Video One on Greg Hallet talking about his explosive book...
Hitler was a British Agent...
Click below to listen to videos of Greg Hallet talking about his explosive book...
Hitler was a British Agent...
Hitler's Gladiator
Book by Charles Messenger
The Life and Military Career of Sepp Dietrich
The life and military career of Oberstgruppenfuhrer and Panzergeneral-Oberst Der Waffen- SS Sepp Dietrich
Hitler's Gladiator is the life of german general Josef "Sepp" Dietrich, who rose from private soldier in the Kaiser's army to command of an SS panzer army in the closing stages of the Second World War...Dietrich was one of the more notorious but intriguing chararcters of the Nazi Era.... It is impossible to dissociate him from the excesses of the Hitler regime, he was close to the heart of the party and Hitler himslef, and he was twice convicted as a war criminal... also he was also an effective and much admired military commander, he was devoted to his men and led them through some of the fiercest fighting and hardest conditions experienced during the war....In this revises and extremely illustrated paperback edition....Charles messenger provides an objective account of the life and time of Sepp Dietrich, painting a vivid picture of life under the Third Reich..
Nazi Germany and Neutral Europe during the Second World War - book by Christian Leitz
Germany's war effort depended significantly upon its imports of raw materials and goods form the nuetral nations. Switzerland was Nazi germany's banker and financial facilitator, taking and transfering Germna Gold p most of it looted - and providing germany with Swiss francs to purchase needed products..
Switzland also supplied germany with key wat materials such as arms, ammunition, aluminium, machinery and locomotives... moreover, germany was able to mitigate slightly the effect of Allied bombing by moving some arms production to safety beyond the Swiss frontier..
During the Second Wold war, Nazi Germany gained vital services from the five European neutrals... Portugal..Spain...Switszerland and Turkey... Even important political, ideological, economic and military differences distinguished the five contries, their economic contribution to the war effort of the Thord Riech provides an important rational for a joint examination.
Obvious questions arise...
What precisely was this contribution and how important was it?
Can it be established between the services provided and the survival of the five countries as independent and perceful entities in the midge of war and occupation?
Were each country supplies and services to germany simply means to assure its independence - or were the countries guyided by motives that were beyond ensuring their survival?
The theme of this book is an important one, for the European neutrals have not been assessed before in quite this way.
There is a very large literature on neutrality and on the behaviour of the five individual states dealt with here,
but the stength of Leitz's treatment is the synthesis of all this material between two covers... Professor R. J. Overy, King's College, University of London
This is the first concise study of Nazi germany's war relations to the five continental European neutrals: Portugal, Spain, Switzerland, Sweden and Turkey. Questioning the true commitment to neutrality of the five states, the book details not simply the development of relations to Germany, but also highlights the contribution the states made to Germany's war effort.
This is the first concise study of Nazi germany's war relations to the five continental European neutrals: Portugal, Spain, Switzerland, Sweden and Turkey. Questioning the true commitment to neutrality of the five states, the book details not simply the development of relations to Germany, but also highlights the contribution the states made to Germany's war effort... The Author explains how the Nazi regime benefited in large measure from permitting these five countries to remain neutral. Even while Germany's military fortune were declining in 1943 and 1944, it continued to receive vital services form the neutrals..
Hitler Was A British Agent
How to control the World
--- by Mark Hallet
Note there is an interesting book Called
The Hitler/Hess Deception by Martin Allen
British Intelligence Best-Kept Secret of the Second World War
'Martin Allen has turned up hitherto hidden documents which make an enormous contribution to our understanding of the British deception operation preceding Rudolf Hess's flight to Scotland in May 1941. the outlines of the intrigue have been evidence for some time; Allen's sleuthing brings the personalities and the methods into sharp and sensational focus.
This must surely be the final blow to those have doggedly stuck to the authorized version of a crazy exploit by a madman'.... Peter Padfield, author of Hess: The Fuhrer's Disiple
Concentration Camps for US Citizens Planned - Video One
Who At The Rothschilds (Rothschild former family name was Bayer)#
Bayer Corporation was formerly IB Farban that made a fortune in Germany in the 2nd War by making all the railway lines to the concentration camps, made the concentration camps and the gas that killed millions of poor and middle class Jews, low level Freemasons and gipsy's... At the Nerumberg Trials the director of IB Farban Fritz Der Mer, and other were convicted of the murder of millions and when realsed form prison was made a senior person running Bayer Corportion which was renamed from IF Farban which had to be broke up under order of the Nerumberg Trials ....
Video regarding Adolph Hitler being a Zionist Jews and founder of the beginning of the New World Order
Video regarding Adolph Hitler being a Zionist Jews and founder of the beginning of the New World Order
which seems to have carried over to being organised in the United States with many of the senior Nazi workers moving to the United States and given new visa's and their wartime criminal records wiped off their records in an operation names
the Paper Clip Conspiracy ..see
Even the advisors to Hitler were part Jewish that taught and guided Adolph Hitler in the whole political and social basis the Nazism political theories and National Socialism and helped him write Mein Kampf while Adolph Hitler and Rudolf h
Hess spend one year in prison...after the original failed attempt to take over the power of German by force....
Nazism, history sprang from political theories very much based on the work and geo-politic ideas of Professor Karl Hashofer and helped implemented by his son Albrecht Haushofer who both became a close confidents of Adolph Hitler and Rudolf Hess..
Geo-politic ideas of Professor Karl Hashofer
The theory that in the furture the world would be restructured into an age of great land-empires.
Professor Karl Hashofer
Professor Karl Hashofer was an 19th century style imperialists who, after the end of the First World War, had been the leading academic promulgator of 'geopolitics'
Professor Karl Hashofer had also been Rudolph's Hess's university tutor, and during the rise of the Nazi's to power he had privately tutored Adolph Hitler on the rudiments of Foreign policy and European ethnicity.Professor Karl Hashofer was widely recognised as the man chiefly responsible for the Nazi's concept of 'Lebensraum' - living space for the German people - which Hitler had used as his justification for wards of conquest. Professor Karl Hashofer was the man that three OSS officers tracked down to a house deep in the Bavarian forests of a late September afternoon in 1945. When the interrogations began, the senior American Intelligence officer, Edmund Walsh, had merely looked meaningfully at Professor Karl Hashofer
and said a single word: 'Hitler.' According to Walsh, the elderly Professor Karl Hashofer's ..'face assumed a pained expression'. Professor Karl Hashofer admitted that he had taught Hitler geopolitics, but then qualified his answer by declaring that Hitler had 'never understood'...
the American Agents struggles to digest all the elderly Professor Karl Hashofer had told them...
Professor Karl Hashofer's archive of personal papers extended to nearly eighteen thousand documents, and the OSS men were forced to return the following morning with an army lorry...
On Sunday, 10th March 1946 after the American OSS officers interviewed Professor Karl Hashofer ....Professor Karl Hashofer was discreetly visited at Hartshimmelhof by two Allied (UK) Intelligence officers. On this occasions the med were not Americans, but from British Intelligence....
Hitler Outlawed and imprisoned and murdered Freemasons... the World’s Oldest Secret Society
Freemasons: Inside the World’s Oldest Secret Society
By H. Paul Jeffers
Written in 2005
Chapter 19
The Men Who Rule the World
General Rich von Ludendorff, a hero of World War I and hiss wrote the tract Annihilation of Freemasonry through Revelation of its Secrets and oither hate-filled material that explained Germany’s defeat in World War I, “as a knife in the back by Jews and Masons”.. later in Mein Kampf ( Adolph Hitler’s autobiography written in prison for attempted to overthrow the democratic government in Germany in the 1920’s), Hitler wrote that masonry had “ succumbed” to the Jews and had become an “excellent instrument” to achieve their aims, he said Germany’s post World War I “ general pacifist paralysis of the nation instinct of self-preservation” began with Freemasonry…
In 1931, Nazi Party officials were given a Guide and Instructional Letter” that said “the hostility of the peasant against the Jews and his hostility against the Freemasons as a servant of the Jew, must be worked up to a frenzy…”
The Reich main Security Office determined that masonry was not only part of the “Jewish problem” but also “ an autonomous ideology with political power” that ruled the press and public opinion and motivated wars and revolutions…
In Czechoslovakia when the Nazi’s entered the country in 1939, 4,000 Freemasons were arrested and many were sent to concentration camps.. less that 5% of Czech Freemasons escaped to England and formed a Grand Lodge Comenius in Exile.
In Germany, France, Italy Morocco, the Spanish Canary Islands and Spain.. Freemasons and their lodges were banned, outlawed and Freemasonry was made a criminal offence and many were arrested and killed and/or sent to concentration camps…. Anyone who did not denounce masonry and reveal to the police the names of all mason with whom he had been associated faced imprisonment….
Hitler himself decreed “Freemasons and the ideological enemies of National Socialism who are allied with them are the originators of the present war..”
After Hitler came ot power in January 1933, his top Deputy, hermann Goering, informed the grand master of the Grand Lodge of Germany there was “no place for Freemasonry” in Germany. At that time, there were nine principle Grand Lodges, with a membership of almost 80,000. the largest were the Grand Lodge of the Three Globes, National Grand Lodge of All German Freemasons, and the Grand Lodge Royal York of Friendship. Their leaders were told that the Nazi government did not intend to prohibit the activities of the lodge, but that the Masonic order must discontinue to use the words “Freemason” and “lodge”, break all international relations, require that its embers be of German descent, remove the requirement of secrecy, and discard all parts of the ritual that are of Old Testament origin. There after, the Association of German Freemasons called itself the National Christian Order of Frederick the Great…
Then in 1934, Goering, as premier of Prussia, ordered dissolution of the oldest and most influential Masonic Grand Lodges in Prussia ( Christian Grand Lodges, Grand Lodge of the Three Globes, All German Freemasons, and Royal York of Friendship) because they “might be regarded as hostile to the State because of their affiliations with international Masonry.”..
A Nazi Party court in berlin published a decree barring form membership those who had been Freemasons for a number of years or who had received the higher degrees of the order. Masonic lodges were attacked for hcving borrowed much of their doctrine and ceremonies form “Semitic sources”.
P.163 ..During the Nuremberg war crimes trials, Robert H, Jackson, the chief prosecutor and a U.S. Supreme Court justice, said, “ It Is not generally understood that among the earliest and most savage of the many persecutions undertaken by every modern dictatorship are those directed against the Free Masons.. ( the ) dictators realize that its membership are not likely to support the police state, which lays so heavy a hand on the freedom of the individual…”
..In 1950, the Soviet-imposed government in eastern Europe countries dissolved the lodghes as “meeting places of the enemies of the people’s democratic republic, of capitalistic elements, and of the adherents of Western imperialism.” This would be the policy in every country behind the Iron Curtain…
…the era of the Cold Wat also brought a widespread belief that powerful men engaged in a complex conspiracy to take over the world….as is every period in a uncertainty and fears in all of history, suspicions stirred and thrived among ordinary people that a small group of men gathered in secret to control events and direct to future of the world.. in earlier times, they had been tribal elders and religious figures.. thrn with the 18th century came the Illuminati, consisting of persons who believed they possessed supernatural intellectual powers that entitl4es them to tell others how to live…
… As a result of the Industrial Revolution ansd the rise of the modern capitalism, proponents of socialism pointed to a concentration of power in a few individuals and families as evidence of conspiracies to oppress…”the masses2.. In the first half of the 20th century, a plot by Bolshweviks in Russia and a Nazi conspiracy in Germany had demostrated that small groups of plotters were capable to seizing control of countries and trying to impose a particular ideology on the world…
..In the eyes of many American group such as the Council of Foreign Relations (founded in 1921), the Builderberg Group ( founded in 1954) and the Trilateral Commission ( foundered in 1973) were seen a groups who purpose was economic, political and social domination of the world and went far beyond their started purpose of stopping the imposed threat of “International Communism”..
..Running through this suspicion if elites is a belief that most of the individuals involved in these organisations are involved in a plan to control the world are either Freemasons or sympathetic to Freemasonry…Among the most persistent popular beliefs concerning the power of Freemasonry in the United States is that the Great Seal of the United States and the street plan and designs and designs of federal government buildings in Washington D.C., were laid out on the basis of Masonic beliefs…..One discourse on the subject notes that the symbol of an inverted triangle or pyramid can be seen in the street plan (it’s a pyramid) and that sites are “ connected to famous Freemaons,” suich as Marquis de Lafayette, for whom a park opposite the north side of the White House is name. Old Masonic connections include the Washington Monument and the Pentagon building, said to have been designed by masons to conform to a pentagram (an occult symbol)…
..the U.S. one-dollar note contains Masonic symbols. The Great Seal pictured on the back of the dollar bill has an eagle with thirty-two feathers (the degrees in Scottish Rite Freemasonry). …..
..The eagle is also the symbol of St, John the Evangelist, the great patron of Freemasonry…
….the arrows in its left talon refer to Israel’s King david ( father of Solomon)…
..The olive branch in the eagle’s right talon is associated with Solomon…..
..The thirteen stars above the eagle’s head represent Jacob, and his twelve sons, and the tribes of Israel…
..Thirteen stars, in a double triangular form, are symbolic of the delivery of the children of Israel form their oppressors and their attainment of a glorious freedom..
….The Latin “ E Pluribus Unum” (Out of many, one) indicates Masonic fraternity.
..Those who find Freemasonry on the mighty dollar also note that the largest symbol on the buck is the portrait of George Washington, a Mason..
