left Townsville recently in our 30th year of marriage, it was our 15th change of residence in the job," he said.
"We have three adult daughters. This is the second occasion they didn't move with us but that's what it's been, a family journey. In fact, it's been an adventure."
It is this adventure that has helped keep Mr Wilson in the job so long, and perhaps even what has made him so good at it.
"I've lived all across Queensland. We've been a bit of a Leyland Brothers in moving around but I think the great adventure that is available to police officers and moving around this vast state, the life experience you acquire you bring with you," he said.
Mr Wilson has come to the Gold Coast just in time for some of the city's biggest events, which he said would present a new challenge for him.
"It's a good time to come because you see what's happening. I've come at the right time of the year to experience the major events of Indy, Schoolies, Christmas and New Year.
"I've previously been to all those events as a non-local police officer; now I come as the local police chief.
"I've already been to some of the planning events for the Indy event coming up and I look forward to meeting and working in conjunction with our emergency services and community groups in ensuring that public safety is paramount."
Mr Wilson said he looked forward to his time on the Coast and was passionate about policing after his 34 years in the business.
"I've still got a few years left in the job," he said. "I've been at it a long time, I should know what I'm on about."
Claims about police corruption, including drug trafficking, are of deep concern and must be dealt with quickly, says Queensland Police Minister Neil Roberts.
"These are extremely serious allegations which obviously myself, the government and indeed the police service want to be investigated," he told ABC radio on Wednesday.
"We need to get to the bottom of it quickly and if these allegations are proven, these people need to be brought before the courts."
The new allegations centre on claims Gold Coast officers have been involved with organised crime gangs, including outlaw bikies, importing drugs and dealing them through big Gold Coast nightclubs, The Courier-Mail has reported.
The Crime and Misconduct Commission (CMC) was considering making the inquiry public and more than 20 officers have already been forced to give evidence against colleagues at secret CMC hearings.
Covert techniques including phone taps have also been used in the investigation, the paper says.
CMC officers on Sunday raided a number of premises in Brisbane and on the Gold Coast, including the Surfers Paradise police station and another station on the coast.
One officer has been suspended, pending further investigations.
Earlier this week, the CMC said speculation that criminal proceedings were imminent following the CMC's searches on Sunday were ill founded.
"The evidence gathered (Sunday) will be assessed as part of an ongoing police misconduct investigation that... was being progressed by the CMC in a covert manner," Director of CMC Misconduct Investigations Russell Pearce said.
"A police officer has been suspended on the basis of evidence discovered on Sunday morning, but no consideration has yet been given to bringing any criminal charges."
The fresh allegations follow last year's Operation Capri, which resulted in the CMC report of Dangerous Liaisons.
The report implicated 25 police in misconduct and detailed cases of informants being rewarded with cash, sex and unsupervised leave in return for evidence and confessions.
After the release of Dangerous Liaisons, corruption buster Tony Fitzgerald broke the 20-year silence that followed his own 1989 corruption report to criticise the ethics of Peter Beattie and Anna Bligh's Labor governments, as well as the police service.
"This will make Capri look very small," the police source told The Courier-Mail.
"We're talking about allegations of police involvement in importing drugs into Australia and distributing them through the Gold Coast nightclub scene."
Queensland Opposition Leader John-Paul Langbroek has called for a full investigation of the corruption allegations against Gold Coast police.
Mr Langbroek, the state MP for Surfers Paradise, said he had heard no allegations against police officers from his constituents, but he was interested in the anti-corruption watchdog's findings rather than anecdotes.
Mr Langbroek said drugs were an issue in Surfers Paradise, where there had been problems with bikie gangs involved in the trade.
But police were doing a good job of tackling drug crime, he said.
"They're all working very, very hard, and I have absolute faith in the integrity of the police service overall," Mr Langbroek said.
"But no doubt, amongst over 10,000 police officers in the state, there's always going to be temptation.
"People are human and it's important that we get to the bottom of these allegations."
He said any question marks over the police service were a serious matter.
"We need to make sure there aren't any bad apples there, but that's up to the CMC to work out," he said.
Mr Langbroek said he hoped the investigation would be completed quickly and that a public inquiry would be held if it was deemed necessary by the CMC.
7 News Australia broadcast finally exposing some of the well known police corruption, part of which involves illegal search warrants in the Queensland state police force. This is a widespread practice that goes way beyond the Gold Coast, has been going on for years, and this report is just a tiny tip of the iceberg of corruption. Even the Crime Commission ( and Argos) who's real job is to INVESTIGATE POLICE AND GOVERNMENT CORRUPTION does this exact "bogus search warrant" process to civilians, often in partnership with the regular police.of journalists (Crime Commission is also highly experienced in tampering with electronic evidence such as hard drives, memory cards etc to help manufacture convictions) Usually it's victims are people who speak out against corruption or illegal activity in the State government /judiciary or other departments and need to be discredited or taught a lesson. As spoken in the video, CMC can conduct "secret hearings" that breach basic legal rights such as the right to silence, right to legal representation - it is an offense to even TELL anyone including your family or solicitor that you have been ordered to appear at the secret hearing) that have been the basis of the justice system for generations. They also now have the power to hold secret interrogations of journalists (Arrogantly called "Star chamber for journalists" by the state government) , After 2 nights, this story was dropped like a hot potato and the press now avoid the topic. They don't want to be victims too - 21 October 2008.
CLARIFICATION: THIS story originally said Senior-Constable Stephen Chapman was driving a vehicle involved in a pursuit with a motorcyclist in June, 2006. This is incorrect. Sen-Constable was in fact the senior officer in the car which was driven by Senior-Constable Hilton Buckley.
A GOLD Coast policeman has been fined more than $13,000 for misconduct relating to the death of a bikie during a high-speed police chase.
Senior-Constable Stephen Chapman was originally fined $400 in February by Police Assistant Commissioner Paul Wilson but the Crime and Misconduct Commission stepped in and lodged an appeal.
Yesterday the Queensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal found the original penalty was "manifestly inadequate" and ordered Sen-Const Chapman to pay the fine off at $128 a week for the next two years.
The misconduct relates to a pursuit involving Craig Robert Shepherd, 26, a member of the Odins Warriors motorcycle gang, who died after his bike hit a rock wall on a tight bend at Beechmont Rd on June 16, 2006.
His passenger suffered permanent brain damage when the bike landed on top of her.
A coronial inquest in 2008 found that moments before the crash, Mr Shepherd was being pursued by a police car, in which Sen-Constable Chapman was the senior officer, at speeds of up to 160km/h.
Police Assistant Commissioner Paul Wilson had found Sen-Constable Chapman guilty of being untruthful during follow-up interviews and not complying with policies regard pursuits.
Sen-Constable Chapman, 48, had admitted contravening pursuit policies but contested the untruthfulness charge. He was fined $200 for each breach.
The CMC lodged an appeal with the tribunal on the grounds the penalty was manifestly inadequate and sought Sen Const Chapman's dismissal from the police service.
Sen-Constable Chapman and three other officers on duty the night Mr Shephard died also appealed against Mr Wilson's findings that they were untruthful in interviews by not declaring phone calls made about the incident.
While the officers were cleared of untruthfulness, in their QCAT judgment, Judicial Member James Thomas, QC, and Senior Member Richard Oliver ruled Sen-Constable Chapman's breaches were "serious" and while not serious enough to deserve his dismissal, a $200 fine was manifestly inadequate.
Instead, the tribunal ordered Sen-Constable Chapman's pay be cut for two years.
"He had an exemplary record of service prior to the incident, and pleaded guilty to the only charge upon which he has been subsequently found guilty," the judgment found.
"Notwithstanding this early plea, he has had the stress of five years' delay before determination.
"Taking into account all these factors, including the need to ensure that the police pursuit policy is respected, and attempting to maintain some consistency, we consider the appropriate sanction is the loss of two pay points for a period of two years."
Goldcoast.com.au understands Sen-Constable Chapman will seek leave to appeal against the decision.
16 Aug 2011 - A POLICE officer said he would let a woman off for mail theft if she had sex with him, another three officers were caught stealing while on duty ...
6 Mar 2013 - THE head of the Crime and Misconduct Commission says an "administrative error" is to blame for thousands of sensitive files relating to the ...
5 Mar 2012 - 7 News Australia broadcast finally exposing some of the well known police corruption, part of which involves illegal search warrants in the ...
3 Feb 2010 - Some Queensland Police are allegedly involved in corruption centred on The Gold Coast. More than 20 officers to give evidence; Police links to ...
16 Apr 2007 - Retired police officer Col Dillon served more than three decades in the Queensland police force and is one of Australias most highly decorated ...
Police culture: Changing the Unacceptable. Celeste Lawson. In the 1980s a series of media investigations exposed police corruption in Queensland.
Jacintha Saldanha's Death: Australian DJs Behind Royal Prank May Face Police Probe
The two Australian DJs who pulled the prank call on the U.K. hospital where Kate Middleton was staying are now in hiding and may soon have to face police after the death of a nurse caught in the hoax.
Kate Middleton and Indian-born mother-of-two Jacintha Saldanha, 46, is thought to have taken her own life.
2Day FM hosts, Michael Christian and Mel Greig.
Questions have been raised by members of the Australian public whether MI5, MI6 and/or their well known murder partners Mossad where involved somehow in the death ofIndian-born mother-of-two Jacintha Saldanha, 46, who the UK media are claiming that she took her own life...
and it is noted that all media reports coming from the United Kingdom only ever call it a suspected suicide... but was it a murder by MI5, MI6 and/or their well known murder partners Mossad
to make and example of the nurse who gave out the private information about Kate Middleton who was in a U.K. hospital...
Australian readers of INLNews.com and awn.bz who have read all about the murder of Thomas Allwood,
Above are true copies of a Criminal Contempt application issued London's High Court of Justice made By Thomas Allwood using his de-poll name John Carew-Reid
against David Cameron the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom.. George Osborne the Chancellor fo the United Kingdom, the Uk Bordfer Agency and the UK Government and their Treasury Solicitors for preparing and presenting the above false and fraudulent doument ( Page 539 of above) to Master Bowles in the High Court of Justice to have Thomas Allwood's High Couirt claim for damages struck out.. a month before the gearing had been set down for hearing before Justice Vos on the 24th July, 2012 .. very convenienly Thomas Allwood was murdered in Broxburn Scotland on the 21st June, 2012...
INL News Under-Cover Investigative Journalist and co producer with Stephen Carew-Reid andthe INL News Group of Fringe Shows Have Talent TV Shows Have, on the 21st June, 2012 inBroxburn Scotland which is about an hour's drive from Edinburgh... and how the Scottish Lothian Borders Police and the Scottish Prosecution known in Scotland as the Procurator Fiscal's Office and the world's media are clearly not looking closely enough the evidence brought out at the recent trial of Kyle Montgomery heard from the 19th November to the 26th November 2012 in Scotland's High Court in Livingston,who had been charged by the Scottish Lothian Borders Police for the murder of Thomas Allwood ..the evidence clearly indicates strongly that Thomas Allwood was not murdered by Kyle Montgomery who locals in Broxburn say is a well known local mentally depressed Scitzophrenic at around 2.20am on the 21st July, 2012 ... as implied by his father John Montgomery in his sworn evidence at by Kyle Montgomery's trial... when the much more believable independent evidence from two next door neighbours who have a common wall with John Montgomery's house in Galloway Cresent, Broxburn was produced at the trial that say they both heard and felt an enormous bang on their bedroom wall that felt like their bedroom wall was about to cave in...coming from John Montgomery's house at about 3.15 am on the 21st June, 2012.... which was the loudest bang that they had ever heard coming from John Montgomery's house which they stated was like living next door to a pub with drinking, shouting, arguing and fighting went on all the time all hours of the day and night... they said in evidence that before the enormous bang there was loud shouting, screaming, arguing and fighting coming from John Montgomery's house... however as soon as the enormous bang happened that felt like their bedroom wall was about to cave in... there was complete silence coming from John Montgomery's house... and then they heard the back door quietly open and close ... which was first time that that door was ever opened and close without being slammed for the last couple of years since they lived next door to John Montgomery's house..... John Montgomery had given sworn evidence at his sons trial that after his son grabbed a bread knife from his kitchen draw and ran out the back door after Thomas Allwood, who was unarmed when he left the house a few minutes before, and that his son Kyle Montgomery came back into the house a few minutes later with blood on the bread knife admitting to his Dad, John Montgomery, that he had just done something bad... John Montgomery then said he took to bread knife with blood on it from his Son, Kyle Montgomery and calmly placed it back into the draw still with the blook on it... then Kyle Montgomery left the house and John Montgomery calmly had another drink and then fell asleep on the lounge and did not wake up until the police turned up and arrested him at about 5 am on the 21st June, 2012... another person who was at John Montgomery's house that early morning on the 21st June, 2012 was a lady known as Maggie whose name is Margaret Shedden (Galloway being her birth name- a very well connected and influential family in Scotland with a famous politician George Galloway and a Freemason Scottish Police OfficerHugh Galloway of 7 Tower Place Johnstone Renfrewshire Renfrewshire 791being member of the family)...John Montgomery's family also are well connnected and respected in Scotland with war heros in the family and a Freemason Police OfficerAlexander Montgomery 51 Parkhead Rd Glen Village by Falkirk Stirlingshire 484
also a member of the Montgomery Family.... so it does not seem believable that John Montgomery would not have been awake and/or woken up with the enormous bang coming from his house at about 3.15 that the next door neighbours say was the loudest bang they had ever heard from John Montgomery's house and felt like their bedroom wall was going to cave in... so this clearly indicates along with other evidence that John Montgomery had lied on the witness stand and in doing so has implicated his Kyle Montgomery as the person who was likely to have made a fatal six inch stab wound in the right chest of Thomas Allwood through cloths with a bread knife that would have cerated edge and no sharp point for stabbing anyone through clothing which is only suitable for a sawing acting rather that a stabbing action...however at the same time implicating Kyle Montgomery as the likely person who made the fatal six inch stab wound in Thomas Allwood's right chest that cut through a main archery causing the death of Thomas Allwood... John Montgomery gave evidence which is believed by the jury could get his son off the murder charge his Son Kyle Montgomery was facing and to try and convince the jury that his son
Kyle Montgomery was only guilty of culperable homicide... which is like an accident homicide crime that resulted in the death of a person without intent in a drunken fight that got out of hand ... even though the bar maid gave evidence at the trial that Thomas Allwood was only drinking soft drinks that night... and Kyle Montgomery had been alcohol drinking heavily since about 1pm on the 20th June, 2012.....and so was his father John Montgomery drinking alcohol heavily since at least 8pm and likely most of the day since he received his government benefit cheque that day... in fact the jury based mainly on his father's evidence... very conveniently for all those Scottish Government officials involved in the investigation into the murder of Thomas Allwood.... and others... found Kyle Montgomery not guilty of the murder of Thomas Allwood and found Kyle Montgomery guilty of the lesser charge of Culperable homicide (accidental death) of Thomas Allwood....now the evidence that came out at the trial of Kyle Montgomery seems to clearly indicate that there were at least four people... maybe more in the house of Kyle Montgomery from 10pm on the 2oth June, 2012 and about 3.30 am on the 21st June, 2012... and in fact at least voices coming from John Montgomery's house that night and early morning were heard by the next door neighbours ....these seem to include...Thomas Allwood, John Montgomery, Kyle Montgomery and Margaret Shedden (Galloway being her birth name) and maybe others who did not want to make themselves known and kept reasonable quiet while at John Montgomery's house... the evidence seems to clearly indicate that at 2am to 2.30 am on the 21st June, 2012 when John Montgomery states was the time frame when his son Kyle Montgomery was meant to have gone out the back door and meant to have stabbed Thomas Allwood with a bread knife and came back with blood on the knife admitting he has just done something bad...making it fairly obvious to the at least three people left at the house which at the least included John Montgomery, Kyle Montgomery and Margaret Shedden (Galloway being her birth name)... that Kyle Montgomery had just stabbed Tomas Allwood outside in the back yard and/or a nearby street .. and that Thomas Allwood would be likely have been badly hurt from a stab wound and would have needed urgent medical attention.... regardless if was considered that stabbing of Thomas Allwood by Kyle Montgomery deliberate and/or in self defense... either way it would have been clear to these three people and anyone else that may have been at John Montgomery's house at that time, that they should call an ambulance and the police immediately to make sure that Thomas Allwood obtained urgent medical attention which if had been done then could well have saved the life of Thomas Allwood... sure the fact that neither of these people bothered to ring the police and/or an ambulance to try and get urgent help for Thomas Allwood at around 2.20-2.30 am...if what John Montgomery says id true.... they all should be charged with being responsible for the murder and/or death of Thomas Allwood as they seemed to just let him die on the street or the back yard.. and under Australian law could well be charged as accessories after the fact and at least charged with some serious charge that resulted in the death of Thomas Allwood... very similar to walking away from a serious car accident where it is clear someone had been seriously hurt and not calling the police and/or an ambulance....
Now... when one looks at the evidence of the two next door neighbours that say they both heard and felt an enormous bang on their bedroom wall that felt like their bedroom wall was about to cave in...coming from John Montgomery's house at about 3.15 am on the 21st June, 2012.... which was the loudest bang that they had ever heard coming from John Montgomery's house... then the more believable truth is that at about 3.15 am Thomas Allwood was king hit by someone and/or some people with either a fist or fists and/or a hard object that was enough to knock out Thomas Allwood.. then the body of Thomas Allwood was carried outside while Thomas Allwood was still unconscious ...then someone stabbed Thomas Allwood... not with a bread knife but a sharp pen knife which made the deep six inch stab wound into the right chest of Thomas Allwood that cut a main archery so that Thomas Allwood was never wake up and would bleed to death... and then quietly they carried Thomas Allwood body to the next streets Clarkson and Pyothall Roads and quietly left the body there at about 3.30 am where the body was found at about 4.45 am by three boys walking past at that time...the neighbour that had a window open looking right over where Thomas Allwood's body was found says you can hear a pin drop in her street and there was not one sound or noise in her street that early morning... and the only noise that was heard was the sound of the police at about 5am looking at the body and the murder scene... so it is clear that there was not fighting in her street that morning at 2.00-4.00 am where the body was found that morning and so screaming or cries for help from Thomas Allwood in her street that morning at 2.00-4.00 am where the body was found that morning.. why?... because Thomas Allwood was obviously carried and left there and was already unconscious having been knocked out before he was stabbed with the six inch stab wound and then stabbed and then carried to to the next streets Clarkson and Pyothall Roads and quietly left there... private investigators employed by friends and family of Thomas Allwood have a strong belief that the evidence clearly suggests that Thomas Allwood was not murdered and/or even killed by Kyle Montgomery with a bread knife but was murdered by a contract killer well trained to know where and how to stab a person with one six inch stab wound with a very sharp and pointed pen knife which is designed to be able to kill some with just one stab wound.... the people in the world that are well known to be able to know how to murder someone with just one stab wound are agents and/or assets of MI5, MI6 and Mossad... and it is well known they work as agents for the state of the United Kingdom and the UK Prime Minister's Office to carry out murders of people like Thomas Allwood who was an undercover INL News Investigative Journalist who was working on a story to expose state of the United Kingdom and the UK Prime Minister, David Cameron and their Treasury Solicitors and Barristers for knowing being involved with having a false and fraudulent UK Border Agency document and having that false and fraudulent document presented to the High Court of Justice to stop Thomas Allwood from successfully claiming £500 million in damages claim for the wrongful arrest of USA Comedian Ronnie Prouty by the UK Border Agency on the 27th April, 2011 as a favour for the powerful Rupert and James Murdoch and their all powerful media group News Corporation as a way of commercially sabotaging the planned filming of the pilot fo the Fringe Shows Have Talent TV Show in Edinburgh in April- May 2011 being co-produced by Thomas Allwood, Stephen Carew-Reid (the author of the well known bboks The Triumph of Truth -Who Is Watching the Watchers? and the original founder of the INL News Group-formerly known as the Australian Weekend News Publishing Group) and the INL News Group to create an international showcase of talented entertainers that perform at the 60 year old Edinburgh Fringe Festival each year... which has become the biggest arts festival in the world with over 3,000 Fringe shows being performed during August each year in Edinburgh....
Below is some the transcripts of what was said at a court hearing in London's High Court of Justice heard on the 24th July, 2012 where applications were originally listed to be heard by Thomas Allwood prior to his murder on the 21st June, 2012 in Broxburn, Scotland for criminal contempt applications to be heard against David Cameron the UK Prime Minister, George Osborne, the UK Chancellor, the UK Government, the UK Border Agency and their treasury solicitors for knowingly having prepared a false and fraudulent UK Border Agency document and presenting such false and fraudulent UK Border Agency document to the High Court of Justice to try to stop Thomas Allwood from suing David Cameron the UK Prime Minister, George Osborne, the UK Chancellor, the UK Government, the UK Border Agency for £500 million in damages caused to the filming of the Fringe Shows Have Talent TV Show by the wrongful arrest of USA Comedian Ronnie Prouty on the 27th April, 2012 at Heathrow Airport as favour David Cameron and George Osborne's good friends at the time...Rupert and James Murdoch and their all powerful multi- billion media group known as News Corporation..the murder of Thomas Allwood on the 21st June, 2012 meant that would stop Thomas Allwood continuing with his criminl contempt applications against suing David Cameron the UK Prime Minister, George Osborne, the UK Chancellor, the UK Government, the UK Border Agency and their treasury solicitors and well as other criminal contempt applications taken out against barristers and solicitors involving another legal fight Thomas Allwood and his de-facto partner Valerie Butler where involved with at the High Court of Justice in their fight over their 25 acre family farm known as Haywicks Farm, Haywicks Lane, Hardwicke, Gloucester in the UK... where Thomas Allwood alleged that powerful and well connected s Freemason solicitors and barrister in Gloucester that Thomas Allwood called the Gloucestershire Legal Mafia (GLM) were involved with the preparing a false will in the name of Valerie Butler's father Herbert Butler and presenting that false will for a wrongful grant of probate so that partners of the Gloucestershire Legal Mafia (GLM) could wrongly obtain the title deed of their 25 acre family farm known as Haywicks Farm, Haywicks Lane, Hardwicke, Gloucester in the UK which they had planned to turn into a multi-million luxury real estate development ... Thomas Allwood also had a firm belief and was not scared to openly say...that Valerie Butler's father Herbert Butler was also murdered as part of the conspiracy he alleged to defraud his de-facto partner Valerie Butler of her rightful ownership of Haywicks Farm..
Some of the reasons why the Private Investigation Team employed by friends and family of the late Thomas Allwood to investigate who and why Thomas Allwood was murdered on the 21st June. 2012 in Broxburn, Scotland strongly believe that the powerful agents of the State of the United Kingdom such as MI5, MI6 and/or Mossad and/or some other professional contract murdered was and/or were involved in the murder of Thomas Allwood on the 21st June, 2012 include:
1. The Scottish Lothian Borders Police and the Scottish Prosecution known in Scotland as the Procurator Fiscal's Office and the world's media are clearly not looking closely enough the evidence brought out at the recent trial of Kyle Montgomery heard from the 19th November to the 26th November 2012 in Scotland's High Court in Livingston,who had been charged by the Scottish Lothian Borders Police for the murder of Thomas Allwood ... seem to be risking their worldwide good reputation by quite openly protecting those at the house of John Montgomery on the evening of the 20th June, 2012 and the early morning of the 21st June, 2012 who according to the evidence of John Montgomery, and including John Montgomery knew that Thomas Allwood was likely badly wounded from a stab wound at about 2.20 am and did niot ring the police of an ambulance and simply went to sleep and left Thomas Allwood to die on the road just a street away from John Montgomery's house
2. Why is there a complete worldwide media block out.. except for one lone Scottish Journalist Vic Roderick who was the only journalist to cover the trial... who has now been silenced by the world mainstream media with what is called a "D Notice" on the reporting of the murder/death of Thomas Allwood who was an undercover INL News Investigative Journalist, Poet and TV Shows producer of the Fringe Shows have Talent TV Show...
3. Why is the a mentally sick person such as Kyle Montgomery whom the locals say is a well known Scitzophrenic which is capable to believing and/or repeating any story he is told is the truth.. being made a patsy for the death of Thomas Allwood.. .at about 2.20 am when the evidence clearly indicates that Thomas Allwood was knocked unconscious in the house of John Montghomery at about 3.15 am on the 21st June, 2012 and then carried out of the house and then stabbed with a six inch wound in the right chest cutting a main archery nd then carried to be let to die on Clarkson and Pyothall Road, Broxburn
With the more believable truth is that at about 3.15 am Thomas Allwood was king hit by someone and/or some people with either a fist or fists and/or a hard object that was enough to knock out Thomas Allwood.. then the body of Thomas Allwood was carried outside while Thomas Allwood was still unconscious ...then someone stabbed Thomas Allwood... not with a bread knife but a sharp pen knife which made the deep six inch stab wound into the right chest of Thomas Allwood that cut a main archery so that Thomas Allwood was never wake up and would bleed to death... and then quietly they carried Thomas Allwood body to the next streets Clarkson and Pyothall Roads and quietly left the body there at about 3.30 am where the body was found at about 4.45 am by three boys walking past at that time...the neighbour that had a window open looking right over where Thomas Allwood's body was found says you can hear a pin drop in her street and there was not one sound or noise in her street that early morning... and the only noise that was heard was the sound of the police at about 5am looking at the body and the murder scene...
so it is clear that there was not fighting in her street that morning at 2.00-4.00 am where the body was found that morning and so screaming or cries for help from Thomas Allwood in her street that morning at 2.00-4.00 am where the body was found that morning.. why?... because Thomas Allwood was obviously carried and left there and was already unconscious having been knocked out before he was stabbed with the six inch stab wound and then stabbed and then carried to to the next streets Clarkson and Pyothall Roads and quietly left there... private investigators employed by friends and family of Thomas Allwood have a strong belief that the evidence clearly suggests that Thomas Allwood was not murdered and/or even killed by Kyle Montgomery with a bread knife but was murdered by a contract killer well trained to know where and how to stab a person with one six inch stab wound with a very sharp and pointed pen knife which is designed to be able to kill some with just one stab wound.... the people in the world that are well known to be able to know how to murder someone with just one stab wound are agents and/or assets of MI5, MI6 and Mossad...
Part of the transcripts of hearing before Justice Vos at High Court of Justice in London on the 24th July, 2012
Miss Love: The Border Agency matter.
Mr Justice Vos: I know, but I do not have any of the core papers in the Border Agency matter. What is the action no?
Miss Love: My Lord, it is HC11C04395
Mr Justice Vos: You see that is why, I have been through all the cases, and I do not have any papers in that except your letter and the correspondence.
Miss Love: Right
Mr Justice Vos: If I just pick it up. I have this much stuff on the UKBA, but it really is just your letter and a lot of historical material, and material concerning the famous INL News Group.
Miss Love: Mr Lord, we can remedy that situation _ I am sure your Lordship does not particularily want further copies of the correspondence, but certainly of the original claim form_
Mr Justice Vos: That is what I would like. So there was an application, was there, in that matter that was returnable today?
Miss Love: There was....
Mr Justice Vos: To do what?
Miss Love: If I could just start the procedural history, the claim by Mr Carew-Reid, which in essense was apparently a claim for damages in respect of treatment by the UK Border Agency of an individual known as Mr Prouty was issued on 9th December, 2011...
Page 6:
Miss Love: as you will see, it appears to be some hybrid of striking out and appealing the order of Master Bowles, an application for the cross-examination of myself and Mr Spanton, who was acting Treasury Solicitor and a generalised, if I might respectfully say so, rather difficult to grasp criminal contempt application..
Mr Justice Vos: It is another criminal contempt
Page 8:
Mr Geis: But the point was that Mr Prouty was refused entry into the UK and I've seen the forms that Mr Carew-Reid had, and there was one form which did not have a signature on. Now, I think this does cause for a bit of alarm and I think you should carefully consider this point and. if necessary, make an adjournment.
Mr Justice Vos: Thank you, Mr Gies...
Miss Lean: My Lord may have seen in the more recent correspondence from Mr Reid and INL that clearly they have concerns that this was a murder effected by MI5 or Mossad and/or other agents of the State, but as far as we are aware it is being dealt with as a criminal murder charge (murder of Thomas Allwood)
Mr Justice Voss: Yes, and who was Mr Allwood- apart from being a party to litigation, did he occupy some important position?....
Miss Lean: My Lord, for completeness, I should mention I am afraid among the many letters and emails from members of the INL News Group I do not have that one. I think I have seen some reference in the correspondence to Mr Allwood being involved with the INL News Group in some capacity so that may be the...
Mr Justice Voss: Right, but he was a associate and friend of Mr Carew-Reid, that is what it comes to?.... Right, thank you. Well Mr Carew-Reid himself says he was a friend of Mr Carew-Reid's side, I do not think we need to go further than that.....
Jacintha Saldanha's Death: Australian DJs Behind Royal Prank May Face Police Probe
The two Australian DJs who pulled the prank call on the U.K. hospital where Kate Middleton was staying are now in hiding and may soon have to face police after the death of a nurse caught in the hoax.
This morning, there are also new questions about whether DJs Mel Greig and Michael Christian, radio shock jocks at Sydney's 2Day FM broke laws after they recorded the private conversation when they pretended to be Queen Elizabeth and Prince Charles.
British police have also contacted Australian police about a possible probe into the prank call, The Associated Press reported Sunday.
Rhys Holleran, CEO of Southern Cross Austereo, the parent company of Sydney's 2Day FM radio station said no laws were broken. The prank had been cleared by the Australian radio station's lawyers. Holleran said the DJs followed the company's procedures before broadcasting the call. "I think the more important question here is that we're very confident that we haven't done anything illegal. Our main concern at this point in time is what has happened is incredibly tragic and we're deeply saddened and we're incredibly affected by that," Holleran said Saturday. The hoax has caused public outcry after the death of a nurse, Jacintha Saldanha, who connected the pair to the Duchess' room.
Saldanha was found dead Friday morning after police were called to an address near the hospital to "reports of a woman found unconscious," according to a statement from Scotland Yard. Circumstances of her death are still being investigated, but are not suspicious at this stage, authorities said earlier. Lord Glenarthur, the chairman of King Edward VII's Hospital, the U.K. hospital where the Duchess of Cambridge was receiving treatment, condemned the prank Saturday in a letter to the Max Moore-Wilton, chairman of Southern Cross Austereo, the Australian radio station's parent company.
Glenarthur said the prank humiliated "two dedicated and caring nurses," and the consequences were "tragic beyond words," The Associated Press reported. Max Moore-Wilton, the chairman of Southern Cross Austereo, said in a letter to Lord Glenarthur Sunday that the company is reviewing the station's broadcast policies, the AP reported. "I can assure you we are taking immediate action and reviewing the broadcast and processes involved," Moore-Wilton said in the letter. "As we have said in our own statements on the matter, the outcome was unforeseeable and very regrettable." Saldanha came to England from India nine years ago, with her husband and two children. On Facebook, her 14-year-old daughter wrote this weekend, simply: "I miss you, I loveeee you."
Saldanha worked as a nurse at King Edward VII private hospital for four years. Her family lives 100 miles away in Bristol, but while on shift she slept in a residence for nurses. With no receptionist on duty overnight she answered the prank call and put it through. The hospital called her a "first-class nurse" and "a well-respected and popular member of the staff" and extended "deepest sympathies" to family and friends, saying that "everyone is shocked" at this "tragic event."
The duchess spent three days at the hospital undergoing treatment for hyperemesis gravidarum, severe or debilitating nausea and vomiting. She was released from the hospital Thursday morning. The hospital apologized for the mistake.
A man who stabbed a photographer to death in a drunken street brawl was caught after police found a blood-stained knife in a cutlery drawer.
A man who stabbed a photographer to death in a drunken street brawl was caught after police found a blood-stained knife in a cutlery drawer.
Kyle Montgomery, 24, denied murdering Thomas Allwood after a late-night drinking session but was found guilty of culpable homicide by a jury on Wednesday.
Jurors at the High Court in Livingston took four and a half hours to return a guilty verdict on the lesser charge.
Sentence on the first-time offender, of Winchburgh, West Lothian, was deferred until December 20 for background reports.
Mr Allwood, a 56-year-old photographer who worked for the Australian-based INL News Group, was stabbed in the chest during an incident on June 21.
Giving evidence in his own defence, Montgomery claimed he grabbed the knife to frighten Mr Allwood after being attacked by him at a house in Broxburn, West Lothian.
He said the killing was an accident and that he did not know the blade had sliced through the victim's chest and severed a major artery as he struggled with the victim.
Police who were called to the scene followed a trail of blood from Mr Allwood's body to Montgomery's father’s home. They found the knife, still stained with blood, in a cutlery drawer.
Montgomery was detained as he returned to the house from a nearby shop.
Mr Allwood was a photographer with the Australian-based INL News Group. Although he was born in Scotland, his family emigrated when he was a child and he spent most of his live in Australia.
A MAN accused of murdering an Australian journalist has claimed he must have stabbed the victim to death by accident.
Kyle Montgomery admitted that he armed himself with a kitchen knife and squared up to 56-year-old Thomas Graham Allwood.
He claimed in evidence at the High Court in Livingston that the blade was for his own “protection” and he had no intention of using it.
After being attacked twice by the victim, he said he just wanted to “scare him off” with the knife.
He struggled with Mr Allwood, who was armed with a metal pole or iron bar, but said he was unaware of inflicting the fatal blow which severed the main artery above his heart.
Montgomery, 24, from Winchburgh, West Lothian, denies murdering Mr Allwood in Broxburn on June 21.
In his closing speech yesterday, advocate depute Martin Macari asked the jury to convict Montgomery of murder. He said: “Whatever happened between those men, Kyle Montgomery had returned to the house to get a weapon.”
Derek Ogg QC, defending, said: “If he didn’t realise he’d caused that injury, he could not and did not have any criminal intent towards Mr Allwood.”
Judge Lord Doherty was due to deliver his charge to the jury this morning.
Comment from INL News Reader: Mary Gleeson
I have read all the published stories on the trial of Kyle Montgomery who was charged with the murder of INL Journalist Thomas Allwood, and all other previous media reports I could find on the web since Thomas Allwood was first reported on the BBC website on the 22nd June 2012 that he had been murdered in Broxburn, Scotland and that Kyle Montgomery was charged with Willfull murder of Thomas Allwood... and I have come to the conclusion that the way the evidence has presented at the trial of Kyle Montgomery and what evidence has been given by the witnesses the dots simply do not add up... and the trial has created more questions than answers..... when it seems clear that this Maggie lady, described as a female friend of Thomas Allwood and tJohn Montgomery, the father of the accused ..according to John Montgomery's evidence were in the house when Kyle Montgomery deliberately went outside to chase after Thomas Allwood with a bread knife... rather than jut locking lall the doors and windows of his father's house t make sure Thomas Allwood can not get back into their house....because they were meant to be in fear of him... then ring the police and say that Thomas Allwood was threatening Kyle Montgomery and had attacked Kyle Montgomery in John Montgomery's house ( all according the John Montgomery) and was continuing to bang on their door ... then the police would have come around immediately and arrested Thomas Allwood... who would then have spent the night in the police lock up.... where he would have woken up the next morning alive and be able to explain to a magistrate and/or the police what happened that night... no it all did not happen that way... John and Kyle Montgomery both claim that having removed Thomas Allwood from John Montgomery's house.... and expecting Thomas Allwood to have been unarmed....deliberately ran out of the back door of the house to the back garden for the purpose to chase Thomas Allwood with a bread knife in his hand.... instead of staying safe in his dads house and ringing the police.... now I read in the above article the unbelievable claim by Kyle Montgomery that Thomas Allwood "was armed with a metal pole or iron bar" and thus was acting in self defence after delieberately going outside to look for Thomas Allwood to attack him with a knife... other purpose would he have grabbed the knife and run outside with it for... it can only be to stab Thomas Allwood who he thought was unarmed... now Kyle Montgomery seems on the evidence had been drinking heavily since bout 1pm at his dads house and would have been very drunk by 2am the next morning and Thomas Allwood looks like a big man and Kyle Montgomery looks like a small thin boy... and thus could easily be over powered by Thomas Allwood even without Thomas Allwood have a metal pole or an iron bar to defend himself with from a vicious knife attack... we also heard from John Montgomery who said that Thomas Allwood had his son Kyle Montgomery pinned on the floor with his foot on his chest... which shows that Thomas Allwood had no problem in over powering Kyle Montgomery without any weapon of any sort.... then se have the unbelievable story of John Montgomery that at the same time the Thomas Allwood had his son Kyle Montgomery pinned to the floor by having his foot on his chest... Thomas Allwood was meant to have his hands around Kyle Montgomery's throat trying to strangle Kyle Montgomery... this is simply physically impossible for a tall big man to do at the same time as standing up with his foot on the person's chest....it is simply also unbelievable that that Thomas Allwood was armed outside with a metal pole or iron bar because if that was the case having already being told by John Montgomery that Thomas Allwood had no problem about being able to overpower Kyle Montgomery without any weapon, the how the hell is Kyle Montgomery going to be able fatally stab Thomas Allwood with just one six inch stab wound with a bread knife ( bread knife do not have pointy tips and just a cerated edge for a sawing action for bread or meat but not a stapping action) through clothing knowing the exact place to stab (single handed) a big man to kil him with one stab wound in the front chest ( not in the back) who is well aware that of the identity of the attacked and that the attcked is likely to attack because of a previous disagreement in the house.... and Thomas Allwood is also now armed with a metal pole or an iron bar.... which in one swing would have knocked small frail drunk Kyle Montgomery for six ... there is no way Kyle Montgomery is going to have any chance of being able to make that one fatal stab wound all by himself.... no normal jury is going to beleive this story.. so there seems no doubt what ever happened that morning Thomas Allwood must have been unarmed and Kyle Montgomery would have have to hav had some helpers... if it was really Kyle Montgomery that handed the fatal stab wound on Thomas Allwood...at about 2.15 according to the timing given by his father John Montgomery... then John and Kyle Montgomery and the lasy Maggie have to explain what the enmormous bang against the wall of the next door neighbours bedroom that cam from John Montgomery's house at about 3.5 to 3.15 am that felt to them that their bedroom wall was abourt to cave in... then after there being constant arguing, shouting and fighting etc before this enormous bang at about 3.05 to 3.15 am on the 21st June 2012.. everything from John Montgomery's house suddenly went quiet and for the first tikme ever... the back door was opened and wht and the door was not slammed which indicated clearly that someone or some people went out the door of John Montgomery's very silently and quietly... and the only logical deduction as to what the enormous bang against the wall was just before that nearly push the wall in from John Montgomery's side... was someone king hitting Thomas Allwood with a fist or a heavy object.. making him unconscious....then carrying Thomas Allwood out the door while he was unconscious... then may be making soem more bruses on his boy and then the one fatal stab wound ... all while he was unconscious.... and then carrying the body of Thomas Allwood quietly to where he was found on Clarkson/Pyothall Roads... at about 4.45 am by passers by... However if one is to discount that theory and ignore the enormosu bang at 3.05 to 3.15 am coming from John Montgomery's house... and just still to what John Montgomery sated on the witness stand under oath.. that his sone Kyle Montgomery grabbed a bread knife from the kitchen draw and ran out the back door( obviously to go to try and stab Thomas Allwood or at least chase after himw ith the knife) then coming back ten minutes later with blod on the knife and admitting he had done something bad... and John Montgomery not asking any more questions and calmly oputting the knife woth the blood on it back into the draw... having one more drink,,, the son leave the house and he falls asleep on the lounge...and is woken uop at about 5am by the police arresting him... so why didn't John Montgomery, Kyle Montgomery and/or Maggie ring the police and/or an ambulance at about 2.20 am which would haved saved the life of Thomas Allwood..
A man who stabbed his victim in the chest, resulting in his death has today been convicted.
At the High Court in Livingston today, Kyle Montgomery was found guilty of culpable homicide after killing 56-year-old Thomas Graham Allwood during a disturbance in Broxburn in the early hours of Thursday 21st June.
Members of the public found Mr Allwood's body in Clarkson Road and alerted police who launched a major investigation to identify his killer.
Detectives quickly traced and arrested Montgomery and charged him in connection Mr Allwood's death.
The 24-year-old is due to be sentenced on Thursday 20th December at Edinburgh High Court.
Detective Inspector Stuart Houston, who led the investigation said: "It is my sincere hope, that following today's verdict Mr Allwood's family can begin to move on with their lives and put this horrendous ordeal behind them.
"I would also like to thank the members of the community who came forward and assisted with this investigation.
"Lothian and Borders Police are committed to tackling violent crime and by working closely with our partners at the Crown Office, ensure that offences of this nature are investigated thoroughly and those responsible are removed from our communities."
Thomas Allwood was born in Scotland but spent most of his life in Australia
First offender Kyle Montgomery will be sentenced next month for the killing
The monster who stabbed Thomas Graham Allwood in the chest in Broxburn, which resulted in his death, has been convicted.
Kyle Montgomery was found guilty of culpable homicide the High Court in Livingston. He killed 56-year-old Allwood during a disturbance in the early hours of Thursday, June 21.
Members of the public found Mr Allwood's body in the Clarkson Road/Pyothall Road area and alerted police. A major investigation to identify his killer was launched.
The 24-year-old is due to be sentenced on Thursday, December 20 at Edinburgh High Court.
Detective Inspector Stuart Houston, who led the investigation, said: "It is my sincere hope, that following today's verdict Mr Allwood's family can begin to move on with their lives and put this horrendous ordeal behind them.
"I would also like to thank the members of the community who came forward and assisted with this investigation.
"Lothian and Borders Police are committed to tackling violent crime and by working closely with our partners at the Crown Office, ensure that offences of this nature are investigated thoroughly and those responsible are removed from our communities."
Kyle Montgomery found guilty of killing journalist Thomas Allwood
A man who stabbed a journalist to death in West Lothian has been convicted of culpable homicide.
Kyle Montgomery, from Winchburgh, denied murdering 56-year-old Thomas Allwood in Broxburn in June.
A jury at the High Court in Livingston took four-and-a-half hours to find the 24-year-old guilty of the lesser charge.
Sentence was deferred until 20 December at the High Court in Edinburgh for background reports.
Montgomery had said he grabbed a knife to scare off Mr Allwood after claiming he was attacked by him at a house in Broxburn.
He said the killing was an accident and that he did not know the blade had sliced through the victim's chest and severed a major artery during the struggle.
After the attack, Mr Allwood, who was a journalist with the Australian-based INL News Group, was found on Clarkson Road by members of the public.
Police who were called to the scene followed a trail of blood from his body to Montgomery's father house.
They found the knife, still bloodstained, in a cutlery drawer. Montgomery was detained as he returned to the house from a nearby shop.
Mr Allwood was born in Scotland but his family emigrated to Australia when he was a baby and he spent most of his life there.
He was involved in producing a TV show called Fringe Shows Have Talent, to showcase entertainers performing at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival.
Det Insp Stuart Houston, who led the Lothian and Borders Police investigation, said: "It is my sincere hope, that following today's verdict Mr Allwood's family can begin to move on with their lives and put this horrendous ordeal behind them.
"I would also like to thank the members of the community who came forward and assisted with this investigation.
"Lothian and Borders Police are committed to tackling violent crime and by working closely with our partners at the Crown Office, ensure that offences of this nature are investigated thoroughly and those responsible are removed from our communities."
Killer who stabbed man to death had bloody knife in cutlery drawer
STV 28 November 2012 16:45 GMT
Associated Press/Carolyn Kaster, File - FILE - In this Nov. 16, 2012, file photo, President Barack Obama acknowledges House Speaker John Boehner of Ohio while speaking to reporters in the Roosevelt Room of the White House in Washington, as he hosted a meeting of the bipartisan, bicameral leadership of Congress to discuss the deficit and economy. Admnistration officials say President Barack Obama and House Speaker John Boehner met Sunda, Dec. 9, 2012, at the White House to discuss the ongoing negotiations over the impeding "fiscal cliff." Spokesmen for both Obama and Boehner said the two men agreed to not release details of the conversation, but emphasized that the lines of communication remain open. (AP Photo/Carolyn Kaster, File)
Stock market is a wild card in fiscal cliff talks
By By CHARLES BABINGTON | Associated Press
WASHINGTON (AP) — Congress and the White House can significantly soften the initial impact of the "fiscal cliff" even if they fail to reach a compromise by Dec. 31. One thing they cannot control, however, is the financial markets' reaction, which possibly could be a panicky sell-off that triggers economic reversals worldwide.
The stock market's unpredictability is perhaps the biggest wild card in the political showdown over the fiscal cliff.
President Barack Obama's re-election gives him a strong negotiating hand, as Republicans are increasingly acknowledging. And some Democrats are willing to let the Dec. 31 deadline pass, because a rash of broad-based tax hikes would pressure Republicans to give more ground in renewed deficit-reduction negotiations.
A chief fear for Obama's supporters, however, is that Wall Street would be so disgusted or dismayed that stocks would plummet before lawmakers could prove their newfound willingness to mitigate the fiscal cliff's harshest measures, including deep, across-the-board spending cuts that Defense Secretary Leon Panetta says could significantly damage the nation's military posture. SomeRepublicans believe that fear will temper the president's insistence on a hard bargain this month. Obama and GOP House Speaker John Boehner on Sunday held their first meeting between just the two of them since the election, and spokesmen for both emphasized afterward their lines of communication remain open.
The so-called cliff's recipe of major tax hikes and spending cuts can actually be a gentle slope, because the policy changes would be phased in over time. Washington insiders say Congress and the White House would move quickly in January or February to undo many, but not all, of the tax hikes and spending cuts.
Financial markets, however, respond to emotion as well as to research, reason and promises. If New Year's headlines scream "Negotiations Collapse," an emotional sell-off could threaten the president's hopes for continued economic recovery in his second term, even if Republicans receive most of the blame for the impasse.
"Nobody can predict the markets' reaction," said Rep. Jim Cooper, D-Tenn.
Some Republicans are surprised that the White House has not made clearer efforts to reassure Wall Street that if the Dec. 31 deadline is breached, the worrisome pile of tax increases and spending cuts would not hit all at once.
A few liberal commentators are making just that case.
"If we go past the so-called fiscal cliff deadlines and all the resulting budget cuts and tax increases come into force, the administration can minimize the damage," Washington Post columnist E.J. Dionne wrote last week. "Obama can publicly announce he is delaying any cuts, on the theory thatCongress will eventually vitiate some of them. And he can make sure the bond markets know of his plans well in advance. ... Everyone (especially Wall Street) should calm down."
Some financial bloggers agree. "Although it would be bad to let the spending cuts and tax hikes fully go into effect, if this thing is addressed in early January, things will be okay," wrote Business Insider's Joe Weisenthal.
So far, the stock markets have stayed calm. The S&P 500 index is up 12 percent for the year.
That might be because investors agree that a temporary trip over the cliff wouldn't be too harmful. Chastened lawmakers, the thinking goes, would quickly minimize the economic damage with a deficit-reduction compromise that eluded them in December.
Or, it's possible that investors view the most pessimistic tones surrounding the fiscal cliff talks as posturing that will give way to a last-minute deal. If that is the thinking — and if the Dec. 31 deadline instead is breached — Obama's fear might come to pass: The expectation of a deal might produce a significant decline in stock prices if it doesn't occur.
As bad as that sounds, some liberals think it will be necessary to force many Republicans to drop their opposition to higher tax rates on the wealthy that Obama says are crucial to trimming the deficit.
Rep. Peter Welch, a Vermont Democrat who says temporarily going over the cliff wouldn't be so bad, noted what happened on Sept. 29, 2008. The House surprised investors by rejecting a proposed bailout of the crisis-stricken financial sector. Republicans strongly opposed the plan despite then-President George W. Bush's support. The Dow plunged 777 points, its largest one-day point drop ever. Four days later the House, shaken by the market reaction, passed a slightly modified bailout bill.
Welch said a similar market meltdown next month, in the event of a fiscal cliff impasse, "is what will force members of Congress eventually to act." Few lawmakers in either party are eager to predict how the stocks and bonds markets would react to a failure to reach a fiscal cliff accord by year's end. "Let's not pretend the markets fully understand the politicians, or the politicians fully understand the markets," said Rep. George Miller, D-Calif., who has served in Congress for 37 years.
How the 'Mayan Apocalypse' came from a New Age magic mushroom trip
The 'prophecy' does not stem from the Mayans at all. Instead, the beliefs come from two New Age books in the Seventies and Eighties, says a British academic.
Jose Arguelles, author of The Mayan Factor (Image: Wikimedia)
The so-called 'Mayan' prophecy actually comes from New Age writers in the Seventies and Eighties (Image: Rex)
People who are expecting the world to end on December 21 - the so-called 'Mayan Apocalypse' - should be in for a pleasant disappointment.
The 'prophecy' does not stem from the Mayans at all - or date from thousands of years ago.
Instead, the beliefs come from two New Age books in the Seventies and Eighties.
The two books predict outcomes as surreal as a 'upgrade' to human consciousness predicted by a spirit from the seventh century. The date itself comes from a prophecy based on a magic mushroom trip.
“December 21st will be just another Friday morning,” said Andrew Wilson, Assistant Head of Social Studies at the University of Derby. “A hippy guru called Jose Arguelles associated the date with the Mayan calendar in a book called The Mayan Factor in 1987. But it's an obsolete form of the calendar, which had not been used since the year 1100AD.”
“He claimed to be channelling various spirits, including the spirit of a Mayan king from the seventh century. He predicted a ‘shift in human consciousness’ - mass enlightenment.”
The actual date of December 21 first appeared in an earlier work - a 1975 book by Terence McKenna, a writer known for his descriptions of “machine elves” seen while under the influence of drugs.
The date appeared in McKenna's ‘Timeline Zero’ prophecy, and was based on McKenna’s own mathematics, the Chinese I Ching and a magic mushroom trip.
McKenna later met Arguelles and the two became, Wilson says, part of a circle of New Age authors who cited each other’s work, lending the ‘prophecy’ an air of believability.
“The significance of December 21 2012 in ‘New Age’ circles emerged from the work of ‘ethnobotanist’ Terence McKenna as he travelled deep into the Amazon in the 1970s,” says Wilson. His calculations of a ‘zero time wave’ suggested the world would go through a large change on December 21.”
“Arguelles, who had a long-held interest in Native American spiritualties, was inspired by McKenna’s work. He popularised the date in connection with the ‘long count calendar’ of the Mayan people in his new-age circles.”
As the belief has evolved, it has become associated with other, wilder predictions - such as the idea that Earth will be hit by a ‘rogue planet’, Nibiru, or swallowed by a black hole.
“There is no central belief,” says Wilson, “It varies from the ideas that Earth’s magnetic poles might shift, to the idea of a ‘galactic council’ visiting Earth. There’s no one, definite idea - it mirrors the New Age beliefs from which it comes.”
“It’s become part of a lot of religious movements. For instance, ‘The Galactic Federation of Light’ believes that ‘Planet X’ will make a close pass by the earth in 2012 – causing a deep transformation of human life on Earth.
“What this and other apocalyptic dates have in common across new religious movements is that they are often predicted to occur within a believer’s lifetime - making their beliefs urgent and important,” said Wilson.
“However, most people who believe in the significance of December 21 2012 have tempered their predictions of an apocalypse to, instead, signifying some significant change in humanity. Whether that is a change in culture or a world-wide event - most believers in an apocalypse won't be preparing for an earthly end but looking forward to an imminent transformation."
“A lot of people look to this story for reassurance - about the financial climate, or even about fears of, for instance, the Large Hadron Collider.”
“What’s been popularised is the dramatic stuff - but I am definitely still doing my Christmas shopping as normal this year.”
Wilson’s paper, ‘From Mushrooms to the Stars’, will be published by Ashgate in 2013.
Georgia details nuke black market investigations
By By DESMOND BUTLER | Associated Press
This June 24, 2012 photo shows the Hotel L Bakuria in Batumo, Georgia, Black Sea coast near the Turkish Border. In April 2012, three men gathered in secret at the hotel to talk about a deal for radioactive material for sale. The Georgian seller offered cesium, a byproduct from nuclear reactors that terrorists can use to make a dirty bomb.But one of the Turkish men made it clear he was after something much more dangerous: Uranium, the material used to make a nuclear bomb. The two Turks and the seller businessman Soslan Oniani, were convicted in September, 2012 in a Georgian court, according to officials, and sentenced to six years in prison each. Despite years and hundreds of millions of dollars spent in the fight against illicit sale of nuclear contraband, the black market remain active in the countries around the former Soviet Union. (AP Photo by Desmond Butler)
This undated handout photo provided by the Georgia Interior Ministry shows components for four cylinders containing radioactive substances seized in Batumi, Georgia on April 10, 2012. Police, who have been tracking Georgian Businessman Soslan Oniani, for over year, monitored him in a hotel room meeting with two Turskish citizens, trying to sell to sell the cylinders with the materials which included cesium-137 and strontium-90. The two Turks and the seller, Oniani, were convicted were convicted in September, 2012 in a Georgian court, according to officials, and sentenced to six years in prison each.
Associated Press/Georgia Interior Ministry - This undated photo provided by the Georgia Interior Ministry shows part of a seizure of radioactive substances including iridium-192 and europium-152. Police in Kutaisi, Georgia arrested two people involved in the smuggling in February 2011. The investigation led police to track a third man, Soslan Oniani, who would be arrested in April 2012 trying to sell radioactive material to two Turkish men. Despite years of effort and hundreds of millions of dollars spent in the fight against the illicit sale of nuclear contraband, the black market remains active in the countries around the former Soviet Union. The radioactive materials, mostly left over from the Cold War, include nuclear bomb-grade uranium and plutonium, and dirty-bomb isotopes like cesium and iridium. (AP Photo/Georgia Interior Ministry)
BATUMI, Georgia (AP) — On the gritty side of this casino resort town near the Turkish border, three men in a hotel suite gathered in secret to talk about a deal for radioactive material.
The Georgian seller offered cesium, a byproduct of nuclear reactors that terrorists can use to arm a dirty bomb with the power to kill. But one of the Turkish men, wearing a suit and casually smoking a cigarette, made clear he was after something even more dangerous: uranium, the material for a nuclear bomb. The would-be buyers agreed to take a photo of the four cylinders and see if their boss in Turkey was interested. They did not know police were watching through a hidden camera. As they got up to leave, the police rushed in and arrested the men, according to Georgian officials, who were present.
The encounter, which took place in April, reflected a fear shared by U.S. and Georgian officials: Despite years of effort and hundreds of millions of dollars spent in the fight against the illicit sale of nuclear contraband, the black market remains active in the countries around the former Soviet Union. The radioactive materials, mostly left over from the Cold War, include nuclear bomb-grade uranium and plutonium, and dirty-bomb isotopes like cesium and iridium. The extent of the black market is unknown, but a steady stream of attempted sales of radioactive materials in recent years suggests smugglers have sometimes crossed borders undetected. Since the formation of a special nuclear police unit in 2005 with U.S. help and funding, 15 investigations have been launched in Georgia and dozens of people arrested. Six of the investigations were disclosed publicly for the first time to The Associated Press byGeorgian authorities. Officials with the U.S. government and the International Atomic Energy Agency declined to comment on the individual investigations, but President Barack Obama noted in a speech earlier this year that countries like Georgia and Moldova have seized highly enriched uraniumfrom smugglers. An IAEA official, who spoke anonymously because he was not authorized to comment, said the agency is concerned smuggling is still occurring in Georgia.
Four of the previously undisclosed cases, and a fifth — an arrest in neighboring Turkey announced by officials there — occurred this year. One from last year involved enough cesium-137 to make a deadly dirty bomb, officials said.
Also, Georgian officials see links between two older cases involving highly enriched uranium, which in sufficient quantity can be used to make a nuclear bomb. The AP's interviews with the two imprisoned smugglers in one case suggested that the porous borders and the poverty of the region contributed to the problem. The arrests in the casino resort of Batumi stand out for two reasons: They suggest there are real buyers — many of the other investigations involved stings with undercover police acting as buyers. And they suggest that buyers are interested in material that can be used to make a nuclear weapon. "Real buyers are rare in nuclear smuggling cases, and raise real risks," said nuclear nonproliferation specialist Matthew Bunn, who runs Harvard's Project on Managing the Atom. "They suggest someone is actively seeking to buy material for a clandestine bomb." The request for uranium raises a particularly troubling question. "There's no plausible reason for looking for black-market uranium other than for nuclear weapons— or profit, by selling to people who are looking to make nuclear weapons," Bunn said.
Georgia's proximity to the large stockpiles of Cold War-era nuclear material, its position along trade routes to Asia and Europe, the roughly 225 miles (360 kilometers) of unsecured borders of its two breakaway republics, South Ossetia and Abkhazia, and the poverty of the region may explain why the nation of 4.5 million has become a transit point for nuclear material. Georgian officials say the radioactive material in the five new cases this year all transited through Abkhazia, which borders on Russia and has Russian troops stationed on its territory. Abkhazia's foreign ministry said it has no information about the Georgian allegations and would not comment, but in the past it has denied Georgian allegations.
Russia maintains that it has secured its radioactive material — including bomb-grade uranium and plutonium — and that Georgia has exaggerated the risk because of political tension with Moscow. But while the vast majority of the former Soviet Union's nuclear arsenal and radioactive material has been secured, U.S. officials say that some material in the region remains loose. "Without a doubt, we are aware and have been over the last several years that not all nuclear material is accounted for," says Simon Limage, deputy assistant secretary for non-proliferation programs at the U.S. State Department. "It is true that a portion that we are concerned about continues to be outside of regulatory control."
U.S. efforts to prevent smuggling have prioritized bomb-grade material because of the potential that a nuclear bomb could flatten a U.S. city. But security officials say an attack with a dirty bomb — explosives packed with radioactive material — would be easier for a terrorist to pull off. And terrorist groups, including al-Qaida, have sought the material to do so. A study by the National Defense University found that the economic impact from a dirty bomb attack of a sufficient scale on a city center could exceed that of the September 11, 2011, attacks on New York and Washington.
The U.S. government has been assisting about a dozen countries believed to be vulnerable to nuclear smuggling, including Georgia, to set up teams that combine intelligence with police undercover work. Limage says Georgia's team is a model for the other countries the U.S. is supporting. On Jan. 6, police arrested a man in Georgia's capital, Tbilisi, and seized 36 vials with cesium-135, a radioactive isotope that is hard to use for a weapon. The man said he had obtained the material in Abkhazia. In April, Georgian authorities arrested a group of smugglers from Abkhazia bringing in three glass containers with about 2.2 pounds (1 kilogram) of yellowcake uranium, a lightly processed substance that can be enriched into bomb-grade material.
"At first we thought that this was coincidence," said Archil Pavlenishvili, chief investigator of Georgia's anti-smuggling team. "But since all of these cases were connected with Abkhazia, it suggests that the stuff was stolen recently from one particular place. But we have no idea where. " Days later, more evidence turned up when Turkish media reported the arrest of three Turkish men with a radioactive substance in the capital, Ankara. Police seized 2.2 pounds (1 kilogram) of cesium-135, the same material seized in January in Tbilisi.
Georgian officials said the suspects were residents of Germany and driving a car with German plates, but that the material had come from Abkhazia. Turkish authorities said the men had entered Turkey from Georgia. Information provided by German authorities led to the arrest in June of five suspects in Georgia with 9 vials of cesium-135 that looked very similar to the vials seized in January. The Batumi investigation started after the arrest of two men in the city of Kutaisi in February 2011 year with a small quantity of two radioactive materials stolen from an abandoned Soviet helicopter factory, according to Georgian officials. The men said that a businessman, Soslan Oniani, had encouraged them to sell the material. Police interviewed Oniani and searched his house, but found insufficient evidence to arrest him, according to officials. Still, they kept monitoring him through phone taps and an informant. Georgian officials say Oniani was a braggart, who played on his relationship with his cousin, Tariel Oniani, a well- known organized crime boss convicted in Russia of kidnapping.
Early this year, Soslan Oniani started talking about a new deal. Through surveillance and phone taps, police learned of the meeting in Batumi and monitored it. While no money passed hands, the men discussed an illegal deal, which is sufficient for prosecution in Georgia. Tests by Georgian authorities later revealed that one lead cylinder held cesium-137, two strontium-90, and the fourth spent material that was hard to identify. All are useful for making a dirty bomb, although the material in the cylinders alone was not enough to cause mass casualties, according to data provided by Georgian nuclear regulatory authorities. The arrested Turks denied knowing they were negotiating for radioactive substances. They claimed to be musical instrument experts, who had come to Batumi seeking to buy violins. A skeptical interrogator asked them if they were familiar with the famed instrument maker Stradivarius.
One man said he had never heard of him. The two Turks and the seller, Oniani, were convicted in September in a Georgian court, according to officials, and sentenced to six years in prison each.
The Georgian smuggling cases suggest that the trade in radioactive materials is driven at least in part by poverty and the lingering legacy of Soviet corruption in a hardscrabble region. Georgian officials say that because of U.S. backed counter-smuggling efforts, organized crime groups seem to have concluded that the potential profit from trade in these materials doesn't justify the risk. But individuals sometimes conclude they can make a quick buck from radioactive material. For instance, in one newly disclosed case last year, authorities arrested two Georgian men with firearms, TNT and a lethal quantity of cesium-137. One was a former Soviet officer in an army logistics unit, who told police that at the end of his service in the early 90s, he had made a second career stealing from the military.
"He openly said: 'I was a logistics officer and my second duty was to steal everything possible," according to Pavlenishvili. The man kept the cesium for years before he and a relative tried to sell it last year to a Georgian undercover officer. He did not try to sell the weapons or explosives. Poverty and corruption also appear to have played into three smuggling incidents in 2003, 2006 and 2010 that involved bomb-grade highly enriched uranium.
In 2003, an Armenian man, Garik Dadaian, was arrested when he set off a radiation detector provided by an American program at a checkpoint on the Armenian-Georgian border. Days later, the man was released and returned to Armenia under murky circumstances.
