Picture: Chris & his daughter Stacey
Welcome, one and all.
About Christopher Spivey
My name is Christopher Spivey. I am a registered Tattoo Artist & Body Piercer. I was also a Features Writer for the Sovereign Independent Newspaper (The biggest independent publication in Southern Ireland). I say ‘was’ a features writer because I now write exclusively for this site.
This site was set up for me by my good friend & web programmer, Carl Holbrough. Carl, who also sponsors and maintains this site is a computer genius and you can find his contact details on the home page (CCS Rochford). When he first set up this site, I had no idea that he was doing so. He did it, he says, because having read my stuff, he believed that I had something worthwhile to say.
Without a doubt, what I do say Isn’t liked by the Security Services(SS). There is no question what-so-ever, that the SS are monitoring me. Certainly, they will have been from my time with the Sovereign Independent Newspaper. How do I know? Well the Sov Ind was at one point, the focus of the American SS. Since I was writing for the newspaper at the time and under my own name to boot, it is only logical that the American SS would share this info with their UK counterparts.
Moreover, when the site was first set up Carl found the site had been hacked… Hackers cause mischief, these people were just looking around. More tellingly was that someone(the SS) tried to sabotage this site last month. Carl said to me that; out of all the 100′s of websites that he has under his CCSRochford domain, this was the only site to crash. Furthermore, he has never had a site crash more spectacularly than this one. It certainly took 6hrs to get us up and running again. So if the ‘powers that be’ hate what I have to say so much, then you can only conclude that the contents are accurate.
I can promise you that a great deal of research goes into the writing of my articles to ensure that they are factually correct. Because of that fact, along with me trying to earn a living, I am not able to write an article a week like some websites churn out. Then again, some of these website do more harm than good to the ’cause’ by publishing articles which are founded purely on rumour.
Therefore, in order to keep the site interesting, I publish on a daily basis, news stories and articles written by others. However, I personally check that all the material published on this site is authentic. Put another way; if it’s on here, it’s true.
As for the articles that I have written, some have been picked up and translated into Spanish. Others have been picked up and published by the American alternative media and I have also been republished by the very well respected website ‘Before its news’.
I am happy to say that in the 8months that the site has been up and running the viewing figures continue to rise.
So, who am I? The easy answer to that is no one special. I’m your average Joe, who works hard to ‘get by’. And that’s where my problem lies because like millions more on this planet, I shouldn’t have to work my ass off just to ‘get by’. Indeed, it doesn’t have to be this way. Every single one of us could have a better life, if we but knew it.
The reason we don’t is because we live in a world that is an illusion… An act. The orchestrator’s of this illusion are the so called ‘One Percenters’. That is to say, the 1% of the worlds population who control the other 99% of us by Stealth, Fear, Corruption, Bribery & Blackmail. Get rid of this 1% and we can all enjoy life as it should be. Without these evil parasites, living off our misery there would be no wars, no starving and no homelessness.
And this is where I differ from many of you. I am not prepared to sit back and just exist, when I know that it does not have to be like that. We are all one, regardless of the colour of our skin, our beliefs and our sexual orientation. Together, we have more power than you would ever believe possible. The One Percenters are well aware of this fact. To combat the threat that we are as a whole, they keep us divided via religion, skin colour, mistrust and sexual orientation.
Wars are purposely started to further the agenda. We are led to believe that fighting for your country is an honour… “You will be a Hero, my son”. There is no honour in killing. A real hero is someone who refuses to kill someone else just because they were ordered too. We here in the UK and The USA are not at war with Afghanistan or Iraq. We are invaders, Uninvited and Unwanted. They were absolutely no threat to our countries what so ever.
It is easy to prevent war, there are three ways. The 1st is through communication. The 2nd is by all armed personnel refusing to kill anyone and the 3rd which is my Personal favourite; All those who take a country to war should be made to fight on the front line. The latter is a sure fire way to peace.
Under the rule of the 1% we are slaves. Love, Harmony, Understanding and Mutual Respect are the keys to free us from these chains. Apathy will lead to our demise. There are many, many dark clouds on the horizon, all of them purposely designed to reduce our numbers. The question is: Are you going to sit by and allow your downfall, or are you going to stand up and be counted? Personally, I will be no one’s slave.
Chris Spivey (Bio)
Picture: Chris & his daughter Stacey
I live and work in Rochford, Essex, an historical little town in the South East UK. I have an IQ of 127 and have a passion for writing. I have in fact nearly finished writing a book which is a spoof based on the rise to fame of the Sex Pistols entitled ‘Never mind the Sex Pistols, heres the bollocks’. You can read this book exclusively on this website
I firmly believe that everyone is equal and as such I treat everyone with respect. However respect is a two way street so I expect to be treated with respect in return.