…..Also cited as evidence of masonry on the greenback is an unfinished pyramid..
..also at the tope, inside a radiant triangle .. is the “all seeing eye,” representing “the Grand Architect of the universe,” who is omniscient and watching over the United States…….
..the Latin motto inscribed beneath the pyramid in the GFreta Seal of America is “Novus Ordo Seclorum” ( New order of the Ages) and taken as synonymous with a “new world order”…
…An example of this thinking reads, “ The’ new world order’ involves the elimination of the sovereignty and independence of nation-states and some form of world government. This would mean the end of the United Stated, the Constitution, and the Bill of Rights as we now know them.”..
..Most of these new world order proposals involved the conversion of the United nations and its agencies into a world government, complete with a world army, a world parliament, a world court, global taxation, and numerous other agencies to control every aspect of human life ( education, nutrition, health care, population, immigration, communications, transportation, commerce, agriculture, finance, the environment, and so on)..
..the various notion of the new world order differ as to the details and scale, but agree on the basic principle and substance…
..One historian sees the Statue of Liberty as a “Masonic goddess from top to bottom.”… It was ..” conceived by freemasons,” built by French Freemaon Frederic-Auguste Bartholdi ( who had already made a statue of the Freemasons Marquis de Lafayette for the city of new York, for the occasion of the centenary of the signing of the declaration of Independence), and “installed by Freemasons in a Freemasonic ceremony..”
..Those who discern a pattern of Freemasonic influence in American history point to the fact that one-third of the presidents have been members of the Craft of Freemasonry:
George Washington
James Monroe
Andrew Jackson
James K. Polk,
James Buchanan
Andrew Johnson
James A, Garfield
William McKinley
Theordore Roosevelt
William Howard Taft
Warren G. Harding
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Harry S Truman
Gerald R. Ford
Lyndon B. Johnson
Ronald Regan
US Vice presidents who have been members of the Craft of Freemasonry:
Daniel Decius Tompkins
John Cabell Breckinridge
Andrew Johnson
Garrett Augustus Hobart
Charles Warren Fairbanks
Thomas Riley Marshall
Henry A. Wallace
Harry S Truman
Gerald Ford
Also there have been many Five Star Generals and Admirals, U.S. secretaries of state, Chief justices of the U.S. Supreme Court and Associates justices of the U. S. Supreme court who have been members of the Craft of Freemasonry…
Chapter 20
The Future of Freemasonry
Of the world’s estimated 5.9 Freemasons, the majority live in the United States ( 4 million). Most of the other can be found in English-speaking nations. Statistics for English Masonry are somewhat unreliable because an individual can belong to more than one lodge. Worldwide estimates place the membership as follows:
(a) England and Wales at 550,000
(b) Scotland at 400,000 ( likely that the greater of these are based in or near Edinburgh)
(c) Ireland at 47,000
(d) Canada and United States at 4.1 million
(e) Europe at 80,000
(f) Australasia at 375,000
(g) Latin America at 50,000
(h) Philippines at 10,000
(i) Other areas ( India, Japan, Formosa, Africa and Israel) at 288,000
It is very interesting to note that the population of Scotland was about 5 million in 2005
And Edinburgh about 400,000 to 500,000 and Glasgow at about 600,000
It seems that about 10% of the population of Scotland are Freemasons
And taking to two major cities and Edinburgh and Glasgow.. making up about 1-1.2 million people combined it seems that one could argue that the bulk of the Scottish Freemasons are based in these two cities… this would mean that one could further say that it is likely that over 30% or more of the population of Edinburgh and Glasgow are Freemasons .. which would mean that most of the top executive, government, semi-government, media, business, court, legal jobs are filled by Freemasons.. and it seems clear that for one to progress in Scotland in the government, semi-government, media, business, court, legal world once simply has to be a Freemason… this would mean that it is likely that the greater percentage if not nearly all of the male persons working as a Lord, Judge, Sherrif, clerk, solicitors, advocate etc would be a Freemason and if a person who I sa party litigant ( litigant in person and not a layer) is arguing a case against a trained solicitor/advocate-Freemason in front of a Freemason Lord, Judge, Sherrif.. what chance have they of having an fair and unbiased hearing in Scotland?…obviously none…
Chapter 9
The Mystery of Mozart’s “The being involved in the death of Mozart…
With the allegation that Mozart had hiiden under the pro-masonic surface of the opera a secret counter plot in which Tammino was Mozart, Pamina was Marie Antoinette, and Pamina’s captors were Freemasons..In the scenario, Mozart’as murder was part of a Masonic conspiracy to assassinate Leopold II, as well as Gustav III of Sweden, who was actually murdered at a masked ball a few months after Mozarts death. The plot originated seventy years later ( in1981) by Geirge Friendrich Daumer, a researcher of antiques, a religious fanatic, and an anti-semite. His work would be seized by a Nazi leader in the 1930’s. General Erich Ludendorff, along with his wife, Mathilde, asserted that the secret of Freemasonry was “the Jew” and that Freemasonry’s goal was to “rob the Germans of their national pride and to assure the glorious future of the Jewish people..
In 1931, Nazi Party officials were given a Guide and Instructional Letter” that said “the hostility of the peasant against the Jews and his hostility against the Freemasons as a servant of the Jew, must be worked up to a frenzy…”
The Reich main Security Office determined that masonry was not only part of the “Jewish problem” but also “ an autonomous ideology with political power” that ruled the press and public opinion and motivated wars and revolutions…
In Czechoslovakia when the Nazi’s entered the country in 1939, 4,000 Freemasons were arrested and many were sent to concentration camps.. less that 5% of Czech Freemasons escaped to England and formed a Grand Lodge Comenius in Exile.
In Germany, France, Italy Morocco, the Spanish Canary Islands and Spain.. Freemasons and their lodges were banned, outlawed and Freemasonry was made a criminal offence and many were arrested and killed and/or sent to concentration camps…. Anyone who did not denounce masonry and reveal to the police the names of all mason with whom he had been associated faced imprisonment….
Hitler himself decreed “Freemasons and the ideological enemies of National Socialism who are allied with them are the originators of the present war..”
Chapter 5
Dr. James Anderson’s constitution
Dr. James Anderson was born in Edinburgh, Scotland, around August 5th, 1662.
A doctor of Divinity… James Anderson had become a hero of Scottish nationalism by publishing “An Essay Showing That the Crown of Scotland Is Imperial and Independent and became a prominent and well respected Freemason….. Dr. James Anderson was called upon to write a new code of Freemasonry called “The CONSTITUTION, history, Laws, Charges, Orders, Regulations, and Usages, of the Right Worshipful FRATURNITY of ACCEPTED FREE MASONS ( which was collected from their General RECORDS, and their faithful TRADITIONS of many Ages)”….
which after it was competed meant he was enshrined in the lore of the Craft as “the father of Freemasonry History”.
. In A New Encyclopaedia of Freemasonry composed by Arthur Edward Waite, Dr. James Anderson is described “as a son of Aberdeen”, where he earned a doctorate and served somewhere as a Presbyterian minister and “ultimately drifted to London prior ot 1710.”
Exert of the Summary of the Constitution of Freemasonry by Dr James Anderson
“…Finally, all these Charges you are to observe, and also those that shall be recommended to you in another Way, cultivating Brotherly Love, the Foundation and Cap-stone, the Cement and Glory of this Ancient Fraternity, avoiding all wrangling and quarrelling, all Slander and Backbiting, nor permitting others to slander any honest Broth, but defending his Character, and doing him all good Offices, as far as is consistent with your Honour and safety, and no farther…And if any of them do you Injury you must apply to your own or his Lodge, and from thence you may appeal to the Grand Lodge, at the Quarterly Communication and from thence to the annual Grand Lodge, as has been the ancient laudable Conduct but when the case cannot ne otherwise decided, and patiently listening to the honest and friendly Advice of master and Fellows when they would prevent your going to Law with Strangers; but with respect to brothers or Fellows at Law, the master and Brethren should offer their mediation, which ought to be thankfully submitted to by the contending Brethren; and if that submissions is impracticable, they must, however, carry on their process, or lawsuit, without Wrath and Rancor ( not In the common way) saying or doing nothing which may hinder Brotherly Love, and good offices to be renewed and continued; that all may see the benign Influence of Masonry, as all true Masons have done form the beginning of the World, and will do to the End of Time…”
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Caricature of Goethe and Schilla with an anti-semite bias in Jugend(ITAL), the Munich Intellectuals’ magazine. It regards the efforts of the sex-researcher Magnus Hirshfeld to make homosexuality palatable for society. The original caption read @Panic in Weimar. “Wolfganf, let go of my hand! Dr. Magnus Hirschfeld is coming!” ‘
Rudolf Hausler who became Hitler’s friend in Vienna in 1912 and then moved to Munich with him in 1913. The photo is probable form 1914 –Marianne Koppler, A-Hobersdorf
The Hidden Hitler
by Lothar Machtan
A must read about Adolph Hitler is
The Hidden Hitler by Lothar Machtan
ADOLPH HITLER...No other figure in contempory history is associated with such far-reaching historical impact and such montrous crimes. His name alone is emlematic of worl war and Holocaust. If only because of the barbarity for which he is reposncipble. Aldoph Hitler has become an anxiety neurosis, a vision of horror. And that is why he remains even now as he was to many of his contempraries; an incomprehensible mystery.
In the half century since his death ...
( ..however note that Greg Hallet in his book Hitler was a British Agent and other reserchers say the Adolph Hitler and Eva Braun did not die in the bunker in 1945... but were wisked away in Operation 'Winney The Poo' which was also part of operation '007' which was the get Martin Bormann safely put of Grermany after Germany was defeated in the 2nd World war)
Adolph Hitler has been subject of over 120,000 publications, and yet the historian John Lukacs, who tried to impose some sort of order on the chaotic jumble, comes to the significant conclusion
that 'We are far from done with Hitler...
What Hitler did in history has been amply documented in the monumental work of historians and biographers such as Alan Bullock., Joachim fest, Hans Mommsen and Ian Kershaw. Who Hitler was…however as a person, what anchored him emotionally, has either eluded or been of little interest to writers who often as the explanation for his life and its consequences. Drawing from a wealth of archival sources, much of which has been long overlooked by historians, the Hidden Hitler focuses on Hitler the man, Lothar Machtan’s controversial thesis is that Adolph Hitler was homosexual, and that one cannot begin to understand him, his entry into politics, and the early Nazi movement without a clear understanding of this aspect of his identity..
The Hidden Hitler documents the homosexual milieu in which the young Hitler lived and throived form his early years in Vienna, through the beginnings of his political career in Munich, and during his years as the Fuhrer. Machtan documents a succession of homosexual and homosexually inclined men among Hitler’s most intimate friends and supports, including August Kubizek,. Rudolf Hausler, Reinhold Hanisch, Ernst Schmidt, Ernst Rohm, Dietrich Eckart, Rudolf Hess, Emil Maurice, “Putzie” Hanfstaengl and Kury Ludecke. Of these Eckart and Rohm were pivotal to his entry into politics.
(note that in the early days Adolph Hitler was employed as a spy for , Ernst Rohm and through this became connected to many power and influential and wealthy people.. and organisations…and especially many in the homosexual scene…….. that ended up getting behind Adolph Hitler that wanted Adolph Hitler to front their own hidden agendas .. and were prepared to supply what ever it needed to make sure that Adolph Hitler achieved their short and long term aims as set out on the many books about the rise of the Nazi Party and the National Socialism agenda that they wanted to make a world wide social structure which they seem to have continued to day by the breaking down of capitalism and turning each county into National Socialist State… where only the Illuminati and chose ones run everything at the top of the food chain.. and everyone else are virtual slaves.. and if they are not happy being slaves then one way or another the are silenced and/or eradicated…
.. In the end the powerful people in the shadows providing the money and resources for Hitler to achieve their aims for them even ordered the murder of over 150 people June-July 1934 in Germany ,, including Ernst Rohm who helped put Adolph Hitler in power because these people simply know too much about the Odd Sexual practices of Adolph Hitler and other persona details that they did not want made public…this was called the ‘Rohm pursch’… Adolph Hitler and his all powerful people in the shadows decided that
As a result of the field of tension that had grown up between the Fuhrere and the SA in 1933, a strained atmosphere fraught with mistrust and marked by numerous attempts at blackmail…. As Hitler himself put it , he was faced with “ a crisis that could only too easily have had truly devastating consequences for the foreseeable future…” His political instinct of self-preservation and also urged by the prospect of concealing his own homosexuality forever by the elimination of dangerous witnesses, and right at the top of the list of potential blackmailers was Ernst Rohm….if Gestapo chief Rudolf Diels is to be believed Adolph Hitler was engaged in spying on his old spy boss…Ernst Rohm from January 1934 on.. recent estimates indicate that Hitler has a total of some 150 “opponents of the regime” murdered between June 30 and July 2, 19344…thereafter the Reich government enacted the “Law Relating To National Emergency Defense Measures,” which simply declared the murderous operation to have been 2lawful”. This deprived the legal authorities of any grounds for investigation after the event…. On July1st, while murders were still going on, Hilter and Joseph Goebbells broadcast their speech to the German people on the background of the massacre.. its length suggests that most of it had been drafted before June 30th, 1934
The Hidden Hitler
The Hidden Hitler is the English-language version of the 2001 book Hitlers Geheimnis. Das Doppelleben eines Diktators (Hitler's Secret: The Double Life of a Dictator) by German-Jewish professor and historian Dr. Lothar Machtan. The original book was published in Germany by Alexander Fest Verlag, while the English-translated version was published by Basic Books in New York City. (ISBN 0-465-04308-9)
The book discusses Adolf Hitler's sexuality. Machtan argues that Hitler was a closeted homosexual. Among the evidence, it cites the allegedly homoerotic nature of his friendship with August Kubizek during Hitler's youth in Vienna.