Dadaian's name resurfaced in 2010 on a bank transfer slip in the pocket of the two smugglers arrested with highly enriched uranium. The men had obtained the material from Dadaian and were offering it as a sample of a larger quantity. Police say forensic analysis suggests the uranium may have come from the same batch seized in 2003. Russian investigators suspected Dadaian got the nuclear fuel from a manufacturing plant in Novosibirsk, Russia, where several disappearances of material have been documented. Pavlenishvili said Dadaian bribed prosecutors to win his release and take some of the uranium. The two smugglers in the 2010 case were Sumbat Tonoyan, a dairy farmer who went bankrupt, and Hrant Ohanian, a former physicist at a nuclear research facility in the Armenian capital of Yerevan. The AP interviewed both at a prison about 25 miles (40 kilometers) outside Tbilisi, where they are serving sentences of 13 and 14 years.
In separate interviews, each man blamed the other for the idea of smuggling uranium, and talked of financial hardship. Ohanian said his daughter needed urgent medical care that he couldn't afford, and Tonoyan said a bank had seized his house after his dairy factory collapsed. "I didn't have a job and I couldn't pay the bank," he said in Russian through an interpreter. The men also claimed they believed the material they were selling was to be used for scientific work, not nefarious purposes. Ohanian said a Georgian contact, who was also arrested, told him relations with Moscow were so bad that Georgian scientists could not get the uranium they needed from Russia on the open market. "I feel guilty because I behaved like an idiot," he said. "I should have known and I would never do something like this again."
Follow Desmond Butler at //twitter.com/desmondbutler
Questions have been raised by members of the Australian public whether MI5, MI6 and/or their well known murder partners Mossad where involved somehow in the death ofIndian-born mother-of-two Jacintha Saldanha, 46, who the UK media are claiming that she took her own life...
and it is noted that all media reports coming from the United Kingdom only ever call it a suspected suicide... but was it a murder by MI5, MI6 and/or their well known murder partners Mossad
to make and example of the nurse who gave out the private information about Kate Middleton who was in a U.K. hospital...
Australian readers of INLNews.com and awn.bz who have read all about the murder of Thomas Allwood,
Australian readers of INLNews.com and awn.bz who have read all about the murder of Thomas Allwood,
INL News Under-Cover Investigative Journalist and co producer with Stephen Carew-Reid and the INL News Group of Fringe Shows Have Talent TV Shows Have, on the 21st June, 2012 in Broxburn Scotland which is about an hour's drive from Edinburgh... and how the evidence brought out at the recent trial of Kyle Montgomery,
who had been charged by the Scottish Lothian Borders Police for the murder of Thomas Allwood seems to clearly show that the Scottish Lothian Borders Police
and the Scottish Prosecution known as the Procurator Fiscal's Office and the UK Government are: not interested the fact that their own prosecution witnesses agree that they did not ring the police and/or an ambulance when it was discovered that Kyle Montgomery has allegedly placed a 6 inch knife wound into the right chest of Thomas Allwood allegedly at about 2.15 am on the 21st June, 2012 ... and just let Thomas Allwood blead to death until he was found by three boys at 4.45 am two streets away...
David Cameron, the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom (whom he and his treasury solicitors was about to be exposed by Thomas Allwood at a High Court of Justice hearing London on the 24th July, 2012 for criminal comtempt of court); the Scottish Lothian Borders Police and/or the Scottish Prosecution known as the Procurator Fiscal's Office and the UK Government have not offered any official statement saying how sorry they are that Thomas Allwood was murdered on the 21st June, 2012..if fact they seem to be celebrating Thomas Allwood's death having appeared to have branded Thomas Allwood an enemy of the United Kingdom just for wanting the truth to be publicly known and for people who have wrongly victimised by the law obtain some fair justice...
None on the main stream international media have bothered to even report the murder of Thomas Allwood, INL News Under Cover Investigative Journalist, poet and co-producer of the Fringe Shows Have Talent TV Show and other feature films....as there seems to be a "D Notice" stopping them reporting the murder of Thomas Allwood... which is usually issued when sectret service organisations such as MI5, MI6 and/or Mossad are involved with the murder of someone that is declared an enemy of the state as it seems that Thomas Allwood was... just because he was prepared to speak the truth and wanted the public to know the truth..
Thomas Allwood was murdered for exposing the truth and fighting for truth and justice for the ordinary people like Janice Pritchard ans her son Robert Carter who had their family home taken from them in a very wrongful way and put on the street in a very wrongful way by power powerful property developers and their even more powerful legal teams that had the power and influence to be able to tell a justice in the High Court of Justice what orders they wanted and such orders were always granted regardless of the rights and wrongs of the case presented to the judge hearing the case..
Investigators doing a two year undercover investigation into the running of the High Court of Justice have stated in their report that the London's High Court of Justice is one of the most corruptly run courts in the world...where the odds of a litigant in person who does not have formal legal representation getting fairness and justice are a million to one....where judges, justices, masters and adjudicators simply do not bother on most occasions to closely read legal and factual submissions and statements made by litigants in person and only closely read legal and factual submissions and statements filed by the licensed solicitors and barristers that are representing the other side of the legal argument....the way it works is that when a litigant in person issues a claim and/or application in the High Court of Justice without using a licensed solicitor or barrister... the judges, justices, masters and adjudicators simply do not bother on most occasions to closely read the litigants in person's legal and factual submissions and statements and as a matter or routine simply rule against the litigant in person with an ruling that their case has no merit... whether in fairness the case had merit or not... which it may have merit but just not written in the formal legal way a licensed solicitor or barrister would have written their claim or application form... and then once one or two claims or applications have been unsuccessfully made and they are ruled as having no merit.... then a civil restraining order is made against the litigant in person to hinder them from issuing any further claims or applications to have their legal grievances aired in the courts...and thousands of pounds of legal costs are issued against them..so that their opposition solicitors and barristers sue the litigant in person for these court costs to make sure theydo not even trouble them again and/or obtain a court order that until the unfair court costs are paid that no claims and/or applications can be made by them... as another method to bury the truth...it has been found by the two year undercover operation compiled with the help of Thomas Allwood, INL News former head undercover investigative reporter, that on many instances the solicitors and barristers deliberately present false and misleading information to the court and deliberately withhold material information from the court... to obtain the court orders they require from the court... and what is even more shocking..... what Thomas Allwood and his investigation team found stated is even more shocking is that where judges, justices, masters and adjudicators are well aware that when the solicitors and barrister deliberately present false and misleading information to the court and deliberately withhold material information from the court... they simply condone such wrongful and illegal behaviour and help the solicitors and barristers cover this all up and make sure any complaint about their behaviour is completely buried by striking out any complaint made formerly to the court in a criminal contempt application and without reading the details of the complaint..strike out the criminal contempt application as having no merit and rule thousands of pounds of court costs against the litigant in person for daring to try to bring the court's attention to this wrongful and illegal behaviour ... and sometimes as in the case of Thomas Allwood have the litigant in person murdered and organise the police and prosecution to cover up who really murdered the litigant in person and why he was murdered by trying to convince the public into believing it was just an accidental death as a result of some drunken argument, and not a planned and calculated murder.... so the person that has wrongly been blamed for the death is only found guilty of being officially being involved with an accidental death... and being a person not mentally well and being a
Scitzophrenic with mental depression will simple spend a year or so in a luxury mental institution and then be let out to live a normal life taking medication... which they were taking anyway before the death of the enemy ( the litigant in person)... and the real professionally trained killer who works for some state secret service organisation like MI5, MI6 and/or Mossad is never looked for and never charged.. so he or she can be available when needed by state secret service organisation like MI5, MI6 and/or Mossad is never looked for and never charged.. so he or she can be available when needed by state secret service organisations like MI5, MI6 and/or Mossad for thei next murder assignment...
Kate Hospital: Nurse's Family Pays Tribute
Sky News
The family of nurse Jacintha Saldanha have thanked people for their support and messages of condolence.
Speaking on their behalf, Keith Vaz MP described Mrs Saldanha as a "loving mother and a loving wife".
"This is a close family, they are devastated by what has happened, they miss her every moment of every day," he said, as he stood beside Mrs Saldanha's husband Benedict Barboza and her two teenage children.
"They are really grateful for the support of the British public and the public overseas for the messages of support and kindness," he added.
The post-mortem for the nurse, who put through a hoax call made about the Duchess of Cambridge's medical condition, will take place on Tuesday.
Mrs Saldanha took the initial call from Australian DJs Mel Greig and Michael Christian who posed as the Queen and the Prince of Wales when they rang the hospital where Kate was being treated for acute morning sickness.
Believing it to be genuine, she put the call through to another colleague who was duped into describing the duchess' condition in detail.
Mrs Saldanha was found dead days later, having apparently taken her own life.
Her post-mortem will take place at Westminster Mortuary.
Prime Minister David Cameron spoke of his "shock" at Mrs Saldanha's death.
He said: "I thought it was completely shocking ... I heard about the suicide of this nurse, who worked incredibly hard and obviously was incredibly dedicated.
"I feel incredibly sorry for her and her family. It is an absolute tragedy that this has happened and I am sure everyone will want to reflect on how it was allowed to happen."
It comes after the boss of Sydney radio station 2Day FM said five attempts were made to contact London's King Edward VII's Hospital about the prank call before it aired.
"Following the hoax call, the radio station did not speak to anyone in the hospital's senior management or anyone at the company who handles our media enquiries," a hospital spokesman said.
Earlier, Rhys Holleran - head of the station's parent company Southern Cross Austereo - said he was satisfied that the appropriate checks were carried out before the pre-recorded segment was broadcast.
"It is absolutely true to say that we actually did attempt to contact those people on multiple occasions," he told Fairfax Radio, an Australian broadcaster.
"We rang them up to discuss what we had recorded ... we attempted to contact them on no less than five occasions ... we wanted to speak to them about it."
Britain's Health Secretary Jeremy Hunt has told Sky News the nurse's response to the prank call does not point to a widespread breach of procedure.
Asked what lessons needed to be learned, he said: "I think we need to make sure that the right safeguards are in place, that the right training is in place, but I think it's too early for me to say whether this is something which is just an individual prank that went horribly wrong and it was an isolated breach or whether there are more widespread issues.
"My instinct is that this was an isolated incident with very exceptional circumstances."
Labour MP Mr Vaz, who visited Mrs Saldanha's family in Bristol on Sunday, has called on the hospital to hold an inquiry and provide more support to the relatives.
"What is needed, clearly, is an inquiry by the hospital into what has happened.
"The hospital has sent them a letter, which I have seen, but I'm surprised that nobody has made the journey to Bristol to sit with them and offer them the counselling that I think they need."
He said the family was in "terrible distress", adding: "More support in my view needs to be given."
A statement from King Edward VII Hospital said chief executive John Lofthouse had offered to meet Mrs Saldanha's husband.
It said it had also offered to establish a memorial fund in her name.
The statement read: "We hope that everyone will focus on doing all they can for the family of Jacintha Saldanha at this terrible time."
Royal hoax pranksters break silence
The two young 2Day FM hosts at the centre of the controversial Royal prank have broken their silence on the call that had such tragic repercussions.
Martin Frizell weighs in on royal hoax
Headlines and commentary in the UK have condemned the two young radio hosts at the centre of 2DayFM's tragic prank call.
The two young 2Day FM hosts at the centre of the controversial Royal prank have broken their silence on the call that had such tragic repercussions.
After the stunt received international coverage, the nurse who answered the call, 46-year-old Jacintha Saldanha, took her own life.
How much the prank had to do with the tragedy is open to conjecture, but what is certain is that Michael Christian and Mel Greig are two young people under unimaginable pressure.
Though they both say that they are emotionally stable in talking about the events, both Christian and Greig appear visibly distraught.
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When Greig describes hearing the dreadful results following the days after the prank she says "unfortunately I remember that moment very well because I haven't stopped thinking about it since it happened, and I remember my first question was 'was she a mother?'"
On hearing that Saldanha had indeed been the mother of two children, Greig says she was "very sorry and saddened for the family. I can't imagine what they'd be going through."
Christian says he is "gutted", "shattered", and "heartbroken".
He says "we're still trying to get our heads around everything. Trying to make sense of the situation."
According to Greig the whole tragedy doesn't even seem real. "It doesn't seem real because you just couldn't foresee something like that happening from a prank call. You know it was never meant to go that far. It was meant to be a silly little prank that so many people have done before. This wasn't meant to happen," she said.
When asked whether, in hindsight, they would they do something like that again, Christian says "I don't think that anyone could have predicted what could've happened. It was just a tragic set of circumstances. I don't think anyone could have thought that we'd be here."
So how did the idea of the prank first come up? Both Christian and Greig are clear that the idea was the whole team's - that there is no single person that can or should be blamed. "Everything's done as a team," the said.
When asked whether there was legal advice or guidance from senior staff on how best to tackle the call, both Christian and Greig are clear on the fact that the call was never meant to be more than a silly joke.
"The call to begin with wasn't about speaking to Kate. It wasn't about trying to get a scoop or anything. The call was just – I mean we'd assumed that we'd be hung up on and that'd be that," Christian said.
Indian-born mother-of-two Jacintha Saldanha, 46, is thought to have taken her own life. Photo: Supplied
However when the two weren't hung up on during the call last week, the prank was certainly treated as a scoop. The hosts were both shocked and amused when they were put through and given information about Princess Kate's health.
According to Greig "the accents were terrible. You know it was designed to be stupid. We were never meant to get that far - from the little corgis barking in the background – we obviously wanted it to be a joke."
Christian echoes that "the joke was always on us, not anyone else. It wasn't about trying to fool someone. I mean we just assumed that with the voices that we put on, you know, we were going to get told off and that was the gag – in us."
Asked whether Austereo provides any coaching or training about the legal and ethical implications of what is put on air, Christian is clear that his role is as a presenter and that there are others who make the tough calls.
"This phonecall is the same with any phonecall, with any prerecorded segment that goes to air. There's processes in place and people that make those decisions," he said.
"There are people that make those decisions for us."
2Day FM hosts, Michael Christian and Mel Greig. Photo: Supplied
Greig echoes the sentiments, saying "it went through the processes of every other recorded bit that we do – from interviews to you know anything at all that gets recorded and passed on to the appropriate people, goes through the process, and we're told whether it's yes or no to play."
While the powers that be made the decisions about whether to air the segment, the two DJs were certainly giddy that they'd pulled off such an unlikely prank.
"We couldn't believe that it had worked, absolutely. You didn't expect it to. We thought a hundred people before us would've tried the same thing. We just did not see that actually working," Greig said.
Christian is careful to reiterate that the point of the prank "wasn't to get something that no one else had. It wasn't about getting (information)."
However they did try to get a medical condition update - and the medical condition of a Royal at that.
Greig explains that "we didn't actually want that. We just wanted to be hung up on. We wanted to be hung up on with our silly voices and wanted a twenty second segment to air of us doing stupid voices."
Police officers stand outside the King Edward VII's hospital following the death of a nurse who took a hoax call concerning the Duchess of Cambridge's treatment on December 7, 2012 in London, England. Photo: Getty
The two didn't identify themselves at the end of the call (though today station management said that they'd tried to contact the two nurses who were part of the call a number of times before the segment went to air).
"That's where the process comes in. We just record everything and pass it to the team. That's what we do," Greig said.
"And again the call itself is – there's no malice in the call. There was no digging. There was no trying to upset or get a reaction," Christian reiterated.
The extreme vilification of the two DJs by the UK media looks like a witch hunt - there are those that want someone to pay. At the same time hackers here are threatening to shut down the radio station and hack into the whole system if the two young DJs aren't sacked.
In tears, Greig says "there's nothing that can make me feel worse than what I feel right now. And for what I feel for the family. We're so sorry that this has happened to them."
Though both DJs are being given counseling and support from Austereo, they say their priority is that the family of the nurse gets the support and care they need.
"I care more about the family. I want to know that they've got the support that they need and that the public are, you know, being respectful of their privacy," Greig said.
She has not made contact with the family, deciding that it was no appropriate at this time.
"I don't think it's an appropriate time to do that yet. But this is where we want to say that we are thinking of you and if we could call you we would want to reach out to you."
So if they could turn the clock back, would these two DJs make the same phonecall?
"If we played any involvement in her death, then we're very sorry for that. And time will only tell," Christian said.
However he does maintain that "these are prank calls. They've been around for as long as radio's existed, and they're done by every radio station."
And while that's certainly true, the results of this specific prank call are horific. Christian is clear that "no one could have predicted this result."
What does the future hold for the two DJs at the centre of this disaster?
"I don't want to think about that right now. There's bigger, more pressing issues and that's making sure that family gets through this tough time. You know our careers aren't important at the moment," Greig said.
With Scotland Yard now involved, there is eery chance that they two will be called to an inquest, which will probably be in London, where they'll meet the family face to face. Are they prepared for that?
Not ready to look at the future just yet, Christian says "right now we're trying to wrap our heads around what's happened."
Greig assures that "if that's going to make them feel better then I'll do what I need to do, absolutely. If that's something that they want to do, to get some closure, then I'll do that."
Both Greig and Christian have a lot of support. A poll out today of 11,000 people, had two thirds saying they feel the two DJs are not to blame for this horrible result. However the other side are horrible comments in mainstream media and on Twitter saying they've ruined many lives, 'shame on you', and 'you've got blood on your hands'.
Christian says that that's not what they are focusing on.
"What's important right now is you know, that the family of Jacintha are getting the support and the love that they deserve. And I mean that's what's important here. You know, it was, it is, nothing more than a tragic turn of events that no one could have predicted and, you know, for the part that we played, we're obviously incredibly sorry."
"If we had any idea that something like this could be even possible to happen, you know, we couldn't see this happening. It was meant to be a prank call," Greig said.
When the phonecall first aired, Greig said it was the 'highlight of her career' - incredibly excited to get the call through. But of course, as she keeps repeating "we couldn't foresee what was going to happen in the future."
"The call itself was not malicious and no harm was intended on Jacintha, or the other nurse, or Kate, or Prince William, or anyone. It wasn't – from start to finish – there was no harm intended. And obviously, you know, we're incredibly sorry for the harm that we may have helped contribute (to)," Christian concluded.
Readers seeking support and information about suicide prevention can contact Lifelineon 13 11 14 or Suicide Call Back Service on 1300 659 467.
Indian-born mother-of-two Jacintha Saldanha, 46, is thought to have taken her own life. Photo: Supplied
Police officers stand outside the King Edward VII's hospital following the death of a nurse who took a hoax call concerning the Duchess of Cambridge's treatment on December 7, 2012 in London, England. Photo: Getty
2Day FM hosts, Michael Christian and Mel Greig. Photo: Supplied
Readers seeking support and information about suicide prevention can contact Lifelineon 13 11 14 or Suicide Call Back Service on 1300 659 467.
First Picture Of Kate Hospital Hoax Nurse
The first picture has been released of a nurse who apparently
First Picture Of Kate Hospital Hoax Nurse
Sky News –
The first picture has been released of a nurse who apparently committed suicide after being duped by a prank call.
Nurse Jacintha Saldanha was found dead days after taking the hoax call from an Australian radio station and putting it through to a nurse on the Duchess of Cambridge's ward, who divulged private information about her treatment.
The body of the 46-year-old mother-of-two was discovered at an address near King Edward VII's hospital in London - where she had worked for four years - on Friday morning.
Kate, who is understood to be well under 12 weeks pregnant, was admitted to the hospital on Monday with severe morning sickness and released again on Thursday.
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Kyle Montgomery found guilty of killing journalist Thomas Allwood
Thomas Allwood was born in Scotland but spent most of his life in Australia
First offender Kyle Montgomery will be sentenced next month for the killing
A man who stabbed a journalist to death in West Lothian has been convicted of culpable homicide.
Kyle Montgomery, from Winchburgh, denied murdering 56-year-old Thomas Allwood in Broxburn in June.
A jury at the High Court in Livingston took four-and-a-half hours to find the 24-year-old guilty of the lesser charge.
Sentence was deferred until 20 December at the High Court in Edinburgh for background reports.
Montgomery had said he grabbed a knife to scare off Mr Allwood after claiming he was attacked by him at a house in Broxburn.
He said the killing was an accident and that he did not know the blade had sliced through the victim's chest and severed a major artery during the struggle.
After the attack, Mr Allwood, who was a journalist with the Australian-based INL News Group, was found on Clarkson Road by members of the public.
Police who were called to the scene followed a trail of blood from his body to Montgomery's father house.
They found the knife, still bloodstained, in a cutlery drawer. Montgomery was detained as he returned to the house from a nearby shop.
Mr Allwood was born in Scotland but his family emigrated to Australia when he was a baby and he spent most of his life there.
He was involved in producing a TV show called Fringe Shows Have Talent, to showcase entertainers performing at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival.
Det Insp Stuart Houston, who led the Lothian and Borders Police investigation, said: "It is my sincere hope, that following today's verdict Mr Allwood's family can begin to move on with their lives and put this horrendous ordeal behind them.
"I would also like to thank the members of the community who came forward and assisted with this investigation.
"Lothian and Borders Police are committed to tackling violent crime and by working closely with our partners at the Crown Office, ensure that offences of this nature are investigated thoroughly and those responsible are removed from our communities."
First offender Kyle Montgomery will be sentenced next month for the killing A man who stabbed a journalist to death in West Lothian has been convicted of culpable homicide. Kyle Montgomery, from Winchburgh, denied murdering...Read more...
First offender Kyle Montgomery will be sentenced next month for the killing A man who stabbed a journalist to death in West Lothian has been convicted of culpable homicide. Kyle Montgomery, from Winchburgh, denied murdering...Read more...
Kyle Montgomery found guilty of killing journalist Thomas Allwood
Published: 28th Nov 2012
A man who stabbed a journalist to death in West Lothian has been convicted of culpable homicide.
Kyle Montgomery, from Winchburgh, denied murdering 56-year-old Thomas Allwood in Broxburn in June.
A jury at the High Court in Livingston took four-and-a-half hours to find the 24-year-old guilty of the lesser charge.
Sentence was deferred until 20 December at the High Court in Edinburgh for background reports.
Montgomery had said he grabbed a knife to scare off Mr Allwood after claiming he was attacked by him at a house in Broxburn.
He said the killing was an accident and that he did not know the blade had sliced through the victim's chest and severed a major artery during the struggle.
After the attack, Mr Allwood, who was a journalist with the Australian-based INL News Group, was found on Clarkson Road by members of the public.
Police who were called to the scene followed a trail of blood from his body to Montgomery's father house.
They found the knife, still bloodstained, in a cutlery drawer. Montgomery was detained as he returned to the house from a nearby shop.
Mr Allwood was born in Scotland but his family emigrated to Australia when he was a baby and he spent most of his life there.
He was involved in producing a TV show called Fringe Shows Have Talent, to showcase entertainers performing at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival.
Det Insp Stuart Houston, who led the Lothian and Borders Police investigation, said: "It is my sincere hope, that following today's verdict Mr Allwood's family can begin to move on with their lives and put this horrendous ordeal behind them.
"I would also like to thank the members of the community who came forward and assisted with this investigation.
"Lothian and Borders Police are committed to tackling violent crime and by working closely with our partners at the Crown Office, ensure that offences of this nature are investigated thoroughly and those responsible are removed from our communities."
Daily Record : dailyrecord.co.uk
Convicted of killing journalist
29th November 2012 by Vic Roderick
A man who knifed a journalist to death in a drunken street brawl was convicted of culpable homicide yesterday. Kyle Montgomery, 24, of Winchburgh, West Lothianm had denied murdering Thomas Allwood, 56, after a booze session on June 21.
A jury at the High Court in Livingston took four-and-a-half hours to find him guilty of the lesser charge. Sentence was deferred until December 20 for reports.
In evidence, Montgomery claimed he'd grabbed the knife to scare Thomas off after being attacked by him at a house in Broxburn.
He said the killing was an accident and that he did not know the blade had sliced through the victims chest and severed a major artery as he struggled with him.
Scots-born Thoma's family emigrated Down Under when he was a baby.
Australian guest knifed ‘by accident’
The Sun Published: 28th November 2012
Victim ... Thomas Allwood
A MURDER accused told a trial yesterday he stabbed an Aussie house guest by accident.
Kyle Montgomery, 24, said he picked up a knife for “protection” in dad Robert’s kitchen when a boozy row with Thomas Allwood erupted in violence.
The High Court in Livingston heard he hoped to “scare off” Mr Allwood, 55, after the journalist attacked him.
Montgomery, of Winchburgh, West Lothian, said he had no memory of striking the fatal blow during the bust-up in Broxburn in June.
He told a jury: “My intention was to get him away from the house.”
Montgomery denies the murder of Mr Allwood. The trial continues.
Thomas Allwood: The 55-year-old was found dead in Broxburn earlier this year.
A father has told a murder trial that a man he invited home from the pub tried to strangle his son during an argument about a woman.
Robert Montgomery said he threw Thomas Allwood out of his home minutes later, but his son Kyle followed him armed with a bread knife.
He returned a short time later with the blade covered in blood, the High Court at Livingston was told on Tuesday.
Kyle Montgomery, 24, has pleaded not guilty to murdering Australian journalist Mr Allwood, 55, on June 21.
Montgomery, from Winchburgh, West Lothian, denies assaulting the deceased, repeatedly punching him on the head and body, pursuing him with a knife and striking him on the body with a knife.
Mr Montgomery, 65, a self-confessed alcoholic, told how he had gone drinking in a local pub that night after his son gave him £20 for Father's Day. He befriended Mr Allwood and his girlfriend Maggie in a pub in Broxburn, West Lothian, and invited them back to his house for a drink.
When they got there, Maggie sat down beside the accused while Mr Montgomery and the Australian sat talking on another couch. He said he felt uncomfortable because he thought the woman, who was in her 40s, was behaving "inappropriately" towards his son, rubbing his hand and putting her head in his lap.
He asked Mr Allwood "are you going to do something about that?" and he responded - "he can have her".
Mr Montgomery went upstairs to the toilet at around 2am and returned a few minutes later to find his son pinned to the floor by Mr Allwood. He said the Australian had his foot on the younger man's chest and both hands clamped around his neck "strangling him".
He told the jury: "I could see the fear in Kyle's eyes. I told him (Allwood) to get off and he ran out the back door. He came back about 10 minutes later. He was banging on the back door real loud. I opened it and he tried to come through the door like a raging bull, going for Kyle. Kyle got up, pushed me out of the way and pushed him out into the back garden." A few minutes later his son also left the house, but returned shortly afterwards, pulled open a kitchen drawer and grabbed a bread knife.
He said: "Kyle was really furious at that point. I tried to take it (the knife) from him but he held it up above his head. He's a lot taller than me. He went out with it."
Mr Montgomery said he did not hear or see anything happening outside because he remained inside, sitting on the sofa.
Advocate depute Martin Macari asked him: "What's the next thing you remember happening?"
He replied: "Him (Kyle) coming back in again about five minutes later. There was blood on the knife."
He said his son, who seemed angry, was holding the weapon in his right hand with his arm out by his side and the blade pointing away from him. Asked what he did next, he said he took the knife from his son and put it back in the cutlery drawer.
He told the jury: "I said 'Have you done something bad?' He said 'Yup'."
Mr Macari said: "Did you ask him what it was?"
He replied: "No. I found it very traumatic."
Mr Montgomery said his son left the house without saying anything further. He fell asleep on the sofa and was wakened by police who handcuffed him.
Under cross-examination by defence counsel Derek Ogg, Mr Montgomery confirmed he had told police the Australian man had said something like "I'll kill him" as he was throttling the accused.
He added: "Kyle was really scared and wasn't fighting back."
Mr Montgomery said his son had been treated for depression after being bullied at school for having an English accent. He described the accused as a "sensitive" character, who was a "brilliant" chess player.
A man has appeared in court charged with murder following the death of a 55-year-old man in West Lothian last week. Thomas Allwood was found by members of the public lying across Pyothall Road in Broxburn at about 04:45 on Thursday. Kyle Montgomery, 24, of Winchburgh, appeared on petition at Livingston Sheriff Court.
Australian visitor died in the street after being stabbed in chest
Thomas Allwood: The 55-year-old was found dead in the street.
An Australian visitor to Scotland died in the street of a small town after being stabbed once with a knife.
On Monday, a jury was told Thomas Allwood's body was found in Broxburn, West Lothian, in the early hours of June 21 this year. At the High Court at Livingston, the prosecution and defence agreed the cause of death was a single stab wound to the 55-year-old investigative journalist's chest. Kyle Montgomery, 24, is on trial after pleading not guilty to murdering Mr Allwood. Montgomery, from Winchburgh, West Lothian, denies assaulting the Mr Allwood on various occasions on the night he died, repeatedly punching him on the head and body, pursuing him with a knife and striking him on the body with a knife. The attacks are alleged to have happened in Galloway Crescent, Clarkson Road and elsewhere in Broxburn. Mr Allwood was found by members of the public lying in Pyothall Road, near Clarkson Road, at about 4:45am. June Douglas, 44, who lives next door to Montgomery's father Robert in Galloway Crescent, said she saw the accused in the street at around 1pm on June 20 carrying a bag which she assumed contained alcohol.
A few minutes later she saw him at the door of his father's home trying to get in. She told the court her neighbour
was a known alcoholic and frequently caused a nuisance. In the early hours of the following morning
she said she was startled by a loud bang on the wall of her bedroom just after 3am.
She said: "It was as if somebody was going to come through the wall. It gave me a start - I'd never heard anything like the bang.
I just took it that they were fighting and banging off the walls. It was something that happened all the time."
Under cross examination by defence advocate Derek Ogg,
Ms Douglas agreed Mr Montgomery's house was "used like a drinking den". She added: "It was like living next door to a pub."
Her friend Christopher McDonald, 31, who was staying with her at the time, said loud music, banging and the sound of raised voices had continued long after Ms Douglas had gone to bed. He was also startled by the loud noise at around 3.15am. He said: "The bang was the one thing that was out of the ordinary. I just assumed they were fighting again.
The whole house shook."
He said he identified the sound of four voices in Mr Montgomery's one-bedroom maisonette that night.
Things went quiet after the bang, then he said he heard someone leave by the back door.
He told the jury: "Someone went out quietly. The door was never closed quietly.
What drew my attention was that it wasn't slammed. Later - after 5 0'clock - I heard really loud voices from the garden.
"I got really angry at that point. I pulled aside the curtain and I was ready to go mental, but the police were there."
Earlier barmaid Lisa Feenan, 30, said the accused's father Mr Montgomery had left the Badger's Brook pub
in Broxburn just after 10 pm on June 20 with a man she knew only as "the Australian".
She said Mr Montgomery had been drinking Guinness in the bar for an hour and a half but the Australian visitor,
who was with a woman she knew as Margaret, had only taken soft drinks.
In a joint minute of agreement read to the jury, the Crown produced technical evidence,
including records of mobile phone calls by the accused, his father Robert and Tina Borst.
CCTV footage from cameras in Broxburn Main Street and the Badger's Brook pub was lodged as evidence along with a recording of a 999 call made by witness James McMillan on the morning of the incident.
A till receipt for cigarettes and a lighter from the Costcutter store at Fairfield Service Station along with CCTV film captured just before 5am have also been lodged.
Australian visitor died in the street after being stabbed in chest
STV 19 November 2012
Submariner Admits Official Secrets Act Breach
by Darren McCaffrey, Sky Reporter | Sky News
A former Royal Navy submariner has admitted collecting secret coding programmes that could be useful to an enemy of the UK.
Petty officer Edward Devenney, from Northern Ireland, pleaded guilty at the Old Bailey to gathering details of encryption programmes in breach of the Official Secrets Act.
The 30-year-old also admitted a charge of misconduct in a public office in relation to a meeting with two people he thought were from the Russian secret service.
He said he had discussed information relating to the movement of nuclear submarines with the pair.
They turned out to be British agents who carried out a sting operation in January of this year.
The Official Secrets Act charge was collecting information for a purpose prejudicial to the safety or interests of the state between November 18 last year and March 7 this year.
Devenney gathered details of "crypto material" - programmes used to encrypt secret information - which could be useful to an enemy.
He denied a second count of communicating information to another person and this will not be pursued by prosecutors.
The Ministry of Defence has said no classified information was ever passed on to the Russians or any other countries.
It has described Devenney as somewhat of a Walter Mitty character - referring to the fantasist character in James Thurber's book The Secret Life of Walter Mitty.
The judge, who said it was a highly unusual case, adjourned sentencing until December 12.
Some of that hearing will be held in private as the information relates to current British naval operations.
Devenney has been remanded in custody.
I am not in love with David Petraeus': Paula Broadwell's bizarre denial during interview filmed five months into her affair with disgraced CIA boss
'I am not in love with David Petraeus': Paula Broadwell's bizarre denial during interview filmed five months into her affair with disgraced CIA boss
by Daniel Bates 12 November 2012
The woman who had an affair with David Petraeus denied she was in love with him in a bizarre interview she gave in the midst of their fling.
Speaking in an interview while promoting her book in February, Paula Broadwell said without prompting: 'I am not in love with David Petraeus', in what was something of a Freudian slip.
By that stage their affair was around five months having started when he became head of the CIA in September last year.It ended around July, according to reports.
Freudian? In an interview with Arthur Kade, Paula Broadwell let slip: 'I'm not in love with David Petraeus'
In the interview Broadwell, who is married with two young sons, revealed that she had sent Petraeus' wife Holly a copy of her her fawning biography of her husband - and claimed that she loved it.
The disclosure could reignite the debate about what information she was given access to
If Petraeus, 60, was prepared to show her his intimate correspondence with mentors then he may have allowed her to see classified information too.
Affair: Former CIA boss David Petraeus is pictured with Paula Broadwell, his biographer and alleged mistress
Controversially, Broadwell even claims that it was Petraeus' idea, and not hers, to turn her dissertation project on military leadership into the book it became: 'All In: The Education Of General DavidPetraeus'.
The interview was carried out by Arthur Kade, a former financial advisor turned humanitarian who also conducts celebrity interviews.
He and Broadwell sit in front of an open fire for 13 minutes during which she speaks at length about the book.
Broadwell says: 'I conducted over 700 interviews, you can appreciate how time consuming that is, and to transcribe then and I was trying to do this all on my own as a dissertation project.
'But when I realised the opportunity I had to present this portrait of strategic leadership - you know it's not a hagiography, I’m not in love with David Petraeus, but I think he does present a terrific role model for young people, for executives, for men and women.
Betrayal: Broadwell has two children with her radiologist husband, Scott, pictured left. Petraeus has been married to his wife Holly, pictured right, for 38 years and they have two grown children together.
Look of love? A photo in June 2011 shows Broadwell watching as Petraeus and Holly arrive for a Senate Select Intelligence Committee hearing on Petraeus' nomination to be director of the CIA.
'There's a great role model there who is values oriented, who speaks the truth to power, who shows great example of taking initiative and other qualities we should be all be interested in ourselves and promoting in others.
Broadwell said that she had presented Petreaus with a copy of her book but added that 'he says he hasn't read it'
She said: 'I sent him and his wife a copy and I know his wife, Holly Petraeus, read it and she had great things to say.
'He's tracking how the book is being received and as an academic mentor of mine, if you will, he's proud of me.
Insistence: Broadwell made the bizarre claim about not loving Petraeus while promoting his biography, 'All In'.
He agreed, gave her a business card and she made multiple visits to Afghanistan to interview him - before romance finally flourished.
Turning to their relationship, Broadwell said in the interview: 'Our rapport increased and he decided to make it more of an official relationship, treating me like a biographer.
'I was able to look through correspondence he exchange with his mentors over three decades as a young captain and major and I was able to trace how he was thinking, the evolution of his thought about counterinsurgency, about how forces train and equip and fight and on leadership.
top commander of the NATO-led International Security Assistance Forces (ISAF) and U.S. forces in Afghanistan, during an interview with The Associated Press
Associated Press/Musadeq Sadeq, File - FILE - This July 22, 2012, file photo shows U.S. Gen. John Allen, top commander of the NATO-led International Security Assistance Forces (ISAF) and U.S. forces in Afghanistan, during an interview with The Associated Press in Kabul, Afghanistan. The Pentagon says Gen. John Allen is under investigation for alleged "inappropriate communications" with Jill Kelley, the woman who is said to have received threatening emails from Paula Broadwell, the woman with whom former CIA Director David Petraeus had an extramarital affair. Defense Secretary Leon Panetta says the FBI referred the matter to the Pentagon on Sunday, Nov. 11, 2012. Panetta says he ordered a Pentagon investigation of Allen on Monday. (AP Photo/Musadeq Sadeq, File)
General investigated for emails to Petraeus friend
By ROBERT BURNS | Associated Press
PERTH, Australia (AP) — In a new twist to the Gen. David Petraeussex scandal, the Pentagon said Tuesday that the top American commander in Afghanistan, Gen. John Allen, is under investigationfor alleged "inappropriate communications" with a woman who is said to have received threatening emails from Paula Broadwell, the woman with whom Petraeus had an extramarital affair.
Defense Secretary Leon Panetta said in a written statement issued to reporters aboard his aircraft, en route from Honolulu to Perth, Australia, that the FBI referred the matter to the Pentagon on Sunday.
Panetta said that he ordered a Pentagon investigation of Allen on Monday.
A senior defense official traveling with Panetta said Allen's communications were with Jill Kelley, who has been described as an unpaid social liaison at MacDill Air Force Base, Fla., which is headquarters to the U.S. Central Command. She is not a U.S. government employee.
Kelley is said to have received threatening emails from Broadwell, who is Petraeus' biographer and who had an extramarital affair with Petraeus that reportedly began after he became CIA director in September 2011.
Petraeus resigned as CIA director on Friday.
Allen, a four-star Marine general, succeeded Petraeus as the top American commander in Afghanistan in July 2011.
The senior official, who discussed the matter only on condition of anonymity because it is under investigation, said Panetta believed it was prudent to launch a Pentagon investigation, although the official would not explain the nature of Allen's problematic communications.
The official said 20,000 to 30,000 pages of emails and other documents from Allen's communications with Kelley between 2010 and 2012 are under review. He would not say whether they involved sexual matters or whether they are thought to include unauthorized disclosures of classified information. He said he did not know whether Petraeus is mentioned in the emails.
"Gen. Allen disputes that he has engaged in any wrongdoing in this matter," the official said. He said Allen currently is in Washington.
Panetta said that while the matter is being investigated by the Defense Department Inspector General, Allen will remain in his post as commander of the International Security Assistance Force, based in Kabul. He praised Allen as having been instrumental in making progress in the war.
Spotlight on second woman in General David Petraeus Scandal
New details emerge about the woman who allegedly got menacing emails from the general's mistress."
Associated Press/Cliff Owen, File - FILE - In this June 23, 2011, file photo, Gen. David Petraeus, center, walks with his wife Holly, left, past a seated Paula Broadwell, rear right, as he arrives to appear before the Senate Intelligence Committee during a hearing on his nomination to be Director of the Central Intelligence Agency on Capitol Hill in Washington. Petraeus quit Nov. 9, 2012, after acknowledging an extramarital relationship. As questions arise about the extramarital affair between Petraeus and his biographer, Paula Broadwell, she has remained quiet about details of their relationship. However, information has emerged about Jill Kelley, the woman who received the emails from Broadwell that led to the FBI’s discovery of Petraeus’ indiscretion. (AP Photo/Cliff Owen, File)
Spotlight on 2nd woman in Petraeus case
New details emerge about the woman who allegedly got menacing emails from the general's mistress.
WASHINGTON (AP) — As questions swirl about the extramarital affair that led to the resignation of CIA Director David Petraeus, the retired general and his biographer, Paula Broadwell, have been quiet about details of their relationship. However, information has emerged about the woman who received the emails from Broadwellthat led to the FBI's discovery of Petraeus' indiscretion.
A senior U.S. military official identified the second woman as Jill Kelley, 37, who lives in Tampa, Fla., and serves as an unpaid social liaison to MacDill Air Force Base in Tampa, where the military'sCentral Command and Special Operations Command are located.
In a statement Sunday, Kelley and her husband, Scott, said: "We and our family have been friends with Gen. Petraeus and his family for over five years. We respect his and his family's privacy and want the same for us and our three children." The military official who identified Kelley spoke on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to publicly discuss the investigation. He said Kelley had received harassing emails from Broadwell, which led the FBI to examine her email account and eventually discover her relationship with Petraeus. The FBI contacted Petraeus and other intelligence officials, and Director of National Intelligence James Clapper asked Petraeus to resign. A former associate of Petraeus confirmed the target of the emails was Kelley, but said there was no affair between the two, speaking on condition of anonymity to discuss the retired general's private life. The associate, who has been in touch with Petraeus since his resignation, said Kelley and her husband were longtime friends of Petraeus and his wife, Holly.
Attempts to reach Kelley were not successful. Broadwell did not return phone calls or emails. The Petraeus news caught much of Washington by surprise and members of Congress said Sunday they want to know more details about the FBI investigation that revealed the extramarital affair between Petraeus and his biographer. They questioned when the retired general popped up in the FBI inquiry, whether national security was compromised and why they weren't told sooner. "We received no advanced notice. It was like a lightning bolt," Democratic Sen. Dianne Feinstein of California, who heads the Senate Intelligence Committee, said on "Fox News Sunday." Petraeus, 60, quit Friday after acknowledging an extramarital relationship. He has been married 38 years to Holly Petraeus, with whom he has two adult children, including a son who led an infantry platoon in Afghanistan as an Army lieutenant.
Broadwell, a 40-year-old graduate of the U.S. Military Academy and an Army Reserve officer, is married with two young sons.
Petraeus' affair with Broadwell will be the subject of meetings Wednesday involving congressional intelligence committee leaders, FBI deputy director Sean Joyce and CIA deputy director Michael Morell.
A rare fish taken off Cabo San Lucas ends up getting stolen in bizarre tale
By: David StregeSaturday, November 10, 2012 11:00pm PST
A fish rarely seen by humans and weighing in at 300 pounds became the center of a bizarre fish story in Cabo San Lucas, where the "mystery" fish wound up getting stolen. The fish was described by the Pisces Sportfishing Fleet blog as having a dorado-shaped head, tuna-type body, wahoo tail (with half of it missing) and a snapper color. Pisces eventually identified the fish as a louvar or Luvaras Imperialis, a species last seen in Cabo waters some 22 years ago. The boatful of fishermen who captured the rare beast knew it was something special, yet it became the fish that got away--stolen from under their noses. As related by Capt. Josue Moreno to Pisces, the Marina II headed out for a half day of fishing when the crew and fishing tourists came across a huge fish circling on the top of the water. "I thought it was a red snapper or tuna," Moreno told Pisces. "So we went over to investigate and saw this really weird fish, like something we had never seen before. It was still alive, but almost dead, struggling to breathe. So we gaffed it and had a really hard time getting it onto the swimstep. The tourists on board were amazed and kept asking us what it was, but we had no idea." The Marina II was said to have stopped to catch a few dorado before heading in to have the big, mystery fish weighed and filleted. Only that's not exactly what happened. As Pisces Sportfishing Fleet found out on Tuesday, the tale Moreno told was a lie. The real story surfaced when Pisces spoke with angler Joe Estrada of San Antonio, Texas. He and some friends had chartered the boat Dr. Pescado II. Less than four miles from the Lighthouse off Cabo, theyspotted the mystery fish circling on top of the water, they gaffed it and they tied it onto the swimstep. "We wanted to head back with the fish," Estrada told Pisces. "We knew it was an unusual catch." But the captain said, "the dorado bite is good, let's stay and fish and I will find somebody to take it back."
So, not wanting the fish to sit out in the sun while they were fishing, the captain radioed the Marina II, and its captain agreed to take the fish in. "Our skipper, Oscar, told the other skipper to take it back for us and put it on ice. You can hear him saying that on our video," Estrada told Doug Olander of Sport Fishing. The video below shows how the fish was transferred from one boat to the other. The fish was hooked to a buoy. The Dr. Pescado II left it floating for the Marina II, which scooped up the fish and headed in to port. It was the last Estrada and his fishing group saw of the fish. As you can see in the photo above, Capt. Moreno had a photo taken with the fish before immediately filleting and distributing it to people around the marina. When the Dr. Pescado II returned to port to check on the fish, it was long gone. "I like the fact that everybody was fed," Estrada told Pisces. "I hate to see fish go to waste and I am glad that so many families got fed." But he sure wishes he had been able to take a few fillets home with him. "I found out that they are really good eating," Estrada told Sport Fishing. "And I love to cook fish. That was heartbreaking." Estrada told Pisces that his skipper Oscar "felt betrayed," though we can't help but wonder if Oscar might have gotten any of those fillets. Hmmm. See Estrada's entire YouTube video here. We start the video below at 1:25, right when they describe how they're going to hand the fish off. "Let it be known we found the fish...We caught this fish, the rarest fish in the world," you can hear someone say. And, appropriately, you also hear, "Adios."
We started off as a family owned and operated business out of the City of La Paz, Baja, Mexico in 1978 with one 28 ft boat. A couple of years later we moved to Cabo and since then we have grown to be the largest and most respected charter fleet in Mexico. To keep pace with the growth of a more sophisticated market we gradually added more vessels and can now offer everything from the basic Baja Panga to mega yachts. Still, the favorite of most Cabo visitors(28-31ft) standard cruisers, seaworthy, clean boat, with very experienced crews which are great value for money. Slightly larger(32-48 ft), newer model, vessels with more comfort like salons and air-conditioning. Over 50 ft Sportfishers usually being new high tech vessels with great speed and more range. Last but not least, the Luxury Yachts, most being multi-purpose - fishing, cruising, snorkeling, diving -ideal for those want to be pampered with the very best. What sets us apart are the relationships we form with our clients, long-term; our focus is service, value for money and experienced crews. We have a proven track record that keeps our guests returning year after year.
We have not seen one of these strange fish in twenty two years and back in those days we were baffled having no idea what it was, but described it as "having a dorado shape head, tuna type body, wahoo tail and snapper color". Now we know that this fish is a louvar or Luvaras Imperialis. Not much is known about this elusive fish and it is rarely seen by humans and it is extremely rare to see a live specimen, as this one was. Captain Josue Moreno, a twenty year old native of Cabo San Lucas and captain of the 28 ft cruiser Marina, left the dock this morning with some tourists he had signed up for a half day of fishing. They headed out to the Pacific in hopes of catching some dorado and were six miles off of the Old Lighthouse, when they spotted something big on the surface of the water "I thought it was a red snapper or a tuna" he told us, "so we went over to investigate and saw this really weird fish, like something we had never seen before. It was still alive, but almost dead, struggling to breathe. So we gaffed it and had a really hard time getting it on to the swimstep. The tourists on board were amazed and kept asking us what it was, but we had no idea". Once secured on the back of the boat, they carried on fishing and picked up a few doardo before heading back to the marina at 11.30. The fillet guys knew what it was; they remembered the one from years ago and wrote up the photo board with the correct name for the captain to get his picture. After doing a bit of research we see that his 300 lb specimen is about as big as they get and learned that the flesh is delicious being compared to halibut and even swordfish. This species spends its entire life in the open ocean with jellyfish being its main diet.
How to Devise Passwords That Drive Hackers Away
The New York Times
How to Devise Passwords That Drive Hackers Away
It is absurdly easy to get hacked. All it takes is clicking on one malicious link or attachment.
Not long after I began writing about cybersecurity, I became a paranoid caricature of my former self. It’s hard to maintain peace of mind when hackers remind me every day, all day, just how easy it is to steal my personal data.
Within weeks, I set up unique, complex passwords for every Web site, enabled two-step authentication for my e-mail accounts, and even covered up my computer’s Web camera with a piece of masking tape — a precaution that invited ridicule from friends and co-workers who suggested it was time to get my head checked. But recent episodes offered vindication. I removed the webcam tape — after a friend convinced me that it was a little much — only to see its light turn green a few days later, suggesting someone was in my computer and watching. More recently, I received a text message from Google with the two-step verification code for my Gmail account. That’s the string of numbers Google sends after you correctly enter the password to your Gmail account, and it serves as a second password. (Do sign up for it.) The only problem was that I was not trying to get into my Gmail account. I was nowhere near a computer. Apparently, somebody else was. It is absurdly easy to get hacked. All it takes is clicking on one malicious link or attachment. Companies’ computer systems are attacked every day by hackers looking for passwords to sell on auctionlike black market sites where a single password can fetch $20. Hackers regularly exploit tools like John the Ripper, a free password-cracking program that use lists of commonly used passwords from breached sites and can test millions of passwords per second.
Chances are, most people will get hacked at some point in their lifetime. The best they can do is delay the inevitable by avoiding suspicious links, even from friends, and manage their passwords. Unfortunately, good password hygiene is like flossing — you know it’s important, but it takes effort. How do you possibly come up with different, hard-to-crack passwords for every single news, social network, e-commerce, banking, corporate and e-mail account and still remember them all? To answer that question, I called two of the most (justifiably) paranoid people I know, Jeremiah Grossman and Paul Kocher, to find out how they keep their information safe. Mr. Grossman was the first hacker to demonstrate how easily somebody can break into a computer’s webcam and microphone through a Web browser. He is now chief technology officer at WhiteHat Security, an Internet and network security firm, where he is frequently targeted by cybercriminals. Mr. Kocher, a well-known cryptographer, gained notice for clever hacks on security systems. He now runs Cryptography Research, a security firm that specializes in keeping systems hacker-resistant. Here were their tips:
FORGET THE DICTIONARY If your password can be found in a dictionary, you might as well not have one. “The worst passwords are dictionary words or a small number of insertions or changes to words that are in the dictionary,” said Mr. Kocher. Hackers will often test passwords from a dictionary or aggregated from breaches. If your password is not in that set, hackers will typically move on.
NEVER USE THE SAME PASSWORD TWICE People tend to use the same password across multiple sites, a fact hackers regularly exploit. While cracking into someone’s professional profile on LinkedIn might not have dire consequences, hackers will use that password to crack into, say, someone’s e-mail, bank, or brokerage account where more valuable financial and personal data is stored.
COME UP WITH A PASSPHRASE The longer your password, the longer it will take to crack. A password should ideally be 14 characters or more in length if you want to make it uncrackable by an attacker in less than 24 hours. Because longer passwords tend to be harder to remember, consider a passphrase, such as a favorite movie quote, song lyric, or poem, and string together only the first one or two letters of each word in the sentence.
OR JUST JAM ON YOUR KEYBOARD For sensitive accounts, Mr. Grossman says that instead of a passphrase, he will randomly jam on his keyboard, intermittently hitting the Shift and Alt keys, and copy the result into a text file which he stores on an encrypted, password-protected USB drive. “That way, if someone puts a gun to my head and demands to know my password, I can honestly say I don’t know it.”
STORE YOUR PASSWORDS SECURELY Do not store your passwords in your in-box or on your desktop. If malware infects your computer, you’re toast. Mr. Grossman stores his password file on an encrypted USB drive for which he has a long, complex password that he has memorized. He copies and pastes those passwords into accounts so that, in the event an attacker installs keystroke logging software on his computer, they cannot record the keystrokes to his password. Mr. Kocher takes a more old-fashioned approach: He keeps password hints, not the actual passwords, on a scrap of paper in his wallet. “I try to keep my most sensitive information off the Internet completely,” Mr. Kocher said.
A PASSWORD MANAGER? MAYBE Password-protection software lets you store all your usernames and passwords in one place. Some programs will even create strong passwords for you and automatically log you in to sites as long as you provide one master password. LastPass, SplashDataand AgileBits offer password management software for Windows, Macs and mobile devices. But consider yourself warned: Mr. Kocher said he did not use the software because even with encryption, it still lived on the computer itself. “If someone steals my computer, I’ve lost my passwords.” Mr. Grossman said he did not trust the software because he didn’t write it. Indeed, at a security conference in Amsterdam earlier this year, hackers demonstrated how easily the cryptography used by many popular mobile password managers could be cracked.
IGNORE SECURITY QUESTIONS There is a limited set of answers to questions like “What is your favorite color?” and most answers to questions like “What middle school did you attend?” can be found on the Internet. Hackers use that information to reset your password and take control of your account. Earlier this year, a hacker claimed he was able to crack into Mitt Romney’s Hotmail and Dropbox accounts using the name of his favorite pet. A better approach would be to enter a password hint that has nothing to do with the question itself. For example, if the security question asks for the name of the hospital in which you were born, your answer might be: “Your favorite song lyric.”
USE DIFFERENT BROWSERS Mr. Grossman makes a point of using different Web browsers for different activities. “Pick one browser for ‘promiscuous’ browsing: online forums, news sites, blogs — anything you don’t consider important,” he said. “When you’re online banking or checking e-mail, fire up a secondary Web browser, then shut it down.” That way, if your browser catches an infection when you accidentally stumble on an X-rated site, your bank account is not necessarily compromised. As for which browser to use for which activities, a study last year by Accuvant Labs of Web browsers — including Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome and Microsoft Internet Explorer — found that Chrome was the least susceptible to attacks.
SHARE CAUTIOUSLY “You are your e-mail address and your password,” Mr. Kocher emphasized. Whenever possible, he will not register for online accounts using his real e-mail address. Instead he will use “throwaway” e-mail addresses, like those offered by 10minutemail.com. Users register and confirm an online account, which self-destructs 10 minutes later. Mr. Grossman said he often warned people to treat anything they typed or shared online as public record.
“At some point, you will get hacked — it’s only a matter of time,” warned Mr. Grossman. “If that’s unacceptable to you, don’t put it online.”
Proud to Be One of the World's Worst Hotels
The good news? This hotel is a bargain, no room costs more 25 euros per night. The bad news: You get what you pay for. It may be the worst hotel in the world.
The people who own the Hans Brinker Budget Hostel in Amsterdam wrote the book on the subject with a simple idea in mind: If you were warned in advance, you can't complain after you arrive. Some of the Hans Brinker's advertising slogans include: "It can't get any worse. But we'll do our best" or "Improve your immune system – stay at Hans Brinker!" And this "honest" humorous approach works, if you judge by the high percentage of the hotel's 511 beds in 127 rooms that are occupied these days.
The hotel's target clientele are mostly students and backpackers, who can appreciate the sarcastic humor and the price. The Hans Brinker ads make extremely modest claims: "Now with beds in every room" or "Now more rooms without a window," to go with the modest rate. And cheapness isn't the only virtue on display at the Hans Brinker Budget Hostel, there's also so-called ecological correctness. So the hotel's broken elevators becomes an "eco-friendly elevator"-- the stairs. No hot water in the shower? It keeps water consumption environmentally sound. No towels? Drying yourself off with the curtains saves on washing and helps save the planet. "It's an experience," says Tijmen Receveur, a manager at Hans Brinker. "Most of our guests are pleasantly surprised when they arrive at the hotel. They love our humor and sarcasm and they have diminished their expectations to less than nothing." A "legal note" posted on the hotel's website states that guests book there "at their own risk and will not hold the hotel liable for food poisoning, mental breakdowns, terminal illness, lost limbs, radiation poisoning, certain diseases associated with the 18th century, plague, etcetera."
"I've stayed in a lot of crummy places, but I like to think the Hans Brinker is the best of the worst," says Eleonor, a Belgian student, who stayed there recently. "It's the perfect place for teenage travelers or people in their twenties, who are likely to fall asleep in one of the bars around the corner anyway." Still, wacky humor can only take you so far, and recent comments on TripAdvisor indicate some guests may have forgotten the basis of their bargain: you get what you pay for, even or especially, at "The Worst Hotel in the World." Recent comments range from "For the reputation of the world's worst hotel it wasn't as bad as I thought. Pretty scabby still, very basic. The bathroom was atrocious! The winner for it was the location though. I wouldn't say don't stay there, but I would never stay there ever again" to the more flattering "Hans Brinker is a fun filled hostel with great facilities, friendly staff and great location. You will not be disappointed!"
Either way, you've been warned.
Colorado investigating reports of machines changing Romney votes to Obama
November 6, 2012
The Republican party of Pueblo, Colorado, has begun an investigation into reports that voting machines have been switching voters' selections.
The Pueblo GOP received at least a dozen complaints about voting machines changing votes for Mitt Romney, Republican nominee, into votes for Barack Obama, the incumbent.
Speaking to local media outlet, KRDO, Gilbert Ortiz, Pueblo County clerk and recorder said:
"..Just like when you're texting on your cell phone or using any other touchscreen technology, there's a chance that you might think your finger is touching one area and it's actually touching another...."
Interactive: US inner circles of power
Meet the top consultants, advisers, and pollsters behind Barack Obama and Mitt Romney's candidacies.
Long lines reported in some states as millions of voters take to the polls after a grueling campaign.
Last Modified: 06 Nov 2012 20:20
After a seemingly endless presidential campaign, voters in the United States are going to the polls to decide whether to give president Barack Obama a second term or replace him with his Republican challenger, former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney.
Voters in dozens of states were lined up before dawn, with lengthy lines and hour-long waits reported in many places. In New York and New Jersey, eastern states battered last week by Hurricane Sandy, voters queued outside of tents and other makeshift polling places.
There were scattered reports of irregularities across the country, particularly from voters who said they were asked to show identification while waiting in line. In Pennsylvania, a judge ordered Republicans to stop demanding ID from voters outside a polling station.
Voting machines also broke down in a number of polling stations. One man in Pennsylvania posted a video of a machine which did not let him vote for Obama, apparently a malfunction.
Romney voted on Tuesday morning near his home in Belmont, Massachusetts. From there he planned to hit the campaign trail, a rarity for presidential candidates on Election Day; his campaign has scheduled events in Pennsylvania and the battleground state of Ohio.
Obama voted more than a week ago in his hometown of Chicago, part of a campaign to encourage his supporters to take advantage of early voting. Some 30 million Americans have already voted, a record number.
The president plans to spend the day at his headquarters in the city, and has no plans to hit the campaign trail, though he did make phone calls to volunteers.
"[I] want to say to Governor Romney, congratulations on a spirited campaign," he told reporters on Tuesday morning. "We feel confident we've got the votes to win, but it's going to depend ultimately on whether those votes turn out."
His vice president, Joe Biden, cast his ballot in the early morning hours in his home state of Delaware. He will travel to Chicago in the afternoon to watch the results with Obama.
Tuesday's vote caps off a grueling campaign that became the most expensive in history: Candidates and outside groups spent some $2.6bn on the presidential race alone.
Both candidates have spent the last few weeks barnstorming the handful of "swing states" which will decide the election. Obama made campaign stops on Monday in Wisconsin, Iowa and Ohio, while Romney visited New Hampshire, Florida, Ohio and Virginia.
Obama used his final campaign stop to remind voters of his accomplishments: the economy's slow recovery from recession, the rescue of the American auto industry, and the end of the war in Iraq, among other things.
He sought to sharpen the contrast between his policies and those of his opponent.
"It's not just a choice between two candidates and two parties, it's a choice between two different visions for America," he said.
Obama has not laid out a detailed agenda for his second term, and Romney has seized on that in his final speeches, warning voters that the president will simply repeat his policies from the past four years - which the Republican nominee described as a failure.
"His plan for the next four years is to take all the ideas from the first term - the stimulus, the borrowing, Obamacare, all the rest - and do them over again," Romney said, referring to the president's $787bn economic stimulus package and his health care reforms.
"He calls that ‘Forward.’ I call it ‘Forewarned,'" the former governor quipped.
Polls positive for Obama
The last round of national polls heading into the vote were good news for the president. A Pew Research Center poll showed him leading Romney by three points, 48 per cent to 45 per cent. The same poll had them tied last week.
Two other polls showed a closer race: A Washington Post-ABC News poll had Obama leading by one point, 49 per cent to 48 per cent; and a CNN poll had the candidates tied with 49 per cent of the vote.
All three of those results were within the polls' margins of error.
But the popular vote will not decide the outcome. States are apportioned a number of electoral votes based on their population, and the candidate who wins a majority - 270 - becomes president. And the final state polls showed the president leading in most of the crucial swing states.
Surveys in Ohio have had Obama leading by anywhere from three to five points. A victory there would mean Romney would have to win at least six of the remaining eight battleground states, which seems unlikely: Obama led every poll conducted in Iowa, New Hampshire, Nevada, Virginia and Wisconsin; Romney's lone bright spot was North Carolina, where he looks poised to win by a narrow margin.
The other two battlegrounds, Colorado and Florida, seem too close to predict, with polls showing a range of possible outcomes.
In Dixville Notch, New Hampshire, a small village which traditionally opens its polling places just after midnight - the first vote in the nation - Romney and Obama tied, 5-5. It was the first tie in more than 50 years of midnight voting in the town, which is not a bellwether for the national result.
Scenes from Election Day: America heads to the polls
A polling station in Los Angeles, California Tuesday. Kevork Djansezian/Getty Images)Obama mural in Philadelphia. (Tim Miller)
The most expensive presidential race in American history—some $2.6 billion was spent—is finally coming to an end. The barrage of political ads is quieting, and voters now have the chance to speak.
Polls close in Virginia, Indiana, Georgia, Kentucky, South Carolina and Vermont at 7 PM ET, with other states following close behind. Alaska's polling stations, the last to close, finally shutter at 1 AM Wednesday. In the meantime, we'll be gathering all the latest news about the candidates, polling stations and swing states here.
3:01 PM: If you thought it was a hassle for you to vote today, we'd like you to meet Galicia Malone. The 21-year-old first-time voter from Illinois managed to cast her ballot today even though she was in labor.
2:50 PM: Check out this series of photos of voters in Queens, who took a break from trying to salvage their Sandy-hit homes to vote in makeshift voting stations today.
12:18 PM: In Washington D.C.,There are reports that some lines are so long at polling sites that people are giving up on voting. How was your polling place? Let us know in the comments.
12 PM: Republican National Committee official Tim Miller is complaining on Twitter that a Philadelphia polling place has put up voting booths right next to a mural of Obama. The location of the polling site is 35th ward-D18 Franklin School, according to the Weekly Standard. Miller wrote that the Pennsylvania GOP has filed a complaint. Electioneering is not allowed within 10 feet of a polling place. The Philadelphia City Commissioners' office is looking into the complaints.
11:40 AM: Elections officials in Pinellas county in Florida mistakenly sent hundreds of robocalls telling voters they had until 7:00 PM Wednesday to vote, the Tampa Bay Times reports. (The last polls close at 8 PM Tuesday in the state.) Elections officials sent a second message to alert voters who received the calls of the mistake. A majority of the county voted Democratic in 2008.