I dont drink, which I suppose makes me boring to some peoples way of thinking. To that, I say I am confident and brave enough not to need to hide behind alcohol… believe me ‘drunk’ isnt a good look by anyones standards.
On the other hand I do smoke quite a lot, but hey we all have our vices. Im very easy to talk to but if you ask for my opinion im going to tell you the truth regardless of whether its what you want to hear or not.
If i could have one wish it would be that i could stay forever young…
My home town of Rochford is very near to Southend on Sea. Southend is a typical English ‘kiss me quick’ seaside town. I share my home with my 16yr old daughter, Stacey who I have brought up alone since she was 6 months old. She is a good kid whos life hasn’t been easy what with the lack of a Mother and me working funny hours. To say I am proud of her is an understatement and I truly believe that she has a bright future as she is a very talented dancer.
I also have two Rottwiellers, Jasper who is 10 years old & Jessica who is 4. I love my Dogs to bits. They are litterally my best friends. I cannot understand people who Don’t like dogs and in my experience those who don’t are the kind of people that I have least in common with.
I worry constantly about Jasper now that he’s getting old. I have had him since he was 6wks old & he’s been with me through some tough times. I couldn’t have asked for a better dog and I will be absolutely devastated when his time is up.
Jessica, on the other hand was like myself, born naughty. That said, you should never make the mistake of associating ‘ Naughty’ with ‘Bad’. They are two totally separate things with very different meanings. She is a very loving Dog and is begining to calm down, but boy did she try my patience when she was a pup. That said, I wouldn’t get rid of her for all the tea in China.
I have always been suspicious of those people ‘acting in my best interests’. Nine out of Ten times, they most certainly are not. However, up until September 11th 2001 I was content to go along with the status quo. Following the attacks of 9/11, I was forced to question everything that I had learned up until that point. The more I researched, the more I came to realise that we have all been sold a lifetime of lies.
I now know, beyond a shadow of all doubt that my suspicions of those acting in my best interests were well founded.
The world today is a very dangerous place indeed. I can promise you that those in Government are not acting for our benefit. They seek to do us harm. Fortunately we are many, they are few. Together we can take back our freedom and all enjoy life as it should be. No one should have to live without food, water and shelter. No one should have to live in fear. The way to a better life is through peace, love and mutual respect for your fellow man. In the words of the song, United we stand, Divided we fall.
With this in mind, I welcome you all….
Contact Info
Email: sp-iv@hotmail.co.uk
FaceBook: tattooartist69@facebook.co m
A FORMER child actor revealed how he “ran a gauntlet of paedophiles” at the BBC, claiming the entertainment industry was rife with sex abuse.
The Jimmy Savile paedophile ring at the centre of the BBC has taken an interesting twist this week as this journalist has come to realise that accusations of child abuse and paedophilia only extend to the deceased. If you’re a living, breathing human being in the entertainment industry mainstream media won’t expose you. If you are a paedophile or child abuser in the entertainment industry and are famous or powerful you can breath a sigh of relief – you won’t be exposed, at least not by the Murdoch empire.
It all started when I was contacted by Ruth Lewy from The Times newspaper on October 16th 2012. She wanted me to do an exclusive interview about my experiences as a child actor when I had run the gauntlet of paedophiles in the entertainment industry. She wanted to “give this a great showing” but she would also“want to be the only people you speak to until it appears in print this weekend.” All I asked for in return for giving The Times an exclusive was that the story would definitely run. She agreed to the terms and said that senior Times journalist Jack Malvern would interview me and a photographer would take some pictures of me for the article, which would appear on Saturday the 20thOctober 2012. So we arranged a time and a place to meet.
Jack Malvern a tall, balding ex-public school boy complete with the uniform of his generation was late to the meeting. When he did eventually arrive he had to go shopping for a new pad! When he did eventually arrive proper, he sat down in front of me at the Novotel in Greenwich and asked me specifically to name names of people who, I alleged, were suspected paedophiles or had abused me in some way while I was a minor.
For the next two hours I sat in the Novotel being interviewed intensely and having only one cup of tea. The deal was that I was happy to name alleged paedophiles and child abusers in the wider industry, based on my own experiences but the story had to run.
