
 Promo for the INLNews Group's movie The Great American Novel

Criminalizing Natural Health- Video One

Criminalizing Natural Health- Video Two

Criminalizing Natural Health- Video Three

Criminalizing Natural Health- Video Four


Criminalizing Natural Health- Video Five

                    flouride and democracy


    The history of the fluoridation of water supplies and the dental benefits are open to much scrutiny.According to the Independent newspaper in Hervey Bay on 24/1/13,a leading doctor for the state of Queensland stated

“it is the safest and most effective way of improving the dental health of Queenslanders”.

I would like to challenge this assertion with a litteny of facts which raise concerns for not only the dental health benefits,but health in general as a direct result of fluoridation.

Fluoride comes in many forms,and is in fact not registered on the periodic table which classifies chemical substances.The “name” fluoride,can refer to many various substances-calcium fluoride,sodium fluoride,hydrogen fluoride,lead fluoride,aluminium fluoride, but to name a few.The important thing to remember is that in whatever form a substance takes to use the term fluoride,it is a combination of chemical compounds and substances.

The only naurally occurring fluoride is calcium fluoride(CaF2),which occurs naturally in water but is not soluble.It is not added to our drinking water,and in fact it is illegal to do so.      

Sodium Fluoride is the name given to  inorganic chemical compounds(NaF).This is what is added to our water.It is soluble and therefore dilutes in water.The additive in our water in Hervey Bay is Sodium Fluoride in the form of “fluorosilicic acid”.

Just to clarify further,Sodium Flouride can be in two forms-Pharmaceutical grade,and Industrial grade.As you would expect,Pharmaceutical grade refers to a controlled combination of substances.Think of men in white coats,beakers,bunson burners and the like.

Industrial grade Sodium Flouride is another matter.As flourosilisic acid(H2SiF6),this industrial grade of sodium fluoride is what we are drinking.Where does it come from?It comes from industry as a bi-product(waste) from several industries-Fertilizer,Aluminium,and Weapon manufacturing to name a few!It is not treated/sterilized/processed before being added to our water.

This additive comes from an industrial process which results in a waste product that is then sold to municipal councils so it can be disposed of in-wait for it-HUMAN BODIES!! The majority of fluoride ends up down our drains,on our garden,and in our food production.

“Fluoride” is a misnomer-there is no such substance listed in the periodic tables as stated earlier,instead we find a gas called Fluorine.The use of this gas in various industries listed above results in certain toxic byproducts which are created in these processes.One such toxic byproduct is called Sodium Fluoride,and it has to be one of the most remarkable substances ever produced.Here are some of its applications-

*Major additive in rat and cockroach poisons

*active ingredient in toothpaste

*ingredient in anesthetics, and hypnotic, psychiatric drugs such as Prozac

* ingredient in sarin nerve gas

*additive in drinking water to alleviate tooth decay


Getting interesting,isn’t it!

Fluorine gas is one of the most active,most aggressive,reactive elements in the periodic table.In other words,it is a very dangerous,toxic substance.

Fluoursilisic acid therefore is a chemical cocktail from industrial manufacturing processes which originate from a gas that is extremely dangerous and toxic.



Amongst the chemicals found in Fluorocilicic acid,we find the following:








*Radionulides(radioactive particles)


How did this substance ever get to be added to our drinking water?Lets get a history lesson which will clarify the matter.After the second world war aluminium production took off in a big way in America.But this  industry had many problems.One of these was an increasing number of health problems from people living near these plants.Fluorine emissions in particular caused many people to lodge court cases against these plants(Alcoa),and most of these were settled out of court.An Alcoa chemist,Gerald J Cox,proposed that Fluoride waste helps dental health and it should be added to drinking water.This was in 1939.Studies conducted to investigate a relationship between dental health and fluoride were financed by the fluoride producing industries.It is not surprising then that a favourable relationship was established. America started fluoridation of its water supplies with waste chemicals from industry!Fluorosilicic acid is composed of tetrafluorosilicate gas and other species of fluorine gases captured in pollution scrubbers and concentrated into a 23% solution during wet process phosphate fertilizer manufacture.Generally,the acid is stored in outdoor cooling ponds before being shipped to local councils to artificially fluoridate drinking water.Fluoridating drinking water with recovered pollution is a cost effective means of disposing of toxic waste.The fluorosilicic acid would otherwise be classified as a hazardous toxic waste on the Superfund Priorities List(USA) of toxic substances that pose the most significant risk to human health and the greatest potential liability for manufacturers.During the 1960s,there became a shortage of sodium fluoride from the aluminium industry,and with the help of the EPA(Environmental Protection Agency) in America,fluorosilicic acid was transformed from a concentrated toxic waste and a liability into a “proven cavity fighter”.The EPA and the US Public Health Service waived all testing procedures and-with the help of the American Dental Association(ADA)-encouraged cities to add the radioactive concentrate into America’s drinking water as an “improved” form of fluoride!We here in Australia are upholding this HERE IN HERVEY BAY!!The first three cities to be fluoridated in America were Grand Rapids,Michigan,Newburgh,NY,and Evanstan,Illinois in 1950.


What is the process in Australia?Well it appears we the people have no say in the fluoridation,or mass medication through our water supplies.Local councils are informed by state governments that fluoridation is to occur.No consultation whatsoever is sought between you and I as to whether we would like to be medicated.State governments advise councils that on a certain date fluoride will commence,and that all the infrastructure necessary to implement this will be installed at the water treatment plant by this date.The only choice open to a council is who will pay for this installation?Accept the state governments offer,and there will be no expence incurred to local council.If a council rejects the proposal,the state government will install this infrastructure anyway,then bill that council for the cost.There is absolutely no discussion on the merits of fluoridation,just an acceptance that this practice is beneficial to ones dental health.Recent changes have been implemented in Australia that now give local councils the ability to repel fluoridation ,and therefore remove it from our water supplies.Cairns have acted on this change in policy,and have decided to cease fluoridation.Hervey Bay Council has announced it is to continue fluoridation,once again doing so with no consultation with you and I.Read on to see why we should all be concerned with there decision.It should be noted that ALL maintenance to fluoridate our water supply is at the expence of the Hervey Bay council,and ultimately,ratepayers!



As is all the information herein,none of this information is based on my opinions only,they are all based on freely available FACTS.Do your own research and then make your own mind up as to the course of action you and your family are willing to take.From hereon,I will refer to our fluoride additive in Hervey Bays water(fluorosilicic acid) as SF.

The two ways we apply SF :

SYSTEMIC refers to ingestion through water,and

TOPICAL,as in external application from toothpaste.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention(USA) has now acknowledged that the mechanism of fluoride’s benefits are mainly topical,not systemic.There is no need whatsoever,therefore to swallow fluoride to protect teeth.  

If you look into toothpaste with SF,there is a warning about ingesting toothpaste,particularly for the young.

Ingesting SF is a practise that has spawned a pandoras box of cricisim which governments and most dental practitioners ignore.


*SF, when ingested at ANY LEVEL acts as a neurotoxin which directly affects the pineal gland in the brain as well as the central nervous system.The Pineal gland is a pine cone shaped gland of the endocrine system.It is situated near the center of the brain,between the two hemispheres.It is also known as the third eye.Functions of this gland include-secretion of the hormone melatonin

                             -regulation of endocrine functions

                             -conversion of nervous system-endocrine system signals

                             -causes feeling of sleepiness

                             -influences sexual development

SF has been proven to infiltrate the blood-brain barrier,and therefore affects and accumulates in the pineal gland.It causes calcification of this gland.Brain studies indicate SF can lower IQ’s,promote lethargy,apathy,and in addition it directly has a negative affect on our thyroid gland.If you look up treatment for hypothyroidism(over active thyroid),you will find one treatment is to administer fluoride tablets!In other words,this treatment verifies that SF reduces the thyroid production of hormones.

Dr Pyyllis Mullenix,an EPA toxicologist in a review in 1995 noted that fluoride has been listed among 100 chemicals for which there is “substantial”evidence of developmental neurotoxicity.In total,there have now been over 100 animal experiments showing that fluoride can damage the brain and impact learning behaviour.Dr Mullenix was fired from her position as Chair of Toxicology at Forsythe Dental Center for publishing her findings on fluoride and the brain.


*SF is a great concern when you ingest as heated or boiled water.As water is boiled,steam is produced,which therefore increases the proportionate amount of SF in the water.Every time you make a cup of tea or coffee for example,you are receiving additional parts per million of SF through the water.The major concern with this fact is in bottle fed babies-baby formula made with fluoridated tap water.Mothers milk has 0.004% fluoride which occurs naturally .When a mother makes her baby formula with fluoridated water,300% more fluoride is consumed by that baby .The American Dental Association distributed a November 6,2006 email alert to its members recommending that parents be advised that baby formula should be made with “low or no fluoridated water” due to findings that it would cause dental fluorosis later in life!!Unfortunately,the ADA has done little to get this information into the hands of parents.WE HAVE DONE THE SAME HERE IN AUSTRALIA.


*The EPA(Environmental Protection Agency)in America warns to keep toothpaste away from children under 6 years of age.If swallowed,they recommend to contact the poison control center,or seek medical advise.


*There are links to bone cancers,athsma,kidney damage and brain damage as stated previously-In 2000 the senior vice president of the EPA in America recommended a study be done “to investigate the cancer link between water fluoridation by the addition of fluorosilicic acid or sodium silicoflouride(another additive from industry) in the water.He recommended toxicity studies be undertaken.This has not been implemented.


*Two reasons given for fluoridation are the reductions of both tooth decay and fluorosis(pitting or discoloration of tooth enamel).It is a fact that both these major reasons are false.The rates of fluorosis have increased in every area that fluoridation has been done.In America 41% have fluorosis,NZ 30%.Tooth decay has not reduced as a result of this process.Without getting into a discussion into the merits of this assertion,I will point out a few facts :


      -The WHO(world health authority)statistics report that the rates of tooth decay       

        have been declining between 1970-2010  at the SAME RATE in               

        fluoridated or unfluoridated countries.In other words,there is no evidence that

        fluoridation is effective in lowering tooth decay!

      -Information from Colgate states that fluoride “is a naturally occurring element

        that strengthens teeth”,and that “fluoride that is swallowed enters the

        bloodstream and becomes part of the permanent teeth as they develop”.Why

        then have we not seen a decrease in dental cavities and fluorosis in fluoridated

        area’s that surpass the unfluoridated area’s?


*The Center for disease control in America reported in 2005 that fluoridation caused irreversible discoloured teeth in 33% of children


*National academy of sciences USA reported that fluoridation is:

      -a potent hormone disruptor which affects teeth,bones,thyroid,lowers IQ,

       especially in children.


*Bob Canton,a former EPA scientist in USA stated Fluoride  “is a cumulative

  poison”,which leeches into our bones and pineal gland in particular.


*Since 1994,six studies have shown adverse affects on the brain from fluoridation in drinking water,even at optimal levels of 1 part per million.Symptoms found included hyperactivity,autism,ADHD to name but a few.


*In 1990,Dr William Marcus,senior scientist at EPA(US),was fired for exposing a coverup in a government study showing clear evidence that fluoride causes cancer.

In 1992 Dr Marcus was vindicated when an Administrative court Judge, David A Clark ordered the EPA to give him back his job-EPA then shredded all documents relating to the information which Dr Marcus exposed.


*Paul Connett PhD,is a noted advocate of the anti fluoride movement.He states that fluoride is a poor medical practise in that you cannot control the amount of SF which individuals may ingest.He also states that there is no such thing as a LACK OF FLUORIDE.No doctors monitor us for fluoride levels,and they are certainly not trained to look for any symptoms of fluoride toxicity.Due to the method governments use when adding fluoride to our water,we are deprived of our right to INFORMED CONSENT TO MEDICATION.No government should force medications on populations,especially for a NON-CONTAGIOUS,NON-LIFE THREATENING DISEASE!!!


*Going back to the article in the Independent Newspaper,we were told that there was “no evidence to show fluoride,in the amounts used in water supplies has any detrimental health effects”.This I absolutely agree with.The reason why I agree is because in all countries who fluoridate their drinking water there has never been a study done regarding health effects from ingesting industrial grade SF.All countries that fluoridate have never done any testing on SF,except for Pharmaceutical grade,WHICH IS NOT PERMITTED BY LAW TO BE PUT IN OUR WATER!!


*Put simply,SF is not necessary.Most industrialized countries have rejected water fluoridation,but have nevertheless experienced the same decline in childhood dental decay as fluoridated countries.(once again-according to WHO).


*                             THE WORLD AND FUORIDATION

-97% of Western Europe has rejected,banned or stopped fluoridation

-Only 5% of the worlds population is fluoridated

-The Danish Minister of Environment recommended against fluoridation in 1977

  because ‘no adequate studies had been carried out on its long-term effects on

  human organ systems other than teeth and because not enough studies had been

  done on the effects of fluoride discharges on freshwater ecosystems’.Here are just

  some of other countries fluoridation stances:

-China         Banned‘not allowed’.

-Austria       Rejected:Toxic fluorides not added

-Belgium     Rejected:encourages self-determination,those who want fluoride

                     should get it themselves

-Finland      Stopped-do not favour or recommend fluoridation of drinking water.

                    A recent study found no evidence that cavities are increasing

-Germany    Stopped.Study has found no evidence of cavity increases

-Denmark    Rejected-toxic fluorides have never been added to the public water

                    supplies in Denmark

-Norway      Rejected-drinking water should not be fluoridated

-Sweden      Banned-not allowed.No safety data available

-Japan         Rejected-may cause health problems…the o.8-1.5mg level is for

                  calcium-fluoride,not the hazardous waste by-product which is added

                  with artificial fluoridation.

-America   66% of America is fluoridated.This amounts to 50% of the worlds

                  people who are fluoridated.



*The main countries that have large amounts of calcium fluoride occurring naturally in their water are China and India.The health problems as a result are catastrophic,and they actually have a programme to REMOVE calcium fluoride before letting people consume this water.Just because a substance is NATURAL does not mean it is good.Lead,arsenic and mercury are also natural.



Starting in America,the Industries involved in producing this industrial grade waste were able to dispose of their waste at a huge profit instead of spending a huge amout of money to safely dispose a waste that their EPA rates at the highest level of toxicity.This was achieved by proposing they sell their waste to local councils for inclusion in that areas drinking water.By selling this waste,it then becomes a PRODUCT,and any product in the marketplace is not subject to any environmental laws governing disposal of toxic or hazardous materials!!!You can see now why the push to fluoridation was generated not by dental and health concerns,but by industrial and economic factors.We should investigate whether Australia follows suit with this strategy,and owing to the huge fertilizer and alumunium producers located here,I cannot see any reason to doubt that we too follow suit.


(7)For a thorough understanding of the fraud that is fluoridation,I recommend the following two documentaries as a start-

            *The fluoride deception –Christopher Bryson

            *Firewaterfilm               -Australian doco

Please watch them in the order they appear.Find out the history of this practise first,then in firewaterfilm you will see first hand some of the results and practices in Australia of fluoridation.



We are being medicated against our will with a toxic industrial waste byproduct for a health disease that is neither life threatening or contagious, for a benefit that is patently non existent.There is no way of controlling the doses consumed,and most scientific estimates say we have 8-10ppm being ingested through all the foods we consume which are also laced with fluoride as SF.Until local councils can produce evidence that conclusively prove the dental and health benefits from this practise,we should demand an immediate halt to fluoridation.Long live Democracy,its good to know that our opinions and concerns are important with decision makers in local councils,state and federal governments.


Oh yeah,I almost forgot-remember the three cities in America that were the first to receive fluoridation back in 1950?Well,recent statistics available now show that the number of dentists per 10,000 people in America are as follows :

                       UNFLUORIDATED CITIES…………..52 Dentists


                       FLUORIDATED CITIES………………76 Dentists


                     GRAND RAPIDS,NEWBURGH,

                     AND EVANSTAN,USA………………..122 Dentists!!!!!!


If when reading this article you find it difficult to follow or understand,or if you couldn’t care less,and you believe what authorities tell you,maybe,just maybe,you already suffer from fluoride toxicity and have become the good citizen that proponents of fluoridation want as a result of this practise.(THIS COMMENT IS MY OWN PERSONAL OPINION,AND IT SHOULD NOT BE LABLED AS FACT,UNLIKE EVERYTHING ELSE PRESENTED ABOVE)











*Send this information to as many people as possible

*Organize a demonstration outside Hervey Bay council chambers,where we

  should object to this mass medication,and demand immediate removal

  from our water supplies.

*Once this date is organized,all who receive this email will be informed




The Big Picture ? "The end goal is to get everybody chipped, to control the whole society, to have the bankers and the elite people control the world."Nick Rockefeller quoted by Aaron Russo in this interview.

It's not about more power, it's not about more money, it's about the survival of the elite pyramid

Several years ago, after his popular video Mad As Hell was released and he began his campaign to become Governor of Nevada, Russo was noticed by Rockefeller and introduced to him by a female attorney. Seeing Russo's passion and ability to affect change, Rockefeller set about on a subtle mission to recruit Russo into the elite's CFR (Council of Foreign Relation) organization. Aaron Russo, the famous Film Maker of Trading Places starring Eddy Murphy, also made a film called "America: Freedom To Fascism". The motive behind this latter is surely linked to Nick (Nicholas) Rockefeller revelation about the ultimate aim of the Elites New World Order.

As Russo refused to join them, Rockefeller coldly questioned why Russo cared about the "serfs"

Russo rejected the invitation, saying he had no interest in "enslaving the people" to which Rockefeller coldly questioned why he cared about the "serfs." "I used to say to him what's the point of all this," states Russo, "you have all the money in the world you need, you have all the power you need, what's the point, what's the end goal?" to which Rockefeller replied (paraphrasing), "The end goal is to get everybody chipped, to control the whole society, to have the bankers and the elite people control the world."Rockefeller even assured Russo that if he joined the elite his chip would be specially marked so as to avoid undue inspection by the authorities.

Other themes are 9/11, agenda behind feminism the Rockefeller Foundation has helped promoted with CIA and depopulation of the world by 50%.

The Big Picture ?

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By thecounterpunch

"In his final Senate years, Aldrich chaired the National Monetary Commission. His Aldrich Plan, providing for flexible cash reserves, was the forerunner of the Federal Reserve System."


"This Act establishes the most gigantic trust on earth... The worst legislative crime of the ages is perpetrated by this banking and currency Bill."

-- Charles A. Lindbergh, Sr (father of famous aviator), Congressman in his book Banking and Currency and The Money Trust, 1913

"The Congress shall have Power... To coin Money, regulate the Value thereof, and of foreign Coin, and fix the Standard of Weights and Measures [see on the origin of the Gold Standard] ..."-- Article One, Section Eight of the U.S. Constitution

"The name of Central Bank is carefully avoided, but the ‘Federal Reserve Association’, the name given to the proposed central organization, is endowed with the usual powers and responsibilities of a European Central Bank."

-- Nation Magazine, January 19, 1911

The Federal Reserve Act was proposed in 1908 by Nelson Aldrich - whose unique daughter married unique Rockefeller's son - in theAldrich-Vreeland Act after the Panic of 1907.The Act created the "Federal Reserve System" which transferred control of the money supply from Congress [see above Article One, Section Eight of the U.S. Constitution] to the banking system. Though the Treasury still coins and prints our money under the authority of Congress, neither the Treasurynor the Congress has the slightest thing to do with its issue or regulating the value thereof. The Act was signed by President Woodrow Wilson - under the influence of Colonel House - founder of the CFR (controlled byRockefeller) - on December 23, 1913 during the night (see timeline below) eighty years after President Jacksonrepelled the charter of the Second Bank Of United States.

The Incredible Timeline

The Federal Reserve Act was scheduled during the unlikely hours of 1.30 am to 4.30 am - were most members probably sleeping ? - on Monday 22 December 1913, at which 20 to 40 substantial differences in the House and Senate versions were supposedly described, deliberated upon, debated, reconciled and voted upon in a near-miraculous four-and-a-half to nine minutes per item, at that late hour. At 4.30 am, a prepared report of this Committee was handed to the printers. Senator Bristow of Kansas, the Republican leader, stated on the Congressional Record that the Conference Committee had met without notifying them, and that Republicans were not present and were given no opportunity either to read or sign the Conference Committee report. The Conference report is normally read on the Senate floor. The Republicans did not even see the report. Some senators stated on the floor of the Senate that they had no knowledge of the contents of the Bill. At 6.02 PM on 23 December, when many members had already left the Capital for the Christmas holiday, the very same day that the Bill was hurried through the House and Senate, President Woodrow Wilson signed the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 into law.

Mike Mathiesen  says: 2 years ago This one of the many ways they have watered down the Constitution and our rights over the years. There are more going on today.

J D Murrah  says: 2 years ago Colonel House did a lot of damage to the Constitution through Wilson. His influence allowed massive centralization to occur in Washington. The only person who managed doing more damage to the Constitution was Lincoln. I heard a new saying the other day that the Federal Reserve is neither Federal nor does it have a Reserve. Jeffrey Murrah, author Texans Always Move Them: A True History of Texas.

DNKStore  says: 15 months ago We still live today under the influence of actions taken by venal corrupt men taken nearly 100 years ago. Nothing has changed much in this regard.

Socio-Image  says: 10 months ago Do you know if there was some process that is on the record of the Republicans or whoever did not like the bill, after it passed, took action to try and declare it as unconstitutional and have it thrown out? Certainly it would seem logical especially if they pushed the bill in the early morning hours before Christmas.

James Jesse Emery St. Louis  says: 7 months ago: Hey Guys Did you know these same men now operate 130 Central Banks in 130 Different Sovereign Nations The EU is their Conquest of Consent, no more habeus corpus in europe, Corpus Jurus, Judgement by the State, by The Court it's self, Double Joepardy is a thing of the past in the European Union, The North American union (Yes, that's, Mexico, Canada and The United States Merging their Economies and infrastructure) Is the Next Step in Their Plan, Their Plan is this Fraudulent, Manipulative, Self Destructive, Monetary-Communism via Central Banking, issuance of the currency, but on a global scale, The INTERNATIONAL Monetary (MONEY) Fund, The WORLD Health Organization, the WORLD Trade Organization and the WORLD BANK. we are fucked because the rothschilds are fucking satanists, they financed hitler's rise to power because he was harshly prejudiced, and would accomplish their goals for them, goals such as mass genocide, They financed Mao, who slaughtered 60 Million, because they are fucking satanists, and want no more than 500 Million People to "Burden" the Earth The Money Changers express their goals openly in the Georgia Guidestones, They are Raping third world countries of their resources, and spinning the world on it's head upside down drowing in debt 6 inches deep, and made of written agreements our own politicians signed, They are going to outlaw nutrients with codex alimentarius (not GNC Prodoucts, nutrients in our food) and neglect the world, legislated famine in the Name of the Earth, the environment, NCMR, you're ideas are not you're own "You Won't See this in the News" Rick and Dick abc cnn msnbc viacom NbC bbc npr pbs and everyone else didn't tell you about this, secret history, and current events, the banker will venture elsewhere, and profiteer (See what he Can BUY, to Make More MONEY) The Banker invested in industry, wartime industry, and he invested in public awareness,in general knowledge, in ideals, when he bought the newspapers, when he bought the Radio stations and the television broadcasters, the Networks, and then, He Proceeded to Buy, our Senators and representatives, and now he has bought us barack, bush, cheney, clinton, rumsfeld, Kissinger, Woodrow Wilson, Nixon, Greenspan, FDR, Ben Bernanke, Jay Rockefeller and many others, forging our future economically through the issuance and manipulation of the currency and it's value the other part of that qute is "This Act Legalizes the INVISIBLE GOVERNMENT of the Monetary (MONEY) Power." that was a hundred fucking years ago, nobody believes this shit because it's not feasible that our ideas are manipulated along with the economy to perpetuate debt to the men that killed kennedy, lincoln, bobby kennedy and bobby kennedy jr. Taft was killed for saying something about the monetary power two weeks after being elected, and americans are all kept ignorant of the history of these tycoons, manipulating governments through the issuance of the currency all the way back to the dark ages to Egypt and Ceaser, the world is kept ignorant to the true state of technology, and the possibilities of modern science.

