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By David Guyatt
Israeli Prime Minister, Yitzak Rabin left King's of Israel Square in Tel Aviv closely trailed by his two Shabak - secret service - bodyguards. Seconds later shots rang out and Rabin slumped to the ground. Chaos erupted and within minutes Rabin had been carried to his bombproof Limousine and rushed to Ichilov Hospital. He died half an hour later, the victim of Israel's first presidential assassination. The date was 4 November 1995. Paradoxically, Rabin had been attending a "peace rally" just moments before he was shot.
Officially, Rabin's murder was a cut and dried affair. Right leaning religious zealot, Yigal Amir, was caught in the act of killing Rabin. He was arrested and later convicted. An amateur cameraman, Ronnie Kempler, later released video footage he had taken from a nearby rooftop, showing Amir shooting Rabin in the back. This film was broadcast around the world, leaving little room for doubt that Amir was guilty.
Surprisingly, however, doubts did arise - and quickly. Just a week after Rabin's death Professor Michael Hersiger, a historian at Tel Aviv University told the press "in my opinion there was a conspiracy." Hersiger went on to say he believed the conspiracy involved the Shabak, Israel's General Security Services - responsible for internal security - because of the odd connections Shabak had with Yigal Amir, the accused killer. At that time, little was publicly known about Amir except that he was deeply involved in "Eyal," a right-wing religious organisation with a political agenda. Eyal vehemently opposed the peace process, which was the centrepiece of the Rabin administration.
Then on 16 November 1995, territorial leader and later member of the Knesset - Israel's Parliament - Benny Eilon, told a press conference that Shabak "founded and funded" Eyal. He also later revealed in private that he had been warned ahead of time by former Mossad senior officer, Yitzhak Shamir, that "they" were planning to kill Rabin. Eilon didn't say who "they" were but did add that Shamir knew of the conspiracy in October 1995, two months before it happened. If that wasn't bad enough, the next evening Israeli television broadcast a report revealing that Avishai Raviv, the leader of "Eyal" was a long-term Shabak agent who operated under the codename "Champagne." Raviv, it was later learned, was an expert at promoting "fifth columnists."
This strange sequence of events led a few other Israeli's to begin investigating. One of those was journalist Barry Chamish who subsequently authored a book titled "Who Murdered Yitzhak Rabin?" In this, Chamish tears apart the carefully orchestrated official version of events revealing how clumsy the conspirators really were - and how confident they must have been that they would not be caught. The facts he manages to pull together are startling.
Numerous witnesses testified that as Amir shot at Rabin's unprotected back, many policemen and bodyguards shouted out "they're blanks." The sound of the gun going off was closer to a "party popper" than a pistol firing, others reported. This led a great many people to believe the shooting was a hoax rather than an assassination attempt. One witness, Mirian Oren, told national TV ten minutes after the shooting that "Rabin wasn't hurt. I saw him walk to the car."
Anyone looking at Ronnie Kempler's video film taken from a rooftop across the street, can see for themselves the very odd behaviour of Rabin's bodyguards. As Rabin leaves the peace rally and heads for his car, he is closely shadowed by two Shabak bodyguards, stationed on each side and slightly behind him. The one protecting Rabin's left flank, without warning stops, turns away, and folds his hands across his stomach. He then remains immobile as Rabin, unaware of this, continues walking. This curious conduct opens a large gap on Rabin's left rear side that allows Amir, who had remained stationery until that moment, to dart around and behind Rabin and shoot him in the back. It is hard to conclude that this sequence of events was anything other than planned. At the very least, the bodyguard is guilty of gross incompetence and failed to protect his "client" at the most critical moment of his life.
The film footage also shows that Amir got no closer than two or three feet before firing the first shot. The second shot - heard but not seen in the video footage - was even further away, according to a variety of witnesses, including Amir. Rabin's jacket, shirt and undershirt were later examined by Baruch Gladstein, a highly respected forensic expert from Israel's Police Materials and Fibers Laboratory. Gladstein appeared as an expert witness at Amir's trial and was emphatic when he stated that of one of the two shots was fired from a distance no greater than 25cm. The other shot was fired from "point blank range" - in other words, the barrel of the gun was pressed against Rabin when it was fired. This evidence means that Amir did not fire the two bullets. So what happened?
Immediately following the assassination attempt, Rabin was bundled into his Limousine and the driver, Menachem Damti raced the 700 metres to Ichilov Hospital. At least he would have raced had he not got lost. Damti, a last minute replacement for Rabin's scheduled driver, was one of the most experienced drivers in Shabak. He had almost 25 years experience and knew the streets of Tel Aviv like the back of his hand. Ordinarily, he would have covered the distance to the hospital in just over one minute. This night, however, when the streets were virtually traffic free, the trip took eight and a half minutes. Damti's explanation that he got lost bears little weight in the minds of many observers.
Of critical importance are the number of wounds sustained by Rabin, and their location. The official position is that Rabin was shot twice, both to the back. This conforms to the two shots fired by Amir and his known position behind Rabin - facts that were upheld during Amir's own trial and the government sponsored Shamgar Commission that investigated the assassination. However, this does not tally with the evidence. When Rabin arrived at the hospital, he had been undressed and was bleeding from the chest, according to Yevgeny Furman, a patient present at Ichilov Hospital. Yet, it is impossible for Amir to have shot Rabin anywhere but the back.
More significant still, is the hand-written autopsy report prepared by Mordecai Gutman, the surgeon who operated on Rabin. This records that there were three wounds not two. Two of these were to the back and one to the chest. The latter was described by Dr. Gutman as "bullet wound in upper lung lobe of 2.5-3cm. Exit wound in direction of D5-6 with a shattering of vertebrae." This was the fatal shot, according to the doctor. Gutman's report single-handedly shreds the official cover story to pieces.
During the first few hours after Rabin's assassination, there was no doubt about the number of bullet wounds and location, moreover. For example, the director of the Ichilov Hospital, Dr. Gabi Barabash, announced to the media "The Prime Minister arrived at the hospital without pulse or heartbeat. He was clinically dead. We succeeded in reviving him and transfused 21 units of blood but the wounds were too severe and he succumbed to them." A TV reporter asked him "What were the wounds?" Dr. Barabash replied: "There was a wound to the spleen and a gaping hole in the chest leading to the backbone…"
Health Minister Ephraim Sneh appeared on television an hour later, at 12.30a.m., to announce Rabin's death to the nation. Sneh said: "As a result of incitement, Prime Minister Rabin died tonight… He took three bullets, one in the chest, one in the stomach and one in the spine." Both these statements were soon to be forgotten as Shabak hurriedly sought to alter reality and pin the blame on self-confessed killer Yigal Amir. Many now believe that Amir was either under duress or, otherwise, temporarily mentally unbalanced to confess to Rabin's murder.
Of significance to this whole story is the forensic testimony of Baruch Gladstein mentioned earlier. His examination of Rabin's clothes showed no evidence of a chest shot at all. However, we now know that by the time Rabin arrived at the hospital, his clothes had conveniently been removed. Some investigators now believe that Rabin was shot in the car during the eight and a half-minute journey to Ichilov Hospital? Weight is added to this explanation when recalling that Rabin needed 21 units of blood transfused, as explained by Ichilov's Dr. Barabash. Obviously, the Prime Minister was bleeding profusely yet there was not one drop of blood found in King's of Israel Square, where he had allegedly been shot. Since the Limousine he had been driven in was not subjected to any examination, forensic or otherwise, it is not possible to establish whether blood was present there.
Yet, there are even more significant oddities. For example, two entirely different Pathologists claim they removed the bullets from Rabin's body. Dr. Hiss says he removed the bullets and put them in a safe. In stark contrast, Dr. Kluger testified that he removed the bullets from Rabin. Meanwhile, there are two different versions regarding who took possession of the bullets after they had been removed from the corpse. Dr. Hiss told the court at Amir's trial that "A policeman took the bullets I removed from Rabin and transferred them to the police laboratory the next day." Asked to identify the policeman, the Pathologist couldn't: "I don't know his name and I don't recall what he looked like." However, Yoram Rubin, one of Rabin's bodyguards, testified that the bullets and Rabin's clothes were "taken by Yuval Schwartz, a friend of mine from work." In other words, Shabak took possession of the bullets not the police.
This conflicting testimony should have caused some difficulty for Police ballistic expert Bernard Schechter, who testified that the bullets matched Amir's gun. The only problem is that there is clearly no chain of evidence regarding the bullets and, therefore, no way of knowing that the ones Schechter tested were the ones used. There were even two different calibre bullets involved, according to one intriguing account.
A Tel Aviv taxi driver submitted a report to the Supreme Court of Israel in early June 1996. In this, the cabby stated on 27 March 1996, when the verdict in Amir's trial was announced over his car radio, he was carrying a passenger. On hearing the verdict, the passenger said that Amir didn't kill Rabin. The cab driver asked him what he meant and got the reply that Rabin was shot three times and that one of those was with a different calibre bullet to the other two. The cab driver argued, saying these facts weren't published anywhere and that he didn't believe him. The passenger produced an identity card showing he was a pathologist and said he had examined Rabin's body the night he was murdered. He added that the government wasn't telling the whole story.
The tax driver's report was never published.
The JFK similarity
Similarities between President Kennedy's assassination and that of Yitzak Rabin are marked. For example, Lee Harvey Oswald, now known to be an intelligence officer, flew to Russia and was stationed in Minsk. He returned, became an activist in a CIA front - The Fair Play for Cuba Committee - and is then convicted for having shot Kennedy. Yigal Amir was sent to Riga in the Soviet Union by an intelligence branch of the Prime Ministers Office. When he returned he became an activist for the Shabak front, Eyal, before being convicted for shooting Rabin. Oswald was close to CIA operative, Guy Bannister, whereas Amir was close to Shabak agent Avishai Raviv. Oswald appeared on television favouring Cuba and communism, a controversial position that made him recognisable as an eccentric. Amir was caught on television objecting at a peace rally and was dragged away kicking and screaming. Likewise there are remaining questions about the bullets that are said to have killed Kennedy as there are for those that are alleged to have killed Rabin.
Shabak's Contingency Plan
Shabak chief, Carmi Gillon explained that their failure to protect Rabin that evening was because they had no "contingency plan" to protect the head of state against a lone-gunman. However, two former commanding officers of Shabak's "personal security unit" say otherwise. Tuvia Livneh and Yisrael Shai say Rabin wouldn't have been murdered had they been on duty that night. They claim there was a contingency plan and that it had been practised endless times. This included dry runs at the Kings of Israel Square. These exercises covered the possibility that an assassin would attack from the sterile area located at the bottom of the exit stairs behind the stage - the precise spot Amir struck from. The two former bodyguards are amazed that Amir remained alive, as their plans called for the assassin to be shot after he fired his gun. This would avoid him getting off a second shot. This is standard practise they claim, and point to the assassination attempts on Ronald Reagan and Egypt's, Anwar Sadat, where bodyguards instantly shot the attackers.
The rear door of the Limousine
Just before Rabin is thrust into the bullet-proof Limousine for the trip to Ichilov Hospital, video footage shows the rear offside door being closed from the inside. Clearly, someone was already sitting in the back of the car. This, however, conflicts with all the testimony given by Rabin's bodyguards at Amir's trial and during the Shamgar Commission. In their testimony, no third party is present, but the video footage says otherwise. This has given rise to speculation that Rabin's actual killer was already in the car and that following the blank shots fired by Amir, Rabin was shot in the back, twice and then in the chest. This could account for the closeness of the first shot and the "contact" shot that Amir could not have fired. Since neither killed Rabin outright, one of the others present used their own gun to finish him off. This would also account for the two different calibre bullets mentioned by the unidentified pathologist.
The Kempler Film: fact or fiction?
The Kempler film that effectively convicted Amir in the eyes of the world was heavily and artfully tampered with. This could not have happened accidentally. Importantly, the video footage blurs at critical points making it impossible to follow the sequence of events. Ronnie Kempler, when interviewed, was unable to adequately explain why this was. Nor could he give an acceptable reason why he was permitted on the rooftop opposite Rabin's exit route. The rooftop had police and security personnel stationed on it to ensure Rabin wasn't sniped at, but they simply ignored Kempler. Nor could Kempler explain why he released the film after a delay of two months, when he could have sold it for millions within a few days of the assassination. And why didn't he turn it over to the police as evidence? Kempler also focused on Amir standing alone before the shooting. Asked why he concentrated on the assassin to be, Kempler replied "I felt there was something suspicious about him."
Victor Ostrovsky Page
Ex-Mossad Agent Speaks Out
Tells of the Mossad-Australia Connection In An Interview With New Dawn Magazine
A Message From Hell By Victor Ostrovsky
A Brief History of Mossad Influence on American Policy
Israel's "False Information Affair" Sheds New Light On Troubled Israeli and U.S. Relations With Syria By Victor Ostrovsky
Commission Report Leaks Make Strong Case for Complicity of Shabak Officers in Rabin Assassination By Victor Ostrovsky
Book Review:: The Other Side of Deception: A Rogue Agent Exposes the Mossad's Secret Agenda
Canadian Press Calls for Inquiry into Allegations Regarding Mossad Use of Passports
Introduction of Victor Ostrovsky and Comments on the USS Liberty
How Mossad got America to bomb Libya and fight Iraq by Victor Ostrovsky and Claire Hoy
CIA And Mossad Drug Involvement
Tells of the Mossad-Australia Connection
Ex-Mossad Agent Speaks Out
Victor Ostrovsky, a former Israeli Mossad agent and now best-selling author, became internationally famous in 1990 when he published his first book By Way of Deception, which documented the outrages committed by the Israeli secret service.
The Mossad, considered by intelligence experts to be the most ruthless spy agency in the world, doesn't take kindly to defectors, and Ostrovsky's life has been in danger ever since he went public with his first blockbuster book.
Last year Ostrovsky brought out his second explosive expose The Other Side of Deception, creating a furore in the Zionist state when excerpts were published in the largest Israeli newspaper Yediot Ahronot.
Over the years there have been claims and counter-claims of Mossad involvement in Australia. The Israeli secret service prefers to operate well away from the spotlight of publicity. In this exclusive interview New Dawn asked the courageous whistle blower, Victor Ostrovsky about his books, the current situation in the Middle East, the powerful U.S. Israeli lobby, and Mossad links in Australia.
New Dawn: As the author of two best selling books on the Mossad, can you provide a brief outline of what led to your efforts to expose the machinations of the Israeli secret service?
Ostrovsky: I believe in my second book The Other Side of Deception I explained what brought this action. I joined with a group of people to bring an end to the actions of the Mossad. I wanted to stop the Mossad's uses and abuses of the Israeli and outside Jewish communities. The sad thing is many people who are suffering from the Mossad's abuse of power, also support it.
New Dawn: What was the reaction of the Israeli government and the Israeli lobby worldwide to the revelations in your first book By Way of Deception?
Ostrovsky: Interesting. The Mossad desperately wanted to buy time. In response to questions in the [Israeli] Knesset, the Mossad admitted they wanted to buy time to stop the publication of By Way of Deception so they could kidnap me. Thus, even if the book were published, there would be no author available to back up, verify and promote its contents. The Mossad in kidnapping Mordechai Vanunu and putting him away in jail, stopped him from elaborating his story. The Israeli government attempted to legally stop the book from being published. However, they found it practically impossible to fulfill, what was essentially, Mossad's request. Jewish communities around the world reacted to the book as told to by the Israeli government. Actually, the organised Jewish communities have no opinion of their own - they are driven communities - told what to think. They respond accordingly. It's sad.
New Dawn: From our experience here in Australia, whenever an individual or organisation speaks out against Mossad activities or Israeli actions, they are immediately branded an 'anti-Semite', 'lunatic', or 'right-wing extremist'...
Ostrovsky: Well, this is a modus operandi. This is how the Mossad activates all its forces or groupies to stop any activities against them. This is what the ADL [Anti-Defamation League] does regularly. Of course, they are well connected with the media and a lot of media rely on their financial support.
Also a misconception is formed through the use of these terms - if somebody is against the policies of the Israeli government, it means they're anti-Israel, not an anti-Semite. An anti-Semite is an ugly person who hates a group of people because of their origin. Anti-Israel can be equated with being anti-Chinese, anti-South Africa, etc. There is a big difference here. People have the right to disagree with the policies of countries.
New Dawn: In April this year you were interviewed on ABC Radio about your latest book The Other Side of Deception. You commented that "a lot of the segments of the Australian secret service report first to Mossad."
Ostrovsky: Here we are dealing with operandi. Look at Vanunu's case. Australian intelligence agencies immediately told the Mossad about Vanunu [when Vanunu was in Australia just before his kidnapping]. Why? They admit it. It's not a secret. Australian intelligence agencies have people directly linked to the Mossad - they work with them. Usually it's people on the mid-level who will be liaising with the Mossad, and will pass everything on. The Mossad will make an intelligence request, and the Australian intelligence services will give. They view it from the perspective that Israel is a Western country, so why not help?
New Dawn: In the same interview you said that the Mossad goes into Jewish communities around the world and uses them as a resource. Is this happening in Australia?
Ostrovsky: Of course it does. It happens everywhere. But they don't like to admit it. To give an example, when an Israeli 'celebrity' comes to visit and speak at a Jewish community function or the like, you'll find all these local people checking for bombs, doing the security, etc. Where do you think they got their training? Look in my first book [By Way of Deception] to discover in detail what I'm saying.... The Mossad gives instructions to all [Israeli] lobbies over the world, so you're not unique in any way.
New Dawn: What about Mossad activities in the Asia/Pacific region?
Ostrovsky: I think it's generally friendly territory. There's no real need for the Mossad to play a major role while the situation stays as it is. They do have a lot of companies which are used for deep cover activities. The Mossad is very well entrenched in Indonesia and Japan. In fact, they're in Indonesia with the knowledge of the government, and with their permission.
New Dawn: Given the changes in the Middle East since the 1991 Gulf War, what role does the Mossad currently play in both regional and international affairs?
Ostrovsky: Put simply - doing everything it can to stop the Middle East peace process.
New Dawn: A number of fearless, 'dissident' Jewish writers such as Alfred Lilienthal, Noam Chomsky and Israel Shahak document the special relationship between Israel and the U.S. How does the Mossad influence U.S. foreign policy, particularly as it relates to the Middle East?
Ostrovsky: Money, money, money. They obtain vast sums of money from the United States, only to use it to buy politicians - and not just in the United States, it happens everywhere. What's an honest politician? One that's once bought, stays bought!
New Dawn: In your 1990 book By Way of Deception you wrote that the "Zionist dream" has degenerated into the "present day nightmare". Would you care to elaborate on this degeneration and the current state of Israeli affairs? Do you see any positive developments on the horizon?
Ostrovsky: In fact, I think there's a change for the better. We have a very courageous government in Israel, but it's really a funny situation. The former governments of Israel created a monster in the diaspora [dispersed Jews who haven't returned to the Israeli state]. The diaspora had been told that things are really bad, and they reacted accordingly in supporting, financially and otherwise, Israeli government policies.
Now, the current Israeli government says peace is possible, and the same Jewish communities who had fed them so much have turned against them. Now the diaspora communities are trying to stop Israeli government efforts for peace, so it's quite a futile situation.
[And] we have the messianics and right-wingers, especially those on the West Bank - which is occupied territory - in Israel pushing for a 'Greater Israel'. These people use the outside Jewish communities to pressure the Israeli government into give into their demands.
New Dawn: Finally, what can the individual do to help focus world public attention on the Mossad's destructive activities?
Ostrovsky: Yes, individuals can do a lot. Write about it, talk about it, ask about it.
© Copyright New Dawn Magazine, Permission granted to freely distribute this article for non-commercial purposes if unedited and copied in full, including this notice.
By Victor Ostrovsky
Occasionally an article appears that is so disturbing in nature that one wants to cry out to the world in anger and frustration, “stop!” The Tel Aviv daily Ha’aretz carried just such an article, by Aviv Lavi, on Dec. 23.
For the most part Ha’aretz translates its articles — or somewhat sanitized versions — into English and makes them available on its Web site at But others, like the one described below, remain untranslated for reasons that will become obvious.
It is the story of Haim Peretz, a seemingly ordinary Israeli who grew up in the small town of Ofakim — not a place overflowing with left-wing activists. Nevertheless, in clearing him for obligatory military service, Israeli officials overlooked a character flaw. This ordinary young man from an ordinary town had, unnoticed by the authorities, developed a conscience. It apparently went unnoticed while Haim Peretz spent almost three years working on F-16 aircraft as an Israeli air force technician. However, with only two weeks left to complete his three years of obligatory service, this first sergeant with a clean record was sent for a two-week stint as a security guard at the holding facility at the Erez crossing between Israel and the Gaza Strip.
It is not at all unusual that soldiers reaching the end of their service are volunteered by their units to bolster manpower in under-staffed units to which no one wants to be assigned. Peretz had no intention of making waves at that facility. He just wanted to finish his two weeks and return to civilian life.
The holding facility is on the Israeli side of the Erez checkpoint and it is designed to incarcerate Palestinians arrested while trying to enter Israel without the proper documentation. The majority of the prisoners are people who were apprehended while trying to get into Israel to find work. They are arrested and brought to the facility where they await trial. The wait can extend from a week to three months.
Usually the facility holds about 60 inmates and is run by a regular crew of IDF soldiers, bolstered by temporary help sent in from various units, as was Haim Peretz.
He arrived at the facility in March of 1999. After he was released from the military and was a civilian again, he came forward and described his experiences at Erez to Ha’aretz. Below are some excerpts:
Peretz spent his last two weeks of military service at the Erez crossing’s holding facility.
“From the first day I started to understand what was going on there. Six to seven prisoners are housed in every three-by-three meters (about nine-by-nine feet) cell. There are no beds. The prisoners (men of all ages, from teenagers to old men) sleep on blankets on the (concrete) floor.
“The cell is windowless except for two small barred ventilation slots. There is no toilet in the cell: the prisoners are given access to a toilet once a day when they are taken out in the morning for their daily walk. The rest of the time they use a large bucket that is placed in the center of their cell. By the way, this practice prevents them from praying (as their religion requires them to do five times daily) because the bucket turns the cell into a washroom, an environment in which Muslims are not allowed to pray.
“Regulations specify that the prisoners have the right to a full hour’s walk every day. But an hour is a flexible thing: Sometimes the sergeant (a reference to whomever is responsible for the prisoners, usually a corporal or even a private) decides that it will be only a half hour, or even 15 minutes. Letting the prisoners outside their cells for the daily walk is a hassle for him, and in most cases he does not want to bother.
“At this time all of the prisoners are supposed to go to the toilet, using two stalls for 20 people, since 20 are taken for their walk at a time. Often there is no toilet paper. When they ask for it, sometimes they are told yes, sometimes no, sometimes maybe.
“On the sabbath there is no walk. After all, the sergeant has to get his sabbath rest. So the prisoners are locked in for a full 48 hours, from Friday morning to Sunday morning.
“Everyone is entitled to two cigarettes a day, but the guards use the cigarettes as a bargaining chip, taking the prisoners through seven stages of hell before they receive their smokes. Sometimes the guards don’t give the prisoners any cigarettes, just because they don’t feel like doing it.
“The prisoners are taken out for a shower once a week, on Wednesday. It’s a horrible sight: the prisoners are pushed in a large group into two showers, with one cake of soap for the entire group. Meanwhile the guards hold a stopwatch, shouting at the prisoners to hurry.
“Some of the prisoners just forego the humiliation and stand aside. There were some in the prison who did not take a shower for weeks. There is no reason for letting them take only one shower a week except that to provide more showers would be a bother for the sergeant. Even after taking a shower the prisoners have to get back into their own dirty clothing. They are not given any clean clothing or even a towel. Sometimes they sit for months in the same dirty clothes.
“There are 12- and 13-year-old kids there. When I was there (in March), there was one kid who arrived barefoot. That was the way he stayed. He walked around that way and was brought in front of the judge that way.
“They have no contact with their families. The day they are arrested they are allowed one telephone call, and if there is no one at home, that’s their problem. Whoever is brought to trial is entitled to a conference with a lawyer, but that doesn’t happen often because the trials themselves appear to be an aberration.
“The lawyer promises that if he is hired he will get the prisoner off with a 1,500-shekel fine. That from people who tried to infiltrate Israel to work for 50 shekels a day.
“I would escort the prisoners to trial as a security guard. The trials took place in a small room in an adjacent facility. These are assembly line trials. They are worthless. The lady judge and the lady prosecutor have lunch together before the hearings and are themselves bored by the routine. They call each other by their first names. They hand out sentences of several months or a fine, and because most of the prisoners do not have any money to pay a fine, they remain in jail.
“One 15- or 16-year-old kid was fined 300 shekels. I took him aside and gave him 200 shekels that I had on me. The officer saw the exchange from the corner of his eye and yelled at me for wanting to bail out an Arab. I saw the kid a week later still in jail, just because he did not have all of the money to pay the fine.
“They get three meals a day. In the morning a large plate is placed in the cell on which the guards throw a loaf of bread, a small container of white cheese, and some vegetables. The single small container of cheese is supposed to be enough for seven people. At lunch there are rice and one or two hotdogs per prisoner. How many depends on how much the prisoner sucks up to the soldiers.
“When there was a visit from Amnesty International to the facility the inspectors were taken to the cell where the collaborators were housed. The collaborators told the visitors the food was great. In the evening the prisoners get the same thing as in the morning. Most of the time they are hungry. If someone happens to be out for a trial during lunch, or if he has been taken away for any other reason, he will not be given his lunch. When I tried to change that, I was told to shut up. Even as it is, I was told, the upkeep of the prisoners is costing the country too much and ‘These leeches are ruining our lives.’
“Once a week, on Tuesday or Wednesday, the prisoners are given a hot drink. One week when I was in the facility they did not get a hot drink. It is pitiful to see people who have been looking forward for a full week to a hot cup of tea begging when they do not get it. (This was winter and there was no heating in the cells.) The only reason the tea was not made was that the cooks didn’t want to bother.”
It is a rarity that an Israeli breaks ranks and tells the public the minute details of what is really going on inside such government installations. It is not an easy thing to do, and Haim is still trying to understand why he felt it was up to him to come forward and tell his story.
“Maybe it’s because I myself have come from a place where affluence was not the norm, and I saw people enduring hard times. I couldn’t stand seeing people so mistreated. For God’s sake, we were not dealing with terrorists here, or people who wanted to harm anyone. All these poor people wanted to do was work so they could feed their families.
“When I was in high school I worked in a textile factory where most of the workers were Arabs. I had a great relationship with them. I learned a few words of Arabic before I went into the army. I also had the opportunity to take a couple of courses in Arabic and Islam in the open university. That is probably the reason that I, unlike most other soldiers, did not regard every Palestinian as a terrorist and I didn’t look down on them.”
Liaison Between Guards and Prisoners
Due to his partial knowledge of Arabic Haim became a liaison between the guards and the prisoners. He escorted them to trial or to the nurse or the doctor. There a prisoner might have expected to find an island of compassion, someone who, in compliance with the Hippocratic oath he or she had taken, would relieve some of the prisoner’s suffering. But the reality was different.
“The medical treatment they get is a story in itself. When they arrive they are given a medical check-up to verify that they are healthy enough to be held in prison. That checkup is meant to provide the facility with a cover of legitimacy.
“In fact, the doctor did not touch or check the prisoners. He just asked them if they were all right. He did not speak one word of Arabic and couldn’t understand what they answered — not that there was much chance that they would complain anyway.
“The doctors are rotating reservists. When I was there, the doctor did not let the prisoners sit or lie on the bed when he checked them. He didn’t want to get it dirty, so he told them to lie on the floor. During one of the visits, when a prisoner complained of some pain the doctor said in my presence: ‘They should die, these Arabs, they should get one bullet each and be done with them. Who needs to treat them?’ Later he said he was only joking, but I know he was not.
“From the beginning he treated them like garbage. He only pulled them or pushed them, barked at them and cursed them. ‘What is your name, dirty Arab?’ he would say. On a good day he would give them Acamole [an Israeli version of aspirin], which was not much help.
“One day one of the prisoners swallowed several pills and lost consciousness. He lay there for over an hour, but the doctor was in no hurry. ‘Let him wait, no one told him to commit suicide,’ the doctor explained. ‘One fewer Arab will be better.’
“One of the prisoners had a bad rash, which he got from the military blankets. The prisoner was accused of arriving from Gaza that way. But I know he was well when he came. He was 16 and had been caught the day before when he and his brother tried to infiltrate Israel. The doctor said that he should be placed in isolation.
“When the prisoner was placed in isolation, still suffering from an extremely itchy rash, he was crying and yelling for help. He stayed like that for a long time, freezing in a small cell with very little to eat. I begged the officer to let me explain to him why he was isolated and try to calm him down. I was not allowed to do so.
“The doctor said that the prisoner needed to have a shower every day. And even if he had a shower, it probably wouldn’t help as he would have to get back into his old clothing afterward.
“Most soldiers regarded the Palestinians as animals. I saw soldiers who would, for the fun of it, spit into the plates of the prisoners. When the prisoners arrive they already have been beaten up by the border patrol that caught them.
“On one of the first days I saw a border patrol soldier beating up a kid right there in the facility. I asked him to stop. ‘Shut up, you Arab-loving lefty,’ he said to me. At the time I still didn’t want to get involved, so I backed off.
“The sergeants beat up the prisoners all the time. It appears the soldiers expect the prisoners to speak fluent Hebrew, and every word a prisoner speaks in Arabic sounds to the guards like a curse word. If a prisoner who did not know better complained, he would be beaten up.
“During a roll call one of the prisoners said something and the guard thought he was talking back so he twisted the prisoner’s hand behind his back and threw him against the wall. The guard then placed him in isolation in a tiny cell. The prisoner was moaning in pain for several days before I was asked to take him to the doctor, who diagnosed a broken arm. When I told the doctor what had happened, he wrote in his report that it was the result of the prisoner tripping. When I insisted that it was a beating, one of the male nurses made it clear to me that if I opened my mouth they would ‘blow my head off.’”
After Haim went public he was harassed and regarded by many of his friends as a traitor. The military said it would look into his revelations and an official investigation was promised. The commander of the facility was removed from office.
It must be remembered, however, that there are many more facilities like this one in Israel, and there are many prisoners who are simply unaccounted for. In additon, one should not forget the hostages Israel has kidnapped from Lebanon and who are held as pawns for future exchanges with the Hezbollah. Five such Lebanese hostages were released recently. One was 31 years old and had been in captivity — without trial and without committing a crime — since he was 16 — 15 years ago.
Haim’s exposé made very few ripples in Israel. Is it possible that the well of Israeli compassion has totally run dry? The most worrisome element of this story is the uncalled for and unnecessary cruelty displayed by what one can only regard as “regular Israelis.” It appears to vindicate the many predictions made by psychologists that the prolonged Israeli occupation of the territories might rob the Israelis of their souls. When and if peace is achieved, and hopefully that day is near, where will “the new Israeli” release all his stored up cruelty, hatred and violence? Already the rates of violence by Israelis against Israelis, starting with their own families, may be the final revenge of Israel’s hundreds of thousands of innocent victims.
Former Mossad case officer Victor Ostrovsky is the author of By Way of Deception and The Other Side of Deception, both of which are available on audiotape through the AET Book Club .
© Copyright 1995-1999, American Educational Trust. All Rights Reserved.
by Victor Ostrovsky
[The Washington Report On Middle East Affairs, October/November 1997, pp 37, 84-85]
"We will get to him by other means, we will break him economically," stated the chief of the Mossad, Israel's CIA, to a Knesset committee after the failure of the government of Israel's attempt to ban publication of my first book, *By Way of Deception*, in the U.S. and Canada. This statement made on camera was purposely leaked to an Israeli reporter and printed in the weekend edition of *Ma'ariv*, Israel's leading daily newspaper, with the military censor's approval. Since that day, Israel's foreign intelligence agency has waged a war of attrition against me with the enthusiastic cooperation of its cabal of North American Zionist organizations.
For years as a Canadian-born, Israel-raised former Mossad caseworker I was unwilling to accept the possibility of a wide conspiracy against me. After all, my book had finally been published. What more harm could I do to the country I had left in disgust to return to the land of my birth. Only hitting rock bottom has finally jolted me out of this state of innocence--and optimism that a change of luck is just around the corner. I'm now convinced that I am the target of a broad collusion between elements of the Israel government and their gofers, mostly in the American Jewish community.
Following publication of my *By Way of Deception* I wrote a spy novel, *Lion of Judah*, using the spycraft I'd learned with the Mossad as background. The book described a fictional Mossad operation aimed at thwarting a secret peace process underway in the Middle East. (The book was written and published before the real-life, year-long secret negotiations that led to the Oslo accord came to light.)
In the book I revealed considerably more about Mossad techniques than I had in *By Way of Deception*. But, despite the wide publicity garnered by my first book due to the Israeli government's unsuccessful effort to suppress it, my second book was ignored.
Radio and television interviews that were scheduled by my publisher were canceled almost as soon as they were booked. A speaker's bureau in Toronto, which seldom had trouble arranging speaking engagements with student and other groups eager to have me as a speaker, found that the engagements were cancelled before I could appear. In fact, the cancellations occurred each time a loal B'nai B'rith Anti-Defamation League (ADL) chapter got wind of them, and they always did.
But, of course, the less I spoke, the more time I had to write. In 1995, when my third book, *The Other Side of Deception*, another work of non-fiction, was published, the efforts against me were stepped up.
So, on Oct. 21, 1995, I was surprised to be invited by Canadian Television (CTV) producer Ron Fine to do a guest appearance on "Canada AM," the widely viewed Canadian version of "Good Morning America." Scheduled to appear on the same program, via satellite from Israel, was Israeli journalist Yosef Lapid, the former head of Israeli television.
Lapid had earned his 14 minutes of North American media fame by appealing openly on the Israeli television show "Popolitica" for the Mossad to seek me out in Canada and kill me for writing my books. He had followed this with an article making the same appeal in the Tel Aviv daily *Ma'ariv* headlined "By Virtue of Murder" [see accompanying article].
On cue, Lapid repeated, as I listened, his call for my assassination on the Canadian television show, but this time with a twist. He said that, since Israel's Mossad could not kill me in Canada without causing a diplomatic incident, "I hope that there would be a decent Jew in Canada who would do the job for us."
My reaction was horror mixed with relief. Now it was going to be hard for media gatekeepers to pretend that there were not "ugly Israelis" every bit as vicious and fanatical as the Iranian ayatollah who had called for the assassination in Britain by a British Muslim of author Salman Rushdie.
Along with the producers of the show, a large percentage of the Canadian public had just seen for themselves a former Israeli government official calling upon Canadian Jews to murder me on Canadian soil for the books I had written. But, to my astonishment, there seemed no inclination by the Canadian media to follow up the story when it was an Israeli rather than an Iranian inciting the murder of a published author. I had never felt more alone and isolated in my life.
Mt spirits brightened when a reporter from *USA Today* viewed the tape of the "Canada AM" show and was outraged. "I'm going to write a story about this," he declared, and proceeded to interview me for over an hour. Then, while I was still in his office, his editor told him by telephone to kill the article. "It's not a story," the editor said. The silence around me intensified.
It was a year later that Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin was assassinated by a right-wing zealot who got his legitimization for murder from an extremist rabbi and his marching orders from the likes of Lapid. If by Lapid's rules I should be killed according to category "D" [see the acompanying article], in the eyes of Yigal Amir, Rabin's assassin, so should Rabin. I have no doubt in my mind that all those like Lapid who make their own rules as to who may live and who must die are partners in Rabin's murder.
A radio host named Tim Kern from a station in Denver, Colorado, called me up for an interview. Several days later he sent a file on me he had received from the "Mountain state regional office of the Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith." The ADL communication suggested that the station drop the interview, claiming that I am an unreliable subject. This sequence was repeated over and over at radio and television stations in the United States and Canada. Ironically, supposedly separate Jewish organizations around the United States kept coming up with the same wording in their efforts to shut me up.
The same people who presumably would praise someone from the CIA or the U.S. armed forces who exposed serious wrongdoing in those institutions were now hard at work to smother my criticisms of an intelligence agency for a foreign country that, to put it as charitably as possible, does not have America's best interests at heart. The Americans who call me a traitor to Israel for exposing the Mossad's efforts to kill the peace process hail as a hero Jonathan Pollard, a traitor to the U.S. who spied on the American government for Israel.
In an attempt to break the vicious cycle, I decided to sue in a Canadian court Yosef Lapid for inciting my murder and "Canada AM" for airing his incitement to the public. I assumed that bringing the issue to public attention would expose the attempts of organizations in both the U.S. and Canada that in fact are agents of Israel to suppress the truth through intimidation and, if necessary, economic or physical terrorism.
After accepting a hefty retainer and completing the preparations for trial, my lawyer, Paul B. Kane of Perley-Robertson, Panet, Hill and McDougall in Ottawa, Canada, informed me that he could not continue with the case. His explanation was that the safety of his staff would clearly be jeopardized if he proceeded.
Then HarperCollins, my publisher, informed me it was keeping the last portion of my advance, some $46,000, against advertising. I pointed out that since this was something I had never agreed to, they had no right to do it. "Sue us," was their response.
At the same time, my daughter, a television producer, was denied a job she had been offered in a Vancouver television station after its Toronto head office learned of her relationship to me.
Then my Canadian publisher, Stoddart, informed me it had decided not to publish my newest spy novel, *Dominion of Treason*, and also that it was holding back all the monies coming to me from *By Way of Deception* and *Lion of Judah*.
Meanwhile I had suggested to my agent in Toronto a new (fifth) book on the American militia movement. I proposed to interview supporters of the movement to ascertain their motivations, and then define the movement in terms of its members rather than simply labeling them as the enemy and shutting the door on them. I believe the growth of misunderstanding and mistrust within a nation, and particularly between regions as is the case between America's Eastern seaboard on the hand and its Midwest and Far West on the other, is courting disaster.
My agent was enthusiastic about the proposed project . We called it *We the People*. For several months he told me how this proposed book was being received in literary circles of New York. Then he dropped out of sight, and I have not been able to make contact with him to this day. I know he is in his office and doing business, but he will not return my calls.
In 1996, a new, New York-based agent struck a light at the end of a very long, dark tunnel. Regnery Inc., a Washington-based publisher, signed a contract with me for a tongue-in-cheek guide to espionage called *The Spy Game*. They had some suggestions, however, for making the book more serious on the grounds that readers don't regard spying as a laughing matter.
As I was in the final stages of the first draft, however, my house burned to the ground. The fire marshal's report declared it arson. No one was hurt, since we had moved out several weeks earlier and I was using only one room in the house for writing. Luckily, aside from the house itself, very little was lost--only my computer and several boxes of documents.
As I was sifting through the ashes of what used to be my bedroom, however, I realized that things were starting to get out of hand. By then, under the Likud government of Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu, both the Israeli ambassador to the U.S. and the Israeli ambassador to Canada were former Mossad officers. I couldn't identify the perpetrators of the fire, or blame it on one group or another, but it was clear to me that those who had vowed to break me "economically" were becoming more confrontational and taking greater risks.
After several days of soul-searching I realized I could no longer allow my wife, who had stood by me through thick and thin, to remain in the line of fire. This was my battle, my choice. Knowing full well she would not abandon me, as almost everyone else had, I told her I needed to be alone, to sort things out for myself.
Our separation lasted several weeks. But we both realized we couldn't remain apart.
So I wasted no more time and re-wrote *The Spy Game*, having kept my notes on Regnery's suggested revisions with me. The work on the book was moving along well, and most of the editing had already been completed. The publisher, through his project editor, asked that I add a chapter on espionage and the Internet and also bring in some biographical material on myself. I complied and he expressed his satisfaction in a letter to me.