What was good about the article, I thought, was that The Times were going to be brave and publish the names of actual living breathing people, rather than dead people like Jimmy Savile or Wilfred Brambell. Famous and powerful people who could argue back, perhaps call me a liar or fantasist in an attempt to clear their name.
I talked about a senior female BBC producer who likes to have sex with teenagers. Or I should say have sex with me when I was a teenager. I continued with a long list of names of extremely well known actors, casting directors, producers, directors, writers and executives who had all abused me or attempted to abuse me sexually while I was a child actor.
I explained to Jack Malvern of The Times, that I only ever had sexual relations with women however that didn’t stop predatory gay men from attempting to get into my pants. As a child actor you are not responsible for your actions, you’re naïve, vulnerable and quite frankly an idiot, well I was. So, saying no when powerful industry people are telling you to take drugs with the implication that if you don’t – you won’t be hanging around for long, is highly unlikely. It’s one of the oldest tricks in the book and works really on children, now add sex, money and power into the mix and you’re lucky if you don’t spend life after being a child actor in rehab and therapy – of course some do.
So, from the age of 15 I was a regular at Stringfellows, Cafe De Paris and The Atlantic Bar and Grill. I attended many celebrities parties and private functions.
One party was in a house in the New Forest and I must have been around sixteen at the time. At the party was a certain founder of a child protection telephone charity. I was given drugs, alcohol and was propositioned by men and women all night until I ended up passed out in the garden. I eventually got a cab back to my digs in a terrible state. You’d think that for someone who is known for their charitable works protecting children she might insist that this party was for adults only and make me go home or at least keep an eye on me and stop me from drinking – recognising the fact that I looked and was very young. (Esther Rantzen then – Spivey)
For consenting adults there is nothing wrong with sex, drugs and rock ‘n’ roll. However, I was a teenager and was being introduced to a very murky world by so called “respectable” industry figures and celebrities.
Now, none of my story seemed to be a problem for Jack Malvern when he interviewed me, he was happy to publish what I said. After the interview I even checked to see if he was happy with what I said. The only issue was that later in the day he wanted to interview my mother about an incident when I was called into a casting for a major drinks company. I gave him my mother’s telephone number, he left two messages which she ignored as she didn’t want to talk to him. My mother never agreed to talk to Jack Malvern which is what I told him when I later informed him that she didn’t want to be interviewed as she’s a very private person and it was her choice. Jack Malvern didn’t seem to think it was an issue and left me with the impression that the article would run as planned on Saturday 20th October 2012.
Of course printed here are just a few stories of the many that I told him. He’d asked for names and I’d given them to him with details only one who was there would know. He even empathised at one point and told me that my story rang true for him as he’d experienced similar problems with predatory gay men when he was a young journalist or so he told me.
Little did I know that the next BBC person I named was the one that would stop the article from coming out. The person who I am referring to shall remain nameless in this article, however they are a new star of Sky Television. It seems that Sky have a lot invested in this person and like the BBC stopping the Jimmy Savile Newsnight programme Murdoch et al. have withdrawn an explosive article in The Times that threatened to reveal a far seedier side of their new star than they would like. Drug taking, inappropriate sexual behaviour and child abuse isn’t something the Murdoch empire want revealed.
Now, Jack Malvern of The Times may say that I’m an unreliable person or that they couldn’t corroborate the accusations I was making. But isn’t that what child abuse is all about? There are laws preventing people from making false allegations so why would I lie. In any case they said they’d run the article either with or without the names. So, why didn’t it run? My theory is that they didn’t want to give me the platform of appearing in The Times, just in case I mentioned names at a later date.
The Murdoch empire and BBC are clearly safe havens for child abusers to operate.
A society that takes the position of not believing victims, hiding the truth and protecting abusers for their own personal gain is a sad state of affairs. It is typical of a society gone mad, set up to procure children and to protect paedophiles. In other words children’s well being comes down to simply politics. If you accuse someone of abuse and they happen to be famous or powerful then tough luck you lose. You won’t be believed, regardless of the validity of your claims by either the state or mainstream corporate media seems to be the message.
The irony is that the Murdoch empire, who has always been quick to name and shame is curiously reluctant when it comes to naming one of its own stars. It appears that the empire is only prepared to expose child abusers and paedophiles as long as it doesn’t affect its own reputation.
One of News International’s slogans on their Website is “We’re delivering more news, to more people, more often, in more ways than ever”. If the Murdoch press is willing to deny the public vital information which is in their interest to know, like exposing paedophiles and child abusers, then the question has to be – Are News International’s titles worth the paper they’re written on? Or more importantly are the Murdoch’s responsible enough to run a media empire influencing millions of people all around the world. If they’re hiding child abuse then the answer is no.