MikeNV  says: 2 months ago American People are uneducated and unaware. I am amazed that an issue so important to the freedom and prosperity of our country, and the world for that matter gets absolutely no press. It's unfortunate but the average American is an idiot. They play the party politics game continuing to vote for politicians who perpetuate the fraud. People vote for candidates not on issues of relevance but on issues of emotion that are created in the media each election year. All the talk about the economy is laughable. People like Fed Chairman Bernanke perpetuating the lie with a straight face. I don't know how an issue so important can not make it to the mainstream - other than to say that the wealthy bankers own the media and continue to buy politicians so it can not.

I wish I could vote your hub up to 100. But I can only press the button once.

Nelson Aldrich: the Rockefeller's Middle Man who crafted the Income Tax and the Central Federal Reserve System

69  By thecounterpunch

"There are two distinct classes of men...those who pay taxes and those who receive and live upon taxes." -- Thomas Paine (1737–1809), pamphleteer and revolutionary

"You know, gentlemen, that I do not owe any personal income tax. But nevertheless, I send a small check, now and then, to the Internal Revenue Service out of the kindness of my heart." -- David Rockefeller (1915-), before a Congressional Committee

"In his final Senate years, Aldrich chaired the National Monetary Commission. His Aldrich Plan, providing for flexible cash reserves, was the forerunner of the Federal Reserve System."


Aldrich introduced established an income tax, although he had declared a similar measure "communistic" a decade earlier

Born in Rhode Island, Nelson Aldrich (1841–1915) was a direct descendant of Rhode Island founder, Roger Williams. He had directed the Finance Committee and was tightly linked to Rockefeller as his only daughter married the only son ofJohn D. Rockefeller (Nelson Aldrich Rockefeller is his grandson and his son Winthrop Aldrich's will become chairmanship of the Chase National Bank - Rockefeller's Bank). In 1909, Aldrich introduced a constitutional amendment to establish an income tax, although he had declared a similar measure "communistic" a decade earlier. In 1908 he became the chief sponsor of the Aldrich-Vreeland Act which created the National Monetary Commission, later to become the Federal Reserve in 1913. Aldrich became wealthy with investments in street railroads, sugar, rubber and banking. In 1906 Aldrich and other American financiers invested heavily in mines and rubber in the Belgian Congo. They supported Belgium's King Leopold II, who was alleged to have imposed slave labor conditions in the colony.


Astounding Interview of Aaron Russo about Nicholas Rockefeller who asked him to join the CFR


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"The end goal is to get everybody chipped, to control the whole society, to have the bankers and the elite people control the world."

- Nick Rockefeller quoted by Aaron Russo in this interview.

It's not about more power, it's not about more money, it's about the survival of the elite pyramid

Several years ago, after his popular video Mad As Hell was released and he began his campaign to become Governor of Nevada, Russo was noticed by Rockefeller and introduced to him by a female attorney. Seeing Russo's passion and ability to affect change, Rockefeller set about on a subtle mission to recruit Russo into the elite's CFR (Council of Foreign Relation) organization.

Aaron Russo, the famous Film Maker of Trading Places starring Eddy Murphy, also made a film called "America: Freedom To Fascism". The motive behind this latter is surely linked to Nick (Nicholas) Rockefeller revelation about the ultimate aim of the Elites New World Order.

As Russo refused to join them, Rockefeller coldly questioned why Russo cared about the "serfs"

Russo rejected the invitation, saying he had no interest in "enslaving the people" to which Rockefeller coldly questioned why he cared about the "serfs."

"I used to say to him what's the point of all this," states Russo, "you have all the money in the world you need, you have all the power you need, what's the point, what's the end goal?" to which Rockefeller replied (paraphrasing), "The end goal is to get everybody chipped, to control the whole society, to have the bankers and the elite people control the world."

Rockefeller even assured Russo that if he joined the elite his chip would be specially marked so as to avoid undue inspection by the authorities.

Other themes are 9/11, agenda behind feminism the Rockefeller Foundation has helped promoted with CIA and depopulation of the world by 50%.

The Big Picture ?

Aaron and Nick were friends ...until the Revelation about Microchips

The Bilderberg Group - no more a secret in mass Medias - 64 By thecounterpunch

Cities of the UnderworldUnveil the Hidden World Beneath Major Cities. Videos at HISTORY Freemasony Warning: Do Not Join The Freemasons Until You've Seen This...

BBC - Bilderberg's head Viscount Davignon

In 1974, U.S. Senator James Buckley wrote: "I don't subscribe to the theory that there exists an organization of international bankers called the Bilderbergers." Bilderberg Group, so called because of their first meeting in May 1954 at the Bilderberg Hotel, was kept in secrecy for several dozens of years. Today they prefer not to hide any more at least on European medias like the BBC (for example through their article "Inside the secretive Bilderberg Group"). Prince Bernhard, the Dutch aristocrat, former member of the honorary German Reiter SS Corps, founded the group and chaired meetings for more than 30 years. Over the years the group became a model for transnational diplomacy, lending support to European integration and oil company policies. Its steering committee was virtually a who's who of international finance; David Rockefeller, Gabriel Hauge (Manufacturer's Hanover Trust), Emilio Collado (Standard Oil, later Exxon) international lawyers such as Arthur Dean and George Ball. All U.S. steering committee members were also members of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), Rockefeller's organization (founded by Colonel House), which has dominated US foreign policy planning since World War II. Take George Ball, for example. A long-time CFR member, director of the Trilateral Commission (founded by Brzezinski for David Rockefeller - lifetime member), Undersecretary of State, and lawyer with Lehman Brothers. Or Arthur Dean. CFR member, partner in Sullivan and Cromwell law firm, whose partners included John Foster and Allen Dulles. Before World War II Sullivan and Cromwell worked with German chemical and steel monopolies. By the time the Bilderbergers began to meet, attorney Allen Dulles had become CIA director. Is Bilderberg goal the same as described by Caroll Quigley, Bill Clinton's mentor, in his book "Tragedy and Hope: A History of the World in Our Time" ?

"The powers of financial capitalism had far-reaching aim, nothing less than to create a world system of financial control in private hands able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world as a whole. This system was to be controlled in a feudalist fashion by the central banks of the world acting in concert." Carroll Quigley, Bill Clinton's mentor

Globalization: Maurice Allais, French Economics Nobel Prize for the "theory of markets and efficient utilization of ressources"


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Comments William F. Torpey  says: 2 years ago : Fascinating stuff, counterpunch. The wealthy and powerful don't need a secret conspiracy; they've had an open conspiracy for decades (and much longer.) These people deal with each other in business, attend all the same dinners and luncheons, belong to the same exclusive golf courses, gather in the same backroom political circles, etc. Just as the average guys meet at the public golf courses and fraternal organizations etc. The wealthy feel they are doing the world a favor by making all the big decisions. It's a little bit like the old slave owners who would brag about how well they treated their slaves, often refusing to believe their slaves would even want to be free and fend for themselves. Obviously, the world is headed in the wrong direction, and if something isn't done about it, well.
BBC - Bilderberg's head Viscount Davignon
He plays down the group's role in setting the international agenda
He plays down the group's role in setting the international agenda Tragedy and Hope: A History of the World in Our Time by Carroll Quigley (Bill Clinton's mentor) - 75 By thecounterpunch

Summary "The powers of financial capitalism had far-reaching aim, nothing less than to create a world system of financial control in private hands able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world as a whole. This system was to be controlled in a feudalist fashion by the central banks of the world acting in concert." -- Carroll Quigley, Bill Clinton's mentor

Read before


“There does exist, and has existed for a generation, an international Anglophile network which operates, to some extent, in the way the radical Right believes the Communists act. In fact, this network, which we may identify as the Round Table Groups, has no aversion to cooperating with the Communists, or any other groups, and frequently does so. I know of the operations of this network because I have studied it for twenty years and was permitted for two years, in the early 1960's, to examine its papers and secret records. I have no aversion to it or to most of its aims [theCounterpunch: not any more see Home-School.Com: an astonishing interview with John Taylor Gatto] and have, for much of my life, been close to it and to many of its instruments. I have objected, both in the past and recently, to a few of its policies (notably to its belief that England was an Atlantic rather than a European Power and must be allied, or even federated, with the United States and must remain isolated from Europe), but in general my chief difference of opinion is that it wishes to remain unknown, and I believe its role in history is significant enough to be known.” “The Rhodes Scholarships, established by the terms of Cecil Rhodes's seventh will, are known to everyone. What is not so widely known is that Rhodes in five previous wills left his fortune to form a secret society, which was to devote itself to the preservation and expansion of the British Empire. And what does not seem to be known to anyone is that this secret society was created by Rhodes and his principal trustee, Lord Milner, and continues to exist to this day. To be sure, this secret society is not a childish thing like the Ku Klux Klan, and it does not have any secret robes, secret handclasps, or secret passwords. It does not need any of these, since its members know each other intimately. It probably has no oaths of secrecy nor any formal procedure of initiation. It does, however, exist and holds secret meetings, over which the senior member present presides. At various times since 1891, these meetings have been presided over by Rhodes, Lord Milner, Lord Selborne, Sir Patrick Duncan, Field Marshal Jan Smuts, Lord Lothian, and Lord Brand. They have been held in all the British Dominions, starting in South Africa about 1903; in various places in London, chiefly Piccadilly; at various colleges at Oxford, chiefly All Souls; and at many English country houses such as Tring Park, Blickling Hall, Cliveden, and others.” “No country that values its safety should allow what the Milner group accomplished in Britain, that is, that a small number of men should be able to wield such power in administration and politics, should be given almost complete control over the publication of the documents relating to their actions, should be able to exercise such influence over the avenues of information that create public opinion, and should be able to monopolize so completely the writing and teaching of the history of their own period.” “The powers of financial capitalism had far-reaching aim, nothing less than to create a world system of financial control in private hands able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world as a whole. This system was to be controlled in a feudalist fashion by the central banks of the world acting in concert, by secret agreements arrived at in frequent meetings and conferences. The apex of the systems was to be the Bank for International Settlements in Basel, Switzerland, a private bank owned and controlled by the world's central banks which were themselves private corporations. Each central bank...sought to dominate its government by its ability to control Treasury loans, to manipulate foreign exchanges, to influence the level of economic activity in the country, and to influence cooperative politicians by subsequent economic rewards in the business world.”

Links BIS - Bank of International Settlement: the Mother of all Central Banks


BIS - Bank of International Settlement: the Mother of all Central Banks


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The BIS was originally established in May 1930 by bankers and diplomats of Europe and the United States to collect and disburse Germany's World War I reparation payments (hence its name). It was truly an extraordinary arrangement. Although the BIS was organized as a commercial bank with publicly held shares, its immunity from government interference, and even taxation, in both peace and war was guaranteed by an international treaty signed in The Hague in 1930. Although all its depositors are central banks, the BIS has made a profit on every transaction. And because it has been highly profitable, it has required no subsidy or aid from any government.

Since it also provided, in Basel, a safe and convenient repository for the gold holdings of the European central banks, it quickly evolved into the bank for central banks. As the world depression deepened in the Thirties and- financial panics flared up in Austria, Hungary, Yugoslavia, and Germany, the governors in charge of the key central banks feared that the entire global financial system would collapse unless they could closely coordinate their rescue efforts. The obvious meeting spot for this desperately needed coordination was the BIS, where they regularly went anyway to arrange gold swaps and war-damage settlements. Even though an isolationist Congress officially refused to allow the U.S. Federal Reserve to participate in the BIS, or to accept shares in it (which were instead held in trust by the First National City Bank [owned by William Rockefeller]), the chairman of the Fed quietly slipped over to Basel for important meetings. World monetary policy was evidently too important to leave to national politicians. During World War 11, when the nations, if not their central banks, were belligerents, the BIS continued operating in Basel, though the monthly meetings were temporarily suspended. In 1944, following Czech accusations that the BIS was laundering gold that the Nazis had stolen from occupied Europe, the American government backed a resolution at the Bretton Woods Conference calling for the liquidation of the BIS. The naive idea was that the settlement and monetary-clearing functions it provided could be taken over by the new International Monetary Fund. What could not be replaced, however, was what existed behind the mask of an international clearing house: a supranational organization for setting and implementing global monetary strategy, which could not be accomplished by a democratic, United Nations-like international agency. The central bankers, not about to let their club be taken from them, quietly snuffed out the American resolution. After World War 11, the BIS reemerged as the main clearing house for European currencies and, behind the scenes, the favored meeting place of central bankers. When the dollar came under attack in the 1960s, massive swaps of money and gold were arranged at the BIS for the defense of the American currency. It was undeniably ironic that, as the president of the BIS observed, "the United States, which had wanted to kill the BIS, suddenly finds it indispensable." In any case, the Fed has become a leading member of the club, with either Chairman Paul Volcker or Governor Henry Wallich attending every "Basel weekend." Originally, the central bankers sought complete anonymity for their activities. Their headquarters were in an abandoned six story hotel, the Grand et Savoy Hotel Universe, with an annex above the adjacent Frey's Chocolate Shop. There purposely was no sign over the door identifying the BIS, so visiting central bankers and gold dealers used Frey's, which is across the street from the railroad station, as a convenient landmark. It was in the wood-paneled rooms above the shop and the hotel that decisions were reached to devalue or defend currencies, to fix the price of gold, to regulate offshore banking, and to raise or lower short-term interest rates. And though they shaped "a new world economic order" through these deliberations, according to Guido Carli, the governor of the Italian central bank,, the public, even in Basel, remained almost totally unaware of the club and its activities. In May 1977, however, the BIS gave up its anonymity, against the better judgment of some of its members, in exchange for more efficient headquarters. The new building, an eighteen story-high circular skyscraper that rises over the medieval city like some misplaced nuclear reactor, quickly became known as the "Tower of Basel" and began attracting attention from tourists. "That was the last thing we wanted," Dr. Fritz Leutwiler, its president told me, when I interviewed him in 1983. "If it had been up to me, it never would have been built." While we talked, he kept his eyes glued to the Reuters screen in his office, which signaled currency fluctuations around the globe.

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These related pages might interest you instead ...

Bilderberg's head Viscount Davignon plays down the group's role in setting the international agenda
Bill Clinton was featured at a Bilderberg meeting while he was governor of Arkansas
" There need to be places where these people can think about the main challenges ahead, co-ordinate where policies should be going, and find out where there could be a consensus ".....Professor Kees van der Pijl
" Business influences society and politics influences society - that's purely common sense ..." Will Hutton Economist who has attended a Builderberg meeting.Will Hutton, an economic analyst and former newspaper editor who attended a Bilderberg meeting in 1997, says people take part in these networks in order to influence the way the world works, to create what he calls "the international common sense" about policy.

Inside the secretive Bilderberg Group
How much influence do private networks of the rich and powerful have on government policies and international relations? One group, the Bilderberg, has often attracted speculation that it forms a shadowy global government. As part of the BBC's Who Runs Your World? series, Bill Hayton tries to find out more.

The chairman of the secretive - he prefers the word private - Bilderberg Group is 73-year-old Viscount Etienne Davignon, corporate director and former European Commissioner. In his office, on a private floor above the Brussels office of the Suez conglomerate lined with political cartoons of himself, he told me what he thought of allegations that Bilderberg is a global conspiracy secretly ruling the world. "It is unavoidable and it doesn't matter," he says. "There will always be people who believe in conspiracies but things happen in a much more incoherent fashion."

Lack of publicity

In an extremely rare interview, he played down the importance of Bilderberg in setting the international agenda. "What can come out of our meetings is that it is wrong not to try to deal with a problem. But a real consensus, an action plan containing points 1, 2 and 3? The answer is no. People are much too sensible to believe they can do that.  Every year since 1954, a small network of rich and powerful people have held a discussion meeting about the state of the trans-Atlantic alliance and the problems facing Europe and the US. Organised by a steering committee of two people from each of about 18 countries, the Bilderberg Group (named after the Dutch hotel in which it held its first meeting) brings together about 120 leading business people and politicians. At this year's meeting in Germany, the audience included the heads of the World Bank and European Central Bank, Chairmen or Chief Executives from Nokia, BP, Unilever, DaimlerChrysler and Pepsi - among other multi-national corporations, editors from five major newspapers, members of parliament, ministers, European commissioners, the crown prince of Belgium and the queen of the Netherlands. "I don't think (we are) a global ruling class because I don't think a global ruling class exists. I simply think it's people who have influence interested to speak to other people who have influence," Viscount Davignon says.  "Bilderberg does not try to reach conclusions - it does not try to say 'what we should do'. Everyone goes away with their own feeling and that allows the debate to be completely open, quite frank - and to see what the differences are. "Business influences society and politics influences society - that's purely common sense. It's not that business contests the right of democratically-elected leaders to lead". For Bilderberg's critics the fact that there is almost no publicity about the annual meetings is proof that they are up to no good. Jim Tucker, editor of a right-wing newspaper, the American Free Press for example, alleges they organise wars and elect and depose political leaders. He describes the group as simply 'evil'. So where does the truth lie? Professor Kees van der Pijl of Sussex University in Britain says such private networks of corporate and political leaders play an informal but crucial role in the modern world. "There need to be places where these people can think about the main challenges ahead, co-ordinate where policies should be going, and find out where there could be a consensus."

'Common sense'

Will Hutton, an economic analyst and former newspaper editor who attended a Bilderberg meeting in 1997, says people take part in these networks in order to influence the way the world works, to create what he calls "the international common sense" about policy.  "On every issue that might influence your business you will hear at first-hand the people who are actually making those decisions and you will play a part in helping them to make those decisions and formulating the common sense," he says. And that "common sense" is one which supports the interests of Bilderberg's main participants - in particular free trade. Viscount Davignon says that at the annual meetings, "automatically around the table you have internationalists" - people who support the work of the World Trade Organisation, trans-Atlantic co-operation and European integration.

Bilderberg meetings often feature future political leaders shortly before they become household names. Bill Clinton went in 1991 while still governor of Arkansas, Tony Blair was there two years later while still an opposition MP. All the recent presidents of the European Commission attended Bilderberg meetings before they were appointed.

'Secret Government'

This has led to accusations that the group pushes its favoured politicians into high office. But Viscount Davignon says his steering committee are simply excellent talent spotters. The steering committee "does its best assessment of who are the bright new boys or girls in the beginning phase of their career who would like to get known." "It's not a total accident, but it's not a forecast and if they go places it's not because of Bilderberg, it's because of themselves," Viscount Davignon says. But its critics say Bilderberg's selection process gives an extra boost to aspiring politicians whose views are friendly to big business. None of this, however, is easy to prove - or disprove. Observers like Will Hutton argue that such private networks have both good and bad sides. They are unaccountable to voters but, at the same time, they do keep the international system functioning. And there are limits to their power - a point which Bilderberg chairman was keen to stress, "When people say this is a secret government of the world I say that if we were a secret government of the world we should be bloody ashamed of ourselves." Informal and private networks like Bilderberg have helped to oil the wheels of global politics and globalisation for the past half a century. In the eyes of critics they have undermined democracy, but their supporters believe they are crucial to modern democracy's success. And so long as business and politics remain mutually dependent, they will continue to thrive.