On July 9 of this year the Regnery publicity department faxed me a copy of their catalog page depicting my book, slated to be released in October. One day later, on July 10, 1997, I received a letter from Regnery informing me that the company had decided not to publish my book. I felt as though I had been hit by a freight train.
It suddenly occurred to me, for the first time, that the forces of racism, bigotry and apartheid may win, even here in North America. In calling out, finally, for help, I suddenly fear that I may only be shouting into the wind.
To all who believe that "it can't happen here," I say beware.
It is immensely satisfying to take a stand and speak out against coercion and tyranny. But eventually there may be a price to pay.
And when that day comes, and the bill is handed out, you may find that although your friends cherish you, they may choose to do it from a distance. I wonder now if the thousands who have called and written still think of me as a prophet and a hero, or only a fool?
Before I go any further let me explain where I come from in my opinions. I believe in the right of the state of Israel to be a state. I believe in the freedoms of the Israeli citizens to have those freedoms and their right to have those freedoms. I believe in the fact that there should be, as Balfour has declared, “a home for the Jewish people in the land of Palestine,” which has a second part to it, “without impeding the rights of the indigenous population there.” Now that is maybe where I differ from a lot of other people in the fact that I do believe that people have rights wherever they are.
The intelligence agency that I belonged to, the Mossad, believes in its right as an organization to exist and it will do everything in its power to maintain power. Now intelligence agencies have a tendency to want to show things a little worse than they are because that way they can advance in growth. If there is peace, who needs them? That works everywhere. It works in the Soviet Union, or now Russia, it works in the United States. It doesn’t work in Canada because we don’t have an intelligence agency. No, no we don’t. Canada does not have an intelligence agency. It has an internal intelligence agency, which is called CSIS, which is the equivalent of the FBI, which no one can call an intelligence agency. No, they are intelligent and they are an agency.
Now let’s get right to the point. What does the Mossad do to the United States? How does it look at the United States, and why it is not working in the best interest of the state of Israel? Now when I speak to you about that I speak as somebody who cares about the state of Israel, not as somebody who wants to see any harm come to that country. I think that the Mossad is causing harm both to Israel and to the Jewish community in North America.
The way it goes is this. The Mossad regards the U.S. as its own playing ground, as a tool to an end, saying you guys make nice arms that we can use. You guys have things that we want; therefore we want to take it. You can’t blame the Mossad for everything. You have to blame your own government. As far as your government is concerned, what you are is like one of those cash machines to the world. There is the US, and there is politicians who hand out these ATM cards to all these countries of the world and they say, “Hey, help yourself, no limit.” It’s a big sale. They are selling out whatever they want. So you can’t really blame countries for coming in and taking. You’re saying, “Here it is, take it.” These countries need it. What do you expect?
The Mossad needs to influence the United States because the United States is the only major power in the world today. When it wasn’t, it played it against the other major power at the time, which was the Soviet Union. At that time during the Cold War it was always said, “We are the only western country in the Middle East, therefore you have to support us because we are your front line in the Middle East.” Now during a period of time there was a truth to that. Then the government in Israel changed and became what is called a Likud, or the extreme right, government of Israel.
I should go a little bit further back. In the creation of the State of Israel, Zionism stands for, really, not a religious state. Zionism is a secular movement. It’s a movement to bring the Jewish people and give them a home in the land of Israel. It is not a messianic movement, because if we go to messianic movement and we go back to the bible, and we go back to those people who are extremely religious in Israel, they wi tell you that they are anti-Zionist, because they say we as Jews cannot go back to Israel unless we fulfill what is said in the Bible, which is wait until the Messiah brings you back. So if we go back as a religious group we have no rights to the land. There is a contradiction right there that a lot of people cannot live with, and they have a problem with that.
During the creation of the state there were two movements. One was the labor movement, the Haganah, which looked at Zionism from one angle. There was another movement which was the Etzel and the Lehi, which were two other kinds of organizations, further to the right. Now these other organizations had their theme. The way they said it was they based it on a person by the name of Jabotinsky, who said, “With blood and fear we will build us a nation of cruel, and honest, and fearless.” I had heard this somewhere else before, but that was their statement. That’s what they looked upon as the state of Israel, that it should be a very powerful militant state. They had no support among the Jewish community in North America. The Jewish community was mainly towards the Haganah, the more liberal, the more open, the more western style of government.
Then the Likud came to power. Until that point in Israel the idea was this, “The North American Jewish community is there to help us financially, but stay out of our business. We don’t want you to tell us what to do. We are a free country. We are not going to ask you. You want to have a say, come over here and settle. But don’t send us your orders from the US.” Then came the Likud and said, “Wait a minute, we need more money.” They went to the US and they started moving the community further to the right. Now the Mossad was very influential in that because the Mossad needs sources of information. The Mossad needs a base.
Now if you look at the KGB for example, or the CIA for that matter, you will find out that they have hundreds of thousands of people working for them as an infrastructure. An intelligence agency can’t operate without an infrastructure. Just to give you an example, let’s assume you have a station in London. In order to have a station in London, what do you need? You need doctors, you need drivers, you need cars, you need apartments. You need people who buy food, who sell food. You need people who get you tickets. You need a lot of people around the actual operatives. The guy who goes up and recruits somebody needs a lot of backing. He can’t do it on his own.
The Mossad is very small. We are talking about an organization which has about twelve hundred people, including secretaries and drivers. How do you spread that across the entire world that you have to gather information from?
A Mossad cannot have a station in Damascus because it has no embassy there. You cannot have an open station. What you do is this, you open a station in London with five guys. Five (I’m sorry, that’s the Mossad sign for five). These five guys are the actual case officers. Then what you do is you get people to come from Israel and they scout the country and they come up with a lot of names of the Jewish community in London. These guys then go out and approach a doctor, a Jewish doctor in London. And they say to him, “Listen, we need your help in order to save Jews elsewhere. We might be turning to you. Will you be helpful to us?” Seventy percent turn them down. Nobody will ever turn them in. That’s a very important factor. So you can go to another guy, another guy, and another guy and before you know it you have got three-hundred, four-hundred people in London who are supporting the station. You need a car, you pick up the phone you say, “Mr. So-and-So, I need a car. I don’t need it registered.” An hour later you can pick up the car. “I need a safe house.” Two hours later you have a safe house. “I need a doctor.” “I need tickets.” “I need transportation.” “I need three hundred thousand dollars in an hour,” at twelve-o’clock at night. So you get a banker who opens the bank and he takes it out because he knows that two days from now the money is going to be back. We are good for it.
So now you have a station that has three hundred people and then you want a new cover, new people. So you open a summer camp in Israel, and you fly people in and you get the kids there. You start to teach them that there is a lot of anti-Semitism out there and you have to protect yourself because everybody is an anti-Semite, and they are going to get you, and the kid gets scared, and he is very impressionable. Then he goes back and he becomes part of a frame, that is an organization, which protects the synagogue. You already have your hooks into him and you are an intelligence agency. You want information. So when he gets a job that’s good, you can get information. That is how everything suddenly is opened to you. That is how suddenly this community is committed to you, and they don’t even know it, because they don’t know that once an operation goes bad the Mossad guy picks up and leaves, and everybody else is staying in the mud. Pollard is a very good example of that. He came into the Israeli embassy and they kicked him out because of internal rivalries. Now he is sitting in jail. He thought he was a patriot.
There is no such thing as dual loyalty. This is a myth. People say the Jewish community has a dual loyalty. That’s wrong. Either you’re loyal to your country or you’re not. There is no duality in that. You cannot be loyal to two countries.
Never will Israel agree to have an Israeli support the US the way they expect the people in the Jewish community to support Israel. There are more people in Israeli jails for supporting or helping US intelligence than you have Israelis in American jails. There was a guy who sat 15 years in an Israeli prison and nobody knew about it. He was a major in the Air Force and he was arrested because he met with a secretary from the American embassy. He allegedly was intending to help the CIA. He didn’t help the CIA. Nobody said he did. He intended. Fifteen years later they said that he’s in jail. He was incommunicado. Nobody knew where he was. He disappeared.
Today the Israeli government is facing a brutal situation. Here is the irony. You have a Jewish community which is militant and an Israeli government that wants peace. You have Israel say, “We don’t want America to move the embassy to Jerusalem.” You have the Jewish community say, “We want it.” You have these guys on the hill here saying, “We want to.” And you say, “Why? Why is Dole and all these other guys, why do they want to move the American embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem?” The Israeli government said they don't want it. It's bad for peace. But the Israeli government doesn’t vote in the US. The Israeli government doesn’t give money to American politicians.
Now there is a double war. There is one war that should be taken by you and your government. Tell them, “Hey! There’s a hungry kid in New York. Feed him before you feed a hungry kid in Tel Aviv.” No actually that’s not true. “Feed a hungry kid in New York before you pay the university tuition for a kid in Jerusalem.” That’s where the difference is.
The Israeli government is trying to have peace and you have the American Congress saying, “You can’t trust these Palestinians. You can’t give them an inch.” Israel says, “We want to give them. We want to give it back. We want to get peace. We don’t want our guys dying, because people die when there is war. It’s the Israelis that are dying. It’s Israelis that are being bombed. It’s not the North American Jewish community that is bombed”. They say that, “It’s you guys that get bombed.” When you talk about that, there’s like a silence. You are like talking to a wall.
When I talk... I had my second book. I had a record with my second book. I think my first book sold something around the world close to eight million copies. My second book was not reviewed in any newspaper in North America. Now that’s a record. None! No, I’m sorry. I think the guy in the Phoenix Gazette. The people from B’nai B’rith walked in and asked for him to resign. Yes, because he is an anti-Semite. I know what they do because I used to ask them to do it.
When I was in the Mossad and we had a guy that gave us problems in the US, and he was speaking out, and he was talking like people talk, and said, “Israel is bombing Lebanon with cluster bombs.” We say, “Who’s that guy?” Pete Macockey we use to call him, ya, which is Pete the Cockroach. He makes a lot of noise and you can’t get rid of him. So what you do is get in touch with a guy in the station in New York or in the station in Washington and tell the guys at B’nai B’rith to label him. And of course the campaign starts and before you know it the guys is labeled, and he is an anti-Semite, because that is what we say he is. That is one stain that you cannot wash. It shames me as a Jew to tell you that. But that is the fact, and it is wrong.
The people who are perpetrating this really don’t understand what they are doing. They are losing their own liberties. I realize at last why they don’t care.
You have these same communities that will say the Mossad has to do it, and they don’t really care. On the other hand, anything, any peeps you have from your intelligence agency, the CIA, (which I think is one of the best in the world if not the best in the world, and has probably the best people in the world in it) any move they make, these same people will jump on them ten times from Sunday. You say, “How can they do that? Why are they so hard?” I realize now why. They don’t have to live with the Mossad. If they were in Israel they would cry out against the Mossad, which people in Israel are doing.
Just this week, to give you an example of people saying, “Here is a dual standard,” I’ll give you an example of a dual standard. I read today on the plane, on the way here, Time magazine. There was an article about this guy that was brought from Argentina, or something. He killed 400 and some Italians, murdered them, an SS man. He said, “I was ordered to do it, so I did it.” I think he should stand trial for that. I think so. In every army there is an order that says, “Any illegal order you don’t fulfill.” If you are a soldier and you are given an order to murder, you don’t murder because you are a soldier. You are willing to die but you are not willing to break that kind of a law.
This is fifty years old.
Two weeks ago in Israel an officer admitted that he massacred forty-three Egyptian prisoners of war, in the ‘56 War. Others admitted to the total of close to one thousand Egyptian civilians and soldiers that were killed in ‘67. Now everybody knows that in Israel. Nobody has actually come out and admitted it. These guys have admitted it. What has the government of Israel said? “Well it’s a very saddening thing to hear, but too long has passed for us to actually be able to put them on trial, the Israelis that killed those in the ‘67 War.” Now that’s a double standard.
I think that shows that your press is worthless. I think that your government is not far behind. I will tell you why. If this would have happened in Tanzania, if you had the north Tanzanians kill a thousand south Tanzanians you would have stopped aide. You would have had people in congress saying, “How can we send money to these people? They are murderers. First let’s put them on trial.”
A thousand people, most of them were actually Sudanese workers that were working on highways in the Sinai - they weren’t even soldiers - you know what the reason why they killed them? “We had nobody to guard them, and we couldn’t take them with us.” (Wasn’t it in the Battle of the Bulge - you American never forget what the Germans did in the Battle of the Bulge - when they took the prisoners, because they couldn’t take prisoners, and they killed them. You will remember them for that forever.) Even the Egyptian government is not daring to say anything because they are afraid that you Americans will stop aide to them for complaining. By not talking about it, what you have done is said, “O.K. You guys, you can do whatever you want.”
I will give you an interesting story. You have a thing called free trade. I’m not for free trade because I don’t think that I am going to find a job in Mexico, and I’m Canadian, but that is beside the point. There is a free trade you have with Israel. Did you know that? That’s the first free trade you have ever had - with Israel. (That’s another free trade. You give everything free to Israel and Israel gives you nothing back.) There is an agreement, a free trade agreement with Israel.
I remember as a member of the Mossad how we used to play with that. We used to go to companies in Europe and say we need from you this and this and this as far as arms is concerned, whether it be Folkers or whatever, engine manufacturer or electronics. We say, “We have a deal for you.” And they say, “What’s the deal?” “You want to sell stuff to the States with no barriers?” They say, “Sure!” “OK, you bring your stuff to Israel. We’ll package it and we’ll send it to the States. You see we’ve got free trade.” So suddenly you’ve got half of Europe trading through Israeli manufacturers more things that Israelis never heard of. If it was up to what an Israeli can do we would still be selling vegetables and sand. There is a lot of stuff that comes from Europe that is funneled through Israel to the United States, “free trade.” So now Europeans, say like a European television manufacturer - let’s say Blaupunct as an example - they say, “We don't need free trade, we can send televisions through Tel Aviv. They box it good in cardboard and they ship it to the US and walla - free trade, one way.” You see you can’t sell “free trade” back to Germany because you don’t have a deal, unless you are willing to do it backwards through Israel and I am sure that a few companies are doing that.
It sounds funny but it is very sad. It is very sad when you lose deals, for example the Saudi deal. There was a time when the Saudis wanted to buy tanks, extra fuel tanks for their jets. Of course our lobby said, “No way! That will allow the Saudi planes to make it all the way to Israel. You can’t do that. You are giving them the power over us.” Of course nobody knew that we had a deal through an Israeli manufacturer, through a company in Europe that we were selling the Saudis those tanks. We didn’t want you guys to do it. So we got the lobby to stop you guys and we made a bundle on it. This goes on and on.
The difference between that kind of intelligence agency and what you have, is the Mossad is not accountable to anybody except the Mossad. They don’t give a damn about the Israeli government because the Israeli government is temporary. They look at politicians as, “They are here today and gone tomorrow. What do they know? We know what’s good for the country. We brought it up to here. If we make peace tomorrow they will put us apart, close us down, take away our military, and then the enemies will come and attack us,” which a lot of them believe.
That does not give a chance to peace. You know what the problem is with not having peace? The Arabs have lost every war against Israel, but it’s like playing against a very good chess player, eventually you learn the game. There are not many more wars that Israel can win again and again, because Israel cannot lose a war. It has only one war to lose and that’s the end of it. It has happened before. Three times in our history we ended up being kicked out of the land because of zealots. The guys who kept bringing back war were zealots in our history. We have had that, and it’s happening now.
I know a lot of people get intimidated because they are afraid that they will be labeled “anti-Semite,” “anti-Israeli.” My plea is to people. I say, if you are a good American and you care about America, first of all make sure that things are right in your backyard. Make sure that the stuff that's going on in your backyard you can swallow. Never do anything, as far as I’m concerned.
There is a mistake. I hear a lot of people say, “There is a problem in the United States. There is a problem with those groups, and that group, and those people are bad, and those people are bad.” You make one big mistake. You don’t say, “We.” “We have a problem.” If you are pro-abortion or anti-abortion, don’t say, “They are for abortion. We are fighting them.” No, no, no, say, “We have a problem.” Once you start saying that --.
There is a story in the Jewish Passover story. There is a story about four sons. That’s four, not Mossad like. There’s the good son - which is the smart son, the stupid son - the one who doesn’t know how to ask, and the bad son. The stupid son is just stupid, so his questions are stupid. The one who doesn’t know how to ask, doesn’t ask. The smart son says, “When we left Egypt, God did this to us and we suffered and we went through the dessert, and we went through the dessert for forty years. We got this and we got that.” The bad son says, “When they got out of the dessert, they got this and they got that, and they got that.” So if you want to be a good American say, “We.” Because you are a democracy, your laws are yours, whether you like them or not. You’re the reason they are not changing. You are not convincing enough other people. Because your media says, “We don’t have an agenda,” and we believe them.
The same way if you like the United States, don’t be afraid to speak out when you like Israel. There is what to like. I miss Israel very much. I grew up there. I miss the smell. I miss my friends. I miss a lot of things about it. You have to say something if you want to save it. If your kid is on drugs, you are going to do something to stop him. You not going to say, “Well, he won’t like me if I tell him.” So you tell him, and you tell him. And if your media doesn’t do it, then say it again and ask them. Write letters and ask about it. Make sure when you write the questions you understand them, and make sure they understand them. And make sure they understand that you are not going to go away. Then you will be able to change things. Where was I? Does anybody have any questions?
Yes sir.
“What is the distinction between the Anti-Defamaton League and B’nai B’rith?”
I’ll answer it very simply. The Anti-Defamation League of B’nai B’rith. Most people that are members of B’nai B’rith are good people. Most people that work for B’nai B’rith believe and work for a good cause. But that is like saying a submachine gun is a good weapon. It is! It depends where you aim it. They have given up their leadership, have given up the will to decide whether what they do or don’t do is right or wrong. They have passed that on to somebody else to decide, and they are just targeted. So most of their membership, most of the people in those organizations are good people that are working for a good cause, and they do a lot of good things. There are elements that are targeted. How can we separate? Is the butt of the gun part of the problem or just the barrel? Of course without the butt you can still use the rifle, but it is part and parcel, it is one thing. I think that people who hear about it and don’t want to do anything about it and know that it’s true are to blame.
Yes. I saw a hand here, I am sorry. Ya, I am sorry.
“What is the difference between the Mossad and the ADL.”
The Anti-Defamation League is a.... The Mossad is an intelligence agency of the State of Israel, a foreign intelligence agency, the Israeli CIA. If you were to compare it, it would be like a, “What is the Moon Church for the Korean CIA?” It’s a vehicle. It’s a tool. The Mossad will not stop existing without the ADL. The ADL does not do the job for the Mossad. It does specific jobs. It will gather information when asked for it. It will do all kinds of things, but it’s not an integral part of the intelligence agency.
Yes sir.
“Are you a full Canadian or are you an Israeli?”
Ya, I’m a Canadian, but I am also an Israeli. I have dual citizenship. I was born in Canada, in Edmonton, Alberta. I grew up in Israel because my mother was born in Jerusalem. My father was born in Canada, and he came to Israel to fight in ‘48. I was born in ‘49. He really fought hard. The thing is I grew up in Israel. When I was in Israel, my children went to school. They were Israelis. One daughter was born in Canada.
Just to give you a background on myself, I served in the Israeli Army for three years. Then after that I left Israel for a while. I came back and rejoined the Navy. I finished in the rank of Lieutenant Commander in the Israeli navy. I was then recruited to the Mossad. I reached the rank of Colonel in the Mossad. That is when I left. Had I had the choice today, knowing what I have given up and realizing what I have achieved, I probably wouldn’t have done it. Because I really achieved not that much. The Mossad is still there. They are still doing the same thing. Nobody cares. The media doesn’t care. The Americans don’t care. The Germans don’t care. The French don’t care. Some Israelis care. I lost my country, which is Israel, also Canada, but you can’t take Israel out of me. So I have lost that. I lost all of my friends, well I still keep in contact with them. My family has lost their connection. So, no. If you are asking me where they have grown up, they have grown up in Israel. If I had a choice, I would have not heard of Mossad.
OK, one more question. Yes ma'am.
“Is Jewishness not exactly a religion? Is it a nation? Is it a culture, a tradition? Is it common history, or is it a race?”
I’ll answer that. “Is Judaism a race, a common history, a religion, a culture?” I’ll tell you. First of all Judaism is a religion. Then it becomes a nation. As far as race, there is a problem with that. I’ll tell you why. Because of all the non-Sephardic Jews are descendents of a nation called the Khazari or the Khazarian. So we are Jews. We believe that Moses took us out of Egypt. We are proud of being Jews. A lot of us don’t fulfill all of what we are suppose to, which most other religions don’t, and we should. That’s all that I can tell you. In Israel it’s a nation. In Israel it’s a nation. Now that moves away from intelligence. Not that it’s not intelligent to be religious, but in this particular thing I’m not really... Ya, but that’s not my subject. No.
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[The Washington Report On Middle East Affairs, p. 85]
(Translation of a 1995 article in the Tel Avib daily *Ma'ariv* by Yosef Lapid, a former head of Israeli television.)
Meir Shnitser, in an article elsewhere in this newspaper, defends the dangerous traitor Victor Ostrovsky, the ex-Mossad man, who is publishing, from his refuge in Canada, nine measures of treacherous, hateful lies against Israel and its security arms, mixed with one measure of truth, which makes it even worse. Who knows better than I, having been the executive director of the Israeli Broadcasting Authority, that as Shnitser said, incitement to murder on the television screen is, from the beginning, an improper action?
I have told Ostrovsky in a telephone interview on "Popolitika" that I hoped the Mossad would eliminate him. Meir Shnitser, who is always ready to fight, in the name of freedom of speech, for the right of every Palestinian to preach for the destruction of the state of Israel, wants to prevent my right to express my opinion in public. Yes, I think Victor Ostrovsky should be eliminated. Not because of his opinions, but because of his actions. Not because he is the enemy of Israel, but because he is a traitor. And not because this would be a sweet revenge, but because for its own sake Mossad cannot afford to let someone who was its agent of his own free will profit from selling state secrets, even if most of the things he says are lies.
It would be preferable, of course, to kidnap Ostrovsky, as Eichman was kidnapped or as Vanunu was. To kidnap him and put him on trial and punish him according to the law. The tables could even be turned. In the early '50s the Israeli security forces found out that a Yugoslav Christian woman who had collaborated with the Nazis had married a Jew and come with him to Israel to escape the "Ozna," which was Tito's secret police.
Yugoslavia and Israel didn't have an extradition agreement. So the Israeli security service kidnapped the woman from her home in Israel and smuggled her onto a Yugoslav ship that happened, whether by accident or design, to be anchored in the Israeli port of Haifa. She stood trial in Yugoslavia and was found guilty of committing war crimes.
But you cannot always kidnap. Ostrovsky could not be kidnapped today from Ottawa. Even if it could be done, it would not be worthwhile to cause the disruption of relations between Israel and Canada.
But there are ways to do away with him. As the German scientists who helped Egypt were eliminated. As the Canadian ballistics expert, Gerald Bull, who tried to build a supergun for Saddam Hussain, was assassinated. As the murderers of our athletes in Munich were assassinated with the authorization of then-Prime Minister Golda Meir. As an Israeli commando unit eliminated, even before the creation of Israel, Nazis who were hiding in Germany and Austria.
It is, of course, not permissible to sanction an official institution to carry out assassinations without specific criteria. Without a thorough system and the approval of a ministerial body in charge of security matters. A man who could be brought to justice should not be eliminated.
Nor should a man be eliminated unless the security arms have proof beyond a reasonable doubt that the man is guilty of one of the following:
a) Collaboration in the genocide of the Jewish people.
b) A terrorist act against Israelis that has caused many deaths.
c) Collaboration with the enemy in creation of weapons that can endanger the existence of the state of Israel.
d) Treason that can cause damage to the state of Israel.
Ostrovsky belongs in the latter category.
In the mid-50s it was learned that Andrea Artukovich was living in Los Angeles. When he was the minister of interior in the Nazi puppet government of Croatia, he was personally responsible for the elimination of Croation Jewry.
In the heat of the Cold War the American government was not willing to extradite him into the hands of the communist Yugoslav government. As a Yugoslav expatriate I was deeply offended that such a war criminal was walking about freely. The thought that Artukovich would spend the rest of his life in America, while tens of thousands of Jews were buried in the death camps that he had built, was unbearable to me.
As I was a penniless young reporter for the newspaper *Ma'ariv*, I offered the editor to whom I was responsible, Shmuel Shnitser, a deal. If *Ma'ariv* would finance my travel to the United States, and my expenses there until I could kill Artukovich, *Ma'ariv* would have the scoop whether or not I was caught.
Shnitser said that he would consult with his friends. Several days later he informed me that my offer was turned down. The reason was that if it became known that a reporter for *Ma'ariv* had been sent on a murder mission, the newspaper would not be able to send another reporter anywhere in the world.
I regret that to this day.
Meir Shnitser would never understand this.
The Ostrovsky Files
Crash of Cargo Plane in Holland Revealed
Existence of Israeli Chemical and Biological Weapons Plant
By Victor Ostrovsky
December 1998, pages 19-20
On Oct. 4, 1992 a Tel Aviv-bound El Al cargo aircraft crashed into an apartment complex in Bijlmermeer, a neighborhood on the outskirts of Amsterdam a few minutes after takeoff from the nearby Shipol airport. The crash of the Boeing 747-200 killed 39 people on the ground and all four crew members.
The plane’s cargo was the subject of wide speculation for the next six years. The local media suspected something was not right when the crash site was cordoned off and access was limited to non-Dutch search teams in space suit-like protective gear.
At first the rumor was that there were radioactive materials on board, and radioactive traces continued to send Geiger counters off their scales long after the site was cleaned up. The Dutch government accepted the Israeli government’s explanation that radioactive counterweights were present in all early models of the 747s.
After the crash El Al representatives handed over to the Dutch authorities a revised cargo manifest which, sources now admit, included a variety of materials previously not disclosed. For some unexplained reason, the Dutch officials agreed to keep Israel’s secrets.
For years following the crash, however, residents of the surrounding neighborhoods displayed a uniquely high number of unusual ailments. But when they took to the media their inquiries as to whether the plane’s cargo could have contained health hazards, both the residents and the media were brushed off. Even though Dutch authorities knew what was on that plane, they preferred to lie to their own citizens rather than confront Israel.
Finally, on Oct. 1 of this year, the Dutch daily newspaper NRC Handelsblad reported it had obtained documents confirming that when the El Al flight crashed six years ago it had on board 190 liters of dimethyl methyl phosphonate (DMMP), a chemical used to produce Sarin, the nerve gas used to deadly effect by members of a religious cult on the Tokyo subway system.
The following day a spokesman for El Al, the Israeli national airline, confirmed that “the documentation states that DMMP was on the plane, that it was packed in accordance with the international regulations governing uplift of this material, and the document was signed by the captain stating that everything was in order prior to departure. All of these documents were turned over to the Dutch authorities after the accident.” It was further learned that the chemical in question was ordered by the Israeli biological institute in Nes Zionna. Finally, the jig was up.
Pre-Emptive Face-Saving
In an ironic attempt to save face, Israeli Transport Minister Shaul Yahalom ordered the Civil Aviation Authority to reopen its investigation into what the Boeing 747-200 was carrying. Shortly thereafter, Aviv Bushinsky, the spokesman for the office of the Israeli prime minister, stated that the chemical known as DMMP was not used for the manufacturing of nerve gas (which is illegal under all of the international treaties to which Israel is a signatory, but has never ratified), but instead is used in the testing of gas masks.
The Dutch paper said the chemical came from Solkatronic Chemicals Inc., an American company based both in Pennsylvania and at 30 Two Bridges Road, Fairfield, NJ 07004-1530. The newspaper also reported that the amount of DMMP on board the aircraft was enough to produce up to 594 pounds of Sarin, and that three of the four main components needed for Sarin production were on the plane.
Solkatronic vice president John Swanziger told an Israeli newspaper that the chemicals his company sold to the “Israel Institute for Biological Research” were not for testing gas masks and were, in fact, on a special restrictive list, requiring a license from the U.S. Department of Commerce for their sale. The license was provided to the company by the office of Israel’s prime minister prior to shipment.
Swanziger added that after the crash there was a second order which also was filled. The second order, however, was made by an Israeli gas mask manufacturer. He added that Israel was the only country outside the U.S. to which his company had ever sold DMMP, and that at the time he believed that the institute was a civilian rather than a military research facility.
In fact, however, the Israeli government has always regarded the Nes Zionna facility as one of its most closely kept military secrets. Israeli journalist Uzi Mahanimi wrote in the London Times that the plant at Nes Zionna first attracted unwanted scrutiny when the Dutch authorities confirmed that it was the intended destination of the DMMP shipment aboard the El Al plane that crashed. The plant, he wrote, manufactures not only chemical and biological weapons for use in bombs, but more unusual arms as well. It supplied the poison for last year’s assassination attempt by the Mossad, Israel’s equivalent of the CIA, on the life of Khaled Meshal, a Hamas Party leader in Jordan.
Mahanimi also attributed to official military sources a report that Israeli assault aircraft have been equipped to carry chemical and biological weapons manufactured at a top-secret institute near Tel Aviv. Crews of Israel’s F-16 fighters have been trained to mount an active chemical or biological weapon on the aircraft within minutes of receiving the command to attack.
Despite the fact that Israel has accused just about every country it regards as an enemy of developing chemical and biological weapons, it has never acknowledged its own programs to develop weapons of mass destruction. Yet a biologist who once held a senior post in Israeli intelligence told Mahanimi, “There is hardly a single known or unknown form of chemical or biological weapon…which is not manufactured at the institute.”
The institute, which covers 70 acres and is about to be expanded by as much as 20 percent, was founded in 1952 as a single building hidden in an orange grove. It is surrounded by a six-foot-high concrete wall topped with sensors that reveal the exact location of any intruder. However, the institute is omitted from all local and aerial survey maps.
The institute answers only to the office of the prime minister (as does Mossad), but professionally is under the direction of “REFAEL” (Rashut Pituach Amtsai Lechima). This is the weapons development authority, the umbrella agency for the weapons development in Israel.
Official publications disguise its more sinister activities, stating vaguely that the institute provides services to the defense ministry as well as chemicals for agriculture and research for civilian companies. When elected members of the Knesset (Israel’s parliament) foreign affairs and defense committee asked to visit the plant, however, they were denied access.
The mayor of Nes Zionna won a temporary injunction freezing the institute’s expansion plans. According to sources, four accidents in the plant have killed at least six workers, but detailed accounts of the accidents have been banned by military censors.
The secrets Israel holds behind the six-foot-high walls surrounding the complex are far darker then anyone can imagine. Professor Marcus Klingberg, who worked in the institute and was jailed some 20 years ago after being convicted of spying for the former Soviet Union, has finally been released, due to his medical condition. Even though it has been more than 20 years since he worked in the institute, his release was under the strictest stipulations. The 80-year-old man is not allowed out of his apartment except for a few hours a day, and he must pay the costs of two guards approved by Israel’s internal security service who are with him around the clock. He is not allowed to use the phone, make contact with the media or talk to anyone except for three approved people, his daughter, his grandson and a friend.
This surveillance is almost as strict as that under which he spent more than 10 years of his imprisonment. He was in a section of the Israeli prison system known as “the Xes.” There the prisoners are known only by a number. Their identities and even the fact that they are imprisoned are considered national secrets.
The fact that none of this detail has been covered in the U.S. mainstream media is testimony to the power of Israel’s U.S. lobby which, it seems, has enabled the Israeli government to get away with anything up to and including murder, over and over again.
So the next time someone shouts, “The sky is falling, the sky is falling,” Americans might well take a minute to look up. You never know what might be coming down.
Victor Ostrovsky, a former Mossad case officer, has written two books about his experiences, By Way of Deception: The Making and Unmaking of a Mossad Officer and The Other Side of Deception: A Rogue Agent Exposes the Mossad’s Secret Agenda.
Reproduced From:
Washington Report on Middle East Affairs
The Ostrovsky Files—Part 1
Israel's "False Information Affair" Sheds New Light On Troubled Israeli and U.S. Relations With Syria
By Victor Ostrovsky
JANUARY/FEBRUARY 1998, Pages 13-14
Someone once said that the shadow cannot stand alone. A single match, well placed, can make it disappear. When it comes to matters of intelligence, however, it may take a generation before that match is struck.
The simile is apt in the startling case of Yahuda Gill, a Mossad case officer who has been exposed as having fed totally false information about Syria to his superiors in Israel for 20 years. His fictitious reports once triggered a national mobilization in Israel. He apparently was exposed only because of the coincidental juxtaposition of two factors. First, officials of the American CIA complained that reports they were receiving about Syria from the Israeli government were radically different from those turned up by their own sources. Second, when outside investigators came into the Mossad to begin investigating the botched assassination attempt in Amman in October, Mossad officials began voicing their concerns about the Syrian "intelligence."
The need for reliable information is at the heart of any nation's security. The contemporary intelligence community gathers its information from various sources or, as they are known in the jargon, disciplines of intelligence. The larger part of the data is gathered by listening in on the enemy's communications and watching his movements from satellites or high-flying airplanes. That kind of intelligence describes precisely what is taking place in the field. But it offers no explanation as to the purpose of the action observed, or the intentions of those taking it.
If, for example, the Syrians decide to move a tank battalion from one location on their border with Israel to another, there is no way for the Israelis to know what are the Syrian intentions behind that move. That is where Humint (human intelligence) comes in. Even though the Humint discipline gathers less then 10 percent of the intelligence mass, it is the most significant part of the material. The other intelligence disciplines may supply the where and the when, but only the human agent who has access to the circle of decision-makers can provide the why.
As Israel's Humint agency, the Mossad is therefore its most important intelligence-gathering body. That is why the head of Mossad is also the head of the joint chiefs of intelligence. Realizing all that, one can understand the significance of what Israel's media have dubbed "the false information affair."
Gill's fictitious reports once triggered a national mobilization in Israel.
In December it was discovered that a veteran Mossad case officer (katsa, in Hebrew) had been feeding his superiors false information he supposedly had been receiving from a high-ranking Syrian agent he had been running for more than 20 years. As the information he was bringing in was considered of great value, the case officer, Yahuda Gill, was given large financial bonuses to pass on to the agent. Gill kept these for himself. Also, because of the stream of information he was providing, Gill had developed a reputation throughout the Mossad as a top case officer.
Gill is not the first Mossad katsa to pocket money meant for agents. I knew of several instances in which case officers were running agents who did not exist, and pocketing all the funds directed to those agents. The art of espionage, especially in the Humint aspect, is very delicate.
A katsa must make contact with a member of the enemy and convince him to betray his country. In order to do that, the katsa will try various methods. He may attempt to play on the target's ideological inclinations. A member of an oppressed minority is a particularly good candidate for such an approach.
In most cases, however, greed is the best lubricant to start a person's initial descent down the slippery slope of espionage. Once the agent had been recruited or hooked, and he starts to provide the information, he is financially rewarded. The higher his rank, the larger the sums he is given.
The agent is well aware of the hangman's noose hovering in his vicinity--and getting closer with every bit of information he sells to his katsa. It is only the trust he has in the case officer who recruited him that gives the agent the courage to keep on working. (It also is the fact that only the katsa enjoys that trust that gives the case officer latitude of action within his own agency.)
The most difficult phase in the running of an agent is when the need arises to change the katsa who is running him. It is at that point that the agent realizes he is a commodity, a tool. If until that moment he was under the illusion that it was close friendship with the case officer that underlay their mutually beneficial relationship, the change brings reality to bear.
There is always the risk that when such a switch is made the agent will stop cooperating and, as has happened many times, just not show up for the second meeting with his new case officer.
Preserving the Source
Therefore, when the agent is a high-ranking member of the enemy government or military establishment who has access to information Mossad deems important, the case officer will not be changed. Rather than risking the loss of the agent, the katsa will be left in place to keep working with him.
This was the case with Yahuda Gill. The agent he was running was of great significance and Gill told his superiors that the agent would not accept a change of case officers. So when it was time for Gill to retire in 1989, he was placed on a special contract to continue handling that particular agent.
That is standard operating procedure in the Mossad. In fact, many case officers who see retirement approaching get their good agents to "tell them" that they will not accept a change of katsas, thus guaranteeing themselves an all-expense-paid trip abroad every few months--a nice way to break up the humdrum of retired life.
How many of these agents are real is hard to tell. It is also a rule in the Mossad that, if the agent is of high enough rank, he can refuse a meeting with anyone except his own case officer. That means that there can be no second person present in the meeting.
Now that the Syrian case has become public, Mossad chiefs are saying that Gill refused to allow a second person in his meetings and that is why there was no way to verify what the agent was saying.
I know, however, that this is not true. In fact, in 1995 Yahuda's agent was brought secretly to Israel, where he was greeted as a hero and even taken on a helicopter tour of the country.
As to the allegation that Yahuda Gill was frustrated because he was not promoted, the facts are different. During his long career Yahuda Gill had refused at least three times to be advanced to a cushy desk job. It is ludicrous to hear his lawyer say now that he did what he did because of the frustration of being passed over in favor of younger members of the Mossad.
In fact, Yahuda Gill was a legend in the Mossad and, for that matter, in the larger intelligence community. He was commended over the years by every Mossad chief and by all of the heads of military intelligence for bringing in the goods. Gill could have had any job he wanted in the Mossad but, as he told other cadets and me when he was training us in the art of deception, he wanted to stay in the field.
Since now even he has admitted that he had been fabricating information for over 20 years, this contradicts his lawyer's statements. He had not been passed over 20 years ago.
Since Yahuda Gill's confession, leaders of Israel's intelligence community now are saying they did not believe the information he was bringing in. That is one of the strangest statements I have ever heard.
Here is a leading Mossad case officer who brings information, supposedly from the horse's mouth, that Syrian leaders do not really want peace and that they are preparing for war. The prime minister of Israel breaks off all peace talks with Syria because, he says, he has good reason to believe Syria does not really want peace.
Now they say they did not believe him? Who are they trying to fool? They grabbed every morsel of information Gill brought and regarded it as a gift from God. They planned their policies accordingly and were grateful to him for providing the rationale they needed to stop the peace negotiations.
Yahuda Gill, it turns out, was a right-wing zealot. (I was not aware of that at the time.) He was a card-carrying member of the extreme right-wing Moledet Party of Rehavam Ze'evy. (The party is also known in Israel as "the transfer party," as it advocates the forcible "transfer" of all Arabs from the occupied territories and from inside Israel's Green Line over the border and outside Israel.
Knowing Gill's political background and realizing also that he did not spend the money he received on behalf of his agents but kept it for himself, one has to wonder as to his reasons and motivations. (Gill says that "those who need to, know I did not spend the money.") Israel's leadership prefers that instead of examining those motives, the outside world should believe it was greed or frustration that motivated Gill to do what he did. They would prefer that we not think about the possibility that he provided his fellow right-wing zealots with the ammunition they needed to kill the peace process.
In fact, Yahuda Gill raised a false alarm in the late '70s that brought about a general mobilization and military call-up and almost started a war. He repeated the false alarm in 1986 and again in 1994. How many times does it take for the rest of the country to realize what is going on?
Members of the Mossad are saying now they have been suspicious of Gill since 1990. They will not say, however, why they didn't act until now. In fact, the false information Gill provided affected not only the Israeli outlook on the Middle East but U.S. policies toward the region as well.
As a recipient of Israeli intelligence, the U.S. intelligence community gave Mossad great credence. Thus the false information about Syria passed on by Israel greatly influenced American policies toward Syria as well. The resulting U.S. actions caused the Syrians, along with other Arab countries, to doubt U.S. integrity.