Savile, Ken Clarke & The Queen Mother: Is the Establishment about to come crashing down?
Chris Spivey
UPDATED 26/10/12… Link to Youtube video of Brian Gerrish talking to Alex Jones about a Powerful Paedophile Ring Linked to Parliament : //www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=ZcxDaXWHaGo#!
Slowly but surely the dots are beginning to connect which tie Savile in with the government and the royal family… Is the Establishment about to come crashing down?
In this article:
- Rupert Murdoch cares only for his business interests and not a jot for sexually abused children.
- Esther Rantzen, Spokeswoman for child-line stood by and did nothing while a 15 yr old boy was given drink and drugs and targeted by big name paedophiles.
- Top Tory MP Ken Clarke and Paedophile Government Lobbyist are accused of ‘inappropriate behaviour’, towards a child star.
- The Queen Mother is accused of sexually abusing a little girl.
- Ex IMF boss and known Sex pest Dominique Strauss-Kahn is accused of being a major player in a Massive European, Government Paedophile Ring

Published below my Narrative is a report taken from the Daily Express. The report is in regard to an interview with former child star Ben Fellows and his claim that the BBC as well as other TV stations and the Theatre world are rife with Paedophiles… The article below however does not go into the full details that were made available to them.
The original article in its entirety has been withdrawn and censored because Ben had named TV Stars and Politicians, still active today whose conduct towards children, especially boys, is not shall we say… How it should be. I believe the article was deliberately censored probably on the orders of the British Government although reliable reports on this are sketchy right now.
You will also see in the Express article, mention of their exclusive interview with Esther Rantzen that the paper ran the day before.
Now, below the Express article is a copy of another article which is published on The ‘alternative news’ website, ‘Before its news’. The article is also written by Ben Fellows in which he is talking about an interview that he gave to the Times. In this article you will see that Ben describes a party he went to when he was 15 at which he was given drugs. Also at the party was someone famous who supposedly has kids best interests at heart yet stood by and watched Ben being given these drugs. The woman he describes can only be Esther Rantzen. Therefore, it would have been a conflict of interest for the Express to reveal that information.
I also believe that the article on the Before its News website, had either left in the name of a TV star or the names of three Prominent Politicians whom Ben named in the Times interview. However, as you will see, ‘Before Its News’ has now also been ordered by the government to Censor the article.
With regard to the Times Newspaper who conducted an interview with Ben; they apparently told him that they intended to run the interview in its entirety. However, one of the actors named in that interview is now appearing on SKY TV, who apparently have a lot invested in him. Since the Times and Sky are both owned by Rupert Murdoch, to name the star would be a conflict of interest . In the end, the Times pulled the interview altogether, although I understand a very heavily censored and watered down version may be in today’s or tomorrows edition.
So, what we basically have is the media and politicians covering up for Paedophiles, in order to protect their ‘interests’. I have been saying all along that these Paedophiles names are already known – no investigation needed really. I have also said that the ‘powers that be’ are intentionally keeping the attention focused on Savile and the BBC, in order to keep peoples eyes off where the real Paedophiles are, namely the Government and the Royal family.
Never the less, this news is slowly getting out as you are about to see. Below the Before its News article is another article written by Ben Fellows which is published on The Sovereign Independent website. Although the Sky TV star is not named in this article, the 3 Politicians are, the most prominent of whom is Kenneth Clarke. Interestingly enough Clarke is supposedly the man who sanctioned the Broadmoor Board of Directors to be sacked, a move that enabled Jimmy Savile to get the keys to the door, so to speak.
Also named with Clarke is the Government Lobbyist Ian Greer. Now either this is an awful coincidence or the dots are beginning to connect because I named Ian Greer as being deeply embroiled in paedophilia in an article I published on here 3 weeks ago http://www.ccs-rochford.co.uk/spivey/?p=6251
Below the Sovereign Independent article is a You Tube link to the Ben Fellows radio show. On that show Dominique Strauss-Kahn the ex IMF chief is named as being at the head of a European Paedophile ring. The vile little man has long been known as a sex pest.
Below that is another You tube video link to a Bill Maloney video. In it Maloney takes to a microphone and loudly announces that he can testify that the Queen Mother was a Paedophile who sexually abused little girls. This of course all ties in with what I say in my article Monsters Inc :http://www.ccs-rochford.co.uk/spivey/?p=3786
Below that… Nah, I’m only joking… Only the Government could go that low. I wonder if I will get a Government Warning.