11 AM: A Chrysler official wrote on Twitter that the car company has given its entire workforce the day off to vote. (He added that the auto workers union and Chrysler, GM and Ford have agreed that workers get the day off to vote for years.) Late last month the company had strongly denied the accuracy of an ad from Mitt Romney's campaign stating that the automaker was moving its Jeep production to China. The company, in fact, said it recently added 1,100 jobs in the swing state of Ohio, where one in eight jobs is connected to the auto industry.
10 AM: All four major candidates have cast their ballots. President Barack Obama voted weeks ago in Chicago as part of his campaign's push to get their supporters to vote early in states that allow it. Voting on Tuesday: Vice President Joe Biden, at a Wilmington, Del., high school; Gov. Mitt Romney and his wife, Ann, near their Belmont, Mass., home; and Paul Ryan cast his ballot in his hometown of Janesville, Wis.
9:40 AM: The first election results are in—and it's a tie. In New Hampshire, Dixville Notch's 10 registered votes split evenly 5-5 between Romney and Obama. The small village has cast its ballots at midnight since 1960, giving political junkies an early look at how candidates are faring in the Granite State. President Obama carried the small village in 2008, but Dixville Notch went to George W. Bush in both 2000 and 2004.
Confession No.9: Will America Rise Up Against Jesuits, Vatican And New World Order Tyranny? by Greg Szymanski, June 18, 2006
Last Updated: Sunday, June 18, 2006 10:05:52 AM
As the question lingers will Americans sit back and allow the 'powers that be' to refer to them as 'useless eaters' or will they rely on past history to uncover and remove the real culprits behind the destruction of America.
Greg Szymanski
he term "useless eaters" was first used by Nazi doctors, referring to their concentration camp victims. It was later used by former CIA director William Colby, referring to the Mexican people.
Now it used in the inner circles of the Illuminati and the dungeons of the Vatican when referring to the people of the United States.
And the reason Americans are now considered "useless eaters" is they are being set-up by the spiritual controllers of the New World Order -- the Jesuits -- for mass eradication like the 22 million Russian citizens slaughtered during the failed fascist offensive at Stalingrad, as well as numerous other genocides orchestrated by fanatical elements in the Vatican.
As we move on with Confession No. 9 in our search for the true spiritual controllers of the New World Order by the shores of Brushy Creek, according to researcher John Judge the Vatican's dirty work through the Jesuits can be traced to the creation of the communist Soviet Union, as well as backing Nazi Germany's terror campaign.
In a lengthy article connecting the dots of the Vatican, the Illuminati and the impending destruction of America, Judge wrote:
"A group of the most fanatically conservative elements of the Catholic Church, men who still supported the inquisition in Spain and who used flagellation as prayer, formed a lay order known as Opus Dei, the Works of God.
"These were joined in rank by the ancient military order of the church ' the secretive Knights Hospitallers, or the Knights of Malta. Their ultimate objective was the downfall of the new Soviet government. No method or means was too extreme, so these forces backed and helped to create Franco in Spain, Mussolini in Italy, and Hitler in Germany. Some of the U.S. firms continued their financial trade and support of the fascists throughout all of World War II, with Russia as the target.
"But the fascist offensive failed at Stalingrad, though the cost had been enormous, with 22 million Soviet citizens dead. At this crucial turning point, they retreated and retrenched, adding to their ranks the embittered revanchists of Eastern Europe, the "cold warriors" and Klansmen of America, and even worse elements.
"From 1943 forward, plans began to escalate the "cold war" of propaganda and paramilitary spying into the nuclear exchange of World War III.. Still, no other goal was so important as the "recapture" of Mother Russia into monarchist and fascist hands. But now they had also added the perspective of the eugenicists and the "scientific" racists of the Third Reich, who saw most of the non-white world as expendable."
Judge's well researched article is a piece of lost history, highlighting the secret assassins from the World War II era who escaped justice, formulating the basis of the fascist movement now destroying America with the full cooperation and assistance of the Vatican through the Jesuit Order.
The following portion of the article reveals the names of the men most responsible for the establishment of the New World Order as well as naming those who worked together with them to determine how America is being undermined today.
Judge said the following is based on his own research and that of Mae Brussell, and the few researchers looking into the truth of what became of democracy in America:
Add to this international fascist cabal the following sources of power: Kameradenwerk, Die Spinne and Odessa -- the secret webs of Nazi SS men and mass murderers who escaped justice after the war and found a home in Europe, South America and the obliging United States.
Project Paperclip -- A successful American operation which brought to the U.S. literally hundreds of top aerospace and munitions experts from Nazi Germany to form the corporate leadership and the expertise behind the technological and military advances of a growing military-industrial I complex.[]
Belarus Brigade -- The dreaded combined forces of Nazi and White Russian troops in Byelorussia during World War II, a counter-revolutionary stronghold since World War I and a Nazi-infested army against Russia. The top government officials, nearly 300 of them, were brought to the
United States and given important government and intelligence jobs by our thankful CIA and OSS.
Dictatorships -- Arisen in South America and throughout the world whose fascist rhetoric and genocidal direction come directly from Nazi collusion and training, not historical chance.
The Gehlen Network -- A black orchestra of spies whose infamous dealings during World War II had put the Nazi spies in bed with every major intelligence network in the world from British M15 and M16, to the American OSS and the heavily infiltrated KGB,] Under the evil genius of Allen Dulles, whose espionage attacks on the Soviet Union date back to the 1920's, $200 million in Rockefeller and Mellon funds was directed into the hands of Hitler's spymaster Reinhard Gehlen and his 350 Nazi spies, who formed and founded our Central Intelligence Agency in 1947.] Later, these same forces created post-war European intelligence , our Defense Intelligence Agency, our National Security Agency, and covert groupings here and abroad whose very initials are considered classified information.
Assassins -- An international fascist network of terror, congealed in the grey underworld of Mafia murders, drug trafficking, gun smuggling and political murders worldwide. These mercenary armies still draw their ranks from the refugees encamped everywhere, still operate with names like Alpha 66 and Omega 7, ] AAA or DINA, the Kuomintang of Chiang Kai Shek, the Somocistas along the Honduran border now, the Hmong peoples of Laos and the reactionary ranks of the Vietnamese, the Phalangists in Lebanon, and even the Grey Wolves of Turkey whose members include Mehmet Ali Agca, the attempted assassin of the Pope now so falsely accused of working with the Soviet KGB.
Interpol -- An international police intelligence agency begun at the end of World War II in collaboration with Nazi war criminals and our own J. Edgar Hoover of FBI fame.[19]
These elements meet internationally under the aegis of organizations like the World Union of National Socialists, the Asian People's Anti-Communist League, and the World Anti-Communist League. Their cover is provided by "journalists" like Claire Sterling, [20] and Marvin Kalb of Opus Dei.[21] Their legitimacy and recruiting is aided by evangelical fronts like "World Vision," which runs many of the refugee camps and includes John W. Hinckley, Sr.[22] They draw their funds from the illevl and profitable world heroin and cocaine trade, [23] and their training from CIA experts like Mitch WerBell, Edwin Wilson, Frank Terpil and unreconstructed Nazi torturers who provide 'lechniques." [24] Their weapons come from an equally lucrative gun smuggling trade, assisted by intelligence agencies.[25]
This is the real historical framework of current events, that follow from "cold war" to "COINTELPRO" and "CHAOS," [26] from the framing of the Rosenbergs to "Operation Garden Plot," [27] from Alger Hiss to the "Houston Plan," [28] from McCarthy to "MK-ULTRA," [29] from the Third Reich to the Fourth. What the demon Dulles brothers engineered, [30] the massive cold-war lie [31] that justified any excess in the direction of fascism, is the root of Malcolm X's statement on Vietnam, that "the chickens are going to come home to roost." Under the current rubric of the World Anti-Cummunist League," [32] the Solidarists, the Nazis and other fascists, the reactionary forces in every part of the globe unit to bring us a legacy of deception and murder, of war profits and starvation, of open dictatorial rule. Their now three-quarter-century-old goal of crushing the Soviet revolution has brought us to both financial and physical ruin, and to the brink of World War III.[33] To attain that goal, fascism has come home to roost.[34]
During World War II, the Nazis in France gained collaboration and capitulation by going first to the task of corrupting the courts, compromising the judges, and turning the slim hope of judicial justice into a political weapon.[35] In our own country, the most respected Justice of the Supreme Court was unable to solve the obvious case of conspiracy in the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. The primary role of the state police has become spying and suppression of legitimate attempts to challenge the undemocratic and secret rule of the national security state.[36] The purpose of the law now is to put the protection of profits above people at all costs, even to the point of police destruction of the evidence necessary to reconstruct the crime.[37] Do you think we are in some better or more holy condition in our own courts today? What special sort of American chauvinism leads us to blindly assert "it can't happen here?" For it has.
In a recent editorial in the Boston Globe, dated February 14, 1983, we can see the delayed reaction of the established press shortly after the extradition of Klaus Barbie, [38] the Nazi "Butcher of Lyons," from Bolivia to France:
Barbie is only one of many notorious Nazi leaders who were welcomed like prodigal sons into service with Western intelligence agencies after the war. Their unspeakable crimes against humanity were implicitly forgiven and conveniently forgotten. They were paid and protected so that they could return to active duty in the anti-Communist crusade which their fuhrer, Adolf Hitler, had temporarily discredited with his extremism.
Their names compose a rogue's gallery of fascist thuggery. Hitler's master spy, Reinhard Gehlen, was made chief of the Western German intelligence agency (BND) and shared his Nazi intelligence data with his protectors in the CIA. Otto Skorzeny, a Nazi specialist at organizing terror networks in occupied countries, was employed in the U.S. Army's historical division, which served as a way-station for former Nazis who would go on to serve in the Gehlen-CIA intelligence network. Skorzeny used his tacit immunity to shepherd old Nazi comrades out of Europe, working through cover organizations, known as Odessa, Kamaradenwerk, and Die Spinne.
As the years went by, Gehlen, Skorzeny and their network of old-boy collaborators accumulated enormous influence both In Europe and Latin America. Skorzeny shuttled between Franco's Spain and Peron's Argentina, where he served the Argentine dictator as a gray eminence. His goal was to foster the growth of a fascist Fourth Reich centered in Latin America.
He could count on such loyalist operatives as Josef Mengele in Paraguay, on Adolf Eichmann and Hans Ulrich Rudel in Argentina; on Walter Rauff in Chile; and on Klaus Barbie in Bolivia.
Rauff, who is charged with sending 97, 000 Jews to their death, has served as a revered adviser to the fascist dictatorship imposed on Chile by Augusto Pinochet after the overthrow of Salvador Allende, and was instrumental in setting up the infamous Chilean secret police agency known as DINA. Barbie, in Bolivia, organized paramilitary death squads and drug smuggling networks for a succession of military r6gimes.
To grasp the full meaning of Barbie's belated appointment with justice, his career may be seen as an emblem of the unchecked metastasis of fascism. It is particularly mortifying for Americans to be reminded that our government put Barbie on its payroll a few years after he worked for Hitler.
Erhard Dabringhaus of U.S. Army Intelligence sheltered this mass murderer, paid him $1700 a month to run a spy network in France, and helped him escape to South America. "I am a good American of German extraction and I did my job," he said recently from his position as a German history professor at Wayne State University.[39] These people, and those who aided them, have names, addresses, and connections to the top levels of the United States government. They figure prominently in the hidden history of our police-intelligence state, and in the rash of political assassinations and other crimes that keep it in place. The names of the men most responsible for bringing them here read like a roll call of the world establishment, and those who collaborated with them fit together like pieces of a puzzle in decoding events since World War II.[40]
Allen Dulles -- Who collaborated with Gehlen's spies, headed the CIA, and later sat on the Warren Commission investigation of J.F. Kennedy's death.[41]
John J. McCloy -- A High Commissioner of Germany after the war who pardoned key Nazi criminals like Krupp, Abs, Dohrnberger, Schacht, and others.[42] His long career has made him a "Godfather of the American establishment." He sat atop the World Bank, directed construction of the Pentagon, worked with Earl Warren to set up the Japanese concentration camps in America, blocked any military attacks on the Nazi death camps as Assistant Secretary of War. He stopped the summary execution of Nazis in favor of the Nuremberg Trials which he later thwarted, and also sat as a member of the Warren Commission.[43]
General Lucius Clay -- The military commander of Germany at the end of the war, Clay helped undermine the prosecution of Otto Skorzeny, and later worked with Nazi generals at Oberammergau to train Eastern European revanchists, Nazis and American GIs into the 5,000-strong "Special Forces" against communism. This team later became our Green Berets.[44]
Henry Kissinger -- Worked with General Lucius Clay at Oberammergau, and then with key stateside Army Intelligence and CIA units responsible for bringing in the Nazi spies.[45] Kissinger, who came from Germany to join U.S. Army Intelligence during World War II, had as his "mentor" the mysterious Fritz Kraemer.[46] Kraemer's 30-year silent career in the Pentagon plans division includes the prepping of Alexander Haig.[47] It may also conceal his real identity -- prisoner #33 in the dockets at Dachau, the special Lieutenant to Hitler, Fritz Kraemer.[48] Mr. Kissinger still relies on his advice, and did so while Secretary of State.
C.D. Jackson -- Joined Nelson Rockefeller and Richard Nixon in the scheme to bring the Byelorussian government here. He worked for the Henry Luce publishing empire, and for Life magazine when they published the doctored photos of Lee Harvey Oswald holding a rifle. Both Time and Life were owned by Luce, and were responsible for much of the cold-war propaganda that allowed the national security state and the Pentagon to grow untouched.[49]
Richard Milhous Nixon -- Former President whose work with Navy Intelligence at the end of World War II included the importation of Nazi criminals through the Gould family estate on Long Island. Among them was Nicolae Malaxa, whose collaboration with Hermann Goering was apparently no problem for Nixon, who defended Malaxa's U.S. citizenship.[50] In fact, a special bill was introduced in Congress to secure the citizenship by Senator Pat McCarren of Nevada. McCarren and Senator Joe McCarthy later introduced legislation to set up "detention and internment camps" in the U.S. in times of war or national emergency for "internal security." [51]
Other figures involved in this dirty little secret connect to the highest levels of our government and intelligence agencies. The solemn pledge to end the Nazi r駩me was completely betrayed.[52] Instead, the British and American spies saw a more important function, that of finding a new common enemy. The cohesiveness and control offered by this scenario seemed to urgent and so appealing that they even considered creating the illusion of an enemy from outer space.[53] For the less inventive, the communist revolution still served as suff icient scapegoat, and historical target.
Frank G. Wisner -- An official of the OSS and a CIA veteran who brought the Byelorussian government here, the Latvian Thunder Cross, the Hungarian Arrow Cross, and the Roumanian Iron Guard among others. As many as 5,000 came to work at Radio Free Europe and Radio Liberty, the CIA, the Voice of America, the Defense Language Institute, "for the United States in defense of liberty.[54] Allen Dulles said of Gehlen, "He's on our side now." Bobby Inman of the NSA and CIA networks today admitted recently that these fascists were "the bedrock" of covert operations in Europe in the 40s and 50s by the CIA, and molded the anti-communist policy there.[55]
J. Peter Grace -- A scion of the Grace fortunes, he is currently head of Reagan's commission to study domestic economic cuts.[56] For 30 years his company employed Otto Ambrose, a Nazi war criminal from the German drug cartel I.G. Farben. Ambrose, a chemist, developed "Zyklon B," the actual gas used in the chambers to kill the Jews and others deemed "inferior." [57] The German steel group, Flick, which has extensive Nazi ties in the past and whose scandals are rocking German politics today, hold a controlling stock interest in the Grace company.[58] The Grace family is intimately involved with the formation of the anti-Communist American Institute for Free Labor Development (AIFLD).[59] AIFLD played a key role in the Kissinger plan to overthrow Allende in Chile, and insert the ruling fascist Pinochet.[60] After the coup, which involved American Green Berets, [61] Kissinger sent a Mr. Rauff from the State Department to advise the newly formed Chilean secret police (DINA). Rauff had been in charge of the "mobile ovens" used to kill Gypsies and Jews, homosexuals and political dissidents in Eastern Europe for the Nazis.[62] These same forces were later involved in the assassination of Chilean diplomat Orlando Letelier in Washington, D.C.[63]
Helene von Damm -- Personal White House appointment secretary long-time personal secretary to Ronald Reagan, she stands to be appointed Ambassador to Vienna, and controls all cabinet level appointments in the Reagan administration.[64] She came to the United States in the 1950s in the company of Albrecht Otto von Bolschwing, and worked for him as a translator.[65] Von Bolschwing gave the direct orders to Adolph Eichmann in the dread Eisenstatz, group, the SS killers.[66] Helene's husband, Christian von Damm, ran the Bank of America in La Paz, Bolivia, which defaulted on a huge U.S. loan.[67]
Errol Flynn -- The famed actor, whose exploits included meetings with Nazi sympathizers, and the Duke and Duchess of Windsor, and Nazi spymasters during the late 30s. His roommate and constant coM anion at the time was actor Ronald Reagan.[68]
Anna Chenault -- A Nixon confidant, and head,, of the old "China Lobby" that got us involved in both Korea and Vietnam.[69] Her husband, General Claire Chennault, formed the Flying Tigers in World War II, which later flew heroin for the CIA from Vietnam as "Air America." [70] She sits on the board of 20th Century Fox with Henry Kissinger, William Rogers, Gerald Ford, and until recently, Princess Grace Kelly of Monaco.[71]
Evita Peron -- Once a ruler in Argentina, Evita got her funds from the Nazi treasuries stolen by Martin Bormann at the end of the war, and put hundreds of millions in the "Evita Peron Foundation" and Swiss bank accounts. This money aided war criminals like Josef Mengele, Heinrich Dorge, Hjalmar Schacht (who had worked under Herman Abs at the Reichsbank), Rudolf Freude, Dr. Fritz Thyssen Dr. Gustav Krupp, Otto Skorzeny, and others.[72]
Peter Drucker -- Well-known industrialist who began the multinational corporation concept, he was responsible for bringing Nazi leader Fritz Kraemer from Frankfurt to the Pentagon.[73]
General George Patton -- An American hero of World War II, whose credit for invading Sicily was later tarnished by the Kefauver commission study suggesting that he traveled into friendly Mafioso villages as part of a secret deal between Navy Intelligence and mobster "Lucky" Luciano.[74] In his assignment to construct a history of the war, Patton assembled Nazi Army officers and had "admiration, affection and sympathy" for them. He picked the "best brains," Von Manteuffel, Brandenberger, Count von Schwerin and Fritz Kraemer.[75] After the war, Patton worked closely with John J. McCloy. In relation to Russia he said, "Anyone who says there won't be a future war is a goddamn fool.[76]
George Bush -- Former head of the CIA who employed, among others, U.S. Army officer, Capt. William Rhine of the Bay of Pigs operation. Rhine is really top SS spy Helmut Streicher, who worked directly with Hitler, Gehlen, Otto Skorzeny, and then U.S. Army Intelligence from October, 1945 on.[77]
General Douglas MacArthur -- Another World War II hero, he helped to cover up Japanese war crimes involving chemical and biological experiments on American_prisoners so that we could use the secret results.[78] This operation and others directly involved MacArthur's chief of staff, Colonel Charles Willoughby, who is in reality a Nazi criminal, Kurt Weidenbach.[79]
J. Edgar Hoover -- Who formed the FBI, and without whose help Nazi criminals could never have entered the U.S., worked in Interpol with founder Reinhard Heydrich, SS head of Nazi police from 1940 to 1942, and his successor, SS officer Ernst Kaltenbrunner, later hanged at Nuremberg.[80] Hoover's career involved extensive mob connections, [81]and his death has yet to be fully investigated.[82]
Thomas Dewey -- The "gangbuster" New York prosecutor who put Luciano in jail, and then later petitioned for his release and deportation to Italy in honor of his "wartime services." [83] In 1948, Dewey ran for President in a close race with Harry Truman. Dewey's vice-presidential candidate was Earl Warren and his campaign manager was Allen Dulles.[84]
Historically interconnected with the Solidarists and the fascists, powerful elements in the Vatican continued their work through high church officials, Opus Dei, and the Sovereign Military order of Malta, the Knights of Malta.[85]
Monsignor Montini -- An OSS operative in Southeast Asia at the end of World War II, he was later appointed Pope Paul VI. He used Caritas International is, a welfare organization, to provide refugee travel documents to such Nazis as euthanasia killer Hans Hefelman and Hitler's secretary, Martin Bormann, aiding in their escape to Argentina.[86]
Pope John Paul II -- Worked at Auschwitz in a rubber plant run Nazi financier Hermann Abs for Solvay Drugs of I.G. Farben.[87] Farben, which also employed Fritz Kraemer, has 750 subsidiaries worldwide, including U.S. firms.[88] In the wake of the recent Vatican Bank scandals, Pope John Paul I I appointed a four-man committee to study and run Vatican finances, which included Hitler's personal banker and the pontiff's old boss, Hermann Abs.[89] Nazi hunter Simon Wiesenthal protested this recently.[90] The Pope also elevated Opus Dei, with 72,000 members in 80 countries, to the status of a religious order.[91]
Cardinal Spellman -- Religious leader in New York, he was a proteg頯f Cardinal Pacelli, Pope Pius XII, who is often accused of collaboration with the Nazis.[92] Spellman is the U.S. spiritual leader of the Knights of Malta.[93] He is responsible for introducing Ngo Dinh Diem to Allen Dulles, and then proposing his presidency of South Vietnam to President Kennedy.[94] When Diem resisted the introduction of American troops into Vietnam, Dulles told General Westmoreland to go ahead anyway, and our CIA helped to kill Diem.[95]
Father E. Walsh -- His Georgetown University Center for International Affairs and Strategic Studies became the first major CIA training center.[96] This Jesuit priest was the motivating force behind Joe McCarthy's campaign against "communism" in the 50s, and he is a long-time member of the Knights of Malta.[97]
Avery Dulles -- Son of John Foster Dulles, then Secretary of State, and a nephew to Allen Dulles, then CIA director. Avery worked with Martin Bormann to help his escape to Argentina, and is now working as an advisor at Georgetown University. He also is a member of the Knights of Malta.[98]
Roy Cohn -- The key lawyer in the prosecution of the Rosenberg case the alleged "Atom Spies" executed in the 1950s, [99] he worked with Joe McCarthy and David Schine to spread the "Communist Menace" lies. He currently sits on the board of the anti-communist Western Goals Foundation, and his law partner, Tom Bolan, is a member of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta.[100]
Alexander Haig -- A long-time protege of the Pentagon "Iron Mentor" Fritz Kraemer, [101] Haig extended favors and NATO links to the fascist cell in Italy known as P-2 or Propaganda Due, whose "puppetmaster," Licio Gelli, worked with Franco and Mussolini and shares dual citizenship in Italy and Argentina.[102] The involvement of high government officials in this secret order of Free-Masons scandalized and rocked the whole Italian government, and opened the ensuing scandal of Banco Ambrosiano and the Vatican Bank's missing billions.[103] Many of the key figures are either imprisoned (Licio Gelli and Michele Sindona, former head of the Vatican Bank) or dead (Roberto Calvi, known as "God's Banker," found hanging beneath Blackfriar's Bridge in London.) [104] Haig has just been knighted into the secretive Knights of Malta, which includes his brother, and prestigious members like William Colby (CIA), William F. Buckley (CIA), J. Peter Grace, John McCone (CIA), General Vernon Walters (Reagan's "roving ambassador"), James Angleton (CIA), and others.[105]
Charles G. Bludhorn -- The founder and chairman of Gulf and Western conglomerate, he came from Vienna in 1942. He worked closely with Michele Sindona and his boss, Licio Gelli, had secret dealings with Antonio Guzman of the Dominican Republic, and knew Vatican Bank scandal figure Archbishop Paul Marcinkus.[106] Bludhorn bought Music Corporation of America (which gave Reagan his start), Madison Square Garden, and much more. His financial manager, Kirk Kerkorian began with a $50,000,000 loan from West German banker Otto Schoeppler to buy MGM. Alexander Haig was soon on the board.[107]
Michele Ledeen -- Reagan's appointed state department official is the unofficial source for the "Bulgarian Connection" like about the KGB role in the shooting of the Pope. He is the major source on "Soviet terrorism" misinformation to Claire Sterling, who deftly covers up fascist terrorism and state terrorism alike.[108] Ledeen has close ties to Alexander Haig, the Georgetown University grouping, Henry Kissinger, Licio Gelli Opus Dei, and the P-2 Masonic Lodge scandal.[109] He is also close to Francesco Pazienza, suspected to have set up "God's Banker" Roberto Calvi for murder.[110] At the time of his death, Calvi was director of Banco Ambrosiano, and his family members openly claim he-was killed by Opus Dei.[111]
Joseph Lehman -- A brother to John Lehman, currently Secretary of the Navy. John Lehman is involved in a growing scandal involving contracts between the Pentagon and the Abingdon firm (a front for Lockheed and Boeing), which employs Joseph, Christopher and other Lehman family members.[112] A cousin of the family, Princess Grace Kelly, was knighted into the Sovereign Military Order of Malta shortly before her death, and her home at Monaco was a center for fugitive Nazi activity for many years.[113] The Lehmans have worked openly to curb the Catholic bishops who favor a nuclear freeze, scaring them with the "KGB shot the Pope" nonsense.[114] In this effort, Christopher Lehman works closely with Senator John Tower of Texas. Senator Tower's brother-inlaw is Samuel Cimmings, a CIA gun runner to international fascist terrorists, including "Carlos," Frank Terpil, Ed Wilson, Gregory Korkola, and others.[115]
Once the cast of characters is clear, the interconnections continue. One of the front companies used by Wilson and Terpil in California, TCI, was founded by Helene von Damm and Otto Albrecht von BoIschwing.[116] The relative importance of von BoIschwing cannot be underestimated. He was placed in charge of the Gehlen-CIA network in the United States when Gehlen returned to Germany to set up their post-war intelligence agency.[117] Many of the people mentioned already have direct or indirect links to the assassination of John F. Kennedy, later political murders, and their coverups.[118] Others make the connections of the international fascist cabal very clear in the murder of John F. Kennedy and many more progressive leaders.
Werner von Braun -- Whose infamous "Rocket Team" developed the first intercontinental missiles at Peenemunde, and were then brought here to develop NASA rocketry, and the growing aerospace industry.[119] The NASA security teams are implicated in several sources in connection with the murder of John F. Kennedy.[120] The actual physical capture of von Braun, who had used slave labor to build the rockets, was done by American,; troops in Switzerland led by Clay Shaw, later charged by District Attorney Jim Garrison for his role in the Kennedy killing.[121]
General Walter Dohrnberger -- A Nazi murderer convicted at Nuremberg for working with the "Butcher of Auschwitz" to kill 6,000 Jews, he was scheduled to be hanged according to British prosecutor Shawcross.[122] He had been a "mentor" and friend to Von Braun throughout the war, getting materials and labor denied at times by Hitler for the rocket works. Von Braun refused to work on NASA rockets unless we intervened to save Dohrnberger. Of course, we did, and a full pardon was arranged by John J. McCloy.[123] General Dohrnberger came to the United States, worked at NASA briefly, and then became director of the Helicopter Division, Bell Aerospace, in Dallas and Houston, Texas.[124] He still trains pilots abroad, working with dictators like the Shah of Iran. Dohrnberger employed topranking military intelligence agent Michele Paine, who housed Marina Oswald in his home in Irving, Texas.[125] Marina, who married Lee Harvey Oswald in Russia, lived in Minsk, Byelorussia, and was the niece of the top officer of the NKVD, the Soviet secret police.[126] Her family was openly anti-communist.[127]
George de Mohrenschildt -- His whole family was Byelorussian, and rabidly anti-communist after their fortune was lost to the revolution at the Nobel family oil fields. They moved to Germany and worked with the Nazis during World War II. George was a spy, carrying papers from Nelson Rockefeller after the war, and his cousin Baron Meyerling was a Nazi film propagandist. His brother, Von, was put to work at the Pentagon after the war, and now sits on the CIA's Tolstoy Foundation. His wife was related to CIA and OSS employees, and her father ran the railroads in China before Mao took power. George later lost another oil fortune of his own in Cuba following the ouster of Batista by Fidel Castro.[128] He was the contact for the Oswalds to the White Russian Solidarist community in Dallas, and the CIA "babysitter" and best friend to Lee Harvey Oswald. De Mohrenschildt introduced the Oswalds to the Paines, and it was Ruth Paine who got Oswald the job in the Texas School Book Depository, and lied to the Warren Commission about "Oswald's rifle" and set him up as the patsy in the Kennedy assassination.[129]
Leon Jaworski -- Considered by some to be "the most trusted man in America" due to his role as special prosecutor in the Watergate and Koreagate scandals, he spent 20 years with the CIA's M.D. Anderson Foundation.[130] A lawyer at the Nuremberg trials, Jaworski undermined prosecutions, then worked with the Red Cross international rescue division to move the Nazi Odessa network around the world.[131] He was later Special Liaison between the Dallas police and the Warren Commission.[132]
Otto Winnacker -- The actual author of the Warren Commission Report, he was taken away from his job as an official Pentagon historian (recall that the U.S. Army historical division was the way station for the Gehlen operation), and he had come to the United States after years of faithful service as one of Hitler's official historians of the Reich.[133]
Believe it or not, these are only a few of the thousands of connections that history has hidden, only a few of the thousands of fascists brought to light, their worst crimes still unexposed.[134] This is the dirtiest secret of post-war America: our vast intelligence networks were a haven for, and eventually a tool in the hands of international fascism. The increasing challenge to simple Constitutional rights is a direct result of the legislative and political role, played behind the closed door of "security" by these elements. The growing threat to the already damaged economy by the military-industrial complex is out of control. All is geared to a new world war, a bloodbath in section of the Third World, a reduction of population worldwide.
The attacks in Congress and the courts on rights are the prelude to open martial law and fascist rule in America -- a new "final solution." [135]
"When they came for the Jews, I did nothing for I am not a Jew . . . when they came for me, who was left to defend me?" asked Martin Niemoller of Germany in the 1940s. The continuing murders of labor leaders, musicians, political dissidents, progressive thinkers, Black and Hispanic leaders, and others here in the United States parallels the hundreds of political murders in the late 20s and early 30s in Weimar Germany that preceded Hitler's rise to power.[136] When the came for the socialists and communists in the 1950s, the targets of the Smith Act and other repressive treatment, many of us did not act since we were not members of such organizations.
Will be make the mistake twice?
Hanging solemnly over the mass murder at Jonestown, Guyana, was the George Santayana quote, "Those who do not remember the past are condemned to repeat it." [137] We are not far from the open collusion of the courts in all aspects of state repression. Recent events must be seen for what they are, an attack on us all, spearheaded by the very forces of reaction that threaten life and freedom worldwide, hiding beneath the cloak of anticommunism. To sit back now will put us in a category akin to Klaus Barbie's Army Intelligence contact, Ernst Dabringhaus. Will we be "Good Germans of American extraction" and "do our job," or will we rise?
Greg Szymanski Greg also has his own daily show on the Republic Broadcast Network. Go to www.rbnlive.com Greg Szymanski is an independent investigative journalist and his articles can been seen at www.LewisNews.com. He also writes for American Free Press and has his own site www.arcticbeacon.com
Listen to my Radio Broadcast live Monday night at 8pm Pacific time on LewisNews, returning Jan. 1 2006 Radiohttp://webs.lewisnews.com/radio/index.htm. Greg is also regular on Rense.com the first Thursday of every month at 9-10 pm pacific time.
Confession No.9: Will America Rise Up Against Jesuits, Vatican And New World Order Tyranny? by Greg Szymanski, June 18, 2006
Last Updated: Sunday, June 18, 2006 10:05:52 AM
As the question lingers will Americans sit back and allow the 'powers that be' to refer to them as 'useless eaters' or will they rely on past history to uncover and remove the real culprits behind the destruction of America.
Greg Szymanski
he term "useless eaters" was first used by Nazi doctors, referring to their concentration camp victims. It was later used by former CIA director William Colby, referring to the Mexican people.
Now it used in the inner circles of the Illuminati and the dungeons of the Vatican when referring to the people of the United States.
And the reason Americans are now considered "useless eaters" is they are being set-up by the spiritual controllers of the New World Order -- the Jesuits -- for mass eradication like the 22 million Russian citizens slaughtered during the failed fascist offensive at Stalingrad, as well as numerous other genocides orchestrated by fanatical elements in the Vatican.
As we move on with Confession No. 9 in our search for the true spiritual controllers of the New World Order by the shores of Brushy Creek, according to researcher John Judge the Vatican's dirty work through the Jesuits can be traced to the creation of the communist Soviet Union, as well as backing Nazi Germany's terror campaign.
In a lengthy article connecting the dots of the Vatican, the Illuminati and the impending destruction of America, Judge wrote:
"A group of the most fanatically conservative elements of the Catholic Church, men who still supported the inquisition in Spain and who used flagellation as prayer, formed a lay order known as Opus Dei, the Works of God.
"These were joined in rank by the ancient military order of the church ' the secretive Knights Hospitallers, or the Knights of Malta. Their ultimate objective was the downfall of the new Soviet government. No method or means was too extreme, so these forces backed and helped to create Franco in Spain, Mussolini in Italy, and Hitler in Germany. Some of the U.S. firms continued their financial trade and support of the fascists throughout all of World War II, with Russia as the target.
"But the fascist offensive failed at Stalingrad, though the cost had been enormous, with 22 million Soviet citizens dead. At this crucial turning point, they retreated and retrenched, adding to their ranks the embittered revanchists of Eastern Europe, the "cold warriors" and Klansmen of America, and even worse elements.
"From 1943 forward, plans began to escalate the "cold war" of propaganda and paramilitary spying into the nuclear exchange of World War III.. Still, no other goal was so important as the "recapture" of Mother Russia into monarchist and fascist hands. But now they had also added the perspective of the eugenicists and the "scientific" racists of the Third Reich, who saw most of the non-white world as expendable."
Judge's well researched article is a piece of lost history, highlighting the secret assassins from the World War II era who escaped justice, formulating the basis of the fascist movement now destroying America with the full cooperation and assistance of the Vatican through the Jesuit Order.
The following portion of the article reveals the names of the men most responsible for the establishment of the New World Order as well as naming those who worked together with them to determine how America is being undermined today.
Judge said the following is based on his own research and that of Mae Brussell, and the few researchers looking into the truth of what became of democracy in America:
Add to this international fascist cabal the following sources of power: Kameradenwerk, Die Spinne and Odessa -- the secret webs of Nazi SS men and mass murderers who escaped justice after the war and found a home in Europe, South America and the obliging United States.
Project Paperclip -- A successful American operation which brought to the U.S. literally hundreds of top aerospace and munitions experts from Nazi Germany to form the corporate leadership and the expertise behind the technological and military advances of a growing military-industrial I complex.[]
Belarus Brigade -- The dreaded combined forces of Nazi and White Russian troops in Byelorussia during World War II, a counter-revolutionary stronghold since World War I and a Nazi-infested army against Russia. The top government officials, nearly 300 of them, were brought to the
United States and given important government and intelligence jobs by our thankful CIA and OSS.
Dictatorships -- Arisen in South America and throughout the world whose fascist rhetoric and genocidal direction come directly from Nazi collusion and training, not historical chance.
The Gehlen Network -- A black orchestra of spies whose infamous dealings during World War II had put the Nazi spies in bed with every major intelligence network in the world from British M15 and M16, to the American OSS and the heavily infiltrated KGB,] Under the evil genius of Allen Dulles, whose espionage attacks on the Soviet Union date back to the 1920's, $200 million in Rockefeller and Mellon funds was directed into the hands of Hitler's spymaster Reinhard Gehlen and his 350 Nazi spies, who formed and founded our Central Intelligence Agency in 1947.] Later, these same forces created post-war European intelligence , our Defense Intelligence Agency, our National Security Agency, and covert groupings here and abroad whose very initials are considered classified information.
Assassins -- An international fascist network of terror, congealed in the grey underworld of Mafia murders, drug trafficking, gun smuggling and political murders worldwide. These mercenary armies still draw their ranks from the refugees encamped everywhere, still operate with names like Alpha 66 and Omega 7, ] AAA or DINA, the Kuomintang of Chiang Kai Shek, the Somocistas along the Honduran border now, the Hmong peoples of Laos and the reactionary ranks of the Vietnamese, the Phalangists in Lebanon, and even the Grey Wolves of Turkey whose members include Mehmet Ali Agca, the attempted assassin of the Pope now so falsely accused of working with the Soviet KGB.
Interpol -- An international police intelligence agency begun at the end of World War II in collaboration with Nazi war criminals and our own J. Edgar Hoover of FBI fame.[19]
These elements meet internationally under the aegis of organizations like the World Union of National Socialists, the Asian People's Anti-Communist League, and the World Anti-Communist League. Their cover is provided by "journalists" like Claire Sterling, [20] and Marvin Kalb of Opus Dei.[21] Their legitimacy and recruiting is aided by evangelical fronts like "World Vision," which runs many of the refugee camps and includes John W. Hinckley, Sr.[22] They draw their funds from the illevl and profitable world heroin and cocaine trade, [23] and their training from CIA experts like Mitch WerBell, Edwin Wilson, Frank Terpil and unreconstructed Nazi torturers who provide 'lechniques." [24] Their weapons come from an equally lucrative gun smuggling trade, assisted by intelligence agencies.[25]
This is the real historical framework of current events, that follow from "cold war" to "COINTELPRO" and "CHAOS," [26] from the framing of the Rosenbergs to "Operation Garden Plot," [27] from Alger Hiss to the "Houston Plan," [28] from McCarthy to "MK-ULTRA," [29] from the Third Reich to the Fourth. What the demon Dulles brothers engineered, [30] the massive cold-war lie [31] that justified any excess in the direction of fascism, is the root of Malcolm X's statement on Vietnam, that "the chickens are going to come home to roost." Under the current rubric of the World Anti-Cummunist League," [32] the Solidarists, the Nazis and other fascists, the reactionary forces in every part of the globe unit to bring us a legacy of deception and murder, of war profits and starvation, of open dictatorial rule. Their now three-quarter-century-old goal of crushing the Soviet revolution has brought us to both financial and physical ruin, and to the brink of World War III.[33] To attain that goal, fascism has come home to roost.[34]
During World War II, the Nazis in France gained collaboration and capitulation by going first to the task of corrupting the courts, compromising the judges, and turning the slim hope of judicial justice into a political weapon.[35] In our own country, the most respected Justice of the Supreme Court was unable to solve the obvious case of conspiracy in the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. The primary role of the state police has become spying and suppression of legitimate attempts to challenge the undemocratic and secret rule of the national security state.[36] The purpose of the law now is to put the protection of profits above people at all costs, even to the point of police destruction of the evidence necessary to reconstruct the crime.[37] Do you think we are in some better or more holy condition in our own courts today? What special sort of American chauvinism leads us to blindly assert "it can't happen here?" For it has.
In a recent editorial in the Boston Globe, dated February 14, 1983, we can see the delayed reaction of the established press shortly after the extradition of Klaus Barbie, [38] the Nazi "Butcher of Lyons," from Bolivia to France:
Barbie is only one of many notorious Nazi leaders who were welcomed like prodigal sons into service with Western intelligence agencies after the war. Their unspeakable crimes against humanity were implicitly forgiven and conveniently forgotten. They were paid and protected so that they could return to active duty in the anti-Communist crusade which their fuhrer, Adolf Hitler, had temporarily discredited with his extremism.
Their names compose a rogue's gallery of fascist thuggery. Hitler's master spy, Reinhard Gehlen, was made chief of the Western German intelligence agency (BND) and shared his Nazi intelligence data with his protectors in the CIA. Otto Skorzeny, a Nazi specialist at organizing terror networks in occupied countries, was employed in the U.S. Army's historical division, which served as a way-station for former Nazis who would go on to serve in the Gehlen-CIA intelligence network. Skorzeny used his tacit immunity to shepherd old Nazi comrades out of Europe, working through cover organizations, known as Odessa, Kamaradenwerk, and Die Spinne.
As the years went by, Gehlen, Skorzeny and their network of old-boy collaborators accumulated enormous influence both In Europe and Latin America. Skorzeny shuttled between Franco's Spain and Peron's Argentina, where he served the Argentine dictator as a gray eminence. His goal was to foster the growth of a fascist Fourth Reich centered in Latin America.
He could count on such loyalist operatives as Josef Mengele in Paraguay, on Adolf Eichmann and Hans Ulrich Rudel in Argentina; on Walter Rauff in Chile; and on Klaus Barbie in Bolivia.
Rauff, who is charged with sending 97, 000 Jews to their death, has served as a revered adviser to the fascist dictatorship imposed on Chile by Augusto Pinochet after the overthrow of Salvador Allende, and was instrumental in setting up the infamous Chilean secret police agency known as DINA. Barbie, in Bolivia, organized paramilitary death squads and drug smuggling networks for a succession of military r6gimes.
To grasp the full meaning of Barbie's belated appointment with justice, his career may be seen as an emblem of the unchecked metastasis of fascism. It is particularly mortifying for Americans to be reminded that our government put Barbie on its payroll a few years after he worked for Hitler.
Erhard Dabringhaus of U.S. Army Intelligence sheltered this mass murderer, paid him $1700 a month to run a spy network in France, and helped him escape to South America. "I am a good American of German extraction and I did my job," he said recently from his position as a German history professor at Wayne State University.[39] These people, and those who aided them, have names, addresses, and connections to the top levels of the United States government. They figure prominently in the hidden history of our police-intelligence state, and in the rash of political assassinations and other crimes that keep it in place. The names of the men most responsible for bringing them here read like a roll call of the world establishment, and those who collaborated with them fit together like pieces of a puzzle in decoding events since World War II.[40]
Allen Dulles -- Who collaborated with Gehlen's spies, headed the CIA, and later sat on the Warren Commission investigation of J.F. Kennedy's death.[41]
John J. McCloy -- A High Commissioner of Germany after the war who pardoned key Nazi criminals like Krupp, Abs, Dohrnberger, Schacht, and others.[42] His long career has made him a "Godfather of the American establishment." He sat atop the World Bank, directed construction of the Pentagon, worked with Earl Warren to set up the Japanese concentration camps in America, blocked any military attacks on the Nazi death camps as Assistant Secretary of War. He stopped the summary execution of Nazis in favor of the Nuremberg Trials which he later thwarted, and also sat as a member of the Warren Commission.[43]
General Lucius Clay -- The military commander of Germany at the end of the war, Clay helped undermine the prosecution of Otto Skorzeny, and later worked with Nazi generals at Oberammergau to train Eastern European revanchists, Nazis and American GIs into the 5,000-strong "Special Forces" against communism. This team later became our Green Berets.[44]
Henry Kissinger -- Worked with General Lucius Clay at Oberammergau, and then with key stateside Army Intelligence and CIA units responsible for bringing in the Nazi spies.[45] Kissinger, who came from Germany to join U.S. Army Intelligence during World War II, had as his "mentor" the mysterious Fritz Kraemer.[46] Kraemer's 30-year silent career in the Pentagon plans division includes the prepping of Alexander Haig.[47] It may also conceal his real identity -- prisoner #33 in the dockets at Dachau, the special Lieutenant to Hitler, Fritz Kraemer.[48] Mr. Kissinger still relies on his advice, and did so while Secretary of State.
C.D. Jackson -- Joined Nelson Rockefeller and Richard Nixon in the scheme to bring the Byelorussian government here. He worked for the Henry Luce publishing empire, and for Life magazine when they published the doctored photos of Lee Harvey Oswald holding a rifle. Both Time and Life were owned by Luce, and were responsible for much of the cold-war propaganda that allowed the national security state and the Pentagon to grow untouched.[49]
Richard Milhous Nixon -- Former President whose work with Navy Intelligence at the end of World War II included the importation of Nazi criminals through the Gould family estate on Long Island. Among them was Nicolae Malaxa, whose collaboration with Hermann Goering was apparently no problem for Nixon, who defended Malaxa's U.S. citizenship.[50] In fact, a special bill was introduced in Congress to secure the citizenship by Senator Pat McCarren of Nevada. McCarren and Senator Joe McCarthy later introduced legislation to set up "detention and internment camps" in the U.S. in times of war or national emergency for "internal security." [51]
Other figures involved in this dirty little secret connect to the highest levels of our government and intelligence agencies. The solemn pledge to end the Nazi r駩me was completely betrayed.[52] Instead, the British and American spies saw a more important function, that of finding a new common enemy. The cohesiveness and control offered by this scenario seemed to urgent and so appealing that they even considered creating the illusion of an enemy from outer space.[53] For the less inventive, the communist revolution still served as suff icient scapegoat, and historical target.
Frank G. Wisner -- An official of the OSS and a CIA veteran who brought the Byelorussian government here, the Latvian Thunder Cross, the Hungarian Arrow Cross, and the Roumanian Iron Guard among others. As many as 5,000 came to work at Radio Free Europe and Radio Liberty, the CIA, the Voice of America, the Defense Language Institute, "for the United States in defense of liberty.[54] Allen Dulles said of Gehlen, "He's on our side now." Bobby Inman of the NSA and CIA networks today admitted recently that these fascists were "the bedrock" of covert operations in Europe in the 40s and 50s by the CIA, and molded the anti-communist policy there.[55]
J. Peter Grace -- A scion of the Grace fortunes, he is currently head of Reagan's commission to study domestic economic cuts.[56] For 30 years his company employed Otto Ambrose, a Nazi war criminal from the German drug cartel I.G. Farben. Ambrose, a chemist, developed "Zyklon B," the actual gas used in the chambers to kill the Jews and others deemed "inferior." [57] The German steel group, Flick, which has extensive Nazi ties in the past and whose scandals are rocking German politics today, hold a controlling stock interest in the Grace company.[58] The Grace family is intimately involved with the formation of the anti-Communist American Institute for Free Labor Development (AIFLD).[59] AIFLD played a key role in the Kissinger plan to overthrow Allende in Chile, and insert the ruling fascist Pinochet.[60] After the coup, which involved American Green Berets, [61] Kissinger sent a Mr. Rauff from the State Department to advise the newly formed Chilean secret police (DINA). Rauff had been in charge of the "mobile ovens" used to kill Gypsies and Jews, homosexuals and political dissidents in Eastern Europe for the Nazis.[62] These same forces were later involved in the assassination of Chilean diplomat Orlando Letelier in Washington, D.C.[63]
Helene von Damm -- Personal White House appointment secretary long-time personal secretary to Ronald Reagan, she stands to be appointed Ambassador to Vienna, and controls all cabinet level appointments in the Reagan administration.[64] She came to the United States in the 1950s in the company of Albrecht Otto von Bolschwing, and worked for him as a translator.[65] Von Bolschwing gave the direct orders to Adolph Eichmann in the dread Eisenstatz, group, the SS killers.[66] Helene's husband, Christian von Damm, ran the Bank of America in La Paz, Bolivia, which defaulted on a huge U.S. loan.[67]
Errol Flynn -- The famed actor, whose exploits included meetings with Nazi sympathizers, and the Duke and Duchess of Windsor, and Nazi spymasters during the late 30s. His roommate and constant coM anion at the time was actor Ronald Reagan.[68]
Anna Chenault -- A Nixon confidant, and head,, of the old "China Lobby" that got us involved in both Korea and Vietnam.[69] Her husband, General Claire Chennault, formed the Flying Tigers in World War II, which later flew heroin for the CIA from Vietnam as "Air America." [70] She sits on the board of 20th Century Fox with Henry Kissinger, William Rogers, Gerald Ford, and until recently, Princess Grace Kelly of Monaco.[71]
Evita Peron -- Once a ruler in Argentina, Evita got her funds from the Nazi treasuries stolen by Martin Bormann at the end of the war, and put hundreds of millions in the "Evita Peron Foundation" and Swiss bank accounts. This money aided war criminals like Josef Mengele, Heinrich Dorge, Hjalmar Schacht (who had worked under Herman Abs at the Reichsbank), Rudolf Freude, Dr. Fritz Thyssen Dr. Gustav Krupp, Otto Skorzeny, and others.[72]
Peter Drucker -- Well-known industrialist who began the multinational corporation concept, he was responsible for bringing Nazi leader Fritz Kraemer from Frankfurt to the Pentagon.[73]
General George Patton -- An American hero of World War II, whose credit for invading Sicily was later tarnished by the Kefauver commission study suggesting that he traveled into friendly Mafioso villages as part of a secret deal between Navy Intelligence and mobster "Lucky" Luciano.[74] In his assignment to construct a history of the war, Patton assembled Nazi Army officers and had "admiration, affection and sympathy" for them. He picked the "best brains," Von Manteuffel, Brandenberger, Count von Schwerin and Fritz Kraemer.[75] After the war, Patton worked closely with John J. McCloy. In relation to Russia he said, "Anyone who says there won't be a future war is a goddamn fool.[76]
George Bush -- Former head of the CIA who employed, among others, U.S. Army officer, Capt. William Rhine of the Bay of Pigs operation. Rhine is really top SS spy Helmut Streicher, who worked directly with Hitler, Gehlen, Otto Skorzeny, and then U.S. Army Intelligence from October, 1945 on.[77]
General Douglas MacArthur -- Another World War II hero, he helped to cover up Japanese war crimes involving chemical and biological experiments on American_prisoners so that we could use the secret results.[78] This operation and others directly involved MacArthur's chief of staff, Colonel Charles Willoughby, who is in reality a Nazi criminal, Kurt Weidenbach.[79]
J. Edgar Hoover -- Who formed the FBI, and without whose help Nazi criminals could never have entered the U.S., worked in Interpol with founder Reinhard Heydrich, SS head of Nazi police from 1940 to 1942, and his successor, SS officer Ernst Kaltenbrunner, later hanged at Nuremberg.[80] Hoover's career involved extensive mob connections, [81]and his death has yet to be fully investigated.[82]
Thomas Dewey -- The "gangbuster" New York prosecutor who put Luciano in jail, and then later petitioned for his release and deportation to Italy in honor of his "wartime services." [83] In 1948, Dewey ran for President in a close race with Harry Truman. Dewey's vice-presidential candidate was Earl Warren and his campaign manager was Allen Dulles.[84]
Historically interconnected with the Solidarists and the fascists, powerful elements in the Vatican continued their work through high church officials, Opus Dei, and the Sovereign Military order of Malta, the Knights of Malta.[85]
Monsignor Montini -- An OSS operative in Southeast Asia at the end of World War II, he was later appointed Pope Paul VI. He used Caritas International is, a welfare organization, to provide refugee travel documents to such Nazis as euthanasia killer Hans Hefelman and Hitler's secretary, Martin Bormann, aiding in their escape to Argentina.[86]
Pope John Paul II -- Worked at Auschwitz in a rubber plant run Nazi financier Hermann Abs for Solvay Drugs of I.G. Farben.[87] Farben, which also employed Fritz Kraemer, has 750 subsidiaries worldwide, including U.S. firms.[88] In the wake of the recent Vatican Bank scandals, Pope John Paul I I appointed a four-man committee to study and run Vatican finances, which included Hitler's personal banker and the pontiff's old boss, Hermann Abs.[89] Nazi hunter Simon Wiesenthal protested this recently.[90] The Pope also elevated Opus Dei, with 72,000 members in 80 countries, to the status of a religious order.[91]
Cardinal Spellman -- Religious leader in New York, he was a proteg頯f Cardinal Pacelli, Pope Pius XII, who is often accused of collaboration with the Nazis.[92] Spellman is the U.S. spiritual leader of the Knights of Malta.[93] He is responsible for introducing Ngo Dinh Diem to Allen Dulles, and then proposing his presidency of South Vietnam to President Kennedy.[94] When Diem resisted the introduction of American troops into Vietnam, Dulles told General Westmoreland to go ahead anyway, and our CIA helped to kill Diem.[95]
Father E. Walsh -- His Georgetown University Center for International Affairs and Strategic Studies became the first major CIA training center.[96] This Jesuit priest was the motivating force behind Joe McCarthy's campaign against "communism" in the 50s, and he is a long-time member of the Knights of Malta.[97]
Avery Dulles -- Son of John Foster Dulles, then Secretary of State, and a nephew to Allen Dulles, then CIA director. Avery worked with Martin Bormann to help his escape to Argentina, and is now working as an advisor at Georgetown University. He also is a member of the Knights of Malta.[98]
Roy Cohn -- The key lawyer in the prosecution of the Rosenberg case the alleged "Atom Spies" executed in the 1950s, [99] he worked with Joe McCarthy and David Schine to spread the "Communist Menace" lies. He currently sits on the board of the anti-communist Western Goals Foundation, and his law partner, Tom Bolan, is a member of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta.[100]
Alexander Haig -- A long-time protege of the Pentagon "Iron Mentor" Fritz Kraemer, [101] Haig extended favors and NATO links to the fascist cell in Italy known as P-2 or Propaganda Due, whose "puppetmaster," Licio Gelli, worked with Franco and Mussolini and shares dual citizenship in Italy and Argentina.[102] The involvement of high government officials in this secret order of Free-Masons scandalized and rocked the whole Italian government, and opened the ensuing scandal of Banco Ambrosiano and the Vatican Bank's missing billions.[103] Many of the key figures are either imprisoned (Licio Gelli and Michele Sindona, former head of the Vatican Bank) or dead (Roberto Calvi, known as "God's Banker," found hanging beneath Blackfriar's Bridge in London.) [104] Haig has just been knighted into the secretive Knights of Malta, which includes his brother, and prestigious members like William Colby (CIA), William F. Buckley (CIA), J. Peter Grace, John McCone (CIA), General Vernon Walters (Reagan's "roving ambassador"), James Angleton (CIA), and others.[105]
Charles G. Bludhorn -- The founder and chairman of Gulf and Western conglomerate, he came from Vienna in 1942. He worked closely with Michele Sindona and his boss, Licio Gelli, had secret dealings with Antonio Guzman of the Dominican Republic, and knew Vatican Bank scandal figure Archbishop Paul Marcinkus.[106] Bludhorn bought Music Corporation of America (which gave Reagan his start), Madison Square Garden, and much more. His financial manager, Kirk Kerkorian began with a $50,000,000 loan from West German banker Otto Schoeppler to buy MGM. Alexander Haig was soon on the board.[107]
Michele Ledeen -- Reagan's appointed state department official is the unofficial source for the "Bulgarian Connection" like about the KGB role in the shooting of the Pope. He is the major source on "Soviet terrorism" misinformation to Claire Sterling, who deftly covers up fascist terrorism and state terrorism alike.[108] Ledeen has close ties to Alexander Haig, the Georgetown University grouping, Henry Kissinger, Licio Gelli Opus Dei, and the P-2 Masonic Lodge scandal.[109] He is also close to Francesco Pazienza, suspected to have set up "God's Banker" Roberto Calvi for murder.[110] At the time of his death, Calvi was director of Banco Ambrosiano, and his family members openly claim he-was killed by Opus Dei.[111]
Joseph Lehman -- A brother to John Lehman, currently Secretary of the Navy. John Lehman is involved in a growing scandal involving contracts between the Pentagon and the Abingdon firm (a front for Lockheed and Boeing), which employs Joseph, Christopher and other Lehman family members.[112] A cousin of the family, Princess Grace Kelly, was knighted into the Sovereign Military Order of Malta shortly before her death, and her home at Monaco was a center for fugitive Nazi activity for many years.[113] The Lehmans have worked openly to curb the Catholic bishops who favor a nuclear freeze, scaring them with the "KGB shot the Pope" nonsense.[114] In this effort, Christopher Lehman works closely with Senator John Tower of Texas. Senator Tower's brother-inlaw is Samuel Cimmings, a CIA gun runner to international fascist terrorists, including "Carlos," Frank Terpil, Ed Wilson, Gregory Korkola, and others.[115]
Once the cast of characters is clear, the interconnections continue. One of the front companies used by Wilson and Terpil in California, TCI, was founded by Helene von Damm and Otto Albrecht von BoIschwing.[116] The relative importance of von BoIschwing cannot be underestimated. He was placed in charge of the Gehlen-CIA network in the United States when Gehlen returned to Germany to set up their post-war intelligence agency.[117] Many of the people mentioned already have direct or indirect links to the assassination of John F. Kennedy, later political murders, and their coverups.[118] Others make the connections of the international fascist cabal very clear in the murder of John F. Kennedy and many more progressive leaders.
Werner von Braun -- Whose infamous "Rocket Team" developed the first intercontinental missiles at Peenemunde, and were then brought here to develop NASA rocketry, and the growing aerospace industry.[119] The NASA security teams are implicated in several sources in connection with the murder of John F. Kennedy.[120] The actual physical capture of von Braun, who had used slave labor to build the rockets, was done by American,; troops in Switzerland led by Clay Shaw, later charged by District Attorney Jim Garrison for his role in the Kennedy killing.[121]
General Walter Dohrnberger -- A Nazi murderer convicted at Nuremberg for working with the "Butcher of Auschwitz" to kill 6,000 Jews, he was scheduled to be hanged according to British prosecutor Shawcross.[122] He had been a "mentor" and friend to Von Braun throughout the war, getting materials and labor denied at times by Hitler for the rocket works. Von Braun refused to work on NASA rockets unless we intervened to save Dohrnberger. Of course, we did, and a full pardon was arranged by John J. McCloy.[123] General Dohrnberger came to the United States, worked at NASA briefly, and then became director of the Helicopter Division, Bell Aerospace, in Dallas and Houston, Texas.[124] He still trains pilots abroad, working with dictators like the Shah of Iran. Dohrnberger employed topranking military intelligence agent Michele Paine, who housed Marina Oswald in his home in Irving, Texas.[125] Marina, who married Lee Harvey Oswald in Russia, lived in Minsk, Byelorussia, and was the niece of the top officer of the NKVD, the Soviet secret police.[126] Her family was openly anti-communist.[127]
George de Mohrenschildt -- His whole family was Byelorussian, and rabidly anti-communist after their fortune was lost to the revolution at the Nobel family oil fields. They moved to Germany and worked with the Nazis during World War II. George was a spy, carrying papers from Nelson Rockefeller after the war, and his cousin Baron Meyerling was a Nazi film propagandist. His brother, Von, was put to work at the Pentagon after the war, and now sits on the CIA's Tolstoy Foundation. His wife was related to CIA and OSS employees, and her father ran the railroads in China before Mao took power. George later lost another oil fortune of his own in Cuba following the ouster of Batista by Fidel Castro.[128] He was the contact for the Oswalds to the White Russian Solidarist community in Dallas, and the CIA "babysitter" and best friend to Lee Harvey Oswald. De Mohrenschildt introduced the Oswalds to the Paines, and it was Ruth Paine who got Oswald the job in the Texas School Book Depository, and lied to the Warren Commission about "Oswald's rifle" and set him up as the patsy in the Kennedy assassination.[129]
Leon Jaworski -- Considered by some to be "the most trusted man in America" due to his role as special prosecutor in the Watergate and Koreagate scandals, he spent 20 years with the CIA's M.D. Anderson Foundation.[130] A lawyer at the Nuremberg trials, Jaworski undermined prosecutions, then worked with the Red Cross international rescue division to move the Nazi Odessa network around the world.[131] He was later Special Liaison between the Dallas police and the Warren Commission.[132]
Otto Winnacker -- The actual author of the Warren Commission Report, he was taken away from his job as an official Pentagon historian (recall that the U.S. Army historical division was the way station for the Gehlen operation), and he had come to the United States after years of faithful service as one of Hitler's official historians of the Reich.[133]
Believe it or not, these are only a few of the thousands of connections that history has hidden, only a few of the thousands of fascists brought to light, their worst crimes still unexposed.[134] This is the dirtiest secret of post-war America: our vast intelligence networks were a haven for, and eventually a tool in the hands of international fascism. The increasing challenge to simple Constitutional rights is a direct result of the legislative and political role, played behind the closed door of "security" by these elements. The growing threat to the already damaged economy by the military-industrial complex is out of control. All is geared to a new world war, a bloodbath in section of the Third World, a reduction of population worldwide.
The attacks in Congress and the courts on rights are the prelude to open martial law and fascist rule in America -- a new "final solution." [135]
"When they came for the Jews, I did nothing for I am not a Jew . . . when they came for me, who was left to defend me?" asked Martin Niemoller of Germany in the 1940s. The continuing murders of labor leaders, musicians, political dissidents, progressive thinkers, Black and Hispanic leaders, and others here in the United States parallels the hundreds of political murders in the late 20s and early 30s in Weimar Germany that preceded Hitler's rise to power.[136] When the came for the socialists and communists in the 1950s, the targets of the Smith Act and other repressive treatment, many of us did not act since we were not members of such organizations.
Will be make the mistake twice?
Hanging solemnly over the mass murder at Jonestown, Guyana, was the George Santayana quote, "Those who do not remember the past are condemned to repeat it." [137] We are not far from the open collusion of the courts in all aspects of state repression. Recent events must be seen for what they are, an attack on us all, spearheaded by the very forces of reaction that threaten life and freedom worldwide, hiding beneath the cloak of anticommunism. To sit back now will put us in a category akin to Klaus Barbie's Army Intelligence contact, Ernst Dabringhaus. Will we be "Good Germans of American extraction" and "do our job," or will we rise?
Greg Szymanski Greg also has his own daily show on the Republic Broadcast Network. Go to www.rbnlive.com Greg Szymanski is an independent investigative journalist and his articles can been seen at www.LewisNews.com. He also writes for American Free Press and has his own site www.arcticbeacon.com
Listen to my Radio Broadcast live Monday night at 8pm Pacific time on LewisNews, returning Jan. 1 2006 Radiohttp://webs.lewisnews.com/radio/index.htm. Greg is also regular on Rense.com the first Thursday of every month at 9-10 pm pacific time.
Confession No. 8: Crafty And Duplicitous Jesuits Are Master Deceivers With The Goal To Destroy America by Greg Szymanski, June 11, 2006
Last Updated: Sunday, June 11, 2006 09:15:12 AM
Confession No. 8: Crafty And Duplicitous Jesuits Are Master Deceivers With The Goal To Destroy America
Greg Szymanski
n the first seven confessions, unknown history has been presented and people have come forward, trying to retrace the steps and piece together the true story of the Jesuit Order and the Vatican.