Realizing what has taken place, one cannot but wonder where Netanyahu got his "secret information" about Arafat's "support" of terrorism. The same doubts arise about persistent Israeli reports of the danger Iran poses for the world, along with Hamas and Hezbollah.
What is real in the Israeli intelligence briefings Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu is receiving and spreading around? And what is wishful thinking by right-wingers in the overlapping Israeli intelligence and military establishments, who would not be at all averse to involving Israel--and the United States--in yet another war against a Muslim nation, or nations, in the Middle East?
Victor Ostrovsky, a former Mossad case officer, has written two books about his experiences, By Way of Deception: The Making and Unmaking of a Mossad Officer and The Other Side of Deception: A Rogue Agent Exposes the Mossad's Secret Agenda. Both are available through the AET Book Club.
Reproduced From:
Washington Report on Middle East Affairs
The Ostrovsky Files—Part II
Commission Report Leaks Make Strong Case for Complicity of Shabak Officers in Rabin Assassination
By Victor Ostrovsky
JANUARY/FEBRUARY 1998, Pages 30, 111-112
On Nov. 5, 1995, a bullet fired by a Jewish zealot killed Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin and shattered the peace process. The darkness that followed covered not just the Middle East, but the hearts of honest people the world over. Hopes for peaceful coexistence in this blood-soaked region faded once more.
At first there was anger and shock, and the blame for the murder was laid squarely at the feet of Binyamin Netanyahu, leader of Israel's Likud Party, and his thugs, who had shamelessly accused Rabin of treason and of betraying Israel's security to perfidious terrorists.
Netanyahu, who had arrived at the center of the Israeli political arena with a shrouded personal history and questionable moral reputation, riding on the coattails of his dead brother, had the audacity to question Rabin's motivation. Netanyahu had seized control of the Likud Party by manipulation (initiating direct elections to choose party candidates for the Knesset, a method he now wants to change back as it no longer suits his needs). He was the same man who had participated shamelessly in demonstrations where his supporters carried Rabin's image in an SS uniform over the slogan "death to the traitor." He had inflamed Tel Aviv crowds with his promises to reverse the Oslo agreement and never to shake Arafat's hand. He did not even flinch when a mock coffin bearing Rabin's name was carried during one of his rallies only a few feet from where he stood shaking the hands of members of the chanting crowd.
Despite it all there was a link missing. True, there was little doubt that the killer drew his moral support from Netanyahu's declarations. There was little doubt that had the killer not known there existed an alternative to Rabin, willing to turn back the pages of history, there would be little point in killing the prime minister. But still there had to be more than that to accuse anyone of instigating the murder.
Further, for such an act to be successful there had to be a major flaw in the vast organization entrusted with protecting Israel's prime minister. There had to be a hole in the protective wall built around him by Israel's secret service, the Shabak. Or were reasonable people forced to conclude that the tragedy was simply the result of a series of unrelated misadventures?
Before Rabin's blood dried on the pavement, thousands of grieving Israelis found themselves out on the streets vowing to carry on the legacy of their fallen hero. They committed themselves not to let his dream die with him. They would hold on to the dream and not let his death be in vain. The killer was not going to stop the process and blow out the candle of hope.
Rabin's supporters were remorseful for sitting by idly as the warmongers of the Likud Party hounded the prime minister unrelentingly. They had demonstrated outside his house day and night, chanting, "Rabin traitor, Rabin murderer."
Labor Party leaders vowed that terror was not going to turn back the pages of history and that the peace process had gained a momentum that could not be stopped. But it was stopped--with the election of Binyamin Netanyahu in May 1996.
Background to Murder
The soil had been well cultivated to sprout the killer. The worst-case scenario had happened, and the pages of history were in fact turned back. Now the expectation of peace is but a fleeting memory, so far out of reach it is hard to believe it ever existed.
But it did. And until recently the things that took place to destroy it were only whispered about in back rooms of the security organizations.
Two years have passed since Rabin's murder, and increasingly it is clear that Rabin was not killed by a crazed zealot gunman alone. Rabin was murdered in a well-orchestrated assassination carried out by extremist right-wing officers of the Shabak. The man sitting in jail is only a puppet triggerman, the kind a clever agitator could get to do just about anything.
They killed Rabin because they knew that only he, with his military background and national stature, could beat Netanyahu. Labor could put forth no other leader to stop the young opportunist who would turn his facile tongue to any task that would advance his political career. With Rabin out of the way, Israel's dogs of war could scuttle the peace process and return "fortress Israel" to its glory.
They believed Netanyahu could drag his feet in endless and fruitless negotiations with the Palestinians over every inch of land, while at the same time cementing economic cooperation with the nations of the region to bolster Israel's economy.
More Than A Conspiracy Theory
A deluge of conspiracy theories follows just about every assassination of a national figure. In most cases the leader's own national security agency is blamed for the killing. More often than not these are just groundless speculations. In this scenario, however, there are far too many verified facts to be dismissed as accidental.
We would probably never have learned the secret details of the events that preceded the assassination, and of the players who participated in it, had it not been for Netanyahu's compulsion to deflect the blame from himself by laying it at the doorstep of the Shabak.
It is the prime minister of Israel, who inherited the leadership after causing the assassination, who has provided the missing links. In November, after his blunder in Amman, Netanyahu ordered secret segments of the findings of the Shamgar Commission that investigated the assassination of Rabin (the Israeli equivalent of the Warren Commission) made public in order to prove the responsibility of the Shabak for the murder. In fact, the committee's findings are astonishing.
While Rabin was on the stage, at the outdoor peace rally where he died, he was not wearing a bulletproof vest even though there were widely known threats against his life. The fact that Rabin personally refused to wear a vest does not remove the responsibility from the head of Shabak. The latter should have made it clear to his prime minister that without the vest he could not be protected and thus the head of Shabak would have to resign. That, however, did not take place.
While Rabin was on the stage there was an area behind it that was considered a secure zone. That area should have been kept empty of anyone who was not part of the entourage or a member of the security detail.
Rabin's car was parked within the secure zone. The standard procedure in such events is that when the police are informed by radio that the prime minister is on his way down from the stage, they increase their vigil and inform the prime minister's driver that his passenger is on his way. Then they clear the road for the PM's car.
All this is designed so that the PM spends as little time as possible exposed to danger, and moves as quickly as possible into his bullet-proof car and out of the danger zone.
For some reason that no one can explain to this day, Yigal Amir, carrying a gun and with no clearance tag, was allowed to enter the secure zone and was not challenged by the police or other members of the security service who were present. In fact, according to an amateur video taken of the secure zone (and which captured the entire assassination on tape), Amir was seen walking back and forth and raised enough suspicion for the photographer to zoom in on him and follow him around for several minutes. Rabin's driver later testified that the drivers, too, were suspicious of Amir.
Then, when Rabin started to make his way down, the police did not get the message that he was coming and his sudden appearance in the security zone surprised them. But not the killer.
Amir followed the prime minister, drew his gun and shot Rabin from behind at point-blank range, pointing his gun in such a way that even if Rabin had been wearing a bulletproof vest it would have made no difference.
Then, as Yigal Amir was firing the fatal shots, someone in the immediate vicinity shouted, "Blanks, blanks!"
These words, heard by many in the secure zone, including Mrs. Leah Rabin, the PM's wife, are the most troubling bit of evidence pointing to Shabak's involvement in the chain of events.
Seconds later, after the assassin was wrestled to the ground, Mrs. Rabin was whisked away to a separate location by her Shabak bodyguards, who told her it was all just a training exercise. It was some time later that she was taken to the hospital where her husband lay dead.
Shabak's Modus Operandi
To understand the significance of these events, one has to understand the modus operandi of the Shabak. When dealing with potential terrorists, as was the case with the Jewish underground in Israel's earliest days and again since Israel's occupation of the West Bank, the Shabak will allow or even encourage the terrorists to take action. That is regarded as a controlled release of hostile energy.
The assumption is that there is a subcurrent in the population that is militant in its nature and that, sooner or later, will produce an act of terror. As there is no way for the security services to be everywhere at all times, they infiltrate the movement and then bring about the anticipated terrorist action when and where it is most convenient for the security services to act.
As they are "in on the act," the security service, i.e. the Shabak, can replace the real bullets with blanks or, as in the case of the Jewish underground, replace live explosives with duds. The Shabak believes that in doing so it creates the cause for an arrest while preventing an actual act of terrorism.
In the case of the Rabin assassination, however, Shabak seems to have been much more involved than it now cares to admit.
The key player in this dreadful chain of events was an extremist right-wing activist named Avishai Raviv. The Shabak recruited Raviv after Rabbi Meir Kahane's Kach Party, to which Raviv belonged, was outlawed in Israel. Raviv, code-named Champagne, was instructed to start an activist right-wing cell and to gather the free-lance elements of the outlawed party around him.
He was given almost total immunity from prosecution for any illegal actions he might take, and he was provided with funds to carry out the plan. His first creation was an organization called YFJ, for "Young Fascist Jews." That organization advocated the expulsion of all Arabs from the undivided land of Israel and carried out occasional raids on Arab villages under the cover of darkness. During such raids, car tires were slashed and any Palestinians the raiders encountered would be beaten.
However, since the organization attracted only what the Shabak regarded as small potatoes, it eventually was dismantled.
Raviv went on working, however. This time, attempting to be more sophisticated, he created a new organization called Aiyal, an acronym for National Jewish Organization.
It was informer Raviv and his group who printed and distributed the infamous poster of Rabin in an SS uniform. They also were the ones who carried the mock coffin with Rabin's name on it during the Likud rallies. In fact, Netanyahu admitted recently, he remembers seeing Raviv standing by the speaker's podium inflaming the crowds with hateful rhetoric during an earlier election campaign appearance.
One of Raviv's new recruits was Yigal Amir, who had been working for the security services for several years before the assassination. He also had undergone security and weapons training by the Shabak prior to his stint as a Hebrew teacher in an eastern European country.
He had been sent there under the auspices of the Native organization, a Mossad front group created in the midst of the Cold War as an underground railway for Jews from the Soviet bloc who wanted to immigrate to Israel.
Amir and Raviv became almost inseparable companions. There are several witnesses who swear Amir told Raviv on more than one occasion that he wanted to kill Rabin, and that Raviv agreed it was a good idea.
All of these are details released from the secret part of the commission's report. Raviv's handlers, however, deny he told them about Amir's plans.
From my personal experience with Israel's secret organizations, however, I am quite sure Raviv confided in his handler. The handler, in turn, reported the information to his boss who, in turn, brought it up in the weekly policy meeting of the Shabak's top brass.
There, I believe, it was decided that Champagne should encourage Amir to carry out his plan and that Champagne should be the one to provide Amir with the weapon and the opportunity, thus creating a controlled release of hostility.
They agreed that once this action had been attempted but prevented there would be many more funds allocated to the protection of national leaders. Further, the Shabak's warning that there could be a Jewish assassin would no longer fall on deaf ears.
From this point things started to go awry. Someone in that meeting saw the opportunity to clear the way for the Likud to return to government. All that had to be done was replace the blanks Amir would have in his gun (he would believe he had real bullets) with real bullets and the job would be done.
Amir was instructed by Raviv to appear at a given time with the gun at the secure zone where someone--still unknown--let him in. It was probably the same man who believed it was all an exercise and who shouted "blanks, blanks!" when he heard the shots. Unfortunately, they were the real thing, and an era came to an end.
It appears that history can be turned back, and what appeared to be light at the end of the tunnel was extinguished by the winds of religious and nationalistic fanaticism.
In the two years since the assassination Netanyahu has bludgeoned the peace accord. But still he shook Arafat's hand and grudgingly returned most of Hebron to the Palestinians, while trying hard to scuttle the rest of the Oslo peace plan.
But there remain those Israeli right-wingers who have already tasted blood and have discovered a method to make murder work to their advantage.
They already have called Netanyahu a traitor and worse. In late November, several zealots, Netanyahu's former supporters, were arrested while hanging posters of him wearing Arab headgear. I hope he sleeps well at night.
And just to make a point...
What would you think if you heard that Lee Harvey Oswald had worked for the FBI at one point, and that he was getting his instructions from a known FBI informant who was on the FBI payroll when Kennedy was killed? And that the informant had been instructed by the FBI to agitate and bring about an act of terror that the FBI could control by switching the bullets with blanks. And then you heard that one of the secret service officers guarding the president had shouted "blanks, blanks!" as the assassination occurred, and that the president's wife had been told it was an exercise.
Would you still believe the lone gunman theory? That's exactly what Israelis are asked to believe in the assassination of Yitzhak Rabin.
Victor Ostrovsky, a former Mossad case officer, has written two books about his experiences, By Way of Deception: The Making and Unmaking of a Mossad Officer and The Other Side of Deception: A Rogue Agent Exposes the Mossad's Secret Agenda.
Reproduced From:
Washington Report on Middle East Affairs
OCTOBER/NOVEMBER 1999, page 27
The Ostrovsky Files
Buffeted by False Media Accusations, Former Mossad Case Officer Ostrovsky Starts His Own Web Site
By Victor Ostrovsky
Last Aug. 9, Ehud Ya’ari of Israel’s state-run television reported on the “Mabat” evening news the content of an interview I supposedly had given to British writer Gordon Thomas. The interview, according to Ehud Ya’ari, had been carried several days earlier in the Saudi-owned weekly Al Wasat, published in London. In the article Mr. Thomas allegedly quoted me as saying that I had volunteered to testify on behalf of the two Libyans accused of bombing Pan American Flight 103 over Lockerbie, Scotland on Dec. 21, 1988.
Ya’ari went on to say I had told Thomas that I knew the Mossad was aware of the bombing plan, but that it had consciously decided not to pass the information on to the Americans. Thomas apparently had suggested that I had told lawyers representing the Libyans that I would not agree to come to Holland to testify, and therefore arrangements would be made to take my testimony via closed circuit television.
To add credibility to the story as presented on Israeli television, old footage of me answering questions was run in the background while Ya’ari provided the narrative voice-over. Now the story, which apparently was plucked by Gordon Thomas out of thin air, had legs.
Not to be outdone, the Israeli print media picked it up and published it. And, even though most of the reporters on the major Israeli newspapers have ways of reaching me—which they do regularly when they have a breaking story about Israeli intelligence and they need real background information—not one of them took the precaution of checking with me to see if there was even a kernel of truth in the report about the “interview” that never happened. Ironically, the gullible journalists who picked up the story were the same ones who, only a few months earlier, had branded that same Gordon Thomas a liar and a fool after he published his book about the Israeli secret service entitled Gideon’s Spies: The Secret History of the Mossad.
The Israeli journalists had interviewed most of the people Thomas quoted in his book and the journalists turned into front-page news any denials they received of the accuracy of Thomas’ reports. I, for one, was not at all impressed with his understanding of the Mossad, not to mention some of his assertions. But by spinning a web of lies about me, someone Israelis love to hate, Thomas suddenly became a good media source.
Despite my firm denials, these stories simply refuse to die.
When I heard about the report on Israeli television I called Ehud Ya’ari at his home in Israel and explained to him that I had never spoken to Gordon Thomas and that at no time had I volunteered my services to the defense attorneys for the Libyans accused of the bombing.
I made it very clear to Mr. Ya’ari that the “interview” was all a fabrication, and I explained to him that if I knew of such a conspiracy by the Mossad I would not wait for a trial to make it public. I asked that he retract the story or, at the very least, report my statement that the interview never took place.
His answer surprised me almost as much as did his original report. “You need to take it up with Al Wasat,” he told me. “I only quoted them. If they will retract it, I will broadcast that.”
Meantime the story was making waves in Israel and threatening to cross over to Europe and the U.S. I called a variety of news organizations and warned them about this baseless tale. For the most part they assured me that if the source was Gordon Thomas, I had little to worry about.
In fact this was not the first time this story had made its way to the press. Several months earlier, at the urging of a friend, I agreed to an interview with Washington, DC writer Russell Warren Howe. He asked me over and over about the Pan Am 103 explosion and wanted to know if it was at all possible that the Mossad was somehow involved. I repeated to him what I had said many times previously: That I had no information on the matter and would not be willing to speculate.
Howe asked me if I would be willing to testify in a trial if one were held. I said that if asked I would consider it, though I did not see the point, since I knew nothing about the tragedy.
Mass Circulation
It was not long after that that Howe wrote the story that eventually made its way to Israeli television’s news. He apparently sold the tale to the Lebanese daily newspaper Al Hayat, which has the same ownership as the weekly Al Wasat, and also to The Guardian in England.
I complained to The Guardian’s publisher that the report was not accurate. Howe then wrote a retraction, saying that he might not have understood me and therefore had expressed his own views, not my words.
Not long after that I was called by a Mr. McNamara, the security chief for Mohammed Al Fayed, the Egyptian-born owner of Harrod’s department store in London and the Ritz Hotel in Paris. McNamara told me that he understood from a Gordon Thomas that I had information that might implicate the Mossad in the accident in which Princess Diana and El Fayed’s son, Dodi, were killed in Paris. McNamara told me that Mr. Thomas said I was hiding somewhere in South America and that he could act as the contact.
I made it clear to Mr. McNamara that I had never met Mr. Thomas, that I was not represented by Mr. Thomas or Mr. Howe, and that I had no knowledge of Mossad involvement in either the Pan Am 103 tragedy or the fatal auto crash in Paris.
Despite my best efforts and firm denials these stories, which undoubtedly sell magazines, simply refuse to die. And, by creating rumors which then must be put to rest, they further muddy the murky waters in which Mossad operates.
As a result of this on-going fiasco, I have started a Web site of my own at < >. Should Washington Report readers hear a story about me they wish to verify, or wish to ask me a question, I invite them to send it to < >.
Victor Ostrovsky, a former Mossad case officer, has written two books about his experiences, By Way of Deception: The Making and Unmaking of a Mossad Officer and The Other Side of Deception: A Rogue Agent Exposes the Mossad’s Secret Agenda .
Reproduced From:
Washington Report on Middle East Affairs
Book Review
The Other Side of Deception: A Rogue Agent Exposes the Mossad's Secret Agenda
By Victor Ostrovsky. HarperCollins Publishers, Inc. (New York) 1994, 315 pp. List: $24; AET: $18 for one, $24 for two.
Reviewed by Andrew I. Killgore
April/May 1995, Page 58, 81
Mossad case officer Victor Ostrovsky was in Larnaca, Cyprus in 1980 on an operation involving cooperation with Belgian authorities to halt shipments of arms by leftist Belgians to Palestinians. One night in the hotel he decided, on his
own, to strike up an acquaintance with a Palestinian businessman from Amman who had just arrived from Libya.
To Ostrovsky's surprise, the Palestinian described to him a Mossad scheme to force down a plane flying top Palestine Liberation Organization leaders from Tripoli, Libya, to Lebanon. The Israeli intelligence agency's plan to capture PLO leaders would fail, the Palestinian businessman told Ostrovsky, because the PLO was aware of the Mossad's plan. Ostrovsky tried to warn his superiors that the Palestinians had knowledge of the plan, but failed to reach them in time to halt it.
The Palestinian, as it turned out, was right. When Israeli aircraft forced the small plane to land in Israel, the PLO leaders were not aboard, and the Israeli act of aerial piracy over international waters caused it great embarrassment.
Somehow the blame for that embarrassment fell on Ostrovsky, however, because he had broken Mossad rules in cultivating the Palestinian. His superiors chose to believe that his conversation with the Palestinian was the reason for their failure.
From that day forward, Ostrovsky was a marked man within the Mossad. At that point in his plummeting career as an Israeli spy, according to Ostrovsky's own account, he agreed to work with higher ranking Mossad officers (whether they were still in or outside the agency is hazy) to thwart hard-liners within Mossad who were planning, among other things, to arrange the assassination in southern Lebanon in 1982 of a relatively moderate Mossad director-designate to prevent his taking office.
That's how Ostrovsky, whose first book about life within the Mossad was By Way of Deception, begins his second book, The Other Side of Deception.
The author and his co-conspirators set out to discredit the Mossad-as-is by revealing its dirty tricks to the intelligence services of other nations, and to replace it with something less repulsive. They walk a fine line between hurting Mossad without harming Israel. In fact the conspirators seem dedicated to Israel, although the Canadian-born author eventually describes Israel, where he was raised by his grandparents, as "a nightmare of prejudice, wallowing in racism and waving the white and blue flag of oppression."
The Israeli government inadvertently boosted sales of Ostrovsky's first book by attempting, in vain, to suppress its publication in Canada, to which Ostrovsky had fled and where he had gone into hiding. The grisly picture of Mossad dirty tricks painted in his second book by Ostrovsky's almost novelistic writing style, plus a human reluctance to accept that anybody could be that bad, may leave the reader wondering, "Can all this really be true?"
For this reviewer the answer was supplied by Ostrovsky's account of Mossad's assassination of a German politician named Uwe Barschel. The account in his book, completed early in 1994, was confirmed in chilling detail in a January 1995 Washington Post article datelined Berlin and based upon German, Spanish and Swiss police investigations of the murder, and the possible motives for it.
According to Ostrovsky, Barschel, the premier of the north German state of Schleswig-Holstein, adamantly refused in 1987, during the Iran-Iraq war, to allow Israeli arms for Iran to be shipped from Schleswig-Holstein ports. Subsequently, he was accused, falsely it now appears, by one of his press aides of authorizing dirty tricks against his political rivals. Although Barschel asserted his innocence, he was forced to resign, leaving his career in ruins. Barschel, who had a wife and four children, then traveled to the Canary Islands (shades of publisher Robert Maxwell, who also ran afoul of Mossad, according to Ostrovsky, and came to an untimely end there).
In the case of Barschel, according to both Ostrovsky and the subsequent Washington Post account, the disgraced politician was lured to Geneva by a telephone call he received in the Canary Islands from a Robert Roloff (according to Barschel's widow, who insists that her husband was murdered) or Robert Oleff (according to Ostrovsky) who promised to provide Barschel information that could clear his name. Immediately after his arrival in Switzerland, however, Barschel was found dead and fully clothed in his Geneva hotel bathtub. His death was ruled a suicide at the time.
But the Post article reports that the case has been re-opened as a murder investigation because of evidence that "a third party" may have been involved and that the overdose of sedatives found in Barschel's stomach may actually have been forced through a tube inserted down his throat after he was dead. Just who the third party who went to such lengths to make a murder look like a suicide might be is unclear. The Israeli government, however, has issued a "formal denial" that it was involved. But in a Middle East where the "opposite test" rule is often applied, a denial, especially if it is "formal," is widely accepted as confirmation that the opposite is true.
In addition to his insider's account of how deaths such as Barschel's occur, Ostrovsky's assessments of the Palestinian, British, Soviet, Jordanian and other intelligence services make exciting reading: A personal touch is added by the fact that Ostrovsky constantly looks over his shoulder for "hit men." As others have corroborated, Mossad may not be very good overall at assembling and assessing intelligence, but it excels at assassination.
Among other kinds of dirty tricks in which Mossad also specializes, Ostrovsky asserts that it doctored the file of then-U.N. Secretary-General Kurt Waldheim to implicate him in Nazi crimes. The doctored file subsequently was "discovered" by then-Israeli Ambassador to the United Nations Benyamin Netanyahu to smear Waldheim.
The reason? Israel was unhappy with Waldheim's criticism of Israeli activities in southern Lebanon. (This is chillingly reminiscent of the great Hannah Arendt's memorable rumination on the "banality of evil" in her monumental Eichmann in Jerusalem.)
Ostrovsky also charges that Mossad framed Libya in the April 5, 1986 bombing of the West Berlin discothèque in which two U.S. servicemen and a Turkish woman were fatally injured. The background was that by planting an unmanned radio of its own in Libya, Mossad broadcast fraudulent orders for terrorist attacks to Libyan embassies around the world. Although the orders were rejected as false by the Spanish and French intelligence services, they were picked up and accepted as real by U.S. intelligence. As a consequence Libya was blamed by the U.S. for the La Belle discothèque attack. Ironically, according to Ostrovsky, even Mossad had no clue as to whom the real culprits were.
The tragic implication of the U.S. acceptance at face value of the intercepted radio signals rejected by the French and Spaniards is that American intelligence has been "conditioned" to accept as true anything that Israel claims. The subsequent American aerial attack on Tripoli, in which an adopted daughter of Muammar Qaddafi and American airmen were killed, seems to be one of the most obvious and extreme cases of the Israeli tail wagging the American dog.
Particularly shocking to American readers is Ostrovsky's claim that a right-wing clique within Mossad decided, unbeknownst to then-Prime Minister Yitzhak Shamir, to assassinate President George Bush when the president was in Madrid at the end of October 1991 for the opening of Arab-Israeli peace talks. Evidence was to be manufactured implicating the Palestinians. The clique believed that Shamir would have ordered the assassination himself if he hadn't been gagged by "politics" because the American president had frozen U.S. loan guarantees to Israel.
Three named Palestinian extremists were "taken" from Beirut to Israel's Negev desert and held incommunicado, according to Ostrovsky. Meanwhile Mossad-generated threats on the president's life, seemingly from Palestinians, were leaked. These were designed to throw suspicion on the organization of rogue Palestinian terrorist Abu Nidal. Names and descriptions of the three terrorists were leaked to Spanish police so that, if the plot was successful, blame would automatically fall on them.
Eventually, however, the assassination plot was called off, for reasons Ostrovsky does not explain. In a grisly conclusion to the story, however, the three Palestinian prisoners met the fate that had been decreed for them from the time the plot was hatched. In the Negev hideout where they were being held they were "terminated," to employ Ostrovsky's chilling word.
Ostrovsky also charges that Mossad murdered British press magnate Robert Maxwell, whose body was recovered from the seas around the Canary Islands. (At the time Maxwell had overextended his media empire by entering the successful bid, for which he couldn't come up with the cash, to buy The New York Daily News.)
And, as has been widely speculated in the press, Mossad murdered Gerald Bull in Brussels when the Canadian engineer rejected Israeli demands that he cease work for Iraq during the Iraq-Iran war on a super long-range gun.
Author Ostrovsky is not kind to his fellow North American Jews. He says Mossad divides them into three categories. First are the sayanim , volunteer spies for Israel. Second is the Israel lobby, which follows Mossad's guidance. And third is B'nai B'rith, which can be relied upon to "tarnish as anti-Semites whomever they can't sway to the Israeli cause." (The recent statement by Israeli journalist and ex-Mossad agent Josef Lapid on Canadian television that Mossad shouldn't have to assassinate Ostrovsky since some Canadian Jew surely could be found to do the job lends credence to this classification.)
The Other Side of Deceptionis a fast-paced, exciting book. On one level it can be read simply as a first-person adventure tale of one man dodging and running for his life from a bunch of killers justifiably famed for their competence at their trade. But what makes the narration totally absorbing is the realization that The Other Side of Deception is not a novel, but essentially true.
At a more cerebral level, the book also depicts Israeli officials and their American partisans as neither idealistic nor boring collectivist automatons, as depicted by the American media, but rather as fascinating, but dangerously misguided, individuals who are a menace to themselves and to all who choose to identify with them.
The Other Side of Deceptionis far more than information excitingly packaged. It is an insider's probing exposé of some Middle East realities that have been hidden too long from all but Israeli eyes.
Andrew I. Killgore is the publisher of the Washington Report on Middle East Affairs.
Reproduced From:
Washington Report on Middle East Affairs
Mossad's Use of Canadian Passports: Two Reports
Canadian Press Calls for Inquiry into Allegations Regarding Mossad Use of Passports
By Faisal Kutty
JANUARY/FEBRUARY 1998, Pages 26-27
Until last Sept. 25 a Canadian passport was considered one of the safest travel documents available. That was the day on which members of a Mossad assassination squad using altered passports of Canadian Jewish residents of Israel botched an attempt to murder Khaled Meshal, the political chief of the Hamas Islamic movement, in Amman. Now, according to Canadian press reports, including an article titled "Are Canadians in Jeopardy?" in Maclean's, Canadians traveling in the Middle East are already encountering difficulties.
The failed mission carried out on Jordanian territory had the blessings of Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu, who accepted "final responsibility" for the decision. The murder bid not only strained relations with Israel's friendliest Arab neighbor, it also raised concerns in Canada. Canada's Foreign Affairs Minister Lloyd Axworthy reacted by recalling Canada's ambassador, David Berger, on Oct. 2. David Viveash, Canadian chargé d'affaires in Tel Aviv, said "the whole affair has raised a number of questions for Canada." One concern was how Israel's Mossad came into possession of Canadian passports. According to Viveash, Canada has "protested vigorously" the use of Canadian passports by counterintelligence agents for the past 30 years.
The Mossad obviously concluded that the protests did not apply to Israel. Canadian journalists learned that Canadian immigrants to Israel are routinely asked to turn over their passports for Mossad use. Norman Spector, the first Jewish Canadian to serve as ambassador to Israel (from 1992 to 1995), confirmed this but then alleged that Canadian authorities are aware of it and turn a blind eye. In a series of media statements bound to complicate the lives of hundreds of Canadians living and working in 45 Muslim countries around the globe, Spector suggested that Canada's intelligence service actively cooperates with Israeli agents. He told the Toronto Star that "there has been an attempt to sort of cover up all of this right from the beginning."
Spector, who now is the publisher of the Jerusalem Post, claimed in numerous media interviews and in his columns in the Jerusalem Post and the Globe and Mail that he knows from experience that there is extensive "active" cooperation between Mossad and the Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS). Even chargé d'affaires Viveash admitted that the CSIS is "in touch" with its Israeli counterpart and cooperates with it in combatting terrorism, drug traffic and other crimes. He told the Jerusalem Post that "Canada has security cooperation with a number of allies."
Arab Canadian groups have been complaining for some time about that close cooperation. Immigration Canada uses information supplied by Mossad, which is known to plant disinformation for political purposes, in considering refugee and immigration claims from Israel and Palestine. Spector seemed to confirm this in his Nov. 7 column in the Globe and Mail when he wrote:
Canadian immigrants to Israel are routinely asked to turn over their passports for Mossad use.
"For its part, Canada is reluctant to have it known that the Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS) shares information with its counterparts around the world, including with Israel's Mossad. Most of the information provided by Israel is routine, although it can be very helpful in rooting out terrorists and other undesirable elements who wish to take advantage of Canada's liberal immigration policies. On occasion, however, the information can be especially valuable. Israel has supplied information in the past that allowed Canadian authorities to uncover spies operating in Canada. Israeli operational agents have been given to understand that the use of Canadian passports is the quid pro quo."
Foreign Minister Axworthy, who is on record as stating that CSIS shares information with Mossad about terrorism but "does not undertake any kind of overseas operation," has brushed aside Spector's comments as irresponsible and threatening the safety of Canadians abroad.
But Spector won't be shushed. "It goes beyond information sharing," claims Spector. "There are joint operations." He has reported, for instance, that there was a CSIS operative working for him at the Tel Aviv embassy and that he was a witness to "a lot" of CSIS activities. Spector, who also served as former Prime Minister Brian Mulroney's chief of staff, said that Canadians do not know of Canada's obligations pursuant to its commitments at the Sharm el-Sheikh anti-terrorism summit in March 1996.
Some Canadian commentators suggest that 48-year-old Spector's aim is to embarrass the current government and sell his newspaper, which has a circulation of 30,000. The first charge is leveled because he was removed from his post as ambassador to Israel by the incoming Liberal government in 1995 to make room for its own political appointee. Spector claims that his objective in "coming out" is to ensure that Foreign Minister Axworthy does not get away with "pulling the wool over Canadians' eyes." He told the Toronto Star that he is driven by his new vocation as a journalist whose role is "exposing lies, writing about the facts and gaining a hearing for one's views."
Spector appears to tailor his comments to suit his readers, however. In his columns in Canada and comments to Canadian journalists, he gives the impression that he is concerned about Canada's interests. He goes so far as to suggest that Israel has not apologized properly and has not given its commitment not to use Canadian passports.
When he addresses Israeli audiences, however, Spector appears to justify the use of Canadian passports. For instance, he told the Jerusalem Post that Canada's reaction to the passport fiasco raises questions as to Prime Minister Chrétien's commitments made at the Sharm el-Shaikh anti-terrorism summit in March 1996. He also pointed out that Canadian passports were used to rescue U.S. diplomats from Tehran in the 1980s. "If Israel had asked Canada for permission to use its passports in an anti-Hamas operation, would it have complied?" Spector asked rhetorically to the Jerusalem Post. "Is Canada with us or against us?"
Some observers, including the Toronto Star, are calling on the government to order a parliamentary inquiry into Spector's allegations. The Security Intelligence Review Committee (SIRC), a watchdog agency set up to monitor the activities of CSIS, has asked CSIS to respond to the allegations. If Spector's allegations that CSIS participated in "overt" operations with the Mossad are true, notes Ron Atkey, a former head of the SIRC, the CSIS has acted illegally.
Mossad's Use of Canadian Passports Quickly Forgiven
By John Dirlik
The use of forged Canadian passports by Israeli agents in their September assassination attempt on a Hamas leader in Jordan initially prompted a stern rebuke from Ottawa. In an unprecedented move, Canada's ambassador to Israel, David Berger, was recalled home, and his Israeli counterpart was called in by senior foreign affairs officials to express Canada's anger.
"We take great exception to the use of the reputation of Canadian passports for these sorts of things," said Foreign Minister Lloyd Axworthy, who said Canada did not rule out other "options" like economic sanctions and imposing visa requirements on Israeli visitors. "Let's come to a clear understanding that it will not be done again," Axworthy said. "And I want some satisfaction on that before Mr. Berger will return."
But despite the tough talk, less than a week later the foreign minister announced in the House of Commons that he accepted what he called a letter of "apology" from his counterpart, Israeli Foreign Minister David Levy, paving the way for the return of Ambassador Berger to the Jewish state. Axworthy refused to table the letter or divulge its contents, citing diplomatic protocol. "The [Israeli] minister first apologized for the fact that any misuse of our passports may have caused inconvenience or problems of safety for any Canadian citizens," said Axworthy. "Second, [Levy] agreed that Israel now undertake measures to ensure it will never happen again."
Opposition leaders in Ottawa expressed dissatisfaction with Levy's response, especially after a spokesman for the Israeli Foreign Minister said that the letter was not a "direct apology" but rather an "expression of regret." Preston Manning of the Reform Party said Levy's remarks were "unacceptable to Canada" and urged Prime Minister Jean Chrétien to press Netanyahu for a clear and unequivocal position. The harshest rebuke came from NDP leader Alexa McDonough, who complained that "our Canadian passport has become the passport of preference for international terrorists." She said that it's "puzzling" the prime minister was not demanding an "absolute assurance" that Israel will never again "rip off Canadian passports for terrorist purposes."
Responding to charges that Israel's actions compromised the safety of Canadians in the Middle East, Axworthy insisted he had made it clear to Arab nations that the passports were forgeries and that Canada had no involvement whatsoever in the operation.
That reassurance did not satisfy some Canadians working in the area, who have reported being accosted by suspicious Jordanians. "It's not the governments I have to deal with," said Ann Kindrachuck, a consultant for the Canada Fund. "It's regular people...who just know that somehow Canada was involved in this affair. They are not going to pick up the finer points of statements in Ottawa about forged documents. All they know is that a group of people with Canadian passports have been found to be Israeli agents."
The Israeli letter was not a "direct apology" but rather an "expression of regret."
Sandra Ballantyne, a physiotherapist in the West Bank, put it this way. "I think Israel treated Canada like dirt here...If they're going to go around killing people, they have no right to get us involved in their filth."
Both Canadians said their safety was further jeopardized when Norman Spector, a former Canadian ambassador to Israel, speculated there was Canadian complicity in the forged passport affair. Spector who, like current Ambassador Berger, is Jewish, is the publisher of the Jerusalem Post. He charged that the Canadian government has known for years its passports were being used by Mossad, but chose to "turn a blind eye" because it receives valuable information from Mossad such as background checks on would-be immigrants.
"You have to pay for that information, primarily by trading information," Spector said. "Canada doesn't have much information to share, and so it had to get involved in joint operations." Spector conceded, however, that Canadian officials would not have been aware that forged passports would be used in any assassination attempt.
The incident in Amman was not the first time that Israeli agents have been caught using Canadian passports. The first time was in Lillehammer, Norway, when Israeli agents shot to death a Moroccan waiter they mistook for a Palestinian they believed was involved in the 1972 killing of Israeli athletes in Munich. At that time Canada sought--and received--assurances from Israel that its passports would not be used again.
Satisfactory Assurances?
At a news conference in Jerusalem, Axworthy and Levy were asked by reporters why Canada should believe Israel's pledges now when it had not kept them in the past. Axworthy responded he was satisfied with Israel's assurances because they have been translated into "specific actions," referring to Levy's promise that Israel would hold an inquiry on the Amman affair.
For his part, Levy avoided the question and instead cited Israel's "unique situation" as a country plagued by terrorist attacks. Seeming to imply that Canada had not done enough to fight terrorism, Levy said that "We repeatedly turn to governments to prevent the capacity of these [organizations] from acting against us, but we are not always successful, and we are sometimes forced to take our own actions to protect our own citizens."
In the meantime, Canada's ambassador to Israel was back at his post, saying it's time to resume "business as usual." Speaking to reporters on his arrival at Ben-Gurion Airport, David Berger said, "We consider the matter closed."
Faisal Kutty is a Toronto-based lawyer and free-lance writer.
John Dirlik, a free-lance writer based in Quebec, writes on Canadian and Middle Eastern affairs.
Reproduced From:
Washington Report on Middle East Affairs
Our last speaker will be introduced by a very distinguished and interesting gentleman known to many of you over the years as a maverick Republican, a liberal Republican, a pain in the Republican butt, but always a Republican, and a great figure from the state of California, a great former Marine from the Korean War. He holds two Purple Hearts and a Silver Star and a man of great moral conviction and courage, the Honorable Pete McCloskey.
It is my privilege to introduce to you one of the most exciting speakers on this continent, Victor Ostrovsky. But before I do I want to tell you a story that Willis Carto gave me permission to tell you about the meaning of Spotlight and one great achievement of Spotlight.
It’s a story of the USS Liberty that, some of you may remember, in 1967 was attacked by the Israeli Navy, torpedo boats - aircraft. Suffered the casualties of over 190 young sailors, and a ship that was literally unarmed; it was a surveillance ship off the Egyptian and Israeli coast during the 1967 War. Israeli planes machine gunned it, torpedoed it from torpedo boats, and when they lowered lifeboats, machine gunned the lifeboats. The intent, that there would be no survivors. The boat did survive, limped back to port. The story was covered up. Lyndon Johnson had ordered airplanes to support it. When he learned that it was an Israeli attack the airplanes were withdrawn. The U.S. Navy covered up the story for many years, dispersed the crews and were told not to discuss it. You can imagine this crew in 1967 having suffered probably more casualties than any naval engagement since the battle off Guadalcanal of the Solomon Islands. They were devastated by the fact that nobody recognized them.
One day a little town up in Wisconsin in a town called Grafton, a town north of Milwaukee of twenty-thousand people, they were conducting what is fairly rare in America. They wanted to have more libraries, unlike turning away and closing libraries, the city of Grafton determined that they would have a library. They put out a fund-raising effort. They brought in a professional that told them, “If you’re going to raise three-million dollars for a library you’ve got to find somebody that will give a half of a million dollars. Then you get so many gifts at one-hundred thousand dollars, so many at ten-thousand, and you raise the money like that.” You all probably have been involved in that kind of campaign for the YMCA or something in your own community. So they said, “How do we get this half of a million dollars?”