Until that time, happy reading.
The Daily Express
A FORMER child actor revealed how he “ran a gauntlet of paedophiles” at the BBC, claiming the entertainment industry was rife with sex abuse.
Ben Fellows, who appeared in Eastenders, The Bill and Starlight Express before becoming an award-winning
filmmaker, spoke last night about how he was preyed upon by actors, directors and producers. Mr Fellows’s testimony will pile more pressure on the BBC in the wake of the Jimmy Savile sex scandal.He said: “Once I’d entered the entertainment industry proper I ran a gauntlet of paedophiles – both at the BBC and other television production companies and also in theatres, as well as commercial photo shoots.“In fact, almost every production I was involved with I was targeted in some way or another.”Mr Fellows, 38, who trained at the Royal Shakespeare Company, claims that as a teenager he was asked totake his top off and pose for photographs before being propositioned by men and women “all the time”.On one occasion, he claims, he was chased around a dressing room by a naked actor at the Theatre Royal in
London’s West End. Mr Fellows’s graphic account of life as an aspiring actor is the latest in a series of revelations
to emerge after 60 women alleged Savile had raped or indecently assaulted them – some in the late DJ’s
BBC dressing room.The BBC’s director-general George Entwistle has promised an independent investigation into practices at thecorporation in the 1960s, 70s and 80s.However, Mr Fellows’s account of life as a child star appears to indicate that predatory behaviour was commonplace
far more recently.He said: “The truth is there are paedophiles everywhere in the entertainment industry.”Last night children’s campaigner Esther Rantzen received support from Mark Wood, chairman of trustees for NSPCC and ChildLine, after it was claimed she was told about Jimmy Savile 18 years ago but failed to act.Yesterday the Daily Express published an exclusive interview with Ms Rantzen in which she said the Savile
sex scandal could undermine her “life’s work” protecting children.Mr Wood said: “Very few people have done so much for vulnerable children. In my view she is irreplaceable.”—————————————————————————————————————–
Before its News
(Editor’s Note: Beforeitsnews.com has received a defamation claim from the Cabinet Office in reference to an individual involved and has removed a photo and comments related to him)
Jimmy Savile was nothing compared to what’s going on now…it’s the tip of the iceberg!

Rupert Murdoch
“The Times wanted names of BBC paedophiles but not the ones I gave them!” – Ben Fellows
The Jimmy Savile paedophile ring at the centre of the BBC has taken an interesting twist this week as this journalist has come to realise that accusations of child abuse and paedophilia only extend to the deceased. If you’re a living, breathing human being in the entertainment industry mainstream media won’t expose you. If you are a paedophile or child abuser in the entertainment industry and are famous or powerful you can breath a sigh of relief – you won’t be exposed, at least not by the Murdoch empire.
Ben Fellows guest on BBC News 24
It all started when I was contacted by Ruth Lewy from The Times newspaper on October 16th 2012. She wanted me to do an exclusive interview about my experiences as a child actor when I had run the gauntlet of paedophiles in the entertainment industry. She wanted to “give this a great showing” but she would also “want to be the only people you speak to until it appears in print this weekend.” All I asked for in return for giving The Times an exclusive was that the story would definitely run. She agreed to the terms and said that senior Times journalist Jack Malvern would interview me and a photographer would take some pictures of me for the article, which would appear on Saturday the 20thOctober 2012. So we arranged a time and a place to meet.
Jack Malvern a tall, balding ex-public school boy complete with the uniform of his generation was late to the meeting. When he did eventually arrive he had to go shopping for a new pad! When he did eventually arrive proper, he sat down in front of me at the Novotel in Greenwich and asked me specifically to name names of people who, I alleged, were suspected paedophiles or had abused me in some way while I was a minor.
For the next two hours I sat in the Novotel being interviewed intensely and having only one cup of tea. The deal was that I was happy to name alleged paedophiles and child abusers in the wider industry, based on my own experiences but the story had to run.
What was good about the article, I thought, was that The Times were going to be brave and publish the names of actual living breathing people, rather than dead people like Jimmy Savile or Wilfred Brambell. Famous and powerful people who could argue back, perhaps call me a liar or fantasist in an attempt to clear their name.
I named a senior female BBC Producer
I talked about a senior female BBC producer who likes to have sex with teenagers. Or I should say have sex with me when I was a teenager. I continued with a long list of names of extremely well known actors, casting directors, producers, directors, writers and executives who had all abused me or attempted to abuse me sexually while I was a child actor.