With the information presented here every Sunday, the foundation has been adequately laid that the Vatican, through the deceptive Jesuit Order, should not be overlooked when looking for the true spiritual leaders of the New World Order bringing about America's destruction.
The foundation has also been laid, proving that beyond a reasonable doubt, the deceptive Jesuit Order and its New World Order minions have made the Zionists the "scapegoat" for America's demise.
This method of deception has been carefully crafted, leaving a clear path of destruction for the real criminals in the Jesuit Order and the U.S. government simply by deflecting any criticism or knowledge of their active involvement in destroying the liberties and freedom of the American people.
With that said, there still is much to cover about the Jesuit Order, as more than 400 years of lost and stolen history cannot be recovered in seven short weeks. However, this week we shall use Confession No. 8 on the shores of Brushy Creek to recap our first seven sessions, as next week we will embark on two more months of studying the Jesuit Order, concentrating on the numerous countries they have been expelled from and concentrating on their present worldwide organization.
This week, however, we borrow from a most useful web site called Jesuit Love, a web site utilizing the same type of deception in words utilized by the Jesuits when they actually as a benign group of priests try to pass off love for hate, peace for war and Jesus for Lucifer.
For those who do not want to spend the time reading over the first "seven confessions" in the Arctic Beacon archives, this web site adequately recaps most of the information presented in a brief and concise manner. It is also suggested that all conclusions made below should be researched by the reader on his own, as connecting the "true dots" is vital for the salvation of your own soul and the salvation of America.
And its content and wording can be used similarly as a lawyer would present his case in closing arguments made to a jury. Here is a summary at Jesuit Love, answering why America should not rule out the Jesuits and the Vatican when looking toward the real enemies controlling the New World Order:
General Statement Concerning the Jesuit Order
For four hundred years the great Jesuit army has been fighting their covert war for absolute control of the world. A masterful army of spies and assassins they have, in the past, been expelled from every country in Europe. They have arranged nearly every war in the last 300 years. They initiated the US Civil War to transform the United States into a Central Controlled tool of their conquest of the world. They have placed Hitler in power, Stalin in power, Mao in power, Pol Pot in Power and many more inquisitionists throughout the world's history.
They now use the United States to perpetrate inquisitions. As they did in Korea and Vietnam as they are doing again with Iraq. The goal is simple and glorious, a one world government, a New World Order with the Pope on the throne and the Jesuit General in control of the Pope and the empire of the world. Secret services such as the CIA, the KGB, MI6 are controlled by them. Presidents are elected and Popes and Presidents are killed by them. They are the army of the Vatican in control of the Vatican. They hide behind secret societies which they control and corporations they own like Microsoft, Bank of America, Lockheed and many more.
This site is dedicated to the glorious achievements of the Jesuit Brotherhood, the Society of Jesus for all to now know.
As previous Jesuit General Tamburini once said "See sir, from this chamber I govern not only Paris but China, not only China but the whole of the world, without anyone knowing how I do it."
The end of the fabricated "Cold War" marked a turning point in the careful fight waged over the last 400 and more years by the Jesuit Brotherhood. The long awaited New World Order is upon us! Absolute control of the world via the Holy Roman Empire (Isis-Horus-Seb) is no longer a secret necessary to maintain. Let the truth be told that the world belongs to the Black Pope.
The Jesuit Brotherhood is now in the phase of consolidation. The ever heretical United States and Canada will soon be the hallow grounds for the inquisition. No less thorough than those of the past under Jesuit servants Hitler, Stalin, Mao and many others. The cleansing will be complete, the protestants will convert or be annihilated. The "Freedoms" will be destroyed as subservience to the Jesuit General is no longer a privilege but a requirement.
The non-believers will be slain for the greater good and greater glory of the Jesuit controlled Vatican empire. Jesuit controlled actors like Bush ,Gore and others serving the Order.
Achievements of the Jesuit Order
-- Make lending of money on interest a noble occupation.
-- Place Jews in positions where fault or blame can be placed in the future.
-- Exterminate heretic leaders and key opponents.
-- Arrange for puppet leaders like Hitler, Mao, Stalin to extend the inquisition.
-- Arrange for the slaughter of the Indigenous infidels.
-- Institutionalize the Corporation to compete with the individual.
-- Establishment of the Central Government for the United States
-- Establish the United States Federal Reserve Bank
-- Control and facilitate the "Secret Societies" .
-- Centralize inner power by controlling the nations Secret Services
-- Fabricate conflicts such as the Cold War and Terrorism
-- Create artificial events such as 9/11 to manipulate populations
-- Control thinking by controlling Educational, History, Media
- Maintain a conscript army through economic repression and inquisition.
--Repress technology and understanding, hide Tesla's - promote the Einstein's!
--Manage the health of the populous.
Jews and the Jesuits
The Jews have long been a of whipping dog of the Jesuit controlled Vatican. As the killers of Jesus time and again they have been made to suffer and more so as a competitor to Christianity!
Among their ranks of any group are always individuals recognizing their true worth as the lap dogs of their Jesuit masters. The use of secret societies facility the identification of suitable individuals. These individuals for example selected Jews often serve the Brotherhood of Jesus quite well.
Of course, they are entirely disposable. Karl Marx was one such lap dog that served the orders purposes. Communism is a form of our own Catholic totalitarian rule. The communist lands have well facilitated the good slaughter of the heretic Christian infidels (the Non-Catholics). In other words the communist / totalitarian worlds facilitate the continuation of the great Catholic Inquisition so necessary to the cultivation of one world Catholicism.
Wars and the Jesuits
Countless are the wars arranged for the resurrection of the Jesuit Holy Roman Empire. For Isis for Horus and for seb the trinity. For the greater glory of the Jesuit Vatican and the Jesuit General the Black Pope the true ruler of the world.
WWI - Split heretic protestant Ireland from the rest of Britain. Lead to the further concentration of ownership of the United States and Britain. Begin the inquisitions of Europe anew.
WWII - Finalize the acquisition of Japan. Extermination of the unconvertible heretic gypsy and Jew populations of Europe. Consolidate the takeover of the United states with post war taxation the the formation of the CIA. Establish Mao for the inquisitions of China and consolidation of power through the triads and the secret services. The Chinese are now owned by the Jesuit order. Religious faith is dead to be reborn as the Jesuit Catholicism in the future. Strengthen the grip of Stalin the Jesuit puppet and the subjugation and control of the Soviet Territories. The Russian people are now owned by the Jesuit Brotherhood.
Korea - Begin the Jesuit Orders more formal use of the United States as an instrument of inquisitions.
Vietnam - Eliminated Indigent and heretical Buddhist populations via the United States. The the purge of the Cambodian indigenous heretics followed with the US population conditioned to want nothing more to do with South East Asia..
Bosnia - Kill protestant and Muslim populations, increase U.N. Presence and
authority in the world community.
Gulf War - Begin the formal cultivation of the "Terrorist" and anti-American image.
IRAQ - Kill the heretic populations. Cultivate anti-American attitudes around the world and cultivate an army of Muslims for an invasion of the U.S. and thereby slaughtering a population that might otherwise resist
Spanish Civil war - 1936 lead by Cardinal Pedro Segura led the Islamic army in slaughtering unfaithful Roman Catholic men, women and children without mercy.
Mexican Civil war - 1914 - 1945 - Killed 1 million Mexican heretics
2nd French Revolution - 1848
Russian Revolution - 1917 - 1922 - Followed by inquisition / purges of the heretics
The Mexican "War of Reform" 1858 - 1861
The American "Civil War" 1861 - 1865
The German-Austrian War 1866
The End of the Japanese Shogunate 1868
The Franco-Prussian War 1870 - 1871
The Dreyfus Affair 1895 - 1906
Terrorism and the Jesuits
Oh the power of the fabrications! Like the Cold War, Terrorism is designed to consolidate power while slaughtering heretics while training a new crop of butchers for the next round of the Jesuit inquisitions. The known abuses in Iraq are only the tip of the iceberg. Many abuses of women and children are well underway. Soldiers are being psychologically brutalized by being told to randomly kill women and children civilians.
The goal of course is to further and further infuriate the Moslem youth and further and further promote a negative image of the United States around the world. Al-Qaida is nothing more than a CIA run operation of the noble Jesuit Brotherhood. Osama Bin Ladin merely a lap dog of the great Jesuit Order doing as instructed.
The involvement of the "Terrorist" in events like 9/11 is only for show, a cover story to motivate the sheep in the United States and Britain. Of course, the individuals who apply to join the ranks of groups like Al-Qaida believe they work for a noble cause with a real enemy. But the only real enemy of the world is the heretic unfaithful to the holy work of the Jesuit Controlled Black Pope and his Vatican. The Moslem is as much a heretic and will just as much come to be owned and destroyed under the Jesuit ideals.
Secret Service and the Jesuits
The brotherhood of Jesus, the Jesuit Society is from inception and by design a covert army of spies and assassins. The Jesuits marvelous success has come in no small part from it's own organization. The Jesuits have applied this "Need to Know" and "Above Top Secret" hierarchical design to the establishment of security services around the world. The good Jesuit Brothers have gaining inside access either through the fabricated "Religious" pretext or through controlling influences within secret societies. The Jesuit victory has come in part from it's high level ownership of the CIA, FBI, MI5, MI6, Mosad, KGB/FSB and many other national security organizations. All these organizations are patterned for their success after the Jesuit order itself!
One of the most notable examples was the Jesuit Nazi SS from whose ranks came many of the early CIA members with good skills in torture and mind manipulation. With the solidification of "Need to Know" privacy in the CIA and with the gradual removal of over site authority and accountability the CIA today stands untouchable and in near full control of the United States. Events such as the JFK assassination and 9/11 demonstrate the agencies facility at perpetrating and managing the backlashes as they occur. In conjunction with the control held over the FBI and the NSA and the Information media future events will continue to occur as planned. The work of FEMA in prepare underground shelters for the privileged and concentration camps for the heretics is equally commendable.
The Secret Services have also managed properties to serve the brotherhood. Such properties include the drug trade and it's equally profitable drug war. Sex slavery is now a more profitable enterprise than drugs and with it the profits from selective law enforcement. All such activities serve to assist the brotherhood in managing the training and dependency of law enforcement services and training from the national level. This facilitates putting distance between the Law Enforcement personnel and the "Citizen".
Just as the Jesuits are not subject to the authority of the Vatican neither are the Secret Services subject to the authority of the country in this they are positioned. With the CIA for example the "Above Top Secret" , "Need to Know" and "Plausible Deniability" rationales put the CIA above and independent of the President and the Congress.
Puppets and the Jesuits
The Brotherhood has gained systematic control of the United States over the last 150 years. Theodore Roosevelt, Franklin Roosevelt, Harry Truman, Nixon, Carter, Clinton and the Bushes have all been the orders useful lap dogs. With the wealth of the Federal Reserve, Stalin was successfully raised to power. The "Communist" purch of the Russian Orthodox was very successful. Hitler was another such pawn who served the order well. Pol Pot, Mao, many others.
The collective death toll of heretics via "Communism or other Jesuit facilitators:
USSR: 20 million deaths
China: 65 million deaths
Vietnam: 1 million deaths
North Korea: 2 million deaths
Cambodia: 2 million deaths
Eastern Europe: 1 million deaths
Afghanistan: 1.5 million deathsAftrica: 1.7 million deaths
Latin America: .25 million deaths
Mexico: 1 million deaths
Cold War and the Jesuits
The cold war served the order in many wonderful ways. At the end of the 2nd world war China and Russia where only slightly more advanced than they would have been in the 1800's! The Russia heretical orthodox had been enduring the brotherhoods inquisition under the lap dog Stalin. China was just beginning the cleansing and reforming inquisition of the Buddhist / Taoist heretics via lap dog Mao. Neither country was capable of opposing the United States. For the purges to go unopposed the people of the United States needed to believe that it could not interfere in the internal politics of these countries without a global nuclear war resulting. With this pretext and the brotherhoods control of the media (including the new media of television) this was not difficult to do. Providing the nuclear technology to the Soviets was a key initial tactic and at the appropriate time the Chinese where provided the technology as well. This made them viable threats to the public and the established heretical elements in the military but in reality both countries were well under Jesuit control via their Secret Services.
The cold war provided additional revenue through the "military / industrial" complex owned by the Jesuit Brotherhood. It was a time of intense misdirection against the infidel protestants. The Korean war and Vietnam war allowed the the Americans to slaughter the heretic Buddhists and indigenous populations under the guise of "fighting communism". The American people where lead to believe they where helping oppose communism. when in reality they where simple slaughtering infidels for the Jesuit order and to it's great satisfaction!
With the establishment of the CIA by the lap dog Truman gradual deepening of control over American was being finalized. The CIA where initially staffed from Nazi SS mind and body inquisitors trained and cultivated during the 3rd Reich by the Jesuit order. Black is white and white is black is a motto of the high Jesuit Brotherhood. What the people are told is far from what is really happening.
Promotion of equality, animal rights and the environment helped to facilitate an expanded influence of the top down government against the individual states and the heretic population during this period.
Social protests against the Vietnam War helped to create the needed split between the population and the government. It was in this split that the Jesuit servant Nixon could initiate the end of the Gold Standard. Later with Carter the clear independent authority of the CIA could be justified.
9/11 and the Jesuits
9/11 is one of the Jesuit Brotherhoods latest achievements! The demolition of the towers was a carefully planned event used for multiple purposes:
1. To solidly establish the fabricated "Terrorist" phase just as the fabricated "Cold War" had been established previously with Korea and Berlin.
2. To further concentrate the central government in the United States via the "Patriot Act" and the Office of Homeland security.
3. Via the Iraq aggressions, turn the world towards the Brotherhood controlled United Nations and strongly cultivate an anti-American / anti-British view.
4. To further dilute the number of US troops in the continental United States by driving them off shore for events like Afghanistan and Iraq.
5. To cultivate and train the heretic Muslim youth as a future military force to be used against the United States.
6. To justify the FEMA construction of concentration camps within the United States for the coming inquisition of the heretic nation.
7. To see the United States as a bully yet vulnerable.
Central Government and the Jesuits
Key in early plans for the New World Order of the Jesuit Vatican army was the conquest of the heretic Protestant America. Essential for this to occur was the great US Civil War. In the post civil war confusion and desperation lay the opportunity for establishing the US Central Government. This was accomplished by the forced introduction of the 14th Amendment. This amendment to the US Constitution reversed the entitlement of the citizen. No longer was an individual a citizen of their state which was in reality an independent country and then a member of the United States. After the 14th amendment the individual was a member of the United States and living in a state within it. With this change of membership came the means of centralized control. Under the early republic model the "United States" as an organization owned nothing and had no entitlements. It was granted by the states necessary funds, manpower and other resources only upon approval by the states. The Central Government which came into existence resulted in a powerful facility for central control and extortion necessary to the great goals of the Jesuit order. With the change of authority came a strong and independent Federal military, a higher authority over state activities via the Supreme Court and the establishment of central government "services" used to maximize control and obligation of the states.
The Central Government once established pursued it's role of subjugating the state authority and the population at large. The Bureau of Land Management and the National Forest Service and Park Service began taking land of the States as a ploy to limit the dispersion of the population.
The Central Government was also used to support the patent system. Patents rarely serve the interest o f the inventor.
Controlling Population, Education, Media and the Jesuit Order
Success of the Jesuit Masters required great influence in all aspects of the heretics life. The heretic must be managed physically, emotionally and psychologically. Fortunately most human beings are little more than sheep. They need the strong hand of the good Shepard to protect and guide the flock towards the light. The wolves (heretics) are ever at the door and the sheep can in weakness be mislead. The heretics can in some cases be brought to their senses by force and by redirection. It is with these Interests that the great Jesuit Order has labored for so long.
Yet another great achievement are the ways being taken to accomplish this. Control of the individual requires control of the sources of information and the ways in which information is presented to them. Control of education is one such method used by the Jesuit Order. With a high degree of influence in the educational system and the material published for it you gain control of what is taught and what is forbidden. By setting standards for what is "knowledge" you further that control. This has facilitated directing the academics attention away from the Jesuit perpetration and on irrelevance and fantasy created by the Jesuit Order.
With control of the News Media you further this task. Fabricated Academics when combined with the news media have served the brotherhood remarkably well! No greater example exists than that of the Einstein fabrication. Einstein came about as an effort to take the publics attention from Nikola Tesla and the legitimate practice of science and engineering. Using Einstein fabricated physics a complete misdirection of scientific training could be achieved. The real science in the advanced forms has been available only to a limited few. Einstein is was one of the orders finest lap dogs and a good example of the use of Masonic Jewish Zionist in service of the great Jesuit cause.
A recent example may also help to make this strategy clear. A school teacher asked her students to find the bad and the good that came out of Nazi Germany. The media where instructed to criticize the teacher under the pretext of her wishing to make light of the slaughter of the Jews. (inquisition :-> ) By attacking her In this way teachers in general are put into fear lest they loose their positions or standing teaching what is not on the official agenda. Fear of acting independently enforce in teachers the need to stick to the books and not to teach or encourage the students to think independently. What is printed in the text books the Jesuit order naturally controls.
The film industry is almost entirely controlled by the Illustrious Jesuit Brotherhood. By the standard ploy and for the heretics consumption the media is presented as being in Jewish control. A number of Jewish Lap Dogs serve this purpose.
Slowly the film industry is presenting the good Catholic and the bad heretic. For example the recent film "The Body" portrays a kind and gentle Jesuit priest is attacked by the Jews. Such portraits of the good priest and the good Catholic (Bells of St. Mary's) are subtle but effective. The protestant and general heretics are increasingly represented in film as they truly are, the degraded and un-chosen, the trailer trash, the criminal element, the undesirable. Of course any hint of exposure would result in a temporary change of presentation to pacify the heretic mind until the New World Order is fully established.
In film, conspiracies are made light of as being simply constructed, easily detected and easily overcome. This continually enforces the idea of conspiracy posing no real threat or being simply a ridiculous idea to being with. Validating and invalidating is an effective tactic. "If such things as conspiracies exist don't worry they are harmless and short lived" this is the idea being conveyed.
Film has also hinted at the divine plan of the Jesuits. Darth Vader of Star Wars is the Black Pope. Fahrenheit 451, Logan's Run, 1984, Start Trek the Borg, Sleeper, etc..
Righteous Jesuit Assassinations
Many are those who have dared to stand against the great Jesuit General and the Great Jesuit cause. But, where are they now? What have they achieved except their own ruination and that of their own lands? How can the unworthy heretic think they can oppose the great Jesuit Order and Organization? The Jesuit brotherhood will destroy the heretics and the indigenous peoples and their wrong beliefs taking from them everything and leaving them stunned, shocked and dismayed. Most heretics will not live past the coming inquisitions nor do they deserve to.
All successful revolutionary activity is started from the top by leadership. Therefore potential leaders must be assassinated as soon as there is the slightest indication of their potential to undermine the Jesuit strategy.
Righteous Jesuit Assassinations
Pope Clement XIV - Suppressed the Jesuit order in 1773 and was assassinated.
JFK - Dared to resist the authority of the Jesuit General and was assassinated.
Abraham Lincoln - Resisted the Jesuits after the Civil War and was assassinated.
Benito Pablo Juarez - Purged Mexico of the Jesuit influence and was assassinated.
Malcolm X - Assassinated for efforts to root out the Masonic influence over the Black Muslims.
Louis T. McFadden - Assassinated for promoting the end of the Federal Reserve.
Che Guevara - Assassinated for resisting the Jesuit subjugation of South America.
General Lafayette, 1799 Aide to Washington Romanism: A Menace to the Nation
"It is my opinion that if the liberties of this country - the United States of America - are destroyed, it will be by the subtlety of the Roman Catholic Jesuit priests, for they are the most crafty, dangerous enemies to civil and religious liberty. They have instigated most of the wars of Europe."
George Washington - Freed the United States from Jesuit control King George III of England. Ended paper money by establishing gold and silver coin which lead the United States out of debt.
Henry Ford - "It is well enough that the people of the nation do not understand our banking and monetary system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning."
President John Adams - "Shall we not have regular swarms of them here, in as many disguises as only a king of the gypsies can assume, dressed as painters, publishers, writers, and schoolmasters? If ever there was a body of men who merited eternal damnation on Earth and in Hell it is this Society of Loyola's."
Some Jesuit Heroes
The order's illustrious found Ignatius Loyola is documented in the history of the faith. Without this heroes great vision, brilliance and divine calling nothing would have been achieved. The Catholic church would be merely one of the voices representing Jesus rather than the only source of religion speaking to all the peoples of the world for all eternity. This was proven to the Vatican itself after Pope Clement XIV disbanded to Order. The Vatican itself saw the great decline in the interest of the people and of course the lack of revenues that resulted.
Cardinal Spellman - Facilitated the JFK assasination for the Jesuit Brotherhood.
Joseph P. Kennedy - Facilitated the United States great depression for the Jesuits.
Prescott Bush - Facilitated the funding of Hitler for the Jesuit cause.
Captain Edward J. Smith - Captain of the Titanic and Jesuit Priest.
J. Edgar Hoover - Director of the United States FBI
Colonell House - Jesuit Priest and puppeteer of Woodrow Wilson.
Fidel Castro - Jesuit trained inquisitionist in control of Cuba
General Porfirio Diaz - Reversed the heretical treason of Benito Juarez and restored the great Jesuit repression of Mexico 1876-1911. In 1914 the 2nd cleansing of Mexico was arranged by the Jesuit General while the world was focused on WWI. The cleansing lasted 30 years and killed more than a million Mexican heretics.
Emperor Meiji - Ruled Japan for the Jesuit Order seeing to it's ingraining in the society. The Jesuits had already destroyed the Samurai
James Buchanan - A staunch opponent of the brotherhood until he was poisoned by the Jesuit brothers. 38 of his colleagues died but Buchanan lived long enough to ignite the American Civil war.
President Bill Clinton - Graduate of Jesuit Georgetown University. Among other achievement Clinton took the nuclear launch keys away from naval commanders. This renders the United States incapable of a sea based retaliatory strike.
Black Pope and the Jesuit Order
Under General Kolvenbach impressive leadership the twin towers of the world trade center where successfully destroyed in the 9/11 fabrication! The "Terrorist" fabrication has successful momentum. The day of the slaughter of the heretical United States, Canada and Australia is gracefully approaching. The growth of the heretical Moslem armies will facilitate the slaughter of the East Indian Infidels. The Hindu and Moslem populations will be purged from the earth. The orders control of the despotic Muslim leadership around the world (via the Jesuit controlled Islamic Masonic Order) guarantees an invading army to support the destruction of the North Americans.
The nuclear Weapons are planted in the appropriate places to facilitate the destruction of the "Free Speech", "Free Press", and "Freedom of Belief" heretical countries.
If this has stimulated you interest for further research into the history of the Jesuit Order and other things relating to the Society of Jesus' strategies and plans for the New World Order, go to www.jesuitlove.org
Greg Szymanski
Greg also has his own daily show on the Republic Broadcast Network. Go to www.rbnlive.com Greg Szymanski is an independent investigative journalist and his articles can been seen at www.LewisNews.com. He also writes for American Free Press and has his own site www.arcticbeacon.com
Listen to my Radio Broadcast live Monday night at 8pm Pacific time on LewisNews, returning Jan. 1 2006 Radiohttp://webs.lewisnews.com/radio/index.htm. Greg is also regular on Rense.com the first Thursday of every month at 9-10 pm pacific time.
Confession No. 7: Researcher from Philippines Provides A Look At Satanic Worshipping In Vatican And Castle Of Darkness In Belgium by Greg Szymanski, June 04, 2006
Last Updated: Thursday, June 15, 2006 04:12:34 PM
According to Bobby G. Limeta, who has researched the Jesuits for 16 years, they seem to "have their dirty hands in everything."
Greg Szymanski
Brushy Creek Sunday Confession reader said the chain of command in America reads as follows
Bonesman George W. Bush taking orders from his immediate master CFR Dick Cheney, whose master is Bonesman George H. W. Bush, whose master is Edward Cardinal Egan, whose master is Pope Benedict XVI, whose master is Jesuit Superior General Peter-Hans Kolvenbach---whose master is the Devil.
So this takes us without hesitation right to our subject of discussion in this week's Sunday Confession No. 7 -- satanic worshipping in the "House that Lucifer Built," being the controlled House of the Jesuit Order, the Vatican.
A subject many people shun or are frightened to tackle, the veil of suppression is lifted this week since, according to a growing number of researchers, the Jesuit Order is at the helm of the New World Order, attempting as we speak to destroy America's sovereignty and very existence.
As written in the Arctic Beacon based on eye-witness testimony from and Italian victim, the underground tombs and catacombs of the Vatican provide a perfect cover for evil. Here is what one eye witness described:
Satanic mass
While Mass is being said in the Sistine Chapel and tourists are being shown the works of Michelangelo, deep within the bowels of the Vatican sits a large, circular room with 13 separate chambers, each leading to a distinct catacomb.
When a mummified body is placed in front of each doorway, a young child is then brutally sacrificed with a long, golden knife during what is said to be a secret induction ceremony for new members of the Illuminati, better known as the New World Order.
Most people can't imagine such a scene and immediately attack the credibility of the eye-witness and the messenger. In this case, the eye-witness who described the above scene in the bowels of the Vatican can no longer be attacked since she jumped or was pushed to death, falling to cobblestones on St. Peter's Square in the early morning hours in the 1980's.
But her memories and story lives on despite her untimely death as this week researcher and historian Bobby G. Limeta, a freedom fighter from the Philippines, provides two attached PDF files concerning the Jesuit Order and satanic rituals in the Vatican, as well as rituals in the Castle of Darkness in Muno, Belgium.
"I humbly wish to attached herewith Acrobat PDF File (security locked-code protected) concerning the Jesuit Order satanic rituals inside the Vatican,"
said Limeta, adding that the evil hand of the Jesuits are also destroying his country, the Philippines. "You'll be surprised that Roman Catholic hierarchy are practicing satanic rituals inside the Vatican, the late Pope John Paul II and Pope Benedict XIV (former Cardinal Ratzinger) knew that these satanism is happening inside the Vatican.
Fr Malachi Martin
"It was revealed by the late Jesuit priest Fr. Malachi Martin. Fr. Martin did not recant anything he wrote in his authored book. I also humbly wish to attached herewith Acrobat PDF File (security locked-code protected) concerning the Jesuit Order's Satanic Rituals inside the Castle of Darknessin Muno, Belgium.
"You'll also surprise that the European Union (EU) members are members of the Illuminati. The Illuminati is a secret society founded by a Jesuit named Adam Weishaupt. The Illuminati is controlled by the Jesuits and the Jesuits are believed to be Illuminati.
"You'll also be surprised that EU is suppressing any information pertaining to Marc Dutroux being associated with the satanic-cult rituals. But the Al-Jazeera News in the Middle East did mention satanism.
Here are the two PDF files provided by Limeta on a taboo subject that is typically suppressed:
JESUIT ORDER - Satanic Ritual Inside Castle Of Darkness.pdf
268K View as HTMLDownload
In an effort to connect the dots in America, Limeta provides the following eye-witness testimony of what is going on behind the scenes in the Philippines, as he presently is seeking entrance into New Zealand for protection against the Jesuits:
"I'm permanently residing in the Philippines and we are thousands of miles away from each other. All I can do, is to provide you authenticated news and up-dates concerning Jesuit operations in the Philippines. God knows as my faithful witness that our country is a Jesuit Republic of the Philippines like Jesuit Republic of South America "Reductions of Paraguay" like that.
"Our government officials and politicians nor military, police, political analysts, elite and rich families and businessmen will quarrel everyday due to political crisis and social agitations and rebellions without seeing the true culprits behind or even the shadows or footprint of the Jesuits.
"Simply, they don't know the real story of the Jesuits. Since 1990 when I become a true Christian, I read the Bible and began seriously looking for the real trouble makers around the world. I started to read world history, buying countless reference books and articles as part of my investment to nourish my spiritual being and mind.
"You'll be surprised my habit every Saturday and Sunday wasa continuous 20-hours of reading, analyzing and re-reading for understanding and not for pleasure. For a period of 16-years, I poured my attention, dedication, focus and entire financial resources just to find out the truth. I was stunned and it almost toppled me out of my chair when I finally saw the faces of the Jesuits as being the real problem.
"Throughout 16 years of research, I found whenever events and tragedies occurred, the Jesuits were always there. Soon, I may migrate and live permanently in so called God's territory of New Zealand.
"The New Zealand government already shown their great interest to accept me and live in their country when I was interviewed last year. In fact, the New Zealand immigration personnel told me to leave my country. There, however, I will attack the Jesuits blow by blow."
Greg Szymanski Greg also has his own daily show on the Republic Broadcast Network. Go to www.rbnlive.com Greg Szymanski is an independent investigative journalist and his articles can been seen at www.LewisNews.com. He also writes for American Free Press and has his own site www.arcticbeacon.com
Listen to my Radio Broadcast live Monday night at 8pm Pacific time on LewisNews, returning Jan. 1 2006 Radiohttp://webs.lewisnews.com/radio/index.htm. Greg is also regular on Rense.com the first Thursday of every month at 9-10 pm pacific time.
Confession No. 6: The Search For America's Hidden Enemy Continues With The Jesuits by Greg Szymanski, May 28, 2006
Last Updated: Sunday, May 28, 2006 10:48:15 AM
Researcher Jeremy Lack says Vatican/Jesuit tyranny erased from history, especially from 1960.
Greg Szymanski
he search for America's real, hidden enemy continues this Sunday by the banks of Brushy Creek.
Brushy Creek, usually gushing with a turbulent flow of water, has dried up to little more than a trickle, drying up from the sweltering Texas heat or maybe from the hot air coming from Washington D.C.
And this week was a particularly disturbing one in American history, as it was marked with the passage of the illegal immigration bill, paving the way for more than 200 million illegals over the next 20 years.
It was also particularly disturbing since President Bush addressed West Point's graduating class, shouting like a warmonger for a continued escalation of the Middle East war. And from his speech, it's clear the voice of the people means absolutely nothing as his criminal freight train steams along with its next stop World War III.
But in an attempt to derail the war machine, the process of identifying the real, hidden shadowy enemy moves along this week without trepidation or fear, as the Jesuit Order headed by the Black Pope are being considered as the real spiritual controllers in Sunday's Confession No. 6.
Once we are finished with the Jesuits, we'll move along to other possibilities such as the Zionist Jews. But for now researcher Jeremy Lack provides a lengthy but stimulating look at Jesuit/Vatican tyranny throughout the history.
It should be noted before listening to Lack's research findings, the Vatican and the Jesuit Order fully back the illegal immigration going on in America, as well as silently backing the U.S. illegal invasion in the Middle East.
Pope Clement XIV
Lack reminds us the Jesuit Order was originally instituted in Portugal and Spain in 1534 by the Vatican for the sole purpose of exterminating the Reformation. The Order was then suppressed by Pope Clement XIV for which he was promptly poisoned. The Order was then reinstituted in 1814 and given the "Secret Treaty of Verona" for the express purpose of carrying out its dictates. The edict was finally ratified by its contracting parties on 1822, causing President James Monroe, with the assistance of Thomas Jefferson, to write the Monroe Doctrine to protect against tyranny as recorded in the Congressional Record-Senate volume 53, Part 7, Page 6781 of the 64th Congress, 1st Session, 25 April 1916.
Lack said he dedicated the following research to the late Jesuit priest, Fr. Alberto Rivera, killed for trying to get out the truth about the Society of Jesus, known as the Jesuits. He adds remember Matt: 7:15: "Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves."
Remembering the Jesuit Order is organized like a military organization with a presence in every corner of the world, Lack also reminds us that much of the true Jesuit history has been taken out of library circulation, especially after 1960 as the Jesuits, known as the world's great educators, are trying to cover up their evil past.
Lack's research about who he calls the feared Jesuits and the masters of deception and evil begins with the words:
I read a book some years ago that started my research, that I am still involved in today. The information I have, I believe, if it were ever brought to a trial, would prove so conclusively of what I am about to tell you that not even the perpetrators themselves would try to deny it. In the past, when confronted with their prior history of atrocities, their only response has been: "we don't do that anymore", or sneer at its improbability, or a gratuitous imputation of bigotry and intolerance against the writer, while at the same time telling all their followers: "we never change". As you read it will become only to apparent that the latter is the case.
Before I begin, and you start thinking I'm an "extremist", let me say that I'm not the only person to find this information. It is readily available (at the finger tips of those on the internet) to anyone willing to put in a little time and research. I have found, what I believe to be, the common denominator for a very large percentage (if not all) of the events perpetrated and/or carried out by departments of government and/or its agencies, that are totally negative to the rights and freedoms of the American people, hence, also to the United States Constitution, its Bill of Rights and the Declaration of Independence. This organization is responsible for the wholesale slaughter of multi-millions of peoples all over the world. It is responsible for the "Dark Age" (inquisition) period leading up to the founding of this country: As you will learn, this organization, though having periods of civil and military power fluctuation (due to losses from
their own tyrannical acts and resultant exposure) not only still exists: but is far more powerful (lethal) today than ever before: This is especially true in the United States, where the order has its highest concentration (at least seventeen times that of any other country).
Prince Henry
A zeal for the discovery of new territory marked the fifteenth century. The first navigations for this purpose were concerted and directed by Prince Henry. Born 1394, the fourth son of John I. king of Portugal. His valor in the assault and capture of the city: Ceuta in Africa 1415, presaged the fame he afterward acquired. From this period he devoted himself to naval expeditions for the discovery of unknown countries. His ships subjected diverse parts of Africa and the neighboring islands to the dominion of Portugal. After the success in doubling cape Bojadoy, he gave to his father and successors all the land he discovered, or might discover, and applied to Pope Martin V to ratify the donation. He engaged that in all their expeditions the Portuguese should have mainly in view the extension of the Roman church and authority of its pontiff. Pope Martin granted the prince's request. In his bull of ratification, which was about the year 1430, it is declared that: "whatever might be discovered from the said cape to the utmost India, should pertain to the Portuguese dominion." Edward, brother of Prince Henry, succeeded to the throne of Portugal1433, on the death of John I. Pope Eugene IV. by his bull in 1438, ratified, to Edward, the grant made by Martin V. A bull of Nicholas V. dated 8 Jan 1454, refers to the aforesaid bulls of his predecessors, Martin and Eugene. It recites the declaration prince Henry made of his achievements "that for 25 years he had not ceased to send annually almost an army" of Portuguese, "with the greatest dangers, labors and charges, in the most swift ships, to search out the sea and maritime provinces toward the southern parts and Antarctic Pole." that these ships "came at length to the province of Guinea, and took possession of some islands, havens and sea adjoining" that "sailing further, war was waged for some years with the people of those parts, and very many islands near thereunto were subdued and peaceably possessed and were still possessed with the adjacent sea" that "many Guineans and other negroes were taken then by force, and some by barter." The bull describes
Henry as "a true soldier of Christ, a most courageous defender and intrepid champion of the faith, aspiring from his early youth with his utmost might to have the glorious name of Christ published, extolled and revered throughout the world. "It recognizes the exclusive right of Portugal to the acquisitions and possessions aforesaid, in virtue of the letters of Popes Martin and Eugene, which granted to the king of Portugal and Prince Henry "free and ample faculty to invade, search out, expunge, vanquish and subdue all pagans and enemies of Christ whosesoever placed and their persons to reduce to perpetual slavery, and all their kingdoms, possessions and goods to apply and appropriate," etc. Pope Nicholas's letter then goes on to "decree and declare, the acquests already made, and what hereafter shall happen to be acquired, after that they shall be acquired, have pertained, and forever of right do belong and pertain to the aforesaid king and his successors, and not to any others whatever." It forbids, on the severest penalties, all Christian powers from settling in the countries discovered by the Portuguese, or any way molesting them in their expeditions for the discovery and conquest of unknown countries. It speaks of prince Henry's plan and his prosecution of it as "a most pious work, and most worthy of perpetual remembrance, wherein the glory of God, where the interest of the commonwealth of the universal church are concerned."
Thus was Prince Henry's views and operations sanctioned by the highest authority, at that time, acknowledged in Christendom. A right derived from a source so venerable was then undisputed. The Roman pontiff bound princes at his pleasure, and as Vicar of Christ, was allowed to have at his disposal all the kingdoms of the earth. This grant of Pope Nicholas was confirmed by his successor: Calixtus III. 6 August 1458.
On the death of Edward, his son Alphonsus, then in his minority, succeeded to the throne of Portugal, 1438, and died 1481. Prince Henry died 1460-63. At his death the spirit of discovery languished, but revived with the accession of John II, son of Alphonsus. The year after his accession (1482), sent an embassy to Edward IV of England, to acquaint him with the title acquired by the Pope's bull to the conquest in Guinea: requesting him to dissolve a fleet, which some English merchants were fitting for the Guinea (slave) trade. The king of England showed great respect to the ambassadors and granted all they required. The king of Portugal assumed, and the king of England gave him, this style, Rex Portugalie et Algarbiorum citra at ultra mare in Africa. Pope Sixtus IV., not long before his death (12 Aug 1484), confirmed all the grants made by his predecessors, to the kings of Portugal and their successors.
In 1481 John II sent 100 artificers, 500 soldiers, and all necessities to build a fort in Guinea. The large kingdoms of Benin and Congo were discovered 1484-85 and the Cape of Good Hope 1486. The Portuguese built forts and planted colonies in Africa: established a commercial intercourse with the powerful kingdoms, and compelled the petty princes, by force of arms, to acknowledge themselves vassals.
At this period, and by these means, the power and commerce of the Portuguese in Africa were well established. The wholesome decrees of five successive Roman pontiffs granted, conveyed and confirmed to the most faithful king a right to appropriate the kingdoms, goods and possessions of all infidels, wherever to be found, "to reduce their persons to perpetual slavery or destroy them from the earth", for the declared purpose of bringing the Lord's sheep into one dominical fold, under one universal pastor. Succeeding kings of Portugal have not forfeited the large grant by any undutiful ness to their holy father. Portugal long enjoyed the trade to Africa and the East Indies without interference of any European power. For more than half a century, before exporting any negroes from Africa, she made and held them slaves in their native country.
The Portuguese first imported slaves into Hispaniola 1508, and into their Brazilian colonies 1517. Their sugar works were first set up in these colonies 1580. Their union with Spain, at that time, was most unfortunate for them. The Dutch became their enemy, who took their East-India and Brazilian conquests and parts of their African colonies. They recovered Brazil and their African establishments 1640, but not that of India.
After the Dutch gave up Brazil and the gold mines were discovered, the trade of Portugal improved and a great importation of slaves took place: carrying yearly from Loangro to Brazil: 25,000, also many thousands from Goango and Cape Lopos. They themselves say they carry to Brazil 50,000 and more every year from Melinda, on the Mozambique coast. Such had been the increase of their Brazilian and African colonies for a century that their increase in English goods, annually, was greater than that of Portugal and Spain combined prior to 1700.
Spanish America received slaves from the Genoese, Portuguese, French and English. Every state purchased from Spain seceded from the union (1861). The Vatican was the only country to acknowledge sovereignty to the Confederacy. Before, during and long after the African slave trade ended: the heads of state of Spain and Portugal were addressed (and may still be), in formal title, by foreign dignitaries/heads of state, as: "His/Her Catholic Majesty" (U.S. State Dept. records): thereby acknowledging them, only, as emissaries of the pope.
John Greenleaf Whittier (1807-1892)
Catholic priest's dealing in the African slave trade is testified to, in this poem by the famous nineteenth century poet, J.G. Whittier:
A poem, on the slave block in New Orleans.
A CHRISTIAN! going, gone!
Who bids for Gods own image?-for His grace
Which this poor victim of the market-place
Hath in her suffering won?
My God! can such things be?
Hast thou not said that whatsoe'er is done
Unto Thy weakest and Thy humblest one,
Is even done to thee?
In that sad victim, then,
Child of Thy pitying love, I see Thee stand,
Once more the jest-word of a mocking band,
Bound, sold, and scourged again!
A Christian up for sale!
Wet with her blood your whips-o'ertask her frame,
Make her life loathsome with your wrong and shame,
Her patience shall not fail!
Cheers for the turbaned bey
Of robber-peopled tunis! he hath torn
The dark slave-dungeons open, and hath borne
Their inmates into day:
But our poor slave in vain
Turns to the Christian shrine her aching eyes-
Its rites will only swell her market price,
And rivet on her chain.
God of all right! how long
Shall priestly robbers at Thine alter stand,
Lifting in prayer to thee the bloody hand
And haughty brow of wrong!
O, from the fields of cane,
From the low rice-swamp, from the traders cell-
From the black slave-ship's foul and loathsome hell,
And coffle's weary chain-
Hoarse, horrible, and strong,
Rises to heaven that agonizing cry,
Filling the arches of the hollow sky,
How Long, O Lord, how long!
For those who think the Vatican's attitude, toward black people, may have changed through the ages bear this in mind: (1) the biggest race riot in American history (1864, Brooklyn, New York City) was instigated by Archbishop Hughes (in response to Lincoln creating a draft for more union soldiers), including the burning, and trampling to death of the occupants, of a black orphanage. (2) when the U.S. Army occupied Rome during WWII, Pope Pius XII made it clear to American generals there were to be no black soldiers garrisoned in Rome. (3) over 80% of St. Louis, New York City, Chicago etc. police are Knights of Columbus: bear this in mind when you learn that over 75% of these cops sell drugs; and when reviewing the facts of the Fred Hampton murder by the Chicago police, 4 Dec 69, 6:00AM: every shot fired in the apartment was from fully automatic weapons used by the police (no return fire); Amadou Diallo: four cops randomly "check out" Diallo: telling him to show his I.D.: while reaching for his wallet, in compliance with their "order" the cops open up on him: 41 shots fired, 19 striking his body: one bullet traveling almost vertically up each lower leg and another thru the bottom of the right shoe, proves Diallo was flat on his back when the shots were fired: Diallo was unarmed. Officer McMellon- bruised his tail bone falling from stoop; officer Carroll - injured his ankle in fall from steps: evidently, these four of "New Yorks finest" conducted themselves with all of the professionalism and expertise of Daffy Duck. If this is "New York's finest" I can't imagine what could possibly be their worst. The cops, defense lawyers and judge all had a party after the trial. Every unarmed black being shot in New York City (by police) is a working immigrant. Special Forces Group's (snipers) have been giving weapons training (and illegally selling weapons) to the KKK in Alabama in exchange for info on black leaders that lead to the murder of Martin Luther King Jr. and was financed through, New Orleans godfather: Carlos Marcello direct associate of J. Edgar Hoover: Knight of Malta; 33d degree Mason). Portuguese, Raul Maori (director of James Earl Rays movements and actions that set him up as a patsy: actual shooter of Martin Luther King Jr.) is a drugs and weapons smuggler for Carlos Marcello. To see a direct connection between the KKK, GBI and the FBI, see the docudrama: "Who Murdered Atlanta's Children?" Blacks are being systematically squeezed out of welfare, while legal and illegal catholic immigrants receive unending welfare. Blacks fear the police more than street gangs. Every American city has a predominate Catholic influence, and the proportion of mafia/catholic power and influence and crime rate is consistent from city to city: http://www.thelinkup.org.
Entire tribes of western American Indians were annihilated under the direct orders of the brown robed butchers, i.e. Coronado and his Spanish Conquistadors 1519-1540's. Not to mention the Aztecs and Incas of Mexico, Central and South America, Cuba, Haiti, Grenada, Guam, Philippines etc. With the likes of Almagro, Cortez, Pizarro, Valverde, de Meza, Gregory, Sepulveda, Valega and, yes, Christopher Columbus (imprisoned by Queen Isabella of Spain for his atrocities against the natives of Grenada), robbing them of all their national wealth and enslaving the people (try finding that in your public school history books. In the late middle age discoveries, the Vatican viewed all natives of the Americas as "indigenous natural slaves":
"Battle of Wounded Knee" (slaughter at wounded knee): With the Sioux, unarmed (except for a few skinning knives) and herded together like cattle: a man in a black robe (Jesuit) asked the Indians if they wanted to prey. After preying (non-catholic) the "man in the black robe" spoke to the cavalry officer, who then ordered the cavalry troops to form a line across in front of the defenseless Indians, then ordered them to open fire.
Until 1960 you could read, in any public library, books detailing Vatican/Jesuit atrocities throughout the European middle age/dark age inquisitions, since 1960 there has been a systematic removal of all publications (after web pages, like this one, became known, several hundred books suddenly disappeared from the Library of Congress; example: "Confessions of The Conspirators" {to Lincoln's assassination}): evidencing a systematic takeover of all educational material: remember the "book burnings" in Berlin 1933?). This is further evidenced by the remote location of Machu Picchu. And all in the name of their "holy mother", the Church of Rome. Our own war of independence was called a war of spiritual freedom: after seeing the purposeful destruction of every church and synagogue in every city, village and town the British Red Coats marched through. Every church that is except Roman Catholic. That's recorded in: "The Light and the Glory", by: Peter Marshall and David Manuel. Though the authors never mention the Jesuit's as the perpetrators of these atrocities other records leave little doubt ["British Canadian Sir Henry Clinton: commander-in-chief in North America, his troops made up of Oliver Delaney's and Cortlandt Skinner's brigades, New York Volunteers, Queens Rangers, Orange Rangers, Loyal Americans, Pennsylvania Loyalists, Maryland Loyalists, Roman Catholic Volunteers, West Jersey Volunteers, Chasseurs, Royal Americans Reformees, Volunteers of Ireland (Catholic),British Legion, Guides and Pioneers" (Secret History of the American Revolution,by: Carl Van Doren)].
In fact the authors try to exonerate the Jesuits. However in that attempt they accept the information of a man who was on the team of translators of the "American Standard version" of the bible. How anyone could put their trust in a person who would associate himself with a group of men of which 33% were known affiliates with communist fronts and causes is beyond me ("None Dare Call It Treason", by: John H. Stormer,1964). The correlation of the Vatican's role in the instigation and continuance of the Revolutionary War is clearly evidenced in: "The Paris Peace Treaty of 1783". A synopsis of Vatican orchestrated atrocities can be seen when reading: "Foxes Book of Martyr's".
This book also shows the direct correlation between the submission demands placed on the inquisition victims, by Priests, and the Papal encyclical to the Second Vatican Council, promulgated 25 May 1995 i.e. recognizing the Pope as the vicar of Christ(Christ incarnate); taking part in communion that recognizes the wafer of unleavened bread (Eucharist) as the literal body and blood of Christ, and making it an essential part of being a member of the body of Christ. For this to be a part of R.C. dogma is of no consequence, but to say that the R.C. Church has not only the authority, but the obligation and duty to God to apply it to every person, of every religion, that has been baptized in Christ's name (willing or unwilling), and that the sole purpose of the Vatican and its ecumenical movement is to bring about this end, is to expose the fact that the Vatican has not changed its dogma, stand, purpose or methods since the start of the inquisitions. Here are a few paragraphs: "We can now ask how much further we must travel until that blessed day when full unity in faith will be attained and we can celebrate together in peace the Holy Eucharist of the Lord.
The greater mutual understanding and the doctrinal convergences already achieved between us, which have resulted in an affective and effective growth of communion, cannot suffice for the conscience of Christians who profess that the Church is one, holy, Catholic and apostolic. The ultimate goal of the ecumenical movement is to re-establish full visible unity among all the baptized" (page 35, last paragraph). "It is already possible to identify the areas in need of fuller study before a true consensus of faith can be achieved: 1) the relationship between sacred scripture, as the highest authority in matters of faith, and Sacred Tradition, as indispensable to the interpretation of the Word of God; 2) the Eucharist, as the Sacrament of the Body and Blood of Christ, an offering of praise to the Father, the sacrificial memorial and Real Presence of Christ and the sanctifying outpouring of the Holy Spirit; 3) Ordination, as a Sacrament, to the threefold ministry of the episcopate, presbyterate and diocanate; 4) the Magesterum of the Church, entrusted to the Pope and the Bishops in communion with him, understood as a responsibility and an authority exercised in the name of Christ for teaching and safeguarding the faith; 5) the Virgin Mary, as Mother of God and Icon of the Church, the spiritual Mother who intercedes for Christ's disciples and for all humanity" (page 36, paragraph 7).
"Consequently, for the out come of dialogue to be received, there is needed a broad and precise critical process which analyzes the results and rigorously tests their consistency with the Tradition of faith received from the Apostles and lived out in the community of believers gathered around the Bishop, their "legitimate" pastor" (page 37, paragraph 3). The enormity of the implications of this edict so staggers the imagination that to refuse to acknowledge this threat to American freedoms and rights, and the enormity of its scope, can only be construed as complicity with its intentions. If you have any doubts at all about this all you have to do is read this edict. It is titled:
St. Ignatius of Loyola
"That They May Be One". It is interesting that the pope uses the word "they" and not "we", obviously excluding himself. After all, being the vicar of Christ (Christ incarnate), he can't consider himself a mere mortal (power is intoxicating, even to the extent of total distortion of logic). This edict has been given full approval by Skull & Bones: Pat Robertson, of the 700 Club. Also read the first and second points of the second week of "The Spiritual Exercises of Saint Ignatius of Loyola". Ignatius of Loyola, who's real name was Inigio Lopez De Recalde, founded the Society of Jesus(Jesuits)1534 in Spain, and also the Illuminati (holder of the light) [later instituted 1 May 1776 by Adam Weishaupt (German Jesuit, who's picture is on our one dollar bill) at Ingelstadt (Jesuit) University, where he was Professor of Cannon Law, under the direct orders of the "Black Pope"(who is a member of the Masonic Lodge of Europe) and financed by the "House of Rothschild" (In 1777 Weishaupt was initiated into the Masonic Order, the Lodge of Good Council, in Munich, to infiltrate and control it. At the Masonic International Congress at Wilhemsbad July 1782 the Masonic leaders received Illuminati indoctrination) (U.S. branch of the Illuminati is: "Council on Foreign Relations", of which U.S. Supreme Court judges: Ruth Bader Ginsburg (Catholic), Stephen Breyer (Catholic) and Sandra Day O'Conner are members, Bill Clinton, George Bush, Newt Gingrich, etc.); "Trilateral Commission" and "Skull & Bones" of Yale University]. De Recalde was also a Crusader (Vatican army that raped Israel, and most of Europe, in the dark age inquisitions). Interlocked Illuminati fronts are: United Nations, Bilderberg Group, Club of Rome, Royal Institute For International Affairs (England), Tri-Lateral Commission and Council On Foreign Relations.
Adam Weishaupt
Jesuit spiritual exercises are a daily ritual for Jesuits. A copy is easily obtainable thru the Internet. Let me quote a couple of lines: "The first point is to put before me a human king chosen by God our Lord, whom all Christian princes and men reverence and obey. The second, to look how this king speaks to all his people, saying: It is my will to conquer all the land of unbelievers. Therefore, whoever would like to come with me is to be content to eat as I, and also to drink and dress, etc., as I: likewise he is to labor like me in the day and watch in the night, etc., that so afterwards he may have part with me in the victory, as he has had it in the labors". Third week, first day, fifth point: "The fifth to consider how the Divinity hides itself, that is, how it could destroy its enemies and does not do it, and how it leaves the most sacred Humanity to suffer so very cruelly".
In the bull: Unam Sanctam (by: Pope Boniface VIII, promulgated 18 Nov 1302) we see the Vatican's intention of using governments and their agencies to achieve Vatican goals: "We are informed by the texts of the gospels that in this church and in its power are two swords; namely the spiritual and the temporal. For when the Apostlessay: "Behold here are two swords" [Lk 22:38] that is to say, in the church, since the Apostles were speaking, the Lord did not reply that there were too many, but sufficient. Certainly the one who denies that the temporal sword is in the power of Peter has not listened well to the word of the Lord commanding: "Put up thy sword into thy scabbard" [Mt 26:52]. Both, therefore, are in the power of the church, that is to say, the spiritual and the material sword, but the former is to be administered-for-the Church but the latter-by-the Church; the former in the hands of the priests; the latter in the hands of kings and soldiers, but at the will and sufferance of the priest": This self grandiosing butchery is espoused in more definitive terms, in the catholic publication: "Toward a Catholic Constitution", 1996, by Jesuit Leonard Swidler (professor of catholic thought and inter-religious dialogue, Temple University, Philadelphia Pa.): "One need look no further than the now accepted bulwark of orthodoxy (conformity to an established belief or doctrine), Thomas Aquinas, to see how far the prevalent assumptions about the penetration of religion and politics, with the presumed supremacy of the former, extended at that time. In treating of heretics Thomas views them as common criminals.
Their crime is even greater than that of counterfeiters, for "it is much more grievous to corrupt the faith . . . than to falsify money." Therefore, heretics "may not only be excommunicated, but may justly be killed." The church should properly tolerate their existence for a while, so long as there is some reasonable hope for conversion, but when that is gone, then heretics (anyone not catholic) must be cut out like rotten flesh," as Jerome says. They should be handed over "to the secular judge to be exterminated from the world through death." (pg. 58). This edict was included in cannon law until May of 1983: This should be sufficient to convince you of the militancy of the Vatican, Illuminati and their method of administration [now we know what was behind the raid on Mount Carmel in Waco (pilot program to establish future policy)]. Nowhere is this policy more obvious than in the Balkans. The "Dogmatic Constitution on The Church" proclaimed by pope Paul VI, 21 Nov 1964: 20. Paragraph 3: "with priests and deacons as helpers, the bishops received the charge of the community, presiding in Gods stead over the flock, of which they are the shepherds in that they are teachers of doctrine, ministers of sacred worship and holders of office in government." Ireland is a typical example of this policy.
"There is none that understandeth, there is none that seeketh after God. They are all gone out of the way, they are together become unprofitable; there is none that doeth good, no not one. There throat is become an open sepulchre; with their tongues they have used deceit; the poison of asps is under their lips: whose mouth is full of cursing and bitterness: their feet are swift to shed blood: destruction and misery are in their ways: and the way of peace have they not known: there is no fear of God before their eyes." Romans, 3:11-18.
Ironically the Jesuits are feared (and highly disliked) among the Catholic clergy more than anywhere else (there is inner-clergy rivalry within the R.C. orders, not unlike that of the upper-echelon of the Third Reich: they know the Jesuits for what they really are). Not too surprising since the Jesuits answer only to the "Black Pope, the Jesuits do for the Vatican what the Jesuit trained, S.S., S.D.,S.A. and Gestapo did for the Third Reich.
Franz von Papen (1879-1969)
Frans Von Papen, (Jesuit) Hitlers mentor, chancellor of Germany (June 1932 - March 1933) and first vice-chancellor of the Third Reich, stated in his book: "My Conversations with Hitler": "Hitler has put into practice the high ideals of the papacy". This statement was made in reference to the death camps. As chancellor, von Papen's first act was to dissolve the Reichstag; his second was lifting the ban on Hitler's "Brown Shirts" (SA); he then integrated Catholic youth groups into the "Hitler Youth": setting up the civil and political base for Hitler and the Nazi Party to move into power. "Mein Kampf" waswritten for Hitler by Jesuit Staempfle. As papal nuncio to Germany (1917-1929),
Archbishop Eugenio Pacelli worked with Germany's Illuminati bankers (Chase Manhattan, in New York City, and Bank of England funneled money's through Credit Swiss (Vatican bank) to the Reich's Bank in Berlin) and industrialist's (I.G. Farben), establishing thefinancial and industrial base for the Third Reich: WW II was in its planning stage while WW I was still in full swing. Thousands of Jews were hidden in the Vatican, as a precaution, in case Hitler lost the war.
"Yea the time cometh when he that killeth you will think that he doeth God service." (John 16:2)
The fact that the Vatican entered into a concordat with Hitler [signed in the Vatican by Von Papen and Cardinal Secretary of State: Eugenio Pacelli (later Pope Pius XII), 20 July 1933], as with Mussolini, Franco and Salazar is no secret. But the Vatican's attempt to seduce Hitler into extending the provisions of that concordat to include every country he raped and pillaged is not so well known, but is recorded in Hitler's own words in his book: "Hitler's Secret Conversations" i.e. "I have shown myself unresponsive to the attempts of the Vatican toward the extension of the provisions of the concordat to embrace the newly acquired territories of the Reich. The Saar, Sudetenland, Bohemia and Moravia, the Reichsgau Danszig-East Prussia, the Warthegau, a large part of Silesia and Alsace-Lorraine have, in fact, no relations with the Roman Catholic Church which are supported by formal international agreement" (page 516).
"The attitude of the Bishop von Galen affords just one more argument in favor of terminating the Concordat after the war, substituting for it regional regulations and immediately withholding from the Church the financial support at present guaranteed to it by that treaty" (page 520). Pacelli (negotiating the concordat provisions) insisted, the German State, within the dictates of the concordat, "be bound by any and all proposals of the local bishop regarding teachers of religion, and that the state would be obliged to fire such teachers if the bishop so demanded; meanwhile, the state would be required to meet all financial obligations, and at the same time, guarantee the application of cannon law to the faithful"; [Bill Bennett (and his, Jesuit, brother Bob are KNOWN operatives in CIA/MK-Ultra/Project Monarchhttp://www.iahf.com/readings/index.html -extreme trauma induced multiple personality mind control sex deviates and pedophiles), self professed Jesuit, Secretary of Education under Reagan, propagator of Outcome Based Education (OBE), stated: "All children should be taught by Jesuits" (to profligate Americas youth: Joan of Arc was burned at the stake, at age sixteen, after signing her name to a document {unknowingly authorizing her own execution} she could not read, and could only write her name: being a product of a catholic parochial school)]. This makes me very curious of the content of the concordat: "Conciliar Document on Religious Freedom", being pushed in Washington by John Courtney Murray (R.C. Priest).
Klaus Barbie (1913-1991)
It becomes apparent that a chain of events of influence by certain people directed R.C. Hitler's life. Leopold Poetsch, his (Catholic) teacher; Mein Kampf: written, for Hitler, by German Jesuit: Staempfle; his "recruitment" into the Thule Society, 1919 (totally racial, religious, ethnic biased and anti-Semitic satanic cult. Read: "The Occult and The Third Reich"), as stated in (web page) "Illuminati Outline of History". All of Hitler's "inner circle" were members e.g. Himmler (Knight of Malta), Goebbels & Hoess etc. (and still good Catholics) which were among the thousands of Nazi and Ustasha fascist war criminals smuggled to Argentina, Bolivia, Paraguay, Australia, Canada and the U.S. (with 10,000+) by the Vatican (using forged documents, with Vatican seal, on stolen Red Cross travel cards with Vatican Visa's). The mass evacuation ("Ratlines") being coordinated by a small cabal of Vatican officials ("Intermarium") such as the infamous Dr. Nix (CIA top secret document: "Illegal Emigration Movements In and Through Italy", declassified: NND 760050: 11 April 90), Giovanni Montini (later Pope Paul VI), Hubal and Dragonovic (worked with U.S. Army's Counter Intelligence Corps (CIC) organizing the escape of Gestapo head and war criminal Klaus Barbie to South America) under the direction of Pope Pius XII (1945-1950) "Unholy Trinity" by: Mark Aarons and John Loftus);
"Those who did rescue the mass murderers from the hand of justice were not Peron (Argentine populist dictator) and his secret police but the [Roman] Catholic Church and its emissaries. It was the [Roman] Catholic Church, which, through its priests, church's, monasteries and forged Vatican passports, managed to foil the post-war hunt for Nazi war criminals. Nor was the church's rescue operation inconsistent with the policy it had pursued throughout the Nazi era. Henri du Lubac, a Jesuit theologian, filed a report in 1944, well before the end of the war, on the collaboration of the [Roman] Catholic Church with the pro-Nazi Vichy (French) regime. Hidden until this month, the report condemns what du Lubac calls the moral and spiritual abdication of Roman Catholic Bishops under the Nazis. For decade's French cardinals, monks and nuns had helped one of France's worst war criminals, Paul Touvier, escape justice.
It is difficult to imagine that it was possible, in the monolithic [Roman] Catholic Church, for so many to act so uniformly for so long without the knowledge and approval of the highest levels of the Vatican. Israelis have found it difficult to understand why the Vatican has refused to recognize the State of Israel." Jerusalem Post, editorial: "Maxima Culpa" 14 Feb 92; Adolf Eichmann was issued a Vatican visa and passport (in the name of Ricardo Klement, dated: 14 July 1950) by Franciscan monks in a Catholic monastery in Italy, giving him free passage to Argentina. At his trial in Jerusalem, raising his right hand in swearing to tell the truth, Adolf Eichmann gave the hand sign of the Pope. Hitler was backed by Illuminati bankers [the reason Rudolph Hess flew to Scotland (home of the Rothschild's)], in London, New York City and Berlin, after approval by Ivy Lee (probably chosen due to his successful promotion of the image of John D. Rockefeller), who was hired by I.G. Farben for that purpose [I.G.Farben, who fed the notorious "Farben buna soup" to the inmates working at "I.G. Auschwitz" factory (specially formulated to starve them to death in three months) and invented Zyklon B, the poison used to gas the Jews (according to Franciscan, Duns Scotus, Jews were slaves by divine decree), Gypsies etc. and now controls the pharmaceutical industry in the U.S., the A.M.A. and the F.D.A. That's why Laetrile (more recently called Mega-zyme Forte) was outlawed without ever being tested and not allowed to be tested.
It's a food, (not a drug) vitamin B-17, derived from apricot seeds (and other food sources), that has been proven to cure three out of five "terminal" cancer patients. That's also why the F.D.A. "requires" $210,000,000 and 10 years in research to put a vitamin on the market (effectively stopping all new vitamin company manufacturing). It really doesn't take much imagination to figure out the annual multi-million dollar income these pharmaceutical companies are raking in ($29 billion in 25 years) from federal grants, which would come to a sudden stop if their were no more "cancer industry" (read: "World Without Cancer", by: G. Edward Griffen): while treating a congressman, Dr. Francisco Contraras, and the congressman, discussed hopes for an eventual cure: the doctor was told that if he took a total cure to the U.S. President tomorrow, he'd "Probably be killed!" "Cancer is such a big business in the U.S.A." Now you can see why Dr. Burzynski is being prosecuted in Texas for curing cancer patients. They will put him away because he is too much of a threat to their mega-buck industry] (in 1996 over 600 hospitals merged with Catholic institutions in 19 states, from Portland Maine to Oakland California).