There were two old men that came over to this country in the early part of this century. They had founded a machine tool shop that had become successful. All during the depression the Grob Brothers, G R O B, the Grob Brothers did two things. They read Spotlight every week and they also, whenever the town or the community needed money, would give the money - such as a little league baseball team, nursing home, new wing for the hospital. The Grob brothers were the heart and soul of the town of Grafton, Wisconsin. Well they got Mr. Grob, one of the Grobs, to pledge the half million dollars. They went to him and said, “Well Mr. Grob, do you want to call this new library the Theodore Grob Memorial Library?” He said, “No!” He had been reading in SpotLight about the USS Liberty and the injustice. He said, “I want to name it the USS Liberty Memorial Library.”
It caused an international sensation. They had just dedicated the Golda Meir Library of Milwaukee. The entire Jewish community rose up and said, “We can’t have a USS Liberty.” They accused them of anti-Semitism in the Milwaukee Journal. They had an ex-CPO that was the mayor of the town and they stuck to their guns and finally dedicated the USS Liberty Memorial Library.
The surviving crew members came, and there wasn’t a dry eye in the house. It was a memorial, which had the names of the thirty-four dead on that memorial. They had six old men that fired a salute with the old Springfield rifle. They had a band and everybody was just overjoyed. In the meantime the press was appearing them as an anti-Semitic town.
That night I was invited to dinner with Mr. Grob, who by reading the Spotlight had caused this crew to come from all over the United States and restored their faith. It was a little like the Vietnam War Memorial did for the Vietnam veterans. Sitting across from Mr. Grob, he said, “McCloskey, I’ve read your record in the Spotlight over the years. You’re right on this issue. But you’re a damn liberal.” And we have been good friends ever since.
So when a voice speaks the truth it can lead to great things. In the Spotlight, no matter how many times over the years they have called me a liberal or disagreed with me on believing with me on the United Nations or one of those liberal positions, I have never ceased to thank them for what they did for the surviving sixty or seventy members of the Liberty which take their faith from that dedication at the little town of Grafton, which would not have happened but for Spotlight.
The man I am going to introduce to you now has shown as much or more courage than many of the Marines that I fought with in Korea and watched fight in Vietnam. Victor Ostrovsky is a former member of the Israeli Mossad, a patriotic Israeli, his wife is a patriotic Israeli, but they concluded some years ago that the Mossad control and leadership over the Israeli government was such that somebody had to speak the truth about it. Victor and his wife in Ottawa, Canada, Victor wrote a book called By Way of Deception. He has written a follow up book called The Other Side of Deception. Those two books should be mandatory reading for every citizen in the United States. In the book By Way of Deception he described that the Mossad has a network all over the world of Jewish communities, in France, and Canada, London, the United States, who inadvertently and sometimes knowingly and sometime unknowingly furnish information to the Mossad which can be funneled back to Israel to discredit American citizens who speak out against Israel. The Anti-Defamation League, of all the thirty-three major Jewish organizations in this country, is the most pro-Zionist. If you take your cue, as I do, from George Washington’s farewell address, you will remember his cautioning against foreign entanglements, either great hatred against a nation or great affection for a nation, which might lead the United States into foreign policy positions which are inimical to the United States. There is no foreign relationship of the United States today that becomes close to the relationship with the nation of Israel. And there is no nation whose foreign policy is sponsored and supported by a community of supporters in the United States, who so rigorously controls Congress in all matters affecting the Mid-East in Israeli policy.
When Victor Ostrovsky wrote his book the Israeli government tried to suppress it. Our freedom of speech in this country, freedom of the press permitted the publication of the book that sold two-million copies and has done more to educate Americans about the insidious excessive influence of the Israeli government and their supporters in our political system than any book that I know. The courage that caused him to publish that also subjected him to the very real possibility of assassination, which he will describe, because of the dedication of certain elements in Israel to the execution or suppression of voices who speak out critical to Israel.
I come from California where Alex O’Day, an Arab-American who spoke out on a television program, indicated that he thought what Yasar Arafat was saying was a voice of peace. He was blown up by a bomb when he went into his office the next day. The plans of his office were discovered in the possession of Roy Bullock, a paid agent of the Anti-Defamation League of B’nai B’rith, the plans for that office that was blown up and had assassinated this American citizen who had spoken out in criticism of the policies of Israel.
Victor Ostrovsky has spoken the truth. Because the truth hurts, he is subject to assassination at any time. I have particular thanks that I want to express to him. I served in a minor capacity on one of the commissions, appointed by my friend George Bush. George Bush outraged the American Jewish community, if you recall, by taking a position that our aid to them of ten billion dollars should be conditioned on a reasonable Israeli position toward a Mid East peace. Victor Ostrovsky spoke out and said that the President of the United States is subject to the possibility of assassination by a Mossad hit team when he goes to Spain to an international convention. By his willingness to speak out he may have saved the life of the President of the United States. In any event they have decorated me for various things, Victor, for fighting in Korea. I know of no act of courage that begins to match the courage that you have shown..
How Mossad got America to bomb Libya and fight Iraq
by Victor Ostrovsky and Claire Hoy
Revealing the facts as I know them from my vantage point of four years spent inside the Mossad was by no means an easy task.
Coming from an ardent Zionist background, I had been taught that the state of Israel was incapable of misconduct. That we were the David in the unending struggle against the ever-growing Goliath. That there was no one out there to protect us but ourselves - a feeling reinforced by the Holocaust survivors who lived among us.
We, the new generation of Israelites, the resurrected nation on its own land after more than two thousand years of exile, were entrusted with the fate of the nation as a whole.
The commanders of our army were called champions, not generals. Our leaders were captains at the helm of a great ship. I was elated when I was chosen and granted the privilege to join what I considered to be the elite team of the Mossad.
But it was the twisted ideals and self-centered pragmatism that I encountered inside the Mossad, coupled with this so-called team's greed, lust, and total lack of respect for human life, that motivated me to tell this story.
It is out of love for Israel as a free and just country that I am laying my life on the line by so doing, facing up to those who took it upon themselves to turn the Zionist dream into the present-day nightmare.
The Mossad, being the intelligence body entrusted with the responsibility of plotting the course for the leaders at the helm of the nation, has betrayed that trust. Plotting on its own behalf, and for petty, self-serving reasons, it has set the nation on a collision course with all-out war.
One of the main themes of this book is Victor's belief that Mossad is out of control, that even the prime minister, although ostensibly in charge, has no real authority over its actions ...
The Mossad - believe it or not - has just 30 to 35 case officers, or katsas, operating in the world at any one time. The main reason for this extraordinary low total, as you will read in this book, is that unlike other countries, Israel can tap the significant and loyal cadre of the worldwide Jewish community outside Israel. This is done through a unique system of sayanim, volunteer Jewish helpers.
My first six weeks were uneventful. I worked at the downtown office, essentially as a gofer and filing clerk. But one chilly day in February 1984, I found myself joining 14 others on a small bus. ... This course was to be known as Cadet 16, as it was the sixteenth course of Mossad cadets.
He walked briskly to the head of the table while the other two sat at the back of the room. "My name is Aharon Sherf," he said. "I am the head of the Academy. Welcome to the Mossad. Its full name is Ha Mossad, le Modiyn ve le Tafkidim Mayuhadim [the Institute for Intelligence and Special Operations]. Our motto is: 'By way of deception, thou shalt do war.'
"It's the old Trojan dick trick." He lit a cigarette.
"What's that?" I couldn't help smiling; I'd never heard it called that before.
"I knew that would get your attention," he said, grinning. "Shimon activated Operation Trojan in February of this year."
I nodded. I'd still been in the Mossad when that order was given, and because of my naval background and acquaintance with most of the commanders in the navy, I participated in the planning for the operation as liaison with the navy.
A Trojan was a special communication device that could be planted by naval commandos deep inside enemy territory. The device would act as a relay station for misleading transmissions made by the disinformation unit in the Mossad, called LAP, and intended to be received by American and British listening stations. Originating from an IDF navy ship out at sea, the prerecorded digital transmissions could be picked up only by the Trojan. The device would then rebroadcast the transmission on another frequency, one used for official business in the enemy country, at which point the transmission would finally be picked up by American ears in Britain.
The listeners would have no doubt they had intercepted a genuine communication, hence the name Trojan, reminiscent of the mythical Trojan horse. Further, the content of the messages, once deciphered, would confirm information from other intelligence sources, namely the Mossad. The only catch was that the Trojan itself would have to be located as close as possible to the normal origin of such transmissions, because of the sophisticated methods of triangulation the Americans and others would use to verify the source.
In the particular operation Ephraim was referring to, two elite units in the military had been made responsible for the delivery of the Trojan device to the proper location. One was the Matkal reconnaissance unit and the other was Flotilla 13, the naval commandos. The commandos were charged with the task of planting the Trojan device in Tripoli, Libya.
On the night of February 17-18, two Israeli missile boats, the SAAR 4- class Moledet, armed with Harpoon and Gabriel surface-tosurface missiles, among other weaponry, and the Geula, a Hohit-class mlsslle boat with a helicopter pad and regular SAAR 4-class armament, conducted what seemed like a routine patrol of the Mediterranean, heading for the Sicilian channel and passing just outside the territorial waters of Libya. Just north of Tripoli, the warships, which were vlsible to radar both in Tripoli and on the Italian island of Lampedusa, slowed down to about four knots - just long enough to allow a team of twelve naval commandos in four wet submarines nicknamed "pigs" and two low-profiled speedboats called "birds" to disembark. The pigs could carry two commandos each and all their fighting gear.
The birds, equipped with an MG 7.62-caliber machine gun mounted over the bow and an array of antitank shoulder-carried missiles, could facilitate six commandos each, while towing the empty plgs. The birds brought the pigs as close to the shore as possible, thus cutting down the distance the pigs would have to travel on their own. (The pigs were submersible and silent but relatively slow.)
Two miles off the Libyan coast, the lights of Tripoli could be seen glistening in the southeast. Eight commandos slipped quietly into the plgs and headed for shore. The birds stayed behind at the rendezvous pomt, ready to take action should the situation arise. Once they reached the beach, the commandos left their cigarlike transporters submerged in the shallow water and headed inland, carrying a dark green Trojan cylinder six feet long and seven inches in diameter. It took two men to carry it.
A gray van was parked on the side of the road about one hundred feet from the water, on the coastal highway leading from Sabratah to Tripoli and on to Benghazi. There was hardly any traffic at that time of night. The driver of the van seemed to be repairing a flat tire. He stopped working as the team approached and opened the back doors of the van. He was a Mossad combatant. Without a word said, four of the men entered the van and headed for the city. The other four returned to the water, where they took a defensive position by the submerged pigs. Their job was to hold this position to ensure an escape route for the team now headed for the city.
At the same time, a squadron of Israeli fighters was refueling south of Crete, ready to assist. They were capable of keeping any ground forces away from the commandos, allowing them a not-soclean getaway. At this point, the small commando unit was divided into three details - its most vulnerable state. Were any of the details to run into enemy forces, they were instructed to act with extreme prejudice before the enemy turned hostile.
The van parked at the back of an apartment building on Al Jamhuriyh Street in Tripoli, less than three blocks away from the Bab al Azizia barracks that were known to house Qadhafi's headquarters and residence. By then, the men in the van had changed into civilian clothing. Two stayed with the van as lookouts and the other two helped the Mossad combatant take the cylinder to the top floor of the five-story building. The cylinder was wrapped in a carpet.
In the apartment, the top section of the cylinder was opened and a small dishlike antenna was unfolded and placed in front of the window facing north. The unit was activated, and the Trojan horse was in place.
The Mossad combatant had rented the apartment for six months and had paid the rent in advance. There was no reason for anyone except the combatant to enter the apartment. However, if someone should decide to do so, the Trojan would self-destruct, taking with it most of the upper part of the building. The three men headed back to the van and to their rendezvous with their friends on the beach.
After dropping the commandos at the beach, the combatant headed back for the city, where he would monitor the Trojan unit for the next few weeks. The commandos wasted no time and headed out to sea. They didn't want to be caught in Libyan waters at daybreak. They reached the birds and headed at full speed to a prearranged pickup coordinate, where they met with the missile boats that had brought them in.
By the end of March, the Americans were already intercepting messages broadcast by the Trojan, which was only activated during heavy communication traffic hours. Using the Trojan, the Mossad tried to make it appear that a long series of terrorist orders were being transmitted to various Libyan embassies around the world (or, as they were called by the Libyans, Peoples' Bureaus). As the Mossad had hoped, the transmissions were deciphered by the Americans and construed as ample proof that the Libyans were active sponsors of terrorism. What's more, the Americans pointed out, Mossad reports confirmed it.
The French and the Spanish, though, were not buying into the new stream of information. To them, it seemed suspicious that suddenly, out of the blue, the Libyans, who'd been extremely careful in the past, would start advertising their future actions. They also found it suspicious that in several instances Mossad reports were worded similarly to coded Libyan communications. They argued further that, had there truly been after-the-fact Libyan communications regarding the attack, then the terrorist attack on the La Belle discotheque in West Berlin on April 5 could have been prevented, since surely there would have been communications before, enabling intelligence agencies listening in to prevent It. Since the attack wasn't prevented, they reasoned that it must not be the Libyans who did it, and the "new communications" must be bogus. The French and the Spanish were right. The information was bogus, and the Mossad didn't have a clue who planted the bomb that killed one American serviceman and wounded several others. But the Mossad was tied in to many of the European terrorist organizations, and it was convinced that in the volatile atmosphere that had engulfed Europe, a bombing with an American victim was just a matter of time Heads of the Mossad were counting on the American promise to retaliate with vengeance against any country that could be proven to support terrorism. The Trojan gave the Americans the proof they needed. The Mossad also plugged into the equation Qadhafi's lunatic image and momentous declarations, which were really only meant for internal consumption.
It must be remembered that Qadhafi had marked a line in the water at that time, closing off the Gulf of Sidra as Libyan territorial waters and calling the new maritime border the line of death (an action that didn't exactly give him a moderate image). Ultimately, the Americans fell for the Mossad ploy head over heels dragging the British and the Germans somewhat reluctantly in with them. Operation Trojan was one of the Mossad's greatest successes. It brought about the air strike on Libya that President Reagan had promised - a strike that had three important consequences. First, it derailed a deal for the release of the American hostages in Lebanon, thus preserving the Hizballah (Party of God) as the number one enemy in the eyes of the West. Second, it sent a message to the entire Arab world, telling them exactly where the United States stood regarding the Arab-Israeli conflict. Third, it boosted the Mossad's image of itself, since it was they who, by ingenious sleight of hand, had prodded the United States to do what was right. It was only the French who didn't buy into the Mossad trick and were determined not to ally themselves with the aggressive American act. The French refused to allow the American bombers to fly over their territory on their way to attack Libya.
On April 14, 1986, one hundred and sixty American aircraft dropped over sixty tons of bombs on Libya. The attackers bombed Tripoli international airport, Bab al Azizia barracks, Sidi Bilal naval base, the city of Benghazi, and the Benine airfield outside Benghazi. The strike force consisted of two main bodies, one originating in England and the other from flattops in the Mediterranean. From England came twenty-four F-111s from Lakenheath, five EF-111s from Upper Heyford, and twenty-eight refueling tankers from Mildenhall and Fairford. In the attack, the air force F-111s and the EF-111s were joined by eighteen A-6 and A-7 strike and strike support aircraft, six F\A-18 fighters, fourteen EA-6B electronic jammer planes, and other support platforms. The navy planes were catapulted from the carriers Coral Sea and America. On the Libyan side, there were approximately forty civilian casualties, including Qadhafi's adopted daughter. On the American side, a pilot and his weapons officer were killed when their F-111 exploded.
After the bombing, the Hizballah broke off negotiations regarding the hostages they held in Beirut and executed three of them, including one American named Peter Kilburn. As for the French, they were rewarded for their nonparticipation in the attack by the release at the end of June of two French journalists held hostage in Beirut. (As it happened, a stray bomb hit the French embassy in Tripoli during the raid.)
Ephraim had spelled it all out for me and confirmed some of the information I'd already known. He then went on. "After the bombing of Libya, our friend Qadhafi is sure to stay out of the picture for some time. Iraq and Saddam Hussein are the next target. We're starting now to build him up as the big villain. It will take some time, but in the end, there's no doubt it'll work."
"But isn't Saddam regarded as moderate toward us, allied with Jordan, the big enemy of Iran and Syria?"
"Yes, that's why I'm opposed to this action. But that's the directive, and I must follow it. Hopefully, you and I will be done with our little operation before anything big happens. After all, we have already destroyed his nuclear facility, and we are making money by selling hlm technology and equipment through South Africa."
In the following weeks, more and more discoveries were made regarding the big gun and other elements of the Saddam war machine. The Mossad had all but saturated the intelligence field with information regarding the evil intentions of Saddam the Terrible, banking on the fact that before long, he'd have enough rope to hang himself. It was very clear what the Mossad's overall goal was. It wanted the West to do its bidding, just as the Americans had in Libya with the bombing of Qadhafi. After all, Israel didn't possess carriers and ample air power, and although it was capable of bombing a refugee camp in Tunis, that was not the same. The Mossad leaders knew that if they could make Saddam appear bad enough and a threat to the Gulf oil supply, of which he'd been the protector up to that point, then the United States and its allies would not let him get away with anything, but would take measures that would all but eliminate his army and his weapons potential, especially if they were led to believe that this might just be their last chance before he went nuclear.
Ostrovsky knows that being famous keeps him alive.
About the Author: Victor Ostrovsky was raised in Israel, but was born in Canada. At eighteen he became the youngest officer in the Israeli military, eventually rising to the rank of lieutenant commander in charge of naval weapons testing. He was a Mossad case officer from 1984-1986
CIA And Mossad Drug Involvement
The "mainstream" media in the United States continue to cover up the considerable role played by the CIA and its longtime allies in Israel's intelligence agency, the Mossad, in the international illicit drug trade.
For over a decade The SPOTLIGHT has been the only national weekly newspaper to dare to report the facts about this dark secret suppressed by the national media.
The now widely-known CIA involvement in drug-and-arms smuggling through the tiny Mena, Ark., airport as part of the Iran-contra affair involving Lt. Colonel Ollie North and Barry Seal are just the tip of the iceberg.
The latest twist in the media cover-up came during the week of May 12 when a nationally-distributed Asso ciated Press (AP) report announced that the intelligence committee of the U.S. House of Representatives had exonerated the CIA of charges that it had been "involved in the supply or sale of drugs in the Los Angeles area."
The AP quoted committee chairman Rep. Porter Goss (R-Fla.) as saying: "Bot tom line: The allegations were false."
What AP did not mention was that Goss had been a former career CIA official involved in the agency's so-called "clandestine services division," the branch of the CIA that has been pinpointed as the prime mover in the agency's long-standing ties to the drug racket.
AP hailed the House report as "the latest in a series by investigatory bodies to exonerate the CIA" pointing out that "the committee noted that similar conclusions had been reached in previous inquiries by the CIA's inspector general, the Justice Department and the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department."
The "investigation" by ex-CIA operative Goss had focused specifically on a story—reported by Gary Webb in the San Jose Mercury News in August 1996—that alleged that the crack epidemic in California could be traced to two CIA-connected Nicaraguan cocaine dealers who used at least part of their profits to finance the Nicaraguan contra forces during the 1980s.
AP blurred the issue by saying that "allegations of CIA links to drug dealers surfaced" with the 1996 reports in the Mercury News. This is a lie.
In fact, detailed charges of CIA involvement in drug smuggling were first unveiled in a book published 28 years ago, the findings of which have never been publicized by any publication other than The SPOTLIGHT.
In 1972, Alfred W. McCoy, then a graduate student, at Yale, released his book, The Politics of Heroin in Southeast Asia issued by no less a "mainstream" publisher than Harper & Row.
The book outlined the role of the CIA in the drug trade, from its origins in Southeast Asia, to the smuggling routes of the Sicilian and Corsican Mafias in Europe on to the streets of New York and Los Angeles. The drug profits were then sent back to the money laundering banks of the Meyer Lansky Crime Syndicate in the Caribbean and in Switzerland.
Despite energetic efforts spearheaded by veteran CIA official Cord Meyer, the CIA failed to prevent the book from being published.
However, the CIA then launched a campaign to suppress distribution of the book, a scheme which largely succeeded.
In 1991 McCoy, by then a professor of history at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, re-issued his book in an up-dated edition under the title The Politics of Heroin: CIA Complicity in the Global Drug Trade.
McCoy's book never mentioned the role of the Mossad in all of this, which is not surprising. In fact, The Mercury News reporter Gary Webb told a veteran international correspondent—at a private deli lunch in Manhattan—that he (Webb) could "never" write about Mossad in volvement with the CIA in the drug racket or he would lose his job. Webb fled the deli, refusing to discuss the matter further.
In short, in America today, it's "safe" to expose the CIA to a certain degree, but the Mossad's part in the drug trade is strictly "off limits."
However, The SPOTLIGHT has consistently unmasked the joint role of the CIA and the Mossad in the drug trade.
For example, 10 years ago in its issue No. 23 for 1990 (June 4) The SPOTLIGHT reported that Israeli arms dealers had supplied a vast array of weapons to Colombian drug kingpin Jose Rod riguez Gacha.
The Israeli government claimed the arms were sold to the island nation of Antigua and that Israel had no idea how the guns got into the hands of the Colombian drug traffickers.
However, Antigua's ambassador to the United States told SPOTLIGHT correspondent Mike Blair in an exclusive interview that his government never ordered weapons from Israel.
An inquiry by the Antiguan government determined that two Israelis, Yair G. Klein and Maurice R. Sarfati, were running the operation which was funded by the New York branch of the Bank Hap oalim, owned by Israel's government-spon sored labor bund, the His tadrut.
Klein, a former Israeli army officer, had previously been identified as training Rodriguez Gacha's forces.
When this was leaked in September 1989, Rafael Eitan, a former chief of staff of the Israeli Army, frankly told the Israeli press:
Someday, perhaps, if it's decided that the stories can be told, you'll see that [the government of Israel] has been involved in acts that are a thousand times more dirty than anything going on in Colombia. These things were decided by the government, in cabinet meetings. As long as the government decides to do something, something that the national interest demanded, then it is legitimate.
On June 5, 1989, The SPOTLIGHT reported flatly, citing intelligence sources, that the infamous Medellin cartel of Colombia was, in reality, "an Israeli-directed organization which nets Israel billions of dollars every year in illegal drug profits."
In addition, Blair reported in The SPOTLIGHT on May 13, Oct. 14 and Nov. 11, 1991, about the strange death of Special Forces Col. Edward P. Cutolo, commander of the 10th Special Forces based at Ft. Devens, Mass.
Cutolo had detailed a covert joint CIA-Mossad ma chin a tion known as "Opera tion Watch tower" in a 15-page affidavit which he prepared in 1980, fearful that his life was in danger because of his knowledge about the operation.
Cutolo died in what was described as an alcohol-related traffic accident, although Cutolo was not known to be a heavy drinker.
Cutolo was one of four Special Forces colonels linked to Operation Watch tower who died under mysterious circumstances. Another was famed Viet nam hero, Col. Nick Rowe, who launched an effort to investigate Cutolo's death. Rowe was assassinated in the Philippines in 1989, ostensibly by "communists," al though his friends believe his death was a Mossad-ordered "executive action."
According to Cutolo's affidavit, under Operation Watchtower, beginning in 1976, the CIA and the Mossad utilized U.S. Army Special Forces troops to set up an electronics system which allowed drugs to be shuttled by air from Colombia to Albrook Air Station in Panama, without being detected by aerial surveillance. The money derived from the drug operation was used to fund clandestine CIA and Mossad secret operations.
Cutolo specifically cited veteran Mos sad clandestine services operative Mi chael Harari as a key figure in the operation, charging that then-former CIA director George Bush and other high-ranking U.S. government figures had "gone to great lengths to keep the activities of Michael Harari a secret."
According to Cutolo, Col. Manuel Nor iega, then head of the Panamanian Defense Forces and soon-to-be dictator of Panama, was involved in the CIA-Mossad activities.
During the Noriega regime, Harari emerged as the power behind Noriega. Harari managed to slip out of Panama on an Israeli jet after U.S. forces invaded the country and arrested him.
After Noriega was taken into custody and tried on drug charges in a widely-publicized trial in Miami, The SPOTLIGHT was the only publication anywhere to reveal that Noriega's defense attorney, Frank Rubino, tried to introduce evidence that Noriega's activities were conducted under joint CIA and Mossad sponsorship. The information was suppressed for reasons of "national security."
The SPOTLIGHT actually put ex-Special Forces hero, Col. James (Bo) Gritz, "on the map" on July 13, 1987. It was the only newspaper at the time to report his discovery that longtime U.S. diplomat Richard Armitage had been a key figure in the CIA's role in drug smuggling out of Southeast Asia, beginning during the Vietnam War and for years thereafter. In fact, Armitage emerged during the 1980s as part of a Defense Department clique known for its affinity for the interests of Israel.
Along with their superior, Under secretary of Defense Fred Iklé, Armitage and his colleagues, Richard Perle and Stephen Bryen, were masters of covert intrigue conducted jointly with the Mos sad in areas as broad-ranging as Burma, Afghanistan, Iran, Nicaragua and Cam bodia.
(One of the low-level operatives for their ventures in Burma and Afghanistan was Andrew E. Allen, who has played a key role in a long-standing effort to undermine The SPOTLIGHT, precisely because of this newspaper's continuing exposure of CIA-Mossad drug operations and of the activities of Iklé and company.)
The Swiss-born Iklé was the cousin of Elizabeth Iklé Kopp, Switzerland's minister of police and justice, ousted from office in 1989 amid accusations that she and her husband Hans were using their private law firm as a front for international drug traffickers.
At the time, Swiss Vice President Achille Casanova admitted at a press conference that the drug money laundering circles around Hans and Elizabeth Iklé were linked to "secret American authorities" involved in the financing of covert operations, clearly referring to the Iklé-Armitage-Perle-Bryan intrigue.
Reproduced From: The Spotlight
October 14, 2001 Narco News 2001 Correction & Update on Mexico Arrests
Yesterday, October 13th, Narco News published translations of two articles from the Mexican press about the arrest of two former Israeli military officers in Mexico City. While the translation was accurate, we stated that the information had "not been reported nor refuted by a single U.S. correspondent from wire services or daily newspapers with offices in Mexico." But according to authentic journalist Ken Layne - - who was, until very recently when he was inexplicably let go from the publication, the best reason to read Online Journalism Review (a web publication of the Annenberg School of Journalism at the University of California), other English-language news organizations did, in fact, publish brief stories after the two Israelis were arrested, and made those stories available to U.S. newspapers. No news organization likes to issue corrections, but authentic journalism demands corrections, even if errors were innocently made. This is especially true at an hour like this one, when so much of the media is publishing unsubstantiated and soon discredited "official information." We would rather correct our errors at Narco News than try to save face. Our statement was based on our search of the websites of the English- language news organizations: none of these stories were available to the public on the free websites of the agencies - AP, EFE, AFP, Dow Jones and Notimex - that did cover at least part of this story. But Ken Layne, on his own initiative, utilizing the paid service of Dow Jones, not available gratis to the general public, has learned that the story was at least mentioned by these organizations and was, in fact, made available to English-language newspapers. Layne writes, "the Dow Jones database shows five English-language wire reports on Oct. 11 (two from EFE News Service, and one each from Dow Jones, AP, and Notimex), one on Oct. 12 (BBC), and one today (Agence France-Presse)." Narco News thus regrets our error in criticizing "all" news organizations, when these five agencies clearly did offer coverage of the story. Layne summarizes those wire reports on his web site: "The wire stories say the men work for a Mexican company called Private Security Systems Development; that the company's lawyer says the men (both former members of Israel's military; one a naturalized Mexican citizen) have permits for their pistols; that the men were outside the House of Representatives and on their way to a meeting to try to sell their company's security services... the "nine grenades" was a novelty cigarette lighter; that the "sugar industry" workers were a bunch of farmers having a Sit-In outside the government building; that said sugar farmers were annoyed by the men taking photos of the area, which would be necessary if they were selling private security services to officials who worked there; and that the "bomb" consisted of some cables in a briefcase one of the men carried." Layne also states that: "The most telling detail in this story comes from a BBC translation of a Notimex report: 'The arrest of the two individuals, one who said he was Mexican and the other Israeli, provoked a huge police mobilization this Wednesday (10 October) at the Congressional headquarters, known as the San Lazaro Palace.'" Narco News apologizes to the aforementioned news organizations for our statement that they had not covered the story. As stated in our original commentary (below), we await more information before speculating or analyzing which of the now-conflicting news reports are accurate. To read the full report on Ken Layne's web site, click here. Maybe someday, after we win the Drug War on Trial case underway in New York, we will be able to think about hiring an ace ombudsman like Ken Layne. Meanwhile, we are grateful for his labor in deepening the story. Our original posting appears, untouched, below. From somewhere in a country called América, Al Giordano, Publisher The Narco News Bulletin
Armed with Bombs in Mexican Congress 2 Israelis Arrested Wednesday A Story Censored by U.S. Press A Narco News Global Alert
Narco News Commentary: The following two stories, from the daily Crónica de Hoy of Mexico City, October 12 and 13, 2001, have not been reported nor refuted by a single U.S. correspondent from wire services or daily newspapers with offices in Mexico. The stories are documented with an official Mexican government investigation number and quotes from the Israeli Embassy in Mexico City. In the interests of the public's right to know, Narco News publishes translations of both stories, uncensored and unabridged. We are investigating the situation and will provide analysis once more information is available. Certainly, the information, as it stands, is inconvenient to Washington wartime propaganda and the fact that U.S. media has not reported it raises issues of press freedom and responsibility that we will also explore in the coming days. From October 12: Mexico will investigate if Israelis were terrorists -- They were armed with 9mm pistols, nine grenades, explosives, three detonators and 58 bullets -- They were detained by sugar industry workers in the Legislative Palace By Alejandro Páez and Francisco Mejía From Crónica de Hoy, Mexico City, October 12, 2001 Unabridged Translation by The Narco News Bulletin The Attorney General is investigating and interrogating two Israelis (one already a nationalized Mexican) who were detained in the House of Representatives Wednesday with two 9mm pistols, nine grenades, explosives, three detonators and 58 bullets, to determine if they belong to any group connected with terrorists or subversive groups. Salvador Gersson Smike, 34, a retired Israeli military official and nationalized Mexican, and Sar Ben Zui, 27, of Israeli nationality, were held yesterday in the installations of the metropolitan offices of the Attorney General, headed by the assistant attorney general for criminal process Gilberto Higuera Bernal. They were interrogated to clarify the source of the arms that they carried and to determine if they are guilty of a crime. Up until now the authorities have not declared about the status of investigation number PGR/11-15-01 and they will wait until tonight when the constitutional limit for determining the legal situation of the arrested parties expires. Both subjects were detained in the installations of the legislative palace of San Lazaro when a group of sugar industry workers that had met with the Speaker of the House, Beatriz Paredes, left to discuss their issues in the lobby and the two arrested persons arrived and began photographing them. This activity and the form in which they took the pictures (aiming their cameras below the belts of the workers) generated tension among the sugar workers who proceeded to demand their identification immediately. The Israelis identified themselves as press photographers, but they were not believed and the workers overcame them and then discovered that they were armed with pistols and other high caliber arms. From October 13: The Isreali Embassy will monitor the arrest of Sar Ben Zui By Francisco Mejía Crónica de Hoy, Mexico City, October 13, 2001 Unabridged Translation by The Narco News Bulletin The Isreali Embassy in Mexico has confidence that its citizen, Sar Ben Zui, will be investigated in accordance with the law and the consul, Elias Luf, is following the investigations, his spokeswoman Hila Engelhart confirmed. She said that the Embassy does not regulate the entrance of Israelis in Mexico and doesn't know anything about what the arrested individual was doing. She said that the citizens of that country that come to Mexico, like all others from Israel, are not required to have any special visa for their travels. As will be remembered, Sar Ben Zui Was detained, with another subject, when both were allegedly armed inside the House of Representatives. According to statements by elements of the legislative security staff, the suspects carried arms, explosives, nine grenades, bullets and a detonator. In a telephone conversation the spokeswoman assured that the Embassy has confidence in the Mexican institutions to do what is necessary to enforce the law. "We are waiting to find out what happened." She informed that the Embassy doesn't have a program to monitor Israeli citizens who come to Mexico. In any case, she said, the Mexican secretary of state should have a registry of all persons who enter national territory. She indicated that relations between the two countries are very good and that tourism is promoted by both countries.
Hila Engelhart recalled that it is not the first time that Mexico has detained an Israeli citizen in its country, however, she said that it is a situation that happens everywhere. She reported that both countries collaborate constantly to monitor exceptional movements that occur and said that "in the case of the arrested Israelis, we hope the situation with be resolved quickly."
Finally, she said that the Israeli Ambassador is monitoring the arrests.
Saturday, October 13, 2001 Talk about Censorship ... I've been watching the news (Fox, CNN, MSNBC, BBC) whenever I'm awake, and I've heard exactly one quick mention of this story: "Muslim Ruling Endorses U.S. Action." Glenn Reynolds hasn't seen any mainstream coverage, either. He blames it on the Anthrax Scare, which he also points out has been a total flop as a terrorist attack: a few people exposed and one death. Now, I don't blame Tom Brokaw for losing his cool when his own assistant gets sick, but these constant Anthrax Freakouts seem a bit out of proportion.
¶ 10/13/2001 06:22:04 PM has translated and posted two strange news reports from Mexico City: "Armed with Bombs in Mexican Congress, Two Israelis Arrested Wednesday." According to these reports from the daily Crónica de Hoy, the men were armed with 9mm pistols, nine grenades, explosives, bullets and detonators. After acting weird in Mexico's House of Representatives building, they were tackled by a group of sugar-industry workers who were in the building for a meeting with government officials.
NarcoNews says this story has been censored by the American press. "The following two stories, from the daily Crónica de Hoy of Mexico City, Oct. 12 and 13, 2001, have not been reported nor refuted by a single U.S. correspondent from wire services or daily newspapers with offices in Mexico," says a message on the site. "The stories are documented with an official Mexican government investigation number and quotes from the Israeli Embassy in Mexico City."
While I haven't heard about this before today -- there are just too many goddamned news stories to keep track of -- a quick search of the Dow Jones database shows five English-language wire reports on Oct. 11 (two from EFE News Service, and one each from Dow Jones, AP, and Notimex), one on Oct. 12 (BBC), and one today (Agence France-Presse).
It sounds pretty crazy, and it smells like some kind of terrorism, at least from the newspaper reports on NarcoNews.
But the seven wire stories make the whole thing seem pretty tame, and probably harmless -- I wasn't there, so all I can do is compare seven different wire reports to the newspaper article, and look for patterns.
The wire stories say the men work for a Mexican company called Private Security Systems Development; that the company's lawyer says the men (both former members of Israel's military; one a naturalized Mexican citizen) have permits for their pistols; that the men were outside the House of Representatives and on their way to a meeting to try to sell their company's security services (Mexico City is plagued by kidnappers who go after anybody worth a ransom payment); that the "nine grenades" was a novelty cigarette lighter; that the "sugar industry" workers were a bunch of farmers having a Sit-In outside the government building; that said sugar farmers were annoyed by the men taking photos of the area, which would be necessary if they were selling private security services to officials who worked there; and that the "bomb" consisted of some cables in a briefcase one of the men carried.
The most telling detail in this story comes from a BBC translation of a Notimex report: "The arrest of the two individuals, one who said he was Mexican and the other Israeli, provoked a huge police mobilization this Wednesday (10 October) at the Congressional headquarters, known as the San Lazaro Palace."
So, with government headquarters around the world on edge, and with Mexico's president firmly behind the U.S.-led war against the bin Laden terrorists, everybody freaked out. And they should. Security should be extremely tight. I don't think the U.S. media "censored" this story. They just didn't think it mattered. There are security scares every hour in every capital. You can't run every four-graf wire story about a freakout ... these days, newspapers would have to print 500 pages a day to print a fraction of the world's nervous response to the terrorism.
The "source" is this vehemently anti-Semitic publication, which, though operating in Mexico, is obsessed with U.S.-Israel ties. Look, it's a Sunday morning, the real news is out there with the bombing and Afghans running around in the desert, and Tom Brokow running away from his mail, all of which gets tedious after one week going on two. Anyway, we figured we'd give you a little jolt -- so sue us... Oh, incidentally, the only publication to give this item any credence was... Pravda! The more things change the more they stay the shame...
Zionist Terrorists Arrested Inside Mexican Congress
MOSSAD Colonel Salvador Guersson Smecke and Saur Ben Zvi were armed and carrying bomb materials by Ernesto Cienfuegos La Voz de Aztlan
Los Angeles, Alta California - October 12, 2001 - (ACN) We were alerted this morning by a subscriber from Mexico that two Israelis were arrested Wednesday inside the Palacio Legislativo de San Lázaro (Mexican Congress) in Mexico City. Both were armed with 9 mm automatics and one was carrying a military hand grenade, electrical wiring and other bomb related materials. The Israeli Embassy at Sierra Madre 2155, colonia Lomas de Chapultepec has close its doors to the Mexican Press and are refusing to talk. The incident has been independently verified by La Voz de Aztlan through Mexican diplomatic, press and other sources in Mexico City.
The Chief of Legislative Security, Salvador Alarcón, has also confirmed the arrest of the two Israeli terrorists. One of them Saur Ben Zvi is a confirmed citizen of Israel and the other, Salvador Guersson, recently immigrated to Mexico from Israel. It is has been determined by the Procuraduría General de la República (Mexican Department of Justice) that Guersson is a retired Colonel of the Israeli Defense Forces and that he may now be operating as a MOSSAD agent. It is not known how they were able to penetrate the extensive security system of the Mexican Legislative Palace.
This is a very grave incident with many serious international implications. Many have questioned who may be really behind many of the recent terrorist acts around the world including the ones against the WTC and the Pentagon. The Mexican public and congress has been reticent about declaring war against Islam along with the U.S. It is possible that an act of terrorism against the Mexican Congress was planned in order to "terrorize" Mexico into towing the line against Islam. La Voz de Aztlan will be on top of this developing story to report any additional developments.
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CIA And Mossad Drug Involvement
The "mainstream" media in the United States continue to cover up the considerable role played by the CIA and its longtime allies in Israel's intelligence agency, the Mossad, in the international illicit drug trade.
For over a decade The SPOTLIGHT has been the only national weekly newspaper to dare to report the facts about this dark secret suppressed by the national media.
The now widely-known CIA involvement in drug-and-arms smuggling through the tiny Mena, Ark., airport as part of the Iran-contra affair involving Lt. Colonel Ollie North and Barry Seal are just the tip of the iceberg.
The latest twist in the media cover-up came during the week of May 12 when a nationally-distributed Asso ciated Press (AP) report announced that the intelligence committee of the U.S. House of Representatives had exonerated the CIA of charges that it had been "involved in the supply or sale of drugs in the Los Angeles area."
The AP quoted committee chairman Rep. Porter Goss (R-Fla.) as saying: "Bot tom line: The allegations were false."
What AP did not mention was that Goss had been a former career CIA official involved in the agency's so-called "clandestine services division," the branch of the CIA that has been pinpointed as the prime mover in the agency's long-standing ties to the drug racket.
AP hailed the House report as "the latest in a series by investigatory bodies to exonerate the CIA" pointing out that "the committee noted that similar conclusions had been reached in previous inquiries by the CIA's inspector general, the Justice Department and the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department."
The "investigation" by ex-CIA operative Goss had focused specifically on a story—reported by Gary Webb in the San Jose Mercury News in August 1996—that alleged that the crack epidemic in California could be traced to two CIA-connected Nicaraguan cocaine dealers who used at least part of their profits to finance the Nicaraguan contra forces during the 1980s.
AP blurred the issue by saying that "allegations of CIA links to drug dealers surfaced" with the 1996 reports in the Mercury News. This is a lie.