I explained to Jack Malvern of The Times, that I only ever had sexual relations with women however that didn’t stop predatory gay men from attempting to get into my pants. As a child actor you are not responsible for your actions, you’re naïve, vulnerable and quite frankly an idiot, well I was. So, saying no when powerful industry people are telling you to take drugs with the implication that if you don’t – you won’t be hanging around for long, is highly unlikely. It’s one of the oldest tricks in the book and works really on children, now add sex, money and power into the mix and you’re lucky if you don’t spend life after being a child actor in rehab and therapy – of course some do.
Ben Fellows aged 15 with his mom
So, from the age of 15 I was a regular at Stringfellows, Cafe De Paris and The Atlantic Bar and Grill. I attended many celebrities parties and private functions.
One party was in a house in the New Forest and I must have been around sixteen at the time. At the party was a certain founder of a child protection telephone charity. I was given drugs, alcohol and was propositioned by men and women all night until I ended up passed out in the garden. I eventually got a cab back to my digs in a terrible state. You’d think that for someone who is known for their charitable works protecting children she might insist that this party was for adults only and make me go home or at least keep an eye on me and stop me from drinking – recognising the fact that I looked and was very young. (Esther Rantzen then – Spivey)
For consenting adults there is nothing wrong with sex, drugs and rock ‘n’ roll. However, I was a teenager and was being introduced to a very murky world by so called “respectable” industry figures and celebrities.
Now, none of my story seemed to be a problem for Jack Malvern when he interviewed me, he was happy to publish what I said. After the interview I even checked to see if he was happy with what I said. The only issue was that later in the day he wanted to interview my mother about an incident when I was called into a casting for a major drinks company. I gave him my mother’s telephone number, he left two messages which she ignored as she didn’t want to talk to him. My mother never agreed to talk to Jack Malvern which is what I told him when I later informed him that she didn’t want to be interviewed as she’s a very private person and it was her choice. Jack Malvern didn’t seem to think it was an issue and left me with the impression that the article would run as planned on Saturday 20th October 2012.
Of course printed here are just a few stories of the many that I told him. He’d asked for names and I’d given them to him with details only one who was there would know. He even empathised at one point and told me that my story rang true for him as he’d experienced similar problems with predatory gay men when he was a young journalist or so he told me.
Little did I know that the next BBC person I named was the one that would stop the article from coming out. The person who I am referring to shall remain nameless in this article, however they are a new star of Sky Television. It seems that Sky have a lot invested in this person and like the BBC stopping the Jimmy Savile Newsnight programme Murdoch et al. have withdrawn an explosive article in The Times that threatened to reveal a far seedier side of their new star than they would like. Drug taking, inappropriate sexual behaviour and child abuse isn’t something the Murdoch empire want revealed.
Now, Jack Malvern of The Times may say that I’m an unreliable person or that they couldn’t corroborate the accusations I was making. But isn’t that what child abuse is all about? There are laws preventing people from making false allegations so why would I lie. In any case they said they’d run the article either with or without the names. So, why didn’t it run? My theory is that they didn’t want to give me the platform of appearing in The Times, just in case I mentioned names at a later date.
The Murdoch empire and BBC are clearly safe havens for child abusers to operate.
A society that takes the position of not believing victims, hiding the truth and protecting abusers for their own personal gain is a sad state of affairs. It is typical of a society gone mad, set up to procure children and to protect paedophiles. In other words children’s well being comes down to simply politics. If you accuse someone of abuse and they happen to be famous or powerful then tough luck you lose. You won’t be believed, regardless of the validity of your claims by either the state or mainstream corporate media seems to be the message.
The irony is that the Murdoch empire, who has always been quick to name and shame is curiously reluctant when it comes to naming one of its own stars. It appears that the empire is only prepared to expose child abusers and paedophiles as long as it doesn’t affect its own reputation.
We’ve moved on from just phone hacking…
One of News International’s slogans on their Website is “We’re delivering more news, to more people, more often, in more ways than ever”. If the Murdoch press is willing to deny the public vital information which is in their interest to know, like exposing paedophiles and child abusers, then the question has to be – Are News International’s titles worth the paper they’re written on? Or more importantly are the Murdoch’s responsible enough to run a media empire influencing millions of people all around the world. If they’re hiding child abuse then the answer is no.
“my allegation is that Ken Clarke touched my penis over my trousers when he had been told I was fifteen years old”- Ben Fellows
The Sovereign Independent.