The question of Hitler's homosexuality is also raised in Walter C. Langer's pioneering work The Mind of Adolf Hitler and in Waite's psychoanalytic history The Psychopathic God: Adolf Hitler
Industry reviews
The New York Times Book Review (12/16/01) - "... But the biggest problem with Machtan's book (which has been translated by John Brownjohn) isn't the reliability of his sources but his mode of argumentation. He accepts what fits his thesis and rejects what doesn't. One feels, at times, that one is reading an internal F.B.I. report from the J. Edgar Hoover era rather than an evenhanded work of scholarship in which the author is ready to be led by the facts. To interpret evidence his way, Machtan employs innuendo and insinuation ..."
See also
External links
nday, Jan 14, 2002 10:53 PM UTC
“The Hidden Hitler” by Lothar Machtan
Critics have been far too quick to dismiss this controversial new book alleging that Hitler was gay.
By Allen Barra
German historian Lothar Machtan has been taking some lumps for his controversial book “The Hidden Hitler,” and a great many of them are well deserved. Machtan sets himself up early in opposition to such writers on Hitler as Ian Kershaw (whose conclusion was “Take away what is political about him, and there’s little or nothing left”) and promises to show us “the whole man,” not just the dictator.
Machtan doesn’t succeed at this — it would probably be more correct to say that he never really attempts it. If Machtan had simply called the book “The Homosexual Hitler” and stuck to that theme he would have had a better book and one less deserving of many of the brickbats being thrown at it.
Of course, that would have made it no less controversial, and the unfair knocks being directed at Machtan outnumber the legitimate ones. For instance, in the Oct. 25 Washington Post Book World Geoffrey Giles reprimands Machtan for coming “perilously close to blaming the entire Holocaust on Hitler’s alleged sexuality.” If this accusation were true, Machtan would be deserving of the same kind of mockery that has always greeted historians who have tried to explain authoritarian personalities in terms of their sexuality (Jonathan Swift satirized the lot of them when he suggested that Alexander the Great tried to conquer the world because all his unused semen had gone to his head).
But that’s not what Machtan is trying to do; what he is trying to do is prove that Hitler was a homosexual. Not a maniac or a paranoid — Machtan doesn’t waste steam on what we already know — but a homosexual, and the major resistance to this idea is coming, understandably, from homosexuals — who are anxious not to see Hitler’s name with “gay” in front of it — and from sympathetic liberals.
I’m both sympathetic and liberal, but Machtan’s case is simply too strong to be brushed aside. In a recent edition of, Paul Schindler points out that when “a print ad for the book that has run in the New York Times bears the headline, ‘The first book to reveal Hitler’s secret life and its calamitous public consequences’ … it’s hard to escape the conclusion that anybody connected to the marketing campaign must have recognized that such a tease certainly suggested a link between homosexuality and the 20th century’s most despicable crimes. In fact, media reaction to the book has played up exactly that link.”
Schindler is right; he’s also right when he holds the author and his publisher at least partially responsible for teasers like the one used on an Oct. 15 interview with Machtan on the “Today” show, which told viewers they were about to see an interview with an author whose book claimed that “Hitler was actually gay, and that his homosexuality was at the root of his evil.” Everyone involved in selling the book should have been more responsible. But bad marketing doesn’t make a bad book.
The problem here is that Machtan’s book is being judged by its hype. And when you look past the hype to the book’s central thesis you are left with the unshakable conclusion that Machtan is on to something. You may well ask why, with the thousands of books written on Hitler, no one else has caught on to this. The answer is that much of what Machtan says has been written about before and that many people have shared his opinions for decades. (Did anyone think the image of Hitler as flaming queen came solely from the fertile imagination of Mel Brooks?)
Several of Machtan’s most reliable sources (including the classic biographies by Joachim Fest and Alan Bullock, as well as Bullock’s dual biography of Hitler and Stalin) have raised many of the same points as Machtan has, though their authors chose not to emphasize them or pursue them at length. Why? Possibly for no more reason than that their author’s interests lay elsewhere. As Voltaire is said to have said, history does not change, but what we want from it does.
If Machtan’s tone toward his evidence in “The Hidden Hitler” is defensive, one must grant him at least a modicum of sympathy. Virtually anyone in Hitler’s life who might have supported Machtan’s argument with harder evidence was ruthlessly exterminated (such as his longtime colleague and head of the paramilitary SA group Ernst Rohm, a known homosexual who appointed known homosexuals to positions of power within his organization), while many others disappeared or committed suicide (including Eva Braun, Martin Bormann, Heinrich Himmler and Hermann Goering).
By no means all of these potential witnesses died by Hitler’s order or under suspicious circumstances, but the sheer number of the ones who did, particularly those cronies from Hitler’s early years about which we know remarkably little, is staggering. “Hitler himself,” writes Machtan, “tore the crucial pages out of his life story. In this he was no different from other prominent homosexuals. What was peculiar to his conduct was simply the ultra methodical and unscrupulous way in which he eliminated every threat of exposure.”
It can and is being argued that the absence of material on Hitler’s past stands as proof of no particular thesis, let alone as proof of his homosexuality, and this is true (though there can be no doubt that Hitler was frantically trying to cover up something in his past). But “The Hidden Hitler” works better if the reader is willing to disregard the author’s often aggressive tone in pushing his argument and simply consider the evidence.
Machtan’s most intriguing contribution to the subject is the so-called “Mend Protocol,” testimony from a dispatch rider named Hans Mend who had served with Hitler in the First World War and swore that he witnessed Hitler engaging in homosexual acts. This evidence isn’t as solid as the author thinks it is; Mend was later discovered to be a liar and blackmailer. But one is entitled to point out that anyone who would be involved with Hitler would almost certainly be some kind of liar or scoundrel (and in any event Mend seems to have had no reason to lie about Hitler several decades later).
More to the point, though, is that anyone interested in knowing the truth on this subject ought to grant Machtan credit for assembling so many persuasive strands of evidence. Evidence, of course, is not proof, but merely the building blocks which must be considered in constructing the truth, and as Machtan’s critics are insisting, most of his is circumstantial. But if Machtan’s hard evidence isn’t as hard as he insists, neither is his soft evidence so soft as his critics contend. For one thing, most important criminal cases, to say nothing of most great historical judgments, are decided on the basis of circumstantial evidence, so we should not be quick to deride all judgments based on it.
In and of themselves, perhaps none of Machtan’s points prove his thesis. Perhaps it means nothing that as a youth in Vienna Hitler frequented the same areas that were notorious for homosexual activity. It may simply be coincidence that Hitler and his best friend lingered around Bayreuth, worshipping Wagner along with gays from several European nations. It may be a failure of historical research that we can’t place Hitler in anything resembling a normal relationship with a woman prior to Eva Braun. Perhaps we are misreading Hitler’s boyhood infatuation with August Kubizek to suggest it was homosexual in nature. Perhaps Mend and numerous other witnesses who swore that Hitler had homosexual tendencies were seeking revenge or trying to sell sensationalistic stories to the international press. But is it possible that all these stories, all these possibilities, all these indications are wrong, that they are simply the concoctions of sick or vengeful or headline-seeking minds?
The flaws in Machtan’s presentation should not be confused with errors of research. It will probably fall to those better qualified than Machtan in areas of sex and psychology to take the next step and tell us how Hitler’s homosexuality (or at least his frustrated homosexuality) affected his political doctrines, but from here on historians are going to have to contend with Machtan’s conclusions. As John Lukacs was fond of saying, “We are not finished with Hitler.”
Allen Barra's next book is "Mickey and Willie -- The Parallel Lives of Baseball's Golden Age," from Crown. More Allen Barra.
Video One of Greg Hallet talking about his book Hitler was a British Agent
Click below to listen to more videos of Greg Hallet talking about his explosive book...
Hitler was a British Agent...
WARNING: This web page contains information that some readers may find offensive. Proceed with caution.
His Early Years
Adolf Hitler was born April 20th, 1889, in Braunau on the Inn, Austria. He lived a quiet childhood, and made strong friends with one August Kubizek. Together, in 1908, they moved to Vienna to further their love of the arts; Kubizek was a musician and Hitler was a writer. In Vienna, Hitler and Kubizek were known to share a small, one bedroomed apartment.
When he was younger, it is said that Hitler only hated two men - both of whom were Jewish. Machtan speculates that this is the cause of Hitler's strict persecution of the Jews during his time in power.
After leaving Vienna in 1909 and abandoning his friend, Kubizek penned a biography of Hitler, stressing many times that Hitler was in no way homosexual.
In the mean time, Hitler was living in a men's hostel in Vienna. Men's hostels had a reputation of homosexual acts, due largely to the lack of women in the environment.
Reinhold Hanisch, who was staying at the hostel with Hitler, says that Adolf Hitler was far from a loner, and in fact made friends easily with the other men. Hanisch himself had very close ties with Hitler. Hanisch was very familiar and comfortable within the homosexual community. Other men staying at the hostel stated that the two men had a relationship that can be "described as friendly" (Machtan, 53) and that they had been "on very close terms" (Machtan, 53).
At one time, in 1910, Hitler checked out of the hostel with a friend, Josef Neumann, for a week. Hanisch was angered by Neumann, who is described as "competition" (Machtan, 53). What transpired between Neumann and Hitler during this week is carefully guarded. They visited cultural spots in Vienna, such as museums. But that could not have occupied their whole week, which leads Machtan to draw the conclusion that Hitler and Neumann's relationship was more than a "normal friendship" (Machtan, 54).
Another generalization made with hostels was that they were the breeding place of prostitution, being filled with men (and in others, women) desperate for easy money. In fact, many of Hitler’s friends participated in prostitution, and Hitler himself was short of money. He is alleged to have made his living solely from the sale of his postcards and other art, such as drawings and watercolours. However, as he was rumoured to make less than a peasant’s sum of money per year, one on which no one could survive, and his friends at the hostel said he was in no way strapped for funds, the integrity of his profession is called under scrutiny.
The Beginning of the Military Times and Hans Mend
There arose a secret document sent to German diplomat Werner Otto von Hentig, from a sender in London. Werner Otto von Hentig may have been one of the diplomats who later led the German resistance movement against Hitler, and that the Mend Protocol played an important role in the movement. Hitler would be taken alive and examined by a medical board of inquiry, and the results would be published. Testimony from Mend, which related mainly to the years 1914-1919, was recorded during the comprehensive interrogation process and placed on file. This testimony sheds significant light on the mystery of Hitler’s homosexual tendencies. Mend states that Hitler "never looked at a woman" (Machtan, 68) and they suspected him immediately of homosexuality. He "displayed womanish characteristics" (Machtan, 68) and, when in 1915 they were billeted in the Le Fèbre brewery, he was bedded down with his male "whore" (Machtan, 68), Schmidt. Mend, in fact later categorizes Hitler as "misogynistic" (hating of women) (Machtan, 77).
Hitler served his military duty away from the front lines, making strong acquaintances with three men, the last of which, Schmidt, he was on a very intimate level with. When World War One ended and they were finished their tour of duty, Hitler and Schmidt attempted to find lodgings together.
Mend eventually grew to resent Hitler, and at one point confronted him, saying "Listen, Adolf, why are you ignoring me? Have you forgotten your benefactor? To whose credit is it that you’re here at all? We’ll talk about that later, you half-man, you jumped-up knife grinder. You’re going to get it in the neck from me tomorrow, in writing. I’m warning you, Adolf, don’t tempt me!" (Machtan, 78). Mend, true to his word, wrote a letter to Hitler, and published it in Hitler’s rival newspaper, Der Gerade Weg.
In 1936, Mend was arrested without warning by the Gestapo and interrogated relentlessly. During this time, his home was also searched and ransacked, and many important documents concerning Hitler were confiscated, as well as many of Hitler’s artwork and gifts still in Mend’s possession.
Mend died February 14, 1942, with his hatred of Hitler still coursing through his veins.
The Rise to Power
This section will deal with Hitler after he was released from detention at Landsberg. He is beginning his rise to power, and it is around this time that he makes acquaintances with Rudolf Hess, his private secretary, Julius Schreck, his chauffer, and Emil Maurice, Schreck’s predecessor. There was a photograph taken in 1932, of Hitler with Hess and Schreck. Maurice is missing from this photograph. The relationship Hitler had with these men, however, could not on any account be viewed as homosexual; it was not allowed. This could also be the reason why women suddenly appeared in Hitler’s public and private life.
Hess was also detained at Landsberg. He was released just nine days after Hitler. Hess is described as an "almost pathologically sensitive, weak, and impressionable person" (Machtan, 143), and of having many feminine qualities about him (Machtan, 143).
Hitler also had a friend in Joseph Goebbels. Goebbels regarded Hitler as a "hothead" (Machtan, 147), yet felt that he had "a lot of heart" (Machtan, 147). Goebbels made a speech, and at the end Hitler embraced him, and Goebbels was moved to tears. He later described Hitler as "splendid. Could drive one insane." (Machtan, 151) This in interpreted to mean, in short, "I love him."