In fact, detailed charges of CIA involvement in drug smuggling were first unveiled in a book published 28 years ago, the findings of which have never been publicized by any publication other than The SPOTLIGHT.
In 1972, Alfred W. McCoy, then a graduate student, at Yale, released his book, The Politics of Heroin in Southeast Asia issued by no less a "mainstream" publisher than Harper & Row.
The book outlined the role of the CIA in the drug trade, from its origins in Southeast Asia, to the smuggling routes of the Sicilian and Corsican Mafias in Europe on to the streets of New York and Los Angeles. The drug profits were then sent back to the money laundering banks of the Meyer Lansky Crime Syndicate in the Caribbean and in Switzerland.
Despite energetic efforts spearheaded by veteran CIA official Cord Meyer, the CIA failed to prevent the book from being published.
However, the CIA then launched a campaign to suppress distribution of the book, a scheme which largely succeeded.
In 1991 McCoy, by then a professor of history at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, re-issued his book in an up-dated edition under the title The Politics of Heroin: CIA Complicity in the Global Drug Trade.
McCoy's book never mentioned the role of the Mossad in all of this, which is not surprising. In fact, The Mercury News reporter Gary Webb told a veteran international correspondent—at a private deli lunch in Manhattan—that he (Webb) could "never" write about Mossad in volvement with the CIA in the drug racket or he would lose his job. Webb fled the deli, refusing to discuss the matter further.
In short, in America today, it's "safe" to expose the CIA to a certain degree, but the Mossad's part in the drug trade is strictly "off limits."
However, The SPOTLIGHT has consistently unmasked the joint role of the CIA and the Mossad in the drug trade.
For example, 10 years ago in its issue No. 23 for 1990 (June 4) The SPOTLIGHT reported that Israeli arms dealers had supplied a vast array of weapons to Colombian drug kingpin Jose Rod riguez Gacha.
The Israeli government claimed the arms were sold to the island nation of Antigua and that Israel had no idea how the guns got into the hands of the Colombian drug traffickers.
However, Antigua's ambassador to the United States told SPOTLIGHT correspondent Mike Blair in an exclusive interview that his government never ordered weapons from Israel.
An inquiry by the Antiguan government determined that two Israelis, Yair G. Klein and Maurice R. Sarfati, were running the operation which was funded by the New York branch of the Bank Hap oalim, owned by Israel's government-spon sored labor bund, the His tadrut.
Klein, a former Israeli army officer, had previously been identified as training Rodriguez Gacha's forces.
When this was leaked in September 1989, Rafael Eitan, a former chief of staff of the Israeli Army, frankly told the Israeli press:
Someday, perhaps, if it's decided that the stories can be told, you'll see that [the government of Israel] has been involved in acts that are a thousand times more dirty than anything going on in Colombia. These things were decided by the government, in cabinet meetings. As long as the government decides to do something, something that the national interest demanded, then it is legitimate.
On June 5, 1989, The SPOTLIGHT reported flatly, citing intelligence sources, that the infamous Medellin cartel of Colombia was, in reality, "an Israeli-directed organization which nets Israel billions of dollars every year in illegal drug profits."
In addition, Blair reported in The SPOTLIGHT on May 13, Oct. 14 and Nov. 11, 1991, about the strange death of Special Forces Col. Edward P. Cutolo, commander of the 10th Special Forces based at Ft. Devens, Mass.
Cutolo had detailed a covert joint CIA-Mossad ma chin a tion known as "Opera tion Watch tower" in a 15-page affidavit which he prepared in 1980, fearful that his life was in danger because of his knowledge about the operation.
Cutolo died in what was described as an alcohol-related traffic accident, although Cutolo was not known to be a heavy drinker.
Cutolo was one of four Special Forces colonels linked to Operation Watch tower who died under mysterious circumstances. Another was famed Viet nam hero, Col. Nick Rowe, who launched an effort to investigate Cutolo's death. Rowe was assassinated in the Philippines in 1989, ostensibly by "communists," al though his friends believe his death was a Mossad-ordered "executive action."
According to Cutolo's affidavit, under Operation Watchtower, beginning in 1976, the CIA and the Mossad utilized U.S. Army Special Forces troops to set up an electronics system which allowed drugs to be shuttled by air from Colombia to Albrook Air Station in Panama, without being detected by aerial surveillance. The money derived from the drug operation was used to fund clandestine CIA and Mossad secret operations.
Cutolo specifically cited veteran Mos sad clandestine services operative Mi chael Harari as a key figure in the operation, charging that then-former CIA director George Bush and other high-ranking U.S. government figures had "gone to great lengths to keep the activities of Michael Harari a secret."
According to Cutolo, Col. Manuel Nor iega, then head of the Panamanian Defense Forces and soon-to-be dictator of Panama, was involved in the CIA-Mossad activities.
During the Noriega regime, Harari emerged as the power behind Noriega. Harari managed to slip out of Panama on an Israeli jet after U.S. forces invaded the country and arrested him.
After Noriega was taken into custody and tried on drug charges in a widely-publicized trial in Miami, The SPOTLIGHT was the only publication anywhere to reveal that Noriega's defense attorney, Frank Rubino, tried to introduce evidence that Noriega's activities were conducted under joint CIA and Mossad sponsorship. The information was suppressed for reasons of "national security."
The SPOTLIGHT actually put ex-Special Forces hero, Col. James (Bo) Gritz, "on the map" on July 13, 1987. It was the only newspaper at the time to report his discovery that longtime U.S. diplomat Richard Armitage had been a key figure in the CIA's role in drug smuggling out of Southeast Asia, beginning during the Vietnam War and for years thereafter. In fact, Armitage emerged during the 1980s as part of a Defense Department clique known for its affinity for the interests of Israel.
Along with their superior, Under secretary of Defense Fred Iklé, Armitage and his colleagues, Richard Perle and Stephen Bryen, were masters of covert intrigue conducted jointly with the Mos sad in areas as broad-ranging as Burma, Afghanistan, Iran, Nicaragua and Cam bodia.
(One of the low-level operatives for their ventures in Burma and Afghanistan was Andrew E. Allen, who has played a key role in a long-standing effort to undermine The SPOTLIGHT, precisely because of this newspaper's continuing exposure of CIA-Mossad drug operations and of the activities of Iklé and company.)
The Swiss-born Iklé was the cousin of Elizabeth Iklé Kopp, Switzerland's minister of police and justice, ousted from office in 1989 amid accusations that she and her husband Hans were using their private law firm as a front for international drug traffickers.
At the time, Swiss Vice President Achille Casanova admitted at a press conference that the drug money laundering circles around Hans and Elizabeth Iklé were linked to "secret American authorities" involved in the financing of covert operations, clearly referring to the Iklé-Armitage-Perle-Bryan intrigue.
Reproduced From: The Spotlight
October 14, 2001 Narco News 2001 Correction & Update on Mexico Arrests
Yesterday, October 13th, Narco News published translations of two articles from the Mexican press about the arrest of two former Israeli military officers in Mexico City. While the translation was accurate, we stated that the information had "not been reported nor refuted by a single U.S. correspondent from wire services or daily newspapers with offices in Mexico." But according to authentic journalist Ken Layne - - who was, until very recently when he was inexplicably let go from the publication, the best reason to read Online Journalism Review (a web publication of the Annenberg School of Journalism at the University of California), other English-language news organizations did, in fact, publish brief stories after the two Israelis were arrested, and made those stories available to U.S. newspapers. No news organization likes to issue corrections, but authentic journalism demands corrections, even if errors were innocently made. This is especially true at an hour like this one, when so much of the media is publishing unsubstantiated and soon discredited "official information." We would rather correct our errors at Narco News than try to save face. Our statement was based on our search of the websites of the English- language news organizations: none of these stories were available to the public on the free websites of the agencies - AP, EFE, AFP, Dow Jones and Notimex - that did cover at least part of this story. But Ken Layne, on his own initiative, utilizing the paid service of Dow Jones, not available gratis to the general public, has learned that the story was at least mentioned by these organizations and was, in fact, made available to English-language newspapers. Layne writes, "the Dow Jones database shows five English-language wire reports on Oct. 11 (two from EFE News Service, and one each from Dow Jones, AP, and Notimex), one on Oct. 12 (BBC), and one today (Agence France-Presse)." Narco News thus regrets our error in criticizing "all" news organizations, when these five agencies clearly did offer coverage of the story. Layne summarizes those wire reports on his web site: "The wire stories say the men work for a Mexican company called Private Security Systems Development; that the company's lawyer says the men (both former members of Israel's military; one a naturalized Mexican citizen) have permits for their pistols; that the men were outside the House of Representatives and on their way to a meeting to try to sell their company's security services... the "nine grenades" was a novelty cigarette lighter; that the "sugar industry" workers were a bunch of farmers having a Sit-In outside the government building; that said sugar farmers were annoyed by the men taking photos of the area, which would be necessary if they were selling private security services to officials who worked there; and that the "bomb" consisted of some cables in a briefcase one of the men carried." Layne also states that: "The most telling detail in this story comes from a BBC translation of a Notimex report: 'The arrest of the two individuals, one who said he was Mexican and the other Israeli, provoked a huge police mobilization this Wednesday (10 October) at the Congressional headquarters, known as the San Lazaro Palace.'" Narco News apologizes to the aforementioned news organizations for our statement that they had not covered the story. As stated in our original commentary (below), we await more information before speculating or analyzing which of the now-conflicting news reports are accurate. To read the full report on Ken Layne's web site, click here. Maybe someday, after we win the Drug War on Trial case underway in New York, we will be able to think about hiring an ace ombudsman like Ken Layne. Meanwhile, we are grateful for his labor in deepening the story. Our original posting appears, untouched, below. From somewhere in a country called América, Al Giordano, Publisher The Narco News Bulletin
Armed with Bombs in Mexican Congress 2 Israelis Arrested Wednesday A Story Censored by U.S. Press A Narco News Global Alert
Narco News Commentary: The following two stories, from the daily Crónica de Hoy of Mexico City, October 12 and 13, 2001, have not been reported nor refuted by a single U.S. correspondent from wire services or daily newspapers with offices in Mexico. The stories are documented with an official Mexican government investigation number and quotes from the Israeli Embassy in Mexico City. In the interests of the public's right to know, Narco News publishes translations of both stories, uncensored and unabridged. We are investigating the situation and will provide analysis once more information is available. Certainly, the information, as it stands, is inconvenient to Washington wartime propaganda and the fact that U.S. media has not reported it raises issues of press freedom and responsibility that we will also explore in the coming days. From October 12: Mexico will investigate if Israelis were terrorists -- They were armed with 9mm pistols, nine grenades, explosives, three detonators and 58 bullets -- They were detained by sugar industry workers in the Legislative Palace By Alejandro Páez and Francisco Mejía From Crónica de Hoy, Mexico City, October 12, 2001 Unabridged Translation by The Narco News Bulletin The Attorney General is investigating and interrogating two Israelis (one already a nationalized Mexican) who were detained in the House of Representatives Wednesday with two 9mm pistols, nine grenades, explosives, three detonators and 58 bullets, to determine if they belong to any group connected with terrorists or subversive groups. Salvador Gersson Smike, 34, a retired Israeli military official and nationalized Mexican, and Sar Ben Zui, 27, of Israeli nationality, were held yesterday in the installations of the metropolitan offices of the Attorney General, headed by the assistant attorney general for criminal process Gilberto Higuera Bernal. They were interrogated to clarify the source of the arms that they carried and to determine if they are guilty of a crime. Up until now the authorities have not declared about the status of investigation number PGR/11-15-01 and they will wait until tonight when the constitutional limit for determining the legal situation of the arrested parties expires. Both subjects were detained in the installations of the legislative palace of San Lazaro when a group of sugar industry workers that had met with the Speaker of the House, Beatriz Paredes, left to discuss their issues in the lobby and the two arrested persons arrived and began photographing them. This activity and the form in which they took the pictures (aiming their cameras below the belts of the workers) generated tension among the sugar workers who proceeded to demand their identification immediately. The Israelis identified themselves as press photographers, but they were not believed and the workers overcame them and then discovered that they were armed with pistols and other high caliber arms. From October 13: The Isreali Embassy will monitor the arrest of Sar Ben Zui By Francisco Mejía Crónica de Hoy, Mexico City, October 13, 2001 Unabridged Translation by The Narco News Bulletin The Isreali Embassy in Mexico has confidence that its citizen, Sar Ben Zui, will be investigated in accordance with the law and the consul, Elias Luf, is following the investigations, his spokeswoman Hila Engelhart confirmed. She said that the Embassy does not regulate the entrance of Israelis in Mexico and doesn't know anything about what the arrested individual was doing. She said that the citizens of that country that come to Mexico, like all others from Israel, are not required to have any special visa for their travels. As will be remembered, Sar Ben Zui Was detained, with another subject, when both were allegedly armed inside the House of Representatives. According to statements by elements of the legislative security staff, the suspects carried arms, explosives, nine grenades, bullets and a detonator. In a telephone conversation the spokeswoman assured that the Embassy has confidence in the Mexican institutions to do what is necessary to enforce the law. "We are waiting to find out what happened." She informed that the Embassy doesn't have a program to monitor Israeli citizens who come to Mexico. In any case, she said, the Mexican secretary of state should have a registry of all persons who enter national territory. She indicated that relations between the two countries are very good and that tourism is promoted by both countries.
Hila Engelhart recalled that it is not the first time that Mexico has detained an Israeli citizen in its country, however, she said that it is a situation that happens everywhere. She reported that both countries collaborate constantly to monitor exceptional movements that occur and said that "in the case of the arrested Israelis, we hope the situation with be resolved quickly."
Finally, she said that the Israeli Ambassador is monitoring the arrests.
Saturday, October 13, 2001 Talk about Censorship ... I've been watching the news (Fox, CNN, MSNBC, BBC) whenever I'm awake, and I've heard exactly one quick mention of this story: "Muslim Ruling Endorses U.S. Action." Glenn Reynolds hasn't seen any mainstream coverage, either. He blames it on the Anthrax Scare, which he also points out has been a total flop as a terrorist attack: a few people exposed and one death. Now, I don't blame Tom Brokaw for losing his cool when his own assistant gets sick, but these constant Anthrax Freakouts seem a bit out of proportion.
¶ 10/13/2001 06:22:04 PM has translated and posted two strange news reports from Mexico City: "Armed with Bombs in Mexican Congress, Two Israelis Arrested Wednesday." According to these reports from the daily Crónica de Hoy, the men were armed with 9mm pistols, nine grenades, explosives, bullets and detonators. After acting weird in Mexico's House of Representatives building, they were tackled by a group of sugar-industry workers who were in the building for a meeting with government officials.
NarcoNews says this story has been censored by the American press. "The following two stories, from the daily Crónica de Hoy of Mexico City, Oct. 12 and 13, 2001, have not been reported nor refuted by a single U.S. correspondent from wire services or daily newspapers with offices in Mexico," says a message on the site. "The stories are documented with an official Mexican government investigation number and quotes from the Israeli Embassy in Mexico City."
While I haven't heard about this before today -- there are just too many goddamned news stories to keep track of -- a quick search of the Dow Jones database shows five English-language wire reports on Oct. 11 (two from EFE News Service, and one each from Dow Jones, AP, and Notimex), one on Oct. 12 (BBC), and one today (Agence France-Presse).
It sounds pretty crazy, and it smells like some kind of terrorism, at least from the newspaper reports on NarcoNews.
But the seven wire stories make the whole thing seem pretty tame, and probably harmless -- I wasn't there, so all I can do is compare seven different wire reports to the newspaper article, and look for patterns.
The wire stories say the men work for a Mexican company called Private Security Systems Development; that the company's lawyer says the men (both former members of Israel's military; one a naturalized Mexican citizen) have permits for their pistols; that the men were outside the House of Representatives and on their way to a meeting to try to sell their company's security services (Mexico City is plagued by kidnappers who go after anybody worth a ransom payment); that the "nine grenades" was a novelty cigarette lighter; that the "sugar industry" workers were a bunch of farmers having a Sit-In outside the government building; that said sugar farmers were annoyed by the men taking photos of the area, which would be necessary if they were selling private security services to officials who worked there; and that the "bomb" consisted of some cables in a briefcase one of the men carried.
The most telling detail in this story comes from a BBC translation of a Notimex report: "The arrest of the two individuals, one who said he was Mexican and the other Israeli, provoked a huge police mobilization this Wednesday (10 October) at the Congressional headquarters, known as the San Lazaro Palace."
So, with government headquarters around the world on edge, and with Mexico's president firmly behind the U.S.-led war against the bin Laden terrorists, everybody freaked out. And they should. Security should be extremely tight. I don't think the U.S. media "censored" this story. They just didn't think it mattered. There are security scares every hour in every capital. You can't run every four-graf wire story about a freakout ... these days, newspapers would have to print 500 pages a day to print a fraction of the world's nervous response to the terrorism.
The "source" is this vehemently anti-Semitic publication, which, though operating in Mexico, is obsessed with U.S.-Israel ties. Look, it's a Sunday morning, the real news is out there with the bombing and Afghans running around in the desert, and Tom Brokow running away from his mail, all of which gets tedious after one week going on two. Anyway, we figured we'd give you a little jolt -- so sue us... Oh, incidentally, the only publication to give this item any credence was... Pravda! The more things change the more they stay the shame...
Zionist Terrorists Arrested Inside Mexican Congress
MOSSAD Colonel Salvador Guersson Smecke and Saur Ben Zvi were armed and carrying bomb materials by Ernesto Cienfuegos La Voz de Aztlan
Los Angeles, Alta California - October 12, 2001 - (ACN) We were alerted this morning by a subscriber from Mexico that two Israelis were arrested Wednesday inside the Palacio Legislativo de San Lázaro (Mexican Congress) in Mexico City. Both were armed with 9 mm automatics and one was carrying a military hand grenade, electrical wiring and other bomb related materials. The Israeli Embassy at Sierra Madre 2155, colonia Lomas de Chapultepec has close its doors to the Mexican Press and are refusing to talk. The incident has been independently verified by La Voz de Aztlan through Mexican diplomatic, press and other sources in Mexico City.
The Chief of Legislative Security, Salvador Alarcón, has also confirmed the arrest of the two Israeli terrorists. One of them Saur Ben Zvi is a confirmed citizen of Israel and the other, Salvador Guersson, recently immigrated to Mexico from Israel. It is has been determined by the Procuraduría General de la República (Mexican Department of Justice) that Guersson is a retired Colonel of the Israeli Defense Forces and that he may now be operating as a MOSSAD agent. It is not known how they were able to penetrate the extensive security system of the Mexican Legislative Palace.
This is a very grave incident with many serious international implications. Many have questioned who may be really behind many of the recent terrorist acts around the world including the ones against the WTC and the Pentagon. The Mexican public and congress has been reticent about declaring war against Islam along with the U.S. It is possible that an act of terrorism against the Mexican Congress was planned in order to "terrorize" Mexico into towing the line against Islam. La Voz de Aztlan will be on top of this developing story to report any additional developments.
If you are interested in a free subscription to The Konformist Newswire, please visit: and mossad drug
Flight 93 Victims List (Shot down 9/11/01) and WTC 9/11 victims list The Truth Will Honor the Victims | |
Pentagon, 911, Contractors, Office of Naval Intelligence, Army, Navy, civilians.... see NFU Flight 77 Pentagon, MISSILE ATTACK The Truth Will Honor the Victims |
continued: Pentagon, 911, Contractors,Office of Naval Intelligence, Army, Navy, civilians.... |
Bush Death List ![]() |
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John F. Kennedy Jr. On July 16, 1999, at the age of 38, John F. Kennedy Jr. was killed along with his wife and his sister-in-law, Lauren Bessette, when the aircraft he was piloting crashed into the Atlantic Ocean Great Dreams Murder by Plane Crash ... John F. Kennedy Jr. . Wikipedia YouTube FAA, final approach, 2500 ft., 100 ft, low altitude, 5 minutes,
Hillary Clinton "When she decided to run (for Senator NY), Clinton and her husband purchased a home in Chappaqua, New York, north of New York City in September 1999." Wikipedia
Michael Kennedy died in skiing accident January 2, 1998
Sonny Bono Sonny Bono, Wikipedia On January 5, 1998, Bono died of injuries after striking a tree while skiing on the Nevada side of the Heavenly Ski Resort near South Lake Tahoe, California. He was 62 years old. Bono's death came just days after Michael Kennedy died in a skiing accident.Rafiq Hariri Prime Minister, Lebanon, assassinated in bomb blast. U. S. and Israel gained the long sought removal of Syrian armed forces from Lebanon. Global Research,, SDS2000, World Socialist Website, and NFU Middle East,
Haj Ali Razmara Wikipedia search terms: oil, Anglo-Iranian Oil Company, Standard Oil of New Jersey, Aramco
Michael Todd AP A city police chief who led an investigation into charges that Britain cooperated with secret CIA flights to transport terrorism suspects without formal proceedings has been found dead, ... Manchester Chief Constable Michael Todd, 50, was found dead in Snowdonia .... see NFU 'war on terror' pagePlame outing death list go to index
Lewis B. Miskell WMR Murdered Canadian diplomat another possible victim of Valerie Plame Wilson/Brewster Jennings disclosure. On May 26, Italian police discovered the badly decomposed body of Canadian diplomat Lewis B. Miskell in a Naples sewer. Miskell, 49, had been stabbed in the abdomen. Intelligence sources report that Miskell, who assigned to the Canadian embassy in Vienna, Austria, was the attache responsible for liaison to UN specialized agencies in Vienna
Bush Went AWOL Bodies go to index
Sid Adger Mr. Adger, a Houston oil supply company executive and Bush family friend, died in 1996 of unknown causes. Adger was the mysterious businessman who approached General James Rose and asked him to help George W. Bush avoid Vietnam by recommending him for a pilot position with the National Guard. websites
General James Rose General Rose recommended George W. Bush for a pilot position with the Texas National Guard. He died of unknown causes in 1993. He was immediately buried and no autopsy was performed. websitesJ. Clifford Baxter Found dead in his car, shot in the head. Mr. Baxter was vice chairman of Enron Corp. when he resigned in May 2001. Enron has been hot copy lately with the revelation that they were the largest campaign contributors for George W. Bush. Was J. Clifford Baxter a potential witness to Bush foreknowledge of their wrongdoings? His death was ruled a suicide.
Charles Dana Rice He was the senior vice president and treasurer of El Paso Corp., an energy corporation swept up in the recent energy scandal. Two months after the "suicide" of Enron executive Clifford Baxter, in the midst of questions about the accounting practices of El Paso Corp., Charles Rice was found dead of a gunshot wound to the head. His death was ruled a suicide.Kennedy Assassination Bodies go to index
Hale Boggs He sat on the Warren Commission, which concluded that President Kennedy was slain by a lone assassin. Later, in 1971 and '72, Boggs said that the Warren Report was false and that J. Edgar Hoover's FBI not only helped cover up the JFK murder but blackmailed Congress with massive wire-tapping and spying. He named Warren Commission staff member Arlen Specter as a major cover-up artist. Congressman Boggs' plane disappeared on a flight to Alaska in 1972. The press, the military, and the CIA publicly proclaimed the plane could not be located. Investigators later said that was a lie, that the plane had been found. On the plane were Nick Begich, a very popular Democratic Congressman, and Don Jonz, an aide to Mr. Boggs. All were killed. Wikipedia continued
George de Mohrenschildt A rich Russian oilman, he was described with his wife as being the two people friendliest to Oswald at the time of the assassination. De Mohrenschildt was the man who moved Oswald to Dallas. In the late 1970's, shortly before the first meeting of the House Select Committee on Assassinations, de Mohrenschildt started seeing a new doctor in town. He quickly became mentally unstable, at which time his wife convinced him to stop seeing the doctor. They moved away and left a false forwarding address. On the same day that the Committee tried to contact him about testifying, he was found dead of a gunshot wound. In his personal address book was the entry Bush, George H.W. (Poppy) and Zapata Petroleum Midland (the oil company owned by George H.W. Bush).George H.W. Bush / Reagan Bodies go to index
Gary Caradori He was investigating Lawrence E. King, Jr., a very influential black Republican who was also a friend of George H.W. Bush. King was director of the Franklin Community Credit Union in Omaha, Nebraska, and was suspected of embezzling $40 million . The Nebraska Senate questioned child prostitutes, who accused King of running a child prostitution ring. One of these children said that she saw George H.W. Bush at one of King's parties.
Orlando Letelier He was torn to bits by a car bomb on the streets of Washington DC just before he was to testify against the Chilean dictator Pinochet. After the bombing, CIA Director George H. W. Bush told the FBI that there had been no Chilean involvement whatsoever. In 1991 the post-Pinochet Chilean Supreme Court asked George H. W. Bush if he would submit to questioning. BUSH REFUSED. and continued and see Wikipedia and what Wikipedia fails to mention: Global Policy, Third World TravelerOffice of Naval Intelligence, Pentagon, 911 go to index
911Research The attack was at 9:40, about one and a half hours after the attack first started to unfold. Yet the Pentagon was left undefended, despite its close proximity to Andrews Air Force Base, which had two combat-ready fighter wings on duty on 9/11/01. The attack plane approached Washington DC from the northwest, but instead of diving into the portions of the Pentagon housing the top brass like Donald Rumsfeld, the plane executed a 320-degree spiral dive to approach the vast building from the southwest side and strike a portion of Wedge One that was undergoing renovations. While crashing into other portions of the Pentagon would likely have killed thousands, the precision maneuver limited fatalities in the building to under 200. The final approach of the attack plane was so low and fast that the wings clipped lamp-posts on the adjacent highway and damaged objects in the construction yard in front of the building. The crash embedded the plane almost entirely in the first floor, wiping out most of the personnel in the Office of Naval Intelligence, that had recently been moved into the newly renovated section. Pilots doubt that even the most skilled fighter pilots could have executed such a precise surgical strike, particularly with such a large plane. Physical evidence of the attack was systematically suppressed by the authorities. Instead of releasing video seized by the FBI from adjacent businesses, authorities leaked five frames of video from a Pentagon CCTV camera, which show clear signs of forgery. list below
Franklin Scandal Omaha go to index and MORE NFU research
Craig Spence Alex Constantine, Blacklist
White House Call Boy Scandal, 1989, NBC, Tom Brokaw
Franklingate Franklin Scandal Omaha, deaths: Aaron Owen, brother of Alisha Owen; Shawn Boner, brother of Troy Boner, both dead. Bill Baker, Newt Copple, Clare Howard, Mike Lewis, Joe Malek, Charlie Rodgers, Dan Ryan, Curtis Tucker, Harmon Tucker, GodLikeProductions
Keep Quiet go to indexBrigadier General David Wherley WMR On that particular morning, an exercise was being conducted that resulted in the two stand-by F-16s being flown without their heat-seeking missiles. When it was determined that the planes had to be pulled from exercise status to a real-time actual threat situation, they landed at Andrews and were dispatched immediately to the skies over Pennsylvania. WMR has previously reported that the two F-16s engaged United Flight 93 over Shanksville and shot it down. Eyewitnesses who lived in the Mount Vernon, Virginia area reported hearing loud explosions over the Potomac River during the morning of 9/11. These explosions may have been caused by the F-16s from Andrews breaking the sound barrier over the area south of Washington during their flight to Pennsylvania to intercept United 93. ... The Commander of the 113th Air National Guard fighter unit at Andrews on 9/11 was then-Brigadier General David Wherley. Wherley and his wife Ann were killed in the crash of a Red Line Metro train on June 22 of this year. It was Wherley who ordered the F-16s off of exercise status and into attack mode on the morning of 9/11. Wherley is reported to have been aware of who in the chain of command ordered the F-16s into exercise status and disarmed.
Geronimo AP HARTFORD, Conn. – Geronimo's descendants have sued Skull and Bones — the secret society at Yale University linked to presidents and other powerful figures — claiming that its members stole the remains of the legendary Apache leader decades ago and have kept them ever since. ... The federal lawsuit filed in Washington on Tuesday — the 100th anniversary of Geronimo's death — also names the university and the federal government. ... Geronimo's great-grandson Harlyn Geronimo said his family believes Skull and Bones members took some of the remains in 1918 from a burial plot in Fort Sill, Okla., to keep in its New Haven clubhouse, a crypt. The alleged graverobbing is a longstanding legend that gained some validity in recent years with the discovery of a letter from a club member that described the theft. fileDr. Bruce Ivins Wayne Madsen Report Bruce Ivins, a microbiologist at the US Army Medical Research Institute for Infectious Diseases (USAMRIID) at Fort Detrick, Maryland, reportedly committed suicide after ingesting prescription-strength Tylenol and codeine, as the FBI prepared to charge him in the anthrax attacks that took place weeks after the 9/11 attack in 2001. ... Ivins was part of the FBI team that investigated the anthrax sent in letters to the Senate's Democratic leadership. more search terms: Jean Carol Duley, Judith Miller, Woolsey, Dark Winter, Anser Institute, homeland security, Ames strain, Fort Detrick, Patriot Act, Dugway, Brian Ross, Bioreparat, Hadron, PROMIS, Herbert Abrams, BioPort, El-Hibri, Lansing, Michigan, Emergent Biosystems, Daschle, Project Jefferson, Battelle, Alibekov, Alibek, acetominephen overdose, Hadron Advanced Biosystems, Carlyle Group, Tom Brokaw, Dan Rather, Leahy, Cipro, Citicorp, Crowe, Rubenstein, D'Aneillo, Conway, Genetics Institute, Hoescht, Farben, Institute for Genomic Research, Merck, Dr. Thomas Monath, National Veterinary Services Lab, Syntek, Oravax, Phrma, PortonDown, kappa kappa gamma, Tylenol, codeine, bentonite, biological weapons, USAMRIID, Laurie Mylroie, Rupert Murdock, Engler, Clear Vision, Dugway Lifesciences Division, Michigan Biologic Products, BioThrax, David Kelly, Joint Vaccine Acquisition Program
Cliff Baxter suicide,
WTC victims see NFU 911 investigation
Deborah Jeane Palfrey WMR suicide more at NFU
Dr. Brandy Britton 43, an Associate Professor at the University of Maryland Baltimore Campus who used the escort name "Alexis," was found hanging in her Ellicott City, Maryland home in January 2007. It is not known if the Justice Department prosecutors had pressured Britton into testifying in the Palfrey case before her alleged "suicide." Britton's identity was made known to Howard County, Maryland police after an "anonymous" tip was received in a phone call to the department. Wayne Madsen Report and more atNFU and NFU
John O'Neill John O'Neill - FBI Asia Times Remember John HereInReality UofMichigan
John McWethy Feb 2008, Former ABC News national security correspondent John McWethy was killed in a skiing accident in Colorado. McWethy was at the Pentagon on 9/11 and covered the attack live. McWethy had a number of good sources within the intelligence Riad Hamad community. In a June 2005 WMR report: "WHY NSA IS THE FORT KNOX OF THE U.S. INTELLIGENCE ESTABLISHMENT" that covered the effect of outsourcing on the diminishing security of sensitive U.S. communications intelligence sources and methods, a major story first reported by McWethy. WMR continued and see Africa McWethy suspicious death. andFlight 77 research NFU more at Stellar Wind
Riad Hamad see Middle East street war raging between CIA / FBI and Mossad / Russian / Israeli mob ... WMR
Roland Carnaby see Middle East street war raging between CIA / FBI and Mossad / Russian / Israeli mob ... WMR
Smith, Phil Americans. Domestic spying, Amdocs On April 27, 2002, Solly, 53, died of a sudden heart attack at his Silver Spring, Maryland home shortly before he was to anchor a newscast. WJLA news director Phil Smith also succumbed to a heart attack within three weeks of Solly's sudden death. search terms: FISA, Amdocs, AIPAC, surveillance, telecom immunity, Israeli Art Students, 911, wiretaps, T2S2, HIDTA, WMR
Solly, Dale Americans. Domestic spying, Amdocs Solly, 53, died of a sudden heart attack at his Silver Spring, Maryland home shortly before he was to anchor a newscast. WJLA news director Phil Smith also succumbed to a heart attack within three weeks of Solly's sudden death. Jane Harman, AIPAC, Steny Hoyer, investigation,WMR
Political Assassination Team March 12-13, 2009 -- Sy Hersh says Bush White House operated assassination network New Yorker investigative journalist Seymour Hersh reported in a speech March 11 at the University of Minnesota that an "executive assassination ring" operated under the direct command of Vice President Dick Cheney. Hersh reported that Task Force 121, part of the Joint Special Operations Command, carried out assassinations. Afghanistan has been mentioned as one country where the assassination team was particularly active. search terrms: Rafik Hariri, explosion-by-wire bombing authorized by Bush, Sharon, Likud, rogue Syrian intelligence agents, Lebanese Christian, Elie Hobeika, testify, Sabra, Chatilla, Karl Rove authorization, Elliot Abrams, political assassinations. file
Minot / Barksdale nuclear transfer go to index
WMR has obtained previously "sealed" documentation that there was a "plan" afoot by at least four personnel at Minot, two including 91st Security Forces Group military security personnel charged with guarding Minot's Minuteman III silos, that involved the warehousing of military equipment, including flash bang and smoke grenades, battlefield trauma kits, gas masks, and chemical gloves, off base for an unknown operation more
Cpt. John Frueh WMR The involvement of Tyndall and Eglin Air Force bases in REX REDUX is significant. A little over a week after the Minot-Barksdale nuclear weapons incident, the body of US Air Force Captain and Major-selectee John Frueh, assigned to "Operations Weather" at Hurlburt Field, adjacent to Eglin, was found near is rental car, near Badger Peak in Washington state. Frueh was in Portland to attend his best friend's wedding. Frueh's last phone call to his family in Florida was from a pay phone at Portland International Airport on August 30, the very same day the B-52 flew with the loose nuclear missiles from Minot to Barksdale. more
Katrina Hurricane deaths go to index
Peter Hartmann CNN Central Figure in cemetery probe found dead ... Peter Hartmann Raw Story FEMA, La. Outsource Katrina body count to firm implicated in body-dumping scandals. The Federal Emergency Management Agency has hired Kenyon International to set up a mobile morgue for handling bodies in Baton Rouge, Louisiana following Hurricane Katrina, RAW STORY has learned. Kenyon is a subsidiary of Service Corporation International (SCI), a scandal-ridden Texas-based company operated by a friend of the Bush family. Recently, SCI subsidiaries have been implicated in illegally discarding and desecrating corpses. MORE
Silent Voices Bodies go to index
Bertha Champagne The kidnapping of Mrs. Judd Greg, wife of Senator Judd Gregg came just two days after the mysterious death of Bertha Champagne. She was crushed to death by her own vehicle in the driveway of Marvin Bush the brother of George W. Bush. The house was on Fort Hunt Road in Alexandria, Virginia. According to the Fairfax police she was retrieving a videotape of "her and the President" to show to Marvin. The car went out of gear and crushed her to death. The kidnapping story effectively overshadowed Champagne's death. Two men were convicted: Michael Pierre and Christopher Forbes.
Michael Corbin Radio talk show host found dead in car. He hosted "A Closer Look", WMR in 2003 his radio studio was firebombed. Corbin investigated top Republicans in child prostitution and sex slavery rings, also the political prosecution of Alabama Democratic Governor Don Siegelman. Wayne Madsen interviewed him in on the 2004 election corruption stories. He worked closely with Jimmy Rothstein on the Franklin Scandal Omaha, also interviewed Rothstein on Watergate burglar Frank Sturgis after JFK assassination. Also worked on 9/11, big oil land grabs in Utah, Colorado, and foreign ownership of North American Super Highway. He interviewed Daniel Elsberg, Gary Webb, Ralph Bunche, Malachi Martin, Carlo Calvi, (see Vatican Bank, Balckfriar's Bridge, P-2 Masonic scandal, Italy. continued
Jonathan Luna WMR DiBiagio was the first US Attorney fired by George W. Bush's Justice Department after the November 2004 election. On December 3, 2003, DiBiagio's Assistant US Attorney,Jonathan Luna, was found in a creek off the Pennsylvania Turnpike in Lancaster, east of Harrisburg, stabbed to death 36 times. Police investigators entertained the theory that Luna stabbed himself with his own pen knife. Luna was reportedly investigating Ehrlich and GOP lobbyist Jack Abramoff for being clients of the Pamela Martin escort agency at the time of his death.
Leona McConnell McConnell also claims to have firsthand knowledge that Bush had an affair in the mid-1980s with Victor Ashe, the former mayor of Knoxville, Tenn., who has served as the Bush's ambassador to Poland since 2004. Is feared MISSING
Dr. Don C. Wiley Mysterious deaths, disappearances of microbiologists since 911. The body count of infections disease experts continues to climb. Connections to weapons research began to surface. ... As many as 14 world-class microbiologists died between 9/11/1 and 3/2/2, and on 6/24/2 yet another microbiologist was added to the list. Still the US Government acted as if nothing was amiss, as silent on the question of dead microbiologists as they are on the question of the Israeli spies and their connection to 9-11. In fact, the official silence on the question of how so many top experts in infectious diseases could die in such a short time span is deafening. WhatReallyHappened Rense
Steve Kangas His web site, Liberalism Resurgent, was meticulously researched and presented such a problem to the "real boss" of George Bush, Richard Scaife, that he hired a private detective to look into Kangas' past. Steve Kangas was found in a 39th-floor bathroom outside of Scaife's offices at One Oxford Centre, in Pittsburgh, an apparent suicide. Post Gazette continued
Maria DiBiase WMR has learned from UN sources that the 19th Floor from which UN employee Maria DiBiase plunged to her death in the early morning of February 17, houses the Department of Peace-keeping Operations/Field Administration and Logistics Division (DPKO/FALD). The offices also house the code machines used for the encrypted fax machines used for DPKO activities in addition to a spare set of code machines used for DPKO rapid response teams.New York Daily News more search terms: Austrian national, IAEA, Conference Services, UNSCOM, Saadam Hussein wmd database, Iraq invasion, black market nuclear suppliers, A Q Kahn, Libya , Turkey, Pakistan, Marc Rich, Sibel Edmunds, 'black bag' operation. WMR and see NFU Plamegate continued
Gus W. Weiss, former White House policy adviser on technology, intelligence, and economic affairs, highly significant player in Reagan / Bush Sr. execution of Soviet downfall, Wikipedia file, "Weiss had declared himself to be against the war in Iraq a short while before his "suicide". It is interesting to note that 18 days before Weiss' death, another Bush government analyst also committed suicide -John J. Kokal (58 years old) on November 7, 2003. This man leapt to his death from an office in the State Department where he worked. Kokal (see below) was an intelligence analyst for the Department of State in matters dealing with Iraq. search terms Farewell Dosier, Directorate T, Line X, Kokal RenewAmerica, Rense continued and Reagan Cold War End file
Charles Wilbourne Miller, 63, was found dead of a gunshot wound to the head on November 17, 1998 in a shallow pit about 300 yards from his ranch house near Little Rock. Police found a .410 gauge shotgun near Miller's body and a Ruger .357-caliber revolver submerged in water. Investigators concluded the Ruger was the weapon used by Miller to kill himself. Yet, two rounds in the handgun's cylinder had been spent. He had long served as executive vice president and member of the board of directors for a company called Alltel and was deeply involved in his own software engineering company until the day he died. Alltel is the successor to Jackson Stephens' Systematics, the company that provided the software for the White House's "Big Brother" data base system and that was behind the administration's plan to develop the secret computer "Clipper" chip to bug every phone, fax and email transmission in America. Prorev
Colin McMillan - Bush nominee for Navy secretary Truthout
Don Holland - (D)SC - U.S. Senator - (10/05/03) TheState
J. CLIFFORD BAXTER - ENRON WSWS convenient death, CBSNews
Michael Holton - UN security guard Foxnews
Salem bin Laden Rense
Paul Sanford, Paul Sanford, making waves as the first reporter to ask then-White House press secretary Scott McClellan whether the leaking of CIA agent Valerie Plame's name might be considered an act of treason. In what police describe as a "probable" suicide leap, a prominent Monterey Bay Area attorney fell at least nine floors to his death at the Embassy Suites Hotel Monterey Bay in Seaside the morning before Christmas. He joined the White House Press Corps in 2005, Monterey Herald
John Kokal - State Department Employee - Intelligence Div. highly significant player in Reagan / Bush Sr. execution of Soviet downfall, Global Free Press, From the Wilderness, RenewAmerica,Foxnews, News8 continued
James Hatfield Mr. Hatfield was the author of Fortunate Son, an unauthorized biography of George W. Bush. The book detailed Bush's cocaine use and cover up of a cocaine arrest. He was found Wednesday, July 18, in a motel room, an apparent suicide.Wikipedia continued
Don McCoy: Mr. McCoy had agreed the day before to turn state's evidence in an FBI investigation that threatened some of El Paso's most prominent business leaders. On February 19, 1988, he took off from El Paso International Airport Famous Texans
Margie Schoedinger woman who filed sexual lawsuit against George W. Bush in '02 search terms, rape, Texas UofMissouri ThoughtCrimes
Evan Hunziker the man held three months by North Korea for alleged spying, was found dead in a Tacoma motel, apparently a victim of suicide. ... a single gunshot wound to his head. He was 26 years old. Hunziker returned to the United States on November 27 after spending three months in the hands of North Korean authorities on suspicion of espionage. He was freed after New Mexico Rep. Bill Richardson traveled to North Korea and negotiated his release. ……"Alamo Girl
Gabriel Ferez and Laurent Bonomo see Archive Headline
Rosa Fuentas Reuters Masked gunmen killed the leader of Honduras' largest union group in an attack authorities said was a robbery attempt, but fellow unionists said she was targeted because of her job.