By Ben Fellows – Guest Columnist – 21st Century Wire -
‘Jimmy Saville wasn’t the only one at the BBC’, says investigative journalist and former child actor Ben Fellows
Jimmy Saville may be the villain of the moment concerning revelations about child sexual abuse at the BBC, but the truth is there are paedophiles everywhere in the entertainment industry. Many of them are in positions of power and influence within their respective organisations, including adult stars, directors, producers and executives.
The following accounts are just some of my own personal experiences – and brushes with paedophilia out in the media and commercial spheres, as a child star who attended the Sylvia Young Theatre School in London…
Ben playing “Fleance” in Adrian Nobles RSC production of Macbeth.
At the age of ten years old I was asked by my drama teacher to go and audition at the Royal Shakespeare Company. They were looking for a mixed race boy to play alongside Hugh Quarshi who was playing Banquo, in Adrian Nobles’ production of MacBeth starring Jonathan Price and Sinead Cusack. Having gone to the audition, taken by my parents, I was lucky enough to get the part of Fleance. However, after the high of getting offered a part in the production, my chaperones – who looked after me like secret service agents (I’m not kidding) – told me that there where certain actors that I was not allowed to be alone with. As a child at the RSC I was just having a blast and didn’t realise that sexual predators were a part of my production, however there were certain actors who were famous who I was warned about.
I was told in no uncertain terms never to go into certain actor’s dressing rooms. On one occasion I actually did go into an actor’s dressing room who closed the door behind me. I was offered alcohol… and before I knew it, the dressing room door burst open and my chaperone invited me to go back to my own dressing room. Of course nothing happened to me whilst at the RSC. My point is that the RSC were aware of paedophiles in their midst. It was an open secret that children were vulnerable, even this highly rated, professional environment.
TV’s ‘Casting Couch’
However, once I’d entered the entertainment industry proper, I was not so lucky and ran a gauntlet of paedophiles – both at the BBC and at other television production companies, and also in theatres, as well as on commercial photo shoots. In fact, almost every production I was involved with, I was targeted in some way or another. Looking back, it would not be an exaggeration to say that the problem is both institutional and systemic in the entertainment industry.
The casting couch may seem like a funny, perhaps even mythical old Hollywood style, approach to casting. As pre-teen and as a young teenager, I attended many auditions as a child where I was asked to take my top off and pose for photographs, and I was propositioned by male and female casting directors all the time.
Ben at the Royal Shakespeare Company (RSC), having just met Queen Elizabeth II.
After one audition for a Coca-Cola commercial, the Police came to my parent’s home. They advised my mother that I had inadvertently become a potential target of a known paedophile ring. It turned out that the “well known” casting director had taken pictures of me topless, and those pictures then appeared in what was described as a catalogue and was passed to other paedophiles within the company – and to external paedophiles These were professionals within ‘the industry’, operating under the cover of an entire production company working with blue chip clients.
On another, more frightening occasion, I was chased around the dressing room by a naked actor who had invited me into their dressing room at the Theatre Royal in Drury Lane – and this actor was extremely famous. I was advised by the director of the musical that I was not to complain, or tell anyone of this incident. I was thirteen years old… so I didn’t.
It was not uncommon, and on multiple occasions, that I was propositioned and called into “fake” castings. One fake casting of note was with one of the world’s most successful theatre producers(West End, Broadway), where I was systematically harassed over a twelve month period – whilst having a leading role in the musical dangled like the proverbial carrot in front of my face.
The BBC experience
At the BBC I did many series and episodes of television programmes. A a young actor on East Enders, I was propositioned by another adult actor, but by this time I had become quite a plucky kid so I didn’t tolerate it. But it wasn’t the last time, and I was hounded by that actor for the duration of my tenure on the show.
When I was on tour with a well known musical, most of the actors stayed in the same hotel. One night I was taken out by a male adult actor. I was brought alcohol and that actor took me back to my room and attempted to rape me. If it wasn’t for my friend – drunkenly bursting into my room, I believe that I might well have been raped. Mind you, I was only fourteen years old.
When I was fifteen years old, I was introduced to politicians via working from 1990-1994 on the investigative TV show,
“The Cook Report”, which became a nightmare. To explain,
The Cook Report was an investigative journalism programme run out of Central Television in Birmingham. When I joined the team, I was a confident child actor. I had a powerful agent and I was working on a regular basis across the entertainment industry.
The Cook Report needed a child,specifically one who was mixed race to place in front of prominent politicians to lure them into a sting operation – a dangerous honey trap if there ever was one.