Ruling The World of Money HARPER'S November 1983 by Edward Jay Epstein

Ten times a year— once a mouth except in August and October— a small elite of well dressed men arrives in Basel, Switzerland. Carrying overnight bags and attache cases, they discreetly check into the Euler Hotel, across from the railroad station. They have come to this sleepy city from places as disparate as Tokyo, London, and Washington, D.C., for the regular meeting of the most exclusive, secretive, and powerful supranational club in the world. Each of the dozen or so visiting members has his own office at the club, with secure telephone lines to his home country. The members are fully serviced by a permanent staff of about 300, including chauffeurs, chefs, guards, messengers, translators, stenographers, secretaries, and researchers. Also at their disposal are a brilliant research unit and an ultramodern computer, as well as a secluded country club with tennis courts and a swimming pool, a few kilometers outside Basel. The membership of this club is restricted to a handful of powerful men who determine daily the interest rate, the availability of credit, and the money supply of the banks in their own countries. They include the governors of the U.S. Federal Reserve, the Bank of England, the Bank of Japan, the Swiss National Bank, and the German Bundesbank. The club controls a bank with a $40 billion kitty in cash, government securities, and gold that constitutes about one tenth of the world's available foreign exchange. The profits earned just from renting out its hoard of gold (second only to that of Fort Knox in value) are more than sufficient to pay for the expenses of the entire organization. And the unabashed purpose of its elite monthly meetings is to coordinate and, if possible, to control all monetary activities in the industrialized world. The place where this club meets in Basel is a unique financial institution called the Bank for International Settlements-or more simply, and appropriately, the BIS (pronounced "biz" in German).THE BIS was originally established in May 1930 by bankers and diplomats of Europe and the United States to collect and disburse Germany's World War I reparation payments (hence its name). It was truly an extraordinary arrangement. Although the BIS was organized as a commercial bank with publicly held shares, its immunity from government interference, and even taxation, in both peace and war was guaranteed by an international treaty signed in The Hague in 1930. Although all its depositors are central banks, the BIS has made a profit on every transaction. And because it has been highly profitable, it has required no subsidy or aid from any government.Since it also provided, in Basel, a safe and convenient repository for the gold holdings of the European central banks, it quickly evolved into the bank for central banks. As the world depression deepened in the Thirties and- financial panics flared up in Austria, Hungary, Yugoslavia, and Germany, the governors in charge of the key central banks feared that the entire global financial system would collapse unless they could closely coordinate their rescue efforts. The obvious meeting spot for this desperately needed coordination was the BIS, where they regularly went anyway to arrange gold swaps and war-damage settlements.Even though an isolationist Congress officially refused to allow the U.S. Federal Reserve to participate in the BIS, or to accept shares in it (which were instead held in trust by the First National City Bank), the chairman of the Fed quietly slipped over to Basel for important meetings. World monetary policy was evidently too important to leave to national politicians. During World War 11, when the nations, if not their central banks, were belligerents, the BIS continued operating in Basel, though the monthly meetings were temporarily suspended. In 1944, following Czech accusations that the BIS was laundering gold that the Nazis had stolen from occupied Europe, the American government backed a resolution at the Bretton Woods Conference calling for the liquidation of the BIS. The naive idea was that the settlement and monetary-clearing functions it provided could be taken over by the new International Monetary Fund.What could not be replaced, however, was what existed behind the mask of an international clearing house: a supranational organization for setting and implementing global monetary strategy, which could not be accomplished by a democratic, United Nations-like international agency. The central bankers, not about to let their club be taken from them, quietly snuffed out the American resolution.After World War 11, the BIS reemerged as the main clearing house for European currencies and, behind the scenes, the favored meeting place of central bankers. When the dollar came under attack in the 1960s, massive swaps of money and gold were arranged at the BIS for the defense of the American currency. It was undeniably ironic that, as the president of the BIS observed, "the United States, which had wanted to kill the BIS, suddenly finds it indispensable." In any case, the Fed has become a leading member of the club, with either Chairman Paul Volcker or Governor Henry Wallich attending every "Basel weekend."Originally, the central bankers sought complete anonymity for their activities. Their headquarters were in an abandoned six story hotel, the Grand et Savoy Hotel Universe, with an annex above the adjacent Frey's Chocolate Shop. There purposely was no sign over the door identifying the BIS, so visiting central bankers and gold dealers used Frey's, which is across the street from the railroad station, as a convenient landmark. It was in the wood-paneled rooms above the shop and the hotel that decisions were reached to devalue or defend currencies, to fix the price of gold, to regulate offshore banking, and to raise or lower short-term interest rates. And though they shaped "a new world economic order" through these deliberations, according to Guido Carli, the governor of the Italian central bank,, the public, even in Basel, remained almost totally unaware of the club and its activities.In May 1977, however, the BIS gave up its anonymity, against the better judgment of some of its members, in exchange for more efficient headquarters. The new building, an eighteen story-high circular skyscraper that rises over the medieval city like some misplaced nuclear reactor, quickly became known as the "Tower of Basel" and began attracting attention from tourists. "That was the last thing we wanted," Dr. Fritz Leutwiler, its president told me, when I interviewed him in 1983. "If it had been up to me, it never would have been built." While we talked, he kept his eyes glued to the Reuters screen in his office, which signaled currency fluctuations around the globe.Despite its irksome visibility, the new headquarters does have the advantages of luxurious space and Swiss efficiency. The building is completely air-conditioned and self-contained, with its own nuclear-bomb shelter in the sub-basement, a triply redundant fire-extinguishing system (so outside firemen never have to be called in), a private hospital, and some twenty miles of subterranean archives. "We try to provide a complete clubhouse for central bankers ... a home away from home," said Gunther Schleiminger, the supercompetent general manager, as he arranged a rare tour of the headquarters for me. The top floor, with a panoramic view of three countries, Germany, France, and Switzerland, is a deluxe restaurant, used only to serve the members a buffet dinner when they arrive on Sunday evenings to begin the "Basel weekends." Aside from those ten occasions, this floor remains ghostly empty.On the floor below, Schleiminger and his small staff sit in spacious offices, administering the day-today details of the BIS and monitoring activities on lower floors as if they were running an out-of-season hotel. The next three floors down are suites of offices reserved for the central bankers. All are decorated in three colors— beige, brown, and tan— and each has a similar modernistic lithograph over the desk. Each office also has coded speed-dial telephones that at a push of a button directly connect the club members to their offices in their central banks back home. The completely deserted corridors and empty offices, with nameplates on the doors and freshly sharpened pencils in cups and neat stacks of incoming papers on the desks, are again reminiscent of a ghost town. When the members arrive for their forthcoming meeting in November, there will be a remarkable transformation, according to Schleiminger, with multilingual receptionists and secretaries at every desk, and constant meetings and briefings.On the lower floors are the BIS computer, which is directly linked to the computers of the member central banks and provides instantaneous access to data about the global monetary situation, and the actual bank, where eighteen traders, mainly from England and Switzerland, continually roll over short" term loans on the Eurodollar markets and guard against foreign-exchange losses (by simultaneously selling the currency in which the loan is due). On yet another floor, gold traders are constantly on the telephone arranging loans of the bank's gold to international arbitragers, thus allowing central banks to make interest on gold deposits.Occasionally there is an extraordinary situation, such as the decision to sell gold for the Soviet Union, which requires a decision from the "governors," as the BIS staff calls the central bankers. But most of the banking is routine, computerized, and riskless. Indeed, the BIS is prohibited by its statutes from making anything but short-term loans. Most are for thirty days or less that are government guaranteed or backed with gold deposited at the BIS. The profits the BIS receives for essentially turning over the billions of dollars deposited by the central banks amounted to $162 million last year.As skilled as the BIS may be at all this, the central banks themselves have highly competent staffs capable of investing their deposits. The German Bundesbank, for example, has a superb international trading department and 15,000 employees— at least twenty times as many as the BIS staff. Why then do the Bundesbank and the other central banks transfer some $40 billion of deposits to the BIS and thereby permit it to make such a profit?One answer is of course secrecy. By commingling part of their reserves in what amounts to a gigantic mutual fund of short term investments, the central banks created' a convenient screen behind which they can hide their own deposits and withdrawals in financial centers around the world. And the central banks are apparently willing to pay a high fee to use the cloak of the BIS.There is, however, another reason why the central banks regularly transfer deposits to the BIS: they want to provide it with a large enough profit to support the other services it provides. Despite its name, the BIS is far more than a bank. From the outside, it seems to be a small, technical organization. Just eighty-six of its 298 employees are ranked as professional staff. But the BIS is not a monolithic institution: artfully concealed within the shell of an international bank, like a series of Chinese boxes one inside another, are the real groups and services the central bankers need-and pay to support.The first box inside the bank is the board of directors, drawn from the eight European central banks (England, Switzerland, Germany, Italy, France, Belgium, Sweden, and the Netherlands), which meets on the Tuesday morning of each "Basel weekend." The board also meets twice a year in Basel with the central banks of other nations. It provides a formal apparatus for dealing with European governments and international bureaucracies like the IMF or the European Economic Community (the Common Market). The board defines the rules and territories of the central banks with the goal of preventing governments from meddling in their purview. For example, a few years ago, when the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development in Paris appointed a low-level committee to study the adequacy of bank reserves, the central bankers regarded it as poaching on their monetary turf and turned to the BIS board for assistance. The board then arranged for a high-level committee, under the head of Banking Supervision at the Bank of England, to preempt the issue. The OECD got the message and abandoned its effort.To deal with the world at large, there is another Chinese box called the Group of Ten, or simply the "G-10." It actually has eleven full-time members, representing the eight European central banks, the U.S. Fed, the Bank of Canada, and the Bank of Japan. It also has one unofficial member: the governor of the Saudi Arabian Monetary Authority. This powerful group, which controls most of the transferable money in the world, meets for long sessions on the Monday afternoon of the "Basel weekend." It is here that broader policy issues, such as interest rates, money-supply growth, economic stimulation (or suppression), and currency rates are discussed-if not always resolved.Directly under the G-10, and catering to all its special needs, is a small unit called the "Monetary and Economic Development Department," which is, in effect, its private think tank. The head of this unit, the Belgian economist Alexandre Larnfalussy, sits in on all the G-10 meetings, then assigns the appropriate research and analysis to the half dozen economists on his staff. This unit also produces the occasional blue-bound "economic papers" that provide central bankers from Singapore to Rio de Janeiro, even though they are not BIS members, with a convenient party line. For example, a recent paper called "Rules versus Discretion: An Essay on Monetary Policy in an Inflationary Environment," politely defused the Milton Friedmanesque dogma and suggested a more pragmatic form of monetarism. And last May, just before the Williamsburg summit conference, the unit released a blue book on currency intervention by central banks that laid down the boundaries and circumstances for such actions. When there are internal disagreements, these blue books can express positions sharply contrary to those held by some BIS members, but generally they reflect a consensus of the G-10.Over A bratwurst-and-beer lunch on the top floor of the Bundesbank, which is located in a huge concrete building (called "the bunker") outside of Frankfurt, Karl Otto Pohl, its president and a ranking governor of the BIS, complained to me in 1983 about the repetitiousness of the meetings during the "Basel weekend." "First, there is the meeting on the Gold Pool, then, after lunch, the same faces show up at the G-10, and the next day there is the board which excludes the U.S., Japan, and Canada, and the European Community meeting which excludes Sweden and Switzerland." He concluded: "They are long and strenuous-and they are not where the real business gets done." This occurs, as Pohl explained over our leisurely lunch, at still another level of the BIS: "a sort of inner club."

The inner club is made up of the half dozen or so powerful central bankers who find themselves more or less in the same monetary boat: along with Pohl are Volcker and Wallich from the Fed, Leutwiler from the Swiss National Bank, Lamberto Dini of the Bank of Italy, Haruo Mayekawa of the Bank of Japan, and the retired governor of the Bank of England, Lord Gordon Richardson (who had presided over the G-10 meetings for the past ten years). They are all comfortable speaking English; indeed, Pohl recounted how he has found himself using English with Leutwiler, though both are of course native German-speakers. And they all speak the same language when it comes to governments, having shared similar experiences. Pohl and Volcker were both under secretaries of their respective treasuries; they worked closely with each other, and with Lord Richardson, in the futile attempts to defend the dollar and the pound in the 1960s. Dini was at the IMF in Washington, dealing with many of the same problems. Pohl had worked closely with Leutwiler in neighboring Switzerland for two decades. "Some of us are very old friends," Pohl said. Far more important, these men all share the same set of well-articulated values 'about money.The prime value, which also seems to demarcate the inner club from the rest of the BIS members, is the firm belief that central banks should act independently of their home governments. This is an easy position for Leutwiler to hold, since the Swiss National Bank is privately owned (the only central bank that is not government owned) and completely autonomous. ("I don't think many people know the name of the president of Switzerland-even in Switzerland," Pohl joked, "but everyone in Europe has heard of Leutwiler.") Almost as independent is the Bundesbank; as its president, Pohl is not required to consult with government officials or to answer the questions of Parliament-even about such critical issues as raising interest rates. He even refuses to fly to Basel in a government plane, preferring instead to drive in his Mercedes limousine.The Fed is only a shade less independent than the Bundesbank: Volcker is expected to make periodic visits to Congress and at least to take calls from the White House-but he need not follow their counsel. While in theory the Bank of Italy is under government control, in practice it is an elite institution that acts autonomously and often resists the government. (In 1979, its then governor, Paolo Baffi, was threatened with arrest, but the inner club, using unofficial channels, rallied to his support.) Although the exact relationship between the Bank of Japan and the Japanese government purposely remains inscrutable, even to the BIS governors, its chairman, Mayekawa, at least espouses the principle of autonomy. Finally, though the Bank of England is under the thumb of the British government, Lord Richardson was accepted by the inner club because of his personal adherence to this defining principle. But his successor, Robin Leigh-Pemberton, lacking the years of business and personal contact, probably won't be admitted to the inner circle.In any case, the line is drawn at the Bank of England. The Bank of France is seen as a puppet of the French government; to a lesser degree, the remaining European banks are also perceived by the inner club as extensions of their respective governments, and thus remain on the outside.A second and closely related belief of the inner club is that politicians should not be trusted to decide the fate of the international monetary system. When Leutwiler became president of the BIS in 1982, he insisted that no government official be allowed to visit during a "Basel weekend." He recalled that in 1968, U.S. Treasury undersecretary Fred Deming had been in Basel and stopped in at the bank. "When word got around that an American Treasury official was at the BIS," Leutwiler said, "bullion traders, speculating that the U.S. was about to sell its gold, began a panic in the market." Except for the annual meeting in June (called "the Jamboree" by the staff ), when the ground floor of the BIS headquarters is open to official visitors, Leutwiler has tried to enforce his rule strictly. "To be frank," he I have no use for politicians. They lack the judgment of central bankers." This effectively sums up the common antipathy of the inner club toward "government muddling," as Pohl puts it.The inner-club members also share a strong preference for pragmatism and flexibility over any ideology, whether that of Lord Keynes or Milton Friedman. Rather than resorting to rhetoric and invoking principles, the inner club seeks any remedy that will relieve a crisis. For example, earlier this year, when Brazil failed to pay back on time a BIS loan that was guaranteed by the central banks, the inner club quietly decided to extend the deadline instead of collecting the money from the guarantors. "We are constantly engaged in a balancing act-without a safety net," Leutwiler explained.THE FINAL and by far the most important belief of the inner club is the conviction that when the bell tolls for any single central bank, it tolls for them all. When Mexico faced bankruptcy in the early eighties. The issue for the inner club was not the welfare of that country but, as Dini put it, "the stability of the entire banking system." For months Mexico had been borrowing overnight funds from the interbank market in New York-as every bank recognized by the Fed is permitted to do-to pay the interest on its $80 billion external debt. Each night it had to borrow more money to repay the interest on the previous night's transactions, and, according to Dini, by August Mexico had borrowed nearly one quarter of all the "Fed Funds," as these overnight loans between banks are called.The Fed was caught in a dilemma: if it suddenly stepped in and forbade Mexico from further using the interbank market, Mexico would be unable to repay its enormous debt the next day, and 25 percent of the entire banking system's ready funds might be frozen. But if the Fed permitted Mexico to continue borrowing in New York, in a matter of months it would suck in most of the interbank funds, forcing the Fed to expand drastically the supply of money.It was clearly an emergency for the inner club. After speaking to Miguel Mancera, director of the Banco de Mexico, Volcker immediately called Leutwiler, who was vacationing in the Swiss mountain village of Grison. Leutwiler realized that the entire system was confronted by a financial time bomb: even though the IMF was prepared to extend $4.5 billion to Mexico to relieve the pressure on its long-term debt, it would require months of paperwork to get approval for the loan. And Mexico needed an immediate 1.85 billion dollar loan to get out of the interbank market, which Mancera had agreed to do. But in less than forty eight hours, Leutwiler had called the members of the inner club and arranged the temporary bridging loan.While this $1.85 billion appeared in the financial press to have come from the BIS, virtually all the funds came from the central banks in the inner club. Half came directly from the United States -$600 million from the Treasury's exchange-equalization fund and $325 million from the Fed's coffers; the remaining $925 million mainly from deposits of the Bundesbank, Swiss National Bank, Bank of England, Bank of Italy, and Bank of Japan, deposits that were specifically guaranteed by these central banks, though advanced pro forma by the BIS (with a token amount advanced by the BIS itself against the collateral of Mexican gold). The BIS undertook virtually no risk in this rescue operation; it merely provided a convenient cloak for the inner club. Otherwise, its members, especially Volcker, would have had to take the political heat individually for what appeared to be the rescue of an underdeveloped country. In fact, they were true to their paramount values: rescuing the banking system itself.Inner club members publicly pay lip service to the ideal of preserving the character of the BIS and not turning it into a lender of last resort for the world at large. Privately, however, they will undoubtedly continue their maneuvers to protect the banking system at whatever point in the world it seems most vulnerable. After all, it is ultimately the central banks' money at risk, not the BIS's. And the inner club will also keep using the BIS as its public mask, and pay the requisite price for the disguise.

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Quention of the day Who Set The Reichstag On Fire-- And Brought Hitler To Power?






Hollywood Economist






Codex Corporation's (formerly Bayer and IG Farben) 
100 year history in people care, healthcare and corrections management

Codex in Depth: http://www.healthfreedomusa. org/index.php?page_id=161 Codex Alimentarius (World Food Code

com /?news_id=5768

CODEX CORP:  Specialising in Corrections and Healthcare, it may be an unusual combination but it works for us, our partners and customers who want to keep a close control and watch on the use of health care and nutritional products in the community and with our unique and far reaching security and monitoring systems we will be able to tell our customers instantly if anyone in the world is using nutrients and minerals that are not Codex approved  and compliant, and have them quickly detained and punished for not complying with Codex approved and compliant products. With Codex we are proud to say that no one will escape detection. Codex Corporation and its founders have over 100 years experience in this business including the management and design of the concentration camps in Germany. Codex Corporation was originally the multi billion  International Giant I G Farben. 
A quick background on our founding company I G Farben and its directors and managers will help convince you that as far as security, nutrient and health care management, people management, corrections management, Codex ( Formerly IG Farben) is the company you should chose for any issues in Corrections and Heathcare Management. Codex and its security management has the ability to make sure there is no health freedom. not just in the USA but all over the world... and Codex has the ability to make sure anyone that tries to think for a minute they can get way with trying to have health freedom, will quickly be caught, detained and punished by Codex's unique and far reaching security and monitoring systems...The Codex Moto 
"None will escape detection and punishment of the unauthorised use of nutrients with Codex on the job....just look at out success record in designing and managing the concentration camp in Germany....our success record at Codex Corporation, formerly IG Farben in people, healthcare and corrections management speaks for itself"

Codex Alimentarius (World Food Code)

Summarized in 7 points

1) Started in 1962 by UN, Imposed by WTO Sanctions
Codex Alimentarius was created in 1962 as a trade Commission by the UN to control the international trade of food. Its initial intentions may have been altruistic but it has been taken over by corporate interests, most notably the pharmaceutical, pesticide, biotechnology and chemical industries.
Codex Alimentarius is backed up by the crippling trade sanctions of the World Trade Organization (WTO). Any non Codex-compliant nation would face huge economic punishment since they would automatically lose in any food-trade dispute with a Codex compliant country.
2) “Nutrients are Toxins” Is Junk Science
Codex Alimentarius Commission (CAC) has two committees which impact nutrition.
One of them, the “Codex Committee on Nutrition and Foods for Special Dietary Uses” (CCNFSDU), is chaired by Dr. Rolf Grossklaus, a physician who believes that nutrition has no role in health. This is the “top-guy” for Codex nutritional policy, and he has stated that “nutrition is not relevant to health”.
As unbelievable as it may sound, Dr. Grossklaus actually declared nutrients to be toxins in 1994 and instituted the use of toxicology (Risk Assessment) to prevent nutrients from having any impact on humans who take supplements! It is worth mentioning that Dr. Grossklaus happens to own the Risk Assessment company advising CCNFSDU and Codex on this issue. This company makes money when its toxicology services are used for the “assessment” of nutrients. Here in the U.S. we call that a “conflict of interest”.
Codex is made up of thousands of standards and guidelines. One of them, the Vitamin and Mineral Guideline (VMG), is designed to permit only ultra low doses of vitamins and minerals (and make clinically effective nutrients illegal). How can the VMG restrict dosages of vitamins and minerals? By using Risk Assessment (toxicology) to assess nutrients.
While Risk Assessment is a legitimate science (it is a branch of toxicology), it is the wrong science for assessing nutrients! In fact, in this context, it is actually junk science. Biochemistry, the science of life processes, is the correct science for assessing nutrients. Codex Alimentarius treats nutrients as toxins, which is literally insane.
Nutrients are not toxins – they are essential for life.

Codex Corporation's, formerly IG Farben's 100 year History in People, Healthcare and Corrections Management
provided from Codex Alimentarius Speach by Dr Rimal Laibox MD of the Natural Solutions Fioundation, Produced by EON the Ecological Options Network for Bauman College in cooperation with the Natural Solutions Foundation and the National Association of Nutrition Professionals (NANP) 2005
Dr Rimal Laibox is an experienced healthcare professional and has studies Codex Corporation, formerly IG Farben's progess ov erthe last decade to become  the leaders in People, Healthcare and Corrections Management in the United States.
Codex and Nutricide

" Let me tell you about Codex Alimentarius, let me define it for you, let me help you understand the enemy..and let me assure you that absolutely nothing that I am going to tell you, is exagerated, is interperlated, or is imagined. Every thing I am going to tell you is documented. A great deal of it is documented on my website, which . Let me back up and tell you that I have been watching Codex come toward us for about the last decade. ,,, and I have been watching the vote sin congress, which God help us is our bastion of support and protection against Codex and I will explain why that is. I have been watching the votes to protect our health freedom dwindle, until finally in the 109th Congress, without a good deal of activity, we didn't have the votes to protect us. I have been watching Codex excellerate and I have been watching it expand, and I have been getting more and more troubled. Let me give you a brief run down of Codex then. After the second world war, the Nuremberg Tribunals were held in which people who had committed crimes against humanity were judged by the world community in a court run by the United States and Britain...  and they were sentenced to terms in prison if they were found guilty of crimes against humanity. In 1948 some of the people who were found guilty of crimes against humanity on the basis of mass murder, slavery and other crimes were the president and 24 board members and executives  of a hugh industrial megalith called IG Farben. Amazingly enough however, by 1951 all of them had already been released, and and continuing to consult with German Corporations IG Farben produced the gas used in the gas chambers Zyklon B, they produced the steel for the death camps and the rail road line, they produced the munitions, they produced chemicals, they produced all kinds of stuff. The Nuremberg Tribunal disolved IG Farben into companies such as  into BASF - Hoechst - Bayer They produced  pharmaceuticals.. a big big pharacuticals company.  So the president of IG Farben Fritz ter Meer, the senior manager at IB Farben, was convicted of crimes against Humanity on the basis of mass murder, slavery and other crimes on 29th July, 1948. Although he co-operated with SS and the Final Solution, Fritz ter Meer was sentenced to 7 years only in War Criminal Prison, but only served about three years in prison, no more someone that bounces a business cheque for say $1,000 and is charged for fraud in the $1,000 bounced cheque for it not being honoured on presentation. Someone steals an apple can get 3 years in prison also, or if he or she stole the apple as a servant they can receive 7 years in prison,  
Now Fritz ter Meer is sort of an artistic fellow and he was the one responsible for the slogan that people saw as they entered Autswitz, usually for the last time, "Work Brings Freedom". Fritz ter Meer was a creative sort of fellow. Fritz ter Meer was responsible for the slogan that people saw as they entered Auschwitz-, usually for the last time,  " Work brings  Freedom....a creative sort of fellow. 
You will notice that the institutions that Fritz ter Meer worked for an/or had shareholdings in as listed by Wikepedia are

Institutions IG FarbenBayerCodex Alimentarius
The Bayer executive Fritz ter Meer, sentenced to seven years in prison by the Nuremberg War Crimes Tribunal, was made head of the supervisory board of Bayer in 1956, after his release.
Fritz ter Meer ( July 4 1884 – October 27 1967 ) was a German chemist.
He was the son of Edmund ter Meer the founder of a chemical company that later became part of Bayer. Fritz ter Meer also worked for Bayer and later IG Farben. He was involved in the planning of Monowitz concentration camp, a satellite camp of KZ Auschwitz. He was sentenced to seven years prison by the Nuremberg Trials in 1948. After he was released in 1951 he became supervisory board chairman (Aufsichtsratsvorsitzender) of the Bayer AG. He retired in 1961.

