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Gus McCann with Eliah in Grafton Street, Stephen's Green, Dublin, Ireland in 2010 Eliah in Grafton Street, Stephen's Green, Dublin, Ireland in 2010
Sings Dublin In My Tears in Grafton Street, Dublin in 2008
Published on 25 Oct 2010
Paulo Vila3 years ago
I used to hear him in Dublin's streets back in 2009. I still hear his CD. Fair play music that always bring me back to Dublin.
Bella Morgan
Bella Morgan3 months ago
Amazing....beautiful voice...
Shane Rene Clark
Shane Rene Clark5 years ago
Hello Gus! My husband and I went to Dublin for our honeymoon almost five years ago. (November 2008) and saw you on Henry street. You had your dog and were so inspirational to us both!! <3 We purchased your CD and put extra EUROS in your guitar case. You see, we still have that original CD we bought all of those years ago and were hoping to get in touch with you. We live in Kerrville,Texas, USA. You can contact us via my email: plumsweetdevilish@gmail.com. Please contact us. The Conners
potpottor15 years ago
RIP gus
desertcelt15 years ago
Gus, fantastic version, i work in the capital after too many years being Irish in the Middle east, Im an Nordie, and only yan I ever heard singin this song before i hit Saudi was, Your names sake, Mss Susan Mc Cann, all i say she was no better than U, but thank F, you both sand a great and meaningful song
John Breen IRISH
John Breen IRISH6 years ago
Great version, fair play
Morph1137 years ago
Just met him yesterday in Dublin at night, nice fella and a nice dog he has, got his CD, just brilliant music he is doing
brenutube087 years ago
Lessio7 years ago
I love Gus' cd, "From Heart". Every time I listen him, his music bring me to Dublin....
Irish Born Singer Songwriter
Gus McCann lined up for role in
BrokeBack Mountain- The Untold Story.
Gus McCann in Dublin singing the old Irish Classic "Dublin In My Tears" in the streets of Dublin after receiving hisUSAWeeklyNews 100 Star Awarda the 2008 Edinburgh Fringe Festival. Gus McCann is riding high with an offer to play a part in a film and a recording contract..Gus however does not ever like to forget his roots on the streets of Dublin where he cut his teeth singing a mixture of the Old Irish Ballads and his own poetry all about life and the lessons life hands out, which Gus puts to his own music... Gus McCann is also about to embark on a world tour bringing his soulful voice and music to as many people around the world as he can....
Do not miss the best show at the 2008 Dublin Fringe Festival...
and its free... and will only take five minutes of your time..
Irish Singer Songwriter Gus McCann singing in Henry Street, Dublin, Ireland in 2010
Gus McCann was named by the USA Weekly News as the most talented and exciting Irish Singer Songwriter of this century
The Gus McCann song Wide Eyes is sure to be a big world wide hit when released in 2009
as part of Gus McCann'snew album "Gus McCann.....
Singing From the Heart"
Click here to hear two Irish classics rarely heard today sung by Gus McCann
One of the most talented, vibrant , exciting and exciting singer songwriters to come out of the USA this century
Creature Rock Progress
Michael Scott Parker and James Harwood recording "Unusual as Usual" in the Pink Elephant Studio, Austin, TX
Pink Elephant Recording Studio Construction
Michael Scott Parker
One of the most talented, vibrant , exciting and exciting singer songwriters to come out of the USA this century
Creature Rock presents the Pink Elephant Recording Studio! After 2 years of building, we are proud to have our grand opening reception, March 10 2012, in Southwest Austin, TX.
Michael Scott Parker
One of the most talented, vibrant , exciting and exciting singer songwriters to come out of the USA this century
St Paul's Cathedral Bellman in Ludgvan, Cornwall, UK
Michael Scott Parker- Naked Cover
Unusual as Usual - recording
Michael Scott Parker
One of the most talented, vibrant , exciting and exciting singer songwriters to come out of the USA this century