Kernersville N.C : a cancer patient was told, by his doctor, he would have to have half his jaw removed to stop the cancer. The man went to Tijuana (Dr. Ernesto Contreras: Contreras Oasis Hospital, Playas De Tijuana, Mexico) and was treated with Laetrile and the cancer cleared up. The man told his doctor about the treatment and the doctor(by federal law) reported it to the American Medical Association: federal agents came and searched the mans home for the Laetrile. In the U.S: I.G. Farben is BASF, Bayer and Hoechst.
Tampa FL : Dr. James Kimball sentenced to thirteen years, by federal mob, psychopath, Judge Richard Lazzara : Dr. Kimball's crime ?: curing patients of degenerative diseases and slowing their aging processes, using non-pharmaceutical medicines he invented, and the FDA not making any profit from it : having a 100% success rate with his patients, he had to be stopped. Federal Vermin Lazzara stated: "he does not have any respect for authority or for the law". Are you starting to get the picture?
Hitler stated in "Rise and Fall of the Third Reich", page 44: "Regardless of how much room for criticism there was in any religious denomination, a political party must never for a moment lose sight of the fact that in all previous historical experience a purely political party has never succeeded in producing a religious reformation." Compare this with page 486-487: "These peoples looked longingly toward their "mother" countries, Hungary, Russia and Germany respectively, though the Sudeteners had never belonged to the German Reich (except as a part of the loosely formed Holy Roman Empire) but only to Austria". Obviously Hitler saw his Third Reich as a Roman Catholic enterprise ["Center Party"(re-established as Christian Democratic Party" following WWII) Catholic Church political party, who's president was Bishop Ludwig Kaas {one of its political groups in Peru with the same name and for the same purpose}), of Germany was disbanded by Cardinal Pacelli, throwing all of its support behind Hitler]. Hitler was baptized in Linz, paid the German state tax (Kirchensteuer) to the Vatican (still required of every German citizen today), was in communion and carried out cannon law and policy until his demise. With this in mind we can see why Hitler stayed true to his other concordat allies: Franco (who was put into power and assisted for his entire reign by Catholic order Opus Dei (founded by Joseph Maria Escriva), who also assisted the Ustasha in Croatia during WWII and still assists Vatican mercenaries in Bosnia and Kosovo today; Sargent Shriver (and his wife, Eunice Kennedy Shriver), who was George McGoverns running mate in 1972, are Opus Dei (Pope's Mafia: Church and State magazine); F.B.I. special agent: Robert P. Hanssen (spied for the Russians for 15 years) and F.B.I. head: Louis Freeh are Opus Dei supernumerary: keep this in mind when you learn the sole purpose of the order is the subjugation of governments to the Vatican) http://www.mond.at/opus.dei (an annual mass is celebrated in Hitler's memory in Madrid) (the present day Irish Catholic press is full of flattering illusions to Franco of Spain and Salazar of Portugal) and Mussolini (who was put into power by the Vatican) while breaking every other international treaty. It is significant that Germany, Italy and Spain are together again as they were with Hitler, Mussolini and Franco (with their "Pact of Steel", signed, 22 May 1933).
Pope Pius XII (1876-1958)
2 March 1939: Cardinal Secretary of State, Eugenio Pacelli was sworn in as Pope Pius XII; four days later (as Hitlers tanks are rolling into Poland) Pacelli wrote to Hitler: "To the illustrious Herr Adolf Hitler, Fuhrer and chancellor of the German Reich! Here at the beginning of our pontificate we wish to assure you that we remain devoted to the spiritual welfare of the German people entrusted to your leadership. During the many years we spent in Germany, we did all in our power to establish harmonious relations between church and state. Now that the responsibilities of our pastoral function have increased our opportunities, how much more ardently do we pray to reach that goal? May the prosperity of the German people and their progress in every domain come, with Gods help, to fruition!" Pacelli maintained a papal nuncio (Archbishop Orsenigo) in Berlin throughout the Third Reich. At Pacelli's express wish (20 April 1939) Orsenigo opened a gala reception for Hitler's 50th birthday, which became a tradition throughout the Third Reich, along with Cardinal Bertram sending "warmest congratulations to the Fuhrer in the name of the Bishops and dioceses in Germany", to which he added "fervent prayers which the Catholics of Germany are sending to heaven on their alters": "Hitlers Pope: The Secret History of Pius VII", by, John Cornwell (all research for this book was done in the Vatican Library).
Chick Publications ( http://www.chick.com ), in Ontario California, prints gospel tracts, storybooks and other Christian literature. This company is very important to this subject matter. As are the names of Joseph McCabe (former Franciscan monk and internationally famous atheist and author of almost 250 books); ex-Dominican monk: Walter M. Montano, author of "Behind the Purple Curtain"; ex-priest: Bernard Fresenborg, author of: "Thirty years in hell" and "Uncle Sams New Fiancee". Chick Publications has, in print, the true story of a former Jesuit who, after many years in the service of the Vatican, came out of the Church of Rome and put his story into print, as did Montano, McCabe and Fresenborg. This former Jesuit (Dr. Alberto Romero Rivera) and Jack Chick, of Chick Publications, have had many attempts made on their lives for publishing these materials, (Dr. Rivera, being poisoned by a dentist breaking off an infected needle in his jaw and systematically fed poison for many years, succumbed 20 June 1997) as have other authors and publishers of like subject matter. The Vatican does not take lightly the exposing of its practices, or of its secret books i.e."Secret book of instructions for the Jesuits", LCCN: BX3705.A2 M65; "Secret History of the Jesuits": Edmond Paris 1975, LCCN: BX3706.2 .P3713 (these are two books you should definitely read). They expose the unquestionable clear methods and intentions of the Vatican for the future, (their own publications). There are enough books, by such a variety of authors, from different time periods, writing from first hand knowledge, saying the same thing that the evidence is inescapable. Denial of this information can only be done with total bigotry and abstinence of logic, and therefore can only be construed as complicity with its intentions (yes it does bear repeating). It is very true that tyranny can only prevail when good men do nothing e.g. Chamberlain and the Treaty of Versailles.
"Rome's responsibility for the assassination of Abraham Lincoln" (LCCN: E457.5.H316), author: Thomas M. Harris, Late Brigadier General U.S.V. (and a presiding judge over the trial of the conspirators), "The assassination of Abraham Lincoln" (LCCN: E457.5.H28 or .H31), also by Thomas M. Harris; "Behind the Purple Curtain" (LCCN: BX1773.M6); "The Great Conspiracy"; "The suppressed truth about the assassination of Abraham Lincoln" (LCCN: E457.5.M27) by Burke Mccarty; "Fifty years in the Church of Rome" by Charles Chiniquy, ex-catholic priest; "Treason History of the Order of the Sons of Liberty"(LCCN: E458.8.S85) by Felix G. Stidger; "Washington in the Lap of Rome" (LCCN: BXI770.F9) by Justin D. Fulton; "History of the Plots and Crimes of the Great Conspiracy to overthrow Liberty in America" (LCCN: E310.D983) by John Smith Dye; "The Trial of John Surratt" by: John Surratt [John Surratt hid in Catholic monasteries in Canada (6 weeks); England (4 weeks); became member of Zuaves (personal body guard to the Pope, in the Vatican) before, eventually, being extradited back to Washington D.C. to stand trial where (full row of Jesuits paraded, in file, up to John Surratt, at every break in the trial, to shake his hand and making sure the jury saw them) he got off on a hung jury. John Surratt and John Wilkes Booth studied for the catholic priesthood at the Sulpician Monastery, outside Baltimore].
Pope Gregory XVI
"Official Records of the Union and Confederate Navies" series II volume III (federal depository library) shows the Vaticans involvement, on the side of the Confederacy, its complicity in the assassination of Abraham Lincoln and attempted assassination of Secretary of State William H. Seward. As well as their planned control of politics, education [Bill Bennett (and his, Jesuit, brother Bob are KNOWN operatives in CIA/MK-Ultra/Project Monarch-extreme trauma induced mind control sex deviates and pedophiliacs), self professed Jesuit, Secretary of Education, under Reagan (Reagan was shot, 30 March 1981, after balking at assigning Bill Bennett as Secretary of Education: In April of 1982, in a speech made to the National Catholic Education Association: Reagan made the incredible statement: "I am grateful for your help in shaping American policy to reflect God's will ....., And I will look forward to further guidance from His Holiness pope John Paul II during an audience I will have with him in June.") propagator of Outcome Based Education (OBE), stated: "All children should be taught by Jesuits"], immigration [St. Leopold Foundation (Vatican spy network, founded: Vienna Austria, 1828)] and their already, at that time, control of much of the press (which has grown to include every other mode of media communication): "Liberty of the press, the most dangerous liberty, an execrable liberty, which can never inspire sufficient horror, and which some men very noisily and insistently demand to spread everywhere . . . ": Pope Gregory XVI: (Toward a Catholic Constitution", pg. 59, by: Leonard Swidler.). Pope Pius wrote a letter to Jefferson Davis, with the specific instruction to have it printed in the Richmond newspaper to get the Irish Catholic's in the Union army to desert.
He did and they did (144,000+ deserted in one week). When Lincoln initiated a draft for the Union Army, in New York City(1864), Archbishop Hughes instigated the biggest race riot in American history, including the burning to the ground of a black orphanage and trampling to death of its occupants. We know the Illuminati's international bankers supplied Jeff Davis (who's secretary of state: Judah P. Benjamin, was a House of Rothschild agent), J.Wilkes Booth, Sons of Liberty, Knights of The Golden Circle (J. Wilkes Booth was seduced to assassinate Abraham Lincoln by a woman, Ella Turner, and joined Knights of The Golden Circle for the sole purpose of obtaining their assistance to that end; Leon Czolgosz joined Knights of The Golden Eagle and was seduced to assassinate president William Mckinley by the infamous woman anarchist: Emma Goldman), Order of American Knights (Copperhead organizations, still in existence today, with their own quarterly newspaper: "Copperhead Chronicles", with their same old anti-Lincoln and anti-Union rhetoric) etc. with money thru the Bank of Ontario, Montreal Branch, thru Jeff Davis's "Canadian Cabinet", which was planned in detail in the Vatican before Brig. Gen. Beauregard (Catholic) fired on Fort Sumter: "We have the proof that the company which had been selected and organized to murder me was led by a rabid Roman Catholic named Byrne; it was almost entirely composed of Roman Catholics. More than that, there were two disguised priests among them to lead and encourage them. Professor Morse, the learned inventor of electric telegraphy, tells me that recently, when he was in Rome, he found the proofs of a most formidable conspiracy against this country and all its institutions. It is evident that it is to the intrigues and emissaries of the Pope we owe, in great part, the horrible civil war which is threatening to cover the country with blood and ruin." (Abraham Lincoln). All this is in the Library of Congress, along with U.S. State Department record of the U.S. Government breaking off diplomatic relations with the Vatican on 30 June 1867 (for refusing to allow non-catholic religious worship inside the walls of Rome: which should tell you how TBN now has an international religious TV broadcasting station in Rome), which was re-established by Ronald Reagan, 10 Jan 1984. Reagan only authorized the raid on Moammar Gahdafi after Gahdafi's terrorists set off bombs in Rome, even though he knew about Gahdafi's terrorism and counterfeiting activities for years. http://www.mosquitonet.com/~prewett/holyalliance1of2.html
According to Alberto Rivera there have been over two thousand Jesuits in U.S. government positions prior to 1980. If this is true, and all indications appear so, there's no telling how many there are now, and how much power they wield in Washington and state governments. The Jesuits control the entire CIA/MK-Ultra/Project Monarch (extreme trauma induced multiple personality: Jesuit/Vatican mind control) program. These robotic victims are used as sex slaves and to deliver drugs/money and/or encrypted messages to heads of state and/or their drug operatives all over the world. Theyare also used to carry out murders [Eric Harris and Dyland Klebold (Al Gore and his goons wore black trench coats while he made his speech at Columbine High School: identifying with the "Trench Coat Mafia")].
Operatives within Project Monarch program: Gerald Ford, Ronald Reagan, George Bush, George Bush Jr., Bill & Hillary Clinton, Robert C. Bird, Alan Cranston, Madeleine Albright, Dick Cheney, Bob (drug czar) & Bill Bennett (Jesuits), Alan Simpson, Arlen Spector, Jim Traficant, Governor Mellon, Bob Clement, Pierre Trudeau (Canadian President/Jesuit), De la Madrid (Mexico), Michigan governor: Blanchard, Prince Bandar Ben Sultan, Dr. Steve Hassen, Dr. Louis Jolyon West (psychiatrist who experimented with LSD for the CIA, and former head of Neurosychiatric Institute UCLA, Los Angeles), Civia Tamarkin, Sue Carper, Joe Casey, William Casey, Dennis Delaney, William Dieh, Lloyd Lindroth, Jimmy Buffett, Rev. Billy Roy Moore, Larry Flint, Charlie Pride, Jack Greene. Country music operatives: Alex Houston, Lee Atwater, Boxcar Willy, Jimmy Dean, Jimmy Walker, Tommy Overstreet, Lee Greenwood, Jerry Reed, Kris Kristopherson, Wayne Cox, Ken Riley, R.C. Bannon. Baseball operatives: Tommy Lasorda, Nolan Ryan. Others: Don & Guy Vanderjagt, Bud Crammer, Steve Hassen, J. Bennett Johnston (Louisiana Senator), David Rorick, Patrick Leahy, George Lucas, Michael Dante' (Michael Viti), Reggie "Mac" McLaughlin, Hal Meadows, Dick Thornburgh, Mickey Miller, Ray & Regina Myers, Scott Rosenburg, Carlos Salinas de Gortari, H.R. Gibson, Gary Ackerman, Lamar Alexander (ritual Satanist), GeneralCedras, Lt. Col. Michael Aquino, Jack Valenti, Jose Busto (Puerto Rican drug lord).Catholic priest operatives: Vesbit, father Don, James Thaylen. Centers for mind control experimentation: Branson Missouri Country Music Center, Lords Chapel Church (Brentwood Tenn.), St. Frances of Assisi Catholic Church/Catholic Center high school (Muskegon, Michigan), Jesuit College (Wheeling W.V.), Boys Town Orphanage ({incorporated} Omaha Neb.), Mormon Church (Salt Lake City, Utah), Church of Scientology, Andrews A.F. Base, Barksdale A.F. Base, McDill A.F. Base, Offutt A.F. Base, Plattsburgh A.F. Base,Tinker A.F. Base, Warner-Robbins A.F. Base, Ft. McLelland, Ft George Meade, Ft. Campbell, NASA: Cape Canaveral; Washington D.C.; Marshall Space Flight Center, Redstone Arsenal, Huntsville Al., Harvard University ("Trance-Formation of America", by Cathy O'Brian and Mark Phillips). Advocacy Committee for Human Experimentation Survivors-Mind Control (ACHES-MC) is an organization dealing with survivor/victims of this heinous Jesuit/CIA program.
Linda Wegen's case is typical: (a loving mother simply trying to raise her children) after finding out her children were victims of SRA (satanic ritual abuse: by her ex-husband and the local day care center), Linda took her children to a psychiatric hospital who (after their examination) told Linda of her children's SRA condition. The federal authorities then confiscated everything Linda owned (home, bank accounts, car, clothing; literally, everything except the clothes she was wearing!): simply because she was trying to help her children: her children were given to her satanic ex-husband: even her children from her former marriage which he had not adopted. Satanic ritual abuse of children through day care centers is very prevalent, especially in Connecticut.
The "Finders" in New York City, is a CIA front organization dealing in kidnapping; international trafficking of children, pedophilia and drugs.
The Vatican bought 26.8 million dollars in gold from the U.S. reserves, at a dollar an ounce under market value ($34 an ounce) and sold it back to the Government at market value [$35 an ounce (United Nations World Magazine, Dec.1952)]; With 5500+ schools, colleges and universities (Clinton was educated at Jesuit Georgetown University, where he and Fidel Castro were trained in communist philosophies; Jefferson Davis at St. Thomas Catholic college in Kentucky) all receiving government subsidies. Marymount College in Boca Raton, Florida is typical: Founded in 1963 and having a student body of 350 in 1968, it received, from the government, two million in housing grants, a $55,000 anti-poverty grant to study migrant children and a $10,000 education grant; In 1965 in Mississippi a $7,000,000 government-sponsored program for the retraining of unemployed was run by an agency organized by a Roman Catholic Diocese, the $7,000,000 was financed by the government via the Hillburton Act (1954, 1964). From 1947 to 1964 7,372 such projects were approved; HUD condemning public lands and giving it to the Catholic Church, along with protestant tax money to develop the land [build Catholic schools or hospitals (since 1961 the Catholic Church has been receiving $83,000+ a day for such projects)]. HEW should be renamed CPA (Catholic Property Acquisition); Jesuit Fordham University acquired a valuable piece of Lincoln Square in New York City for a fraction of its worth, then got federal aid to develop the property; Manhattan College, famous for its wines and brandy, obtained a large factory and financial assistance from New York's Dormitory Authority;
In Chicago HEW donated a sixty-acre, 4.5 million dollar tract at the Hines Veterans Administration Hospital to Jesuit Loyola University. When V.A. general councilman Fred B. Rhodes Jr. balked at the giveaway a devout Catholic replaced him. New York State banking records shows us that in 1962 the Catholic Church owns stocks and bonds in hundreds of corporations. Among others: Baltimore & Ohio R.R., Rock Island, Erie, Sea Board, Missouri Pacific, Pere Marquette, Goodyear Tire & Rubber, Firestone, Fisk, U.S. American Smelting, Commonwealth Edison, Brooklyn Edison, N.Y. Edison, Pacific Gas & Electric, West Penn Power, American Commonwealth Power, Texas Electric, Atlantic City Convention Hall, Louisiana Hotel Company, Squire Building, Lane Bryant, Fox Playhouses, Fox Theater (St. Louis), Denver Joint Stock Land Bank, Savoy Plaza Hotel, National Dairy, Thermoid, Washington Silk, Pillsbury Flour, Yankee Stadium, Watergate, General Motors, General Electric, Shell Oil, Bethlehem Steel, Gulf Oil, IBM, Boeing, Lockheed, Douglas, Curtis Wright, Phillips Oil Co., Creole Petroleum Co. And all tax-free.
In Massachusetts its hard to distinguish between the Catholic Church and the state government, every time a public school closes the Catholic Church buys it for a dollar; The Catholic Church never loses a "sealed" bid on public land auctions. This is done via an open and devious by-passing of the U.S. Constitution, by the hidden Catholic pressure group within the U.S.
Cardinal Francis Spellman
Government, state and local, by the legal, semi-legal and dubious politico-financial manipulations of sly Catholic dealers relentlessly operating in the legislative, financial and real estate fields on behalf of the Catholic Church. At one time the Catholic Church owned more land area than the entire state of Connecticut. The Catholic Church has been "buying" land and constructing buildings in New York City at a rate second only to the city itself (being all tax exempt: care to take a guess why New York City went bankrupt twice when George "Mr. Cocaine" Bush was in the Whitehouse?) and all thanks to Cardinal Francis "burn-em alive" Spellman ( "The Vatican Billions" by Avro Manhattan); [The Popes banker, Michele Sindona, was a very busy boy before being sent to federal prison in New York State for causing the default of Franklin National Bank. It appears he was not only the Popes banker but also the banker for: IOR [Vatican bank (Societa General Immobilaire), Italian Masonic Lodge, P2(Italian Masonic Lodge political arm), Vatican political party, Sicilian mafia and Lacosa Nostra (Sindona set up the system for Sicilian mafia and Lacosa Nostra to launder their drug money thru Vatican owned banks, Credit Swiss, in Switzerland). He, in all likelihood, set up the program of $900,000,000 in counterfeit bonds for the Vatican, to be pushed in this country. When it was discovered that the Vatican Bank (IOR) and Cardinal Tisserant (second only to the Pope) were the main offenders, and an investigation was certain to follow, Tisserant conveniently died, requesting before his death that his diaries be removed from the Vatican.]; The I.R.S. classifying people who stand up for their rights as non-filers, knowing full well there is no I.R.S. code or law requiring anyone to assess themselves for any tax (article five of the Bill of Rights) and then turning them over to the B.A.T.F. who (by computer program automatically) classifies them as drug smugglers with their semi-secret "T" code system["T5"(I.R.S.6209 manual)], to give them the appearance of legality, to confiscate properties [If you go to court (Title 4(annotated) U.S. Code, Chapter 1:
U.S. flags in federal court rooms are military Ceremonial/Parade Flags (gold fringe), AR840-10(b-1): under which the U.S. Constitution is suspended {two gold-knotted-tasseled ropes are admiralty flag: again the U.S. Constitution is suspended}) with the I.R.S. they ask you about your U.S. citizenship and if you don't answer just right they classify you as a citizen of Puerto Rico, Guam, Samoa or the U.S. Virgin Island's [the "other" united states that are owned by the District of Columbia (acquired!
from the Spanish American War) and run by the Catholic Church]. Care to guess why? (Because that's the only place the I.R.S. & B.A.T.F. have "legal" jurisdiction). The I.R.S. is a department of the Treasury of Puerto Rico. The title heading of the I.R.S. reads: "Internal Revenue Service a Department of The Treasury", it does not tell whose treasury it's a department of. Look in 31 USC under Dept. of U.S. Treasury and look for the agencies they authorize: guess who is missing, that's right, the B.A.T.F. & I.R.S. Why do you make checks payable to the I.R.S. and not the U.S. Treasury? That's how the I.R.S. diverts your money to the international bankers (IMF)]; The names of every member of the jury pool, in a tax case, is given to the I.R.S. by the U.S. Attorney prosecuting the case: securing a partial jury for the I.R.S. If you, or any one you know, is having problems with the I.R.S. contact, tax expert, Ben Houck Ph:(614)532-9669 or Fax: (614)532-3570. Ben knows more about income tax codes than the I.R.S.
The Jesuits own fifty one percent of Bank of America (largest bank in the U.S.) the Vatican owns stock in hundreds of banks all over the world; Banca Nazionale de Lavoro (the Pope owns controlling interest), through its branch in Atlanta Georgia, laundered over $5 billion of American taxpayers money from the U.S. Dept. of Agriculture to pay for Saddam Hussein's war machine, including his "super gun"; Railroading Rep. George Hansen (R-Id.) into prison and physical torture ("Diesel Therapy", that left his wrist's crippled for life) by judge Edward Lodge, after Hansen called for a congressional investigation of the Justice Department and wrote the book: "To Harass Our People, The IRS and Government Abuse of Power" (assault on religion) [In this book Representative Hansen exposes the I.R.S.'s practice of selectively prosecuting church's for income tax evasion (Sun Yung Moon,1981, for not reporting interest on 112,000 in Chase Manhattan bank. Do not be deluded that this has anything to do with a zeal for collecting tax's for the United States Treasury.
The tax, fine and penalties combined do not amount to a fraction of what the I.R.S. spent in prosecuting the Moon case. Not three miles from the court house where he was prosecuted, Roman Catholic Archbishop of New York: Terence Cooke, held personally in his own name, assets worth a thousand times that which Moon was charged with evading. In fact Catholic church law requires the reigning ordinary own its property in his own name: known in law as: "corporate sole", for which, of all the hundreds of Catholic Archdioceses reigning Cardinals and Bishops in the U.S. not one has ever been looked at by the I.R.S., much less brought up on any charge, showing conclusively, who the I.R.S. selects and why)]: In the trial of F. Tupper Saussy, http://www.patshannan.bizland.com/rulerintro.html prosecuted by (self professing Jesuit) John MaCcoon, exculpatory evidence ignored or suppressed, prosecutorial improprieties excused, attempts to avoid consequences of improprieties bring punishment: This prosecutorial/judicial steamrolling people into prison (Saussy with 14 months) is not unique to tax court cases. It is the typical judicial MO of state courts railroading parents (of phony child sex abuse cases) into prison: Kern County(Bakersfield) California is typical (see the docudrama: "Just Ask My Children"); Ruining Rep. Joseph Montoya (D-N.M.) for pushing for reforms of I.R.S. agency crimes exposed by him in Senate hearings in the 1970's; F.D.A., H.R.S. etc. arresting people, ransacking health food stores, confiscating property, killing animals, destroying property, and all without a court order and in deliberate violation of article five of the Bill of Rights, throwing peoples right of habeas corpus (assumed innocent until proven guilty) out the window; with immigration (totally controlled by Jesuits) bringing in Hispanics (all Catholic) by the boat loads (legally and illegally) to feed off our welfare system and further deplete the economy [which explains the planned failure of Nafta and Gat (sending companies and jobs to dominant Catholic countries) thru Vatican controlled Mexico] and influence federal, state, county and city legislation and elections [the unofficial private corporation: News Election Service (NES) has sole physical control of the counting and dissemination of every vote, in our national elections, and does not allow the public to know how it is done] and will be the only ones to receive unending welfare when welfare "officially" comes to an end. At or near every immigration office in the U.S. is a Catholic law firm to give free legal assistance to any Catholic immigrant entering this country. Anyone doubting this should read: "Illegal Emigration movements In And Through Italy", by: Vincent La Vista, declassification no. NND 760050, 4-11-90, National Archives Record Group No. 59, Center For Legislative Archives, Washington D.C: Why else would we have immigration offices in Rome and Mexico City?
Ronald Reagan and Richard Nixon used the WWII fascist war criminals smuggled into this country (Nazi war criminal, Walter Dohrnberger, sentenced to be hung at Nuremberg, is head of Bell Aerospace Corp. R & D dept.) thru the Vatican "Ratlines" to get the ethnic votes that put them in the Whitehouse. Ronald Reagan, while governor of California, set a day of recognition for the Ustasha of Yugoslavia until the Yugoslavian government protested; on his visit to a concentration camp in Europe: Reagan laid a wreath on the grave of an S.S. officer.
"The Church can dispense from a promissory oath. This power belongs to the Pope and Bishops, who exercise it either by themselves or by their delegates." p.203; "The civil laws (of Christendom) are binding in conscience so long as they are conformable to the rights of the Catholic Church."p.278 "Abridged Course of Religious Instruction for the Use of Colleges and Schools" by: Rev. F.X. Schouppe (Jesuit); federal judges controlling the juries to the extent that they have no choice but to rule the way they say, or overruling them and passing his own judgement on the defendants (which moves sovereignty from the people to the courts), e.g. Walter Smith Jr. (Judge Roy Bean) of Waco Texas. The list of federal agency violations of "citizens rights" is a bottomless pit. Like the threat made on myself by an I.R.S. special agent from Pikeville Ky. in the I.R.S. office in Ashland Ky.(28 April 1995) when he laid a loaded snub nose cal.38 revolver on the desk in front of me, with the barrel pointed at me, while being witnessed by collections agent John T. Yewell.
Then there's Mt. Carmel, with its trumped up charge of a methamphetamine laboratory (never mentioned again after the raid started) to give assistant U.S. attorney Bill Johnston an excuse to get his warrant and special forces training for his B.A.T.F. goons; and with the B.A.T.F. agent Robert Rodriguez having been in Mount Carmel (day before the raid) where he inspected all the firearms and knew what was and was not there, and with further inspection of the weapons "requested" of the B.A.T.F. by David Koresh and "refused" by the B.A.T.F.(which would have left them without an excuse for their murder and mayhem). Five FBI agents rented a house across the road from Mt. Carmel: two of those agents attended bible study classes with David Koresh for a month before they started their slaughter: at the same time other FBI agents were busy printing and handing out leaflets in Waco, degrading the Branch Davidians. I'm sure Bill Johnston was expecting a turkey shoot, and all with 100% support from the controlled (Skull & Bones) media, before, during and ever since ("The Massacre of The Branch Davidians" by Carol Moore, 28 Jan 1994). All of this is a precursor of what is to come.
Ever notice how the media never misses an opportunity to jump on preachers who makestatements concerning government policy, screaming: "separation of church and state"? And when the Pope comes to this country making speeches on the same issues their silence is deafening! The only person to voice a negative response to the Popes statements to abortion was Madelin Murrey O'Hair, whose statements have not been published since. Just before O'Hair, and her family, was to go to New York, to protest the Pope, she and her family disappeared without a trace. Again the media silence was deafening.
Ever notice the A.C.L.U. in all of its rantings about separation of church and state is stone silent about government (protestant taxpayer) moneys going to Catholic schools? (Federal grants and loans to Jesuit colleges, universities and their programs are in the billions). At the turn of the century Pope Leo XIII was raking in over one and a half million dollars annually from: (1) Peter's pence contribution (over $415,000); (2) Apostolic Chancellery aggregate ($520,000); (3) Interest of the vast sum left by Pius IX in the Pontifical treasury, invested chiefly in English Consols ($625,000). Notice the Pope trusted the securities of a Protestant nation and not a Catholic as France, Spain or Mexico. These figures would hardly make a dent in those of today.
The Jesuits rake in over $280 million annually. The assets of Grey Nuns of Charity$3.5 million; Sisters of the Immaculate Heart $7.5 million; Sisters of Saint Joseph of Newark $17,899,384; Little Sisters of the Poor $25 million; Sisters of Mercy $39,754,132; Sisters of Charity $66,533,833; Sisters of Charity of Providence $90,187,000; Sisters of the Sorrowful Mother $93,636,516; Sisters of the Holy Cross $110,892,759. There are 539 such orders of nuns and monks. All tax-free! AND THE I.R.S. NEVER LOOKS AT!! "Praise The Lord For Tax Exemption", by: Stanley Lowell and Martin Larson.
If you think my thesis untenable then please prove me wrong. Simply run a background check (personnel file) to see which (if any) Jesuit schools were attended by (or: Knights of Columbus; Knights of Malta; Opus Dei): publishers of public school history books; federal judges: Joyce Hens Green, Manuel L. Real, Tanner, Hodges, Thomas P. Griesa, Milton Pollack, John W. Walker Jr., Kimba Wood, Clifford Weckstein, Richard A. Posner, Richard Maich, Ranck, James F. McClure and definitely Walter "RoyBean" Smith Jr. of Waco; Assistant U.S. Attorney's Bill Johnston, John Maisto (U.S. diplomat), Leslie Brydon, Herschel Lock, Jeffery Mench, [the previous three, along with Tom Bowman (personal aid to Skull & Bones Senator Arlen Spector), Richard Medellin, Judges: Rank and James F. Mcclure being instrumental in the kidnapping (the children were taken without the parents being present or even notified when the charges were presented in court) of the children of Steven and Dawn Ames in the court of common plea's of Northumberland County Pennsylvania. The sole charges being: teaching their children the Bible and the U.S. Constitution], and B.A.T.F's: John Magaw, Davey Aguilera and Lloyd "Bilderberg" Bentsen [who was C.F.R.(Illuminati)]; Peter Galbraith: U.S. Ambassador in Zagreb; Bob Bartel of "TheSpotlight" newspaper (his political tabloid is anti-Semitic and denies the Holocaust, which was orchestrated in the Vatican); Tom Metzger, who's skinhead organization uses R.C. symbology [the mirror image dragon/bird, used by the Skinheads, is identical to that used by the Nazi's and Albanian K.L.A. (Stash)] and doctrine (with the names changed) and has direct links with skin head/nazi organizations in Germany; US Magistrate: Richard Kop, US Attorney Thomas Taken, FBI head: Nicholas O'Hara, Mickey Mott (the last four being Satan worshiping pedophiliac of Omaha Nebraska); Frank Liberto (New Orleans godfather/close associate to J. Edgar Hoover (Knight of Malta) and key figure in the assassination of Martin Luther King Jr.). Kno!wn Knights of Malta members are: William Casey (CIA head), Jeremiah Denton (Alabama Senator), Pete Domenici (New Mexico Senator), Alexander Haig, William Simon (Treasury Secretary), William F. Buckley, Lee Iacocca.
Every Government official, especially C.I.A., graduate from Yale University is Skull & Bones (which had its origin in the University of Berlin. Founded at Yale by Alphonso Taft and William H. Russell and exists only at Yale University). Some members being: Arlen Spector, Prescott Bush (and other Skull & Bones members robbed the grave of Geronimo in Oklahoma taking the body back to the "Tomb" on the Yale campus), George Bush, George Bush Jr., Franklin Roosevelt, Kellogg, Dupont, Richard Bissell Jr. etc.
Since the Pope has set down, in document, his clear intentions it would be prudent to do a background check on Robert L. Sumner (who spreads lies about fundamental preachers): "Against an elder receive not an accusation, but before two or three witnesses." (I Timothy 5:19), Jim Bakker, Pat Robertson [J. Peter Grace, top man in Knights of Malta (a secret Catholic quasi-religious on the surface/anti-religious at the core organization that dates back to the Crusaders), is godfather to his children], Paul Crouch, Benny Hinn, Billy Graham and Jack Van Impe. These are T.V. preachers pushing the ecumenical whitewash of the "Mother of harlots and the abominations of the earth" (Rev.17:5). "For such are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ. And no marvel for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light. Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness; whose end shall be according to their works" (II Corinthians 11:13-15). The Jesuits have been in control of the National Council of Church's and World Council of Church's for over thirty years.
It is very relevant to remember that the Vatican [Vatican is from the classical Latin root word: Vaticanus, which by definition means: "house of divination"(dwelling of demons); standing in the center of St. Peters Square is an obelisk (symbol of male sex organ in Satan worship) from Egypt] is an independent country with its own dogmatic constitution. With the Pope (vicar of Christ) being the head of that state. Therefore for a practicing R.C. "not to" adhere to the dictates of the Pope and his encyclicals is to go against God. This is Roman Catholic cannon law: "Abridged Course of Religious Instruction for the Use of Colleges and Schools," by Rev. Father F.X. Schouppe (Jesuit) p.203: "The Church can dispense from a promissory oath. This power belongs to the Pope and bishops, who exercise it either by themselves or by their delegates." p.278: "The civil laws (of Christendom) are binding in conscience so long as they are conformable to the rights of the Catholic Church." (What's this tell you about the U.S. Supreme Court of which at least four are R.C. and ruled to keep the Bible out [while allowing two dirty books: "Of Mice and Men" and "Catcher In The Rye" (of which John Lennon's killer {Mark David Chapman} was a student) to be required reading in every high school in the country] of Public schools and to murder the unborn and calls pornography: "freedom of speech"?). ("The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together against the LORD, and against his anointed, saying, let us break their bands asunder, and cast away their cords from us. He that sitteth in the heavens shall laugh: the Lord shall have them in derision.
William J. Donovan (1883-1959)
Then shall he speak unto them in his wrath, and vex them in his sore displeasure." (Psalm, 2:2-5.) This is very important to remember also when reviewing the events leading up to and during the Vietnam War i.e. secret meetings in the early fifties of certain democratic senators (including John Kennedy) concerning Vietnam; placing R.C. Ngo Dihn Diem in the presidency [after being schooled in the U.S., by Cardinal Francis "Burn-em Alive" Spellman (key figure behind William J. Donovan (Knight of Malta), creator of the O.S.S., forerunner to the CIA; close associate of Dwight D. Eisenhower {who directed American B-17 bombers to avoid I.G. Farben headquarters in Berlin and cut off the gas supply for General Patton's tanks to slow him down, thus extending the war), who's only answer to communism was to burn them alive, and Robert McNamara thru the CIA (Catholic Illuminati Assassin's)] in deliberate violation of a legally constituted (U.N. sanctioned and observed) election, which communism won; Diem's systematic "ethnic cleansing" of all who would not recant of their religion and embrace Catholicism; creating a tax structure that was so oppressive that non-Catholics were starved out, and so favorable to Catholics that it caused a mass exodus of North Vietnamese Catholics to the south and south Vietnamese Buddhists to the north, which was more than even John Kennedy could tolerate, so he had Diem killed (2Nov63), and twenty days later Kennedy was shot by three hit men (Oswald look-alike:
William Seymour-school book depository; Manuel Gonzales-Dal-Tex building; Emilio Santana-open manhole on street curb: last two picked from, FBI Division 5's thirty professional assassins kept on retainer in Mexico City) 22Nov63 (planned and supervised by, two sex deviates: Clay Shaw (Knight of Malta), Solidarist-Catholic priest: David Ferrie and William Seymour: employees of Defense Industrial Security Command (DISC) which is a joint venture of FBI's Division 5 and Defense Intelligence Agency of the Pentagon). Almost all of the orchestration operatives were WWII Nazi's smuggled into this country 1945-1950 on Vatican visa's e.g. Werner von Braun and Walter Dohrnberger. Ferenc Nagy: high level boss in FBI Division 5 and president of Permindex Corp. (money laundering liaison for FBI Division 5 and DISC operatives) was the "umbrella man" in Deily Plaza who opened his umbrella (sunny day) signaling the start of the shooting (closing his umbrella signaled the stop).
Top planners in the assassination cabal: Lyndon Johnson, J. Edgar Hoover, L.M. Bloomfield, Ferenc Nagy, John DeMenil, Carlos Prio Socarras, Walter Jenkins, H.L. Hunt [American Council of Christian Churches (ACCC)], Bobby Baker, Clifford Jones, L.J. McWillie, Werner Von Braun, Roy Cohn, Fred Korth, John Connally and Clint Murchison.
L.M. Bloomfield (answering only to Hoover and Johnson) was in overall charge of the supervisory and working assignment group: Walter Dohrnberger, Guy Bannister, Albert Osborne (ACCC), E.E. Bradley (ACCC), Morris Dalitz (Las Vegas), Major General John B. Medaris, Robert McKeown, Igor Voshinin, George Bouhe, Peter Gregory, Maurice Gatlin, Sergio Arcacha Smith, Lee Harvey Oswald, William Seymour, David Ferrie (Catholic priest), T. Gonzales, Manuel Garcia Gonzales, Layton Martens, Gordon Novel, WalterSheridan, William Dalzell, Paul Raigorodsky, Joe Bonnano, Dimitri Royster (ACCC),Alex Carlson, George Mandel, Breck Wall, Clay Shaw, Joe Cody, Jake Kosloff, Mike McLaney, Ruth and Mike Payne, Igor Vogonov, Jack Bowen, Mike Ryan, Tammie True, Max Cherry, Patrick Hoy, David Hoy, James Powell and many others with lesser assignments. (Nomenclature of An Assassination Cabal, by: William Torbitt { pseudonym}).
This document previously quoted: "Plausible Denial" by, Mark Lane. However due to more recent revelation, it is obvious that publication is without merit [Mark Lane (personal friend and confidant to the infamous Jesuit: Jim Jones), as attorney for James Earl Ray, sent his key witness to Jonestown the day before the Jonestown massacre. Fortunately, for her, she didn't go.
The Vietnam "genocide" was given a fresh shot in the arm in the 1967 C.I.A: "Operation Phoenix", implemented by, sovereign Knight of Malta: William Casey [known MK-Ultra/Project Monarch pedophile operative (CIA's Laos & Vietnam station chief, egregious mass murderer, Theodore Shackley being the key operative in the assassination cabal, under George Bush)].
General Westmoreland became a Catholic while in command in Vietnam. Ross Perot wasn't able to contact any POW, MIA's because the C.I.A. kept getting in the way, with their operation of taking over the opium smuggling trade, for themselves and the Sicilian Mafia, out of the "Golden Triangle" [largest buyers of opium in the world are well known top officials in the C.I.A. & D.O.D. (Richard Armatage, no.2 man in the Department of Defense (DOD); Theodore Shackley, no.2 man in the CIA, under George Bush. Bush is on the board of directors of Eli Lilly: the company that produces the precursor chemicals to produce cocaine, heroine and the company that first synthesized LSD for the CIA)]. The U.S. government transports over half the illegal narcotics into the U.S., mostly on military transport, tons at a time with no customs check, then flown on commercial airliners, in cargo containers, to organized crime families, then distributed in cities street gangs, Contra's and motorcycle gangs: http://www.ciadrugs.com
Nixon got us out of Vietnam without winning and the Vatican getting control of the southern government, for which he was watergated (the Watergate office building complex was built and is owned by the Vatican). Read: "Vietnam, why did we go?" by: Avro Manhattan. Ten days before his assassination John Kennedy stated in a speech at Columbia University: "The high office of president has been used to foment a plot to destroy the Americans freedom, and before I leave office I must inform the citizen of his plight". There is evidence of Fidel Castro's involvement in the conspiracy but not conclusively.
However Dr. Alberto Rivera's testimony of knowing of Castro's presence in the Vatican while he, and the infamous Jim Jones, were there in school (being trained to destroy church's), and Soldier of Fortune magazine's article on two Jesuits kidnapping Honduran peasant farmers and sending them to Cuba, into forced guerilla warfare training, along with John Kennedy stopping the B-26 bombers from taking off in support of the freedom fighters during the Bay of Pigs invasion, which they were totally dependant on; leaving Castro's planes to strafe and bomb the raiders {its obvious the raid was designed to fail: all aspects were controlled by the CIA; troop transport deck machine guns malfunctioned, mounts rusted thru, four of six landing craft sink before their even boarded; using Bay of Pigs [which the Cuban Revolutionary Council would never approve (reefs, surrounded by swamp, radio station nearby) so Kennedy has them flown, under false pretences, to a blacked out airfield at Opa-Locka Fla., where their held in isolation, against their will, under armed military guard: Only then do they learn, via AM radio, that the raid has been moved up (putting the initial air strike, using six B-26's, not all fourteen, securing minimal damage and giving Castro ample warning of an impending attack) just before the UN meeting knowing the US would be blamed, giving Kennedy his excuse to ground the bombers (but not the paratroop plane's taking off from the same field in Nicaragua) and, had not only already started, but already past the point of no return] guaranteeing the failure of the raid and effectively ending all organized effort to remove Castro}.
"This was how the whole thing was going from the beginning", General Lemnitzer: Chairman Joint Chiefs of Staff ("Bay of Pigs, The Untold Story" by Peter Wyden), certainly lends credibility to the assertion that Castro is a Jesuit and was involved in Kennedy's assassination. We do know Castro is Illuminati and indoctrinated in communism at Georgetown (Jesuit) University (as was Bill Clinton). Kennedy had stopped borrowing money from the IMF: had issued and signed executive order 11110, abolishing the FED, and had new inflationary money printed at the US Treasury (the bills you see with red serial numbers) which secured the orchestration of his assassination by the Illuminati, Bilderberg's (modern day version of: "Congress of Vienna" who wrote the "Secret Treaty of Verona" 1814-1815: the execution of this edict was assigned to the re-established Jesuits 1814) and Trilateral Commission; he made it known he was going to dissolve the CIA, thereby securing Skull & Bones organizations co-operation; having Ngo Dihn Deim killed, plan of pulling U.S. troops out of Vietnam without getting control of Vietnam for the Vatican secured the co-operation of the Jesuits and the Vatican. Though J. Edgar Hoover set the procedural orchestration in motion, John Connolly, Lyndon Johnson and Louis M. Bloomfield (Canadian lawyer who did the contract operative hiring for FBI's Division 5), the planning of the assassination itself was done by E. Howard Hunt (also an operative in the "Watergating" of Richard Nixon), William Seymour, Clay Shaw and David Ferrie (Catholic priest). Financing the entire assassination operation was Vatican banks: De Famaco Astalde Vaduz (Swiss), Leichtenstein (Swiss), Seligman Bank (Swiss), Banca Nazionale de Lavoro (Rome) [this bank owned by the Pope, through its branch in Atlanta Georgia, laundered $5 billion from the U.S. Department of Agriculture to Saddam Hussein's war machine,including his "Super Gun"]. Lyndon Johnson sent the USS Maddox and USS C.Turner Joy into North Vietnamese territorial waters (2&4 Aug 64) to draw fire from North Vietnam (the radio message the USS Maddox received, ordering it, and USS C.Turner Joy, into North Vietnamese territorial waters came direct from the Whitehouse). When the plan failed to bring the desired results (knowing why they were there: Maddox and C. Turner Joy fired on each other in the night out of shear paranoia) Johnson lied to Congress and the nation, saying the North Vietnamese fired on an American "peace keeping" ship in international waters: giving him his excuse to commit U.S. troops into armed conflict with North Vietnam. Later Johnson realizing "his" war is a non winner and his bombing escalation's bring protest's and riots and not able to back out either (he didn't want to take a ride through Dealy Plaza): simply elected not to run for "another term as your president", thereby escaping "the poisonous cup"; "the strangulation cord"; "the steel of the poiniard"; "the leaden bullet".
The blanket of corporate stonewalling (by every department of legislative, executive and judicial branches of government, including the media, to all subsequent investigations into the murders of John F. Kennedy, Martin Luther King and Robert F. Kennedy, extending from the local levels all the way to the U.S. Presidency and Supreme Court) culminates into a preponderance of evidence of, not only a cover-up, but complicity in the carrying out of these atrocities ("The Truth behind The Murder of Martin Luther King, Orders To Kill" by, William F. Pepper). The one common element connecting John F. Kennedy, Martin Luther King Jr., Robert F. Kennedy: all three were working to get us out of Vietnam (militarily) when they met their untimely demise: The executive order President Kennedy issued: ordering all American troops back home from Vietnam, was reversed by Johnson, before Kennedy's body was in the ground. Cardinal Francis "Burn-em Alive" Spellman (trainer of Ngo Dihn Diem, president and butcher of South Vietnamese Buddhists) was the one person the F.B.I. consulted to persuade the Pope not to have a meeting with Martin Luther King Jr., and Spellman concurred. Project Monarch operative: Gerald Ford was the only member of the congressional investigative committee to say that Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone in the assassination of John Kennedy (and the only one in the committee to make president: and he made it by appointment). Dorothy Kilgallon ("What's My Line" game show panelist): upon leaving Jack Ruby's cell, stated: "I 'm going to blow this thing wide open": two days later she was dead: another jesuit/Illuminati convenient "suicide": after this, Louis Jolyon West (psychiatrist and Project Monarch mind control operative) was assigned to "take care" of Jack Ruby.
By LAPD's own SUS file: Sirhan Sirhan was hypno-programmed using hypnotic drugs and torture (by, DISC operative: reverend Jerry Owen, CIA mind-control specialist: William Bryan and others) producing MPD (Multiple Personality Disorder mind control, a product of CIA's MK-Ultra-Project Monarch) at the horse stable, in Santa Anita, where he worked with Thomas Bremer (the brother of Arthur Bremer: who shot George Wallace in 1972). Sirhan Sirhan was used to distract attention while CIA's Thane Eugene Cesar (in the employ of the LAPD) shot Robert F. Kennedy behind the right ear. John Hinckley Jr.'s (shot Ronald Reagan) brother was George Bush's golf partner. John Hinckley Sr. (owner of Vanderbilt Oil Co.) has been George Bush's neighbor in Texas for years, and contributed to his campaign when he first ran for congress.
John Maisto (U.S. Diplomat to the Philippines) came to Panama to train the "Civic Crusade" (C.I.A. operatives {many of which are trained in the infamous terrorist-revolutionary "School of the America's" at Fort Benning, Ga.}): organizing street campaigns, burn tires, protest march's etc. Archbishop Marcos Mcgrath, Monsignor Jose' Sebastion Laboa, Priest Javier Villanueva being among the operatives in the destabilization campaign. A repeat of Manila, Guatemala, Nicaragua, Grenada and Haiti's Francois "Papa Doc" Duvalier. Archbishop Mcgrath and his priests ran their own operation of ballot box confiscation and vote counting (having no connection with the Panamanian Voting Commission) in deliberate violation of Panamanian law (what's this tell you about NES, News Election Service, giving the established press total control of counting and dissemination of national voting and does not allow the public to know how it is done?! What's this tell you about John Kennedy winning the election when Richard Nixon won the vote?). Archbishop McGrath later became guarantor of transition of the Panamanian Government from military to civilian control (the Vatican has $1.4 billion invested in sundry Panamanian and other "shell" companies) after he, along with Laboa and Villanueva, tricked Noriega into the Vatican Embassy with the promise of diplomatic immunity, then once in the embassy giving him the choice of surrendering to the U.S. Army or they would let the army in to capture (kill) him. The Panamanian raid was concocted by Senator Alan Simpson (R) Wyoming. This is a direct continuance of: "Secret Treaty of Verona" policy of extermination of all representative governments as recorded in the: U.S. Congressional Record-Senate of the 64th Congress, 1st session volume 53, part 7, page 6781, 25 April 1916 and in the: American Diplomatic Code, 1778-1884, vol. 2; Elliott, p.179.
With main accusers like Jorge Canalias, Floyd Carlton Caceres, Cesar Rodriguez, Teofilo Watson (pilots who flew arms to the Contra's and cocaine to the U.S.) and paid convicts (recruited from American prisons) as key witnesses in conjunction with the Classified Information Procedures Act (CIPA, U.S. Code 22) Noriega's fate was sealed as soon as he entered the Vatican Embassy (With legal procedures like this you could convict John Kennedy of assassinating Lee Harvey Oswald). William Kunstler was planning to defend Manuel Noriega in Miami federal court before his(convenient) death prevented his representation.
Now with no Panamanian National Guard [many of which were shot(at Balboa High School concentration camp) with their hands zip tied behind their backs, by U.S. marines (journalist Julio Guerra was murdered by U.S. marines for photographing the bodies)], Panama is now a major stopover point on the opium trail from south and Central America to the U.S. Cocaine is rampant now in George "Mr. Cocaine" Bush's (who's cocaine running boats from his oil well rigs go unchecked by the coast guard) Panamanian narcodemocracy. With drug money's being laundered thru Panamanian banks, e.g. Interbanko, First Inter America's Bank (owned by drug cartel boss Gilberts Rodriguez Orejuela) ("The Memoirs of Manuel Noriega, America's Prisoner" by: Manuel Noriega and Peter Eisner). Now with, RC Priest, Jean-Bertrand Aristide, back in power inHaiti the cocaine trail is complete.
We know from WW II that the Vatican had a highly militant influence in Yugoslavia.
War records show the existence of a Vatican organization called "Ustasha" (from the verb: ustati, meaning "to rise up"). The reputation of the Ustasha throughout Yugoslavia is far worse than that of the S.S., S.D., S.A. and Gestapo combined: being created by Ante Pavelic, the head of the Ustasha state of Croatia. Pavelic held many and frequent meetings with Bishops and Archbishops of Croatia and Pope Pius XII. Pavelic was to Yugoslavia what Hitler was to Europe. Pope PiusXII's statement to a group of Croats, on a pilgrimage to the Vatican (lead by Archbishop Aljzije Stepinac), Nov 1939, outlined the Vatican orchestrated atrocities from 1941-1945 and 1991-1995: "The hope of a better future seems to be smiling on you, a futurein which the relations between church and state in your country will be regulated in harmonious action to the advantage of both." Catholic priests like StaneKukavica (Franciscan monk), changed their robes for the uniforms of the dreaded Ustasha killer squads and led the most barbaric, brutal raids upon those people and practiced satanic torture never before known in this century. The entire genocide operations were overseen by the military vicar Archbishop Alojzije Stepinac ("Jasenovac" was the main center for extermination, being the third largest concentration camp in WWII where over 800,000 Serbs, Jews and Gypsies were systematically butchered) working directly with the Nazi's, helping to create the state of Croatia. (read:
"Smokescreens" by: Jack Chick; "The Yugoslav Auschwitz and the Vatican" by: Vladimir Dedijer; "Blowback" by: Christopher Simpson). The gold from
Holocaust victims jewelry and teeth (what was not used to smuggle WW II war criminals out of Europe) is today held in Vatican banks: for which there is an ongoing lawsuit by the law firms of Easton & Levy, at:http://www.remnantofgod.org/Ustashe.htm; http://www.skolnicksreport.com/vaticanbank.html; http://www.priestofdarkness.com/gold.html; http://www.vaticanbankclaims.com/press.html. In Bosnia the revived Ustasha movement is called "Croatian Peoples Party" (HSP) and its army, the "Croation Defence Force" (HOS). Dobroslav Paraga led HSP. HOS units (Black Legion) comprised of Belgian, Austrian, British and Canadian mercenaries, as well as units from the French mercenary unit: "Nouvelle Resistance". After HOS was dissolved in 1993, by its mentor president Franjo Tudjman (for fear of being exposed for his Vatican connection as too politically obvious units), members were absorbed into other units, later amalgamated into the 108th Bosnian Bregade or the International Bregade. "Front National", "Croatie Libre", and "SlavonieLibre" run by Faci, are also Vatican organizations fronted as Humanitarian Aid. MPRI (shadowy mercenary organization based in Virginia) contracted by the Pentagon to train Ustasha in Croatia, Bosnia and now Kosovo. Who but the Vatican has the power and/or influence to coordinate both sides in a military conflict to annihilate thousands of peoples at a time i.e. using U.S. troops to control Serbs in a (so called) fire free zone while Fascist Croats murder them, while the U.S. troops keep the Serbs defenseless. This policy will continue throughout the Balkans.
Hitler presented the Independent State of Croatia (NDH) to Pavelic, 10 April 1941, as Greater Croatia which lasted from 1941 to 1945. The original plan was to annihilate one third of the population, force a third to migrate out of the country and force a third to convert to Catholicism. The process was to take ten years. The second half of the plan was completed 1991-1995. U.S. troops now enforce that Croatian state, against the displaced Orthodox Serbs. Today Franjo Tudjman is doing everything to have Greater Croatia presented by Germany (today if you publish anything in the German press about the Vatican Nazi concordat the state prosecutes you) the United States and the Vatican, reconstructed from Bosnia and Serbian lands. While a concerted propaganda campaign is being mounted to frighten small Balkan countries with the spectre of "Greater Serbia" and are being offered a protective "umbrella", behind the smokescreen of the Washington Agreement from 1994 that inaugurated Greater Croatia in which the Muslims are a majority, while the 1995 Split Agreementconsolidated the military alliance between Tudjman and Izetbegovi} and was given the blessings by the United States Ambassador in Zagreb: Peter Galbraith.
Both of them have been sent teams of U.S. military planners and experts and they have been rendered military and financial assistance. The United States has unilaterally discontinued the control of the arms embargo against Muslims and Croats in violation of the Security Council arms embargo resolution in whose adoption it participated. It is only too obvious that the Vatican plans to continue the Serbian genocide throughout Yugoslavia only now the genocide will be financed by the United States with military assistance, while we can trust the national and international media to continue its lies about Orthodox Serbs murdering Muslims. The Vatican has established its own international court in Rome to try anyone it so chooses with total disregard to the sovereignty and/or autonomy of the country under who's authority the person had acted.
The Jesuits have orchestrated the deaths of presidents, heads of state and dignitaries of countries all over the world i.e. C.I.A. [French king: Henry IV issued: "Edict of Nantes", giving freedom of religion for all French citizens, for which he was assassinated (14May1610), by Jesuit: Ravaillac; by the "leaden bullet": Presidents: James A. Garfield (2 July 1881), William McKinley (6 Sept 1901), Abraham Lincoln(14 April 1865), John F. Kennedy (22 Nov 1993); "by the poison cup": presidents: William Henry Harrison (4 April 1841), Zachary Taylor (5 July 1850); attempted assassination of James Buchanan by poisoning the tea at the National Hotel, Washington D.C., (Feb 1857) where 50 were affected and 38 died, Andrew Jackson: shot for refusing loans from international banks; Franklin D. Roosevelt: injected with strychnine [(for refusing to acknowledge the newly created catholic state of Croatia) the medical examiners report, of Roosevelt's body, disappeared from the safe in the Bethesda Naval Medical Center (only three doctors had key) the day after the examination] as was WWII General: George Patton. Jesuitism was born in Spain, 1534 (for the express purpose of exterminating the reformation); reared in France; developed in Papal Rome; sanctioned by Pope Paul III, 1540. Expelled from: England,1581; France,1594; Portugal,1598; England again, 1604; France again,1606; Russia,1717; Portugal again,1759; France again, 1762-3; Spain, Genoa, Venice and Sicily,1767; Naples, Malta and Parma,1768.
All, except England and Russia, being strictly Roman Catholic states. The order was suppressed 21 July 1773 by Pope Clement IV (for which he was promptly poisoned); continued to exist under other names i.e. "Brothers of the Faith"; re-established by Pope Pius VII, 1814 (to carry out the dictates of the "Secret Treaty of Verona"): In the words of Abraham Lincoln: "If the Protestants of the North and the South could learn what the priests, nuns, and monks, who daily land on our shores, under the pretext of preaching their religion were doing in our schools and hospitals, as emissaries of the Pope and the other despots of Europe, to undermine our institutions and alienate the hearts of our people from our Constitution and our laws, and prepare a reign of anarchy here, as they have done in Ireland, Mexico, Spain, and wherever there are people that wish to be free, they would unite in taking power out of their hands". "The Jesuits never forsake." (Washington in the lap of Rome, Justin D. Fulton; Fifty Years in the Church of Rome, by: Charles Chiniquy LCCN: BX1770.F9). Phyllis Schlafly, Reed Irvine, Dusty Rhodes (of National Review), Brent Bozell, Edwin Fulner, Robert Godwin, Richard Viguerie, Sommers White, Foster Friess, Oliver North, Coors family, Roland Hinz, Rush Lembaugh, Tim La Haye, Pat Robertson, Jack Kemp, George Will, Jean Kirkpatrick, William Bennet (Jesuit), Robert Krieble, BurtonYale Pines, Gary Hofmeister, Clarence Thomas, Ed Meese and Charles Colson are pseudo conservatives who's puppet strings are pulled by Jesuits, Skull & Bones, Council on Foreign Relations or directly from the Illuminati. "I am not happy about the rebirth of the Jesuits. Swarms of them will present themselves under more disguises ever taken by even a chief of the Bohemians, as printers, writers, publishers, school teachers, etc. If ever an association of people deserved eternal damnation, on this earth and in hell, it is this society of Loyola." (John Adams,1816).
This hardly scratch's the surface of info on the Jesuits and Popery as a whole. If you refuse to see and believe the pattern that is set forth here, you wouldn't believe the rest either. "If they hear not Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded, though one rose from the dead" (Luke16:31).
Greg Szymanski Greg also has his own daily show on the Republic Broadcast Network. Go to www.rbnlive.com Greg Szymanski is an independent investigative journalist and his articles can been seen at www.LewisNews.com. He also writes for American Free Press and has his own site www.arcticbeacon.com
Listen to my Radio Broadcast live Monday night at 8pm Pacific time on LewisNews, returning Jan. 1 2006 Radiohttp://webs.lewisnews.com/radio/index.htm. Greg is also regular on Rense.com the first Thursday of every month at 9-10 pm pacific time.
On 8 October 2009, MI5's Jewish terrorism fear was reported on by The Jewish ChronicleThe Jewish Chronicle tells us that in his new book about Britain's security services, The Defence of the Realm, Professor Chistopher Andrew quotes one MI5 section head, John Marriot, as saying in 1955 that "our policy is to avoid recruiting Jews if possible." Andrew's book has one chapter on the threat from Jewish terrorists, such as the Irgun and Stern Gang which carried out attacks on British troops in Palestine. In 1947 the Colonial Office in London was targeted by a Stern Gang bomb. In 1947, the Stern Gang sent letter bombs to British politicians. In 1947, grenades and detonators were discovered, by his chauffeur, in the boot of the car of Harry Isaac Presman of north London.Professor Andrew relates how British spy Kim Philby, one of the five Cambridge spies who worked for Russia, was recruited for the KGB by Arnold Deutsch, a Jew. In the 1970s MI5 was worried about the Jewish business cronies of Prime Minister Harold Wilson, Joseph Kagan, Rudy Sternberg and Harry Kissin. Kagan was linked to a KGB officer.Victor Rothschild joined MI5 during the Second World War. In 1940 Rothschild suggested that Anthony Blunt should be invited to join the secret service. He also rented a house to his friend Guy Burgess. After the liberation of France Rothschild worked withDick White, Kim Philby and Malcolm Muggeridge at the MI6offices established at the Rothschild family mansion in Paris.Edward Heath, in 1970, appointed him head of the government's Central Policy Review Staff. Later Margaret Thatcher appointed Rothschild as her unofficial security adviser.In The Defence of the Realm,by Christopher Andrew we are told that until 1997 recruitment for the UK security services was based on personal recommendation. That could mean fascists choosing their fascist friends; or Zionists choosing their Zionist friends. We are led to believe that "right up to the mid-1970s, the post-war Service refused to recruit Jews on the grounds that a dual loyalty to both Britain and Israel might create a conflict of interest." (The Defence of the Realm by Christopher Andrew ) This is misleading. In 1951, the security services discovered that five of their top employees, recruited at Cambridge University in the 1930s, were spies for the Soviet Union, a country which exchanged secrets with Israel. At least one of the 'Cambridge Five' had links to Israel.Reportedly, Kim Philbywas assisted in obtaining safe haven in the Soviet Union by the Israeli Mossad (cf. Sunday Telegraph, April 16, 1989) Cached; Lord Victor Rothschild was allegedly one of the Cambridge spies; Guy Burgess was close to Rothschild.
According to ex-KGB Colonel 'F' and KGB officer Yuri Modin, Victor Rothschild was the key to most of the Cambridge ring's penetration of British Intelligence. According to Roland Perry, in his book The Fifth Man: "Burgess, at MI6 (and still on a retainer from Rothschild) recommended Philby for a job in Section D of MI6. "Rothschild, who had helped nudge Burgess into his position before the war, had been in turn recommended to MI5 by Burgess." "'Rothschild had the contacts,' Modin noted. 'He was able to introduce Burgess, Blunt and others to important figures in Intelligence such as Stewart Menzies, Dick White and Robert Vansittart, the Permanent Under-secretary of State in the Foreign Office, who controlled MI6.'" According to Perry, Rothschild "made sure Russia's scientists had the basics of every secret project from biological warfare to radar and the various types of potential nuclear bomb."
Soon after Israel was formed, Rothschild was allegedly involved with Chaim Weizmann in setting up a special nuclear physics department in a scientific institute in Rehovoth. In 1957, French engineers began building a nuclear reactor at Dimona on the edge of the Negev Desert. Perry believes that while "MI5 inventions and technical advances went on, Rothschild kept in contact with the key figures and digested the reports.
"This, coupled with his close contact with Dick White, other intelligence chiefs, Wright and the heads of the key research facilities in everything from weapons to radar, meant that Rothschild understood better than anyone in MI6 or MI5 every aspect of British Intelligence, from technical developments to their application in the field..."