The Bayer company then became part of IG Farben, a conglomerate of German chemical industries that formed a part of the financial core of the German Nazi regime. IG Farben owned 42.5% of the company that manufactured Zyklon B,[2] a chemical used in the gas chambers of Auschwitz and other extermination camps. During World War II, the company also extensively used slave labor in factories attached to large slave labor camps, notably the sub-camps of the Mauthausen-Gusen concentration camp[3]. When the Allies split IG Farben into several pieces after World War II for involvement in organized Nazi war crimes, Bayer re-appeared as an individual business. The Bayer executive Fritz ter Meer, sentenced to seven years in prison by the Nuremberg War Crimes Tribunal, was made head of the supervisory board of Bayer in 1956, after his release.
Fritz ter Meer
Fritz ter Meer
Born June 4, 1884
Died October 27, 1967 (aged 83)
Nationality German
Institutions IG FarbenBayerCodex Alimentarius
Fritz ter Meer ( July 4 1884 – October 27 1967 ) was a German chemist.
He was the son of Edmund ter Meer the founder of a chemical company that later became part of Bayer. Fritz ter Meer also worked for Bayer and later IG Farben. He was involved in the planning of Monowitz concentration camp, a satellite camp of KZ Auschwitz. He was sentenced to seven years prison by the Nuremberg Trials in 1948. After he was released in 1951 he became supervisory board chairman (Aufsichtsratsvorsitzender) of the Bayer AG. He retired in 1961.
  • Heine, Jens Ulrich (1990). Verstand und Schicksal. Die Männer der I.G. Farbenindustrie A.G. (1925-1945). Weinheim; New York: VCH.ISBN 978-3527281442.
  • Codex Alimentarius Commission [1]
Edmund ter Meer ( 1852 – November 5, 1931) was a German chemist who discovered the ter Meer reaction and founded in 1877 the ter Meer dye company in Uerdingen. After the fusion with the aniline factory of Julius Weiler the Weiler-ter Meer company was formed. This company later became part of the Bayer company. His son Fritz ter Meer also became a chemist associated to the Bayer company.
Edmund ter Meer
Born 1852
Died November 5, 1931 (aged 79)
Nationality German
Institutions Bayer
Known for ter Meer reaction

So Fritz ter Meer was sitting in jail and he said "well, that didn't work..what else can we do?   I've got it food..he who controls food controls ....the world..."  Fritz ter Meer  got out of jail he went to his  UN buddies and said "Have I got an idea for you..if we take over food world wide..we have power world wide, and his UN buddies said.  "cool idea". So they created a Trade Commission. That's a very powerful set of words... A Trade Commission....called the Codex Alimentarius Commission
It is not a Public Health is not a Consumer Protection is a Trade Commission. Trade is about what? Money!!
Trade is about Business!! Trade is about Profit!! Well they said in 1962 we're going to work towards total, global implimentation of Codex Alimentarius on December 31st, 2009. Long Term.... and they set up a bunch of committees.. committees on fish and fishery...fats and oil... fruits and vegetables... ground nuts...nutritian  for special diatary uses and so on. There are currently about 27 Codex committees, they are regional organisations, there are task forces and so anf so on. So it's ahugh beaurocratic's emence. Codex has promogated well over 4,000 guidelines, standards and regulations on everything...everything which can legally be put into your mouth, with the excpetion of Pharmaceuticals
they are not part of Codex. That is an importand point. Now Codex standards have no legal weight whatsoever. Zero. So who cares about them..their just we are talking about an industry setting regulation organisation, but if it has no legal standing .. who cares? Right!! Here's the history of Codex Alimentarius before 1962.
Please note here that Fritz ter Meer  was sentenced to seven years prison by the Nuremberg Trials in 1948 having been found guilty of crimes against humanity on the basis of mass murder, slavery and other crimes . After he was released in 1951 he became supervisory board chairman (Aufsichtsratsvorsitzender) of the Bayer AG. He officiialy retired as supervisory board chairman of Bayer AG in 1961 so he could behind the scene concentrate of working with his UN buddies on developing his idea of setting up a syatem that will control the whoole world's food supply under the code name Codex Alimentarius. It would not look good publicly for Fritz ter Meer  who was sentenced to only seven years prison by the Nuremberg Trials in 1948 having been found guilty of crimes against humanity on the basis of mass murder, slavery and other crimes, and only served about three years of his sentence because of his powerful UN buddies, to be seen to be publicly be involved with Codex Alimentarius.Here's the history of Codex Alimentarius before 1962. The Austian Hungarian Empire said we need rules by which the courts can rule on cases involving food.o we'll have regulations and rules that the courts will enforce.... that's how they get their way. That was called the Codex Alimentarius and  was put into place around 1893 and lasted until the end of the Austrian Hungarian Empire in the first world war. So the idea was there in the Germanic tradition. We need rules..lots of rules...lots a 
nd lots and lots of rules..we need a lot of rules... let's have rules for everything to do with food. So it was a natural extention for the German Industrialists to say we'll go back to the good old days of Codex Alimentarius back  when we had them in Austrian Hungarian Empire. Cool. So they started promilgating their rules and regulations and they were voluntary. They were sort of guidlines. Now Codex Alimentarius Commission is administered by the World Health Oganisation (WHO) and the Food and Aricultural Organisation (FAO)  and they fund Codex and they run it at the request of the United Nations (UN). So the're mummy and daddy to Codex Alimentarius.  And that's very interesting because they're supposed to be about health and food world wide. Some conflicts of interest that we'll talk about. So  Codex started promilgating regulations and rules, and the way that's done is that the committees work up a rule, a standard, a guideline, or regulation an dthey get it to what's called a step 8 which is the final step in their administrative process... and then it's presented to the Codex Alimentarius Commission for ratification, like the vitamin and mineral guidline was presented to the Codex Alimentarius Commission on July 4th this past summer (2005). It was ratified... it was approved by consensus...and it is now...despite the propaganda that your going to hear if you every hear about it in the media... it is now mandatory on any member country and the WTO, the World Trade Organisation. Well what in the world do they have to do with it? And the answer is everything. The World Trade Organisation you see  accepted Codex when the world organisation was formed in 1994. They said, "well how are we going to decide trade disputes around food if we don't have a set of rules. I know..we'll accept the Codex Alimentarius rulesand all the members of the WTO will...willl world wide...get ready for an Orwellian Term will harmonise with are standards, with the codex standards.. I suggest you capitalise the first four letters in your mind ...HARM... onise ... everybody is supposed to .HARM... onise... with Codex....   and when they HARM... onise with Codex, then if the get pulled into the WTO Dispute Resolution Process they have a chance of winning because here's the kicker... are you ready for this one ...  if two countries go into the World Trade Organisation Dispute Resolution Process  and one of then is Codex compliant, and one of them is not Codex Compliant.. the one that is Codex Compliant automaticlly wins regardless of the merit of the case.  People are using Codex Compliant in a much bigger economic battle. So every couunty in the world is racing to do what?   Become Codex Compliant. So in the United States...the situation is OK do we become Codex compliant when we have laws that protect us. You have to remember that Codex does not serve consumer well being. Codex does not serve what I call the five Bigs...Big Pharma Big Chema Big Biotechna Big AgriBiz and Bid Medica ,,,little me and little you are not served by Codex, in the least, so before we go forward and talk about the rest of  what has to happen, let's ask what Codex does?   You probably all know about the vitamin and mineral guidline that was ratified on July 4th ( 2005). You may not kow that although it is said that CODEX regulations guidlines and standards that have been ratified are volantary....That Are Not Voluntary...That is known as a lie!!!   They are mandatory..but  thye ar enot fully mandatory until December, 31st 2009. They're sort of kinda a little bit mandatory now. and they're totally mandatory then. So what does Codex do? Why do I care enough about Codex to close my practice and stop treating patients who came to me from around the help them regain their health and be radiantly well with non toxic means which is a very satisfying thing to do.. I love also provided me with an income...  that was nice. OK...;why am I concerned enough, let's talk about the mineral and vitamin guidline first. In 1994 DSHEA -Dietry Suppliments Health and Education Act was passed which classifies nutrient and herbs as foods. As foods you can set no upper limit on them. You cannot set an upper limit on lettuce...lamb or  roodibaggers.. and similarily you cannot set an upper limit in vitamin C.. echanasia... ginko bi loba ... vitamin D ...    to nutrients is freely given to us.. We are allowed to have any nutients we want because.... this is a very important point... under common law ...  What's not forbidden is permitted.... Codex on the other hand  ... is a Napoleonic Code ...What's not permitted is forbidden law system... under Napoleonic Code ...anything not permitted is forbidden ...  that's called a positive list .... so vitamins and nutrients and minerals ... in 1994 we passed DSHEA -Dietry Suppliments Health and Education Act was passed which classifies nutrient and herbs as foods... we can have as much of them as we want thatis our business... in 1994 Codex with no notice here in this country whatsoever.. prepared nutrents ... put on you intellectual seatbelts...declared nutrients to be toxins. they're poisens ... dangerous Industrial poisens ... AS POISENS ... WE HAVE TO BE PROTECTED FROM THEM  do you protect someone from poisens ... you use toxicology ... you use a science called risk assessment's take a primer on risk assessment  .. first you take the substance that's dangerous and feed it to animals, and the dosage that kills 50% of them ..that's called the LD 50 ... and you exstrapulate what the LD 50 for human being might be.,,then you go down to the other end of the dosage range ...and you start feeding ittie bittie tiny bits of it ..   to test animals ... and you come up with the largest possible dose   ...the maximum  permissable upper limit  ... that can be fed to an animal before a discernable impact  is shown ..OK ... no discernable impact .... then you divide that by 100 ... that's how they do it in risk assessment ... and now you've got a safety margin ...  so you have one 100th of the dose that can be given with no discernable impact ...   OK nutrients! Under Codex!!!    Not only are limited to those nutriants on the positive list ...and  we  anticipate there will be 18 of them .. and they do not include.  .  CoQ10  Glucosamine ...  cundroyton sulfate ...thye do include floride ... which to my knowledge as a Physician has absolutely no biological benefit whatsoever. ... but it does make people complasent ... floride was first used in the Goolog  ...because it was discovered that prisoners who were fed floridated water ...  were complasent ...  and you could do anything you wanted to them ...  they were easy  to manage ... so you have 18 nutrients  ... you have ittie bittie tiny winy doses ... that are determined scientifically to have no effect ...  on any human being  now in this country we have a problem ... we have ...DSHEA -Dietry Suppliments Health and Education Act ... we have to get rid of DSHEA -Dietry Suppliments Health and Education Act  in order to  HARM ...on..ise ... with Codex... that part of Codex anyway .... so how do we get rid of DSHEA ...  we attack it legislatively of course .. and ...  there are five.. count them.. five currently before Congress ... designed to overturn ..gut ... invalidate .. and otherwise get rid of DSHEA ...  because once DSHEA is gone we can HARM...on..ise with the vitamin and mineral guideline   ...  so what we are talking about is ....  waking up one morning to find that high potency therapudicly effective clinicly significant nutrients are illegal ....
(Codex want to make nutients illegal ) in the way that Heroin is illegal ..not available with a prescription ... Illegal ...  If these nutrients have any impact on  the Human body ...  they are illegal ... that's just the vitamin and mineral guidline ... let's talk about milk .... we have    recombinant bovine  growth hormone and now we can choose milk with it and milk without it ... butter with it or butter without it ..right ...not under Codex ... because under Codex ... every dairy cow ...  on the planet must be treated with Monsanto's recombinant bovine hormone.... furthermore ..under Codex ... every animal used for food on the planent whether it has fins, feet or feathers ... every animal on the planet must be treated with sub clinical antibiotics and and must be treated with exogenous growth hormones ... Codex requires (mandates) that all food be irradiated unless it's eaten locally and raw. including organic food of course ... so is it organic afterwards... well of course the organic  standards are incredibly low ...the organic  standards allow a farmer  to use vetinary drugs including exogenous growth hormone, anti biotics etc ....on animals and then at his whim, reclassify them as organic ...  but farmers are our friends  and they would never do that...right!!!  Right!!  Codex sets limits for the dangerous industrial chemicals that you can have in your food..and the limits are increditbly high ... go to Codex Alimentarius Commission ... look at the toxins and vetinary  Chemicals  and the levels that are set.,, they are terrifying ot me ..Terrifying ... the names of the Chemicals that are permitted and the amounts of the chemicals that are permitted are terrifying to me ...Why am I terrified?  Well perhaps I am just a cowardly person's possible... think about this.. in 2001, 

"The levels that are permitted, developed and maintained by the Codex Alimentarius Commission, by the are incredibly high in toxins and the levels that are set the names and amounts of the chemicals are terrifying..." states Dr Rimal Laibox MD a director of the National Association of Nutrition Professionals (NANP)
In 2001, 176 Countries including the USA got together and stated that there were 12 really bad dangerous organic chemicals  Chemicals. They're called "Pops".,,"Persistent Organic Pollutants. There are a lot of them, but there are 12 that are so bad that, nobody could disagree that those 12 Pops had to be banned worldwide.Nine of the 12 worst organic Chemicals known are pesticides...not surprisingly..because they kill things..and of course we have many processes and enzime systems that are very much like insects and other pests so, they are not too good for us..but Codex has different ideas...Codex has brought back 7 of the 9 forbidden POPS, that 176 countries  banned worldwide,,,Dieldrin..Aldrin.. .hexaclorabenzine...etc..and the food that is imported from other countries that contains these substances can not be stopped at our borders..because otherwise it would be God Forbid, a Trade Violation...that's how Codex works..Codex, according to the World Trade Organisation  (WTO) and the Food and Agricultural Organisation's (FAO) joint I didn't  make this up...please if you have unfastened you're Intellectual Seat Belts...put them back on again...if you do the numbers in the WHO- FAO projections in their report headed Diet Nutrition and Prevention of Chronic Diseases..that just the vitamin and mineral guideline alone...when it goes into global implimentation..on December 31st, 2009...will result in a minimum of 3 billion (that's B... Bad... Big Billion) deaths - onee billion through simple starvation..those folks who die ar not particularily economicly successful from the point of view of the Corporations..when you're starving to death, how much good can you do, when the issue is that how much can you buy.. not a lot.. forget them..but Hah..but the next  two billion...they will die from the preventable diseases (two billion people will die from diseases of under nutrition)..of under nutrition// cancer.. the single most profitable condition known to human kind..Cardiovacular Disease..a good second...diabetis...pritty good producer of income...and a whole host of other preventable diseases. Who will die? Who Knows? Who Will Live? Probably those people who are wealthy enough and powerful enough to have their own pushers of clean food and nutriants..that's who will live!!!  You and I? ..probably not...our children? probably not...our grand children?...probably not!!! So we're talking about food regulations that are in fact are the legalisation of the mandated toxicity and under nutrition..It will become illegal..if there is a famine...where ever there is a ship high nutriant density biscuits to that country.. and it will be illegal to distribute them...that's what we're talking about!!! Codex is Big and It's Bad..but it's not invunerable. So the point is...that we have to protect ourselves, and I believe we have to regain global leadership, which we have lost. surrendered..squandered..ah.. sold..we have sold..just joining the World Trade Organisation (WTO), surended our sovereinghty...however as it just happens I have a team of Constitutional Lawyers..looking at the following question...Are we members of the WTO? Cause if you remember from High School Civics..the way you get a treaty to be a real to have it ratified by a two thirds majority of the Senate...and the way we got into the WTO was, they passed a law allowing Bill Clinton to fast track us into the WTO. "That's Not A Treaty"...the USA is not legally not a member of the that's a piece of the battle...Someone says from the audience.."you will have to tell George Bush.." we will tell George Bush , but George Bush will not be relevant when we do tell that's a piece of it, but that's not going to save our lives right now you know..picture in your mind...a wasp or a bee trap..where the insect voluntarily goes down the funnel and then can't get up out of the trap again..that's Codex..a regular law can be over can be can be  another piece of legislation..but once we become Codex any long as we are members of the can never be repealed...because we have lost the sovereignty to become un_codex compliant as long as we are in the WTO, so it's like going down that funnel and not being able to get back out of it. So it's very important that we make sure that we do not become codex compliant...but we will be hit with all those big trade sanctions from the countries that are codex compliant.. so that the country will be destroyed remember of the principles of war...remember mass..where you take your strength against the enemies weekness andweek points. Well here's what we've done.  We have a team of lawyers, who have spent hundreds of hours with us pro bono..these are good guy lawyers...these two gentlemen and we have spent hundreds of hours studying Codex, understanding it's's weeknesses..a lot of weeknesses.. and constructing a strategy..which 'will take the succer down'....It will take it down...but I need are people that other people come to about safe healthy food..and nutrients...
National Association of Nutritrional Professionals NANP 2005 are ready made disenimation are the thousand million.... hundred million points of light. Here's what is happening. Every country in the world has to be Codex compliant in order not to get hit by WTO trade sanctions, as I told you of their members of Codex and the WTO..and there are a few countries that are not, but I can guarantee you they are not of any major significance. So. the question is...What is Codex Compliance mean?
Well, most people in most countries..most legislators believe that they have to adopt  as their national standard on that particular subject...what Codex ratified. But that's not the case, any more than we're in the WTO. That's not the case either. What this means is that the format..the issues and the subjects..covered by a Codex Guideline...Standard or Regulation..have to be addressed in the country's guideline standard or regulation on the same topic. So what we have done is create the first of many alternative Codex guidelines. You can go to our website and you will see a little button on the upper right handside that says sign this citzen's partition. Now to briefly digress the citizen's partition is not like a grocery store partition that you sign and bring to somebody and say 'I have 200,000 signatures and they dump it in the waist basket,  because it is in their mind, it is one signature that you and your friends wrote 200,000 names. is a legal challenge to the policy of the United States Government on Codex. It's called a citizen's partition. It's a legal challenge..We're suing the United States Government..saying what you're doing is illegal folks...let us tell you how..we want hearings of fact...we want redress..we want correction..if we get what we want...that's dandy...if we don't get what we want we have gone through a process..exhausting administrative remedies.. we have made the case ripe for court.
So OK, I need you and everybody you know, to sign this citizen's partition..stating this is a bad policy on mass..and you do this on the web..and you will see the instructions and we present the thousands and thousands of pages that we print out that have people's signatures to the US Codex Office and to the FDA (Federal Drug Administration) and they don't like that at all..but that's OK. However, this time..this is the second amendment of the citizen's partition that we're asking you to sign. This time the revised vitamin and mineral guideline is part of it. It is part of the law suit saying this needs to be US Policy. The more voices that say..this is what I want...and you work for me..Mr and Mrs beaureaucrat and Mr and Mrs congressman and Mr and Mrs Senator. The more voices the more weight. So step number one is read and sign the citizen's partition. Step number two diseminate the information..the weblink. put it out in your office. get your patients...your friends and neighbours..your sign the citizens partition and your suppliers..the companies you use, are going to tell you that you're out of your minds...they will tell you that Codex is not a problem..and they will tell you..anyone here have a owners know that you ask a dog to heal..sit down...stay..that's Codex in this country and worldwide, because the more people that are in Codex comma, the less trouble they have getting this through...anyone here of the NNFA.the National Nutrition Foods Association..everybody's heard of the NNFA. Did you know that the members of the NNFA and not just health foods stores and manufacturers..but include companies with names you may have heard...Pfizer ...Merck...Monsanto...Bayer... BASF..Archer Daniels Midland..Glaxo....Aires.. ClyneW elcome ..... you get the idea..why?..because after DSHEA -Dietry Suppliments Health and Education Act was passed, and the nutriant business virgined..the Pharmaceuticals, folks, who are not dumb, said there is gold in them there pills..and they brought the means of production of many many many companies.. and they brought the companies there in the nutrient business. What better way to kill the nutrient business, which is not nearly as profitable as the toxic chemical drug business, than to take it over. It works everytime..right!! CRN...anybody here know about CRN..Council for Responsable Nutritian.  Same members...they have lots of multi level marketing companies...same members..OK..and their serving their members needs. CRN are saying....Yeh...Codex is coming..Codex is going to protect us from those dangerous vitamins and minerals and herbs and CRN is saying it's fine...go to sleep lulaby and goodnight..and everything is fine...and they use a report that they commissoned at a reputed cost of $800,000..a report prepared by Sydley Austin Brown and Rute..a law firm in Washington...wrote a report for them..and it said lullaby...and goodnight everything is won't have an impact on the United States..everything is fine..Sydley Austin Brown and Rute has one major client..who's name you might know..Merk. Now it's entirely possible that the NNFA just did a spectacular bad job of due dilligence..or not..anyway...the report says everything is fine..everything is dandy.there will be no problem..we've got DSHEA -Dietry Suppliments Health and Education Act Yeh, sure we do. Now lets talk about Australia...remember five laws before congress to over turn DSHEA -Dietry Suppliments Health and Education Act
and you can write to congress on the website...Now congress uses the multiplier of 13,000 to one...every email, fa,x phone call...letter..don't write letters...they get decontaminated, they never get to congress...every email, fax and phone call..counts as 13,000 constituants opinions..they figure that if you write a letter or send an email there are 12,999 lazy who can't bother to get to the computer terminal to do the same thing, but they feel the way you do. interesting..that's power my friends...that's power..that's 13,000 to one. Suppose we have a million people...suppose we have 10 million people..supposed we have 100 million people...saying,,  Don't You Dare!!!  Now congress has one rule...above all others.. anybody know what it is? Get Re-elected! That's the primary rule, the prime directive is to get re-elected. Now DSHEA -Dietry Suppliments Health and Education Act was passed you may remember by  unaminous congressional consent. Was that because one morning all members of Congress woke up and said..."I See The Light..
Nutriants Are Better Than Drugs!! "... They said, oh, If I don't go along with this..I'll never be re-elected to anything.....remember critical mass...remember we were out on the streets and we were up on our hind legs and we were making noise and we were rallying...and rallying and we were writing letters and we said....Don't You Dare To Take Away My Health Freedom!!! Remember?   Expect that we got fat dumb and lazy and stopped protecting ourselves ...and we're in the same place again.... exept that it's all food instead of just nutriants. So! Thats point number One. Use the freedom mouse..ride the freedom mouse. We've made it as easy as possible in the site...Sign up, for the emails. I will never sell your information to anyone. I promise you. Plus I will never rent it, I will never share it, you'll only get an email from me, and we need you to know what's going on. So I''ll send you email blasts. I'll send you things that you can do... or not. It is your choice.. Get everybody you what else can you do? Now we're going to write a series of alternative guidelines. Everything bad in codes will have an alternative guideline that turns it into a pro health guideline. What have we done with the vitamin and mineral guideline?  You can see that because we have a marked up copy that has their guideline crossed out and ours written in on the website..It's right there. What we've done is turn it into a guideline that mandates "bio-chemicaly individually determined optimal health" and it's still Codex compliant...So we said..OK. now we need congress to adopt this, and we need other countries in the world to adopt this, so, Burt and I went to Washington DC and we met Daniel Rorobocker from Orange County, who said to us, he's a representative.... he said "I believe in pesticides...  " I went Oh.. He said I believe in GMO's I went Oh... He said " I believe in Iradiation of food"  I went OH... But he said..."I believe in your right to eat foods that have not been processed that way more than I believe in those technologies... I will take this one on..." We said. " OH that's really nice.." He said now..."We need a coaition..."  So we went across the isle ....across the office building to see Peter Defozio's staff from Oregan who would was a Liberal Democrat., whereas  Rorobocker is a Libritarian Republican, and Defazio's on board and we have large numbers of others who actually has never heard of Codex. before we told them about it. Never heard of Codex ...we have called every health legislative aid on congress.  What's you're Congressmans's position on Codex?  and they've said "Wah????"...We have spoken to the trade legislative assistants and asked. What's you congressman's position on Codex?  Congress and trade legislative's assistants and staff are not informed on Codex   ... and they all said.. Wah Wah.. They don't know.  We had a congressional briefing set up on the 20th of September, I was going to address Congress...and tell them about it.. I thought that that was cool...10 days before it became a briefing on something else.  Another Freedom Click ... you need to write to Congress on the site and tell them that they need a Congressional Briefing, by God and tell them you want me to brief them. They don't know about Codex ..they've never heard of it any more than the general public has heard of  Codex.... Gee How did that happen?.. Who knows? Every negative part of Codex can be over turned by guideline, a regulation or a standard, that is positive, So we need your help because the United States leadership in this guideline and all the positive guidelines that is to follow is what is going to literally follow, is what is going to save the population of  the planet earth and save your jobs and your children and your families and mine. Thank you!!