Firstly, it was illegal for The Cook Report to exploit me in this way. I was a child for God’s sake! Yet, if I was eighteen but looked fifteen and I fully understood what I was getting into – then fair enough. But I was only fifteen at the time, so not being able to say no to a job – I joined the team and began my role in the sting.
During the show’s
‘Cash for Questions’ investigation , the first politician who I met was then DTI Chairman, Sir Michael Grylls, who invited me to tea in the House of Commons “tea room” and spent the meeting attempting to make body contact with me under the table. After that, I was sent to a political lobbyist named Ian Greer who tried to rub his genitalia against me while he hugged me. On one separate occasion, I was summoned Ian Greer’s offices where Ken Clarke was also present. Greer gave me two glasses of whiskey and was acting a little, lets say, “over-familiar”. Ken Clarke and Ian Greer were well aware of my age – because I told them. Now, I’m not suggesting that either Sir Michael Grylls, Ian Greer or Ken Clarke are paedophiles, however, but it’s not over-the-top to describe what transpired as
questionable behaviour towards a minor – by anyone’s standards – let alone the standards expected from our public officials and government inner circle members.
So, if Prime Minister David Cameron is calling for an inquiry into the BBC over revelations of Jimmy Savile, then he should also be including members of parliament, as well as the entire entertainment industry.
Of course, The Cook Report producers are just as culpable for putting me in that position in the first place. Certainly, it wouldn’t be the last time that show put my life in danger. As an undercover journalist on several stories, I was constantly put in danger.
Ben aged 15 with his mom Stephanie Fellows.
It wasn’t just the celebrities who were at it. A BBC producer, after filming one day on a television programme, took me to a party and introduced me to other BBC staff. I also met a male Guardian journalist who tried to come on to me. I am straight, and as I was a child and even though I probably thought I was cool, I was most certainly naive to the ways of adult behaviour in the industry! The producers took me back to their house in Ealing, a suburb of London, frequented by BBC staff. I was drunk, and a female BBC staff member tried to sleep with me. On another occasion I was given cocaine by famous personalities and crew with the full knowledge of the executive producers, producer and directors. They even had the coke delivered via a BBC courier to the party we were having in a BBC rehearsal room in Acton.
I could go on with many stories of being exploited sexually in the entertainment industry. My point is that it’s not just the BBC where paedophiles are operating. It’s the entire entertainment industry.
When I was between the ages of ten and the age of consent, on every television programme and theatre job I did, I was either sexually harassed, coerced into drinking too much, felt up in some way, or simply followed home by a crazy male fans. I’ve had actors expose themselves to me and I mean really famous actors, including world-famous movie stars – many who are touted by the sycophantic celebrity-worshipping media as role models. So you can see how recent revelations of Jimmy Savile are of little surprise for me.
Sickness That Infects the Whole of Show Business
The entertainment industry can be a rough ride for a child, and an industry that seems to have little or no internal governance regarding the regulation of sexual predators within its borders. I’ve been attacked on a few occasions and saved by sheer luck, ended up at serious sex parties with male and female prostitutes, bucket loads of drugs, alcohol – and all with some of the world’s most famous industry professionals. I don’t know about now, but when I was growing up in the industry it was rampant and everywhere – and everyone knew about it. It is the industry’s big, dirty secret.
For children in the entertainment industry what I’ve described is real, and it’s appropriate to note here that there were even child actors I personally knew – who committed suicide because of their abusive experiences. One can only guess at the number of survivors who later fell into self-abuse, narcotics and depression as a result of this institutional disease.
Male or female, it didn’t matter. I was a child and I was under the age of consent.
We can’t just look at the BBC without looking everywhere else – including the music industry. I was exposed to many famous men who tried to abuse their positions of power as industry ‘King Makers’.
Little or No Reform
As for the disgusting excuse for a public servant – Harriet Harman MP, who in the past has advocated for less stricter legislation on paedophile photographs, films and videos and wants the age of consent lowered to 14 years old – I say, only a paedophile would want to call for less legislation and therefore make being a paedophile much, much easier and more legal.
Now, more than ever, children need to be protected in society, and that includes the entertainment industry. If paedophiles were rampant in my day as a child actor, one could assume that it’s rather unlikely that this situation would have improved over time all by itself.
October 11, 2012
On the show today Ben talks with Patrick Henningsen of 21st Century Wire, about Jimmy Saville and the BBC pedophile scandal, the dirty side of show business, IMF and foreign aid fraud, MSM manipulation, the Middle East, the upcoming American elections and the 21st Century Wire TV show.
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