In 1972, Rothschild played a major part in choosing the new head of MI5, Michael Hanley.According to the controversial Eustace Mullins (CHAPTER FIVE - The CIA - 3):
While CIA station chief in Rome, the CIA's Angleton "worked closely with the Zionist terrorists Teddy Kollek and Jacob Meridor, and later became chief of the Israeli desk at the CIA, helping Philby to set up the lavishly funded international Mossad espionage operation, all paid for by American taxpayers. "A senior CIA security official, C. Edward Petty, later reported that Angleton might be a Soviet penetration agent or mole, but President Gerald Ford suppressed the report. "Top secret files of the CIA and FBI were opened to Philby, despite widespread claims that he was a Soviet agent. "Although he helped Burgess and MacLean defect to Russia in 1951, he continued to work for SIS until 1956, under the protection of Harold MacMillan, who defended him publicly in parliamentary debate. "In 1962 and Englishwoman at a party in Israel said, “As usual Kim is doing what his Russian Control tells him. I know that he always worked for the Reds.” "Miles Copeland says that Philby placed a mole in deep cover in the CIA known as “Mother”. Philby was quoted as saying, “Foreign agencies spying on the U.S. Government know exactly what one person in the CIA wants them to know, no more and no less.”"Philby was finally exposed by a defector, Michael Goleniewski. "On Jan. 23, 1963, Philby left Beirut and defected to Moscow, where he became a Lt. Gen. in the KGB. "On June 10, 1984, Tad Szulc wrote in the Washington Post that Philby was never a Soviet agent, according to CIA memoranda introduced in a lawsuit, but that he was a triple agent. "This explains curious paradoxes in the supposed rivalry between the CIA and the KGB, when certain charmed souls float easily back and forth between the two services. "Agents of either service are “eliminated” when they find out more than is good for them about this odd arrangement."
Britain's MI5 has been infiltrated.Who now controls Britain? Or America? Or the world?PART ONE - INFILTRATION BY RUSSIANS ONLY?
Peter Wright and Chapman Pincher pointed out that vast numbers of Britain's secrets ended up in the hands of the Soviets. Wright and Pincher even suggested that Roger Hollis, onetime head of MI5, was a spy for Russia.Russia has turned out to be a country with an almost Third World economy and military.Soviet defector Viktor Suvorov, in his book 'The Liberators: inside the Soviet Army', 1981, portrayed the Soviet armed forces as an "inefficient, cynical, farcical army of conscripts, skiving off at the first opportunity and doing their best to stay permanently smashed on anything they could smoke, drink or inject - the mirror image of wider Soviet society, in short; and about as threatening to NATO as the girl guides."But, in the days of the Nazi-Soviet Pact and the Berlin Blockade, Russia was a dangerous enemy. So what about infiltration?In 1961 high-ranking KGB officer Anatoli Golitsin defected to the West. Golitsin confirmed that the Soviets had agents within the British secret service, although Golitsin knew them only by their code names.In 1968 Golitsin travelled to Britain and was shown documents which contained the code names of unidentified Soviet agents.Two code names- David and Rosa - particularly interested Golitsin.Golitsin studied the files of MI5 officers, picked out two, and then declared to MI5 Officer Peter Wright: "Your spies are here."The files bore the names of Victor and Tess Rothschild.Wright told Golitsin that he thought he had got it wrong as Rothschild was one of the best friends MI5 had ever had.Wright, MI5's chief scientist and a personal friend of Rothschild, wrote in his book 'Spy catcher' (Heinemann, Australia, 1987) : 'Rothschild was fascinated by my plans for the scientific modernization of MI5...I soon realized that he possessed an enormous appetite for the gossip and intrigue of the secret world, and we were soon swapping stories about some of the more bizarre colleagues he remembered from the war.'According to Wright's book, Rothschild, the former very close friend of Russian spies Philby, Burgess and Blunt, had access to most secrets and most of the top people in the Secret service.Wright wrote: 'I doubt I have ever met a man who impressed me as much as Victor Rothschild. He is a brilliant scientist, a Fellow of the Royal Society, with expertise in botany and zoology, and a fascination for the structure of spermazotoa. But he has been much, much more than a scientist. His contacts, in politics, in intelligence, in banking, in the Civil Service, and abroad are legendary.'In the book 'The Fifth Man', (by Roland Perry, Pan Books London 1994) Roland Perry puts the case that Ted Rothschild was a major spy for Russia and Israel, not the spy known as 'David' but one of the notorious 'ring of five.'Ted Rothschild was Nathaniel Mayer VICTOR Rothschild (1910 to 1990), the third Lord Rothschild. He was the British head of the famous banking dynasty, which had financed the British army at the Battle of Waterloo and financed the purchase of the Suez Canal for Great Britain.The Rothschilds had their own 'spy network' and knew that Napoleon had been defeated at Waterloo before this was known to the governments of Britain or France. The first Lord Rothschild, had been 'a powerful back-room manipulator of late Victorian politics.' He had taken an interest in the extension of Cecil Rhodes diamond empire and the attempts to destroy the Liberal Party.The Rothschilds were perhaps seen as being the chief representatives of Zionism. In the famous Balfour Declaration of 1917, Britain's Foreign Secretary wrote the 'declaration' to Lord Walter Rothschild, Victor's uncle: "Dear Lord Rothschild,... His Majesty's Government view with favour the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, and will use their best endeavours to facilitate the achievement of this object."Why might Victor Rothschild have spied for foreign powers?It has been speculated that Rothschild was "more loyal to his Jewish heritage than anything English."In the 1930's one of his main concerns was how to help Jews who were being persecuted in Germany. He allegedly saw the Soviets as the only people who could ensure Hitler's defeat. Some have suspected that he helped the Soviet spy machine and did so because it was the enemy of Nazi Germany.After World War II, Rothschild assisted in the creation of a homeland for the Jews. According to one critic: "When the British tried to thwart the birth of Israel, which would have upset its power base in the Middle East, Rothschild intrigued against British interests."When Israel was established Rothschild allegedly helped Israel to gain the spy technology and nuclear weaponry which would defend it.It has been suggested by Roland Perry that Rothschild was recruited by the soviet agent known as Otto. "Philby, Blunt and Burgess had warned Otto that Rothschild had to be reeled in on the Jewish, anti-Hitler line."Rothschild was not a fan of Stalin; he knew that Russia also had its pogroms. But Otto could have pointed out to Rothschild that there was a danger that Britain might team up with Germany in order to defeat Stalin and communism.In the 1930's there were many fans of Hitler among right-wing people in the City of London, in the British media and in parliament."Otto spoke of the financial, military and trade deals on-going between Germany and Britain."According to ex-KGB Colonel 'F' and KGB officer Yuri Modin, Rothschild was the key to most of the Cambridge ring's penetration of British Intelligence.According to Perry, "Burgess, at MI6 (and still on a retainer from Rothschild) recommended Philby for a job in Section D of MI6. Rothschild, who had helped nudge Burgess into his position before the war, had been in turn recommended to MI5 by Burgess."'Rothschild had the contacts,' Modin noted. 'He was able to introduce Burgess, Blunt and others to important figures in Intelligence such as Stewart Menzies, Dick White and Robert Vansittart, the Permanent Under-secretary of State in the Foreign Office, who controlled MI6.'In a Lords' debate on 'The Situation in Palestine' on 31 July 1946, Victor Rothschild indicated that "He would put the same fervour into setting up Israel as he had done in defeating Hitler.' Rothschild hoped that the powerful Jewish lobby in the USA, with which he had good contacts, would gain US support for a homeland.But Rothschild may also have been hoping for some help from the Russians. According to Perry, 'The KGB were hoping that Rothschild could still help them as they geared up their efforts to steal Western bomb intelligence. He was secretly anti-American when it came to their drive to be the biggest military power and, like Oppenheimer, he was keen to do what he could to create a 'balance of terror', where each of the superpowers had the bomb as a deterrent to each other's aggression."In 1946 Rothschild was lobbying with some success for more Jews to be allowed to travel from Russia to Palestine.According to Perry, Rothschild "made sure Russia's scientists had the basics of every secret project from biological warfare to radar and the various types of potential nuclear bomb."Soon after Israel was formed, Rothschild was allegedly involved with Chaim Weizmann in setting up a special nuclear physics department in a scientific institute in Rehovoth.In 1956, Britain, France and Israel secretly worked out plans to invade Egypt so as to get back control of the Suez Canal from President Nasser.It was after the Suez Affair that the French promised to supply Israel with a nuclear reactor and some uranium.The secret deal was only known to about a dozen individuals, induding Rothschild.In 1957, French engineers began building a nuclear reactor at Dimona on the edge of the Negev Desert.Perry believes that while "MI5 inventions and technical advances went on, Rothschild kept in contact with the key figures and digested the reports. This, coupled with his close contact with Dick White, other intelligence chiefs, Wright and the heads of the key research facilities in everything from weapons to radar, meant that Rothschild understood better than anyone in MI6 or MI5 every aspect of British Intelligence, from technical developments to their application in the field...... Thanks to Rothschild the KGB knew of every development and were able to take steps to counter them. Furthermore, they used the technology themselves against Western agents."And what about the CIA?According to Wright, American top spook James Angleton "was already suspicious of Rothschild. He had first annoyed Jim on his patch. Jim had special connections with Israel and he felt the British [Intelligence] through Rothschild were interfering..."Angleton also took note of Rothschild's support of Israel. In the 1940s it ran contrary to British interests. He was serving both MI5 and (what was to become) Mossad. If he was capable of serving two agencies, could he secretly serve a third? Angleton 'worried about Israel's left-wing politics when it was formed. He was concerned that some of the British agents [including Rothschild] had been happy with that. But not Jim. He wanted them to be a wholesome [laughs] anti-communist US satellite. That took a little time [laughs].'In 1962, the year after Golitsin defected, Russian spy Kim Philby was working in the Middle East as a journalist for the Observer. His articles on Israel were seen as being 'anti-Israel' and did not please top friends of Israel such as Rothschild.At a party at Weizmann's house in Israel, Rothschild met Flora Solomon, 'a Russian emigre Zionist', former close friend of Philby's, and executive of Marks and Spencer.According to Wright, Solomon 'had obviously been in the thick of things in the mid-1930s, part inspiration, part fellow accomplice, and part courier for the fledgling Ring of Five, along with her friends Litzi Philby, and Edith Tudor Hart.'Now Solomon and Rothschild suddenly announced that Solomon had decided to denounce Philby. "The reason? Philby's pieces in the Observer about Israel. She was saying that their anti-Israel slant had 'angered' her."According to Perry: "In August 1962, a few months after British Intelligence planned to move against Philby but not put him on trial, Rothschild was in Rehovoth, Israel. He made contact with a fellow Mossad agent, who was despatched to Beirut to contact Philby and brief him on the latest attitude of White and Hollis towards him. They were now planning to interrogate him in Beirut. He would probably be offered immunity in exchange for a full confession."According to Perry, it wasn't just Philby who was in difficulty.Rothschild was interrogated by MI5 eleven times. Rothschild said, "I was questioned very extensively. The authorities, as I call them, said that they wished to talk to me and they talked in quite a friendly way. I have a feeling that they believed in me."According to former MI6 agent James Rusbridger, Peter Wright and another MI5 source, Rothschild was fed information in 1962, which ended up 'in the wrong place' - namely with the KGB.Perry writes: "This did not prove he had spied, for the data just conceivably could have been stolen from him. Yet it raised suspicions. However, Rothschild still managed to convince people that he and Tess were victims by association. Their friends Guy, Anthony, Kim, Michael, Leo and so on, with whom they dined, drank, studied, lived and worked, had duped them."Rothschild was able to continue his links with MI5.Wright did not suspect that Rothschild was a spy for Russia, but Wright did suspect that MI5 boss Hollis and prime minister Harold Wilson might be spies for the enemy.In the US, the CIA.s Angleton was becoming yet more suspicious that Rothschild was a spy for the enemy. However, Rothschild improved his image with Angleton by emphasising his Mossad (Israeli secret service) links; Angleteon was always in favour of close CIA links to Mossad.Rothschild also improved his image by doing work for MI6 induding running agents in China in the late 1960's.In 1972, Rothschild played a major part in choosing the new head of MI5, Michael Hanley, a man whom Wright considered to be a disappointment.PART TWO WHO CONTROLS BRITAIN?In the 1960's, leading CIA agent James Angleton was worried about Harold Wilson and his links to Eastern European businessmen who might have had links to Russia and Israel.An Israeli spy had suggested that Labour leader Gaitskell had been murdered by the KGB so that Wilson could become PM.In 1965 Angleton, and President Johnson, decided to commission a report on Britain's secret services.This report recommended sending more spies to Britain It seemed that the CIA was going to treat Britain like Indonesia or Pakistan.In order to ensure that there was an elite which would support US interests, the CIA would try to gain control of MI5 and MI6, use dirty tricks to get rid of anti-American politicians, and place pro-American puppets into positions of power.In 1996, in the Guardian, Martin Kettle suggested that New Labour was all about Britain being in with the Americans.In a talk to Labour Party branches in 1996, Robin Ramsay (Lobster Magazine) pointed out some interesting links between New labour and the USA.Jonathan Powell, Blair's top man in Downing Street, used to work in Britain's Washington embassy and is suspected by some of having been our spook liaising with the CIA.Top Blair aid David Milliband did a degree at the USA's MIT and Brown's top aid Edward Balls went to Harvard.Gordon Brown spent his holidays in the library at Harvard.The US encouraged large numbers of Labour MPs to take free trips to America (Israel also invited a large number of Labour MPs to Israel).In 1986 Tony Blair went on a US-sponsored trip to America and came back a supporter of the nuclear deterrent.In 1993 Blair attended a Bilderberg Group meeting (secretive right wing organisation) and not long afterwards became Labour leader.Four of the Blair cabinet have been members of the Anglo-American elite group the British American Project; three of the Blair cabinet have attended Bilderberg meetings.Peter Mandelson become Chair of British Youth Council which began as the British section of the World Assembly of Youth, which was set up and financed by MI6 and then taken over by the CIA in the 1950s. By Mandelson's time in the mid1970s the British Youth Council was said to be financed by the Foreign Office or MI6. According to Ramsay, 'Peter Mandelson has been around MI6 since his early 20s'. Old Labour is the domestic economy; New Labour is the overseas British economy. In other words, the multinationals, the City of London, and the Foreign Office which represents their interests.'And the unions?According to Ramsay: "The CIA also ran the anti-communist international trade union movement, the International Confederation of Free Trade Unions, the ICFTU..By the mid 1950s nearly a quarter of the TUC's annual budget was going to the ICFTU, a CIA operation.And the press?According to Ramsay, the security services may be planting disinformation in the media. "Tomlinson told us about the 20-strong I/Ops - Information Operations - unit in that shiny building on the Thames."And sometimes the information is confusing. Ramsay writes: "does Gaddafi have Taiwanese Scuds (MI5 story planted in the Sunday Times) or North Korean missiles (MI6 story planted in the Sunday Telegraph.... The Sunday Times was a serious, respectable newspaper until Andrew Neil became its editor in the mid-1980s and turned it into a mouth-piece for MI5 and the MOD to run their rubbish through. The Sunday Telegraph shows all the signs of going down the same dangerous path."It looks like the Anglo-American-Israeli elite are in charge.Now here is an interesting quote about what may be happening: 'There has been a gradual erosion of civil liberties, an increase in the influence of the army, and an acceptance of corruption among public servants. Vast fortunes have been accumulated by a small group who use their wealth to control the Senate.' That was a description of the Roman Empire, but it could equall y be a description of the present-day Britain, or the US Empire or the former Soviet Empire. It is conspiracies from within, rather than conspiracies from without, which often lead to the collapse of empires.PART THREE - WHO RUNS AMERICA AND THE WORLD?"We, the Jewish people, control America, and the Americans know it."-- Israeli Prime Minister, Ariel Sharon, October 3, 2001, to Shimon Peres, as reported on Kol Yisrael radio.When Clinton was about to step down, Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak asked President Clinton to grant a pardon to Marc Rich. Clinton granted the pardon. Marc Rich had been indicted in a US federal court of evading more than $48 million in taxes. He was also charged with 51 counts of tax fraud and with running illegal oil deals with Iran during the hostage crisis. He had also traded with Libya, South Africa and the USSR when there were embargos, with Iraq when there was conflict....Is Israel in charge? No. But it could be the people who trade in oil, in guns, in drugs....In 1991, Paul Henderson, managing director of machine tools company Matrix Churchill, was in court facing a seven year jail sentence for selling to Iraq materials that could be used for military purposes. Government ministers tried to prevent the court from discovering the truth - that Paul Henderson had been working for the British government as a secret agent for 17 years.Eventually the truth about Henderson came out.But why had we been helping Iraq? The July 29, 1991 issue of TIME MAGAZINE stated :"B.C.C.I. is the largest corporate criminal enterprise ever... the most pervasive money-laundering operation ...ever created for the likes of Manuel Noriega, Ferdinand Marcos, Saddam Hussein and the Columbian drugs lords." B.C.C.I. Got into the U.S. banking industry by secretly buying the shares of First American Bank, whose chairman is Clark Clifford- a founder of the CIA According to sources, "B.C.C.I. was engaged in international bribery, blackmail, and assassination of government officials at the highest levels.The CIA used B.C.C.I. to facilitate funding of the Contras, illegal arms sales to Iran and Iraq as well as the arms supply to the Afghan resistance. The Justice Department began by obstructing the investigation. "B.C.C.I. maintained accounts for Contra leader Adolfo Calero and Sandanista leader, Daniel Ortega, as well as such disparate figures as Noriega, Saddam, Marcos, Adnan Khashoggi, the PLO, the Mossad and the governments of China, Argentina, Libya, Saudi Arabia, Syria and Peru."The bank was seemingly financing both sides in a number of conflicts. Who gained? The arms and drugs industries. Cynics might say that wars help the ruling elites to stay in power. And here are some strange 'facts' picked up from various sources: The U.S. sold $50 billion dollars worth of weapons to Iraq before the gulf war. Libya was supplied with hundreds of Green Beret trainers and 42,000 lbs of C-4 plastic explosives prior to U.S. attacks on Libya.The U.S financed the Kama River truck plant which produced the trucks for Russia's Afghanistan invasion and built the highways used by the Russian tanks. The day General McArthur signed the peace treaty with Japan half the weapons stored on Okinawa were shipped to Ho Chi Minh and General Giap who met these shipments at the docks of Hai Phong harbor with Lucien Conein, the CIA case officer for Diem. Jonathan Kwitny's book, The Crimes of Patriots, a True Tale of Dope, Dirty Money and the CIA, (Simon & Shuster 1987) is an expose of th e alleged role of the CIA in the drugs business. Kwitny refers to the Nugan-Hand Bank- an Australian money laundering operation set up to facilitate Golden Triangle heroin trafficking. Major officers of the bank "included Admiral Buddy Yates (President), General Erle Cocke, General Edwin Black, General LeRoy Manor, and ex-CIA Director, William Colby with other CIA affiliated persons too numerous to mention."
nternational Intelligence
On Saturday night's program, Gordon Thomas, author of Secret Wars and Gideon's Spies, joined Ian for a discussion on international intelligence matters.
Thomas shared breaking news from Britain's MI5 and MI6 intelligence agencies about the possibility of attacks by terrorists during the upcoming G20 summit. Thomas said the threats against the UK are at the "top end of severe," which means an "attack is coming." According to Thomas, Britain is home to the largest number of homegrown jihadists in the world, trained and ready to launch Mumbai-style attacks when the G20 nations meet on April 2 in London. Preventing the attack may prove difficult, Thomas explained, as MI5 officials have been bogged down by spies from France and Germany sent into the country to bribe key workers in sensitive jobs who are having financial troubles.
Thomas reported on a ruthless group of government assassins known as Company 14, who he said are hunting down members of the IRA responsible for killing two British soldiers and a policeman in Northern Ireland. He also commented on the death of Dr. David Kelly. The position of his body, suspicious phone calls, and other puzzling details surrounding his apparent suicide suggest the weapons expert may have been murdered for his assessment of Iraq's WMD program, Thomas noted.
hat got me about this show was that he covered the relationships of MI5 - CIA and the MOSSAD and made it sound like a very cozy relationship. No reference to the Israeli spy ring in the U.S. following the "hijackers" and the DEA. or Amdoc's and NICE Systems.
Nor did he cover the spying and continuing attempts of the U.K. for over 100 years to control and subjugate the U.S.A.
It was 1940, the Nazis were in the ascendant, the Blitz at its deadliest, and Britain's last hope was to bring a reluctant United States into the war. So it was that the largest covert operation in UK history was launched. William Boyd sheds light on a forgotten spy ring.
William Boyd
The Guardian, Saturday 19 August 2006
"British Security Coordination". The phrase is bland, almost defiantly ordinary, depicting perhaps some sub-committee of a minor department in a lowly Whitehall ministry. In fact BSC, as it was generally known, represented one of the largest covert operations in British spying history; a covert operation, moreover, that was run not in Occupied France, nor in the Soviet Union during the cold war, but in the US, our putative ally, during 1940 and 1941, before Pearl Harbor and the US's eventual participation in the war in Europe against Nazi Germany.
... One easily forgets this, in the era of our much-vaunted, so-called "special relationship", but at the nadir of Britain's fortunes, polls in the US still showed that 80% of Americans were against joining the war in Europe. Anglophobia was widespread and the US Congress was violently opposed to any form of intervention. .... read the rest..
This article appears in the August 12, 2005 issue of Executive Intelligence Review.
Larry Franklin Case:
AIPAC Leaders Snared
by Jeffrey Steinberg
On Aug. 4, the U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District of Virginia, Paul McNulty, announced the indictment of two former top officials of AIPAC (American Israel Public Affairs Committee), on charges of "conspiracy to communicate national defense information to persons not entitled to receive it." The same indictment included new espionage charges against Pentagon desk officer and Air Force Reserve Colonel Lawrence Franklin, who has already been indicted in the Eastern District, as well as in West Virginia.
The two "ex"-AIPAC officials are Steven Rosen and Keith Weissman. Since 1982, Rosen has been AIPAC's Director of Foreign Policy Issues. Since 1993, Weissman has been Senior Middle East Analyst at AIPAC.
Before coming to work for AIPAC, Rosen had been employed from 1978-82 at the RAND Corporation. During that period, he worked on contract projects for the Central Intelligence Agency, and had top-level security clearances. Thus, Rosen signed written secrecy agreements with the U.S. government that remained binding after he went to work for AIPAC.
Far-Flung Espionage Network The new indictments, which have been anticipated for several months, unveil an Israeli espionage network that has been functioning since at least April 1999, involving a number of Pentagon officials beyond Franklin, as well as at least three officials of the Israeli Embassy and a former senior Mossad officer, Uzi Arad, who now heads Israel's premier national security think-tank, the Herzliya Interdisciplinary Center.[/color]
U.S. intelligence officials have told EIR that the AIPAC/Franklin case reveals a new modus operandi, adopted by Israel intelligence, in the aftermath of the disastrous Jonathan Pollard spy scandal of the mid-1980s. Pollard, a Naval intelligence analyst, was caught pilfering thousands of classified Pentagon and CIA documents and passing them on to an Israeli intelligence unit headed by former Mossad European operations director Rafi Eytan, a close ally of current Prime Minister Ariel Sharon.
As the result of the blowback from the Pollard affair, according to the U.S. intelligence sources, Israel shifted its espionage operations targetted at the United States to think-tanks and lobbying organizations like AIPAC, which have ongoing "legitimate" contacts with American government officials.
What the Israelis and the AIPAC spooks did not anticipate was that their operations would be closely scrutinized by the FBI and other U.S. agencies, for at least the past six years, revealing numerous instances where the "legitimate" contacts crossed over into hard espionage.
The 26-page indictment is, in fact, a catalogue of scores of instances of classified information being passed from Pentagon officials to the two AIPAC men, on to Israeli Embassy personnel.
Franklin apparently walked into an ongoing FBI counterintelligence surveillance of Rosen and Weissman, when he held his first meeting with the two men on Feb. 12, 2003. According to the indictment, phone conversations that Rosen had en route to the first meeting with Franklin, were monitored by the FBI. From Feb. 12, 2003 until July 9, 2004, Franklin had dozens of phone discussions and meetings with the two AIPAC officials, and on at least one occasion, faxed a document from his Pentagon office to Rosen's home.
In June 2004, FBI agents confronted Franklin with evidence of his espionage activities, and Franklin agreed to cooperate with the government. His subsequent meetings with the two AIPAC officials were all controlled by the FBI, until Aug. 3, when the FBI visited both Rosen and Weissman. According to the indictment, even after the FBI visits, Rosen and Weissman continued to pass classified data provided by Franklin to select U.S. journalists and even to Israeli embassy officials.
Franklin's Network Lawrence Franklin had his own problems with his dealings with Israeli intelligence officials, even before his assignment to the Pentagon in early 2001 as Iran desk officer at the Near East South Asia policy office, under Assistant Secretary of Defense Douglas Feith and Deputy Assistant Secretary William Luti, a transplant from the Office of Vice President Dick Cheney.
Back in the late 1990s, as an Air Force Reserve officer, Franklin had done two tours of duty at the U.S. Embassy in Israel, in the Air Attaché's Office. On his second tour, Franklin was kicked out of the country by the Air Attaché after a few months, after repeated incidents in which he held unauthorized meetings with Israeli intelligence officials.
It may have been these Israeli connections that landed Franklin his job at NESA—or perhaps his ties to then-Deputy Secretary of Defense Paul Wolfowitz, who was Dean of Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies in Washington, D.C. when Franklin was a graduate student there.
Whatever his pathway to the Pentagon, Franklin, according to eyewitness sources, became a fixture at regular "brown bag lunches" at the private office of Doug Feith attended by leading Pentagon neo-cons, including Harold Rhode, Luti, Abraham Shulsky, Richard Perle, and occasionally Wolfowitz. Franklin's NESA boss, Luti, boasted frequently that he was working for "Scooter," a reference to Dick Cheney's Chief of Staff, Lewis Libby. (Libby, when he was not working for the government, was the personal attorney for Mossad frontman and international swindler Marc Rich. Well-informed U.S. intelligence officials believe that Rich, a Zug, Switzerland-based metal trader, was set up in business with Mossad funds.)
Franklin was also a traveling companion of Iran-Contra figure and self-professed "universal fascist" Michael Ledeen, in December 2001. Ledeen, Franklin, and Harold Rhode travelled to Rome for secret meetings with Iranian con-artist Manucher Ghorbanifar, another prominent Iran-Contra scandal figure who brokered Israeli missile sales to Iran in exchange for efforts to free American hostages in Lebanon.The scheme led to criminal indictments against a number of Reagan-Bush Administration officials and CIA officers, including Elliott Abrams and Duane Claridge.
The latest Franklin indictment threatens to snare some of these other leading neo-cons. The court papers filed in the Eastern District of Virginia identify several other Pentagon officials, along with at least three Israeli Embassy officials and Uzi Arad,as players in the extended Franklin spy operation.
The indictment of "Mr. AIPAC," Steven Rosen, also raises serious questions about the future of "America's Pro-Israel Lobby," as AIPAC's website describes the group. According to sources close to the Franklin probe, AIPAC may be forced, as a result of the Franklin case, to register as a foreign agent organization, thus losing its tax-exempt status and forcing much closer accounting of its finances and activities.
The Franklin case has not even come close to fully unraveling. And many leading Pentagon neo-cons are losing sleep over where this case will go next.
What makes matters even worse, the same basic cast of characters is tied up in the Valerie Plame Wilson leak probe, headed by independent counsel Patrick Fitzgerald, and a separate probe, headed by U.S. Attorney McNulty, into who was behind the forging of Niger government documents which purported to show that Iraq sought to buy "yellowcake" uranium from the African state to build nuclear weapons. The forged documents were used by Vice President Cheney and other Administration war hawks to win Congressional and public support for the invasion of Iraq. Plame's husband, former Ambassador Joseph Wilson, was dispatched to Niger in 2002 to assess the validity of the Niger yellowcake charge, and returned to report that it was a hoax. His report was covered up, and the train of events was set into motion which led to his wife's "outing" as a covert CIA operative, by top Administration officials—a criminal offense.
There are allegations that the Ledeen-Rhode-Franklin trip to Rome in 2001 may have played a role in the circulation of the forged documents
Netanyahu Slaps U.S. in the Face with Spymaster Uzi Arad
March 6, 2009 (LPAC)--Israel's Prime Minister-designate Bibi Netanyahu brought the notorious spymaster Uzi Arad into the meetings with Hillary Clinton and George Mitchell, this week, reports the Israeli newspaper, Ha'aretz. Uzi Arad, is persona non grata in the United States because of his involvement with Pentagon spy, Larry Franklin, an analyst with the Office of Special Plans (OSP), the Dick Cheney-neo-conservative unit in the Pentagon that manufactured false intelligence to justify the Iraq war. Franklin was convicted in January, 2006, in a plea bargain, of stealing classified documents on Iran and other subjects from the Pentagon, and passing them on to Israeli government officials, in meetings arranged by the two top officials of AIPAC (American Israel Public Affairs Committee), Steven Rosen and Keith Weissman). Arad, who is unable to come to the U.S. because of his involvement with Franklin, is reportedly going to be head of the Israeli National Security Council, Ha'aretz wrote.
Not only did Bibi include Arad in his first meeting with the top U.S. officials, but he kicked the Israeli Ambassador to the U.S., Sallai Meridor out the meeting. Ha'aretz reported that this insult from Netanyahu was the reason that Meridor resigned today.
Lyndon LaRouche said today that what Netanyahoo did was "a slap in the face to the U.S. And that if Netanyahoo breaks from the U.S., that represents Netanyahoo's plans for leaving earth."
So, does the Pentagon really have a great relationship with Mossad? i dont think so.
And who is really behind Netanyahu? a group of fascists in London that put Dick Cheney into office.
"Liquidate labor, liquidate stocks, liquidate the farmers, liquidate real estate … It will purge the rottenness out of the system..." - Andrew Mellon, Secretary of Treasury, 1929.
One thing the Brit's love is to have THEIR historians write THEIR history. And I think we can label Gordon Thomas one of THEIR's and a propagandist TOOL.
The other two are an authorized history (from 1909 to 1949) of MI6 by Professor Keith Jeffery, of Queen’s University, Belfast, and Gordon Thomas’ Secret Wars: One Hundred Years of British Intelligence, which intelNews has received and will be reviewing shortly. ...
Thomas was born in Wales, in a cemetery keeper’s cottage where his grandmother lived. He had his first story published at nine years old in a Boys Own Paper competition. With his father in the RAF, he travelled widely and was educated at the Cairo High School, the Maritz Brothers in Port Elizabeth and, finally, at Bedford Modern.
His first book, completed at the age of seventeen, is the story of a British spy in Russia during World War Two, titled Descent Into Danger.He turned down the offer of a place at university in order to accompany a travelling fair for a year: those experiences became Bed of Nails. Since then his books have been published worldwide. He has been a foreign correspondent beginning with the Suez Crisis and ending with the first Gulf War. He was a BBC writer/producer for three flagship BBC programmes: Man Alive, Tomorrows World and Horizon. He is a regular contributor to Facta, the respected monthly Japanese news magazine, and he lectures widely on the secret world of intelligence. He also provides expert analysis on intelligence for US and European television and radio shows.[1]
His Gideon’s Spies: Mossad’s Secret Warriors became a major documentary for Channel Four that he wrote and narrated: The Spy Machine. It followed three years of research during which he was given unprecedented access to Mossad’s key personnel. The documentary was co-produced by Open Media and Israfilm[2].
Gideon’s Spies: Mossad’s Secret Warriors has so far been published in 16 languages. The main source for this book is Ari Ben-Menashe, a self-described former Mossad agent. According to Charles Foster in Contemporary Review: "Writers who know their place are few and far between: fortunately Mr Thomas is one of them. By keeping to his place as a tremendous storyteller without a preacher's pretensions, he has put his book amongst the important chronicles of the state of Israel." [2]
Well, what he appears to be doing is scapegoating Mossad when everyone knows London built the Nation of Israel, hence their intelligence agencies are linked.
So he highlights what Mossad really did, but neglects to highlight the relationship of the Crown, MI6 and Mossad, and their potential Moles in the United States.
The Sykes-Picot agreement is a secret understanding concluded in May 1916, during World War I, between Great Britain and France, with the assent of Russia, for the dismemberment of the Ottoman Empire.
The agreement led to the division of Turkish-held Syria, Iraq, Lebanon, and Palestine into various French and British-administered areas. The agreement took its name from its negotiators, Sir Mark Sykes of Britain and Georges Picot of France.
Some historians have pointed out that the agreement conflicted with pledges already given by the British to the Hashimite leader Husayn ibn Ali, Sharif of Mecca, who was about to lead an Arab revolt in the Hejaz against the Ottoman rulers on the understanding that the Arabs would eventually receive a much more important share of the territory won.
US history is an interesting thing, and no one really highlights the REASON many intelligent souls traveled to the U.S.
The Reason was, Europe was infested with feudalist corruption and the idea was, the United States would be built up as a nation to keep Europe from destroying itself. Read about Benjamin Franklin, these people wanted to create a Nation free of Oligarchs and the European monetary system (Which in reality is dependence on Royal Gold Supplies for economic expansion). The European monetary system was controlled by the various royalties until the 1600's when the British Empire began to dominate more and more of Eurasia.
With the British ability to contract and limit Gold supplies, they had the ability to limit world wide growth hence, the ability to CONTROL the WORLD, by preventing any (NAVAL) force to grow stronger then theirs. Remember, in the 1700's there were no railways, NAVAL power was supreme...... So we can fastfoward to the mid 1800's when Lincoln took office, revived the Greenback and built the intercontintental railway......... what did this accomplish? it DESTROYED British control over US Trade routes by nullfying their NAVAL POWER. This lead to the industrialization of the United States into a power that even the British Empire could not tackle via conventional warfare.
The Continental Congress issued fiat currency for that exact reason as well, because the European Royalty could strangle the Nation of Currency if we were to use Gold as a currency.
This is what got my ear's up and my suspicion that there is something going on in the U.K. and the G20 coming up , plus the recent "IRA?" attack....
Ian p. asked no hard questions that I could discern and the callers were almost praising MI5 and the UK as being our beast friends...
3-22-09 Critical Red Alert in Great Britain
Talk show Host Ian Punnett of Coast to Coast announced that sources have revealed that Britain is on highest-ever terror alert! This information was confirmed by Gordon Thomas who checked with his sources in the British Intelligence who spoke of information of a mumbi attacks.He was on the air speaking with Author Gordon Thomas who was discussing the history of the British Intelligence Services when this information came in as who has ties to British MI5 agents.
Gordon Thomas wrote the book: Secret Wars: One Hundred Years of British Intelligence inside MI5 and MI6 (US Edition) Inside British Intelligence: 100 Years of MI5 and MI6 (UK Edition) These agencies rank as two of the oldest and most powerful in the world, and Thomas’s recounts the roles that British intelligence played with insider information more startling than anything out of James Bond.
Gordon Thomas also wrote the book: Gideon’s Spies: The Secret History of The Mossad
which was republished to commemorate the 60th anniversary of the establishment of the state of Israel in 1948. Updating the data on events leading to the 9/11 Attacks and the aftermath.
In this book Gordon Thomas claims that; Bibi, Netanyahu's first wife, actually spied on Bill Clinton, and that Mossad had wire tapped the White House. Also that Princess Diana's driver Henry Paul was a Mossad agent.
Thomas is a recognised authority on the Israeli intelligence service Mossad, to which he is considered to have had exceptional journalistic access over the years. Thomas is the author of the book 'Gideon's Spies - The Secret History of the Mossad', which susequently became a major documentary for the UK's Channel 4 TV station. Thomas writes on intelligence subjects for the Sunday Express.
The URL of the 21 May 2002 report below by GLOBE-INTEL was http://www.gordonthomas. ie/104.html at the time of publication. The report is, however, no longer available at that address on the GLOBE-INTEL site. A mhtl copy dowloaded from the Internet Archive Wayback Machine (archive date Jun 15, 2007) is available here.
The Israeli spy-ring within the United States referred to by Thomas has been separately reported on by Fox News and the intelligence journal Jane's Security News (further references are available from the Antiwar.com web site and History Commons, 'The Complete 9/11 Timeline').
The Daily Telegraph has separately reported that Israeli intelligence had visited the CIA in August 2001 to warn of imminent terrorist attacks on America. An extract of this report is provided at the bottom of this page. A full copy of the GLOBE-INTEL report is also provided below
------------------------------ ------------------------------ --------------------
NUMBER :- 104 DATE :- 21/05/02
By Gordon Thomas.
Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon authorised the leak of sensitive documents which reveal America's spy agencies were warned about a terrorist strike weeks before September 11. The controversial move has now directly embroiled President George Bush in the 'how-much-did-he-know?' debate over the attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon.
Sharon's reaction is a calculated response to growing claims that Mossad has been running spy operations within the United States and also reveals a split in the special relationship between the two leaders.
Mossad chiefs insist the Israeli spy agency was tracking Osama Bin-Laden's terrorists in America before September 11 and that that the information was passed on to the CIA on Five separate occasions before the attacks on the WTC and Pentagon. As late asAugust 24, less than two weeks before the attacks, a Mossad warning, confirmed by German intelligence, BND, said that "terrorists plan to hijack commercial aircraft to use as weapons to attack important symbols of American and Israeli culture." The warning alert was passed to the CIA.
The warning was also passed to MI6. The agency made its own checks and also informed the CIA. Frustrated by its inability to alert the CIA to an impending attack, Mossad arranged on September 1, according to Tel Aviv sources last week, for Russian intelligence to warn Washington "in the strongest possible terms of imminent assaults on airports and government buildings." Mossad's fury at the failure of the US intelligence community to act has been compounded by the revelation that the Bush administration had ordered the FBI Only a Week Before the September attacks to curtail investigations on two of Osama Bin-Laden's close relatives living in the US
state of Virginia at the time.
Sharon's decision to allow the story of Bush's prior knowledge of the attack to be leaked comes at a time when Israel is smarting over what Sharon sees as Bush pressurising the Jewish state into an accommodation with Arafat.
The feeling in Tel Aviv is that Bush's much hyped war on terrorism does not actually fit into the aggressive policy Israel wants to pursue.
Sharon has already suffered a humiliating defeat at the hands of his archrival, former Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, as the central committee of their Likud Party ruled out the establishment of a Palestinian state last Sunday.
The party's decision, formalized in a resolution backed by Netanyahu, directly contradicted Sharon's own stated acceptance of a Palestinian state as the eventual conclusion of Israeli-Palestinian negotiations. It came as Sharon faces mounting domestic and international pressure to find a way to stop more than 19 months of bloodshed and launch talks with the Palestinians.
The support he was expecting from America failed to materialise, said a source close to Mossad. "Ariel Sharon is furious because he thinks Bush has not supported him as fully as he could. His coalition is falling apart, Netanyahu has sneaked ahead of him and the Israelis are generally fed up of living in fear. Sharon is quite clear where the blame lies - in the White House. "Now he has really stirred things up byputting Bush right at the centre of this storm by actively allowing these sensitive documents to be leaked to the world. He feels he needs to teach Bush a lesson and this will certainly complicate America's peace efforts in the region," he said.
According to similar documents shown to the Sunday Express, Mossad was running a round-the-clock surveillance operation on some of the September 11 hijackers.
The details, contained in classified papers, reveal that a senior Mossad agent tipped off his counterpart in America's Central Intelligence Agency that a massive terrorist hit was being planned in the US. A handful of the spies had infiltrated the Al-Qaeda organisation while a staggering 120 others, posing as overseas art students, launched massive undercover operations throughout America.
Other documents leaked to the Sunday Express from several intelligence agencies including the Drugs Enforcement Agency show that two Mossad cells of six Egyptian and Yemeni born Jews, trained at a secret base in Israel's Negev Desert on how to penetrate Osama bin Laden's Al-Qaeda network.
One team flew to Amsterdam and were under the control of Mossad's Europe Station. This is based at Schipol Airport within the El Al complex. They later made contact in Hamburg with Mohammed Atta, the lead hijacker on September 11.
The second group flew directly to New York. From there they travelled South to Florida and infiltrated the Bin laden organisation.
In August last year, the Mossad team in Europe flew with some of the Hamburg terrorists into Boston, a month before the attack on the twin towers.
By then the Mossad team had established an attack on the US was "imminent". It reported this to its Tel Aviv controller through the Israeli Embassy in Washington using a system of secure communications. In early September Mossad Chief Efraim Halevy sent a warning to the CIA of the possibility of such an attack. The warning was noted and acknowledged. But CIA chief George Tenet is understood to have described it as "too non-specific." The FBI was also informed.
Halevy sent a second alert to the CIA that reached Washington on or around September 7.
A spokesman for the FBI refused to discuss specific details of the Mossad operation but said: "There are Congressional hearings with regard to possible intelligence failures arising from September 11. We can't verify your information because it is part of an ongoing investigation."
Neither the DEA or the CIA would comment on the record, but a senior US intelligence source said: "Anyone can be wise after the event but it was extremely difficult to act on a non specific threat given in a couple of tips from Israeli intelligence. It would be interesting to know if they could have been more specific with their information.
''Their surveillance teams must have observed Atta and his accomplices going to flying schools. I guess we might never know the real truth."
The spying operations first came to the attention of the DEA in January 2001 according to a classified 90-page dossier which has been seen by the Sunday Express. The names, passport details and other personal records of some of the Israeli-born spies are also detailed in the dossier.
he sure does cover for Mossad.....
they were trying to help us right? by organizing a film crew to watch the towers collapse and cheering?.
The above article is a dynamite example of how foreign intelligence agencies insert moles into US Government power seats and use them to carry out operations.
Arron Russo speak about his conversation with Nick Rockefella Bilderberg Plans World Population Reduction Of 80%
http://prisonplanet.tv/http:/ /www.infowars.com/http:// video.google.com/videoplay? doc... We Do Not Forget! We Do Not Forgive! We Are legions Expect Us ! ----Ae Dear Bilderbirg Group ,You Hide away in the Dark and plot to kill 80 percent of humans The world is awake We Will Defeat You Humanity Will Destroy You ,You Will Stop Your criminal activity's .Canada is awake to your infestation ,you hide away in the dark like evil we will destroy you. Age: 21 Click the link and it will take you to a documentary if you don,t know about The Bilderberg Group even if you do watch it the only way to help is to learn. Bilderberg Will Kill 80% of Humans Who made Them Our Gods Airplane, Auto, Boat, Motorcycle, Motor Sport, Train, Animation, Blooper, Improv, Parody, Pranks, Series, Short Film, Sketch, Spoof, Stand-up, Video Blog, Athletics, Business, Communications, Computer Science, Economics, Engineering, Health, Humanities, Language, Math, Media, Medicine, Performing Arts, Physical Science, Social Science, Visual Arts, Advertising, Commercials, Entertainment News, Performing Arts, Short Film, Trailer, TV, Video Game, Web Series, Animation, Anime, Art, Documentary, Experimental, Filmmaker Reel, Interview, Manga, Short Film, Trailer, Tutorial, Federal Government, Grassroots Outreach, Local Government, Nonprofit, Public Service Announcements, Regional Government, State Government, Arts & Crafts, Beauty, Dance, Drink, Finance, Fitness, Fashion, Food, Gardening, Health, Home, Music, Sports, Technology, Alternative, Blues, Classical, Country, Electronic, Folk, Hip-Hop, Indie, Jazz, Pop, R&B, Rap, Religious, Rock, Soul, Unsigned, World Music, Commentary & Analysis, Documentary, Gotcha!, Grassroots Outreach, News, Political Commercial
Confession of a CIA Agent about FEMA - Important !!!
Martial Law over America.
Leave America as fast as you
can!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!
http://prisonplanet.tv/http:/ /www.infowars.com/http:// video.google.com/videoplay? doc... We Do Not Forget! We Do Not Forgive! We Are legions Expect Us ! ----Ae Dear Bilderbirg Group ,You Hide away in the Dark and plot to kill 80 percent of humans The world is awake We Will Defeat You Humanity Will Destroy You ,You Will Stop Your criminal activity's .Canada is awake to your infestation ,you hide away in the dark like evil we will destroy you. Age: 21 Click the link and it will take you to a documentary if you don,t know about The Bilderberg Group even if you do watch it the only way to help is to learn. Bilderberg Will Kill 80% of Humans Who made Them Our Gods Airplane, Auto, Boat, Motorcycle, Motor Sport, Train, Animation, Blooper, Improv, Parody, Pranks, Series, Short Film, Sketch, Spoof, Stand-up, Video Blog, Athletics, Business, Communications, Computer Science, Economics, Engineering, Health, Humanities, Language, Math, Media, Medicine, Performing Arts, Physical Science, Social Science, Visual Arts, Advertising, Commercials, Entertainment News, Performing Arts, Short Film, Trailer, TV, Video Game, Web Series, Animation, Anime, Art, Documentary, Experimental, Filmmaker Reel, Interview, Manga, Short Film, Trailer, Tutorial, Federal Government, Grassroots Outreach, Local Government, Nonprofit, Public Service Announcements, Regional Government, State Government, Arts & Crafts, Beauty, Dance, Drink, Finance, Fitness, Fashion, Food, Gardening, Health, Home, Music, Sports, Technology, Alternative, Blues, Classical, Country, Electronic, Folk, Hip-Hop, Indie, Jazz, Pop, R&B, Rap, Religious, Rock, Soul, Unsigned, World Music, Commentary & Analysis, Documentary, Gotcha!, Grassroots Outreach, News, Political Commercial
Rockefeller neuroscience laboratories span the areas of molecular and cellular neurobiology, sensory neuroscience and the neurobiology of behavior. Topics of current investigation include, among many others: the control of gene expression in neurons; the formation and patterning of the embryonic vertebrate nervous system; circadian rhythms; olfaction; the effects of experience and hormones on brain plasticity; and the cortical mechanisms of visual perception.
The co-chairman for the Barak Obama campaign makes a disturbing racial remark. As far as we know, Obama has not fired him or even denounced the comment. Is Barack Obama a racist?
Audacity Hope Media Fox Jeremiah Wright Democrat Republican Vote 2008 Controversy Controversial Church Pastor Commentary Political Commercial Politics Analysis Grassroots Gotcha! Outreach News Change Primary Primaries Pennsylvania Guam Indiana North Carolina West Virginia Kentucky Oregon Puerto Rico Montana South Dakota Convention DNC November Guns Faith Bitter Cling
Zbigniew Brzezinski Obama's Top Foreign Policy Advisers, Professor of American Foreign PolicyStrategic Analysis and Foreign Policy National
Security Advisor to President Jimmy Carter, worked for Ronald Regan as Intelligence advisor, founder and trustee of the Trilateral Commission, a member of the Council For Foreign Relations (CFR) and Council for Strategic and International Studies, analysis, mastermind behind the creation of Ben Ladin and the terrorist Al Quieda organisation, international advisor for a number of major corporations, an associate of Henry Kissinger, co-chairman of the Bush Advisory Security Task Force in 1988 ...what a guy...
states the following belief, conviction and effective advice to Barrack Obama and to Barrach Oboma and
Zbigniew Brzezinski's employers and bosses...Jacob and Evilyn Rothchold and the rest Rothschild International Banking Family and their other evil and criminally insane International Baking Partners and Business associates and elite families
In a Speech Made on November 17th 2008For the first time in human history ,.,.for the first time in all of human history.....almost all of mankind is politiclaly awake... andthese new and old major powers...face and yet another .... a novel reality...in some respect unprecidented ... and it is that while the lethality ..the lethality of their power is greater that ever.... their capacity to propose control ove rthe politicsally awakened masses of the world is at an all time low an unprecidented alll time low... I once put it rather pungently ... and I was flatered that the British Foreign Secretary repeated this...as follows ... namely in ealier times ...'.It was easier to control a million people literally...it was easiet to control a million people that physicly to kill a million people ... today it is infinitely easy to kill a million people than control a million people ..it is easier to kill that ot control...
Michael Ruppert gives a lecture of Zbigniew Brzezingski's 1997 book : The Grand Chessboard.
Rupert says, " Now if you want to get really.... really ...really angry .... go buy this book.. it's called the Grand Chess Board .... American Primacy and it's Neo Stratigic Objectives... written by Zbigniew Brzezingski in 1997 ...I am going to read you some quotes from that book ...
"The last decades in American History has seen a Titanic Shift in World Affairs... for the first time a non Eurasion Power has emerged not only as a key arbiter of Eurasian Relations but also as the world's paramount power with the defeat and collapse of the Soviet Union as the final step in the rapid ascendance of a Western Hemisphere power with the United States as the first and indeed as the first truly global super power ...(This is in the preface of the book)
It is imperative that no Eurasian challenger (Note: by that he means Russia of China) ( Note: Eurasia is everything to the eats of Germany all the way south to the Pacific Ocean .... south through the Indian Sub Continent and includes the middle east..)
emerges that is capable of dominating Eurasia and thus capable of challenging America ....the formulation of a comprehensive and intergrated Eurasian Geo Strategy is therefore the purpose of this book .... The attitude of the American Public towards the external projection of American Power has been much more ambivelent ...the public support of the American engagement in World War Two was largely because of the shock effect of the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbour (Pearl Harbour was another manipulated event just like 9-11, Al Qiueda which have all been masterminded by Zbigniew Brzezinski with the Rothschild Family behind the scenes who have most to gain as they make their money lending to all countries on all sides of an external and/or internal war and/or conflict).'It get's worse' ....
for America's the chief Geo Physical Prise is Eurasia ... and a non Eurasian Power is pre-eminent and now America's Global Primacy ('Isn't that arrogant") America's Global Primacy is directly dependent on how long and effective is the pro-ponderence on the Eurasian continent in sustained..('What he is saying is that if America wants to stay top dog it has to control Eurasia ... ')
America's withdrawal from the war ... or because on a sudden emergence of a successful rival would produce massive international instability ..it would prompt Global Anarchy ...
(Do you know what he is saying there?... actually global anarchy would probably a good thing right now ....what he is saying here there is ... if we don't control the world by whatever means necessary ...
(the world's going to miserable ... he didn't ask my opinion... Did he ask yours? OK)
.. in that context ..how American manages Eurasia?
(Do we manage people around the world ..Is that our job? ... )
Is critical Eurasia is the world's largest continent and is Geo Physically Active and a power that controls Eurasia will control two of the world's three most advanced and economically productive regions and a mere glance at the map the control of Eurasia would almost automaticly entail Africa's subordination ..rendering the Western Hemisphere and Oceania (That's Australia for all you non-academics) geo-politically proliferal to the worlds central continent ... about 75% of the world's population live in Eurasia and most of the world's physical wealth is there as well ..both in enterprises and underneath it's soil ....Eurasia accounts for 60% of the world's GNP and three fourths of the world's known energy resources ... two basic steps are thus required ... first to identify the strategic dynamic Eurasian states ...that have the power to cause a potentially important shift in the international distribution of power and to decipher the central external goals of the respected political elite and the likely consequences of their seeking to obtain them ...
second ... to formulae specific US policies to offset co-opt and/or control the above..
(The man is talking about co-opting controlling managing subverting nations peoples and economies ..)
to put i in a terminology that harkens back to the more brutal age of ancient empires ..
(please listen to this)
the three grand imperative geo strategy are to prevent collusion and mantain security dependence among the vassels
... to keep tributaries pliant and protected and to keep the barbarians form coming together.
(That's on page 40 ..I'm telling you ..you've got to buy the book )
offset ... co-opt and to control
which holds of the worlds natural resources that
"Moreover, as America becomes an increasingly multi cultural society, it may find it more difficult to fashion a consensus on foreign policy issues except in the circumstances of a truly massive and widely perceived direct external threat." nZbigniew Brzezingski
1. Obama has to be mind controlled. just watch him when he doesnt? have a telepromter. can anyone help confirm this?
2. They said the same thing about? Bush. Same teleprompter thing. Have you heard of MkULTRA?
3. Yeh, he's retarded.? He doesn't even know how many states are in the US
4. Tells u a lot about OBAMA that he would align himself w/ this Vulture who said ' THE SUBORDINATION OF AFRICA , WOULD FOLLOW " & " CONTROL OF EURASIA " .
A black man , Obama? stabbing his motherland in the back , its beyond disgraceful , that he would participate in the U.S. militarization OF AFRICA and "Subordination of Africa HE SAID IT , he presents the plans to Obama and this heartless , greedy for power Obama would put his people on their knees bcs of U.S. desire for CONTROL HW ds he sleep
5. No one controls anyone. People make laws with a pen and funding. People force people out of homes, jobs, etc... with the power of the purse but control? no... even a man in irons has his own mind and till people come to know their assault on their fellow man only makes slaves who in time will be the owners by natural change the chain? of abuse continues Having the purse only means power is in cycle. Break the cycle, by letting go of the thoughts of control. The illusion fills the purse w/ death.
6. I have only one heroes. Michael C. Ruppert. You changed my political view forever. Thanks? for that. Enjoy the rest of your life!
7. who is Brzezinski going to get to fight these wars? Not my me? or any of my family.
8. If it got to that point you wouldn't have a choice, you'd be forced into fighting or forced into jail, or camps they? will have set up all over amercia, or killed. it's crazy..i know
9. Copy and? paste all over...... "Moreover, as America becomes an increasingly multi cultural society, it may find it more difficult to fashion a consensus on foreign policy issues except in the circumstances of a truly massive and widely perceived direct external threat." nZbigniew Brzezingski
11. Communism was funded by the Central Banks, the same people? that control the US today.
Sunday Confession No. 3: Were The Jesuits Involved In The Assassination Of Abraham Lincoln? Why Did The U.S. Break Off Diplomatic Relations With The Vatican In 1867 after Lincoln's Murder? by Greg Szymanski, May 07, 2006
Author C.T. Wilcox says America's history has been hi-jacked, pointing to the Jesuit cover-up of the murder of Lincoln after uncovering documents hidden for more than 100 years.
One question this Sunday is whether the Jesuits are an association of highly organized warrior priests? Another question is why has history covered important facts behind alleged Jesuit involvement in the assassination of Abraham Lincoln, as well as why did the U.S. government cut-off all diplomatic relations with the Vatican in 1867 as a result of its alleged connection with the murder of Lincoln?
According to Wilcox, whose two hour radio interview can be heard at The Investigative Journal archives at www.arcticbeacon.com, Transformation is a 375 page expose of Vatican and Jesuit intrigues and interference into the political structure of the United States and Europe.
It contains shocking revelations and fully authenticated documentation, much of it hidden for almost 100 years, to support the conclusion that the United States has been transformed from a beacon of light and hope into an empire with beast-like tendencies and that the world is headed for a Vatican led and instigated cataclysm while it sleepwalks towards the edge.
In order to keep filling in the pieces about the Jesuits and the possibility that the Vatican has been infiltrated by the Order of Lucifer, the following is a sample chapter from Wilcox's book, which he says is a gift to the American people from this Canadian born author.
"If this were a dictatorship, it'd be a heck of a lot easier? Just as long as I'm the dictator." --President George W. Bush, self-proclaimed "Christian", cocaine abusing alcoholic and Life Member of The Skull and Bones Fraternity of Yale University
December 18, 2000
"When any church will inscribe over its altar the Saviour's condensed statement of law and Gospel, 'Thou shalt love the LORD thy God, with all thy heart, with all thy soul, and with all thy mind, and thy neighbour as thyself,' that church I will join with all my heart." --Abraham Lincoln to a member of Congress as related by his intimate friend Hon. Isaac N. Arnold in reference as to why he did not join a denominational, politically involved creed-driven church.
THE strikes upon the World Trade Center and the Pentagon on September 11, 2001 marked a pivotal point in the evolution of the "experiment of popular government". What followed has been nothing short of a pronounced continuation of a religious war, which had its origins in the Middle Ages, using the armed forces of a compliant host nation or alliance of nations according to the wishes of the Papacy. The ultimate goal is the eventual re-location of this so-called "Chair of Peter" to Jerusalem in order to direct and control all the people of the earth and the complete destruction of anything not in accord with Her dictates. Chief among these ideals, which are hated by the Church of Rome, are freedom of conscience, freedom of religion, freedom of the press and freedom of association; in fact, every fundamental freedom on which the United States was founded.
This opposition to basic human rights was monumented in the famous Papal Bull of Pope Pius IX in 1864, the Syllabus of Errors; a direct response to the Constitution of the United States and its Bill of Rights. The timing of the issuance of this document was designed to be a deliberate political act for the express purpose of telling the world that the liberties of the United States and any other nation which has the audacity to implement representative self government apart from church consent was in direct opposition to God. This was at a crucial time of the War of the Rebellion in which the Papacy had openly sided with the Confederacy.
During the Lincoln period the European Empires made a last ditch attempt to regain their hold over North America and re-introduce the 'monarchic principle' into that 'dangerous hotbed of Republicanism'. Emperor Francis Joseph I of Austria had an additional personal interest in the outcome of the American Civil War. On it hinged the existence of a new Hapsburg realm and the very life of his younger brother, Emperor Maximilian of Mexico, whose greatest American antagonist was Abraham Lincoln and whose natural allies were the States of the South. Both Francis Joseph and Maximilian, like most other crowned heads of their time, saw in Lincoln the personification of the republican ideas that had kindled the antimonarchist revolutions in Europe. They naturally hated and feared Lincoln and hoped that the Civil War would destroy, or at least weaken, the United States of America.
The Civil War was not a 'homespun' affair. It was the result of the same upheavals that have changed the face of Europe. The promises and active help of the European empires and the Church of Rome along with the Jesuit Order had stiffened the resolve and attitude of the Southern leaders, some of whom were quite willing to see the monarchic principle triumph in North America.
The Jesuit Order is an association of highly organized warrior priests. They are politicians first and foremost and have been expelled from virtually every country they have had the opportunity to corrupt and destroy. Their modus operandi is political and educational infiltration and subversion and the fomenting of wars and revolutions in order to weaken and mold the target country into submissive pliability, to then be used to carry out their purpose of global ecclesiastically backed dictatorship. The United States is no exception to this.
In 1822 the Catholic Monarchies of Europe got together with the Vatican and agreed on a plot to destroy the concept of representative popular government. Professor Samuel F.B. Morse, a founding member of the American Nativist Movement, investigated this plot and eventually wrote a book, which appeared in installments in the 1835 editions of the New York Observer, entitled, "Foreign Conspiracy Against the Liberties of the United States". What he found has been in operation ever since, the fully ripened fruits of which we are realizing only since the administration of President Ronald Reagan, the first president to officially recognize the Vatican State since the U.S. cut off all diplomatic ties in 1867 as a result of its connection to the murder of Abraham Lincoln. The country has been in rapid decline since that time and is now in danger of losing forever its freedoms as enshrined in the Constitution and Bill of rights. The push to institute a New World Order and transform the United States into a dictatorship, benign or otherwise, backed by the Roman clergy is now closer than ever. Since the election of President Reagan there has been a decidedly marked increase in the volume of Presidential Executive Orders which amount to a return to the monarchic principles which first gave rise to the American Revolution.
The testament to this reality became overtly apparent in the spring of 2005 when two events dominated the news in North America; both of them received global attention. The first involved the death of one Terri Schiavo, a brain damaged woman who was on a feeding tube for fifteen years. The Roman clergy in Florida and Washington D.C., joined later by various Protestant clergymen, had used this event to persuade both Florida Governor Jeb Bush and his brother President G.W. Bush to override the Supreme Court and Congress to enact what would have amounted to dictatorial rule. Caving in would have acknowledged a militant quasi-union of Church and State. They came very close to this precedent setting direction. Both Bush's knew that if they did so commit to such a deed it may mean open civil unrest between religious militants who were looking to cash in on 'political capital' and constitutional patriots who viewed this as the thin edge of the wedge for the installation of a theocratic dictatorship.
They refused, however they also let it be understood that if they thought they could get away with it, they would have done so.
The next event was the death of Pope John Paul II. If anyone has doubts as to the political power the Roman Church has, these doubts were laid to rest as every national flag was lowered to half mast and every form of media all over North America, in the most worshipful manner bowed the knee, like those in Nebuchadnezzar's time and those in the days of the Caesars, to the man who claims to stand in the place of Almighty God. In this case a man who, while under Nazi occupation in Poland, vigorously helped to produce and sell 'Zyklon B' for chemical company I.G. Farben, a nerve gas which was used to kill those wholesale in the death camps of Europe. A man who, in spite of one of the world's greatest outbreaks of primarily homosexual pedophilia by Roman priests in recent memory, virtually swept the whole matter under the rug until he was finally forced to react by an outraged public. A man who presided over the Roman priesthood's led and encouraged genocide in Rwanda and the religious mass murders in the Balkans. A real godly man, n'est pas? Apparently every major political leader from around the world and representatives from every major religion thought so.
President Lincoln was the triumphant embodiment of the New Concept of Popular Government of which the central postulate is the consent of the governed. The same cunning and malice, which nerved the hand of John Wilkes Booth, a nominal Protestant who had been converted to the Roman Church, was also successful in hiding from the American public the details of this tragic deed.
The point of this book is not to condemn any specific religion for its beliefs and practices, unless it oversteps its bounds and gets involved in politics and moral corruption. Monotheism by its very nature separates the Church from the State. In this writer's opinion, individuals cannot claim to be authentic Christians who love and honour God's commandments if they choose to murder their neighbours or sacrifice the gift of their lives on the altar of nationalism or misplaced religious fanaticism. It was Jesus himself who stated, in reference to those who attempted to thrust him into political involvement, "They [my followers] are no part of the world, just as I am no part of the world?"
This book concentrates on the Roman Church, however, the principles can also be applied to any religious entity, particularly one that calls itself Christian, which seeks to entangle itself with the political realm of which Jesus said it ought to be no part.
Every person has the right to choose their religion and answer to their God. But no person has the right to use the machinery of the State or various other methods to force that choice on their fellow human beings. Nor do they have the right to use religion as a means to a political end.