Speach by Dr Rimal Laibox MD a director of the the National Association of Nutrition Professionals (NANP) Produced by EON the Ecological Options Network for Bauman College in cooperation with the Natural Solutions Foundation and the National Association of Nutrition Professionals (NANP) 2005 /?news_id=5768

CODEX CORP:  Specialising in Corrections and Healthcare, it may be an unusual combination but it works for us, our partners and customers who want to keep a close control and watch on the use of health care and nutritional products in the community and with our unique and far reaching security and monitoring systems we will be able to tell our customers instantly if anyone in the world is using nutrients and minerals that are not Codex approved  and compliant, and have them quickly detained and punished for not complying with Codex approved and compliant products. With Codex we are proud to say that no one will escape detection. Codex Corporation and its founders have over 100 years experience in this business including the management and design of the concentration camps in Germany. Codex Corporation was originally the multi billion  International Giant I G Farben. 
A quick background on our founding company I G Farben and its directors and managers will help convince you that as far as security, nutrient and health care management, people management, corrections management, Codex ( Formerly IG Farben) is the company you should chose for any issues in Corrections and Heathcare Management. Codex and its security management has the ability to make sure there is no health freedom. not just in the USA but all over the world... and Codex has the ability to make sure anyone that tries to think for a minute they can get way with trying to have health freedom, will quickly be caught, detained and punished by Codex's unique and far reaching security and monitoring systems...The Codex Moto 
"None will escape detection and punishment of the unauthorised use of nutrients with Codex on the job....just look at out success record in designing and managing the concentration camp in Germany....our success record at Codex Corporation, formerly IG Farben in people, healthcare and corrections management speaks for itself"

Codex Corporation's, formerly IG Farben's 100 year History in People, Healthcare and Corrections Management
provided from Codex Alimentarius Speach by Dr Rimal Laibox MD of the Natural Solutions Fioundation, Produced by EON the Ecological Options Network for Bauman College in cooperation with the Natural Solutions Foundation and the National Association of Nutrition Professionals (NANP) 2005
Dr Rimal Laibox is an experienced healthcare professional and has studies Codex Corporation, formerly IG Farben's progess ov erthe last decade to become  the leaders in People, Healthcare and Corrections Management in the United States.
Codex and Nutricide

" Let me tell you about Codex Alimentarius, let me define it for you, let me help you understand the enemy..and let me assure you that absolutely nothing that I am going to tell you, is exagerated, is interperlated, or is imagined. Every thing I am going to tell you is documented. A great deal of it is documented on my website, which . Let me back up and tell you that I have been watching Codex come toward us for about the last decade. ,,, and I have been watching the vote sin congress, which God help us is our bastion of support and protection against Codex and I will explain why that is. I have been watching the votes to protect our health freedom dwindle, until finally in the 109th Congress, without a good deal of activity, we didn't have the votes to protect us. I have been watching Codex excellerate and I have been watching it expand, and I have been getting more and more troubled. Let me give you a brief run down of Codex then. After the second world war, the Nuremberg Tribunals were held in which people who had committed crimes against humanity were judged by the world community in a court run by the United States and Britain...  and they were sentenced to terms in prison if they were found guilty of crimes against humanity. In 1948 some of the people who were found guilty of crimes against humanity on the basis of mass murder, slavery and other crimes were the president and 24 board members and executives  of a hugh industrial megalith called IG Farben. Amazingly enough however, by 1951 all of them had already been released, and and continuing to consult with German Corporations IG Farben produced the gas used in the gas chambers Zyklon B, they produced the steel for the death camps and the rail road line, they produced the munitions, they produced chemicals, they produced all kinds of stuff. The Nuremberg Tribunal disolved IG Farben into companies such as  into BASF - Hoechst - Bayer They produced  pharmaceuticals.. a big big pharacuticals company.  So the president of IG Farben Fritz ter Meer, the senior manager at IB Farben, was convicted of crimes against Humanity on the basis of mass murder, slavery and other crimes on 29th July, 1948. Although he co-operated with SS and the Final Solution, Fritz ter Meer was sentenced to 7 years only in War Criminal Prison, but only served about three years in prison, no more someone that bounces a business cheque for say $1,000 and is charged for fraud in the $1,000 bounced cheque for it not being honoured on presentation. Someone steals an apple can get 3 years in prison also, or if he or she stole the apple as a servant they can receive 7 years in prison,  
Now Fritz ter Meer is sort of an artistic fellow and he was the one responsible for the slogan that people saw as they entered Autswitz, usually for the last time, "Work Brings Freedom". Fritz ter Meer was a creative sort of fellow. Fritz ter Meer was responsible for the slogan that people saw as they entered Auschwitz-, usually for the last time,  " Work brings  Freedom....a creative sort of fellow. 
You will notice that the institutions that Fritz ter Meer worked for an/or had shareholdings in as listed by Wikepedia are

Institutions IG FarbenBayerCodex Alimentarius
The Bayer executive Fritz ter Meer, sentenced to seven years in prison by the Nuremberg War Crimes Tribunal, was made head of the supervisory board of Bayer in 1956, after his release.
Fritz ter Meer ( July 4 1884 – October 27 1967 ) was a German chemist.
He was the son of Edmund ter Meer the founder of a chemical company that later became part of Bayer. Fritz ter Meer also worked for Bayer and later IG Farben. He was involved in the planning of Monowitz concentration camp, a satellite camp of KZ Auschwitz. He was sentenced to seven years prison by the Nuremberg Trials in 1948. After he was released in 1951 he became supervisory board chairman (Aufsichtsratsvorsitzender) of the Bayer AG. He retired in 1961.

The Bayer company then became part of IG Farben, a conglomerate of German chemical industries that formed a part of the financial core of the German Nazi regime. IG Farben owned 42.5% of the company that manufactured Zyklon B,[2] a chemical used in the gas chambers of Auschwitz and other extermination camps. During World War II, the company also extensively used slave labor in factories attached to large slave labor camps, notably the sub-camps of the Mauthausen-Gusen concentration camp[3]. When the Allies split IG Farben into several pieces after World War II for involvement in organized Nazi war crimes, Bayer re-appeared as an individual business. The Bayer executive Fritz ter Meer, sentenced to seven years in prison by the Nuremberg War Crimes Tribunal, was made head of the supervisory board of Bayer in 1956, after his release.
Fritz ter Meer
Fritz ter Meer
Born June 4, 1884
Died October 27, 1967 (aged 83)
Nationality German
Institutions IG FarbenBayerCodex Alimentarius
Fritz ter Meer ( July 4 1884 – October 27 1967 ) was a German chemist.
He was the son of Edmund ter Meer the founder of a chemical company that later became part of Bayer. Fritz ter Meer also worked for Bayer and later IG Farben. He was involved in the planning of Monowitz concentration camp, a satellite camp of KZ Auschwitz. He was sentenced to seven years prison by the Nuremberg Trials in 1948. After he was released in 1951 he became supervisory board chairman (Aufsichtsratsvorsitzender) of the Bayer AG. He retired in 1961.
  • Heine, Jens Ulrich (1990). Verstand und Schicksal. Die Männer der I.G. Farbenindustrie A.G. (1925-1945). Weinheim; New York: VCH.ISBN 978-3527281442.
  • Codex Alimentarius Commission [1]
Edmund ter Meer ( 1852 – November 5, 1931) was a German chemist who discovered the ter Meer reaction and founded in 1877 the ter Meer dye company in Uerdingen. After the fusion with the aniline factory of Julius Weiler the Weiler-ter Meer company was formed. This company later became part of the Bayer company. His son Fritz ter Meer also became a chemist associated to the Bayer company.
Edmund ter Meer
Born 1852
Died November 5, 1931 (aged 79)
Nationality German
Institutions Bayer
Known for ter Meer reaction

So Fritz ter Meer was sitting in jail and he said "well, that didn't work..what else can we do?   I've got it food..he who controls food controls ....the world..."  Fritz ter Meer  got out of jail he went to his  UN buddies and said "Have I got an idea for you..if we take over food world wide..we have power world wide, and his UN buddies said.  "cool idea". So they created a Trade Commission. That's a very powerful set of words... A Trade Commission....called the Codex Alimentarius Commission
It is not a Public Health is not a Consumer Protection is a Trade Commission. Trade is about what? Money!!
Trade is about Business!! Trade is about Profit!! Well they said in 1962 we're going to work towards total, global implimentation of Codex Alimentarius on December 31st, 2009. Long Term.... and they set up a bunch of committees.. committees on fish and fishery...fats and oil... fruits and vegetables... ground nuts...nutritian  for special diatary uses and so on. There are currently about 27 Codex committees, they are regional organisations, there are task forces and so anf so on. So it's ahugh beaurocratic's emence. Codex has promogated well over 4,000 guidelines, standards and regulations on everything...everything which can legally be put into your mouth, with the excpetion of Pharmaceuticals
they are not part of Codex. That is an importand point. Now Codex standards have no legal weight whatsoever. Zero. So who cares about them..their just we are talking about an industry setting regulation organisation, but if it has no legal standing .. who cares? Right!! Here's the history of Codex Alimentarius before 1962.
Please note here that Fritz ter Meer  was sentenced to seven years prison by the Nuremberg Trials in 1948 having been found guilty of crimes against humanity on the basis of mass murder, slavery and other crimes . After he was released in 1951 he became supervisory board chairman (Aufsichtsratsvorsitzender) of the Bayer AG. He officiialy retired as supervisory board chairman of Bayer AG in 1961 so he could behind the scene concentrate of working with his UN buddies on developing his idea of setting up a syatem that will control the whoole world's food supply under the code name Codex Alimentarius. It would not look good publicly for Fritz ter Meer  who was sentenced to only seven years prison by the Nuremberg Trials in 1948 having been found guilty of crimes against humanity on the basis of mass murder, slavery and other crimes, and only served about three years of his sentence because of his powerful UN buddies, to be seen to be publicly be involved with Codex Alimentarius.Here's the history of Codex Alimentarius before 1962. The Austian Hungarian Empire said we need rules by which the courts can rule on cases involving food.o we'll have regulations and rules that the courts will enforce.... that's how they get their way. That was called the Codex Alimentarius and  was put into place around 1893 and lasted until the end of the Austrian Hungarian Empire in the first world war. So the idea was there in the Germanic tradition. We need rules..lots of rules...lots a 
nd lots and lots of rules..we need a lot of rules... let's have rules for everything to do with food. So it was a natural extention for the German Industrialists to say we'll go back to the good old days of Codex Alimentarius back  when we had them in Austrian Hungarian Empire. Cool. So they started promilgating their rules and regulations and they were voluntary. They were sort of guidlines. Now Codex Alimentarius Commission is administered by the World Health Oganisation (WHO) and the Food and Aricultural Organisation (FAO)  and they fund Codex and they run it at the request of the United Nations (UN). So the're mummy and daddy to Codex Alimentarius.  And that's very interesting because they're supposed to be about health and food world wide. Some conflicts of interest that we'll talk about. So  Codex started promilgating regulations and rules, and the way that's done is that the committees work up a rule, a standard, a guideline, or regulation an dthey get it to what's called a step 8 which is the final step in their administrative process... and then it's presented to the Codex Alimentarius Commission for ratification, like the vitamin and mineral guidline was presented to the Codex Alimentarius Commission on July 4th this past summer (2005). It was ratified... it was approved by consensus...and it is now...despite the propaganda that your going to hear if you every hear about it in the media... it is now mandatory on any member country and the WTO, the World Trade Organisation. Well what in the world do they have to do with it? And the answer is everything. The World Trade Organisation you see  accepted Codex when the world organisation was formed in 1994. They said, "well how are we going to decide trade disputes around food if we don't have a set of rules. I know..we'll accept the Codex Alimentarius rulesand all the members of the WTO will...willl world wide...get ready for an Orwellian Term will harmonise with are standards, with the codex standards.. I suggest you capitalise the first four letters in your mind ...HARM... onise ... everybody is supposed to .HARM... onise... with Codex....   and when they HARM... onise with Codex, then if the get pulled into the WTO Dispute Resolution Process they have a chance of winning because here's the kicker... are you ready for this one ...  if two countries go into the World Trade Organisation Dispute Resolution Process  and one of then is Codex compliant, and one of them is not Codex Compliant.. the one that is Codex Compliant automaticlly wins regardless of the merit of the case.  People are using Codex Compliant in a much bigger economic battle. So every couunty in the world is racing to do what?   Become Codex Compliant. So in the United States...the situation is OK do we become Codex compliant when we have laws that protect us. You have to remember that Codex does not serve consumer well being. Codex does not serve what I call the five Bigs...Big Pharma Big Chema Big Biotechna Big AgriBiz and Bid Medica ,,,little me and little you are not served by Codex, in the least, so before we go forward and talk about the rest of  what has to happen, let's ask what Codex does?   You probably all know about the vitamin and mineral guidline that was ratified on July 4th ( 2005). You may not kow that although it is said that CODEX regulations guidlines and standards that have been ratified are volantary....That Are Not Voluntary...That is known as a lie!!!   They are mandatory..but  thye ar enot fully mandatory until December, 31st 2009. They're sort of kinda a little bit mandatory now. and they're totally mandatory then. So what does Codex do? Why do I care enough about Codex to close my practice and stop treating patients who came to me from around the help them regain their health and be radiantly well with non toxic means which is a very satisfying thing to do.. I love also provided me with an income...  that was nice. OK...;why am I concerned enough, let's talk about the mineral and vitamin guidline first. In 1994 DSHEA -Dietry Suppliments Health and Education Act was passed which classifies nutrient and herbs as foods. As foods you can set no upper limit on them. You cannot set an upper limit on lettuce...lamb or  roodibaggers.. and similarily you cannot set an upper limit in vitamin C.. echanasia... ginko bi loba ... vitamin D ...    to nutrients is freely given to us.. We are allowed to have any nutients we want because.... this is a very important point... under common law ...  What's not forbidden is permitted.... Codex on the other hand  ... is a Napoleonic Code ...What's not permitted is forbidden law system... under Napoleonic Code ...anything not permitted is forbidden ...  that's called a positive list .... so vitamins and nutrients and minerals ... in 1994 we passed DSHEA -Dietry Suppliments Health and Education Act was passed which classifies nutrient and herbs as foods... we can have as much of them as we want thatis our business... in 1994 Codex with no notice here in this country whatsoever.. prepared nutrents ... put on you intellectual seatbelts...declared nutrients to be toxins. they're poisens ... dangerous Industrail poisens ... AS POISENS ... WE HAVE OT BE PROTECTED FROM THEM  do you protect someone form poisens ... you use toxicology ... you use a science called risk assessment's take a primeron risk assessment  .. first you take the substance thats dangerous and feed it to animals and the dosage that kills 50% of them ..that's called the LD 50 ... and you exstrapulate what the LD 50 for human being might be.,,then you go down to the other end of the dosage range ...and you start feeding ittie bittie tiny bits of it ..   to test animals ... and you come up with the largest possible dose   ...the maximum  permissable upper limit  ... that can be fed ot an animal before a discernable impact  is shown ..OK ... no discernable impact .... then you divide that by 100 ... that's how they do it in risk assessment ... and now you've got a safety margin ...  so you have one 100th of the dose that can be given with no discernable impact ...   OK nutrients! Under Codex!!!    Not only are limited ot those nutriants on the positive list ...and  we  anticipate there will be 18 of them .. and they do not include.  .  CoQ10  Glucosamine ...  cundroyton sulfate ...thye do include floride ... which to my knowledge as a Physician has absolutely no biological benefit whatsoever. ... but it does make people complasent ... floride was first used in the Goolog  ...because it was discovered that prisoners who were fed floridated water ...  were complasent ...  and you could do anything you wanted to them ...  thye were easy  to manage ... so you have 18 nutrients  ... you have ittie bittie tiny winy doses ... that are determined scientifically to have no effect ...  on any human being  now in this country we have a problem ... we have ...DSHEA -Dietry Suppliments Health and Education Act ... we have to get rid of DSHEA -Dietry Suppliments Health and Education Act  in order to  HARM ...on..ise ... with Codex... that part of Codex anyway .... so how do we get rid of DSHEA ...  we attack it legislatively of course .. and ...  there are five.. count them.. five currently before Congress ... designed to overturn ..gut ... invalidate .. and otherwise get rid of DSHEA ...  because once DSHEA is gone we can HARM...on..ise with the vitamin and mineral guideline   ...  so what we are talking about is ....  waking up one morning to find that high potency therapudiclly effective clinicly significant nutrients are illegal ....
(Codex want to make nutients illegal ) in the way that Heroin is illegal ..not available with a prescription ... Illegal ...  If these nutrients have any impact on  the Human body ...  they are illegal ... that's just the vitamin and mineral guidline ... let's talk about milk .... we have    recombinant bovine  growth hormone and now we can choose milk with it and milk without it ... butter with it or butter without it ..right ...not under Codex ... because under Codex ... every dairy cow ...  on the planet must be treated with Monsanto's recombinant bovine hormone.... furthermore ..under Codex ... every animal used for food on the planent whether it has fins, feet or feathers ... every animal on the planet must be treated with sub clinical antibiotics and and must be treated with exogenous growth hormones ... Codex requires (mandates) that all food be irradiated unless it's eaten locally and raw. including organic food of course ... so is it organis afterwards... well of course the organic  standards are incredibly low ...the organic  standards allow a farmer  to use vetinary drugs including exogenous growth hormone, anti biotics etc ....on animals and then at his whim, reclassify them as organic ...  but farmers are our friends  and they would never do that...right!!!  Right!!  Codex sets limits for the dangerous industrial chemicals that you can have in your food..and the limits are increditbly high ... go to Codex Alimentarius Commission ... look at the toxins and vetinary  Chemicals  and the levels that are set.,, they are terrifying ot me ..Terrifying ... the names of the Chemicals that are permitted and the amounts of the chemicals that are permitted are terrifying to me ...Why am I terrified?  Well perhaps I am just a cowardly person's possible... think about this.. in 2001, 