Goebbels once said that Hitler had "taken me into his heart like no one else." (Machtan, 148). But Hitler knew how to manipulate, and he had given others the same feeling also. He knew how to make someone feel genuinely wanted.
Hitler once said to Hess that he avoided "any strong attachment to a person of the female sex" (Machtan, 147) because he had to be able "without the slightest human, personal considerations, to expose himself to all dangers and, if necessary, die." (Machtan, 147).
Hitler also knew a man by the name of Ernst Röhm, who was a confessed homosexual. He, also, was the only person to have heard Hitler speak of his homosexuality. It was Hitler’s great fear that Röhm would launch a campaign against him. Hitler had to defend his honour by going to extremes. Anyone who knew of his homosexuality were either murdered or thoroughly intimidated. Those who were murdered or imprisoned because they knew were Röhm, Ernst and Heines, Karl-Günther Heimsoth, Paul Röhrbein and such men as head of the police department, Erich Klausener.
In 1934, Hitler realized that homosexual advances within his movement could not be tolerated any longer, and he convinced the public to take action against homosexuals.
Even with Hitler’s destruction of all literature related to his homosexuality, still some got passed along by people who were either professionally interested or even personally interested. One of these men was a homosexual lawyer by the name of Erich Ebermayer. When his diaries were published in 1959, one passage dated from the time when Hitler began persecuting homosexuals clearly outlines Ebermayer’s fears. But it also describes the conclusions drawn by Ebermayer, saying that the movement was designed "to eliminate unwelcome initiates from the Führer’s own past." (Machtan, 232)
It is said, in a biography of Erich Ebermayer, that Hitler preferred the company of "men to whom he was personally attached" (Machtan, 234) and with whom he could "pleasurably converse with shining eyes in humorous, cheerful vein." (Machtan, 234)
In Klaus Mann’s autobiography, he states in a series of passages that Hitler was, indeed, a homosexual, yet his sexual fantasies were inspired by the bestially murderous desires of Fritz Haarmann, a notorious psychopath.
In both accounts, Mann’s discretely and Ebermayer’s far more bluntly, the message is the same: Hitler was a homosexual.
Twenty years after their friendship had dissolved, Ernst Hanfstaengl described Hitler to U.S. intelligence as "a type of egocentric and masturbic Narcissus." (Machtan, 241). Owing largely to sexual frustration, he also said that Hitler had sought refuge in an "artificially dramatized public life." (Machtan, 241).
Hitler also made acquaintances with a man by the name of Kurt Lüdecke. Hitler regarded him as a linguistic genius and perhaps a military aid. Hanfstaengl did not share this perception. In fact, he went so far as to say that "anyone who still dared stand up for that stinker, directly or indirectly, in earnest or for a joke, [was] an abject rogue, a male prostitutes’ pimp, a plague on the Party, and a traitor to the Fatherland." (Machtan, 253). Lüdecke was rumoured to have, in fact, relied on prostitution in his earlier years to make money for himself. Lüdecke and Hitler visited Salzburg and Linz together, where they participated in many more intimate activities, including a walk along the same beach where Hitler would have walked with Kubizek.
Hitler's Women
Hitler was such a secretive man that it would be impossible to reconstruct his 'double-life'. He seems to have fulfilled his homosexuality in very suppressed forms. In an account by a rumoured former partner of Hitler's, Albert Speer, he steadily denies any relationship between him and Hitler, but however does not contradict the questions of homoerotic relations between the pair, which generally would imply at least homosexual tendencies. But as we many never know for sure, we must limit ourselves to merely pondering the extend of Hitler’s and Speer’s relationship.
Hitler also formed a relationship with a woman – Eva Braun. But Hitler once said to her that "Germany was his only love, and that to forget this, even for a moment, would destroy the mystical energy of his mission." (Machtan, 313)
Eva brought a sense of normalcy to Hitler’s life. Her presence, however subdued it was, helped suppress the rumours of homosexuality.
Hans-Severus Ziegler once described Eva as though she seemed to be more of a friend to Hitler than a romantic companion, as was the case. One of Eva’s childhood friends described her as a tomboy, always dressing up and playing the male role. When they were married, Hitler and Eva lived in an illusion of a self-denying love affair. One could almost say, it was a relationship meant only to keep the public at rest.
Hitler was gay - and killed to hide it, book says
Hitler Was A British Agent
How to control the World
--- by Mark Hallet
Note there is an interesting book Called
The Hitler/Hess Deception by Martin Allen
British Intelligence Best-Kept Secret of the Second World War
'Martin Allen has turned up hitherto hidden documents which make an enormous contribution to our understanding of the British deception operation preceding Rudolf Hess's flight to Scotland in May 1941. the outlines of the intrigue have been evidence for some time; Allen's sleuthing brings the personalities and the methods into sharp and sensational focus.
This must surely be the final blow to those have doggedly stuck to the authorized version of a crazy exploit by a madman'.... Peter Padfield, author of Hess: The Fuhrer's Disiple
Concentration Camps for US Citizens Planned - Video One
Who At The Rothschilds (Rothschild former family name was Bayer)#
Bayer Corporation was formerly IB Farban that made a fortune in Germany in the 2nd War by making all the railway lines to the concentration camps, made the concentration camps and the gas that killed millions of poor and middle class Jews, low level Freemasons and gipsy's... At the Nerumberg Trials the director of IB Farban Fritz Der Mer, and other were convicted of the murder of millions and when realsed form prison was made a senior person running Bayer Corportion which was renamed from IF Farban which had to be broke up under order of the Nerumberg Trials ....
Video regarding Adolph Hitler being a Zionist Jews and founder of the beginning of the New World Order
Video regarding Adolph Hitler being a Zionist Jews and founder of the beginning of the New World Order
which seems to have carried over to being organised in the United States with many of the senior Nazi workers moving to the United States and given new visa's and their wartime criminal records wiped off their records in an operation names
the Paper Clip Conspiracy ..see
Even the advisors to Hitler were part Jewish that taught and guided Adolph Hitler in the whole political and social basis the Nazism political theories and National Socialism and helped him write Mein Kampf while Adolph Hitler and Rudolf h
Hess spend one year in prison...after the original failed attempt to take over the power of German by force....
Nazism, history sprang from political theories very much based on the work and geo-politic ideas of Professor Karl Hashofer and helped implemented by his son Albrecht Haushofer who both became a close confidents of Adolph Hitler and Rudolf Hess..
Geo-politic ideas of Professor Karl Hashofer
The theory that in the furture the world would be restructured into an age of great land-empires.
Professor Karl Hashofer
Professor Karl Hashofer was an 19th century style imperialists who, after the end of the First World War, had been the leading academic promulgator of 'geopolitics'
Professor Karl Hashofer had also been Rudolph's Hess's university tutor, and during the rise of the Nazi's to power he had privately tutored Adolph Hitler on the rudiments of Foreign policy and European ethnicity.Professor Karl Hashofer was widely recognised as the man chiefly responsible for the Nazi's concept of 'Lebensraum' - living space for the German people - which Hitler had used as his justification for wards of conquest. Professor Karl Hashofer was the man that three OSS officers tracked down to a house deep in the Bavarian forests of a late September afternoon in 1945. When the interrogations began, the senior American Intelligence officer, Edmund Walsh, had merely looked meaningfully at Professor Karl Hashofer
and said a single word: 'Hitler.' According to Walsh, the elderly Professor Karl Hashofer's ..'face assumed a pained expression'. Professor Karl Hashofer admitted that he had taught Hitler geopolitics, but then qualified his answer by declaring that Hitler had 'never understood'...
the American Agents struggles to digest all the elderly Professor Karl Hashofer had told them...
Professor Karl Hashofer's archive of personal papers extended to nearly eighteen thousand documents, and the OSS men were forced to return the following morning with an army lorry...
On Sunday, 10th March 1946 after the American OSS officers interviewed Professor Karl Hashofer ....Professor Karl Hashofer was discreetly visited at Hartshimmelhof by two Allied (UK) Intelligence officers. On this occasions the med were not Americans, but from British Intelligence....
Concentration Camps for US Citizens Planned - Video One
Who At The Rothschild (Rothschild former family name was Bayer)#
Bayer Corporation was formerly IB Farban that made a fortune in Germany in the 2nd War by making all the railway lines to the concentration camps, made the concentration camps and the gas that killed millions of poor and middle class Jews, low level Freemasons and gipsy's... At the Nerumberg Trials the director of IB Farban Fritz Der Mer, and other were convicted of the murder of millions and when realised from prison was made a senior person running Bayer Corporation which was renamed from IF Farban which had to be broke up under order of the Nerumberg Trials ....
Video regarding Adolph Hitler being a Zionist Jews and founder of the beginning of the New World Order
which seems ot have carried over to being organised in the United States with many of the senior Nazi workers moving to the United States abd given new visa's and their wartime criminal records wiped off their records in an operation names
the PaperClip Conspiracy ..see
A very interesting book that needs ot be read to understand the background of the development and running of the Nazi Party
The Hitler/Hess Deception by Martin Allen
British Intelligence Best-Kept Secret of the Second World War
'Martin Allen has turned up hitherto hidden documents which make an enormous contribution to our understanding of the British deception operation preceding Rudolf Hess's flight to Scotland in May 1941. the outlines of the intrigue have been evidence for some time; Allen's sleuthing brings the personalities and the methods into sharp and sensational focus.
This must surely be the final blow to those have doggedly stuck to the authorized version of a crazy exploit by a madman'.... Peter Padfield, author of Hess: The Fuhrer's Disiple
The Hitler/Hess Deception by Martin Allen
British Intelligence Best-Kept Secret of the Second World War
Even the advisors to Hitler were part Jewish that taught and guided Adolph Hitler in the whole political and social basis the Nazism political theories and National Socialism and helped him write Mein Kampf while Adolph Hitler and Rudolf hess spend one year in prison...after the original failed attempt to take over the power of German by force....
Nazism, history sprang from political theories very much based on the work and geo-politic ideas of Professor Karl Hashofer and helped implemented by his son Albrecht Haushofer who both became a close confidents of Adolph Hitler and Rudolf Hess..
Geo-politic ideas of Professor Karl Hashofer
The theory that in the future the world would be restructured into an age of great land-empires.
Professor Karl Hashofer
Professor Karl Hashofer was an 19th century style imperialists who, after the end of the First World War, had been the leading academic promulgator of 'geopolitics'
Professor Karl Hashofer had also been Rudolph's Hess's university tutor, and during the rise of the Nazi's to power he had privately tutored Adolph Hitler on the rudiments of Foreign policy and European ethnicity.Professor Karl Hashofer was widely recognised as the man chiefly responsible for the Nazi's concept of 'Lebensraum' - living space for the German people - which Hitler had used as his justification for wards of conquest. Professor Karl Hashofer was the man that three OSS officers tracked down to a house deep in the Bavarian forests of a late September afternoon in 1945. When the interrogations began, the senior American Intellegence officer, Edmund Walsh, had merely looked meaningfully at Professor Karl Hashofer and said a single word: 'Hitler.' According to Walsh, the elderly Professor Karl Hashofer's ..'face assumed a pained expression'. Professor Karl Hashofer admitted that he had taught Hitler geopolitics, but then qualified his answer by declaring that Hitler had 'never understood'...
the American Agents struggles to digest all the elderly Professor Karl Hashofer had told them...
Professor Karl Hashofer's archive of personal papers extended to nearly eighteen thousand documents, and the OSS men were forced to return the following morning with an army lorry...
On Sunday, 10th March 1946 after the American OSS officers interviewed Professor Karl Hashofer ....Professor Karl Hashofer was discreetly visited at Hartshimmelhof by two Allied (UK) Intelligence officers. On this occasion the men were not Americans, but from British Intelligence....Several days later they wrote a brief memorandum to Ivone Kerkpatrick, a high ranking official at the Foreign Office. They reported that Haushofer 'knew nothing further on the subject in question', and, curiously, concluded: 'In response to our instructions, the problem concerning this man and the IMT has been removed...'
Two days layer, on Tuesday, 12th March 1946, Professor Karl Hashofer's other son Heinz Haushofer, puzzles by his inability to contact his parents on the phone, went to Hartshimmelhof . he found the house deserted, although the lights within were burning. With increasing concern, Heinz searched the substantial house, before moving on to the grounds and the surrounding forest. An hour later, deep within the woods in a hollow beside a stream about half a mile behind the house - a spot later described by an American Intelligence officer as the 'loneliest hillside in Bavaria.' - Heinz Haushofer hound his parents, Karl Haushofer was lying in a hunched position in the hollow, and his wife Martha Haushofer (who was Jewish) was hanging from a nearby tree. It was later established that Professor Karl Haushofer's death had been caused by cyanide poisoning...
…in a coded type written letter on the 1st September 1940 Karl Hashofer drew his son Albrecht Haushofer’s attention to the previous summer, of 1939, when Albrecht had tried so hard to avert war with Britain by sending his letter to Lord Clydesdale, who had since become the Duke of Hamilton. Therefore. Albrecht was being told on the plainest possible language, given circumstances, that his father’s meeting with Rudolph Hess had been concerned with negotiating a peace with Britain, the Albrecht was required for a meeting with the Reich’s high and mighty, and that he would be required to fulfill a key role, in the vein of Scipio. Albrecht would become the Fuhrer’s quasi-diplomatic emissary for peace. Within a few days of receiving his father’s letter, son Albrecht Haushofer was back in southern Germany for a confidential meeting with Rudolph Hess. Albrecht Haushofer talked frankly to the Deputy-Fuhrer about the problems that now faced any German negotiator who wished to persuade the British to enter peace negotiations. Albrecht Haushofer’s notes of discussion, which took place on Sunday, 8th September 1940, are titles
‘Are there still Possibilities of a German-English Peace?’