The history presented on these pages is the result of eight years of research. The purpose is two-fold: 1) to bring out the truth that had been cleverly buried until now by the perpetrators of Lincoln's assassination, and 2) to point out that any cabal, even in today's world, can achieve its ends by using religion as a form of mind control.
Ignorance and superstition perpetrated by religious dogma set the stage for victimization. Witness Palestinian suicide bombers who are brainwashed to believe that they are martyrs and Islamic beheading squads daily using the airwaves and cyberspace to force political ends in the nations of Christendom and in the nations where they reside. Likewise, witness I.R.A. and Protestant intrigues in Ireland or Israeli massacres of whole towns and villages on the West Bank and Gaza, in the name of a god who they believe has given them the right to this land because they have been misled to think they are still "chosen" when, in fact, the true chosen, a holy nation referred to as the 'Israel of God', which is spiritual in nature, are those who hold the same faith that Christ held and practice what he taught [Isa. 43:10; Jer. 31:31-34; John 15:16-19; Acts 15:14; Gal 6:16]. All of these belief systems are equally dangerous. They are tangible evidence of the repercussions of religious interference in political and nationalistic matters.
Both ignorance and superstition feed on fear of death and fear of the unknown. The Roman Catholic Church has a long history of successfully using fear and the coercive secular powers to subdue the masses. In 19th Century America, the Romanists, elitist by nature, supported slavery and secession, thus using this wedge to divide the country and pit the South against the North. Today 'terrorist' events are creating enough fear in the masses that they are willing to trade freedom for security, and along with that security more power concentrated at the top. Due to a complete absence of vision the leaders of the nations, spurred on by an army of clergy and the masses they can control, are using fear to maintain power, and by 'combating' the nebulous "enemy", who are made mythical, being anywhere and everywhere armed with sinister weapons, they are setting themselves up as saviours of humanity. Truly, where there is no vision the people perish.
The Jesuits killed Lincoln and buried the evidence. But just as water seeks its own level, so does the truth eventually surface and make itself known. Deception and denial are only band-aids in the modern day world of intelligence, tooled by the Internet and other high tech investigative systems. Today anyone can become a good detective. If it had not been myself, someone else would have undertaken the task of doing the digging and piecing together the true story of President Lincoln's assassination.
The truth can hurt; but it can also set us free. What do we have to gain from learning about this cruel conspiracy? Does it have any bearing on today's conspiratorial world of alphabet intelligence groups, weapons of mass destruction, bioterrorism, weather modification and other forms of warfare?
What type of world do we want for our children and grandchildren? Or perhaps a better question: What elements of today's world do we wish to reform, in order to lift the veil of frustration and despair and unloose the shackles of ignorance and fear?
It is my hope that the history presented on these pages, which has been suppressed for well over 100 years, and of which the American people particularly have been robbed, will cause them to wake up to the dangers being foisted upon them, recognize them for what they are, and then act to insure that the plot for their destruction will not come to its ultimate realization any time soon.
Lincoln discusses role and limits of U.S. government; Sworn statements of priests regarding foreknowledge of Lincoln's murder; Private letters from Edwin Sherman, T.M. Harris, Louis Weichman and Robert Lincoln to Charles Chiniquy.
IN 1822 the Roman Catholic Monarchies of Europe conspired with the Vatican to destroy the concept of popular government, as found in the experiment of the United States, by means of infiltration, subversion and corruption. The tools used were the Leopold foundation, which was set up by Prince Metternich of Austria and the Jesuit Order. The purpose being to use the financial and military arms of the United States to further the interests of the Papacy in its goal of putting all the world under the temporal submission of the Church.
Abraham Lincoln was well aware of the dangers the Monarchies of Europe posed to the young republic. According to the Columbia Encyclopedia, Abraham Lincoln entered on the national scene by serving one term in Congress (1847-49). He remained obscure, and his attacks as a Whig on the motives behind the Mexican War (though he voted for war supplies) seemed unpatriotic to his constituents, and he lost popularity at home. Lincoln, in disgust, retired from politics and settled down to the practice of law. He grew, rather than diminished, in stature as a public figure. While serving in Congress Lincoln carried on a correspondence with his law partner, William H. Herndon, back in Illinois. Here is the text of a remarkable letter from that period which could effectively be called 'Lincoln on the Iraq War'.
Washington, February 15, 1848
Dear William:
Your letter of the 29th of January was received last night. Being exclusively a constitutional argument, I wish to submit some reflections upon it in the same spirit of kindness that I know actuates you. Let me first state what I understand to be your position. It is that if it shall become necessary to repel invasion, the President may, without violation of the Constitution, cross the line and invade the territory of another country, and that whether such necessity exists in any given case the President is the sole judge.
Before going further consider well whether this is or is not your position. If it is, it is a position that neither the President himself, nor any friend of his, so far as I know, has ever taken. Their only positions are first, that the soil was ours when the hostilities commenced; and second, that whether it was rightfully ours or not, Congress had annexed it, and the President for that reason was bound to defend it; both of which are as clearly proved to be false in fact as you can prove that your house is mine. The soil was not ours, and Congress did not annex or attempt to annex it. But to return to your position. Allow the President to invade a neighboring nation whenever he shall deem it necessary to repel an invasion, and you allow him to do so whenever he may choose to say he deems it necessary for such purpose, and you allow him to make war at pleasure.
Study to see if you can fix any limit to his power in this respect, after having given so much as you propose. If to-day he should choose to say he thinks it necessary to invade Canada to prevent the British from invading us, how could you stop him? You may say to him, "I see no probability of the British invading us;" but he will say to you, "Be silent: I can see it, if you don't."
The provision of the Constitution giving the war-making power to Congress was dictated, as I understand it, by the following reasons: Kings had always been involving and impoverishing their people in wars, pretending generally, if not always, that the good of the people was the object. This our convention understood to be the most oppressive of all kingly oppressions, and they resolved to so frame the Constitution that no one man should hold the power of bringing this oppression upon us. But your view destroys the whole matter, and places our President where kings have always stood. Write soon again.
Yours truly, A. Lincoln
[From Lincoln, Abraham; Nicolay, John G., ed.; Hay, John, ed. [1848], letter to William H. Herndon, February 15, 1848 in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v.2 {New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894}]
* * *
After the successful murder of the 'saviour of the nation', President Lincoln, on that Good Friday Easter weekend of 1865, a date of which the symbolism was not lost, the Jesuit masterminds of that most evil crime began to pressure President Johnson to implement the 14th amendment to the United States' Constitution. This amendment effectively altered the citizenship away from the states' proper, under state authority, and transferred this to the Union, under a centralized Federal authority. Before this change one was considered a citizen of the United States by reason of being the citizen of a particular state.
This change meant that for the first time in U.S. history the groundwork was laid for the establishment of a more European Monarchial system of government, one which could be corrupted and thus making possible the ability to direct and control all the people under the volition of a single man. This amendment also removed the right of sovereignty of the individual states' in areas, which were not previously under Federal authority and placed them under a single central government thereby removing the right of secession in the case of entrenched tyranny. The reasoning of the Jesuits was that if they can corrupt the leader and those around him after having corrupted the Constitution, Bill of Rights and the judiciary, the people have no choice but to submit to his authority. Ecclesiastically supported and sponsored dictatorship through the back door could then be established.
It has been stated that the Jesuits plan well ahead, in most cases of political intrigue and national transformation 100 years or more ahead.
Lincoln had rebuffed this proposed amendment all through his term and this obstinacy to the goals of the Church was cited as one of the major reasons for his demise. Another purported reason to eliminate him issued from the fact that he had begun to print currency, called Greenbacks, and declare it the legal tender of the land, thereby shutting out the bankers and preventing them from bleeding the financial life of the Nation, much in the same way as John F. Kennedy had issued his Silver Certificates in an effort to close down the vultures of the private FEDERAL RESERVE BANK.
Simply put, he was standing directly in the way of the Papists and European Autocrats and therefore had to be removed. And not just him, the entire cabinet was the original target.
That the Jesuits had planned the deed is beyond question as evidenced by the sworn statements and personal letters, which are quoted in full below and housed in the Chiniquy Collection. www.Chiniquy.ca.
The material comprising this first chapter has never been made public, nor has it been made available to historians. Charles Chiniquy had commissioned a lawyer to investigate and collect the sworn statements of individuals who were privy to this extraordinary circumstance of foreknowledge which speak for themselves.
State of Illinois
Cook County
Rev. F.A. Conwell being sworn declares and says that he is seventy-one years old that he is a resident of North Evanston, in Cook County State of Illinois, that he has been actively in the ministry for forty-six years, and is now one of the chaplains of the Seamans Bethel Home in Chicago- that he was the chaplain of the First Minnesota Regiment in the War of the Rebellion.
That on the 14th day of April AD 1865 he was in St. Joseph, Minnesota and heard there as early as six o'clock in the evening in company with Mr. Bennett who was there and was a resident of St. Cloud, Minnesota. That on this date there was no telegraph nearer than Minneapolis, which is about 80 miles from St. Joseph and there was no railroad communication nearer than Auoka, Minnesota which was about 40 miles distant.
That when he reached St. Joseph on the 14th day of April AD 1865 one Mr. Linneman who kept the hotel at St. Joseph told affiant that President Lincoln and Secretary Seward were assassinated. That it was not later than half past six o'clock on Friday April 14th 1865 when Mr. Linneman told me this. Shortly thereafter Mr. Bennett came in the hotel and I told him Mr. Linneman said the President and Secretary Seward were assassinated and there Mr. Linneman repeated the same conversation to Mr. Bennett in my presence.
That during that time Mr. Linneman told me that he had the charge of furnishing the friary or college for young men under the priests who were studying for the priesthood at St. Joseph. That there was a large institution of that kind at St. Joseph at this time.
Affiant says that on Saturday morning April 15th 1865 he went to St. Cloud a distance of about 10 miles and reached there about 8 o'clock in the morning, that there was no railroad or telegraph communications to St. Cloud. When he arrived at St. Cloud he told Mr. Haworth the hotel keeper that he had been told at St. Joseph that the President and Secretary Seward had been assassinated and asked if it was true.
He further told Henry Clay with Charles Gilliman who afterwards was Governor of Minnesota, the same thing and inquired of them if they had any such news and they replied they had not heard anything of the kind.
Affiant says that on Sunday morning 16th of April 1865 he preached in St. Cloud and on the way to the church a copy of a telegram was handed to him stating that the President and Secretary were assassinated on Friday evening at about 9 o'clock. This telegram had been brought to St. Cloud by Mr. Garten who had reached St. Cloud by stage and this was the first intelligence that reached St. Cloud of the events.
Affiant says further that on Monday morning April 17th 1865, he furnished the press, a paper of St. Paul, a statement that 3 hours before the event took place he had been informed at St. Joseph, Minnesota that the President had been assassinated and this was published in the press.
Francis Asbury Conwell
Subscribed and sworn to by Francis A. Conwell before me a notary public of Kankakee County Illinois at Chicago, Cook County Illinois, this 6th day of September 1883
Stephen R. Moore, notary public
** ** ** ** ** ** ** **
State of Minnesota
Sterns County
City of St. Cloud
Horace P. Bennett, being sworn declares and says that he is aged sixty-four years old, that he is a resident of St. Cloud Minnesota, and has resided in this county since 1856. That he is acquainted with Francis A. Conwell who was chaplain of the 1st Minnesota Regiment in the War of the Rebellion. That on the 14th day of April, 1865, he was in St. Joseph, Minnesota, in company with Rev. Francis A. Conwell, that they reached St. Joseph about sundown of said April 14th.
That there was no railroad or telegraph communication with St. Joseph at that time no nearer than forty miles distant.
That affiant, on reaching the hotel, went to the barn, and Rev. Mr. Conwell went to the hotel kept by Mr. Linneman. Shortly afterwards affiant had returned to the hotel. Mr. Conwell told him that Mr. Linneman had repeated to him the assassination of President Lincoln. That Linneman was present and substantiated the statement. That on Saturday morning April 15th, affiant and Conwell came to St. Cloud and repeated what they had been told at St. Joseph about the assassination of President Lincoln.
That no one at St. Cloud had heard of the event at the time, that the first news of the event which reached St. Cloud was Sunday morning, April 16th. When the news was brought there by Leander Gorten, who had just arrived, that they spoke to several persons of St. Cloud concerning the matter when they reached there on Saturday morning, but affiant does not now remember who the different persons were.
Mr. Linneman said, as affiant remembers the transaction, that he had learned of the President's assassination from a soldier who was passing through St. Joseph. And further affiant saith not.
Horace P. Bennett
Sworn to me and subscribed in my presence this 18th day of October, AD 1883 Andrew C. Robertson Notary Public, Minn.
Confession No. 5: Hunt For The Truth Behind The Jesuits Continues, as Black Pope Officially Refuses To Be Interviewed By Truth Seekers by Greg Szymanski, May 21, 2006
Last Updated: Thursday, May 25, 2006 06:26:47 PM
But Jesuit General admits the coming of a New World Order and world controlled by the UN in a little known 2003 interview from Spain. Also two other researchers shed light on the Vatican in this week's Sunday Confession from the banks of Brushy Creek.
This Sunday by the shores of Brushy Creek, in our continuing effort to understand the Jesuits, we call upon researchers Darrel Eberhart and C.M. Ross, both providing important contributions in our quest for truth.
We also will be hearing from Fr. Hans Peter Kolvenbach, Jesuit General or better known as the Black Pope.
Although Fr. Kolvenbach officially declined to be interviewed, the Arctic Beacon has discovered a little known 2003 interview that appeared in Alfa y Omega no. 369, September 25, 2003. Alfa y Omega is a weekly magazine published by the Catholic Church in Spain.
In the interview, Fr. Kolvenbach addresses the New World Order post 9/11, but fails to address whether satanic worshipping goes on in the catacombs of the Vatican and whether he is the real leader of the Catholic Church.
In the little known interview, listen to this incredible question and response from the Black Pope, as he claims a New World Order will emerge and saying the United Nations will become all-powerful:
Q - Is there a political, social, and cultural alternative to the new international world order which emerged after September 11, 2001, and is being established in the new political realignment of the powerful nations - the United States, the European Union, Russia, Japan - and the great and not so obvious powers?
A - As result of the attack carried out on September 11th, large-scale violence has become more painful, inhumane and unjust. This has triggered a distressing spiral of attacks and counterattacks, which are bringing about considerable material losses, the weakening of human rights, and above all, indiscriminate deaths. Out of these physical and moral ruins, a new world order should emerge. That is what we thought after experiencing the last World War, but the facts have belied the hopes we then had. That makes it difficult to dream of a new international order this time. However, we must all strive to define it and make it come true. For us Christians, the message of fraternity and solidarity to which the Lord summons us in the Gospel is the primary incentive driving us to work for a more humane world -and hence, for a world that is more divine- one which goes beyond merely political structures. It is comforting that despite the reserve shown by certain important nations, the United Nations is recognized as an important political alternative.
Moving from Fr. Kolvenbach's rather shocking admission, we turn to our first main topic today, as researcher CM Ross provides her thoughts about the Jesuit Order in her article provided for the Sunday Confession entitled What has Happened to the Society of Jesus?
By CM Ross
The Society of Jesus (the Jesuit Order) has produced some of the greatest saints of the Catholic Church. From St. Ignatius of Loyola to St. Francis Xavier to holy priests like Fr. de Smet, S.J., the Society of Jesus has toiled for centuries to save souls.
Yet now it seems to have fallen into impurity, impiety, and even the worst of occultism and criminal activity. Perhaps it's time stop insulting Jesus and rename it the Society of Satan, since that's who they seem to follow.
What has happened to the Society of Jesus? How did it fall from the hights of sanctity to being the scum of society?
The child rapes and satanism rampant in the Jesuit Order and the Catholic Church are only the tip of the iceberg. We're not getting the whole picture from the mainstream press.
In the 1950s, Bella Dodd, former head of the Communist Party USA, testified before the US Congress that hundreds of Communists had infiltrated the Catholic Church.
She said they were poised to create a new church, one that appeared Catholic, but was not in actual substance, Catholic.
And thus Vatican II came to pass. Out went almost 2,000 years of Church teaching, in came the errors that were previously condemned by it.
They created a "New Mass" that was condemned by previous popes, and changed the ordination
and consecration rites, which invalidated them. If a man is going to offer the True Mass, he has to follow the rules of the Church to become ordained and then offer the True Mass according to the rules of the Church.
So now rather than having priests who are ordained according to the revealed teachings of the Catholic Church, we have laymen who are not ordained offering a religious service that has been anathematized by the Council of Trent. Not even Benedict XVI was properly consecrated as a Bishop, which is one reason why an increasing number of Catholics question the validity of his Papacy.
On top of that, ignorant and unwitting Catholics are being defrauded of their tithes, offerings, and stipends for this false "mass." Their children are being raped by these fiends in human form, and these crimes are being aided and abetted by the present inhabitants of the Vatican, including Benedict XVI.
It is said that the late Fr. Kunz, who was brutally murdered in a Satanic manner,
believed the New Mass to be the "abomination of desolation" predicted in sacred scripture. If the New Mass is the abomination of desolation, is it any wonder that the men who offer it are involved in Satanism?
These pseudo-priests are frauds and should be denounced as such. The reason that the Communists and their Illuminati brethren worked hard to destroy the True Mass is that they knew that the way that you worship is the way that you believe (Lex Credendi, lex orandi). If you destroy the Mass, you destroy the Church.
Doestoevsky observed that without God, any bad behavior is possible. Look at the wreckage of the Jesuit Order, which has been heavily infiltrated by the Communists and the Illuminatti.
Rather than promoting devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and His Most Blessed Mother, they promote thinly disguised Communism and the New Age movement, which is really just the old paganism of the Illuminatti. Only God and the Devil know what perverted, obscene, and criminal activities they perpetrate behind closed doors.
Indeed, Nikita Khruschev said that the Communists would destroy confidence in the clergy by a series of sex scandals. Now that child rape is rampant throughout almost all of the dioceses in Christendom, is it not obvious that the Communists have succeeded?
Centuries ago, Our Lady appeared to Mother Marianna de Jesus Torres in Ecuador as Our Lady of Good Success. She predicted the current depravity of the modern church, and said that when things appeared to sink to their worst level, she would intervene to save us.
In more modern times, the mystic nun Anne Catherine Emmerich said
"Then, I saw that everything that pertained to Protestantism was gradually gaining the upper hand, and the Catholic religion fell into complete decadence. Most priests were lured by the glittering but false knowledge of young school-teachers, and they all contributed to the work of destruction.
In those days, Faith will fall very low, and it will be preserved in some places only, in a few cottages and in a few families which God has protected from disasters and wars.
I see many excommunicated ecclesiastics who do not seem to be concerned about it, or even aware of it. Yet, they are (ipso facto) excommunicated whenever they cooperate to [sic] enterprises, enter into associations, and embrace opinions on which an anathema has been cast. It can be seen thereby that God ratifies the decrees, orders and interdictions issued by the Head of the Church, and that He keeps them in force even though men show no concern for them, reject them, or laugh them to scorn. . . .
I saw that many pastors allowed themselves to be taken up with ideas that were dangerous to the Church. They were building a great, strange, and extravagant Church. Everyone was to be admitted in it in order to be united and have equal rights: Evangelicals, Catholics, sects of every description. Such was to be the new Church. . . But God had other designs."
Moving from Ross' comments, Darryl Eberhart now tells us why he is writing "more and more" about Roman Catholicism, providing us with an article entitled a History ofAssassination, Murder, Genocide, Torture and Subversion of Nations. Although his comments are rather lengthy, they are well worth reading.
By Darryl Eberhart
Why Am I Writing More & More About Roman Catholicism?
This editor of the ETI and TTT newsletters has been writing more on the Roman Catholic Church's hierarchy, and especially its Jesuit Order, in recent newsletters because I keep uncovering more and more about the deep hatred that the hierarchy of the Roman Catholic Church has for independent Bible-believing Christians, Protestants, Orthodox Christians, and Jews. We Americans have, for the most part, been largely ignorant of the well-documented history of the Roman Catholic Church in conducting brutal religious genocide (via Inquisition, 'holy' wars, and 'holy' crusades) against all the afore-mentioned groups. (Please see my TTT newsletter entitled "Death by Government and Death by Church" on Internet web site: www.tacklingthetoughtopics.net .) Sadly, many Americans believe the "ecumenical rhetoric" of the Roman Catholic Church's hierarchy - i.e., that she has "changed her ways" and now loves all the "separated brethren". However, my study of the Papacy shows me that this is just a RUSE. (Per Webster's New World Dictionary a "ruse" is: "a stratagem" [which is] "any trick or scheme for achieving some purpose".) The "purpose" is to bring all non-Catholic Christian denominations under the "umbrella" (i.e., the authoritative and totalitarian rule) of the Papacy!
Yes, the Papacy, despite its "ecumenical rhetoric", has not changed a bit over the many centuries in the following categories:
? Its deep hatred of Jews, all independent Bible-believing non-Catholic Christians, Protestants, and Orthodox Christians (as recently as the 1940s we find the Roman Catholic Ustashi in Croatia, led on by priests, monks, and friars, brutally slaughtering from 600,000 to one million Serb Orthodox Christian men, women, elderly, and children);
? Its long-held dream to bring all non-Catholic Christians under its monopolistic, totalitarian, ecclesiastical control;
? Its long-held dream to head up a totalitarian one-world religious organization; and,
? Its long-held dream to bring all world leaders - especially those in "Christian" countries - under the temporal power of the pope. (That is, the Papacy would be the top player and "controller" in a one-world government - just like it was the top player and "controller" on the European continent for many centuries! Kings indeed bowed before popes.)
Indeed, power - absolute power - has long been the "primary objective" at the Vatican. History has recorded the Vatican's deep hatred for religious liberty and freedom of conscience. The U.S. Constitution, with it "Bill of Rights" guaranteeing such liberties, has long been hated by the Vatican. (For a good example of this, read the Syllabus of Errors issued by Pope Pius IX.) I have heard that there is an acronym in use by some Knights of Columbus in America. This acronym is "M.A.C.": "Make America Catholic". America is the last "roadblock" in the way of the Vatican and the rest of the globalist rich and power elite in their dreams for one-world government and one-world religion. Is America scheduled for a religious genocide - another Inquisition - as occurred in the 1940s in Croatia? I believe the danger is very real and possibly quite imminent - and that is why I am writing about the Roman Catholic Church's hierarchy, its long-held dreams for domination, and its well-documented history of religious genocide!
"Disregarding the maxims and the spirit of the Gospel, the papal Church, arming herself with the power of the sword, vexed the Church of God and wasted it for centuries, a period most appropriately termed in history, the 'dark ages'. The kings of the earth gave their power to the Beast." - John Foxe (1516-1587; Author of Foxe's Book of Martyrs)
((Ed. Comment to the preceding quote: Foxe's Book of Martyrs is a must-read book for all Christians (both Catholic and non-Catholic). It is $11 postpaid. To obtain a copy, please call "Power of Prophecy" at 1-800-234-9673. This book documents the horrible persecution, torture, and murder of innocent Christians by a power-hungry religious institution bent on exterminating all opposition to its claims of primacy in the Christian world.))
"The union of the Church with the State renders persecution possible; and hitherto churches have not been slow to avail themselves of the secular arm that they might confound all dissent with arguments which come home to the bone and the flesh [Ed. Note: flogging, torture, and execution]. All churches, when they lose the spirit of Christ, are very prone to persecute; but a horrible pre-eminence must be awarded to the scarlet harlot of the seven hills [Ed. Note: he is referring to the Vatican], for no church on earth except that of Rome has had a separate institution [i.e., the Office of Inquisition] for hunting out and destroying 'heretics'." (1868)
Charles Haddon Spurgeon (1834-1892; famous English Baptist preacher)
"Long pampered by the State, she [i.e., the Vatican] came to be its lord and tyrant, using fire and sword, prison and rack, to work her accursed will. The Inquisition was the masterpiece of infernal craft and malice, and its deeds were far more worthy of fiends than men. If the church of Rome could at this moment change its Ethiopian skin forever, lay aside its leopard's spots, and become a pure community, ten thousand years of immaculate holiness and self-denying philanthropy could not avail to blot out the remembrance of the enormous crimes with which the Inquisition has loaded it. There is a deep and indelible sentence of damnation written upon the apostate church by avenging justice for its more than infernal cruelties, and the curse is registered in heaven; nor can any pretences to present liberality reverse the condemnation which outraged humanity has pronounced against it; its infamy is engraven in the rock forever. Centuries of the most liberal policy would not convince mankind that Popery had become tolerant at heart; she wallowed so greedily in oppression, torture, and murder in her palmy [i.e., flourishing] days, that the foam of human gore hangs around her wolfish fangs, and men will not believe her to be a gentle lamb, let her 'bleat' as she may." (1868, "The Inquisition")
Charles Haddon Spurgeon
((Ed. Comment to the preceding quote: The above words might seem very strong to some; however, when one reads books such as Foxe's Book of Martyrs, those above words are mild indeed. The history of the Roman Catholic Inquisition, with its brutal torture of human beings over a period of centuries, is a history of the most savage cruelty - cruelty that has rarely been matched by even the most savage of pagan societies.))
"Rome [i.e., the Vatican] made the worst possible use of the weapon which the State gave her, but the radical evil was the State's entering into alliance with the Church, and lending its power to fulfill her purposes. Had true church principles prevailed, the crimes which make us shudder would have been impossible. Disarm and dis-establish every sect, and leave each religion to its own moral and spiritual power, and no inquisition can be dreamed of; but put forward the doctrine that a state should propagate or maintain religion, and you have uncaged the 'lion'; no one knows how much he may rend and devour." (1868, "The Inquisition")
Charles Haddon Spurgeon
((Ed. Comment to the preceding quote: This alliance of State and Church occurred not only in the dark ages hundreds of years ago, but it also occurred in the 1940s when the Croatian State combined with the hierarchy of the Roman Catholic Church to carry out savage religious genocide against innocent Serb Orthodox Christian men, women, elderly, and children - torturing and murdering from 600,000 to one million of them in a modern-day Inquisition.))
"To prevent forever the possibility of Papists [i.e., Roman Catholics] roasting Protestants, Anglicans hanging Romish priests, and Puritans flogging Quakers, let every form of state-churchism be utterly abolished, and the remembrance of the long curse which it has cast upon the world be blotted out forever." (1868, "The Inquisition")
Charles Haddon Spurgeon
((Ed. Comment to the preceding quote: A number of Roman Catholic priests (to include Jesuits such as Henry Garnett, Jesuit Provincial General for the English Province) were hung by the English authorities because they tried either to assassinate an English monarch or to overthrow the country and return it under Roman Catholic rule! This is not the same as murdering people just because they disagree with papal doctrines or practices, or refuse to bow to papal authority!))
"The desire for worldly power began to manifest itself in the Church, on a broad scale, in the 4th century, when the Roman Empire ceased its persecutions, and made Christianity its State religion. The spirit of Imperial Rome passed into the Church. The Church gradually developed itself into the pattern of the Empire it had conquered.
[Imperial] Rome fell. But Rome came to life again, as a world power, in the name of the Church. The popes of Rome were the heirs and successors of the Caesars of Rome. The Vatican is [located] where the Palace of the Caesars was. The [Roman Catholic] popes have claimed all the authority the Caesars claimed, and more. The Papal Palace, throughout the centuries, has been among the most luxurious in all the world. Popes have lived in pomp and splendor unsurpassed by earthly kings. In no place on earth is there more ostentatious pageantry and show of magnificence than at the coronation of a pope.
?The horrors of the Inquisition, ordered and maintained by the popes, over a period of 500 years, in which unnumbered millions were tortured and burned, constitute the most brutal, beastly and devilish picture in all history.
?The city of Rome, first pagan, then papal, has been the dominating power of the world for two thousand years (200 B.C. to A.D. 1800).
?It is inconceivable that any ecclesiastical organization, in its mania for power, could have distorted and desecrated and corrupted, for its own exaltation, the beautiful and holy religion of Jesus [Christ]."
Henry H. Halley (Author of Halley's Bible Handbook)
"History records the appalling story of suffering and martyrdom endured by untold millions across the centuries at the hand of the PAPAL [Mass-Murdering] MACHINE."
Wilson Ewin (Canadian Christian writer & author)
"For rejecting the doctrine of transubstantiation, Christians were burned at the stake by Roman Catholics by the hundreds of thousands. Church historian R. Tudor Jones writes that 'the majority of the martyrs were ordinary people, including many women?'
John Foxe was an eyewitness and earnest historian of the fierce persecution in England in his day. His Book of Martyrs gives detailed accounts of many public trials and executions of those whom the Roman Catholic Church judged to be 'heretics' worthy of death. His descriptions of Christians being burned at the stake tell of their inspiring bravery in the face of such a horrible death and of the determination of Roman Catholicism to exterminate everywhere true Christians who opposed her.
Similar records have come down of the massacres of Jews at the hands of the Roman Church." - Dave Hunt (Author of numerous books; this quote is from A Cup of Trembling)
((Ed. Comments to the preceding quote: (1) The Catholic Church was predominant in England until the 1520s. She tried often to regain that primacy, and succeeded for a short time under the rule (1553-1558) of Roman Catholic Queen "Bloody" Mary I. (2) Foxe's Book of Martyrs documents the persecution, torture, and murder of innocent Christians by a power-hungry religious institution (i.e., the Roman Catholic Church's hierarchical system) bent on exterminating all opposition to its claims of primacy in the Christian world. It is $11 postpaid. To obtain a copy via credit card, please call "Power of Prophecy" toll-free at 1-800-234-9673.))
"Through relentless torture, starvation, genocide, massacres, burning at the stake, against every conceivable fury of [Papal] Rome, they [i.e., the 'seeds of protest'] could not be extinguished. History estimates that over one hundred million people lost their lives during that time of [Papal] Roman tyranny. Is it any wonder that God graphically describes this onslaught of [Papal] Rome as her being 'drunken with the blood of the saints, and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus', and calls her the 'Beast'?"
John Daniel (Author of The Grand Design Exposed)
((Ed. Comment to the preceding quote: Does history repeat itself? Could a "Holy Inquisition" ever take place here in America? Religious genocide took place in Croatia in the 1940s, led by Roman Catholic clergymen. The result: from 600,000 to 1 million Serb Orthodox Christians (men, women, elderly, and children) were brutally tortured and murdered!))
"The Medieval Inquisition had flourished for centuries when Pope Paul III, in 1542, gave it permanent status as the first of Rome's Sacred Congregations, the 'Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Inquisition'. Known more recently as the 'Holy Office', its name was changed in 1967 to the 'Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith'?
?Therefore it is not surprising that the 'Office of the Inquisition' still occupies the Palace of the Inquisition adjacent to the Vatican, though under its new name, the 'Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith'. Its current Grand Inquisitor, who reports directly to the pope, is the former Archbishop of Munich, Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger, whom Time [Magazine] has called 'the world's most powerful cardinal [and] the Catholic Church's chief enforcer of dogma?'."
Dave Hunt (From his book A Woman Rides the Beast; 1994)
((Ed. Comment to the preceding quote: The Office of Inquisition STILL exists. It has undergone several name changes. Its current name is the "Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith".))
"What has turned my soul against Roman [Catholic] abuse of power is the way in which it has tortured and burned such saints of God as Joan of Arc, hundreds of the Albigensian martyrs in France in the 12th century, the Knights Templar, John Huss [Czech Jan Hus], the Dominican Savonarola, the Dominican Giordano Bruno, [and] the Anglican bishops Cranmer, Ridley, and Latimer. The Inquisition has promoted at least two wholesale massacres: thousands of Protestant Waldensians in northern Italy, and thousands of Protestant Huguenots by the massacre of St. Bartholomew in France. More than 30,000 of the most cultured Protestants of France were put to the sword on the night of St. Bartholomew, August 24, 1572. At the news [of this brutal, bloody massacre], the Pope had cannons fired, proclaimed a jubilee, ordered a Te Deum of thanksgiving to be sung, and struck a special medal to commemorate the glorious 'victory'." - Charles A. Bolton (Ex-Roman Catholic priest)
"To wring out confessions from these poor creatures [Ed. Note: during the various Inquisitions], the Roman Catholic Church devised ingenious tortures so excruciating and barbarous that one is sickened by their recital." - Dave Hunt
"Inability to discern the paganism of Romanism [i.e., Roman Catholicism] springs undoubtedly from a deep spiritual blindness. Disturbing enough, this would speak of a fundamental ignorance of the Gospel of Jesus Christ itself on the part of many claiming to be Christians.
Perhaps for the majority, ignorance of the Vatican constitution merely stems from a simple lack of being informed. For too many, however, ignorance of popedom comes as the result of a deliberate choice. It grew in preference for acceptability, personal benefit, and the praise of men.
To have squarely faced the issue of Catholicism with frankness and sincerity of heart, the individual would have paid a price. It cost the reformers and other MILLIONS their very lives?" - Wilson Ewin
((Ed. Comments to the preceding quote:
(1) Those who do not believe that Roman Catholicism is riddled with paganism need to read the book The Two Babylons by Alexander Hislop. This book is $14.20 postpaid, and can be obtained from Chick Publications via credit card by calling 1-909-987-0771.
(2) Criticizing the doctrine, authority, political intrigues, assassinations, religious genocide, etc., of the Roman Catholic Church's hierarchy has cost millions of Christians their lives - through Inquisition, 'holy' crusades, and 'holy' wars.))
"?For the unbiased researcher, history reeks of the butchery of Romanism, where whole cities and populations were unmercifully wiped out, just because they worshipped God in a manner that was different from Roman Catholicism." - John Daniel
"A king need not fear to command massacres, when those will retain his subjects in obedience?
We order you, in the name of religion, to invade his states, burn his cities, and massacre his people." (860 A.D., in a letter to the King of Bulgaria)
Pope Nicholas I (800? - 867 A.D.; Pope: 858-867)
"If you must have blood, bathe in the blood of infidels. Soldiers of hell, become soldiers of the living God!" (November 1095 address in Clermont, France)
Pope Urban II (1042? -1099; pope: 1088-1099)
"Christians [i.e., Roman Catholics] of the twelfth century accused the Jews of kidnapping Christian children either to sacrifice them to Jahveh, or to use their blood as medicine or in the making of unleavened bread for the Passover feast. Jews were charged with poisoning the wells?and of stealing consecrated wafers to pierce them and draw from them the blood of Christ?[and] of draining the wealth of Christendom into Jewish hands."
Will Durant (1885-1981; Historian; author of The Story of Civilization)
((Ed. Comment to the preceding quote: Such hatred on the part of the Roman Catholic Church's hierarchy for the Jews has led to many massacres of Jews throughout history at the hands of Roman Catholics.))
"To a Jew, Hitler and [Italian Fascist dictator] Mussolini were Christians. In fact, they were Roman Catholics from birth, and in spite of their horrendous crimes against humanity they were never excommunicated from their Church. The same was true of [Nazi SS Chief Heinrich] Himmler and many others in the Nazi hierarchy. Indeed, the Roman Catholic Church has a long history of persecution, expulsion, and slaughter of Jews, to which Hitler referred in justifying the Holocaust." - Dave Hunt (from his book A Cup of Trembling)
"?The [Roman Catholic] Church to rule the world; the ['White'] Pope to rule the Church; [and] the Jesuits [Ed. Note: headed by the 'Black Pope', the Jesuit Superior General] to rule the ['White'] Pope - such was and is the program of the Order [i.e., Society] of Jesus [i.e., the Jesuit Order]." - John Daniel
"The Jesuits?are simply the Romish army for the earthly sovereignty of the world in the future, with the Pontiff of Rome for emperor?that's their ideal? It is simple lust of power, of filthy earthly gain, of domination - something like a universal serfdom with them [i.e., the Jesuits] as masters - that's all they stand for. They don't even believe in God perhaps." (1880)
Fyodor Dostoyevsky (1821-1881; Russian novelist)
"Of eighty popes in a line from the thirteenth century on, not one of them disapproved of the theology and apparatus of Inquisition. On the contrary, one after another added his own cruel touches to the workings of this deadly machine."
Peter de Rosa (Author of the book Vicars of Christ: The Dark Side of the Papacy)
"?The Roman Inquisition?had been administered since 1542 by the Jesuits."
F. Tupper Saussy (Author of the book Rulers of Evil)
"Pontifex Maximus [i.e., the pope of Rome] has laundered the Inquisition's name twice. In 1908, Pope Pius X renamed it 'the Holy Office', which [Pope] Paul VI transformed into [the] 'Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith' in 1965." - F. Tupper Saussy
((Ed. Comment to the preceding quote: The current pope, Benedict XVI [formerly known as Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger], pulled five terms as the head of the 'Office of the Inquisition' - known since 1965 as the 'Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith'.))
"The fact is that very few Protestants [Ed. Note: or other non-Catholic Christians] have realized how entirely Rome is a political church, and that she always makes her political advancement her first object." - M. F. Cusack (Author of The Black Pope)
"Roman Catholicism was born in blood, has wallowed in blood, has quenched its thirst in blood, and it is in letters of blood that its true history is written." (1940)
Baron DePonnat (French statesman)
"Post Vatican II [Ed. Note: the Council] euphoria has bewitched Protestants into thinking that the 'new Catholicism' is not the 'old Catholicism'. Yet an examination of Vatican II documents makes it clear that there has been a change of 'image', but not substance; that there has been no real change in any of the basic doctrines that caused [Martin] Luther to stand against the Roman Catholic denomination." - Bartholomew F. Brewer (Ex-Roman Catholic priest of the Discalced Carmelite Order)
This is indeed a "tough topic" about which to write. It is indeed a "tough topic" that will no doubt disturb some folks' comfort zones. However, it is a topic that must be written about because history does indeed repeat itself. The "actors", places, and times may change; however, the same "scripts" seem to be repeated - over and over and over again! If we refuse to learn from the lessons of history, then we will repeat the mistakes of history - as Spanish philosopher Santayana wisely noted.
Many people make the mistake of thinking of the Roman Catholic Church - especially of its hierarchy - purely as a religious institution. The Roman Catholic Church is far more than just a religious institution. It is the top player on the geopolitical scene, having the best intelligence gathering apparatus that the world has ever seen (through its diplomatic relations, its numerous religious orders, and the confessional box)! If not the richest institution in the history of the world, then it certainly ranks near the top of the heap. (It probably is the richest!) It also heads the ecumenical drive for one-world religion. And its Jesuit Order is at the top of the secret societies' list. ((Please see my TTT newsletters on the Jesuits (Parts I through IV) on Internet web site: www.tacklingthetoughtopics.net .))
Sadly, the hierarchy of the Roman Catholic Church has a well-documented history of torture, murder, assassination, religious genocide, political intrigue, ecclesiastical tyranny, fomenting and orchestrating of revolutions and wars, and many other nefarious activities. For centuries this hierarchical system brought the people of the world the "dark ages" in Europe, when kings were crowned and deposed by the Papacy - and when kings bowed their knees to popes who rivaled the greatest rulers the world has ever seen - in both wealth and power!
The Vatican for centuries ruled Europe. The pope had both temporal and spiritual authority over all his subjects. Though the popes temporarily appeared to lose their "temporal power" over the kings of the earth near the end of the 19th century, there can be no doubt that the Vatican still aspires to rule over the kings of the earth once more!
Let us take a look at but a "small sample" of the Vatican's "History of Assassination, Murder, Genocide, Torture, & the Subversion of Nations" (hopefully in some resemblance of chronological order):
II. A History of Assassination, Murder, Genocide, Torture, & the Subversion of Nations
((Important Note: Since the mid-1540s, the Vatican (i.e., the papacy) has been controlled, for the most part and with very rare exceptions, by the Jesuit Order. That is, the "White Pope" has been, for most of the last four centuries, controlled by the "Black Pope" (i.e., the Jesuit Superior General). A number of the below-listed heads of State were assassinated because they had expelled the Jesuits from their borders. Also remember when reading this list that the Roman Catholic Church's hierarchy has for many centuries hated Jews, Protestants, Bible-believing Christian groups, and Orthodox Christians - and have, whenever and wherever opportunity presented itself, slaughtered all these groups with brutal savagery. The Jesuit Order, officially recognized as a Catholic Order in 1540, has more often than not been at the forefront of this butchery in the past four centuries.))
? 1095 - Pope Urban II proclaims the First Crusade. Here is what historian Will Durant has written concerning this episode of religious genocide: "When in 1095, Pope Urban II proclaimed the First Crusade, some Christians [i.e., Roman Catholics] thought it desirable to kill the Jews in Europe before proceeding so far to fight Turks in Jerusalem. Godfrey of Bouillon, having accepted the leadership of the crusade, announced that he would avenge the blood of Jesus upon the Jews?leaving not one of them alive; and his companions proclaimed their intention to kill all Jews who would not accept Christianity [Ed. Note: i.e., the Roman Catholic version of it]."
? 1096 - Catholic Crusaders slaughter half the Jews of Worms on their way through that town.
? 1099 - Catholic Crusaders, sent on a holy mission by the pope of Rome, make it to the walls of Jerusalem. All of the city's inhabitants - men, women, and children - Jew, Moslem, and Christian - are all butchered by the "Christian" (i.e., Catholic) crusaders!
? 1208-1226 - The Albigensian Crusades take place. Pope Innocent III orders a crusade to be launched against the Albigensian Christians in southern France, and armies are sent to exterminate them. At the French city of Beziers over 20,000 men, women, and children are butchered. The Albigensian Christians are wiped out. Here is what author Henry H. Halley had to say about the Albigensian Crusades:
"[The Albigenses] preached against the immoralities of the [Catholic] priesthood, pilgrimages, worship of saints and idols?opposed the claims of the Church of Rome; made great use of the Scriptures.
?By 1167 they [i.e., the Albigenses] embraced possibly a majority of the population of South France.
?In 1208 a crusade was ordered by Pope Innocent III; a bloody war of extermination followed, scarcely paralleled in history. Town after town was put to the sword, and the inhabitants murdered without distinction of age or sex.
?Within a hundred years the Albigenses were utterly rooted out."
((NOTE: Here is what Frank Chalk and Kurt Jonassohn (Co-authors of the book The History and Sociology of GENOCIDE) have to say about the Albigensian Crusades:
"The Albigensian Crusades slash through the history of France and of the [Catholic] Church like a gaping wound. From 1208 to 1226 the papacy sent army after army to the South of France to crush the Albigensian 'heretics' and to punish their supporters. ?They [i.e., the Albigensian Crusades] began with a calculated act of terror, the massacre of [Ed. Note: large numbers of men, women, and children at] Beziers; they ended with the establishment of the Inquisition, one of the most effective means of 'thought control' that Europe has ever known. They [the papal armies] were completely successful: The losing faith, the Albigensian 'Heresy', was exterminated.
?Their disappearance as a social group was carefully planned and executed with persistent cruelty."))
((Comment to the above quote: Wasn't the exact same "extermination plan" executed over 700 years later (in the 1940s) by Roman Catholic Ustashi soldiers in a country called Croatia?))
? 1236 - Catholic Crusaders slaughter Jews in Anjou and Poitou. Here is what historian Will Durant has written on this massacre: "[The Crusaders] invaded the Jewish settlements of Anjou and Poitou. ?[The Crusaders] bade all Jews be baptized; when the Jews refused, the Crusaders trampled 3000 of them to death under their horses' hoofs."
? 1243 - All Jews in Belitz, Germany (near Berlin) are burned alive by Roman Catholics. According to historian Will Durant, their alleged crime was that 'some of them had defiled a consecrated host'.
? 1298 - All Jews in Rottingen are burned to death by Roman Catholics. According to historian Will Durant, their alleged crime was: 'desecrating a sacramental wafer'.
? 14th century (1300s) - The Roman Catholic Church blames the Jews for the "Black Death" (probably the bubonic plague). Here is what Dave Hunt, author of the book A Woman Rides the Beast, has written concerning this time: "From the time the popes ruled Rome, the Jews' plight?was far more grievous than it had ever been at the hands of the pagan rulers. Pagans had blamed every disaster upon Christians. Now the Roman Catholic Church blamed all on the Jews. Accused of causing the 'Black Death', Jews were rounded up and hanged, burned, and drowned by the thousands in revenge."
? July 6, 1415 - Jan Hus (English spelling: John Huss), a Czech Catholic priest for years (and Reformer), is martyred by being burned at the stake (not long after having been excommunicated) on orders from the Roman Catholic Church. He had vigorously opposed auricular confession, papal indulgences and corruption, masses for the dead, etc. He attended (under guaranteed "safe passage") the Council of Constance in order to defend his beliefs; however, his safe passage was revoked and he was condemned and executed without getting a fair chance to present a defense of his beliefs.
? 1429 - Pope Martin V orders the King of Poland to exterminate the Christian Hussites (named after Czech martyr Jan Hus) in Bohemia.
? 1477 - Pope Sixtus IV organizes a crusade against the Waldensian Christians (also called the Vaudois in the French language) in southern France.
((NOTE: Both the Albigenses and Waldenses (the Vaudois) were Bible-believing Christians who were simple farmers and peasants. They did not want any part of the cesspool of corruption that existed within the Vatican and much of its priesthood. They studied Bible verses whenever they could, and they placed the Holy Bible above papal authority. If you would like more information on these papal crusades against Bible-believing Christian groups and other Protestants, I recommend that you read my TTT #72 entitled "Death by Government and Death by Church" that is posted on Internet web site: www.tacklingthetoughtopics.net .))
? 1481 - Kickoff of the "Spanish Inquisition". The Roman Catholic Church hierarchy choreographs an orgy of torture and burning folks alive - called the Inquisition. Though aimed primarily at Jews and Moslems, the Inquisition also targets Christians whose beliefs are not completely in line with the Roman Catholic Church's doctrines and practices. In the first two years (1481-1483), at least 2000 individuals are burned alive. As author Dave Hunt recounts in his book A Woman Rides the Beast: "?In Spain alone the number of condemned exceeded 3 million, with about 300,000 burned at the stake [during the length of the Spanish Inquisition]." (Hunt quoting from R.W. Thompson's book The Papacy and the Civil Power)
((NOTE: Here is what Ron Hembree, pastor and author, wrote about the Spanish Inquisition:
"One of history's most malevolent persons died on this day [September 16] in 1498. Tomas de Torquemada, as Inquisitor General of Spain, ordered more than 10,000 people to be burned at the stake because they didn't agree with his religious views. He used the Inquisition for religious and political reasons, believing punishment of [Ed. Note: so-called] 'heretics' and non-Christians - chiefly Jews and Muslims - was the only way to achieve political unity in Spain. Greatly feared and hated by millions, he persuaded [Spanish King] Ferdinand and [Queen] Isabella to rid Spain of Jews. More than a million families were driven from Spain during that time. The country never recovered from the resulting decline."
Ed. Comment concerning the preceding quote: The Inquisition was not only used for "religious and political reasons" - it was also used to loot and plunder land and possessions of non-Catholic Christians, Jews, Muslims, etc. Many non-Catholic Christians were accused of being "heretics" simply because they held the Holy Bible to be of higher authority than the Papacy, or because they would not submit to corrupt Papal authority. Non-Catholic Christians were targeted for centuries as entire villages and regions (to include men, women, and children) were exterminated like rats. Papal armies exterminated an entire Christian population group - the Albigenses - in South France. Indeed, torture, brutality, and mass murder were the "hallmarks" of the so-called "Holy" Inquisition.))
? 1498 - The Italian Dominican Savonarola, who preached and pleaded for reform in his Roman Catholic Church, is executed on orders from that same Roman Catholic Church. His crime: he had denounced Pope Alexander VI and his corrupt papal court. Savonarola was a godly Roman Catholic clergyman who had led the revival in the city of Florence, Italy. He was excommunicated shortly before his execution.
? October 6, 1536 - Englishman William Tyndale is strangled and his dead body burnt at the stake in the town of Filford, not far from Brussels. His crime: he had translated the New Testament into the English language. Because powerful Roman Catholics in England (such as Sir Thomas More, Chancellor of England) opposed publishing the New Testament in English, Tyndale went over to the European continent where he was able to get English-language New Testaments published in Germany. Roman Catholic Sir Thomas More put a "hit" out on Tyndale, and he was eventually betrayed and imprisoned not far from Brussels. After 16 months in prison, he was executed as a "heretic".
((NOTE: The Roman Catholic Church's hierarchy for centuries forbade the common man to own, possess, or even to read the Holy Bible, especially in his native language. Not only did popes frequently forbid the ownership and possession of the Bible, but they also often imposed the death penalty on those who were caught with a Bible in their possession. David W. Daniels, author of the book Did the Catholic Church Give Us the Bible?, reveals the following Catholic 'record' concerning Bible possession and ownership:
"THE WORD OF GOD: Check out this history:
1229 - Synod of Toulouse forbids reading or owning a Vaudois Bible. (Canon XIV)
1234 - Council of Tarragona: No Bible permitted in one's native language. All of them must be burned.
1408 - 3rd Synod of Oxford: Heresy to have an 'unauthorized' (preserved) English Bible.
1559 - Council of Trent: Preserved Bibles are on the 'Index of Forbidden Books'. (Rule III)."
In fact, here is a statement by Pope Pius IV (Pope 1559-1565):
"The [Holy] Bible is not for the people; whosoever will be saved must renounce it. It is a forbidden book. Bible societies are satanic contrivances."))
? 1540-1570 - The Roman Catholic Church hierarchy sends a number of armies into southern France and surrounding areas that succeed in butchering at least 900,000 Waldensian Christian men, women, elderly, and children during this thirty-year period.
? 1550-1560 - 250,000 Dutch Protestants are exterminated via torture, hanging, and burning when Catholic King of Spain Phillip II sends 10,000 Spanish troops, in accordance with his Edict of 1550, to stamp out Protestantism in the Netherlands.
? 1555 - English scholar Nicholas Ridley and English preacher Hugh Latimer are burned at the stake on the orders of Roman Catholic English Queen Mary I, who with the aid of Roman Catholic Cardinal Pole, tried to return England under the yoke of the papacy. "Bloody" Mary reigned in England from 1553-1558. During her evil reign, approximately two hundred men and women were burned at the stake, to include bishops, scholars, and the top leaders of the Protestants in England. (Queen Mary I was merely following the advice of her Catholic advisers in England, and the policies of the hierarchy of her Roman Catholic Church.)
? 1555 - English Bishop John Hooper is slowly burned alive at the stake on the orders of Roman Catholic English Queen Mary I. (Again, she was "just following orders".)
? 1556 - English Archbishop (of Canterbury) Thomas Cranmer is burned at the stake on the orders of Roman Catholic English Queen Mary I. (Again, she was "just following orders".)
((NOTE: The sad stories of a number of these horrible murders - often preceded by imprisonment and sometimes torture - are contained in the excellent book Foxe's Book of Martyrs. This book can be ordered via credit card from "Power of Prophecy" by calling their toll-free order line: 1-800-234-9673.))
? 1571, 1573, and 1586 - Failed assassination attempts by "Vatican assassins" occur on the life of Elizabeth I, Queen of England. (The Papacy was working overtime to return England to "Catholic rule".) Queen Elizabeth I had expelled the Jesuits from her kingdom in 1570, and fortunately the Jesuits' many attempts at "pay back" failed.
? 1572 - The bloody massacre of Protestant French Huguenots by Roman Catholics occurs in France. Here is what author Jack Chick wrote about this episode of religious genocide: "On August 22, 1572 [Ed. Note: Several books have the date as August 24th], the bloody St. Bartholomew massacre began. This was to be one fatal blow to destroy the Protestant movement in France. The [Catholic] king of France had cleverly arranged a marriage between his sister and Admiral Coligny, the chief Protestant leader. There was a great feast with much celebrating. After four days of feasting, the soldiers were given a signal. At twelve o'clock midnight, all the houses of the Protestants in the city were forced open at once. The admiral was killed, his body thrown out of a window into the street where his head was cut off and sent to the pope. ?They also slaughtered many other well-known Protestants. In the first three days, over ten thousand were killed. The bodies were thrown into the river and blood ran through the streets into the river until it appeared like a stream of blood. ?From Paris, the destruction spread to all parts of the country. Over eight thousand more people were killed. Very few Protestants escaped the fury of the persecutors." (From his book Smokescreens)
? August 24, 1572 - Admiral Coligny, leader of the French Protestant Huguenots, is assassinated by "Vatican assassins". His head is immediately sent as a trophy to the Roman Catholic Cardinal of Lorraine (and then to the pope).
? 1584 - William, Prince of Orange, is assassinated (shot three times) by a "Vatican assassin" named Balthazar Gerard.
? 1588 - The failed invasion by the mighty Spanish Armada takes place in this year. This mighty armada of Spanish naval vessels carrying thousands of troops was tasked with defeating the British navy and putting troops on shore that would be joined by those loyal to Rome within the English borders. The goal was to return England to Catholic rule.
? 1589 - King Henry III of France is assassinated (stabbed to death) by a "Vatican assassin" named Jacques Clement.
? November 5, 1605 - The infamous "Gunpowder Plot" is thwarted in England. Led by Jesuits, this plot involved the placing of 36 barrels of gunpowder under the British Parliament building in an attempt to murder King James I and members of Parliament.
? May 14, 1610 - King Henry IV of France is assassinated (stabbed to death) by a "Vatican assassin" named Ravaillac. This is Jesuit "pay back" to King Henry IV for having the 'audacity' to grant "religious liberty" to all his subjects - both Protestant and Catholic - in his 1598 "Edit of Nantes". ((NOTE: Jesuit priest Pere La Chaise, father confessor to King Louis XIV of France, persuaded him to revoke the "Edict of Nantes" in 1685.))
? 1618-1648 - The Thirty Years' War takes place. This bloody religious war was planned, orchestrated, and conducted by the Vatican and its surrogates in an attempt to exterminate all Protestants from off the face of the European continent.
? 1641 - The bloody massacre of Protestants by Roman Catholics occurs in Ireland. Approximately 150,000 Protestants were butchered from 1641 through 1649. Here is what author Jack Chick wrote about this episode of religious genocide:
"A similar massacre [Ed. Note: i.e., similar to the St. Bartholomew's Massacre in France in 1572] occurred in Ireland in 1641. The [Catholic] conspirators picked October 23rd, the feast of Ignatius Loyola, the founder of the Jesuit Order. They planned a general uprising for the whole country. All Protestants would be killed at once. To throw them [i.e., the Protestants] off guard while the plan was being made, extra acts of kindness were shown to the Protestants. Early in the morning [of October 23, 1641] the conspirators were armed and every Protestant they could find was immediately murdered. They showed no mercy. From children to the aged, they were killed. Even invalids were not spared. They were caught by complete surprise. They [i.e., the Protestants] had lived in peace and safety for years and now found no place to run. They were massacred by neighbors, friends, and even relatives.
Death often was the least they had to fear. Women were tied to posts, stripped to the waist, their breasts cut off with shears and left to bleed to death. Others who were pregnant were tied to tree branches, their unborn babies cut out and fed to the dogs while the husbands were forced to watch." (From his book Smokescreens)
((Note: Author Jack Chick made the following observation about an important similarity between the massacre of Protestant French Huguenots in 1572 and the massacre of Irish Protestants in 1641:
"What you've just read [about the massacre of Protestants in Ireland in 1641 and in France in 1572] is fully documented and historically factual. It is found in Foxe's Book of Martyrs. ?Both of these murderous assaults by the Vatican against the [Protestant] Christians in France and in Ireland followed a similar pattern. Before the attacks, there was a time of healing when the Roman Catholics became friendly and warm, and in both cases the [Protestant] Christians were so relieved that they let their guard down and assumed the Vatican had changed. This was their fatal mistake and it cost them their lives." (From his book Smokescreens))
? 1685 - Catholic French King Louis XIV, at the urging of his father-confessor, Jesuit Pere La Chaise, revokes the "Edict of Nantes" that granted religious liberty to all Frenchmen. Louis XIV then orders his murderous dragoons to slaughter the French Protestant Huguenots. 500,000 Protestants (men, women, and children) are slaughtered!
? 1769 - Pope Clement XIII is assassinated (poisoned to death) by the Jesuits the day before he was to sign a papal document banning the Jesuit Order. (Even Roman Catholics have been murdered by their own hierarchical system and the secret societies, like the Jesuit Order and its P2 Masonry, that control the top levels of the Roman Catholic Church!)
? September 1774 - Pope Clement XIV is assassinated (poisoned to death) by the Jesuits approximately 14 months after he had signed a papal document in 1773 banning the Jesuit Order forever. ((Note: After the official recognition of the Society of Jesus, i.e., the Jesuits, as a Catholic Order in 1540, the Jesuits have totally controlled the Vatican from behind the scenes. The relatively few popes who tried to curb their power met with the same fate (i.e., assassination) as did Pope Clement XIII and Pope Clement XIV.))
? 1825 - Tsar Alexander I of Russia is assassinated (poisoned to death) by the Jesuits. Tsar Alexander I had expelled the Jesuit Order from all of Russia in 1820.
? April 14, 1865 - President Abraham Lincoln is assassinated (shot to death) by John Wilkes Booth. A 12-man military commission tries eight of the conspirators in the assassination plot; it hangs four of them. One of the conspirators, John Harrison Surratt, aided by Roman Catholic priests, flees to Canada and then to Rome, where he becomes a member of the Pope's Zouaves bodyguard unit. Returned for civil trial in Washington, D.C., in 1867, he "walks" despite overwhelming evidence against him - this due in large part to Jesuit priests from Georgetown "providing advice" to the predominantly Roman Catholic jury. The U.S. government finds so much involvement by the Papacy in the assassination of Lincoln that it breaks all diplomatic relations with the Vatican in 1867. If you doubt any of this, please read the two books-in-one volume (The Suppressed Truth about the Assassination of Abraham Lincoln by Burke McCarty and Rome's Responsibility for the Assassination of Abraham Lincoln by U.S. Brigadier General Thomas M. Harris - who was a member of the previously mentioned 12-man military commission that tried eight of the conspirators). This book is $14.95 postpaid. To order it, please make check or money order payable to "Ozark Book Publishers" and mail it to: Ozark Books // P.O. Box 3703 // Springfield, MO 65808.
? 1868 - Emperor Komei of Japan is assassinated. According to author Eric Jon Phelps, the Jesuits used agents of Ambassador Thomas Glover for the assassination.
? 1872 - Mexican President Benito Juarez is assassinated (poisoned to death) by "Vatican assassins". This was "pay back" for his having expelled the Catholic Archbishop of Mexico and five Catholic bishops - along with 200 Jesuit priests. President Juarez had also enforced the Constitution of 1857 that granted freedom of speech and of the press.
? March 13, 1881 - Tsar Alexander II of Russia is assassinated (killed by a bomb). There had been six previous failed attempted assassinations on his life. Tsar Alexander II of Russia was hated by the Jesuits for at least two reasons: (1) His father, Tsar Alexander I, had expelled the Jesuits from Russia in 1820. (2) He (Tsar Alexander II) had supported Lincoln and the Union during the Civil War, whereas Pope Pius IX supported the Confederacy! Tsar Alexander II had sent part of his Russian Naval Fleet to U.S. waters to prevent France and England from intervening militarily on the side of the Confederacy.
? 1882 - Leon Michael Gambetta, French leader who had abolished the Jesuit Order in France in 1880, is assassinated (shot to death) - "pay back" courtesy of the Jesuits.
? 1914 - The kickoff for World War I occurs in the Balkans. Vatican involvement is clearly recognizable (see the following note).
((NOTE: Please consider the following quote by Edmond Paris, author of the book The Secret History of the Jesuits:
"The public is practically unaware of the overwhelming responsibility carried by the Vatican and its Jesuits in the starting of two world wars - a situation which may be explained in part by the gigantic finances at the disposition of the Vatican and its Jesuits, giving them power in so many spheres, especially since the last conflict."
In The Secret History of the Jesuits, Edmond Paris goes on to point out that, contrary to Catholic Church propaganda, Pope Pius X actually helped instigate hostilities between Austria-Hungary and Serbia. Clearly both the Hapsburg dynasty (rulers of Austria-Hungary) and the Vatican saw the growing power of Serbia as a "threat". In fact, in late 1913 Prince Schonburg had an audience with Pope Pius X, who told Schonburg: "It would certainly have been better if Austria-Hungary had punished the Serbians for all the wrongs they had done." In other words, the Roman Catholic pope was letting this Roman Catholic European power (Austria-Hungary) know that it was past time to "take care of" the Serbian problem! The vast majority of Serbs are Orthodox Christians, and Orthodox Christians have long been hated by the Vatican!))
? 1917 - The Russian Revolution takes place. The Bolsheviks (Communists) seize power in Russia - funded by wealthy Knights of Malta in the United States. Later, two Jesuit-trained thugs, Joseph Stalin and Catholic Cardinal Agagianian, oversee the Soviet Gulag system. (Note: Both Stalin and Agagianian had been trained at the Jesuit Seminary in Tiflis, Soviet Georgia.) Millions of Russian Orthodox Christians are butchered at the hands of a totalitarian Police State. (Remember, the Vatican has long hated Orthodox Christians, and has slaughtered them whenever and wherever it could.)
? 1941-1945 - The Jewish holocaust occurs in Nazi-Fascist-controlled Europe. Up to 6 million Jews are murdered and starved to death. Roman Catholic involvement in this holocaust runs very deep. First, Roman Catholic German Knight of Malta Franz von Papen, along with the Roman Catholic Centrum Party in Bavaria, put Adolph Hitler into power. Jesuit 'father' Himmler (uncle to Heinrich Himmler) is a top officer in the Nazi SS (which is admittedly modeled after the Jesuit Order). The Vatican signs Concordats with Nazi Germany and with Fascist Italy. (Interesting Note: Neither Hitler or Mussolini, both Roman Catholics, is ever excommunicated by the Roman Catholic Church.) Roman Catholics are installed as puppet dictators in occupied and allied countries. For example, in Slovakia, the Jesuit priest, Monseigneur Tiso, was installed as dictator. Additionally, Roman Catholic Knights of Malta head up three powerful intelligence agencies during World War II (William Donovan heads the American OSS - which later becomes the CIA; German General Reinhard Gehlen heads Nazi Intelligence on the eastern front; and Russian Anton Turkul heads Soviet Intelligence, and uses Jesuit priests for his couriers). By using elements within the warring factions, the Vatican is able to ensure the slaughter of large numbers of its favorite targets: Jews, Protestants (in northern Germany and in Prussia), and Orthodox Christians. At the end of the war, the Vatican helps many Fascist war criminals to escape punishment, hiding them at various locations in Europe until they can escape to such locations as the USA, Argentina, etc.