"The levels that are permitted, developed and maintained by the Codex Alimentarius Commission, by the are incredibly high in toxins and the levels that are set the names and amounts of the chemicals are terrifying..." states Dr Rimal Laibox MD a director of the National Association of Nutrition Professionals (NANP)
In 2001, 176 Countries including the USA got together and stated that there were 12 really bad dangerous organic chemicals  Chemicals. They're called "Pops".,,"Persistent Organic Pollutants. There are a lot of them, but there are 12 that are so bad that, nobody could disagree that those 12 Pops had to be banned worldwide.Nine of the 12 worst organic Chemicals known are pesticides...not surprisingly..because they kill things..and of course we have many processes and enzime systems that are very much like insects and other pests so, they are not too good for us..but Codex has different ideas...Codex has brought back 7 of the 9 forbidden POPS, that 176 countries  banned worldwide,,,Dieldrin..Aldrin.. .hexaclorabenzine...etc..and the food that is imported from other countries that contains these substances can not be stopped at our borders..because otherwise it would be God Forbid, a Trade Violation...that's how Codex works..Codex, according to the World Trade Organisation  (WTO) and the Food and Agricultural Organisation's (FAO) joint i didn't  make this up...please if you have unfastened you're Intellectual Seat Belts...put them back on again...if you do the numbers in the who FAO projections in their report headed Diet Nutrition and prevention of Chronic Diseases..that just the vitamin and mineral guideline alone...when it goes into global implimentation..on December 31st, 2009...will result in a minimum of 3 billion (that's B... Bad... Big Billion) deaths - one billion through simple starvation..those folks who die ar not particularily economicly successful from the point of view of the Corporations..when you're starving to death, how much good can you do, when the issue is that how much can you buy.. not a lot.. forget them..but Hah..but the next  two billion...they will die from the preventable diseases (two billion people will die from diseases of under nutrition)..of under nutrition// cancer.. the single most profitable condition know to human kind..CardiovacularDisease..a good second...diabetis...pritty good producer of income...and a whole host of other preventable diseases. Who will die? Who Knows? Who Will Live? Probably those people who are wealthy enough and powerful enough to have their own pushers of clean food and nutriants..that's who will live!!!  You and I? ..probably not...our children? probably not...our grand children?...probably not!!! So we're talking about food regulations that are in fact are the legalisation of the mandated toxicity and under nutrition..It will become illegal..if there is a famine...whereecer there is a ship high nutriant density biscuits to that country.. and it will be illegal to distribute them...that's what we're talking about!!! Codex is Big and It's Bad..but it's not invunerable. So the point is...that we have to protect ourselves, and I believe we have to regain global leadership, which we have lost. surrendered..squandered..ah.. sold..we have sold..just joining the World Trade Organisation (WTO), surended our sovereinghty...however as it just happens I have a team of Constitutional Lawyers..looking at the following question...Are we members of the WTO? Cause if you remember form High School Civics..they way you get a treaty to be a real ot have it ratified by a two thirds majority of the Senate...and the way we got into the WTO was, they passed a law allowing Bill Clinton to fast track us into the WTO. "That's Not A Treaty"...the USA is not legally not a member of the that's a piece of the battle...Someone says from the audience.."you will have to tell George.." we will tell George Bush , but George Bush will not be relevant when we do tell that's a piece of it, but  that's not going to save our lives right now you know..picture in your mind...a wasp or a bee trap..were ot insect voluntarily goes down the funnel and then can't get up out of the trap again..that's Codex..a regular law can be over can be can be  another piece of legislation..but once we become Codex nay long as we are members of the can never be repealed...because we have lost the sovereignty to become un_codex compliant as long as we are in the WTO, so it's like going down that funnel and not being able to get back out of it. So it's very important that we make sure that we do not become codex compliant...but we will be hit with all those bis trade sanctions from the countries that are codex compliant,, so that the country will be destroyed remember of the principles of war...remember mass..where you take your strength against the enemies weekness ads week points. Well here's what we've done.  We have a team of lawyers, who have spent hundreds of hours with us pro bono..these are good guy lawyers...these two gentlemen and we have spent hundreds of hours studying Codex, understanding it's's weeknesses..a lot of weeknesses.. and constructing a strategy..which 'will take the succer down'....It will take it down...but I need are people that other people come to about safe healthy food..and nutrients...
National Association of Nutritrional Professionals NANP 2005 are ready made disenimation are the thousand million.... hundred million points of light. Here's what is happening/ Every country in the world has ot be Codex compliant in order not to get hit by WTO trade sanctions, as I told you of their members of Codex and the WTO..and there are a few countries that are not, but I can guarantee you they are not of any major significance. So. the question is...What is Codex Compliance mean?
Well, most people in most countries..most legislators believe that they have to adopt  as their national standard on that particular subject...what Codex ratified. But that's not the case, any more than we're in the WTO. That's not the case either. What is means is that the format..the issues and the subjects..covered by a Codex Guideline...Standard or Regulation..have to be addressed in the country's guideline standard or regulation on the same topic. So what we have done is create the first of many alternative Codex guidelines. You can go to our website and you will see a little button on the upper right handside that says sign this citzen's partition. Now to briefly digress the citizen's partition is not like a grocery store partition that you sign and bring to somebody and say 'I have 200,000 signatures and they dump it in the waist basket,  because it is in their mind, it is one signature that you and your friends wrote 200,000 names. is a legal challenge to the policy of the United States Government on Codex. It's called a citizen's partition. It's a legal challenge..We're suing the United States Government..saying what you're doing is illegal folks...let us tell you how..we want hearings of fact...we want redress..we want correction..if we get what we want//that's dandy...if we don't get what we want we have gone through a process..exhausting administrative remedies.. we have made the case ripe for court.
So Ok, I need you and everybody you know, to sign this citizen's partition..sating this is a bad policy on mass..and you do this on the web..and you will see the instructions and we present the thousands and thousands of pages that we print out that have people's signatures to the US Codex Office and to the FDA (Federal Drug Administration) and they don't like that at all..but that's OK. However, this time..this is the second amendment of the citizen's partition that we're asking you to sign. This time the revised vitamin and mineral guideline is part of it. It is part of the law suit saying this needs to be US Policy. The more voices that say..this is what I want...and you work for and mrs beaureaucrat and mr and mrs congressman and mr and mrs senator. The more voices the more weight. So step number one is read and sign the citizen's partition. Step number two diseminate the information..the weblink. put it out in your office. get your patients...your friends and neighbours..your sign the citizens partition and your suppliers..the companies you use,, are going to tell you that you're out of your minds...they will tell you that Codex is not a problem..and the will tell you..anyone here have a owners know that you ask a dog to heal..sit down...stay..that's codex in this country and worldwide, because the more people that are in Codex comma, the less trouble they have getting this through...any here of the NNFA.the National Nutrition Foods Association..everybody's heard of the NNFA. Did you know that the members of the NNFA and not just health foods stores and manufacturers..but include companies with names you may have heard...Pfizer ...Merck...Monsanto...Bayer... BASF..Archer Daniels Midland..Glaxo....Aires..clyne welcome you get the idea..why?..because after Tochet was passed and the nutriant business virgined..the pharasutical folks who are not dumb, said there is gold in them there pills..and they brought the means of production of many many many companies.. and they brought the companies there in the nutriant business. What better way to kill the nutriant business, which is not nearly as profitable as the toxic chemical drug business, than to take it over. It works everytime..right!! CRN...anybody here know about CRN..Council for Responsablr Nutritian.  Same members...they hav lots of multi level marketing companies...same members..OK..and their serving their members needs. CRN are saying,,,Yeh...Codex is coming..Codex is going to protect us from those dangerous vitamins and minerals and herbs and CRN is saying it's fine...go to sleep lulaby and goodnight..and everything is fine...and they use a report that they commissoned at a reputed cost of $800,000..a report prepared by Sydley Austin Brown and Rute..a law firm in Washington...wrote a report for them..and it said lullaby...and goodnight everything is won't have an impact on the United States..everything is fine..Sydley Austin Brown and Rute has one major client..who's name you might know..Merk. Now it's entirely possible that the NNFA just did a spectacular bad job of due dilligence..or not..anyway...the report says everything is fine..everything is dandy.there will be no problem..we'ver got dishet( Touchet?) Yeh, sure we do. Now lets talk about Australia...remember five laws befofore congress overturned dishet (?)
and you can write to congress on the website...Now congress uses the multiplier of 13,000 to one...every email fax phone call...letter..don't write letters...they get decontaminated, they never get to congress...every email. fax and phone call..counts as 13,000 constituants opinions..they figure that if you write a letter or send an email there are 12,999 lazy who can't bother to get to the computer terminal to do the same thing, but they feel the way you do. interesting..that's power my friends...that's power..that's 13,000 to one. Suppose we have a million people...suppose we have 10 million people..supposed we have 100 million people...saying,,  Don't You Dare!!!  Now congress has one rule...above all others.. anybody know what it is? Gte Re-elected! That's the primary rule,, the prime directive is to get re-elected. No w touchet was passed you may remember by  unaminous congressional consent. Was that because one morning all members of Congress woke up and said..."I See Th Light..
Nutriants Are Better Than Drugs!! "... They said, oh, If I don't go along with this..I'll never be re-elected to anything.....remember critical mass...remember we were out on the streets and we were up on our hind legs and we were making noise and we were rallying...and rallying and we were writing letters and we said....Don't You Dare To Take Away My Health Freedom!!! Remember?   Expect that we got fat dumb and lazy and stopped protecting ourselves ...and we're in the same place again.... exept that it's all food instead of just nutriants. So! Thats point number One. Use the freedom mouse..ride the freedom mouse. We've made it as easy as possible in the site...Sign up, for the emails. I will never sell your information to anyone. I promise you. Plus I will never rent it, I will never share it, you'll only get an email from me, and wee need you to know what's going on. So I''ll send you email blasts. I'll send you things that you can do... or not. It is your choice.. Gte everybody you what else can you do? Now we're going to write a series of alternative guidelines. Everything bad in codes will have am alternative guideline that turns it into a pro health guideline. What have wee done with the vitamin and mineral guideline?  You can see that because we have a mark up copy that has their guideline crossed out and ours written in on the website..It's right there. What we've done is turn it into a guideline that mandates "bio-chemicaly individually determined optimal health" and it;s still Codex compliant...So we said..OK. now we need congress to adopt this, and we need other countries in the world to adopt this, so, Burt and I went to Washington DC and we met Daniel Rorobocker from Orange County, who said to us, he's a representative.... he said "I believe in pesticides...  " I went Oh.. He said I believe in GMO's I went Oh... He said " I believe in Iradiation of food"  I went OH... "But he said...I believe in your right to eat foods that have not been processed that way more than I believe in those technologies... I will take this one..." We said. " OH that's really nice.." He said now..."We need a coilition..."  So we wnet across the ilse across he office building to see Peter Defozio's staff from Oregan who would was a Liberal Democrat., whereas  Rorobocker is a Libritarian Republican, and Defazio's on board and we have large numbers of others who actually has never heard of Codex. before we told them about it. Never heard of Codex,,,we have called ever health legislative aid on congress.  what's you're Congressmans's position on Codex?  and they've said "Wah????"...We have spoken to the trade legislative assistants and asked. What's you congressman's position on Codex?  Congress and trade legislative's assistants and staff are not informed on Codex   ... and they all said.. Wah Wah.. They don't know.  We had a congressional briefing set up on the 20th of September, I was going to address Congress...and tell them about it.. I thought that that was cool...10 days before it became a briefing on something else.  Another Freedom Click ... you need to write to Congress on the site and tell them that they need a Congressional Briefing, by God and tell them you want me to brief them. They don't know about Codex ..they've never heard of it any more than the general public has heard of  Codex Gee How did that happen.. who knows? Every negative part of Codex can be over turned by guideline, a regulation or a standard, that is positive, So we need your help because the United States leadership in this guideline and all the positive guidelines that is to follow is what is going to literally follow is what is going to save the population of  the planet earth and save your jobs and your children and your families and mine. Thank you!!

Speach by Dr Rimal Laibox MD a director of the the National Association of Nutrition Professionals (NANP) Produced by EON the Ecological Options Network for Bauman College in cooperation with the Natural Solutions Foundation and the National Association of Nutrition Professionals (NANP) 2005

Codex Alimentarius summarized in 7 pointsPublished on 09-30-2009
Codex Alimentarius is scheduled for full global implementation on December 31st, 2009, and not a word has been spoken in main stream media about this threat to humanity.
The principle of self medication with herbal/vitamin/mineral food supplements would be restricted to ‘prescription only’ status, if the Codex Alimentarius is applied in the UK and elsewhere, particularly the USA.
(UK only) Since the NHS priorities are ill health diagnosis and treatment, the good health preservation that supplements provide will be inaccessible to the majority of our population and the cost to the NHS will increase.
According to the projections based on figures from the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), a minimum of 3 billion people will die from the Codex mandated vitamin and mineral guidelines alone.
Deadline to sign the petition = 5th September 2009

Codex Alimentarius (World Food Code)

Summarized in 7 points

1) Started in 1962 by UN, Imposed by WTO Sanctions
Codex Alimentarius was created in 1962 as a trade Commission by the UN to control the international trade of food. Its initial intentions may have been altruistic but it has been taken over by corporate interests, most notably the pharmaceutical, pesticide, biotechnology and chemical industries.
Codex Alimentarius is backed up by the crippling trade sanctions of the World Trade Organization (WTO). Any non Codex-compliant nation would face huge economic punishment since they would automatically lose in any food-trade dispute with a Codex compliant country.
2) “Nutrients are Toxins” Is Junk Science
Codex Alimentarius Commission (CAC) has two committees which impact nutrition.
One of them, the “Codex Committee on Nutrition and Foods for Special Dietary Uses” (CCNFSDU), is chaired by Dr. Rolf Grossklaus, a physician who believes that nutrition has no role in health. This is the “top-guy” for Codex nutritional policy, and he has stated that “nutrition is not relevant to health”.
As unbelievable as it may sound, Dr. Grossklaus actually declared nutrients to be toxins in 1994 and instituted the use of toxicology (Risk Assessment) to prevent nutrients from having any impact on humans who take supplements! It is worth mentioning that Dr. Grossklaus happens to own the Risk Assessment company advising CCNFSDU and Codex on this issue. This company makes money when its toxicology services are used for the “assessment” of nutrients. Here in the U.S. we call that a “conflict of interest”.
Codex is made up of thousands of standards and guidelines. One of them, the Vitamin and Mineral Guideline (VMG), is designed to permit only ultra low doses of vitamins and minerals (and make clinically effective nutrients illegal). How can the VMG restrict dosages of vitamins and minerals? By using Risk Assessment (toxicology) to assess nutrients.
While Risk Assessment is a legitimate science (it is a branch of toxicology), it is the wrong science for assessing nutrients! In fact, in this context, it is actually junk science. Biochemistry, the science of life processes, is the correct science for assessing nutrients. Codex Alimentarius treats nutrients as toxins, which is literally insane.
Nutrients are not toxins – they are essential for life.
No matter what Codex Alimentarius officials say to convince you that Risk Assessment is a “science-based” approach to nutrients, it is not.
And it is worth repeating that Dr. Grossklaus, the head of Codex Alimentarius, owns the Risk Assessment company advising CCNFSDU and Codex on the “benefit” of using Risk Assessment to assess nutrients.
3) Not Consumer Protection – That’s Propaganda
Contrary to the propaganda, Codex Alimentarius has nothing to do with consumer protection. Nothing! Codex is about the economic ambitions of multi-national corporations, in particular, the pharmaceutical industry.
Using their multi billion-dollar marketing budgets, these industries have launched a massive media propaganda campaign to paint Codex Alimentarius as a benevolent tool of “consumer protection”, as well as to negatively taint the image of natural health options and mislead people to fear them as “dangerous”, so they will take drugs (which really are dangerous). Natural health products and options have an amazing safety record and are remarkably effective, especially when compared to pharmaceutical drugs.
Unfortunately, one-time defenders of health freedom such as National Nutritional Foods Association (NNFA) and Council for Responsible Nutrition (CRN) have joined the propaganda bandwagon and are spreading false information saying that Codex Alimentarius is either “harmless” or benevolent “consumer protection”. Neither is true.
The membership of these one-time defenders of health freedom has become permeated by people from the pharmaceutical industry (for example, CRN counts as its members corporations such as Monsanto® and Bayer®).
4) Codex: Serious Threat to Health and Health Freedom
If Codex Alimentarius is implemented in the United States of America, therapeutic dosages of vitamins and minerals (and all other nutrients soon to follow) will become unavailable because they will literally become illegal.
Here’s how it would work, in a nut-shell:
Due to the junk science use of Risk Assessment (toxicology) to assess supposedly toxic nutrients, a false belief is being engineered saying that “nutritional supplements are dangerous to people’s health”.
Using this false belief generates calls to “protect” people from these “toxic” nutrients. After the calls come the bills to set ultra low permissible dosages (remember, nutrients are deemed “dangerous toxins” under this false belief). If enough of us and our Congressional delegates buy this nonsense, we and Congress would blindly comply with Codex Alimentarius’ VMG. And blind compliance is what the industries behind Codex Alimentarius intend.
Blind compliance goes hand-in-hand with lack of activism. This lack of activism allows our protective laws, classifying nutrients as foods with no upper limits (such as DSHEA), to be easily repealed and replaced with draconian laws to classify nutrients as toxins. And “harmonization” with the pro-illness, pro-pharmaceutical industry Vitamin and Mineral Guideline is there to fill the void.
Only intentionally ineffective, ultra low dose supplements would be legal, with or without a prescription, on the VMG list. If enough people do not take action, we can expect to watch nutritional supplement manufacturers and, thus health food stores, to go out of business, in a domino effect. The only player left standing would be Big Pharma.
Therapeutic grade vitamins, minerals, and amino acids would be eliminated from the marketplace (although a few low-dose supplements would be allowed by Codex, as a symbolic measure to avoid suspicion about their ulterior motive).
Natural health professionals would lose the tools of their trade (nutritional supplements) and health conscious people would be unable to choose natural health options for health promotion and disease treatment.
And that is, in a nutshell, how Codex Alimentarius is poised to make Natural and Nutritional Medicine (NNM) disappear from the legal health world and go underground. Who benefits? Big Pharma.
It would take a few years for the above scenarios to be feasible (Codex Alimentarius is meant to go into full global effect by 2010). The slower the process takes, the less alarmed people will be. That’s probably the logic of the architects of Codex Alimentarius.
5) Serves Economic Interests of Sickness Industries Through WTO and Napoleonic Code
More and more people are turning to natural health products globally. The “wellness” trend is a major trend in today’s society. The more natural health products people use, the fewer drugs they buy. The pharmaceutical industry, which is part of the “Sickness Industry”, fears the inevitable shift toward natural health care.
Instead of accepting the will of the people and rethinking the future of the pharmaceutical industry, the industry has decided upon an unethical course of action: the use of deception and deceit to eliminate natural health products completely.
Codex Alimentarius is a shrewd vehicle for protecting the pharmaceutical industry from the loss of income it stands to suffer due to the inevitable growth of natural healthcare.
Codex Alimentarius is the resistance of the dinosaurs to inevitability: the burgeoning desire of humanity for a healthier, saner, and more sustainable way of life.
The World Trade Organization (WTO) intends to force Codex Alimentarius upon the nations of the world, including the U.S. This would be done under the threat of massive economic sanctions if WTO-countries do not comply with Codex Alimentarius.
Furthermore, Codex is based in the Napoleonic Code, not Common Law. That means that under Codex Alimentarius, anything not explicitly permitted is forbidden. Under Common Law, we hold that anything not explicitly forbidden is permitted. The difference is the difference between health freedom and health tyranny. Codex Alimentarius would be able to ban supplements by default.
6) DSHEA Protects America From Codex Alimentarius
The Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act (DSHEA, 1994), an American law classifying our supplements and herbs as foods (which can have no upper limit set on their use), was passed by unanimous Congressional consent following massive grass-roots support organized by health food stores. Millions of American activists told Congress, in no uncertain terms:
“Protect nutritional supplements as foods or we will remove you from office”.
Congress listened and carried out the will of the people.
DSHEA appropriately classifies nutritional supplements as foods which can have no upper limits set on their use. DSHEA recognizes that people use nutrients safely to deal with their individually differing needs for nutrients. The concept of biochemical individuality means that people have different needs for nutrients at different times. Are nutrients toxins? No, they are not toxins. They are substances essential to prevent, treat and cure any chronic condition, in differing doses at different times in different people.
DSHEA protects the US from Codex Alimentarius’ deadly Vitamin and Mineral Guideline. We must reach our Congressional members, educate them about the facts on Codex Alimentarius and direct them to vote against anything that would threaten DSHEA.
Congress holds the keys to our health freedom. And it is their job to listen to us. Let’s not allow cynicism to tell us otherwise. We did it for DSHEA in 1994. We can do it again this year.
7) Your Action is Needed Now!
DSHEA is under significant legislative attack right now. Your letter-writing is crucial: if the members of Congress know that voting against health freedom means losing their jobs come election time, they will listen. Our job is to make sure they get the message loud and clear. Take action via our 3 easy steps and send personalized emails to Congress right now.
After taking action on, consider getting together with others in your area and visit your Congressional members in their home offices. If we wait, we lose our health freedoms. Once we “HARMonize” with Codex, by the way, we no longer have the right, while we belong to the WTO, to repeal or change that “HARMonization”!
The objective of the pro-Codex Alimentarius multi nationals is to “boil the frog slowly” so that we do not wake up to it in time to avoid Codex.
Once we have “HARMonize” to Codex Alimentarius, as long as we are in the WTO, we cannot amend or change what we’ve been “HARMonize” to.
Codex Alimentarius will go into global implementation by December 31, 2009, unless We, the People, avert it. We must act now because right now, with $758 Million spent on declared Congressional lobbying by Big Pharma last year, there are members of Congress who are trying to overturn DSHEA and allow Pharma-friendly free reign for Codex. If protective laws like DSHEA are destroyed, the sanctioning power of the autocratic WTO kicks in, and it will be impossible to get out from under Codex Alimentarius. We can protect our access to high potency nutrients and stave off an adulterated food supply only by putting pressure on Congress.
If you would like to take action to try and stop Codex Alimentarius <please click here (USA)>, If you would like more in-depth information about Codex Alimentarius<please click here>
If you would like to take action to try and stop Codex Alimentarius you can sign a petition to Gordon Brown <please click here (UK)> ~ uk/Vitamins/ ~ Deadline to sign the petition = 5th September 2009
If you would like more in-depth information about Codex Alimentarius <please click here>
Stop Codex Alimentarius and Protect Health Freedom!
Unless stated otherwise everything in this note is © 2009 by Natural Solutions Foundation
The Natural Solutions Foundation is a non-profit organization founded to protect and promote health freedom in the USA.
Outide links are not covered by this © (rights of content creators respected). Codex_Alimentarius
The Codex Alimentarius (Latin for "food code" or "food book") is a collection of internationally recognized standards, codes of practice, guidelines and other recommendations relating to foods, food production and food safety. Its name derives from the Codex Alimentarius Austriacus.[1] Its texts are developed and maintained by the Codex Alimentarius Commission, a body that was established in 1963 by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the World Health Organization (WHO). The Commission's main aims are stated as being to protect the health of consumers and ensure fair practices in the international food trade. The Codex Alimentarius is recognized by the World Trade Organization as an international reference point for the resolution of disputes concerning food safety and consumer protection.[2][3]


The Codex Alimentarius officially covers all foods, whether processed, semi-processed or raw, but far more attention has been given to foods that are marketed directly to consumers. In addition to standards for specific foods, the Codex Alimentarius contains general standards covering matters such as food labeling, food hygiene, food additives and pesticideresidue s, and procedures for assessing the safety of foods derived from modern biotechnology. It also contains guidelines for the management of official (i.e., governmental) import and expor t inspection and certification systems for foods.
The Codex Alimentarius is published in Arabic, Chinese, English, F rench and Spanish. Not all texts are available in all languages.

  • Food labelling (general standard, guidelines on nutrition labelling, guidelines on labelling claims)
  • Food additives (general standard including authorized uses, specifications for food grade chemicals)
  • Contaminants in foods (general standard, tolerances for specific contaminants including radionuclides, aflat oxins and other mycotoxins)
  • Pesticide and veterinary chemical residues in foods (maximum residue limits)
  • Risk assessment procedures for determining the safety of foods derived from biotechnology (DNA-modified plants, DNA-modified micro-organisms,  allergens)
  • Food hygiene (general principles, codes of hygienic practice in specific industries or food handling establishments, guidelines for the use of the Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point or “HACCP” system)
  • Methods of analysis and sampling

Specific standards


The controversy over the Codex Alimentarius relates to a perception that it is a mandatory standard for food - including vitamin and mineral supplement - safety. Supporters of the Codex Alimentarius say that it is a voluntary reference standard for food and that there is no obligation on countries to adopt Codex standards as a member of either Codex or any other international trade organization. From the point of view of its opponents, however, one of the main causes of concern is that the Codex Alimentarius is recognized by the World Trade Organization as an international reference standard for the resolution of disputes concerning food safety and consumer protection.[2][3] Proponents argue that the use of Codex Alimentarius during international disputes does not exclude the use of other references or scientific studies as evidence of food safety and consumer protection.
It is reported that in 1996 the German delegation put forward a proposal that no herb, vitamin or mineral should be sold for preventive or therapeutic reasons, and that supplements should be reclassified as drugs.[4] The proposal was agreed, but protests halted its implementation.[4] The 28th Session of the Codex Alimentarius Commission was subsequently held July 4 - July 9, 2005.[5] Among the many issues discussed were the "Guidelines for Vitamin and Mineral Food Supplements"[6], which were adopted during the meeting as new global safety guidelines.[7] This text has been the subject of considerable controversy, in part because many member countries may choose to regulate dietary supplements as therapeutic goods or pharmaceuticals or by some other category. The text does not seek to ban supplements, but subjects them to labeling and packaging requirements, sets criteria for the setting of maximum and minimum dosage levels, and requires that safety and efficacy are considered when determining ingredient sources. The United Nations' Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and World Health Organization (WHO) have stated that the guidelines are "to stop consumers overdosing on vitamin and mineral food supplements." The Codex Alimentarius Commission (CAC) has said that the guidelines call "for labelling that contains information on maximum consumption levels of vitamin and mineral food supplements." The WHO has also said that the Guidelines "ensure that consumers receive beneficial health effects from vitamins and minerals." [8]
Similarities have been noted between the EU's Food Supplements Directive and the Codex Alimentarius Guidelines for Vitamin and Mineral Supplements.[9]
Texas Republican Rep. Ron Paul has said that the Central American Free Trade Agreement "increases the possibility that Codex regulations will be imposed on the American public." [10]
Additional controversy has been expressed by proponents of ecologically and socially sustainable agriculture and food systems, such as the Slow Food movement[11], who view the Codex Alimentarius as antithetical to this goal. According to the Manifesto on the Future of Food, the Codex Alimentarius has "codified policies designed to serve the interest of global agribusiness above all others, while actively undermining the rights of farmers and consumers".[12]

See also


  1. ^ Codex Alimentarius: how it all began Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations website. Accessed 1 January 2009.
  2. ^ a b Agreement on the Application of Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures World Trade Organization. Accessed 3 September 2008.
  3. ^ a b Understanding the Codex Alimentarius Preface. Third Edition. Published in 2006 by the World Health Organization and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. Accessed 3 September 2008.
  4. ^ a b 'Health supplements: R.I.P.'. The Guardian newspaper, UK. Published 14 September 2002. Accessed 2 August 2008
  5. ^ Codex Alimentarius Commission 28th Session, FAO Headquarters, Rome, Italy, 4-9 July, 2005. Official report.
  6. ^ Codex Guidelines for Vitamin and Mineral Food Supplements
  7. ^ UN commission adopts safety guidelines for vitamin and food supplements United Nations News Centre. Published 11 July 2005. Accessed 1 January 2009
  8. ^ UN commission adopts safety guidelines for vitamin and food supplements United Nations News Centre. Published 11 July 2005. Accessed 26 March 2009
  9. ^ Nil by mouth. The Observer newspaper, UK. Published 29 February 2004. Accessed 1 January 2009
  10. ^ 'The vitamin police', by ALAN BOCK, Sr. editorial writer, The Orange County Register. Published 14 August 2005. Accessed 2 September 2008.
  11. ^ about_us/eng/campaigns.lasso
  12. ^ The International Commission on the Future of Food and Agriculture (July 15, 2003). "Manifesto on the Future of Food".