. Albrecht Haushofer didn’t pull any punches, and bluntly old Hess that if a solution to the conflict was to be found…
‘it was necessary to realize that not only Jews and Freemason, but practically all Englishmen who married,
..Just as the war was over Heinz Haushofer, the brother of Albrecht Haushofer on 12th May 1945 went to look for his brother, Albrecht Haushofer, who had spent the last eight months of the war as a prisoner of the SS at Berlin’s Moabit prison…… on reaching Moabit prison, Heinz managed to find someone with news. Albrecht, he was told, had been marched away by the SS on the night of 22nd April, 1945 in the direction of Potsdam Station, accompanied by fifteen other prisoners… A little over an houir later, Heinz cautiously entered the bombed-out ruins of one-time showpiece Ulap Exhibition Centre, just off Invalidenstrasse. After heavy Allied bombing, the vast building was almost completely buried under the shattered remains of the roof, which had collapsed….there Heinz Haushofer was confronted by the last act of barbarism that the SS would ever commit on the direct orders of their leader, Heinrich Himmler. In the Ruins of the Exhibition Centre, Heinz found the remains of the sixteen men who had been marched away from Moat nearly three weeks before, to be murdered the same night. Steeling himself to the grim task, Heinz went from body t body, attempting to identify his brother……Heinz Finally found his brother, Albrecht Haushofer’s body …. In a jumble of arms legs and overcoats… to have been murdered in such circumstances by the SS was a terrible end for anyone, yet it was particularly so for a man who had been nt only Secretary General of Germany’s prestigious Society of Geography, the Geopgraphie Gessellschaft, but a friend and adviser to Germany’s Deputy Fuhrer, Rudolph Hess, and to the Fuhrer himself, Adolph Hitler…
A new theory suggests the odd flight of Hitler's deputy was a plot to oust Churchill and end the war. Roy Hattersley on a historical detective story from Martin Allen and a TV spin-off from Andrew Roberts
The Hitler-Hess Deception
by Martin Allen
HarperCollins £19.99, pp352
Hitler and Churchill: Secrets of Leadership
by Andrew Roberts
Weidenfeld & Nicholson £18.99, pp252
On the evening of 10 May 1941 Rudolf Hess, Hitler's Deputy Fuhrer and philosopher of National Socialism, arrived unexpectedly in Scotland by Messerschmitt and parachute. It was his unconventional choice of transport almost as much as the initial bewilderment about his intentions, which turned his apparently pointless mission into one of the twentieth century's most durable mysteries.
The British Government announced that Hess was mad and had deluded himself into believing that he could broker an unlikely peace between Axis and Allies. Berlin continued London's explanation. But doubts persisted. Martin Allen has produced a rival account of the Hess affair which, although unlikely, is certainly plausible. The way in which he sets it out makes The Hitler-Hess Deception a thoroughly enjoyable detective story.
It begins with Dr Ludwig Weissauer - 'understood to be a direct secret emissary of Hitler' - suggesting a meeting with the British Ambassador to Sweden. Sir Robert Vansittart, the Foreign Secretary's 'chief diplomatic adviser', urged Lord Halifax to issue 'the most categorical instruction' that the invitation must be declined. Weissauer wanted to talk peace. The terms which intelligence suggested he was offering included the continued German annexation of Czechoslovakia and were, therefore, unacceptable. But what really disturbed Vansittart was the implication inherent in the meeting. Germany suspected that Britain was not firm in its resolve to fight the war to a finish.
Even when Winston Churchill succeeded Chamberlain there were still hopes in the Berlin High Command that the appeasement faction in Britain would organise a successful coup and install a Prime Minister who was prepared to sue for peace. According to Allen, the Nazis were reinforced in that judgment by the occasional (and invariably unsuccessful) attempts to carry a parliamentary vote of no confidence in Churchill's coalition government. If that is so, we can only conclude that Hitler and his cronies had no idea how the House of Commons worked.
British intelligence did, however, recognise how susceptible the Germans were to the notion that Churchill's strategy of blood, sweat and tears had not been wholeheartedly accepted in Westminster and Whitehall. Berlin, it was thought, assumed that Sir Samuel Hoare, a Cabinet Minister in Chamberlain's government whom Churchill had made Ambassador to Spain, had been 'banished' by the new Prime Minister because his loyalty was suspect. The scene was set for Hoare to at least feed the Germans' suspicion. Allen (a distinguished exponent of the 'it is reasonable to assume' school of historical analysis) believes, but admits he cannot prove, that Hoare met Hess in Madrid. From then on the reader is fed a series of plausible assumptions made more convincing by the details with which they are justified.
During Hess's preparations for bed on the night before he flew to Britain he noticed that his wife was reading the Duke of Hamilton's account of flying over Everest. It was, the author assures us, an unlikely coincidence. 'Hess himself had been looking at it, left it out, and Ilse had subsequently picked it up.' Ergo, the plan to drop in on the Duke of Hamilton had been carefully prepared and the location of his arrival in Scotland precisely determined in advance.
On the basis of that quality of circumstantial evidence Allen comes to his novel conclusion that Hess and Hitler were duped by British intelligence into believing that something called the Hoare-Halifax Pact had been created, and that the plotters were preparing to depose Churchill and end the war. The object of the complicated exercise was to persuade Hitler that Britain was no longer a threat and that he could invade Russia without fearing that the Wehrmacht would be forced to fight on two fronts. Hess, according to the Allen thesis, flew into Britain just to make sure that everything was going according to what he believed to be the plan.
Perhaps the British intelligence operation was as sophisticated (and as successful) as the scam story requires. But I shall need far harder evidence before I am convinced. Allen tells us that two comparatively junior Foreign Office officials talked about Lord Beaverbrook being made Deputy Prime Minister 'to let Winston stand down and let the Beaver make a compromise peace'. He goes on to write, 'Intriguingly, in the weeks and months ahead, Lord Beaverbrook would be one of the very few men in Britain granted access to Rudolf Hess.' Intriguing, certainly. But not evidence, and barely history.
At least The Hitler-Hess Deception is good fun. It is almost impossible to find anything of merit, however, in Andrew Roberts's Hitler and Churchill: Secrets of Leadership. Roberts is a serious historian with some distinguished work to his credit. That makes it all the more regrettable that he should cobble together a second-rate spin-off from his television series.
The comparisons between Hitler and Churchill - in truth, normally a contrast - are always forced and often fatuous. Hitler, we are told, allowed his female associates to smoke in his presence 'at a time in Germany when it was not the done thing for women' to behave in that way. Churchill, on the other hand, was often 'wounding to subordinates who failed to grasp his intentions'. It is easy to understand why such inconsequential information is included in a popular television series, but as serious history it does not take us very far. Nor does the Paul Keating dictum, that 'leadership is not about being nice' teach us very much about politics and politicians. Churchill survived his unpleasant manner. Keating, in more normal political circumstances, paid the price for offending friends.
Roberts is famous, at least in the gossip columns of broadsheet newspapers, for his friendships with the royal family. He clearly works hard to keep the relationships in good repair. We are told that, when Churchill went to Buckingham Palace to be asked to form a government in succession to Neville Chamberlain, George VI put him at his ease with a joke, 'I suppose you do not know why I have sent for you?' Laugh? I nearly died. The same fate ought to await Roberts's little potboiler.
Evidence The British Forced
Hitler To Continue WWII
The Hitler-Hess Deception
By Martin Allen
From Paul 12-18-3
I'm stunned!!
Tonight, at 8:15pm on NTV in the show 'TECHNIK & TRENDS' we were shown an Interview with the English Historian MARTIN ALLEN, in which he very clearly stated that according to documents he found in the British Archives, Rudolf Hess flew to Gt Britain with Hitler's knowledge and with a 7 Point peace plan from Hitler in his pocket.
Hitler's Peace Plan included:
a) Withdrawal of all German Troops from Poland, Belgium, France & Holland.
b) Reimbursement for war damage to those countries
c) Total German disarmament
d) Destruction of all German war weaponry.
This offer threw the British Government under Churchill who had ready made plans to force Germany into a war into a turmoil and the British knew they couldn't accept Hitler's offer, so they threw Hess into Prison and tossed away the key. What also came out of the interview was the fact that the British were not worried about Nazi 'brutality' at all but the extremely successful model of government the Germans (Hitler) had devised.
Martin Allen has written all this in his latest book.
And THIS on German TV....heads will roll!!
The Hitler-Hess Deception
By Martin Allen
Synopsis (
This text aims to shed light on discoveries which claim to reveal the truth about Rudolph Hess' solo flight to Britain in May 1941 and explain the British government's 60-year-long silence as to what the Hess mission was all about. The mystery of the deputy Fuhrer's flight and subsequent silence has led to a seemingly endless flow of books speculating as to his motives. In 2001 (the 60th anniversary of the flight) more books appeared. But the crucial pieces of evidence which could prove that the British government were playing a game - the outcome of which would have far-reaching effects on the course of the war - have not been found. This book claims to have this very information.
Customer Reviews
The Man Who Knew Too Much
Reviewer: Thomas Dunskus from F-33760 Faleyras
Martin Allen's book "The Hitler/Hess Deception" deals with the fate of Rudolf Hess who had been, at one time, Hitler's deputy and who, in his day, carried the epithet "the conscience of the party". He was condemned to life imprisonment and served time for half a century until he was found hanged in the prison at Spandau whose only remaining prisoner he then was.
He had left Germany in May, 1941, under mysterious circumstances, and was held essentially incommunicado ever after. At that time, the Nazis had instituted a number of antisemitic laws, they had instigated or at least tolerated a pogrom, and were following an expansionist and aggressive policy, but with some hindsight, one wonders why this man had to be shut up for the rest of his life, whereas other figures among Hitler's close associates who had played a more active role for a much longer time, were released from jail after a number of years that appear reasonable under normal legal aspects.
The author has gathered together the shreds of evidence that remained after the British in 1945 had collected and destroyed whatever pertinent files they were able to put their hands on and "neutralized" undesirable witnesses. He shows that the "Hess incident" - Hess' solo flight to Scotland in May, 1941, a month before Germany attacked the Soviet Union - was not at all the feat of a madman decided on at the spur of the moment that it was later made to appear by both the British and the German side. Even (nay, particularly!) Hitler's deputy could not just get into his personal Messerschmitt 110 and take off for the 1000 mile flight to Prestwick without major technical and logistic preparations in Germany, along the way, and at the other end.
The book explains that the flight as such was the result of a sting operation devised by Britain's Strategic Operations staff, aimed at making Hitler believe that the British government could be toppled, peace could be made in the West, and the Germans would be able to affront the Soviets without having to worry about their western flank.
According to Allen, in the year prior to Hess' flight, there had been numerous contacts, mainly in (neutral) Spain and Switzerland, between British representatives and German politicians and intellectuals. The talks in Scotland were to be, as it were, the touchstone of the matter. As time was getting short for the Germans, Hess convinced Hitler that the German delegate should not be a mere emissary acting under orders but a political figure able to take decisions on the spot - Rudolf Hess.
In the end, it makes little difference whether the British were thrown into complete disarray, as Allen asserts, when unexpectedly Hess turned up, or whether a lower-grade delegate would have been able to fly safely back to Germany and report. The British sting operation was effective enough in getting Hitler to continue with his preparations for the war against the Soviet Union and thus remove pressure from Britain. To what extent the British actively encouraged the Germans in their plans, or whether or not they went so far as to promise support cannot be ascertained at the present time - whatever British files still exist seem to be under lock and key for another dozen years or so. Russian sources, on the other hand, may be provide some answers at an earlier date.
What is frightening about the events Allen describes is the apparent lack of scruple with which the British government went about setting the two dictatorships up against each other. The outcome of this duel was not at all certain, for if weather conditions in late 1941 had been just a little more favorable for the German side, the Soviet empire might well have toppled and Britain would then have had to face a Germany extending from the Channel coast to the Urals. This unpleasant but entirely possible risk for Britain is begging the question to what extent Churchill, in order to forestall such a potentially horrifying scenario, did not somehow play a double game by keeping the Soviets informed, and assured of future Allied aid.
Some American, quite a few Russian, and a couple of German historians have recently argued that Stalin, in 1941, was himself preparing to attack Germany. Considering the recent revelations by Christopher Andrew and Vasili Mitrokhin on the activities of the "Cambridge Five", it is entirely conceivable that, officially or unofficially, British sources kept Stalin informed of the negotiations. For a man like Stalin whose distrust was legendary, the obvious reaction would have been to prepare against a German attack, possibly by a pre-emptive strike. It is significant that at the time of the sting operation, Anthony Blunt, a member of the Cambridge Five, occupied a key position within MI5; after the war, he was to be involved in the cover-up operations in Germany.