Prescott Bush Bodies go to index
William S. Farish He was one of Prescott Bush's partners in business deals with Adolph Hitler. He was devastated by the intense grilling he received from the Senate about his dealings with Nazis, and while Prescott Bush skated free, Farish collapsed and died on November 29, 1942.
James Forrestal He was U.S. Secretary of Defense, and become a problem for Prescott Bush when he proposed racial integration of the Armed Forces. On March 28, 1949, he was forced out of office and flown on a military plane to Jupiter Island in Florida. From there he was taken to Walter Reed Army Hospital, where he was given insulin shock treatments. He was shielded from all visitors except his estranged wife. From "George Bush, the Unauthorized Biography": On May 22, Forrestal's body was found, his bathrobe cord tied tightly around his neck, after he had plunged from a sixteenth-story hospital window. The chief psychiatrist called the death a suicide even before any investigation was started. The results of the Army's inquest were kept secret. Forrestal's diaries were published, 80 percent deleted, after a year of direct government censorship and rewriting. Wikipedia Majestic 12
Texas Justice Bodies go to index Famous Texans
Karla Faye Tucker She was executed in spite of enormous protest from the public, even those religious groups that advocate the death penalty.... continued Famous Texans
David Wayne Spence David Wayne Spence was executed in Texas in 1997 in spite of compelling evidence of his innocence. Two of the State's witnesses were co-defendants who testified to avoid the death penalty, one of whom changed his story three times in response to discrepancies. continued Famous Texans
Gary Graham Gary Graham was convicted of the robbery and murder of a white man in 1981. Nearly two weeks after the crime, the state's prime witness could not pick Gary's picture out of a photo line-up. Mr. Graham was arrested with a 22 caliber pistol.
Iran-Contra deaths, S&L, BCCI go to index
William Casey Hours before Casey was scheduled to testify before Congress about his knowledge of Iran-Contra, he was reported to have been rendered incapable of speech, and was later hospitalized. In his 1987 book, Veil: The Secret Wars of the CIA 1981-1987, Washington Post reporter Bob Woodward, who had interviewed Casey on numerous occasions, said that he had gained entry to Casey's hospital room for a final, four-minute long encounter — FAS Federation of American Scientists Walsh Report, Iran-Contra continued
Amiram Nir: He was a former Israeli agent who was in Jerusalem with George Bush during Iran Contra. He went under the assumed name of Pat Weber. Nir was scheduled to testify to the Senate subcommittee and it was feared he would reveal the truth. He perished, following the shooting-down of his aircraft with missiles from the helicopter of a man called Gene Tatum, 25-year CIA deep cover agent. FAS Federation of American Scientists Walsh Report, Iran-Contra Cooperative Research
Danny Casolaro He was working on a book that tied together the scandals surrounding the presidency of George H. W. Bush. He told his friends he was going to "bring back" the head of the Octopus. Instead, his body was found in a hotel in Martinsburg, West Virginia, on August 10, 1991, an apparent suicide. ............. and see It was about the Regan-Bush administration and an alleged effort to delay the freeing of the hostages being held at the time by Iran in order to do damage to President Jimmy Carter's reelection bid. Casolaro was told that as a part of the effort, drugs and weapons were being flown into and out of the airport at Mena, Arkansas. Bill Clinton was governor at the time and there have been numerous questions about whether Clinton was in any way involved in any of the activities connected with Mena or protected those who were involved CraigsList
Sen. John Tower : He was appointed by the Reagan/Bush Administration to chair the bipartisan committee to investigate the Iran/Contra scandals. He directed the Tower Report and had all the Iran Contra documents and knew the inside of the story. He was killed in an uninvestigated airplane crash later in Georgia in 1991. Also killed was his daughter, Marian. Cooperative Research Wikipedia, Iran Contra, FAS Federation of American Scientists Walsh Report, Iran-Contra
Mark Lombardi He was an accomplished conceptual artist who, while chatting on the phone with a banker friend about the Bush savings and loan scandal, started doodling a diagram and was inspired to create a complex series of drawings and sketches that charted the details of the scandal. According to the New York Times, "He was soon charting the complex matrices of personal and professional relationships, conflict of interest, malfeasance and fraud uncovered by investigations into the major financial and political scandals of the day; to keep facts and sources straight, he created a handwritten database that now includes around 12,000 3-by-5-inch cards." On the evening of March 22, 2000, Mark Lombardi was found hanging in his loft, an apparent suicide.
Olaf Palme Olof Palme: He was the prime minister of Sweden, assassinated in 1986. Oliver North, the golden boy of the Bush/Reagan machine, had met with Mr. Palme to discuss the possibility of obtaining false end-user certificates for the plethora of weapons that were being purchased, so that they would seem to have come from a country other than the U.S. Mr. Palme refused to participate, after the plan was presented to him. He was dead within weeks. continued Wikipedia Timeline 1986 Rumormill News Modern History Project (Iran Contra)
Mohammed Zia al-huk Dictator of Pakistan, and knew all about Iran/Contra, the training, funding, and arming of narco-terrorists like Osama bin Laden. In August 1988, the same day George Bush got the Republican nomination, his plane crashed into the ground with all engines running. The Pakistanis kept the bodies around (in violation of Islamic custom) for weeks, awaiting US experts. They showed up three weeks later and never checked the bodies. Why? BBC
Suggested search words:
Republican Senator Dixon speaking and Clinton's CIA Director John Deutch
Michael Ruppert from confronts Bill Clinton's CIA Director John Deutch about the CIA's involvement in cocaine smuggling. He goes further in this documentary in detail about how exactly drug money is laundered into Wall Street. He concludes that 9/11 was orchestrated as a pretense to further Wall Street's cause of laundering opium money from Afghanistan and America's conquest in securing the world's natural resources in the face of PEAK OIL.
Former CIA Official Exposes Bush Administration Fraud
Flynt Leverett worked as a senior director for Middle East affairs at the National Security Council, the NSC, and he was a CIA analyst.
The Bush Administration has committed fraud before. See background information on the fraud committed by the Bush Administration to get us into the Iraq War:
The Problem Was Not "Faulty Intelligence," the Problem Was Dishonestly Selecting And Omitting Intelligence
Senate Hearing on Iraq Pre-War Intelligence
US Intelligence About Iraq Didn't Really Fail, It Was Manipulated
Beyond all reasonable doubt, the Bush Administration is guilty of the high crime of lying our nation into war.
Read Dealing with Tehran by Flynt Leverett here
See video: Elliott Abrams is another NeoCon that doesn't respect the Constitution
1. The U.S. gov. is the reason why we depend on oil to run everything. If they haven't held Nikola Tesla back from providing the whole with FREE wireless energy, Then there would be very little poverty (if not no poverty) in the world, no wars over oil, the mid-east wouldn't have made as? much money as they did from oil, and there would be no more third world countries
2. I would shoot you? just for being a fkn crying bitch that was sacked for bing a fucking big mouth and for being a twat, its cunts like you who would allow terrorists or people in the country to fuck us all up...your a fucking coward and a traitor Mr Leverett...i hope your kid dies in an ambulance because it ran out of fuel on the way there because dicks like you exposed to do gooders we went for the oil and we then had to pull out and our system fucks up..because you gave them the oil back.dick!
3. One more thing..go and live in Afganistan or Pakistan where there is no real system or society as we have and tell me you wouldnt invade Iraq to keep your kids? from starving to death or living in shit...losers like you lot wouldnt fight for your lives, you would hand them the gun that shoots you because your fucking idiots.people cant handle the truth, because when they find out like you have done, they go fkn barmy..go drive your car, oh and btw, thank those who? have died so you can do that.
4. look you fucking tossers....we need the fucking oil...The USA has none left, Sadam stuck the knife in after another superpower told him too, I wonder who that was...the UK and Europe rely on Kuwait oil you fucking dicks...wake up, do you want to be living in a world with no police, gangs killing everyone and no food, money or health...Yes its about? oil, but Ii don’t think you fuckers know how it would? effect the west if we had none...wake up, this lie is for the doo gooders who fuck everything up
5. We need to get rid of all religions and ignorant racists on this planet. Those are the people that are holding humanity back. I love all these people that post on youtube with nothing intelligent to say. All I? see is ignorant people that can't spell or think outside of the box, and resort to a more redneck way of thinking. I hope for those peoples sake that they are dis-informed children, b/c if they are Adults then they are truly lost in the abyss of ignorance
6. Israel's game is to frame Arabs and set them up as? targets for the United States
Republican Senator Dixon speaking and Clinton's CIA Director John Deutch
Zbigniew Brzezinski
Zbigniew Brzezinski on Iran
Massive unemployment could lead to riots says Dr. Brzezinski
Michael Ruppert confronts CIA director about Drug Laundering
Former CIA Official Exposes Bush Administration Fraud
The Bush Administration has committed fraud before. See background information on the fraud committed by the Bush Administration to get us into the Iraq War:
The Problem Was Not "Faulty Intelligence," the Problem Was Dishonestly Selecting And Omitting Intelligence
Senate Hearing on Iraq Pre-War Intelligence
US Intelligence About Iraq Didn't Really Fail, It Was Manipulated
Beyond all reasonable doubt, the Bush Administration is guilty of the high crime of lying our nation into war.
Read Dealing with Tehran by Flynt Leverett here:http://www.newamerica.
See video: Elliott Abrams is another NeoCon that doesn't respect the Constitution
Good Morning America learns that Bin Laden is CIA
Bush-Clinton suspicious death lists, body counts
A compilation of about 50 websites. Alphabetic Index 200+ names and see death categories Bush, Clinton
![]() ![]() Roland V. Carnaby, CIA, gunned down by Houston police department ...connections to 'false flag' 911 type incident?...more
Bush / Clinton Suspicious Death List intro: The editors and staff at are finally realizing that we are uncovering one of the most incredible political stories of modern history. It best can be described by getting out the idea of 'limited hangout' and applying it to the past 25 years of Bush / Reagan / Clinton administrations. Bill and Hillary Clinton are still in the process of hoodwinking the world including Democrats, Republicans and Progressives. The Clinton impeachment was just a smokescreen to launch the neo-con PNAC agenda 'under the radar'. The Clinton's are / were an integral part of the neo-con operation. Osama bin Laden is their creation. They (Cheney and Israel) piggy-backed their operation on top of bin Laden's 9/11 mission; it all went very smoothly. The Clinton healthcare initiative, OJ Simpson trial, Iraq sanctions, and countless media tricks were all necessary parts of the decades-long run-up to the invasion of Iraq. Countless duped Republicans like Falwell, Limbaugh, fell into the trap and were unwitting coconspirators. The lists of names on this page are just a few of the people who got in the way and had to be 'taken care of'....all very fascinating and tragic. ....New York Times Crazy Clinton, 1997, and file | |||||||||||||||||||
Clinton / Bush Suspicious Death Lists ... Body Counts |
Clinton body count |
William Colby : Retired CIA director was found dead on May 6,1996 after his wife reported him missing on April 27,1996. Apparently, Colby decided to go on a impromptu canoeing excursion and never returned. Colby who had just started writing for Strategic Investment newsletter, worried many in the intelligent community. Colby's past history of divulging CIA secrets in the past were well known. Strategic Investor had covered the Vince Foster suicide and had hired handwriting experts to review Foster's suicide note. and see research on William Colby John DeCamp relationship in the Franklin Scandal Omaha NFU research pages, and Etherzone, AmericanRetiredPersons see also , John DeCamp JJRaymond Wikipedia James McDougal American Retired Persons Jim McDougal was serving his three-year sentence for bank fraud at the Fort Worth Federal Medical Center in Texas, a facility operated by the federal Bureau of Prisons for inmates who need medical attention. ... Just prior to another round of testimony before Kenneth Starr's grand jury, McDougal, while in solitary confinement, suffered a heart attack that may have been brought on by diuretics forced on him. Wikipedia,New York Times, Salon New Yorker, and see David Hale, continued
Eric Butera An informant in the murder of White House intern Mary Mahoney. Assigned by DC police to make an undercover drug buy and was beaten to death. Prorev The Secret Service told Dallas police to stop screening for weapons while people were still arriving at a campaign rally for Barack Obama, Dead Bodyguards go to index MORE Maj. Gen. William Robertson Deputy Commanding General, V Corps, Europe websites Col William Densberger V Corps Chief of Operations and Plans Col. Robert Kelly V Corps Chief of Intelligence Spec. Gary Rhodes Crew Chief died: 2/23/93 - All were killed when their helicopter crashed in Weisbaden, Germany. No cause was ever determined. - V Corps figured prominently in the US Bosnia-Serbia peacekeeping operations, along with the carrier Roosevelt. These men, and 8 others associated with Clinton's visit to the Roosevelt all died within 4 months of each other. websites MORE Steve Willis ATF Agent & Former Clinton bodyguard Jeremiah Project Robert Williams ATF Agent & Former Clinton bodyguardJeremiah Project Conway LeBleu ATF Agent & Former Clinton bodyguardJeremiah Project Todd McKeehan ATF Agent & Former Clinton bodyguard, died: 2/28/93 - "executed" by gunfire in the Waco, Texas assault on the Branch Davidians. - All four were examined by a "private doctor" and died from nearly identical wounds to the left temple, so-called execution style. According to Linda Thompson, videotapes and other evidence indicates that none died from guns fired by Branch Davidians. continued Jeremiah Project MORE Staff Sgt. Brian Haney Clinton bodyguard Marine Sgt. Tim Sabel Clinton bodyguard Maj. William Barkley Clinton bodyguard websites Capt. Scott Reynolds Clinton bodyguard died: 5/19/93 - All four men died when their helicopter crashed in the woods near Quantico, Va. - Reporters were barred from the site, and the head of the fire department responding to the crash described it by saying, "Security was tight," with "lots of Marines with guns." A videotape made by a firefighter was seized by the Marines. All four men had escorted Clinton on his flight to the carrier Roosevelt shortly before their deaths. MORE C. Victor Raiser II National Finance Chairman of the Democratic National Committee (DNC), and the finance chairman for the Middle Atlantic States in Clinton for President Campaign websites New York Times He was affiliated with the Washington law firm of Jones, Day, Reavis & Pogue and was chairman of the American Mobile Satellite Corporation of Washington and vice chairman of the Mobile Telecommunication Technologies Corporation of Jackson, Miss. ... died in a plane crash near Dillingham, Alaska. New York Times topics Bill Clinton Montgomery Raiser Son of C. Victor Raiser II died: 7/30/92 - Both men died in a private plane crash in Alaska, en route to a fishing expedition. No cause was ever determined. Five others not connected to Clinton died with them. - DeeDee Meyers described Raiser as a "major player" in the Clinton organization. Victor raiser was also chairman of Mobile Telecomm Technologies Corp., whose subsidiary, SkyTel Corp. is an international paging company used by federal police agencies such as the= FBI. Hershell Friday - Attorney and Clinton fund raiser died March 1, 1994 when his plane exploded. Paul Tully Democratic National Committee Political Director died: 9/24/92 - Found dead in a hotel room in Little Rock Arkansas of "unknown causes." No autopsy allowed. - Described by Clinton as a "dear friend and trusted advisor. Tully authored several key strategies for Clinton and the party. websites Ed Willey Real Estate Attorney, Clinton Fund Raiser died: 11/30/93 - Died of gunshot to the head. Body found in deep woods in Virginia. Ruled a suicide, no note was found, nor was any motive identified. - Intimately involved in several Clinton fund raising events. Ruled a suicide, no note was found. Died on the same day his wife was allegedly sexually accosted in the White House by Bill Clinton. Intimately involved in several Clinton fund raising events. Wikipedia Salon see Linda Tripp
James Bunch Influential Texan died: ??? - Died from a gunshot suicide, similar to Vince Foster. - Was discovered to have a "little black book" containing the names of many influential persons in Texas and Arkansas who visited certain prostitutes. Jeremy "Mike" Boorda, President Clinton's former Chief of Naval Operations allegedly committed suicide by shooting himself in the chest with a .38 caliber pistol on his front lawn in May 1996. The unauthorized wearing of valor pins was the alleged reasoning behind the suicide. By 1998 this reasoning was proved false after the Navy issued a report that said Boorda earned the right to wear the pins after all. John Wilson Former Washington DC Council member died: 5/18/93 - Found dead from an apparent hanging suicide - Suicide appears suspicious due to an unusual number of reports made to the media concerning his "depression". Was reported, but not proven, to have ties to the Whitewater affair. websites Will Oliver Stone make a movie about a GOP assassination of Obama? Actually it was David Ehrenstein of the LA Times that coined the 'magic negro' label. no racism or racists here? but he is young and charismatic. Where's the Clinton 'hit squad'? Is this a conspiracy? And how does it compare to Robert Kennedy? or Martin Luther King assassination? Bill Shelton Arkansas state trooper and fiancee of Kathy Ferguson died: 6/94 - allegedly committed suicide by shooting himself at the gravesite of his fiancee - Officer Shelton was the fiancee of Kathy Ferguson, who was the ex-wife of Trooper Danny Ferguson. Kathy Ferguson also committed "suicide" 6/94 when she shot herself in her living room. Oddly, next to the body were her packed bags, as if she was expecting to be going somewhere. Danny Ferguson is a co-defendant along with Bill Clinton in Paula Corbin Jones's sexual harassment suit. His ex-wife was reported as a corroborating witness for Ms. Jones. Paul Olson A federal witness in investigations to drug money corruption in Chicago politics, Paul had just finished two days of FBI interviews when his plane ride home crashed, killing Paul and 130 others on Sept 8, 1994. The Sept. 15, 1994, Tempe Tribune newspaper reported that the FBI suspected that a bomb had brought down the airplane. websites Wounded or attempted murder: go to index Gary Johnson : Not dead, but beaten near death and left for dead. Had videotapes of Clinton breaking into Gennifer Flowers' apartment. His tapes were taken. Dennis Patrick : Court clerk. Had millions of dollars laundered through his accoun t at Lasater & Co without his knowledge. Four attempts on his life. websites L.J. Davis : Reporter investigating Clinton scandals. Attacked at his hotel room in Little Rock. His notes were stolen. Larry Nichols : Former official at ADFA and author of "The Clinton Chronicles." The man who broke many of the Clinton scandal stories. Several attempts on his life Steve Dickson-Sally Perdue, one of Clinton's "regulars", was offered a $60,000/year federal job to keep her mouth shut; or she would have her legs broken. When she did come forward, she received a series of threats; but luckily for her, the American press mostly ignored her. Betty Currie The night before White House secretary, Betty Currie, was to testify before the Campaign Finance hearing, her brother, Theodore Williams, Jr., was severely beaten and hospitalized (see Oregonian January 29, 1998 Page A9). Then within one month of her testifying in the Lewinsky Grand Jury her sister was killed in a car "accident" in December 1997. Michael Galster The controversial story involving tainted plasma from Arkansas prisoners that was shipped to Canada in the 1980s while Bill Clinton was state governor continued Could the GOP blame their assassination of Obama on a Palestinian terrorist? Who are their heroes? Surely their not paranoid left-wing nutbags. No, Blackwater (created in 1997) did not take out RFK. But Scott Hinckley, brother of John W. Hinckley Jr., who allegedly shot Reagan, dined in Denver at the home of Neil Bush. Alan Standorf An employee of the National Security Agency in electronic intelligence. Standorf was a source of information for Danny Casalaro who was investigating INSLAW, BCCI, etc. Standorf's body was found in the backseat of a car at Washington National Airport on Jan 31, 1991. Etherzone 42inc NFU Jackson Stephens research Larry Guerrin Was killed in February 1987 while investigating the INSLAW case. Etherzone 42inc and NFU Jackson Stephens research Dennis Eisman An attorney with information on INSLAW. Eisman was found shot to death on April 5, 1991. Etherzone 42incNFU Jackson Stephens research Ian Spiro Spiro had supporting documentation for grand jury proceedings on the INSLAW case. His wife and 3 children were found murdered on November 1, 1992 in their home. They all died of gunshot wounds to the head. Ian's body was found several days later in a parked car in the Borego Desert. Cause of death? The ingestion of cyanide. FBI report indicated that Ian had murdered his family and then committed suicide. Etherzone 42inc NFU Jackson Stephens research websites Waco / Mena drug running go to index and see The Henry Ives deaths Carlos Ghigliotti 42, was found dead in his home just outside of Washington D.C. on April 28, 2000. There was no sign of a break-in or struggle at the firm of Infrared Technology where the badly decomposed body of Ghigliotti was found. Ghigliotti had not been seen for several weeks. ... Ghigliotti, a thermal imaging analyst hired by the House Government Reform Committee to review tape of the siege, said he determined the FBI fired shots on April 19, 1993. The FBI has explained the light bursts on infrared footage as reflections of sun rays on shards of glass or other debris that littered the scene. ... "I conclude this based on the groundview videotapes taken from several different angles simultaneously and based on the overhead thermal tape," Ghigliotti told The Washington Post last October. "The gunfire from the ground is there, without a doubt." ... Ghigliotti said the tapes also confirm the Davidians fired repeatedly at FBI agents during the assault, which ended when flames raced through the compound. About 80 Branch Davidians perished that day, some from the fire, others from gunshot wounds. ... Mark Corallo, a spokesman for the congressional committee chaired by Rep. Dan Burton, R-Ind., said that police found the business card of a committee investigator in Ghigliotti's office. Corallo said Ghigliotti's work for the committee ended some time ago. Etherzone websites Clinton deaths, Stephanopolis. continued 76 deaths as a result of the government siege on the Branch Davidians compound at Waco Texas. [Wikipedia Public Action search Janet Reno Judy Gibbs (along with her sister Sharon) appeared in the December 1979 issue of Penthouse, and later worked at a bordello near Mena, Arkansas which also ran a blackmail operation with photos taken of the customers with their girls. According to the Gibbs family, Bill Clinton was a regular customer of Judy. While cooperating with law enforcement in a drug investigation, Judy was burned alive when her house burned down. In a sworn statement, Clinton bodyguard Barry Spivey related how he had been with the governor when the governor's plane had flown over Judy Gibb's house and Clinton had shown Judy's penthouse photos on the plane and pointed out the house. WhatReallyHappened notes: Delaughter, Clinton, Arkansas, The Chief of Police in Arkansas at that time, Doc Delaughter, said he had gathered information from many persons in Lasater's surroundings, how he smuggled drugs and abused young girls sexually. During those investigations Doc was harassed by persons from his own police department, paid by Clinton. It was about the Regan-Bush administration and an alleged effort to delay the freeing of the hostages being held at the time by Iran in order to do damage to President Jimmy Carter's reelection bid. Casolaro was told that as a part of the effort, drugs and weapons were being flown into and out of the airport at Mena, Arkansas. Bill Clinton was governor at the time and there have been numerous questions about whether Clinton was in any way involved in any of the activities connected with Mena or protected those who were involved CraigsList see Children Franklin Scandal Omaha Barry Seal Wikipedia Adler Berriman Seal, or "Barry Seal" (July 16, 1939–February 19, 1986) was a pilot with the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and an drug smuggler (again, with the help of the CIA) turned Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) informant. After a 1984 arrest in Fort Lauderdale, Florida for money laundering and Quaalude smuggling, Seal negotiated a plea bargain that included him becoming an informant for the DEA and testifying against his former Colombian employers websites Spartacus Seal also offered to provide information to the DEA implicating federal officials in the Iran-Contra scandal. This included Richard Ben-Veniste, a Watergate prosecutor who played a crucial role in the successful fight to secure the secret Richard Nixon White House tapes. Ben-Veniste represented both Barry Seal and Bill Clinton in the early 1980s. Ben-Veniste served as chief counsel to the Senate Whitewater Committee. However, the authorities were not interested in this information. websites Russell Welch, an Arkansas State Police Investigator, was stricken with what his doctor called "military- grade" anthrax poisoning during his probe of Mena drug operations. Welsh did recover, thanks to a very astute doctor. Of course, Mena drug running has long been rumored to be connected with Clinton. StewWebb Salon Wall Street Journal Mena Coverup file MORE Robert Bates Barry Seal's aircraft mechanic at Mena (name unknown as of this time) died March 21, 1995 of an "overdose of mouthwash". Regarded by local authorities as an obvious homicide. Company executives go to index Charles W. Miller - Was executive vice president and member of the board of directors for a company called Alltel and was deeply involved in his own software engineering company. Alltel is the successor to Jackson Stephens' "Systematics", the company that provided the software for the White House's "Big Brother" data base system and that was behind the administration's plan to develop the secret computer "Clipper" chip to bug every phone, fax and email transmission in America. Found dead of a gunshot wound to the head on November 17, 1998 in a shallow pit about 300 yards from his ranch house near Little Rock. Police found a Ruger .357-caliber revolver submerged in water. Investigators concluded the Rugerwas the weapon used by Miller to kill himself. Yet, two rounds in the handgun's cylinder had been spent. World Net Daily MORE notes
Neil Moody: Died -August 25, 1996 Following Vincent Foster's murder, Lisa Foster married James Moody, a judge in Arkansas, on Jan 1, 1996. Near the time Susan McDougal first went to jail for contempt, Judge Moor's son, Neil died in a car crash. There were other reports that Neil Moody had discovered something very unsettling among his stepmother's private papers and was threatening to go public with it just prior to the beginning of the Democratic National Convention. He was alleged to have been talking to Bob Woodward of the Washington Post about a blockbuster story. Witnesses said they saw Neil Moody sitting in his car arguing with another person just prior to His car suddenly speeding off out of control and hitting a brick wall. Etherzone NFU Jackson Stephens research, 42inc .............................. Bill Clinton (demo-con) quieted a political opponent who was making allegations that he had fathered a mulatto child of a Little Rock hooker named Bobbi Anne Williams. NewsMax FAS Federation of American Scientists Walsh Report, Iran-Contra John Glasgow Yahoo / AP Clinton Library Builder's CFO Vanishes, Leaving Questions, No Clues. Police say no evidence of foul play, ... Company: CDI Contractors LLC, Little Rock, owned by Dillard's and the estate of Bill Clark, who built or remodeled many of the 300-plus department stores, and built the Clinton Library, ... other terms: options, shares, audit, accounting scandal, clean books, tracking dogs may have found something, Petit Jean Mountain, Volvo SUV, Conway County, .... NFU: this is a huge stretch to any connection to Clinton death lists but mentioning it on this page may help the search. The information is very smelly and stinky and should not be ignored. side note: Huffington Post Clinton Library, Bill Bradley ... Obama supporter, former senator, called into question of Bill Clinton Library financial backers, quid-pro-quos, Hillary is a flawed candidate, won't release the names of the people who contributed to the Clinton presidential library. ... terms: favors, pardons, investigations squelched, contracts awarded, regulations delayed, effect on run against John McCain, notes: and in a bizarre twist in the 2008 campaign, Bill Clinton accused Barack Obama of putting out a "hit job"on him. Clinton has been accused of fanning racial issues in the campaign, Clinton said that was a total myth and mugging. Suzanne Coleman : Had affair with Clinton when he was attorney general. Died of "suicide" with gunshot wound to the back of her head. No autopsy performed. Was pregnant at time of her death. Some say it was Clintons. websites Paula Grober Clinton's speech interpreter for the deaf died: 12/9/92 -Died in a one-car accident with no known witnesses. Her body was thrown 33 feet from the car. A very attractive women, Paula traveled extensively with Clinton from 1978 until her death. Jan Kopold Shortly after Clinton's return to America and his first meeting with Hillary Rodham at Yale Law School, his friend, Jan Kopold, died. One report said it was from a fall off the roof of a building while vacationing in Turkey, but Oxford’s magazine reported it was from a mountain climbing fall. continued
Iran transfer of arms to Bosnian Muslims go to index John Millis "Knowledge of the Iran-Contra Affair may also be the true cause of the essentially unpublicized June 3, 2000 alleged "suicide" of John Millis, Staff Director of House Intelligence Committee. In 1996, Millis had investigated and uncovered the Clinton administrations’ role in helping Iran transfer arms to Bosnian Muslims. New York Times file.... The suspicious nature of the death of Millis and the lack of media coverage continued at notes. news: Gunderson Educate Yourself WMR, Disinfo, andSalon and file (Larry Nichols, Iran Contra, Arkansas, FAS Federation of American Scientists Walsh Report, Iran-Contra continued Brattleboro petition AP
Gary Webb : ,Suicide .. TruthNews L.A. Times had never acknowledged that Webb was substantially correct in his reporting about the Nicaraguan contras’ role in smuggling cocaine into the United States in the 1980s. Online Journal Milosevic, Slobodan MediaMatters On March 11, Milosevic died in his prison cell in The Hague, Netherlands. A preliminary autopsy report cited a heart attack as the cause of death. The Associated Press reported on March 13 that Dutch toxicologist Donald Uges said "he found traces of an unprescribed drug in Slobodan Milosevic's blood earlier this year that may have reduced the effectiveness of other medications he was taking." ... Wikipedia, PrisonPlanet Antiwar Shao Yunhuan, of Xinhua News Agency, Xu Xinghu and his wife, Zhu Ying, reporters at Guangming Daily. (NATO bombed the Chinese Embassy in Yugoslavia) God save Obama from assassination. Search terms: Bert Lance, Jackson Stephens, Abdullah Taha Bakkhsh, BCCI Hong Kong, Mochtar Riady, Aga Hassan Abedl, National Bank of Georgia, Gaith Pharoan, defense contracts, Stephens Inc. (bond investors) Arkansas Development Finance Authority, Worthen Bank. FAS Federation of American Scientists Walsh Report, Iran-Contra Oklahoma City Bombing go to index Kenny Trentadue A Salt Lake city lawyer searching for the truth behind his brother's death has uncovered a wealth of new information that could implicate the FBI in the Oklahoma City bombings. The documents he dug up suggest the FBI knew about the plot to bomb the Alfred P. Murrah federal building in advance but did little to prevent it. Jesse Trentadue's brother Kenney Trentadue was found dead in his prison cell in Oklahoma City in August 1995. The FBI calls it a suicide but Jesse maintains Kenney was beaten to death during an interrogation. Clinton Administration go to index Jeremy "MIKE" Boorda, President Clinton's former Chief of Naval Operations allegedly committed suicide by shooting himself in the chest with a .38 caliber pistol on his front lawn in May 1996. The unauthorized wearing of valor pins was the alleged reasoning behind the suicide. By 1998 this reasoning was proved false after the Navy issued a report that said Boorda earned the right to wear the pins after all. continued Arlington Cemetery (page misspelled) websites SMHAI Paul Tulley - Democrat National Committee Political Director found dead in a hotel room in Little Rock, Arkansas September 24, 1992, Described by Clinton as a "Dear friend and trusted advisor". websites , NewsMeat continuedKathy Ferguson Ex-wife of Trooper Danny Ferguson died: circa 5/94 - Died of a supposed gunshot suicide in her living room. There was a suicide note found by the body. However, friends were surprise at having noticed nothing wrong previously. And even more curious, found nearby were several packed suitcases, as if she expected she was going somewhere. She was the former wife (since changed her name) of Trooper Danny Furguson, who is the Arkansas State Trooper alleged to have escorted Paula Corbin Jones to the hotel room for her alleged episode of sexual harassment by then-Governor Clinton. Ferguson's wife was reported as a possible corroborating witness for Ms. Jones. Branscum, Herby Arkansas bankers Herby Branscum and Robert Hill were tried on charges in connection with Clinton's 1990 gubernatorial campaign. They were acquitted on some, but a mistrial was declared on others. Branscum subsequently killed in a suspicious auto accident. continued New York Times Prorev Gandy Baugh Attorney representing Mr. Lasater in a case concerning alleged financial misconduct. died: 5/94 - Died in an alleged suicide by jumping out of a window of a multi-story building. - Mr. Lasater was a close associate of Gov. Clinton, and was later indicted on drug related charges, among other things. Dr. Ronald Rogers Dentist from Arkansas killed in plane crash as he was on his way to an interview with a "London Sunday Telegraph" reporter to reveal some Clinton dirt. continued websites If Obama is elected President will Blackwater or Halliburton assassinate him, NewsBusters wonders about Huffington Post blogger who mentioned this. Is he another Kennedyesque candidate? Does he have the greatness? Bill Shelton: Shelton was an Arkansas police officer and was found dead as an apparent suicide on Kathy Ferguson's grave (Kathy was his girl friend), on June 12, 1994. This "suicide" was the result of a gunshot wound to the back of the head. Etherzone HillaryProject Slate file websites Stanley Huggins Partner in Memphis law firm investigating Madison Guaranty. His 300 page report has never been released. Jeremiah Project Florence Martin Accountant subcontracting to CIA related to the Barry Seal case. Dead of three gunshot wounds to the head. websites and see Florence Martin, accountant subcontracting to the CIA , found dead in 1994 in Mabell, Texas, the victim of three gunshot wounds to the head. Ms. Martin had the documents and paperwork, including the PIN number for an account that had been set up in the name of Barry Seal for $1.5 million at the Fuji Bank in the Cayman Islands. Oddly enough, following her death, the money was transferred to the Guaranty Bank in the Cayman Islands and then to another bank in the Virgin Islands. Jim Wilhite, associate of Mack McClarty's former firm. Many remember the sleezy McClarty from Clinton's first administration. Planetquo Jim Wilhite Wilhite was an associate of Mack McClarty's former firm. Wilhite died in a skiing accident on December 21, 1992.websites Sleeping Indian Mountain C-130 crash, Secret Service agent and 9 crew members text file continued Is Obama a threat to Dyncorps ... will they assassinate him? Limbaugh called him the 'magic negro', if he's elected the Right wing Christian Erik Prince will lose big time. Will it be a Secret Service inside job? Who's Palmero, Dead Investigators go to index Jerry Parks Head of Clinton's Gubernatorial security team in Little Rock. died: 9/26/93 - Gunned down in his car at a deserted intersection outside Little Rock. - His family reported that shortly before his death, they were being followed by unknown persons, and their home had been broken into. Parks had been compiling a dossier on Clinton's illicit activities. The dossier was stolen. also mentioned as Luther Parks, FAS Federation of American Scientists Walsh Report, Iran-Contra websites Paul Wilcher Washington attorney investigating government corruption died: 6/22/93 - Found dead on a toilet in his Washington apartment. No cause of death was ever determined. - At the time of his death, he was investigating connections between the "October surprise" during the 1980 federal election campaign and drug and gun-running out of Mena, Arkansas, as well as the BATF assault on the Waco, Texas Branch Davidians. Was planning on producing a television documentary on his findings. He had delivered a 99-page affidavit to Janet Reno three weeks before his death. websites Jon Parnell Walker RTC investigator Mysteriously fell to his death from an apartment balcony. The same apartment which was alleged to have been a secret getaway which Foster may have visited. also: Jon Walker, an investigator for the Resolution Trust Corporation, mysteriously "fell" to his death from Lincoln Towers, in Arlington, VA. In March 1992, Walker contacted the Kansas City RTC office for information concerning the ties between Whitewater and the Clintons. He reportedly was looking into a 50 million dollar transfer from an RTC fund in Chicago to Madison Guaranty Savings & Loan to cover up a 47 million dollar embezzlement. StewWebb Consortium and file Darlene Novinger - Former FBI operative, January 23rd, 2003. Novinger was known to hold sensitive information on the Clinton and Bush I administration's drug operations. Her husband murdered March 1987 when she went public with initial reports. Her father died July 8, 1993 four hours after Darlene was a guest on the Tom Valentine show. Suffered retaliation after reporting discussions by government protected drug smuggler who described contacts with Vice President George Bush and his son, Jeb Bush. UofM, KPThomas, no mention in Wikipedia, MORE Luther Parks Head of Clinton's security team in Little Rock. Died Sept. 26, 1993 Gunned down in his car at the intersection of Chanaul Parkway and Cantrell Road, near Jacksonville, Arkansas, (near Little Rock). Parks was shot through the rear window of his car. The assailant then pulled around to the driver's side of Park's car and shot him three more times with a 9mm pistol. His family reported that shortly before his death, they were being followed by unknown persons, and their home had been broken into (despite a top quality alarm system). Parks had been compiling a dossier on Clinton's illicit activities. The dossier was stolen. When news of the discovery of Vincent Foster's body was reported, Parks is reported to have said, "Bill Clinton is cleaning house." websites John Hillier - video journalist and investigator. He helped to produce the documentaries "Circle of Power," and "The Clinton Chronicles." He mysteriously died in a dentist's chair for no apparent reason. You Tube and full length Tony Moser: 41, was killed as he crossed a street in Pine Bluff, Ark on on June 10, 2000. Killed 10 days after being named a columnist for the Democrat-Gazette newspaper and two days after penning a stinging indictment of political corruption in Little Rock. NoHillary08 Steve Francis, author of ... just kidding. no relation to th famous basketball player ... of the Houston Rockets ... no assassination, assassinated, suicided, oft, etc. Commerce Department deaths go to index
Barbara Wise Commerce Department Staffer died: 11/29/96 -As the scandals continued to swirl around the Commerce Department, and most of all about John Huang, one of Huang's associates, Barbara Wise, was found dead in her locked office at the Department of Commerce, partially nude and covered with bruises. No cause of death has ever been announced. Oddly enough, following the discovery of her body, Bill Clinton made an unscheduled return to the White House from Camp David, claiming he needed a book of poetry in order to complete his inauguration speech. Wikipedia John Huang 1996 fund raising scandal, John Huang, 1996 fund raising scandal, campaign finance scandal, PRC, People's Republic of China, influencing U. S. domestic politics. Taiwan replaced with 'New China Lobby', promoted by Kissinger, Shultz, Vance, Eagleburger, Haig, Scowcroft. see Charlie Trie, became citizen and owned restaurant in Little Rock, convicted on Fed finance campaign laws, ... then Wang Jun, investor, Poly Technologies, PRC front company, smuggle AK-47s, met with Bush 41, Ron Brown, and invitation to meet from Hillary Rodham Clinton. ... and Johnny Chung, Liu Chaoying and General Ji ... the White House, illegal campaign contributions ... etc. ... back to John Huang, and employee of of Indonesian company Lippo Group's Lippo Bank, and its owners Mochtar Riady and James Riady, raised millions for DNC, held Commerce Dept position, continued Charles Meissner Assistant Secretary of Commerce for International Economic Policy. died: UNK - Following Ron Brown's death, John Huang was placed on a Commerce Department contract that allowed him to retain his security clearance by Charles Meissner. Shortly thereafter, Charles Meissner died in the crash of a small plane. What about Israel and the Mossad and an Obama assassination? they are highly skilled at this. We pray that Obama is safe from this. How to protect Obama. Protecting Obama will be difficult. this page is proof of what can happen. Jerkuic, Niko Chief Niko Jerkuic, technician in charge of the radio beacons used during the fatal Ron Brown flight committed suicide May 6, 1996. Christopher Ruddy and Hugh Sprunt wrote, "Brown's plane was probably relying on Croatian ground beacons for navigation. In the minutes before Brown's plane crashed, five other planes landed at Dubrovnik without difficulty, and none experienced problems with the beacons. But additional questions about the beacons and the crash will remain unanswered because, as the Air Force acknowledges, airport maintenance chief Niko Junic died by gunshot just three days after the crash and before he could be interviewed by investigators. Within a day of his death, officials determined the death was a suicide." Prorev Shelly Kelly was the flight attendent on Ron Brown's ill fated flight (April 3, 1996) James Nugent of the Wall Street Underground wrote, "Four hours and 20 minutes after the crash, the first Croatian Special Forces search party arrives on the scene and finds only Ms. Kelly surviving. They call for a helicopter to evacuate her to the hospital. When it arrives, she is able to get aboard without assistance from the medics. But Kelly never completes the short hop. She dies enroute. According to multiple reports given to journalist/editor Joe L. Jordan, an autopsy later reveals a neat three-inch incision over her main femoral artery. It also shows that the incision came at least three hours after her other cuts and bruises." Prorev Ron Miller investigated by authorities over the sale of his company, Gage Corp. to Dynamic Energy Resources, Inc. was the man who tape-recorded Gene and Nora Lum and turned those tapes (and other records) over to congressional oversight investigators. The Lums were sentenced to prison for campaign finance violations, using "straw donors" to conceal the size of their contributions to various candidates. Indeed, Dynamic Energy Resources, Inc. had hired Ron Brown's son Michael solely for the purpose of funneling $60,000 through him to the Commerce secretary, more The Henry Ives deaths (drug running victims) go to index
Keith Koney Keith had information on the Ives/Henry deaths. Died in a motorcycle accident in July 1988 with unconfirmed reports of a high speed car chase. Keith McKaskle McKaskle has information on the Ives/Henry deaths. He was stabbed to death in November 1988 at his home and In August 1989, Ronald Shane Smith was sentenced to ten years for the 10 November 1988 murder of Keith McKaskle. McKaskle had earlier expressed fears for his life, linking them to his knowing something about "the railroad track thing". Smith may have been paid to kill McKaskle, as a prison inmate said he had been approached and offered $4,000 to kill McKaskle himself. Gregory Collins Greg had information on the Ives/Henry deaths. He died from a gunshot wound to the face in January 1989. Jeff Rhodes He had information on the deaths of Ives, Henry & McKaskle. His burned body was found in a trash dump in April 1989. He died of a gunshot wound to the head and there was some body mutilation, leading to the probably speculation that he was tortured prior to being killed. websites In July 1989 Frank Pilcher was arrested for the April 1989 murder of Jeffrey Rhodes. Rhodes had earlier told his father he feared for his life because he'd witnessed a narcotics transaction. James Milan Milam had information on the Ives & Henry deaths. He was decapitated. The state Medical examiner, Fahmy Malak, initially ruled death due to natural causes. Milam? Remember that Arkansas medical examiner, the one I said wasn't always the most conscientious investigator on God's green earth? Yep, we're about to see him again. Fahmy Malak listed James Milam's cause of death as a perforated ulcer, adding that Milam's small dog afterwards ate the dead man's head, accounting for Milam's headless condition. Richard Winters Winters was a suspect in the deaths of Ives & Henry. He was killed in a "robbery" in July 1989 which was subsequently proven to be a setup. Jordan Kettleson Kettleson had information on the Ives & Henry deaths. He was found shot to death in the front seat of his pickup in June 1990. websites Mike Samples Ives/Henry witness ... The Wall Street Journal 4/18/96 Micah Morrison "…Mike Samples - Murdered June 1995 - Mike was another grand jury witness for Don and Kevin. He was reported as knowing a great deal about the deaths of Ives and Henry. Sources say he had been involved with picking up drugs that were dropped out of planes at the Mena drop sites. He was shot to death in the head and was not found for some time…." Boonie Bearden Ives/Henry Witness, disappeared The Wall Street Journal 4/18/96 Micah Morrison "…Boonie Bearden - Murdered under mysterious circumstances March 1989 - He was a friend of both Greg Collins and Keith Coney. He "vanished" without a trace. It was rumored he knew exactly what had happened at the tracks. An anonymous caller said he knew where he had been murdered. The police found a piece of a shirt, nothing more. His body has never been recovered…." notes:In a 25 May 1990 hearing before U.S. Magistrate Henry Jones Jr., Katherine Brightop said her ex-boyfriend Paul William Criswell told her he and three other men were involved in the teenagers' deaths. Brightop said Criswell told her the boys tried to steal cocaine from Callaway's home and they were caught and beaten to death before their bodies were placed on the tracks.