The Holocaust

Victims of the Holocaust.
Ghettos were established in Europe in which Jews were confined before being shipped to extermination camps.
The Holocaust (from Greek ????a?st?? [holókaustos] : hólos, "whole" andkaustós, "burnt"[1]), also known as The Shoah (Hebrew?????, Romanized ha'shoahYiddish? ????, Romanized churben or hurban[2] ) is the term generally used to describe the genocide of approximately six million European Jews during World War II, a program of systematic state-sponsored extermination by Nazi Germany.[3]
Some scholars maintain that the definition of the Holocaust should also include the Nazis' systematic murder of millions of people in other groups, including ethnic PolesRomaniSoviet civiliansSoviet prisoners of war,people with disabilitieshomosexualsJeh ovah's Witnesses, and otherpolitical and religious opponents.[4] By this definition, the total number ofHolocaust victims would be between 11 million and 17 million people.[5]
The persecution and genocide were carried out in stages. Legislation to remove the Jews from civil society was enacted years before the outbreak of World War II. Concentration camps were established in which inmates were used as slave labor until they died of exhaustion or disease. Where the Third Reichconquered new territory in eastern Europe, specialized units called Einsatzgruppen murdered Jews and political opponents in mass shootings. Jews and Romani were confined in overcrowded ghettos before being transported by freight train toextermination camps where, if they survived the journey, the majority of them were killed in gas chambers. Every arm ofNazi Germany's bureaucracy was involved in the logistics of the mass murder, turning the country into what one Holocaust scholar has called "a genocidal state".[6]

Etymology and use of the term

The term holocaust originally derived from the Greek word holókauston, meaning a " whole (holos) burnt (kaustos)" sacrificial offering to a god.[7] Its Latin form (holocaustum) was first used with specific reference to a massacre of Jews by the chroniclers Roger of Howden[8] and Richard of Devizes in the 1190s. For hundreds of years, the word holocaust was used in English to denote massive sacrifices and great slaughters or massacres. During World War II, the word was used to describe Nazi atrocities regardless of whether the victims were Jews or non-Jews. Since the 1960s, the term has come to be used by scholars and popular writers to refer exclusively to the genocide of Jews.[3]
The term entered common parlance after 1978, the year that the popular Holocaust (TV miniseries) was broadcast on the American NBC television network. With a cast of dozens, including a young Meryl Streep, this miniseries was sometimes accused of "trivializing" the concentration camps. However, the series proved that the subject matter could have popular appeal, as well as providing a convenient and enduring term.[9]
The biblical word Shoah (????) (also spelled Sho'ah and Shoa), meaning "calamity," became the standard Hebrew term for the Holocaust as early as the 1940s.[10] Shoah is preferred by many Jews for a number of reasons, including thetheologically offensive nature of the word holocaust, as a Greek pagan custom.[11]

Historical usage of HolocaustShoah, and Final Solution

The word holocaust has been used since the 18th century to refer to the violent deaths of a large number of people.[12] For example, Winston Churchill and other contemporaneous writers used it before World War II to describe the Armenian Genocide of World War I.[13] Since the 1950s its use has increasingly been restricted, with its usage now mainly used as a proper noun to describe the Holocaust perpetrated by Nazi Germany.
Holocaust was adopted as a translation of Shoah—a Hebrew word connoting catastrophe, calamity, disaster, and destruction[14]—which was used in 1940 in Jerusalem in a booklet called Sho'at Yehudei Polin, and translated as The Holocaust of the Jews of PolandShoah had earlier been used in the context of the Nazis as a translation of catastrophe. For example, in 1934, when Chaim Weizmann told the Zionist Action Committee that Hitler's rise to power was an "unvorhergesehene Katastrophe, etwa ein neuer Weltkrieg" ("an unforeseen catastrophe, comparable to another world war"), the Hebrew press translated Katastrophe as Shoa h.[15] In the spring of 1942, the Jerusalem historian BenZion Dinur (Dinaburg) used Shoah in a book published by the United Aid Committee for the Jews in Poland to describe the extermination of Europe's Jews, calling it a "catastrophe" that symbolized the unique situation of the Jewish people.[14][16]The word Shoah was chosen in Israel to describe the Holocaust, the term institutionalized by the Knesset on April 12, 1951, when it established Yom Ha-Shoah Ve Mered Ha-Getaot, the national day of remembrance. In the 1950s, Yad Vashem, the Israel "Holocaust Martyrs' and Heroes' Remembrance Authority" was routinely translating this into English as "the Disaster". At that time, holocaust was often used to mean the conflagration of much of humanity in a nuclear war.[17]Since then, Yad Vashem has changed its practice; the word Holocaust, usually now capitalized, has come to refer principally to the genocide of the European Jews.[10][15]
The usual German term for the extermination of the Jews during the Nazi period was the euphemistic phrase Endlösung der Judenfrage (the "Final Solution of the Jewish Question"). In both English and German, "Final Solution" is widely used as an alternative to "Holocaust".[18] For a time after World War II, German historians also used the term Völkermord("genocide"), or in full, der Völkermord an den Juden ("the genocide of the Jewish people"), while the prevalent term in Germany today is either Holocaust or increasingly Shoah.

Use of the term Holocaust for Jewish and non-Jewish victims

While the terms "Shoah" and "Final Solution" always refer to the fate of the Jews during the Nazi rule, the term"Holocaust" is sometimes used in a wider sense to describe other genocides of the Nazi and other regimes.
The Columbia Encyclopedia defines "Holocaus t" as "name given to the period of persecution and extermination of European Jews by Nazi Germany".[19] The Compact Oxford English Dictionary[20] and Microsoft Encarta[21] give similar definitions. The Encyclopaedia Britannica defines "Holocaust"  as "the systematic state-sponsored killing of six million Jewish men, women, and children and millions of others by Nazi Germany and its collaborators during World War II".[2]
Scholars are divided on whether the term Holocaust should be applied to all victims of the Nazi mass murder campaign, with some using it synonymously with "Shoah" or "Final Solution of the Jewish Question", and others including the killing of Romani peoples (Roma and Sinti), Pole s, the deaths of Soviet prisoners of war, Slavs, gay men, Jehovah's Witnesses, the disabled, and political opponents.[22]
Yehuda Bauer contends that the Holocaust should include only Jews because it was the intent of the Nazis to exterminate all Jews, while the other groups were not to be totally annihilated.[23] Besides Bauer,[24] scholars Xu Xin,[25] Ben Kiernan,[26] Edward Kissi,[27] Simone Veil,[28] Monika Richarz,[29] and Francis Deng[30] refer solely to the destruction of the European Jewry when using the term "Holocaust".
Inclusion of non-Jewish victims of the Nazis in the Holocaust is objected to by many persons including Elie Wiesel, and by organizations such as Yad Vashem established to commemorate the victims of the Holocaust.[31] They say that the word was originally meant to describe the extermination of the Jews, and that the Jewish Holocaust was a crime on such a scale, and of such totality and specificity, as the culmination of the long history of European antisemitism, that it should not be subsumed into a general category with the other crimes of the Nazis.[31]
Michael Burleigh and Wolfgang Wippermann maintain that although all Jews were victims, the Holocaust transcended the confines of the Jewish community - other people shared the tragic fate of victimhood.[32] László Teleki applies the term"Holocaust" to both the murder of Jews and Romani peoples by the Nazis.[33] In The Columbia Guide to the Holocaust, Donald Niewyk and Francis Nicosia use the term to include Jews, Gypsies and the disabled.[34]
Sometimes, the term "Holocaust" is used to describe events that have no connection with Europe or World War II. According to David Stannard, the "American Holocaust" involved killing of an estimated 50-100 million aboriginal people, and continues on a smaller scale throughout the Americas. [35]From a Chinese perspective, the Japanese occupation of parts of China from 1931 to 1945 which occasioned the killings of 30 million Chinese, has been called a "Super Holocaust". [36] The "Rwandan  Holocaust" refers to the Rwanda genocide of 1994. The "Cambodian Holocaust" comp rises the mass killings by the Khmer Rouge regime in Cambodia. "African Holocaust" describes the slave trade and thecolonization of Africa, also known as the Maafa.[37] Then there is the prospect of "Nuclear Armageddon", also known as"Nuclear Holocaust".

Distinctive features

Compliance of Germany's institutions

Michael Berenbaum writes that Germany became a "genocidal state."[6]Every arm of the country's sophisticated bureaucracy was involved in the killing process. Parish churches and the Interior Ministry supplied birth records showing who was Jewish; the Post Office delivered the deportationand denaturaliz ation orders; the Finance Ministry confiscated Jewish property; German firms fired Jewish workers and disenfranchised Jewish stockholders; the universities refused to admit Jews, denied degrees to those already studying, and fired Jewish academics; government transport offices arranged the trains for deportation to the camps; Germanpharmaceutical companies tested drugs on camp prisoners; companies bid for the contracts to build the crematoria; detailed lists of victims were drawn up using the Dehomag (IBM Germany) company's punch cardmachines, producing meticulous records of the killings. As prisoners entered the death camps, they were made to surrender all personal property, which was carefully catalogued and tagged before being sent to Germany to be reused or recycled. Berenbaum writes that the Final Solution of the Jewish question was "in the eyes of the perpetrators … Germany's greatest achievement."[38]
Saul Friedländer writes that: "Not one social group, not one religious community, not one scholarly institution or professional association in Germany and throughout Europe declared its solidarity with the Jews."[39] He writes that some Christian churches declared that converted Jews should be regarded as part of the flock, but even then only up to a point.
Friedländer argues that this makes the Holocaust distinctive because antisemitic policies were able to unfold without the interference of countervailing forces of the kind normally found in advanced societies, such as industry, small businesses, churches, and other vested interests and lobby groups.[39]

Dominance of ideology and the scale of the genocide

In other genocides, pragmatic considerations such as control of territory and resources were central to the genocide policy. Yehuda Bauer argues that:
The basic motivation [of the Holocaust] was purely ideological, rooted in an illusionary world of Nazi imagination, where an international Jewish conspiracy to control the world was opposed to a parallel Aryan quest. No genocide to date had been based so completely on myths, on hallucinations, on abstract, nonpragmatic ideology – which was then executed by very rational, pragmatic means."[40]
Responding to the German philosopher Ernst Nolte who claimed that the Holocaust was not unique, the German historianEberhard Jäckel wrote in 1986 that the Holocaust was unique because:
"the National Socialist killing of the Jews was unique in that never before had a state with the authority of its responsible leader decided and announced that a specific human group, including its aged, its women and its children and infants, would be killed as quickly as possible, and then carried through this resolution using every possible means of state power".[41]
The slaughter was systematically conducted in virtually all areas of Nazi-occupied territory in what are now 35 separate European countries.[42] It was at its worst in Central and Eastern Europe, which had more than seven million Jews in 1939. About five million Jews were killed there, including three million in occupied Poland and over one million in the Soviet Union. Hundreds of thousands also died in the Netherlands, France, Belgium, Yugoslavia and Greece. The Wannsee Protocol makes clear that the Nazis also intended to carry out their "final solution of the Jewish question" in England and Ireland.[43]
Anyone with three or four Jewish grandparents was to be exterminated without exception. In other genocides, people were able to escape death by converting to another religion or in some other way assimilating. This option was not available to the Jews of occupied Europe,[44] unless their grandparents had converted prior to January 18, 1871. All persons of recent Jewish ancestry were to be exterminated in lands controlled by Germany.[45]

Zyklon B (German pronunciation: [tsyklo?n 'be?]; also spelled Cyclon B or Cyclone B) was the trade name of a cyanide-based pesticide infa mous for its use by Nazi Germany against human beings in gas chambers of extermination camps during the Holocaust.
It consisted of hydrogen cyanide (prussic acid, Blausäure in German, hence B[1]), astabilizer, and a warning odorant that was impregnated onto various substrates, typically small absorbent pellets, fibre discs, or diatomaceous earth. Zyklon B was stored in airtight containers; when exposed to air, the material released gaseoushydrogen cyanide (HCN).
Empty poison gas canisters, found by the Allies at the end of World War II.
Zyklon B labels
A can of Zyklon B lethal gas granules and original signed documents detailing ordering of such gas as "materials for Jewish resettlement" on display at Auschwitz I
History of Zyklon B
Zyklon B was originally developed during the 1920s as an insecticide by Dr. Walter Heerdt, at the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for Physical Chemistry and Elektrochemistry atBerlin-Dahl em, whose director at that time was Dr. Fritz Haber, a world-renowned chemist and recipient of the 1918 Nobel Prize in Chemistry for his discovery of the method for the synthesis of ammonia (see Haber Process).
In early 1942, Zyklon B had been selected by the Nazi Regime as the preferred extermination tool for both the Auschwitz-Birkenau and Majdanek extermination camps during the Holocaust. The chemical claimed the lives of roughly 1.2 million people in these camps.[citation needed]
Production of Zyklon B
Zyklon B was manufactured by the German companies Degesch (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Schädlingsbekämpfung mbH, or German Corporation for Pest Control) and Testa (Tesch und Stabenow, Internationale Gesellschaft für Schädlingsbekämpfung m.b.H.), under license from patentholder IG Farben. The Nazis ordered Degesch to produce Zyklon B without the warning odorant, in breach of German law. After the war, two directors of Testa were tried by a British military court and were executed for their part in supplying the chemical.[2]
Degesch played a key role in the manufacturing of Zyklon B in World War II. Many German companies had stock in Degesch, but all eventually sold their shares to the chemical giant Degussa (now known as Evonik) in the early 1920s. Degussa developed the process to manufacture Zyklon B in "crystals" (actually silica gel absorbent chunks), as it was used during World War II. To raise capital, Degussa split its controlling interest of Degesch with IG Farben in 1930: both companies held a 42.5% share in Degesch, with the remaining 15% held by the Th. Goldschmidt AG ofEssen.[citation needed]
Degesch's role at this point was limited to acquiring patents and intellec tual property: it did not itself produce Zyklon B. The manufacture of Zyklon B was handled by the Dessauer Werke für Zucker and Chemische Werke, which acquired the stabilizer from IG Farben, the warning agent from Schering AG and the prussic acid from Dessauer Schlempe and assembled them into the final product. This company extracted prussic acid from the waste products of the sugar beet refining process. From 1943 to 1945, the Kaliwerke, from the Czech town of Kolin, also supplied prussic acid to the Dessauer Werke.[citation needed]
Upon production, Zyklon B was sold by Degesch to Degussa. To cut costs, Degussa sold the marketing rights of Zyklon B to two intermediaries: the Heerdt and Linger GmbH (Heli) and Tesch and Stabenow (Tesch und Stabenow, Internationale Gesellschaft für Schädlingsbekämpfung m.b.H., or Testa) of Hamburg. Both suppliers split their territory along the Elberiver, with Heli handling the clients to the west and Testa doing the same in the east.[citation needed]
Zyklon B is still in production in the Czech Republic in the factory Draslovka Kolín a.s. in the city Kolín under thetradename Uragan D2, sold for eradicating insects and small animals. [3][4]

Zyklon B Use on Humans

Use in pre-war United States

From 1929 onwards the U.S. used Zyklon B to disinfect the freight trains and clothes of Mexican immigrants entering the US.[5] Farm Securities Administration photographer Marion Post Wolcott recorded the use of cyanide gas and Zyklon B by the Public Health Service at the New Orleans Quarantine Station during the 1930s.[6]

Use by Nazi Germany

See also: The Holocaust
Zyklon B was used by Nazi Germany to poison prisoners in the gas chambers of their network of extermination campsthroughout Europe. Zyklon B was used at Auschwitz BirkenauMajdanekSachsenhau sen and one of the Operation Reinhard camps. At the other extermination camps, Carbon monoxide from engine exhaust was used in the gas chambers or mobile gas vans. Most of the victims were Jews and the Zyklon B gas became a central symbol of the Holocaust.
Zyklon B was used in the concentration camps initially for delousing to control typhus. The chemical used in the gas chambers was deliberately made without the warning odorant.[7]
In January or February 1940, 250 Gypsy children from Brno in the Buchenwald concentration camp were used as guinea pigs for testing the Zyklon B gas.[8] On September 3, 1941, around 600 Soviet prisoners of war and 250 sick Polish prisoners were gassed with Zyklon B at Auschwitz camp I; this was the first experiment with the gas at Auschwitz. The experiments lasted more than 20 hours.
According to Rudolf Höss, commandant of Auschwitz, bunker 1 held 800 people, and bunker 2 held 1,200.[9] Once the chamber was full, the doors were screwed shut and solid pellets of Zyklon B were dropped into the chambers through vents in the side walls, releasing the cyanide gas. Those inside died within 20 minutes; the speed of death depended on how close the inmate was standing to a gas vent, according to Höss, who estimated that about one third of the victims died immediately.[10][11] Johann Kremer, an SS doctor who oversaw the gassings, testified that: "Shouting and screaming of the victims could be heard through the opening and it was clear that they fought for their lives."[12] When they were removed, if the chamber had been very congested, as they often were, the victims were found half-squatting, their skin colored pink with red and green spots, some foaming at the mouth or bleeding from the ears.[11]

Post-WW2 legacy

After the war, two directors of Testa – Bruno Tesch and Karl Weinbacher – were tried by a British military court and were executed for their part in supplying the chemical.
The use of the word Zyklon (German for cyclone) continues to prompt angry reactions from Jewish groups. In 2002, both Bosch Siemens Hausgeräte and Umbro were forced to withdraw from attempts to use or trademark the term for their products.[13]
Holocaust deniers say that Zyklon B gas was not used in the gas chambers, relying as evidence on the low levels ofPrussian blue residue in samples of the gas chambers found by Fred A. Leuchter, which Leuchter dismissed as the results of general delousing of buildings. Leuchter's negative control, a sample of gasket material taken from a different building in the camp, registered as having no such cyanide residue.[14] The manager of the analytical laboratory hired by Leuchter states in an interview in Errol Morris' film Mr. Death: The Rise and Fall of Fred A. Leuchter, Jr., that Leuchter's thick samples of brick would have greatly diluted the cyanide residue, which forms only an extremely fine layer on the walls and cannot penetrate.
In 1994, the Institute for Forensic Research in Kraków re-examined this claim on the grounds that formation of Prussian blue by exposure of bricks to cyanide is not a highly probable reaction [15]. Using more sophisticated microdiffusion techniques, they tested 22 samples from the gas chambers, delousing chambers (as positive controls), and living quarters (as negative controls), finding cyanide residue in both the delousing chambers and the ruins of the gas chambers but none in the ruins of the living quarters.[16]
  1. ^ Dwork, Deborah; van Pelt, Robert Jan (1996). Auschwitz, 1270 to the present. p. 219.: Norton. pp. 443. ISBN 0393039331.
  2. ^ The Zyklon B case. Trial of Bruno Tetsch and two others by British military court, Hamburg, 1946
  3. ^ Product page
  4. ^ "Google Translation of the Adezin s.r.o. Product Information Page". Retrieved 2008-09-12.
  5. ^ Spike, Paul (2007-05-31). "How America inspired the Third Reich.". The First Post. Retrieved 2008-09-12.
  6. ^ Photographs are retained in the National Library of Medicine. WA 234AL6 no. 2
  7. ^ Van Husen, William H. Zyklon B. World War II in Europe: An Encyclopedia. 1999.
  8. ^ Emil Proester, Vraždeni cs. cikanu v Buchenwaldu (The murder of Czech Gypsies in Buchenwald). Document No. UV CSPB K-135 on deposit in the Archives of the Museum of the Fighters Against Nazism, Prague. 1940. (Quoted in: Miriam Novitch, Le génocide des Tziganes sous le régime nazi (Genocide of Gypsies by the Nazi Regime), Paris, AMIF, 1968)
  9. ^ Piper, Franciszek. "Gas chambers and Crematoria," in Berenbaum, Michael & Gutman, Yisrael (eds). Anatomy of the Auschwitz Death Camp, Indiana University Press and the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, 1994, p. 162.
  10. ^ Auschwitz: Zyklon B
  11. a b Piper, Franciszek. "Gas chambers and Crematoria," in Berenbaum, Michael & Gutman, Yisrael (eds). Anatomy of the Auschwitz Death Camp, Indiana University Press and the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, 1994, p. 170.
  12. ^ Piper, Franciszek. "Gas chambers and Crematoria," in Berenbaum, Michael & Gutman, Yisrael (eds). Anatomy of the Auschwitz Death Camp, Indiana University Press and the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, 1994, p. 163.
  13. ^ BBC NEWS|Business|Siemens retreats over Nazi name
  14. ^ Shofar FTP Archive File: cyanide.002 The Nizkor Project
  15. ^ Amoklauf gegen die Wirklichkeit. Praca zbiorowa; B. Gallanda, J. Bailer, F. Freund, T. Geisler, W. Lasek, N. Neugebauer, G. Spenn, W. Wegner; Bundesministerium fuer Unterricht und Kultur Wien, 1991
  16. ^ "A Study of the Cyanide Compounds Content in the Walls of the Gas Chambers in the Former Auschwitz and Birkenau Concentration Camps". The Institute for Forensic Research, Cracow. 2000-01-15. Retrieved 2008-09-12.
External links

The Bayer company then became part of IG Farben, a conglomerate of German chemical industries that formed a part of the financial core of the German Nazi regime. IG Farben owned 42.5% of the company that manufactured Zyklon B,[2] a chemical used in the gas chambers of Auschwitz and other extermination camps. During World War II, the company also extensively used slave labor in factories attached to large slave labor camps, notably the sub-camps of the Mauthausen-Gusen concentration camp[3]. When the Allies split IG Farben into several pieces after World War II for involvement in organized Nazi war crimes, Bayer reappeared as an individual business. The Bayer executive Fritz ter Meer, sentenced to seven years in prison by the Nuremberg War Crimes Tribunal, was made head of the supervisory board of Bayer in 1956, after his release.

The IG Farben Trial

Fritz ter Meer
Fritz ter Meer
Born June 4, 1884
Died October 27, 1967 (aged 83)
Nationality German
Institutions IG FarbenBayerCodex Alimentarius
Fritz ter Meer ( July 4 1884 – October 27 1967 ) was a German chemist.
He was the son of Edmund ter Meer the founder of a chemical company that later became part of Bayer. Fritz ter Meer also worked for Bayer and later IG Farben. He was involved in the planning of Monowitz concentration camp, a satellite camp of KZ Auschwitz. He was sentenced to seven years prison by the Nuremberg Trials in 1948. After he was released in 1951 he became supervisory board chairman (Aufsichtsratsvorsitzender) of the Bayer AG. He retired in 1961.
  • Heine, Jens Ulrich (1990). Verstand und Schicksal. Die Männer der I.G. Farbenindustrie A.G. (1925-1945). Weinheim; New York: VCH.ISBN 978-3527281442.
  • Codex Alimentarius Commission [1]
Edmund ter Meer ( 1852 – November 5, 1931) was a German chemist who discovered the ter Meer reaction and founded in 1877 the ter Meer dye company in Uerdingen. After the fusion with the aniline factory of Julius Weiler the Weiler-ter Meer company was formed. This company later became part of the Bayer company. His son Fritz ter Meer also became a chemist associated to the Bayer company.
Edmund ter Meer
Born 1852
Died November 5, 1931 (aged 79)
Nationality German
Institutions Bayer
Known for ter Meer reaction
Bayer AG (German pronunciation: ['ba??]) (FWBBAYTYO4863) is a German chemical and pharmaceut ical company founded in Barmen, Germany in 1863. Today it is headquartered in LeverkusenNorth Rhine-Westphalia, Germany. It is well-known for its original brand of aspirin. Bayer is the third largest pharmaceutical company in the world.