Regardless of who, Stalin or Hitler, would eventually win that confrontation, the only thing that was certain, even in 1941, is that such a war would spell the end of freedom for most of the still independent states in Central and Eastern Europe. The only foreseeable difference would have been that, under Soviet rule, the Slavic states might fare slightly better, whereas countries like Hungary or Romania would have found Hitler somewhat more accomodating. In any case, the fate of the lands in question should have been clear to the Western world when the Germans discovered, in 1943, the graves of thousands of Polish officers murdered by the Soviets at Katyn two years earlier. However, by then it was too late, the Western powers preferred not to take too close a look at the implications, and chose to abandon those countries to the Soviets for the next half century.
A Mystery Explained?
Reviewer: Dr Neil Bathurst from Exminster, Devon United Kingdom
The flight of Rudolf Hess to Britain in 1941 has remained one of the great enigmas of World war Two. Derided as a madman and incacerated for the rest of his life Hess was never able to tell the real truth about his mission. This book, drawing upon secret service documents, seeks to explain that mission. The book argues that in 1940 Churchill realised that Britain had only one hope of survival - that Hitler would invade Russia, thereby ioening a second front. Hitler had, therefore, to be encouraged to invade Russia. To this end the British secret service (using amongst others the then Duke of Kent) duped the Nazis into believing that there was a pro-peace faction in Britain ready to throw out Churchill and sue for peace. To that end a Nazi official was supposed to fly to Scotland for talks. The man who actually arrived was Rudolf Hess.
Fanciful? At first glance yes. However, the evidence presented is compelling. Why for example was the Duke of Kent at Dungavel Castle (Hess' destination) on the night in question? Why was Britains ambassador to Spain flying to Switzerland on days when Hess was known to have flown out of Germany? If Hess was mad why was he signing government decrees and chairing meetings right up to the day he left?
This is a fascinating book, well researched and well written. Hess remains one of the great enigmas of the war years - this book may explain the extraordinary events of 10th May 1941.
Saddam Hussein Died 1999 not on on December 30, 2006.
when Wikipedia and the other main stream media owned by the same people that are behind the New World Order told you he died-Why did they lie to the world - Video Two
Unfortunately,e ven though a lot of the information in Wikipedia is true, there is a lot of information in Wikipedia, that is false, misleading. hald truthand ofer also withholds materila facts,
because often Wikipedia artilces are actually written by proffesional writers paid by those who want history ot be wirttent he way they want it written, and not the actual truth..
The execution of Saddam Hussein took place on December 30, 2006. He was sentenced to death by hanging, after being found guilty and convicted of crimes against humanity
by the Iraqi Special Tribunal for the murder of 148 Iraqi Shi'ites in the town of Dujail in 1982, in retaliation for an assassination attempt against him.
Saddam Hussein was President of Iraq from July 16, 1979 until April 9, 2003, when he was deposed during the 2003 invasion of Iraq by U.S.-led Allied Coalition. After his capture in ad-Dawr, near his hometown Tikrit, he was incarcerated at Camp Cropper. On November 5, 2006, he was sentenced to death by hanging.
On December 30, 2006, he was taken to the prison to be executed. The Iraqi government released an official videotape of his execution, showing him being led to the gallows, and ending after his head was in the hangman's noose. International public controversy arose when an unauthorized cell phone recording of the hanging showed him falling through the trap door of the gallows. The audio, which was not in the official video, revealed taunts between Saddam and the executioners, many of whom were strong supporters of Muqtada Al-Sadr, an Iraqi political leader and militia commander who is a strong opponent of the Coalition Provisional Authority, the succeeding (and current) Shiitedominated Iraqi government and the overall idea of the presence of the United States in Iraq. The unprofessional and undignified atmosphere of the execution drew criticism around the world from nations that both oppose and support capital punishment, including the Bush Administration.
On December 31, 2006, Saddam Hussein's body was returned to his birthplace of Al-Awja, near Tikrit, and was buried near the graves of other family members.
Zbigniew Brzezinski, says in the old says it was easier ot control one million peopple that to kill one million people....
however in the modern world it is easier to kill one million people that control one million people....
Zbigniew Brzezinski, Jimmy Carter's national security advisor, who says that Obama offers 'a new definition of
America's role in the world'. As author Holly Sklar has noted,
“In 1973 the Trilateral Commission was founded by David Rockefeller, Chase Manhattan Bank chairman, Zbigniew Brzezinski, Carter’s national security advisor, and other like-minded ‘eminent private citizens (like George H.W.Bush)’
Some 300 members (up from about 200 members in 1973) are drawn from international business and banking, government, academia, media, and conservative labor. The Commission’s purpose is to engineer an enduring partnership among the ruling classes of North American, Western Europe, and Japan—hence the term ‘trilateral’—in order to
safeguard the interests of Western capitalism in an explosive world. The private Trilateral Commission is attempting to mold public policy and construct a framework for international stability in the coming decades. Throughout this book, trilateralism’ refers to the doctrine of world order advanced by the Commission” 89
Since Obama has included in his camp, the same Brzezinski who created the Illuminati's Trilateral Commission with David Rockefeller in 1973, this raises significant questions regarding his role in the construction of a global government since it is common knowledge of the Illuminati’s quest for a
global government run by a super elite where national borders and boundaries are blurred. Brzenski heads the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR). The Council on Foreign Relations is an organization whose mission is to redefine American policy and slide this republic into a one-world
government – a nightmare beyond what most Americans can't even imagine. Brzezinski's foreign 'policy' has known to be an apocalyptic controversial stance, for instance during the Carter administration, his aim as he has since admitted without regret, was to entice the Soviet
Union to invade Afghanistan in December, 1979. The idea, he said, was to weaken a rival superpower and the result was a ten-year occupation that cost the lives of an estimated 1.3 million Afghans and spawned the Mujahedin, Taliban and Osama bin Laden.
Most dangerous of all is that Brzezinski is the mastermind of the massive destabilization of China now ongoing, starting with the CIA/MI-6 Tibet insurrection, which has placed the US on a collision course with China, a superpower with 1.4 billion people and thermonuclear weapons which can strike US
cities. Brzezinski's goal it is said, is a confrontation with the Shanghai Cooperation Organization,90 the main world center for resistance to US-UK global domination. Anti-war activists are still fixated on Iran, but not Brzezinski - his target is China, twenty times bigger than Iran, with ICBMs ready to
launch, followed by Russia, the world's biggest nuclear power. Brzezinski states in his book, "The Grand Chessboard"214 in that for the US New World Order to succeed, China must be defeated. Brzenski, calls it the "Grand Chessboard". The "Grand Chessboard"
is the world stage and all the countries in the world that are to become consolidated into Unions. Rear Adm. Chester Ward was a member of the CFR for 16 years and later warned the American people as to the true intentions of this treasonous operation:
The most powerful clique in these elitist groups have one objective in common – they want to bring about the surrender of the sovereignty of the national independence of the United States. A second clique of international members in the CFR comprises the Wall Street international bankers and their key agents. Primarily, they want the world-banking monopoly from whatever power ends up in the control of global government. 212.
The appointment of Brzezinski has also elicited much dismay among supporters of Israel since Brzezinski is well known for his aggressive dislike of Israel. He has been an ardent foe of Israel for over three decades and newspaper files are littered with his tirades against Israel. Brzezinski has publicly defended the Walt-Mearsheimer thesis that the relationship between America and Israel is based not on shared values and common threats but is the product of Jewish pressure. Brzezinski also signed a letter demanding dialogue with Hamas-a group whose charter calls for the destruction of Israel and is filled with threats to Jews around the world. Brzezinski's son, Mark, is also on Obama's foreign policy team. Evidently the apple does not fall far from the tree. Mark recently co-wrote an oped advocating that America forge ties with Iran.
Mother of All mind control organizations:
The Tavistock Institute of Human Relations in London.
The sheer magnitude and complex web of deceit surrounding the individuals and organizations involved in this conspiracy is mind boggling, even for the most astute among us. Most people react
with disbelief and scepticism towards the topic, unaware that they have been conditioned (brainwashed) to react with scepticism by institutional and media influences that were created by the
Mother of All mind control organizations: The Tavistock Institute of Human Relations in London. Author and de-programmer Fritz Springmeier says that most people have built in "slides" that short
circuit the mind's critical examination process when it comes to certain sensitive topics. "Slides", Springmeier reports, is a CIA term for a conditioned type of response which dead ends a person's
thinking and terminates debate or examination of the topic at hand. For example, the mention of the word "conspiracy" often solicits a slide response with many people. Springmeier has co-authored
three books on trauma-based programming which detail how the Illuminati employs highly tuned and extremely sophisticated Mind Control (MC) training programs that begin the programming process
while the intended victim is still within the womb. Mind Control is a much greater problem than most people realize.
What most Americans believe to be "Public Opinion" is in reality carefully crafted and scripted propaganda designed to elicit a desired behavioral response from the public. Public opinion polls are
really taken with the intent of gauging the public's acceptance of the Illuminati's planned programs. A strong showing in the polls tells the Illuminati that the programing is "taking", while a poor showing
tells the NWO manipulators that they have to recast or "tweak" the programming until the desired response is achieved. While the thrust and content of the propaganda is decided at Tavistock,
implementation of the propaganda is executed in the United States by well over 200 'think tanks' such as the Rand Corporation and the Brookings Institute which are overseen and directed by the top
NWO mind control organization in the United States, the Stanford Research Institute (SRI) in Menlo Park, California.
The general principles of the New World Order is that is a worldwide conspiracy being orchestrated by an extremely powerful and influential group of genetically-related individuals (at least at the highest echelons) which include many of the world's wealthiest people, top political leaders, and corporate elite, as well as members of the so-called Black Nobility of Europe (dominated by the British Crown) whose goal is to create a One World (fascist) Government, stripped of nationalistic and regional boundaries, that is obedient to their agenda. Their intention is to effect complete and total control over every human being on the planet and to dramatically reduce the world's population by 5.5 Billion people.
While the name New World Order is a term frequently used today when referring to this group, it's more useful to identify the principal organizations, institutions, and individuals who make up this vast interlocking spiderweb of elite conspirators.
The Illuminati is the oldest term commonly used to refer to the 13 family bloodlines (and their offshoots) that make up a major portion of this controlling elite (also known as the black nobility). The black nobility are wealthy European families that have ruled vast financial empires for the past fifteen hundred years. 'They are called the 'Black' nobility because of their constant use of dirty tricks, terrorism and unethical methods which they never hesitate to use against anyone who would dare to
stand in their way. These people are very closely allied to the "German Marshall Fund" which organizes and finances most of the work of the Club of Rome.
Most members of the Illuminati are also members in the highest ranks of numerous secretive and occult societies which in many cases extend straight back into the ancient world. The upper levels of the tightly compartmentalized (need-to-know-basis) Illuminati structural pyramid include planning committees and organizations that the public has little or no knowledge of. The upper levels of the Illuminati pyramid include secretive committees with names such as: the Council of 3, the Council of 5, the Council of 7, the Council of 9, the Council of 13, the Council of 33, the Grand Druid Council, the Committee of 300 (also called the "Olympians") and the Committee of 500 among others. In 1992, Dr John Coleman published Conspirators' Hierarchy: The Story of the Committee of 300.
With laudable scholarship and meticulous research, Dr Coleman identifies the players and carefully details the Illuminati agenda of worldwide domination and control. On page 161 of the Conspirators Hierarchy, Dr Coleman accurately summarizes the intent and purpose of the Committee of 300 as follows:
"A One World Government and one-unit monetary system, under permanent non-elected hereditary oligarchists who self-select from among their numbers in the form of a feudal system as it was in the Middle Ages. In this One World entity, population will be limited by restrictions on the number of children per family, diseases, wars, famines, until 1 billion people who are useful to the ruling class, in areas which will be strictly and clearly defined, remain as the total world population. There will be no middle class, only rulers and the servants. All laws will be uniform under a legal system of world courts practicing the same unified code of laws, backed up by a One World Government police force and a One World unified military to enforce laws in all former countries where no national boundaries shall exist. The system will be on the basis of a welfare state; those who are obedient and subservient to the One World Government will be rewarded with the means to live; those who are rebellious will simple be starved to death or be declared outlaws, thus a target for anyone who wishes to kill them. Privately owned firearms or weapons of any kind will be prohibited."
The image below shows that the power structure of the New World Order is based on an incredible network of masonic groups and secret societies which encompasses banking and finance, politics, education and the environment and religion.
The sheer magnitude and complex web of deceit surrounding the individuals and organizations
involved in this conspiracy is mind boggling, even for the most astute among us. Most people react with disbelief and scepticism towards the topic, unaware that they have been conditioned
(brainwashed) to react with scepticism by institutional and media influences that were created by the Mother of All mind control organizations: The Tavistock Institute of Human Relations in London.
Author and de-programmer Fritz Springmeier says that most people have built in "slides" that short circuit the mind's critical examination process when it comes to certain sensitive topics. "Slides",
Springmeier reports, is a CIA term for a conditioned type of response which dead ends a person's
thinking and terminates debate or examination of the topic at hand. For example, the mention of the word "conspiracy" often solicits a slide response with many people. Springmeier has co-authored three books on trauma-based programming which detail how the Illuminati employs highly tuned and extremely sophisticated Mind Control (MC) training programs that begin the programming process while the intended victim is still within the womb. Mind Control is a much greater problem than most people realize.