((NOTE: Here a couple quotes that bring home the cooperation that occurred between the Vatican and the Nazi and Fascist dictatorships in Europe during World War II:
"I have learnt most of all from the Jesuit Order. ?So far, there has been nothing more imposing on earth than the hierarchical organization of the [Roman] Catholic Church. A good part of that organization I have transported direct to my own [Nazi] party. ?The Catholic Church must be held up as an example. ?I will tell you a secret. I am founding an order [Ed. Note: the Nazi SS]. ?In [Heinrich] Himmler [who would become head of the Nazi SS] I see our Ignatius de Loyola [Ed. Note: the founder of the Jesuit Order]."
Adolph Hitler (German Fuehrer during World War II)
"Fascism is the regime that corresponds most closely to the concepts of the Church of Rome." - Civilta Cattolica (House organ of the Jesuits)
Please take a moment to ponder the significance of those two quotations - especially the first one, as to how they might possibly apply to us in America in the near future. After all, a massive police and intelligence-gathering State has already been set up here in America!))
? 1941-1945 - The "Vatican's holocaust" occurs in Croatia. Though primarily directed against Serb Orthodox Christians, much smaller numbers of Jews and gypsies are also targeted. This monstrous, barbaric, and savage religious genocide is planned, orchestrated, and conducted by Roman Catholic clergy - mainly Franciscan monks, friars, and priests, along with several high-ranking Jesuits. Roman Catholic Croatian Fuehrer Ante Pavelic teams up with high-ranking Catholic prelates, such as Archbishop Stepinac and Bishop Ivan Saric, to use the Roman Catholic Ustashi militia units to torture and butcher from 600,000 to 1 million innocent Serb Orthodox Christian men, women, elderly, and children. This religious genocide includes the most brutal forms of torture, forced conversions, burning people alive, raping and murdering girls and women, impaling young children alive on stakes, gouging out the eyes of live victims to make necklaces, starving children to death, burying victims alive, crucifying Orthodox priests to wooden doors, and some other atrocities that I do not feel should be written in a newsletter. Roman Catholic clergy not only frequently lead the Catholic Ustashi units in their murder and mayhem, but also participate in this savagery. Franciscan monk, 'father' Miroslav Filipovic, served as the cruel camp commandant at Jasenovac (one of the worst of the concentration camps).
Here is what Monica Farrell, author of the booklet "Ravening Wolves", has to say about this savage episode of religious genocide:
"This [Ed. Note: her booklet "Ravening Wolves"] is the record of torture and murder committed in Europe in 1941-1945 by an army of [Roman] Catholic Actionists known as the Ustashi, led by monks and priests, and even participated in by nuns. The [innocent Serb Orthodox Christian] victims suffered and died in the cause of liberty and freedom of conscience. The least we can do is to read the record of their sufferings and keep in mind that it happened, not in the dark ages, but in our ENLIGHTENED [Ed. Note: emphasis in original] generation. Ustashi is another name for Catholic Action."
((NOTE: A tremendous quote by Avro Manhattan, from his book The Vatican's Holocaust, sums up well why we all should be concerned about this horrible religious genocide conducted by the most powerful religious-geopolitical institution in the world that happened NOT 1000 years ago, but rather happened less than 70 years ago:
"?Here [in Croatia in the 1940s] the [Roman] Catholic Church [erected] a State in complete accord with all her tenets. The result was a monster standing upon the armed might of twin totalitarianisms: the totalitarianism of a ruthless Fascist State and the totalitarianism of [Roman] Catholicism?
What gives to such a creature of Vatican diplomacy its peculiar importance is that here we have an example of the Catholic Church's implementing all her principles, unhampered by opposition, or by fear of world opinion.
The uniqueness of the Independent Catholic State of Croatia lies precisely in this: that it provided a model, in miniature, of what the Catholic Church, had she the power, would like to see in the West and, indeed, everywhere. As such it should be carefully scrutinized. For its significance?is of the greatest import to all the freedom-loving peoples of the world."))
? 1960s - Vietnam: Three Roman Catholic leaders in Vietnam try to set up a Roman Catholic dictatorship in a country where the vast majority of the people are Buddhists. Here are some excerpts from my TTT newsletter entitled "The Vietnam War":
(1)"Editor of TTT doubts if you will find very much information on the 'Ngo Dinh' brothers in most U.S. history textbooks. One brother, Ngo Dinh Diem, became president of the newly formed Republic of Vietnam in 1956. The second brother, Ngo Dinh Nhu became the head of the secret police. The third brother, Ngo Dinh Thuc, was the Roman Catholic Archbishop of the city of Hue. Despite the fact that the overwhelming majority of Vietnam's population was Buddhist (80%), these three Roman Catholic leaders attempted to set up a Roman Catholic dictatorship. According to Avro Manhattan, author of the book The Vatican's Holocaust: 'The trio [the Ngo Dinh brothers] had been inching for years toward veritable religious persecution of the vast majority of the country's [South Vietnam's] population of 15 million, only 1.5 million of whom were Catholic.'"
(2) "The heavy-handed Roman Catholic religious discrimination against Buddhists led to numerous peaceful protests by Buddhists across South Vietnam. During several of these protests, Buddhist monks set fire to themselves to draw attention to the religious persecution in South Vietnam. Avro Manhattan describes the response of President Ngo Dinh Diem:
'The government sent troops and armored cars and fired at the demonstrators, killing nine Buddhists.
?Discrimination against the Buddhists continued unabated. Arrests of Buddhist monks multiplied. [Buddhist] Pagodas were declared [off limits], closed, and at times even attacked.
?Buddhist monks, Buddhist nuns, and Buddhist leaders were arrested by the thousands.
?Buddhists were tortured by the police.
?[South] Vietnam was put under martial law.
?The [South Vietnamese] army became openly restive and put up passive resistance?against their own government. Result: the war against the Communist north was being lost, since the population at large, upon whose support the struggle ultimately rested, refused to cooperate.'"
(3) "So many people were arrested that special 'internment camps' were set up. Avro Manhattan describes the situation as follows:
'The jails were soon bursting with prisoners. The mass arrests became so numerous that finally it was necessary to open detention camps followed by additional ones euphemistically called 'internment camps'?
There followed massacres within and outside such detention sites, like those which took place at Mocay, Thanhphu, Soctrang, Cangiuoc, Dailoc, Duyxuyen, to mention only a few. Religious sects and racial minorities were persecuted, arrested, and whenever possible ELIMINATED.
Minority groups were exterminated or accepted the Catholic Church to save their lives.'"
((Important Note: For more detailed information on World War I, World War II, and the Vietnam War, please read my TTT newsletters on those wars that are posted on Internet web site: www.tacklingthetoughtopics.net .))
? November 22, 1963 - U.S. President John F. Kennedy (JFK) is assassinated (shot to death). A number of Knights of Malta (a Roman Catholic military order co-located in Rome with, and controlled by, the Jesuit Superior General) are involved in the assassination (e.g., Clay Shaw, who is also a contract agent of the CIA), or are involved in the subsequent cover-up (e.g., James Jesus Angleton of the CIA - who is appointed CIA liaison to the Warren Commission). ((NOTE: A number of 33 degree Freemasons are also involved in the JFK assassination and/or cover-up. John Daniel, in his book The Grand Design Exposed, makes a good case that the Jesuit Order controls the top levels of Freemasonry. Thus, the Vatican's involvement in the assassination of President Kennedy runs very deep, just as it did in the assassination of President Lincoln.))
((NOTE: Some Catholic apologists may cry: 'Aha, Editor of TTT did not name the actual assassins in some of the assassinations listed in this newsletter'. True - the assassins' names are not always known - even hundreds of years after the event. However, it was the Vatican - the Papacy - and more often than not, the Jesuit Order - that had the MOTIVE, the MEANS/ASSETS, and the well-documented history of such nefarious activities. Additionally, the Vatican's "modus operandi" often nicely fits the criminal act. To explain in more depth:
? MOTIVE - The motive is to expand the power of the papacy (and in doing so, the power of the Jesuit Order), or simply to expand the power and/or wealth of the Jesuit Order alone; to punish those monarchs, president, or other leaders - or entire nations or peoples - who would not "play ball" with the Vatican; to punish popes who dared step out of line as concerns the Jesuits' game plan; to "pay back" monarchs, presidents, or other leaders who had dared to curtail the Jesuits' activities within their borders - or who had dared to expel the Jesuits from their borders; etc. At any crime scene, we must ask the question: "Cui bono?" (i.e., Who benefits?)
? MEANS/ASSETS - Through the many Catholic orders, parish priests, the confessional box (used by Catholic priests who are 'father-confessors' to national leaders and other powerful individuals, as well as to common folk), etc., the Vatican possesses an intelligence network-information gathering system that dwarfs the combined intelligence assets of the CIA, FBI, MI-5, MI-6, the Mossad, and the FSB (old KGB)! Also, because of its many monastic orders, its ties with the CIA and the Mob/Mafia, etc., the Vatican has an almost unlimited supply of 'motivated' or highly paid assassins. Additionally, because the Vatican is probably the richest institution on the face of the earth, it has tremendous sources of finance on which to draw for such assassination operations. (Also, a number of top leaders and top officials of intelligence agencies (e.g., William Donovan, William Casey, John McCone, James Jesus Angleton, etc.) have been Knights of Malta - a military order headquarted with, and controlled by, the Jesuit Superior General!)
? DOCUMENTED HISTORY & MODUS OPERANDI - What other institution in recorded history has such a well-documented record of assassinating heads of State and Protestant leaders? What other institution has regularly used poison to kill so many of its enemies? What other "religious institution" (calling itself "Christian") in the last 1000 years has regularly resorted to religious genocide against other Christians?))
The preceding information is but a small sampling of the well-documented history of torture, assassination, mass murder, etc., by the hands of a "religious" institution that claims, at its highest levels, to be "Christian".
The Vatican has for many centuries hated Jews, Bible-believing Christian groups (prior to anyone taking the name 'Protestant'), Orthodox Christians, and later, Protestants. This hatred has rarely been disguised, and has so often manifested itself in the most barbarous, savage torture of fellow human beings on a scale not even closely approached by any other religious institution "calling itself Christian" in the history of the world.
This barbarism - this savagery - has not been limited to the 12th century. This barbarism - this savagery - manifested itself as recently as the 1940s in Catholic-controlled Croatia, where the Roman Catholic Ustashi militia, led by Catholic clergymen (mostly Franciscans), went on an orgy of torture, rape, and murder of innocent Serb Orthodox Christians that rivaled - no, exceeded - just about anything that can be found in the annals of pagan savagery. Their deeds included impaling small children on stakes, gouging out people's eyes, crucifying Orthodox priests to wooden doors, burning people alive, flaying people alive, raping and ravishing girls and women, forcible conversions, etc. This vile, wicked disregard of human life was directed at innocent men, women, elderly, and children - led by, sanctioned by, blessed by, and participated in by Roman Catholic clergymen! This is a recent case in history of State-Church genocide!
1. While there are good, decent Christians within the ranks of Catholicism (most are at the low levels), Catholicism is dominated at the top by men from secret societies (Jesuits, Knights of Malta, and P2 Masonry) who are not Christian by any stretch of the imagination. Even before the Jesuits appeared formally on the scene in the Catholic Church in the mid 1500s (formally recognized as an Order in 1540), very wicked men often held the highest positions within the Roman Catholic Church, to include the office of pope itself! These wicked men directed crusades against Jews, Moslems, and fellow Christians! These wicked men organized that awful institution (office) of the 'holy' Inquisition, which regularly used the most brutal tortures mankind has ever seen. This office of Inquisition still exists, although it has undergone two "name changes" in recent history.
2. The key doctrines and objectives of the Roman Catholic Church have not changed, despite all the "ecumenical rhetoric" of loving the "separated brethren", of becoming more "liberal", etc. The Roman Catholic Church has never repudiated her "right" to use force wherever and whenever she has the opportunity to do so. She has never repudiated her "right" to use torture. She (at her highest levels) still hates, despite her "ecumenical rhetoric" to the contrary, Jews, Protestants, Orthodox Christians, other non-Catholic Christian independent groups of believers, and even those Roman Catholics who dare to question any of her doctrines or practices!
3. Question: Was the persecution of Jews, Orthodox Christians, and other genuine Christians in World War II (especially in Nazi Germany and Croatia) a model of what the Roman Catholic Church has planned for many of us Americans immediately preceding or during the early stages of World War III and/or during the implementation of full martial law in the USA? ((Don't forget, the Catholic Church put Hitler into power in Nazi Germany through its Knight of Malta Franz von Papen and the German Catholic Centrum Party in Bavaria! Don't forget that the Catholic Church supported Hitler, Mussolini, Ante Pavelic (in Croatia), Jesuit Monseigneur Tiso in Slovakia, and other Catholic dictators throughout Europe in World War II! Don't forget that the Nazi SS was modeled after the Jesuit Order! Don't forget that Hitler claimed that he was merely following the example of the Catholic Church's historical persecution of the Jews when he persecuted them in Nazi Germany!))
4. Question: What country will American Jesuits, American Knights of Malta, American high-level Knights of Columbus, and American members of Opus Dei support when a total fascist police State goes into full swing here in the USA: America or the Vatican State? Some people note the dual loyalty of American Jews who are both Israeli and American citizens. But almost nobody talks about the dual loyalties of American Catholic prelates (at the higher levels), Jesuit Provincial Generals and other top officials of the Jesuit Order in the USA, American Roman Catholic Knights of Malta in key power positions in the U.S. government and intelligence agencies, high-level American Roman Catholic Knights of Columbus, etc. Why?
((NOTE: During World War II the German army invaded and occupied the sovereign state of Yugoslavia. Croatia was at that time one of the regions of Yugoslavia. Top-level Roman Catholics in the Yugoslav government and Yugoslav army BETRAYED their country and their fellow countrymen into the hands of the invading German army, because the Vatican fully supported Nazi and Fascist regimes such as Germany and Italy. These Catholic Yugoslav citizens who held key positions in the Yugoslav government and military showed the German soldiers where weapons and military supplies were stored and betrayed members of the Resistance into the hands of the invading troops. Their loyalty to the Vatican (i.e., the Papacy) took precedence over their loyalty to their own country (and over the government or army in which many of them served)! Couldn't happen in America, you say? Why couldn't it? Since the Papacy favors Fascist-type regimes, why wouldn't she favor a Fascist regime (a Police State) here in America, and tell her "faithful" to march "lock step" with such a totalitarian regime?))
5. Question: How can anybody, whether Catholic or non-Catholic, defend this so-called "religious" institution, the Roman Catholic Church, which has tortured, butchered, and slaughtered millions of Jews, Moslems, independent Bible-believing Christian groups prior to the use of the term "Protestants", Orthodox Christians, and Protestant Christians over the centuries?
6. For those who might in gross ignorance accuse me of trying to "start a religious war" between Catholics and Protestants in America, let me say that I am trying rather to "prevent a religious genocide" from being perpetrated on America's non-Catholic Christians and Jews by the Vatican and her proxies here in the United States whenever this country is placed under full martial law - as this country and/or its people are placed under the control of one-world government with its one-world religion.
None of the Protestant denominations or other non-Catholic Christian groups has:
? An "Office of Inquisition" (now called the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith).
? Military orders (like the Jesuit Order and its Knights of Malta).
? A militia for its religious leader (like the Knights of Columbus - the pope's militia).
? A well-documented history of frequently carrying out religious genocide, fomenting wars & revolutions, supporting Fascist dictatorships, etc.
Rather, it is the Vatican, and the Vatican alone of all Christian sects and denominations, which has all of the above-listed items. Additionally, it is the Vatican alone that aspires to once again have both spiritual and temporal power to rule on the earth as she did in Europe for centuries during the "dark ages".
((IMPORTANT NOTE: In case anyone is thinking of accusing me of "hate" for writing this newsletter, let me say a few words:
1. It is NOT "hate" to:
? Repeat some facts from history in order to try to warn folks of great danger that may strike in the near future.
? Expose a mass-murdering serial killer of an institution that loves to use torture.
? Expose an institution that is a HATER of Jews, Protestants, Orthodox Christians, etc.
? Expose an institution that loves Fascist regimes and Police States.
2. It is HATE to:
? Torture human beings.
? Conduct religious genocide against any and all groups who are different in their religious beliefs than the Roman Catholic Church's beliefs whenever and wherever the opportunity presents itself (such as in Croatia in the 1940s and in Vietnam in the 1960s).
? Assassinate (both literally and figuratively - i.e., character assassination) any and all individuals who expose the Catholic Church's propensity for torture, Inquisition, and religious genocide - or who expose its false doctrines and pretended claims of authority to rule over everyone, in both the secular and ecclesiastical arenas, wherever her shadow falls.))
Again, this was a tough to write; and no doubt for some folks it is, or will be, a tough newsletter to read. Sadly, history indeed is full of numerous examples of the bloody deeds of the Vatican. I did not list some of the bloody events that the Vatican clearly was involved in, such as the French Revolution. (In some of their nefarious activities they were a little more careful in covering up their "tracks" than in others.) I urge you to read John Daniel's book The Grand Design Exposed to get some pretty good evidence of Jesuit involvement in fomenting the bloody French Revolution. Likewise, due to space limitation, I did not list many of the other assassinations that the Jesuits have carried out. Please read Bill Hughes' book The Secret Terrorists - he makes a pretty good case of Jesuit involvement in the assassination of a number of U.S. presidents.
A hierarchical structure, such as that found in the Roman Catholic Church, is wonderfully made for the use of evil men to carry out torture, Inquisition, and mass murder. Sadly, it has been used often throughout history for those very purposes. As John E. E. Dalberg Acton wrote: "Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely."
My TTT newsletters are not written strictly for a Christian audience, as are my ETI newsletters. However, I must state here in this issue of the TTT newsletter that my study of the Holy Bible, from Genesis to Revelation, for over a decade, has shown me quite clearly that the Lord Jesus Christ NEVER intended to set a massive, hierarchical, totalitarian, monopolistic "religious system" the would "rule vigorously" over not only all Christians, but all peoples that fell under its shadow. Nor did He intend that a special priesthood would be set up that was similar to, and rivaled, the pagan priesthood in Babylon and in imperial Rome. ((Please see Alexander Hislop's book The Two Babylons.))
The relatively short history of communism has shown us that whenever they were in the minority in a country, they pleaded for "tolerance" and acceptance - until they could seize all the levers of power. Then there was NO tolerance or acceptance for any rival or competing groups.
When the Catholic Church came to America, it asked for tolerance and acceptance - and, for the most part, it received such. Now that the Catholic Church has grown very powerful in America, will it now help destroy the very freedoms that allowed it to take root here in America? Will the Roman Catholic Church, both here in America and at the Vatican, cooperate with the forces that seek to enslave America and the rest of the world under one-world government and one-world religion (under the auspices of a New World Order)? Is the hierarchy of the Roman Catholic Church, with its infamous Jesuit Order, at the very head of this effort to bring in a New World Order? And again, which country will American Roman Catholics support - the Vatican State or America - when the pope comes out in support of whatever totalitarian regime is set up here in America when we go under full-blown martial law - or under a one-world government? Will key American Catholic prelates (such as the 10 Jesuit Provincial Generals assigned to the USA) spearhead a religious genocide here in America at that time, as key European Catholic prelates spearheaded religious genocide in Croatia and other locations in Europe during World War II? These are questions that must be asked - yea, and discussed in an open forum. And we most likely do NOT have a lot of time to get this discussion started!
Greg Szymanski Greg also has his own daily show on the Republic Broadcast Network. Go to www.rbnlive.com Greg Szymanski is an independent investigative journalist and his articles can been seen at www.LewisNews.com. He also writes for American Free Press and has his own site www.arcticbeacon.com
Listen to my Radio Broadcast live Monday night at 8pm Pacific time on LewisNews, returning Jan. 1 2006 Radiohttp://webs.lewisnews.com/radio/index.htm. Greg is also regular on Rense.com the first Thursday of every month at 9-10 pm pacific time.
Confession No. 4: Did Jesuit Fr. Staempfle Write Mein Kampf For Hitler? Is George W. Bush The New Jesuit-Backed Roman Catholic Star? by Greg Szymanski, May 14, 2006
Last Updated: Sunday, May 14, 2006 11:47:29 AM
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -According to the late Jesuit priest, Fr. Alberto Rivera, whose job was to infiltrate and destroy Protestant ministries, he was privy to sensitive Vatican briefings and documents, revealing the Jesuit role in backing Hitler. Further, he was told by Cardinal Augustine Bea that Nazi gold was deposited in Vatican accounts in Swiss banks.
According to the late Jesuit priest, Fr. Alberto Rivera, a fellow Jesuit named Fr. Staempfle wrote Mein Kampf, as thestage was being set for Germany's new Roman Catholic star, Adolf Hitler.
The main question today is what priest is writing the script for the Jesuit-backed Roman Catholic star, President George W. Bush?
Following the old adage "all things change but everything remains the same," a look back into Hitler's rise to power may provide important clues as to whether the Jesuits are also backing Bush.
To begin this Sunday's fourth Confession on the banks of the truth-filled body of water called Brushy Creek, it must be said that Fr. Rivera was a rare species, being a former Jesuit priest who decided to speak the truth about the "military order' disguised as a group of God-loving disciples of Jesus.
Most other disillusioned Jesuits like Rivera have remained silent since they know double-crossing the Society of Jesus high command means sure death, especially if you're someone who knew too much like Fr. Rivera.
What made Rivera dangerous to the Jesuits and probably led to his death, was Rivera's sensitive and trusted position within the Order to infiltrate Protestant ministries and destroy them. Due to his sensitive work, he was given special Vatican clearance to the secret underground library catacombs where, according to Rivera, the true history of the world remains buried for the chosen few, who have sworn by blood oath, never to reveal the dark and sinister contents.
And after reading how the Catholic Church manipulated history in its drive to rule the world, one very fortunate day for mankind he decided to alert the world and place his faith in Christ alone while leaving behind the Jesuits and the Catholic Church.
Being released from his vows, Rivera then married, started his own ministry and tried until he died under suspicious circumstances in 1997, to spread the word of truth. For his actions, he instantly became a hated and hunted man by the Church, as he shockingly admitted "No Jesuit can leave the Order alive, if he knows the real truth and talks about it."
And it appears his words rang true with his untimely 1997 death. But before Rivera died, he passed his message on in a very, very unique way - through a series of four colorful comic books - geared at reaching the masses by highlighting his important message in a nontraditional manner.
In his collection of full-color comic books carried by Chick Publications, entitled Alberto, Double-Cross, TheGodfathers and The Force, Rivera tells his story, revealing how the Catholic Church helped start World Wars I and II, as well as revealing the Church's place in Bible prophecy. His story also details how the Church was involved in the startup of Islam, later turning against the Pope in rebellion, as well as detailing how America's present phony war on terror is basically "the Vatican's Revenge."
When Rivera first went public, Rome became extremely angered and called upon her ecumenical contacts to go on the attack, attacking him like they always do by attacking the messenger. The Vatican, not wanting to publicly discuss the serious charges leveled against the Jesuits and the hierarchy of the Church, decided to discredit him personally, hoping people would then discount his message.
The most notable of these personal attacks was an open letter published in Christianity Today, copied and distributed around the world many times since the 1980s. However, after reading this attack, James Houston, who had read enough of history to believe Rivera's charges, came forward in defense of Rivera with a detailed report.
Since the Christianity Today letter is still being distributed today, at the bottom of this Sunday confession are the links to the attack on Rivera and Houston's lengthy response.
Germany and Hitler
Rivera learned many hidden truths about the Jesuits and the Vatican, but none were more
important than the story behind Hitler's rise to power.
Sounding strangely similar to what is happening to America, in 1923 Germany was in a downward spiral. The monetary system was teetering on the brink of disaster and the German people were sick and tired of war, similar to the majority of Americans today calling for the end of the Middle East conflict.
"The German people blamed the Kaiser for the whole thing and had him and his government thrown out of office," writes Rivera in the comic he entitled The Godfathers.
"The communists were fighting to take over and the new government was very weak. Some men wanted the German people to run their government like they did in France and were attempting to make Germany a Republic. The Pope was outraged and with that the Republic was doomed to failure.
"Two things the Vatican despises are Protestantism and Democracy. The Jesuits were then called upon to stop this new Weimer Republic. Two men then destroyed it: One was Franz Von Papan and the other was Pacelli, who later becomePope Pius XII."
Pope Pius XI (1857-1939) and Pope Pius XII (1876-1958)
Rivera then claims how he read in the secret Vatican how the stage was then set for Germany's new Roman Catholic star, Adolf Hitler, as a Jesuit priest by the name of Fr. Staempfle actually wrote Mein Kampf, the book being the master plan of the Jesuits for Hitler's takeover of Germany.
"Another great inquisition was about to begin," said Rivera. "Instead of wearing Dominican robes, they were wearing Nazi uniforms. Hitler's Brown Shirts, called Nazis, backed by the Vatican used the same tactic as Mussolini, beating and bullying all opposition into submission, including Roman Catholics. Bloody street battles between Roman Catholics who were Nazis and Roman Catholics who were communists took place. The prize being Germany."
The symbol for this new inquisition was the Swastika, which of course was a Masonic symbol. According to Rivera's research, Hitler was the Vatican's choice, just like Lech Walesa in Poland and the new American neo-con regime.
With this powerful backing, Hitler was destined to triumph as his close associates all had one thing in common: They were all Roman Catholics and loyal to the Vatican and according to Rivera, "all had Jewish blood in their veins, including Pacelli, the man who later became Pope Pius XII. When it became known that Pope Pius XI supported Hitler, the Roman Catholic vote swept Hitler into power in 1933."
The world now faced a terrible machine called the Third Reich, in which the Vatican became the master. History then forces the same question today: Is the Vatican now the master of the strange, fascist regime now controlling the White House, called the neo-cons?
Although Rivera is no longer with us to provide an answer, a statement by the publisher of his books revealed one of his startling predictions as well as laying groundwork for the present-day conflict in the Middle East, leading to World War III.
In 1985, ex-Jesuit Alberto Rivera predicted that the Vatican would eventually apologize for its part in the German Holocaust, the inquisition, and the slaughter of Jews and Muslims during the Crusades. His prediction was based on secret briefings that he attended while a Jesuit in training.*
This prediction came true as Pope John Paul II publicly asked forgiveness for the sins of Roman Catholics through the ages. The pope and several other Vatican leaders conducted a "Day of Pardon Mass" at St. Peter's Basilica.
To the Jews he said, "We are deeply saddened by the behavior of those who in the course of history have caused these children of yours to suffer, and asking your forgiveness we wish to commit ourselves to genuine brotherhood."
In reference to the Inquisition, Cardinal Ratzinger (The New Pope) confessed, "Even men of the church, in the name of faith and morals, have sometimes used methods not in keeping with the Gospel." The pope responded, "Have mercy on your sinful children."
Some Jewish leaders were unimpressed. Israel's chief rabbi, Meir Lau, said he was "deeply frustrated" by the pope's failure to mention the Holocaust by name.
Leaders from several Jewish organizations have been pressing the Vatican to open its World War II archives to investigators. They claim that, at best, Vatican leaders and Pope Pius XII, remained silent during Hitler's genocide against the Jews and others.
Of course, few are willing to present the whole truth, that Roman Catholic leaders, including the pope, were instrumental in Hitler's rise to power and that Hitler was simply carrying out persecution against the Jews which the Vatican had fostered for centuries.**
Another reason for opening the archives is to determine what happened to hundreds of millions of dollars worth of gold stolen by the Nazis from Jews and other conquered nations. Much of it has been traced to Swiss banks who have made a token refund to Holocaust survivors.
But Dr. Rivera was told by the head of the Jesuit order, Cardinal Augustin Bea, that a special train flying Vatican flags was allowed through the Allied military lines. The Americans were told it was a "mercy train" carrying medical supplies. In reality it carried Nazi gold which was deposited in Vatican accounts in Swiss banks.*** In July, 1997, a documentary film crew discovered a US government document stating that the pro-Nazi Croatian Ustachis sent gold coins worth 250 million Swiss francs to the Vatican which was later used to finance the "rat line" of fleeing Nazi leaders to sanctuary in Spain and Argentina.
The Vatican denies this but still refuses to open its archives. In January of this year, Ukranian and Jewish concentration camp survivors filed a class action lawsuit in San Francisco, California against the Vatican Bank. The complaint calls for the Vatican Bank, the Fransciscan Order and other European banks to give an accounting of the Nazi Ustashi Gold and for restitution for the victims and their families.
The Roman Catholic Institution has steadfastly denied that Dr. Rivera ever was a priest, much less privy to secret Vatican briefings. However, it seems unlikely that it was just a lucky guess when he made these statements 15 years ago.
Are Vatican accusations, claiming Rivera is a phony, true?
The Canadian Protestant League, not connected with Rivera or his publisher, conducted an investigation. They printed their findings in 1983, 14 years before Rivera's suspicious death. Here is a portion of their report, finding Rivera is exactly what he says he is: a former Jesuit priest who was converted to Christ and the vicious character assassination attempts made against him only go to prove the veracity of his statements about Rome.
"Booklets produced in comic form by Chick Publications in cooperation with Dr. Alberto M. R. Rivera (viz.: ALBERTO, DOUBLE-CROSS, THE GODFATHERS, SABOTAGE, THE BIG BETRAYAL, and more recently, THE FORCE) have excited angry responses from the Roman Catholic hierarchy across this continent. The said publications have been called hate propaganda, and demands have been made that they be banned. These are familiar demands, used for generations against those who have dared to expose and oppose the false claims, doctrines and practices of Roman Catholicism.
"The books have been described by papal representatives (as well as by those duped by Jesuit propaganda) as 'absurd, bigoted, a comedy of errors, condemning out of hatred, dangerous to the cause of Christ, disgusting, distortion of truth, evil spirit inspired, false, filthy, hatred, hogwash, lewd, lies, malicious, playing fast and loose with truth, Satan possessed, shameful, spiritual pornography, trash, stupidity, ugly,' as well as 'working for the Devil and not Jesus, immoral and indecent!'
"Christian bookstores have been coaxed, awed and threatened into discontinuing sales of the Crusaders series, and every other piece of material published by Chick - even its Gospel tracts.
"At the head office of the Canadian Protestant League, we have attracted a little more than our share of attention, innuendo and threat by legal and other means. (We only started to handle the material when we became aware of the aggressive campaign to remove it from the scene.) Two of the books were banned from entry into Canada on instructions by a Director of Canada Customs and Excise on the grounds of 'immorality and indecency.' We challenged that outrageous action in Court and the order was rescinded.
"Efforts have been made in other areas to deny the use of the Post Offices to those who continued to send the material through the mails. We were warned that a report to the R.C.M.P. was being made against us.
"We are threatened by the appointment of a study committee, responsible to the Attorney-General of Ontario, at the urging of the office of the R.C. Archbishop of Toronto, to determine whether ALBERTO and DOUBLE-CROSS should be designated as 'Hate Literature,' and appropriate charges laid. We have been visited by two inspectors of Metropolitan Toronto Police, enquiring about our involvement, and speaking of the possibility of action against us.
"We made no effort to hide any of our activity, but admitted freely that we were selling the items they were asking about. We repeated to them what we had told others: we would welcome a charge being laid against us under the Hate Propaganda Section of Canada's criminal code.
"We believe that when any pressure group can successfully intimidate all Christian booksellers across Canada into refraining to sell certain literature because it is OFFENSIVE to some, then surely someone ought to be ready to focus attention on such a threat to faith and freedom in this land of ours.
"We are prepared to take that action.
"We have been reminded of the possibility of a $6,000.00 fine or a two year prison sentence. We have insisted, if and when this should take place, that no one will pay the fine! Perhaps this will arouse apathetic Canadians - and apathetic Christians.
"One would expect Roman Catholics (feeling their own institutions were assailed) to rally every effort to offset the most effective, fruitful harvest the said literature is able to report, but the more tragic form of attack from those who glory in the label of 'evangelical Christians' makes sad reading indeed!
"Christian Reader, Cornerstone and Our Sunday Visitor, published an article authored by Gary Metz entitled, 'The Uncomical Alberto Rivera,' a prominent article in Christianity Today.
"More recently, an effort by Brian Onken in Forward, the official organ of Christian Research Institute, appeared under the title, 'Alberto: The Truth About His Story.' In this 'study,' Dr. Rivera, the converted Jesuit priest, is represented as being a dishonest fraud. Areas are named in the United States wherein Alberto was allegedly being sought for questioning.
"The articles demand a response from those who are jealous in contending for the faith and to conserve our freedom. Concerned Christians wish to hear answers to several questions:
"Is Jack Chick a totally irresponsible publisher?
"Is Alberto Rivera the lying sensationalist he is caricatured as being?
"Is Alberto truly God's instrument for our day to bring about the longed-for reawakening among duped Roman Catholics, so that they can be truly won to Jesus Christ as Lord, Saviour, Mediator and Advocate; to the Bible as the Word of God, authoritative, free from error, inspired, and reliable to judge all other authorities; and directing people to come out of an organization that is anti-Christian?
"Why the terrible abuse and attack upon these two brethren?
"Why has someone not followed up on some of the charges made? Can we not analyze the charges? Can we not forensically analyze the charges made?
"Will the men and magazines, hailed by many as authoritative in the field of evangelism, allow us to examine their charges? We want to know if they have a case at all!
"If their charges can be logically and evidentially supported, so that we must see Dr. Rivera as guilty beyond a reasonable doubt, then we must re-examine our own position and alter our stance of supporting Chick and Rivera.
"Now - what is contained in the expose, coming to us in these articles? Alas, they are being accepted by those who have never taken the trouble to thoughtfully and thoroughly investigate the charges against the brethren.
"Are these criticisms dependent upon hearsay evidence, rumour, reported information, charges of fraud, usually reliable sources, deception, controversy, disturbance, questioned reliability, untruths, continual lying, defiance, contradictory testimony and ingenuity in attempts to validate his own story? This is the sort of language of those who sit in judgment upon Dr. Rivera.
"Can it be that the wish is the parent of the thought? Do these accusers want the stories to be true? These are the questions calling for definitely stated answers; and that is what we are seeking.
Examine The Charges!
"These magazines - upon which so many people rely - make statements concerning Dr. Rivera with no presentation of supportive evidence. This is so obvious, it is difficult to assess the writings accusing the man.
"Now, imagine we are sitting in a Court of Law and serious charges are laid against Alberto Rivera. The Prosecution does its utmost presenting its charges and its testimony supporting those charges.
"The Defence Attorney, if he considers that evidence weak, will move that no case has been established, and ask the Magistrate to dismiss the charges. Should the Judge agree, the Accused is released. He is assumed to be innocent!
"We want to observe the charges, and consider how well those making the charges substantiate them. Should they not be properly supported in the presentations, then we ask that they be dismissed, and that apologies be made to the brethren charged. The Bible tells us as Christians:
'Do violence to no man, neither accuse any falsely. Prove all things, hold fast that which is good. Against an elder receive not an accusation, but before two or three witnesses. In the mouth of two or three witnesses shall every word be established.'
"Did the critics read Alberto's outline of the Basic Steps followed by the Roman Hierarchy to discredit and destroy any who left their ranks? Did they endeavour to expose Romanism's errors and evil practices? Did they insist that Jesuitism is not, by any means Christian?
"In his defence against what he describes as slanders levelled by friend and foe alike, Rivera calls attention to...unchristian and anti-biblical charges and accusations by the head of the Christian Research Center (which carefully avoids research into the crimes and massacres of the Roman Catholic institution) through the instrumentality of articles appearing in...Cornerstone and Christianity Today ...
"An honest, decent person, even a non-Christian, will recognize the validity and credibility of Dr. Rivera as a Roman Catholic priest! Why have these critics consistently attacked Alberto Rivera instead of the doctrines he espouses and proclaims?
"Mr. Metz says: Alberto says he worked with notable Jesuit spies such as Kathryn Kuhlman and Jim Jones; yet nowhere and at no time has Rivera said he had worked with either one!
"The critics tell us that the story of Alberto was banned by the Christian Reformed Church, Zondervan Publishers and The Southern Baptist Sunday School Board; yet failed to admit that many of the congregations associated with these three bodies continue to sell the Crusaders Comics in question.
"The critics failed to ask the Roman Catholic hierarchy why they were upset because the articles were true, for because of them thousands of former Roman Catholics had found Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour, and were coming out of Rome's religion.
"Why else should a priest on an Indian Reservation in New Brunswick order a faith missionary to stay off the Reserve, if it were not that many young native adults were reading of Alberto through the comics and were coming to Christ? This has been true in Western Canada and in some places in Ontario.
"Why did not the critics ask the representatives of the Roman Church why these demands they currently make to ban from entry, etc., unless it is for fear of an acceleration of many of their people in this exodus from Rome?
"Why, specifically, are the mentioned publishers trying to abolish the ALBERTO series from all of their outlets? Have they been asked? Have they been asked whether the local Roman Church representatives have not appealed for this because they are offensive to them? (This was the reason given by the office of the Toronto R.C. Archbishop.) We are told by the critics: Our investigation reveals (Rivera's) police record, his investment schemes, his bad cheque-writing, his contradictory testimony, his fabricated education record, and his reported family abuse. Yet the author of these words must have forgotten something! He neglected to quote from any court records (indeed does not mention any single Court record location, any dates, any case numbers, and charges filed, whether or not an arrest was made, and the final outcome of the levelled charges allegedly made).
"Reported abuse, newspaper clippings, magazine articles, several article writers (each quoting the others), never must be understood to be valid, factual evidence credible of anything at all! Critical mention is made of a college in Spain for which Rivera (as a Jesuit priest) was authorized to collect funds, when he was not properly authorized to do so.
"The articles claim that Rivera was never a priest. No mention is made of the name of the college, or the source of the information to support the conclusions. It was officially agreed from Roman Catholic sources that Dr. Rivera had indeed been appointed to act in the collection of funds for one month, and surely he would have not been so used without his priestly credentials being checked!
'We are told that a minister of The Church of God of Prophecy, had experienced embarrassment when Rivera allegedly had written a cheque on an already closed account.
"Yet no mention is made of the location of the minister, of the banks concerned, of the locality of the airline desk complaining, whether the writers had ever seen a copy of the cheque, whether the closed account had previously existed, or to which office of which Department the said minister had written a complaint. (True, the accusers give us the name of the minister, but nothing else.)
"Charges are made of a history of legal entanglements, court actions, accusations of fraud, warrants issued for arrest, writing of bad cheques; yet no specifies regarding complaints, vital details, police records, places, hearings. No results are reported at all.
"Indeed, enquiries have been made by the Canadian Protestant League of every one of the police jurisdictions mentioned by the accusers, and consistently the response has been, we have never heard of this man!
"We hear of alleged inconsistencies, contradictions, impossibly conflicting dates; yet we have never been given the sources of such information - letters, tapes, photo-copies, individuals, interviews, etc. - not even a newspaper clipping!
"We are told: Alberto's claim to have been a Jesuit priest and bishop is denied by Roman Catholic spokesmen. They state the documents he exhibits as proof of this priesthood are little more than form letters giving permission to travel abroad.
"What else would one expect? Surely we would not expect Roman Catholic officialdom to admit that Alberto Rivera is telling the truth about them or their Jesuitical practices! How naive are we expected to be?"
Greg Szymanski Greg also has his own daily show on the Republic Broadcast Network. Go to www.rbnlive.com Greg Szymanski is an independent investigative journalist and his articles can been seen at www.LewisNews.com. He also writes for American Free Press and has his own site www.arcticbeacon.com
Listen to my Radio Broadcast live Monday night at 8pm Pacific time on LewisNews, returning Jan. 1 2006 Radiohttp://webs.lewisnews.com/radio/index.htm. Greg is also regular on Rense.com the first Thursday of every month at 9-10 pm pacific time.
When I finally woke up I took a look around. I saw city halls, courthouses, houses of government, churches, schools, and universities by the hundreds and thousands. I saw systems systems for managing the land, the air, and the water; systems for managing human behavior; systems for managing religion; systems for managing learning; systems for managing food, shelter, clothing; systems for managing love and procreation: a vast complex of carefully engineered systems. I saw millions of people working, not for themselves, but for someone else. I saw millions of people doing, not what they themselves want to do, but what someone else wants them to do. I saw the depressing evidence of a people who have externalized and institu- tionalized-in fact, have tried to standardize-the very nature of humanity. I saw a whole people whove lost the way of life and in its place have built a technological monster which does most of their hard work, carries their water, delivers their food, raises their kids, makes their decisions, says their prayers, transports them, informs them, entertains them, and controls the people it serves, absolutely. I also saw that the monster, seemingly unable to manage itself, was running wild, totally out of visible control, ripping the land to pieces, spreading poisons, filling the air with filth, dumping garbage and shit in the rivers and lakes and oceans. I saw all that, and I saw the people, millions of them, crowded together in cities, living side by side in towns, villages, rural areas. But I didnt see a single community. Is someone doing all of this on purpose ?
THINK the next time you shout ~I AM FREE~! All people are Free. Braindead Slaves cost their controllers absolutely nothing and they do their own shopping. The SculPTor.....
Born : January 8, 1942
Educated : by the SYSTEM 1942 to 1987 - First wife, 1 girl & 3 boys
Awakening : 1987 to 1998 - Second wife 1994/98, (divorced 2002)
Self-educated : 1995 to 2002
SculPTor/Teacher : of Ultimate Reality : 2000 to Present
Glen Kealey
Glen Kealey states all the research he has done into the history of earth what the scientists say, and the codes and information through various sources after 40 years of research is that through natural disasters and deliberately engineered disasters by those who have the technology to create earth quakes, rocks falling from the sky in the form of comets, title waves and explosions of large parts of the earth's crust has led him to conclude that sometime between 2008 and 2050 there is strong possibility of a large part of the earth between the 8th parallel south and the 53rd parallel north will be effectively changed and turn into black water/magna rock and/or covered in water etc and this will end up with the area above the 53rd parallel and below the 8th parallel being the main part of the earth left relatively untouched and being the best and safest place to live and survive in the next 1,000 years.
There are many various groups and individuals from all walks of life and from all sorts of view points that all say the same thing:
things are going to change in the near future, from a social, economic and geographic point of view in many different ways, and it seems that what Glen Kealey is saying in his many talks makes a lot of sense and can not be ignored without further investigation.
Many of the various group and individuals all seem to be sure the governments, and the various security groups such as the CIA, MI5, MI6, KBG, Mossad are not in the least interested in telling the general public the truth and will be quite happy for the average person who are not part of the right club or network, and if any major natural and/or man made disaster was about to happen, they would not be told about it before the event, with many false information about a lot of disasters that never happen, so when the real one does happen or is about to happen, the average person will not believe it is really happening and will be caught unaware...with the overall aim achieved by those that seem to be in control who seem to want the worlds population reduced to under one billion people, and only the selected ones in the know or the lucky ones in the right place will survive what ever they have planned... there are a lot of investigators that say that the Human Beings as we are today have been partly geneticlly engineered as economic slaves to mine the earth and develop outer space technology and exploration and that the scientists are secretly developing a new more efficient economic slave that will be one that will be a woman that can impregnate herself without the need for a man to do the job, so that they can be sent to outer space in thousands of space vessels to see if they can find other rocks that can be settled on or mined etc for their minerals and the can breed without the need to a man to impregnate them.
A new group of economic slaves that are women but do not need a man to have a relationship to have a baby and thus this would be a much more efficient ecnoomic slave than the current models...
Archive of Glen Kealey's work. This is evidence which you can compare with Alan Watt's work, especially his 3 part book, which reveals what a con man he ...www.archive.org/search.php?...subject%3A%22glen%20kealey%22 - Cached - Similar
This is Glen Kealey's website. There has been alot of talk on my forum about how Alan Watt supposedly stole Kealey's work and is trying to ...www.outlawjournalism.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=2701 - Similar
Glen Kealey - The creator of a website called "Canadian Institute for Political Integrity", Mr. Kealey writes 'stream of consciousness' material that would ...www.masonicinfo.com/others_pg1.htm - Cached - Similar
4 Jun 2009 ...Glen Kealey (Glen EP Kealey--The SculPTor )'s profile on Myspace, the leading social entertainment destination powered by the passion of our ...www.myspace.com/candamble - Cached - Similar
Discussion about Who is Glen Kealey?? at the GodlikeProductions Conspiracy Forum . Our topics include Conspiracy Theory, Secret Societies, ...www.godlikeproductions.com/forum1/message686157/pg1 - Cached - Similar
Freemasonry was the first organized religion. They fabricated all the other religions that came after. They invented Gods, Lucifer, Angels and all that crap in order to dumb-down the masses. It sure has worked, if one goes by the number of people who now defend their right to abandon the use of their brains. The definition of FAITH is ..."to believe in some implausible premiss no matter how much evidence there is to the contrary", ie: BRAINDEAD.
Yes there is. It begins by overstanding that the origin of humanity is older than historians want to admit and that the current worldwide monetary police known as the International Monetary Fund and World Bank are the protectors of, and the root of all evil. You seem to have made some progress here. Next comes the realization that all Organized Religion, Organized Public Education, Planned Consumerism and National Taxation, as well as National Land and Energy Reserves, are among the main weapons which are now in the hands of Phoenician~Basque~pedophile~predator~Priests, who covertly control all western Secret Societies such as Freemasonry; who allow themselves to be used as veils and enablers of these priests and thereby hide the existence of this ongoing and even more ancient criminal middle-Eastern conspiracy, all to the detriment of the populace as a whole. If you are unable to come to terms with the possibility that all these basic facts may be true, then you are not able to truly begin a quest which leads to an overstanding of Ultimate Reality....
THINK the next time you shout ~I AM FREE~! All people are Free. Braindead Slaves cost their controllers absolutely nothing and they do their own shopping. The SculPTor.....
Born : January 8, 1942
Educated : by the SYSTEM 1942 to 1987 - First wife, 1 girl & 3 boys
Awakening : 1987 to 1998 - Second wife 1994/98, (divorced 2002)
Self-educated : 1995 to 2002
SculPTor/Teacher : of Ultimate Reality : 2000 to Present
When I Woke Up !
When I finally woke up I took a look around. I saw city halls, courthouses, houses of government, churches, schools, and universities by the hundreds and thousands. I saw systems systems for managing the land, the air, and the water; systems for managing human behavior; systems for managing religion; systems for managing learning; systems for managing food, shelter, clothing; systems for managing love and procreation: a vast complex of carefully engineered systems. I saw millions of people working, not for themselves, but for someone else. I saw millions of people doing, not what they themselves want to do, but what someone else wants them to do. I saw the depressing evidence of a people who have externalized and institu- tionalized-in fact, have tried to standardize-the very nature of humanity. I saw a whole people whove lost the way of life and in its place have built a technological monster which does most of their hard work, carries their water, delivers their food, raises their kids, makes their decisions, says their prayers, transports them, informs them, entertains them, and controls the people it serves, absolutely. I also saw that the monster, seemingly unable to manage itself, was running wild, totally out of visible control, ripping the land to pieces, spreading poisons, filling the air with filth, dumping garbage and shit in the rivers and lakes and oceans. I saw all that, and I saw the people, millions of them, crowded together in cities, living side by side in towns, villages, rural areas. But I didnt see a single community. Is someone doing all of this on purpose ?
Yes, Persian Zoro-Astrian/Zoro-Babel Freemasonry is doing it on purpose!
The SculPTor
Adapted for CIPI from a text by Wilfred Pelletier and Ted Poole
One Forester's view on "How we got into the mess we're in".
A linguistic archaeologist digs for the very roots of our languages, many millennia before writing was invented. He or she considers all the different possibilities of language development and has to be suspicious of anything taught as "fact" in our universities. This person must be free to bring totally new ideas forward about languages origins, unaffected by dogma or tradition. It is a rather lonely position to take but it has its advantages. Having no formal education in linguistics turned out to be both very helpful and also a big drawback. It was helpful because I avoided what is described as:
"It is customary for students to be introduced to their fields of study gradually, as slowly unfolding mysteries, so that by the time they can see their subject as a whole they have been so thoroughly imbued with conventional preconceptions and patterns of thought that they are extremely unlikely to be able to question its basic premises. This incapacity is particularly evident in disciplines concerned with ancient history. Their study is dominated by the learning of difficult languages, a process which is inevitably authoritarian: one may not question the logic of an irregular verb or the function of a particle.
At the same time as the instructors lay down their liguistic rules, however, they provide other social and historical information that tends to be given and received in a similar spirit. While this facilitates learning and gives the scholar thus trained an incomparable feel for Greek or Hebrew, such men and women tend to accept a concept, word or form as typically Greek or Hebrew without requiring an explanation as to its specific function or origin"
In other words, linguistic students tend to be brainwashed in our Universities and are trained to reject other ways of looking at a subject, because other views are inherently inconsistent with their training.
Now the whole world spoke one language (Gen. 11:1)
Every time new research results are made available about the activities and thinking of our distant ancestors, these results remind us that we have acquired the habit of grossly underestimating, even denigrating our ancestors' knowledge and abilities in many fields of endeavour. One such field is linguistics. Almost all academics working in this "science" have unquestioningly adopted, and religiously defended, the family tree model for linguistic change, the so-called standard model. Any other approaches to the development of languages are being brushed aside saying that they are not scientifically provable because they are incompatible with the model and the comparative method.
As a result of this thinking many, if not most of our university linguists, have become the guardians of the status quo and are disdainful of anybody embarking upon a relentless search for academic truth. They refuse to admit that many of the very early scholars may have been able to do things which are now considered impossible, such as language invention of major languages and their introduction. My work shows that, instead of staunchly defending the genetic model of naturally evolving languages, very early scholars are likely to have been responsible for inventing all major languages existing on earth, without exception. It appears that highly skilled professional linguists have been busy over a period of 4,000 years developing a large number of artificial languages. If this is correct, then the immediate result is that the standard model must be relegated to the study of primitive, natural languages and the comparative method is to be drastically overhauled or scrapped entirely. This of course means that our modern linguists will have to also re-examine everything they know more critically.
Edo Nyland
The SculPTor
Genetic 'Adam never met Eve' The study confirms the Out of Africa hypothesis
The most recent ancestor of all males living today was a man who lived in Africa around 59,000 years ago, according to an international team of researchers.The scientists from eight countries have drawn up a genetic family tree of mankind by studying variations in the Y chromosome of more than a thousand men from different communities around the world. The Y chromosome is one of the two sex chromosomes (X and Y) which only men carry (women carry two X chromosomes).
The new research confirms the Out of Africa theory that modern humans originated in Africa before slowly spreading across the world. But the finding raises new questions, not least because our most recent paternal ancestor would have been about 84,000 years younger than our maternal one. The team believes there is an explanation. They propose that the human genetic blueprint evolved as a mosaic, with different pieces of modern DNA emerging and spreading throughout the human population at different times.
Origins of man
Evidence from the fossil record suggests that modern man originated in Africa about 150,000 years ago, before moving steadily across the globe.
This Out of Africa hypothesis has been confirmed by studies of mitochondrial DNA, the segment of genetic material that is inherited exclusively from the mother.
Based on these studies, our most recent common ancestor is thought to be a woman who lived in Africa some 143,000 years ago, the so-called Mitochondrial Eve.
To find the common paternal ancestor, the team drew up a genetic family tree of mankind. They mapped small variations in the Y chromosomes of 1,062 men in 22 geographical areas, including Pakistan, India, Cambodia, Laos, Australia, New Guinea, America, Mali, Sudan, Ethiopia and Japan.
The new genetic family tree supports the Out of Africa scenario. But it suggests that our most recent paternal ancestor would have been about 84,000 years younger than our maternal one. Regions of the genome
"You can ultimately trace every female lineage back to a single Mitochondrial Eve who lived in Africa about 150,000 years ago," said Dr Spencer Wells of the Wellcome Trust Centre for Human Genetics in Oxford, UK, who was part of the team.
"The Y chromosome we trace again back to Africa but the date is about 80,000 years ago.
He told BBC News Online that the two studies could be reconciled. "There's a different evolutionary history for each region of the genome but they all are consistent in placing the ancestor of all modern humans alive today in Africa."
The research, published in the journal Nature Genetics, gives an intriguing insight into the journey of our ancestors across the planet, from eastern Africa into the Middle East, then to southeast and southern Asia, then New Guinea and Australia, and finally to Europe and Central Asia.
Some modern-day men living in what is now Sudan, Ethiopia and southern Africa are believed to be the closest living descendants of the first humans to set out on that great journey tens of thousands of years ago.
VOLCANOE AND LOVE BOAT On the way to Ottawa (Owl Story)
by: Sam Vaknin
...In accordance with this [right to act], whenever some one of the infidel parents or some other should oppose the giving up of his son for the Janissaries, he is immediately hanged from his doorsill, his bloodbeing deemed unworthy.
- Turkish firman, 1601
...The Turks have built several fortresses in my kingdom and are very kind to the country folk. They promise freedom to every peasant who converts to Islam.
- Bosnian King Stefan Tomas*evic´ to Pope Pius II
...The Porte (door) treated him (the Patriarch) as part of the Ottoman political apparatus. As a result, he had certain legally protected privileges. The Patriarch traveled in "great splendor" and police protection was provided by the Janissaries. His horse and saddle were fittingly embroidered, and at the saddle hung a small sword as a symbol of the powers bestowed on him by the Sultan.
-Dusan Kasic´, The Serbian Church under the Turks, Belgrade, 1969 The rise of Islam
Coming to a CHURCH near you,
Within the space of 500 years, Southeast Europe has undergone two paradigmatic shifts. First, from Christian independence to Islamic subjugation (a gradual process which consumed two centuries) and then, in the 19th century, from self-determination through religious affiliation to nationalism.
The Christians of the Balkans were easy prey. They were dispirited peasantry, fragmented, prone to internecine backstabbing and oppressive regimes. The new Ottoman rulers treated both people and land as their property. They enslaved some of their prisoners of war (under the infamous pencik clause), exiled thousands and confiscated their lands and liquidated the secular political elites in Thrace, Bulgaria, Serbia and Albania.
The resulting vacuum of leadership was filled by the Church. Thus, paradoxically, it was Islam and its excesses that made the Church the undisputed shepherd of the peoples of the Balkans, a position it did not enjoy before. The new rulers did not encourage conversions to their faith for fear of reducing their tax base - non-Muslim zimmis (the Qur'an's "People of the Book") paid special (and heavy) taxes to the treasury and often had to bribe corrupt officials to survive. A bureaucratic conquest
Still, compared to other Ottoman exploits (in Anatolia, in modern Turkey for instance), the conquest of the Balkan was a benign affair. Cities remained intact, the lands were not depopulated and the indiscriminately ferocious nomadic tribesmen that usually accompanied the Turkish forces largely stayed at home.
The Ottoman bureaucracy took over most aspects of daily life soon after the military victories, bringing with it the leaden stability that was its hallmark. Indeed, populations were dislocated and resettled as a matter of policy called sorgun. Yet such measures were intended mainly to quell plangent rebelliousness and were applied mainly to the urban minority (for instance, in Constantinople).
The Church was an accomplice of the Turkish occupiers. It was a part of the Ottoman system of governance and enjoyed both its protection and its funding. It was leveraged by the Turkish sultans in their quest to pacify their subjects. Mehmet II bestowed upon the Greek Orthodox Patriarchate, its bishops and clergy great powers. The trade-off was made explicit in Mehmet's edicts: the Church accepted the earthly sovereignty of the sultan - and he, in turn, granted them tolerance, protection and even friendship.
The Ottoman religious-legal code, the Seriat, recognized the Christians' right to form their own religiously self-governing communities. These communities were not confined to the orderly provision of worship services. They managed communal property as well. Mehmet's benevolence towards the indigents was so legendary that people wrongly attributed to him the official declaration of a "Millet i Rum" (Roman, or Greek, nation) and the appointment of Gennadios as Patriarch of the Orthodox Church (which only an Episcopal synod could do). The forgotten multiculturalism
The Ottoman Empire was an amazing hybrid. Contrary to popular opinion, it was not a religious entity. The ruling elite included members of all religions. Thus, one could find Christian askeri (military or civil officials) and Muslim reaya ("flock" of taxpayers).
It is true that Christians paid the arbitrarily set haraç (or, less commonly, cizye) in lieu of military service. Even the clergy were not exempt (they even assisted in tax collection). But both Christians and Muslims paid the land tax, for instance. And, as the fairness, transparency and predictability of the local taxmen deteriorated - both Muslims and Christians complained.
The main problem of the Ottoman Empire was devolution - not centralization. Local governors and tax collectors had too much power and the sultan was too remote and disinterested or too weak and ineffective. The population tried to get Istanbul more involved - not less so.
The population was financially fleeced as much by the Orthodox Church as it was by the sultan. A special church-tax was levied on the Christian reaya and its proceeds served to secure the lavish lifestyles of the bishops and the Patriarch. In true mob style, church functionaries divided the loot with Ottoman officials in an arrangement known as peskes.
Foreign powers contributed to the war chests of various candidates, thus mobilizing them to support pro-Catholic or pro-Protestant political stances and demands. The Church was a thoroughly corrupt, usurious and politicized body which contributed greatly to the ever increasing misery of its flock. It was a collaborator in the worst sense of the word.
But the behaviour of the Church was one part of the common betrayal by the elite of the Balkan lands. Christian landowners volunteered to serve in the Ottoman cavalry (sipahis) in order to preserve their ownership. The Ottoman rulers conveniently ignored the laws prohibiting zimmis to carry weapons. Upholding the law
Until 1500, the sipahis constituted the bulk of the Ottoman forces in the Balkans and their mass conversion to Islam was a natural continuation of their complicity. Other Christians guarded bridges or mountain passes for a tax exemption (derbentci).
Local, Turkish-trained militias (armatôles) fought mountain-based robber gangs (Serbian hajduks, Bulgarian haiduts, Greek klephts). The robbers attacked Turkish caravans with the same frequency and zeal that they sacked Christian settlements. The armatôles resisted them by day and joined them by night. But it was perfectly acceptable to join Turkish initiatives such as this.
The Balkans remained overwhelmingly Christian throughout the Ottoman period. Muslim life was an urban phenomenon, both for reasons of safety and because only the cities provided basic amenities. Even in the cities, though, the communities lived segregated in mahalles (quarters).
Everyone collaborated in public life, but the mahalles were self-sufficient affairs with the gamut of services - from hot baths to prayer services - available "in-quarter". Gradually, the major cities, situated along the trade routes, became Muslim. Skopje, Sarajevo and Sofia all had sizeable Muslim minorities. Unenlightened rule
Thus, at the beginning of the 16th century, the picture that emerges is one of an uneasy co-habitation in the cities and a Christian rural landscape. The elites of the Balkans - Church, noblemen, warriors - all defected and collaborated with the former "enemy".
The local populace was the victim of usurious taxes, coercively applied. The central administration shared the loot with its local representatives and with the indigenous elites (ROMA) - the Church and the feudal landed gentry. It was a cosy and pragmatic arrangement that lasted for centuries.
Yet, the seeds of Ottoman bestiality and future rebellion were sown from the very inception of this empire-extending conquest. The devs¸irme tax was an example of the fragility of the Turkish veneer of humanity and enlightened rule. Christian sons were kidnapped, forcibly converted to Islam and trained as fighters in the fearsome Janissary Corps (the palace guards).
They were never to see their families and friends again. Exemptions from this barbarous practice were offered only to select communities which somehow contributed to Ottoman rule in the Balkan. Christian women were often abducted by local Ottoman dignitaries. And the custom of the kepin, allowed Muslims to "buy" a Christian daughter from her husband on a "temporary" basis. The results of such a union were raised as Muslims. Conversion of convenience
And then there were the mass conversions of Christians to Islam. These conversions were very rarely the results of coercion or barbarous conduct. On the contrary, by shrinking the tax base and the recruitment pool, conversions were unwelcome and closely scrutinized by the Turks. But to convert was such an advantageous and appealing act that the movement bordered on mass hysteria.
Landowners converted to preserve their title to the land. Sipahis converted to advance in the ranks of the military. Christian officials converted to maintain their officialdom. Ordinary folk converted to avoid onerous taxes. Christian traders converted to Islam to be able to testify in court in case of commercial litigation.
Converted Muslims were allowed to speak Arabic or their own language, rather than the cumbersome and elaborate formal Turkish. Christians willingly traded eternal salvation for earthly benefits. And, of course, death awaited those who recanted (like the Orthodox "New Martyrs", who discovered their Christian origins, having been raised as Muslims).
Perhaps this was because, in large swathes of the Balkan, Christianity never really took hold. It was adopted by the peasantry as a folk religion - as was Islam later. In Bosnia, for instance, Muslims and Christians were virtually indistinguishable. They prayed at each other's shrines, celebrated each other's holidays and adopted the same customs.
Muslim mysticism (the Sufi orders, ie Freemasonry) appealed to many so-called sophisticated urban Christians. Heretic cults (like the Bogomils) converted en masse. Intermarriage flourished, mainly between Muslim men (who could not afford the dowry payable to a Muslim woman) and Christian women (who had to pay a dowry to her Muslim husband's family). Marrying a Christian woman was a lucrative business proposition.
And, then, of course, there was the Muslim birth rate. With four women and a pecuniary Asian preference for large families - Muslims out-bred Christians at all times. This trend is most pronounced today, but it was always a prominent demographic fact.
The SuperSlave Androgyny
UBERMENSCH, the penultimate triphibian inter-planetary SuperSlave, is yetto come. To complete the PO-HUN experiment and bring on the SuperSlave each of the currently existing races must be eliminated in turn, once its assigned task has been completed and only after the planet has cleansed itself over time.
See 1000 years of peace.
Warren Baxter- From New Zealand has been fighting for justice from the Queensland Police and the Queensland Government for 26 years
this is a must see video clip... for people interested in police corrupt and police brutaliy to the extreme..
As the news reporter said... "if this is how the Queensland Police are prepared ot acted openly when they know there
is a news team filming their violent and brutal actions ..
...what would they be like if when they know there is no one to film and publicly record their actions.."