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AspirinHeroinLycetol,S alophen

Bayer Heroin bottle

Werner Wenning (Chairman of the Board of Management)

Bayer History
Bayer AG was founded in Barmen (today a part of Wuppertal), Germany in 1863 by Friedrich Bayer and his partner, Johann Friedrich Weskott.
Bayer's first major product was acetylsalicylic acid (originally discovered by French chemist Charles Frederic Gerhardt in 1853), a modification of salicylic acid or salicin, a folk remedy found in the bark of the willow plant. By 1899, Bayer's trademark Aspirin was registered worldwide for Bayer's brand of acetylsalicylic acid, but because of the confiscation of Bayer's US assets and trademarks during World War I by the United States - and the subsequent widespread usage of the word to describe all brands of the compound, "Aspirin" lost its trademark status in the United States, France, and the United Kingdom. It is now widely used in the US, UK, and France for all brands of the drug. However in over 80 other countries, such as Canada, Mexico, Germany, and Switzerland, it is still a registered trademark of Bayer.
In 1904, the Bayer company introduced the Bayer cross as its corporate logo. Because Bayer's aspirin was sold through pharmacists and doctors only, and the company could not put its own packaging on the drug, the Bayer cross was imprinted on the actual tablets, so that customers would associate Bayer with its aspirin.
As part of the reparations after World War I, Bayer had its assets, including the rights to its name and trademarks confiscated in the United States, Canada, and several other countries. In the United States and Canada, Bayer's assets and trademarks were acquired by Sterling Drug, a predecessor of Sterling Winthrop.
The Bayer company then became part of IG Farben, a conglomerate of German chemical industries that formed a part of the financial core of the German Nazi regime. IG Farben owned 42.5% of the company that manufactured Zyklon B,[2] a chemical used in the gas chambers of Auschwitz and other extermination camps. During World War II, the company also extensively used slave labor in factories attached to large slave labor camps, notably the sub-camps of the Mauthausen-Gusen concentration camp[3]. When the Allies split IG Farben into several pieces after World War II for involvement in organized Nazi war crimes, Bayer reappeared as an individual business. The Bayer executive Fritz ter Meer, sentenced to seven years in prison by the Nuremberg War Crimes Tribunal, was made head of the supervisory board of Bayer in 1956, after his release.[4]
In 1978, Bayer purchased Miles Laboratories and its subsidiaries Miles Canada and Cutter Laboratories (along with a product line including Alka-SeltzerFlints tones Vitamins and One-A-Day Vitamins, and Cutter insect repellent). In 1994, Bayer AG purchased Sterling Winthrop's over the counter drug business from SmithKline Beecham and merged it with Miles Laboratories, thereby reacquiring the U.S. and Canadian trademark rights to "Bayer" and the Bayer cross, as well as the ownership of the Aspirin trademark in Canada.


The company's corporate logo, the Bayer cross, was introduced in 1904. It consists of the horizontal word "BAYER" crossed with the vertical word "BAYER", both words sharing the "Y", and enclosed in a circle. An illuminated version of the logo lights up the skyline of Leverkusen, where Bayer is headquartered. Installed in 1958, this is the largest illuminated advertisement in the world.


In order to separate operational and strategic managements, Bayer AG was reorganized into a holding company in December 2003. The group's core businesses were transformed into limited companies, each controlled by BayerAG. These companies are: Bayer CropScience AG; Bayer HealthCare AG; Bayer MaterialScience AG and Bayer Chemicals AG, and the three service limited companies Bayer Technology Services GmbH, Bayer Business Services GmbH and Bayer Industry Services GmbH & Co. OHG.
Following Bayer's successful reorganization, its chemicals activities (with the exception of H.C. Starck and Wolff Walsrode) were combined with certain components of the polymers segment to form the new company Lanxess. This change took place on July 1, 2004, with Lanxess listed on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange in early 2005. Bayer HealthCare's Diagnostics Division was acquired by Siemens Medical Solutions in January 2007.
Bayer AG shares are listed on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange, the London Stock Exchange and used to be listed on theNew York Stock Exchange. On September 5, 2007, Bayer announced its intention to file for delisting of its American Depositary Shares (ADSs) from the NYSE. It is also planned to de-register with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and thereby terminate the respective reporting obligations.
Bayer is governed by a board of management, consisting of: Klaus KühnWolfgang PlischkeRichard Pott, and Werner Wenning.[5]
In 2004 Bayer HealthCare AG acquired the OTC Pharmaceutical Division of Roche Pharmaceuticals.
On March 13, 2006, Merck KGaA announced a €14.6bn bid for Schering AG. Merck's takeover bid was surpassed by Bayer's (successful) $19.5bn white-knight bid for Schering on March 23, 2006.
On March 11, 2008, Bayer HealthCare announced an agreement to acquire the portfolio and OTC division of privately owned Sagmel, Inc., a US-based company that markets over-the-counter medications in most of the Commonwealth of Independent States countries such as Russia, UkraineKazakhstanB elarus, and others. This deal is aimed at boosting Bayer HealthCare sales and market share in the above-mentioned region and expected to be finished by the end of 2008.[6][7]


  • Germany - headquarters of the holding company as well as the subsidiary companies Bayer CropScience, Bayer MaterialScience and Bayer HealthCare
  • Belgium - including production facilities for Makrolon (in Antwerp)
  • Canada - Toronto headquarters and offices in Ottawa and Calgary
  • France - including European headquarters of Bayer CropScience (in Lyon)
  • Italy - including 5 production facilities
  • Philippines - including production of CanestenAutan and Baygon.
  • United States - Bayer USA operates a suburban Pittsburgh headquarte rs.

Bayer Animal Health

Bayer HealthCare's Animal Health Division is the maker of Advantage Multi (imidacloprid + moxidectin) Topical Solution for dogs and cats, Advantage flea control for cats and dogs and K9 Advantix, a flea, tick, and mosquito control product for dogs. Advantage Multi, K9 Advantix and Advantage are trademarks of Bayer. The division specializes in parasite control and prescription pharmaceuticals for dogs, cats, horses, and cattle. North American operation for the Animal Health Division are headquartered in Shawnee, Kansas. Bayer Animal Health is a division of Bayer HealthCare LLC, one of the world's leading healthcare companies. K9 Advantix is renowned for its popular jingle.

Bayer CropScience

In 2002 Bayer AG acquired Aventis CropScience and fused it with their own agrochemicals division (Bayer Pflanzenschutz or "Crop Protection") to form Bayer CropScience. The company is now one of the world's leading innovative crop science companies in the areas of crop protection (i.e. pesticides), non-agricultural pest control,  seeds and plant biotechnology . In addition to conventional agrochemical business it is involved in genetic engineering of food. The Belgian biotech companyPlant Genetic Systems, became part of the company by the acquisition of Aventis CropScience.
Bayer CropScience is involved in a joint project with Archer Daniels Midland Company and Daimler AG to develop jatrophaas a biofuel[8].

Bayer Healthcare

In 2007 Bayer took over Schering Healthcare. The acquisition of Schering was the largest take-over in Bayer’s history.

Bayer Business Services

Located at the Bayer USA Headquarters in Robinson TownshipPennsylvania, a suburb of Pittsburgh, Bayer Business Services handles the Information Technology infrastructure and technical support aspect of Bayer USA and Bayer Canada. This is also the headquarters of the North American Service Desk, the central IT Help Desk for all of Bayer USA and Bayer Canada.

Bayer Birth Control

Bayer Healthcare has also produced the birth control pills Yaz and Yasmin. Both pills use a newer type of progesteronehormone called drospirenone in combination with estrogen. Yaz is advertised as a treatment for premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD) and moderate acne.

Bayer 04 Leverkusen

Main article: Bayer 04 Leverkusen
In 1904, the company founded the sports club TuS 04 ("Turn- und Spielverein der Farbenfabriken vorm. Friedr. Bayer & Co."), later SV Bayer 04 ("Sportvereinigung Bayer 04 Leverkusen"), finally becoming TSV Bayer 04 Leverkusen ("Turn- und Sportverein") in 1984, generally however known simply as Bayer 04 Leverkusen. The club is best known for its football team, but has been involved in many other sports, including athletics, fencing, team handball, volleyball, boxing, and basketball. TSV Bayer 04 Leverkusen is one of the largest sports clubs in Germany. The company also supports similar clubs at other company sites, including Dormagen (particularly handball), Wuppertal (particularly volleyball), and Krefeld-Uerdingen (featuring another former Bundesliga football club, SC Bayer 05 Uerdingen, now KFC Uerdingen 05).[9]
However, due to cost factors, the company has decided to cut back its sponsoring of its top sports teams in most areas. The sponsoring agreements with first and second-division teams in basketball, team handball, and volleyball, as well as in olympic-level athletics and fencing, will be terminated in 2008 or 2010. Despite their many successes (multiple German national championships as well as numerous Olympic medals), they are not considered to be valuable enough as a marketing tool in terms of their cost-to-benefit ratio. Only the very "telegenic" football (soccer) team, whose marketing value is very high due the exposure in the media and the popularity of the sport itself, will continue to be supported as in the past. General sponsoring of sport for youth and for handicapped people will also be continued as in the past.[10]


Nazi chairman and aspirin discoverer

In his book Aspirin: The Story of a Wonder Drug, author Diarmuid Jeffreys investigated Bayer's sponsorship of the experiments of Nazi Dr. Josef Mengele. In 1956 Fritz ter Meer became chairman of Bayer after having been sentenced at the Nuremberg trials to seven years' imprisonment for his part in carrying out experiments on human subjects atAuschwitz.
Jefferys also details Arthur Eichengrün, the Bayer chemist who first found an aspirin formulation which was tolerable in thehuman stomach and did not have the unpleasant side effects of nausea and gastric  pain. Eichengrün also invented the name aspirin and was the first person to use the new formulation to test its safety and efficacy. However, Eichengrün was excluded from the official version of Bayer's history in 1934 because of his Jewish origin. Instead, it was claimed by Bayer that aspirin was "discovered" by an "Aryan" scientist, Felix Hoffman, to alleviate the sufferings of his rheumatic father. Bayer AG publishes beliefs in the latter.
Mr. Jeffreys' claims are widely reflected in other publications and official records,[11][12][13][14][15][1 6] although they are also disputed in other publications.[17]
It has also been documented that Aspirin compounds were successfully synthesized by various other scientists or groups thereof in the years between 1848-1869, long before Bayer's claims. This fact led to various patent litigations in the early 20th century.[18]

Liberty Link Rice

In August 2006, it became apparent that the United States rice crop had been contaminated with unapproved genetically engineered Bayer CropScience rice as undisclosed amounts were found in commercial rice supplies.[19]
More specifically, the genetically engineered rice has an herbicide-resistance trait. These forms of rice are commonly referred to amongst US rice growers as, Liberty Link Rice 601 or LL 601. Approximately 100 varieties of rice produced primarily in the following six states: ArkansasTexasLouisianaMississippiMissouri, and California. The US rice crop is valued at approximately $1.88 billion annually. In 2005, approximately 80% of the rice exported from the US was of the long grain variety, the variety contaminated.[citation needed]


Bayer AG is involved in an ongoing controversy with French and Nova Scotian beekeepers over claimed pesticide kills ofhoneybees from its seed treatment insecticide imidacloprid. France has since issued a provisional ban on the use ofImidacloprid for corn seed treatment pending further action. A consortium of U.S. beekeepers has also filed a civil suit against Bayer CropScience for alleged losses.

Congo Civil War

Austrian journalist Klaus Werner alleged in his book "Schwarzbuch Markenfirmen" ("Black Book on Brand Companies"), that the Bayer subsidiary H.C. Starck financed the civil war in the Democratic Republic of Congo by trading illegally with the mineral coltan. The allegations were also confirmed by a U.N. panel of experts. Bayer alleged that since 2001 it didn't trade any more in Congolese coltan, but never proved where their resources came from.[20][21]

HIV infected Blood Products

A cite from http://www.haemophilia-li, access date 31.05.2006:
"After 1978, there were four major companies in the United States engaged in the manufacture, production and sale ofFactor VIII and IX: Armour Pharmaceutical Company, Bayer Corporation and its Cutter Biological division, Baxter Healthcare and its Hyland Pharmaceutical division and Alpha Therapeutic Corporation, which have been or are defendants in certain lawsuits.
The plaintiffs allege that the companies manufactured and sold blood factor products as beneficial "medicines" that were, in fact of likely to be contaminated with HIV and/or HCV. This resulted in the mass infection and/or deaths of thousands of haemophiliacs worldwide.[22 ]
It is believed that three of these companies, Alpha, Baxter, and Cutter, recruited and paid donors from high risk populations, including prisoners (i.e. prison-based collections), intravenous drug users, and plasma centers with predominantly homosexual donor s, esp. in cities with large populations thereof, to obtain blood plasma used for the production of Factor VIII and IX. Plaintiffs allege that these companies failed to exclude donors, as mandated by federal law, with a history of viral hepatitis. Such testing could have substantially reduced the likelihood of plasma containing HIV and/ or HCV entering plasma pools."[23][24][25]

Baycol Deaths

Bayer's anti-cholesterol drug, Baycol (also known as Lipobay and cerivastatin), has deadly side effects. The Food and Drug Administration received reports of 31 US deaths due to rhabdomyolysis, a potentially fatal adverse muscle reaction that results in muscle cell breakdown and release of the contents of muscle cells in the bloodstream. Symptoms include muscle pain, weakness, fever, nausea, and vomiting. Bayer admitted that the drug might have killed 52 people already worldwide, with another 1,100 potentially crippled. Although Bayer voluntarily recalled the drug after a large number of deaths, Germany's health minister, on 25 August 2001, accused Bayer of sitting on research documenting Baycol's lethal side-effects for nearly two months before the government in Berlin was informed.' A number of individual and class action law suits have been filed, including one in Pennsylvania which cited 480 cases of Baycol-related illnesses. The number of Baycol related deaths has risen to almost 100.[citation needed]

Methyl parathion poisoning case

In October 2001, Bayer was taken to court after 24 children in the remote Andean village of Tauccamarca were killed and 18 severely poisoned when they drank a powdered milk substitute that had been contaminated with methyl parathion. The white powder that resembles powdered milk and has no strong chemical odour was packaged in small plastic bags that provide no protection to users and give no indication of the danger of the product within. The bags were labelled in Spanish only, and carried drawings of healthy carrots and potatoes but no pictograms indicating danger or toxicity.[citation needed]After a nine month investigation, a Peruvian Congressional Subcommittee has found significant evidence of criminal responsibility by both the agrochemical company Bayer and the Peruvian Ministry of Agriculture in the poisoning of 42 children in the remote Andean village of Tauccamarca in October 1999.[26]


Using Baytril and other fluoroquinolones in poultry and cattle leads to antibiotic-resistant bacter ia and pathogens in animals, making it possible for strains of resistant bacteria to enter the human body. This makes human versions of the drug ineffective in treating people infected by these bacteria, which could be life-threatening to the elderly, to children and to those with depressed immune systems or in weakened conditions. Fluoroquinolones a re commonly prescribed to treat serious gastrointestinal illness, including the common Campylobacter and Salmo nella bacteria. Campylobacter accounts for nearly two million illnesses and 100 deaths each year, and Salmonella accounts for 1.3 million illnesses and about 500 deaths annually. Very few bacteria were found resistant to fluoroquinolones until the drugs also began to be used in poultry in 1995. By 1998, 13 percent of Campylobacter tested in humans were resistant to fluoroquinolones, and by 1999, nearly 18 percent of Campylobacter were found to be resistant.[citation needed]
After data collected by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention showed that the use of fluoroquinolones in poultry was speeding up the bacteria's development of resistance to the drug, the US Food and Drug Administration concluded that the health of at least 5,000 Americans is affected each year by the use of these drugs in chickens. It also proposed to ban this use. Abbott Laboratories, one of the two producers of poultry fluoroquinolones in the US, voluntarily withdrew its product, but Bayer refused to comply with the proposed ban and instead requested a hearing on the proposal. This hearing may take years to complete, and by then the ban may be a moot point since the drug may be ineffective in humans by the time the FDA is able to issue a final ban on the use of these drugs in poultry.
The United States' Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the United Nations' World Health Organization, have strongly advocated a ban for years. On 31 October 2000, Environmental Defense, the American Public Health Association, Center for Science in the Public Interest; Delmarva Poultry Justice Alliance; Food Animal Concerns Trust; Global Resources Action Center for the Environment; Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy; National Catholic Rural Life Conference; Physicians for Social Responsibility; and Union of Concerned Scientists signed a letter to the Bayer Corporation asking it to comply voluntarily with the proposed ban. In November, more than 180 individual health care professionals and several medical organizations, including the American Medical Association and the American College of Preventive Medicine, sent a similar letter to Bayer.
But Bayer has recently spent over US$50 million to build new production facilities for Baytril in Germany and the US. The company claimed that Baytril is completely harmless in a letter to veterinarians: "Bayer has and always will play a leading role in defending fluoroquinolones".[citation needed]

2001 Medicare Reimbursement Action by US Government

In January 2001, Bayer agreed to pay $14 million to the United States and 45 states to settle allegations under the federalFalse Claims Act that the company caused physicians and other health care providers to submit fraudulently inflated reimbursement claims to the state and federally funded Medicaid program.[27]

2006 Trasylol Safety Advisory

In September 2006, Bayer A.G. was faulted by the FDA for not revealing during testimony the existence of a commissioned retrospective study of 67,000 patients, 30,000 of whom received Trasylol and the rest other anti-fibrinolytics. The study concluded Trasylol carried greater risks. The FDA was alerted to the study by one of the researchers involved. Although the FDA issued a statement of concern they did not change their recommendation that the drug may benefit certain subpopulations of patients. In a Public Health Advisory Update dated October 3, 2006, the FDA recommended that "physicians consider limiting Trasylol use to those situations in which the clinical benefit of reduced blood loss is necessary to medical management and outweighs the potential risks" and carefully monitor patients.[28] "A renowned researcher calculates that 22,000 patients could have been saved if the Food and Drug Administration removed the heart surgery drug Trasylol two years ago, when his study revealed widespread death associated with it......"[29] The FDA took Trasylol off the market on November 5, 2007.[30]

Human Rights Campaign

Bayer USA was given the lowest score (15 out of 100) of all rated companies in its category in the Human Rights Campaign's 2008 Corporate Equality Index, a measure of gay and lesbian workplace equality.[31] However, they have improved and managed a score of 80 in the 2009 CEI. [32]

Prostate Cancer claims

In October 2009 the Center for Science in the Public Interest sued Bayer for "falsely claiming that the selenium in Men's One A Day multivitamins might reduce the risk of prostate cancer." [33]

Chemical accidents

On August 28, 2008, a piece of restarting equipment exploded at Bayer's CropScience facility at Institute in West Virginia. It was close to a tank filled with methyl isocyanate which was undamaged by the explosion.[34]

Awards & Recognition

In October 2008, Bayer's Canadian division was named one of "Canada's Top 100 Employers" by Mediacorp Canada Inc., and was featured in Maclean's news magazine. Later that month, the Canadian division was also named one of Greater Toronto's Top Employers, which was announced by the Toronto Star newspaper.[35]

See also



  1. a b c d "Annual Report 2008". Bayer. Retrieved 2009-03-06.
  2. ^ Hayes, Peter (1987), Industry and Ideology: IG Farben in the Nazi Era, New York: Cambridge University Press, p. 361, ISBN 978-0521786386.
  3. ^ (Spanish) various authors (2005). "Historia de los campos de concentración: El sistema de campos de concentración nacionalsocialista, 1933–1945: un modelo europeo"Memoriales históricos, 1933–1945.
  4. ^ Auschwitz:60 Year Anniversary- the Role of IG Farben-Bayer
  5. ^ BAYNEWS - The Bayer Press Server - Werner Wenning
  6. ^ Bayer HealthCare to acquire OTC Business of Sagmel, Inc, official press release
  7. ^ "Bayer Buys Over-the-Counter Health Unit From Sagmel"Bloomberg. 2008-03-11.
  8. ^ "Archer Daniels Midland Company, Bayer CropScience and Daimler to Cooperate in Jatropha Biodiesel Project". DaimlerChrysler.
  9. ^ Bayer 04 Leverkusen Fussball GmbH
  10. ^ Bayer Sport - Bayer-Förderkonzept
  11. ^ office/1999/annconf99press3. pdf
  12. ^ Aspirin
  13. ^ Aspirin's Paternity Debated - 286 (5437): 39 - Science
  14. ^ Nazis denied Jewish scientist credit for discovery of aspirin
  15. ^ The Pharmaceutical Century - Organizational portraits
  16. ^ Should EPA Accept Human Pesticide Experiments
  17. ^ Rapid Responses for Sneader, 321 (7276) 1591-1594
  18. ^ by Charles C. Mann and Mark L. Plummer (1991). The aspirin wars: money, medicine, and 100 years of rampant competition. Boston, Mass: Harvard Business School Press. pp. 25–36. ISBN 0-87584-401-4.
  19. ^ U.S. Food and Drug Administration's Statement on Report of Bioengineered Rice in the Food Supply
  20. ^ Klaus Werner (2006). Schwarzbuch Markenfirmen. Berlin: Ullstein Taschenbuchvlg.. pp. 270–271.
  21. ^ Blac k Book on Brand Companies
  22. ^ Bayer Sold HIV-Risky Meds
  23. ^ 2 Paths of Bayer Drug in 80's: Riskier One Steered Overseas - New York Times
  24. ^ YouTube - BAYER SPREADS AIDS HIV SEX Hemopheliac medicine children
  25. ^ 05/22/business/2-paths-of-baye r-drug-in-80-s-riskier-one- steered-overseas.html?sec=& pagewanted=print
  26. ^ gpc/gpc_200208.12.2.13.dv.html
  28. ^ http://factsandcomparisons.c om/News/ArticlePage.aspx?id=73 87 Trasylol Public Health Advisory Update
  29. ^ es/2008/02/14/60minutes/main38 31900.shtml According to 60 minutes
  30. ^ The Official Trasylol Aprotinin Injection by Bayer Pharmaceuticals Corporation Home Page
  31. ^ /HRC_Corporate_Equality_Index_ 2008.pdf 2008 Corporate Equality Index. Accessed 27 November 2007.
  32. ^ rkplace/organization_profile. asp?organization_id=2019& search_id=1&search_type=Quick
  33. ^ 00910011.html
  34. ^ ons/biot_reader.php?BiotID=619
  35. ^ "Reasons for Selection, 2009 Canada's Top 100 Employers Competition".


  • Blaschke, Stefan (1999). Unternehmen und Gemeinde: Das Bayerwerk im Raum Leverkusen 1891-1914. Cologne: SH-Verlag, ISBN 3-89498-068-0]

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Codex delivers comprehensive business functionality uniquely tailored to specific industries by embedding best practices that help to accelerate deployment, increase user adoption, and reduce total cost of ownership.
Streamline Key Business Processes
Codex solutions streamline key processes to reduce information latency by gathering and processing information in real-time, and making it available across the ecosystem.
About Codex Corp.
Codex Corp. is a provider of 
Security Compliance Software delivered as a Service (SaaS) to government agencies and companies to address legal, corporate, and government compliance and risk management. Codex blends innovation and emerging technologies, including Web, radio frequency identification (RFID), and mobile computing to create practical, value-driven software solutions.
Our Vision and Values 
Codex will be guided by our core values: innovation, quality, and service excellence.  Our perpetual goal is to create the highest quality products and services that deliver good value, and consistently exceed our customers’ expectations.  We will work to