What most Americans believe to be "Public Opinion" is in reality carefully crafted and scripted
propaganda designed to elicit a desired behavioral response from the public. Public opinion polls are really taken with the intent of gauging the public's acceptance of the Illuminati's planned programs. A strong showing in the polls tells the Illuminati that the programing is "taking", while a poor showing tells the NWO manipulators that they have to recast or "tweak" the programming until the desired response is achieved. While the thrust and content of the propaganda is decided at Tavistock, implementation of the propaganda is executed in the United States by well over 200 'think tanks' such as the Rand Corporation and the Brookings Institute which are overseen and directed by the top NWO mind control organization in the United States, the Stanford Research Institute (SRI) in Menlo Park, California.
One of the problems facing bible prophecy today is modern surface level bible prophecy research
that does not properly distinguish the fact that the Zionism concept has a deep sinister and demonic core to its true essence. Many bible prophecy evangelists such as John Hagee have done much to popularize the belief that by standing for Israel and a Zionist state that this provides you with favor in the eyes of God and fulfils the required obligation to support Israel as prophesied. Many end time prophecy insights make reference to the special relationship between the United States, Britain and Israel and the fact that there is an inherent spiritual obligation of the so called Christian nations to support the Jewish people. Reference is given to the need to help the Jews rebuild their temple as this is a significant requirement not only in the end time calendar but also because such a temple would become a major icon within the Millennial reign of Christ on earth.
However the truth is that by a more in-depth and deeper understanding of global government
policies uncovers definitive proof of a Jewish Masonic elitist goal to establish dictatorial Illuministic Communism and to enslave all of mankind under the thumb of a Jewish master race led by a world messiah of Jewish ancestry who is to rule from Jerusalem. This is not an anti-semetic stance but rather one that differentiates between Godly Jews from the line of Abraham and those Jews whose apostasy has caused them to be an integral part of a major demonic plan.
The New World Order plan is historically known to have begun its implementation with Albert Pike in his monumental Freemasonry teaching guide entitled, "Morals And Dogma of the Ancient And Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry".113 Pike was the Grand Commander of North American Freemasonry from 1859-1891 and was an extremely gifted intellectual.
• He was a certified genius
• He spoke 16 languages fluently
• He graduated from Harvard University
• He achieved rank of Brigadier General of Confederate Army in Civil War
• He was thoroughly familiar with the Jewish occult system known ad the Cabala
During his tenure, Pike caught a global vision of what Freemasonry could achieve, and so he turned his immense intellect toward achieving this vision. Consequently, he received a demonic vision, described below. On January 22, 1870, Pike and one of his international co-conspirators, Guiseppe Mazzini, published the Plan which would establish the New World Order. This Plan was kept very secret, only within Freemasonry circles since the time of its inception, known only to fellow occult Illuminist conspirators.
The secret Pike plan to control the world foresaw the need for three world wars. Note the date of this prediction: January 22, 1870. This date is 44 years before the beginning of World War I. Once you understand the facts we are about to share with you and realize the length of time between this prediction and the beginning of its fulfillment, you can understand how supernatural forces were truly in command.
The Masonic plan to overthrow the Judeo-Christian-Islamic Old World Order, and establish the
Satanic New World Order foresaw the need for war. However, this war was not the type of warfare the world had seen historically. This war was to be on a much larger scale than history had ever
recorded. This war was to be global, or world-wide.
The details of this Pike Plan {January 22, 1870} for three World Wars to establish the New World Order is as follows: (As you are reading this demonic prophecy, remember the occult concept of
Thesis battling Antithesis to produce the new system, Synthesis. World Wars I & II were fought to establish Antithesis, to set up the Cold War, that "controlled conflict or threat of conflict" that would produce the new system, Synthesis).
I. The First World War was designed to enable the Czarist Government in Russia to be finally and
completely overthrown. The new Russian government was foreseen to be atheistic and militaristic.
Further, Pike specified that this new Russian Government was to be Communistic. Karl Marx had
published his Communist Manifesto in 1848, exactly 22 years before this occultic prophecy through Albert Pike. Isn't it interesting that the occultic number 22 keeps popping up? The multiplier numbers, 44 and 66 also keep appearing, as you will see in a few moments. History records that this First World War did, indeed, occur just as listed, above. The Western powers in Europe, in conjunction with the United States, financed Lenin's expedition into Russia, they financed his government consistently, and we have financed Russian Communism at least once per decade since then.
II. The Second World War was foreseen to originate between Great Britain and Germany. However, one of the planned results of this war was to strengthen the new Communist Russian government, so that it could weaken and destroy other governments and religions. History again records that the Second World War did, indeed, accomplish this objective. The war started when Germany invaded Poland, causing Great Britain to declare war on Germany. Very soon, the troika (3's) of powers were
set up to wage this war. The Black Magic occultists allied themselves when Germany linked with Italy and Japan; the White Magic occultists allied themselves together as Great Britain linked with the United States and Russia. Do not be deceived.
This war was fought between two New World Order forces, the "evil" alliance of the Axis Powers or the "good" alliance of the Allied Powers; the war was between the Black Magic forces against the White Magic forces. But, we shall return to this subject in more depth at a later time. Certainly, the Pike vision of the Second World War building Russian Communism into a super power was fulfilled to a startling degree. Historians have always been mystified as to how Churchill and Roosevelt could
have given away all of Eastern Europe to the Soviets, when the preponderance of power was clearly against the Soviets. Clearly, when Roosevelt and Churchill ceded all of Eastern Europe to Russia, the Communist Government of Russia, now known as the U.S.S.R. {Union of Soviet Socialist Republics) completed its transition to a super power, exactly as Pike's vision had foretold. And, let us not forget that the Second World War had given Russia capabilities it had not possessed before the War. Not only did we build up the Russian military to a frightful degree, but we had also built entire factories East of Moscow that gave Russia an instant manufacturing base. Even though Russia had paid dearly in human lives during the War, they came out of the conflict a superpower. Thanks to Roosevelt,
Russia now had a kingdom to go along with its new military and industrial base.
III. The Third World War was foreseen to be between Judaism and Islam. This prophecy is incredible in many ways, beginning with the understanding that this prophecy of a third world war occurred in 1870, a time when Israel did not exist as a nation, and when no one except Fundamentalist, Bible-believing Christians believed it would ever exist again. The demonic 'guiding spirits' of Freemasonry, and of the leaders of the New World Order Plan, are planning a final, definitive Third World War, which will begin between Israel and her Arab neighbors and spread to the entire world.
Now, here is the most interesting aspect of this demonic plan; it fits with Scripture!! God foretold
Last Day's Judgment on the Arabs in several places, listed below!
In Obadiah, God foretells the destruction of the House of Esau, particularly the people of Edom, in the Last Days. God is promising this deliverance for the way in which these Arabs treated His chosen People. While severe judgment did fall upon the nation of Edom in 70 A.D., they were not wiped out as a people, nor was the destruction at the hands of Israel, as Verse 18 foretells, nor was it the fulfillment of the final days' judgment, which the Bible consistently labels the "Day Of The Lord"
{Verse 15}
Joel 2:18-3:21, God foretells tremendous judgment of all nations in the world, starting with the
Arabs, beginning when God "reverses the captivity" and "restores the fortunes" of Israel, a date we know as May 14, 1948. Read this passage carefully, and you will see the hand of God foretelling judgment swirling all around Israel after she is restored to her land. Joel 2:30-31 seem to foretell nuclear war at this time.
While Israel will escape physical destruction by the miraculous power of God, she will be in so much danger that God Himself will supernaturally protect her. In Daniel 12:1, we see that, in the time of the End, Israel will be in such danger that "Michael shall arise to defend your [Daniel's] people [Israel]."
Therefore, we can place great emphasis and credibility in this demonic vision of the Third World War. Out of the smoke and destruction of this War, Antichrist will stride triumphantly, to put an end to the War, to finally give the embattled world "Peace and Safety". But, as 1 Thessalonians 5:1-4 foretells, when people are saying this, the world will explode in destruction.
The current events in Israel, where she is giving up "land for peace" makes no sense any other way. Israel's leaders, some of whom are former generals in the Army, have lent their support to this idiotic plan. Militarily, this plan is a disaster, for it allows the Arabs a permanent home so deep within Israel that the military might not be able to successfully defend Israel if the attack comes from within the Palestinian State.
The Jewish Orthodox community is overwhelmingly of the opinion that this "Peace Plan" is a recipe for war, not peace. They are right; that is the plan. Why, you ask, are so many Israeli leaders, who should know better, creating and supporting this plan of giving the Palestinians a state, and giving up the Golan Heights? There are three reasons:
1. They are Humanists, and therefore, are capable of being deceived by Satan
2. They have been given "concrete" assurances by the Western Powers that their security will be
"guaranteed" if they agree to this plan.
3. Many of them are Freemasons and follow the Talmud and Jewish Cabala
Isaiah alludes to these covenants by the leaders of Israel as covenants with death. In Isaiah 28:18
“And your covenant with death shall be disannulled., and your agreement with hell shall not stand; when the overflowing scourge shall pass through, then ye shall be trodden down by it.”
In the classic treatise of the Masons, “Morals and Dogma”, authored by the late Sovereign Grand
Commander of the Scottish Rite, Albert Pike, 113 we discover the revelation that the Jewish cabala is the very basis of Masonic practice and ritual and that the cabalistic "Theology of the Sephiroth" is at the root of all Masonic knowledge. This, admits Pike, is "high magic," the "Sacerdotal Art," and the "Royal Art. In “Morals and Dogma” Albert Pike also details a specific Masonic agenda to blow up and to utterly destroy and remove from the Temple mount both the Islamic Mosque of Omar and the Goldendomed structure known as the "Dome of the Rock" despised by Orthodox Jewish rabbis and the secularist Masonic Illuminists alike. It is planned that these two Islamic religious edifices will be brought down by Israeli defense forces possibly by missiles, sapper bombs, laser bursts, or other means. Naturally, this atrocity will be planned in the chaotic midst of an ongoing war, and the disaster will be scandalously blamed on the Arabs. It will be said that an errant Arab missile or bomb is responsible. The end goal is to clear the Dome of the Rock and make space for the establishment of Solomon’s Temple. "Of all the objects which constitute the Masonic science of symbolism, the most important, the most cherished, by the Mason, and by far the most significant, is the Temple of Jerusalem. The spiritualizing of the Temple is the first, the most prominent and the most pervading, of all symbols of Freemasonry ... Take from Freemasonry its dependence on the Temple; leave out of its ritual all references to that sacred edifice, and to the legends and traditions connected with it,
and the system itself would at once decay and die ... "
Therefore, the first understanding to grasp is that Freemasonry is absolutely, completely, 100%
devoted to the Solomon Temple, without which the entire structure and foundation of Freemasonry would die! Thus does Masonry stand in stark contrast to genuine, Biblical Christianity. In other words, Freemasonry is rooted at its deepest foundation to the First Covenant of the Old Testament, while Biblical Christianity is rooted to the Second Covenant of Jesus Christ as delineated in the New Testament. In the Masonic Bible, the author of the Foreword sheds some further light upon the importance of Solomon's Temple to Freemasonry. "The traditions and romance of King Solomon's Temple are of great interest to everyone who reads the Bible. They are of transcendent importance to Masons. The Temple is the outstanding symbol in Masonry, and the legendary story of the building of the Temple is the fundamental basis of the Masonic rule and guide for conduct in life ... The cream of Masonic historical and philosophical writing has been drawn upon for his description of the Temple and its relation to Masonic ritual."
Then shall come a prophesied Masonic Temple of All Religions to be built on the very spot from where the debris and ashes of the Moslem structures will be bulldozed off and cleared. Through its golden portals shall pass the New Zionist Messiah, King of Planet Earth. Before its evil altar he shall announce to all the world, via television, that their Universal Savior has finally come, a man knowledgeable of "the Holy Kabbalah, the exclusive heritage of the people of Israel.”
The pretext for the First Crusade—recovery of the Temple treasures and sacred sites—concealed the real motive of the Merovingians, which was to rebuild the ancient Temple of Solomon. In the Chapter “Knight Kadosh” of Morals and Dogma, Albert Pike wrote of the Crusader Knights of the Temple: "In 1118, nine Knights Crusaders in the East, among whom were Geoffroi de Saint-Omer and Hugues de Payens, consecrated themselves to religion, and took an oath between the hands of the Patriarch of Constantinople, a See always secretly or openly hostile to that of Rome from the time of Photius. The avowed objective of the Templars was to protect the Christians who came to visit the Holy Places: their secret object was the re-building of the Temple of Solomon on the model prophesied by Ezekiel.”
“This re-building, formally predicted by the Judaizing Mystics of the earlier ages, had become the secret dream of the Patriarchs of the Orient. The Temple of Solomon, re-built and consecrated to the Catholic worship would become, in effect, the Metropolis of the Universe; the East would prevail over the West, and the Patriarchs of Constantinople would possess themselves of the Papal power.” “The Templars, or Poor Fellow-Soldiery of the Holy House of the Temple intended to be rebuilt, took as their models, in the Bible, the Warrior-Masons of Zorobabel, who worked, holding the sword in one hand and the trowel in the other.
Therefore it was that the Sword and the Trowell were the insignia of the Templars, who subsequently, as will be seen, concealed themselves under the name of Brethren Masons. [This name, Freres Macons in the French, adopted by way of secret reference to the Builders of the Second Temple, was corrupted in English into Free-Masons, as Pythagore de Crotone was into Peter Gower of Groton in England. Khairum or Khur-um, (a name mis-rendered into Hiram) from an artificer in brass and other metals, became the Chief Builder of the Haikal Kadosh, the Holy House, of the Temple,... and the words Bonai and Banaim yet appear in the Masonic Degrees, meaning Builder and Builders.)”