Serbia -Baltics, war go to index Tens of thousands of children in Iraq. Dr. Stanley Heard Chairman of the National Chiropractic Health Care Advisory Committee died with his attorney Steve Dickson in a small plane crash. Dr. Heard, in addition to serving on Clinton's advisory council personally treated Clinton's mother, stepfather and brother. If this unlucky chiropractor treated Clinton's brother, it is likely he accidentally stumbled on to some of the drug operation in which the Clintons were involved. websites and NTSB StewWebb Steve Dickson - Counsel to Mr. Heard died: 9/10/93 - Both died in a plane crash outside Dulles airport, after their aircraft, rented after Heard's personal craft developed troubles, crashed while attempting an emergency landing after reporting a fire on board. - Heard, in addition to serving on Clinton's advisory council, also personally treated Clinton's mother, stepfather, and brother. Jim Wilhite Vice Chairman, Arkla, Inc. died: 12/21/92 - Died in a one-person skiing accident. - Wilhite had extensive ties with Clinton and Mack McLarty, with whom he visited by telephone just hours before his death. websites Johnny Lawhorn Jr. - Mechanic, found a check made out to Clinton in the trunk of a car left in his repair shop. Died when his car hit a utility pole. (Johnny Lawhon) Florence Martin - Accountant subcontractor for the CIA related to the Barry Seal Mena Airport drug smuggling case. Dead of three gunshot wounds. Hume, Sandy : On Sunday, February 22nd, 1998, Sandy Hume, the 28 year old son of journalist Britt Hume, was reportedly found dead in his Arlington, Virginia home. Aside from the statement that this was an "apparent" suicide, there remains in place a total media blackout on this story, possibly out of concern that the actual facts will not withstand public scrutiny. Worked for Hill magazine, about Congress for Congress. websites Lance Herndon: Herndon a 41 year old computer specialist and a prominent entrepreneur who received a presidential appointment in 1995 died August 10, 1996 under suspicious circumstances. He appeared to have died from a blow to the head. Police said no weapons were found at his mansion, adding that Mr. Herndon had not been shot or stabbed and there was no evidence of forced entry or theft. Etherzone Doug Adams: Died January 7, 1997- A lawyer in Arkansas who got involved trying to help the people who were being swindled out of their life savings. Adams was found in his vehicle with a gunshot wound to his head in a Springfield Mo. hospital parking lot.Etherzone websites |
Clinton, misc | |||||||||||||||||||
Bush Death List ![]() |
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John Fitzgerald Kennedy An internal FBI memo reported that on November 22 a reputed businessman named George H. W. Bush reported hearsay that a certain Young Republican had been talking of killing the President when he came to Houston. The Young Republican was nowhere near Dallas on that date. According to a 1988 story in The Nation, J. Edgar Hoover said in a memo that Mr. George H. W. Bush of the CIA had been briefed on November 23rd, 1963 about the reaction of anti-Castro Cuban exiles in Miami to the assassination of President Kennedy. George H. W. Bush has denied this, although he was in Texas and cannot account for his whereabouts at the time. YouTube This is Robert Gaylon Ross interview with Lyndon Johnson’s mistress, Madeleine Duncan Brown. She claims that LBJ told her that he had John F. Kennedy killed. ...& You Tube Wikipedia Warren Commission, Rolling Stone ( The Last Confessions of E. Howard Hunt), Tarpley JFK Murder Solved AssassinationScience JFK Assination Source George H. W. Bush ... and John F. Kennedy Jr. On July 16, 1999, at the age of 38, John F. Kennedy Jr. was killed along with his wife and his sister-in-law, Lauren Bessette, when the aircraft he was piloting crashed into the Atlantic Ocean Great Dreams Murder by Plane Crash ... John F. Kennedy Jr. . Wikipedia YouTube FAA, final approach, 2500 ft., 100 ft, low altitude, 5 minutes, Hillary Clinton "When she decided to run (for Senator NY), Clinton and her husband purchased a home in Chappaqua, New York, north of New York City in September 1999." Wikipedia Michael Kennedy died in skiing accident January 2, 1998 Sonny Bono Sonny Bono, Wikipedia On January 5, 1998, Bono died of injuries after striking a tree while skiing on the Nevada side of the Heavenly Ski Resort near South Lake Tahoe, California. He was 62 years old. Bono's death came just days after Michael Kennedy died in a skiing accident. Governor Mel Carnahan Missouri's former Democratic governor, Mel Carnahan, who lost his life in 2000, three weeks before Election Day, during his Senatorial race against John Ashcroft. Carnahan went on to become the first dead man to win a Senatorial race, humiliating and defeating the unpopular Ashcroft posthumously. Ashcroft, despite his unpopularity, went on to be appointed Attorney General by George W. Bush. Investigators determined that Carnahan's plane went down due to "poor visibility." Alternet sweb continued William Colby On April 27, 1996, Colby died in an apparent boating accident near his home in Rock Point, Maryland, see above William Casey Hours before Casey was scheduled to testify before Congress about his knowledge of Iran-Contra, he was reported to have been rendered incapable of speech, and was later hospitalized. In his 1987 book, Veil: The Secret Wars of the CIA 1981-1987, Washington Post reporter Bob Woodward, who had interviewed Casey on numerous occasions, said that he had gained entry to Casey's hospital room for a final, four-minute long encounter — a claim that was met with disbelief in many quarters, and adamant denial by Casey's wife, Sofia. According to Woodward, when he asked Casey if he knew about the diversion of funds to the Nicaraguan Contras, "His head jerked up hard. He stared, and finally nodded yes." Death Casey died of brain cancer in 1987. Cooperative Research FAS Federation of American Scientists Walsh Report Senator Paul Wellstone see NewsFollowUp.comWellstone plane crash /murder page and ... Alternet, the only Progressive in the Senate, Great Dreams Murder by Plane Crash ... John F. Kennedy Jr. ... Paul Wellstone continued Rafiq Hariri Prime Minister, Lebanon, assassinated in bomb blast. U. S. and Israel gained the long sought removal of Syrian armed forces from Lebanon. Global Research,, SDS2000, World Socialist Website, and NFU Middle East, Haj Ali Razmara Wikipedia search terms: oil, Anglo-Iranian Oil Company, Standard Oil of New Jersey, Aramco Michael Todd AP A city police chief who led an investigation into charges that Britain cooperated with secret CIA flights to transport terrorism suspects without formal proceedings has been found dead, ... Manchester Chief Constable Michael Todd, 50, was found dead in Snowdonia .... see NFU 'war on terror' page
Plame outing death list go to index Lewis B. Miskell WMR Murdered Canadian diplomat another possible victim of Valerie Plame Wilson/Brewster Jennings disclosure. On May 26, Italian police discovered the badly decomposed body of Canadian diplomat Lewis B. Miskell in a Naples sewer. Miskell, 49, had been stabbed in the abdomen. Intelligence sources report that Miskell, who assigned to the Canadian embassy in Vienna, Austria, was the attache responsible for liaison to UN specialized agencies in Vienna Bush Went AWOL Bodies go to index Sid Adger Mr. Adger, a Houston oil supply company executive and Bush family friend, died in 1996 of unknown causes. Adger was the mysterious businessman who approached General James Rose and asked him to help George W. Bush avoid Vietnam by recommending him for a pilot position with the National Guard. websites General James Rose General Rose recommended George W. Bush for a pilot position with the Texas National Guard. He died of unknown causes in 1993. He was immediately buried and no autopsy was performed. websites Lt. Colonel William Harris, Jr. Lt. Col. William Harris was one of two commanding officers who could not perform George W. Bush's annual evaluation covering the year from May 1, 1972 to April 30, 1973. They stated in their filing that "Lt. Bush has not been observed at this unit during the period of this report." Fortunately for George W. Bush, Lt. Col. Harris is not here to verify his 1973 statement. He's dead. Lt. Colonel Jerry B. Killian Lt. Col. Jerry B. Killian, another George W. Bush's commanding officer. He cannot testify, he's dead. James Downing Aalund Mr. Aalund's name is the first on a long list of young Texans who died in Vietnam. No Texas Air National Guard connections. J. Clifford Baxter Found dead in his car, shot in the head. Mr. Baxter was vice chairman of Enron Corp. when he resigned in May 2001. Enron has been hot copy lately with the revelation that they were the largest campaign contributors for George W. Bush. Was J. Clifford Baxter a potential witness to Bush foreknowledge of their wrongdoings? His death was ruled a suicide. Charles Dana Rice He was the senior vice president and treasurer of El Paso Corp., an energy corporation swept up in the recent energy scandal. Two months after the "suicide" of Enron executive Clifford Baxter, in the midst of questions about the accounting practices of El Paso Corp., Charles Rice was found dead of a gunshot wound to the head. His death was ruled a suicide. James Daniel Watkins His body was found on December 1, 2001 in the Pike National Forest in Colorado, a gunshot wound to the head. Mr. Watkins was a consultant for Arthur Andersen, the accounting firm for Enron. He disappeared on November 13 after he left work. He was described as a devoted family man who always called home if he were going to be late. Officials initially said that the death was suspicious, but have changed their tune and have ruled his death a suicide. Jake Horton He was the senior ice-president of Gulf Power, a subsidiary of Southern Company, a cohort of Enron in the energy industry, and a major contributor to the Bush agenda. According to reporter Gregory Palast and Guardian, Horton knew of the company's appalling accounting practices, and "... had no doubt about its illegal campaign contributions to Florida politicans - he'd made the payments himself. In April of 1989 Horton decided to come clean with state officials, and reserved the company jet to go confront company officials. Ten minutes after takeoff the jet exploded. Kennedy Assassination Bodies go to index Hale Boggs He sat on the Warren Commission, which concluded that President Kennedy was slain by a lone assassin. Later, in 1971 and '72, Boggs said that the Warren Report was false and that J. Edgar Hoover's FBI not only helped cover up the JFK murder but blackmailed Congress with massive wire-tapping and spying. He named Warren Commission staff member Arlen Specter as a major cover-up artist. Congressman Boggs' plane disappeared on a flight to Alaska in 1972. The press, the military, and the CIA publicly proclaimed the plane could not be located. Investigators later said that was a lie, that the plane had been found. On the plane were Nick Begich, a very popular Democratic Congressman, and Don Jonz, an aide to Mr. Boggs. All were killed. Wikipedia continued George de Mohrenschildt A rich Russian oilman, he was described with his wife as being the two people friendliest to Oswald at the time of the assassination. De Mohrenschildt was the man who moved Oswald to Dallas. In the late 1970's, shortly before the first meeting of the House Select Committee on Assassinations, de Mohrenschildt started seeing a new doctor in town. He quickly became mentally unstable, at which time his wife convinced him to stop seeing the doctor. They moved away and left a false forwarding address. On the same day that the Committee tried to contact him about testifying, he was found dead of a gunshot wound. In his personal address book was the entry Bush, George H.W. (Poppy) and Zapata Petroleum Midland (the oil company owned by George H.W. Bush). Mrs. E. Howard Hunt In December 1972, while George H. W. Bush was at the Republican National Convention, a United Airlines flight carrying Mrs. Dorothy Hunt, CIA operative and wife of Howard Hunt, (CIA operative and suspect in the Kennedy assassination) crashed. Believed to be carrying $25,000 in "hush money", she died in this crash. Wikipedia E. Howard Hunt George H.W. Bush / Reagan Bodies go to index Gary Caradori He was investigating Lawrence E. King, Jr., a very influential black Republican who was also a friend of George H.W. Bush. King was director of the Franklin Community Credit Union in Omaha, Nebraska, and was suspected of embezzling $40 million . The Nebraska Senate questioned child prostitutes, who accused King of running a child prostitution ring. One of these children said that she saw George H.W. Bush at one of King's parties. Orlando Letelier He was torn to bits by a car bomb on the streets of Washington DC just before he was to testify against the Chilean dictator Pinochet. After the bombing, CIA Director George H. W. Bush told the FBI that there had been no Chilean involvement whatsoever. In 1991 the post-Pinochet Chilean Supreme Court asked George H. W. Bush if he would submit to questioning. BUSH REFUSED. and continued and see Wikipedia and what Wikipedia fails to mention: Global Policy, Third World Traveler Ronni Moffit She was Letelier's assistant. She and her husband were riding in the car with Letelier when the bomb exploded. Mr. Moffit survived. Ronni didn't. Jack Delaney and Ted White These young men were killed when pilot George H. W. Bush abandoned his plane when it was hit by enemy fire. Much has been made of this story - Malcolm BaldridgeMalcolm Baldridge: Commerce Secretary May 1987. Baldridge was familiar with the Bush family ties to the Communist Chinese. He died in a mysterious rodeo horseback riding accident. New York Times Wikipedia The ForbiddenKnowledge Hunter Thompson ... Hunter Thompson (renowned journalist,Wikipedia) Thompson died at his self-described "fortified compound" known as "Owl Farm" in Woody Creek, Colorado, at 5:42 p.m. on February 20, 2005, from a self-inflicted gunshot wound to the head. ... and see Flocco Rusty Nelson was allegedly employed by a former Republican Party activist to take pictures of current or retired U.S. House-Senate members and other prominent government officials engaging in sexual criminality by receiving or committing sodomy and other sex acts on children during the Reagan-Bush 41 administrations. Flocco, and DailyKOS, see Franklin Scandal Omaha MORE NFU research Wikipedia Hunter Thompson, CNNtranscripts, and New York Times and continued Panamanian General Omar Torrijos working in 1981 thumbed his nose at the Reagan/Bush administration and threatened to destroy the Panama Canal in the event of a U.S. invasion. Torrijos died shortly thereafter when the instruments in his plane failed to function upon takeoff. Panamanians speculated that the U.S. was involved in the death of the popular dictator, who was replaced by a U.S. intelligence operative, Manuel Noreiga, who previously worked with George Bush Senior. Alternet, Wikipedia continued Pres. Jaime Roldós Aguilera President of Equador, 1981. He died (shortly after Reagan took office) in an airplane crash later in 1981 when his Air Force plane (variously identified as either a Beechcraft King Air or an Avro turboprop) crashed in heavy rain near the Peruvian border ... Many Ecuadorians claimed that Roldós' death was actually an assassination carried out by the United States since he has refused international proposals for oil exploitation. Wikipedia continued Office of Naval Intelligence, Pentagon, 911 go to index 911Research The attack was at 9:40, about one and a half hours after the attack first started to unfold. Yet the Pentagon was left undefended, despite its close proximity to Andrews Air Force Base, which had two combat-ready fighter wings on duty on 9/11/01. The attack plane approached Washington DC from the northwest, but instead of diving into the portions of the Pentagon housing the top brass like Donald Rumsfeld, the plane executed a 320-degree spiral dive to approach the vast building from the southwest side and strike a portion of Wedge One that was undergoing renovations. While crashing into other portions of the Pentagon would likely have killed thousands, the precision maneuver limited fatalities in the building to under 200. The final approach of the attack plane was so low and fast that the wings clipped lamp-posts on the adjacent highway and damaged objects in the construction yard in front of the building. The crash embedded the plane almost entirely in the first floor, wiping out most of the personnel in the Office of Naval Intelligence, that had recently been moved into the newly renovated section. Pilots doubt that even the most skilled fighter pilots could have executed such a precise surgical strike, particularly with such a large plane. Physical evidence of the attack was systematically suppressed by the authorities. Instead of releasing video seized by the FBI from adjacent businesses, authorities leaked five frames of video from a Pentagon CCTV camera, which show clear signs of forgery. list below Franklin Scandal Omaha go to index and MORE NFU research Gary Caradori He was investigating Lawrence E. King, Jr., a very influential black Republican who was also a friend of George H.W. Bush. more and see NFU Franklin Scandal Omaha Craig Spence a number of Reagan White House Craig Spence, a high-ranking aide in the Office of the International Trade Advisor; Stanley Tapscott, an official in the director's office at the Office of Personnel Management; and Reginald deGueldre, a member of the Uniformed Division of the Special Service -- were found to have hired a number of gay male escorts (including boys as young as 13) from Professional Services, Inc. (well-known D.C. gay escort business). Private midnight tours of the White House were given to a number of the boys, after which homosexual orgies were alleged to have occurred in offices in the New Executive Office Building across the street. Spence later told associates and family members he had many more secrets to reveal. But he committed suicide in a Boston hotel room in 1990 after being indicted on weapons, drug and child rape charges." go to Franklin Scandal Omaharesearch. Johnny Gosch see NFU Franklin Scandal Omaha one of about 70 kids sexually abused by the power elite of Omaha Nebraska from 1980 to the early 90's... probably still occurring. Theresa Duncan see NFU Franklin Scandal Omaha and Alex Constantine, Blacklist Robert Wadman, Warren Buffet. Craig Spence Alex Constantine, Blacklist
Franklingate Franklin Scandal Omaha, deaths: Aaron Owen, brother of Alisha Owen; Shawn Boner, brother of Troy Boner, both dead. Bill Baker, Newt Copple, Clare Howard, Mike Lewis, Joe Malek, Charlie Rodgers, Dan Ryan, Curtis Tucker, Harmon Tucker, GodLikeProductions
Keep Quiet go to index
Brigadier General David Wherley WMR On that particular morning, an exercise was being conducted that resulted in the two stand-by F-16s being flown without their heat-seeking missiles. When it was determined that the planes had to be pulled from exercise status to a real-time actual threat situation, they landed at Andrews and were dispatched immediately to the skies over Pennsylvania. WMR has previously reported that the two F-16s engaged United Flight 93 over Shanksville and shot it down. Eyewitnesses who lived in the Mount Vernon, Virginia area reported hearing loud explosions over the Potomac River during the morning of 9/11. These explosions may have been caused by the F-16s from Andrews breaking the sound barrier over the area south of Washington during their flight to Pennsylvania to intercept United 93. ... The Commander of the 113th Air National Guard fighter unit at Andrews on 9/11 was then-Brigadier General David Wherley. Wherley and his wife Ann were killed in the crash of a Red Line Metro train on June 22 of this year. It was Wherley who ordered the F-16s off of exercise status and into attack mode on the morning of 9/11. Wherley is reported to have been aware of who in the chain of command ordered the F-16s into exercise status and disarmed. Geronimo AP HARTFORD, Conn. – Geronimo's descendants have sued Skull and Bones — the secret society at Yale University linked to presidents and other powerful figures — claiming that its members stole the remains of the legendary Apache leader decades ago and have kept them ever since. ... The federal lawsuit filed in Washington on Tuesday — the 100th anniversary of Geronimo's death — also names the university and the federal government. ... Geronimo's great-grandson Harlyn Geronimo said his family believes Skull and Bones members took some of the remains in 1918 from a burial plot in Fort Sill, Okla., to keep in its New Haven clubhouse, a crypt. The alleged graverobbing is a longstanding legend that gained some validity in recent years with the discovery of a letter from a club member that described the theft. file Mike Connell WMR December 20-21, 2008 -- Karl Rove now a possible suspect in murder conspiracy Former George W. Bush political guru Karl Rove, as a result of a plane crash that killed his top computer consultant, Mike Connell, has come under new suspicions, since Rove, as reported by WMR, threatened Connell if he provided testimony to Ohio officials investigating the 2004 GOP theft in the presidential election. ... Bath Township, Ohio police reported that on the evening of December 19, a single-engine Piper Saratoga piloted by Connell crashed next to a vacant house in Uniontown, Ohio, near Akron, and exploded in flames. Connell was killed. The plane was approaching Akron-Canton airport and was three miles from the runway when it crashed. Taylor Fano, who lives two doors from the crash site, told the Akron Beacon-Journalthat the plane "blew up." Another neighbor, Julie Hufstetler, told the paper she heard an "explosion." Connell's plane was en route to Akron-Canton from College Park, Maryland. Connell had flown from Akron-Canton airport on December 18 to College Park, a suburb of Washington, DC. A Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) official told the Beacon-Journal that the investigation of the crash may take "weeks and even months or longer to complete." MORE Dr. Bruce Ivins Wayne Madsen Report Bruce Ivins, a microbiologist at the US Army Medical Research Institute for Infectious Diseases (USAMRIID) at Fort Detrick, Maryland, reportedly committed suicide after ingesting prescription-strength Tylenol and codeine, as the FBI prepared to charge him in the anthrax attacks that took place weeks after the 9/11 attack in 2001. ... Ivins was part of the FBI team that investigated the anthrax sent in letters to the Senate's Democratic leadership. more search terms: Jean Carol Duley, Judith Miller, Woolsey, Dark Winter, Anser Institute, homeland security, Ames strain, Fort Detrick, Patriot Act, Dugway, Brian Ross, Bioreparat, Hadron, PROMIS, Herbert Abrams, BioPort, El-Hibri, Lansing, Michigan, Emergent Biosystems, Daschle, Project Jefferson, Battelle, Alibekov, Alibek, acetominephen overdose, Hadron Advanced Biosystems, Carlyle Group, Tom Brokaw, Dan Rather, Leahy, Cipro, Citicorp, Crowe, Rubenstein, D'Aneillo, Conway, Genetics Institute, Hoescht, Farben, Institute for Genomic Research, Merck, Dr. Thomas Monath, National Veterinary Services Lab, Syntek, Oravax, Phrma, PortonDown, kappa kappa gamma, Tylenol, codeine, bentonite, biological weapons, USAMRIID, Laurie Mylroie, Rupert Murdock, Engler, Clear Vision, Dugway Lifesciences Division, Michigan Biologic Products, BioThrax, David Kelly, Joint Vaccine Acquisition Program Cliff Baxter suicide, WTC victims see NFU 911 investigation Deborah Jeane Palfrey WMR suicide more at NFU Dr. Brandy Britton 43, an Associate Professor at the University of Maryland Baltimore Campus who used the escort name "Alexis," was found hanging in her Ellicott City, Maryland home in January 2007. It is not known if the Justice Department prosecutors had pressured Britton into testifying in the Palfrey case before her alleged "suicide." Britton's identity was made known to Howard County, Maryland police after an "anonymous" tip was received in a phone call to the department. Wayne Madsen Report and more atNFU and NFU John O'Neill John O'Neill - FBI Asia Times Remember John HereInReality UofMichigan John McWethy Feb 2008, Former ABC News national security correspondent John McWethy was killed in a skiing accident in Colorado. McWethy was at the Pentagon on 9/11 and covered the attack live. McWethy had a number of good sources within the intelligence Riad Hamad community. In a June 2005 WMR report: "WHY NSA IS THE FORT KNOX OF THE U.S. INTELLIGENCE ESTABLISHMENT" that covered the effect of outsourcing on the diminishing security of sensitive U.S. communications intelligence sources and methods, a major story first reported by McWethy. WMR continued and see Africa McWethy suspicious death. andFlight 77 research NFU more at Stellar Wind Riad Hamad see Middle East Roland Carnaby see Middle East Smith, Phil Americans. Domestic spying, Amdocs Solly, Dale Americans. Domestic spying, Amdocs Political Assassination Team March 12-13, 2009 -- Sy Hersh says Bush White House operated assassination network New Yorker investigative journalist Seymour Hersh reported in a speech March 11 at the University of Minnesota that an "executive assassination ring" operated under the direct command of Vice President Dick Cheney. Hersh reported that Task Force 121, part of the Joint Special Operations Command, carried out assassinations. Afghanistan has been mentioned as one country where the assassination team was particularly active. search terrms: Rafik Hariri, explosion-by-wire bombing authorized by Bush, Sharon, Likud, rogue Syrian intelligence agents, Lebanese Christian, Elie Hobeika, testify, Sabra, Chatilla, Karl Rove authorization, Elliot Abrams, political assassinations. file
Minot / Barksdale nuclear transfer go to index WMR Cpt. John Frueh WMR The involvement of Tyndall and Eglin Air Force bases in REX REDUX is significant. A little over a week after the Minot-Barksdale nuclear weapons incident, the body of US Air Force Captain and Major-selectee John Frueh, assigned to "Operations Weather" at Hurlburt Field, adjacent to Eglin, was found near is rental car, near Badger Peak in Washington state. Frueh was in Portland to attend his best friend's wedding. Frueh's last phone call to his family in Florida was from a pay phone at Portland International Airport on August 30, the very same day the B-52 flew with the loose nuclear missiles from Minot to Barksdale. Katrina Hurricane deaths go to index Peter Hartmann CNN Central Figure in cemetery probe found dead ... Peter Hartmann Raw Story FEMA, La. Outsource Katrina body count to firm implicated in body-dumping scandals. The Federal Emergency Management Agency has hired Kenyon International to set up a mobile morgue for handling bodies in Baton Rouge, Louisiana following Hurricane Katrina, RAW STORY has learned. Kenyon is a subsidiary of Service Corporation International (SCI), a scandal-ridden Texas-based company operated by a friend of the Bush family. Recently, SCI subsidiaries have been implicated in illegally discarding and desecrating corpses. MORE Silent Voices Bodies go to index Bertha Champagne The kidnapping of Mrs. Judd Greg, wife of Senator Judd Gregg came just two days after the mysterious death of Bertha Champagne. She was crushed to death by her own vehicle in the driveway of Marvin Bush the brother of George W. Bush. The house was on Fort Hunt Road in Alexandria, Virginia. According to the Fairfax police she was retrieving a videotape of "her and the President" to show to Marvin. The car went out of gear and crushed her to death. The kidnapping story effectively overshadowed Champagne's death. Two men were convicted: Michael Pierre and Christopher Forbes. Michael Corbin Radio talk show host found dead in car. He hosted "A Closer Look", WMR in 2003 his radio studio was firebombed. Corbin investigated top Republicans in child prostitution and sex slavery rings, also the political prosecution of Alabama Democratic Governor Don Siegelman. Wayne Madsen interviewed him in on the 2004 election corruption stories. He worked closely with Jimmy Rothstein on the Franklin Scandal Omaha, also interviewed Rothstein on Watergate burglar Frank Sturgis after JFK assassination. Also worked on 9/11, big oil land grabs in Utah, Colorado, and foreign ownership of North American Super Highway. He interviewed Daniel Elsberg, Gary Webb, Ralph Bunche, Malachi Martin, Carlo Calvi, (see Vatican Bank, Balckfriar's Bridge, P-2 Masonic scandal, Italy. continued Jonathan Luna WMR DiBiagio was the first US Attorney fired by George W. Bush's Justice Department after the November 2004 election. On December 3, 2003, DiBiagio's Assistant US Attorney,Jonathan Luna, was found in a creek off the Pennsylvania Turnpike in Lancaster, east of Harrisburg, stabbed to death 36 times. Police investigators entertained the theory that Luna stabbed himself with his own pen knife. Luna was reportedly investigating Ehrlich and GOP lobbyist Jack Abramoff for being clients of the Pamela Martin escort agency at the time of his death. Leona McConnell McConnell also claims to have firsthand knowledge that Bush had an affair in the mid-1980s with Victor Ashe, the former mayor of Knoxville, Tenn., who has served as the Bush's ambassador to Poland since 2004. Is feared MISSING Dr. Don C. Wiley Mysterious deaths, disappearances of microbiologists since 911. The body count of infections disease experts continues to climb. Connections to weapons research began to surface. ... As many as 14 world-class microbiologists died between 9/11/1 and 3/2/2, and on 6/24/2 yet another microbiologist was added to the list. Still the US Government acted as if nothing was amiss, as silent on the question of dead microbiologists as they are on the question of the Israeli spies and their connection to 9-11. In fact, the official silence on the question of how so many top experts in infectious diseases could die in such a short time span is deafening. WhatReallyHappened Rense Steve Kangas His web site, Liberalism Resurgent, was meticulously researched and presented such a problem to the "real boss" of George Bush, Richard Scaife, that he hired a private detective to look into Kangas' past. Steve Kangas was found in a 39th-floor bathroom outside of Scaife's offices at One Oxford Centre, in Pittsburgh, an apparent suicide. Post Gazette continued Maria DiBiase WMR has learned from UN sources that the 19th Floor from which UN employee Maria DiBiase plunged to her death in the early morning of February 17, houses the Department of Peace-keeping Operations/Field Administration and Logistics Division (DPKO/FALD). The offices also house the code machines used for the encrypted fax machines used for DPKO activities in addition to a spare set of code machines used for DPKO rapid response teams.New York Daily News more search terms: Austrian national, IAEA, Conference Services, UNSCOM, Saadam Hussein wmd database, Iraq invasion, black market nuclear suppliers, A Q Kahn, Libya , Turkey, Pakistan, Marc Rich, Sibel Edmunds, 'black bag' operation. WMR and see NFU Plamegate continued Gus W. Weiss, former White House policy adviser on technology, intelligence, and economic affairs, highly significant player in Reagan / Bush Sr. execution of Soviet downfall, Wikipedia file, "Weiss had declared himself to be against the war in Iraq a short while before his "suicide". It is interesting to note that 18 days before Weiss' death, another Bush government analyst also committed suicide -John J. Kokal (58 years old) on November 7, 2003. This man leapt to his death from an office in the State Department where he worked. Kokal (see below) was an intelligence analyst for the Department of State in matters dealing with Iraq. search terms Farewell Dosier, Directorate T, Line X, Kokal RenewAmerica, Rense continued and Reagan Cold War End file Charles Wilbourne Miller, 63, was found dead of a gunshot wound to the head on November 17, 1998 in a shallow pit about 300 yards from his ranch house near Little Rock. Police found a .410 gauge shotgun near Miller's body and a Ruger .357-caliber revolver submerged in water. Investigators concluded the Ruger was the weapon used by Miller to kill himself. Yet, two rounds in the handgun's cylinder had been spent. He had long served as executive vice president and member of the board of directors for a company called Alltel and was deeply involved in his own software engineering company until the day he died. Alltel is the successor to Jackson Stephens' Systematics, the company that provided the software for the White House's "Big Brother" data base system and that was behind the administration's plan to develop the secret computer "Clipper" chip to bug every phone, fax and email transmission in America. Prorev Colin McMillan - Bush nominee for Navy secretary Truthout Don Holland - (D)SC - U.S. Senator - (10/05/03) TheState J. CLIFFORD BAXTER - ENRON WSWS convenient death, CBSNews Michael Holton - UN security guard Foxnews Salem bin Laden Rense Paul Sanford, Paul Sanford, making waves as the first reporter to ask then-White House press secretary Scott McClellan whether the leaking of CIA agent Valerie Plame's name might be considered an act of treason. In what police describe as a "probable" suicide leap, a prominent Monterey Bay Area attorney fell at least nine floors to his death at the Embassy Suites Hotel Monterey Bay in Seaside the morning before Christmas. He joined the White House Press Corps in 2005, Monterey Herald John Kokal - State Department Employee - Intelligence Div. highly significant player in Reagan / Bush Sr. execution of Soviet downfall, Global Free Press, From the Wilderness, RenewAmerica,Foxnews, News8 continued James Hatfield Mr. Hatfield was the author of Fortunate Son, an unauthorized biography of George W. Bush. The book detailed Bush's cocaine use and cover up of a cocaine arrest. He was found Wednesday, July 18, in a motel room, an apparent suicide.Wikipedia continued Don McCoy: Mr. McCoy had agreed the day before to turn state's evidence in an FBI investigation that threatened some of El Paso's most prominent business leaders. On February 19, 1988, he took off from El Paso International Airport Famous Texans Margie Schoedinger woman who filed sexual lawsuit against George W. Bush in '02 search terms, rape, Texas UofMissouri ThoughtCrimes Evan Hunziker the man held three months by North Korea for alleged spying, was found dead in a Tacoma motel, apparently a victim of suicide. ... a single gunshot wound to his head. He was 26 years old. Hunziker returned to the United States on November 27 after spending three months in the hands of North Korean authorities on suspicion of espionage. He was freed after New Mexico Rep. Bill Richardson traveled to North Korea and negotiated his release. ……"Alamo Girl Gabriel Ferez and Laurent Bonomo see Archive Headline Rosa Fuentas Reuters Masked gunmen killed the leader of Honduras' largest union group in an attack authorities said was a robbery attempt, but fellow unionists said she was targeted because of her job. Prescott Bush Bodies go to index William S. Farish He was one of Prescott Bush's partners in business deals with Adolph Hitler. He was devastated by the intense grilling he received from the Senate about his dealings with Nazis, and while Prescott Bush skated free, Farish collapsed and died on November 29, 1942. James Forrestal He was U.S. Secretary of Defense, and become a problem for Prescott Bush when he proposed racial integration of the Armed Forces. On March 28, 1949, he was forced out of office and flown on a military plane to Jupiter Island in Florida. From there he was taken to Walter Reed Army Hospital, where he was given insulin shock treatments. He was shielded from all visitors except his estranged wife. From "George Bush, the Unauthorized Biography": On May 22, Forrestal's body was found, his bathrobe cord tied tightly around his neck, after he had plunged from a sixteenth-story hospital window. The chief psychiatrist called the death a suicide even before any investigation was started. The results of the Army's inquest were kept secret. Forrestal's diaries were published, 80 percent deleted, after a year of direct government censorship and rewriting. Wikipedia Majestic 12 Texas Justice Bodies go to index Famous Texans Karla Faye Tucker She was executed in spite of enormous protest from the public, even those religious groups that advocate the death penalty.... continued Famous Texans David Wayne Spence David Wayne Spence was executed in Texas in 1997 in spite of compelling evidence of his innocence. Two of the State's witnesses were co-defendants who testified to avoid the death penalty, one of whom changed his story three times in response to discrepancies. continued Famous Texans Gary Graham Gary Graham was convicted of the robbery and murder of a white man in 1981. Nearly two weeks after the crime, the state's prime witness could not pick Gary's picture out of a photo line-up. Mr. Graham was arrested with a 22 caliber pistol. Iran-Contra deaths, S&L, BCCI go to index William Casey Hours before Casey was scheduled to testify before Congress about his knowledge of Iran-Contra, he was reported to have been rendered incapable of speech, and was later hospitalized. In his 1987 book, Veil: The Secret Wars of the CIA 1981-1987, Washington Post reporter Bob Woodward, who had interviewed Casey on numerous occasions, said that he had gained entry to Casey's hospital room for a final, four-minute long encounter — FAS Federation of American Scientists Walsh Report, Iran-Contra continued Amiram Nir: He was a former Israeli agent who was in Jerusalem with George Bush during Iran Contra. He went under the assumed name of Pat Weber. Nir was scheduled to testify to the Senate subcommittee and it was feared he would reveal the truth. He perished, following the shooting-down of his aircraft with missiles from the helicopter of a man called Gene Tatum, 25-year CIA deep cover agent. FAS Federation of American Scientists Walsh Report, Iran-Contra Cooperative Research Danny Casolaro He was working on a book that tied together the scandals surrounding the presidency of George H. W. Bush. He told his friends he was going to "bring back" the head of the Octopus. Instead, his body was found in a hotel in Martinsburg, West Virginia, on August 10, 1991, an apparent suicide. ............. and see It was about the Regan-Bush administration and an alleged effort to delay the freeing of the hostages being held at the time by Iran in order to do damage to President Jimmy Carter's reelection bid. Casolaro was told that as a part of the effort, drugs and weapons were being flown into and out of the airport at Mena, Arkansas. Bill Clinton was governor at the time and there have been numerous questions about whether Clinton was in any way involved in any of the activities connected with Mena or protected those who were involved CraigsList Sen. John Tower : He was appointed by the Reagan/Bush Administration to chair the bipartisan committee to investigate the Iran/Contra scandals. He directed the Tower Report and had all the Iran Contra documents and knew the inside of the story. He was killed in an uninvestigated airplane crash later in Georgia in 1991. Also killed was his daughter, Marian. Cooperative Research Wikipedia, Iran Contra, FAS Federation of American Scientists Walsh Report, Iran-Contra Mark Lombardi He was an accomplished conceptual artist who, while chatting on the phone with a banker friend about the Bush savings and loan scandal, started doodling a diagram and was inspired to create a complex series of drawings and sketches that charted the details of the scandal. According to the New York Times, "He was soon charting the complex matrices of personal and professional relationships, conflict of interest, malfeasance and fraud uncovered by investigations into the major financial and political scandals of the day; to keep facts and sources straight, he created a handwritten database that now includes around 12,000 3-by-5-inch cards." On the evening of March 22, 2000, Mark Lombardi was found hanging in his loft, an apparent suicide. Olaf Palme Olof Palme: He was the prime minister of Sweden, assassinated in 1986. Oliver North, the golden boy of the Bush/Reagan machine, had met with Mr. Palme to discuss the possibility of obtaining false end-user certificates for the plethora of weapons that were being purchased, so that they would seem to have come from a country other than the U.S. Mr. Palme refused to participate, after the plan was presented to him. He was dead within weeks. continued Wikipedia Timeline 1986 Rumormill News Modern History Project (Iran Contra) Mohammed Zia al-huk Dictator of Pakistan, and knew all about Iran/Contra, the training, funding, and arming of narco-terrorists like Osama bin Laden. In August 1988, the same day George Bush got the Republican nomination, his plane crashed into the ground with all engines running. The Pakistanis kept the bodies around (in violation of Islamic custom) for weeks, awaiting US experts. They showed up three weeks later and never checked the bodies. Why? BBC |
follow up, the act of following up. 2. an action or thing that serves to increase the effectiveness of a previous one, as a second or subsequent letter, phone call, or visit. 3. Also called follow. Journalism. a. a news story providing additional information on a story or article previously published. b. Also called sidebar, supplementary story. a minor news story used to supplement a related story of major importance. Compare feature story (def. 1), human-interest story, shirttail. –adjective 4. designed or serving to follow up, esp. to increase the effectiveness of a previous action: a follow-up interview; a follow-up offer. 5. of or pertaining to action that follows an initial treatment, course of study, etc.: follow-up care for mental patients; a follow-up survey. fol·low –verb (used with object) 1. to come after in sequence, order of time, etc.: The speech follows the dinner. 2. to go or come after; move behind in the same direction: Drive ahead, and I'll follow you. 3. to accept as a guide or leader; accept the authority of or give allegiance to: Many Germans followed Hitler. 4. to conform to, comply with, or act in accordance with; obey: to follow orders; to follow advice. 5. to imitate or copy; use as an exemplar: They follow the latest fads. 6. to move forward along (a road, path, etc.): Follow this road for a mile. 7. to come after as a result or consequence; result from: Reprisals often follow victory. 8. to go after or along with (a person) as companion. 9. to go in pursuit of: to follow an enemy. 10. to try for or attain to: to follow an ideal. 11. to engage in or be concerned with as a pursuit: He followed the sea as his true calling. 12. to watch the movements, progress, or course of: to follow a bird in flight. 13. to watch the development of or keep up with: to follow the news. 14. to keep up with and understand (an argument, story, etc.): Do you follow me? –verb (used without object) 15. to come next after something else in sequence, order of time, etc. 16. to happen or occur after something else; come next as an event: After the defeat great disorder followed. 17. to attend or serve. 18. to go or come after a person or thing in motion. 19. to result as an effect; occur as a consequence: It follows then that he must be innocent. –noun 20. the act of following. 21. Billiards, Pool. follow shot (def. 2). 22. follow-up (def. 3). —Verb phrases23. follow out, to carry to a conclusion; execute: They followed out their orders to the letter. 24. follow through, a. to carry out fully, as a stroke of a club in golf, a racket in tennis, etc. b. to continue an effort, plan, proposal, policy, etc., to its completion. 25. follow up, a. to pursue closely and tenaciously. b. to increase the effectiveness of by further action or repetition. c. to pursue to a solution or conclusion. —Idiom26. follow suit. suit (def. 13). fol·low·a·ble, adjective —Synonyms 3. obey. 4. heed, observe. 8. accompany, attend. 9. pursue, chase; trail, track, trace. 19. arise, proceed. Follow, ensue, result, succeed imply coming after something else, in a natural sequence. Follow is the general word: We must wait to see what follows. A detailed account follows. Ensue implies a logical sequence, what might be expected normally to come after a given act, cause, etc.: When the power lines were cut, a paralysis of transportation ensued. Result emphasizes the connection between a cause or event and its effect, consequence, or outcome: The accident resulted in injuries to those involved. Succeed implies coming after in time, particularly coming into a title, office, etc.: Formerly the oldest son succeeded to his father's title. —Antonyms 1. precede. 2, 3. lead. 4. disregard. 9. flee. |
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The threat to a fistful of petrodollars By Liam Halligan (Filed: 23/04/2006) | |
From Russia, you might say, with love. This weekend, Alexei Kudrin, Russia's finance minister, dropped a bombshell in Washington. Attending the annual meetings of the World Bank and International Monetary Fund, Kudrin caused his American hosts discomfort by openly questioning the dollar's pre-eminence as the world's "absolute" reserve currency.