"The trowel of the Templars is quadruple, and the triangular plates of it are arranged in the form of a cross, making the Kabalistic pantacle known by the name of the Cross of the East. The Knight of the East, and the Knight of the East and West, have in their titles secret allusions of whom they were at first the successors." 113
The rise of Masons to political power in Israel dates back to 1948 and to Israel's founding as a modern-day nation. David Ben-Gurion, its first Prime Minister, was both a Mason and an avowed Marxist-Leninist and Communist. Since that time, every single Prime Minister has been a high-level Mason, including Golda Meier, who was a member of the women's organization, the Co-Masons. In The Jerusalem Post (November 1994) was an advertisement placed by "The Grand Lodge of the State of Israel." The display ad was addressed "To the Masons of Peace," and listed: "The Honorable Yitzak Rabin, Prime Minister of Israel," "His Majesty, King Hussein of Jordan," and "The Honorable Bill Clinton, President of the United States."
The ad closed with these fascinating words "With warm fraternal congratulations on the signing of the peace agreement between Israel and Jordan." Signed - Ephraim Fuchs, President of the Israel Order of Masons."
In 1993 in Jerusalem, a celebration of political Masons was held. According to the respected Italian newspaper La Republica (October 1993), in an article entitled, "Israel: There is a Pact Between Politicians and Masons," the ceremony was attended by the Mayor of Jerusalem, Teddy Kollek, as well as by the Ashkenazi Chief Rabbi, Israel Meier Lau. Kollek told the gathered Masons, "You do a great honor to Jerusalem.” This is natural, considering that King Solomon was the great builder of the temple, which is at the roots of the Masonic idea." At that same ceremony, sponsored by the "Grand Lodge of the State of Israel," Rabbi Lau stated that, "The principles of Freemasonry are all contained in the Book of Books of the Jewish people." Former Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has publicly stated (see the Israeli publication Shishi, Spring 1994) that he was initiated into the Masonic Lodge while in the United States. The La Republica newspaper stated that Prime Minister Yitzak Rabin was active in Masonry and estimated there are 4,000 Israeli Freemasons, divided into 76 lodges. Most Israeli judges and religious figures are Masons. Rothschild-supported Hebrew University in Israel has erected an Egyptian obelisk, symbol of Freemasonry, in its courtyard, and inside the new Israeli Supreme Court building is a law library architecturally designed in the shape of an Egyptian pyramid.
Once you understand that Middle Eastern events are being driven by this fervent Masonic desire to rebuild Solomon's Temple on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, then you will be able to make sense of what is occurring over there today. To finally realize this dream, control of Jerusalem generally, and of the Temple Mount, especially, must pass from Israeli control; but it must not pass to Arab control.
Rather, control of Jerusalem must pass to the Illuminized International Community. Once you understand this it then changes your whole perception on understanding who the antichrist is. The Masonic "preoccupation" with Jerusalem is pulling all the nations of the world together against Jerusalem. Literally, out of the smoke, devastation, and terror of the planned World War III, The apostate Christ shall come striding, just as Peter Lemesurier indicated in his book, "The Armageddon Script".116 Islam and Arabs need to understand that they are targeted for extinction, as their strongly monotheistic religion is not compatible with the coming world government philosophy of governance.
In the masonic hallmark "Morals and Dogma", Grandmaster Free Mason of the Scottish Rite, Albert Pike defines the New World Order as emerging after an apocalyptic World War III which will see a major clash between the forces of Islam and the Zionist West. It is likely that such a war will be triggered or influenced by an attempt whether successful or unsuccessful to remove the Muslim Dome of the Rock and the Al Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem. It has long been known that the Jesuit Order has been planning to accomplish a feat through a number of secret covert masonic zionist intelligence agencies such as Mossad. The Jesuit Order is closely integrated with the masonic lodges and both are fully aware that Solomon's Temple could
never be built without significant hostility from the Muslim world should the Dome of the Rock still exist whilst trying to build the Jewish third temple only a matter of a few hundred yards away.
Unfortunately many bible prophecy scholars have showed tremendous excitement at seeing any evidence of the rebuilding of the Jewish Temple because this is a significant prophetical requirement to fulfil Daniel 9:27 which indicates that the Levitical priesthood and temple sacrifices will commence.
However many do not realise that there is a parallel objective here and neither do they distinguish between "Torah" following Jews and "Apostate Jews" who follow the Kabbala, Babylonian Talmud and who fulfil Isaiah 28:18. The rebuilding of Solomon’s Temple ties into the several references that the Bible makes to a future event called the "abomination of desolation" in which it is likely that the conservative Jews (who follow the Torah) will have their role stripped as the masonic apostate Jews and the global elite (who follow the Talmud) will seize full control in which their own world leader dictator and false messiah will be revealed. "... In all the rich symbolism of Ancient Craft Masonry two symbols, or symbolic themes, predominate. One is the search for light; the other is the labor of building. The source of light is the Holy Bible, and the grand representation of the builder's art is King Solomon's Temple .... It was natural that imaginative stone Masons, long before the development of anything like our modern fraternity, should have felt a kinship with the great builders of all ages. It was natural also that they should have acknowledge a peculiar attraction for the most famous and glorious of all building enterprises, King Solomon's Temple and Citadel. Interest and attraction for the wonderful structure on Mt. Moriah have increased rather than diminished ... until today the Temple of Solomon is the spiritual home of every Mason." [Masonic Holy Bible, Temple Illustrated Edition, A.J. Holman Co., 1968, p. 11-14]Once you understand that Middle Eastern events are being driven by this fervent Masonic desire to rebuild Solomon's Temple on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, then you will be able to make sense of what is occurring over there today. To finally realize this dream, control of Jerusalem generally, and of the Temple Mount, especially, must pass from Israeli control; but it must not pass to Arab control. Rather, control of Jerusalem must pass to the Illuminized International Community under the control of the black nobility families who control the world.
Inside Hitler's Bunker-
The Last Days of the Third Reich
by Joachim Pest
The International Bestseller and Inspiration for the Oscar Nominated film
Joachim Fest is the author of several highly regarded, award winning books on Nazi Germany including Speer:The Final Verdict, Plotting Hitler's Death, The Face of the Third Reich;Portraits of Nazi Leadership, and his classic biography of Adolph Hitler, Hitler.
Page 171 and 173..."... An examination of Hitler's thoughts and actions quickly reveals the profound "nihilism" that governed Hitler's ideas.. almost three years to the day before Hitler's death (alleged) in the Berlin bunker, Hitler had implored those sitting around the table with him in Fuhrer headquarters to devote all their efforts to achieving victory; their great opportunity must not be squandered...then, with a dismissive gesture, Hitler added, " you always have to keep in mind if we lose, we lose everything..."...Hitler knew he had burned his bridges to the rest of the world. But in a twisted way he saw the horrendous shock waves he had created as a positive accomplishment...Apparently those close to Hitler and many of his contemporaries felt the same way at first.. in any case, they believed that once dead, Hitler would be gone from this world.....
No catastrophe in recent history is comparable to the collapse of Germany in 1945. Never before had so many lives been lost during the fall of an empire, so many cities destroyed, entire regions devastated. Harry L. Hopkins, advisor to both American wartime presidents, was right when he drew on an image from the dawn of history, comparing the sea of ruins that was Berlin to the destruction of Carthage.
Those who lived through this time suffered more than just the inevitable terror of a defeat exacerbated by the enormous destructive power of modern warfare. It seemed that in the death throes of Hitler;s Reich a guiding force, an energy, was at work to ensure not only that Hitler;s rule would end, but that the country as a whole would literally go under. From the moment he first came to power, Hitler declared again and again that he would never surrender. Early in 1945 he had assured his air force adjutant, Colonel Nicolaus von Below:"We may go down. But we will take the world down with us."
Hitler has known for a long time that the war was lost. He made remarks to that effect as far back as 1941. But he still possessed a tremendous will to destroy. Looking at those final months, one cannot possibly miss the jubilant tone that runs through all the appeals to hold out, to defend the Fatherland, It comes through, for instance, in Robert Ley's outburst after the fiery destruction of Dresden: "We(can) almost heave a sigh of relief. It is over. Now we will no longer be distracted by the monuments of German culture!" And in Goebbels's reference to "smashed prison walls" now "crushed into rubble". In the fall of 1944 and again in his "Nero command" of March 19, 1945, Hitler ordered that everything required for the maintenance of life be demolished - industrial plants and public utilities, roads, bridges, and sewage systems - so that nothing but a "desert, void of civilization" would fall into enemy hands.
Hitler spent the last months of the war in the bunker he had ordered built in the early forties. From there, some thirty-threee feet below ground, he commanded armies that had been crushed long before, and launched battles that would never take place. After seeing Hitler in one of his concrete bunkers, Claus Schenk von Stauffenberg, who tried to assassinate Hitler on July 20,1944, reportedly exclaimed, "Hitler in he bunker - that's the real Hitler!" Indeed the cold-bloodedness, the destructive drive, and the operatic pathos that characterized Hitler's decisions during that time were his most striking traits. Nothing gets to the root of what drove him all his life better than to examine his behaviour during those weeks, when he shut himself off from the world more than ever before. Now all these traits were concentrated and intensified, shortly before everything would come to an end: Hitler's hatred of the world, Hitler's rigid adherence to old thought patterns, his tendency to think the unthinkable that enabled him for so long to pull off one success after another. But there was yet a chance to orchestrate another of those great spectacles he had always been so keen on, more grandiose than any before.
To understand what happened, one must take into account that Hitler still exercised uncontested authority in spite of the physical frailty observed by various eyewitnesses. t seems as though his aged appearance and the visible effort with which he dragged himself from room to room may even have increased his hypnotic power. In any case, scarcely anyone dared to contradict Hitler. During the daily situation conferences, veteran generals and highly decorated officers, their faces deliberately expressionless, would gather around Hitler in silence. Impassively they carried out the orders he issued, fully aware of how mad and senseless they were. The account that follows contains many often dismaying examples of such situations, which gave the vents a uniquely theatrical quality,
Even more astonishing is the "unsteady light" that has been cast over what went on in the Fuhrer Bunker. The phrase "unsteady light" was coined by the British historian ugh R, Trevor-Roper, author of the first reliable account of this time, The Last Days of Hitler, published in 1946. Until now, no published account has managed to bring these events into sharper focus.
The question of how Hitler killed himself is a glaring example. There are at lease four contradictory versions from within his closest circle. The same can be said for the whereabouts of the corpses of the dictator and the woman he had married only the night before; the "storming" of the Reich Chancellery as claimed by the Soviet side; and many other particulars.
The uncertainty that surrounds these findings is partly due to the fact that the investigations, including those by Trevor-Roper, were begun several months after the events took place. By that time, many important witnesses had either disappeared in the postwar chaos, or had ben taken prisoner by the Russians and were therefore in accessible. It wasn't until 1955, following Konrad Adenauer's trip to Moscow, that many SS men who has one been garrisoned in the Reich Chancellery, as well as Wehrmacht officers who had served in the Berlin battle zone, and people who had worked in the bunker, even Hitler's dentists, cam back to Germany.
All at once, a number of potential sources became available - eyewitnesses to events that were arguably the most tempestuous and momentous in German history. But opportunities to question them were squandered. For various reasons neither the events themselves nor the people who had been directly involved in them attached much interest then.....
Hitler's last hours in the Bunker... the main question still remains...did Adolph Hitler and Eva Braun really die in the bunker... or is Greg Hallet correct in his book Hitler Was A British Agent when he says that the truth is that Adolph Hitler and Eva Braun were taken secretly to a waiting plane in an operation called "Winney The Poo" and given new passports, a Swiss Bank Account number and flown off to a secret location..... were the two bodies that were burned near the bunker really Adolph Hitler and Eva Braun or were they just dead bodies of look alike doubles.....was the person that was meant to be Adolph Hitler shot by someone else or did he shoot himself..... where was he meant to have been sitting at the time of his alleged death... there seem to be at least 4 conflicting versions by those who were meant to have been their to witness the death of Adolph Hitler and Eva Braun...
Page 160.... It was claimed that Hitler had made all his faithful-++ followers take an oath to tell the world that they had personally seen how his body and that of va Braun were placed on a funeral pyre and burned...
It as also said that a dawn (30th April, 1945) a small plane with three men and a woman on board took off on the East West Axis in the direction of Hamburg..allegedly originating from secret service sources came word that just before the capture of Hamburg by British forces, a mysterious submarine had put to seas for ports unknown.... and so forth....
P159.....the conquerors also came across the largely burned and disarticulated remains of some fifteen human beings near the bunker exist...possibly with the help of a make up artists, they prepared one of the corpses- still in relatively good condition - to look like the dead(assumed only and never really proven yo be dead) Hitler..thew body was placed among nicely arranged clumps of rubble, and on May 4, 1945 it was presented to the general public as a spectacular trophy. Shortly afterwards, however, the russians quashed the sensation they had created, at first referring to the body as a Hitler "double", and eventually calling it a hoax. ...later the Russians spread rumours of finding another body.. "....the face was blackened by fire, the skull pieced by a bullet, but there was no doubt that the horribly distorted facial features were definitely those of Hitler."