The greenback's recent volatility and the yawning US trade deficit, "are definitely causing concern with regard to its reserve currency status," he said. "The international community can hardly be satisfied with this instability." Kudrin's intervention coincided with another meeting, also in Washington, of finance ministers and central bankers from the Group of Seven - which doesn't include Russia. Top of the agenda: the effect of ever-rising oil prices on inflation and interest rates. G7 countries are worried the spiraling price of crude - which closed at $72.79 a barrel on Friday and which has now trebled in three years - could inflict real economic damage. The US Federal Reserve, in particular, has been forced to take drastic action - raising interest rates 15 times since June 2004 to keep inflation in check. Given that fragility, it is significant that Kudrin is now wondering aloud if the long-standing dollar hegemony can last. For him to do so is to highlight that America is vulnerable should that status be lost. That's because Russia, with its awesome oil and gas reserves, could kick-start a challenge to the dollar's supremacy. Most nations stockpile their foreign exchange holdings in dollars. The US currency accounts for more than two thirds of all central bank reserves worldwide. This reserve status means that the dollar is constantly in demand, whatever the underlying strength of the US economy. And now, with massive trade and budget deficits to finance, America is increasingly reliant on that status. The unprecedented weight of US liabilities means a threat to the dollar's dominance could result in a currency collapse, plunging the world's largest economy into recession. That won't happen immediately. The dollar has sat astride the globe for some time now - in fact, for most of the last century. But this statement from Russia - a country of growing financial and strategic significance - still caused the dollar to slide. It also fuelled speculation that central banks could increasingly diversify their holdings away from dollars. Kudrin's statement followed news that Sweden has cut its dollar holdings, from 37 per cent of central bank reserves to 20 per cent, with the euro's share rising to 50 per cent. Central banks in some Gulf states have also lately mooted a shift into the euro. Such sentiments helped push the dollar to a seven-month low against the single currency last week. But Russia's intervention will have raised eyebrows in Washington because the backbone of the dollar's reserve currency status - the main guarantee that status continues -is the fact that oil is traded in dollars. And that is something the likes of Kudrin can directly affect. For historic reasons, the dollar remains the world's "petrocurrency" - the only currency for the settlement of oil contracts on world markets. That makes the EU and Russia dependent on it. But with central banks switching to euros, the logical next step would be for fuel-exporting countries to start quoting oil prices in euros too. The EU is Russia's main trading partner. More than two thirds of Russia's oil and gas is exported to the EU. That makes Russia a strong candidate to become the first major oil exporter to start trading in euros. Such a scenario, in recent years, has become theoretically possible. But now, with these latest comments, Kudrin has thrust that possibility into the open. The G7 meeting was dominated, of course, by concern over Iran's nuclear programme. The threat of military action against Iran, itself a major crude exporter, is one reason oil prices are now testing record highs. It is worth noting that Tehran has ongoing plans to set up an oil trading exchange to compete with New York's NYMEX and with London's International Petroleum Exchange. In the light of Kudrin's comments, it is significant that the Iranians want to run their oil bourse in euros, not dollars. Were the Iranians to establish a Middle-East based euro-only oil exchange, the dollar's unique petrocurrency status could unravel. That, in turn, would threaten its broader dominance - which, given America's groaning twin deficit, could seriously hurt the US economy. Some cite this as the real reason the US wants to attack Iran: to protect the dollar's unique position. I wouldn't go that far, but the prospect of a non-dollar oil exchange in Tehran is certainly an aggravating factor. The opening of Iran's new oil exchange has recently been delayed. But, having spoken with numerous officials in Tehran, and western consultants who've been working with the Iranians for several years, I think it will go ahead. The exchange entity has already been legally incorporated in Iran and a site purchased to house administrative and regulatory staff. The reality is that as long as most of Opec's oil - read Saudi Arabia - is priced in dollars, the US currency will retain its hegemony. But the opening of an oil bourse in Tehran, which now looks likely, will signal at least tacit Saudi consent for euro-based oil trading. The US knows this, which is why it is nervous about the dollar's status being questioned. From the G7's fringe, Kudrin has now touched this raw nerve. This weekend's meetings have been dominated by questions of global financial imbalance - in particular, America's huge deficits. Kudrin's missive comes as central bankers, and currency dealers, start to conclude the only way to resolve the massive US external deficit is a somewhat weaker US currency. As the IMF itself warned yesterday, a "substantial" dollar decline may be needed. One way to bring that about would be for the euro to enter the global oil trading system. This is unlikely to happen soon. It might not happen at all. But the idea is now not only realistic but firmly on the table in Washington. Perhaps not with love, but it was placed there by the Russians. Liam Halligan is Economics Correspondent at Channel 4 News
The Secrets Behind ‘State Secrets’: How Turkey's Mafia-like 'Deep State' (and its Neocon Friends) Penetrated the American Government
by an internet researcher French filmmaker Mathieu Verboud is set to release a new documentary for European television this fall, which will reveal important new insights into the case of former FBI translator and president of the National Security Whistleblower’s Coalition Sibel Edmonds. Edmonds, a Turkish-American whose wrongful termination lawsuit was suppressed by the government’s invocation of the all-too-common “state secrets privilege”, reported to her superiors espionage and deliberate mistranslations on the part of fellow Turkish translator, Melek Can Dickerson. It seems Ms. Dickerson had relationships with targets of FBI investigation working at the Turkish Embassy and the American Turkish Council, a fact which meant that anything she translated was likely to be false. However, instead of receiving a promotion for bringing Ms. Dickerson’s’ espionage to the attention of her bosses, Edmonds was fired after she went in frustration to the U.S. Senate. The FBI refused to investigate Edmonds’ claims, at least in part, because the contract linguist had discovered quite a messy scandal: the content of the mistranslated documents revealed that some very powerful people in the U.S. government, including House Speaker Dennis Hastert, were connected to foreign organized crime. Even worse, these foreign criminals connected to the high and mighty in the U.S. were also connected internationally, through the heroin trade and associated money laundering, to international terrorist organizations like al Qaeda. Okay, take a deep breath and take a step back: it’s not a pretty picture. According to what we know so far from Sibel Edmonds’ many interviews and from the groundbreaking story on her case from Vanity Fair, “An Inconvenient Patriot” , Edmonds found that within the U.S. a nest of Turkish spies, some working at the Turkish embassy, others affiliated with namely the Assembly of Turkish American Associations (ATAA), the American Turkish Associations (ATA) and the American Turkish Council (ATC), were involved in espionage, bribery, illegal lobbying, drug trafficking and the infiltration of U.S nuclear research labs. Separately, from a former CIA Counterterrorism official, Phillip Giraldi, who himself was once based in Turkey, we know that some arms sales meant for Turkey and Israel were actually meant for resale to countries like China and India- and perhaps even to international terrorists- using fake end-user certificates. So we have Turkish nationals at the Embassy and NGOs stealing U.S. secrets for sale to the highest bidder, re-selling arms meant for Turkey, bringing in drugs from Europe, and pouring money into bribes and lobbying activities. To understand how these activities fit together- Americans must first understand what Europeans call the Turkish ‘deep state’. In 1996, a car crash in a town called Susurluk revealed “link between politics, organized crime and the bureaucracy” in Turkey. As it turns out, its crippled economy in the 1990s meant Turkey had become the European equivalent of Colombia- a state almost completely dependent on the Turkish mafia and by extension, the Southwest Asian Heroin trade. Which is where the Turkish ‘deep state’ comes in- it becomes very difficult to determine where the ‘government’ ends and the ‘mafia’ begins. What we do know from Sibel Edmonds and other sources is this:Turkey’s secular establishment, including the Turkish military and intelligence services (MIT), as well as political parties associated withformer Prime Minister Tansu Ciller, appear to have been more connected to the Turkish mafia than the Turkish Islamic Parties thatWashington abhors. Furthermore, it appears from reading into some of Edmonds’ statements that the Turkish mafia was partnered with Osama Bin Laden’s al Qaeda network in the drug trade- meaning Turkey’s secular establishment was more connected to al Qaeda- pre/9-11- than were the Islamists in Turkey. Which is quite ironic, to say the least. If you think this story sounds too convoluted to be true, and you feel the instinct to dismiss Edmonds’ claims, think again. Every investigation into the whistleblower’s charges- from the Senate Judiciary Committee to the Department of Justice’s Inspector General Report, has found that Edmonds’ story is corroborated within the FBI, which means her translations, not those of Melek Can Dickerson, were the correct ones. This also means that the aforementioned Turkish organizations, and certain Turkish diplomats, were indeed underFBI investigation. And all this put together means that people like Dennis Hastert probably were- and perhaps still are- on the payroll of Turkish ‘deep state’ interests. A recent article published in the U.K. Guardian about the well-connected Kurdish Baybasin clan also gives important backing to the former translator’s story. The article details how Europe’s “Pablo Escobar”, Huseyin Baybasin, has “alleged that he had received the assistance of Turkish embassies and consulates while moving huge consignments of drugs around Europe, and that Turkish army officers serving with NATO in Belgium were also involved." This information, of course, dovetails most precisely with what Sibel Edmonds has been hinting at for over 3 years now; that targets of FBI investigations linked with the Turkish embassy and Turkish organizations were involved in narcotics trafficking. It is clear the Baybasin gang and the secular factions in Turkey had a seemingly symbiotic relationship, with the government providing the traffickers diplomatic passports and thus free reign to travel around the world without fear of prosecution. Also involved in the scandalous Turkish drug running are the very notorious, Pope-killing Grey Wolves, a fascist organization connected to human rights abuses in Turkey. As for who else besides Hastert might have been on the payroll of Mr. Baybasin and friends- we turn next to the Executive Branch. In an interview with Chris Deliso of, Edmonds hinted at key roles played by some powerful unelected officials-important Neoconservatives like Marc Grossman of the State Department, and Richard Perle and Douglas Feith, formerly of the Defense Department. If we hit the rewind button and go back to a CBS 60 Minutes’ interview in October, 2002, we remember the ex-contract linguist stated that Turkish targets of FBI investigation had spies inside the U.S. State Department and at the Pentagon in order to “obtain the United States military and intelligence secrets.” It doesn’t take a genius to conclude that Grossman, Feith and Perle might have been the persons to whom she was referring in 2002. Furthermore, the language specialist has repeatedly stated in past interviews that investigations into pre-9/11 terrorist financing activities were blocked “per State Department request”, leaving open the question whether it was Mr. Grossman, then Undersecretary of State for European Affairs, who actively hindered investigations into the Turkey-Bin Laden link. Perle and Feith are an interesting case in this hidden scandal. Their consultancy, International Advisors (IA), has done extensive work for the Republic of Turkey, though it is questionable who is paying the invoices. Ms. Edmonds rhetorically asked the question of Phoenix radio personality Charles Goyette in January 2006, “For what [were they paid]? One could imagine, hypothetically, that passing state secrets might be one “service” provided to the Turkish mafia/government by IA. But would Perle and Feith have gone beyond that? Would they have introduced the Turkish mafia types to Denny Hastert, and counseled “deep state” interests in how to skirt U.S. campaign finance laws? After all, the Turks were reported to have made their initial payments from 1996-1998 through “unitemized (less than $200) contributions”, after which they allegedly delivered suitcases of cash to the Speaker’s front door. Someone had to teach them the intricacies of campaign finance law: was it IA? What we do know is that Perle was a key architect of the Israeli/Turkish alliance forged in the late 90s, and that Edmonds case also is connected to the AIPAC spy scandal- leaving lots of room for speculation on how the rest of the story pans out. As messy and ugly as this, for lack of a better phrase, “Turkish DeepState Gate” scandal appears, the consequences of continuing to do nothing about it- of allowing the government’s outrageous use of ‘state secrets’ to insure Dennis Hastert, Richard Perle, Douglas Feith, Marc Grossman and others are never investigated, could be horrific. Ms. Edmonds plans to take petitions to the Senate Judiciary Committee in the coming months to finally force full and open hearings on her case. She will try to do the type of lobbying that does not involve foreign bribery or ill-gotten gains. This will be the simple type of petitioning guaranteed of every citizen in the Constitution under the First Amendment, a long forgotten portion of the Bill of Rights. Americans aware of the situation can only hope, and do everything in their power to insure, that Ms. Edmonds’ type of lobbying prevails.
Bob Woodward, book, The War Within: A Secret White House History 2006-2008, According to Simon & Schuster, Woodward's book "takes readers deep inside the White House, the Pentagon, the State Department, the intelligence agencies and the U.S. military headquarters in Iraq. .... traces the internal debates, tensions and critical turning points in the Iraq War during an extraordinary two-year period" ... release date: Sept 8, 2008, Robert "Bob" Upshur Woodward, assistant managing editor, Washington Post, investigative reporter, ... Carl Bernstein, search terms: uncover Watergate, Nixon, resignation, 12 best-selling books, Pulitzer Prize, served in the Navy as an aid to Chief of Naval Operations, Moorer, met Mark Felt, FBI Assistant Director, deepthroat, inside source on Watergate, book 'The Secret Man', DNC convention, 1972, wrote All the President's Men, Redford Hoffman movie, Ben Bradlee, editor, reporting on 'Nixon dirty tricks, Woodward interviewed Bush 43 four times, books: Bush at War, Plan of Attack, State of Denial: Bush at War, Part III, with Dan Balz, Camp David, Worldwide Attack Matrix, too close to Bush, Kerry, involvement in Plame scandal: deposition to Fitzpatrick, told him senior administration official leaked Plame identity to him in June 2003, November 2005 article revealed his special knowledge, casual, offhand by Armitage, part of confidential conversation of a 'source', asked Libby questions about Armitage, interview on CNN Larry King, junkyard dog prosecutor, consequences of Plame outing not that great, Downie, inaccuracies, inconsistencies, exaggerations, fabrications in books: John Dean and Ed Gray: Felt not the only deepthroat, also Donald Santarelli. Brad DeLong: in Maestro and The Agenda, The Choice, Clinton Whitewater inconsistencies, abandon critical inquiry to maintain access to high-profile actors, for glory, stenographer to the rich and powerful, At the Eye of the Storm, see Maureen Dowd, and The Brethren, and his sitting on information for publication of a book,The Commanders ...Powell opposed Operation Desert Storm, published after war voted for in Congress, and Veil he did not reveal that William Casey knew of arms sales to the Contras until after the investigations, and see Martin Dardis ... Watergate burglars, and Committee to Re-elect the President, ...and accused of fabricating deathbead interview with Casey, ... Reagan called him a liar, for whatever that's worth, and other books: Wired, Shadow,
Aug 19: buzz: likely to propel re-examination of the Iraq War into the headlines, for fall presidential campaign, Hadley encouraged participation, interviews with Bush, Cheney, Rice, Gates, ... publisher: Simon & Schuster, Amazon, Alice Mayhew, and see CBS, Viacom, 496 pages, 900,000, red, white, blue, gold cover, administration infighting, will be best seller, he'll be on 60 minutes, Sept 7, How does Woodward, Miller, Cheney, Libby fit with declassifying classified information to hype the war?.. Woodward was leaked Plame info in June 03, but sat on it for years, ... John Bolton, Marc Grossman are the neo-con links to Turkey, and Plame / Edmonds working on uncovering WMD proliferation, black market activities of Bushco. Seymour Hersh, on Chain of Command NYTimes "We now have two major accounts of the road to war in Iraq, Hersh's ''Chain of Command'' and Bob Woodward's ''Plan of Attack.'' Hersh is the anti-Woodward. Woodward is official scribe to the inner sanctum, and his access -- to Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld and Powell -- gives his account real authority, but at a price. In Woodward's world, everything is what the principals say it is. In Hersh's world, by contrast, nothing the policy elites say is true actually is. SourceWatch Lt. Gen. David H. Petraeus is "the top American military commander in Iraq, part of a broad revamping of the military team that will carry out the administration's new Iraq 'surge' strategy." [1][2] Petraeus replaced Gen. George W. Casey, Jr., who was confirmed February 6, 2007, by the U.S. Senate, as Army Chief of Staff. ... Petraeus, who has "served two previous tours in Iraq", "sees the need for additional troops in Baghdad." He "helped oversee the drafting of the military’s comprehensive new" Counterinsurgency Field Manual published December 2006. [3] ... On September 8, 2005, Lt. Gen. Petraeus left Iraq "after handing off command" of the Multi-National Security Transition Command-Iraq, which he had commanded for 15 months. [4] He most recently served as Commander of the U.S. Army Combine Arms Center at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas. [5] New York Sun Aug 26 ".... speculation is surging that it will portray the latest phase of the war in Iraq as a success, credited to the recently departed commander of forces there, General David Petraeus. ... one source familiar with an early draft said Mr. Woodward had extensive access to General Petraeus and his deputies, known in the military as the "Jedi Council." Mr. Woodward also interviewed the head of the Anbar Awakening, Sheik Ahmad al-Rishawi, who took over the Sunni Arab uprising against Al Qaeda in Iraq after his brother was assassinated last September." Examiner "Woodward is also known for his Pulitzer Prize -winning reporting with fellow Washington Post writer Carl Bernstein . In the 1970s, they collaborated on the groundbreaking stories of the Watergate scandal that helped bring down Richard Nixon and on two best sellers about the Nixon administration, "All the President's Men" and "The Final Days." he can pry the facts from the most unlikely sources.
Research: Operation Gladio top | ||
Clockwise from left, the Soviets' talent-spotter Guy Burgess; Anthony Blunt, a Trinity Fellow; Donald Maclean; Kim Philby, the first volunteer; and John Cairncross, 'the Fiery Cross' confirmed as the Fifth Man in the 1980s
In June 1934 Kim Philby, who had graduated from Trinity College, Cambridge, in the previous year with the conviction that “my life must be devoted to communism”, had his first meeting with his Soviet controller, Dr Arnold Deutsch.
The rendezvous took place in Regent’s Park. Philby became the first of the “Cambridge Five”, the ablest group of British agents ever recruited by a foreign intelligence service.
Deutsch asked Philby to recommend some of his Cambridge contemporaries. His first two nominations were Donald Maclean, who had just graduated from Trinity Hall with first-class honours in modern languages, and Guy Burgess, of Trinity College, who was working on a history PhD thesis which he was never to complete.
By the end of 1934, with Philby’s help, Deutsch had recruited both, telling them – like Philby – to distance themselves from communist friends. Burgess did so with characteristic flamboyance, becoming personal assistant in the following year to the right-wing Conservative MP Captain “Jack” Macnamara, with whom he went on fact-finding missions to Nazi Germany which, according to Burgess, were largely devoted to sexual escapades with gay members of the Hitler Youth. The first of the Cambridge Five to penetrate the “bourgeois apparatus” was Maclean, who entered the Foreign Office in 1935. Burgess’s main role in his early years as a Soviet agent was a talent-spotter. Early in 1937, by then a BBC producer, he arranged the first meeting between Deutsch and Anthony Blunt, French linguist, art historian and Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge.
Blunt in turn identified as a likely recruit his former pupil John Cairncross, a passionate Scottish Marxist nicknamed “The Fiery Cross” who in 1936 had graduated from Trinity with first-class honours in modern languages and come top in the Foreign Office entrance examination.
All were inspired by the myth-image of Stalin’s Russia as a worker-peasant state with social justice for all, free from the exploitation and alienation of the capitalist system. The message of liberation had all the greater appeal for the Five because it had a sexual as well as a political dimension. Burgess and Blunt were gay and Maclean bisexual at a time when homosexual relations were illegal. When the war ended, four of what were later called the “Magnificent Five” were still in place in Britain. Philby was in MI6 with, some believed, the potential to become a future “C”.
Maclean and Burgess were both supplying large quantities of classified Foreign Office documents. Cairncross, though the peak of his career as a Soviet agent was past, was well positioned in the Treasury to provide intelligence on British defence expenditure. Blunt, who left the Security Service to become director of the Courtauld Institute, continued to carry out occasional missions for Soviet intelligence.
On the eve of the Cold War, by contrast, the Security Service had not a single Soviet agent worth the name and was woefully ignorant of the extent of Soviet wartime intelligence penetration. The Security Service’s first major post-war insight into Soviet intelligence operations in the West was the result of a defection in Canada.As well as providing evidence of Soviet espionage in the United States, Igor Gouzenko, a 26-year-old cipher clerk who had been working for the GRU (Soviet military intelligence) at the Soviet embassy, revealed the existence of a major GRU Canadian spy ring. More, only a month after Hiroshima, Soviet intelligence had obtained “documentary materials of the atomic bomb: the technological process, drawings, calculations”.
References to an agent codenamed ALEK identified the British scientist Alan Nunn May. A secret communist and contemporary of Donald Maclean at Cambridge, May was the first of the “atom spies” to be unmasked.
Yet MI5 formed a greatly exaggerated view of the sophistication of late-Stalinist foreign intelligence operations. In reality, Soviet agent-running in the West during the 1940s and early 1950s was frequently of poor quality. There were senior Soviet intelligence officers who argued that the Five were part of a “fiendishly clever” British plot. In the early Cold War both Maclean and Philby were badly let down by the controllers at crucial moments.
After Maclean’s posting to Cairo in October 1948 as counsellor and head of Chancery at the age of only 35, apparently on a path which might take him to the top of the diplomatic service but with his double life placing him under increasing strain, he asked to be allowed to give up work for Soviet intelligence. The Cairo residency forwarded his note unread to Moscow. Incredibly, the Centre also ignored it. Not until Maclean sent another appeal in April 1950 did he at last succeed in attracting the Centre’s attention.
While the Centre was still deliberating on its response, Maclean went berserk. One evening in May, in a drunken rage, he and a drinking companion vandalised the flat of two female members of the US embassy. A few days later Maclean was sent back to London to see a Harley Street psychiatrist. Such was his desperate mental state, the last thing either the Foreign Office or the Harley Street psychiatrist imagined was his involvement in espionage.
Burgess, like Maclean, was showing the strain of his double life. His behaviour had become so outrageous that he had come close to dismissal from the diplomatic service. A trip to Gibraltar and Tangier in the autumn of 1949 had turned into a “wild odyssey of indiscretions”: among them failing to pay his bills, publicly identifying MI5 officers and drunken singing in local bars, “Little boys are cheap today, cheaper than yesterday”. But it was Maclean who was most vulnerable. Philby was told by the Centre that plans would be made to rescue him “before the net closed in”.
In April 1951 Burgess was ordered home from Washington in disgrace after a further series of escapades. On the eve of Burgess’s departure, he and Philby agreed that Burgess would convey a warning to Maclean as soon as he reached Britain. Immediately after his return to England on May 7, Burgess called on Blunt and used him to deliver a message to the current controller of the Five at the London residency. Two days later the Centre agreed to Maclean’s exfiltration. Since it seemed clear that Maclean would need an escort, the Centre insisted that Burgess accompany him to Moscow. Burgess initially refused but seems to have been persuaded by a half-promise that he would be free to return to London. In reality, the Centre believed that Burgess had become a liability and was determined to get him to Moscow – by deception if necessary – and keep him there.
Maclean was observed leaving the Foreign Office after work on Friday, May 25, carrying a large cardboard box, and tracked to Victoria Station, where “after a drink he boarded the 6.10pm train”. That was to be the last seen of him. Security Service surveillance of Maclean was flawed as a result of its lack of resources. The London residency knew from studying the watchers’ working pattern that they clocked off each evening and stopped work for the weekend at Saturday lunchtime with no Sunday working.
The Centre calculated that, since their recruitment in 1934-5, Philby, Burgess and Maclean had supplied more than 20,000 pages of “valuable” classified documents and agent reports. As Philby had feared, however, the defection of Burgess and Maclean did severe, though not quite terminal, damage to the careers in Soviet intelligence of the other three members of the Magnificent Five. Philby was recalled from Washington. On his return to London, he was officially retired with a golden handshake. Dick White as Director B (counter-espionage) asked Philby to help in the investigation of “this horrible business with Burgess and Maclean”. White’s friendly manner left Philby off his guard when summoned to a further meeting at the Security Service. This time the interrogator was H.J.P. “Buster” Milmo KC, later a High Court judge, a wartime member of the Service with a confrontational style who concluded “that Philby is and has been for many years a Soviet agent. But the case remained unproven”. The defection of Burgess and Maclean also cast suspicion on Cairncross and Blunt. By the beginning of the 1960s the Security Service had still discovered very little about how any of the Magnificent Five had been recruited or controlled as Soviet agents. The gaps in the Service’s knowledge of the Five and their handlers provided increasing opportunities for its small but disruptive group of conspiracy theorists led by Peter Wright who were convinced that the tip-off to Maclean, instead of coming from Philby via Burgess, had been given instead by an undiscovered Soviet agent inside the Security Service.
By 1964 the Service had obtained confessions of varying frankness from Philby, Blunt and Cairncross. The breakthrough came as a result of a chance meeting between the former MI5 officer Victor Rothschild and Flora Solomon, a Marks and Spencer executive and former lover of Alexander Kerensky, head of the Russian Provisional Government overthrown by the Bolshevik Revolution. Solomon was outraged by Philby’s anti-Israeli and pro-Arab newspaper articles, and revealed that Philby had tried to recruit her as a Soviet agent before the war. Armed with Solomon’s information, Philby’s friend and former SIS colleague Nicholas Elliott flew from London at the beginning of 1963 to confront him in Beirut, where he was working as a journalist.
When offered immunity from prosecution in return for a confession, Philby admitted working as a Soviet agent from 1936 to 1946. In 1946, he told Elliott, he had seen the error of his ways and broken off contact with Soviet intelligence, though he had sent a warning to Maclean in 1951 for reasons of personal friendship. Philby, one of the 20th-century’s most accomplished liars, made his bogus confession so persuasively that, in addition to Elliott, the heads of both MI5 and MI6, Sir Roger Hollis and Sir Dick White, were deceived by it. It was a severe embarrassment to them when less than a week later Philby secretly fled to Russia.
Philby’s defection probably helped to increase the psychological pressure on both Cairncross and Blunt to confess secretly to the Security Service, since neither was willing to take refuge in Moscow. Once they had come clean, the Security Service had identified all of the Ring of Five.
The tragedy was that it failed to grasp that it had actually solved the case. Not until 1974 was Blunt at last identified, initially tentatively, as the Fourth Man. Even then, however, the hunt for the Fifth Man still did not appear in sight of success. His identity was eventually to be established as a result of intelligence from Oleg Gordievsky, an MI6 agent in the KGB recruited in 1974. After his posting to the London residency in 1982, he revealed that the Fifth Man was indeed Cairncross, who had confessed 18 years earlier. The Service discovered that a major counter-espionage problem which had continued to preoccupy it for more than 20 years had been resolved in 1964.
The Defence of the Realm: The Authorized History of MI5 by Christopher Andrew is published by Allen Lane on Monday 5 October, £30 hardback
Rothschild was educated at Harrow School and at Trinity College, Cambridge, where he read Physiology, French and English. He played first-class cricket for the Universityand Northamptonshire. At Cambridge he was known for his playboy lifestyle, driving a Bugatti and collecting art and rare books.
At Trinity, Rothschild joined the secret society, the Cambridge Apostles, which at that time was predominantly Marxist, though he "was mildly left-wing but never a Marxist".[1]There he became friends with the future Soviet spies Guy Burgess and Anthony Blunt, who were also members, as was Kim Philby, who became the most important Soviet spy in Britain. Rothschild gave Blunt £100 to purchase "Eliezer and Rebecca" by Nicholas Poussin.[2] The painting was sold by Blunt's executors in 1985 for £100,000 (totalling £192,500 with tax remission[3]) and is now in the Fitzwilliam Museum.[4] He is also alleged to have supplied an apartment in London where Burgess and Blunt could meet, leading to suspicions that he was the so-called Fifth Man in the Cambridge Spy Ring. The Fifth Man has never been formally identified, although more than a dozen names have been suggested, including that of John Cairncross.
Rothschild inherited his title at the age of 26 following the death of his uncle Walter Rothschild, 2nd Baron Rothschild on 27 August 1937, and sat as a Labour Party peer in the House of Lords.
Rothschild was recruited to work for MI5 during World War II in roles including bomb disposal, disinformation and espionage, winning the George Medal. Because of his association with Burgess and Blunt, he was questioned by Special Branch at the time of Blunt's unmasking in 1964 (though not publicly till 1979 by Margaret Thatcher) and was apparently cleared, subsequently working on projects for the British government. Rumours continued to circulate, and Rothschild himself took the step of publishing a letter in British newspapers on 3 December 1986 to state "... I am not, and never have been, a Soviet agent." Roland Perry's 1994 book The Fifth Man (London: Pan Books, 1994) repeated the charges without firm authority, and there remains no evidence to suggest that Rothschild spied for the Soviet Union.[5]
After the war, he joined the zoology department at Cambridge University from 1950 to 1970. He served as chairman of the Agricultural Research Council from 1948 to 1958 and as worldwide head of research at Royal Dutch/Shell from 1963 to 1970. He continued to work in security issues, namely as a security adviser to Margaret Thatcher. He was also head of the Central Policy Review Staff from 1971 to 1974 (known popularly as the "Think Tank")[citation needed] , a high-level committee which provided policy advice to government until Margaret Thatcher abolished it. In 1982 he published An Enquiry into the Social Science Research Council at the behest of Keith Joseph.
In 1933, he married Barbara Judith Hutchinson (born 1911), with whom he had three children:
In 1946, he married Teresa Georgina Mayor, with whom he had four children:
His sister Miriam Louisa Rothschild was a distinguished entomologist.
His sister Kathleen Annie Pannonica Rothschild (Baroness Nica de Koenigswarter) was a bebop jazz enthusiast and patroness of Thelonious Monk and Charlie Parker.
Roger Hollis, the son of the Bishop of Taunton, was born in 1905. Educated at Clifton School and Worcester College, Oxford, he left university with a degree.
Hollis moved to China and worked as a reporter on the Shanghai Post and as a representative of the British-American Tobacco Company. After developing tuberculosis in 1939 Hollis returned to England.
During the Second World War Hollis joined MI5. He soon became head of F Division and therefore had the responsibility of watching political groups such as the Communist Party.
On 5th September 1945, Igor Gouzenko, a cipher clerk in the Russian Legation, defected to the West claiming he had evidence of an Soviet spy ring based in Britain. The case was passed on to Kim Philby, head of Section IX (Soviet Affairs) of MI6. He suggested that Gouzenko should be interviewed by Hollis.
Gouzenko provided evidence that led to the arrest of 22 local agents and 15 Soviet spies in Canada. Information from Gouzenko resulted in the arrest and conviction of Klaus Fuchs and Allan Nunn May. Gouzenko also claimed that there was a Soviet agent inside MI5. However, he was later to argue that Hollis showed little interest in this evidence. "The mistake in my opinion in dealing with this matter was that the task of finding the agent was given to MI5 itself. The results even beforehand could be expected to be nil."
Hollis replaced Sir Dick White as Director General of MI5 in 1956. When Kim Philby escaped to the Soviet Union in 1962 rumours began to circulate that Hollis had tipped him off that he was about to be arrested. Hollis was also criticised for not telling John Profumo that he was involved with Stephen Ward, a suspected Russian spy.
In January 1964 Arthur Martin interviewed Michael Straight, an American who had studied at Trinity College, Cambridge. While at university he became friends with Kim Philby, Donald Maclean, Guy Burgess and Anthony Blunt. Straight claimed that Blunt had tried to recruit him to become a Soviet spy.
Arthur Martin and Jim Skardon had interviewed Blunt eleven times since 1951. Martin, now armed with Straight's story, went to see Blunt again. This time he made a confession. He admitted being a Soviet agent and named John Cairncross, Peter Ashby, Brian Symon and Leo Long as spies he had recruited.
Martin was disappointed when it was discovered that Roger Hollis and the British government had decided not to put Anthony Blunt on trial. Martin once again began to argue that there was still a Soviet spy working at the centre of MI5. Hollis thought Martin's suggestion was highly damaging to the organization and ordered Martin to be suspended from duty.
After his suspension had ended, Arthur Martin, along with Martin Furnival Jones and Peter Wright, went to see Dick White, head of MI6. They told White that they were convinced that either Hollis or his deputy, Graham Mitchell, were Soviet agents. White contacted Hollis and it was agreed that Mitchell should be kept under constant surveillance.
In 1964 Hollis ordered the investigation into Mitchell should be brought to an end. Arthur Martin protested by accusing Hollis of protecting Mitchell. Hollis was furious and took his revenge by replacing Martin with Ronald Symonds as head of DI (Investigations). Soon afterwards Martin was sacked from MI5.
Peter Wright now became convinced the real Soviet mole was Hollis. After carrying out further research into Hollis he discovered that while at university he became a close friend of Claude Cockburn, a suspected KGB agent. Although Hollis knew that MI5 had been investigating Cockburn for many years he had never revealed details of this relationship. Wright also found out that Hollis had been in contact with Agnes Smedley, anothersuspected Soviet agent, while he was in China.
Wright was unable to convince any other senior member of the MI5 that Hollis was a spy. Hollis retired in 1965 and was replaced by Martin Furnival Jones. Sir Roger Hollis died in October 1973.
In his retirement Peter Wright wrote an account of his work at MI5. Despite attempts by Margaret Thatcher and her government to suppress the publication and distribution of the book, Spycatcher, was published in 1987. In the book Wright claimed that Hollis had been a Soviet double-agent and had been the fifth man in the spy ring that included Kim Philby, Guy Burgess, Donald Maclean and Anthony Blunt.
The Bunker Albert Speer